HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-2285 - Ordinance - 12/11/1997 ORDINANCE NO. 2285 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 1638, THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING A PENALTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Ordinance 1638, The Zoning Ordinance for the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, be'rog a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days at~er its publication in the newspaper, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this.11 t~lay of DECEMBER ,1997. A~TEST: CONN~ HOOKS, City Secretary APPROVED: LYNI~ McILHANEY, Mayor Ordinance No. 2285 EXHIBIT A Page 2 AMEND CHAPTER 15, SECTION 15.2 TO ADD 15.2 (F) AS FOLLOWS: 15.2 (F) -T.o auth. orize up. on appe..al variances to the. drainage ordinance, that wnen ac[.,ing i,n. this .capaq!!y, the Zoning Boarp of. Adjust .ments must.have one of tne alternates witn an engineering DacKgrouno present during hearing of case. AMEND CHAPTER 15, SECT 15.3 TO READ AS FOLLOWS 15.3 ORGANIZATION OF TIlE BOARD The .Bqard of A~djustme.nt sh..aJl .con.sist o_.f fige .(5)...members. .who. are [esiaent. s of the u~ty ana qua~inea voters. ~-a.cn sna~ De .ap.R. ol.n. te..(I Tqr .a. .term o.f two (2). yea. rs, except that two .(2) memD.e..rs, appoint.eh' in!tia,y sna, nave. terms,or omy one (.1) year. After the initial, appoint.ments, ~ (2) mempers, snal. I. be._a, ppo~nt, ea in odd numDerea years to maimaln a memDersnip o~ rive (=)~ memDers. cMhembers sh,all .b.e removable for cause.by the City. Council ~pon written arges ana atter a public hearing, vacancies snail be m~ed for the unex.~.i.red..term 9f any mem,ber, wh. pse term b. eco .mes. yacan, t... H.o. weve. r, the City L;ounci~_rnay,proviae tgr tn.e a, ppo!nt,m, ent ot mu..r {4~. a~temate. members of the uoar,a of Adj,ustmeqt wno sna,. se, .rye i,n tne a...Dsen._c~, o[ one (1) or .more re, gu~ar me.m. De,r.s wnen, requesteo to .go sq.. ~w.o_l,z~ ot the alternate members must De ~icenseo enflineers in tne ~tate ot m exas. All cases to be beard by the Board pf Adiusfment will a!ways b,e heard, by a minimum numDer of four {4) memDers. 'These alternate members, wnen appointed, shall.serve for the same period as the regu!ar membe, rs and any va .cancies snail, be fille.d in the same manner and'snail be subject to remova~ as the regular memDers. AMEND CHAPTER 10.4, SECTION B.*AS FOLLOWS: 10.6 SPECIAL RULES FOR C-N DISTRICTS Site, plan review and pro. posed uses within the C-N Neighborhood B.u. sine. ss pistrict are subj,.~ct.to aDproval Uy tne Planning and Zon. ing Comm. issio.n. A~3D~icants snail .file.,an app~ica,tion .m ,r.m. with th.e. City Planner no mss than twenty (20.) days..prio.r, to t, ne reg. ula,ny scneauleg rn_,eeting o?.th.e. Pla.nning a. nd..Zpning ~Jommissiqn. at wp, ich tne p.)an is to De reviewea, rune a p~icafion !orm sn,a.,. D.e accom, paniea Dy ..a, lj s_up.[3O.l'Iin, g infqrmation re.qui.r..,e.d in. Se~oPn 10..1 a.D. ove., a Ijst.p.t prgp. erty ow0.ers.,wlth..i.n.z...uu me.)-, ana a receipt f6r fi~ing tee. The application tee sna~ De aeterminea Dy tne L;~ty t;ounc,. * Property o...wBers within two h_undr...ed (200) fe. et 9f. the site.shall be_iden, tifie, d by the. ~la.nni.ng umce using the max ~[olls supp~iea Dy the ~razos L;ounty .qppraisa~ uistrict. A. T,.he .appJica.,nt s..h.,all.give pub!ic, notice by publication in a local newsp.ager.,as awecte, a Dy the t.;~ty P~anner at ~east fifteen (15) days prior to the date set mr tne public nearing. Ordinance No. 2285 Page 3 B.* The City .Planner shall .notify all p. rope~y.o~.e, rs o.f.[.ecq, rd wit.hin .two._hund.r,e.d {200) f~iet_o.f the.property .in questio, n. at .lea.st ten.(lU~..oays pnor t..o. tne pUDqC ne.a. nng. ,In.e.. nou .ce may o.e se. rv.e.o Dy its (3epq,sit in tne municipmity, propeny aooresseo witn postage paio, in united States mail. C. The. City Plann. er sh.a. II notify t.h,e a. pplkcant 9f..the da~, tim.e, and place for the preliminary rewew of tne project Dy the Project Keview ~Jommntee. D. The Pr.,o~ct. Review Committee shall review thezoningprOpo~sed~Jomm.P.roject, in accordance with SE on 10.2 prior to the Planning and [~ss~on meeting. The Proiect Revie~w Committee. shall submit written r. ecommendations to th.e. Planning and. Zon!ng~Jo.m.m!ssion. A co.py of this r..epq, rt snalJ be sent to the app~ican..t. The. a_pp~ican[snall fi~e ten. (10) copies of the T~na~ site plan as approved 15y the Projem. Keview uommittee, snowih.a all chanaes and re(~u~rements imPOsed by the Prelect Review Commi.ttee.,after wfiich [he PTanning and Zonin. g Commi.ssipn shall herd a public nearing mr tne purpose eT approving or aenying tne project p~an. The .applican.t.o_r..t..h.e.o .wne.rs..of forty p.er~nt (40%) or m.o.re ..of th..e.pro,,oerty ,,wit_h_i.n .t~.o hunar..ea [zuu) met et tne project site may _appeal to tne ~J~ty ~ou.nc~) an.y, .aemrmi.nat.ion m..a. ae by the Planning and_Zoning Commission..'['.he appeal.snou~a De~.m.a.ae Dy petition filed with the City Secretary within ten [10) days after the pUD~iC neanng. AMEND CHAPTER 14, SECTION 14.2 (B) AS FOLLOWS: B. The aRPlican.t .s. hall ~3ive public notice by, publication in a local ne_wspaper of .aenera~ circulation a'[ least fifteen (15) i:lays prior to a date set for a public 15.earing .before th.e C.ommission. The City Planner sha!l notify all.property own.ers eT re.cora within two nunared (2..00) feet of the property in quesuon. Tl'ie ,notice may De se.n/ed by. its deposit iD the municipality0 properly, a..ddre, s.sea .with postage, p..aia,, in United _S.tates...m. ai~ at least ten.(1.0.) Ua. ys prior to tne aate .set tor. the pUD~iC, pea.ring. ~ne ~ity Planner..sna~. a~so give a report ana recommenaadon to me ~Jommiss~on on the aate eT nearing. AMEND CHAPTER 14, SECTION 14.2 (E) AS FOLLOWS: Eo onYperson or persons, jointly_or s_evera, lly aggrieved, by.a de. cision .of th,e ommission may, pre,sent to the C. ity Secretary a.n .appea~, seqin, g. ~orth that. sucn, cision.is unjust.ano/or was maoe i,n eEo. r, in. wno~e ,o.r iq.part..i.ne appe.a.~ .m.u. st in writing, must, specify t.h,e grounos o~ i.njustice a,,no/.o.r.tne points on wnmn tne mmission erreo ano must De signed by tne appe,ant[s~. ShUCl2. app, eal shall b..e presented to the C. ity Secreta..ry within .tte..n (.10) days a. fte. r. e ~na~ oecision of me ~ommission, ano not therearmr. The L;itv =secretary sna, then schedule a public hearing before the City Council and' shall notify all propert, y owner.s within t3v. o hundred (200') fee..t .of the subject .property un.d. er .a. pp,ea~. T.his n.,otice, in a mrm prepare, d by. t. he ~it¥ PI.a. nner,, snml qe. s. erv.eq. Dy. i_ts .aeposk.in ~n.e.m.u.n.icipality, pro. p.eny, a(3(¥ess.?g.w, itn postage pa~o, ~p un)Leo .S. tates,m,,ai[ ana snalj D.e..giv.e.n no later tnan t,e,n [1.,u) o_ay.s p_rjor to me. aate ,set t. or tne pup~ic.,nea~.n.g. ~ofi~'l.cafion., as @repqrea Dy tne. ~;ny Planner, snal.I also De. given, .D.y tn.e. ~ity.~ecret. a. nj. D.y publica..do..n in. a. ~oca.. ! n.e. wspap,e.r .et genera~ circulation at ~east fitteen (1=) aays prior to tne aate set Tor tne publiC neanng. The City Council shall hold a public hearing to consider the appeal and shall uphold the decision of the Commission as it was passed, overturn the decision of the C.omm..issio.n in !ts entir.ety or r..emand, the case back to the Commission for reconsioerauon o~ certain an= specific points. Ordinance No. 2285 Page 4 AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTION 17.4 (B) AS FOLLOWS: 17.4 PUBLIC HEARING AND NOTICE THEREOF A public hearing shall be held by the Commission before making a report to the Council, and a public hearing shall be held by the Council before adopt!ng any amendment to this ordinance. Notice of the public hearing shall be g~ven by ublishing such notice at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the ity of College Station, stating the time and place of such hearing and the substance of the proposed amendment. This notice shall appear in said newspaper at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. A. Publication of the notice shall be the responsibility of the City Planner. Notice of the proposed zoning change shall also be made by the City Planner by mailing notification which shall be served by its deposit in the municipality, properly addressed with postage paid, in IJnited States mail to the person or firm to whom the property is assessed, and to all persons or firms to whom property .within tw~o., h.undre.d. (200) feet of the proposed zoning change is assesse(~ on the ~ity tax ro,s.