HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-2183 - Ordinance - 06/13/1996Page l ORDINANCE NO 2183 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1638, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BY ADDING SECTION 7.24 AND ADDING TABLE A TO SECTION 7 22 CREATING THE "NG NORTHGATE DISTRICT", ESTABLISHING A PRO.[ECT REVIEW PROCESS FOR THE DISTRICT, ESTABLISHING SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS FOR PROJECT REVIEW, AND ESTABLISHING THI:~E SUB-DISTRICTS WITH DISTRICT REGULATIONS WITHIN EACH SUB-DISTRICT. Whereas, the City Council of the City of College Station has determined that the "Northgate area" is unique because it holds historic urban significance for College Station and because it is close in proximity to the Texas A & M University campus; AND Whereas, it is the City Council's desire through this zoning ordinance amendment to enact zoning regulations designed to foster redevelopment and revitalization in a manner that is compatible with the historic character and locale of' the area; AND Whereas, on January 11, 1996, the College Station City Council adopted the Northgate Redevelopment Plan to encourage public and private redevelopment and revitalization in Northgate; AND Whereas, the College Station City Council has ranked Northgate revitalization and redevelopment implementation as the Number 3 Strategic Issue for 1996. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: I. That Section 7.24 DISTRICT NG - NORTHGATE be added to Ordinance 1638, the Zoning Ordinance of College Station, to read as follows: 7.24 DISTRICT NG - NORTHGATE A. PURPOSE: The Northgate Area is one of the oldest urban areas within the City of College Station. The Northgate Redevelopment Plan which is incorporated herein by reference, describes the Northgate area as having played an important role in serving both the City of College Station and Texas A&M .University and as a unique "campus neighborhood" containing local businesses, churches and off-campus housing in close proximity to the University. Existing development in the Northgate area has aged and deteriorated and as a result, needs revitalization and redevelopment Therefore, this zoning district and zoning regulations have been designed to aid in revitalization and redevelopment that is compatible with and will serve to preserve the character of the o'\groupMeve_scrLzoneord~ngord5.doc Page 2 Northgate area. This zoning district and concommitant regulations are only applicable in this area The Northgate District, consists of three Sub-Districts, (1) NG- l Historic Northgate, (2) NG-2 Commercial Northgate, and (3) NG-3 Residential Northgate The following standards apply to the entire Northgate District B. DEFINITIONS: For the following purpose of this district, certain words as used herein are defined as follows. 1. REDEVELOPMENT - the revision or replacement of an existing land use or existing site through the acquisition or consolidation, and the clearance and rebuilding of this area according to a comprehensive plan 2 SITE DEVELOPMENT - any excavation, landfill or land disturbance, including new construction, reconstruction, relocation, or change of use. 3. REHABILITATION - the process of returning a structure to a state of utility, through repair or alteration, which make possible an efficient contemporary use while preserving those portions and features of the property which are significant to its historic, architectural, and cultural value 4. FACADE WORK - theremoval, or replacement, substitution or changeofany material or architectural element on the exterior face of a building, which includes but is not limited to painting, material change, awning or canopy replacement, signage, or other permanent visible facade treatment 5. NEW CONSTRUCTION - the creation, relocation, or enlargement of any structure. C. REVIEW PROCESS: The following review process is hereby established for this zoning district: 1) All proposals involving site development or redevelopment in the Northgate District shall require a review by a review subcommittee of the Northgate Revitalization Board (NP~). The NRB review subcommittee shall consist of four members that are designated by the NRB Chairperson, in conjunction with the Project Review Committee (PRC), as established under Section 10 of this Zoning Ordinance. 2) Applicants shall file an application accompanied by a site and landscape plan to the City Planner no less than ten (10) days prior to the NRB/PRC meeting at which the proposal is to be reviewed. Application forms may be obtained from the Office of the City Planner. o-~roup~cvc _scr~zoncordmgord5 doc Page 3 3) After a completed apphcation has been submitted that meets all application requirements, the Planning Office shall notify the applicant of the time, date, and place of the NRB/PRC meeting. Minutes shall be kept for all NRB/PRC meetings The NRB/PRC shall file a copy of the meeting minutes together with a copy of the final plan approved by the NRB/PRC, certified by the City Planner for compliance with the NRB/PRC requirements with the City Planner Guidelines on preparation cfa site plan are set out in Section 10. I-C and shall be reference to prepare site plans for submission. All site development and redevelopment must be conducted subsequent to and in compliance with the approved site plan and/or landscape plan. APPEAL: Appeals from decisions of the NRB/PRC shall be to the Planning and Zoning Commission. All appeals must be submitted in writing and within 10 days of the NRB/PRC decision to the office of the City Planner. The City Planning office shall schedule a hearing of the appeal before the Commission within 30 days from receipt of the letter of appeal. D. SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS: Recent parking and traffic studies conducted for the Northgate Redevelopment Plan reveal that there is a significant deficiency in the numbers of available parking spaces and that existing parking and traffic facilities are sub- standard. Because each particular use has relatively different parking and traffic impacts, when reviewing a project the NRB may require additional parking and traffic impact studies, a review of existing occupancy, and other reasonable appropriate data to determine the impact of the project. Additional parking or landscaping may be required where studies reveal that it is necessary to relieve or mitigate this impact E. SUB-DISTRICT REGULATIONS 1. SUB-DISTRICT NG-I HISTORIC NORTHGATE a. PURPOSE: This subdistrict is intended for areas in Northgate containing historically significant structures which are included in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey, as well as structures that are eligible for inclusion in the National Register for Historic Places. This subdistrict also applies to areas containing a diversity of pedestrian- oriented retail and entertainment businesses that are in close proximity to on-campus dormitories. This zoning district shall incorporate regulations in accordance with the Northgate Redevelopment Plan, which are designed to aid structural rehabilitation and pedestrian-oriented infill development in a manner compatible with the character of the Northgate area PERMITTED USES: The following uses are permitted: o ~roupkieve_scr~,zon¢ord.l~gord5 doc Page 4 Definitions ofuses shall be those construed to be in accordance with customary municipal planning, engineering, or normal English usage Alcoholic beverage sales - retail and wholesale Apartments or residential condominiums Bank Bed and Breakfast Bookstore, retail and wholesale Child Care Cleaner, dry and pressing plant, laundry and/or linen supply Commercial amusements (excluding sexually oriented commercial enterprises) Domestic household equipment rental, storage Dormitories Filling Stations Furniture, appliance store, sales, service Hardware store Public parking building or lot for operating vehicles Printing and reproduction Private lodges, fraternal Radio or TV stations or studios, (no towers) Restaurant, without drive-in Retail sales and services, under 7500 square feet Theaters and motion picture houses Any other use determined by the Commission to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses. c. CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed under section 8.12 provided the Commission determines them to be compatible with the general character of the particular area within which they are proposed to be located, and provided these uses do not adversely affect or limit uses of adjacent or nearby property: (1) Apartment Hotel (2) Fraternity or sorority houses and fraternity or sorority meeting places (3) Group Housing (4) Night Clubs d. REVIEW PROCESS: 1. The review process for this section for proposals involving new construction, site development, redevelopment, rehabilitation or facade work in the NG-1 Subdistrict is the same as that established in Section 7.24C herein above. o:~group~lcvc _ser~zoncord~n got d 5 doc Pa§c 5 2 Proposals involving solely rehabilitation or facade work shall require approval by the review subcommittee of the Northgate Revitalization Board (NRB), as established in Section 7 24C I herein above Such proposals must be in compliance with Section 7 24E 1 .e. herein below regarding the treatment of historic structures. APPEAL: Appeals from decisions of the NRB shall be to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The appeal procedures are the same as those established in 7.24C herein above e. HISTORIC STRUCTURES: Structures over 50 years in age that are reflected as high or medium priority structures in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey or have been determined to be eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places shall be treated using methods and materials in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, as outlined in Attachment A. f. AREA REQUIREMENTS: As required by Chapter 3, Building Regulations of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances. Refer to Table A. g. PARKING REQUIREMENTS: Off-street parking shall be as required by the NRB/PRC in accordance to parking and traffic impact study data h. BICYCLE PARKING: Projects involving site development or redevelopment require the installation of bicycle parking spaces. For commercial businesses, a minimum of 2 bicycle parking spaces per business plus I additional space for each 1000 square feet of floor area above 2,000 square feet shall be required. For apartments or residential condominiums, a minimum of 1 bicycle space per dwelling unit shall be required. In no case shall more than 20 bicycle parking spaces per business or apartment building be required. i. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: A landscape plan shall be required for all proposals involving site development or redevelopment, and shall be reviewed by the NRB/PRC in accordance with the following standards: (1) Landscapedstreetscape improvements shall be required along at least 1/3 of the length of a property's frontage onto public streets. Doorway widths and driveways shall be excluded from frontage calculations. Live plant material must be included where feasible in each proposal (2) Eligible landscape/streetscape improvements shall include raised planter boxes, at- grade planting beds, indoor window plantings where sidewalks are too narrow for outside plantings, seating benches, light features, trash receptacles, decorative railings, and other elements featured in the College Station Streetscape Plan. o'\group~vc_scr~zoncord'=~gord5 doc Pagc 6 The standards set forth herein are in lieu of and not in addition to the Landscaping Requirements contained in Secuon I I of this Zoning Ordinance j. SIGN REGULATIONS: Attached signs only Refer to Section 12 ofthe Zoning Ordinance. PARKING SCREENING: A three foot high parking screen shall be provided when parking is adjacent to public Right of Way. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, or structural elements. !. DUMPSTERS: Dumpsters shall be kept in the rear of the building and shall be screened with devices made of masonry or wood with surrounding landscaping. Where feasible, consolidation ofdumpsters may be required by the NRB/PRC. 2. SUB-DISTRICT NG-2 COMMERCIAL NORTHGATE a. PURPOSE: This subdistrict is intended for areas in Northgate containing larger retail commercial uses and undeveloped land.. This subdistrict also applies to areas identified in the Northgate Redevelopment Plan as suitable for mixed-use redevelopment in close proximity to Texas A&M University. This zoning district shall incorporate regulations designed to aid mixed-use development and redevelopment in a manner compatible with the general character of the Northgate area. be PERMITTED USES: The following uses are permitted: Definitions of uses shall be those construed to be in accordance with customary municipal planning, engineering, or normal English usage. All permitted uses in NG-1, plus the following: Apartment Hotel Bowling alley Drive-in sales Drive-in eating establishment Hotel Motel Retail sales and services, over 7500 square feet Shopping Centers Any other use determined by the Commission to be &the same general character as the above permitted uses c. CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed under section 8.12 provided the Commission determines them to be compatible with the general character of the particular area within o:~g;roup~e~, e_ser",zoneordkngord5 doc Page 7 which they are proposed to be located and provided these uses do not adversely affect or limit uses of adjacent or nearby property (l) Fraternity or sorority houses and fraternity or sorority meeting places (2) Group Housing (3) Hospital, sanitarium, nursing home, or convalescent home (4) Night Clubs d. AREA REQUIREMENTS: As required by Chapter 3, Building Regulations, of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances. Refer to Table A. e. PARKII~G REQUIREMENTS: Off-street parking shall be required by the NRB/PRC in accordance to parking and traffic impact study data. The off.street parking required by the NRB/PRC shall not exceed the minimum parking requirements set forth in the Parking Requirements contained in Section 9 of this Zoning Ordinance. f. BICYCLE PARKING: Projects involving site development or redevelopment require the installation of bicycle parking spaces. For commercial businesses, a minimum of 2 bicycle parking spaces per business plus I additional space for each 1000 square feet of floor area above 2000 square feet shall be required. For apartments or residential condominiums, a minimum of I bicycle space per unit shall be required. In no case shall more than 20 bicycle parking spaces per business or apartment building be required. g. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: A landscape plan shall be required for all proposals involving site development or redevelopment, and shall be reviewed by the NRB/PRC in accordance with the following standards (1) Landscape/streetscape improvements shall be required along at least 1/3 ofthe length of a property's frontage onto public streets. Doorway widths and driveways shall be excluded from frontage calculations. Live plant material must be included where feasible in each proposal. (2) Eligible landscape/streetscape improvements shall include raised planter boxes, at- grade planting beds, indoor window plantings where sidewalks are too narrow for outside plantings, seating benches, light features, trash receptacles, decorative railings, and other elements featured in the College Station Streetscape Plan.. The standards set forth herein are in lieu of and not in addition to the Landscaping Requirements contained in Section 11 of this Zoning Ordinance. h. SIGN REGULATIONS: Attached signs only. Refer to Section 12 of the Zoning Ordinance Provided however, if the applicable site complies with both the Area o.\grou p~bzv,, _ser~: oneord~ngor d5 doc Page 8 Requirements and Landscape Requirements established for Subdistrict NG-2 and District C-l, the sign regulations for the NG-2 Subdistrict shall be the same as those established for the C-1 district i. PARKING SCREENING: A three foot high parking screen shall be provided when parking is adjacent to public Right of Way. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, or structural elements j. DUMPSTERS: Dumpsters shall be kept in the rear of the building and shall be screened with devices made of masonry or wood with surrounding landscaping. Where feasible, consolidation ofdumpsters may be required by the NRB/PRC. 3. SUB-DISTRICT NG-3 RESIDENTIAL NORTHGATE a. PURPOSE: This subdistrict is intended for areas in Northgate containing a variety of residential uses and structures, some of which may be historically significant and included in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey. This subdistrict also applies to areas determined to be suitable for higher density residential developments due to its close proximity to Texas A&M University. This zoning district incorporate regulations in accordance with the Northgate Redevelopment Plan, which are designed to aid pedestrian- oriented redevelopment in a manner compatible with the residential character of the Northgate area. PERMITTED USES: The following uses are permitted: Definitions of uses shall be those construed to be in accordance with customary municipal planning, engineering, or normal English usage. Townhouses Apartment(s) and Apartment buildings Convalescent homes Home occupations Dormitories Parking lots associated with other permitted uses in this district Rooming and Boarding houses Any other use determined by the Commission to be of the same general character as the above permitted uses. c. CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed under section 8.12 provided the Commission determines them to be compatible with the general character of the particular area within which they are proposed to be located and provided these uses do not adversely affect or limit uses of adjacent or nearby property: o.~grou p~leve _s~n'~zoneord~ngord 5 doc Page 9 (~) (2) (3) d. Bed and Breakfast Fraternity or sorority houses and fraternity or sorority meeting places Group housing AREA REQUIREMENTS: As required by Chapter 3, Building Regulations of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances. Refer to Table A. e. PARKING REQUIREMENTS: Off-street parking shall be required by the NRB/PRC in accordance to parking and traffic impact study data f. BICYCLE PARKING: Projects involving site development or redevelopment require the installation ora minimum of I bicycle space per dwelling unit. In no case shall more than 20 bicycle parking spaces per apartment project be required. g. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: Refer to Section I l ofthe Zoning Ordinance. h. SIGN REGULATIONS: Zoning Ordinance. Attached signs only. Refer to Section 12 of the i. PARKING SCREENING: A three foot high parking screen shall be provided when parking is adjacent to public Right of Way. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, or structural elements. j. DUMPSTERS: Dumpsters shall be kept in the rear of the building and shall be screened with devices made of masonry or wood with surrounding landscaping. Where feasible, consolidation of dumpsters may be required by the NRB/PRC. EXEMPTIONS: Legally nonconforming structures and uses shall refer to Section 10 of this Zoning Ordinance to determine whether and to what extent they are exempt from the requirements in this ordinance. II. That Table A of Section 7.22 of Ordinance 1638, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: DISTRICT USE SCHEDULE - TABLE A Dist. Min. Lot Min. Lot Min. Lot Min. Front Min. Side Min. Side Min. Rear Max. Area/DU Width Depth Setback Setback St. Setback Setback Height Max. Net DU/AC o'~roup~t¢ ve_ser~zoneord~gord5 doc Page 10 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS A-O 5 acres 50' 20' 15' 35' R-! 5,000 SF 50' 10o' 25'(D) 7.5'(C) 15'(F) 25'(F) 2.5 story/35' R-IA 4,000 SF none none 25'(D) 7.5'(C) 15'(F) 20'(F) 2.5 story/35' R-2 3,500 SF 35'0E) 100' 25'(D) 7.5'(C) 15'(F 20'CO(H) 2.5 story/35' R-3 2,000 SF 20' 100' 25'(D) (A)(B) 15'(F) 20'(F) 35' R-4 25'(D) (A)(B) 15' 25'(F) 2.5 story/35' R-5 25'(D) (A)0B) 15' 20'(F) 45' R-6 Council R-7 See Mobile Home Park Ordinance. NG-3 No Minimum 15' PUD Sec. 7.19 for restrictions A-OX 2.0 Acres 50' A-OR I Acre 50' Lot area, setbacks, height determined by site plan review; density above 24 DU/acre determined by City 60' 15' 15' 25' 35' 25' 25' 50' 35' COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS C-N Sec. 7.10 24' Sec. 7.10 25' (A)(B) 15' A-P,C-I,C-2*,C-3,CB 24' 100' 25' (A){B) 15' NG4 0'(J) (B) o' NG-2 0'(J) (B) 0' C-PUD Sec. 7.20 for restrictions. 15' 35' I5' 15' 50' 15' None(J) *When C-2 abuts single family residential, duplex, or townhouse development or zoning districts. 24' 100' 25' 40' 15' 40' 35'(G) INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS M-I 10ft 200' 25' (A)(B) 15' IS' M-2 25' (A)(B) 25' 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 24.0 no max.(l) 1.0 A - A minimum side setback of 7.5 feet is required for each building or group of contiguous buildings. B - Lot Line construction on interior lots is allowed where access to the rear of the building is provided on the site or by dedicated right-of-way or easement. C - Zero lot line construction of residence is allowed where property on both sides of lot line is owned and/or developed simultaneously by single party. Development under lot line construction requires prior approval by the Zoning Official. In no case shall a single family residence or duplex be built within 15 feet of another building. D - Minimum front setback may be reduced to 15 feet when approved rear access is provided, or when side yard or rear yard parking is provided. E - The minimum lot width for duplex dwelling may be reduced to 30 fl./DU when all required off-street parking is provided in the rear or side yard. F- The following restrictions shall apply to accessory buildings, structures or uses other than garages, carports and living quarters for family or servants: a minimum rear setback of 15 feet is required; and a maximum building eaves height of 8 feet is allowed. The following restrictions shall apply to garages and carports: a minimum rear setback of 20 feet is required; and a minimum side street setback of 20 feet is required for garages or carports that face onto side streets. The following o ~group~deve_serkzoneor&ngord 5 .doc Page I I restrlcllons shall apply IO accessory buildings or struclures used for living quarters for fannly or servants a nlimmun~ rear selback as stated tn Table A above for the district m which Ihe accessory building or structure ts Iocaled is required, and a mammum size not Io exceed 25% of the area of tile prm¢lpal struclure is allowed Oil lots wllh approved rear access all setbacks shall be measured from the nearest boundary of tile access easement or alley On all other lots rear setbacks shall be measured from the rear properly hne In no event shall more than 30% of the rear yard area (that peri,on of the yard between the rear setback hne of the principal structure and tile rear property line) be covered with accessory buddings, structures or uses (3 - Thc maximum building height may cxcced 35' if all setbacks obscrvc an additional sclback of 2' for every foot above 35' of building height H - Minimum rear setback may be reduced to 15 feel when parking is provided in the front yard or side yard. I - Minimum Density of 12 DU/Acre required. J - If structure is higher than 50 feet a 25' setback from public Right of Way is required. DU- Dwelling Unit. DUIAcre - Dwelling Units per acre, in the zone, under one ownership excluding streets, parks, etc. Min. Lot Width - Lot Width at front setback line. III. This ordinance shall become effective and be in flail force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and duly attested by the Mayor and City Secretary. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this :13th day of ,June, 1996. APPROVED- ATTEST: onme Hook~, Ctty Secretary Lynfi Ik3lcIlfianey~ Mayor o ~roup'<leve _a,z.a-~.oneord",ngord 5 doc