HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/2023 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission College Station, TX Meeting Agenda Planning and Zoning Commission 1101 Texas Ave, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85021604633 Phone: 888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 850 2160 4633 The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. March 2, 2023 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers College Station, TX Page 1 Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the meeting body will be present in the physical location stated above where citizens may also attend in order to view a member(s) participating by videoconference call as allowed by 551.127, Texas Government Code. The City uses a third- party vendor to host the virtual portion of the meeting; if virtual access is unavailable, meeting access and participation will be in-person only. 1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. 2. Hear Visitors At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to visitors wishing to address the Commission on issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The visitor presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) 3. Consent Agenda All matters listed under the Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. Since there will not be separate discussion of these items, citizens wishing to address the Commission regarding one or more items on the Consent Agenda may address the Commission at this time as well. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it may be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 3.1. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. Attachments: 1. February 16 2023 3.2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Midtown Reserve Phase 107 on approximately 10 acres, generally located south of the interestion of Toledo Bend Drive and Mcqueeny Drive. Case #FP2021-000008 Sponsors: Anthony Armstrong Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3. Final Plat 3.3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Brewster Pointe III Subdivision on approximately 31 acres, generally located west of the intersection of WS Phillips Parkway and Brewster Drive. Case #FP2022-000017 Page 1 of 45 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 March 2, 2023 Sponsors: Anthony Armstrong Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3. Final Plat 4. Regular Agenda 4.1. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 4, "Zoning Districts," Section 4.2 "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from MF Multi-Family to MH Middle Housing for approximately 1.12 acres being the Cooner Addition Lots 13 - 16, generally located at 301 - 307 Cooner Street. Case #REZ2023-000002 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the March 23, 2023 City Council Meeting - Subject to change). Sponsors: Robin Macias Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Vicinity, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3. Rezoning Exhibit 4. Background Information 5. Applicant's Supporting Information 6. Existing Future Land Use Map 7. Rezoning Map 4.2. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 3, “Development Review Procedures,” Section 3.16, “Conditional Use Permit” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, regarding conditional use permits. Case #ORDA2022-000009 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the March 23, 2023 City Council Meeting - Subject to change) Sponsors: Molly Hitchcock Attachments: 1. Memo 2. UDO Section 3.16 Conditional Use Permit redlines 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6. Informational Agenda 6.1. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev 6.2. Discussion of Minor / Amending Plats approved by Staff • Woodlake Subdivision Section 2, Phase 1, Lot 44-R ~ Case #FP2022-000040 • Waters Edge Subdivision Block 1, Lots 2R & 3 ~ Case #FPCO2022-000010 6.3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the ongoing Texas Avenue & University Drive Redevelopment Plan effort. (Note: Discussion of this item is scheduled for the March 23, 2023 City Council Meeting on the workshop agenda – subject to change.) Sponsors: Matthew Ellis Attachments: 1. Memo Page 2 of 45 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 March 2, 2023 2. Texas Avenue & University Drive Redevelopment Plan Boundary 6.4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on priority areas for possible City-initiated rezoning to the MH Middle Housing Zoning District. (Note: Discussion of this item is scheduled for the March 9, 2023 City Council Meeting on the workshop agenda – subject to change.) Sponsors: Alyssa Halle-Schramm Attachments: 1. Memo 2. Properties Designated Mixed Residential Future Land Use 6.5. Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Thursday, March 9, 2023 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, March 16, 2023 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, March 23, 2023 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, April 6, 2023 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. 6.6. Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board and BioCorridor Board. • None 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 8. Adjourn. The Planning and Zoning Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on February 24, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Page 3 of 45 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 March 2, 2023 Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 4 of 45 February 16, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 6 Minutes Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting February 16, 2023 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairperson Dennis Christiansen, Commissioners Bobby Mirza, Melissa McIlhaney, David White, Marcus Chaloupka, and Aron Collins COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Jason Cornelius COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmembers Dennis Maloney and William Wright CITY STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning and Development Services Michael Ostrowski, Assistant Director of Planning and Development Services Molly Hitchcock, City Engineer Carol Cotter, Transportation Planning Coordinator Jason Schubert, Land Development Review Administrator Anthony Armstrong, Senior Planner Jeff Howell, Staff Planners Robin Macias, Gabriel Schrum, Matthew Ellis, Aspen Pflanz, and Carl Ahrens, Engineer I Lucas Harper, Graduate Engineer II Katherine Beaman-Jamael, Graduate Engineer I Parker Mathews, Deputy City Attorney Leslie Whitten, Administrative Support Specialist Kristen Hejny, and Technology Services Specialist Joel Lopez 1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. Chairperson Christiansen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors No visitors spoke. 3. Consent Agenda 3.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • January 5, 2023 3.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Southern Pointe Section 117 on approximately 7.581 acres of land, generally located at the intersection of State Highway 6 South and Peach Creek Cut-Off in the College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case #FP2022-000005 3.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Jackson Estates Phase 1, Block 1, Lots 1R-1, 1R-2 & 1R-3 being a replat of Jackson Estates Phase 1, Block 1, Lot 1 on approximately 14.482 acres of land, generally located at the intersection of Rock Prairie Road West and Hollman Drive South. Case #FPCO2022-000005 Page 5 of 45 February 16, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 6 Commissioner McIlhaney motioned to approve the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Chaloupka seconded the motion, the motion passed 6-0. 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. No items were removed. 5. Regular Agenda 5.1 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from GS General Suburban to MH Middle Housing for approximately 0.27 acres at 211 Fidelity Street, being Lot 1 and 25’ of Lot 2, of the West Park Addition, generally located at the corner of fidelity Street and Highland Street. Case #REZ2022-000028 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the March 9, 2023 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Staff Planner Schrum presented the Rezoning to the Commission recommending approval. Commissioner Collins asked if it is regular practice to rezone an area in the middle of a different zoning district, and does staff anticipate receiving additional applications of this type, in this area. Staff Planner Schrum stated that staff has seen interest from this area to pursue this type of zoning. Commissioner Collins asked if staff would describe this area as being used for single family. Staff Planner Schrum stated that the market is driving the housing in this area, and staff would describe the area as single-family residential. Chairperson Christiansen clarified that before the Middle Housing zoning district existed, there were several zoning districts that could have been requested and asked how the applicant decided on a Middle Housing zoning. Staff Planner Schrum stated that housing products in this area can lean towards shared housing and that the Middle Housing zoning district provides the ability to have it as a conforming legal use in the area. Commissioner Mirza expressed concerns for traffic in the area. Page 6 of 45 February 16, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 6 Staff Planner Schrum stated that the applicant provided a traffic analysis that showed the trip generation to be under the limit for alleviation requirements. Commissioner Collins expressed concerns for patchwork zoning in the area and asked if this was part of a grander plan to rezone a larger area. Staff Planner Schrum stated that staff has had preliminary discussions regarding city- initiated rezonings for Middle Housing, also stating that staff is using the Comprehensive Plan to help implement the desired future development pattern, and that the rezoning would not create spot zoning. Director Ostrowski stated that staff would not consider this a spot zoning request, as the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Ostrowski also clarified that this is the first request for this zoning district in the city, stating that the City is looking at city-initiated rezonings, collaborating with a working group that is analyzing areas throughout the City to identify areas to proceed with rezoning. Chairperson Christiansen asked for clarification that staff is not planning to create spot zoning. Director Ostrowski clarified that staff was directed by City Council to convene a working group to identify areas for city-initiated Middle Housing rezoning. Commissioner Collins expressed concerns with city-initiated rezonings resulting in economic incentives for people who want to change their zoning for these residences compared to those that want the zoning but are not a part of a pro-active rezoning. Director Ostrowski clarified that this area is being considered for city-initiated rezoning to create an equal playing field. Developments must meet all requirements for the specified use. Chairperson Christiansen asked for clarification that staff is comfortable with this lot being rezoned by itself. Director Ostrowski confirmed that staff is comfortable with the single lot rezoning. Applicant, Crissy Hartl, Mitchell & Morgan Engineers, was available to address and answer questions from the Commission. Chairperson Christiansen asked how the applicant chose a Middle Housing Zoning District. Crissy Hartl stated that the applicant felt that this was the appropriate zoning district based on the Comprehensive Plan. Page 7 of 45 February 16, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 6 Commissioner Mirza asked for a description of what the applicant is planning to build. Crissy Hartl stated that the applicant does not have a design at this time but will build for an allowed use. Commissioner Collins clarified that a Middle Housing designation met the applicant’s criteria, asking for the applicant’s criteria in picking the lot. Crissy Hartl stated that the applicant owns the property as an investment property and is looking to provide housing beneficial to students with a close proximity to campus. Commissioner McIlhaney asked if Mitchell & Morgan is seeing more interest in a Middle Housing Zoning District. Crissy Hartl stated that they are seeing a lot of interest in the zoning district and are working on a variety of housing products throughout the city. Chairperson Christiansen opened the public hearing. George Dresser, College Park Subdivision, College Station, expressed concerns with greater density in the neighborhood. Chairperson Christiansen closed the public hearing. Chairperson Christiansen asked for clarification that staff is comfortable going forward setting the precedent for Middle Housing. Director Ostrowski stated that staff is comfortable based on the Comprehensive Plan’s designation of this area as Mixed-Residential, the greater density of this area, and the surrounding types of uses. Commissioner Collins stated that the Commissioners agreed to support and to be guided by the Comprehensive Plan when they were interviewed for the Commission. Commissioner McIlhaney expressed support for a Middle Housing designation. Commissioner McIlhaney motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning, Commissioner White seconded the motion. Commissioner Mirza expressed support for mixed-housing and different layouts. Commissioner Chaloupka expressed support for the rezoning, stating that this is an area the city has struggled with for years and this is the first step in a good direction to move forward. Page 8 of 45 February 16, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 6 The motion passed 6-0. 6. Informational Agenda 6.1 Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 6.2 Discussion of Minor / Amending Plats approved by Staff: • The Meadows Phase One Block 1, Lot 19-R ~ Case #FP2022-000028 • Brewster Pointe Subdivision Phase 1, Block 2, Lots 7-9 & Common Area 2R ~ Case #FP2022-000033 There was no discussion. 6.3 Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Thursday, February 23, 2023 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, March 2, 2023 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, March 9, 2023 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, March 16, 2023 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. There was general discussion regarding scheduling liaisons for City Council meetings. 6.4 Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board. • None There was no discussion. 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner McIlhaney asked for an update on how the no more than four unrelated ordinance is being enforced, how it has been enforced in the past, and if any changes to the ordinance are anticipated. Page 9 of 45 February 16, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 6 Commissioner Mirza asked about grandfathering for Shared Housing. Director Ostrowski stated that any applications submitted prior to the Shared Housing Ordinance went into effect would have been considered single-family. 8. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m. Approved: Attest: ___________________________________ _________________________________ Dennis Christiansen, Chairperson Kristen Hejny, Board Secretary Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services Page 10 of 45 Planning & Zoning Commission March 2, 2023 Supporting Materials 1.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2.Final Plat Scale 48 single family lots, 2 common areas and 2.355 acreas of parkland on approximately 10.159 acres. Location Generally located south of the intersection of Toledo Bend Drive and McQueeny Drive. Property Owner College Station Downtown Residential LLC Applicant Schultz Engineering, LLC Project Manager Anthony Armstrong, Land Development Review Administrator, aarmstrong@cstx.gov Project Overview In April 2017, the subject property was rezoned to PDD Planned Development District. The original preliminary plan was approved in November 2018, with a revised preliminary plan approved in December 2021. This is the 9th phase of the residential portion of the subdivision and includes 48 single family home lots. Additionally, there are 2 common areas and 2.355 acres of parkland dedication with associated recreational path improvements. Preliminary Plan Approved December 16, 2021 Public Infrastructure Approximate Totals(Linear Feet): 1,835 Streets 1,956 Sanitary Sewer Lines 1,956 Water Lines 3,600 Sidewalks 1,350 Storm Sewer Lines Parkland Dedication The Final Plat does include land dedication for Neighborhood Parkland. The developer has opted to dedicate land and construct the park improvements in lieu of paying parkland development and dedication fees for the overall development. Parkland shown was previously approved by the Parks Boards and Planing and Zoning Commision as part of the Preliminary Plan process. Traffic Impact Analysis TIA for the overall development was provided with the preliminary plan approved in November 2018 and updated in May 2020. This plat is in conformance with the TIA. Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes, with the exception of waivers previously approved in November 2018, July 2019, and December 2021 with the preliminary plan. Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Final Plat for Midtown Reserve Phase 107 FP2021-000008 Page 11 of 45 Page 12 of 45 Page 13 of 45 Page 14 of 45 LADY BIRD LANE 161718192021COMMON AREA 10 & P.A.E.PARKLAND F BLOCK 7 10MCQUEENY DRIVETOLEDO BEND DRIVE BLOCK 3 GIBBONS WAY101112131415BLOCK 7 PARKLAND B 89 19 18 17 16 BLOCK 8 COMMON AREA 12 Pr.D.E. & P.A.E.25 262021222324 BLOCK 8 323130292827 33 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 BLOCK 8 LADY BIRD LANE14 15 166 TOLEDO BEND DRIVE TOLEDO BENDDRIVETOLEDO BEND DRIV E LIVINGSTON DRIVELADY B I R D L A N E BLOCK 1 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 34 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 13 BLOCK 13 2728 26 25 2324 23 1819 20 21 22 15 4 20 18 16 5 21 17 17 6 22 COMMON AREA 14 PARKLAND G 7 23 11 22 16 24 12 1 17 13 2 18 19 14 3 19 25262728293031 24 32 COMMON AREA 15Pr.D.E. & P.A.E.MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 MIN. FF = 272.5 LEGEND LEGEND NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP ROCK PRAIRIE RD BIR D P O N D R D MEDICAL AVETOWN LAKE DRIVEDOUBLE MOUNTAIN RD L A K EW A Y D R TBPE NO. 12327 911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840 www (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: FINAL PLAT MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE 107 10.159 ACRES THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE, A-9 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 48 LOTS BLOCK 1, LOTS 17-19 BLOCK 3, LOTS 11-32 BLOCK 7, LOTS 22-28 BLOCK 13, LOTS 1-7 BLOCK 34, LOTS 16-24 COMMON AREA 14 & 15 PARKLAND G - 2.355 ACRES SURVEYOR: Brad Kerr, RPLS No. 4502 Kerr Surveying, LLC TBPELS No. 10018500 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 SCALE 1'' = 40' JANUARY 2021 OWNER/DEVELOPER: College Station Downtown Residential LLC 1645 Greens Prairie Rd., Unit 204 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 690-7250 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 9, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING A PORTION OF THE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 111.679 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO COLLEGE STATION DOWNTOWN RESIDENTIAL, LLC RECORDED IN VOLUME 14405, PAGE 186 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND AT THE PLATTED END OF TOLEDO BEND DRIVE (55' R.O.W.) ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION, PHASE 100, RECORDED IN VOLUME 15518, PAGE 139 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, MARKING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION, PHASE 103, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 15905, PAGE 174 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND A NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID REMAINDER OF 111.679 ACRE TRACT (BEARING SYSTEM SHOWN HEREIN IS NAD83 [TEXAS STATE PLANE CENTRAL ZONE GRID NORTH] BASED ON THE PUBLISHED COORDINATES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONTROL MONUMENT CS94-130 [Y:10200590.80, X:3569863.02] AND AS ESTABLISHED BY GPS OBSERVATION, DISTANCES SHOWN HEREIN ARE SURFACE DISTANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, TO DETERMINE GRID DISTANCES MULTIPLY BY A COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 0.999898305 [CALCULATED USING GEOID 12B]); THENCE:ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 111.679 ACRE TRACT AND SAID PHASE 100 FOR THE FOLLOWING CALLS: S 61° 33' 41” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 25.50 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND; N 71° 26' 15” E ACROSS THE END OF TOLEDO BEND DRIVE FOR A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND; N 18° 33' 45” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 17.05 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND; N 71° 26' 15” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND MARKING AN ANGLE POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PHASE 100; THENCE:THROUGH SAID REMAINDER OF 111.679 ACRE TRACT FOR THE FOLLOWING CALLS: S 18° 33' 45” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 280.00 FEET; N 67° 44' 00” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 226.40 FEET; S 18° 09' 30” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 260.00 FEET; N 71° 50' 30” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET; S 18° 09' 30” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET; N 70° 15' 49” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 55.02 FEET; N 26° 50' 30” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 35.36 FEET; N 71° 50' 30” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 85.00 FEET; S 18° 09' 30” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 87.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 362.50 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 29° 33' 08” FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 186.97 FEET (CHORD BEARS: S 32° 56' 04” E - 184.91 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; S 42° 17' 23” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 172.50 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00° 34' 23” FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 4.73 FEET (CHORD BEARS: S 47° 59' 49” E - 4.73 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; S 48° 17' 01” E FOR A DISTANCE OF 10.52 FEET; S 41° 42' 59” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; S 87° 42' 25” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 35.68 FEET; S 43° 29' 39” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 28.60 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 227.50 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22° 41' 28” FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 90.10 FEET (CHORD BEARS: S 54° 50' 23” W - 89.51 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; S 66° 11' 07” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 226.75 FEET; S 21° 11' 07” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 35.36 FEET; S 66° 11' 07” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; N 23° 48' 53” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 16.44 FEET; S 66° 11' 07” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 110.00 FEET; N 23° 48' 53” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 352.99 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 72.50 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 40° 08' 04” FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 50.78 FEET (CHORD BEARS: N 46° 07' 05” E - 49.75 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; N 23° 48' 53” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 127.50 FEET; ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30° 56' 07” FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 68.84 FEET (CHORD BEARS: S 50° 43' 03” W - 68.01 FEET) TO THE END OF SAID CURVE; N 54° 45' 00” W FOR A DISTANCE OF 122.14 FEET TO THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 111.679 ACRE TRACT AND MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION, PHASE 301, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 16508, PAGE 59 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE:N 17° 18' 20” E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 111.679 ACRE TRACT AND SAID PHASE 301 FOR A DISTANCE OF 93.81 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND MARKING THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERCLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 210.00 FEET; THENCE:ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 81° 58' 41” FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 300.47 FEET, (CHORD BEARS: N 23° 41' 00” W - 275.48 FEET) TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND MARKING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PHASE 103 AND THE END OF SAID CURVE; THENCE:N 09° 26' 18” E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 111.679 ACRE TRACT AND SAID PHASE 102 FOR A DISTANCE OF 142.44 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 10.159 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS AS SURVEYED ON THE GROUND.P:\20-882 Midtown Ph 107 - Documents\FINAL PLAT\Midtown 107.dwg, Final PlatPage 15 of 45 Planning & Zoning Commission March 2, 2023 Supporting Materials 1.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2.Final Plat Scale 88 lots on approximately 30 acres. Location Generally located west of the intersection of WS Phillips Parkway and Brewster Drive Property Owner Rountree Development LTD Applicant Schultz Engineering, LLC Project Manager Jesse DiMeolo, Staff Planner, jdimeolo@cstx.gov Project Overview This plat is the third phase of a single-family residential subdivision and reconfigures one tract into 88 lots and five common areas. With the plat, 0.87 acres of Right-of-Way are being dedicated. Preliminary Plan Originally approved in June 2022 with waivers and revised in September 2022. Public Infrastructure Total linear feet (LF) proposed: 6,252 LF Streets 12,208 LF Sidewalks constructed 760.88 LF Sidewalk Fee-in-Lieu 3,166 LF Sanitary Sewer Lines 3,236 LF Storm Sewers 8,740 LF Water Lines Parkland Dedication $1,261 per single-family dwelling unit has been paid Traffic Impact Analysis N/A Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes, with the exception of waivers related to Block Length and Street Projection requirements previously approved in June 2022 with the preliminary plan. Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Final Plat for Brewster Pointe III Subdivision FP2022-000017 Page 16 of 45 Page 17 of 45 Page 18 of 45 Page 19 of 45 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 1 2 3 4 5 9 6 10 BLOCK 2AND PRIVATE DRAINGESTORMWATER DETENTIONCOMMON AREA 2AND PRIVATE DRAINGEEASEMENT FORSTORMWATER DETENTIONHOUBERRY LOOPHOUBERRY LOOPTRADEWIND DRIVE BRAMBER DRIVEPUBLIC ALLEYETONBURY AVENUETRADEWIND DRIVECASTLEGATE II SEC 102CASTLEGATE II SEC 107 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 1 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 8 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4 194 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 284 29 4 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4 185 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 105 9 5 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5 COMMON AREA 1 COMMON AREA 2 & P.D.E. COMMON AREA 3 & P.D.E. COMMON AREA 5 & PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT (Pr.D.E.) 7.087 AC.COMMON AREA 4& P.D.E.BREWSTER DRIVE 6 ETONBURYAVENUEBRAMBERDRWS PHILLIPS PKWYPUBLIC UTILITY,ACCESSEASEMENT ANDCOMMON AREA12107/123TRADEWIND DRIVE BREWSTER DRIVE 26 4 3 2 156789 6 789141312111516171016 TBPE NO. 12327 911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840 www (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: FINAL PLAT BREWSTER POINTE III SUBDIVISION 29.826 ACRES ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, A-54 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 88 LOTS - (0.87 ACRES OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION) BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-10 BLOCK 2, LOTS 1-7 BLOCK 3, LOTS 1-9 BLOCK 4, LOTS 1-44 BLOCK 5, LOTS 1-18 COMMON AREAS 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 SCALE: AS SHOWN AUGUST 2022 OWNER/DEVELOPER: Rountree Development, LTD. 3515 Longmire Drive, Suite B PMB 341 College Station, TX 77845 (979 )690-7117 SURVEYOR: Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 TBPELS FIRM # 10018500 SURVEYS@KERRSURVEYING.NET METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 29.826 ACRE TRACT ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, A-54 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 54, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING ALL OF A CALLED 29.405 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO THE AGNES S. BAKER REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST RECORDED IN VOLUME 2488, PAGE 64 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND ON THE NORTHEAST LINE OF BREWSTER POINTE SUBDIVISION, PHASE 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 14439, PAGE 147 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF A CALLED 9.5 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO R. W. ROBINSON RECORDED IN VOLUME 439, PAGE 380 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND THE WEST CORNER OF THIS HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT (BEARING SYSTEM SHOWN HEREIN IS NAD83 [TEXAS STATE PLANE CENTRAL ZONE GRID NORTH] BASED ON THE PUBLISHED COORDINATES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONTROL MONUMENT CS94-137 [Y:10185974.86; X:3574741.19] AND AS ESTABLISHED BY GPS OBSERVATION, DISTANCES SHOWN HEREIN ARE GRID DISTANCES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, AREAS DESCRIBED HEREIN AS MEASURED ARE CALCULATED FROM GRID DISTANCES, TO DETERMINE SURFACE DISTANCES, NOT SURFACE AREAS, MULTIPLY BY A COMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 1.00009301916043 [CALCULATED USING GEOID 12B]); THENCE: N 41° 55' 08” E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 29.405 ACRE TRACT AND SAID 9.5 ACRE TRACT FOR A DISTANCE OF 469.32 FEET TO A 10 INCH FENCE CORNER POST FOUND MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF A CALLED 10 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO JOHN WESLEY LOTT, JR. AND WIFE, ANCIE LEE LOTT RECORDED IN VOLUME 344, PAGE 397 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE: N 42° 23' 24” E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 29.405 ACRE TRACT AND SAID 10 ACRE TRACT FOR A DISTANCE OF 471.87 FEET TO A 12 INCH FENCE CORNER POST FOUND MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF A CALLED 4.392 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO BENNY JOHN GALLAWAY AND NANCY MCALPIN GALLAWAY RECORDED IN VOLUME 14180, PAGE 187 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE:N 40° 38' 44” E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 29.405 ACRE TRACT AND SAID 4.392 ACRE TRACT FOR A DISTANCE OF 230.41 FEET TO A FENCE CORNER POST FOUND MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF A CALLED 1.58 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO CLIFTON BENFORD RECORDED IN VOLUME 12523, PAGE 4 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE:N 41° 18' 46” E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 29.405 ACRE TRACT AND SAID 1.58 ACRE TRACT FOR A DISTANCE OF 192.51 FEET TO A FENCE CORNER POST FOUND MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF A CALLED 2.00 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO TOMMY L. BROWDER RECORDED IN VOLUME 8312, PAGE 106 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS; THENCE: N 41° 15' 15” E ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 29.405 ACRE TRACT AND SAID 2.00 ACRE TRACT FOR A DISTANCE OF 246.66 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF W. S. PHILLIPS PARKWAY (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.) AND THE NORTH CORNER OF THIS HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE: S 48° 12' 30” E ALONG THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF W. S. PHILLIPS PARKWAY FOR A DISTANCE OF 812.44 FEET TO THE EAST CORNER OF THIS HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE: S 41° 56' 37” W ALONG THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID 29.405 ACRE TRACT, AT 75.34 FEET PASS A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND MARKING A NORTH CORNER OF CASTLEGATE II SUBDIVISION, PHASE 102 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 12107, PAGE 123 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, CONTINUE ON ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 29.405 ACRE TRACT, SAID PHASE 102, AND CASTLEGATE II SUBDIVISION, PHASE 107 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 13037, PAGE 274 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 1612.46 FEET TO A ½ INCH IRON ROD WITH CAP STAMPED “KERR 4502” FOUND ON THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF BREWSTER DRIVE MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF THIS HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE: N 48° 04' 52” W ACROSS THE END OF BREWSTER DRIVE AND ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 29.405 ACRE TRACT AND BREWSTER POINTE SUBDIVISION, PHASE 1, FOR A DISTANCE OF 805.60 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 29.826 ACRES OF LAND (AS MEASURED BY GRID DISTANCES), MORE OR LESS SURVEYED ON THE GROUND. VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE WS P H I L L I P S P K W Y BREWST E R D R HAIL ES L N KIN NERSL Y L N WARK W O RT H L N E T O N B U R Y D R ES K E W D RSPRING B R E EZE DR BRE WS TER D R BAR R O N C UT OFF R D ROW DEDICATION 0.87 ACRES LEGEND # Page 20 of 45 4 4 5527 0.1502 ACRE 9 0.1719 ACRE 36 0.1534 ACRE 34 0.3102 ACRE30 0.1515 ACRE 29 0.1502 ACRE 31 0.1515 ACRE 32 0.1502 ACRE 35 0.1743 ACRE 33 0.1797 ACRE 28 0.1777 ACRE 10 0.1719 ACRE HOUBERRY LOOP BRAMBER DRIVE 3 4 4 12 0.1523 ACRE 13 0.1520 ACRE 16 0.2231 ACRE 18 0.2076 ACRE 17 0.1610 ACRE 14 0.1485 ACRE 9 0.1832 ACRE 8 0.1515 ACRE 15 0.2847 ACRE 5 4 3 2 1 8 1 2 3 4 5 9 6 10 BLOCK 2 COMMON AREA 2AND PRIVATE DRAINGEEASEMENT FORSTORMWATER DETENTIONHOUBERRY LOOPHOUBERRY LOOPTRADEWIND DRIVE BRAMBER DRIVEPUBLIC ALLEYETONBURY AVENUETRADEWIND DRIVECASTLEGATE II SEC 102 CASTLEGATE II SEC 107 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 55 5 BREWSTER DRIVE 6 0.1653 ACRE 12 0.1523 ACRE 11 0.1523 ACRE 10 0.1523 ACRE COMMON AREA 5 & PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT (Pr.D.E.) 7.0868 ACRE 13 0.1520 ACRE 16 0.2231 ACRE 5 0.1515 ACRE 6 0.1515 ACRE 7 0.1515 ACRE 2 0.1516 ACRE 3 0.1515 ACRE 4 0.1515 ACRE 8 0.1659 ACRE 9 0.1523 ACRE 5 0.1515 ACRE 23 0.1653 ACRE 27 0.1502 ACRE 9 0.1719 ACRE 40 0.1475 ACRE 36 0.1534 ACRE 26 0.1515 ACRE 8 0.1515 ACRE 37 0.1523 ACRE 25 0.1515 ACRE 7 0.1515 ACRE 38 0.1507 ACRE 24 0.1653 ACRE 3 0.1515 ACRE 39 0.1491 ACRE 20 0.1515 ACRE 5 0.1653 ACRE 42 0.1442 ACRE 22 0.1515 ACRE 4 0.1515 ACRE 41 0.1459 ACRE 21 0.1515 ACRE 1 0.1735 ACRE 44 0.1725 ACRE 18 0.2076 ACRE 19 0.1735 ACRE 17 0.1610 ACRE 2 0.1515 ACRE 43 0.1426 ACRE 34 0.3102 ACRE30 0.1515 ACRE 29 0.1502 ACRE 31 0.1515 ACRE 32 0.1502 ACRE 35 0.1743 ACRE 33 0.1797 ACRE 28 0.1777 ACRE 14 0.1485 ACRE 7 0.1515 ACRE 3 0.1515 ACRE 4 0.1515 ACRE 1 0.1903 ACRE 2 0.1515 ACRE COMMON AREA 40.0551 ACRE6 0.1515 ACRE 9 0.1832 ACRE 8 0.1515 ACRE COMMON AREA 1 0.1780 ACRE COMMON AREA 3 & Pr.D.E. 0.0551 ACRE 3 0.1654 ACRE 4 0.1655 ACRE 5 0.1655 ACRE 6 0.1655 ACRE 7 0.2084 ACRE 1 0.1989 ACRE 2 0.1658 ACRE 8 0.1452 ACRE 1 0.1733 ACRE 7 0.1584 ACRE 6 0.1584 ACRE COMMON AREA 2 & Pr.D.E. 0.0528 ACRE 5 0.1580 ACRE 4 0.1412 ACRE 10 0.1887 ACRE 3 0.1369 ACRE 9 0.1452 ACRE 2 0.1328 ACRE 15 0.2847 ACRE 1 0.1719 ACRE 13 0.1653 ACRE 12 0.1515 ACRE 11 0.1515 ACRE 18 0.1735 ACRE 10 0.1719 ACRE 17 0.1515 ACRE 16 0.1515 ACRE 15 0.1515 ACRE 14 0.1653 ACRE ETONBURYAVENUEBRAMBERDRWS PHILLIPS PKWYPUBLIC UTILITY, ACCESSEASEMENT ANDCOMMON AREA12107/123TRADEWIND DRIVE BREWSTER DRIVE 4 3 2 156789 7891413121115161710 16 TBPE NO. 12327 911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840 www (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: FINAL PLAT BREWSTER POINTE III SUBDIVISION 29.826 ACRES ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, A-54 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 88 LOTS - (0.87 ACRES OF RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION) BLOCK 1, LOTS 1-10 BLOCK 2, LOTS 1-7 BLOCK 3, LOTS 1-9 BLOCK 4, LOTS 1-44 BLOCK 5, LOTS 1-18 COMMON AREAS 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 SCALE: AS SHOWN AUGUST 2022 OWNER/DEVELOPER: Rountree Development, LTD. 3515 Longmire Drive, Suite B PMB 341 College Station, TX 77845 (979 )690-7117 SURVEYOR: Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 TBPELS FIRM # 10018500 SURVEYS@KERRSURVEYING.NET VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE WS P H I L L I P S P K W Y BREWS T E R D R HAIL ES L N KIN NERSL Y L N WARK W O RT H L N E T O N B U R Y D R ES K E W D RSPRIN G B R EEZE DR BRE WS TER D R BAR R O N C UT OF F R D INSET A 1" = 50' LEGEND # INSET B 1" = 50' Page 21 of 45 March 2, 2023 Regular Agenda Rezoning – Cooner St To: Planning & Zoning Commission From: Robin Macias, Staff Planner Agenda Caption: Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance, “Article 4, Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from MF Multi-Family to MH Middle Housing for approximately 1.12 acres being Lots 13-16 of the Cooner Addition, generally located at 301 – 307 Cooner Street. Case # REZ2023- 000002 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the March 23, 2023 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the request. Summary: This request is to rezone approximately 1.12 acres of land being four platted lots generally located at 301 – 307 Cooner St from MF Multi-Family to MH Middle Housing. The subject properties were platted in 1940 and are currently developed as single-family homes and multi-family. It is the applicant’s intent to redevelop the lots to build duplexes. REZONING REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Whether the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan: The subject properties are designated on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use & Character Map as Mixed Residential and are within the Texas Avenue and University Drive Redevelopment Area. For the Mixed Residential land use, the Comprehensive Plan provides the following: Areas appropriate for a mix of moderate density residential development including townhomes, duplexes, small multifamily buildings (3-12 unit), and limited small-lot single family. These areas are appropriate for residential infill and redevelopment that allows original character to evolve. These areas may serve as buffers between more intense multi- family residential or mixed-use development and suburban residential or neighborhood conservation areas. The intent of the Mixed Residential land use is to accommodate a walkable pattern of small lots, small blocks, and well-connected street pattern that supports surrounding neighborhoods. Developments in this district should prioritize a mix of housing types and scales located near community facilities or adjacent to commercial or neighborhood centers. This rezoning request aligns with that vision. The zoning districts that are generally appropriate within this land use include: middle housing, duplex, townhouse, and limited-scale single-family zoning. The Comprehensive Plan discusses residential infill and redevelopment in both Chapter 3, Page 22 of 45 Strong Neighborhoods and Chapter 8, Managed Growth. The plan states, “infill development offers the opportunity to mediate and enhance the identity of neighborhoods.” The plan goes on to mention that infill and redevelopment can create more viable and vibrant places throughout the city. Residential infill, especially in areas of the city designated for redevelopment, improves the efficiency of land use while enhancing the character of surrounding neighborhoods. As a tool for redevelopment, the request allows a mix of housing types with smaller lot sizes and is aligned with the Comprehensive Plan. The MH Middle Housing zoning district allows a variety of housing options by right—detached single-family homes, duplexes, townhomes, Courtyard houses, small and medium multiplexes, and live-work units. 2. Whether the uses permitted by the proposed zoning district will be appropriate in the context of the surrounding area: The subject property is surrounded by single-family homes in the City of Bryan to the north and duplex and multi-family developments to the east, south and west. The residential uses permitted in MH Middle Housing zoning district are appropriate in the context of the area as it would allow for additional, medium-density residential development in the area. 3. Whether the property to be rezoned is physically suitable for the proposed zoning district: The size and location of the subject properties are suitable for single-family, townhouse, duplex, and multiplex uses, although some uses would require replatting of the lots to fit the dimensional standards of the MH Middle Housing zoning district. 4. Whether there is available water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation facilities generally suitable and adequate for uses permitted by the proposed zoning district: The existing water and wastewater infrastructure is adequate to support the needs of this development. Drainage and any other infrastructure required with the site development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the BCS Unified Design Guidelines. The subject property fronts Cooner Street. Each residential lot will take access off Cooner Street as it is a local street. Per the MH Middle Housing zoning standards, rear parking is required if the proposed use requires four or more parking spaces. The proposed use is expected to generate less than 150 trips in any peak hour; therefore, a TIA was not required. 5. The marketability of the property: The uses allowed by the proposed zoning district are generally marketable for the area. The applicant mentions that the properties are close to Texas A&M University and will serve the student population, and while the current uses allowed are marketable, duplexes are equally as appropriate and marketable for these lots. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this request. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Vicinity, Aerial, and Small Area Map Page 23 of 45 2. Rezoning Exhibit 3. Background Information 4. Applicant’s Supporting Information 5. Existing Future Land Use Map 6. Rezoning Map Page 24 of 45 Page 25 of 45 Page 26 of 45 Page 27 of 45 COONER STREETEISENHOWER STREETNIMITZ STREET 1 2CITY OF BRYANCOONER, BLOCK 1, LOT 13, Acres: 0.28ANDCOONER, BLOCK 1, LOT 14 & 15, &ASSOCIATED BPP, Acres: 0.56ANDCOONER, BLOCK 1, LOT 16, Acres: 0.28Existing Zoning: MF MULTI-FAMILYC O O N E R S T R E E TEISENHOWER STREETNIMITZ STREET 1 2CI T Y O F B R Y A NCOONER, BLOCK 1, LOT 13, Acres: 0.28ANDCOONER, BLOCK 1, LOT 14 & 15, &ASSOCIATED BPP, Acres: 0.56ANDCOONER, BLOCK 1, LOT 16, Acres: 0.28Proposed Zoning: MH MIDDLE HOUSINGTEXAS AVEUNIVERSITY DRIVECITY LIMITSCITY OF BRYANSITEEXISTINGPROPOSED LEGEND VICINITY MAPRZPage 28 of 45 BACKGROUND INFORMATION NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: March 2, 2023 Advertised Council Hearing Date: March 23, 2023 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station’s Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: None Property owner notices mailed: 28 Contacts in support: None at the time of this report Contacts in opposition: None at the time of this report Inquiry contacts: None at the time of this report ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North N/A (City of Bryan)N/A (City of Bryan)Residential South Urban Center and Local street R-4 Multi-Family Duplex and Cooner Street (local street) East Mixed Residential R-4 Multi-Family Fourplex West Mixed Residential R-4 Multi-Family Duplex DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexed: April 1951 Zoning: R-1 Single Family Residential (upon annexation 1951) R-4 Multi-Family (1978) MF Multi-Family (2016) Final Plat:Cooner Addition Site Development:Single Family Residential and Multi-Family Page 29 of 45 Name of Project:COONER STREET REZONING Address:303 COONER ST Legal Description:COONER, BLOCK 1, LOT 14 & 15, & ASSOCIATED BPP Total Acreage:1.12 Applicant:: Property Owner:GUMA INC MITCHELL & MORGAN List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. As the student population at Texas A&M University continues to grow, the need for housing close to the University becomes more important. The Comprehensive Plan recognizes this need and includes a new land use designation ideal for infill redevelopment that will accommodate a variety of moderate density residential land uses. These properties are ideal for redevelopment and this rezoning to allow middle housing residences, such as duplexes will further implement the Plan. Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. The Comprehensive Plan indicates these properties are designated for Mixed Residential uses. Mixed residential is intended for a mix of medium density uses and the MH Middle Housing zoning district was created to implement the desire for varied densities. There is a variety of housing types along Cooner Street and in the vicinity. Duplexes will further support the mix of housing types and is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. These properties are also located within a Redevelopment area on the Comprehensive Plan. Redeveloping these properties will enhance the character and value of the neighborhood. How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? Multi-family development is also suitable for the property and would be more appropriate if there was an opportunity to consolidate additional property. With only these properties available for redevelopment, the MH Middle Housing zoning district is more suitable for these lots. REZONING APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION Page 1 of 2 Page 30 of 45 Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested. Duplexes contribute to the desired mix of densities and housing types specified in the Mixed Residential land use designation making this development very suitable for the property. Duplexes are especially suitable due to the proximity to Texas A&M University. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. Duplexes contribute to the desired mix of densities and housing types specified in the Mixed Residential land use designation making this development very suitable for the property. Duplexes are especially suitable due to the proximity to Texas A&M University. Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. Multi-family uses as permitted by the existing zoning district are marketable on this property, similar to how other surrounding properties have developed. These properties are close in proximity to Texas A&M University and will serve the student population. Duplexes are equally as appropriate and marketable for these lots and will serve the same purpose. List any other reasons to support this zone change. N/A Page 2 of 2 Page 31 of 45 Page 32 of 45 Page 33 of 45 Planning & Development Services • 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77840 Office 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM March 2, 2023 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Molly Hitchcock, AICP Assistant Director, Planning & Development Services SUBJECT: UDO Amendment regarding Conditional Use Permits Item: Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 3, "Development Review Procedures,” Section 3.16, “Conditional Use Permits" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, regarding conditional use permits. Case #ORDA2022-000009 (Final action on this item is scheduled for the March 23, 2023 City Council Meeting – subject to change). Summary: The Conditional Use permitting process allows the City Council, upon recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, discretionary approval of land uses with unique or widely varying operating characteristics or unusual site development features. A Conditional Use permit is approved for particular use, on specific property, with a site plan that meets all Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) requirements and additional requirements that the City Council deems necessary to ensure the appropriateness and compatibility of the use with neighboring properties. The UDO defines the process for permitting a Conditional Use, but it does not speak to minor changes or the duration, suspension, revocation, or expiration of a Conditional Use. The proposed amendment: 1. Makes minor formatting changes, such as capitalizing defined terms. 2. Gives the UDO Administrator the ability to approve minor changes to a Conditional Use permit when structure heights are not increased, a building expansion is 10% or less, the building and/or use does not become closer to adjacent residential uses, and required open space is not reduced. More substantial changes would still require City Council approval through a new Conditional Use permit. 3. States the duration of a Conditional Use permit. 4. Defines the terms by which a Conditional Use expires. 5. Gives the City the ability to temporarily suspend a Conditional Use for public health and safety reasons (24 hours or until the danger is removed). 6. Clarifies that it is unlawful to violate the terms of a Conditional Use permit. 7. Establishes the City’s ability to revoke a Conditional Use permit, for what reasons, and the process to do so. Page 34 of 45 Planning & Development Services • 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77840 Office 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 The proposed ability of the UDO Administrator to approve minor changes to a Conditional Use will allow for a more efficient Conditional Use permitting process. The UDO allows the Administrator similar discretion for minor adjustments to development standards and Planned Development District Concept Maps, and the process is similar to the practice in other communities in Texas. Without language regarding the end of use, a Conditional Use may continue at a location until the use is amended, has been replaced by a different use, or the property rezoned. The proposed amendment will clearly state when a Conditional Use expires. A process is also defined to allow for the reconsideration and possible revocation of Conditional Uses permits that were obtained fraudulently, where the conditions of approval were violated, the uses were expanded without permission, or there were convictions of other code or ordinance violations. Background: At their August 25, 2022 workshop meeting, the City Council heard a presentation from College Station Police Chief Billy Couch regarding the current conditions of the Northgate Entertainment District and future options for improvement. One of the long-term solutions offered to Council to improve the environment of Northgate was to implement Conditional Use Permits for bars, similar to elsewhere in the City. Currently, nightclubs, bars, and taverns are allowed by Conditional Use Permit in College Station, with the exception of the Northgate zoning districts, where they are allowed by right. The Council directed staff to explore this and other solutions that were discussed. Staff continues to research solutions as directed but have identified a need to amend the current Conditional Use Permit process as proposed. To note—while the proposed changes originated from research regarding nightclubs, bars, and taverns, the amendment does not solely apply to these land uses but will affect all Conditional Use permits in the City. Land uses requiring Conditional Use approval include: • new multifamily developments and drive-in/thru windows in the WPC Wolf Pen Creek design district; • outdoor educational facilities in the WE Wellborn Estate and E Estate zoning districts; • commercial amusements in the SC Suburban Commercial, WC Wellborn Commercial, and retired C-3 Light Commercial zoning districts; • commercial day care facilities in the MU Mixed-Use zoning district and retired R-4 Multi-Family and R-6 High Density Multi-Family districts; • mobile food courts in MF Multi-Family, MU Mixed-Use, P-MUD Planned Mixed-Use District, GC General Commercial, WPC Wolf Pen Creek, NG-1 Core Northgate, and NG-2 Transitional Northgate; • nightclubs, bars, and taverns in MF Multi-Family, MU Mixed-Use, P-MUD Planned Mixed-Use District, GC General Commercial, and WPC Wolf Pen Creek; • recreational vehicle parks in GC General Commercial; • retail sales and service of alcohol in MF Multi-Family and WPC Wolf Pen Creek; • warehousing/distribution in BP Business Park; and • major cell tower facilities in R Rural, O Office, GC General Commercial, CI Commercial Industrial, BP Business Park, and BPI Business Park Industrial districts and retired C-3 Light Commercial, M-1 Light Industrial, and R&D Research and Development districts. Supporting Materials: 1. UDO Section 3.16 Conditional Use Permit redlines Page 35 of 45 Created: 2022-07-05 19:55:20 [EST] (Supp. No. 6, Update 6) Page 1 of 5 Sec. 3.16. Conditional Use Permit. A. Purpose. Conditional uUse permit review allows for City Council discretionary approval of uses with unique or widely- varying operating characteristics or unusual site development features, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this UDO. B. Applicability. Conditional uUses are generally compatible with those uses permitted by right in a zoning district, but require individual review of their location, design, configuration, dDensity and intensity, and may require the imposition of additional conditions in order to ensure the appropriateness and compatibility of the use at a particular location. C. Applications. A complete application for a cConditional uUse permit shall be submitted to the Administrator as set forth in the General Approval Procedures Section in Article 3 Development Review Procedures of this UDO. A complete sSite pPlan must accompany all applications for a cConditional uUse permit. D. Approval Process. 1. Preapplication Conference. Prior to the submission of an application for a cConditional uUse permit, applicants are encouraged to schedule and attend an optional preapplication conference in accordance with and for the purposes as set forth elsewhere in this UDO for preapplication conferences. 2. Review and Report by Administrator. Once the application is complete, the Administrator shall review the proposed dDevelopment subject to the criteria enumerated in Section Ethe Conditional Use Review Criteria Subsection below, and give a report to the Planning and Zoning Commission on the date of the scheduled Public Hearing. 3. Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation. a. Notice. Page 36 of 45 Created: 2022-07-05 19:55:20 [EST] (Supp. No. 6, Update 6) Page 2 of 5 The Planning and Zoning Commission shall publish, post, and mail notice in accordance with the General Approval Procedures Section in Article 3 Development Review Procedures of this UDO. b. Public Hearing. After review of the cConditional uUse application, subject to the criteria enumerated in Section Ethe Conditional Use Review Criteria Subsection below, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold a Public Hearing and recommend to the City Council such action as the Planning and Zoning Commission deems proper. 4. City Council Action. a. Notice. The City Council shall publish, post, and mail notice in accordance with the General Approval Procedures Section in Article 3 of this UDO. b. Public Hearing. The City Council shall hold a Public Hearing after review of the cConditional uUse application, subject to the criteria enumerated in Section E below. With consideration of the recommendation provided by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council shall approve, approve with modifications or conditions, or disapprove the cConditional uUse application. E. Conditional Use Review Criteria. The City Council may approve an application for a cConditional Uuse where it reasonably determines that there will be no significant negative impact upon residents of surrounding property or upon the general public. The City Council shall consider the following criteria in its review: 1. Purpose and Intent of the UDO. The proposed use shall meet the purpose and intent of this UDO and the use shall meet all the minimum standards established in this UDO for this type of use. 2. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use shall be consistent with the dDevelopment policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for development of the City. 3. Compatibility with the Surrounding Area. The proposed use shall not be detrimental to the health, welfare, or safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, nor be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property. 4. Harmonious with the Character of the Surrounding Area. The proposed sSite pPlan and circulation plan shall be harmonious with the character of the surrounding area. 5. Infrastructure Impacts Minimized. The proposed use shall not negatively impact existing Land uUses in the area or in the City through impacts on public infrastructure such as roads, parking facilities, electrical, or water and sewer systems, or on public services such as police and fire protection, solid waste collection, or the ability of existing infrastructure and services to adequately provide services. 6. Effect on the Environment. The proposed use shall not negatively impact existing Land uUses in the area or in the City. Page 37 of 45 Created: 2022-07-05 19:55:20 [EST] (Supp. No. 6, Update 6) Page 3 of 5 F. Additional Conditions. The City Council may impose additional reasonable restrictions or conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of this UDO and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, increased open space, loading and parking requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvements such as curbing, utilities, drainage facilities, sidewalks, and screening. (Ord. No. 2012-3449 , Pt. 1(Exh. E), 9-27-2012) G. Enlargement, Modification, or Structural Alteration 1. A Building, Premise, or use under a Conditional Use permit may be enlarged, modified, structurally altered, or otherwise changed without applying for a new Conditional Use permit provided the Administrator determines that the changes do not: a. Increase the height of Structures; b. Increase Building square footage from its size at the time the original Conditional Use permit was granted by greater than ten percent (10%); c. Reduce the distance between a Building or noise-generating activity on the property and an adjacent, off-site residential Land Use. This provision shall not apply should the property and the residential Land Use be separated by a major thoroughfare depicted on the City’s Thoroughfare Plan; or d. Reduce the buffer yard or buffer plantings as indicated on the previously approved Site Plan. 2. The Administrator may require a new application for a Conditional Use permit for any reason when an enlargement, modification, or structural alteration is proposed. 3. All other enlargements, modifications, structural alterations, or changes shall require the approval of a new Conditional Use permit. H. Duration; Expiration; Suspension; Violation; Revocation 1. Duration. A Conditional Use permit shall remain in effect until it expires, is suspended, or is revoked in accordance with this Section. 2. Expiration. A Conditional Use permit shall expire if: a. A construction permit, if any, for the Conditional Use has not been approved within one (1) year of the date of approval of the Conditional Use permit; b. The construction permit subsequently expires; c. The Conditional Use has been discontinued for a period exceeding three (3) months; or d. A termination date attached to the Conditional Use permit has passed. Page 38 of 45 Created: 2022-07-05 19:55:20 [EST] (Supp. No. 6, Update 6) Page 4 of 5 3. Suspension. In accordance with the authority granted to municipalities by the state, the City shall have the right to immediately suspend the Conditional Use permit for any property where the Premises are determined to be an immediate hazard to the health and safety of any person or an immediate danger to any adjacent property. The suspension shall be for a period not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours or until the danger or hazard is removed. 4. Violation. It is unlawful for any Person to violate or to cause or permit to be violated any terms or conditions of a Conditional Use permit or upon which a Conditional Use permit was issued. 5. Revocation. The revocation of a Conditional Use permit shall follow the following revocation procedure: a. If the Administrator determines, based on inspection or investigation by the City, that there are reasonable grounds for revocation of a Conditional Use permit, a public hearing shall be set before the Planning and Zoning Commission for a recommendation and a public hearing before the City Council for the consideration of an ordinance amendment. Circumstances that warrant revocation of an approved Conditional Use permit application shall include but not be limited to the following: 1) There is a conviction of a violation of any of the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance, the ordinance approving the Conditional Use, or any ordinance of the City that occurs on the property for which the Condition Use permit is granted; 2) The Building, Premise, or uses under the Conditional Use permit is enlarged, modified, structurally altered, or otherwise significantly changed without the approval of a separate Conditional Use permit for such enlargement, modification, structural alteration, or change, unless Administrator had determined that such enlargement, modification, or structural alteration did not require a new Conditional Use permit, as described in the Applicability Subsection above 3) Violation of any provision of the Site Plan encompassing the property for which the Conditional Use permit was issued for, terms, or conditions of a Conditional Use permit; 4) The Conditional Use permit was obtained by fraud or with deception. b. The revocation process shall be conducted as for the Conditional Use permit, including giving notice to the holder of the Conditional Use permit and property owners within 200 feet of the public hearings in the manner provided in the Required Public Notice Subsection of the General Approval Procedures Section in Article 3 Development Review Procedures of this UDO. c. The City Council may revoke the Conditional Use permit, deny the revocation and allow the use to continue, or deny the revocation and amend the Conditional Use permit to attach conditions to assure that the terms, conditions, and requirements of the Conditional Use permit be met. d. Upon the effective date of the revocation set by City Council, it shall be unlawful to undertake or perform any activity that was previously authorized by the Conditional Use permit. The property Page 39 of 45 Created: 2022-07-05 19:55:20 [EST] (Supp. No. 6, Update 6) Page 5 of 5 subject to the Conditional Use permit may be used for any permitted use within the base zoning district. Page 40 of 45 Planning & Development Services • 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77840 Office 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM March 2, 2023 TO: Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Matthew Ellis, AICP, Staff Planner SUBJECT: Progress Update on the Texas Avenue & University Drive Redevelopment Plan Item: Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the ongoing Texas Avenue & University Drive Redevelopment Plan effort. (Note: Discussion of this item is scheduled for the March 23, 2023 City Council Meeting on the workshop agenda – subject to change.) Recommendation: To receive the presentation and provide direction to staff. Summary: Staff will provide an update on the Texas Avenue & University Drive Redevelopment Plan, an important priority project from the FY23 PDS Plan of Work that is underway. This item comes from Comprehensive Plan Action 2.2 to prioritize and undertake detailed plans for priority redevelopment areas. Four priority planning areas were identified during the Comprehensive Plan update in 2021, including the Texas Avenue & University Drive Redevelopment Area. Currently through Phase 2, this planning effort has engaged property owners and interested residents in a process to imagine the area with a new distinct identity that welcomes visitors and residents into the City. Other goals include incorporating vertical and horizontal mixed-uses, supporting existing commercial uses, and providing a greater mix of housing options to support the growing population seeking to live, work, and play near Texas A&M University. Staff have engaged a wide audience throughout the community thus far. This included holding three working group meetings, two property and business owner meetings, two area-wide meetings, two meetings on the Texas A&M University campus, and a virtual area-wide meeting, as well as launching a virtual engagement website to gather anonymous feedback. Additionally, staff is directly engaging with property developers with significant ties in the area, representatives from the Texas Department of Transportation, and Texas A&M University on future projects in the planning area. Staff also continue to coordinate internally to ensure the plan’s development meets the needs of all departments and maintains the City’s excellent services. Staff will be seeking direction on the proposed goal language and potential action items that help to implement the proposed goals. Supporting Materials: 1. Texas Avenue & University Drive Redevelopment Plan Boundary Page 41 of 45 Page 42 of 45 Planning & Development Services • 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77840 Office 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM March 2, 2023 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Alyssa Halle-Schramm, AICP, Long Range Planning Administrator SUBJECT: Priority Areas for City-Initiated Rezoning to the MH Middle Housing Zoning District Item: Presentation, discussion, and possible action on priority areas for possible City-initiated rezoning to the MH Middle Housing zoning district. (Note: Discussion of this item is scheduled for the March 9, 2023 City Council Meeting on the workshop agenda – subject to change.) Recommendation: To receive the presentation and provide direction to staff. Summary: Staff will present prioritized areas for possible City-initiated rezoning to the newly created MH Middle Housing zoning district. Background: This item comes from both Comprehensive Plan Action 2.1 to undertake amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance’s zoning districts to implement the updated Future Land Use & Character categories and Action 2.11 to continue to initiate proactive zoning map updates in strategic areas to encourage transitions to the desired community character, encourage redevelopment, and implement the Future Land Use & Character Map. Staff collaborated with residents, developers, and the broader community to create the MH Middle Housing zoning district that allows a flexible mix of housing products by-right, including small lot single-family, duplexes, townhouses, small and medium multiplexes, and live-work units. The Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council unanimously approved the new MH Middle Housing zoning district in October 2022. At that time, the Council directed staff to form a working group to consider appropriate areas for possible City-initiated rezoning to the new district to redirect development pressures out of established neighborhoods, encourage redevelopment in appropriate areas, and realize the vision set forth in the Future Land Use & Character Map. The working group consisted of seven members, including three neighborhood representatives, three development community representatives, and one representative from the Texas A&M University’s School of Architecture. This group met with staff from November 2022 through February 2023 to discuss and prioritize areas. The working group developed a general methodology to 1) focus on areas classified as Mixed Residential on the Future Land Use & Character Map, 2) eliminate from consideration areas that are zoned for multi-family to not downzone properties, 3) eliminate from consideration properties that are zoned PDD Planned Page 43 of 45 Planning & Development Services • 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77840 Office 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 Development District as those contain custom zoning requirements, and 4) gain general group consensus on the appropriateness of the remaining properties. The working group classified those as being recommended to move forward with at this time, or those that need further consideration and/or focused engagement efforts with the specific property owners and/or neighborhoods. Staff will present the working group’s prioritizations, with a focus on the recommended properties, and seek Commission and Council feedback. After determining which areas are appropriate to move forward, staff will conduct further analysis of each area to ensure there is adequate infrastructure in place to support rezoning the property or properties at this time. Staff will then host public engagement opportunities to discuss the potential zoning changes with surrounding neighborhoods and any interested parties. Once a property or properties have gone through these processes, staff will begin the formal rezoning process that includes public hearings and review before the Commission and Council. Supporting Materials: • Map of Properties Designated Mixed Residential Future Land Use Page 44 of 45 Page 45 of 45