HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant of Conservation Easement - Navasota Ladies Tresses~ l I Texas Department of Transportation 1300 N. TEXAS AVE.• BRYAN, TEXAS 77803-2760 • (979) 778-2165 Mr. Glenn Brown City Manager -City of College Station City Hall P. 0. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77840 November 7, 2006 Navasota Ladies' Tresses (NL1) Conservation Easement Brazos County Dear Mr. Brown: or:~n:i~ L-.-..... .. . __ J CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION The State of Texas executed a conservation easement with Mr. Timothy]. Crowley on July 17, 2000 for a 38.064 acre tract of land in College Station concerning an endangered native plant species. This plant species, the Navasota Ladies' Tress, is protected under Federal regulations through the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The conservation easement placed specific restrictions on the activities permitted within the 38.064 acre tract to preserve this plant species. While enforcing these restrictions on non-conforming activities within the easement, our office was informed by Mr. Crowley that owriership of the conservation easement property had been conveyed to the City of College Station. Preliminary deed research appears to verify the transfer of ownership. Although required by the easement agreement, the previous owner, Mr. Crowley, failed to notify the State of Texas and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service of the transaction. Please see the attached copy of the easement agreement. As the current property owner of the conservation easement, it is now the City's responsibility to ensure all requirements of the conservation easement are met. This includes responsibility for actions by any parties permitted to access the property. Disregard for the stipulations of the easement will result in legal action by the State of Texas and notification to the· appropriate Federal authorities and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as this may involve violations of the Endangered Species Act. · Please notify my office, in writing, if our understanding of this change in ownership for the easement property is incorrect. If you have any questions, please contact me at 979-778-9707. Attachment cc: Charles A. Ellison Timothy]. Crowley Mark Smith -City of College Station Allison Arnold -U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service An Equal Oppon unity Employer Alan P. Gibbs, P.E. Sr. Asst. City Engineer -Development Public Works Department City of College Station P. 0 . Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Ph: (979) 764-3570 Fx: (979) 764-3496 agibbs@cstx.gov www.cstx.gov I City of College Station PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Transmittal To: (/J~ From: Alan P. Gibbs ~ Finn: -Date: / J -I lf -b Phone: -Pages: z_ Fax: CC: Re: D Urgent ~rReview D Please Comment D Please Reply D Please Recycle •Items: •Comments: TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT DATE, TIME FAX NO ./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE Alan P. Gibbs, P.E. Sr. Asst. City Engineer -Development Public Works Depa.rtment City of College Station P. 0 . Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Ph: (979) 764-3570 Fx: (979) 764-3496 agibbs@cstx.gov www.cstx.gov 11/14 11: 05 9-5901041 00 :00 :23 02 OK STANDARD ECM TIME 11/14/2005 11 :05 NAME FAX TEL SER .# 000L5J595800 City of College Station PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Transmittal To:W~ From: Alan P. Gibbs ~ Firm: --- Phone: --Paga$: 2- Fax:: CC: D Urgent ~rReview D Please Comment D Please Reply 0 Please Recycle •Items: em & f\.:itum to Uf.irt:G:@it\i'?~~ · . p~o. Urawer OT i. cf1.n1,JLEY DOUGLAS LLP ?13 651 1775 P.23 ' College Station, Texas 77841 0725685 GF# gqD%~S sW STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS GRANT OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT This Grant Conservation Easement (this "easement") is made on this /1 ~y of -----11-'"-=--1--• 2000, by TIM:OTHY J. CROWLEY AND LYNN GOODE CROWLEY, whose address is 1301 Mc.Kinney, Suite 3500, Houston, TX 77010 ("Grantor'') and the ST A TE OF TEXAS, acting herein by and through the Texas Department of Transportation, whose address is 118 East Riverside, Austin Texas 78704 ("Grantee"). RECITALS: A. Grantor is the owner of certain real property containing approximately 15.404 hectares (38.064 acres) (the "Property") in Brazos County, Texas, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes as if set out at length, B, The Property is in a substantially undisturbed, natural, open-space condition and exhibits ecological features (specifically, the existence of the Spiranthes parksti or Navasota Ladies ' -tresses, which was placed on the list of Federal endangered species on May 6, 1982) of great importance to Grantor, Grantee, the people of Brazos County, the people of the region and the people of the State of Texas. In particular, the Property is a natural area which contains one or mqre elements of value, which are more particularly described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a pan hereof, and has substantial value as a natural, ecological and scientific resource. C. Chapter 183 of the Texas Natural Resources Code pennits. the creation of conservation easements for the purpose of, inter alia, retaining or protecting the natural, scenic, or open~space values of real property. D. Grantor and Grantee recognize the natural, scenic, aesthetic, and special character of the Property, and have the common purpose of the conservation and protection of the Property as a relatively natural habitat of plants , particularly the Spiranrhes park.rii or Navasota Ladies' -tresses. Granter has agreed to place voluntary restrictions upon the use of the Property and provide for the transfer from Granter to Grantee of affirmative rights for the protection of the Property. · E. The conservation values (the "Values") of the Property, its current use and scate of improvement, are described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes as if set out at length . A Biological Assessment dated September 17, 1999 is attached to Exhibit "B" and identified as "Attachment l" and has been prepared by Grantee for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service for compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Attachment 1 describes the specific conservation values of the property to which this easement pertains. 1 0 3 9 ·~ ~. 6 0 0 1 0 4 " JL!L-17-2000 14: 05 CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP 713 651 l'tl:J 0725685 F. Grantor desires that the Values of the Property be preserved and maintained by the continuation of land use patterns on the Property thal will not significantly impair or interfere with those Values. G. Grantor, as the owner of the fee in the Property, has certain rights and the desire to identify and preserve the Values of the Property. H. Grantor desires to transfer certain of those rights to Grantee in perpetuity. I. Grantee agrees to honor and defend the intentions of Grantor and to preserve and protect in perpetuity the Values of the Property for the benefit of the present generation and generations to come. J. The State of Texas has authorized the creation of Conservation Easements pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Texas Natural Resources Code and Granter and Grantee wish to avail themselves of the provisions of that law. Conveyance 1. Pursuant to Tex.as Natural Resource Code Section 183.001 et seq., Granter GRANTS, SELLS AND CONVEYS to Grantee a nonexclusive easement over, upon and across the Property for the purpose set forth below, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, to have and hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, successors, and assigns forever. Subject to visible and apparent easements not appearing of record; any discrepancies, conflicts, or shortages in area or boundary lines or any encroachments or any overlapping of improvements which a current survey would show; easements, restrictions, reservations, covenants, conditions, oil and gas leases, mineral severances, and encumbrances for taxes and assessments, (other than liens and conveyances) presently of record in the Official Public Records ofBrazos County, Texas, that affect the property, but only to the extent that said items are still valid and in .force and effect at this time. Granter binds Grantor and Grantor's heirs and successors to warrant and forever defend all and singular the easement to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors, and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by through and under Grantor, but not otherwise. Purpose of Easement 2. The purpose of this conservation easement is to preserve the Values of the Property set out above and to ensure that the Property will be maintained in a condition calculated to preserve the Values of the Property. Grantor promises that Grantor will not knowingly or intentionally perform, nor knowingly allow others to perform, any act on or affecting the Property that is inconsistent with this purpose, unless otherwise allowed by the terms of this easement. However, unless otherwise specified below, nothing in this easement shall require the Grantor to take any action to restore the condition of the Property after any act of God, causes beyond Grantor's control or acts of third parties unless such acts were committed at the request of the Granter or Grantor knowingly or intentionally 2 0 3 9 2 6 0 0 1 0 5 . Jll.-17-2000 14:05 CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP (J..,;) l::>:>J. .I. ( (:J r-• .:::.> 0725685 allowed such panies to commit such acts . Grantor understands that nothing in this easement relieves him of any obligation or restriction on the use of the Property imposed by law. Rights Included in Easement l. To carry out this purpose, Grantor conveys to Grantee, subject to the Retained Rights (defined below), the following rights under this easement: a) To identify, preserve, protect, and, in consultation with Granter, enhance the natural , scenic, open-space, and ecological features of the Property, including, wirhout limitation, topography, soil~ water, vegetation, and wildlife. b) To enter upon the Property to enforce the rights granted by this easement and for the purposes of (i) scientific observations and educational study, which shall include the right to perform activities, at the sole expense of the Grantee, designated to restore and enhance the biological features of the Property; (ii) inspecting the Property to determine compliance herewith; (iii) conducting the management rights set out in paragraph 4. below; and (iv) providing habitat maintenance for the Property, with all of such rights to be exercised in a manner that will not interfere with Grantor's use and quiet enjoyment of the Property. c) To enjoin any activity on or use of the Property that is inconsistent with the purpose of, and not otherwise allowed by this easement and to enforce, in accordance with the terms of this easement, the restoration of such areas or features of the Property that may be damaged by any inconsistent activity or use and not otherwise permitted. d) The Grantee shall also have the right to enforce by proceedings at law or in equity the covenants hereinafter set forth, including but not limited to, the right to require the restoration of the Property to its condition at the time of this gram. Grantee or its successors or assigns, does not waive or forfeit the right to take action as may be necessary to insure compliance with the covenants and purposes of this grant by any prior failure to act. Nothing herein shall be construed to entitle Grantee to institute any proceedings against Grantor for any changes to the Property due to any act of God, causes beyond Grantor's control or acts of third parties unless such acts were committed at the request of the Granter or Granter knowingly or intentionally allowed such parties to commit such acts. e) Grantee's right to access shall include access to groups under Grantee's control for educational, aesthetic, or scientific purposes, as well as public access to those portions of the Property that are specifically designed and/or posted as open to the public for recreational uses, as more specifically detailed in Exhibit C. f) Those additional rights set out in Exhibit "C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3 0 3 9 2 6 0 0 1 0 6 JUL-1?-2000 14:05 . • I CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP 'r'lj b~l l f r':::> t"" • .:::o 0725685 Use of Property 4. The use of the Property will be limited to such activities and ecological study, that are consistent with the purpose of this easement. Those uses and practices set out in Exhibit "D" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, although not exhaustive, are consistent with the purpose of this easement. Those .uses and practices set out in Exhibit "E" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, although not exhaustive, are inconsistent with the purpose of this easement. Additional Rights Retained by Grantor. 5. Granter retains the following additional rights ("Retained Rights"): a) Existing Uses. The right to undertake or continue any activity or use of the Property not prohibited by or inconsistent with this easement. If a use is not a1lowed by this easement, prior to making any change in use of the Property, Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing to allow Grantee a reasonable opportunity to determine whether such change would violate the terms of this easement. b) Tran sf er. The right to sell, give, mortgage, lease, or otherwise convey the Property, provided such conveyance is subject to the terms of this easement and written notice is provided to Grantee in accordance with paragraph 10. below. c) Discretionary Consent. The Grantee's consent for activities otherWise prohibited above, or for any activities requiring Grantee's consent above, may be given under the following circumstances. If, owing to unforeseen or changed circumstances, any of the activities prohibited above are deemed desirable by both the Granter and the Grantee, the Grantee may, with U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service concurrence, give pennission for such activities, subject to the limitations herein. Such requests for pennission, and pennission for activities requiring the Grantee's consent, shall be in writing and shall describe the proposed activity in sufficient detail to allow the Grantee to judge the consistency of the proposed activity with the purpose of this easement. The Grantee may give its penn.ission only if it detennines, with U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service concurrence, that such activities (1) do not violate the purpose of this easement and (2) either enhance or do not impair any significant conservation interests associated with the Property. Any consent shall be given in writing. d) Utility Crossing and Storm Water Detention. In addition to and not to the exclusion of those rights set forth in Exhibit "D", the unrestricted right, in the areas described more particularly by metes and bounds in Exhibit "F", which is attached hereto and incorporate<l by reference herein, to trench, dig, place permanent structures and, if necessary to destroy the surface, for the purpose of (i) locating underground and aboveground utilities necessary for the development of adjacent land; and (ii) creating stonn water detention OJJeas incidental to the development of adjacent land for the purpose of preventing erosion and maintaining the native character and configuration of the natural water channel (the "Utility Crossing and Storm Water Detention"). In addition co the. Utility Crossing, Grantor shall be entitled to utilize 4 0 -· c. b 0 0 1 0 7 '; JUt,..-17-2000 14:05 CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP 713 651 l?'t::> 0725685 twenty (20) feet on either side of the Utility Crossing as a temporary easement for the installation, repair and maintenance of the utilities placed in the Utility Crossing . The Grantor shall re-vegetate any ground disturbed by any of the activities described above according to the requirements of Exhibit "D" paragraph 2 and Exhibit "E" paragraph 1. e) Reservation of Rights . All rights accruing from his ownership of the Property, including, but not limited to, the right to engage in or permit or invite others to engage in, all uses of the Property that are not expressly prohibited in this easement and are consistent with the purpose of this easement. No Public Dedication or Trespass 6. This easement is not intended as a dedication of the Property to the public and it does not authorize, and shall not be construed to authorize, any member of the public to trespass or use any portion of the Property, unless such use is specifically provided for in Exhibit "D" of this easement or granted subsequent to the date of this easement by the affinnative action of Grantor, Responsibilities of Grantor and Grantee Not Affected. 7. Other than as specified herein, this easement is not intended to impose any legal or other responsibility on the Grantor, or in any way to affect any existing obligation of the Grantor as owner of the Property. Among other things, this shall apply to: a) Taxes -Each party shall be responsible for the payment of all ad valorem taxes and assessments levied against such parties interest in the Property. b) Upkeep and maintenance -Except for maintenance and other actions required to . preserve the Values of the Property, Grantor shall be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the Property, to the extent it may be required by law. Other than maintenance and other actions required by this easement and to preserve the Values of the Property, which are more particularly described in Exhibit B, the Grantee shall have no obligation for the upkeep or maintenance of the Property. Enforcement. 8. The Grantee shall have the right to prevent and correct violations of the provisions of this easement. As set forth in paragraph 3 (b) above, the Grantee may enter the Property for the purpose of inspecting for violations of the provisions of this easement. If the Grantee reasonably believes that Grantor is in violation of the provisions of this easement, it may, in its discretion and after providing Gra.ntor notice and an opportunity ro cure, take appropriate legal action. Except when an ongoing or imminent violation could substantially diminish or impair the Values of the Property, the Grantee shall give the Grantor written notice of the violation and sixty (60) days to correct it (or to begin good faith efforts to correct in the event the vio lation is something which cannot be 5 0 9 2 6 0 0 1 0 B CRCll.JLE'r' DOUGLAS LLP ?13ilJV25665 reasonably corrected in sixty days), before filing any legal action . Grantee shall in any case provide notice to Grantor prior to taking any legal action. If a court with jurisdiction determines that a violation may exist or has occurred, the Grantee may obtain an injunction to stop it, temporarily or pennanently. A court, upon a finding that Granter knowingly and intentionally violated the provisions of this easement, may issue an injunction requiring the Grantor to restore the Property to its conclition prior to the violation. The failure of the Grantee to discover a violation or to take immediate legal action shall not bar it from doing so at a later time . If the Grantee discovers violations of the provisions of this easement caused by (i) acts of God, (ii) circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Granter, or (iii) the acts of third parties unless such acts were committed at the request of the Grantor or Grantor knowingly or intentio~ally allowed such parties to commit such acts, Granter and Grantee shall cooperate in good faith to restore the Property to a condition consistent with the purpose of this easement. Nothing in this paragraph may be con5trued to require Grantor to spend money to restore the habitat. It is the intent of the parties that Granter and Grantee wm cooperate to find the resources, from public anc private conservation entities, necessary to restore the habitat. Transfer of Easement. 9. The Grantee shall have the right, with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service concurrence, to transfer or 11.Ssign this easement to any private nonprofit organization or other state, municipal , or federal agency that (i) is approved in writing by the Grantor prior to such transfer, such approvll:1 not to be unreasonably withheld, and (ii) expressly agrees to assume the responsibi,Iity imposed on the Grantee by this easement. If the Grantee ever ceases to exist or no .longer qualifies under applicable state law, a .court with jurisdiction shall transfer this easement to another organization having similar purposes that agrees to assume the responsibility. · Transfer of Property. 10. Any time the Property, or any interest therein, is transferred by th~ Granter to any third party, the Granter shall notify the Grantee in writing prior to the transfer of the Property, and the document of conveyance shall be made subject to and shall expressly refer to this easement. Amendment of Easement 11. This easement may only be amended. with the written consent of Grantor and Grantee and with U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service concurrence. Any amendment must be consistent with Chapter 183 of the Texas Natural Resources Code and any regulations promulgated pursuant to that law. 6 0 3 9 .-, .:.. 6 0 0 1 0 g CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP 713 651 1775 P.29 07256B5 Termination Of Easement. 12. If it is determined that conditions on or surrounding the Property have changed so much that it is impossible or unnecessary to fulfill the conservation purposes set forth above, a court with jurisdiction may, at the joint request of the Grantor and Grantee and with the concurrence of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, terminate this easement. Interpretation. 13. This easement shall be construed, governed and enforced pursuant to the laws of the state of Texas, resolving any ambiguities and questions of the validity of specific provisions so as to give maximum effect to its conservation purposes, The obligations of this easement are performable in Brazos County, Texas. Perpetual Duration. 14, This easement is a servitude running with the Property in perpetuity. In order to assure the perpetual enforceability of this easement, the Grantee is authorized to record this instrument. Every provision of this easement that applies .to the Granter or Grantee shall also apply to their respective agents, heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, and all other successors as their interest may appear. Notices. 15. Any notices required by this easement shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or sent by first class mail, to Grantor and Grantee, respectively, at the following addresses, unless a. party has been notified by the other of a change of address. To Grantor; To the Grantee: 7 0 3 9 2 6 0 0 1 1 0 JU~-17-2000 14:06 CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP 713 5.'51 1775 P.30 0725695 Environmental Condition. 16. The Grantor warrants that, to the best of his actual knowledge and belief, without independent inquiry or investigation, there has not been a release or threatened release of hazardous substances or wastes on the Property. Acceptance & Effective Date. 17. As attested by the signature of its authorized representative affixed hereto, the Grantee hereby accepts without reservation the rights and responsibilities imposed on it by this easement. This easement is to be effective the date recorded in rhe Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. Miscellaneous. 18. Attorney's Fees. If either party retains an attorney to enforce the terms of this instrument, the prevailing party is entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees. 19. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts with the same effect as if all signatory parties had signed the same document. All counterparts are to be construed together and will constitute one and the same instrument, and the signature pages of each document may be attached to one instrument for convenience or for recording. 20. Effect of Waiver or Consent. . No waiver or consent, express or implied, by any party to or of any breach or default by any party in the perfonnance by such party of Hs obligations hereunder wUl be deemed or construed to be a consent or waiver to or of any other breach or default in the performance by such party of the same or any other obligations of such party hereunder. Such requests for pennission for activities requiring waiver or consent shall be in writing . Failure on the part of a party to complain of ap.y act of any party or to declare any party in default, irrespective of how long such failure continues, will not constitute a waiver by such party of its rights hereunder until the applicable statute of limitation period ha.S run. 21. Further Assurances. In connection with this easement as well as all transactions contemplated by this easement, each signatory party hereto agrees to execute and deliver such additional documents and insuuments and to perf onn such additional acts as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate, carry out and perform all of the terms, provisions and conditions of this easement and all such transactions. 22. Integration. This Agreement contains the complete agreement between the parties and cannot be varied except by the written agreement of the parties. The parties agree that there are no oral agreements , understandings , representations or warranties which are not expressly set forth herein. 8 0 3 9 2 6 0 0 1 1 1 . JUL-17-2000 14=06 CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP 713 651 1775 P.31 : . '· 0725685 23 . Legal Construction. If one or more of the provisions of this easement are invalid, i11egal or unenforceable in any respect, to the extent the invalidity or unenforceability does not destroy the basis of the bargain among the parties, it will not affect any other provision and this easement will be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision had never existed. When required by the context, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural and the neuter includes lhe masculine or feminine gender. The Article and Section headings are for convenience of reference only and are not intended to limit or define the text. This easement is not to be construed more or less favorably between the parties by reason of authorship or origin of language. 24. Recitals. Any recitals in this Agreement are represented by the parties hereto to be accurate, and constitute a part: of the substantive agreement. 25. Time. Time is of the essence. Unless otherwise specified, all references to "days" mean and refer to calendar days. Business days exclude all Saturdays, Sundays, and Texas legal banking holidays. In the event the date for per:fonnance of any obligation falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or Texas legal banking holiday, that obligation will be performable on the next following business day. 26. Tennination of Rights and Obligations. A party's rights and obligations under this easement terminate upon the transfer of the party's interest in the easement or the Property, except that liability for acts or omissions occurring prior to transfer shall · survive transfer. 27. Estoppel Certificates. Upon request by Grantor, Grantee shall within 90 days execute and deliver to Grantor, or to any party designated by Granter,· any document which evidences the status of this easement, including without limitation, an estoppel certificate, which certifies, to the best of Grantee's knowledge, Granter's compliance with all obligations of Granter contained in this easement. 9 0 3 9 2 6 0 0 1 1 JUL-17-2000 14:06 CROl.t.JLEY DOUGLAS LLP 713 651 1775 P.32 0725685 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor and Grantee, intending to legally bind themselves , have set their hands and seals on the date first written above. GRANTO RS : GRANTEE: THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO rector Right of Way Division STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTYOF ~~ § This instrument was acknowledged before me on ~ I~. 20610, by TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY AND LYNN GOODE CROWLE . STA TE OF TEXAS COUNTY OP TRAVIS § § ~a.,,c?.~~ Notary Public, Seate of Texas My commission expires s-3 -o.3 This instrument was acknowledged before me on {2u_q~J()2000, by John P. Campbell, P.E., as Director of the Right of Way Divisi';f; of the Texas Department of Transportation. ~ ~';,~.~·~t~\ BARBARA J. LINZEY , §~:·....},..;.·~~ NOTARY PUBLIC ~;:._~ .. :~? STATE OF TEXAS "<-,"Jfiij'...,~~ MY COMM, ExP. 09-Ql-2003 1 .,,,,,111\\\\\: -- :t>a-UJ~i,. ~~ Notary Public, State of Texas My commission expires. _____ _ 10 0 3 9 2 6 3 JUL-17-2000 14=07 CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP 713 651 1775 P.33 EXHlBIT "A" 0725695 PAGE 1 8 OF ___ PAGES County: CSJ No.: Brazos 0540-08-001 SH40 Highway No.: Parcel No.: 9E Grantor: Timothy J, Crowley Being 15. 404 hectares (38. 064 acres) of land out of the Robert Stevenson Survey, Abstract No. 54, Brazos County, Texas; said 15.404 hectares (38.064 acres) of land being out of a certain 297.429 hectare (734.96 acre) tract of land described in a deed from Robert B. Waltman. et ux, to Timothy J. Crowley dated January 24, 1992, recorded in Volume 1415, Page 74, Official Records of Brazos County (0.R.B.C.); said 15.404 hectares (38.064 acres) of land described by metes and bounds as follows: C01\1MENCING at the most westerly corner of Lot 2, Block One, South Park Estates Phase One, recorded in Volume 795, Page 259, O.R.B.C., said point also being an interior comer of said Crowley tract, from which a found 13mm iron rod bears North 18 degrees East, 0.318 meters (1.04 feet); · South 63 degrees 03 minutes 31 seconds East, along the southwest line of said Lot 2, a distance of 42.335 meters (138.90 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set in the proposed northerly right of way line of SH 40 (proposed baseline 6 +534.775, 34.033 meters left); South 46 degrees 53 minutes 34 seconds West, along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 261.775 meters (8~8.84 feet) to a concrete monument set for an angle point (proposed baseline 6+273.530, 50.680 meters left); South 48 degrees 41 minutes 54 seconds West, continuing along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 297.027 meters (974.50 feet) to a concrete monument set for an angle point (proposed baseline 5 +969.330, 74.120 meters left); South 51 degrees 36 minutes 26 seconds West, continuing along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 73.235 meters (240.27 feet) to a concrete monument set for an angle point (proposed baseline 5+888.950, 73.020 meters left); South 56 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West, continuing along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 72.313 meters (237.25. feet) to a concrete monument set for an angle point (proposed baseline 5+809.750, 71.220 meters left); South 61 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds West, continuing along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 12.303 meters (40.36 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap (proposed baseline 5 +796.290, 71.343 meters left) set for the most southeasterly comer and POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described tract; 9 0 0 1 1 4 ' . _JUL-17-2000 14:07 CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP 713 651 1775 P.34 1.) 2.) 3.) EXHIBIT "A" 0725685 PAGE 2 OF 8 PAGES THENCE South 61 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds West, continuing along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 61. 127 meters (200.55 feet) to a concrete monument set for an angle point (proposed baseline 5+729.550, 69.000 meters left); TIIENCE South 82 degrees 35 minutes 16 seconds West, continuing along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 31.679 meters (103.93 feet) to a concrete monument set for an angle point (proposed baseline 5+696.020, 77.300 meters left); THENCE South 70 degrees 12 minutes 34 seconds West, continuing along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 78.225 meters (256.64 feet) to a concrete monument set for an angle point (propo~ baseline 5+609.850, 75.490 meters left); 4.) THENCE South 56 degrees 47 minutes 54 seconds West, continuing along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 38.275 meters (125.57 feet) to a concrete monument set for an angle point (proposed baseline 5 +570.380, 62.980 meters left); 5.) THENCE South 77 degrees 03 minutes 53 seconds West, continuing along the proposed northerly right of way line of said SH 40, a distance of 8.289 meters (27.20 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap (proposed baseline 5+561.410, 62 .911 meters left) set for the most southwesterly corner of the herein described tract; 6.) THENCE North 12 degrees 01 minutes 13. seconds West, a distance of 20.261 meters (66.47 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 7.) THENCE North 28 degrees 20 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 19.215 meters (63.04 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 8.) TIIENCE North 59 degrees 45 miriutes 32 seconds F.ast, a distance of 60.868 meters (199.70 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 9.) TIIENCE North 23 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 80.796 meters (265.08 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 10.). '!HENCE North 03 degrees 07 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 72.227 meters (236.97 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 11.) THENCE North 08 degrees 07 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of 95.992 meters (314.93 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 12.) THENCE North 06 degrees 38 minutes 54 s.econds West, a distance of 42.958 meters (140.94 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 0 3 9 2 6 0 0 1 1 5 '. 13.) . 14.) 71 12,io/2568~ CROWLEY DOUGLAS LLP EXHIBrr "A" PAGE 3 OF. 8 PAGES TiiENCE North 70 degrees 32 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 192.041 meters (630.06 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; THENCE South 80 degrees 40 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 78.101 meters (256.24 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; · 15.) THENCE Nonh 30 degrees 23 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 106.053 meters (347.94 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 16.) THENCE North 45 degrees 48 minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 144. 117 meters (472. 82 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 17.) THENCE South 61 degrees 15 minutes 05 seconds East, a distance of 107.645 meters (353.17 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 18.) THENCE South 73 degrees 20 minutes 42 seconds East, a distance .of 18.383 meters (60.31 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 19.) TIIENCE North 43 degrees 29 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 127.982 meters (419.89 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 20.) THENCE North 76 degrees 14 minutes 38 seconds East, a distance of 63.399 meters (208.00 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 21.) THENCE North 21 degrees 42 minutes 54 seconds East, a distance of 47.834 meters (156.94 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 22.) THENCE North 30 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds East, a distance of 69.075 meters (226.62 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 23.) THENCE North 40 degrees 26 minutes 58 seeonds East, a distance of 36.388 meters (119.38 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for the beginning of a rion- tangent curve to the right whose center bears South 45 degrees 49 minutes 17 seconds East; . 24.) THENCE along said curve to the right with a radius of 7.621 meters (25.00 feet), an arc distance of 11.971 meters (39.28 feet), a central angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, and a chord which bears North 89 degrees 10 minutes 43 seconds East, a chord distance of 10.778 meters (35.36 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for the end of said curve; 25.) TIIENCE South 45 degrees 49 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 198.775 meters (652. 15 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 26.) TIIENCE South 37 degrees 38 minutes 29 seconds West, a distance of 136. 620 meters (448.23 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 0 3 g 2 E,· 0 0 1 1 6 JUL-17-2000 14:09 CROU.JLEY DOUGLAS LLP 713 651 1775 P.3b . . EXHIBIT 11 A11 0725685 PAGE 4 OF: 8 PAGF.S 27.) TIIENCE North 52 degrees 11 minutes 42 seconds West, a distance of 73.812 meters (242.17 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 28.) 29.) 30.) 31.) THENCE South 47 degrees 44 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 56, 336 meters (184.83 feet) t~ a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; THENCE South 04 degrees 05 minutes 26 seconds West, a distance of 51.855 meters (170 . 13 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminu~ cap set for an angle point; TIIENCE South 62 degrees 14 minutes 17 seconds Bast, a distance of 22.457 meters (73.68 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; IBENCE South 17 degrees 39 minutes 10 seconds East, a distance of 94.445 meters (309.86 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 32.) THENCE South 11 degrees 26 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 25.139 meters (82.48 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 33.) THENCE South 01 degrees 42 minutes 04 seconds West, a distance of 101.267 meters (332.24 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 34.) THENCE South 06 degrees 17 minutes 07 seconds West, a distance of 101.723 meters (333.74 feet) to a 16 mm iron rod with aluminum cap set for an angle point; 35.) IBENCE South 43 degrees 16 minutes 43 seconds East, a distance of 104.673 meters (343.42 feet) to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 15.404 hectares (38.064 acres) of land . l.) A plat of even date herewith accompanies this legal description, 2.) English units are provided for information only. Jl aJf a6h& Leo M. Delatorre, RPJ;.S No. 5113 0 3 g ~ L- 6 0 0 1 1 7 (J) (( _J CJ :::i 0 0 fu _J 3 0 Cl:'. u = SMOlOJIJl ~ . PAG ..... E __ s_-~_OF: 8 PAGES I : I I I 'ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY I I I ABSTRACT N0.54 ci 0:: O> ;i :g U· -o g: a. 0 -w!!! JN w . ~-' ·O ~ .> I l I I I I l 1; 11 E ~ir jl 1 I a>~ . • «>we 1j ;~I' L 11: J TlldOTHY J. CROWLEY 297.429 ha (7J.f.96 A.CJ VOL 1415, PG. J.4 JAN. 24, 1992 O.R.B.C. P.O.C. (XISTING R.0 .W. PER VOL. 1153, PC. IJ7, O.R.B.C. F'NO. lJ mm IR BEARS N 1a· E. O.JIB m (1.04") STA. 6•273.530 50.680m tT. I; I I l 1 ~ SEM()IO\.[ P'.l>[IJ/J( (VOL. !022, PG.1107. 8.C.O.R.J S 6J"03'31"' E S 48• 41'54" VI 297.027m I S 4 s· 53'J4" W 26 42.JJS m 11JB.90'l ' l.775m !858.84') PROPOSED R.O.V/ OV(RHEIO ELEC. - BEARING ORIE.NTATION IS BASED ON THE 'TEXAS COOROINATE SYSTEIA. CENTR~ ZONE <NAO 831, / ROBERT STCVE~SON SURVEY ~· ~BSlRACT N0.54 ~-S- • 6' P .O.C. PJ.RCEL NO. 9£ P.O.B. PARCEL NO. 9£ PARCEL NO. 9E NTS OJC1<0 <a 60 = SCALE: 1:2000 NOTES! 1. A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EVEN SURVEY OATE HEREWITH ACCOMPANIES THIS PLAT. LEGE.ND e SET 16 mm l.R. WllH ALUM. CAP @ EXISTING PROPERTY CORN(R a SE.I CONCRETE: MONUMENT VII BRASS DIS]( PARCEL PLAT SHOWING PROPER Ty OF TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY ~ THROUGH TXOOT SATTEUTE STATION NO. S02I0307 re TO TH£ COLLEGE STATION WATER TOWER <BEARS BRAZOS COUNlY N 4-5' 38'22"' WI. METRIC OJSlANCES MAY BE LEO M. OE.LATORRE rt-" CONVERTED TO ENGLISH BY DIVIDING A FACTOR REC. PROF. LAND SURV(YOR NO. SllJ CSJ 05~0-0B ·OOI S.H. 40 .,... or o.3048006. ~·L.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-D_A_T_E_o_F~S-uR_v_E_Y_=_M_>R._c_H~·-19~9~B~~~~~~~~P~/\~R~C~EJl~~~E'----.J,.;L~A~.D~T~E~CH~I.c~ol~N~SUL!L.:T~AN-T_s_._'N_C._2.~:f..:..~~~~~~liCH~._l_99_JB . , OF' 4 SCAL , I: 0 0 NOiTO SCAI1! m M 0... .... !() OJ) M .... ['- ~ _J (fJ 0: _J g 0 A fi:j ~-0 a::: u MATCH LINE 11 811 N D3"07'07" YI d~N oa·oTt6" VI 1.., / '2."7m <23'·"/ "@m "''·"·' o<•!"~'~-r N 23"58'30" VF~ " P~POSU) #~'~'<>". ao.79&m <255.os·i llfcoNSERV<--TiO('l EASEMENT ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY 15·4,9.j., h~ CJMG4 AC.> -( ~'\ .. , ABSTRACT NO 5 •, . _ _, / :\.() -:-,"::>· • 4 . ~·' '-"=' --& J ~~ ~~-I ,,,.. ............_ rr,,1.._"J~ .::r -, __ .......-.i ,I)'· STA.5•561.410 i. :- LT. k ~ ,.,,.. : ,,; t .. ~;I '---_:;:~I -----..... ...-_c --u; ~ ! !J(AqlNG ORiENT_ATION IS BA.SEO ON rHE TEXAS COOROINATE SYSTEt.1, CENTRAL ZONE INAO B3J, THROUGH TXDOT SATlEUTE STATION NO. 50210307 !2 STA. 5•009.750 71.220m LT. TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY 297.429 ho <734.96 AC.) VOL. 1415, PG. 74 JAN. 24. 1992 O.R.8.C. STA. 5•886.950 7:l.020m LT. STA. 5•969.330 74-.120m LT. ·PROPosm R.o.w. s '48· 41'54" w 297.027m., (97f.50') s 51' J5'26" w. ~ 73.2J5m (240.27'> ...; "' .;, h:~l,f.,g::;'l C1'11\.[ ~ TO THE COLLEGE STATION WATER JOWER !BEARS Q N 45• :58'22" WI. METRIC DISTANCES MAY BE LEO M. DELATORRE ROBERT STEVENSON SU~V[Y J ABSTRACT ~-S- . 6' w z PARCEL NO. 9[ NTS t P.O.C. PARCH NO. 9E P.O.B. PA~CEl l\::J. 9E 0 I02D '3 GO SCAI..(: 1'2000 __.....-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LINE TABLE I LI U L2 ~ L~ ~ LS L6 L7 LB L9 s 61"44 46 w s 61 .. 4'4 46-w s 82"35'16" w S T0' 12 H W ·s 56"47'54" w s 77'·03'53" w N 12'01'13 W N ze·zo·ss" £ N 59•45•3 " NOTES: 12.Jo3m 61.127m 31.679m 1e.22 m 36.275m 1175. 7' 8.289m 127-20'} 20.261m (66.47" I 19.215m 163.04' 1 0. 868m f I . 7 ' I t SEE NOTES SH€£l I OF 4. LEGEND e SET 16 mm 1.R. Wt TH At.UM. C/JP 0 EXISTING PROPERTY CORNEA • SU CONCRf!( UONIAIENT WI BRASS DISK S.H. 40 PARCEL PLAT SHOWING PROPERTY Of" TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY BRAZOS COUNTY 7 CONVERTED TO ENGLISH BY DIVIDING A FACTOR REG. PROF. LMD SURVEYOR NO. 5113 r--or o.:lo4aoos. .... . -DATE OF SURVEY: MAACH, 1998 PARCEL 9E "'ARC.Y, t 99 E ~· >-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..-!_!....!!..~~:...!::'--.....::....=:~~...L.~_;i~H!!.J;.E~T_2LJO~Ft.._j4L_~~_;i~C~~(~:5f:~o~c~oL___J CSJ 0540-08-001 L>M>TECH CONSUL TA'HS, !>IC . ., NOTE: NOT TO SCALE n. _J _J ~ _J Cl :::J 0 A fu _J 3 a ll'. u EXHlBJT "A" ISi M (ti OJ~G ........ E -~-~~ ~\I ISi PAGF.S If) uJ If) -~~r ~:~~~~-~ 144.117m (472.82') \ \ / OJ ,...... if!:"a TIMOTHY J. CROW!.(Y ~ 297.<:29 ho C7J4.96 AC.l VOL. 1415, PC... 7~ JAN. 24. 1992 O.R.8.C. "~ I 9,._, I ,...., ~ "' • {O ·"?::? I ~ C? I l:f I 78. lOkn <255.H'l -t- ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 54 N os·orts" w 95.992m <314.9.l') s 51• 15'05 .. E \ fi7.6'45m US.l.17'1 \ S 73" 20'-42" E ',~8.J8J'TI (60.Jl'l N 76" l~'JB" £ 6.l.J99m <208.00') N 4.l" 29'17" E 127.9~~~~-- PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT 15.404 ha <J8.064 AC.l 9 s 11· 26'20" w 25.IJ9m <82.46'l E ..... \(). .... .... "' w ;.... ~ ,,... :! ci i;: E .,., '1> co .,, ~· ;,, N ii> 0 :, C> Ill ;:.-, ID· ..,. ~ E oD I") ~ ta ll) ~ ..... "' ~ .... ;... .... Ill 0 w z _J ROBERT SlEVENSON SURVEY ASSTRACl P.0 .C. PNK.tl NO. 9[ EXISTING -9:-~ \_ R.O.W. ~.,. q P .O.B. PARCEL ~<-, t.10. 9£ f.,<,; ~q;: PARCEL NO. 9( NTS SCAl..E: 1:2000 N0l£S: I I. SEE NOTES SHEET I OF 4. (.) ~ ~ LEGEND e SEl 16 mm l.R. YflTH Al..UJ.1. Cl>P @ EXISllNG PROPERTY CORM:R l W SH CONCR[TE. l.IOh\JMEHT W/ BR.-.SS DISK PARCEL PLAT SHOWINC PROPERTY or TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY lf) ['-['-.... .... If) IJ) M ..... ['- 0.... ..J ..J Ul a: ..J g 0 Q )-w EXHIBTT ''A'' ISf l°"'J Ol ('IJ IJ) PAG@ ~ ..-109-J "$ PAGES N 76" I~ 'JS'" E. GJ.J99rr> <208_QQ") I i N 21"42"5~" E. O .B34m ClS&.9 ")1 N JO• 24'20"' E 69.075m 1226.62'! ! N 10• 26"58"" E 11 Js.Jaam"0c71~.J~-:V I ·~~ 1 I 1 I ,,,~ II N I~ @ I '1 1~ PROPOSED j I ~ CONSERVATION EASEMENT f I i~ 15.404 ho <38.064 AC.) j w ---__..-------:;- I ! 1 I~ I ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 54 R • 7.621m <25-00') L • 1l.97lm <39.28'1 6 • 90" 00'00" CH· N 89" 10''43"' E, 10.778m 135_36'! TIMOTHY J . CROWLEY 297.-429 ha (7J4.96 AC.J VOL. 14)5. PG. 74 JAN. 24-, 1992 0.R.8 .C. ROBERT STEVENSO~ SURVEY ABSTRACr P.ARCEL NO. 9E NTS NOT[S: P.o.c. PARCEL NO. 9E SCALE: 1:2000 1. SEE NOrES SHE£T I OF" 4. LE.CE.NO e SET 16 mm l.R. WITH ALUJ,I. CN' O EXISTING PROPERTY CORNER l ~ s J7" 38"29 w ") 135_i;2om l4~ 8.23 l I .r-OVERHEAO n POWER LINE • SET CONCOCT( 110/IUMENT WI BRASS DISK 0 Ct: u N 52" lr.42'" W 7.3.812m (242.17'} S 47" H'27" W 56.3.JGm C 184 .8J'I J 1 1 L 18.288m (60') E"LECTRICAL I I RlCHT Of VIAY EASEMENT I VOL. 215. PC. 569. 9.C.D.R. COORDINATE SYSTEM, CENTRAL ZONE <NAO 8JJ, ry PARCEL PLAT SHOWING PROPERTY OF TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY BEARING ORIENrATION IS BASED ON THE TEXAS ~ THROUCH TXOOT SATTEUTE STATION N0."S02IOJ07 ~ :;g TO THE COLLEGE STATION WATER lOWER !BE:ARS S.H. 40 BRAZOS COUfHY re N 45• 38'22" WJ. Me:TRIC DIST ANCE.S MAY BE LEO M. DELATORRE CSJ 0540·08·001 I CONVERTED TO ENGLISH SY DIVIDING A fACTOR REC. PROF. LAND SURVEYOR NO. 5.llJ s:.-Of O.J04B006. DATE OF SURVEY: MARCH. 1998 p AR c EL 9 E LMOTECH CO.''ISUL T A>ITS. INC. J,IA,qQi, 1998 I Hf.El 4 Of 4 SC ('I' 000 ~-L-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......:....,;..;_;_-=-..:=-.::=--~-=-~--'~NO'lc::--'""-'-"~.-'--'-"~'--~~-="-""-"-'-..>.="-=..~-' NOTTO SCALE Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. • 4490 Castlegate Drive • College Station, Texas 77845 • (979)690-7250 • November 9, 2006 Alan Gibbs, P.E. Sr. Assistant City Engineer City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 RE: Castlerock Subdivision, Phase lA College Station, Texas Dear Mr. Gibbs: This letter is in response to your email on October 27, 2006, stating that no additional permits will be issued for construction of the Castlerock Subdivision unti l acknowledgement of this project has been received in writing from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the U.S . Department of Fish & Wildlife. A subsequent email from you on October 31, 2006, stated that the City of College Station was requiring this consent from those agencies since the City is now the Owner of the Conservation Easement and Corps of Engineers (COE) deed restricted areas. The Warranty Deed which conveyed the land to the City contains Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty of the Property. Number 17 of these Exceptions states "This conveyance is subject to the right of upstream land owners to allow their storm water to flow across the Property to the regional detention pond lying to the east of the Property." Furthermore, the Castlerock Subdivision is a portion of the 735 acre "Crowley Tract," which also includes the Castlegate Subdivision and a portion of State Highway 40 (William D. Fitch Parkway). The land deeded to the City of College Station consists of two components: a 38 .06 acre tract serving as mitigation for the SH 40 construction, and two tracts totaling 32.5 acres serving as mitigation for the development of the remainder of the "Crowley Tract." During the preparation of the Master Plan for the "Crowley Tract," the negotiations with TxDOT on the purchase of the right-of-way for SH 40, and th e pennitting of the "Crowley Tract" with all the regulatory agencies, it was detern1ined that an off-line regional detention pond would be constructed on approximately 16 acres near State Highway 6 to control st01m water releases from th e "Crowl ey Tract." This plan was developed aft er it was decided that on-stream detention faciliti es adj acent to and within the Con servation Easement area and the COE deed restri cted areas would not be constructed. The proposed Master Pl an has been generally fo llowed as development of the Castlegate Subdivision, SH 40, and oth er proj ects have occmTed. A key component of this plan, of which all parties and agencies were aware, is that the storm water detention for the "Crowley Tract" is the regional detention pond. In order to follow the plan, the Castlerock Subdivision is allowed to discharge its storm water runoff without on-site detention since detention is provided downstream. The construction of SH 40 and the Castlegate Subdivision have increased the stonn water runoff in the tributaries upstream of the Conservation Easement and the COE deed restricted areas. Since this was contemplated by the Master Plan and all the permitting activities, no acknowledgement or consent has ever been required by anyone. This construction has been ongoing since 2001. In March 2002, prior to the development of the Spring Creek Townhomes project, a Master Preliminary Plat of 331.4 acres of the "Crowley Tract" for the area between SH 6 and SH 40, was prepared and submitted, as requested by the City. This plat was revised several times between 2002 and 2004. This plat shows the proposed minor collector through the Castlerock Subdivision, and it also shows a drainage easement to convey the runoff from this minor collector to an existing drainage and then into the Conservation Easement. The City of College Station has been aware of the drainage plan for the Castlerock Subdivision for more than four years. Now that the Zoning, Master Preliminary Plat for the Crowley Tract, the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat (Phase lA) for the Castlerock Subdivision have been approved, requirement of the requested acknowledgement seems unreasonable. I hereby request that the Development Permit and the Construction Drawings for Phase lA of the Castlerock Subdivision be approved so that construction of the subdivision can commence. I await your prompt response to this letter, and please contact me at (979) 690-7250 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,J~~ryt· Wallace Phillips Manager Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. cc: Carol Cotter, City of College Station, Development Services Mark Smith, P.E., City of College Station, Director of Public Works Bob Mosley, P.E., City of Coll ege Station, City Engin eer Joe Schultz, P.E., Civil Development, Ltd. From: To: Date: Subject: Joe, Alan Gibbs Schultz, Joe 10/31/2006 10:05:43 AM RE: Castlerock As owner of the property, the City is requiring consent from these managing agencies. Alan Gibbs, P.E. City of College Station Sr. Asst. City Engineer, Public Works >» "Joe Schultz" <Joe@CDLBCS.com> 10/31/2006 8:03 AM >» Alan, Do you know which specific section of the Conservation Easement requires the development of the Castlerock property to ask for the TXDOT and USF&WS acknowlegment? Thanks Joe -----Original Message----- From: Alan Gibbs [mailto:Agibbs@cstx.gov) Sent: Friday, October 27 , 2006 8:37 AM To: Kent Laza Cc: Joe Schultz; Bob Mosley; Carol Cotter; Mark Smith Subject: Castlerock Kent, As was briefly discussed previously, specific approvals for storm water discharge into the conservation easement and deed restricted natural area are required . No additional permits will issued for construction on this project until the subject construction discharging into the conservation easement has been acknowleged in writing by TxDOT and Fish & Wildlife. Similarly, on the deed restricted natural area we want to review a design to the main creek that defines and limits impacts, and ensures erosion control, etc. Alan Gibbs, P.E. City of College Station Sr. Asst. City Engineer, Public Works >»"Kent Laza" <KLaza@CDLBCS.com> 10/26/2006 10:03:57 AM»> Alan, Here are the responses I got from Harold Campbell. Kent -~~ -P~fr ~~~ -~~VbZ--~ --CVl)fo-r ~i~T ( ~ ~) -P~ f/4 {__ ~ ) ~{lvvr o( j20{.A} --[Zow Lo~~ G<>v-~ Et~ i ~) -~&J L~~ tv.._ p ~L p 0(-(2( -~U..J"L?{ pu..,e lf\J ~~ ~ -H fPA (~) To: From: Subject: Remarks: OCQ-/J4 /0 -l /V~ /'. 250 * C1VIL DEVELOPMENT, Ltd.* tw CIVIL ENGINEERING & DESIGN-BUILD SERVICES TRANSMITTAL October 1 7, 2006 Carol Cotter Development Services City of College Station Joe Schultz, P .E. J fl_ Civil Development,~d. P.O. Box 11929 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone: (979) 764-7743 COE Permit Castlerock Subdivision College Station, Texas Attached is the COE Permit information you requested. Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT WORTH DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0 . BOX 17300 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102-0300 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: December 14, 2005 Planning, Environmental, and Regulatory Division Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Project Number 199700476 Ms. Heather Niles Associate Project Manager PBSJ 1880 S. Dairy Ashford St., Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77077-4760 Dear Ms. Niles: This is in response to your letter of November 29, 2005, requesting a modification to Department of the Army permit 1997004 76 for the construction of a mixed development by Mr. Tim Crowley, on a 735 acre property iocated southeast of College Station along Spring Creek in Brazos County, Texas. We have reviewed and hereby approve your request. Permit Number 199700476 is modified as follows : 1. Replace the date in General Condition 1, on page one of the permit with "December 31 , 2008". This modification is effective immediately. All other terms and conditions of the original permit remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Barry Osborn at the address above or telephone (817)886-1734. Sincerely, l~ Chief, Regulatory Branch '. April 19, 2001 Planning, Environmental, and Regulatory Division Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Project Number 199700476 Ms .·Heather Niles Environmental Scientist HNTB Corporation l 00 Glenborough Drive, Suite 13 00 Houston, Texas 77067-36l'l Dear Ms. Niles: This letter is in response to a February 22, 2001, facsimile transmission request from Charles A. Ellison, P.C., Attorneys at Law, concerning deed restrictions for Department of the Army permit 199700476. The pennit authorizes the discharge of dredged and fill material into waters of the United States associated with the construction of a mixed development by Mr. Tim Crowley, on a 73 5 acre property southeast of College Station along Spring Creek in Brazos County, Texas. We have reviewed the information provided and have determined that a modification to the permit is required. Permit Number 199700476 is modified as follows : l . Replace the sentence in special condition 3 which reads "The permittee shall provide a copy of the recorded deed restriction to the US ACE by March 1, 2001" to read "The permittee shall provide a copy of the recorded deed restriction to the USACE by August 1, 200 l" This modification is effective immediately. All other terms and conditions of the original permit remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Barry Osborn at the address above or telephone (817)978-3354. Sincerely, Wayne A. Lea Chief, Regulatory Branch /-j?J"'Z'-di.3 1 -77 :)/ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT WORTH DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P . 0 . BOX 17300 FORT WORTH . TEXAS 76102-0300 RE PLY TO A T HN TIO~J O F January 18, 2001 Environmental Division Regulatory Branch· SUBJECT: Project Number 199700476 Ms. Heather Niles Environmental Scientist HNTB Corporation 100 Glenborough Drive, Suite 1300 Houston, Texas 77067-3611 Dear Ms. Niles: I n•-... ,r-·:· 1-, •. , 1--.. . ... • ·v c· D • -.,,.11-.1 - .J .£\N 2 2 2001 Hi\iT8 HOUSTON, TEXAS Mr. Tim Crowley is hereby authorized under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to discharge approximately 5,250 cubic yards of dredged and fill material in waters of the United States associated with the construction of an approximately 735-acre mixed-use development in accordance with Permit Number 199700476. A copy of the permit is enclosed. ~ To use this permit, the person responsible for the project must ensure that the work is conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. We caution you to submit revised drawings to us for approval prior to construction should any changes be found necessary in either the location or plans for the work. Approval of revised plans may be granted if they are found not contrary to the public interest. This permit should not be considered as an approval of the design features of any structure authorized or an implication that such construction is considered adequate for the purpose intended. It does not authorize any damage to private property, invasion of private rights, or any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. We appreciate your interest in our nation's water resources, and your cooperation in complying with our regulatory program. If you have questions in the future, please contact Mr. Barry Osborn at the address above or telephone (817)978-3354. Sincerely, ~-"~Cl#»- WayneA.Lea , Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures Copies Furnished I with enclosure: Mr. Mark Fisher 401 Coordinator -2- Standards and Assessment Section (MC-150) Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 Mr. Rollin MacRae Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78744 Mr. Thomas J. Cloud, Jr. Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Stadium Centre Building 711 Stadium Drive East, Suite 252 Arlington, Texas 76011 Ms. Rebecca Weber Chief, Marine and Wetlands Section (6WQ-EM) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6 1445 Ross A venue Dallas, Texas 75202 )· DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Permiuee Mr. Tim Crowley Permit No. 199700476 Issuing Office Fort Worth District NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permiuee or any future transferee. The term "th is office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permiued activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and condit.ions specified below. Project Description: To discharge approximately 5,250 cubic yards of dredged and fill material into water of the United States associated with the construction of an approximately 735-acre mixed-use development. The development will adversely affect approximately 5.89 acres of waters of the United States, including approximately 7,200 feet of stream channel. Work will include the construction of an earthen channel in Spring Creek which is 30 feet wide at the bottom. Construction will also include box culverts at road crossings and modifications to existing tributaries. To compensate for unavoidable adverse impacts, the permittee will implement a mitigation plan that includes the preservation of an approximately 33-acre riparian area. Project Location: The 735-acre project site is located southwest of Highway 6 and Prairie Road, along Spring Creek and associated unnamed tributaries, at the southern edge of the city of College Station, Brazos County, Texas. The permit area is near UTM coordinates 762282.50 East and 3383523.97 North (Zone 14) on the Wellborn 7.5-minute USGS quadrangle map in the USGS Hydrologic Unit 12070103. Permit Conditions: In accordance with attached Sheets 1-12 of 12 and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Pages 1-3 of 3, dated July 27, 2000. General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31 , 2003 . If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from thi s office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archaeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. ENG FOAM 1721, Nov 86 EDITION OF SEP 82 IS OBSOLETE. (33 CFR 325 Appendi.:c A)) )· 4. If you sell the property associated with this pennit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your pennit. Special Conditions: SEE PAGE 4 (Special Conditions) Further Information: 1. Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to: ( ) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). (x) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1344). ( ) Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This pennit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or locat authorizations required by law. b. This pennit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. c. This pennit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This pennit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this pennit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following : a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other pennitted or unpennitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. c. Damages to persons, property, or to other pennitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this pennit. d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. 2 ~- e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 5. Reevaluation of Pentjt Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following : a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The infonnation provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office <lid not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, _and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325. 7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions. General condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally giv~ favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your si~re below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this pennir. / ,, MA ~~ I / 10 I OU (PERM!fl1?EJ \::::: / ) (DATE) Tim ¢rowley [/ This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below. FOR THE (DISTRICT ENGINEER) Gordon M. Wells Colonel, Corps of Engineers I 8 gadUl!M.VL 2 0 D I When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this pennir and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. (TRANSFEREE) (DATE) 3 Special Conditions Permit Number 199700476 1. The permittee shall implement and abide by the mitigation plan included in the "Mitigation Plan for the Crowley Property in Gollege Station , Brazos County, Texas, Project Number 199700476" by HNTB Corporation, dated December 7, 2000. Completion of all elements of this mitigation plan is a requirement of this permit. 2. The permittee shall submit a final written compliance report to the USACE within 30 days after the completion of all construction and mitigation work that includes the following: a. a statement that the authorized work and required mitigation was done in accordance with the USACE authorization, including all general and spedal conditions; b. a summary of all construction and mitigation activities that occurred associated with the project, including documentation of the completion of all work and compliance with all terms and conditions of the permit; c. a comparison of the post-construction conditions of the project area to the pre-construction conditions of the area; d. a detailed description of all impacts to waters of the United States; e. a map showing the final configuration of restored , enhanced, created and preserved waters of the United States, including wetlands; f. The final topographic elevations of the project; g. a discussion about whether disturbed areas, such as borrow ditches, road embankments, stream banks, road crossings, and temporary impact areas are revegetating adequately and not suffering erosion damage; and h. photographs and maps as appropriate to illustrate the information presented. 3. The permittee shall dedicate in perpetuity by deed restriction, as a stream riparian and wetland mitigation area, the approximately 33-acre mitigation area identified in the mitigation plan referenced in special condition 1. The only exceptions to the deed restriction shall be easements in existence or proposed on date of this letter. The mitigation area shall not be disturbed, except by those activities specifically provided tor in the approved mitigation plan or in the special conditions tor this permit. Unless otherwise specified, livestock grazing, mowing, and similar activities are not allowed. The permittee shall survey the mitigation area, develop an appropriate deed restriction for the surveyed area, submit the draft deed restriction to the USACE tor review and approval, and record the USACE approved deed restriction with the County Clerk. The permittee shall provide a copy of the recorded deed restriction to the USACE by March 1, 2001 . The restriction shall not be removed from the deed or modified without written approval of the USACE and conveyance of any interest in the property must be subject to the deed restriction . 4 LOCATION PURPOSE• The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include slnQle and multl-foml ly res I dent Io I uses, comnerc Io I uses, Inst I tut I ono I E A R -- 1 :--"-' Project Number 199700476 Sheet 1 of 12 E c H uses, and recreot I ono I uses, OS we I I OS I nteQroted A rqca INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles .. 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUBMITTED 8Y1 MR. TIM CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 ul'\11c:' Tru.1 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLL EGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TE XAS l"Cl\ICDAI j I / i 'J 1'/j I / LOCATION PURPOSE• The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include slnQle and rrultl-foml ly res I dent Io I uses, corrmerc Io I uses, Inst I tut I ono I uses, ond recreotlonol use~. as wel I as lnteQroted ·, I E A . : R .--- .-·~· Project Number 199700476 Sheet 2 of 12 E c H A rqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY nature preserves and storm water detent I on foe I I It I es.~---------------------- SUBM I TTEO BY• ~: I.AR, T I I.A CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER '" 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 "' 1-o1n11<TnN Tt'YAC::. 7'1()1(l AUGUST, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS I IC:.r.C:. TllPllr.Pt.PW I r U t.D .. ._,.. ... AREA A B c D E F G H I J K L M N Total Wetlands Spring Creek Tributary I Tributary 2 Tributary 3 Tributary 4 Tributary 5 lmpoundment I Total Waters, excluding wetlands Total Waters, including wetlands ON-SITE ACREAGE l~IPACT WETLANDS 0.48 0.48 acre 0.69 0.69 acre 0.18 0.18 acre . 0.02 0.02 acre 0.18 0.18 acre 0.19 0.19acre 0.12 no impact 0.65 no impact 0.01 no impact 0.08 no impact 0.20 0.20 acre 0.04 0.04 acre 0.45 0.45 acre 0.33 0.33 acre 3.62 Total Wetland Impacts: 2.76 TYPE OF J;\IPACT fill fill excavation fill fill excavation no impact no impact no impact no impact ' fill fill draining draining 1.61 acres fill, 0.37 acre excavation, 0.78 acre draining WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES, EXCLUDING WETLANDS 2.35 0.85 acre 0.39 0.44 acre 0.59 0.14 acre 0.12 no impact 2.06 0.12 acre 0.24 0.02 acre 2.47 1.56 acre 8.22 Total Waters Impacts: 3.13 11.84 TOTAL IMPACTS: S.89 ACRES 0. 71 acres fill, 0.14 acre draining 0.39 acres fill on-site, 0.05 acres fill off-site to realign tributary .09 acres fill, 0.05 acres impoundment no impact 0.09 acre fill, 0.03 acre temporary excavation 0.017 acre fill, 0.004 acre temporary excavation draining 1.35 acres fill, 1.70 acres drained, 0.05 acres impoundment, 0.03 acre temporary excavation 2.96 acres fill, 0.37 acres excavation, 2.48 acres draining, 0.05 acres impoundment, 0.03 acre temporary excavation The impacts listed on Table 1 are illustrated on sheets 4 through 8. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE Project Number 199700476 Sheet 3 of 12 z C> 0 ~ ..., > 0 . :..-::."-' . -·: ..... ·-.·-..... - . · '· . '' LOCATION 0 '" 0.25 SCALE IN MILES ·>·· '!; ... ~-.~. j -·, .-~ ... ' •,\ ). ''1'·~"' ,.-. LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATE S ADJACENT WETLANDS l'NATERS Of THE UNITED STATES) PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE --------INSET BOUNDARY L I NE BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. VERIF IEC BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. PURPOSE• i; ~ The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use ~development to Include slnQle and rrultl-fomlly A ~. ProjectNumber199700476 R "'residential uses, corrmerclal uses, lnstltutlonol Sheet4of12 ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nteQroted A -rqco.INrEr-.-------------llE ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci lltles.i--~~~~~~~~~~~~­ N .. >< "' 0 .., 0 a:: Q. SUBM I TTEO BY• l.IR. T II.I CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 AUCUS T, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591·9811 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXISTING CONDITIONS C ITC r'I I I C D II I C \Al U fl D r······ LOCATION 0 SCALE IN FEET 500' .. '··:\·-" l"J" .'I .·, INSET B ( EXHIBIT 8 > ; I ' : . ·; · 1 . i · ... ----· -;· T I , .. i ---------~ ... \ . LEGEND , .· 1·:· j(• ' ... z .... :I .... '"' .. .... ... ~ ..J . ... CL ;;: '·· -= = WATERS OF THE UNI TEO STATES I I l::::xm:+>I WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED WETLANDS TO REMAIN WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE ----INSET BOUNDARY LINE ----SANITARY SEWER BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED 0 < 0 c: w -a: -.. c: c. V> z w '"' <31 \ I I i ' z STATES AND WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. VERIF IED g BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUt-ABER 199700476 . ..( Cl. 0 PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use ~ development to Include slnQle and rr.Jltl-foml ly ~ r-es I dent I a I uses. conme,..c Io I uses, Inst I tut I ono I E A R T , Project Number 199700476 Sheet 5 of 12 ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nte<;iroted A t"qCi:. .. :..JN ... _____________ .. ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci lltles.1--~~~~~~~ a> Ill ... >< Ill 0 ..., 0 a: Cl. SUBMITTED 8Y1 MR. TIM CROWLEY CROWLEY OEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 LICKINNEY, SUITE 3500 Llf\llC:Tt"HJ TC°YAC: 77ntn AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO, ~591-9811 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TE XAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS I l\IC::: C" T 11 INSET C ( EXHIBIT 9 l ~--1 I .. -~-.\. ' -I l I 1 I ;) -(:_I \ \' ' ' \ '· ! ; \ :' { f ~ ~. : \ ' ! ; . i ; I . " . " (j• ·~\...; :i>:.._ . ' ;""'' ti.', .. ~· ' ;1,<c~ ,<;) ri.O~ '7 ,,q . \." --- ! i : i [_ L- oi ' .. 1 ·. \' =---"'". ____ ..,.....,...--f C5 ! c:: I I J ., ','.-::----.· ' ' -··-\~ ... ~>~ - - - - -.... i -: . c: I' . : !C :: g: ~-. . ~ ~! :I l...J I \.tJ U j V> c::' <( Cj' .... L · ,Z :- -0.. INSET A ( EXHIBIT 7) LOCATION 0 500' SCALE IN FEET -;;;;;;;;;;;; -- I ·:·I l<t>:><I LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED WETLANDS TO REMAIN WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE ----INSET BOUNDARY LINE ----•SANITARY SEWER z ._., 0 BASE MAP SOURCE1 WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476 • 00 !--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ ~ PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use ~ development to Include sln91e and rTUltl-fomt ly ~ resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol ~ uses, and recreational uses, as wel I as lnte9roted E A R ... ;;" ··, Project Number 199700476 Sheet 6 of 12 A~qcotNI-.................................. .... ~ nature preserves and storm water detention fact I lttes.1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ "' "' v SUBM I TTEO BY1 = MR. TIU CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 l.AC~INNEY, SUITE 3500 0.. ··-·----·· ....... ,.. ,"'"'" AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 ,.. .,.,.., .. T r-ru DOf'\ IC'r'"T "'" lf"IAf"'un SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS I NC:.l='T R :z 0 0 ,,. .. .. ' '\ ; LOCATION 0 SCALE IN FEET INSET D ( EXH I 8 IT I 0 l INSET B ( EXHIBIT 8 l 500' ----- 1~::-~::1 LEGEND WATERS O> THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED ~ETLANOS TO REMAIN I I L>>><I WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LINE PROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL ---SANITARY SEWER 0 .. 0 c: w . c: ..... -c::: CL BASE MAP SOURCE1 WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, ·PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. VERIFIE D BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY I 8, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. ~ PURPOSE• 0 a: Q. Ill u / The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use development to Include slnQle and nultl-foml ly residential uses, conmerclal uses, Institutional E A R H. Project Number 199700476 Sheet 7 of 12 ~ ~~~~~eo~~e::~:=~t~~~a!t~~~s~o~!rw~~!e~~l~~t~~:~~~~les.1--~~~~~A-~_'Lf.~'L:.-'/7~/N~TE__!_"_~_~_~_~_~_~_:_·_~_~_~_::_~_~~·~·-·-~-~-·_•_•_•_•_::_•_•_ .. ~ -(1\ If> ... - " Ill 0 ..., 0 a: Q. / SUBMI TTEO BY1 MR. TIM CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 c ADTU TC'r ... C>Cn 1C'rT un 11\ .. f\11'\ SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TE XAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS I N'l='T r z !.:> 0 0 CL 0 .! j .... ; ··.: ., r · . ; ."~ ··:;;:--j /. I :1. -1 ·' - 1'1 !! ' !\ I 0 LOCATION SCALE IN FEET BASE MAP SOURCE• PURPOSE• ,. 500' l? ' . . . 'I '• \ J. INSET C < EXH I 8 IT 9 l . -··· . r~ . :..--··· ·.·~ '· ·~-:. .. LEGEND . : .!:..~:. : • •' ··~ .... - . cs;): I -'1-.. WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE llAPACTED WETLANDS TO REIAAIN I I l=tr:::+rl WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE - - - -INSET BOUNOARY LI NE PROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL ----SANITARY SEWER WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VERIF IED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. ~ .... . g: The purpose of th Is pro) ect 1 s to create a ml xed use .. · . ...--·.· ... -... -..... -·"'"' _______ ., R r . ·;· H E A :'..!development to Include slnQle and multl-fomlly ProjectNumber199700476 "' resldentlol uses, corrmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol Sheet 8of12 ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nteQroted A ~qpq flVTta. _____________ _. ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.f--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ SUBMITTED BY• SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT .: UR. T I IA CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 IACKINNEY, SUITE 3500 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591-9611 LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY , TE XAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 LOCATION SCALE• 1· • 100' HOR. 1· • 10' VER. 0+00 I +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 LEGEND I· .o:I PROPOSED FI LL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG SPRING CREEK. THIS CREEK, AS WELL AS TRIBUTARY I AND A PORTION OF TRIBUTARY 2 ARE PROPOSED TO BE CHANNELIZED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING STORMWATER DRAINAGE OFF THIS SITE. THIS REPRESENTS ~ A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ALONG THESE AREAS PROPOSED FOR CHANNELIZATION. 0 ci t: PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use S development to Include sln9le and rrultl-fomlly ProjectNumber199700476 E A R H ~ res I dent Io I uses, corrmerc Io I uses, Inst I tut I ono I Sheet 9 of 12 :;: uses, and recreotlonol uses, as wel I as lnte9roted A t-qco_i.NTFt.1.-------------.: nature preserves and storm water de tent I on foe I I It I es.1--------...;__ _____________ _ ~ SUBMITTED BYa SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT ->< "' 0 .., 0 a: Q. / UR. TIM CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUCUS T, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. -4591-9811 ~ .t.OTU TC'ru DDn 1C'rT un lf\Af\ln LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION rl-l tll\l~~I I 7" TI ()f\I ()~ rR~~I( 285 280 275 ---L.'.__· .. 270 265 260 255 SPRING CRUii 120-,___ .· ·~ ·.·· V'. .· [\ [\ I / -- I r - 6 • l(T•C 11.CJJ 250.____._~_,___._~_,___,_~_.._-L..~-'---L~-'-~~-'---- O+OO LOCATION SCALE• 1· •100' HOR. 1· •IO' VER. I +QQ 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 LEGEND I .··:-::I V//2 - PROPOSED FI LL · PROPOSED EXCAVATION FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK 6+00 z u 0 NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF A PROPOSED ROAD CROSSING OF SPRING CREEK. ALTHOUGH THE NUMBER OF BOX CULVERTS VARIES, THIS ILLUSTRATES A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OF SEVERAL ROAD CROSSINGS PROPOSED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. 3 PURPOSE1 ~ The purpose of th Is pro J ect Is to create a m I xed use ...J 3 development to Include slnQle and rrultl -foml ly -" residential uses, corrrnerclol uses. lnstltutlonol E A R Project Number 199700476 Sheet 10 of 12 ;;; uses, and recreot I ono I uses. as we I I as I nteQroted A -rqi::o (N ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foc i l l tles.1--~~~~_:.:.~:=::._::~~~==================~~~--~ SUBMITTED 8Y1 -UR. T II.I CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY OEVELOPl.IENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 IACKINNEY, SUITE 3500 CL '-'nllc::Tn.., TC°YA~ "7 "7f\lf' SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNT Y, TE XAS AUGUST, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591-9811 TYPICAL CROSS SECT I ON -·---· ---·· -------··-.............. r-\r'\.'"' _I'""\_,_,_. •• ·- 285 280 ARCA •fr 275 1crr __ ~ --------. -270 ...........__ .... ...... ~ 265 260 0+00 I +00 2+00 285 280 275 270 ~:·.· .. '.~~/////r/I;, ~ f'l'///h'."l'///// 01'/,J.· 265 260 6+00 LOCATION SCALE• 1 • • I 00' HOR. 1· • 10' VER. 1+00 8+00 NATUR~ GROJllO I\ \ -~ ' •11 .. 'z: --- 3+00 4+00 5+0_0 9+00 . 10•00 I I +00 LEGEND L. q ·>::I PROPOSED FI LL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK z C> 0 NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED FILL TO BE PLACED IN WETLAND AREAS A AND B FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION. THIS REPRESENTS A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION THROUGH WETLAND AREAS WHICH ARE PROPOSED TO BE FILLED. d !------------------------~---------------------~ --. ·'•'·. ~ PURPOSE1 ~ The purpose of this project ls to create o mixed use 8 development to Include slnQle ond m...iltl-foml ly E A R H Project Number 199700476 ~ res I dent Io I uses, corrmerc Io I uses, Inst I tut I ono I Sheet 11 of 12 ~ uses, ond recreotlonol uses, as wel I os lnte9roted A -t-qco/NTE._ ___________ _. ..'.. nature preserves ond storm water detention foci I ltles.1------------------------ ~ SUBMITTED 9y, SI TE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT -UR. Tiu CROWLEY LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION ~ CROWLEY OEVELOPUENT CORPORATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS ~ CHEVRON TOWER AUCUS T, 1999 ~ 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 LJA PROJECT NO ... 591-9811 TYPICAL CROSS SECT I ON / HOUSTON. T[XAS 77010 ronT .. Trr,. nnnorrT ••~·~•non [:"II I ("\(' IA/C'TI A~lr'\ ADC' AC' z 0 0 ci > 0 z 2B-I 38. 06 Ac. •· Conservation Reserve Open Space Ap_p·rox. 33. 0 Ac. Deed Restricted Natural Area ,. ., : ., \: '; .· ./. LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WETLANDS rf'/A TEAS Of THE UNITED STA TESJ CONSERVATION RESERVE DEED RESTRICTED NATURAL AREA LOCATION PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE 0 1400' SCALE IN FEET BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 1997004 76. PURPOSE• 8 The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use ~ development to Include sln<;ile and multl-foml ly "' res I dent I a I uses. conmerc I a I uses, Inst I tut I ono I E A R T H Project Number 199700476 Sheet 12 of 12 0 ;;; uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nte9roted A t'qco /NTE•---------------• ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci lltles.1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ SUBMITTED BYi SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT .:. ..: VI 0 -, 0 a: n. / MR. TIM CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591·9811 LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED MITIGATION ADC AC Attachment 1 -Dredge and Fill Certification USAGE Permit No. 199700476 July 27, 2000 Page 1 of 3 WORK DESCRIPTION: As described in the public notice dated April 20, 2000. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: None. GENERAL: This certification, issued pursuant to ttie requirements of Title 30,, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 279, is restricted to the work described in the application or joint public notice apd shall expire five years from the date of issuance of the Corps of Engineers (COE) permit. This certification may be extended to any minor revision of the COE permit when such change(s)would not result in an impact on water quality. The TNRCC reserves the right to require full joint public notice on a request for minor revision. The applicant is hereby placed on notice that any activity conducted pursuant to the COE permit which results in a violation of the state's surface water quality standards may result in an enforcement proceeding being initiated by the TNRCC or a successor agency. STANDARD PROVISIONS: These following provisions attach to any permit issued by the Corps of Engineers and shall be followed by the permittee or any employee, agent, contractor, or subcontractor of the permittee during any phase of work authorized by a Corps permit. 1. The water quality of wetlands shall be maintained in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards including the General, Narrative, and Numerical Criteria. 2. The applicant shall not engage in any activity which will cause surface waters to be toxic to man, aquatic life, or terrestrial life. 3. Permittee shall employ measures to control spills of fuels, lubricants, or any other materials to prevent them from entering a watercourse. All spills shall be promptly reported to the TNRCC, Emergency Spill Response, at (512) 463-7727. 4. Sanitary wastes shall be retained for disposal in some legal manner. Marinas and similar operations which harbor boats equipped with marine sanitation devices shall provide state/federal permitted treatment facilities or pump out facilities for ultimate transfer to a permitted treatment facility. Additionally, marinas shall display signs in appropriate locations advising boat owners that the discharge of sewage from a marine sanitation device to waters in the state is a violation of state and federal law. 5. Materials resulting from the destruction of existing structures shall be removed from the water or areas adjacent to the water and disposed of in some legal manner. 6. A discharge shall not cause substantial and persistent changes from ambient conditions of turbidity or color. The use of silt screens or other appropriate methods is encouraged to confine suspended particulates. 7. The placement of any material in a watercourse or wetlands shall be avoided and placed there only with the approval of the Corps when no other reasonable alternative is available. If work within a Attachment 1 -Dredge and Fill Certification USAGE Permit No. 199700476 July 27, 2000 Page 2 of 3 wetland is unavoidable, gouging or rutting of the substrate is prohibited. Heavy equipment shall be placed on mats to protect the substrate from gouging and rutting if necessary. 8. Dredged Material Placement: Dredged sediments shall be placed in such a manner as to prevent any sediment runoff onto any adjacent property not owned by the applicant. Liquid runoff from the disposal area shall be retained on-site or shall be filtered and returned to the watercourse from which the dredged materials were removed. Except for material placement authorized by this permit, sediments from the project shall be placed in such a manner as to prevent any sediment runoff into waters in the state, including wetlands. 1 9. If contaminated spoil that was not anticipated or provided for in the permit application is encountered during dredging, dredging operations shail be immediately terminated and the TNRCC, Emergency Spill Response, shall be contacted at (512) 463-7727. Dredging activities shall not be resumed until authorized by the Commission. 10. Contaminated water, soil, or any other material shall not be allowed to enter a watercourse. Noncontaminated stormwater from impervious surfaces shall be controlled to prevent the washing of debris into the waterway. 11 . Stormwater runoff from construction activities (US EPA Category X) is governed by the requirements of the US Environmental Protection Agency. Applications to apply for a general permit are to be obtained from Region 6, US EPA at (214) 665-7185. 12. Upon completion of earthwork operations, all temporary fills shall be removed from the watercourse/wetland, and areas disturbed during construction shall be seeded, riprapped, or given some other type of protection to minimize subsequent soil erosion. Any fill material shall be clean and of s1,1ch composition that it will not adversely affect the biological, chemical, or physical properties of the receiving waters . 13. Disturbance to vegetation will be limited to only what is absolutely necessary. After construction, all disturbed areas will be revegetated to approximate the pre-disturbance native plant assemblage. 14. Where the control of weeds, insects, and other undesirable species is deemed necessary by the permittee, control methods which are nontoxic to aquatic life or human health shall be employed when the activity is located in or in close proximity to water, including wetlands. 15. Concentrations of taste and odor producing substances shall not interfere with the production of potable water by reasonable water treatment methods, impart unpalatable.flavorto food fish including shellfish, result in offensive odors arising from the water, or otherwise interfere with reasonable use of the water in the state. 16. Surface water shall be essentially free of floating debris and suspended solids that are conducive to producing adverse responses in aquatic organisms, putrescible sludge deposits, or sediment layers which adversely affect benthic biota or any lawful uses. Attachment 1 -Dredge and Fill Certification USACE Permit No. 199700476 July 27, 2000 Page 3 of 3 17. Surface waters shall be essentially free of settleable solids conducive to changes in flow characteristics of stream channels or the untimely filling of reservoirs, lakes, and bays. 18. The work of the applicant shall be conducted such that surface waters are maintained in an aesthetically attractive condition and foaming or frothing of a persistent nature is avoided. Surface waters shall be maintained so that oil, grease, or related residuewill not produce a visible film of oil or globules of grease on the surface or coat the banks or bottoms of the watercourse. 19. This certification shall not be deemed as fulfilling the applicant's/permittee's responsibility to obtain additional authorization/approval . from other local, state, or federal regulatory agencies having special/specific authority to preserve and/or protect resources within the area where the work will occur. MITIGATION PLAN For The Crowley Property in College Station, Brazos County, Texas Project Number 199700476 December 7, 2000 Introduction The purpose of this plan is to outline the mitigation plan for impacts to Waters of the United States, including wetlands, and endangered species impacts on the Crowley tract. Mr. Tim Crowley plans to construct a mixed-use development on this approximately 735- acre parcel of land. Mr. Tim Crowley plans to mitigate for impacts to Waters of the U.S ., including wetlands, and the Federally listed endangered plant species Navasota ladies' tresses (Spiranthes parksii) (NLT) on-site through the creation of a deed restricted natural area and a Conservation Reserve. Waters of the U.S., Including Wetlands A total of 5.89 acres of impacts to Waters of the U.S., including wetlands, is proposed for the Crowley tract in College Station, Brazos County, Texas by the construction of a mixed-use development. To mitigate for these impacts, an approximately 33-acre area that includes a portion of Spring Creek, Tributary 3, a portion of Tributary 4, Wetland Areas H, I and J, and the surrounding rW.ru;ian corridor will be preserved by me_ans o{ . deed restricting this area._Not only would this area be preserved.jn_p~me.tui(X', but secondary iP.pacts _resulting from development of the Crowley tract to Tributary 3, a portion of Tributary 4, a portion of Spring Creek, and Wetland Areas H, I, and J wouid be _!!llnimized or totally elim!nat~d .. This deed restricted area, as illustrated in Exhibit 14, may at some point be deeded, or donated, to the City of College Station or another entity if Mr. Crowley so chooses. Endangered Species and Habitat A Biological Opinion was issued for the Crowley tract by the U.S . Fish and Wildlife Service for the impacts to the Federally listed endangered species Navasota ladies' tresses. The construction activities associated with this development project will impact 14 individuals of NLT. As recommended by the USFWS, a total of 38.06 acres of riparian habitat will be preserved through the creation of a Conservation Reserve on the Crowley tract. The Conservation Reserve, as illustrated in Exhibit 14, consists of a heavily wooded riparian corridor surrounding Tributary 2 and a portion of Spring Creek located to the north of proposed State Highway 40 which traverses roughly through the center of the Crowley tract. This Conservation Reserve is the result of a cooperative effort between Mr. Crowley and the Texas Department of Transportation (as well as the USFWS) in conjunction with the development of the currently proposed State Highway 40 through the Crowley tract. This Conservation Reserve will be preserved and enhanced by TxDOT as stated in their Com ensation Ian for the purpose of safeguarding the actual plants an e a itat of the NLT previously identified in the proposed State Highway 40 right- of-way as well as on other areas of the Crowley tract. According to the USFWS, this Conservation Reserve will provide suitable mitigation for impacts to NLT plants resulting from the State Highway 40 project as well as the Crowley development. The majority of the NLT plants identified on the Crowley tract, as well as the most suitable habitat for the plant, are located within the area now designated as the Conservation Reserve. Aside from preserving the tributary, stream, and wetland features on the approximately 33-acre deed restricted area, this riparian corridor would remain intact and would actually link to the riparian corridor established by the Conservation Reserve on this property. The net effect would create a contiguous riparian corridor area of approximately 71.06 acres in size (approximately 33-acre deed restricted natural area plus 38:06-acre Conservation Reserve) on the Crowley property. Signed:---------Date: _____ _ Heather Niles Environmental Planner-HNTB Corporation For Mr. Tim Crowley Crowley Development Corporation (33 CFR 325) Expires October 199t> Public reporting burden for this collection of Information Is estimated to average 6 hours per response. Including the tlme for reviewing Instructions. searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of Information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of Information. including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1216 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arflngton, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20603. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authority: 33 USC 401, Section 10: 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws require authorizing activities In, or affecting, navigable waters of the United States, the discharge or fill material Into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping It Into ocean waters. Routine Uses: Information provided on this form will be used In evaluating the appllcatlon for a permit. Disclosure: Disclosure of requested Information Is voluntary. If Information Is not provided, however, the permit appllcatlon cannot be processed nor can a permit be Issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and Instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that Is not completed In full will be returned. (ITEMS 1 THAU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME Mr. Tim Crowley 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE C•n 1gen11s not roqu1tedl Ms. Heather Niles Wetlands Ecoloaist 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS Mr. Tim Crowley Crowley Development Corporation Chevron Tower Earth Tech, Inc. (formerly Rust Environment & Infrastructure) 2929 Briarpark Drive, Suite 600 1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3500 Houston, Texas 77010 Houston, Texas 77042 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs. W/AREA CODE 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOs. W/AREA CODE a. Residence Not Applicable a. Residence Not Applicable b. Business (713) 651-1771 ; fax (713) 427-8791 b. Business (713) 953-5152 or (713) 785-9800; fax (713) 953-5042 11 . STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION application and to furnish, upon request, DATE N, AND DESCRIPTION OR PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE csee lnstructlc>nsl 735-acre Crowley Tract 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN C111pplic1b1e1 Spring Creek and associated unnamed tributaries as well as nearby wetland areas 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Brazos Couotv Texas COUNTY STATE 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS Cit 1pp11c1blel State Highway 6 and Greens Prairie Road College Station, Texas 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN Jsee Instructions) Soctlon, Township, R1ng1, lot/Lon, ind/or Accossors's P1rcel Number, for 1umpl1. See Block 16 attachment for metes and bounds description. 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE From Houston, travel west on U.S. Highway 290 to Hempstead. In Hempstead, exit State Highway 6, and travel north through Navasota to Greens Prairie Road located at the southern edge of College Station, Texas. Take the Greens Prairie Road exit, and turn left at the traffic light at Greens Prairie Road The site is located immediately west of State Highway 6 and immediately north of Greens Prairie Road . See Exhibits 1, 2, and 3 for the location of thi! site. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) 10. 1~0\UI V Vt• '""~····r •-----· ... •·-·· -· ..-·-,--·• ···-·----·· ·•-·-··-· The activity associated with this project involves impacting approximately 5.89 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, within the approximately 735-acre Crowley tract for the purpose of constructing roads, drainage ditches, stormwater detention fa~ilities, ~n? developing nu~e.rous tracts of land associated with the creation of a mixed use master planned development. The development plan for this area 1s illustrated in Exh1b1ts 6 through 10. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose ol the project, seo Instructions! The purpose of this project is to create a mixed use development to include single and multi-family residential uses, commercial uses, institutional uses, and recreational uses, as well as integrated nature preserves, green spaces with alternative transportation facilities such as pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and stormwater detention facilities. USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge See Block 20 attachment for a detailed description of impacts and reasons for discharge. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards Approximately 5,250 cubic yards of soil material is proposed to be placed below the normal high water line of Spring Creek and the associated tributaries which meander through the Crowley tract. This includes approximately 4,260 cubic yards of fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Spring Creek, approximately 640 cubic yards of fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Tributary 1, approximately 175 cubic yards of fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Tributary 2, approximately 145 cubic yards of fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Tributary 4, and approximately 30 cubic yards of fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Tributary 5. Tributary 3 will not be impacted by the proposed project. Exhibits 1 1 through 1 3 illustrate typical cross sections of areas of proposed fill for the purpose of infrastructure improvements associated with this development. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled lsee iostructlonsl Approximately 5.89 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, are proposed to be impacted on the Crowley tract. Approximately 3.13 acres of waters of the United States, including Spring Creek and the associated tributaries, are proposed to be impacted by either filling, excavating, impounding, or draining. An additional 0.03 acre of waters of the United States is proposed to be temporarily impacted for the purpose of sanitary sewer placement, but will be restored to natural grade once the sanitary sewer is in place. Approximately 2. 76 acres of wetlands are proposed to be impacted. These 2.76 acres consist of approximately 1.61 acres of wetlands which are proposed to be filled, approximately 0.37 acre of wetlands which is proposed to be excavated, and approximately 0. 78 acre of wetlands which is proposed to be drained. Exhibits 6 through 10 illustrate the proposed impacts. The total acreage of waters of the United States, including wetlands, proposed to be impacted by this project is summarized in Table 1, provided with the Block 20 attachment. 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No __lL IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK Some pre-construction activities on upland areas of the Crowley tract may be initiated prior to receipt of USACE Section 404 Permit approval; however, no work within waters of the United States (including wetlands) has been initiated. Areas A, B, E, and F (total less than 500 feet of non-forested wetlands) may be impacted due to sanitary sewage construction; this construction will be in accordance with Nationwide Permit 12. 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please 1ttach 1 supple<Mntal listl. See Block 24 attachment for Adjoining Property Owners. 25. List of Other Certifications or Approval_s/Denials Received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL" IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED No certifications or approvals have been issued for this project at this time. • Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. p-11-q~ DATE ~~" SIGNATURE'd'F AGENT The application must be si the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 1 B U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever. in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and w illfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl Block 16. Metes and Bounds Description EXHIBIT "A" 734.96 A~re Trace Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54 Braxoa County, Tcxo:s Picld notes ot a 734.96 acre trace or parcel of land. lying and being ~ic:u~t~d in che Rob~rt: Stevenson Survuy, Ab~tract No. 54, Brazoc County, Texas, aod being pare of t:he 749 . 71 acre tract: (net) described in the Subst:it.ut:c Trust.:ec 's Deed from Gary Anderson, Sub&titute Trustee co Mi:&cion Savine~ Association of Texas. as recorded in Volume 1093, Paee 838. of t:he 0££ici~l R<!cords of Bra20!: County, Toxac, and beins rnorc p.'.lrt.icularly described a& .(ol.} OWt>: BEGINNING at t:h<2 1/2"iroo rod at t:he 6" crco:>ota post fence corner found m.'.lrking the wcot. corner of the bcfore~entioned 749.71 acre trace; THENCE along the northwest l.ine of the b~forement:ioned 749.71 acre tract:, adj~cont to o fence, oa followo: N 44 • 46' 54" E N 44· so· 48'. E N 44. 43 ' 5 7" E N 45" io· 39'! E ~ 45• 08' 15" E N 43° 47' 19" E N 43" 43' 55 .. E ENG FORM 4345 for a distance of 2025.92 feet to a cross-tie fence cornf:r found markins tha coznmon corner between the Wayne A. Dunlap, et al, 158 acre tr~ct, ao recorded in Voluroc 283, Page 382, ·of the Deed Records of Braz:o:s County, Texas. and the A . S. Mcswain, Jr., et el, 90 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 335, Page 556, of. the Deed Records of 8rA10s County, Texas: for a distance of 1277.74 feet to the S" cedar post fence corner found marking the common cornar bet:....,een t:he said McSwain, Jr., 90 .. ere tract and t:hc·A~ S. McSwain 117-1/2 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 166, Page 425, of the Deed Records of Braz:os County, Texas; for a distance of 1493.24 feet to the 6" cedar pos~ fence corner found ~rking the common corner between the said Mcswain 117-1/2 acre tract: .and the Ann McCltllan Ferguson 50 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 304, Page 182, of. the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas; for a distance of 646.51 feet to the 1/~" iron rod at: 5" cedar pose fence corner found marking the common corner between the said Ferguson 50 acre tract:. and t:.he James D . Ingx:·ara, I-II, 88 .0 acre tr<oct, .--. r~corded in Volume 453, Page 151, of the Deed R~cords· of .Brazos County, Tex~s: for .s di.st:ince of l.l.36.90 feet to t:hc 1./2" iron rod at t:he 6 .. creosote post fence corne; found marking the common corner between the said Ine;ral'G, Ii:I·; 88 .O :icrc tract and the J. Spence Wendt 159.382 acre tract. as recorded in Volume 545, Page 694, of the Deed Records of Braxos County. Te:.c.a.•: for a di&t:ance of 757.92 feet to t:he 1/2" iron . rod at cross-cie fence corner fou~d marking the common corner between t:ha Wendt 159.382 acre tract and the Dwayne L. Rhea 15.0 acre tract:, a~ rocordad in Volume 421, Page 234, of che n .. ed Recor:ds of Br-az:os County. Texas:: for a distance of 2026.76 feet to the 1/2" iron rod 5ct .in t:.h .. ~out:hwesc right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6, according to the Ju~gcment styled The State of Texas versus United Pour Joint: Vcnt:ure, et al. as recorded in Volume 1153, Page 137, of t~e Official ·Records of l3raz.os County, T~;..._.s, said Judgement being a 14. 63 acre era ct for highway purpo~ec (the widening of State Highway No. 6), a 6" creosote post fence corner boar~ S 55" 22' W 16.7 foot; EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW·ORI Block 16. Metes and Bounds Description 734.96 Acre Trace Robert Steven6on Survey. A-54 Rrazos County, Texas Continued -Page 2 THENCE follows : nlon5 che :southwest right-of-way line of Stace Highway No. 6 a& s 47• 19 ' s 43• 01 • s 47· 19' s 3s· 33• s 43• 30' 17'' 56" 17" 26" 26" E E E E E for n distance of 755.16 feet to a concreLc right-of-way marker found, for a distance of 200.56 feet to a concrete right-of-way marker found, for a distance 0£ 800.00 feet to a eonerote right-of-way marker found, for a · distance of 1214.18 feet co a concrete riRhc-of-way marker found, for a di&tance of 103.~6 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the north corner of. a 0. 88 acre tract described in the deed to the City of Coliege Stat:ion, Texas. as recorded in Volume 677 ~ Pase 604 0 of the Official Record5 of Br~xo~ Councy, Texas, said 0.88 acre tract also known as Lot 1. Block 1, South Park E~taCe& -Pru.se One, according to the pl~c recorded in Volum.e 795, Page 259, of che Official Record& of Bra%o:s County, Texas: THENCE S 26" 59' 25" W along the northwest line of the beforementioned O. 66 acre era ct:. at: a di seance of 200 .00 fee.c, pass the common corner bec~een the said 0.68 acre tract and the General Telephone Company of the Southwest 0.61 acre cract. as recorded in Volume 741. Page 502, of the Official Records of Brazos County. Texas, &aid 0 .61 acre trace also .known a5 Lot 2, Block l, South Park £&caccs,· continue on. for a total di5tance of 370.00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the west corner of the said o·. 61 acre tract; THBNCE S 60" 57' 54 .. ~ along.the southwest line of the 0_61 ~cro trace . for a discance of 190.74 £e~t to a 1/2" iron rod &et in the transition rieht~ of-way line from State Highway No.6 to Greens Prairie Road, a concrece righc- of-way marker £ound marking the east corner of the befora~ancioned 0.98 acre trace bears N 29" ·01 • 21" E 310.22 feet; THENCE S 26 • 59' 25" W alonit the beforC>mantioned tran&;.i ti on right-0£- way line. for .a .c ; ~c.-.nce of 328 .01 feet and corn .. r in the 15out.:heasc line of thri bofore:mentioned 749.71 acre trace, a concrete right-of-way marker bears N 4!1'; S 1' 57" W 1-. 99 feet, a metal "T" post markini:: t;he beei~ing of the fenced northwe&t line 0£ Greens Prairie Road by virtue of let~er to Mr. Bill Cooley, County Commissioner. dated Novumber 12, 1.984. recoc-dcd .in Volume 745 0 Page 642; of th~ Official Records of Brazos Coun~y. Texas . bears S 12· 01' 42" W 55.5 :feec; THENCE ~long the southeast line of the bcforemention~d 749.71 acre t:racc a& follows: ENG FORM 4345 S 44" 34' 06" W for a distance of 542.90 ~eet co an angle point corner, from which t:he center of the exi&ti~c pavemenc of Groen& Prairie Road bear• Sout:heast 24 feet:, a 6" creosote po&t fence corner in t:he existing fenced northwest: line of Creena Prairie Road be~rc N 79• 20' W 29.3 feet, S 4.3 • 56' l.8" W for a distance of 152tl. 51 feet to an angle point corner. located 31 .5 feet northwest of tho ce[\t:er of t:he center of point of Green& Prairie Ro.::ad. from which a 1/2" iron rod -: founc::\ at a cross-cie fence corner at: -::h~ convnon corner between the >Ce,.ant:t:h Wolf, l.O acre trace And tho Mil~oo Willinms Eacatc , in chc Gouthcaat line of Greens Prairie .Road beArG S 21· 57' W 203.7 feet:, EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl Block 16. Metes and Bounds Description 734.96 Acre Tract Robert Stevenson.Survey. A-54 Bra~oo Councy. Texao Continued -Pace 3 s 44" 43 · 19-W for a distance of 1266.56 teec to an angle point corner, located 28 feet northwest of the center of pavement of Green& Prairie Road, from which a pow~r pole be~rc S 63• 47' W 72.3 feet, S 43• 43' 37" W for .:a dis:tance of 1907.49 feet t:o an angle point corner, located 23 feet northwest of the center of pavement: of Greens Prairie Road. from which a 6" creosbce post fence angle pol.nt in the northwest fenced line ot Greens Prairie Road bear& S 60• 26' W 77.0 feet, s 44• 40' 24" W for a distance of 1475.82 feet to ari angle point corner located 22 ~eet north\0iesc. of "Che center of p~vemenc of Greens Prairie Road , :from which the 6" creoso1::.e post fence corner in the fen ced northwccst line of Greens Prairie Road at the western corner of an existing cnt.rnncc with catcleguard bears N 39• 33' 36" E 320.4 £eet, s 43• 17" 41." w for a discancc or H183.63 teec to a 3/8" iron rod found marking the south corner or the beforamention4d 749.71 Acre trace, located 21 feet northwest of the center of pavement -of ·Greens Prairie Road. from which a 6" creo£ote post ~~nee corner in the fenced northweat line of Greens Prairie Road bears N 43~ 23' W 23.6 feet, and a pipeline riser bear& N 67" 41" OS" W 20.3 faat, and a pipeline sign marking an.Arco pipeline in t:.he fenced northw~t>t: line of Gree:ns Prairie :Road bears N 40• 23' 34" E 530.55. feet; THENCE N 45• 58" 20" W along the i>out:hwest: line ot the beforemcntioncd 749.71 acre tract, adjacen~ to a fence ; £or a distance 0£ 3510.67 feet to the PLACE OP BEGil\'Nil~G. containing ;;a total of 734. 96 acre& of land. ·more or lese.:, of which 4.96 acres lies between the described southva~t line and the northwest fenced line of Greens Prairie Road. Survcyt!d. Novem\,vr and December. 1989 By:~ 11 ~M. S. M. Kling Public Surveyor No. 2003 ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl Block 20. Reasons for Discharge Summary The activity associated with this project involves impacting approximately 5.89 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, within the approximately 735-acre Crowley tract. Proposed impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, within this property are associated with the construction of roads, drainage ditches, stormwater detention areas, and impounded waters. These infrastructure improvements are necessary to develop this tract into a mixed-use master planned development consisting of single and multi-family residential uses, commercial uses, institutional uses, and recreational uses which integrate open space and nature preserves throughout this development. The development will preserve the natural green way of Spring Creek in accordance with the City of College Station's Greenways Master Plan dated February, 1999. The green ways will incorporate a hike and bike trail system suitable for use as alternative transportation in all types of weather. The trail system will include water stations, lighting, restrooms and rest areas such as picnic tables. Although portions of the overall land plan for this site may change as the proposed development is finalized, proposed impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, will remain the same. Of the 5.89 acres of waters of the United States impacts, approximately 3.13 acres include impacts to Spring Creek and the associated tributaries, while approximately 2.76 acres include impacts to wetlands located on this property. Proposed impacts are illustrated in the attached Exhibits 6 through I 0. Waters of the United States, Excluding Wetlands As illustrated on the attached exhibits which detail proposed conditions (Exhibits 6 through 10), approximately 0.85 acre of Spring Creek is proposed to be impacted. The northernmost approximately 2,700 feet (0.75 acre) of Spring Creek is proposed to be replaced by an earthen man-made drainage channel having an approximately 30 foot bottom width with 6: I side slopes; a concrete channel is not proposed for this area. Exhibit 11 illustrates a typical cross section of the proposed man-made drainage channel along Spring Creek. As illustrated in Exhibit 10, the upstream drainage channel will bypass an approximately 500 foot (0.14-acre) section of Spring Creek. This 500 foot section of Spring Creek wi ll no longer receive normal flow from Spring Creek; however, the natural channel will remain intact. Although it is anticipated that the surrounding drainage area will continue to provide a source of water to this area, the acreage of this area has been included in the total acreage of proposed impacts. Additionally, approximately 350 feet (0.10 acre) of Spring Creek will be impacted by two road crossings; each of these road crossing will be constructed over box culverts in order to facilitate the movement of aquatic organisms through Spring Creek and to prevent flow restrictions in this waterway. The cross section of the southernmost crossing of Spring Creek is illustrated in Exhibit 12. The remaining approximately 5,450 feet (1.50 acres) of Spring Creek will not be impacted by the proposed project. Tributary I, totaling approximately 2, 100 feet (0 .3 9 acre), is proposed to be replaced by an earthen man-made drainage channel. This drainage channel, illustrated in Exhibit 10, will have an approximately 10 foot bottom width with 6: 1 side slopes and will be allowed to revegetate naturally; a concrete channel is not proposed for this area. Approximately 0.05- acre of this tributary will also be filled off-site in order to realign the tributary with the proposed man-made drainage channel. Although Exhibit 11 illustrates the larger channel proposed along Spring Creek, this exhibit represents a typical · cross section of the channelization of Tributary 1. Additionally, approximately 540 feet (0.07 acre) of Tributary 2 is also proposed to be replaced by a man-made drainage channel, as illustrated in Exhibit 9. Other proposed impacts to this tributary include construction of a dam across the tributary to create an impoundment at the upstream end of the tributary (Exhibit 8). Approximately 120 feet (0.02 acre) of the tributary will be filled for creation of the dam in order to impound this area. Impacts to this tributary total approximately 0.09 acre of fill and 0.05 acres of impoundment. The remaining 3,300 feet (0.45 acres) of this tributary will riot be impacted by the proposed project. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORJ Tributary 3, totaling approximately 850 feet (0.12 acres) of stream, will not be impacted by the proposed project (Exhib: 9). A Flow Restrictor-Culvert will also be added along Tributary 4 just upstream of the confluence of Tributary 5 (total in approximately .000 l acres of impact). The Flow Restrictor-Culvert is to provide detention by offsetting peak flows b approximately one-half hour. The detention provided is estimated to be approximately 41 acre-feet. At the upstream en of Tributary 4, a dam serves to impound water adjacent to the southwestern boundary of the property (Exhibit 1: Currently, water from the impoundment drains around each side of the dam into Tributary 4. Plans include filling th drainages, totaling 650 feet (0.09 acres), around each side of the dam and creating one outlet for water to flow from th impounded area into Tributary 4. Additionally, as illustrated in Exhibits 8 and 9, a sanitary sewer line will cross Tributar 4 at four locations; this includes an area approximately 2,000 feet south of the confluence of Tributary 4 with Spring Cree and an area adjacent to the west side of proposed State Highway 40, where the sanitary sewer line will cross Tributar 4 three times. A total of 0.03 acre of this tributary will be temporarily impacted during placement of the sanitary sewe line below the tributary. Although the tributary will be restored to natural grade once the sanitary sewer is in place, th 0.03 acre of temporary impacts have been included in the total acreage of proposed impacts. An easement will b maintained along the sanitary sewer line for ease of access if necessary. The remaining 8,500 feet (1.94 acres) of thi -tributary will not be impacted by the proposed project. A corridor of natural vegetation will be preserved along both side/ of this tributary; however, some underbrushing may be conducted within this corridor to accommodate the proposed ~ system and alternative transportation. "'-.......: Impacts to Tributary 5 include approximately 130 feet of fill for the construction of a road crossing near the upstream en( of the tributary (Exhibit 7). As with the other road crossings proposed for this site, this crossing will be constructed ove box culverts to prevent flow restrictions as well as to facilitate the movement of aquatic organisms through this tributary In addition, similar to Tributary 4, approximately 30 feet of Tributary 5 will also be temporarily impacted for th • placement of a sanitary sewer below this tributary (Exhibit 7). Although this tributary will also be restored to natura grade once the sanitary sewer is in place, these impacts have been included in the total impacts for this tributary. Th• remaining approximately 3,300 feet of this tributary will not be impacted by the proposed project. Similar to Tri but~ 4, a natural corridor with some underbrushing will also be preserved along Tributary 5. The 2.47-acre impoundment located along Tributary 4 at the southwestern property boundary is proposed to be used fo stormwater detention during periods of heavy rainfall. To create the additional storage capacity in this impoundment the normal high water level of the impoundment is proposed to be lowered approximately 2 feet. Exhibit 7 illustrates th t proposed impacts to this impoundment. It is estimated that lowering the elevation of the impoundment will decrease th( size of the impoundment to approximately 0.91 acre, decreasing the overall size of this impoundment by 1.56 acres. Thi: 1.56 acre decrease in size has been included in the total acreage of impacts. The area surrounding the impoundment ma: be developed into a park, and the surrounding area may remain natural and be left to develop an interface, or wetlanc fringe area. The difference in acreage resulting from lowering the water surface elevation and the acreage of the existint wetland fringe have been included as proposed impacts. Wetlands Wetland impacts totaling approximately 2. 76 acres are proposed for the purpose of infrastructure improvements associatec with this development. Wetland areas which are proposed to be impacted in their entirety include Areas A, B, C, D, E F, K, L, M, and N. Exhibit 13 illustrates a typical cross section of fill to be placed within a wetland area. Wetland Areas A (0.48-acre), B (0.69-acre), D (0.02-acre), and E (0.18-acre), located near the northern corner of thl property, are proposed to be filled for the purpose of road construction (Exhibit l 0). Area C (0.18-acre), located al on!:' Spring Creek near the northeastern property boundary, is proposed to be excavated for the construction of a detentior basin (Exhibit 10). Area K (0.20-acre), located immediately west of Tributary 4, is proposed to be filled for the purpose ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORJ of development (Exhibit 8). Area F, a 0.19-acre wetland area located within the Conservation Reserve area, will also be impacted (Exhibit 10). This area will be impacted for the purpose of construction of a drainage channel which will replace Spring Creek. The drainage channel will have an approximately 30 foot bottom width with 6: 1 side slopes. In addition, Wetland Areas L, M, and N, the wetland fringe located along the edges oflmpoundment 1, may be impacted by lowering the water level of this impoundment and by removing the berm which impounds this area (Exhibit 7). Although the acreage of Areas Mand N has been included .in the total acreage of impacts, ifthe area surrounding the impoilndment is developed as a park, it is anticipated that this wetland fringe may remain in place since this area will still receive water during periods of heavy rainfall. Wetland Areas G, H, I, and J totaling 0.86 acre, will not be impacted by the proposed project.· ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) LOCATION 0 SCALE IN FEET soo· INSET B <EXHIBIT 8> LEGEND - -WATERS OF THE UN I TEO STA TES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED WETLANDS TO REMAIN WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LI NE ----SANITARY SEWER ~ ) J T ) z u 0 BASE UAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, I 99B, PROJECT NUMBER 1997004 76. ~ 1----------------------~----------------------g, PURPOSE• g:: The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use ~ development to Include slnQle ond rn.iltl-foml ly ~ residential uses, corrmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol E A R E c :: uses, ond recreot I ono I uses, OS we I I OS I nteQroted A t"qco /NT£RNAT/ONAL L TO. COMPANY H ' nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.1----------------------- ~ SUBMITTED BY• SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT -~ T 11.1 CROWLEY LOCAT I ON1 COLLEGE ST AT I ON .. :g CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY. TEXAS 3 CHEVRON TOWER AUCUST, 1999 PR p g:: 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591-9811 0 OSED CONDITIONS ,, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 EARTH TECH PROJECT N0.104()10 INSET A EXHIBIT 7 LOCATION 0 SCALE IN FEET soo· INSET A <EXHIBIT 7> ~ ,. LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE 11.f>ACTED WETLANDS TO REl.IAIN WETLANDS TO BE 11.f'ACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LI NE ----•SANITARY SEWER z 0 0 BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT Nl.A4BER 199700476, ~t----------------------.---------------------~ ~ PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use ~development to Include sln91e ond rrultl-fomlly ~ resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol E A E c H : uses, ond recreotlonol uses, os well os lnteQroted A-rqco/NTERNATIONAL LTD.COMPANY' .:. noture preserves ond storm woter detent I on foe I I It I es.._-------------------- "' ~ SUBMITTED BY• MA. T I I.I CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY OEVELOPUENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ IJOI MCKINNEY, SUITE JSOO ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUCUS T, 1999 LJA PROJECT HO. 45~-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT HO. 10.COIO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET B EXHIBIT 8 LOCATION 0 500' SCALE IN FEET LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED WETLANDS TO REMAIN l~l WETLANDS TO BE ll.IPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE INSET BOUNDARY LINE PROPOSED DRAINACE CHANNEL ---SANITARY SEWER z C> 0 BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELiMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNI TEO STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. ~ PURPOSE• f The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use :'.: development to Include slnole and rnJltl-fanl ly / residential uses, comnerclol uses, Institutional E A R E c H ;; uses. ond recreot I ono I uses, OS we I I OS I nteoroted A t-qco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY ~ nature preserves and storm water detent I on foe I I It I es.I---------------------- ~ SUBMI TTEO BY• ... ~ TIU CROll'l.EY ~ CROll'l.EY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1)01 UCKINNEY, SUITE )500 ~ HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUCUS T, 1999 LJA PRMCT NO. -4591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 10.COIO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET C EXHIBIT 9 LOCATION 0 SCALE IN FEET 500' INSET C (EXHIBIT 9> LEGEND WATERS or THE UNITED STATES WATERS or THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED WETLANDS TO REMAIN WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY L 1 NE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LI NE PROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL ----SANITARY SEWER z 0 0 BASE UAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, •PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY I 8, 1998, PROJECT NWBER 1997004 76. d t-------------------------.----------------------~ ~ PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use ::'.: development to Include sln<Jle and rrultl-fanl ly ~ restdenttol uses, comnerctol uses, lnstltuttonol : uses, and recreotlonol uses, as wel I as lnteQroted E A R E c H A rqco INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY ..'.. nature preserves and storm water detent I on foe r I It I es.1------------------------ "' "' .. SUBMITTED BY1 -t.tR. TIM CROWLEY ~ CROWlEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 0 ci CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 MCKINNEY. SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9611 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. l~OIO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET D EXHIBIT 10 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 LOCATION SCALE• I' •I 00' HOR. I' •IO' VER. 0+00 I +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 LEGEND L::<>: :.·;~d PROPOSED FI LL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG SPRING CREEK. THIS CREEK, AS W€LL AS TRIBUTARY I ANO A PORTION OF TRIBUTARY 2 ARE PROPOSED TO BE CHANNELIZED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING STORt.AWATER DRAINAGE OFF THIS SITE. THIS REPRESENTS ~ A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ALONG THESE AREAS PROPOSED FOR CHANNELIZATION. 0 0 ~ PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to creote o mixed use 3 development to Include slnole ond m..iltl -fcmlly / resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol - E A R E c H : uses, ond recreotlonol uses, os wel I os lnteoroted A r~c:Cl/NTERNATJONAL LTD.COMPANY • noture preserves ond storm wot er detent I on foe I I It I es.1--------------------------... "' ... ->< "' 0 .., 0 a: Q. / SUBMI TTEO BY• Lit. TIM CROIJLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUCUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. I0-40CO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION CHANNELIZATION OF CREEK EXHIBIT I I z u 0 285 280 275 270 IZl1-- .···."·."/ I'\ j\ ) J - 265~-4-~-i---4--~~--H-~~~~~---+-~~---+-~~~ -- -- 260 255 250L----'-~"'----'-~~--'-~"'----'-~...__~~...__~~...___, 0+00 TEXAS * LOCATION SCALE• 1• • 100' HOR. 1· • 10' VER. I +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 LEGEND j:.\:_;:_.: :_-;:"d PROPOSED FI LL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK 6+00 NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF A PROPOSED ROAD CROSSING OF SPRING CREEK. ALTHOUGH THE NUMBER OF BOX CULVERTS VARIES. THIS ILLUSTRATES A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OF SEVERAL ROAD CROSSINGS PROPOSED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. ~S~ ~P-U_R_P_O_S_E_•--------------------..---------H--@)-----------~ •. The purpose of this project ts to create a mixed use E A R T E C H development to Include slnQle and rrultt-fomlly restdent tol uses, corrrnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol ;; uses, ond recreot I ono I uses, OS we I I OS I nteQroted A rqco IN TERNA T/ONAL L ro. COMPANY ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci 1 ltles.J----------------------- ~ SUBMITTED BY• _ MR. TIM CROWlEY ~ CROWlEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION £l CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 t.IC~INNEY. SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 1°'4040 SITE• 735 -ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ROAD CROSSING EXHIBIT 12 z I.) 0 285 280 275 r---_ 270 265 260 0+00 285 280 275 270 265 260 6+00 LOCATION SCALE• 1 • • I 00' HOR. 1· • 10' VER. Nt£AT "'""~ -- r--.... '""'---.....:.......-: .. "~ I +00 2+00 7+00 8+00 •ATl./RloL (i/QJll(J \ \ -,. ..• .. ~ i----/NI\,'":'/ . ~ 3+00 4+00 5+00 ll/£A 'Ir t •#'Jt< 9+00 IQ+QQ I I +00 LEGEND L:::::.;:_.: :_:::.::I PROPOSED FI LL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED FILL TO BE PLACED IN WETLAND AREAS A ANO B FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION. THIS REPRESENTS A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION THROUGH WETLAND AREAS WHICH ARE PROPOSED TO BE FILLED. d ~---------------------~---------------------~ t: PURPOSE• ~ The pu-pose of this project Is to creote o mixed use 8 development to Include slnole and multl-fomlly ~ resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol E A R E c : uses, ond recreot I ono I uses, OS we I I OS I nteoroted A t-qco INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY H ' notu-e preserves ond storm water detention foci I I ties •. ~---------------------- ~ SUBMITTED BY• SI TE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT -~. T It.I CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 0 d CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1)01 t.ICllNNEY, SUITE 3500 "' HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUCUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 1~040 LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION FILL OF WETLAND AREAS EXHIBIT 13 2B-I 38. 06 Ac. • Conservation Reserve Open Space Approx. 33.0 Ac. • Deed Restricted Natural Area LEGEND ~ WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WETLANDS CONSERVATION RESERVE DEED RESTRICTED NATURAL AREA LOCATION PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE 0 1400' SCALE IN FEET z .., 0 ti BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT. •PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY I B. 1998. PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. > !--------------------------.-----------------------~ ~ PURPOSE• 8 The purpose of th Is project Is to create o ml xed use n development to Include slnc;,le ond rrultl-fanl ly ~ resldentlol uses. conmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol E A R E c H :;; uses. and recreot I ono I uses. OS we I I OS I nteoroted A rqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci 1 ltles •. ._----------------------- N .. SUBMITTED BY• ;;;; I.ft. TIM CROWlEY :g CROWlEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ci CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 "' HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUCUST, 1999 LJA PRO...E:CT NO. 4591-9811 EARTH TECH PRO...E:CT NO. 1040IO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY. TEXAS PROPOSED MITIGATION AREAS EXHIBIT 14 WETLANDS A 0.48 0.48 acre fill B 0.69 0.69 acre fill c 0.18 0.18 acre excavation D 0,02 0.02 acre fill E 0.18 0.18acre fill F 0.19 0.19 acre excavation G 0.12 no impact no impact H 0.65 no impact no impact 0.01 no impact no impact 0.08 no impact no impact K 0.20 0.20 acre fill L 0.04 0.04 acre fill M 0.45 0.45 acre draining N 0.33 0.33 acre draining Total Wetlands 3.62 Total Wetland Impacts: 2.76 1.61 acres fill, 0.37 acre excavation, 0. 78 acre draining WATERS OF THE UNITED ST A TES, EXCLUDING WETLANDS Spring Creek Tributary I Tributary 2 Tributary 3 Tributary 4 Tributary 5 lmpoundment I Total Waters, excluding wetlands Total Waters, including wetlands 2.35 0.39 0.59 0.12 2.06 0.24 2.47 8.22 11.84 0.85 acre 0.44 acre 0.14 acre no impact 0.12 acre 0.02 acre 1.56 acre Total Waters Impacts: 3.13 TOT AL IMP ACTS: 5.89ACRES The above listed impacts are illustrated in Exhibits 6 through 10. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE 0. 71 acres fill, 0.14 acre draining 0.39 acres fill on-site, 0.05 acres fill off-site to realign tributary .09 acres fill, 0.05 acres impoundment no impact 0.09 acre fill, 0.03 acre temporary excavation 0.017 acre fill, 0.004 acre temporary excavation draining 1.35 acres fill, I. 70 acres drained, 0.05 acres impoundment, 0.03 acre temporary excavation 2.96 acres fill, 0.37 acres excavation, 2.48 acres draining, 0.05 acres impoundment, 0.03 acre temporary excavation (Proponent: CECW-ORJ Block 24. Names and Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody Gary Seaback c/o G&S Investments 4245 Wellborn Road Bryan, Texas 77801 Ester Jane Grant McDougal 4150 Shadowbrook Circle College Station, Texas 77845-8299 City of College Station P.O. Box 9973 College Station, Texas 77842 GTE Southwest, Inc. GTE Telephone Operations P.O. Box 152206 Irving, Texas 75015 W.A. and Beverly J. Furrer Dunlap Patricia J. Vogel and Thomas L. Brown Jr. 2612 Spicewood College Station, Texas 77845 Stephen Roliard 4224 State Highway 6 College Station, Texas 77845 Anna M. Ferguson Trust Northwest Bank Texas, South Central Trust Department P.O. Box 1458 Victoria, Texas 77902 Edward Froehling 3887 High Lonesome College Station, Texas 77845 E. Boswell Porter and Robert P. Wood 304 Post Office Bryan, Texas 77801 Texas Department of Transportation Bryan District 1300 North Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas 77803 ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) Introduction Mitigation Proposal Crowley Tract \total of 11.84 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, were identified and delineated on the Crowley ract; the delineated wetlands on this site were subsequently verified by the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers. Open water, ;treams, and tributaries account for 8.22 acres on this site while wetland areas comprise the remaining 3.62 acres of waters )f the United States on this property. A. total of 5.89 acres of impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, would occur on the approximately 735- acre Crowley tract as a result of the design and implementation of the mixed use, master planned development proposed for this site. Specifically, the development of this property will result in 3 .13 acres of impacts to open water or stream areas while 2. 7 6 acres of impacts will result from impacts to wetland areas. Mr. Tim Crowley, owner of the Crowley tract, has been diligent in the practice of avoidance and minimization of impact; to waters of the United States on this property. To this end, Mr. Crowley is avoiding or minimizing impacts to 50% (e.g., 5.95 acres) of the total acreage of waters of the United States on this property. These 5.95 acres include the following. A. Avoidance oflmpacts The following waters of the United States, including wetlands, will be avoided: ... Wetland Areas G, H, I, and J for a total acreage of 0.86 acres (or 24% of the 3.62 acres of identified wetlands on this site). Area G: 0.12 acre Area H: 0.65 acre Area I: 0.01 acre Area J: 0.08 acre ... Tributary 3 totaling 0.12 acres in size. ... Tributary 4 between proposed State Highway 40 and Spring Creek. An in-line detention basin originally proposed in this area has been redesigned off-line so that impacts to this riparian corridor between State Highway 40 and Spring Creek could be avoided. The off-line detention basin will be located between Spring Creek and Tributary 1, near the northern boundary of the property. Although relocating the proposed detention further downstream will result in the loss of a greater amount of otherwise developable land, this off-line detention system will prevent localized flooding on the site and aid in maintaining, to the extent possible, the current conditions along Spring Creek, as well as the other tributaries on this property, without the need to channelize much of these areas. B. Minimization of Impacts Impacts to all open waters, streams, and tributaries will be minimized on this property. By minimizing impacts to these areas, such impacts account for only 3.13 acres (or 38%) of the 8.22 acres of such waters of the United States on this property. Tributary 3 will not be impacted, and only a small portion of Tributaries 4 and 5 will be impacted for the purpose of a road crossing, sanitary sewer crossings, and a flow restrictor culvert. Impacts to the tributaries from the sanitary sewer crossings will only be temporary since these areas will be restored to natural grade once the sanitary sewer line is in place. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORI [I. Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the United States, including Wetlands ~lthough Mr. Crowley is avoiding and/or minimizing impacts to 5.95 acres of waters of the United States, including .vetlands, located on this property, Mr. Crowley has determined that it is not feasible and/or practicable (for development purposes) to avoid or minimize impacts to the 5.89 acres which are proposed to be impacted. As previously mentioned, :tll wetland areas which would be partially impacted by the infrastructure improvements associated with this development, or which are located within a tract to be developed, are considered (for the purpose of this permit application) as completely impacted since these wetlands would most likely be degraded or eliminated due to secondary impacts. In addition, wetland areas which will be only temporarily impacted for the purpose of sanitary sewer construction are also included in the proposed acreage to be impacted. As detailed below, Mr. Crowley proposes to preserve, in perpetuity, a total of approximately 71.06 acres of riparian habitat on this property. A total of 38.06 acres of riparian habitat will be preserved through the creation of a Conservation Reserve on the Crowley tract. This Conservation Reserve, as illustrated in Exhibit 14, consists of a heavily wooded riparian corridor surrounding Tributary 2 and a portion of Spring Creek located to the north of proposed State Highway 40 which traverses roughly the center of the Crowley tract. This Conservation Reserve is the result of a cooperative effort between Mr. Crowley and the Texas Department of Transportation (as well as regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) in conjunction with the development of the currently proposed State Highway 40 through the Crowley tract. 1bi~ Conservation Reserve consists of 38.06 acres of riparian habitat which will be preserved and enhanced by TxDOT for the purpose of safeguarding the actual plants and the habitat of the Navasota ladies 'tresses (Spiranthes parks ii), a federally endangered species of plant. Navasota ladies 'tresses were previously identified in the proposed State Highway 40 right- of-way as well as on other areas of the Crowley tract. According to the USFWS, this Conservation Reserve will provide suitable mitigation for impacts to Navasota ladies 'tresses resulting from the proposed State Highway 40 project as well as the Crowley development. The majority of the Navasota ladies 'tresses plants identified on the Crowley tract, as well as the most suitable habitat for this plant, are located within the area now designated as the Conservation Reserve. Wetland Area G will be preserved, in perpetuity, through the creation of the 38.06 acre Conservation Reserve on the Crowley tract (Exhibit 9). Tributary 3, a portion of Tributary 4, a portion of Spring Creek, Wetland Areas H, I, and J, and the surrounding riparian corridor will be preserved by means of deed restricting this approximately 33.0-acre area. This property, as illustrated in Exhibit 14, may at some point be deeded, or donated, to the City of College Station or another entity if Mr. Crowley so chooses. Not only would this area be preserved, in perpetuity, but secondary impacts resulting from development of the Crowley tract to Tributary 3, as well as a portion of Tributary 4, a portion of Spring Creek, and Wetland Areas H, I, and J would be minimized or totally eliminated. Aside from preserving these tributary, stream, and wetland features, this riparian corridor would remain in tact and would actually link to the riparian corridor established by the Conservation Reserve on this property. The net effect would create a contiguous riparian corridor area of approximately 71.06 acres in size (approximately 33.0-acre deed restricted natural area plus 38.06-acre Conservation Reserve) ori the Crowley property. Tree species observed in this riparian corridor included, but were not limited to, the following: • Post oak (Quercus stelata) • Water oak (Quercus nigra) • Black willow (Salix nigra) • Honey-locust (Gleditsia tricanthos) • American elm (Wmus americana) • Winged elm (Ulmus alata) • Cedar elm (Wmus crassifolia) ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl •• Flowering dogwood (Cornusjlorida) • Common hackberry (Ce/tis occidenta/is) ~ Yaupon (flex vomitoria) • Parsley hawthorn (Crataegus marshal/ii) Potential impacts to the deed restricted natural area along Tributary 3, Tributary 4, and Spring Creek may include, at some future poi.pt in time, a hike and bike trail system described in the Summary of Block 20 (which will be designed to have a low impact on the environment) and/or the placement of picnic tables in some areas. The potential hike and bike trail may include crossings of Spring Creek and the associated tributaries; however, impacts to the tributaries (i.e., placemen1 of structures associated with the crossing) will be limited to above the normal high water line of Tributary 4. Most trail system improvements within the deed restricted area would primarily be located along the fringe of the deed restrictec area adjacent to other developed areas on this site. While selected removal of understory may occur near these trail areas this riparian corridor would otherwise be preserved in its natural state to the maximum extent possible in accordance witl- the City of College Station's Greenways Master Plan. A sanitary sewer line will cross Tributary 4 at four locations, a~ illustrated in Exhibits 8 and 9. Although the tributary and the deed restricted riparian corridor along the sanitary sewe1 easement will be temporarily impacted during placement of the line, these areas will be restored to natural grade onc{ construction is complete. It will however be necessary to maintain an easement along the sanitary sewer line to allow fo1 ease of access if necessary. Other than the stated impacts, this approximately 33.0-acre area will be preserved, ir perpetuity, by filing a Deed Restriction for this area with the Office of the County Clerk, Brazos County, Texas. Navasota ladies 'tresses areas in the approximately 33.0-acre deed restricted riparian corridor located along Tributary 4 and Spring Creek will be preserved. T~o Navasota ladies 'tresses "zones" were previously identified in this area by Ms Kathy Parker, Navasota ladies 'tresses specialist. These areas include the area along Spring Creek at the northernmos1 end of the proposed deed restricted area and an area along Tributary 4 near the southern end of the deed restricted area. These areas, which will be preserved in perpetuity, will serve to safeguard the plants and habitat of the Navasota ladie~ 'tresses. By preserving this area, potential primary impacts to this endangered species of plant are basically eliminate( in this area. However, as previously discussed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Conservation Reserve will serve as the mitigation for impacts to Navasota ladies 'tresses at this site. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl Alternatives Analysis Crowley Tract lle project area consists of an approximately 735-acre tract of primarily undeveloped land known as the Crowley tract. \.t this time, the Crowley tract is proposed as a mixed use development; development of this 735-acre area will include :ingle and multi-family residential uses, commercial uses, and institutional uses (i.e., elementary school and associated ~ounds). This tract is additionally designed to integrate natural areas such as open spaces, green belts, parks, and trails nto the overall master plan for this development. The design and construction of supporting infrastructure systems ncluding roadways, drainage ditches and drainageways, detention areas, and impoundments, as well as water distribution md wastewater collection systems (and other utilities) are also included in the development of this approximately 735-acre ract of land. Though impacts to waters of the United States will total approximately 5.89 acres throughout this development, open ;paces, green belts, parks, trails, and natural areas (including a deed restricted natural area and conservation reserve) will total, at minimum, approximately 100 acres or 13 percent of the entire 735-acre development. 1. Alternatives A. How could you satisfy your needs in ways which do not affect wetlands? The approximately 735-acre Crowley tract has been designed as a master planned development and therefore maximizes available land use. Reconfiguration of the proposed infrastructure improvements such as roadways and drainage features could be designed so that affects to wetlands would be minimized or avoided; however, the overall project concept for this development is seeking to avoid creating "postage stamp" wetland areas. By impacting waters of the United States as planned and setting aside linked open spaces, green belts, parks, trails, natural areas, and a conservation reserve containing waters of the United States (including wetlands), such ecological areas will be concentrated within this development. Concentrated natural areas and contiguous riparian corridors create a more desirable ecological community as opposed to isolated "postage stamp" wetland areas which would be subjected to further secondary impacts by adjacent developments. B. How could the project be redesigned to fit the site without affecting wetlands? The Crowley tract has been designed in accordance with the City of College Station Comprehensive Plan, to accommodate the growth trend exhibited by the housing market of the College Station/Bryan, Texas area over the past several years. An analysis of this geographical market has led to the generation of a Master Development Plan for this 735-acre tract which balances the demand for both single and multi-family housing with the desire to increase commercial developments in this area of College Station, Texas. New residential and commercial business developments will translate into increased opportunities in the service-related industries (i.e., building and construction-related services, etc.) as well as new employment opportunities for the College Station/Bryan area workforce. Avoidance of several waters of the United States areas on the Crowley tract is designed into the Development Master Plan for this tract of land. In addition, wetland areas G; H, I, and J and Tributary 3 will not be impacted by the proposed development. Redesign of this project to fit the site by avoiding most or all impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, would not be feasible in many areas in that avoidance would create numerous small "postage stamp" wetlands (e.g., Area A = 0.4841, Area B = 0.6864 acre, Area C = 0.1790 acre, Area D = 0.0180 acre, Area E = 0.1806, etc.) scattered throughout this site. Lot sizes could be decreased to avoid impacts to several wetland areas; however, secondary impacts to these ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORI relatively small wetlands would be likely to occur once development proceeds. Also, impacts to waters of the United States on this tract are necessary to provide, for example, detention and drainage for this area. Additionally, since nwnerous individual lots are already constrained by necessary infrastructure improvements such as roadways or drainageways, decreasing lot sizes would minimize the marketability of several of these lots, especially lots designated for commercial development. Currently, the road network throughout this development is part of the City of College Station's Thoroughfare Plan and, as such, avoidance of wetlands in several areas would be difficult while also working toward achieving the goals of the City's Thoroughfare Plan. C. How could the project be made smaller and still meet your needs? In conjunction with the City of College Station's Planning and Zoning Commission, the original Maste1 Development Plan for the Crowley tract, submitted to the Commission for review, has been revised several times. To meet the requirements of the Planning and Zoning Commission, revisions to the Maste1 Development Plan have included: ... decreasing residential acreage (from approximately 403 acres to 370 acres), decreasing residential density (from 6.3 development units/acre to 5.4 du/acre), ... increasing right-of-way/utility acreage (from 97 acres to 145 acres), and ... incorporating a trail system without barriers to alternative transportation. Overall, the proposed development has been made smaller but still achieves the project development goals. Any further minimization of this development would involve a decrease in revenues from anticipated residential and commercial lot sales based on the acreage of lots to be sold, balanced against estimated per-acre development costs. D. What other sites were considered? I. What geographical area was searched/or alternative sites? ENG FORM 4345 In 1988-1989, a corridor along both sides of State Highway 6 between Navasota and Hearne, Texas, was researched to identify large acreage tracts of land for potential investment purposes. The original search criteria for such a site included the following: ... relative close proximity to the College Station/Bryan, Texas area, access to and from the College Station/Bryan area via State Highway 6, acquisition costs less than $1,500 per acre, and ... a size of approximately +500 acres to allow for the creation of a mixed use development. Only one such site, the site now known as the Crowley tract, met these search criteria. EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl 2. How did you determine wltetlter other non-wetland sites are available for development in the area? At the time of the original land acquisition (in 1989), a specific determination as to whether or not other non-wetland sites were available for development within the search corridor was not made. As previously mentioned, only one site met the search criteria. A wetland delineation, and subsequent delineation report (dated August 1997), was conducted and prepared for the Crowley tract. This delineation report was then submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Fort Worth District. The USACE verified the delineated waters of the United States, including wetlands, on this tract in correspondence dated February 18, 1998. A total of 8.317 acres of waters of the United States, excluding wetlands, was verified for this site along with a total of 3.611 acres of wetlands for an overall total of 11 .928 acres of waters of the United States (including wetlands) on this property. This acreage did not include waters of the United States, including wetlands, which existed within the State Highway 40 right-of-way that was identified at that time. Since the USACE verification was issued for this site, the State Highway 40 right-of-way has been widened slightly; therefore, the total acreage of waters of the United States, including wetlands, which exist on this site, less the acreage which exists within the new expanded State Highway 40 right- of-way, is 11.84 acres. The current proposed impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, on the Crowley trac1 is 5.89 acres. Impacts to waters of the United States resulting from the State Highway 40 project will be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by the Texas Department of Transportation under a separate permit application package. 3. In recent years, have you sold or leased any lands located wit/tin the vicinity of the project? If so, why were they unsuitable for the project? To date, no parcels or lots associated with the Crowley tract have been sold or leased. Purchase negotiations are currently in progress between Mr. Tim Crowley, owner of the Crowley tract, and the Texas Department of Transportation (fxDOT) for their acquisition of the right-of-way necessary fo r the design and construction of State Highway 40 through the Crowley tract. Mr. Tim Crowley does not have any additional real estate holdings in the general vicinity of the Crowley tract aside from a one-half interest in 16 acres of land located along the east by-pass around College Station, Texas. The acreage associated with this property is not comparable to the Crowley tract as far as a master planned, mixed use development is concerned. E. What are the consequences of not building the project? Not developing and/or building this project would cause a significant financial loss to the property owner and loss of a large tract of land in the growth corridor of the City of College Station. This property was purchased at a price which anticipated long-term growth trends in the residential and commercial markets of the College Station/Bryan, Texas area. Additionally, holding this land indefinitely without any type of development on this property would not generate enough income from, for example, grazing leases or timber sales to regain the original investment on this land. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORI 1. Comparison of Alternatives A. How do the costs compare/or the alternatives considered above? Minimizing lot sizes to avoid or minimize impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, for this mixed use development would have the following results. Direct Financial Impacts: ... Minimizing impacts to waters of the United States would not change the overall development costs (i.e., past, present, and future costs) associated with this project. At this point in time, development costs associated with this master planned development would be the same regardless of the final size of the individual lots designed to be sold. ... A decrease in revenue would be recognized if development costs for this project remained the same and lot sizes decreased, thus decreasing the sale price of the lot or lots. ... Reconfiguring the lot sizes could make several lots less desirable to potential buyers from both a size and accessibility point of view. B. Are there logistical (location, access, transportation, etc.) reasons that limit the alternatives considered? Two of the selection criteria for this tract included access to State Highway 6 and the relative close proximity of this tract to the College Station/Bryan, Texas area. The internal roadway infrastructure was negotiated between Mr. Crowley, the City of College Station's Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Texas Department of Transportation. The internal roadway system integrates the existing roadway system of College Station into and throughout the Crowley tract as well as ties the College Station roadway infrastructure to both State Highway 6 and the proposed State Highway 40. As proposed, the internal roadway system on the Crowley tract establishes and maintains community cohesion as well as access to major and minor roadways within College Station. C. Are there technological limitations for the alternatives considered? There are no technological limitations for the alternatives considered. D. Are there other reasons certain alternatives are not feasible? Based on the original selection criteria, only the Crowley tract was considered for this project. Avoidance of several waters of the United States areas on the Crowley tract is however designed into the Development Master Plan for this tract ofland. Wetland areas G, H, I, and J and Tributary 3 will not be impacted by the proposed development. In addition, much of Spring Creek, Tributary 2, Tributary 4, and Tributary 5 will remain unimpacted by this development. Alternatives such as minimizing or avoiding wetland impacts were considered in many of the areas which are proposed to be impacted, but were not feasible and/or practicable in most cases (i.e., Area A and B, etc.). Also, Mr. Crowley r~alizes that small, isolated pockets of wetlands surrounded by a residential or commercial ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl .. development would be secondarily impacted and would no longer significantly contribute to the overall ecology of this area. Therefore, by mitigating for primary and secondary impacts instead of leaving areas of partial impacts intact (and creating a "postage stamp" wetlands approach) increased ecological benefits to this area will be derived. Impacts to waters of the United States (Spring Creek and other tributaries) are necessary to provide detention and drainage infrastructure to accommodate the developments in this area. The alterations to Spring Creek and associated tributaries will serve to improve the water quality of the area by providing adequate detention, slow flows, and prevent flooding following development of the Crowley tract. III. If you ltave not cltosen an alternative which would avoid wetland impacts, explain: A. Why was your alternative selected? The Crowley tract was chosen based on the selection criteria described in Question D. l . B. What do you plan to do to minimize adverse effects on tlte wetlands impacted? As currently planned, 5.89 acres of waters of the United States will be impacted by this master planned development. Though only partial impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, may occur in several of these areas (i.e., Area A, B, and C, etc.), the entirety of each area is included in the acreage of the impacts since secondary impacts to these remaining areas are likely to occur. Since minimizing impacts to waters of the United States is not feasible and/or practicable in many areas to implement the development and associated supporting infrastructure improvements necessary to achieve the goals of this project, maximizing the open spaces, green belts, parks, trails, and especially the deed restricted natural area and conservation reserve associated with this project is a top priority. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl "" V\ 0 ., 0 er: 0.. / i ... 0 0 .. u LOCATION 0 23 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN MILES BASE MAP SOURCE• TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, PURPOSE• The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include slnQle ond multl-foml ly resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, ond lnstltutlonol uses, os wel 1 os lnteQroted nature preserves ond storm water detention foci II ties • SUBM I TTEO BY• I.fl. T It.I CROWLEY CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 APRIL, 1999 LJA PROJECT HO. ~591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT HO. 1°"40CO OFFICIAL TRAVEL MAP 1995. E A R E c H A t-qco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS GENERAL LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT z Cl 0 cL a l\ ' ' Coor I ~) LOCATION 0 '. .. o. 5 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN MILES / \ ,' '· + ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I \ 1 f - ~ ./ ,,. * I .·i . , ' ' ., , , /; ~"' I . ? ",.-0 ~ O"" souru r·· ·' '• .... :.· . . .") I .-.~-j ~ > "' u ;' BASE MAP SOURCE• TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ANO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ANO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, GENERAL HIGHWAY MAP, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, MARCH 1991· 0 ... «:-PURPOSE• '° N .... The purpose of this project Is to creote a mixed use development to Include slnole ond multl-foml ly -resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, ond lnstltutlonol ~ uses. os wel l os lnteQroted nature preserves ond 0 ~ storm water detention focllltles. ~ CL ;' ' .:: 0 0 ~ u SUBMITTED BY• ~ TUI CROWLEY CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 APRIL, 1999 LJA PRO..CCT HO. <4591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT HO. 10-4010 E A R £ c H A t"qco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS VICINITY MAP EXHIBIT 2 z u Q 0:. l 0 ,_ .... u / 0 : . ,,, . , I ·--• ·\,, ./( '. ,, L , , . .1 '· J09 LOCATION 2000 SCALE IN FEET BASE MAP SOURCE1 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC OUAORANGLE, WELLBORN, TEXAS, 1961, PHOTOREVISEO 1980. ~ t--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ PURPOSE1 "" N ... The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use development to Include slnQle and m.iltl -foml ly ; resldentlol uses, conmerclol uses, and lnstltutlonol ~ uses, as wel I as lnteQroted nature preserves and 3 storm water detention foci I ltles. 0: CL / SUBM I TTEO BY• i WR. T 1.M CROWLEY i:: CHEVRON TOWER 0 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 u APRIL, 1999 LJA PROJECT HO. 4591-9811 EARTH TECH PROA:CT HO. 1040IO E A R E c H A ~qco INTERNA T /ONAL L TO. COMPANY SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP EXHIBIT 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,. LEGEND :::::::=::::::: WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES LOCATION WETLANDS 0 800 SCALE IN FEET BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED ~ STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED 0 1---------B_Y_T_H_E_u_S_A_CE_O_N_F_E_B_RU_A_R_v_1_e~._19_9_8~,_P_R~O_JE_C_T_N_UM_B_ER_l_99_7_0_0_47_6_. ___________ ~ ~ PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to creote o mixed use l'.l development to Include slnQle ond rn.Jltl-foml ly / resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, Institutional E A R E c H ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nte...,roted * / TER TIO TD c"~P c:' nature preserves and storm water detention f~cl I ltles.i------A-.. _'q._:c._a_N __ NA __ N_A_L_L __ • _u_,.,,_AN_r ___ _ IO N ... SUBMITTED BY1 t.R. TIU CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUCUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. '4591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 10.COIO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXISTING WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS NORTHEAST PORTION EXHIBIT 4 • z C> 0 LOCATION 0 800 SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT 4 NORTHEAST PORTION LEGEND ~ WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES 111111111111111111111 WE TL ANOS -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. N 1----------------------r-------------------~ ~ PURPOSE1 u ... "' u / 0 .... The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use development to Include stnote and rruttl-fcmlty residential uses, conrnerclol uses, Institutional uses, and recreational uses, os wel I os lnteoroted E A R E c H A -rqco IN TERNA T /ONAL L TO. COMPANY "' . 41> N .... nature preserves and storm water detent I on foe I I It I es.~------------------- SUBMI TTEO BY1 -MR. TIM CROWLEY ::;i CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUCUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591·9811 EARTH TECH PRO.E:CT NO. 1040l0 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTYa BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXISTING WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING, WETLANDS SOUTHWEST PORTION EXHIBIT 5 z .., 0 LEGEND ~ WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ~~ ADJACENT WETLANDS LOCATION . PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE 0 o. 25 -----INSET BOUNDARY LINE SCALE IN MILES BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT. "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY I 8, 1998. PROJECT NUMBER 1997004 76. ti. ~ ~P-U_R_P_O_S_E-,--------~-~~-------..r----------@)-----------~ ::: The purpose of this project Is to creote o mixed use [ A R H [ C H ~ development to Include slnote ond m.Jltl-foml ly / residential uses, conmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol ~ uses, ond recreot I ono I uses. OS we I I OS I nteoroted A ~I/CD IN TERNA T/ONAL LTD. COMPANY ~ noture preserves ond storm woter detention foci I ltles.1----------------------- N ... SUBMI TTEO 8Y1 -MA. T II.I CROWLEY .. .... 0 ., ~ CL / CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. TEXAS 770 I 0 AUCUS T, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. l~OIO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE OVERVIEW MAP EXHIBIT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT WORTH DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0 . BOX 17300 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102-0300 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF· December 16, 2003 Planning, Environmental, and Regulatory Division Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Project Number 199700476 Ms. Heather Niles Associate Project Manager PBSJ 1880 S. Dairy Ashford St., Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77077-4760 Dear Ms. Niles: This is in response to your letter of October 22, 2003, requesting a modification to Department of the Army permit 199700476 for the construction of a mixed development by Mr. Tim Crowley, on a 735 acre property located southeast of College Station along Spm:g Creek in Brazos County, Texas. We have reviewed and hereby approve your request. Permit Number 1997004 7 6 is modified as follows: 1. Replace sheets 1 of 12 with sheets 1 of 6, dated December 2003 (enclosed). 2. Replace "December 31, 2003" in General Condition 1 on page one of the permit with "December 31, 2005". This modification is effective immediately. All other terms and conditions of the original permit remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Barry Osborn at the address above or telephone (817)886-1734. Sincerely, /~ 11/./;e A. Lea~ Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copies Furnished: Mr. Robert T. Pine Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 10711 Burnet Road, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78758 -2- >< "' 0 ..., 0 er Q. / ... _ 0 ~-u LOCATION 0 23 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN MILES BASE MAP SOURCE• TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, PURPOSE a The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use development to Include slnQle and multl -fonl ly resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, and lnstltutlonol uses, os wel I as lnteQroted nature preserves and storm water detention foci I I ties . SUBt.41 TTEO BY• WR. T I Iii CROWLEY CHEVRON TOWER 1]01 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 770IO APRIL, 1999 LJA PROJECT HO. 4591·9811 EARTH -1-ECH PROJEC-T 'HO. I0'40IO OFFICIAL TRAVEL MAP 1995. E A R E c H A t"qco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY SI TE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 CQLLEGE STATION COUNT Yi BRAZOS COUNTY .. P_r_OJ ___ ec_t_N_um __ b_er_l9_9_7_0_0_4_76_, Sheet 1 of 6 GENERAL LOCATION J)ei;em~ er 200~ z (;) 0 0: ~ ... "' u / LOCATION 0 2000 SCALE IN FEET ) ( / ( ,,.. ) / ,~-~--.·· ..... / I BASE MAP SOURCE• UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE, WELLBORN, TEXAS, 1961, PHOTOREV I SEO 1980. g !-------------------------~----------------------~ ~ PURPOSE• "' N ... The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include slnQle and m.Jltl-f011lly ; residential uses, comnerclol uses, and Institutional ~ uses, as wel I os lnteQroted nature preserves and .., storm water de tent I on foe I I It I es. f / SUBMITTED BY1 i MR. TIM CROWLEY E A R E c A 'fqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY ~ITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATLO~ COLLEGE STATION H COUNTY•. BRAZOS COUNT_,.------------. ;: ~;!~R=K~:::. SUITE 3500 APRIL, 1999 Projett Number 199700476 0 LJA PRO~cr HO. <45'Jl·9611 .. .. . Sheet 2 of 6 3 .._HOU_s_r_OH. __ T_E_x•_s_n_o_•_o _______ c_•R~T.......:'1 TECH Pfio~cr=Ho. IO<COIO USGS TOPOGRAPH ~ C L_ _ _.,;;:.D:..::.e:.:::c..::;~=b:..:er:::.._:2:..:0:..:0:.:3:._ __ -._. ..... N 0 ~ ..-LL m E a. (J> ~ c'i PROPOSED REZ 111.46 ACRES SECTION SI SINQ..£ fAMU..Y 11.5 ACRES SECTION to saNCl.E FAMILY 14.2 ACRES CURRENT ZONI G "A-0" PROPOSED ZO ING "PDD-H" SECTION 11 SlNCl£ f AMIL 'f 10.2 ,4.CRES FUTURE ~T SEC1lON e 10.0~ SEC110N 7 SF-ESTATE 26.3 ACRE'S GREENS PR"-"'C 14\UTilRS. LTD. REMAH>ER OF JIS.02 ACRE 'TRACT VOL 390:S. PG. " ZONED "A-0" L-~~---~~--- Legend Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands ~ Spring Creek and its Tributaries gj7TJI Greenway 0 250 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET ~ 1--m -' :c >< w w w fl) w z :::i :c u ~ :e ~hone: (281) 493-5100 fax: (281) 493-104 7 PBSJ 1880 S.Dairy Ashford Rd., Ste. 300 Houston, Texas 77077-4760 Exhibit 7A 735-Acre Crowley Property College Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Site Plan ~ Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, & 10. Project Number 199700476 Note: ~ ~ 'io Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley Sheet 3 of 6 21.. .......................... mll!,.. .. ~----~~~;._llllll!l!l~A~e~nt~:~P~B~S~&~J------..J. ... ...mD~. ;ec~em--bmerii.i2~0~9·3 ..... ~ ·, .... -:· .,. E a. aJ ~ M Legend Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands Spring Creek and its Tributaries Greenway t ' c 0) ... -m -:c >< w -, w ) ,, , w J fl) " w i z -... :c (.) ~ :E 0 250 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET F1BS~ 1880 S.Dairy Ashford Rd., Ste. 300 a Houston, Texas 77077-4760 _. .. ,... Phone: (281) 493-5100 fax: (281) 493-1047 Exhibit 8A 735-Acre Crowley Property College Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Site Plan ~ Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, &_10. Project Number 199700476 Note: ~ ~ 'io~ -Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley Sheet 4 of 6 ·'''''"'~,_ ... _.l!ll!,-_l!!l-~lll!.,!!\l!, .. !1!1.,.1!1!!.,0., ... !!1!_,,•,.,l!llJ_ll!l __ .. 11!1,.,,lllJl,""., .. 1111!1~1!11.,.• __ lllJl_,!11!1!_, .... .._. ... ~~~-ll!!!J!l!!!.--lll!illiil';-__ ~A~e:n~t:-.:;P~B~S:&~J-~-..l--iiDi.liE:!llCemiiiiblll_ ..erli_ll2lll0•0·3·-- ..... N 0 ..,. ..... IL m E Q. O> ..,. (.) ~ .... -·' m -:c >< w w w ti) w z Legend Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands Spring Creek and its Tributaries Greenway 0 250 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET fJBSJ 1880 S.Dairy Ashford Rd., Ste. 300 I Houston, Texas 77077-4760 _. .. ,... Phone: (281) 493-5100 fax: (281) 493-1047 Exhibit 9A 735-Acre Crowley Property College Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Site Plan ~ Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, & 10. Project Number 199700476 Note: ~ 2 l;.0 -· Sheet 5 of 6 ,, Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley 21.. .......................... mll'!"~!!llilm----.-.... ~~i .... ..il..;A~·~en~t-._..:;.P~.B~S:&J~-~-~-·--.;,....1111i .. iD•~•ce.mm.iblillilierm2mOm.Om,3m,lllilllil• ·-·'-,.. • "' ~ -~ f• E a. ..... ~ ~ . ("') 0 0 N Approx. 33.0 Ac. Deed Restricted Natural Area V!bZ7!//lZZ2 f//ll!ll!llllll Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands Spring Creek and its Tributaries Greenway Conservation Reserve Deed Restricted Natural Area 28-1 38.06 Ac. Conservation Reserve Open Space PBSJ 1880 S.Dairy Ashford Rd., Ste. 300 Houston, Texas 77077-4760 Plione: (281) 493-5100 fax: (281) 493-1047 Exhibit 14A 735-Acre Crowley Property College Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Proposed Mitigation ..... -..- ~ Project Number 199700476 > • Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley Sheet 6 of 6 ~~ . , . · north A ent: PBS&J _ ]Jee ... her 7903 ., ....... ~--~-...... -~, .... c, ...... ~~-..~~ .... -..-.-----..i..iiiii----iiiiiiiiii-------.......... -. .. iiilimi .......... 1111 employee-owned company November 29, 2005 Mr. Barry Osborn U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth District CESWF-PER-R P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300 Dear Mr. Osborne: Re: Permit No. 199700476 735-acre Crowley Tract Brazos County, Texas PN 460813.00 In November 2005, PBS&J was contracted by TEXCON Engineers on behalf of Mr. Timothy Crowley to assist in the permit extension request and a second interim compliance report for an existing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit (Permit No. 199700476). PBS&J provided a 2003 Interim Compliance Report on October 14, 2003 for the first permit extension and modification request. These requests were approved by the USACE and the permit was subsequently extended to December 31, 2005. Due to design and development constraints associated with weather, contract development and schedule, the authorized activities of the permit will not be met by the current expiration date of December 31, 2005. PBS&J, on behalf of Mr. Timothy Crowley, would like to request an additional time extension for the maximum allowable time in order to continue construction activities in authorized areas of the pennit. An interim compliance report (included) details the activities which have taken place since the 2003 Interim Compliance Report and the activities which remain to be completed. Also included in the interim compliance report are the original permit, the 2003 Interim Compliance Report, and new photographs of the Crowley Tract. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information. Very truly yours, J/1~)1~ Heather Niles Project Ecologist HN:hln Enclosures c: Mr. Joe Schultz, P.E.-TEXCON Mr. Timothy Crowley 1880 S Dai ry Ashford St, Suite 300 •Houston, Texas 77077 -4760 •Telephone: 281.493.5 100 •Fax: 281.493.1047 • www.pbsj com 460813.00 I OSH095 2005 INTERIM WRITTEN COMPLIANCE REPORT THE CROWLEY PROPERTY INDIVIDUAL PERMIT {CROWLEY TRACT) COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PBSJ PBS&J Project No. 460813.00 Document No. 05H095 460813.00 I 05H095 2005 INTERIM WRITTEN COMPLIANCE REPORT THE CROWLEY PROPERTY INDIVIDUAL PERMIT (CROWLEY TRACT) COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Prepared for: Mr. Timothy Crowley 1301 McKinney, Suite 3500 Houston, Texas 77010 Prepared by: PBS&J 1880 S. Dairy Ashford, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77077 November 2005 Contents Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1 -1 2.0 SITE VISIT .................................................................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 RES UL TS ..................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 SCHEDULE CHANGES ................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................ 3-1 3.3 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS ................................................................. 3-1 Appendices Appendix A Appendix 8 Appendix C 460813.00 I OSH095 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit 2003 Interim Compliance Report Site Photographs ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION PBS&J is submitting an Interim Written Compliance Report for the development activities that have taken place on the Crowley Property located in the western quadrant of the intersection of SH 6 and Greens Prairie Road, College Station, Brazos County, Texas (Permit No. 199700476). As reported previously in the 2003 Compliance Report, the majority of the southern portion of the property (south of the TxDOT SH 40 easement) has been sold to Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., by Greens Prairie Associates, LLC. This tract of land, herein referred to as the Castlegate Subdivision, has completed all permitted activities. Mr. Crowley retained one tract south of the TxDOT SH 40 easement for future institutional/commercial development. A school has since been developed on this tract. The northern portion of the Crowley Property (north of the SH 40 easement), herein referred to as the Crowley Tract, has continued site preparation for development. The above-mentioned site preparation activities are approximately 30 percent complete on the Crowley Tract; one set of patio homes, a detention basin, and a portion of Decatur Drive have been constructed on this tract. The entire Crowley Property project resulted in 5.89 acres of impact to waters of the U.S. Of these impacts, the Crowley Tract accounts for 3.275 acres of the total 5.89 acres of impacts. These 3.275 acres of impacts include 1.94 acres of wetlands and 1.335 acres of waters associated with Spring Creek (this waters acreage includes a small portion of Tributary 2 located within the commercial tract of land Mr. Crowley retained south of the SH 40 easement). The pre-construction conditions of the project area were described in Earth Tech's Wetland Delineation Report that was submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ("USACE"). On January 18, 2001 , the USACE authorized the project under the Clean Water Act ("CWA") (Section 404) Individual Permit No. 199700476. A copy of the permit is located in Appendix A. The permit contained several general and special conditions, including a special condition for a compliance report (Special Condition No. 2). In October 2003, an interim compliance report was submitted to the USACE (2003 Interim Written Compliance Report, Appendix B). In accordance with Special Condition No. 2 and the request of Mr. Crowley, through Texcon Engineers, PBS&J was once again contracted to conduct a site visit of the project area and to prepare a second interim compliance report for the project. Because the project is not yet complete, this report is referred to as an interim compliance report. Mr. Crowley will adhere to the requirement of the permit and provide a final compliance report when the authorized activities of the permit are complete. 460813.00 I OSH095 1-1 PBSJ 2.0 SITE VISIT On November 23, 2005, PBS&J Staff Ecologist Heather Niles visited the project area. The purpose of the site visit was to: 1. Determine the permittee's compliance with general and special conditions as outlined in the USACE Section 404 permit dated January 18, 2001 (Appendix A). 2. Document the progress and/or completion of all authorized work. Please refer to photographs of the site (Appendix C). The ecologist visually accessed the area to determine compliance with the conditions of USACE Permit No. 199700476. A summary of the findings and site conditions are discussed below. 460813.00 I 05H095 2-1 PBSJ 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 SCHEDULE CHANGES The schedule for the proposed project has been revised. Completion dates are not known on an activity- specific basis; however, site preparation activities and construction activities are currently ongoing. 3.2 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES The following activities have occurred during the reporting period (October 2003 to November 2005). • Approximately 30 percent of the Crowley Tract has undergone site preparation activities for development, including the construction of an entrance road from SH 6 (Decatur Drive) and a set of patio homes. These activities have only resulted in completing the impacts to Wetland B, which was previously reported as partially impacted. • Of the permitted activities, the following impacts on the Crowley Tract still remain: o Partial fill of Wetland E. o 0.20 acre of fill in Wetland K. o 0.045 acre of fill in a portion of Tributary 2 (immediately south of the SH 40 easement) • The approved road relocation in the conservation easement has not yet taken place (2003 Compliance Report). 3.3 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS Per the requirements of the Special Conditions issued in the individual permit, the following information is being provided for your review. Please note that not all of the authorized activities are complete; therefore, information requested in the Special Conditions on "final" site conditions are not provided. The perrnittee is in the process of complying and will continue to comply with the General and Special Conditions. General Conditions 1. "The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31, 2003. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the date is reached." 460813.00 I OSH095 3-1 PBSJ A time extension request was received to extend the time limit to December 31. 2005. Due to design development constraints, the authorized work will not be completed by December 31. 2005. Mr. Timothy Crowley will be formally requesting a time extension on his individual permit to complete the proposed construction activities on his property. 2. "You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area." The authorized activities covered under this permit have not been abandoned. All property transfers will be made through a good faith transfer and comply with the conditions of this permit as specified in General Condition 4. 3. "If you discover any previously unknown historic or archaeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places." No previously unknown historic or archaeological remains have been discovered on the property. Should such remains be discovered during the continued authorized activities on the property, condition set forth in this Special Condition will be adhered to. 4. "If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization." A portion of the permitted 735-acre tract of land was sold to Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., by Greens Prairie Associates. LLC. This tract of land is known as the Castlegate Subdivision. Since the entire property (project) was not transferred, it is our understanding that this transfer of authority does not apply in this situation. 5. "If a condition of water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as a special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions." All of the conditions set forth in the Section 401 Water Quality Certification have been adhered to. 460813.00 I OSH095 3-2 6. "You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit." Special Conditions 1. "The permittee shall implement and abide by the mitigation plan included in the 'Mitigation Plan for the Crowley Property in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, Project Number 199700476' by HNTB Corporation, dated December 7, 2000. Completion of all elements of this mitigation plan is a requirement of this permit." To date. all proposed activities within the Mitigation Plan are in compliance. Wetlands G. H. I. and J have not been impacted. Photographs of these wetlands and the deed-restricted area/ conservation easement can be seen in Appendix B. These areas remain natural and are only traversed by existing easements. 2. "The permittee shall submit a final written compliance report to the USACE within 30 days after the completion of all construction and mitigation work that includes the following: a. a statement that the authorized work and required mitigation was done in accordance with the USACE authorization, including all general and special conditions; b. a summary of all construction and mitigation activities that occurred associated with the project, including documentation of the completion of all work and compliance with all terms and conditions of the permit; c. a comparison of the post-construction conditions of the project area to the pre-construction conditions of the area; d. a detailed description of all impacts to waters of the United States; e. a map showing the final configuration of restored, enhanced, created and preserved waters of the United States, including wetlands; f. the final topographic elevations of the project; g. a discussion about whether disturbed areas, such as borrow ditches, road embankments, stream banks, road crossings, and temporary impact areas are revegetating adequately and not suffering erosions damage; and h. photographs and maps as appropriate to illustrate the information presented." 460813.00 I 05H095 3-3 A final compliance report will be submitted once all authorized work is completed. 460813.00 I 05H095 3-4 PBSJ Document No. 030335 PBS&J Job No. 460813.00 2003 INTERIM WRITTEN COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR MR. TIMOTHY CROWLEY THE CROWLEY PROPERTY INDIVIDUAL PERMIT (CROWLEY TRACT AND CASTLEGATE SUBDIVISION) COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Prepared for: Mr. Timothy Crowley 1301 McKinney, Suite 3500 Houston , Texas 77010 Prepared by: PBS&J 1880 S. Dairy Ashford St. Suite 300 Austin, Texas 77077 October 2003 Printed on recycled paper Contents Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 1-1 2.0 SITE VISIT ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 RE SUL TS ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 SCHEDULE CHANGES ....................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................. 3-1 3.3 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS ..................................................................... 3-2 Appendices Append ix A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit Appendix B Revised Site Plans*Exhibits 7A, 8A, and 9A Appendix C Site Photographs 460813.00 I 030335 ii PBSJ 1.0 INTRODUCTION Per the request of Mr. Barry Osborn, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Project Manger, for Individual Permit No. 199700476 (Appendix A), PBS&J is submitting an Interim Written Compliance Report for the development activities that have taken place on the Crowley Property located in the western quadrant of the intersection of SH 6 and Greens Prairie Rd., College Station, Brazos County, Texas. To date, the majority of the southern portion of the property (south of the TxDOT SH 40 easement) has been sold to Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., by Greens Prairie Associates, LLC. This tract of land, herein referred to as the Castlegate Subdivision, has completed nearly 95% of the site preparation activities to accommodate construction of a residential subdivision. Mr. Crowley has retained one tract south of the TxDOT SH 40 easement for future institutional development. A large majority of the tracts east of Tributary 4 within Castlegate Subdivision have already been developed (Appendix B, Exhibits 7 A and 8A). The northern portion of the Crowley Property (north of the SH 40 easement), herein referred to as the Crowley Tract, has also begun site preparation for development, including construction of an entrance road off of the SH 6 frontage road, a detention pond, and channelization of Spring Creek. The above-mentioned site preparation activities are approximately 95 % complete m Castlegate Subdivision, and homes are under construction on approximately 60% of th e residential lots. Site preparation activities are approximately 25% complete on the Crowley Tract; only one set of patio homes is currently under construction on this tract. The entire Crowley Property project resulted in 5.89 acres of impact to waters of the U.S. Of these impacts, the Castlegate Subdivision impacts account for 2.615 acres of these total impacts. These 2.615 acres of impacts include 0.82 acre of wetlands and 1.795 acres of waters associated with Spring Creek. The Crowley Tract accounts for 3.275 acres of the total 5.89 acres of impacts. These 3.275 acres of impacts include 1.94 acres of wetlands and 1.335 acres of waters associated with Spring Creek (this waters acreage includes a small portion of Tributary 2 located within the commercial tract of land Mr. Crowley retained south of the SH 40 easement). The pre-construction conditions of the project area were described tn Earth Tech 's Wetland Delineation Report that was submitted to the USACE. On January 18, 2001 , the USACE authorized the project under the Clean Water Act (CW A) (Section 404) Individual Permit No. 1997004 76. A copy of the permit is located in Appendix A. The permit contained several general and special conditions, including a special condition for a compliance report (special condition No. 2). In accordance with special condition No. 2 and the request of Mr. Osborn, Mr. Crowley, through Texcon En gineers, contracted PBS&J to conduct a site visit of the project area and to prepare the required interim compliance report for the project. Because the project is not yet complete, this report is referred to as an interim compliance report. Mr. Crowley will adhere to the requirement of the permit and provide a final compliance report when the authorized activities of the permit are complete. 460813.00 I 030335 1-1 PBSJ 2.0 SITE VISIT On July 23, 2003, PBS&J Staff Ecologists Heather Niles and Cathy Hood visited the project area. The purpose of the site visit was to: l. Determine the permittee's compliance with general and special conditions as outlined in the US ACE Section 404 permit dated January 18, 200 l (Appendix A). 2. Document the progress and/or completion of all authorized work. Please refer to Exhibits 7 A, 8A and 9A (Appendix B, Revised Site Plans) and photographs of the site (Appendix C). The ecologists visually accessed the area to determine compliance with the conditions of USACE Permit Number 199700476. A summary of the findings and site conditions are discussed below. 460813.00 I 030335 2-1 PBSJ 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 SCHEDULE CHANGES The schedule for the proposed project has been revised. Completion dates are not known on an activity-specific basis; however, site preparation activities and construction activities are currently on-going. 3.2 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES The following activities have occurred during the reporting period. • Castle gate Subdivision has completed nearly 95% of the site preparation activities, • Castlegate Subdivision has constructed approximately 60% of the residential areas, • All impacts to waters of the U.S. covered under this Individual Permit in the Castlegate Subdivision portion of the property are complete, to include: 0.045 acre of fill and 0.05 acre of impoundment to Tributary 2; 0.09 acre of fill and 0.03 acre of temporary excavation to Tributary 4; 0.017 acre of fill and 0 .004 acre of temporary excavation to Tributary 5; 1.56 acres of draining to Impoundment 1; 0.04 acre of fill to Wetland L; 0.45 acre of draining to Wetland M; 0.33 acre of draining to Wetland N. • Approximately 25% of the Crowley Tract has undergone site preparations achv1hes for development, including the construction of an entrance road from SH 6, a detention basin, a set of patio homes under construction, and channelization of Spring Creek. The following authorized activities have occurred during this reporting period: 0.75 acre of the total 0.85 acre of impacts to Spring Creek resulting from 0.61 acre of fill and 0.14 acre of draining associated with the channelization of Spring Creek. Remaining is 0.10 acre of fill resulting from the two proposed roadway crossings. One road (Decatur Drive) has not yet been built and one road is proposed to be relocated to cross Tributary 4 (details of the road relocation will be provided in a supplemental permit modification request), 0.44 acre of fill in Tributary 1, 460813.00 I 030335 3-1 PBSJ Wetlands A, B, C, D, and F have been filled as proposed in the Individual Permit. There are two wetlands (B and E) that have not been completely filled due to the preliminary stage of development at these locations; however, as the development continues, these areas are proposed to completely filled as discussed in the permit. The total impacts associated with these wetlands (assuming full impact) is 1.74 acres, 0.20 acre of fill in Wetland K has not yet occurred (see site photographs, Appendix C), 0.045 acre of fill in a portion of Tributary 2 (immediately south of the SH 40 easement) has not yet occurred. • Only approved work in the conservation easement has taken place. This work includes the filling of Wetland F and the channelization of the southern end of Spring Creek, which crosses into the Conservation Easement. 3.3 COMPLIANCE WI TH PERMIT CONDITIONS Per the requirements of the Special Conditions issued m the individual permit, the following information is being provided for your review. Please note that not all of the authorized activities are complete; therefore, information requested in the Special Conditions on "final" site conditions are not provided. The permittee, is in the process of complying and will continue to comply with the general and special conditions: General Conditions 1. "The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31, 2003 . If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the date is reached." Due to design alterations and natural events (i.e., rain), the authorized work will not be completed by December 31, 2003. Mr. Timothy Crowley will be formally requesting a time extension on his individual permit to complete the proposed construction activities on his property. 2. "You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area." 460813.00 I 030335 3-2 PBSJ The authorized activities covered under this permit have not been abandoned. All property transfers will be made through a good faith transfer and comply with the conditions of this permit as specified in General Condition 4. 3. "If you discover any previously unknown historic or archaeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places." No previously unlmown historic or archaeological remains have been discovered on the property. Should such remains be discovered during the continued authorized activities on the property. conditions set forth in this Special Condition will be adhered to. 4. "If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization." A portion of the permitted 735-acre tract of land was sold to Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., by Greens Prairie Associates, LLC. This tract of land is !mown as the Castlegate Subdivision. Since the entire property (project) was not transferred. it is our understanding that this transfer of authority does not apply in this situation. 5. "If a condition of water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as a special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions." 460813.00 I 030335 All of the conditions set forth in the Section 401 Water Quality Certification have been adhered to. 6. "You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit." 3-3 PBSJ Special Conditions 1. "The permittee shall implement and abide by the mitigation plan included in the 'Mitigation Plan for the Crowley Property in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, Project Number 199700476' by HNTB Corporation, dated December 7, 2000. Completion of all elements of this mitigation plan is a requirement of this permit." To date, all proposed activities within the Mitigation Plan are in compliance. Wetlands G. H. I, and J have not been impacted. Photographs of these wetlands and the deed restricted area/conservation easement can be seen in Appendix C. These areas remain natural and are only traversed by existing easements. 2. "The permittee shall submit a final written compliance report to the USACE within 30 days after the completion of all construction and mitigation work that includes the following: 460813.00 I 030335 a. a statement that the authorized work and required mitigation was done in accordance with the USACE authorization, including all general and special conditions; b. a summary of all construction and mitigation activities that occurred associated with the project, including documentation of the completion of all work and compliance with all terms and conditions of the permit; c. a comparison of the post-construction conditions of the project area to the pre-construction conditions of the area; d. a detailed description of all impacts to waters of the United States; e. a map showing the final configuration of restored, enhanced, created and preserved waters of the United States, including wetlands; f. the final topographic elevations of the project; g. a discussion about whether disturbed areas, such as borrow ditches, road embankments, stream banks, road crossings, and temporary impact areas are revegetating adequately and not suffering erosions damage; and h. photographs and maps as appropriate to illustrate the information presented. A final compliance report will be submitted once all authorized work is completed. 3-4 PBSJ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT WORTH DISTRICfr . CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0. BOX 17300 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102-0300 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: December 14, 2005 Planning, Environmental, and Regulatory Division Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Project Number 199700476 Ms. Heather Niles Associate Project Manager PBSJ 1880 S. Dairy Ashford St., Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77077-4760 Dear Ms. Niles: This is in response to your letter of November 29, 2005, requesting a modification to Department of the Army permit 1997004 76 for the construction of a mixed development by Mr. Tim Crowley, on a 735 acre property iocated southeast of College Station along Spring Creek in Brazos County, Texas. We have reviewed and hereby approve your request. Permit Number 199700476 is modified as follows : 1. Replace the date in General Condition 1, on page one of the pennit with "December 31 , 2008". This modification is effective immediately. All other terms and conditions of the original permit remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Barry Osborn at the address above or telephone (817)886-1734. Sincerely, l~ Chief, Regulatory Branch November 29, 2005 Mr. Barry Osborn U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Fort Worth District CESWF-PER-R P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300 Dear Mr. Osborne: Re: Permit No. 199700476 735-acre Crowley Tract Brazos County, Texas PN 460813.00 In November 2005, PBS&J was contracted by TEXCON Engineers on behalf of Mr. Timothy Crowley to assist in the permit extension request and a second interim compliance report for an existing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit (Permit No. 199700476). PBS&J provided a 2003 Interim Compliance Report on October 14, 2003 for the first permit extension and modification request. These requests were approved by the USACE and the permit was subsequently extended to December 31, 2005. Due to design and development constraints associated with weather, contract development and schedule, the authorized activities of the permit will not be met by the current expiration date of December 31, 2005. PBS&J, on behalf of Mr. Timothy Crowley, would like to request an additional time extension for the maximum allowable time in order to continue construction activities in authorized areas of the permit. An interim compliance report (included) details the activities which have taken place since the 2003 Interim Compliance Report and the activities which remain to be completed. Also included in the interim compliance report are the original permit, the 2003 Interim Compliance Report, and new photographs of the Crowley Tract. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information. Very truly yours, PBS8f} f ' t_Jj;_Pil!ou a Heather Niles / Project Ecologist HN:hln Enclosures c: Mr. Joe Schultz, P.E.-TEXCON Mr. Timothy Crowley 1880 S Dai ry Ashford St, Suite 300 •Houston, Texas 77077-4760 •Telephone: 28 1.493.5100 •Fax: 281.493.1047 • wwwpbs1 com 460613.00 I OSH095 2005 INTERIM WRITTEN COMPLIANCE REPORT THE CROWLEY PROPERTY INDIVIDUAL PERMIT {CROWLEY TRACT) COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PBSJ PBS&J Project No. 460813.00 DocumentNo.05H095 460813.00 I 05H095 2005 INTERIM WRITTEN COMPLIANCE REPORT THE CROWLEY PROPERTY INDIVIDUAL PERMIT (CROWLEY TRACT) COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Prepared for: Mr. Timothy Crowley 1301 McKinney, Suite 3500 Houston, Texas 77010 Prepared by: PBS&J 1880 S. Dairy Ashford, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77077 November 2005 P8SJ Contents Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1-1 2.0 SITE VISIT .................................................................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 RES UL TS ..................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 SCHEDULE CHANGES ................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................ 3-1 3.3 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS ................................................................. 3-1 Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C 460813.00 I OSH095 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit 2003 Interim Compliance Report Site Photographs ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION PBS&J is submitting an Interim Written Compliance Report for the development activities that have taken place on the Crowley Property located in the western quadrant of the intersection of SH 6 and Greens Prairie Road, College Station, Brazos County, Texas (Permit No. 199700476). As reported previously in the 2003 Compliance Report, the majority of the southern portion of the property (south of the TxDOT SH 40 easement) has been sold to Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., by Greens Prairie Associates, LLC. This tract of land, herein referred to as the Castlegate Subdivision, has completed all permitted activities. Mr. Crowley retained one tract south of the TxDOT SH 40 easement for future institutional/commercial development. A school has since been developed on this tract. The northern portion of the Crowley Property (north of the SH 40 easement), herein referred to as the Crowley Tract, ..--- has continued site preparation for development. The above-mentioned site preparation activities are approximately 30 percent complete on the Crowley Tract; one set of patio homes, a detention basin, and a portion of Decatur Drive have been constructed on this tract. The entire Crowley Property project resulted in 5.89 acres of impact to waters of the U.S . Of these impacts, the Crowley Tract accounts for 3.275 acres of the total 5.89 acres of impacts. These 3.275 acres of impacts include 1.94 acres of wetlands and 1.335 acres of waters associated with Spring Creek (this waters acreage includes a small portion of Tributary 2 located within the commercial tract of land Mr. Crowley retained south of the SH 40 easement). The pre-construction conditions of the project area were described in Earth Tech's Wetland Delineation Report that was submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ("USACE"). On January 18, 200 I, the USACE authorized the project under the Clean Water Act ("CWA") (Section 404) Individual Permit No. 199700476. A copy of the permit is located in Appendix A. The permit contained several general and special conditions, including a special condition for a compliance report (Special Condition No. 2). In October 2003, an interim compliance report was submitted to the USACE (2003 Interim Written Compliance Report, Appendix B). In accordance with Special Condition No. 2 and the request of Mr. Crowley, through Texcon Engineers, PBS&J was once again contracted to conduct a site visit of the project area and to prepare a second interim compliance report for the project. Because the project is not yet complete, this report is referred to as an interim compliance report. Mr. Crowley will adhere to the requirement of the permit and provide a final compliance report when the authorized activities of the permit are complete. 460813.00 I 05H095 1-1 2.0 SITE VISIT On November 23, 2005, PBS&J Staff Ecologist Heather Niles visited the project area. The purpose of the site visit was to: 1. Determine the permittee's compliance with general and special conditions as outlined m the USACE Section 404 permit dated January 18, 2001 (Appendix A). 2. Document the progress and/or completion of all authorized work. Please refer to photographs of the site (Appendix C). The ecologist visually accessed the area to determine compliance with the conditions of USACE Permit No. 199700476. A summary of the findings and site conditions are discussed below. 460813.00 I 05H095 2-1 PBSJ 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 SCHEDULE CHANGES The schedule for the proposed project has been revised. Completion dates are not known on an activity- specific basis; however, site preparation activities and construction activities are currently ongoing. 3.2 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES The following activities have occurred during the reporting period (October 2003 to November 2005). • Approximately 30 percent of the Crowley Tract has undergone site preparation activities for development, including the construction of an entrance road from SH 6 (Decatur Drive) and a set of patio homes. These activities have only resulted in completing the impacts to Wetland B, which was previously reported as partially impacted. • Of the permitted activities, the following impacts on the Crowley Tract still remain: o Partial fill of Wetland E. o 0.20 acre of fill in Wetland K. o 0.045 acre of fill in a portion of Tributary 2 (immediately south of the SH 40 easement) • The approved road relocation in the conservation easement has not yet taken place (2003 Compliance Report). 3.3 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS Per the requirements of the Special Conditions issued in the individual permit, the following information is being provided for your review. Please note that not all of the authorized activities are complete; therefore, information requested in the Special Conditions on "final" site conditions are not provided. The perrnittee is in the process of complying and will continue to comply with the General and Special Conditions. General Conditions 1. "The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31. 2003. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the date is reached." 460813.00 I OSH095 3-1 P8SJ A time extension request was received to extend the time limit to December 31, 2005. Due to design development constraints, the authorized work will not be completed by December 31, 2005. Mr. Timothy Crowley will be formally requesting a time extension on his individual permit to complete the proposed construction activities on his property. 2. "You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area." The authorized activities covered under this permit have not been abandoned. All property transfers will be made through a good faith transfer and comply with the conditions of this permit as specified in General Condition 4. 3. "If you discover any previously unknown historic or archaeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places." No previously unknown historic or archaeological remains have been discovered on the property. Should such remains be discovered during the continued authorized activities on the property, condition set forth in this Special Condition will be adhered to. 4. "If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization." A portion of the permitted 735-acre tract of land was sold to Greens Prairie Investors. Ltd., by Greens Prairie Associates, LLC. This tract of land is known as the Castlegate Subdivision. Since the entire property (project) was not transferred. it is our understanding that this transfer of authority does not apply in this situation. 5. "If a condition of water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as a special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions." All of the conditions set forth in the Section 401 Water Quality Certification have been adhered to. 460813.00 I 05H095 3-2 PBSJ 6. "You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your pennit." Special Conditions 1. "The pennittee shall implement and abide by the mitigation plan included in the 'Mitigation Plan for the Crowley Property in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, Project Number 199700476' by HNTB Corporation, dated December 7, 2000. Completion of all elements of this mitigation plan is a requirement of this pennit." To date, all proposed activities within the Mitigation Plan are in compliance. Wetlands G. H. I, and J have not been impacted. Photographs of these wetlands and the deed-restricted area/ conservation easement can be seen in Appendix B. These areas remain natural and are only traversed by existing easements. 2. ''The pennittee shall submit a final written compliance report to the USACE within 30 days after the completion of all construction and mitigation work that includes the following: a statement that the authorized work and required mitigation was done in accordance with the USACE authorization, including all general and special conditions; a summary of all construction and mitigation activities that occurred associated with the project, including documentation of the completion of all work and compliance with all terms and conditions of the pennit; c. a comparison of the post-construction conditions of the project area to the pre-construction conditions of the area; d. e. f. a detailed description of all impacts to waters of the United States; a map showing the final configuration of restored, enhanced, created and preserved waters of the United States, including wetlands; the final topographic elevations of the project; a discussion about whether disturbed areas, such as borrow ditches, road embankments, stream banks, road crossings, and temporary impact areas are revegetating adequately and not suffering erosions damage; and h. photographs and maps as appropriate to illustrate the information presented." 460813.00 I 05H095 3-3 PBSJ A final compliance report will be submitted once all authorized work is completed. 460813.00 I 05H095 3-4 PBSJ DATE: Doc ' Bk · Vol · Pg e88797~ OR 6475 253 AMENDED AND RESTATED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS December 16, 2003 OWNER: Timothy J. Crowley OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS: 1301 McKinney, Suite 3500 Houston, Harris County, Texas 77010 PROPERTY: Being those tracts of land located in the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, more particularly described on pages 1 through 7 of Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. PREAMBLE: A. Owner, in a cordance with Permit N " ermit") issued by the United States Department of Army, Corps of Engineers (the "Corps under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, as a condition of o the aforementio e it, imposed certain protective covenan s con itions and restrictions on the pro rty as defined below rovid or . , a ion of the impacts to waters of the United States. including wetlands; sue protective Co\/enants, conditions and restrictions are set forth in the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (the "Restrictions") recorded in Volume 4125, Pa e 141, Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. B. The Corps amended the Permit by ~er dated December 16 2003 (the "Permit Amendmenf'), which, in part, modified the location of the property subject to the Restrictions. The Permit Amendment is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference; C. In order to conform to the Permit Amendment, Owner and the Corps wish to amend and restate the Restrictions to modify the description of the property contained in the Restrictions to the Property described above; and D. Owner is the owner of the Property and the Property is located in the general vicinity depicted on page 8 of Exhibit "B". E. As amended and restated, these Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions re lace and completely superce e t e Restriction!!:, DECLARATION: NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby declared (i) that all of the Property shall be held, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the following covenants, conditions and restrictions, which shall run with the Property and which shall be binding on all parties having any right, title, or interest in or to the Property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns; and (ii) that each contract or deed that may hereafter be executed with regard to the Property or any portion thereof shall conclusively be held to have been executed, delivered and accepted subject to the following covenants, conditions and restrictions regardless of whether or not the Doc Bk Vol P 00879783 OR 6175 254g same are set out or referred to in said contract or deed. 1. Restrictions on Use of Property. Except as provided in Section 2 below, the Property shall be maintained in its natural state as a stream riparian and wetland mitigation area. Livestock grazing and mowing are not allowed on the Property. 2. Permitted Uses of the Property. The Property may be used for the following purposes: a. Establishment and public utilization of l!ike and bike tra~ to be located along the fringe of the Property, consisting primarily of a natural permeable material allowing for natural drainage conditions to exist. In limited areas rone to erosion or excessive m · n ' r" r of the P y, concrete or other i co h trails. an scaping following trail installation/construction activities on the Property is allowed. The hike and bike trail system may include water stations, lighting, restrooms, picnic tables and rest areas. The hike and bike trail 11'.19.YA CJ~S Spring Creek and the associated tributaries on the Property an vsucrr crossings may require the construction s or culv The understory on the Property may be removed in selected areas near the hike and bike trail to accommodate the water stations, lighting, restrooms and rest areas. Herbicides and pesticides may be applied immediately adjacent to the trails. b. Installation of temporary and/or permanent protective ~s. c. Installation of guide, warning, prohibited access and other signs related to the hike and bike trails. d. x !oration for or extraction of oil as and other minerals elow the surface of the r perty; provided such exp oration or ex oes not utilize or disturb the surface of the Property. e. Installation and maintenance of a sanjtarv sewer line crossing the Property. An easement will be maintained along the sanitary sewer line for access and repair of the line. f. Exercise of the rights under any easements or rights of way of record in the office of the County Clerk of Brazos County, Texas. 3. Permitted Exceptions. These restrictions are made subject to any and all matters, ord inances, restrictions, covenants, conditions, encumbrances, rights of way, easements and all outstanding mineral and royalty interests, if any, affecting the Property, whether or not of record in the office of the County Clerk of Brazos County. 4. Amendment and Termination. This instrument may only be amended or terminated in whole or in part by written instrument signed by the then owners of the Property and the United States Army Corps of Engineers 5. Covenants Running with the Land. The provisions of this instrument will be deemed to be covenants running with the land and binding on the Property and all parties having any right, title or interest in and to the Property, or any part thereof. [Signatures on following page) Doc Bk Vol P 00879783 OR 6475 25Sg ') TIMO THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF AA@f./S § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the ~day of~4. by TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY. ~a(} ..tk._~ o'~·f'.\~ CYNTHIA A HAGGARD NotaPUbli{;, State of T e)(8<= g+J*) NOTARY PUBLIC ·~'&''" State of Texas ~~/Comm. Exp. 05-03-2007 Agreed and Accepted: United States Department of Army Corps of Engineers THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY Of'la>=t",, +-§ This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 7 ~ day of'Ji,o,.0 v'4 , 200\5 by~b1 A. L 0121 , of United States Department of Army orps of Engineers. ~\\\\\\"\IKJrrtH/f/l/f1. ~*~'~<-~ c R. s'''~ ~ \.,v ........ If..,~ $Q<,,;,."·~l\'I P~" ... ~\ I ,.·o'*<9 ...... ~~ ~ :· ~ n · .. ~ ~ f ~ ~ ? ~ '% .... ...,,,.~ ~~"'(" .... i 'S>ooo 4 ' Q ~ ,-±b Notary Public, tate ofTexas • ' OF ' ,. • AFTER RECORDING R~.!JBf!:~~ .. ~ ~$'PREPARED IN THE LAW OFFICE OF: Charles A. Ellison, P.C. 0~,,,,,·.?1-20~"~~,.~ Charles A. Ellison, P.C. P.O. Box 10103 11 " 1""'1t"'1111"" P.O. Box 10103 College Station, Texas 77842 College Station, Texas 77842 AMENDED AND RESTATED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTION: TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY AND UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS AUtbat ttact·Pf'P~l \>fi!iMlying' ~~:~mt,s~tt;(i ~· Btazo:S :CQ~tY, .Teicas,,and being siijlat~ in(he RObeit Stev~n!~~;:~.:S:4;,~~~ ., . !Q'ftq<',,~e tra~ qflan:d·4~'be9 .in.ad!!.ed to J'im6th.y J. Cro,~I~r~~as-·i:~di;in ·V#1~6.'.1.11L: ·14, qf'tb~iB~osComto/. Official :ilt;CQrds(RC.O~R)I ~d ~mg,~ore~l;ii~~l,r:~~~~l;>y·~~,W14~ .llS tQifowinyith all ctiritioi 1:eforred to~ 1983 Texas ~e :Plane:COOnfilWe·S,~ ~rt:'?t<>Jectiq~ Central Zone: CO~CIN'Ga,t ·1t'f~i19~':JJ~.~t;fGr :~: ifP~;~9fsaic,t:Qrowleytract.;$0 qeing.~ point in:Jhe !lb~~ Qght~f"W<lfli!-l~~S~~@~~ :No: $; :hls<>o,being tlie,·easttorne.r of the Jobn M. La~nce, HI, 44.7;46,,a~~4 ·11$< r¢tQtd~~ in:V,:~l'Ume'9~9~ l>~ge~;2:l6~ ofahe:t~,C;.O.R., having a Texas State Plane CootdiRM<>'Valµ~ ofX= 3-,57 6:,17~:5$), y == :l 6;:t9-i;792.33-{N) 11fF;N,CE &:>uth 4'l927'4&"West.a diSu\nce·of2;&J9-.3'1~·t-0a5/S';ironrodsetforthe PLACE OF BEGINNING; TaEN£E a!Ong. the. co~pn ~ine fX'.t>v~.en·thls tract 11;11d ihe Spring Creek Development C.S. 62.18 acre tra~, as recorded in Vol. 4:712 Page '260. Q.f'the Re~ O.R. fot the following callS: South 83"02'23" East, atliSUu).ce of44-3.49 f~et to a-5/8"' iron rod set for comer; &>utb 54°55' 51" East,.a distance of351FS4 feet to a 5/:8".iron rod set for corner; North·88°09'02" East, a·wstance of t62,.57feet to a 518" iron rod set for comer; South 19"25'1 r East, a di~ee .of24:61 fectto a 5/8" iron rod set for comer, also being a point on the northeast line oftheJ.lL064.-aete Con5erv~tion Zone, as -recorded in Vol. 3926, Page 104, oftbeB.C.O.R.; THENCE South-451?47'13" West, a4ist;ulce of472.82 feet aiQngtbe common line between this tract and said Conservatipn Zpne to -a 5t8"' iro(f.rod set fQr the west corner of said Conservation Zone-; THENCE severing said Crowley tra.ct for the following calls: South 5?007'06" West, a distance of f99 :$ 7 feet tQ a 518" iron rod set for comer; Soutb .60"27''53" Weest, a distance of 134.19 feet to. a 518" iron rod set for comer; North 79°48'29" West, a d.i:stmce of96.I8 feet to a.518" iron rod set for comer; North 41°59'36" West, a distance of J.01. l l feet to a 518" iron rod set for corner; THENCE North 07°08' 56" West, a distaµce 0f: 114.01 to the east Co.mer of a 1.500 acre Park Land Dedication, as recorded in Vol. 551 l, P~e 263 ofthe B.C.0.R., continuing on for a total distance of '21026 feet to a 518" iron rod set for comer, also being the north. comer of said 1.500 acre tract; men A ....... _t_,,..oi~ .. . . Doc. Bk Vol Pg THENCE alol).gcfhe corD.m0n line betw~ ~tract and sai\i 1.500 acre.NJ~. eAiowfi~diHs: 257 SQuth 6G"SS.' 4T' West, a di~ce of'99.99 f~t t9.a 5/8"iron rod'set f.ot.c<?rtlt!l'; South 39°2&'59" W~:t,'a.distance of 93'.24 feet: to a 5)81' iron.rod s~t for comer; South 39°51 '4:6'' W'eS.4 .a disrance of 74;~ ~eet'io>.a 5f&'' it'on.rod>Set for~eoFtler; South S~4i ':33" West, a1•diStan¥e of~2i 7~ .f~t to, a ·S~ iton rod set for Co~r; N-Orth; 8·20's2··14" West, ~a.~ «)f 55;·59 'feet 'fu a 5'it!';'ir-On roq.setfot cpmer, North3.7°l0'01"Wf$t .•arustanceof3;2:l-5'f~l:toa.518'Sronrod.setfot·C{)mer: -;' . '1 ,· -·· • ·'. . ...•... ' ,. South 34°l'S~sl'? West, 1l diStanee of42.29'le¢t:to·a.Y/8" iron.rod.set .(or comer, South-06°40'59" West, a distance of61.98-feet to a 5'/8" iron rod set for comer; 89uth. a dista9ce of 17;65 fe~to. a 5/8" iron. :(od,set for cor;ner; South 46°49' 4..S' West, a distance of J6.SB feet to a 5/8~' iron rod set for comer; South 16°(}8'04"'West, a distanee of30J6 feet to a 518" iron rod set for corner, South 3-0"'11 '47'' East; a dis~ce of &3.35 feet to a .S/8" iron rpd set for comer, also being a southeast comer of said 1.50"0 acie tract; · THENCE severing said .Crowley tract forlhe foll<>wing ·cillls: South, a clist:iµlce of 47.16 feet to a 578" iron ,rod set for wmer; South 44°19'10" West, adisU!nce of4-0JOfeetto.a 618''-iron rod set for corner; North 87°}1'l1" West, a distance of 50 .. :63 .feet to a 518'' iron r<><i set.for comer;_, South 82°24'36" West, a distance of 33.58 feet to a 5/8" ir1'm r6d set for con:ie~ South $4°·}4'28" West. a distance of38.38 feet to-a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 16°24'44;' West, a distance of76.02•feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner, South Il057'50" West,. a distance -0f253,0.l £eetto a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; North 73°21 '03" West, a distance ofS.0.19 feetto a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; ~IT--.:;..A~---·19 :2., ot: 7 Plies Doc Bk Vol Pg 00879783 OR 64-75 258 Norlh 790-41•20"' West, a di~mnce ofJQ.90 feet to a. s;gn iron red. s:et for comer; So\ith,. ·l 4"27'26" West; a, diS~~'» of 1L19 .{~'fl:>~:,,~,,, iroil.,r,ed:'set for co¢.!:f; Soutblt~s1•44 ... ~;:~filstance.of47J>&feettaa5i81'iron1rod-.setforcomer; So\lth 750-45 '4.:1" v(~·.a,Q.ikaace ofZ-a~0-7 fe¢.t to ·a.~J,$"·~r~.JJ; rod.set for e<>mer; North 31°27'28" East, a:.,distanee of~97.:l3 fei°t :ip, a si:&");rob.:ti!d set for comer; NOrth 64'<>4'6'-47" East a distance af30;6(Heet'fo a St8":i:ron rod set for comer, North 22°15'3:6" WeS!, a di.staiiceof23.1.42 .feet:t.o a 518" ifon rod set for oorner; •, , • r • SOufh, 39°3.2'28" West; a:~c.e of 127.86 feerto a S/8" iron rod set for comer; SoutfL6l().41 1.00,. West; a ·di~ce 6f.o3 ,U) feet to a 5/8"' ir.en rod set for.cemer; North S't"'trosr West, a ·distaik,e Qf ~5:8.~4 fee~ to a 518"' mm i:¢ set for comer, also bemg a point in the sot$~ iioe of the'$War4"Fro:¢hli.ng 49.4 '.5 acre tnict, fJS·~ded inVol. 4 248, Page 144, of the IM'.:;o::R:; . 'fllENCENart1l 43'°'-tJ'l 7" ~ a:~isUµt®ofq.()8Al ~·alol}g the common line between this tract and said Froehling 49.35.apr~ ti;act,.aad ~ EdWar.d Froehling 27.657 acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 2986, Page·20l, of the-RC.O.R to a 5/8'11 iron rod found for ~er; . :. : ~· ..... ' .BXHIBn'.....,..;A:...:.;. :..,..__--...-:---~. 4 .ot ........ .__,.- REMA!N0£R fi!F .. ~=v- \IOL l-416. 'f>,t.CE 74 ·-·r-; .300e:.:=!:==i:;;;;;;=ot:::======~:sooE:!:======e.oos .. i:::::======9~00•~r ~,.,,~ .. ~~f.,ailol:t»."'"11<·• sl8" ...,.iaj'ictf<><o._ro,tbo ~CE se\.iting sjjd•'di'o!rier mwdof.~,rou<1~i~.cat1s; . ' ... " ''. .::· ~ :<~ '• ·.. . . ' .. ' . . .. ';-. ' . ' "' .. 'soµth 11°s J •44*,~t,1~i~~~ <>f~h~';(~(~,11':'5.!~Nmn:r.cd;~ f~r.1c0mer; · .. · ~~6.0"47'40" East.; ~E§~~ee:of8l. 70:f~':to a Sl&'\iron rod seHor-CQmer, . . Soutb ·S.6<1Jl~'l7"' East, a.d~ce:Qf~dH .feet:toa 5/S'iiron.rod set foi;cornet; South 21"57'24" West, a distance of t52.6.5 feet. ro a 5/S" iron· rod set· for corner; South 42° S01 SS" We~ ~ dista,n~ ofZ92:9S· l.e¢t:t~ ~ 518"· irqn !®' sei f0r·comer; SQ.utll lSQ()~'1'3" W~t; a:~ce.qf24K7~d:¢¢H!) a'S/f/'ttonrod set·f<>t comer; . • 1'" . ~ Sou6i:'8~tl~~" West,,a:~sta.nceof4'56.S9 ~te a'S/8" iron.l'Q4 ~ forcomer; South 29'~' 591' W~ a·Wsta!J.9C of:32i 59 fect:.t.o a$f8.11 'it-On rod set for,Cor:ner, also qefug,a ·point on the ·north tigbt..of•wayjlfu¢:QfState ff~Wa'.y 40; ·bCiilg62:965 acres, as reoor.ded in V()1. 392:6, Page '85 oftb.e . B.C.O.R,; THE~GE along Uie co~on l.ine~tWeen·t}lis tract an4 ~d right"'6.f-way line of State Highway 40 for the f1>How.ing eal!S: S'olith 85°46' I 4" West;. a:-di-q~ Qf l0.57 feeqo a 5J8"J~on ro4 'set for (;9rner; South ·~5°17'3$" West; a ~sciwce of 3.92;6:t~tt.O ~ 51810 iton rod Set for th~ snt.Jthwest comer of this -fr<.im whkh ilc01.lc(ete $Jn~¢{~ s-4:1°3~!{}311 W., 1:07 f~fQ:t-.•~~; . . .,,. ':.'r ;-.-.' .. ' ...... : THENCE severing said Crowleyt~t for the folJowiilgcalls: Norili 39"39'40" East. a distance of290.73 fect:.to a 5/8·" iton n;J<l· ~for C!lrnet; North 5928'07" East~ a <fi~ce ot 100,09. feet to.a 5/8i''.~t:imrc1d set;for:c-0mer; North 47° l 7'221, East, a 4istance'<>f l ()8.61!1 fe-i::t to a Sl8l' 4'on. ~od ~for re&~ North 73'°27'09!' East, a: distan.ceof3l7.17feer10 a5i~W iron.rM setfot :®mer~ North 24°0'8'0 I" East. a ~ce of 143.13 f¢et t.9 a 578"' itclti.iod ~·fat cq:t:n,er; North 37°27'28" East, a.distance of3.1l3.-08 feet ti> a 5.13" ~:®.J1et tor oomer. North 75Q45'41" East, a distmwe of 380.04 feet to the Pt.AQ'E OF BEGINNING containing 4.53,709 SC{WIJ'e feet or W.416 ac~. Dante Car!Omagno Texas Registered Professionai Lana Surveyor No. 1562 2004-10,.14-lOacres.doo October 14, 1004 ·~*., I . ' . ·• . R£w.NJ(R Of C1lOWl!fY . TilllCT VOL Hl6, P;t;CE H ~t. 2004-10-14-TOocres DRAWN Bl': A.WALLACE CARLiJMAGNO .Surveying Inc. · ··'271'4 finfea n ·t 7 1 Doc Bk -Vol .263eg '8879783 OR 64-ZS DE~A.;f.t:nt't:.Nif "'.f T-HE A•lfMY i=:o.~,. .Wd!R:t·H oiS,,t\i\fM. 000.,$. gf iEN9iN.ee:~s . ... , .,;>; ~,,.·aq!X 17aM 'F~R;T WO!l-1'!~"TiEXAS 7:~f0;!·0300 D~~l6, 2003 .· Plann,ing, 'Env®lmiei,itat,..ru:w iReglilafury;~vi~iqn Reg$tocy'B~h: . Ms. Heather Ntle& AsS0Cfate . .PfajectM$ager PBST iS80 S. Dairy.N;flfo~d:S~ Suite 300 Ho~ton; Texas 77071-4760 UilsdS inre~~fo yo,w~e.tter 9!«Dct-0.b·~ .n, 2003, .requesting a mo4ification to De,p~MftP.e;~Y:::~i~.1~9.i.0041~ for th~ constrocli9Il of a mixed development by Mr. Tim-Growle:t; en.a '735 ~.property f!lJCa~ soll'.tl:ieast of College :$tation alo"ng Spn:~g. Creek in Btazos Coun~, 'tex'c!S. We have reviewed and hereby ,approV'~ yo~ request Permit Number 1997004 76 is modified · as fullows: l. Replace sheets 1 ott.2 Witl:l s~~~~ l of ti.,,·~~ D.ecei:nber 2003 _( enclQSe<l). 2. Replace ''D«~mber 3], ~003" in:~eral Condition 1 on page one of the permit with "December 3-1, 2005" .. This nrodification is e:ff~tive i~tely. M:I oth.ertenns and.P9oditi-0ns pf the .original petmlt remain in;.fu1H9~e-'1,Udefi'i:ct, IfYQU ,have any questfon.s· com;:eming this Jetter. please c0nlaci Mt. Barry Osboin:,i¢ the ad~.s abo¥e· or telephone (817)886-17'.k Sincerely, )~ 4tf~eA..Lea Chief; Regulatory Branch Enclosure ilQll81T '~ '-j_ . . . - Copies Fllf,iilsj::ied: Mr. Robert'T: Pine Super:ri~OJ U.S. Ftsh ·and Wjldlife SCI¥ice 10711 Bti:met R.6~ 'SUite 200 Austin, Teia,s 78~.S:S Doc Bk Vol Pg lilli879783 OR 6475 264 ·~·~· ;1··'. ·.,.'. TEUS ··~ * t z <> Q 0 Z3 1 APPROXtlolATE SC~LE IH MILES s ~ c ~ Jo,..~....,.,.....~.......,.......,~_,_.......,.......,~.......,.......,~~~.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,.,,_.~~.......,,.--.........,.......,.......,.......,.......,.......,~~.......,.......,.,.... ..... .......,.......,.......,.......,.......,~.......,.......,.......,~ 'l' PURPOSE:• @) ~ ;rne ~!! of tr.rs rroJec:t l·s 'to creote o mixeo us.e .9eve·foPment to loc,IUdtl .s~nc;i'fe ~. N t'N-f.Qnl 1.y ·-= re&loet.t<lo.I ~. corrn>er.c:10-1 u~ a<l<I 1<1:;rt.1rut-1ono1 ~ ·uses, as w'!'·1 t os tnte9t"oted 'flOt.'f°e preserwis ()(.'!<! ~ ·s'tO<'m water det.e.-\tron foci II ties. .. ,. SUBMIT lEO BY• E A 11 H E c H A '/:tpr INTERN/tr/ONA!. L ra. C()MFVWY lOCATt.QN ~ 0 c> 1· ~ BAS! SUP SOUltC~ l!N'1£0 .• $1',\T£S G(Qt.'OO~q.t. ~.V,£Y(~J!f5 .. l.CIWT£' SER•ES. ToPoGR~PHIC OOAORANGl.E. ,-WEl:il:BOAN,. l'EUS. 1,~'I. , P.HO~Y·I:~ l·UQ. ~ Uf·F££T ~ ..... .,....,..,....,.,,..~~.-----~--~...,.--..,..-.-""-.-...,,..--~-.--.-~~..,....,-~-~--------~ ~OSl• ~ The ~l>OSe ~ tt'rfg· pre>Jecit I-$ to creqNt o ,.llCGd U5:e 4"Wt·~-r to lnetucse a1t.Qre omr nul:tl--f<111H;i- . • -'r•.$·i~riHC:U URS. ooamerct ol .us;O. Oi'!(I lf.istitu.t.lo"°I .i us.~ os -•·i o$ fot:ecretod noti;ibe pi1eW.o•n-oOcs• ~ a:tonn wo't.er cie-tont'lon ·1oe It It 1.11&. er: ... ,,. SU6M1 TTEO BY• E A R H @ [ c -' A ~INTERNATIONAL l TO. COHPANi' -SHE• 735-ACRE. CROWLEY TRACT LOCAT'li>Ht COLLEGE S.TATl:ON H ! Y'I. T.IM <:llOM.EY CH(V!IOOI Towt;A COUNTY•. BRAZOS COUNT.-p""· -.-_ -t-.Nu.-,-b-19.,,. .. -9-1004--.-_. -7-6 Al'Rti;. tn9 r'QJ.ec m ~ . _ j L~-lO-• TOM.,....ucs._ .. _~~t-~_s_su_11_~_~~-3500.,.,.....,..-__,,,.,,...,..-..,---... ·~-· ,...· ·r ... ·~-· :T[ __ :_cit_: -~--_· ~_-_"_-::_--_·~--_--...1-_'t_1s_-:G_·. _s_r_o_·F>_o_GR __ A_P_a_·_,-c_.J._· .. • -._· .nec.·~.:.11.~ .. 1lf.2 .. ~ .. -.. · ."· .. ···•·•· _ ~· ~) i !.~ 1w...::. i f ~~~~ \G,i-..N,·'Q . . z!it$> ·,1.-0· .~ L_ _____ . ···E C>~ ' · t : .1:.wetid &.'. -· - ~· ~ GQn~atlpn l~nia·wld·~ RE1Sm~.'~!ldary Wetiands Spring 0reek-an~·itS Td!Martes Greenway ExhlbitiA 735-Acre;Orowley Property COiiege Station, Sf'BZ®.County, Texas Revised 'Site Plan g Replaces previous E:xhibts 7, 8, 9, ·& 10. : , Pri!ject NU.mber 19.970047 6 ·~ Note; • g .... '91 ~t: !\4t.11m Crowley .Sheet 3 ¢:~.' 8.L.. _______________ ..,. '"7.f ·..,. ·;;.· .· ..._ . ..i.;,;~.....;P •. B.'S&l;;;;;;··;;.· ----....,;·iiiiiiDeciiiiii· iiiiiiiernkz;iii· !Iii. iilii.:WQS'iiili .......... s~ "" ~· ~ e-· ~ ~ ~- eonservaliu1l·Zone and Deed R8$tiicted·BOUildary Wetlailds Sprir:ig Creek and its Tributaries Greenway Exhibit SA 1000 I 735-Acre Crowley Property College Statkm1 Brazoo County, Texas Revised Site Plan ~ Replaces prevloos Exhlbts 7, 8, 9, & 10. . -.. ; . · Pr(Jject Number 1997004 • Note: j) ~ •o~--'... ·AppNcant: Mr. TimCrowley SheEt4·of6 gL.----------------------~--------~-.·~-~·-..,;,;-·-~-~~~Pa~S&J~.~-_..;;.;;.;...;Jiii·-·-~-;.Dm·eciiiiemm·mberiiiii. iillii .. • Exhibit9A 735-:A'Cffl erowley Property College Station, Brazes Coulil.ty, Texas Revised Site Plan "'· Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, & 1-0. : Project Number 1997004~ [ Note: , ·ff .. . AppliCeht: ,Mr. r&n Crowley Sh~ 5 of 6 g'._.,.. .................... ...,. ____ ... ,..~ .......... -.;!o:'._,;;···--~·~ent~·~·..m;,:;:·:P-~Bs&.J~~l--...;.,..,...m. ... Decllililiiemhiijii«:iili,cl003m'liill ... en o.s ,... (IJ .ll:O:: mo : M ' ~· O'I u~ OS' QS . ''' ~ ' .. -~·· . ,.,... • w ,. '•/• .... ~:.. ,.' .. ·,.. ... '-' :-··.• ::1 • : .-..... ":· '~tn .... : ! ~ ~ ; il!JJ:· ;.•;if';\' ...-PWP!l'I' . -~ . : : : . . ;;;··'· .:> ',..· · ·Oonseila!tlon-.zo~ atXj .ri>eed Resttl~~il<fsry, . WeU_ands Greenway Con~oo Rese~e O~ Restricted Na'tuml .Area ~1 38:06·Ac.. GooS"ef,vaHoi:l Reserve 'OpenSpace EXhibttJ4A 735-A.cre crOwJe.y Pro~rty College Station, Bratos County, Texas l>raject Numb er 1997004 76 • Revised Proposed Mitigation ~· .• :::...a.. · ~licant w. nm.Crowley Sheet 6 11f'6 ~'!"'"'~---..----~--------.._ __ ..,. .... _.~llO~.~ ...... ~· ~· .,il.:~:li,..J·P6S&:l~.·~·._....,....J~...iDec~:em~-~~:er~.~2003!·~ ..... Doc Bk Vol 00879783 OR 6475 Filed for Rrconl i 1: 8Zlll ID.l1'Y On: J~n 14,all!S at 13:821> As a Re1:11rdings 11179713 45.81 Receipt NUlber -258618 By, Cynthia Rincon •r• mity.ibatm7~: fill~ • w • tilt sta bertll " le .. 185 dal1 naNld .ii lllt "l• • ,. If 111t Ullll ncns If: llllli IDlllY as ~ llrtol bf a. Jan 1412005 -' DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT WORTH DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0 . BOX 17300 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102-0300 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF· December 16, 2003 Planning, Environmental, and Regulatory Division Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Project Number 199700476 Ms. Heather Niles Associate Project Manager PBSJ 1880 S. Dairy Ashford St., Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77077-4760 Dear Ms. Niles: This is in response to your letter of October 22, 2003, requesting a modification to Department of the Army permit 199700476 for the construction of a mixed development by Mr. Tim Crowley, on a 735 acre: property located southeast of College Station along Sprn~g Creek in Brazos County, Texas. We have reviewed and hereby approve your request. Permit Number 199700476 is modified as follows: 1. Replace sheets 1 of 12 with sheets 1 of 6, dated December 2003 (enclosed). 2. Replace "December 31, 2003" in General Condition 1 on page one of the permit with "December 31 , 2005". This modification is effective immediately. All other terms and conditions of the original permit remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Barry Osborn at the address above or telephone (817)886-1734. Sincerely, " -1/f ;;e A. Lea~ Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosure • Copies Furnished: Mr. Robert T. Pine Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 10711 Burnet Road, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78758 -2- z Cl 0 a: ~ ::I u 0 _, V'I u / 0 ... ... . "' "' ... >< V'I 0 ..., 0 0: IL / 0 0 ~ u LOCATION 0 23 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN MILES BASE MAP SOURCE• TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, PUAPOSE1 The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use development to Include slnQle and multl-fCJlll ly resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, and lnstltutlonol uses, os wel I os lnteQroted nature preserves and storm water detention foci II ties . SUBM I TTEO 8Y1 !.ft. TIU CROWLEY CHEVRON TOWER 1)01 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 APRIL, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. IO~OCO OFFICIAL TRAVEL MAP 1995. E A R E c A ~qco INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION H --~~~~~~~~~.., COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY Project Number 199700476 Sheet 1 of6 GENERAL LOCATION December 2003 z 0 0 0:. c l 0 0-111 u / ) / ( ,/ _) / '~,· ~'-,~-\.--' ·, ') . ....... -~.-·-.' ../ I • ~ . l ---ll/ / ry-Y\··,. / I ~ ~ . I P . .., ~u ' ~ I . / LOCATION 0 2000 SCALE IN FEET BASE MAP SOURCE• UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC OUAORANGLE, WELLBORN. TEXAS, 1961. PHOTOREV I SEO 1980. ~ t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ PURPOSE• U> N ... The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use development to Include slnQle and multl-fomlly ~ resldentlol uses, conmerclol uses, and lnstltutlonol ~ uses. os wel I as lnteorated nature preserves and ci storm water detention facilities. 0: G. / - SUBMITTED BY• MR. TIM CROWLEY CHEVRON TOWER ... 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE JSOO g HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 c LJ APRIL, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO• 45'31·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 104040 E A R E c A "L"qco INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION H COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTv.-P-r-oJ-.e-t_t_N_u_m_b __ er __ l9_9_7_0_0_4_7_6.., -Sheet 2 of 6 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC December 2003 E a. O> """ ._.;.; PROPOSED REZ 111.46 ACRES SECTION g SINGl.£ f AMIL Y 11.5 ACRES SECTION 10 SINGl.£ FAMILY 14.2 ACRES CURRENT ZONI G "A-0" PROPOSED ZO ING "PDD-H" SECTlON 11 SINClE FAMILY 10.2 ACRES FVTVRI': 0£VE1.0PMENT SECTION 8 10.0 ArnES SECTION 7 SF-ESTATE 26.l ACRES GRUNS PRAIRIE IN\.£STORS. LTD. REMAJHOER Of 316.0Z ACRE TRACT VOL 3005, PG. 55 ZONED "A-0" L----------- Legend Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary 4f11Eia Wetlands ~ Spring Creek and its Tributaries Greenway 0 250 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET ~ co 1--m -' :z: >< w w ,. w en w z :i :z: CJ ~ ::E ''BS' 1880 S.Dairy Ashford Rd., Ste. 300 • Houston, Texas 77077-4760 _.. .. .,. Phone: (281) 493-5100 fax: (281) 493-1047 Exhibit 7A 735-Acre Crowley Property College Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Site Plan ~ Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, & 10. Project Number 199700476 Note: ~ ~ 'io Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley Sheet 3 of 6 t> ~~ December 2003 01.. .............................. l!llllll ........ ...;;q:.. .. .J.~A~g:en~t-: ~-~P~B;S~&~J~ ...... .l.. .. ~~liiiliiiiiiii.iiiiii .. ~!111-- E 0. (Q ~ (") Legend . ;';..~:~~ .... ---.. -. 1.-., Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands Spring Creek and its Tributaries Greenway 0 250 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET F'BSl 1880 S.Dairy Ashford Rd., Ste. 300 a Houston, Texas 77077-4760 ...... ,.... Phone: (281) 493-5100 fax: (281) 493-1047 Exhibit BA 735-Acre Crowley Property College Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Site Plan ~ Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, & 10. Project Number 199700476 Note: ~ ~ 'io Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley Sheet 4 of 6 u ~L December 2003 01.. .... !"'!l' ...... ~"!'l!l!--.... ~ ... 11!11"----~~;._ .......... ~;_ .. ...L,~A~e~n~t:--~P~B~S:&J~------...... llllliillllillll ............ . ~ N 0 ..,,. ~ u.. CD E a. en ~ ("') Legend --------~.:-- Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands Spring Creek and its Tributaries Greenway 1, - 0 250 500 SCALE IN FEET Exhibit 9A :.: -.t '.i 1000 735-Acre Crowley Property College Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Site Plan ~ Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, & 10. Prcrject Number 199700476 Note: 6) ~ '°lo Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley Sheet 5 of 6 u ~..t December 2003 ol. ................................................ ...;~ .... ...l.~A~en~t-:_..P~B~S~&J~-............................... ... ..- N 0 ~ ..-u. ID -.----------------------------------------..... Approx. 33.0 Ac. Deed Restricted Natural Area V!ZZl!l!lZZ~ ~ Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands Spring Creek and its Tributaries Greenway Conservation Reserve Deed Restricted Natural Area 28-1 38.06 Ac. Conservation Reserve Open Space Exhibit 14A 735-Acre Crowley Property College Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Proposed Mitigation ~ ~ Project Numb er 1997004 76 ; • Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley Sheet 6 of 6 ~ ... !!ll!!!!!!ll!~---ll!l!mlllll!im!-lllllll!llmll!~!ll!l!!lill!i~--~-.. ....... •.0.rl .. h .. ~A~en~t:.._~P~B~S~&~J ...... ..L. .... ~D~e~c~em~b~er~20~0~3~ ..... .JI • / Document No. 030335 PBS&J Job No. 460813.00 2003 INTERIM WRITTEN COMPLIANCE REPORT FOR MR. TIMOTHY CROWLEY THE CROWLEY PROPERTY INDIVIDUAL PERMIT (CROWLEY TRACT AND CASTLEGATE SUBDIVISION) COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Prepared for: Mr. Timothy Crowley 1301 McKinney, Suite 3500 Houston, Texas 77010 Prepared by: PBS&J 1880 S. Dairy Ashford St. Suite 300 Austin, Texas 77077 October 2003 Printed on recycled paper Contents Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 1-1 2.0 SITE VISIT ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 RESULTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 SCHEDULE CHANGES ....................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................. 3-1 3.3 COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS ..................................................................... 3-2 Appendices Appendix A U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit Appendix B Revised Site Plans*Exhibits 7 A, 8A, and 9A Appendix C Site Photographs 460813.00 I 030335 ii PBSJ 1.0 INTRODUCTION Per the request of Mr. Barry Osborn, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Project Manger, for [ndividual Permit No. 199700476 (Appendix A), PBS&J is submitting an Interim Written Compliance Report for the development activities that have taken place on the Crowley Property located in the western quadrant of the intersection of SH 6 and Greens Prairie Rd., College Station, Brazos County, Texas. To date, the majority of the southern portion of the property (south of the TxDOT SH 40 easement) has been sold to Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., by Greens Prairie Associates, LLC. This tract of land, herein referred to as the Castle gate Subdivision, has completed nearly 95% of the site preparation activities to accommodate construction of a residential subdivision. Mr. Crowley has retained one tract south of the TxDOT SH 40 easement for future institutional development. A large majority of the tracts east of Tributary 4 within Castlegate Subdivision have already been developed (Appendix B, Exhibi ts 7 A and 8A). The northern portion of the Crowley Property (north of the SH 40 easement), herein referred to as the Crowley Tract, has a lso begun site preparation for development, including construction of an entrance road off of the SH 6 frontage road, a detention pond, and channelization of Spring Creek. The above-mentioned site preparation activities are approximately 95% complete 111 Castlegate Subdivision, and homes are under construction on approximately 60% of the residential lots. Site preparation acti vities are approximately 25% complete on the Crowley Tract; only one set of patio homes is currently under construction on this tract. The entire Crowley Property project resulted in 5.89 acres of impact to waters of the U.S. Of these impacts, the Castlegate Subdivision impacts account for 2.615 acres of these total impacts. These 2.6 15 acres of impacts include 0.82 acre of wetlands and 1.795 acres of waters associated with Spring Creek. The Crowley Tract accounts for 3 .275 acres of the total 5.89 acres of impacts. These 3.275 acres of impacts include 1.94 acres of wetlands and 1.3 35 acres of waters associated with Spring Creek (this waters acreage includes a small portion of Tributary 2 located within the commercial tract of land Mr. Crowley retained south of the SH 40 easement). The pre-construction conditions of th e project area were described m Earth Tech 's Wetland Delineation Report that was submitted to the USACE. On January 18, 2001, the USACE authorized the project under the Clean Water Act (CW A) (Section 404) Individual Permit No. 199700476. A copy of the permit is located in Appendi x A. The permit contained several general and special conditions, including a special condition for a compliance report (special conditio n No. 2). In accordance with special condition No. 2 and the request of Mr. Osborn, Mr. Crowley, through Texcon Engineers, contracted PBS&J to conduct a site visit of the project area and to prepare the required in terim compliance report for the project. Because the project is not yet complete, this report is referred to as an interim compliance report. Mr. Crowley will adhere to the req uirement of the permit and provide a final compliance report when the authorized activities of the pem1it are complete. 460813.00 I 030335 1-1 PBSJ 2.0 SITE VISIT On July 23, 2003, PBS&J Staff Ecologists Heather Niles and Cathy Hood visited the project area. The purpose of the site visit was to: 1. Determine the permittee's compliance with general and special conditions as outlined in the USA CE Section 404 permit dated January 18, 200 l (Appendix A). 2. Document the progress and/or completion of all authorized work. Please refer to Exhibits 7 A, 8A and 9A (Appendix B, Revised Site Plans) and photographs of the site (Appendix C). The ecologists visually accessed the area to determine compliance with the conditions of USACE Permit Number 199700476. A summary of the findings and site conditions are discussed below. 460813.00 I 030335 2-1 PBSJ 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 SCHEDULE CHANGES The schedule for the proposed project has been revised. Completion dates are not known on an activity-specific basis; however, site preparation activities and construction activities are currently on-go mg. 3.2 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES The following activities have occurred during the reporting period. • Castlegate Subdivision has completed nearly 95% of the site preparation activities, • Castlegate Subdivision has constructed approximately 60% of the residential areas, • All impacts to waters of the U.S. covered under this Individual Permit in the Castlegate Subdivision portion of the property are complete, to include: 0.045 acre of fill and 0.05 acre of impoundment to Tributary 2; 0.09 acre of fill and 0.03 acre of temporary excavation to Tributary 4; 0.017 acre of fill and 0.004 acre of temporary excavation to Tributary 5; 1.56 acres of draining to Impoundment 1; 0.04 acre of fill to Wetland L; 0.45 acre of draining to Wetland M; 0.33 acre of draining to Wetland N. • Approximately 25% of the Crowley Tract has undergone site preparations activ1ties for development, including the construction of an entrance road from SH 6, a detention basin, a set of patio homes under construction, and channelization of Spring Creek. The following authorized activities have occurred during this reporting period: 0.75 acre of the total 0.85 acre of impacts to Spring Creek resulting from 0.61 acre of fill and 0.14 acre of draining associated with the channelization of Spring Creek. Remaining is 0.10 acre of fill resulting from the two proposed roadway crossings. One road (Decatur Drive) has not yet been built and one road is proposed to be relocated to cross Tributary 4 (details of the road relocation will be provided in a supplemental permit modification request), 0.44 acre of fill in Tributary 1, 460813.00 I 030335 3-1 PBSJ 3.3 Wetlands A, B, C, D, and F have been filled as proposed in the Individual Permit. There are two wetlands (B and E) that have not been completely filled due to the preliminary stage of development at these locations; however, as the development continues, these areas are proposed to completely filled as discussed in the permit. The total impacts associated with these wetlands (assuming full impact) is 1.74 acres, 0.20 acre of fill in Wetland K has not yet occurred (see site photographs, Appendix C), 0.045 acre of fill in a portion of Tributary 2 (immediately south of the SH 40 easement) has not yet occurred. • Only approved work in the conservation easement has taken place. This work includes the filling of Wetland F and the channelization of the southern end of Spring Creek, which crosses into the Conservation Easement. COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT CONDITIONS Per the requirements of the Special Conditions issued m the individual permit, the following information is being provided for your review. Please note that not all of the authorized activities are complete; therefore, information requested in the Special Conditions on "final " site conditions are not provided. The permittee, is in the process of complying and will continue to comply with the general and special conditions: General Conditions 1. "The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31, 2003. 460813.00 I 030335 If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the date is reached." Due to design alterations and natural events (i.e., rain), the authorized work will not be completed by December 31, 2003. Mr. Timothy Crowley will be formally requesting a time extension on his individual permit to complete the proposed construction activities on his property. 2. "You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area." 3-2 PBSJ The authorized activities covered under this permit have not been abandoned. All property transfers will be made through a good faith transfer and comply with the conditions of this permit as specified in General Condition 4. 3. "If you discover any previously unknown historic or archaeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places." No previously unknown historic or archaeological remains have been discovered on the property. Should such remains be discovered during the continued authorized activities on the property, conditions set forth in this Special Condition will be adhered to. 4. "If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization." 460813.00 I 030335 A portion of the permitted 735-acre tract of land was sold to Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., by Greens Prairie Associates, LLC. This tract of land is known as the Castlegate Subdivision. Since the entire property (project) was not transferred, it is our understanding that this transfer of authority does not apply in this situation. 5. "If a condition of water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as a special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions." All of the conditions set forth in the Section 401 Water Quality Certification have been adhered to. 6. "You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit." 3-3 PBSJ Special Conditions l. "The permittee shall implement and abide by the mitigation plan included in the 'Mitigation Plan for the Crowley Property in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, Project Number 199700476' by HNTB Corporation, dated December 7, 2000. Completion of all elements of this mitigation plan is a requirement of this permit." To date. all proposed activities within the Mitigation Plan are in compliance. Wetlands G. H, I, and J have not been impacted. Photographs of these wetlands and the deed restricted area/conservation easement can be seen in Appendix C. These areas remain natural and are only traversed by existing easements. 2. "The permittee shall submit a final written compliance report to the USACE within 30 days after the completion of all construction and mitigation work that includes the following: 460813.00 I 030335 a. a statement that the authorized work and required mitigation was done in accordance with the USACE authorization, including all general and special conditions; b. a summary of all construction and mitigation activities that occurred associated with the project, including documentation of the completion of all work and compliance with all terms and conditions of the permit; c. a comparison of the post-construction conditions of the project area to the pre-construction conditions of the area; d. a detailed description of all impacts to waters of the United States; e. a map showing the final configuration of restored, enhanced, created and preserved waters of the United States, including wetlands; f. the final topographic elevations of the project; g. a discussion about whether disturbed areas, such as borrow ditches, road embankments, stream banks, road crossings, and temporary impact areas are revegetating adequately and not suffering erosions damage; and h. photographs and maps as appropriate to illustrate the information presented. A final compliance report will be submitted once all authorized work is completed. 3-4 PBSJ '. \ ' April 19, 2001 Planning, Environmental, and Regulatory Division Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Project Number 199700476 Ms.· Heather Niles Environmental Scientist HNTB Corporation I 00 Glenborough Drive, Suite 1300 Houston, Texas 77067-361'1 Dear Ms. Niles: This letter is in response to a February 22, 2001 , facsimile transmission request from Charles A. Ellison, P.C., Attorneys at Law, concerning deed restrictions for Department of the Army permit 199700476. The pennit authorizes the discharge of dredged and fill material into waters of the United States associated with the construction of a mixed development by Mr. Tim Crowley, on a 73 5 acre property southeast of College Station along Spring Creek in Brazos County, Texas. We have reviewed the information provided and have determined that a modification to the permit is required. Permit Number 199700476 is modified as follows : 1. Replace the sentence in special condition 3 which reads "The pennittee shall provide a copy of the recorded deed restriction to the USA CE by March 1, 200 l" to read "The permittee shall provide a copy of the recorded deed restriction to the US ACE by August 1, 200 l" This modification is effective immediately. All other terms and conditions of the original permit remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Barry Osborn at the address above or telephone (817)978-33 54 . Sincerely, Wayne A. Lea Chief, Regulatory Branch /-;??Z -~3 1 -7 '7 SI DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT WORTH DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P 0 BOX 1 7300 FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76102-0300 REPLY TO A TT ENTIQtJ OF Environmental Division Regulatory Branch· SUBJECT: Project Number 199700476 Ms. Heather Niles Environmental Scientist HNTB Corporation 100 Glenborough Drive, Suite 1300 Houston, Texas 77067-3611 Dear Ms. Niles: January 18, 2001 I I l n c.:-_,., r-·:. 1-i··· • ....... ,·vc· D • --\..ll-.1 - .J.L\N 2 2 2001 Hi'ff8 HOUSTON, TEXAS Mr. Tim Crowley is hereby authorized under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to discharge approximately 5,250 cubic yards of dredged and fill material in waters of the United States associated with the construction of an approximately 735-acre mixed-use development in accordance with Permit Number 199700476. A copy of the permit is enclosed. ~ To use this permit, the person responsible for the project must ensure that the work is conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. We caution you to submit revised drawings to us for approval prior to construction should any changes be found necessary in either the location or plans for the work. Approval of revised plans may be granted if they are found not contrary to the public interest. This permit should not be considered as an approval of the design features of any structure authorized or an implication that such construction is considered adequate for the purpose intended. It does not authorize any damage to private property, invasion of private rights, or any infringement of federal, state, or local laws or regulations. We appreciate your interest in our nation's water resources, and your cooperation in complying with our regulatory program. If you have questions in the future, please contact Mr. Barry Osborn at the address above or telephone (817)978-3354. Sincerely, ~.R_ao/fl- WayneA<.Lea , Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures .... Copies Furnished I with enclosure: Mr. Mark Fisher 401 Coordinator -2- Standards and Assessment Section (MC-150) Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 Mr. Rollin MacRae Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78744 Mr. Thomas J. Cloud, Jr. Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Stadium Centre Building 711 Stadium Drive East, Suite 252 Arlington, Texas 76011 Ms. Rebecca Weber Chief, Marine and Wetlands Section (6WQ-EM) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6 1445 Ross A venue Dallas, Texas 75202 .r DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Permittee Mr. Tim Crowley Permit No. 199700476 Issuing Office Fort Worth District NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permittee or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and condit.ions specified below. Project Description: To discharge approximately 5,250 cubic yards of dredged and fill material into water of the United States associated with the construction of an approximately 735-acre mixed-use development. The development will adversely affect approximately 5.89 acres of waters of the United States, including approximately 7,200 feet of stream channel. Work will include the construction of an earthen channel in Spring Creek which is 30 feet wide at the bottom. Construction will also include box culverts at road crossings and modifications to existing tributaries. To compensate for unavoidable adverse impacts, the permittee will implement a mitigation plan that includes the preservation of an approximately 33-acre riparian area. Project Location: The 735-acre project site is located southwest of Highway 6 and Prairie Road, along Spring Creek and associated unnamed tributaries, at the southern edge of the city of College Station, Brazos County, Texas. The permit area is near UTM coordinates 762282.50 East and 3383523.97 North (Zone 14) on the Wellborn 7.5-minute USGS quadrangle map in the USGS Hydrologic Unit 12070103. Permit Conditions: In accordance with attached Sheets 1-12 of 12 and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Pages 1-3 of 3, dated July 27, 2000. General Conditions: I. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on December 31, 2003 . If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archaeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. ENG FORM 1721, Nov 86 EDITION OF SEP 82 IS OBSOLETE. (33 CFR 325 Appendix A)) .~ 4 . If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. Special Conditions: SEE PAGE 4 (Special Conditions) Further Information: 1. Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to : ( ) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). (x) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1344). ( ) Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or locitl authorizations required by law. b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. c. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermined activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. 2 e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 5. Reevaluation of Pennjt Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the tenns and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office <lid not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, ,and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325. 7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209 .170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions. General condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision. the Corps will normally giv~ favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your sig~re below, as perrnittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. / : M 4 ~~ / I ID I CXJ (PERM/fTJ;E) C / ) (DATE) Tim ¢rowley U This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below. FOR THE (DISTRICT ENGINEER) Gordon M. Wells Colonel, Corps of Engineers When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred, the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below. (TRANSFEREE) (DATE) 3 Special Conditions Permit Number 199700476 1. The permittee shall implement and abide by the mitigation plan included in the "Mitigation Plan for the Crowley Property in Gollege Station, Brazos County, Texas, Project Number 199700476" by HNTB Corporation, dated December 7, 2000. Completion of all elements of this mitigation plan is a requirement of this permit. 2. The permittee shall submit a final written compliance report to the USACE within 30 days after the completion of all construction and mitigation work that includes the following: a. a statement that the authorized work and required mitigation was done in accordance with the USACE authorization, including all general and special conditions; b. a summary of all construction and mitigation activities that occurred associated with the project, including documentation of the completion of all work and compliance with all terms and conditions of th e permit; c. a comparison of the post-construction conditions of the project area to the pre-construction conditions of the area; d. a detailed description of all impacts to waters of the United States; e. a map showing the final configuration of restored, enhanced, created and preserved waters of the United States, including wetlands; f. The final topographic elevations of the project; g. a discussion about whether disturbed areas, such as borrow ditches, road embankments, stream banks, road crossings, and temporary impact areas are revegetating adequately and not suffering erosion damage; and h. photographs and maps as appropriate to illustrate the information presented. 3. The permittee shall dedicate in perpetuity by deed restriction, as a stream riparian and wetland mitigation area, the approximately 33-acre mitigation area identified in the mitigation plan referenced in special condition 1. The only exceptions to the deed restriction shall be easements in existence or proposed on date of this letter. The mitigation area shall not be disturbed, except by those activities specifically rovided for in the a roved mitigation plan or In the s ecial conditions for this permit. Unless otherwise specified , livestock grazing, mowing, an s1m1 ar activities are not a owe . e permittee shall survey the mitigation area, develop an appropriate deed restriction for the surveyed area, submit the draft deed restriction to the USACE for review and approval, and record the USACE approved deed restriction with the County Clerk. The permittee shall provide a copy of the recorded deed restriction to the USACE by March 1, 2001. The restriction shall not be removed from the deed or modified without written approval of the USACE and conveyance of any interest in the property must be subject to the deed restriction. 4 . t' LOCATION " \. PURPOSE1 The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include sln91e and ITT.Jltl-foml ly res I dent Io I uses, comnerc Io I uses, Inst I tut I one I E A R Project Number 199700476 Sheet 1 of 12 E ( H uses, and recreotlonol uses, OS wel I OS lnte9roted A rL/~O/NTERNATJONAL LTD. COMPANY nature preserves and storm water detent I on foe I I It I es.1------------------------------ SUBMITTED 8Y1 I.AR. Tit.A CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPtJENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINNEY. SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, I 999 LJA PROJECT ND. ~591-9811 f"AOTu TC"ru Pon 1~rT 11.11"1 ,,,.,."" S I TE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TE XAS I nr /\TI ('\1\1 u An ) / ,/ ,') I / ~~~····-'~:_:, · .. I LOCATION PURPOSE1 The purpose of this project ls to create o mixed use development to Include slnQle and ID.Jltl-foml ly resldentlol uses, corrmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol uses, and recreotlonol use~. as wel I as lnteQroted E A _/ . : Project Number 199700476 Sheet 2 of 12 R T H@ T E c H A -rqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.t------------------------ SUBM I TTEO BY• ~ UR. TIU CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY OEVELOPUENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 "' HOUSTON. TEXAS 770 10 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591·9811 C' &OTU TC'("U con 1C'rT .. 1,.., ........... ,,.., SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 11 <:.r:<:. Tl"'\Dl"'\f'D 11 ou 1 r u An . :~. r AREA A B c D E F G H l 1 K L M N Total Wetlands Spring Creek Tributary 1 Tributary 2 Tributary 3 Tributary 4 Tributary 5 lmpoundment I Total Waters, excluding wetlands Total Waters, including wetlands ON-SITE ACREAGE IMPACT WETLANDS 0.48 0.48 acre 0.69 0.69 acre 0.18 0.18 acre . 0.02 0.02 acre 0.18 0.18 acre 0.19 0.19 acre 0.12 no impact 0.65 no impact 0.01 no impact 0.08 no impact 0.20 0.20 acre 0.04 0.04 acre 0.45 0.45 acre 0.33 0.33 acre 3.62 Total Welland Impacts: 2.76 I TYPE OF IMPACT fill fill excavation fill fill excavation no impact no impact no impact no impact ' fill fill draining draining 1.61 acres fill, 0.37 acre excavation, 0. 78 acre draining WATERS OF THE UNITED STA TES, EXCLUDING WETLANDS 2.35 0.39 0.59 0.12 2.06 0.24 2.47 8.22 11.84 0.85 acre 0.44 acre 0.14 acre no impact 0.12 acre 0.02 acre 1.56 acre Total Waters Impacts: 3.13 TOTAL IMPACTS: 5.89 ACRES 0.71 acres fill, 0.14 acre draining 0.39 acres fill on-site, 0.05 acres fill off-site to realign tributary .09 acres fill, 0.05 acres impoundment no impact 0.09 acre fill, 0.03 acre temporary excavation 0.017 acre fill, 0.004 acre temporary excavation draining 1.35 acres fill, 1.70 acres drained, 0.05 acres impoundment, 0.03 acre temporary excavation 2.96 acres fill, 0.37 acres excavation, 2.48 acres draining, 0.05 acres impoundment, 0.03 acre temporary excavation The impacts listed on Table 1 are illustrated on sheets 4 through 8. ENG FORM 4 345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE Project Number 199700476 Sheet 3 of 12 z <.:> 0 ci. .... > 0 LOCATION 0 o. 25 SCALE IN MILES ...... ·>'. ! ; . , · ... · .. . ··-. . \.·~ . '\ ··+ -~ · .... ~ '· . LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATE S ADJACENT WETLANDS rNATERS OF THE UNITED STATES) PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE - - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LINE BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. VERIF IEC BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 1997004 76. PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use E R Project Number 199700476 ~ development to Include slnq le and multl -foml ly "' resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nteqroted A -rqco./NTE.n. ______________ _, Sheet 4 of 12 ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.1--~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N ... "" V'> 0 .., 0 er CL SUBM I TTEO BY1 l.IR. T II.I CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPl.IENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 U "l 1('" T"" AUCUS T, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591·9811 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXISTING CONDITIONS C:IT C (\\/CD\/ICIAI UAD "· I INSET B < EXHIBIT 8 > I i i -~I a c:: w -a: -< c:: c:. '" ,_ z z '-' ..... LJ ~ i31 ..... \ v> .. ..... LOCATION 0 500' SCALE IN FEET : :-1.--" l "f .'I · .. \ J .. ·: ' ' I ' I .,. ·-r ,. ,_;J ' I! /·· -' -:-:~--- l i .. ;· .. , .. p:-. (. LEGEND --"-WATERS OF THE UNI TEO STATES I I l>>tt:I WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE I MPACTEO WETLANDS TO REMAIN WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LINE ----SANITARY SEWER ..... ~ _, ..... ~ CL BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED z STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED g BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476 • ... CL 0 PURPOSE1 ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use ~ development to Include sln91e and rrultl-foml ly ~ ,..es I dent la I uses, comne,.-c Io I uses, t nst I tut I ono I E A R T ; Project Number 199700476 Sheet 5 of 12 :;: uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I ntec;iroted A rqci:.:_(N ._ _____________ .. ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci I I ties.~~~~~~~~ 17> "' ... "" Ill 0 -, 0 er: CL / SUBMITTED 8Y1 MR. TIM CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. T~xa~ 11n1n AUGUST, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 r. OTU TC"ru DOI"\ tCrT "'" tf\Af\11"\ SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TE XAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS I NC:.~T A I I I I I I I z <:> 0 ·--1 --.\\ LOCATION 0 SCALE IN FEET 500' INSET C (EXHIBIT 9) INSET A ( EXH I 8 IT 7) '· . i I . " / (j• .. ·r-...\..J ~ ..... ' 'II'' ~' , ~ ~· ' ;'l.<c~ .o ~o~ c.; ,i°> --· i ~ - L .i ·. \ ' I ; ol ~--_.-._-::=-ir---te3 i c::s ' l _ .. _ \~·-<:L - - - - LEGEND · w l ~ . c= 1' . ! ::; : ~1 ,..;... . . ~ ~! :I W I W W j VI C::' e. u,· ,z =:::; I :w r :~ I 0. l WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED I · I l>Kttd WETLANDS TO REMAIN WETLANDS TO BE IUPACTED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE INSET BOUNDARY LINE ----•SANITARY SEWER BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,• AUGUST 1997. VERIFIE~ BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. 00 1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- :5 PURPOSE• er 0. VI u / The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include slnole and multl-foml ly residential uses, conmerclol uses, Institutional ~ uses, and recreotlonol uses, as wel I as lnteoroted E A R T Project Number 199700476 Sheet 6 of 12 Arqco!N .................................. ... ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ a-U"I .... SUBMITTED BY1 = MR. TIM CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 0. 1<011.;rnN. ri:-11 0<; 11n1n AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591·9811 ~. oTu Tcru oon 1C"rT "'n 1n4n1n SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS I NC:::.f:"T R z c.:i 0 ,,. .. ' " ' ·. ' ! - LOCATION 0 SCALE IN FEET INSET 0 ( EXHIBIT I 0 l INSET B ( EXHIBIT 8 l 500' LEGEND .::::::==--::: WATERS OF THE UNITEO STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED ~ETLANDS TO REMAIN I I l::::r:+:::I WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LINE PROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL ---SANITARY SEWER J .. 0 c:: -. c:: .... -c: 0.. "' 2 .... w ~ BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY I 8, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. ~ PURPOSE• 0 er Cl. "' u / The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include single and multl-foml ly res I dent Io I uses, corrmerc Io I uses, Inst I tut I ono I E A R H Project Number 199700476 Sheet 7 of 12 ;;; uses, and recreat I ono I uses, os we I I os I nte9rated A 'i'qco /NT£1"''1P!". '!'l', v"·""··_,.._..,.,.v!!' ... _'!l!'!"v .. ~ .. ""'-----~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci I I ties.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--"' "' .. "' "' 0 "') 0 er Cl. / SUBMITTED BY1 UR. T It.I CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 104010 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INC.FT r .~ z .., 0 ci . ~ . I . _J :. : ..... ; .... - ---. --. ------._·-:. I ~... : L ... ' ! . ., f -I _:··;:-f I'· I LOCATION 0 SCALE IN FEET BASE MAP SOURCE• ''i . .. \I l ; INSET C < EXHIBIT 9 l 500' ..• L.:. . .:.J'-.:·: . . '. I- LEGEND :~:::::===:::-~ WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED WETLANDS TO REMAIN I I ltrn><>>I WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LINE PROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL ----SANITARY SEWER WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIF IED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476 . g, PURPOSE1 [ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use :'.:development to Include slnQle and rn.iltl-fomlly ProjectNumber199700476 / res I dent I 0 I uses, commerc I 0 I uses, Inst I tut I ono I Sheet a of 12 E A ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nteQroted A t-q.qq fN_T1 .. _____________ _ ' nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- .:: >< V'I 0 ..., 0 a: n. SUBMITTED BYr UR. T It.I CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 '-'"flC:TrH,1 Tcv .. C' ..,..,!\ 1 I\ AUGUST, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591 ·9811 SITEr 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS I ~I C" rT I""'\ 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 0+00 I +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 LEGEND I .. :::1 PROPOSED FILL LOCATION f7//2 PROPOSED EXCAVATION SCALE• ,. • 100' HOR. -FILL BELOW NORMAL I' •I 0' VER. HIGH WATER MARK NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG SPRING CREEK. THIS CREEK, AS WELL AS TRIBUTARY I ANO A PORTION OF TRIBUTARY 2 ARE PROPOSED TO BE CHANNELIZED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING STORMWATER DRAINAGE OFF THIS SITE . THIS REPRESENTS ~ A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ALONG THESE AREAS PROPOSED FOR CHANNELIZATION. 0 ci PURPOSE• ::: -::::::;-... ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use 2 devel opment to Include single and m..Jltl-foml ly E A R H Project Number 199700476 ~ res I dent Io I uses, corrmerc Io I uses. Inst I tut r ono I Sheet g of 12 ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nte9roted A t"qco_iNTEL. ____________ _, • nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.1--~~~~~~~....:.::..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -"' "' .... .:: "' VI 0 ..., 0 a: a.. / SUBMITTED BY1 MR. T II.I CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 IACKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 770 10 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 104010 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCAT ION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION CHANNFI I 7 6. TI ON 01=" !RI=" !="I< 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 0•00 LOCATION SCALE• , •• I oo· HOR. 1 • •IO' VER. ~ ~. ---:-'. .. . -~. \: I •00 2+00 NG CllUX SPflJ IZU-.____ r ~JIJJUR)J. GROJND I ti. : r -·. LI . LI .... , · .. · ./ ll I'\ ~ [\ ~~ L~~ 3+00 6 • q,q 11.C.8 4+00 5+00 LEGEND I <I V//2 - PROPOSED FI LL · PROPOSED EXCAVATION FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK 6•00 z 0 0 NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF A PROPOSED ROAD CROSSING OF SPRING CREEK. ALTHOUGH THE NUMBER OF BOX CULVERTS VARIES, THIS ILLUSTRATES A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OF SEVERAL ROAD CROSSINGS PROPOSED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. B PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of th Is project Is to create o m I xed use _, S development to Include slnc;ile and multl-fomlly E A R "' residential uses, commerclol uses, Institutional Project Number 199700476 Sheet 10 of 12 ;;; uses, and recreot I ono I uses, os we I I os I ntec;iroted A rqi::o {N ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci I I ties.~~~~~~_::_:::..:::_:::_::.~=::=::=:=:=:=::::::::::::::::::=::=~--~ SUBMITTED BY• • l.IR. T II.I CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY OEVELOPl.IENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ IJOI MCKINNEY. SUITE 3500 0. ~f"lllC:Tn~ TC'VA~ 7 7f'\t1' SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AUCUS T, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 TYPICAL CROSS SECT I ON ... ,..,,..,, ..,.,..,..,, '"''"',..., ,,..,... ''""' '""' .. "'" f"""lr'\ A r"\ l"nr'l r-r-It. Ir"'- 285 280 AllEA "Er 275 ,.,._ -~ r---. I-----..___. ; . "N22/ 2 70 265 260 0+00 I +0 0 2+00 285 2 8 0 275 2 70 ""'-r//v//////V////// "/A.·· 265 260 6+00 1+00 8+00 LOCATION SCAL E1 1 • • I oo· HOR. I" •10' VER. ~~~-I\ \ ~ i------' ·.11 . " --- 3+00 4+00 5+0_0 AREA "Jr 9+00 . 10•00 I 1+00 LEGEND I :·::I PROPOSED FI LL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK z <:> 0 NOTE1 THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECT ION OF PROPOSED FIL L TO BE PLACED IN WETLAND AREAS A AND B FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION. THIS REPRESENTS A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION THROUGH WETLAND AREAS WHICH ARE PROPOSED TO BE FILLED. d f-------------------------""T"""---------------------~~ :;! PURPOSE1 ~ The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use 8 development to Incl ude s l nQle and multl-foml ly ~ residential uses, corrmerclal uses, lnstltutlonal E A R H Project Number 199700476 Sheet 11 of 12 ~ uses, and recreotlonol uses, as wel I as lnteQroted A-rqco /NTEL-___________ __. ..'.. nature preserves and storm water detent I on foe I I It I es.1-------------- "' Ill .. SUBM I TTEO 8Y1 -UR. TIM CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 0 ci CHEVRON TOWER g: 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 _, HOUSTON. TEXAS 7701() AUCUS T, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591-9811 i--,,...,,.." Tr-r u oon ,~,..T "''"" ,,..,,. ...... ,,.., SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ~II I ni:-W t:"TI ""'n f\Dt:'flC" ... 28-I 38. OG Ac. Conservation Reserve Open Space Ap_prox. 33. o Ac. Deed Restricted Natural Area :::;!i; '•·"· ... I d j' .> -~'t. . ~,, . ·: : : -~ .. • '· 1•1 ., LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WETLANDS ri'/A TERS Of THE UNITED STA TES) CONSERVATION RESERVE DEED RESTRICTED NATURAL AREA LOCATION PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE 0 1400' SCALE IN FEET z u 0 ri BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. > 0 z PURPOSE• 8 The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use ~development to Include single and rrultl .. fomlly "" res I dent I a I uses, conmerc Io I uses, Inst I tut I one I 0 E A R T H Project Number 199700476 Sheet 12 of 12 ~ uses, and recreotlonol uses, os wel I os lnte9roted A rlJC-17/NTE .......................... .,..___. ~ nature preserves and storm water detention focllltles.1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ "' .... .: "' V'I 0 -, 0 ex n. ,, SUBMITTED BY1 MR. T IM CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591-9811 C" •O TU TC"'ru oon tC"r T """ 11'\Al\I" SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED MITIGATION fl pr:-fl C: Attachment 1 -Dredge and Fill Certification USAGE Permit No. 199700476 July 27, 2000 Page 1 of 3 WORK DESCRIPTION: As described in the public notice dated April 20, 2000. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: None. GENERAL: This certification, issued pursuant to the requirements ofTitle 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 279, is restricted to the work described in the application or joint public notice apd shall expire five years from the date of issuance of the Corps of Engineers (COE) permit. This certification may be extended to any minor revision of the COE permit when such change(s) would not result in an impact on water quality. The TNRCC reserves the right to require full joint public notice on a request for minor revision. The applicant is hereby placed on notice that any activity conducted pursuant to the COE permit which results in a violation of the state's surface water quality standards may result in an enforcement proceeding being initiated by the TNRCC or a successor agency. STANDARD PROVISIONS: These following provisions attach to any permit issued by the Corps of Engineers and shall be followed by the permittee or any employee, agent, contractor, or subcontractor of the permittee during any phase of work authorized by a Corps permit. 1 . The water quality of wetlands shall be maintained in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards including the General, Narrative, and Numerical Criteria. 2. The applicant shall not engage in any activity which will cause surface waters to be toxic to man, aquatic life, or terrestrial life. 3. Permittee shall employ measures to control spills of fuels, lubricants, or any other materials to prevent them from entering a watercourse. All spills shall be promptly reported to the TNRCC, Emergency Spill Response, at (512) 463-7727. 4. Sanitary wastes shall be retained for disposal in some legal manner. Marinas and similar operations which harbor boats equipped with marine sanitation devices shall provide state/federal permitted treatment facilities or pump out facilities for ultimate transfer to a permitted treatment facility. Additionally, marinas shall display signs in appropriate locations advising boat owners that the discharge of sewage from a marine sanitation device to waters in the state is a violation of state and federal law. 5. Materials resulting from the destruction of existing structures shall be removed from the water or areas adjacent to the water and disposed of in some legal manner. 6. A discharge shall not cause substantial and persistent changes from ambient conditions of turbidity or color. The use of silt screens or other appropriate methods is encouraged to confine suspended particulates. 7. The placement of any material in a watercourse or wetlands shall be avoided and placed there only with the approval of the Corps when no other reasonable alternative is available. If work within a Attachment 1 -Dredge and Fill Certification USAGE Permit No. 199700476 July 27, 2000 Page 2 of 3 8. 9. 10. 14. 15. 16. wetland is unavoidable, gouging or rutting of the substrate is prohibited. Heavy equipment shall be placed on mats to protect the substrate from gouging and rutting if necessary. Dredged Material Placement: Dredged sediments shall be placed in such a manner as to prevent any sediment runoff ontO any adjacent property not owned by the applicant. Liquid runoff from the disposal area shall be retained on-site or shall be filtered and returned to the watercourse from which the dredged materials were removed. Except for material placement authorized by this permit, sediments from the project shall be placed in such a manner as to prevent any sediment runoff into waters in the state, including wetlands. 1 If contaminated spoil that was not anticipated or provided for in the permit application is encountered during dredging, dredging operations shail be immediately terminated and the TNRCC, Emergency Spill Response, shall be contacted at (512) 463-7727. Dredging activities shall not be resumed until authorized by the Commission. Contaminated water, soil, or any other material shall not be allowed to enter a watercourse. Noncontaminated stormwater from impervious surfaces shall be controlled to prevent the washing of debris into the waterway. Stormwater runoff from construction activities (US EPA Category X) is governed by the requirements of the US Environmental Protection Agency. Applications to apply for a general permit are to be obtained from Region 6, US EPA at (214) 665-7185. Upon completion of earthwork operations, all temporary fills shall be removed from the watercourse/wetland, and areas disturbed during construction shall be seeded, riprapped, or given some other type of protection to minimize subsequent soil erosion. Any fill material shall be clean and of such composition that it will not adversely affect the biological, chemical, or physical properties of the receiving waters. Disturbance to vegetation will be limited to only what is absolutely necessary. After construction, all disturbed areas will be revegetated to approximate the pre-disturbance native plant assemblage. Where the control of weeds, insects, and other undesirable species is deemed necessary by the permittee, control methods which are nontoxic to aquatic life or human health shall be employed when the activity is located in or in close proximity to water, including wetlands. Concentrations of taste and odor producing substances shall not interfere with the production of potable water by reasonable water treatment methods, impart unpalatable.flavor to food fish including shellfish, result in offensive odors arising from the water, or otherwise interfere with reasonable use of the water in the state. Surface water shall be essentially free of floating debris and suspended solids that are conducive to producing adverse responses in aquatic organisms, putrescible sludge deposits, or sediment layers which adversely affect benthic biota or any lawful uses. Attachment 1 -Dredge and Fill Certification USAGE Permit No. 199700476 July 27, 2000 Page 3 of 3 17. Surface waters shall be essentially free of settleable solids conducive to changes in flow characteristics of stream channels or the untimely filling of reservoirs, lakes, and bays. 18. The work of the applicant shall be conducted such that surface waters are maintained in an aesthetically attractive condition and foaming or frothing of a persistent nature is avoided. Surface waters shall be maintained so that oil, grease, or related residuewill not produce a visible film of oil or globules of grease on the surface or coat the banks or bottoms of the watercourse. 19. This certification shall not be deemed as fulfilling the applicant's/permittee's responsibility to obtain additional authorization/approval . from other local, state, or federal regulatory agencies having special/specific authority to preserve and/or protect resources within the area where the work will occur. MITIGATION PLAN For The Crowley Property in College Station, Brazos County, Texas Project Number 199700476 December 7, 2000 Introduction Waters of the U.S., Including Wetlands A total of 5.89 acres of impacts to Waters of the U.S., including wetlands, is proposed for the Crowley tract in College Station, Brazos County, Texas by the construction of a mixed-use development. To mitigate for these impacts, an approximately 33-acre area that includes a portion of Spring Creek, Tributary 3, a portion of Tributary 4, Wetland Areas H, I and J, and the surrounding ri.121Uian corridor will be greserved by means o{ . deed restricting this area._Not only would this area be preserved,jJLP~metyity. but seco;idary,_ i1E£acts_resulting from development of the Crowley tract to Tributary 3, a portion of Tributary 4, a portion of Spring Creek, and Wetland Areas H, I, and J wouid be minimized or totally eli,m!n.a~,. This deed restricted area, as illustrated in Exhibit 14, may at some point be deeded, or donated, to the City of College Station or another entity if Mr. Crowley so chooses. Endangered Species and Habitat A Biological Opinion was issued for the Crowley tract by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the impacts to the Federally listed endangered species Navasota ladies' tresses. The construction activities associated with this development project will impact 14 individuals of NLT. As recommended by the USFWS, a total of 38.06 acres of riparian habitat will be preserved through the creation of a Conservation Reserve on the Crowley tract. The Conservation Reserve, as illustrated in Exhibit 14, consists of a heavily wooded riparian corridor surrounding Tributary 2 and a portion of Spring Creek located to the north of proposed State Highway 40 which traverses roughly through the center of the Crowley tract. This Conservation Reserve is the result of a cooperative effort between Mr. Crowley and the Texas Department of Transportation (as well as the USFWS) in conjunction with the development of the currently proposed State Highway 40 through the Crowley tract. This Conservation Reserve will be preserved and enhanced by TxDOT as stated in their Com ensation a Plan for the purpose of safeguarding the actual plants an e a itat of the NLT previously identified in the proposed State Highway 40 right- of-way as well as on other areas of the Crowley tract. According to the USFWS, this Conservation Reserve will provide suitable mitigation for impacts to NLT plants resulting from the State Highway 40 project as well as the Crowley development. The majority of the NLT plants identified on the Crowley tract, as well as the most suitable habitat for the plant, are located within the area now designated as the Conservation Reserve. Aside from preserving the tributary, stream, and wetland features on the approximately 33-acre deed restricted area, this riparian corridor would remain intact and would actually link to the riparian corridor established by the Conservation Reserve on this property. The net effect would create a contiguous riparian corridor area of approximately 71.06 acres in size (approximately 33-acre deed restricted natural area plus 38:06-acre Conservation Reserve) on the Crowley property. Signed: _________ _ Date: ------ Heather Niles Environmental Planner-HNTB Corporation For Mr. Tim Crowley Crowley Development Corporation (33 CFR 325) Expires October 1996. Public reporting burden for this collection of Information ls estimated to average 5 hours per response, Including the time for reviewing Instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing tha coDection of Information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of Information. Including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authority: 33 USC 401, Section 10: 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws require authorizing activities In, or affecting, navigable waters of the United States, the discharge or fill material Into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Routine Uses: Information provided on this form will be used In evaluating the application for a permit. Disclosure: Disclosure of requested information Is voluntary. If Information Is not provided, however, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and Instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that Is not completed In full will be returned. (ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1 . APPLICATION NO. 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE 3. DA TE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED (ITEMS BELOW TO BE FILLED BY APPLICANT) 5. APPLICANT'S NAME Mr. Tim Crowley 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE (an agent 1s not requiredl Ms. Heather Niles Wetlands Ecologist 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS Mr. Tim Crowley Crowley Development Corporation Chevron Tower Earth Tech, Inc. (formerly Rust Environment & Infrastructure) 2929 Briarpark Drive, Suite 600 1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3500 Houston, Texas 77010 7. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs. W/AREA CODE Houston, Texas 77042 10. AGENT'S PHONE NOs. W/AREA CODE a. Residence Not Applicable a. Residence Not Appli.cable b. Business (713) 651-1771; fax (713) 427-8791 b. Business (713) 953-5152 or (713) 785-9BOO; fax (713) 953-5042 11 . STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION -=-"::::,...,.""'"''-""..,._,_ _____ to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, · n in suppo of this permit appli tion. /;2-11-Cf/ DATE N, AND DESCRIPTION OR PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE <see 1nstruct1onsl 735-acre Crowley Tract 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN Uf applicable! Spring Creek and associated unnamed tributaries as well as nearby wetland areas 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT Brazos County Texas COUNTY STATE 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS !if 1pplicablel State Highway 6 and Greens Prairie Road College Station, Texas 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see Instructions} Section. Township. R•ng•. l•tllon. and/or Accessora"s Parcel Number. for example. Sea Block 16 attachment for metes and bounds description. 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE From Houston, travel west on U.S. Highway 290 to Hempstead. In Hempstead, exit State Highway 6, and travel north through Navasota to Greens Prairie Road located at the southern edge of College Station, Texas. Take the Greens Prairie Road exit, and turn left at the traffic light at Greens Prairie Road The site is located immediately west of State Highway 6 and immediately north of Greens Prairie Road. See Exhibits 1, 2, and 3 for the location of thi~ site. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORI 18. Nature or ACUVllY (Uescrlptlon or project. include all JeaturesJ The activity associated with this project involves impacting approximately 5.89 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, within the approximately 735-acre Crowley tract for the purpose of constructing roads, drainage ditches, stormwater detention fa~ilities, ~n~ developi~g nun:ie!ous tracts of land associated with the creation of a mixed use master planned development. The development plan for this area 1s illustrated in Exh1b1ts 6 through 10. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see Instructions) The purpose of this project is to create a mixed use development to include single and multi-family residential uses, commercial uses, institutional uses. and recreational uses, as well as integrated nature preserves, green spaces with alternative transportation facilities such as pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and stormwater detention facilities. USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge See Block 20 attachment for a detailed description of impacts and reasons for discharge. 21. Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards Approximately 5,250 cubic yards of soil material is proposed to be placed below the normal high water line of Spring Creek and the associated tributaries which meander through the Crowley tract. This includes approximately 4,260 cubic yards of fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Spring Creek, approximately 640 cubic yards of fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Tributary 1, approximately 175 cubic yards of fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Tributary 2, approximately 145 cubic yards of fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Tributary 4, and approximately 30 cubic yards o'f fill to be placed below the normal high water line of Tributary 5. Tributary 3 will not be impacted by the proposed project. Exhibits 11 through 1 3 illustrate typical cross sections of areas of proposed fill for the purpose of infrastructure improvements associated with this development. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see Instructions) Approximately 5.89 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, are proposed to be impacted on the Crowley tract. Approximately 3.13 acres of waters of the United States, including Spring Creek and the associated tributaries, are proposed to be impacted by either filling, excavating, impounding, or draining. An additional 0.03 acre of waters of the United States is proposed to be temporarily impacted for the purpose of sanitary sewer placement, but will be restored to natural grade once the sanitary sewer is in place. Approximately 2. 76 acres of wetlands are proposed to be impacted. These 2. 76 acres consist of approximately 1.61 acres of wetlands which are proposed to be filled, approximately 0.37 acre of wetlands which is proposed to be excavated, and approximately 0. 78 acre of wetlands which is proposed to be drained. Exhibits 6 through 10 illustrate the proposed impacts. The total acreage of waters of the United States, including wetlands, proposed to be impacted by this project is summarized in Table 1, provided with the Block 20 attachment. 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No_x_ IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK Some pre-construction activities on upland areas of the Crowley tract may be initiated prior to receipt of USACE Section 404 Permit approval; however, no work within waters of the United States {including wetlands) has been initiated. Areas A, 8, E, and F {total Jess than 500 feet of non-forested wetlands) may be impacted due to sanitary sewage construction; this construction will be in accordance with Nationwide Permit 12. 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental listl. See Block 24 attachment for Adjoining Property Owners. 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State, or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DA TE APPLIED DA TE APPROVED DATE DENIED No certifications or approvals have been issued for this project at this time. • Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building, and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. p-17-qq DATE d/eaJ!wJJA SIGNATURE'd"F AGENT ;J,,oqz DATE The application must be si the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity {applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl Block 16. Metes and Bounds Description EXHIBIT "A" 734.96 Acre Trace Robert Stevenson Survey. A-54 Brazos County, TcX03 Field notes of a 734.96 acre trace or pqrcel of land. lying and being f>ituac:~d in c:he RobP.rt Stevenson Survay, Abs:tr..,ct No. 54, Bra:i:oc County, Texas, and being pare: of t:he 749. 71 acre t:.r..,ct (net:) described in the Substitut:c Trust:ee • s Deed from Gary Anderson. Subseir:ute Trust:ee to Mission Savine& Association of Texas, as recorded in Volume 1093, Paee 838. of the 0££ici~l Record& of Brazo!: County, Tex.:o.&, and beins more p.'.lrtieularl.y described '""' .Cu.lluwo: BP.GINNING at t:h<l l/2"iron rod ... t the 6" crco!:oC.c posi:: fence corner found marking the weot corner of the before~encioned 749.71 acre erace; THENCE along the northwest line of the b~forementioned 749.71 "'ere tract, adjacent to a fence, ao followo! ENG FORM 4345 N 44• 46' 54" E for a distance of 2025.92 ~eet to a cro5s-cie fence corn4:r found m;;ark.ins the co=n corner bct:1-leen the Wayne A. Dunlap, et al, 158 acre tr~ct, aa recorded in Volume 263, Page 362, ·of the Deed Records of Brazo:s County, Texas. and the A. S. McSwain, Jr., et al, 90 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 335, Page 556, of. the Deed Records of 8rA20s County, Texas: N 44 • 50 • 48'0 E for a distance of l.277. 74 feet to the 5•• cedar post fence corner found marking the common corn~r bet-..Jeen the s:aid McS-wain, Jr .• 90 a"cre tract and t:he·A~ S. McS~ain 117-1/2 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 186, Page 425, of the Deed Records of Br.ai:os County, Texas; N 44• 43' 57" E for a distance of l.493.24 feet to the 6" cedar pos~ fence corner found ~rking the common corner bet.ween t:he said McSwa.in 117-1/2 acre tract ... nd the Ann McCltll.an Ferguson 50 acre tract:, as recorded in Volume 304, Page 182, of. the Deed Records of Br.:o.zos County •. Tex.as; N 45• 10' 39~ E for a distance of 646.51 feet to the 1/2" iron ~ 45" 08' 15 .. E N 43· 47' 19" E N 43• 43' 55•• E rod at 5.. cedar post fence corner found marking the common corner between the said Ferguson 50 acre tract. and the James D. Ingi::"am. I-II, 88. 0 acre tract, a-. r~corded in Volume 453, Page 151, of the Deed Records· of ·Bra2os County, Tex~s: . for .s di.st.o.nce of l.l.36.90 feet to the 1/2" iron rod at: t:he 6 •· creosote post fence cor-ne~ found m.:o.rking the common corner between the said Ine;ram, III·,· 88.0 .:>ere trnct and t:he J. Spence Wendt 159.382 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 545, Page 694. of the Deed Records 0£ Br.axoc Count:y. T•n<.a.•; for a discance 0£ 757.92 feet to the 1/2" iron rod a~ cross-eie fence corner found marking che common corner between thR Wendt l.59.382 acre cract and the Dwayne L. Rhea 15.0 acre tract • .a~ rocordad in Vol.umc 421, Pa~e 234. of the D .. ed Records of Bra2:os County. Texac: for a distance of 2026.76 feet: to the 1/2" iron rod 6et .in c.ln: ,,;outhwest: right:.-ot!-way l. ine of State Highw;;ay No. 6, according t:o the Judgement styled The St:ate of Texas versus United Pour Joint Venture, et: al. as recorded in· Volume 1153, Page 137, of t~e Official ·Record& of Brazos Couney, 1'cA...is, said Judgement being a 14. 63 acre ere.ct: for bighw.:::ay pu:rpocec (~he widening of State Highway No. 6). a 6'" creosote post fence corner boar~ S 55• 22' W 16.7 foot; EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) Block 16. Metes and Bounds Description 734.96 Acre Trace Robert: St:even6on Survey, A-54 Rr~zos County, Texas Continued -Page 2 THENCE follows: alont; chc :souchwest right.-of-w-.y line of St:at:e Highway No. 6 a& s 47· 19' 17 .. E s 43• 01' 56 .. E s 47• 19° 17'" E s 3a· 33' 26" E s 43• 30' 26" E for .. distance of 755 .16 feee to a concreLe right-of-way marker found, for a distance of 200.56 feet:. co a concrete for for for a right:-of-way marker found, a dis;;t:.ance 0£ 600.00 feet to a concrote right:-of-way marker found, a ·distaoce of 12l.4.18 feet co a concr:ete riRht:.-of-way mark.er found, distance of 103.26 feet. t:o a 1/2" iron rod found mark.in& t:he nort.h corner of a 0.88 acre tract described in the deed t:o t:he City of Coliege Station, Texas • .Cu: recorded in Volume 677~ Page 604, of the Official Records of Braxo~ County, Texas. ~aid 0.68 acre trace also known a:s Lot 1, Block 1, South Park Ebt:.at:.c& -Ph.Ase One, according to the pl~t: recorded in Volume 795, Page 259, of the Official Record& of Brazos County, Te~as: THENCE S 28" .59' 25" W along t:he northwest line of the beforementioned 0 . 08 acre era ct:, at a di seance of 200 .00 £ee.t:., pas.& the common corner between t:he said 0.88 acre tract: and the General Telephone Oompany 0£ the Southwest: 0.61 acre Crace. as recorded in Volume 741, Page 502. of t:he Official Record6 of Brazos Councy, Texas, said 0.61 acre cract: also known as Lot 2, Block l, South Park £scaee.&,· continue on, for a total dist.ance of 370.00 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found marking the west corner of the said o·. 61 acre tract; TttBNCE S 60. 57' 54" E along .the southwe&c line of the 0 .61 ~cro trAct , for a discance of 190.74 £eat ~o a 1/2" iron rod set: in the t:.rAnsition rieht- of-way line from Seate Highway No.6 to Greens Prairie Road, a concrece right- of-way marker found marking t.he east: corner of t:he bcforementioned 0.88 acre tra~t bears N 29" · 01 • 21" E 310.22 feet; THENCE S 28-59' 25" W alon11: the beforemantioned tran .. ition right-0£- way line . for .a C.3 ~t:,nce of 328 .01 feet and corn,.r in the asout:heast line of t.h;-i baforcmentioned 749. 71 acre era ct, .a con'crece r i Kht-of-way marker bears N 4!> ·; S l' 57'' W l. 99 feet, a metal "r" post. markine: t:he beeinning of thG fenced northwest line 0£ Greens Prairie Road by virtue of letter to Mr. Bill Cooley, Councy Cornmiosioner, dated Nov .. ruber 12, 1984, recorded .in Volunu:. 745, Page 842; of ch~ Official Records of Brazos Coun~y. Texas, bears S 12• 01' 42" W 55 .5 feec; THENCE '"lone the southeast line of the bcforc~cntioned 749.71 acre eruct: :os follows: ENG FORM 4345 S 44" 34' 06" W for a distance of .542.90 !eec co an ancle point corner. from which the center of the exist inc p:ovemenc of Groans Prairie Road bear a Southeast 24 feet, a 6h creosote pose fenc& corner in che existing fenced northwest: line of Greens Pr:oirie Ro:od be3rG N 78" 20' W 29.3 feet, S 4.3" 56 · l.6" W for a di&c:ance of l52tL51 feet t:o an angle point corner. located 31 .5 feet norchwest of tho cen.t:er-of t:he center of point of Green& Prairie Ro:od, from which a 1/2" iron rod -c faun& at a cross-cie fence corner at: -::h.:: c:onvnon corner between the >Cetant:ch Wolf, 10 acre trace ~nd tho MLl.~on Will.lams Escatc, in the Gouthcaat line of Greens Prairie Road bears S 21 · 57' W 203.7 feet, EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORI Block 16. Metes and Bounds Description 734.96 Acre Tract Robert Stevenson. Survey. A-54 Bro~oo Councy. Tcxoo Continued -Pase 3 S 44 • 43 · 19"" W for a dist:ance of 1266. 58 feet: t:o an angle point corner, located 28 feet northwest of the center of pavement of Green& Prairie Road, from which a pow~r pole be~rG S 63• 47' W 72.3 feet, S 43• 1.3• 37" W for a dis.cance of 1907.49 feet: co an angle point corner, located 23 feet: northwest of the center of pavement: of Greens Prairie Road. from which a 6" creo&~te pose fence angle po1nc in the norc:hwest: fenced line of Greens Prairie Road bear& S 60' 28' W 77.0 feet:, S 44" 40' 24" W for .a di&t:ance of 1475.82 feet to ari angle point corner located 22 feet: nort:hw'esc of i:hc center of p~vemenc of GFeens Prairie Road, from which the 6" creosote post: fence corner in the fenced northwe.st line of Green& Prairie Road at the western corner of an existing cntr.::incc with cattleguard bears N 39" 33' 36" E 320.4 feet, s 43• 17" 47:• W for a distance of J.1'183.63 feec co a 3/8" iron rod found marking the south corner of the beforamentionad 749.71 acre t:r•ct, locaced 21 feec norcbwest of the center of pavement ·of Greens Prairie Road, from which a 6" creosote post ~ence corner in the fenced northwest line of Greens Pr•iric Road bears N 43~ 23' W 23.6 feat, and a pipeline ri&er bears N 67. 41' 05" W 20.3 feet. •nd ~ pipeline sign marking an.Arco pipeline in the fenced nort:.hwe.,;t: line uf Greens Prairie :Road bears N 40" 23' 34" E 530.55-feec: THENCE N 45• 58' 20" 'W along the i;out:hwest line of Che beforementioned 749.71 acre tract, adjacen~ to a fence; for a distance of 3510.67 feet to che PLACE OP BE.Gih'NH-:G. containing a cota1 of 734. 96 acres of land. ·more or les.,;, of which 4.96 acres lies between che described south~ast line and the northwest fenced line of Greens Prairie Road. Surveyed. Novem\Je;,r and Dec<!mbei:-, 1909 By:~ 11 ~N\. S. M. Kling Public Surveyor No. 2003 ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl Block 20. Reasons for Discharge Summary The activity associated with this project involves impacting approximately 5.89 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, within the approximately 735-acre Crowley tract. Proposed impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, within this property are associated with the construction of roads, drainage ditches, stormwater detention areas, and impounded waters. These infrastructure improvements are necessary to develop this tract into a mixed-use master planned development consisting of single and multi-family residential uses, commercial uses, institutional uses, and recreational uses which integrate open space and nature preserves throughout this development. The development will preserve the natural green way of Spring Creek in accordance with the City of College Station's Greenways Master Plan dated February, 1999. The green ways will incorporate a hike and bike trail system suitable fo r use as alternative transportation in all types of weather. The trail system will include water stations, lighting, restrooms and rest areas such as picnic tables. Although portions of the overall land plan for this site may change as the proposed development is finalized, proposed impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, will remain the same. Of the 5.89 acres of waters of the United States impacts, approximately 3.13 acres include impacts to Spring Creek and th e associated tributaries, while approximately 2.76 acres include impacts to wetlands located on this property. Proposed impacts are illustrated in the attached Exhibits 6 through 10. Waters of the United States, Excluding Wetlands As illustrated on the attached exhibits which detail proposed conditions (Exhibits 6 through 10), approximately 0.85 acre of Spring Creek is proposed to be impacted. The northernmost approximately 2, 700 feet (0. 75 acre) of Spring Creek is proposed to be replaced by an earthen man-made drainage channel having an approximately 30 foot bottom width with 6: l side slopes; a concrete channel is not proposed for this area. Exhibit 11 illustrates a typical cross section of the proposed man-made drainage channel along Spring Creek. As illustrated in Exhibit 10, the upstream drainage channel will bypass an approximately 500 foot (0 .14-acre) section of Spring Creek. This 500 foot section of Spring Creek wi ll no longer receive normal flow from Spring Creek; however, the natural channel will remain intact. Although it is anticipated that the surrounding drainage area will continue to provide a source of water to this area, the acreage of this area has been included in the total acreage of proposed impacts. Additionally, approximately 350 feet (0.10 acre) of Spring Creek will be impacted by two road crossings; each of these road crossing will be constructed over box culverts in order to facilitate the movement of aquatic organisms through Spring Creek and to prevent flow restrictions in thi s waterway. The cross section of the southernmost crossing of Spring Creek is illustrated in Exhibit 12. The remaining approximately 5,450 feet (1.50 acres) of Spring Creek will not be impacted by the proposed project. Tributary 1, totaling approximately 2,100 feet (0.39 acre), is proposed to be replaced by an earthen man-made drainage channel. This drainage channel, illustrated in Exhibit 10, will have an approximately 10 foot bottom width with 6: 1 side slopes and will be allowed to revegetate naturally; a concrete channel is not proposed for this area. Approximately 0.05- acre of this tributary will also be filled off-site in order to realign the tributary with the proposed man-made drainage channel. Although Exhibit 11 illustrates the larger channel proposed along Spring Creek, this exhibit represents a typical · cross section of the channelization of Tributary 1. Additionally, approximately 540 feet (0.07 acre) of Tributary 2 is also proposed to be replaced by a man-made drainage channel, as illustrated in Exhibit 9. Other proposed impacts to this tributary include construction of a dam across the tributary to create an impoundment at the upstream end of the tributary (Exhibit 8). Approximately 120 feet (0.02 acre) of the tributary will be filled for creation of the dam in order to impound this area. Impacts to this tributary total approximately 0.09 acre of fill and 0.05 acres of impoundment. The remaining 3,300 feet (0.45 acres) of this tributary will riot be impacted by the proposed project. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORJ Tributary 3, totaling approximately 850 feet (0 .12 acres) of stream, will not be impacted by the proposed project (Exhib: 9). A Flow Restrictor-Culvert will also be added along Tributary 4 just upstream of the confluence of Tributary 5 (total in approximately .0001 acres of impact). The Flow Restrictor-Culvert is to provide detention by offsetting peak flows b approximately one-half hour. The detention provided is estimated to be approximately 4 I acre-feet. At the upstream en· of Tributary 4, a dam serves to impound water adjacent to the southwestern boundary of the property (Exhibit T Currently, water from the impoundment drains around each side of the dam into Tributary 4. Plans include filling th drainages, totaling 650 feet (0.09 acres), around each side of the dam and creating one outlet for water to flow from th impounded area into Tributary 4. Additionally, as illustrated in Exhibits 8 and 9, a sanitary sewer line will cross Tributar 4 at four locations; this includes an area approximately 2,000 feet south of the confluence of Tributary 4 with Spring Cree and an area adjacent to the west side of proposed State Highway 40, where the sanitary sewer line will cross Tributar 4 three times. A total of0.03 acre of this tributary will be temporarily impacted during placement of the sanitary sewe line below the tributary. Although the tributary will be restored to natural grade once the sanitary sewer is in place, th 0.03 acre of temporary impacts have been included in the total acreage of proposed impacts. An easement will b maintained along the sanitary sewer line for ease of access if necessary. The remaining 8,500 feet (1.94 acres) of thi -tributary will not be impacted by the proposed project. A corridor of natural vegetation will be preserved along both side7 of this tributary; however, some underbrushing may be conducted within this corridor to accommodate the proposed tr~ system and alternative transportation. ----.. Impacts to Tributary 5 include approximately I 30 feet of fill for the construction of a road crossing near the upstream en1 of the tributary (Exhibit 7). As with the other road crossings proposed for this site, this crossing will be constructed ave box culverts to prevent flow restrictions as well as to facilitate the movement of aquatic organisms through this tributary In addition, similar to Tributary 4, approximately 30 feet of Tributary 5 will also be temporarily impacted for th• placement of a sanitary sewer below this tributary (Exhibit 7). Although this tributary will also be restored to natura grade once the sanitary sewer is in place, these impacts have been included in the total impacts for this tributary. Th• remaining approximately 3,300 feet of this tributary will not be impacted by the proposed project. Similar to Tribut~ 4, a natural corridor with some underbrushing will also be preserved along Tributary 5. The 2.47-acre impoundment located along Tributary 4 at the southwestern property boundary is proposed to be used fo stormwater detention during periods of heavy rainfall. To create the additional storage capacity in this impoundment the normal high water level of the impoundment is proposed to be lowered approximately 2 feet. Exhibit 7 illustrates thl proposed impacts to this impoundment. It is estimated that lowering the elevation of the impoundment will decrease thl size of the impoundment to approximately 0.91 acre, decreasing the overall size of this impoundment by 1.56 acres. Thi: 1 .56 acre decrease in size has been included in the total acreage of impacts. The area surrounding the impoundment ma: be developed into a park, and the surrounding area may remain natural and be left to develop an interface; or wetlanc fringe area. The difference in acreage resulting from lowering the water surface elevation and the acreage of the existin~ wetland fringe have been included as proposed impacts. Wetlands Wetland impacts totaling approximately 2. 76 acres are proposed for the purpose of infrastructure improvements associatec with this development. Wetland areas which are proposed to be impacted in their entirety include Areas A, B, C, D, E F, K, L, M, and N. Exhibit I 3 illustrates a typical cross section of fill to be placed within a wetland area. Wetland Areas A (0.48-acre), B (0.69-acre), D (0.02-acre), and E (0. I 8-acre), located near the northern comer of th l property, are proposed to be filled for the purpose of road construction (Exhibit 10). Area C (0.18-acre), located along Spring Creek near the northeastern property boundary, is proposed to be excavated for the construction of a detentior basin (Exhibit 10). Area K (0.20-acre), located immediately west of Tributary 4, is proposed to be filled for the purpose ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORJ of development (Exhibit 8). Area F, a 0.19-acre wetland area located within the Conservation Reserve area, will also be impacted (Exhibit 10). This area will be impacted for the purpose of construction of a drainage channel which will replace Spring Creek. The drainage channel will have an approximately 30 foot bottom width with 6: 1 side slopes. In addition, Wetland Areas L, M, and N, the wetland fringe located along the edges oflmpoundment 1, may be impacted by lowering the water level of this impoundment and by removing the berm which impounds this area (Exhibit 7). Although the acreage of Areas M and N has been included in the total acreage of impacts, if the area surrounding the impooodment is developed as a park, it is anticipated that this wetland fringe may remain in place since this area will still receive water during periods of heavy rainfall. Wetland Areas G, H, I, and J totaling 0.86 acre, will not be impacted by the proposed project.· ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) LEGEND =::---"'" WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED LOCATION -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE 0 soo· - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LI NE SCALE IN FEET ----SANITARY SEWER z C> 0 BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997, VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. ~ !-----------------------.---------------------~ [ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use E A R T H ~ PURPOSE• @) ~ development to Include sln9le ond rn.iltl-fonl ly ~ resldentlol uses, comnerctol uses. lnstltutlonol E c H ~ uses, ond recreotlonol uses, as wel I os tnte9roted A rqco/NTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY _ nature pr-eserves ond stor-m water-detention foci I ltles.1----------------------- "' "' ... SUBMITTED BY1 ;:; ~ T n.c CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION d CHEVRON TOWER [ 1301 MCKINNEY, SUIT[ 3500 AUCUS T, I 999 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS ,, HOUSTON, TEXAS 770 I 0 LJA PROJECT NO. '4591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 10'4010 PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET A EXHIBIT 7 I _f~ ''; _.,, -...._ ::J '\ 'I INSET A ( EXHIBIT 7 > LOCATION 0 500' SCALE IN FEET -==. rA ,. LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE 11.CPACTEO WETLANDS TO REUAIN WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LINE ----•SANITARY SEWER z u C> BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. ~1---------------------~~--------------------~ PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use ~development to Include slnole and rrultl·fomlly :::: resldentlol uses, conmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol : uses, and recreotlonol uses, as well as lnteoroted E A R T H@) E c H A i"qco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY .:.. nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.1---------------------- "' ~ SUBM I TTEO BY• MA. T It.I CROWLEY ::\ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER :£ IJOI MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON. TEXAS 770 I 0 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT HO. 4591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 104()10 SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET B EXHIBIT 8 INSET 8 < EXH I 8 IT 8 > LOCATION 0 500' SCALE IN FEET LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE IMPACTED WETLANDS TO REMAIN l~I WETLANDS TO BE 11.CPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE INSET BOUNDARY LINE PROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL ---SANITARY SEWER z 0 0 BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELiMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITEO STATES AND WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. :;'. PURPOSE• E A R E c H 0 g: The purpose of this pr-oject Is to cr-eote o mixed use ~ development to Include slnQle and multl-foml ly " r-estdentlol uses, comner-clol uses, lnstttuttonol ;;; uses, and r-ecr-eot I ono I uses, OS we I I OS I nteQr-oted A ~qco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY ~ nature pr-eser-ves and stor-m water-detention foci I ltles.1----------------------- ~ SUBM I TTEO BY• .... ~. TIM CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUCUS T, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~5~·98H EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 1040!0 SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY. TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET C EXHIBIT 9 LOCATION 0 SCALE IN FEET 500' INSET C (EXHIBIT 9 l --:::::. LEGEND WATERS or THE UNITED STATES WATERS or THE UNITED STATES TO BE ll.IPACTEO WETLANDS TO REUAIN WETLANDS TO BE IUPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LI NE PROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL ----SANITARY SEWER z u 0 BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735·ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 16, 1996, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. d !-------------------------.--------------------~ ~ PURPOSE1 ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use ~ development to Include slnQle and multl-foml ly ~ resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol : uses, and recreotlonol uses, as wel I as lnteQroted E A R E c H A t"qco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY ..'.. nature preserves ond storm water detention foci I ltles.1----------------------- "' "' .... SUBMITTED 8Y1 -I.fl. TIU CROWLEY >< ~ CROWLEY OEVELOPUENT CORPORATION ci CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 / HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. -4591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 10-40!0 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET D EXHIBIT 10 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 LOCATION SCALE• I" •100' HOR. I"• 10' VER. 0•00 I +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 LEGEND j'-:/::-:_-:~j PROPOSED FILL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG SPRING CREEK. THIS CREEK, AS WELL AS TRIBUTARY I AND A PORTION OF TRIBUTARY 2 ARE PROPOSED TO BE CHANNEL IZED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING STORMWATER DRAINAGE OFF THIS SITE. THIS REPRESENTS ~ A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ALONG THESE AREAS PROPOSED FOR CHANNELIZATION. 0 ci ~ PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use 8 development to Include s lnQ le ond 1n..1ltl-fomlly / resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol - E A R E c H ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, OS we I I OS I nteQroted A "rqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY • nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--"' "' ~ -"' "' 0 ..., 0 a: CL / SUBM I TTEO BY• I.ft. T I I.I CROW\. E Y CROWlEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINNEY. SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUCUS T, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. <1591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 10.COIO SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION CHANNELIZATION OF CREEK EXHIBIT I I z u 0 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 I\ \ I/ .__ -.__ L-- - 2so~_._~.___._ __ .___._~.___._ __ .___._--.___._--.__~ 0+00 TEXAS * LOCATION SCALE• 1 • • I oo· HOR. 1· •IO' VER. I +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 LEGEND L/.:· : .. >:;.·::I PROPOSED FI LL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK 6+00 NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF A PROPOSED ROAD CROSSING OF SPRING CREEK. ALTHOUGH THE NUMBER OF BOX CULVERTS VARIES, THIS ILLUSTRATES A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OF SEVERAL ROAD CROSSINGS PROPOSED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. ~S~,,, ~P-U_R_P_O_S-E•--------------------.----------H-@-------------= The pl.lf'"pose of this project Is to create o mixed use E A R T E C development to Include slnole and rn.Jltl-fomlly H residential uses, conmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol ;;; uses, and recreational uses, as well as lnteoroted A"rqco/NTERNAT/ONAL LTD.COMPANY ~ notUf'"e preserves and storm water detention foci I I ties~----------------------- ~ SUBMI TTEO BY• _ ~. TIM CROWLEY :;i CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. -4591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 10.COIO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ROAD CROSSING EXHIBIT 12 285 280 275 r--_ 270 265 260 0+00 285 280 275 270 265 260 6+00 LOCATION SCALE• 1 • • I oo· HOR. 1• • 10' VER. llf£A 1T '""'-~ ~ ------.........,, ... . , '~ I +00 2+00 7+00 8+00 •>llJIUL I\ CIOJll() \ --------· ..• .. ---........ ,, .. , '<:( 3+00 4+00 5+00 Z·r~ 9+00 10+00 I 1+00 LEGEND L>.:> ... :/I PROPOSED FI LL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED FILL TO BE PLACED IN WETLAND AREAS A ANO B z FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION. THIS REPRESENTS A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION THROUGH WETLAND g AREAS WHICH ARE PROPOSED TO BE FILLED. d ~----------------------.----------------------~ :;: PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create a mixed use 8 development to Include slnole and m..iltl-foml ly ~ resldentlol uses, corrmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol ; uses, and recreotlonol uses. as well as lnteoroted E A R E c H A t"qco INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY • nature preserves and storm water detention foci I I ties.~--------------------­.,. ~ SUBMI TTEO BY1 -LIR. Tit.I CROWLEY "" )g CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION cl CHEVRON TOWER ~ IJOI MCKINNEY, SUIT[ 3500 ,-HOUSTON, TEXAS 770 I 0 AUCUST, 1999 LJA PRCU:CT NO. '4S91-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 10'4040 SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION FILL OF WETLAND AREAS EXHIBIT 13 28-1 38. 06 Ac. • Conser-vat ton Reser-ve Open Space ApJ)r'OX. 33. 0 Ac. • Deed Restr-tcted Natur-a I Ar-ea LEGEND -, . WATERS OF THE UNITEO STATES WETLANOS CONSERVATION RESERVE DEED RESTRICTED NATURAL AREA LOCATION PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE 0 1400' SCALE IN FEET z 0 0 ti BASE UAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, ·PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITEO STATES ANO WETLANOS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VERIFIEO BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. > ~ PURPOSE• 8 The purpose of this pr-eject Is to create o mixed use ~ development to Include slnole and rnJltl-foml ly ~ resldenttol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol ~ uses, ond recreot I ono I uses, os we I I os I nteQroted E A R T E c H A ~qco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY .;, nature preserves ond storm water detent I on foe I I It I es.1-------------------------,... .. SUBMI TTEO BY• -LIR. T It.I CROWLEY .. ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ci CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 "" HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUCUS T, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. <1591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. IO<IOIO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED MITIGATION AREAS EXHIBIT 14 I AREA ON-SITE ACREAGE IMPACT TYPE OF IMPACT WETLANDS A 0.48 0.48 acre fill B 0.69 0.69 acre fill c 0.18 0.18 acre excavation D 0.02 0.02 acre fill E 0.18 0.18 acre fill F 0.19 0.19 acre excavation G 0.12 no impact no impact H 0.65 no impact no impact I 0.01 no impact no impact J 0.08 no impact no impact K 0.20 0.20 acre fill L 0.04 0.04 acre fill M 0.45 0.45 acre draining N 0.33 0.33 acre draining Total Wetlands 3.62 Total Wetland Impacts: 2.76 1.61 acres fill, 0.37 acre excavation, 0.78 acre draining WATERS OF THE UNITED ST ATES, EXCLUDING WETLANDS Spring Creek 2.35 0.85 acre 0.71 acres fill, 0.14 acre draining Tributary 1 0.39 0.44 acre 0.39 acres fill on-site, 0.05 acres fill off-site to realign tributary Tributary 2 0.59 0.14 acre .09 acres fill, 0.05 acres impoundment Tributary 3 0.12 no impact no impact Tributary 4 2.06 0.12acre 0.09 acre fill, 0.03 acre temporary excavation Tributary 5 0.24 0.02 acre 0.017 acre fill, 0.004 acre temporary excavation Impoundment 1 2.47 1.56 acre draining Total Waters, 8.22 Total Waters Impacts: 3.13 1.35 acres fill, I. 70 acres drained, 0.05 acres excluding impoundment, 0.03 acre temporary excavation wetlands Total Waters, 11.84 TOTAL IMPACTS: 2.96 acres fill, 0.37 acres excavation, 2.48 acres including 5.89 ACRES draining, 0.05 acres impoundment, 0.03 acre wetlands temporary excavation The above listed impacts are illustrated in Exhibits 6 through 10. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) Block 24. Names and Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody Gary Seaback c/o G&S Investments 4245 Wellborn Road Bryan, Texas 77801 Ester Jane Grant McDougal 4150 Shadowbrook Circle College Station, Texas 77845-8299 City of College Station P.O. Box 9973 College Station, Texas 77842 GTE Southwest, Inc. GTE Telephone Operations P.O. Box 152206 Irving, Texas 75015 W.A. and Beverly J. Furrer Dunlap Patricia J. Vogel and Thomas L. Brown Jr. 2612 Spicewood College Station, Texas 77845 Stephen Roliard 4224 State Highway 6 College Station, Texas 77845 Anna M. Ferguson Trust Northwest Bank Texas, South Central Trust Department P.O. Box 1458 Victoria, Texas 77902 Edward Froehling 3887 High Lonesome College Station, Texas 77845 E. Boswell Porter and Robert P. Wood 304 Post Office Bryan, Texas 77801 Texas Department of Transportation Bryan District 1300 North Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas 77803 ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl I. Introduction Mitigation Proposal Crowley Tract A total of 11.84 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, were identified and delineated on the Crowley tract; the delineated wetlands on this site were subsequently verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Open water, streams, and tributaries account for 8.22 acres on this site while wetland areas comprise the remaining 3.62 acres of waters of the United States on this property. A total of 5.89 acres of impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, would occur on the approximately 735- acre Crowley tract as a result of the design and implementation of the mixed use, master planned development proposed for this site. Specifically, the development of this property will result in 3 .13 acres of impacts to open water or stream areas while 2.76 acres of impacts will result from impacts to wetland areas. Mr. Tim Crowley, owner of the Crowley tract, has been diligent in the practice of avoidance and minimization of impac~ to waters of the United States on this property. To this end, Mr. Crowley is avoiding or minimizing impacts to 50% (e.g .. 5.95 acres) of the total acreage of waters of the United States on this property. These 5.95 acres include the following. A. Avoidance oflmpacts The following waters of the United States, including wetlands, will be avoided: .,. Wetland Areas G, H, I, and J for a total acreage of 0.86 acres (or 24% of the 3.62 acres of identified wetlands on this site). Area G: 0.12 acre Area H: 0.65 acre Area I: 0.01 acre Area J: 0.08 acre .,. Tributary 3 totaling 0.12 acres in size . .,. Tributary 4 between proposed State Highway 40 and Spring Creek. An in-line detention basin originally proposed in this area has been redesigned off-line so that impacts to this riparian corridor between State Highway 40 and Spring Creek could be avoided. The off-line detention basin will be located between Spring Creek and Tributary 1, near the northern boundary of the property. Although relocating the proposed detention further downstream wi ll result in the loss of a greater amount of otherwise developable land, this off-line detention system will prevent localized flooding on the site and aid in maintaining, to the extent possible, the current conditions along Spring Creek, as well as the other tributaries on this property, without the need to channelize much of these areas. B. Minimization of Impacts Impacts to all open waters, streams, and tributaries will be minimized on this property. By minimizing impacts to these areas, such impacts account for only 3.13 acres (or 38%) of the 8.22 acres of such waters of the United States on this property. Tributary 3 will not be impacted, and only a small portion of Tributaries 4 and 5 will be impacted for the purpose of a road crossing, sanitary sewer crossings, and a flow restrictor culvert. Impacts to the tributaries from the sanitary sewer crossings will only be temporary since these areas will be restored to natural grade once the sanitary sewer line is in place. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) I . Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the United States, including Wetlands Although Mr. Crowley is avoiding and/or minimizing impacts to 5.95 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands, located on this property, Mr. Crowley has determined that it is not feasible and/or practicable (for development purposes) to avoid or minimize impacts to the 5.89 acres which are proposed to be impacted. As previously mentioned, all wetland areas which would be partially impacted by the infrastructure improvements associated with this development, or which are located within a tract to be developed, are considered (for the purpose of this permit application) ~ completely impacted since these wetlands would most likely be degraded or eliminated due to secondary impacts. In addition, wetland areas which will be only temporarily impacted for the purpose of sanitary sewer construction are also included in the proposed acreage to be impacted. As detailed below, Mr. Crowley proposes to preserve, in perpetuity, a total of approximately 71.06 acres of riparian habitat on this property. A total of 38.06 acres of riparian habitat will be preserved through the creation of a Conservation Reserve on the Crowley tract. This Conservation Reserve, as illustrated in Exhibit 14, consists of a heavily wooded riparian corridor surrounding Tributary 2 and a portion of Spring Creek located to the north of proposed State Highway 40 which traverses roughly the center of the Crowley tract. This Conservation Reserve is the result of a cooperative effort between Mr. Crowley and the Texas Department of Transportation (as well as regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) in conjunction with the development of the currently proposed State Highway 40 through the Crowley tract. Thi~ Conservation Reserve consists of 38.06 acres of riparian habitat which will be preserved and enhanced by TxDOT for the purpose of safeguarding the actual plants and the habitat of the Navasota ladies 'tresses (Spiranthes parksii), a federall ) endangered species of plant. Navasota ladies 'tresses were previously identified in the proposed State Highway 40 right- of-way as well as on other areas of the Crowley tract. According to the USFWS, this Conservation Reserve will provide suitable mitigation for impacts to Navasota ladies 'tresses resulting from the proposed State Highway 40 project as well as the Crowley development. The majority of the Navasota ladies 'tresses plants identified on the Crowley tract, as well as the most suitable habitat for this plant, are located within the area now designated as the Conservation Reserve. Wetland Area G will be preserved, in perpetuity, through the creation of the 38.06 acre Conservation Reserve on the Crowley tract (Exhibit 9). Tributary 3, a portion of Tributary 4, a portion of Spring Creek, Wetland Areas H, I, and J, and the surrounding riparian corridor will be preserved by means of deed restricting this approximately 33.0-acre area. This property, as illustrated in Exhibit 14, may at some point be deeded, or donated, to the City of College Station or another entity if Mr. Crowley so chooses. Not only would this area be preserved, in perpetuity, but secondary impacts resulting from development of the Crowley tract to Tributary 3, as well as a portion of Tributary 4, a portion of Spring Creek, and Wetland Areas H, I, and J would be minimized or totally eliminated. Aside from preserving these tributary, stream, and wetland features, this riparian corridor would remain in tact and would actually link to the riparian corridor established by the Conservation Reserve on this property. The net effect would create a contiguous riparian corridor area of approximately 71.06 acres in size (approximately 33.0-acre deed restricted natural area plus 38.06-acre Conservation Reserve) on the Crowley property. Tree species observed in this riparian corridor included, but were not limited to, the following: • Post oak (Quercus stelata) • Water oak (Quercus nigra) • Black willow (Salix nigra) • Honey-locust (Gleditsia tricanthos) • American elm (Ulmus americana) • Winged elm (Ulmus alata) • Cedar elm ( Ulmus crassifolia) ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORJ •· Flowering dogwood (Cornusjlorida) • Common hackberry (Ce/tis occidentalis) ~ Yaupon (Jlex vomitoria) • Parsley hawthorn (Crataegus marshal/ii) Potential impacts to the deed restricted natural area along Tributary 3, Tributary 4, and Spring Creek may include, at some . future point in time, a hike and bike trail system described in the Summary of Block 20 (which will be designed to have a low impact on the environment) and/or the placement of picnic tables in some areas. The potential hike and bike trail may include crossings of Spring Creek and the associated tributaries; however, impacts to the tributaries (i.e., placemen1 of structures associated with the crossing) will be limited to above the normal high water line of Tributary 4. Most trail system improvements within the deed restricted area would primarily be located along the fringe of the deed restrictec area adjacent to other developed areas on this site. While selected removal of understory may occur near these trail areas. this riparian corridor would otherwise be preserved in its natural state to the maximum extent possible in accordance witl- the City of College Station's Greenways Master Plan. A sanitary sewer line will cross Tributary 4 at four locations, a~ illustrated in Exhibits 8 and 9. Although the tributary and the deed restricted riparian corridor along the sanitary sewe1 easement will be temporarily impacted during placement of the line, these areas will be restored to natural grade onc{ construction is complete. It will however be necessary to maintain an easement along the sanitary sewer line to allow fo 1 ease of access if necessary. Other than the stated impacts, this approximately 33.0-acre area will be preserved, ir perpetuity, by filing a Deed Restriction for this area with the Office of the County Clerk, Brazos County, Texas. Navasota ladies 'tresses areas in the approximately 33.0-acre deed restricted riparian corridor located along Tributary 4 and Spring Creek will be preserved. T~o Navasota ladies 'tresses "zones" were previously identified in this area by Ms. Kathy Parker, Navasota ladies 'tresses specialist. These areas include the area along Spring Creek at the northemmos1 end of the proposed deed restricted area and an area along Tributary 4 near the southern end of the deed restricted area. These areas, which will be preserved in perpetuity, will serve to safeguard the plants and habitat of the Navasota ladie~ 'tresses. By preserving this area, potential primary impacts to this endangered species of plant are basically eliminate( in this area. However, as previously discussed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Conservation Reserve wili serve as the mitigation for impacts to Navasota ladies 'tresses at this site. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl Alternatives Analysis Crowley Tract The project area consists of an approximately 735-acre tract of primarily undeveloped land known as the Crowley tract. At this time, the Crowley tract is proposed as a mixed use development; development ohhis 735-acre area will include single and multi-family residential uses, commercial uses, and institutional uses (i.e., elementary school and associated grounds). This tract is additionally designed to integrate natural areas such as open spaces, green belts, parks, and trails into the overall master plan for this development. The design and construction of supporting infrastructure systems including roadways, drainage ditches and drainageways, detention areas, and impoundments, as well as water distribution and wastewater collection systems (and other utilities) are also included in the development of this approximately 735-acre tract of land. Though impacts to waters of the United States will total approximately 5.89 acres throughout this development, open spaces, green belts, parks, trails, and natural areas (including a deed restricted natural area and conservation reserve) will total, at minimum, approximately 100 acres or 13 percent of the entire 735-acre development. I. Alternatives A. How could you satisfy your needs in ways which do not affect wetlands? The approximately 735-acre Crowley tract has been designed as a master planned development and therefore maximizes available land use. Reconfiguration of the proposed infrastructure improvements such as roadways and drainage features could be designed so that affects to wetlands would be minimized or avoided; however, the overall project concept for this development is seeking to avoid creating "postage stamp" wetland areas. By impacting waters of the United States as planned and setting aside linked open spaces, green belts, parks, trails, natural areas, and a conservation reserve containing waters of the United States (including wetlands), such ecological areas will be concentrated within this development. Concentrated natural areas and contiguous riparian corridors create a more desirable ecological community as opposed to isolated "postage stamp" wetland areas which would be subjected to further secondary impacts by adjacent developments. B. How could the project be redesigned to fit the site without affecting wetlands? The Crowley tract has been designed in accordance with the City of College Station Comprehensive Plan, to accommodate the growth trend exhibited by the housing market of the College Station/Bryan, Texas area over the past several years. An analysis of this geographical market has led to the generation of a Master Development Plan for this 735-acre tract which balances the demand for both single and multi-family housing with the desire to increase commercial developments in this area of College Station, Texas. New residential and commercial business developments will translate into increased opportunities in the service-related industries (i.e., building and construction-related services, etc.) as well as new employment opportunities for the College Station/Bryan area workforce. Avoidance of several waters of the United States areas on the Crowley tract is designed into the Development Master Plan for this tract of land. In addition, wetland areas G, H, I, and J and Tributary 3 will not be impacted by the proposed development. Redesign of this project to fit the site by avoiding most or all impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, would not be feasible in many areas in that avoidance would create numerous small "postage stamp" wetlands (e.g., Area A= 0.4841, Area B = 0.6864 acre, Area C = 0.1790 acre, Area D = 0.0180 acre, Area E = 0.1806, etc.) scattered throughout this site. Lot sizes could be decreased to avoid impacts to several wetland areas; however, secondary impacts to these ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORI relatively small wetlands would be likely to occur once development proceeds. Also, impacts to waters of the United States on this tract are necessary to provide, for example, detention and drainage for this area. Additionally, since numerous individual lots are already constrained by necessary infrastructure improvements such as roadways or drainageways, decreasing lot sizes would minimize the marketability of several of these lots, especially lots designated for commercial development. Currently, the road network throughout this development is part of the City of College Station's Thoroughfare Plan and, as such, avoidance of wetlands in several areas would be difficult while also working toward achieving the goals of the City's Thoroughfare Plan. C. How could the project be made smaller and still meet your needs? In conjunction with the City of College Station's Planning and Zoning Commission, the original Master Development Plan for the Crowley tract, submitted to the Commission for review, has been revised several times. To meet the requirements of the Planning and Zoning Commission, revisions to the Master Development Plan have included: .,. decreasing residential acreage (from approximately 403 acres to 370 acres), »>-decreasing residential density (from 6.3 development units/acre to 5.4 du/acre), increasing right-of-way/utility acreage (from 97 acres to 145 acres), and .,. incorporating a trail system without barriers to alternative transportation. Overall, the proposed development has been made smaller but still achieves the project development goals. Any further minimization of this development would involve a decrease in revenues from anticipated residential and commercial lot sales based on the acreage of lots to be sold, balanced against estimated per-acre development costs. D. What other sites were considered? 1. What geographical area was searched for alternative sites? ENG FORM 4345 In 1988-1989, a corridor along both sides of State Highway 6 between Navasota and Hearne, Texas, was researched to identify large acreage tracts of land for potential investment purposes. The original search criteria for such a site included the following: .,. relative close proximity to the College Station/Bryan, Texas area, access to and from the College Station/Bryan area via State Highway 6, acquisition costs less than $1,500 per acre, and .,. a size of approximately +500 acres to allow for the creation ofa mixed use development. Only one such site, the site now known as the Crowley tract, met these search criteria. EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) 2. How did you determine whether other non-wetland sites are available for development in the area? At the time of the original land acquisition (in 1989), a specific determination as to whether or not other non-wetland sites were available for development within the search corridor was not made. As previously mentioned, only one site met the search criteria. A wetland delineation, and subsequent delineation report (dated August 1997), was conducted and prepared for the Crowley tract. Tills delineation report was then submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Fort Worth District. The USACE verified the delineated waters of the United States, including wetlands, on this tract in correspondence dated February 18, 1998. A total of 8.317 acres of waters of the United States, excluding wetlands, was verified for this site along with a total of 3.611 acres of wetlands for an overall total of 11.928 acres of waters of the United States (including wetlands) on this property. This acreage did not include waters of the United States, including wetlands, which existed within the State Highway 40 right-of-way that was identified at that time. Since the USACE verification was issued for this site, the State Highway 40 right-of-way has been widened slightly; therefore, the total acreage of waters of the United States, including wetlands, which exist on this site, less the acreage which exists within the new expanded State Highway 40 right- of-way, is 11.84 acres. The current proposed impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, on the Crowley tract is 5.89 acres. Impacts to waters of the United States resulting from the State Highway 40 project will be submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by the Texas Department of Transportation under a separate permit application package. 3. Jn recent years, have you sold or leased any lands located within the vicinity of the project? If so, why were they unsuitable for the project? To date, no parcels or lots associated with the Crowley tract have been sold or leased. Purchase negotiations are currently in progress between Mr. Tim Crowley, owner of the Crowley tract, and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for their acquisition of the right-of-way necessary fo r the design and construction of State Highway 40 through the Crowley tract. Mr. Tim Crowley does not have any additional real estate holdings in the general vicinity of the Crowley tract aside from a one-half interest in 16 acres of land located along the east by-pass around College Station, Texas. The acreage associated with this property is not comparable to the Crowley tract as far as a master planned, mixed use development is concerned. E. What are the consequences of not building the project? Not developing and/or building this project would cause a significant financial loss to the property owner and loss of a large tract of land in the growth corridor of the City of College Station. Tills property was purchased at a price which anticipated long-term growth trends in the residential and commercial markets of the College Station/Bryan, Texas area. Additionally, holding this land indefinitely without any type of development on this property would not generate enough income from, for example, grazing leases or timber sales to regain the original investment on this land. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl II. Comparison of Alternatives A. How do the costs compare for the alternatives considered above? Minimizing lot sizes to avoid or minimize impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, for this mixed use development would have the following results. Direct Financial Impacts: ,. Minimizing impacts to waters of the United States would not change the overall development costs (i .e., past, present, and future costs) associated with this project. At this point in time, development costs associated with this master planned development would be the same regardless of the final size of the individual lots designed to be sold. ,. A decrease in revenue would be recognized if development costs for this project remained the same and lot sizes decreased, thus decreasing the sale price of the lot or lots. Reconfiguring the lot sizes could make several lots less desirable to potential buyers from both a si ze and accessibility point of view. B. Are there logistical (location, access, transportation, etc.) reasons that limit the alternatives considered? Two of the selection criteria for this tract included access to State Highway 6 and the relative close proximity of this tract to the College Station/Bryan, Texas area. The internal roadway infrastructure was negotiated between Mr. Crowley, the City of College Station's Planning and Zoning Commission, and the Texas Department of Transportation. The internal roadway system integrates the existing roadway system of College Station into and throughout the Crowley tract as well as ties the College Station roadway infrastructure to both State Highway 6 and the proposed State Highway 40. As proposed, the internal roadway system on the Crowley tract establishes and maintains community cohesion as well as access to major and minor roadways within College Station. C. Are there technological limitations for the alternatives considered? There are no technological limitations for the alternatives considered. D. Are there other reasons certain alternatives are not feasible? Based on the original selection criteria, only the Crowley tract was considered for this project. Avoidance of several waters of the United States areas on the Crowley tract is however designed into the Development Master Plan for this tract ofland. Wetland areas G, H, I, and J and Tributary 3 will not be impacted by the proposed development. In addition, much of Spring Creek, Tributary 2, Tributary 4, and Tributary 5 will remain unimpacted by this development. Alternatives such as minimizing or avoiding wetland impacts were considered in many of the areas which are proposed to be impacted, but were not feasible and/or practicable in most cases (i.e., Area A and B, etc.). Also, Mr. Crowley realizes that small, isolated pockets of wetlands surrounded by a residential or commercial ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-OR) .. development would be secondarily impacted and would no longer significantly contribute to the overall ecology of this area. Therefore, by mitigating for primary and secondary impacts instead of leaving areas of partial impacts intact (and creating a "postage stamp" wetlands approach) increased ecological benefits to this area will be derived. Impacts to waters of the United States (Spring Creek and other tributaries) are necessary to provide detention and drainage infrastructure to accommodate the developments in this area. The alterations to Spring Creek and associated tributaries will serve to improve the water quality of the area by providing adequate detention, slow flows, and prevent flooding following development of the Crowley tract. III. If you have not chosen an alternative which would avoid wetland impacts, explain: A. Why was your alternative selected? The Crowley tract was chosen based on the selection criteria described in Question D. l. B. What do you plan to do to minimize adverse effects on the wetlands impacted? As currently planned, 5.89 acres of waters of the United States will be impacted by this master planned development. Though only partial impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, may occur in several of these areas (i.e., Area A, B, and C, etc.), the entirety of each area is included in the acreage of the impacts since secondary impacts to these remaining areas are likely to occur. Since minimizing impacts to waters of the United States is not feasible and/or practicable in many areas to implement the development and associated supporting infrastructure improvements necessary to achieve the goals of this project, maximizing the open spaces, green belts, parks, trails, and especially the deed restricted natural area and conservation reserve associated with this project is a top priority. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE (Proponent: CECW-ORl z 0 0 ..: LOCATION 0 23 ~ APPROXIMATE SCALE IN MILES u 0 _, ~ BASE MAP SOURCE• TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, OFFICIAL TRAVEL MAP 1995. / 0 ,_ "' "' "' .. "" VI 0 -, 0 a: ... / ... 0 0 .. u PURPOSE• The purpose of this project Is to creote o mixed use development to Include slnQle ond rrultl-fanl ly resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, ond lnstltutlonol uses, os wel I as lnteQroted nature preserves and storm woter detention foci I I ties. SUBMITTED BY• MR. TIU CROM..[Y CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINN[Y, SUIT[ 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 APRIL, 1999 LJA PRMCT NO. ~591-9811 EARTH TECH PRO.l:CT NO. 1(}4()10 E A R E c H A t-qco IN TERNA TJONAL L TO. COMPANY SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS GENERAL LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT • z C) 0 a: ~ u ~<" ; ' ) ~-,~ t-,' .. {) ,' l\ coor I ~) LOCATION 0 WELLBORN \ o. 5 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN MILES + ,-; / \ __.. ' '· ' ' ,' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r ...r ~ \ 1 ~ .') '" * I .'( ' ' , rt:-'-" q~ ', ' .,', ... -, ' ' o.u< SOU Ht r·· I - .) ~ i .t.l " ... / '--· ! ./ ,-' )"1, (. I ' ,~:.::J / -J "-' ' ) > "' u / BASE MAP SOURCE• TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ANO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ANO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, GENERAL HIGHWAY MAP, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, MARCH 1991· 0 ... 0-, ... N ... PURPOSE• The purpose of this project Is to creote o mixed use development to Include slnQle ond rrultl-fanl ly -resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, ond lnstltutlonol ~ uses. os well os lnteoroted nature p~ese~ves ond 0 ~ storm woter detention foci I I ties. ~ Q. / .... 0 0 <C u SUBt.41 TTED BY• ~ T II.I CROWLEY CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 APRIL, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. '4591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. I040IO E A R f c H A t-qco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS VICINITY MAP EXHIBIT 2 z ..., 0 0:. .. l 0 .... "' u ,, 0 : • ,./ 6 '/ --·. ~\ .. /( ,,, / -, . ./ ,_ J09 . ""'- '\ J / LOCATION 2000 SCALE IN FEET / I .r .I ,~-,_._·. BASE MAP SOURCE• UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC OUAORANGLE, WELLBORN, TEXAS, 1961, PHOTOREVISEO 198~ ~ !--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ':' PURPOSE• ~ N • The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include slnQle ond multl-foml ly ~ resldentlol uses, cocnnerclol uses, ond lnstltutlonol ~ uses, os wel I as lnteQroted nature preserves ond 3 storm wot er detent I on foe I I It I es. er: Q. ,, SUBMITTED BY• ;; MR. TU.I CROWLEY ;:: CHEVRON TOWER APRIL, 1999 EARTH@ [ c A "rqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS H 0 llOI MC~IHNEY, SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON. TEXAS no I 0 LJA PROJECT HO. ~591-9811 EARTH TECH PRO~CT H0.10<4()10 USGS TOPOGRAPH I c MAP EXHIBIT 3 u .__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.. • LOCATION 0 800 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND ~ WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WETLANDS -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE BASE UAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, •PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED ~ STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED o BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. 1-------------------------T--------------------~ ~ PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use ~ development to Include slnQle ond multl-foml ly / resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, Institutional E A R E c H ~ uses. ond recreot I ono I uses, OS we I I OS I nteQroted A "rqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY .;, nature preserves ond storm water detention foci I ltles.1----------------------- N .. SUBM I TTEO BY• _ MR. TI I.I CROWLEY ::i CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER li1 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 ~ HOUSTON. TEXAS 770 I 0 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 104()10 SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXISTING WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING WETLANDS NORTHEAST PORTION EXHIBIT 4 z C> 0 LOCATION 0 BOO SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT <4 NORTHEAST PORTION LEGEND ~ WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES 111111111111111111111 WE TL ANDS -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE BASE UAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIUINARY OETERUINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIUATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUUBER 199700476. N !----------------------.--------------------~ ~ PURPOSE• u ... .,, u / The pu..-pose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include slnole and ~ltl-fanl ly resldentlol uses, conmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol uses, ond recreotlonol uses, os wel I os lnteoroted E A R T E c H A -rqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY 0 P- O' . "' N notu..-e preserves ond storm water detention foci I ltles.1--------------------- ... SUBMI TTEO BY• -~ T Ill CROWlEY .. .,, 0 ..., 0 a: CL / CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUCUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. <4591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 10-4()10 SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXISTING WATERS OF THE U.S., INCLUDING, WETLANDS SOUTHWEST PORTION EXHIBIT 5 LOCATION 0 0. 25 SCALE IN " ... ILES WETLAND D - - -BASE MAP S OUR CE• LEGEND WATERS OF T HE UNITED STATES ADJACENT WET LANDS · PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE STATES AN EL INEAT ION - -INSET BO PURPOSE• BY THE US~G~E~LANOS ~~H:~iT• ·PRELIUINA UNOARY LINE The PU'"PoSe of N FEBRUARY •• ·~~ROXIUATEL~Y,OETERUINATION ~=~~ ~~:::~: :~ :~~: .:.;o; ~~~I Is to cceote • "· PROJECT ~~i~E I~~~~~~;: T~~~T ~~ T~~u~i THE UN ITEO uses. ond ce es. conmeccl e ond oultl-fo ml,ed use • 1997. VERIFIED notuce pcese~:=~tlonol use~' ~:es. lnsrn:::':~Y E @) SUB ond sto • we II o no I A R T .., MI TT EO By' cm wotec de tens Int eocoted H ~ ,,;:;" CR""-" tlon •oc11 "oes ., ~ y °'"'°"" . qco INTER ~ ~~oE'",'" rnwER ENT CORl'ORU ION s IT NA T/ONAL -"'"~" E• 73S·ACRE C UO. COMPANY E c H , HOUSTON. m • SUITE '500 LOCATION• COL ROWLEY TRACTf ___ :_ __ _ " T70IO :~u:.:;_.~~" COUNTY• BRAZ L ECE ST A Tl ON ""'' TECH "'· .,__,., EX OS COUNTY AAo..<CT ..,_ 10<00 I s T I NG co • TEXAS ----=::rs I TE OVERV NO IT IONS IEW MAP EXHIBIT 6 ,' From: To: J Date'!' Subject: Alan , Mark Smith Alan Gibbs; Bob Mosley; Craig Jordan 10/23/2006 9:58:30 AM Re: Crowley's 404 Set up a meeting for us to discuss this before we issue any more permits. This is not simply a case of interpretation of the 404 and local ordinances. We, the City, are a downstream property owner with intrests in the impact of upstream development. TxDOT is also a downstream property owner by virtue of the conservation easement and they have an intrest inthe impact of upstream development also. Mark Smith Director of Public Works PO Box 9960 City of College Station, TX 77842 979-764-3639 -office 979-777-0679 -eel >» Craig Jordan 10/23/06 9:30 AM »> Why are we interpreting a 404 permit? Just require that the applicant to contact TxDOT who oversees the conservation easement and get a letter stating what is required or not? Do we have an investment in what the outcome will be? I assume not. I can not believe that the "City" has no "right" to require a developer to contact the agency who oversees the conservation easement which includes an endangered species on the City's property and the easement attached to the City's property .. I mean if we require it what is the applicant going to do. We could send the drawings to TxDOT ourselves seeing as how it affects the City's property and the easement attached to the City's property. What is the point of deciding what the 404 says and then we do not contact TxDOT at all or require anything . This easement is serious business with TxDOT and the Fish and Wildlife. Is this going to come back to the city the minute construction starts? Minimum would be a meeting between TxDOT and the City. Craig Craig Jordan, P.E. City of College Station Public Works-Engineering Division 2613 Texas Avenue P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Phone: (979) 764-3816 Fax: (979) 764-5014 Email: cjordan@cstx.gov Web: www.cstx.gov »> Alan Gibbs 10/20/2006 5:28 pm »> Bob, I am not very familiar with 404s, but there are several conditions or standard provisions but the documentation states " ... this Conservation Reserve will provide suitable mitigation for impacts to NLT plants resulting from the State Highway 40 project as well as the Crowley development. The majority of the NL T lants identitfied on the Crowley tract, as well as the most suitable habitat for the plant, are located within the area now designated as the Conserfation Reserve." The attachments show how Crowley proposes to develop each tract. So I believe it implies that wetlands and NL Ts damaged or lost in with the "all" the proposed construction are permitted and mitigated with this 404 by preserving the 71 AC (38 AC TxDOT Conservation and 33 AC Deed Restricted Natural Area). There are three applicable standard provisions of interest: 11 . Stormwater runoff from construction activiites is governed by ... EPA .. general permit. .. 12 .... areas disturbed ... shall be seeded, riprapped ... to minimize soil erosion ... 13. Disturbance to vegetation .... limited only what is absolutely necessary ... revegetate ... etc I'll send you a copy of this documentation as well. Alan Gibbs, P.E. City of College Station Sr. Asst. City Eng ineer, Public Works >» Bob Mosley 10/20/2006 8:27 AM »> Do you happen to know if the greenway dedication language or deed restrictions of those non-TxDOT areas includes language that prohibits use to protect the NL Ts? »> Alan Gibbs 10/19/2006 5:27 pm »> Fyi, Joe Schultz submitted 404 documentation that covers all of Crowley's original tract. We have subsequently issued a DP for a clearing permit for Castlerock for all the ROWs and portions of the perimeter. From a brief review Carol tells me the 404 acknowleges Ladies Tresses will be lost in the private development which was the reason for the additional mitigation area -the western (non-TxDOT) easement. Let me know if yall want a copy. Alan Gibbs, P.E. City of College Station Sr. Asst. City Engineer, Public Works CC: Carol Cotter Ct/N~el<Vk!?otJ ~<;;MT 11-1~-6 .' -~~ G ~ *" ~ esvv+ -'(/i~r> ~T<C -Vu?+-fr> i'vt-l-14~ f 11-t-itt?-,.; puvtu ftw~ ·- g Vve-f -1-o fn"h~l'_s -t/r e,vc~ b~> Tnb: -d<P (/t (.,f {,,1_,e,,({Vadv .---!JO r £c;1v.±. --w~ c24~ P~ r ~~ {(v )) DATE: AMENDED AND RESTATED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OWNER: Timothy J . Crowley OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS: 1301 McKinney, Suite 3500 Houston, Harris County, Texas 77010 PROPERTY: Being those tracts of land located in the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, more particularly described on pages 1 through 7 of Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. PREAMBLE: A. Owner, in accordance with Permit Number 1997004 76 (the "Permit") issued by the United States Department of Army, Corps of Engineers (the "Corps") under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, as a condition of obtaining the aforementioned permit, imposed certain protective covenants, conditions and restrictions on the property described in the Restrictions (as defined below) to provide for mitigation of the impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands; such protective covenants, conditions and restrictions are set forth in the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (the "Restrictions") recorded in Volume 4125, Page 141 , Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. B. The Corps amended the Permit by letter dated December 16, 2003 (the "Permit Amendment"), which , in part, modified the location of the property subject to the Restrictions. The Permit Amendment is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by reference; C. In order to conform to the Permit Amendment, Owner and the Corps wish to amend and restate the Restrictions to modify the description of the property contained in the Restrictions to the Property described above; and D. Owner is the owner of the Property and the Property is located in the general vicinity depicted on page 8 of Exhibit "B". E. As amended and restated, these Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions replace and completely supercede the Restrictions. DECLARATION: NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby declared (i) that all of the Property shall be held, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the following covenants, conditions and restrictions, which shall run with the Property and which shall be binding on all parties having any right, title, or interest in or to the Property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns; and (ii) that each contract or deed that may hereafter be executed with regard to the Property or any portion thereof shall conclusively be held to have been executed, delivered and accepted subject to the following covenants, conditions and restrictions regardless of whether or not the same are set out or referred to in said contract or deed. 1. Restrictions on Use of Property. Except as provided in Section 2 below, the Property shall be maintained in its natural state as a stream riparian and wetland mitigation area. Livestock grazing and mowing are not allowed on the Property. 2. Permitted Uses of the Property. The Property may be used for the following purposes: a. Establishment and public utilization of hike and bike trails to be located along the fringe of the Property, consisting primarily of a natural permeable material allowing for natural drainage conditions to exist. In limited areas prone to erosion or excessive maintenance or within fifty feet (50') of the perimeter of the Property, concrete or other impermeable materials may be used to construct the trails. Landscaping following trail installation/construction activities on the Property is allowed. The hike and bike trail system may include water stations, lighting, restrooms, picnic tables and rest areas. The hike and bike trail may cross Spring Creek and the associated tributaries located on the Property and such crossings may require the construction of bridges or culverts. The understory on the Property may be removed in selected areas near the hike and bike trail to accommodate the water stations, lighting, restrooms and rest areas. Herbicides and pesticides may be applied immediately adjacent to the trails. b. Installation of temporary and/or permanent protective fences. c. Installation of guide, warning, prohibited access and other signs related to the hike and bike trails. d. Exploration for or extraction of oil , gas and other minerals below the surface of the Property; provided such exploration or extraction does not utilize or disturb the surface of the Property. e. Installation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer line crossing the Property. An easement will be maintained along the sanitary sewer line for access and repair of the line. f. Exercise of the rights under any easements or rights of way of record in the office of the County Clerk of Brazos County, Texas. 3. Permitted Exceptions. These restrictions are made subject to any and all matters, ordinances, restrictions, covenants, conditions, encumbrances, rights of way, easements and all outstanding mineral and royalty interests, if any, affecting the Property, whether or not of record in the office of the County Clerk of Brazos County. 4. Amendment and Termination. This instrument may only be amended or terminated in whole or in part by written instrument signed by the then owners of the Property and the United States Army Corps of Engineers 5. Covenants Running with the Land. The provisions of this instrument will be deemed to be covenants running with the land and binding on the Property and all parties having any right, title or interest in and to the Property, or any part thereof. [Signatures on following page) TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the __ day of ___ , 2004, by TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY. Notary Public, State of Texas Agreed and Accepted: United States Department of Army Corps of Engineers By: ____________ _ Name: ____________ _ Title:------------- THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the __ day of , 2004, by of United States Department of Army Corps of Engineers. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Charles A. Ellison, P.C. P.O. Box 10103 College Station , Texas 77842 Notary Public, State of Texas PREPARED IN THE LAW OFFICE OF: Charles A. Ellison, P.C. P.O. Box 10103 College Station, Texas 77842 AMENDED AND RESTATED COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTION: TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY AND UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ARMY, CORPS OF ENGINEERS METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 22.089 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF_ THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-54 COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS All that tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Brazos County, Texas, and being situated in the Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54, and being a part of the same tract ofland described in a deed to Timothy J. Crowley, as recorded in Volume 1415, Page 74, of the Brazos County Official Records(B.C.O.R.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all control referred to the 1983 Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, Central Zone: COMMENCING at a fence post for the north comer of said Crowley tract, also being a point in the southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6, also being the east corner of the John M. Lawrence, III, 247.46 acre tract, as record din Volume 929, Page 216, of the B.C.O.R., having a Texas State Plane Coordinate Value ofX= 3,576,278.52(E), Y = 10,192,792.33 (N) THENCE South 41°27'48" West, a distance of2,819.3 l feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE along the common line between this tract and the Spring Creek Development C.S. 62.18 acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 4712 Page 260, of the B.C.O.R. for the following calls: South 83°02'23" East, a distance of 443.49 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 54°55'5 l" East, a distance of 359.52 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 88°09'02" East, a distance of 162.57 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 19°25' 17" East, a distance of 24.61 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner, also being a point on the northeast line of the 38.064 acre Conservation Zone, as recorded in Vol. 3926, Page 104, of the B.C.O.R.; THENCE South 45°47' 13" West, a distance of 472.82 feet along the common line between this tract and said Conservation Zone to a 5/8" iron rod set for the west corner of said Conservation Zone; THENCE severing said Crowley tract for the following calls: South 57°07'06' West, a distance of 199.57 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 60°27'53" West, a distance of 134.79 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; North 79°48 29" West, a distance of 96.18 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 41°59 36" West, a distance of 101.11 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; THE CE North 07°08'56' West, a distance of 114.01 to the east comer of a 1.500 acre Park Land Dedication, as recorded in Vol. 5511, Page 263 of the B.C.O.R., continuing on for a total distance of '210.26 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer, also being the north comer of said 1.500 acre tract; THENCE along the common line between this tract and said 1.500 acre tract for the following calls: South 60°55'47" West, a distance of 99.99 feet to a 5/8'~ iron rod set for corner; South 39°26'59" West, a distance of 93.24 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 39°51 '46" West, a distance of74.22 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 50° 41'3 3" West, a distance of 62. 7 5 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 82°52' 14" West, a distance of 35.59 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner- North 37°10'01" West, a distance of32.15 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; South 87°08'08" West, a distance of 17.68 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 34°18' 51 " West, a distance of 42.29 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; South 06°40'59" West, a distance of 62.98 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 17°23'32" East, a distance of 53.89 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South, a distance of 17 .65 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 46°49'45" West, a distance of 16.83 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; South 16°08' 04" West, a distance of 30.36 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 30°11 '47" East, a distance of 83 .35 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer also being a southeast comer of said 1.500 acre tract; - THENCE severing said Crowley tract for the following calls: South, a distance of 4 7 .16 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 44°19' 10" West, a distance of 40.30 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; North 87°31' 11" West, a distance of 50.63 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer;. South 82°24'36" West, a distance of 33.58 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 54°14'28" West, a distance of 38.38 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; South 16°24'44' West, a distance of76.02 feet to a 5/8 'iron rod set for comer; South 11°57'50" West, a distance of 253.01 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner~ North 73°21 '03" West, a distance of 50.19 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; BXHIBIT_~A~--- e 2-of. 1 _Pages North 79°47'20' West, a distance of 30.90 feet to a 5/8'' iron rod set for comer; South 14°27'26" West, a distance of 11.19 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 11°51'44 ' East, a distance of 47 .08 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 75°45'41" West, a distance of282.07 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; orth 3 7°27'28 ' East, a distance of 297 .33 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; North 64°46'47' East, a distance of 30.60 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 22°15'36" West, a distance of23 l .42 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 39°32'28" West, a distance of 127.86 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 61 °41 '00" West, a distance of 63 .26 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 84°17'08" West, a distance of258.24 fe.et to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner, also being a point in the southeast line of the Edward Froehling 49.35 acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 4248, Page 144, of the B.C.D.R; THENCE North 43°11' 17" East, a distance of 608.41 feet along the common line between this tract and said Freehling 49.35 acre tract, and the Edward Froehling 27.657 acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 2986 Page 201, of the B.C.O.R. to a 5/8" iron rod found for comer; THE CE North 43°20 10" East, a distance of925.34 feet along the common line between this tract and said Freehling 27.657 acre tract to a 5/8" iron rod found for comer for the PLACE OF BEGINNI G containing 22.089 acres. Dante Carlomagno Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 1562 2004-10-14-22acres.doc October 14, 2004 EXHIBrr-:.A ____ _ ...... __ 3 __ of__.;l=.._.._. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT M: 10,192,792.33 E: 3,578,278.52 I: EDWARD f'ROEHUNG 27.657 ACRES VOL 2986, PAGE 201 EDWARD FROEHLING 49.35 ACRES VOL 4248. PACE 144 ;;j' °' ;. ~; Cll SPRING CREEK 0£VELOPMENT C.S VOL 4712 PAGE 260 62.18 ACRES OPEN SPACE 22.089 AC. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS & RESTRICTIONS VOL 4125/PG 141 10.419 AC. 38.064 AC. CONSERVATION ZONE OPEN SPACE \JOL 3926/PG 104 REMAINDER OF CROWLEY TRACT VOL. 1416, PAGE 74 REMAINDER OF CROWLEY TRACT VOL H16, PACE 74 OPEN SPACE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS c!t RESTRICTIONS VOL 4125/PG 148 300 0 300 600 900 Feet File name: 2004-10-14-PARCELS-22ACRESDWG Plot dote: 10/19/04 at 13·10 22.097 ACRES PART OF CROWLEY TRACT DRAWING f: 2004-10-14-22ocres EXHIBIT__,;A:....;;_~----T~ ,. 1 of__,___ VOL 1415, PAGE 74 ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-54 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS .... --~--~~~~--~--~----------------..... DAA BY: A. WALLACE CARLOMAGNO Surveying Inc. 2714 FitHeother Rood n Tex s 77801 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIO OF A 10.416 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE ROBERT STEVENSO SURVEY, A-54 COLLEGE TATION BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS All that tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Brazos County, Texas, and being situated in the Robert Stevenson urvey, A-54, and being a part of the same tract ofland described in a deed to Timothy J. Crowley, as recorded in Volume 1415, Page 74, of the Brazos County Official Records(B.C.O.R.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all control referred to the 1983 Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, Central Zone: CO MME CING at a fence post for the north comer of said Crowley tract, also being a point in the southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6, also being the east comer of the John M. Lawrence III, 247.46 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 929, Page 216, of the B.C.O.R., having a Texas State Plane Coordinate Value of X= 3,576,278.52(E), Y = 10 192,792.33 (N) THENCE South 33°12'09" West a distance of 4,300.84 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer for the PLACE OF BEGINNI G; THENCE severing said Crowley tract for the following calls: South 11°51 '44" East, a distance of 31.98 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 60°4 7' 40" East, a distance of 81 . 70 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 56°18' 17" East, a distance of 23.91 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 21°57'24" West, a distance of 152.65 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 42°50'38" West, a distance of 292.95 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; outh 15°03' 13" West, a distance of 248. 72 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 87°11 '04" West, a distance of 456.89 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 29°30' 59" West, a distance of 321.59 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer, also being a point on the north right-of-way line of tate Highway 40~ being 62.965 acres, as recorded in Vol. 3926, Page 85 of the B.C.O.R.; THENCE along the common line between this tract and said right-of-way line of State Highway 40 for the following calls: South 85°46'14" West, a distance of 10.57 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 85°17'35" West, a distance of 392.64 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for the southwest comer of this tract. from which a concrete monument bears S 42°32'03" W, 1.07 feet for reference; EXHmIT~_.._A..__~~~ P ge 5 of 1' Pages -.. .. . . . ... '· orth 39°39'40 East a distance of290.73 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; orth 5°28'07 -East, a istance of l 00.09 :fi t to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; orth 47°17'22" East a di c of 108.60 feet to a 5/8n iron rod set for com r orth 73 °27 09 East a distance of 317. 77 feet to a 5/8., iron rod set for comer; orth 24 °08 '0 l' East a distance o 143 .13 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer orth 37°27 28" East, a distance of 383.68 fret to a 5/8' iron rod set or comer; orth 75°45 I 'East, a distance of 380.04 feet to the PLAC 0 BEGI square feet or 10.416 acres. Dan e Carlomagno Tex egiste ed Professional Land urveyor No. 1562 20 -l 0-14-1 Oacres.doc October 14 2004 G containing 453, 709 OPEN SPACE 22.089 AC. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS & RESTRICTIONS VOL 4125/PG 141 REMAINDER OF CROWLEY TRACT VOL. 1416, PAGE 74 10.419 AC. OPEN SPACE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS & RESTRICTIONS VOL 4125/PG 148 REMAINDER Of CROWLEY TRACT VOL. 1416, PACE 74 10.-416 ACRES PART OF CROWLEY TRACT VOL 1415, PAGE 7-4 ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-5-4 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS DRAWING f: 2004-10-14-10ocres DRAWN BY: A.WALLACE CARLOMAGNO Surveying Inc. 2714 Finfeoth r Ro B on Tex 77601 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FORT WORTH DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. 0 . BOX 17300 FORT WORTH. TEXAS 76102-0300 AEPLYTO ATTENTION Of· December 16, 2003 Planning, Environmental, and Regulatory Division Regulatory Branch SUBJECT: Project Number 199700476 Ms. Heather Niles Associate Project Manager PBSJ 1880 S. Dairy Ashford St., Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77077-4760 Dear Ms. Niles: This is in response to your letter of October 22, 2003, requesting a modification to Department of the Anny permit 1997004 76 for the construction of a mixed development by Mr. Tim Crowley, on a 735 acrt: property located southeast of College Station along Spm!g Creek in Brazos County, Texas. We have reviewed and hereby approve your request. Permit Number 199700476 is modified as follows: l. Replace sheets 1 of 12 with sheets 1 of 6, dated December 2003 _ (enclosed). 2. Replace "December 31, 2003" in General Condition 1 on page one of the permit with "December 31, 2005". This modification is ·effective immediately. All other terms and_ conditions of the original permit remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Mr. Barry Osborn at the address above or telephone' (817)886-1734. Enclosure Sincerely, I~ Chief, Regulatory Branch EXHIBrf--11.Pl..1..-~--­ .,...._ .... 1 __ 0.f 8 0 23 0: ~ APPROXIMATE SCALE IN MILES u 0 .J ~ 6ASE MAP SOURCE• TEXAS OEPARTM(NT OF TRANSPORTATION, / 0 ... "' . V> "' .. .:; ..: "' 0 ... 0 a:: ... / .:. ... 0 0 .. u PURPOSE a The purpose of this Pf"'OJect Is to create a mixed use development to Include slnQle and ~ltl·fonlly residential uses, comner-clal uses, and Institutional uses, os wett os lnte<;)f"oted nature preserves ond storm water detention focllltles . SUBU I TTEO BY• I.fl. T I LC CAOWL EY Ctl(VflON TOwt::R ISOI MCKINH(Y, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TCKAS 71010 APR1l.,-199<J LJJ. PROJECT NO. '4591·9811 (J.RTH TECH PROJECT HO; 104()10 E A R E c A 'b:{co /NTcRNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION H COUNT y, BRAZOS COUNTY rP-r-(J]-.-ec_t_N_w_n_b_er_l_9_~-70-0-4-76- Sheet l of 6 GENERAL LOCATION December 2003 3 0 4. l 0 ... "' u ~ 0 zooo SCALE IH FEET I ( ) / . -~--~"'-- ··· , .. .' ,,,,,./_ - BASE MAP SOURCE• UNITEO STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. 7.5 MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC OUAORANGLE. WELLBORN. TEXAS. 196 1. PHOTOREV I SEO 1980. ~ 1--~~~--~--------------------------~--~----.--------~------~--------~~----~----~--~ ~ PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use • development to Include s lnoie ond multl ·fonlly ·; resldentlol uses. conmerclol uses. and lnstltutlonol ~ uses. os well os lnteQr'oted nature preserves and ., s1"orm water <Jetent I on foe I 1 It 1 es. f ,, . SUBMI TTEO BY• E A R T E c A 'tqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION H i MA. TIM ~0 EY -CHEVROff TOWER ... COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTvr-P-rOJ-.-e-ct_N_u_m_b_er_19_9_7_0_04_7_6_ AAAU •• 1999 1301 MCK-IHN£Y. SUITE 3500 LJA PROJECT NO. 4591·9811 Sheet 2 of 6 ~ HOUSTON. Tcus no10 EART!i t£0t ~OJEct N0. •040lo USGS TOPOGRAPHIC December 2003 u L---------------~--~------~~~--------------L-------------~------lL... .... ..;;.;;;,iiiiiiiiiii.iii.iiiiim ......... t:; ~ ...... u. ID E a. m ~ M Legend ZONED "A-o• PROPOSED REZi ING AREA 111.46 ACRES CURRENT ZONl G ~A.on PROPOSED ZO ING ~poO-H'' SECl1C*t 1t -.t·,......_y 10.2 ACflES ct = ... -ta -~ IU w ,. w Cl) w z -..J 2: (,,) i ________________ _,_ ___________________________ ,. Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted_ Boundary Wetlands Spring Creek and its Tributaries Greenway 0 250 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET PBSJ 1880 S.Dairy Ashford Rd., Ste. 300 Houston. Texu 77077-4760 Phone: (281) 493-5100 fax: (281) 493-1047 Exhibit7A 735-Acre Crowley Property ·college Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Site Plan ;,. Note: ~ ~ Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, & 10. . Project Number 1997004 76 g "• Applicant: Mr. nm Crowley Sheet 3 of 6 81.. ...................................................... ~.'.;.. ... -"i;A~e~n~t ... ;PB~S~&J:;:.. ......... -. ... Dmemcmemiiiibmeriili2m00•3._ .. .. :! ... -CD -:c t1 w w fl) II.I z -... :c u !C 2 legend Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands ct en ... -CD -:c = w w fl) w z -... :c CJ !C 2 0 250 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET PBSJ 1880 S.Dairy Ashford Rd., Ste. 300 Houston, Texas 770774760 Phone: (281) 493-5100 fax: (281) 493-1047 ~ ~ Spring Creek and its Tributaries :! Exhibit 8A : § W Greenway 735-Acre Crowley Property .% College Station, Brazos County, Texas : Revised Site Plan a Note: 6) ~ Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, & 10. Project Number 199700476 No 1;.0 Sheet 4 of 6 Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley 8._ ..................................................... ~~i ...... .i.;;A~e:n~t: ... ~P~B~S&:J:.,.. ...... ..J .. illmDmemcmemiiibmeriillil20•0•3 ..... .. r c? N ~ Q. "i !:; .QI i ~ f (j C") .... "° g ~ Legend Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands ~ ~ Spring Creek and its Tributaries u: ~ ~ Greenway it ... ,;.; ··~~ . 0 250 500 1000 SCALE IN FEET l"BSI' 18'0 s.D.uy /uhfoo! Rd., St. JOO Houston, Tex.as 77077-4760 Phone: (281)493-5100 fax: (281) 493-1047 Exhibit9A 735-Acre Crowley Property College Station, Brazos County, Texas Revised Site Plan g N Replaces previous Exhibts 7, 8, 9, & 10. Project Number 199700476 (") Note: ~ g ~o Applicant: Mr. nm Crowley Sheet 5 of 6 8._ ........................................................................ ~~~;... .... ~~e:n~t .... ~PB~S&;::;:,J ........... ...11 .... Diiecjemimbmeriiili20m0m3illll .. lll • •' Approx. 33.0 Ac. Deed Restricted Natural Area Conservation Zone and Deed Restricted Boundary Wetlands Spring Creek and Its Tributaries Greenway Conservation Reserve 28-1 38.06 Ac. Conservation Reserve Open Space PBSJ 1880 S.Da.iry Ashford R.d., Ste. 300 flouston, Tew 77077-4760 Plione: (281) 493-5100 fax: (281) 493-1047 ~ Yll////!l!P71//A ~ ~ Deed Restricted Natural Area Exhibit 14A ! r;J:fflRl:ll{ll 735-Acre Crowley Property :; College Station, Brazos County, Texas . @ Revised Proposed Mitigation ~ ~ ,..: Praj ect Numb er 1997004 76 ,,... > Applicant Mr. Tim Crowley Sheet 6 of 6 Zo ~ D ent: PBS&J ecember 2003 ....... ------------------------~~~~--~~~~~--~ 0 n .,,, CITY OF Coll.EGE ~T~'A~:r~1o:N~~:_:=:=::.....----------•-Plannmr 0-Dewlopment Swvica r • .....___ .... _______ --·-·--- 1101 Texas Avenue, P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 /Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM September 12, 2006 TO: DDH Investments Via fax 690.1041 FROM: Jennifer Reeves, Project Manager SUBJECT: CASTLEROCK PH.1A (FP) -Final Plat Staff reviewed the above-mentioned final plat as requested. The following page is a list of staff review comments detailing items that need to be addressed. If all comments have been addressed and the following information submitted by Monday September 18, 2006 by 10:00 a.m., your project will be placed on the next available Planning and Zoning Commission meeting scheduled for October 5, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue. Two (2) 24"x36" copies of the revised final plat; Fifteen (15) 11"xl7" copies of the revised final plat; Parkland Dedic~tion must be submitted prior to the filing of the final plat; One (1) Mylar original of the revised final plat; and One (1) copy of the digital file of the final plat on diskette or e-mail to sgriffin@cstx.gov and awelsh@cstx.gov. Upon receipt of the required documents for the Planning & Zoning meeting, your project will be considered formally filed with the City of College Station. Please note that if all comments have not been addressed your project will not be scheduled for a Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Your project may be placed on a future agenda once all the revisions have been made and the appropriate fees paid. Once your item has been scheduled for the P&Z meeting, the agenda and staff report can be accessed at the fo llowing web site on Monday the week of the P&Z meeting. http://www.cstx.gov/home/index.asp?page=2481. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 979.764.3570. Attachments: Staff review comments cc: Civil Development, Ltd -Joe Schultz, P.E. via fax 764.7759 Case file #06-00500192 NOTE: Any changes made to the plans, that have not been requested by the City of College Station, must be explained in your next transmittal letter and "bubbled" on your plans. Any additional changes on these plans that have not been pointed out to the City, will constitute a completely new review. / ' / / () STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS NO. 1 Project: CASTLEROCK PH.1A (FP) -06-00500192 PLANNING 1. The construction documents and reports are still under review and may affect the plat. 2. Please include the entire Phase 1 A in the vicinity map (Park Area). 3. Please identify all proposed utility easements on the plat. 4. Note 10 states that Common Areas will be maintained by HOA. How does this relate to Greenbelts and Buffer Areas? Reviewed by: Jennifer Reeves Date: September 11, 2006 ENGINEERING COMMENTS NO. 1 1. How does the approved CLOMR affect the floodplain in this area? Please show on Plat. 2. It appears that with this and future phases you will be point discharging storm water into the Conservation Easement. Please provide appropriate documentation that TxDOT and Texas Wildlife and Fisheries has approved this plan. 3. Submit TxDOT Driveway and Utility permits. 4. Off-site easements are required for utilities in this phase. Provide copy of blanket easement if this area is included with the blanket easement in Castlegate, or submit easement dedication sheet and required documents. 5. Subdivision is located in Sewer Impact Fee Area 97-01 (Spring Creek). Current impact fees in this area are $349.55/LUE and are due at time of building permit. Reviewed by: Carol Cotter Date: September 11 , 2006 ELECTRICAL COMMENTS REQUIRING IMMEDIATE ATTENTION 1. Developer provides temporary blanket easement for construction purposes. 2. Developer provides easements for electric infrastructure as installed for electric lines (including street lights). 3. As per ongoing conversations with Civil Development, ltd., additional easements will be required for electric infrastructure to be extended to this particular phase. GENERAL ELECTRICAL COMMENTS 1. Developer installs conduit per city specs and design. 2. City will provide drawings for conduit installation. 3. Developer provides 30' of rigid or IMC conduit for riser poles. City installs riser. 4. Developer to intercept existing conduit at designated transformers and extend as required. If conduit does not exist at designated transformer, developer to furnish and install conduit as shown on electrical layout. 5. Developer pours transformer pad(s) per city specs and design. NOTE: Any changes made to the plans, that have not been requested by the City of College Station, must be explained in your next transmittal letter and "bubbled" on your plans. Any additional changes on these plans that have not been pointed out to the City, will constitute a completely new review. 2 n 6. Developer installs pull boxes & secondary pedestals as per city specs and design.(pull boxes & secondary pedestals provided by the city). 7. Developer provides digital AutoCAD 2000 or later version of plat and/or site plan email to bread@cstx.gov . 8. Developer provides load data for project. To discuss any of the above electrical comments, please contact Brent Read at 979- 764-5026. Reviewed by: Brent Read 2006 FIRE 1. No more than thirty (30) dwelling units on single access road. Reviewed by: Steve Smith Date: 09/06/06 Sanitation Date: September 8, 1. Need to show a temporary turn-around at the south end of Rocky Creek Trail. Reviewed by: Wally Urrutia 2006 Date: September 8, NOTE: Any changes made to the plans, that have not been requested by the City of College Station, must be explained in your next transmittal letter and "bubbled" on your plans. Any additional changes on these plans that have not been pointed out to the City, will constitute a completely new review. 3 n CnY OF COLLEGE STATION Pllmninx 0-DeHloJmUnl Sn'llica • 1101 Texas Avenue, P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM September 20, 2006 TO: DDH Investments Via fax 690.1041 FROM: Carol Cotter, Project Engineer .... .• SUBJECT: CASTLEROCK PH.1A (FP) -Final Plat -Construction Documents Staff reviewed the above-mentioned final plat construction documents as requested. The following page is a list of staff review comments detailing items that need to be addressed. __ One (1) revised set of construction documents If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me at 979.764.3570. http://www.cstx.gov/home/index.asp?page=2481. Attachments: Staff review comments cc: Civil Development, Ltd -Joe Schultz, P.E. via fax 764.7759 Case file #06-00500192 ,,,, () () ENGINEERING COMMENTS NO. 2 1. Why are the street intersections/connections with Castlerock Parkway not shown in the profiles? (Stone Shadow Trail, Rock Bend Drive, Rolling Stone Drive) 2. How will you insure that the drainage will not undercut the roadbed on Stone Shadow Trail, Rock Bend Drive, Rolling Stone Drive, and south end of Rocky Creek Trail? 3. Indicate limits of structural backfill on Storm Pipe 2P3. 4. Please insure that where there is a change in pipe diameter, the soffit of smaller upstream pipe shall at least match the soffit of the larger pipe. 5. What is happening at the outlet of Pipe 5P4? What is the grading from roadway to drainage channel 2? 6. Provide protection from erosion on drainage channel over sanitary sewer line where cover is proposed at 2'. (S-1) 7. Provide cross-section of drainage channels. Do you have enough rip-rap at outfall to Channel No. 1 to reduce the velocity to acceptable range for seeded grass surface treatment? 8. The storm collection system will be considered private south of where street pavement ends. 9. Please confirm that the TXU gas line is not high pressure. If it is high pressure show approximate depth. (W-1) Reviewed by: Carol Cotter Date: September 19, 2006 ./ From: To: Date: Subject: Alan, Bob Mosley Alan Gibbs 9/29/200610:41 :51 AM Fwd: Arrington and Decatur Roads -TXDOT Cons Esmt This sounds like addition discussion material to discuss with Legal for the meeting. >» "Kevin Sullivan" <KSullivan@walterpmoore.com> 9/28/2006 5:35 pm >» «Exhibit 1.pdf» «Exhibit 2.pdf» «Exhibit 4.pdf» «Exhibit 5.pdf» John, Thank you for meeting with us last week. We have looked thoroughly at our options to eliminate any fill within TXDOT's conservation easement adjacent to the above referenced project. To accomplish this it is our intent -along the conservation easement -to move the sidewalk against the curb, drop the edge of the sidewalk 3 feet, and slope the embankment 1: 1 with geog rids to reinforce the soil (please see Exhibit 1 attached). There will be neither fill nor any construction activity in the conservation easement for this scope of work. Also, we propose to cross the conservation easement with a shared use bike path at the east corner nearest the roundabout (please see Exhibit 2). Exhibit "D", paragraph 2 of the conservation easement states the grantor has the opportunity to establish "public utilization of minimal impact hike and bike trails, consisting primarily of a natural permeable material allowing for natural drainage conditions." We plan to build this small portion of the bike path with natural permeable material at the existing grade. The Right of Way (ROW) for Arrington Road will have to be shifted in this area (please see Exhibit 4). It does not appear concurrence from U.S. Fish and Wildlife is required for this scope of work. Finally, we propose to improve the eastern stream bed at the downstream section of the conservation easement (a portion of Spring Creek) to maintain the natural water channel and prevent erosion from the ultimate development of the surrounding property (please see Exhibit 5). We have studied this area hydraulically and concluded that failing to improve the natural water channel could cause serious soil erosion and bring about drastically different drainage patterns once the surrounding areas are developed. Exhibit "D", paragraph 11 of the conservation easement states it is permissible to construct structures "for the purpose of metering water into and out of the Property to prevent erosion and assist in maintaining the native character and configuration of the natural water channel." Paragraph 1 also states that it is permissible to "enhance the maintenance of the Property predominantly in its natural condition and contribute to the protection of environmental systems." This is precisely our intent. It does not appear concurrence from U.S. Fish and Wildlife is required for this scope of work. Please accept our proposals for construction activities related to the TXDOT conservation easements. These proposals have been sent to the City of College Station as well. Feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. I have mailed hard copies of th ese documents as well as the conservation easement to your office today. Thanks, Kevin P. Sullivan Houston Civil Engineering Services WALTER P MOORE Walter P. Moore and Associates, Inc. 3131 Eastside, Second Floor Houston, Texas 77098 713.630.7330 713.630.7394 fax ksullivan@walterpmoore.com www.walterpmoore.com <http://www.walterpmoore.com/> The contents of this e-mail and any attachment(s) are confidential and the property of Walter P. Moore and Associates, Inc --- ;i0I ~, ---------- ff. ARRINGTON ROAD ----------- 6' SIDEWALK AND HANDRAIL -------.............. '-'-\ \ \ ~~G~OO \ \/ II II / 1' lYP. ,,---/ ..--------- 8.5' j I I I \ ~-·--­------,----- --::.p ----==---:---r--.---- ------~--\ __________ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ""' "" \ \ \ '~, \ \ ,, ,, '~~EJo \ \ \ \_____ --1 POT 53+00.00 'I ~ I :\ \ 0 0 50° . , .. ·42 : .• ·. :~-::~ ·~· . ~ . \ \ \ \ Navasota Ladiesr Tresses Conservation Easement Legend 1995, 1999, 2003 NLT Plants * 2005 t\JL T Plants • 2006 Spiranthes Rosettes --Tributaries -Spring Creek D Conservation Easement 825 1, 100 ----=======----=====::::J Fe• Site Surveys Consolidated Map By: Courtney Ratheal Texas A&M University Rangeland Ecology & Management 12April 2006 From: To: Date: Subject: Carla, Alan Gibbs Robinson, Carla 9/29/2006 1:15:01 PM Easement Questions I plan to meet with you at 2:00 and wanted to define the questions here as well. Conservation Easements (by Crowley Tract north of Hwy 40): There are two conservation easements in this vicinity. One (green highlight) is a US Corps of Engr requirement under their 404 permit for the to mitigate for the impacts on Navasota Ladies Tresses plants associated with the construction of Hwy 40. This is overseen by TxDOT and US Fish and Wildlife. The second (pink highlight) is a deed restricted natural area to mitigate for the impacts on Navasota Ladies Tresses plants as well but for the construction associated with Castlegate, etc on Crowley's tract. We have proposed CIP projects and private projects abutting the easements that are discharging storm water into the easements in possibly erosive manners. Should these discharges require consent from TxDOT and US Fish and Wildlife? To date we have required consent where there appeared to be a erosive concern or encroachment. The CIP project involving Arrington/Decatur has undergone a redesign to accommodate. Wallace Phillip's design engineer Joe Schultz has responded that no additional approval was necessary. Radikor Perscriptive Sewer Easement: This is more straight forward. As you will see on the exhibit, the developer proposes to reconstruct a section of public sewer that only has an easement by perscription. The proposed line will be the same size, should actually carry a lesser flow, and would be in the same location on horizontal alignment. We are told one of the lots with and being served by the perscription is a Baptist Student office and they may object to the development or atleast selling their lot. Is the perscriptive easement adequate for the described use or is a specific PUE dedication required? Also, this sewer line construction is proposed to be included within an economic development agreement so that the City may be paying for this construction being performed by the developer. Alan Gibbs, P.E. City of College Station Sr. Asst. City Engineer, Public Works CC: Mosley, Bob .ILrw@J ().}j -o-j.Q fl;U/ tiW a -- ) ' ,, ... ______ _ -- ~(jfY}?~ ~ J_}J'l)J - f"aJ,VJO"l lX1.1"97 - ~7.F13'5 91-JJO(J S \ o+IM - I ~ Castlerock Subdivision, Phase l A-Final Plat Res ponse to Staff Review Comments No. 1 (dated 9/12/2006) Pla1111illg ~ /3. /( Noted. Vicinity map has been corrected. All utility easements have been labeled on the plat. All "Greenbelt" or "Buffer Area" labels have been changed to read "Common Area" so that Note 10 makes sense. Engineering 1. The CLOMR floodplain has been added to this map, and it is almost identical to the FEMA FIRM line in this area. 2. The Conservation Easement was developed as a part of the Corps of Engineers (COE) permitting process for the Crowley Tract and SH 40. All of the state and federal agencies were involved in this process and the COE permit was approved with regional detention at the downstream portion of the Crowley Tract, with the runoff from the developed portions of the Crowley Tract and Castlegate flowing through the Conservation Easement to the regional detention pond. The issue of discharging into the Conservation Easement has already been resolved with the COE permit, the granting of the Conservation Easement, and the dedication of the property to the City of College Station by Tim Crowley, which specifically gives the upstream landowners the right to allow their storm water to flow across the Conservation Easement. 3. Permits will be submitted. 4. A blanket easement application will be submitted for the entire tract. 5. Noted. /Electrical fare 1. The application for the blanket easement will be provided. 2. Noted. 3. Easements have been added per the master plan file for electrical sent by Brent Read. Some of the requested easements will be added in future phases, but will be covered under the blanket easement for this phase. 1. There are 30 lots in this phase. S a1titatio 1t l . Rocky Creek Trail can serve as a turnaround, making a temporary turnaround unnecessary. Date: To: From: Subject: Remarks: * C1VIL DEVELOPMENT, Ltd.* CIVIL ENGINEERING & DESIGN-BUILD SERVICES TRANSMITTAL September 18, 2006 Jennifer Reeves Development Services City of College Station Joe Schultz, P.E.~ Civil Developme · td. P.O. Box 11929 College Station, Texas 77842 Phone: (979) 764-7743 Revised Final Plat Castlerock Subdivision, Phase lA College Station, Texas Attached are 2 full -sized copies and 15-11x17 copies of the revised Final Plat for Phase lA. The mylar original and digital file will be submitted once final approval is given. Also attached are 5 copies of the TxDOT driveway permit, 2 copies each of the Engineer's Cost Estimate, the Water Report, and the Sewer Report, and our response to staff review comments. The driveway permit also addresses the utilities proposed for TxDOT rights-of-way. Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. • . __. .. -Public Notice US Army Corps of Engineers Applicant: Mr. Tim Crowley Fort Worth District Permit Application No.: I 199700476 l. Date: April 20, 2000 The purpose of this public notice is to inform you of a proposal for work in which you might be interested. It is also to solicit your comments and information to better enable us to make a reasonable decision on factors affecting the public interest. We hope you will participate in this process. Regulatory Program Since its early history, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has played an important role in the development of the nation's water resources. Originally, this involved constructi'on of harbor fortifications and coastal defenses. Later duties included the improvement of waterways to provide avenues of commerce. An important part of our mission today is the protection of the nation's waterways through the administration of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program. Section 10 Section 404 Contact The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is directed by Congress under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors of 1899 (33 USC 403) to regulate all work or structures in or affecting the course, condition or capacity of navigable waters of the United States. The intent of this law is to protect the navigable capacity of waters important to interstate commerce. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is directed by Congress under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344) to regulate the discharge of dredged and fill material into all waters of the United States, including wetlands. The intent of the law is to protect the nation's waters from the indiscriminate discharge of material capable of causing pollution and to restore and maintain their chemical, ~~~,,""· ~R-physical and biological integrity. 9l>J' . "' 7;l(3 {;f"e,,"'~ BRYAN OISTRICf '!YI;,;._ J..;, BRYAN, TEXAS N "' _..;;;B;..:a=r..;:.r..._y.....;G""'.'-O=sb~o=r;...::;n=-------------- MAY (J ~ 2000 Phon Number: (817) 978-3354 ·' ~\ .. JOINT PUBLIC NOTICE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, FORT WORTH DISTRlCT AND l . TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION SUBJECT: Application for a Department of the Army Pennit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CW A) and for water quality certification under Section 401 of the CW A to discharge dredged and fill material into waters of the United States associated with the construction of a mixed-use development in College Station, Brazos County, Texas. APPLICANT: Mr. Tim Crowley .. Crowley Development Corporation Chevron Tower 1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3500 Houston, Texas 77010 APPLICATION NUMBER: 199700476 DA TE ISSUED: April 10, 2000 LOCATION: The 735 acre project site is located southwest of the intersection of Highway 6 and Greens Prairie Road, along Spring Creek and associated unnamed tributaries, at the southern edge of the,city of College Station, Brazos County, Texas. The pennit area is near UTM coordinates 762282.50 East and 3383523.97 North (Zone 14) on the Wellborn 7.5-minute USGS quadrangle map in the USGS Hydrologic Unit 12070103. OTHER AGENCY AUTHORIZATIONS: State Water Quality Certification PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project involves the construction of a mixed development including single and multi-family residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational uses, with integrated nature preserves, green spaces, pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and stormwater detention facilities (sheets 1-12of12). The construction would result in the discharge of approximately 5,250 cubic yards of material impacting approximately 5.89 acres of waters of the United States, including wetlands. Of the 5.89 acres of waters of the United States potentially impacted, approximately 3.13 acres of impacts are associated with Spring Creek and associated tributaries while 2.76 acres are associated with impacts to wetlands (sheet 3 of 12). The proposed work would affect approximately 7,200 feet of creek channel through filling, channelizing, and impounding. Channelization of Spring Creek would involve the construction of an earthen channel 30 feet wide at the bottom. Box culverts would be utilized at road crossings and allow for movement of aquatic organisms. A small impoundment (0.05 acre) would be created on tributary 2 (sheet 6 of 12). The existing impoundment located on ;~~ .. '"tributary 4 (sheet 5 qf 12) would be modified with a flow-restrictor culvert to provide on-site detention. The 1.56-acre reduction in size of this pond was included in the calculation of potentially impacted waters of the United States even though the area may retain characteristics of waters of the United States. Wetland impacts occur throughout the project site and vary from 0.02 acre to 0.69 acre (sheet 3 of 12). } . The applicant has modified the original proposal to reduce adverse impacts to waters of the United States to approximately 50% of the total acreage of waters of the United States on the project site. To compensate for adverse impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands, the applicant proposes to preserve, in perpetuity, a total of approximately 33 acres of the property, including existing wetlands and riparian areas. An additional 38.06 acres are proposed to be preserved as a Conservation Reserve (CR) for impacts to the endangered Navasota ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes parksii) (see section on "THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES" below for further discussion of impacts to threatened and endangered species). The total area preserved as mitigation would include approximately 71.06 acres. PUBLIC INTEREST REVIEW FACTORS: This application will be reviewed in accordance with 33 CFR 320-330, the Regulatory Program of the U. S. Ai-my Corps of Engineers (USACE), and other pertinent laws, regulations, and executive orders. Our evaluation will also follow the guidelines published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pursuant tb Section 404(b )( 1) of the CW A. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact, including cumulative impact, of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concerns for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefits which reasonably may be expected to. accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered, including its cumulative effects. Among the factors addressed are conservation, econpmics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shore . erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. The USACE is soliciting comments from the public; federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the USACE in determining whether to issue, issue with modifications, or conditions, or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects, and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall , public interest of the proposed activity. 2 :~'.•. STATE WATER.QUALITY CERTIFICATION: Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) certification is required. Concurrent with the processing of this Department of the Army application, the TNRCC is reviewing this application under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, and Title 31, Texas Administrative Code Section 279.1-.13 to determine if the work would comply with State water quality standards. By virtue of an agreement between the USACE and the TNRCC, this public notice is also issued for the purpose of advising all /, known interested persons that there is pending before the TNRCC a decision on water quality certification under such authorities. Any comments concerning the application for water quality certification must be submitted to the Executive Director, Attention: 401 Coordinator, Standards and Assessment Section, Water Quality Division, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Mail Code 150, 12100 Park 35 Circle, P.O. Box 13087, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. The public comment period extends 30 days from the date of publication of this notice. A copy of the public notice with a description of work is made available for review in the TNRCC's Austin Office. The complete application may be reviewed in the USACE's office. The TNRCC may conduct a public hearing to consider all comments concerning water quality if requested in writing. A request for a public hearing must contain the following information: the name, mailing address, application number, or other recognizable reference to the application; a brief description of the interest of the requestor, or of persons represented by the requester; and a brief description of how the application, if granted, would adversely affect such interest. THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES: The USACE has reviewed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) latest published version of threatened and endangered species to determine if any may occur in the project area. The proposed project would be located within the migratory route of the whooping crane (Grus americana) and the piping plover (Charadrius melodus). The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and the Navasota ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes parksii) are known to occur in Brazos County. Each of these is an endangered species. Our initial review indicates that the proposed work would have no effect on threatened or endangered species except for the Navasota ladies' -tresses. Navasota ladies' -tresses do occur on the project site and may be affected by the project. Navasota ladies' -tresses may also be affected by the proposed construction, by the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT), of State Highway 40 through the applicant's property. The USACE and the applicant are coordinating with the USFWS and the TXDOT concerning the potential construction of SH 40 from FM 2154 to North Graham Road. The proposed Conservation Reserve (discussed above under Project Description) may compensate for impacts of this project on the Navasota ladies'-tresses, and potentially on the impacts of SH 40. The USACE will conduct formal consultation on the Navasota ladies'-tresses with the USFWS and will comply with the requirements of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act in the processing of this permit application. 3 . NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES: The USACE has reviewed the latest . complete published version of the National Register of Historic Places and found no listed properties to be in the project area. However, presently unknown scientific, archaeological, cultural or architectural data may be lost or destroyed by the proposed work under the requested pennit. !. SOLICITATION OF COMMENTS: The public notice is being distributed to all known interested persons in order to assist in developing fact upon which a decision by the USACE may be based. For accuracy and completeness of the record, all data in support of or in opposition to the proposed work should be submitted in writing setting forth sufficient detail to furnish a clear understanding of the reasons for support or opposition .. PUBLIC HEARING: Prior to the close of the comment period any person may make a written request for a public hearing setting forth the particular reasons for the request. The District Engineer will determine whether the issues raised are substantial and should be considered in his pennit decision. If a public hearing is warranted, all known interested persons will be notified of the time, date, and location. CLOSE OF COMMENT PERIOD: All comments pertaining to this Public Notice must reach this office on or before May 20, 2000, which is the close of the comment period. Extensions of the comment period may be granted for valid reasons provided a written request is received by the limiting date. If no comments are received by that date, it will be considered that there are no objections. Comments and requests for additional information should be submitted to Mr. Barry Osborn; Regulatory Branch, CESWF-EV-R; U. S. Army Corps of Engineers; Post Office Box 17300; Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300. You may visit the Regulatory Branch in Room 3A37 of the Federal Building at 819 Taylor Street in Fort Worth between 8:00 A.M. and 3:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. Telephone inquiries should be directed to (817)978-2681. Please note that names and add,resses of those who submit comments in response to this public notice may be made publicly available. DISTRICT ENGINEER FORT WORTH DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS 4 LOCATION PURPOSE1 The purpose of this project Is to creote o mixed use development to Include slnole and multl-foml ly residential uses, conmerclal uses, Institutional uses, and recreational uses, as wel I as lnteoroted E A R Project Number 19970041 Sheet 1 of 12 E c H A "t"qco INTERNATIONAL LTD. COMPANY nature preserves ond storm water detention foci l ltles.1--------------------------- SUBM I TTEO BY1 IJA. TIU CROWLEY CROWLEY OEVELOPUENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1)01 UCKINN(Y. SUITE )500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9611 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. lo.1010 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS GENERAL LOCATION MAP f !- LOCATION PURPOSE a The purpose of this project Is to creote o mixed use development to Include slnQle ond rn.Jltl-foml ly ·resident lo I uses, corrmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol uses, ond recreotlonol uses, os well os lnteQroted E Project Numb.er 199700476 H Sheet 2of12 A R E c H A 'fqco INTERNATIONAL L TO. COMPANY nature preserves ond storm water detention foci I ltles .. 1--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--; SU8M I TTEO BY1 UR. TIU CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS LJA PROJECT NO. ~591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT N0.10~010 USGS TOPOGRAPH I c MAP -:-... ~. .. . --~~-~~~-T4~~~l~~~~~~i~~ ~~· · . : · · ' . _ .R91?.QSEP~GrSil:.O,.\Y •. 6.;p:RS~9F.i:~.$.Uif,ES-,t_ll'iGLUPIN.~;~~S~~ AREA I ·oN-SITE ACREAGE ... IMPACT TYPE OF IMPACT .•. WETLANDS A 0.48 0.48 acre fill B 0.69 0.69 acre fill c 0.18 0.18 acre excavation I D 0.02 0.02 acre I fill - E 0.18 0.18 acre fill F 0.19 0.19 acre excavation G 0.12 no impact no impact H 0.65 no impact no impact I 0.01 no impact no impact ] 0.08 no impact no impact K 0.20 0.20 acre fill L 0.04 0.04 acre fill M 0.45 0.45 acre draining N 0.33 0.33 acre draining Total Wetlands 3.62 Total Wetland Impacts: 2.76 1.61 acres fill, 0.37 acre excavation, 0.78 acre draining WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES, EXCLUDfNG WETLANDS Spring Creek 2.35 0.85 acre 0.71 acres fill, 0.14 acre draining Tributary 1 0.39 0.44 acre 0.39 acres fill on-site, 0.05 acres fill off-site to realign tributary -- Tributary 2 0.59 0.14acre .09 acres fill, 0.05 acres-impoundment Tributary 3 0.12 no impact no impact Tributary 4 2.06 0.12 acre 0.09 acre fill , 0.03 acre temporary excavation Tributary 5 0.24 0.02 acre 0.017 acre fill, 0.004 acre temporary excavation Impoundment 1 2.47 1.56 acre draining Total Waters, 8.22 Total Waters Impacts: 3.13 1.35 acres fill, 1.70 acres drained, 0.05 acres excluding impoundment, 0.03 acre temporary excavation wetlands Total Waters, 11.84 . TOTALll\1PACTS: 2.96 acre.s fill, 0.3 7 acres excavation, 2.48 acre$ including 5.89 ACRES draining, 0.05 acres impoundment, 0.03 acre wetlands -· . temporary excavation The impacts listed on Table 1 are illustrated on sheets 4 through 8. ENG FORM 4345 EDITION OF SEP 91 IS OBSOLETE Project Number 1997004 Sheet 3 of 12 LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ADJACENT WETLANDS t'NATERS OF THE UNITED STATES)· LOCATION ------PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE 0 o. 25 - - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LINE SCALE IN "41LES BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, ·PREL1"41NARY OETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXl!.IATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,• AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 1997004 76. PURPOS£1 The purpose of this project Is to creote o mixed use development to Include sln91e ond multl-fomlly residential uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol E A '·' l .,., .~ .. -•• ---... ·----------- Project Number 199700476 Sheet 4of12 :. ~ " ;.: .· .. , uses, and recreot I ono I uses, os we I I os I nte9roted A rqco.IN.T.c,ER.._ ___________ _. nature preserves and storm water detent ion foci i ltles.1-------------------------1 SUBMI TTEO BY• MR. TIU CROWLEY CROWLEY OEVELOPUENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER !JOI MCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJ(CT NO. ~59'-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 1~010 SIT£1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE OVERVIEW MAP INSET B <EXHIBIT Bl \'' I:· 0 LOCATION 500' SCALE IN FEET LEGEND ~ WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ~.$). m 1 WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE I LIP ACTED WETLANDS TO REl.lAIN WETLANDS TO BE ILIPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE - - - -INSET BOUNDARY LI NE ----SANITARY SEWER z <.:> 0 BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WETLANDS OF THE APPROXl~ATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,• AUGUST 1997. VERIFIE BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to Include sln9le and multi-family residential uses, comnerclol uses, Institutional '· E A R T :-Project Number 199700476 I : Sheet 5 of 12 ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nte9roted A 'fqcQJ.1:11..------------ ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.1----------------------- ~ SUBMITTED BYt SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT -UR. T It.I CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~ CHEVRON TOWER ~ 1301 MC~INNEY, SUITE 3500 ~ MOUSTONa TEXAS 77010 AUCUS T, I 999 LJA PROJ£CT NO. ~591·9811· EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 1~010 LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET A ! c LOCATION 0 500' SCALE IN FEET LEGEND =-::. WATERS Of' THE UNITED STATES WATERS Of' THE UNITED STATES TO BE ll.IPACTED ~ WETLANDS TO REUAIN ~I WETLANDS TO BE ll.IPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNOARY LINE ---- -INSET BOUNDARY LINE ----•SANITARY SEWER BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT," AUGUST 1997. VERIF IED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 1997004 76. o1-------------------------.----------------------1 5 PURPOSE• . -:-...--- ' ' • ) The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use development to. Include slnQle and m.Jltl-fomlly · res I dent I a I uses, comnerc Io I uses, Inst I tut I ono I uses, and recreotlonol uses, as wel I as lnteQroted E A R Project Number 199700476 Sheet 6of12 A t-qcD·lN'-----------.... nature preserves and storm water detent I on foe I I It I es.1---------""------------------1 SUBMITTED BY1 t.IR. T It.I CROWLEY , CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 770 10 AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT HO. ~591·9811 E.l.RTH TECH PROJECT NO. IO~OtO SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET 8 z Cl 0 INSET 0 ( EXHIBIT I 0 l .. ' f .. : I ?-.. , I . ( LOCATION 0 500' SCALE IN FEET = :: ~I LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE llAPACTEO WETLANDS TO REUAIN ~~ -WETLANDS TO BE ll.IPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LI NE INSET BOUNDARY LINE PROPOSED DRAINAGE CHANNEL ---SANITARY SEWER BASE MAP SOURCE1 WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINAR~ DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735 -ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VERIFIEC BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. !---------------------------.-----------------'------~ PURPOSE1 ~ The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use Bi development to Include sln<Jle and ~ltl-fcrnl ly u / resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol E A R W project Number 19970047E Sheet 7 of 12 ;;; uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nte<Jroted A ~qco /NrE.4m'l"r"J'l'm!~'!"!"~~.,,.,,....--­ ':' notur"e preser"ves and storm water detention foci l ltles.1-----------------------~ SUB~ITTED BYs .... -LIA. TIU CROWLEY ~ CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 0 -, 0 a: a.. / CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UC~INNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. TEXAS 77010 AUCUS T, I 999 LJA PROJECT HO. ~591-9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 1~010 SITEa 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET C z u 0 LOCATION 0 500' SCALE IN FEET LEGEND ~== WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ~I WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES TO BE lt.IPACTEO ~}/."/,' ~~(~ WETLANDS TO REMAIN ~I wETLANOS TO BE IUPACTED -----PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE - -----INSET BOUNDARY LINE PROPOSED .DRAINAGE CHANNE L ----SANITARY SEWER BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, 'PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VER IFIED BY THE USACE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. . 0 1------------------------.------------------------i ~ PURPOSE• a: 0. "' u The purpose of this project Is to create o mixed use [ A / development "to Include sln<;ile and rrultl-fcrnlly R ,J ; TH· ProjectNumber199700476 _ residential uses, conmerclol uses, lnstltutlonol Sheet8of12 ~ uses, and recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I nte<;iroted A t-q_qg_fN.T·tL.------------' :.. nature preserves end storm water detent I on foe I I It I es.1--------------------'----i "' "' ... - >< VI 0 -, 0 0:: 0. / SUBM ITTED BY1 MR. T II.I CROWLEY CROWLEY OEVELOPUENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UC~INNEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591 ·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO, 1~010 SIT£1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED CONDITIONS INSET D •.:•. 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 LOCATION SCALEt I' • I oo· HOR. I"• 10' .. VER. 0•00 . I +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 LEGEND L:>.><d PROPOSED FILL ~-PROPOSED EXCAVATION -FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK NOTEt THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG SPRING CREEK. THIS CREEK. AS WELL AS TRIBUTARY I ANO A PORTION OF TRIBUTARY 2 ARE PROPOSED TO BE CHANNELIZED FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVEYING STORMWATER DRAINAGE OFF THIS SITE. THIS REPRESENTS a A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ALONG THESE AREAS PROPOSED FOR CHANNELIZATION. 0 c:i u PURPOSEs ~ The pur-pose of this project ts to create o mixed use S development to Include slnQle and multl·f()'Tll ly E A R T . ~ ; residential uses, corrmerclat uses, Institutional i ; uses. and ~ec~eotlonol uses. as welt as lnteQrated A~''£:L7/NT Project Number 19970047E Sheet 9of12 ':' noture preserves and storm water detent I on foe l_I It I es.1-------"'-·--=-:....:-·:....:-:....:· --------------"' "' .... >< .,, 0 ..., 0 a: Q. SUBM I TTEO BY1 IS!. TIU CROWLEY CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 YCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 ••l'\ll('T/U.I TC'VAC: 77n1n AUGUST, 1999 LJA PROJ€CT HO. ~59l-9811 c lDTU Tcr .. oon.ti:'rT NO. 10.COIO SITE1 735 -ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION l.HANNE L 17ATION OF CREEK 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 0•00 TEXAS * LOCATION SCALE1 I" •100' .HOR. I"• 10' VER. IUr-- -..:,.·.: :-·.· ........ ··· -·:-· .. ··.·:·::/ \ J '\ v f\ I/ ~~ ~~ I •00 2•00 3+00 !. r_llATURl>I. GllOJllO 6 l(J'dTRC./J 4·+00 - 5+00 LEGEND L/.~:.-: ... -Xi PROPOSED FI LL tm . PROPOSED EXCAVA T I ON - FILL BELOW NORMAL HIGH WATER MARK G+oo z 0 0 NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF A PROPOSED ROAD CROSSING OF SPRING CREEK. ALTHOUGH THE NUMBER OF BOX CULVERTS VARIES, THIS ILLUSTRATES A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OF SEVERAL ROAD CROSSINGS PROPOSED FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. 5 PURPOSE• ~ The purpose of this project ts to create a mixed use 5 development to Include slnQle ond rn.Jlt .1-fonl ly u E ···--··~ A R T .. / residential ~ses, comnerclol uses, lnstltuttonol Project Number 199700476 Sheet 10 of 12 ;; uses. and recreot Iona I uses. os we I I os I nteQrated A -t-qf::.p.(N ~ nature preserves and storm water detent I on foe I 1 It I es.L----..:..:..:~=.:..:~===========~L~ -~ SUBM I TTEO BY• ... _ IS!. TIU CROWLEY ~ CROwt.EY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 0 .., 0 a: a.. / CHEVRON TOWER 1)01 UC~INHEY, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON. TEXlS 77010 AUCUST, 1999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. 1(}1040 SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION COUNTY• BRAZOS COUNTY, T~X AS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION ROAD CROSSINl. .~ .. :· .. 285 ·.:•. 280 275 ... ,., __ ----------270 -..;.,_, ..... 265 260 1+00 0+00 285 280 I.HO 275 270 265 260 7+00 6•00 LOCATION SCALE• I" •I 00' HOR. I" •IO' VER. 2+00 8+00 \ ---- . 3+00 4+00 5+00 t ·tr~ 9+00 10•00 I 1+00 LEGEND L>-~:.-: <J. PROPOSED FI LL ~ PROPOSED EXCAVATION - FILL BELOW NOR~AL HIGH WATER l.CARK z CJ 0 NOTE• THIS EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATES A CROSS SECTION OF PROPOSED FILL TO BE PLACED IN WETLAND AREAS A ANO B FOR THE PURPOSE OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION. THIS REPRESENTS A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION THROUGH WETLAND AREAS WHICH ARE PROPOSED TO BE FILLED. d f-------------------------.,.---------------------~ ~ PURPOSE• ~ The pur-pose of this project Is to creote o mixed use 8 development to Include sln9te ond rn.Jltl-foml ly ~ resldentlol uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol E A R H Project Number 199700_"17 Sheet 11 of 12 · ~ uses, and recreatlonal uses. as wel I as lnteorated A t-qco/NT L..---------- ..:. notur-e preserves ond storm wot er de tent I on foe I I It I es.1---------------------~ "' "' .., SUBM I TTEO 8Y1 -LR. T II.I CROWLEY "' "' 0 ..., 0 a: Cl. CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 UCKINNEY, SUITE 3500 111"\1 t~Tl\.u TCvac '77nrn AUCUS T, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. "4591-9811 ~ &DTU TC("U e>on tC'r T wn lf\4ft'\ln SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION Fii I OF WETLAND AREAS z u 0 28-1 38. 06 Ac. + Conservotlon Reserve Open Space Ap_prox. 33. O Ac. • Deed Restricted Natural Area .~ * -LEGEND ~ - WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES .WETLANDS (WA TEAS Of THE UNITED STA TESJ ,: CONSERVATION RESERVE DEED RESTRICTED NATURAL AREA LOCATION PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE 0 1400' SCALE IN FEET BASE MAP SOURCE• WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE ·CROWLEY TRACT,' AUGUST 1997. VERIFIED BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. er. > 1-------------------------.-------------------------1 ~ PURPOSE• S The pur-pose of this project Is to create o mixed use ~ development to Include slnQle and rn.Jltl-fonlly E A R Project Number 199700476 Sheet 12 ofl 2 ~ r.es I dent Io I uses, corrmerc Io I uses, Inst I tut I ono I ~ uses, and recreot I one I uses, as we I I as I nteQroted A 'f:qco INTE._ ___________ .,. ~ nature preserves and storm water detention foci I ltles.1----,------------------------1 N .... SUBM I nrn· .. BY1 -MR. T II.I CROWLEY' "' 11'1 0 .... 0 a: Q. / CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CHEVRON TOWER 1301 IACKINN(Y, SUITE 3500 HOUSTON, TEXAS 77010 AUGUST, I 999 LJA PROJECT NO. ~591·9811 EARTH TECH PROJECT NO. IQ.4010 SITE1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATIONr COLLEGE STATION COUNTY1 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PROPOSED MITIGATION AREAS .1 Fi ied for Record in: . 1'~auffY,.------- ~) On: RJT 25,2001 at 02:32/JH . 1 . , l •••· •.• ~;· ... - :· ~ 0 4 1 1741551 20.80 eceipt Nu1b r -170943 By, 28-1 38. 06 Ac. Conser-votion Reser-ve Open Space ylvia Polan ky :z .., ~ 0 y ci > 0 :z 0 u "' u ::: ~ 0 ,_ a> I \0 I~ N ..,. 1·~ --- I "' "' 0 Ap_prox . 33. 0 Ac. • Deed Restricted Natura I Ar-ea ., LOCATION 1400' ~' -~ '. SCALE IN FEET .... ' .;·~ ... :-··~ ,·, ·. LEGEND WATERS OF THE UNITED Sl WETLANDS rNA TEAS OF THE UNITED STA TE CONSERVATION RESERVE OE£0 RESTRICTED NATURAL AREA PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE BASE MAP SOURCE1 WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNI STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. \ BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. A PURPOSEa The pur-pose of this project Is to create a mixed use E R T H Project Number199i Sheet 12of1 development to Include sln9le and multl-fomlly resldentlal uses, conmerclal uses, lnstltutlonol uses, and r-ecr-eattonal uses, as wel I as lnte9r-oted ArL/cL7!NTE ... .-.-.-.-.---------· notur-e preserves ond stor-m water detention focllltles.1----~--~------~--------~----------~­SITE• 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT SUBM I TTEO BYa UR. TIU CROWLEY . ·CROWLEY OEVELOPUENT CORPORATION LOCATION1 COLLEGE STATION rnrnJTYr RIH. 7(), ('{)llN TY. TF)(t.C:: .. 0741551 COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS DATE: April 1' ~ , 2001 OWNER: Timothy J. Crowley OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS: · 1301 McKinney, Suite 3500 Houston, Harris County, Texas 77010 PROPERTY: Being those tracts of land located in the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, more particularly described on pages 1 through 5 of Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. PREAMBLE: A. Owner is the owner of Property and the Property is located in the general vicinity depicted on page 6 of Exhibit "A"; and B. Owner, in accordance with Permit Number 199700476 issued by the United States Department of Army, Corps of Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, is required, as a condition of obtaining the aforementioned pennit, to impose certain protective covenants, conditions and restrictions on the Property to provide for mitigation of the impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands and as set forth below; and DECLARATION: NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby declared (i) that all of the Property shall be held, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the following covenants, conditions and restrictions, which shall run with the Property and which shall be binding on all parties having any right, title, or interest in or to the Property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns; and (ii) that each contract or deed that may hereafter be executed with regard to the Property or any portion thereof shall conclusively be held to have been executed, delivered and accepted subject to the following covenants, conditions and restrictions regardless of whether or not the same are set out or referred to in said contract or deed. 1. Restrictions on Use of Properly. Except as provided in Section 2 below, the Property shall be maintained in its natural state as a stream riparian and wetland mitigation area. Livestock grazing and mowing are not allowed on the Property. 2. Permitted Uses of the Properly. The Property may be used for the following purposes: a. · Establishment and public utilization of hike and bike trails to be located along the fringe of the Property, consisting primarily of a natural permeable material allowing for natural drainage conditions to exist. In limited areas prone to erosion or excessive maintenance or within fifty feet (50') of the perimeter of the Property, concrete or other impermeable materials may be used to construct the trails. Landscaping following trail installation/construction activities on the Property is allowed. The hike and bike trail system may include water stations, lighting, restrooms, picnic tables and rest areas. The hike and bike trail may cross Spring 0 4 1 2 5 0 0 1 4 1 0741551 Creek and the associated tributaries located on the Property and such crossings may require the construction of bridges or culverts. The understory on the Property may be removed in selected areas near the hike and bike trail to accommodate the water stations, lighting, restrooms and rest areas. Herbicides and pesticides may be applied immediately adjacent to the trails. b. Installation of temporary and/or permanent protective fences. I c. d. Installation of guide, warning, prohibited access and other signs related to the hike and bike trails. Exploration for or extraction of oil, gas and other minerals below the surface of the Property; provided such exploration or extraction does not utilize or disturb the surface of the Property. e. Installation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer line crossing the Property. An easement will be maintained along the sanitary sewer line for access and repair of the line. f. Exercise of the rights under any easements or rights of way of record in the office • of the County Clerk of Brazos County, Texas. 3. Permitted Exceptions. These restrictions are made subject to any and all matters, ordinances, restrictions, covenants, conditions, encumbrances, rights of way, easements and all outstanding mineral and royalty interests, if any, affecting the Property, whether or not of record in the office of the County Clerk of Brazos County. 4. Amendment and Termination. This instrument may only be amended or terminated in whole or in part by written instrument signed by the then owners of the Property and the United States Army Corps of Engineers. 5. Covenants Running with the Land. The provisions of this instrument will be deemed to be covenants running with the land and binding on the Property and all parties having any right, title or interest in and to the Property, or any part thereof. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS § § fl~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on the £-3 day of April, 2001, by TIMOTHY J. CROWLEY. ~t1 _l}odh-i NotPUbiiC)State of Texas~ 0 4 1 ·=-&.;;;;. 5 0 0 1 4 ·=-'- ' ' :METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPfION OF A 21.0925 ACRES TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-54 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 0741551 All that tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Brazos County, Texas, and being situated in the Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54, and being a part of the same tract of land described in a deed to Timothy J. Crowley, as recorded in Volume 1415, Page 74, of the Brazos County Official Records, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all control referred to the 1927 Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, Central Zone: COMMENCING at a fencepost for the north comer of said Crowley tract, also being a point in the southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6, also being the east comer of the John M. Lawrence, ill, 247.46 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 929, Page 216, of the B.C.O.R., having a Texas State Plane Coordinate Value of X= 3,576,278.52 (E), Y = 10,192,792.33 (N) THEN CE South 41°27'48" West, a distance of 2,819 .31 feet to a point for comer for the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 83°02'23" East, a distance of 443.49 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 54 °55' 51" East, a distance of 359 .52 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 88°09'02" East, a distance of 162.57 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 36°21 '05" East, a distance of 27.64 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 46°01 '28" West, a distance of 158.51 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 45°58'47" West, a distance of 314.31 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 57°39' 52" West, a distance of 206.65 feet to a point" for comer; THENCE South 60°27'53" West, a distance of 134.79 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 79°48'29" West, a distance of 96.18 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 41°59'36" West, a distance of 101.11 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 7°08' 56" West, a distance of 210.26 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 60°55'47" West, a distance of 99.99 feet to a point for comer; ~HIBIT A 'age __ 1 _.. .. 01 ___ &-Paoo!I 0 4 1 2 5 0 0 1 4 3 THENCE South 39°26'59" West, a distance of 93.24 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 39°51 '46" West, a distance of 74.22 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 50°41 '33" West, a distance of 62.75 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 82°52' 14" West, a distance of 35.59 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 37°10'01" West, a distance of 32.15 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 87°08'08" West, a distance of 17.68 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 34°18'51" West, a distance of 42.29 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 6°40' 59" West, a distance of 62.98 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 17°23 '32" East, a distance of 53.89 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South, a distance of 17 .65 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 46°49'45" West, a distance of 16.83 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 16°08'04" West, a distance of 30.36 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 30°11'47" East, a distance of 83.35 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South, a distance of 47.16 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 44°19' 10" West, a distance of 40.30'feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 87°31' 11" West, a distance of 50.63 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 82°24'36" West, a distance of 33.58 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 54°14'28" West, a distance of 38.38 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 16°24'44" West, a distance of 76.02 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 11°57'50" West, a distance of 99.39 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 87°23'03" West, a distance of 18.21 feet to a point for comer; THENCE around a curve to the left having a delta angle of 12°48'49", an arc distance of 187.86 feet, a radius of 840.00 feet, and a chord of South 80°58'38" West, a distance of 187.47 feet to a point for comer; e 4 1 ·=-'- 5 0 0 1 4 4 .•' 10 /"41 ::i51 THENCE North 37°27'28" East, a distance of 12.01 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 64°46'47" East, a distance of 30.60 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 22°15'36" West, a distance of 231.42 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 39°32'28" West,~ distance of 127.86 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 6'1°41 '00" West, a distance of 63.26 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 84°17'08" West, a distance of 258.24 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 43°11 '17'' East, a distance of 608.41 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 43°20' 10" East, a distance of 925.34 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing 918788 square feet or 21.0925 acres. Dante Carlomagno Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 1562 Crowley-Parcel-3b I .doc 02-23-2001 ~HIBIT lft---:2, 0 4 1 2 5 0 0 1 4 5 n---- l\1ETES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPI'ION OF A 11.6300 ACRES TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-54 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 0741551 All that tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Brazos County, Texas, and being situated in the Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54, and being a part of the same tract of land described in a deed to Timothy J. Crowley, as recorded in Volume 1415, Page 74, of the Brazos County Official Records, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all control referred to the 1927 Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, Central Zone: COMMENCING at a fencepost for the north comer of .said Crowley tract, also being a point in the southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6, also being the east comer of the John M. Lawrence, ill, 247.46 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 929, Page 216, of the B.C.O.R., having a Texas State Plane Coordinate Value of X= 3,576,278.52 (E), Y = 10,192,792.33 (N) THENCE South 33°47'56" West, a distance of 4,108.16 feet to a point for comer for the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 11°57' 50" West, a distance of 70.96 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 73°21 '03" West, a distance of 50.19 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 79°47'20" West, a distance of 30.90 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 14°27'26" West, a distance of 11.19 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 11°51 '44" East, a distance of 159.13 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 60°47'40" East, a distance of 81.70 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 56°18' 17" East, a distance of 23.91 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 21 u57'24" West, a distance of 152.65 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 42°50'38" West, a distance of 292.95 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 15°03' 13" West, a distance of 248.72 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 87°11 '04" West, a distance of 456.89 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 29°30'58" West,-a distance of 322.07 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 85°17'53" West, a distance of 403.38 feet to a point for comer; !XHIBl1 ----A~-­ •oane _ 4_ot la Paae' 0 4 1 ·.=. &..;. 5 0 0 1 4 6 . . • ... . THENCE North 39°39'40" East, a distance of 291.35 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 5°28'07" East, a distance of 100.09 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 47°17'22" East, a distance of 108.60 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 73°27'09" East, a distance of 317.77 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 24°08'01" East, a distance of 143.13 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 37°27'28" East, a distance of 650.24 feet to a point for corner; 0741551 THENCE around a curve to the right having a delta angle of 21°32'27'', an arc distance of 285.73 feet, a radius of 760.00 feet, and a chord of North 76°2.5'03" East, a distance of 284.05 feet to to the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing 506602 square feet or 11.6300 acres. Dante Carlomagno Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 1562 Crowley-Paicel-3e.doc 02-23-2001 .-s: c '- 0 0 1 4 7 P.0.8 . 0.689 Acre-.. ·· ... Proposed Drainage, Sanitation and Other Use Easements and Right of Ways "' PROPOSED CONSERVADON EASEMENT 38.064 ACRES .:.:::. ___ .:;. __ ~ ____ -:_.::..-..=. ___ ::.__ --------------------------. .....::: .. -:-::: ... -_ --=--=---- -.~_ .· Figure 3 C.,..,., j ltOOh;J j iOl'I I j lS..OO·t I -, - 14 T~as Department. ~f Transportation .. 1300 N. TEXAS AVE: • BRYAN, TEXAS 77803-2760 • (409) 778-2165 . .,;;- May 10, 20qo .. · · Mr. Bar.ry Osborn ., . Regulatory Branch, CESWF-EV-R, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth; 'f?C 76102-0300 RE: APPLICATiON # 199700476 FOR DOA PERMIT UNDER SEC. 404 OF CWA (SH 40 CSJ 0540-08-001) .. Dear Mr: Osborn: I appreciate receiving notice of this application. I wish to comment on a statement made in the section on ''Threatened and Endangered Species." The statement reads: ''The proposed Conservation Reserve ... may compensate for impacts of this project on the Navasota ladies'- tresses ... " The 38.06 acres the application refers to are a conservation easement the Texas Department of Transportation (TxD01) is attempting to purchase from Mr. Tim Crowley. This · conservation ·easement is the result of formal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. The purpose of this conservation easement is to mitigate for the impacts of TxDOT's SH 40 project on Navasota ladies'-tresses plants. TxDOT never intended or offered to provide mitigation for Mr. Crowley's development. The mitigation is for primary, not secondary, impacts and the biological opinion states the "effects of the development of :tvir. Crowley's property are beyond the scope of this opinion." I thank you again for the opportunity to make these comments. If you have questions or comments about the SH 40 project's development, please call me at (979) ?78-9707. cc: :''."bee: Sincerely, -¥2/J/ff,I. ..... l41 Y> ,.p - ~ Robert A. Appleton, P.E. Director of Transportation Pl~ingand Development :tvfr. Ken Bohuslav, Deputy Director, Environmental Division, TxDOT Mr. Dave Frederick, Supervisor, Fish and Wildlife Service, 10711 Burnet-Road, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78758 ROW Planning . Reading File An Equal Opportunity Employer ,, ~J1ea tor Record in: ·BPJllts auar.-------- 1 On: {IP" ES,2001 at 02:32PH 1741551 20.ee ece i pt Nu•b r -178943 By, ylvia Polan ky 28-I 38. 06 Ac. • Conser-vat ion Reser-ve Open Space Ap_pr-ox. 33. 0 Ac. Deed Restricted Notur-o I Ar-ea ., ~, -~ .. ~ ~ .. 0 LOCATION 1400' SCALE IN FEET ..... , .· .-. ::··· .· ~ 0 4 1 ·=-'- . ii. 1-,i _ ---·' .. < .. -~-:. .. 8 · LEGEND mm ~~00<: . > -iw,~ •· . ~.;:i !:< . WATERS OF THE UNITED ST WETLANDS rNA TERS OF THE UNITED STA TE: CONSERVATION RESERVE DEED RESTRICTED NATURAL AREA PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE :z 0 ~ 0 ti BASE MAP SOURCE1 WETLAND DELINEATION EXHIBIT, "PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION OF THE WATERS OF THE UNI STATES ANO WETLANDS OF THE APPROXIMATELY 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT,· AUGUST 1997. V BY THE USAGE ON FEBRUARY 18, 1998, PROJECT NUMBER 199700476. :D > 0 :z: 0 u "' u "" ~ 0 ... O'I ' '° I~ N ..,, r .. ---I ~ "' PURPOSE• The purpose of this project Is to cr-eote o mixed use E A R T ·· H Project Number1997 Sheet 12of1 development to Include slnQle ond m.Jltl-fomlly residential uses, comnerclol uses, lnstltutlonol uses, ond recreot I ono I uses, as we I I as I ntec;ir-oted A t-qco /NT£ .. ._ ________ _ notur-e preserves and storm water detent I on foe I I It I es.1---------------------- SUBMITTED BY• MR. TIU CROWLEY . CROWLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION S IT [1 735-ACRE CROWLEY TRACT LOCATION• COLLEGE STATION C:OllNTYt RQt.7nC: rnrnJTV n::-VAC