HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/10/2023 - Agenda Packet - Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board College Station, TX Meeting Agenda Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board 1101 Texas Ave, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87988521541 Phone: 888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 879 8852 1541 The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. April 10, 2023 3:30 PM Bush 4141 Community Room College Station, TX Page 1 Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the meeting body will be present in the physical location stated above where citizens may also attend in order to view a member(s) participating by videoconference call as allowed by 551.127, Texas Government Code. The City uses a third party vendor to host the virtual portion of the meeting; if virtual access is unavailable, meeting access and participation will be in-person only. 1. Call meeting to order and consider absence requests. 2. Hear Visitors. At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to citizens wishing to address issues not already scheduled on today's agenda. Each citizen’s presentation will be limited to three minutes in order to allow adequate time for the completion of the agenda items. Comments will be received and city staff may be asked to look into the matter, or the matter may be placed on a future agenda for discussion. A recording may be made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record. 3. Agenda Items 3.1. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. 3.2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding unfunded sidewalk and shared use path projects. 3.3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the development of activities for National Bike Month in May 2023 including a Cycle with Council event. 3.4. Presentation and discussion regarding the following items related to biking, walking, and greenways: a. Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan – Board Member Langlotz b. Public Meetings of Interest c. Capital and Private Project Updates 3.5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board calendar of upcoming meetings. a. Tentative May 16, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. ~ Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Advisory Board Meeting held jointly with the Council Transportation & Mobility Committee. 4. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. Page 1 of 80 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Page 2 April 10, 2023 A member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 5. Adjourn. Adjournment into Executive Session may occur in order to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on April 6, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 2 of 80 MINUTES BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, AND GREENWAYS ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Monday, March 6, 2023, 3:30 PM MEMBERS PRESENT:Chairperson Elizabeth Cunha, Brad Brimley, Kathy Langlotz, Joy Chmelar, Dennis Jansen, Jake Madewell and Neo Jang. STAFF PRESENT:Director of Planning and Development Services Michael Ostrowski, Assistant Director Molly Hitchcock, City Engineer Carol Cotter, Transportation Planning Coordinator Jason Schubert, Transportation & Mobility Staff Planner Carl Ahrens, Transportation & Mobility Staff Planner Aspen Pflanz, and Staff Assistant II Grecia Fuentes AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order and consider absence requests. Chairperson Cunha called the meeting to order at 3:31 p.m. There were no absence requests for consideration. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear Visitors. There was one visitor who requested to speak. Maury Jacobs – Resident and Member of Brazos Valley Mountain Bike Association. Mr. Jacobs announced he is putting together a bicycle advocacy group. He said the group can be found on Facebook by looking up active transportation groups in the area. He mentioned that the group meetings are over by Rooster’s bike shop. He also stated he was there to ask about the Consent Agenda that City Council pulled on their last meeting. He added that the approvals involved the design contract for the George Bush Drive separated bike lane project. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Agenda Items. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.1: Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. Board Member Jang motioned to approve the minutes from January 23, 2023. The motion was seconded by Board Member Madewell. The minutes were approved (7-0). Page 3 of 80 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.2: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding existing priority rankings for unfunded projects implementing the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan. Coordinator Schubert presented and gave an overview of the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan for both the stand-alone priorities for sidewalk and shared-use path projects. Chairperson Cunha asked if what Venessa Garza had stated last year was still true about this document only being an influence and not a control document. She said Venessa had also stated that sometimes the ADA or a grant would control which projects were focused on because she knew she could get it funded. She added that the Board was also told that the first sixteen projects that are on the first page of the list were the only ones that mattered. She also stated that this did not necessarily mean that the number one listed project was more important than number five, as this was just a ranking range. Coordinator Schubert stated that this was still true. He mentioned that Park Place being at the number one spot on the list was still a top priority and that staff would have to look into what it would take to make that happen. He added that some of the other projects on the list could be simpler to complete because they are in areas that already have a right of way or other things needed for it to happen. He also stated that he would characterize this list to be more of a high, medium, and low priority. He told the Board that there are opportunities that could come along as well that could also influence which project gets done first. Chairperson Cunha stated that last year they were informed there was no funding for any of these. She also stated that they were supposed to try to apply for a five-million-dollar bond package, but at the end that did not go through. She said maybe this could be discussed for the next budget cycle. She asked if this was the unfunded project list. Coordinator Schubert responded yes. Board Member Jansen stated he remembered being told that a very small amount was available for the projects and that is why the Board ranked the first 16 of them even though they were told very few would get done in a year. He added that he did not think the amount was zero. He asked if any of the projects had gotten started since the list was from November 2021. Chairperson Cunha stated there is some money in the sidewalk funds and also mentioned that the zones were collapsed so that way there would be more money available per zone. She added that the cost of building a sidewalk compared to the funds available were different. Coordinator Schubert stated that when properties are developing along streets that do not currently have a sidewalk, there is an option to construct it. He added that there are some instances when staff will know there are future streets projects coming along and they would rather receive that money that can be contributed to that future project. He also stated that the fund amounts are in the tens of thousands of dollars and not the hundreds of thousands or millions. He said that a small version of this list will be submitted for the budget. Chairperson Cunha suggested to color code the first 20 listed based on the zones that way it would show how much money is available for each of the projects. Coordinator Schubert responded and said these are all in zones A and B. Page 4 of 80 Chairperson Cunha asked if we knew how much money exactly was available for these zones in the sidewalk funds. Coordinator Schubert responded that the zones were in the process of being combined and could have updated figures at a future meeting. Board Member Jansen asked if any work had been done on any of the projects on the list. He mentioned that the Board had spent hours on this list and according to what he had just heard, none of it mattered because there was no money available. He said that if that was true then that is not the impression he had received when the Board was first doing this exercise. Chairperson Cunha stated that at that time it was believed they would receive the bond and thought money was coming. Coordinator Schubert stated that this effort was done following the update to the Comprehensive Plan and it was adopted in the fall of 2021 and then led into preparing for the 2022 bond election. He stated that bicycle and pedestrian projects made the top 10 list of priority, but it didn’t make it to the actual election because it was part of a bucket of money for projects instead of specific ones listed. Board Member Jansen stated that he understood from the beginning that all of them could not be accomplished and that was not the issue he was asking about. He said that every year as far as 2020 he remembered going over these lists and he was told by Chairperson Cunha that there might be enough funds to accomplish two or three of them. He also said that he recalled her stating that there would be flexibility because of the other grants available. He said that from what he was interpretating he was hearing that all that work was just a waste of effort. Coordinator Schubert said he would not put it in that manner because ultimately this list led up to the bond prioritization list. Board Member Brimley asked if there was a way to include the approximate costs for each of these projects. Coordinator Schubert said the projects are currently estimates based on $1.2 million per mile for a sidewalk project and $2 million per mile for a shared use path project. Chairperson Cunha asked the Board to look at the first page on both the sidewalk and shared use path to have everyone try them on their own and bring this item back next meeting. She added that if there was one that someone wished to move up to the first page then the Board would talk about it. Board Member Brimley asked if there was a chance there would be a segment that would not be listed on the list to add a sidewalk. Coordinator Schubert answered the projects selected for the list were from the Master Plan. Chairperson Cunha stated that there are some neighborhoods like Wellborn and some neighbors on Lincoln Avenue who have stated that they do not want to have a sidewalk on all their streets. She also added if there were some high transit areas that needed to be moved up then the Board could discuss them on the next meeting as well. Page 5 of 80 Board Member Brimley suggested having some useful information ready for Chairperson Cunha to be ready to present when she goes to the City Council Meetings for the upcoming budget discussions. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.3: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an upcoming ordinance amendment affecting bicycle parking requirements. Staff Planner Pflanz gave the presentation on this item. Staff Planner Pflanz stated that staff was looking for initial feedback of things that they should be aware of to put together a final draft for this spring. She said the feedback staff is seeking relates to the following: •Putting the bike parking in the same table in the ordinance as the vehicular parking. •That bike parking should be based off the auto parking spaces or based off the building type and its square footage. •That bike parking should be more of a context approach such as a development that is in the core of the city or on the outskirts. Board Member Langlotz agreed on having the bike parking requirements on the same table as vehicular parking in the ordinance and the consideration of changing the requirements for vehicle spaces. Board Member Jang asked about the bicycle square footage requirements. Staff Planner Pflanz stated it is based on the number of automobiles spaces that are determined by the type of building. Board Member Brimley asked staff if there were developers that would ask or waivers to reduce the number of bicycle spaces. Coordinator Schubert stated he was not aware of any waivers to reduce the spaces, but there are some developers that do not want to do it because they don’t see the need for them. Chairperson Cunha asked if it was much cheaper to build bicycle spaces than vehicle parking. Coordinator Schubert answered yes. Board Member Jansen asked if these rules only applied to new businesses and if there were any rules regarding the bicycle parking visibility. He also mentioned that he has been to the Bank of America and the new St. Joseph lab where in both situations he had to lock his bicycle to a tree because he didn’t see a bike rack. Staff Planner Pflanz stated that currently a bike rack is supposed to be placed along an accessible route that is within 150 feet of the primary entrance, but there has not always been a bicycle parking requirement. She added that this may be why some older developments might not have it. She also mentioned that some cities make the requirement 100 or 50 feet from the entrance. Page 6 of 80 Board Member Brimley recommended raising the incentive for reducing the vehicle parking spaces from five percent to ten percent. He said that would incentivize developers to provide more bicycle parking. He added that there are many developments that have way more vehicle parking than needed. Director Ostrowski stated that the city was looking at reducing the number of required vehicular spaces. He added that a lot of communities have taken that parking requirement out entirely. Board Member Brimley stated that from his perspective, he has done studies and he stated that developers know what they need to provide for vehicle parking or else people will not go to their establishments. He added that on the other hand they are also trying to save money, so reducing the amount of parking spaces required makes a lot of sense. Chairperson Cunha suggested having a minimum of four bicycle spaces because of the fact that in the future VeoRide may move their geofences and there might be issues finding a bicycle space. She also mentioned that she was all for raising the incentive from five to ten percent especially after hearing almost no one was ever interested on it. She added that based on her experiences the bicycle parking requirement of 150 feet from the entrance was too far. She stated that there should be an advantage to taking alternate transportation like having a better parking spot up close and visible to the entrance of the building. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.4: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the development of activities for National Bike Month in May 2023 including a Cycle with Council event. Coordinator Schubert went over his meeting with Garver Gibbs from Garver Engineering. He stated that the meeting went well, and they were willing to provide all the refreshments and are available for Saturday May 6th. Chairperson Cunha asked if staff could reach out to Public Communications soon to get flyers printed out for the Cycle with Council event and post it on Facebook. She also wanted to post some flyers around the neighborhoods where the event will take place to notify them of the event. Chairperson Cunha announced that the Lincoln Center was looking for volunteers to participate in their Easter event in April. She added that this could be a good opportunity to do bike awareness outreach or perhaps add it to the list for next year if the Board would like to participate. Staff Planner Pflanz asked if a staff member was still needed to direct participants during the route. Chairperson Cunha stated she would like a staff member from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. to direct traffic from Eagle Avenue to Longmire Drive at the unprotected left turn. She also added that staff will need to provide the waiver forms for participants and get with public communications about making the flyers for the event. She mentioned she would be placing a sign at the water fountain stop that way participants know where to stop for a water break. Staff Planner Pflanz asked Chairperson Cunha if there should be a Bike Month proclamation done. Chairperson Cunha agreed to having a proclamation done and said it would be an opportunity to incorporate the information for the MS150. Page 7 of 80 Coordinator Schubert stated that staff was looking to do the proclamation at the City Council meeting in late April. He announced the meeting will be Thursday April 27th at 6:00 pm and mentioned that participation was not required but is highly encouraged. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.5: Presentation and discussion regarding the following items related to biking, walking, and greenways: a. Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan – Chairperson Cunha shared from page 4.2 and 4.3 outlining the goals the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan: •To improve connectivity and accessibility. •To increase safety. •To increase bicycling and walking outdoors. •Encourage environmental stewardship. Chairperson Cunha wanted to give a reminder of what the purpose of the master plan is. Board Member Langlotz was selected to share from a section of the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan at the next meeting. b. City Meetings of Interest – •City Council Meeting - Thursday March 9, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. •Making College Station a music town – March 10, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Bush 4141 Community Room. •Food Truck Wednesday at Wolf Pen Creek from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. c. Capital and Private Project Updates – Coordinator Schubert stated he had not heard of any updates. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.6: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board calendar of upcoming meetings. a.April 10, 2023, ~ Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Advisory Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m. b.May 15, 2023, ~ Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Advisory Board Meeting at 3:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Board Member Langlotz stated she would like to have a review of the Safe Passing Ordinance from the Fall of 2019 to reevaluate its current relevance. Chairperson Cunha asked to talk about the sidewalk prioritization list as Board Member Brimley has asked before. Page 8 of 80 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 5:29 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: ____________________________ ____________________________ Elizabeth Cunha, Chairperson Grecia Fuentes, Board Secretary Page 9 of 80 April 10, 2023 Unfunded Sidewalk and Shared Use Path Projects To:Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board From:Jason Schubert, AICP, Transportation Planning Coordinator Agenda Caption: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding unfunded sidewalk and shared use path projects. Summary: This item is a follow up to the discussion at the March 6, 2023 Board meeting regarding the priorities for the unfunded sidewalk and shared use use path projects. Specifically, the Board requested information regarding the account balances for the sidewalk zones and funding sources in general. The Board also requested additional information regarding cost estimates and sidewalk zone location of the higher priority unfunded sidewalk and shared use path projects. The option to allow a fee in lieu of sidewalk construction was originally created within the Subdivision Regulations of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) in 2012 and 15 sidewalk zones were established. The purpose was to allow funds to be contributed in lieu of sidewalk or shared use path construction otherwise required during platting or replatting of property. Eligibility to contribute to fee in lieu of construction can only be utilized if the circumstance meets one of the qualifying criteria. Per the UDO, fee in lieu funds must be expended on preliminary design, design, construction, reconstruction, surveying, or land acquisition associated with sidewalks, shared use paths and other non-vehicular ways. There has not been a large amount of projects participating in fee in lieu as there has been an average of only two plats/replats per year that have utilized it. This has resulted in smaller account balances making implementation challenging. In October 2022, City Council adopted a revised ordinance that consolidated the 15 zones into 4 zones (see attached Sidewalk Zone map). The 15 zone accounts are being combined into 4 accounts and have the following account balances: Sidewalk Zones Balances Zone Account Balance A $66,120.13 B $40,817.59 C $132,230.17 D $19,534.52 Another funding source that has developed in recent years is a capital project for sidewalk, neighorhood plan implementation, and street modifications. It has a budget for $750,000 over a three-year period and is now intended to be a revolving fund. This has been a funding source for recent sidewalk projects such as Southwood Drive and the Eastgate sidewalks that now connect Thomas Park to Lincoln Avenue along Puryear Drive, Walton Drive and Nunn Street. More recently, the project has been the source for matching funds for the TxDOT grants for the George Bush Drive Page 10 of 80 separated bike lane project and the FM 2818 shared use path between Jones Crossing and Larry Ringer Library. It is anticipated that this account will be used in upcoming years to fund the design of the shared use path along the north side of Harvey Road between Texas Avenue and SH 6 as the MPO has already programmed construction funds and for matching funds for future grant applications. The most recent effort the Board untook to re-evaluate priority rankings for stand alone unfunded sidewalk and shared use path projects occurred in November 2021 and January 2022. This followed the revisions to the planned bicycle, sidewalk, and shared use path networks resulting from changes done with the updated Comprehensive Plan adopted in October 2021. As has been noted in prior Board meetings, staff recommends that we wait to receive the complete data set from the 2020 Census before proceeding with a reconsidering priorities so the latest population data can be used in the priority scoring. The higher priority portion of sidewalk and shared use path projects, as previously ranked, are attached. As requested, columns have been added to include preliminary cost estimates, sidewalk zone location, and project notes. In the fifth column, the unfunded projects that Planning & Development Services staff have submitted for potential funding are identified. The staff submission took into account the feasibility and complexity of the projects to propose those without significant ROW constraints or conflicts with mature trees or utilities that would be challenging and need further exploration before proceeding. For background, the basis for the preliminary cost estimate is from recent stand alone sidewalk and shared use path projects and resulted in preliminary cost estimate of $1.2 million per mile of sidewalk and $2 million per mile of shared use path. The shared use path estimates also include additional costs assumed for pedestrian bridge crossings at creeks. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Sidewalk Zone Map 2. List of Higher Priority Sidewalk Projects 3. Sidewalk Projects Map Book 4. List of Higher Priority Shared Use Path Projects 5. Shared Use Path Projects Map Book Page 11 of 80 Page 12 of 80 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-alone Sidewalk Projects Prioritization Updated January 2022 Proposed Priority Order Map Book Page Number(s) GIS Priority Score BPG Board Priorites Unfunded Projects Submitted by Staff Street Name From To Miles Preliminary Cost Estimate Sidewalk Zone Notes 1 5 7.39 X PARK PLACE 1 ANDERSON ST BACK OF HEB 0.34 404,623$ A 32' existing ROW, significant acquisition needed, grade issues; conduct a PER to assess 2 (#12 on map)4,5 7.00 X X FOSTER AVENUE 1 LINCOLN AVE FRANCIS DR 0.27 321,138$ B Part near Lincoln impacts commercial parking, submitted portion from Walton Dr to Francis Dr 3 5,6 7.00 X UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD 1 UNIVERSITY OAKS BL GEORGE BUSH DR E 0.08 99,947$ B Fills a gap, impacts a number of mature trees 4 5 7.00 X X KYLE AVENUE PURYEAR DRIVE 2 GEORGE BUSH DR E 0.04 42,301$ B Fills a gap, minor tree impact 5 5,6 7.00 X X GEORGE BUSH DRIVE EAST DOMINIK DR UNIVERSITY OAKS BL 0.12 226,233$ B Fills a gap, observed desire path, minor tree impact 6 5,6 7.00 X UNIVERSITY OAKS BLVD 4 OLYMPIA WY STALLINGS DR 0.14 164,572$ B Fills a gap, significant grade and utility conflicts 7 8,9 7.00 X TIMBER STREET GEORGE BUSH DR PARK PLACE 0.20 243,846$ A Fills a gap, impacts mature trees, could be part of a future street rehab 8 1,2,4,5 7.00 X WALTON DRIVE 1 PURYEAR DR FOSTER AV 0.22 269,595$ B Fills a gap, impacts numerous mature trees 9 14,15 7.00 X X NUECES DRIVE GUADALUPE DR HARVEY MITCHELL PW S 0.07 85,351$ A Fills a gap, continues existing sidewalk to Harvey Mitchell Pkwy 10 9,14 7.00 X X DEXTER DRIVE SOUTH 1 LLANO PL CONCHO PL 0.11 131,547$ A Fills a sidewalk gap to Gabbard Park, connects to Trigger St sidewalk (#15) 11 5 7.00 X JAMES PARKWAY NORTHSIDE FRANCIS DR SOUTHSIDE FRANCIS DR 0.03 35,527$ B May be resolved with Francis Dr Ph 3 rehab currently in design Page 13 of 80 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-alone Sidewalk Projects Prioritization Updated January 2022 Proposed Priority Order Map Book Page Number(s) GIS Priority Score BPG Board Priorites Unfunded Projects Submitted by Staff Street Name From To Miles Preliminary Cost Estimate Sidewalk Zone Notes 12 (#13 on map)8,9,13,14 7.00 X GEORGIA STREET HOLLEMAN DR NEVADA ST 0.25 294,394$ A Residential street, impacts landscaping, neighborhood support is uncertain 13 (#14 on map)8,9 7.00 X WELSH AVENUE 1 HOLLEMAN DR SWISS CT 0.15 184,714$ A Fills a gap, impacts large mature trees, existing sidewalk on opposite side 14 (#15 on map)5,6 7.00 X PURYEAR DRIVE KYLE AV DOMINIK DR 0.03 38,099$ B Fills a gap, residential street, existing sidewalk on opposite side 15 (#16 on map)9 7.00 X TRIGGER STREET GUNSMITH ST DEXTER DR S 0.12 142,449$ A Residential street, need other sidewalks on Dexter (#10) and Gunsmith (#29) to create network 16 (#2 on map)14,15 7.08 WELSH AVENUE 3 SOUTHWEST PW HARVEY MITCHELL PW S 0.53 636,939$ A Involves removal of commercial parking and CSISD berms and landscaping, existing sidewalk on opposite side 17 8,9,13,14 6.98 PHOENIX STREET 1 HOLLEMAN DR ALABAMA ST 0.08 100,951$ A Residential street, impacts landscaping, neighborhood support uncertain 18 9 6.83 CAUDILL STREET HOLLEMAN DR GUNSMITH ST 0.37 448,678$ A Residential street 19 8,9 6.80 FAIRVIEW AVENUE GEORGE BUSH DR LUTHER ST 0.39 472,845$ A Significant impact to mature trees or need to revise street cross section 20 8,9 6.77 X DEXTER DRIVE SOUTH 2 WINDING RD HANES DR 0.25 298,204$ A Fills existing sidewalk gaps north and south of Holleman Dr 21 1,2 6.72 X WALTON DRIVE 2 NUNN ST FRANCIS DR 0.26 312,907$ B Connects Eastgate sidewalk project to Francis Dr by school Page 14 of 80 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Stand-alone Sidewalk Projects Prioritization Updated January 2022 Proposed Priority Order Map Book Page Number(s) GIS Priority Score BPG Board Priorites Unfunded Projects Submitted by Staff Street Name From To Miles Preliminary Cost Estimate Sidewalk Zone Notes 22 1,2 6.60 WELLESLEY COURT UNIVERSITY TOWN CENTER CONNECTOR TARROW ST 0.15 174,529$ B Residential street 23 5 6.58 GILCHRIST AVE WEST FOSTER AV TEXAS AV 0.08 94,856$ B Completed with City Hall site 24 13,14 6.56 X HOLLEMAN DRIVE WEST 1 WOODWAY DR LEGACY LN 0.27 319,626$ A Fills gap in existing sidewalks, impacts existing mature trees 25 9,10 6.55 ANDERSON STREET 2 SOUTHWEST PKWY ENTRANCE OF COLLEGE STATION CITY CEMETARY 0.17 204,190$ A Residential street, landscaping impacted 26 13,14 6.52 SOUTHLAND STREET ONEY HERVEY DR WELLBORN RD 0.20 239,132$ A Residential street 27 9 6.51 HAINES DRIVE TAURUS AV LANGFORD ST 0.27 323,303$ A Fills sidewalk gap, residential street 28 13,14 6.49 NEVADA STREET WELSH AV PHOENIX ST 0.19 229,035$ A Residential street, landcaping impacted, neighborhood support uncertain 29 9 6.41 GUNSMITH STREET TRIGGER ST CAUDILL ST 0.09 111,459$ A Residential street, need other sidewalks to create network 30 15 6.30 VAL VERDE DRIVE RIO GRANDE BL PEDERNALES DR 0.20 234,313$ A Residential street 31 5 6.21 GILCHRIST AVE EAST FOSTER AV PURYEAR DR 0.16 187,670$ B Residential street, provides connection from City Hall to Thomas Park 32 15 6.19 TODD TRAIL 1 SOUTHWOOD DR RIO GRANDE BL 0.36 437,704$ A Residential street 33 13 6.05 WOODWAY DRIVE WOODSMAN DR HOLLEMAN DR W 0.03 38,289$ A Residential street 34 1,2 6.00 BILLIE MADELY PARK CONNECTOR SUNNY LN COONER ST 0.10 114,325$ B Connection to undeveloped park 35 5 6.00 X FOSTER AVENUE 2 GILCHRIST AVE GEORGE BUSH DR E 0.10 136,677$ B Extends Foster 1 (#2) to George Bush Drive, may have tree impact 36 1,2 6.00 ARGUELLO DRIVE CHIMNEY HILL DR TARROW ST 0.11 137,456$ B Residential street Page 15 of 80 PEDESTRIAN PLANSIDEWALK PROJECTS FY 2022 Page 16 of 80 ROCKPRAIRIERD TEX A S A V S TEX A S A V UNIVERSITY DRVICTORIAAV SH 6 SUNIVERSITYDRESOUTHWESTPWGEORGEBUSHDRHARVEYRD PEACHCREEKRDHO L L EM A N D R S HOPESCR E E K RDWILLIAM D FITCH PWH A RVEY MITCHELLPWS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 0 21Miles Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed Grade Separation Existing Sidewalk ExistingSidewalk FundedSidewalk Proposed P e d e s t r i an PlanP e d e s t r i an Plan CSISD Property Parks Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ExistingShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Proposed Stand-Alone Sidewalk PrioritiesStand-Alone Sidewalk Priorities Page 17 of 80 BillieMadely Lions University 61 65 34 36 22 57 8 21 58 WALTOND RTANGLEWOODDRCARTERCREEKPWSPRING LO BROADMOORDRN ROSEMARY DRGARDENAC R ESB L E NORTH AVNO R T H P O I N T L N NAGLEST HENSELDRLINCOLN AVS TE X A S A V S C O L L E G E A V TAR R O W S T E29THST C A V I T T A V EBROOKSIDEDRTEX A S A V UNIVERSITY DR EMEADOW LNEDGEW OODDR PRESTON STTARROW STECHIMNEYHILLDR WBROOKSIDED RHO L I C K L N PASLERST GREENWAY DRTUR N E R S TBANKS STFIF T H STLAZY LNH E N SE L A VDUNN STPOPLAR STHELENA STCOLLEGEVIEWDRINWOOD DRWINDOWMERE ST AUTUMN CR MIL A M S T CU L P E P P E R D R NIM I T Z S TEAGLEPASSSTCOONER STREDBUDSTASH STFOURTHSTMARY LAKE DRSROSEMARYDRENFIELD STAVE N U E ADAY AVGILBERT STVASSAR CTPEYTON STSUNNY LNCRESC E N T DRJA N E S TSTANFIELD CRD O ERGEST S H A D YLN WELLESLEY CTROYAL STPARK LNEDGEMOREDRMORANSTVINE STLIVE OAK ST1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 2See Page 4 Page 1 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 18 of 80 College HillsElementarySchool BillieMadely Lions Parkway RichardCarter University 61 65 51 38 34 36 22 67 37 57 8 21 55 58 DOMINIK DRNROSEMARYDRWALTONDR MUN S O N A V SPRING LO FRANCIS DRLINCOLN AVTEX A S A V TAR R O W S T E29THST EA R L R U D D E R F W S U N IV E R SITY D R EPRESTON STTARROW STECHIMNEYHILLDR PASLERST AU T U M N C R TUR N E R S T ASH B U R N A VBANKS STCAROL STBAYOUWOODSDRPOPLAR STSANC TUARYCTNIM I T Z S TCOONER STWINTE R P ARKASH STLYCEUM CTBRAZOSWOODDRSROSEMARYDRSUMMERGLEN DRAVE N U E A SERV ALLNPEYTON STJ A MESPWSUNNY LNVINE STJA N E S T WELLESLEY CTVASSAR CTPARK LNWIL L I A M S S T BER K E L E Y S T WES T O V E R S T HOLT STNE A L P I C K E T T D R ME R R Y O A K S D R APRILBLOOM F OREST DRROSECRLIVE OAK ST1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24See Page 1See Page 3See Page 5 Page 2 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 19 of 80 College HillsElementarySchool MerryOaks Parkway RichardCarter Windwood SmithTract Smith Tract 6351 38 53 67 37 4755DOMINIK DRMUNSONAVFRANCIS DRLINCOLNAVU N IV ERSITYDREEARL RU D D ER F W S HARVEY RDASHBURNAV CAROL STBAYOUWOODSDRBROOKWAY DRSANC TUARYCTLYCEUM CTBRAZOSWOODDRHORSESHOEDR SUMMERGLE N DRWIN D W O O D D R SERV ALLNM AGNOLIADRAS S O C I A T E S A V RANCHERORDBER K E L E Y S T WES T O V E R S T HOLT STNE A L P I C K E T T D R ME R R Y O A K S D R F OREST DRROSECR1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24See Page 2See Page 6 Page 3 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 20 of 80 A&M ConsolidatedMiddle School OakwoodIntermediateSchool CollegeView HighSchool Northgate Eastgate Eastgate Eastgate Eastgate 56 8 12WALTONDR AN D E R S O N S TNEW MAIN DRC O K E S TLUBBOCK STBIZZELLST LEWIS STJOE ROUTT BLCROSS STINLOWBLSP E N C E S T CO L L E G E A V OLSE N BL OLDMAIND R A G R O N O M Y R D FOSTERAV GEORGEBUSHDRWELLBORN RD TEX A S A VLINCOLN AVRAYMONDSTOTZERPWS C O L L E G E A V W ELLB O R N R D N UNIVERSITY DRBO Y E T T S T REDMONDD R AS P E N S T MILNERDR OA K L A W N S T FIRSTST TAU B E R S TFOCH STREDBUDSTMIL A M S T LOUISE AVPURYEARDR MAYWOODDR STA S N E Y S T AVE N U E A NATALIE STCUL P E P P E R D R CH URCHAV HARRINGTONAVHENSEL DRNA G L E S T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 1 See Page 5See Page 8 Page 4 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 21 of 80 A&M ConsolidatedMiddle School OakwoodIntermediateSchool College HillsElementarySchool CollegeView HighSchool Oaks Wolf PenCreek Eastgate Eastgate Eastgate Eastgate Thomas Thomas 11 154 38 23 3355 6 31 8 60 12 1AN D E R S O N S T DOMINIK DRMU N S O N A V WALTONDR GEORGEBUSHDRENEW MAIN DRBIZ Z E L L S TLUBBOCK STLEWIS STGILCHRIST AVFOSTERAV GEORGEBUSHDRUNIVERSITY DRHO LLEM A N D RTEXASAVS HOLLEMAN DR ELINCOLN AVDA R T M O U T H S T TEX A S A V HARVEY RDRO S E M A R Y L N REDMOND D RMILLIFF RDRICHARDS STCORNELLDRHARDWOODLNMANUEL DRARMISTEADSTASHBURN A V KYLE AVLAS S I E L N PURYEARDR ATH E N S D R STERLING STJ A ME S PWMILNERDR W OL F RUN AVE N U E A OLY M P I A W Y S T A L LIN G SDRBROOKS AVRHETT B UT L ER DR HARRINGTONAV WIL L I A M S S T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 2 See Page 4See Page 6See Page 9 Page 5 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 22 of 80 College HillsElementarySchool Oaks Windwood Wolf PenCreek Wolf PenCreek Wolf PenCreek 15 38 35 6 60DOMINIK DRCOLGATEDRMU N S O N A V KRENEK TAP RDGEORGEBUSH DRE SOUTHW ESTP W EE A R L R U D D E R F W S HO LLEM A N D RTEX A S A V S HARVEY RDHO LLE M A N D R E DART MOUT HS T C ORNELL D RKYLE AVRICHARDS STCRE S T S T CROSST IMBERSDRCY P R E S S D RCAMELLIA CTHARDWOODLNEAS T M A R K D R ASHBURN A V H O R SEHAVENLNLAS S I E L N COL GA TE CR AZALEA CTATH E N S D R WALTONDR STERLING STC A R NATI ONCTMANUEL DRCE N T R A L P A R K L N TEA L S T OLY M P I A W Y G I L C H R IS TA VWIL L I A M S S T S T A L LIN G SDR RHETT B UT L ER DR PARK PLACE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 3 See Page 5See Page 7See Page 10 Page 6 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 23 of 80 Windwood Wolf PenCreek Art &Myra Bright Art & MyraBright Carter'sCrossing 72 74 COLGATEDRKRENEK TAP RDRA IN TR E E DR E A R L R U D D E R FW SHOLLEMANDRE WILDERNESSDRNCROSST IMBERSDRCY P R E S S D R SPRIN G C R E E K EAS T M A R K D R H O R SEHAVENLNCAMELLIA CTAZALEA CTWILDERNESSDR WILDERNESSDRSWILDEWOOD CR R O L L IN G R O C KPLCE N T R A L P A R K L N SH A D O W O A K S TEA L S T SUMTER DRBLAC K J A CKDRRED HILL DRSTTHOMASRDTURTLEROCKLO CHESTNUT O AKCRHALTER LO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24See Page 6See Page 11 Page 7 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 24 of 80 A&M ConsolidatedMiddle School OakwoodIntermediateSchool CollegeView HighSchool Brison LutherJones W A Tarrow 41 78 17 14 7 1376 20 19 80 DEXTERDRS DEXTERDR TIM B E R S T MARION PUG H D R FAI R V I E W A V R E S E A R C H PWPE N B E R T H Y B LJOHN KIMBROUGH BLOL S E N B L LEWIS STJOE ROUTT BLOLDMAINDRBIZ ZELL ST PARK PLACEC O K E S TRAYMONDSTOTZERPW GEORGEBUSHDRW ELLB O R N R D GEORGE BUSH DR WHOLLEMAN DRPERSHINGDR A Y RSHIREST PERSHING AV HER E F O R D S T TIMMDRMA R Y E M S T HIG H L A N D S S TANGUS AVKERRY STBELL STSUF F O L K A V GROVE STC A R O L I N A S TOLDJERSEYSTFIDELITY STDEXTERDRW HAWTHORNS TLUTHERSTELE A N O R S T THOMPSON STHO L I K S T THOM A S S TBURT STLEE A V DE T R O I T S T W IN D INGRD GE O R G I A S T PH OENIX ST GLADEST WE L S H A V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 4 See Page 9See Page 13 Page 8 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 25 of 80 South KnollElementarySchool A&M ConsolidatedMiddle School OakwoodIntermediateSchool CollegeView HighSchool Anderson Bee Creek Brison Gabbard Lemontree LutherJones W A Tarrow 40 41 78 17 29 75 10 1614 86 25 77 7 39 1376 20 27 18 19 80 GLADEST DEXTERDR SOUTHWOOD DR TIM B E R S T FAI R V I E W A V LANGFORDSTHAINES DR LEM O N T R E E L N C O K E S T LEWIS STBIZ ZELL ST PARK PLACEAND E R S O N S T HOLLEM A N D RTEX A S A V S GEORGEBUSHDRWEL L B O R N R D BRENTWOOD DRMANUEL DRA Y RSHIREST PERSHING AV HER E F O R D S T VILLAGEDRGROVE STMA R Y E M S TANGUS AVKERRY STBELL STORRSTCEDARRUNSUF F O L K A V PERSHINGDR WINDING RD M E D I N A D R BEE CREE K DRLAU R A L N LA W Y E R S T C A R O L I N A S T GOODE STOLDJERSEYSTTIMMDRFIDELITY STTAUR US A V HOLIKDRDEXTERDRWHAWTHORNST LUTHERSTELE A N O R S T THOMPSON STHO L I K S T CAUDILLSTTHOMASSTBURT STLEE A V DE T R O I T S T GE O R G I A S T D EXTER DRS PH OENIXST BOSWELLSTBARTHELOWDR PINE RIDGE DR WE L S H A V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 5 See Page 8See Page 10See Page 14 Page 9 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 26 of 80 South KnollElementarySchool Bee Creek StephenC BeachyCentral Cy MillerLemontree CollegeStationCemetery 40 44 62 29 43 75 62 86 25 39 59 GL A D E S T SOUTHW O OD DR KRENEK TAP RDLEMONTREELN LANGFORDST SOUTHWEST PW EBRENTWOODDREDARTMOUTHST TEX A S A V SHOLLEMANDRANDERSONST HARVEYMITCHELLPWSC ENTRAL P A RKLN BRENTWOOD DRMANUEL DRWILLIAMKINGCOLEDRASHFORD DRCO R N E L L D R CEDARRUNBEE CREE K DRLAU R A L N VALLEYVIEWDRLA W Y E R S T AN G EL INACRHOLIKDR TEA L S T BOSWELLSTBARTHELOWDR MORGANS LNPIN E RIDGE DR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 6 See Page 9See Page 11See Page 15 Page 10 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 27 of 80 StephenC BeachyCentral Cy Miller EmeraldForest Sandstone Headlake(FormerGreenway) 44 62 71 62KRENEK TAP RDFROSTDRAPPOMATTOXDREM ERA LDPWCORSAIRDRHARVEYMITCHELLPW S TEX A S A V S EARLRUDDERFWSDA R T M O U T H S T SH 6 SC ENTRA L PA RKLN SPRINGC REEKBENTTREEDRBENT OAK STWALNUTBEND ROSEWOODDRAMBERRIDGEDRDRIFTW OODDR LAUREND RCHIPPENDALE ST PAVILIONAVWILLIAMKINGCOLEDRTEA L S T SANDSTONED R ROLLINGHILLTRE MERALDP LZJUS T I N A V ALIS O N A V MILE DRMORGANS LNOAKWOODTRFOXFIR E DRSEBESTA RD1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 7 See Page 10See Page 12See Page 16 Page 11 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 28 of 80 EmeraldForest Sandstone 71 FR O S T D RSEBESTA RDAPPOMATTOXDREM ERALDPWCORSAIRDRSPRINGC REEKBENTTREEDRFONTAIN E DRBENT OAK STWALNUTBEND ROSEWOODDRLAUREN DRAMBERRIDGEDRDRIFTW OODDR FRIARCHIPPENDALE ST HUNTIN GTO N DR JUS T I N A V ROLLINGHILLTRH OWEDR FOXFIRE DRFAULKNERDRFRENEAUDROAKWO ODTRSANDST O NEDR1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24See Page 11See Page 17 Page 12 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 29 of 80 Southwest JohnCrompton Southland(FormerGreenway) 33 85 17 45 28 26 1376 24 79LUTHER ST WDOWLING RDMAR ION P UGH D RRESEARCHPWPEN BERTH Y BL FM 2 1 5 4WEL L B O R N R D HOLLEMAN DR WHOLLEMAN DRGEORGE BUSH DR WHARVEYMITCHELLPWS H O L L E M A N D R S MARK ETSTCANYO N CREEKCRCORREGIDOR DR C A R O L I N A S T O N E Y H E R V E Y D R SI E NNA DR ARIZO N A ST JONESBUTLERRD PH O E N I X S T GRIDIROND R1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 8 See Page 14Page 13 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 30 of 80 A&M Consolidated High School GeorgieK FitchSouthwest Steeplechase JohnCrompton Southland(FormerGreenway) 52 9 17 81 10 45 28 77 26 39 1376 24 2 DOWLING RDJONESBUTLERRD NUECES DRMAR ION P UGH D R WELSH A V LANGFORDSTSOUTHWEST PWHARVEY MITCHELL P W S FM 2154WEL L B O R N R DHOLLEMAN DRHOLLEMANDRW H O L L E M A N DR S PEDERNALESDR DEXTER D R S MARK ETSTWESTRIDGEDRSANPEDRODRLAWYERST GUADALUPEDRSHADOW WOO DDRBIGR IV ERSTWAXWING LNSANBENITODRPINTAILLOC A R O L I N A S T SANSABADRO N E Y H E R V E Y D R SANMARIOCTARIZO N A ST PH O E N I X S T BO S Q U E D R SW AND RBOXWOO D TR M A D ERACRPINTAIL L N PHEAS A N T L N M E DINADRLEO N ADR HONDODR NAVARRODR1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 9 See Page 13See Page 15Page 14 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 31 of 80 A&M Consolidated High School Southwood ValleyElementary School BrothersPond GeorgieK Fitch Longmire Steeplechase 46 62 52 9 81 43 62 30 42 39 54 32 64 2 PO N D ERO SA D RRIO G R A N D E B LBRO T H E R S BLN UECESDR LONGMIREDR WELSH A V TODDTRAIRLINEDRLANGFORDSTTEX A S A V S HARVEY MITCHELL P W STREEHOUSETRBA H I A D R PEDERNALESDR SOUTH W O O D D R GAILPLDEACON DRWESTRIDGEDRSANPEDRODRCARM ELCTCARMELPLLAWYERST WILDRYE D R COASTAL D RGUADALUPEDRSHADOWWOODDRBIGRIVERSTNORMANDDR W AXWINGLNSANBENITODRVANH O RN D RHALEYP L DALLIS D RPIERREPL PINTAILLOHENRY CTHAWKTREEDRAUSTIN AVVALVERDEDRSANMARIOCTSANSABADRSUMMIT STCELIN D A CRJENNI FERDRHAD D O XCTBO S Q U E D R CORO NADO D R SA N D Y C R HILLSIDEDRLEONADRMADERACR ADRI ENNEDRPINTAIL L N PHEAS A N T L N MILE DRCA MILLEDR M E DINADR HONDODR C OLTONPLNAVARRODR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 10 See Page 14See Page 16See Page 18 Page 15 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 32 of 80 Southwood ValleyElementary School BrothersPond Longmire Woodcreek 70 62 73 62 7054 64 PONDEROSA DRRIO G R A N D E B LBRO T H E R S BLWOODCREEKDRSEBESTA RDTODD TRLONGMIREDR DEACON DRTEX A S A V S EARLRUDDERFWSSH 6 S ROCK PRAIRIE RD STONEBROOKDR TREEHOUSETRBA H I A D R ESSE X G R EEN RIVERSTONECTCONCOR DCRTIMBER KNOLL DRGAILPLAUSTINAVWATERFORDD R S U S S E X D RST ONE B RID GEDR CARM ELC TWILDRYE D R COASTAL D RNORMANDDR BLUESTEM DRHALEYPL DALLIS D RPIERREPL FO X F I R E D R LODGEP OLE DR BROOKWATER CRHENRY CT H A W K TREEDR CELIN D A CRH IL L S I DE DR JENNI FERDRCORO NADO D R SA N D Y C R M I D TOWNDRSARA DRADRI ENNEDRPINON DRCOLTONPL H E A LIN G WA YLAKEFORESTCTNAIRLINEDRMILE DRTECHNOL O GY PW1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 11 See Page 15See Page 17See Page 19 Page 16 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 33 of 80 Woodcreek MidtownReserve MidtownReserve 7073 70 L ONGMI REDRWOODCREEK D R MEDICALAVFR O S T D R FOX F I R E D R S H 6 S ROCK PRAIRIE RDSTONEBROOKDRESSEXGREENRIVERSTONECTCONCORDCRTIMBER KNOLL DR TOLEDO BEND DR BALLY MOREDRHAYWOODDR CRYSTALLNWATERFORDD R S U S S E X D RST ONE B RID GEDR WHITNEY LNTOWNLAKEDRFRIARTRUMPETER SWAN DRF ONT AI N E DR BROOKWATER CRFIN NEYM I D TOWNDR STRA N D LN H E A LIN G WA YLAKEFORESTCTNTECHNOLOGYPW BIRD POND RDFLYINGAC E CR RITCHEY RDAMISTADLO1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 12 See Page 16See Page 20 Page 17 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 34 of 80 Rock PrairieElementarySchool College StationMiddle School Edelweiss Jack &DorothyMiller BrianBachmann Steeplechase Barracks II Barracks II 84 82 83 GRAHAM RDRIO G R A N D E B L WE L S H A VBALCONESDR CAIN RDGE N E R A L P W FM 2 1 5 4 ROCK PRAIRIE RDVIC T O R I A A V OL D W E L L B O R N R D PA P A B E A R D R GAILPLCORONADODRWILDRYE D RSANMARIOCT HARVEST DRMARIELENECR ARNOLD RDWE S T C H E S T E R A V SCHAFFERRD CULLENTR SU M M E R W A Y D R SHIRE DRKEEFERLOCAPPS DRGR A Z D RKNOX DRNOTTINGHAM DRARMORED AVBERNBURG L NBA H I A D R SOPHIA LNENCINAS PLPRONGHORN LOMARTA STDALLIS D R CASTLEBROOK DRHAYES LNAXIS C T DOVER DRPINTAILLOASTER DRTRACEMEADOWS C HANTALCR CAMILLEDR ORCHID STANTELOPELN RE G A L R O W C T VO N T R A P P L N LANDSBU RGLNGR E T A C T FAR A H D R BRUSSELS DRAZT E C S T HASSELT STBO L E R O S T CO R T E Z S T LIES L C T VIE N N A D R COLTONPL ABBEY LNMOMMA BEAR DRTRAVISCOLEAV MORTIERDRAZT E C C T BO L E R O C T CECILIACT CO R T E Z C T KIMBER LNHONEYSUCKLE LNCANTERBURYDRCAT E R I N A L N WILLOWLO1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 15 See Page 19Page 18 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 35 of 80 Rock PrairieElementarySchool College StationMiddle School Cypress GroveIntermediateSchool Creek ViewElementarySchoolEdelweiss BrianBachmann HuntingtonTrail 48 49 RIO G R A N D E B L LO N G MI REDRGRAHAM RDROCK PRAIRIE RDEAGLEAVBIRMINGHAMRDS H 6 S VIC T O R I A A V BARRON RDD O VETRGAILPLNORMANDDRCORONADODRWILDRYE D R SPRI N G F I E L D D R MARIELENECR ME A D O W V I E W D R EMERALD DOVE AVCARDINALLNSC H A F F E R R D DOVE CHASE LNCRYSTAL DOVE AVWHI T E D O V E T R MY S T I C D O V E W Y WE S T C H E S T E R A V DO V E H O L L O W L N HAWK O WLCVSHIREDRGR A Z D R NOTTINGHAM DR CHESAPEAKELNBRIDLE CT M IDTOW N D R BRIDLEGATEDRSTARLING D RPURPLEM A RTIN C V BERNBURG L NBA H I A D R DALLIS D R CASTLEBROOK DRDOVE LANDING AVDOVER DRTURTLE DOVE TRDOVE RUN TRASTER DRWE S T F I E L D D R C HANTALCR CAMILLEDR ORCHID STRE G A L R O W C T GARDENIA STBOUGAINVILLEA STBRUSSELS DRHASSELT STVIE N N A D R COLTONPL ABBEY LNMORTIERDRDURH AMLO FAR A H D RCANTERBURYDR WHITEWING LNARNOLD RDSTUTTGART CR1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 16 See Page 18See Page 20See Page 21 Page 19 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 36 of 80 HuntingtonTrail MidtownReserve MD WheelerPh2MD WheelerPh2 69 LO N G MI REDRGRAHAM RDBIRMINGHAM RD SH 6S BARRON RDD O VETR TIFF A N Y T R WINDSWEPTDR KERNSTOWN LNCARDINALLNDOVE CHASE LNWHI T E D O V E T R MY S T I C D O V E W Y HAWK O WLCVCHESAPEAKELNBRIDLE CT MIDTOW N D R BRIDLEGATEDRSTARLING D RPURPLEM ARTIN C V STRASBURGCR WINDFREEDREMERALD DOVE AVDOVE LANDING AVDOVE RUN TRPUF F I N W YDURHAMLO EAGLEA V CARROLLFANCHERWYCREAGOR LNCORPORATE PWLAKESHO RE CR1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 17 See Page 19See Page 22 Page 20 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 37 of 80 CollegeStationHigh School EdelweissGartens Sonoma Sonoma ReattaMeadows Creek View 49 GRAHAM RDVICTO RIA AVBARRONRDFM2154WILLIAM D FITCH PW KLEINELN R E N E ELN FIELDSTO N E PLCRESTEDPOINTDRHARVEST DROLDENBURG LN RUGEN LNBRANDENBURGLNHARTFORD DRPASSENDALELNKARTEN LNBARCHETTA DRHOFBURG DRSOUT H ERNTRACEDRLAM B E R M O N T D R KERNSTOWN LNDEVRNEDR MC L A R E N D R HAL I F A X D R SPRING MISTDR INC O U R T L N MARKHAM LNSILVEROAKDRNIGHTRAINDR LIEN Z L N PO M E L D R ROUCOURTLO STO N Y C R E E K L N DRESDEN LN JEANNE DRBITT E R N D RDELREY DRLEYLA LNREMINGTON CTROANOKE CTNORFOLK CTPORTSMOUTH CTSKYLINE CTCHESAPEAKELNMARIELENECR MCFA RLA N D DRS I MI DRMEIR LNDANVILLELNNE W P O R T L NSTUTTGARTCR LADOVE DRJA M E Y L N LATI N N E L N HANNA CTEAGLEAVSILVEROAKTRANQUILPATHDRNORTONLNCRESTMONTDRALA C IA CT WALCOUR TLOLO ESS E N RE A T T A L NWINDMEADOWSDR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 19 See Page 22Page 21 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 38 of 80 CollegeStationHigh School WoodlandHills Castlerock Castlerock Southern Oaks SouthernOaks Sonoma Sonoma ReattaMeadows 50 66 69 ARRINGTONRD VICTO RIA AVBARRONRDWILLIAM D FITCH PW SH 6 S GREENSPRAIRIERDDAW N LYNNDRFIEL D S T ONEPLBRIDGEWATERDRROCKY VISTA DRWHISPERING CREEK DRROCKYCREEKTRBARCHETTA DRKERNSTOWN LNHAL I F A X D R SPRING MISTDRMARKHAM LNW IN DMEADOWSDR PO M E L D R HEATH DRROBINSVILLE CTHARRISONBURGLNROCK BEND DRHUNTERCREEKDRSTO N Y C R E E K L N BITT E R N D R BRUNSWICKCTDELREY DRREMINGTON CTROANOKE CTNORFOLK CTPORTSMOUTH CTSKYLINE CTSI MI DRCHESAPEAKELNSALEMCTFRONT ROYAL DRDAYTON CTDANVILLELNNE W P O R T L N LADOVE DRHANNA CT FINCASTLEL OROCKY RHODES DR H O LLOW STONE DR MILLSP A RKCRRE A T T A L N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 See Page 20 See Page 21See Page 23Page 22 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 39 of 80 Pebble CreekElementarySchool Pebble Creek WoodlandHills Castlerock Southern Oaks Wildwood 50 68OLD ARRINGTON RDARRINGTONRD LAK E W A Y D R WILLIAM D FITCH PWSH 6 S GREENSPRAIRIERDDAW N LYN NDRROCKY VISTA DRWHISPERING CREEK DRWINGEDFOOTDRONYX DRLAPIS CTHEATH DRROCK BEND DR RO C K Y M E A D O W S D RWOODLANDRIDGEDR SAPPHIRE DRROYALAD ELADEDR PR O C T SLI C E C T SHOALCREEKDR ROCKY RHODES DR PUTTER CTGATEWAY BLH O LLOW STONE DR MILLSP A RKCRVENTUREDRAGATEDRQUALITYC R MIDTO W N DR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24See Page 22See Page 24Page 23 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 40 of 80 Pebble CreekElementarySchool Pebble Creek Wildwood LickCreek LickCreek Lick Creek 68 LAK E W A Y D R PEBBLE CREEK P W SH 6 SWILLIAM D FITCH PWFIRESTONEDRQUARRY OA KS D R ROYAL ADELADE DRM I S S I O N HILLSDRWINGEDFOOTDRA UGUSTA C R ONYX DRLAPIS CTPRESTWICKCTC AS C A D ESDR BI RKDALEDRQUAK E RRIDGEDR CONGRESSIONALDRS YC A M ORE HILLS DRSAPPHIRE DRFLINTHILLSDR BELLERIVE BEN DDRPR O C T SLI C E C T BERRY CREEKPUTTER CTPLUMH O L L O W D RPINE VALLEY D RHOGAN ALLEYSTANDREW S D R BALLYBUNIO NLN CROSSWATERDR GATEWAY BLSHOALCREEKDR VENTUREDRHOLSTON HILLS D RAGATEDR QU A L I T Y C R STO NEWATER LO1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24See Page 23Page 24 of 24 SIDEWALKPROJECTS Grade Separation Existing Grade Separation Funded Grade Separation Proposed 0 0.250.125 Miles Sidewalk Proposed Sidewalk FundedSidewalk Existing Stand-Alone Sidewalk Project Shared-use Path ProposedShared-use Path FundedShared-use Path Existing CoCS Greenways CoCS Parks Schools/CSISD Property Page 41 of 80 Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Shared-use Path Projects Prioritization Updated November 2021 Proposed Priority Order Map Book Page Number(s) GIS Priority Level BPG Board Priorities Unfunded Projects Submitted by Staff Street Name From To Miles Preliminary Cost Estimate Sidewalk Zone Notes 1 22,23 6.00 X X SPRING CREEK 6 BRIDGEWATER DR REATTA MEADOWS PARK 0.19 $1,027,568 C PER completed; Phase 1 - land acquisition; estimate also includes connection to Reatta Meadows Park 2 5 7.43 X HARVEY ROAD WEST (on northside) TEXAS AV S SH 6 1.33 $154,800 A Likely in ROW; design funds only; MPO funds available for construction FY25-29; earlier if design can be completed sooner; sidewalk on southside 3 22,23 6.00 X SPRING CREEK 4 SOCO APARTMENTS SOUTHERN OAKS PARK 0.21 $410,440 C PER completed; Completes connection to Southern Oaks Park from deadend at SoCo apartments 4 22,23 6.00 X X SPRING CREEK 5 SOUTHERN OAKS PARK BRIDGEWATER DR 0.25 $756,253 C PER completed; includes connection to Castlerock Park, pursuing grant funding in FY24 5 9,10 7.35 X BEE CREEK TRIB B HOLLEMAN DR. SOUTHLAND ST.0.26 $745,217 A Easement needed; Phase 1 - PER and midblock Crossing at Southwest Parkway 6 (#28 on map) 2,3,5,6,7,11 ,12,13,19,2 0,24,25,28, 29 4.16 X GULF STATES UTILITY EASEMENT 1 UNIVERSITY DR E PATRIOT DR 8.18 $20,782,046 A & D Easements needed for portions (Need to breakout into sections/phases) Page 42 of 80 Page 43 of 80 Page 44 of 80 Page 45 of 80 Page 46 of 80 Page 47 of 80 Page 48 of 80 Page 49 of 80 Page 50 of 80 Page 51 of 80 Page 52 of 80 Page 53 of 80 Page 54 of 80 Page 55 of 80 Page 56 of 80 Page 57 of 80 Page 58 of 80 Page 59 of 80 Page 60 of 80 Page 61 of 80 Page 62 of 80 Page 63 of 80 Page 64 of 80 Page 65 of 80 Page 66 of 80 Page 67 of 80 Page 68 of 80 Page 69 of 80 Page 70 of 80 Page 71 of 80 Page 72 of 80 Page 73 of 80 Page 74 of 80 Page 75 of 80 Page 76 of 80 Page 77 of 80 Page 78 of 80 Cycle with Council Celebrate National Bike Month by joining City Council members and other residents for a casual 4-mile bike ride. Cyclists of all ages and abilities are welcome. Ages 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Saturday, May 6 • 8 A.M. City of College StationMeeting and Training Facility1603 Graham Rd Register for free by Thursday, May 4:cstx.gov/BikePedGreenways Page 79 of 80 Cycle with Council Celebrate National Bike Month by joining City Council members and other residents for a casual 4-mile bike ride. Cyclists of all ages and abilities are welcome. Ages 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Saturday, May 6 • 8 A.M. City of College StationMeeting and Training Facility1603 Graham Rd Register for free by Thursday, May 4:cstx.gov/BikePedGreenways Page 80 of 80