HomeMy WebLinkAbout230117 -- Campaign Finance Report -- Nicole GallucciCANDIDATE / OFFICEHOLDER FORM CIOH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT The CIOH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 3 CANDIDATE OFFICEHOLDER NAME 4 CANDIDATE l OFFICEHOLDER MAILING ADDRESS 1 Change of Address 5 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER PHONE 6 CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME 7 CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS (Residence ar Business) 8 CAMPAIGN TREASURER PHONE 9 REPORT TYPE 10 PERIOD COVERED 11 ELECTION 12 OFFICE 14 NOTICE FROM POLITICAL COMMITTEE(S) f i Additional Rages oms1RS 1 MR NICKNAME 0 1MRSrMR NICKNAME Nif Gt31Qi! ADDRESS i PO BOX; FIRST LAST Ci a i-1 cc. COVER SHEET PG 1 1 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers? 2 Total pages filed: APT 1 SUITE # CITY; IDS Ctr cy 5tree - Co1_R.5e.St✓-c2R T AREA CODE PHGf3E NUMBER ((rig) 515- FIRST Caviler 0 LAST a1ItA, ci STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT 1 SUITE 4; MI SUFFIX STATE: ZIP CODE EXTENSION CITY; SUFFIX 705 C1le_cey Sice€t CotiecQ S�a�'i'©r7 T '1 O AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION (979) 57 5 ?-431 January 15 July 15 Month I ELECTION WHTE Month Day It / OFFICE HELD if any. I f 30th day before erection [1 RunOff [ 8th day before electit or Day Year / 2°29. Year 202`. j Primary y'1 General T HROUGl-I ELECTION TYPE R_unofr j Other Description `kr ; Special I13 OFFICE SOUGHT id totown) el rs tkn CA 1 Exceeded modified Reporting Limit Moran I 0 OFFICE USE ONLY Cate Received Date Mand-detiveted et Gate PwAmartced Receipt# Date Processed - Gate Imaged STATE: Amount $ ZIP CODE [ I 15Ih day after campaign r treasurer appointment (CfErzhalder Only) Day Final Report tAtlach C{OH - FRf Year i/ .0 / 2°29. Lace 5 THIS BOX IS FOR NOTICE OF POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED OR PDLITICAI` EXPENDITURES MADE BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES TO SUPPORT THE CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER THESE EXPENDITURES MAY HAVE BEEN MADE WITHOUT 7HE CANDIDATES OR OFZGEHGLDER'S KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY tF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXPENDITUURES. COMMITTEE TYPE 1 COMMITTEE NAME Li GENERAL E SPECiF1C comml-TEE ADDRESS COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME I COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASORER ADDRESS Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission GO TOPAGE2 wwLV,lei17ics.sta1e.tx. us Revised 11l1512022 (t1 CANDIDATE 1 OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT 15 C/01-I NAME C'a rrieroq \iicole GaIIt cc! 17 CONTRIBUTION 1. TOTAL MITEA:IIZED POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN TOTALS PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS. OR CONTRIRLITIONS MADE ELECTRONICALLY) EXPENDITURE TOTALS CONTRIBUTION BALANCE OUTSTANDING LOAN TOTALS 18 SIGNATURE 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS, (OTHER THAN PLEDGES. LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) 3. TOTAL uNITEtdi2ED POLITICAL EXPE.N€ ITuRE. 4. TOTAL. POL'=TICAL EXPENDITURES 5 6_ FORM CiOli GOV P gi-lEgT PC 6 Ffter €D (‘Ethics Commission Filers) TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY i OF REPORTING PERIOD TOTAL PicMICI AL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD s 'V $125.00 0..00 00),t)"j 1 .LO U swear, or aThrm. under penalty of perju€y, that the accor paring report is true and cerect and includes all information, required to be reported by me under Title 15, Becton Code. re of Candidate or Officeholder Please complete either option below: 1) Affidavit NOTARY STAMP SEAL Sweet to and substlibeed before me by 20 _.�• to certify which, u fitness my hand aru seat of o;#ice, ff pis `te day of SiOnature of office` atiminiSiBs t'g Gatti Printed r n of officer adrninist,-•i'm oa#r (2) Unsworn Declaration mynameis CMG rriP'rO4 tVic.oIe G21�3.1Cc1 My address is 7o5 C terr 1 red+ [ (street) Executed in 5 C' a-{�xon County: Stale of 1 -A on the Title ai officer administer irtg oath , and my date of birth is / 0 I 1 a °nitele Spa- .. TA i741o, kisJ (city) day of OLfi . 20 `23 , nth) (year) Sifceholder (Declarant) (star:) (rip code) (country) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission vuw,nnrr.ethirs.state.tx. us Revised 81I7/2020 SUBTOTALS - C/OH 13 FILER NAME Cal eror !4 iCo1Q- ►A,a)1 AA.0 C.1 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS NAME OF SCHEDULE 1. SCHEDULE Al: MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 2- [i SCHEDULE A2: NON -MONETARY (IN -KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 3 i I SCHEDULE R: PLEDGE€ CONTRIBUTIONS 4 I I SCHEDULE E: LOANS FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 3 20 Filer €D (Ethics Commission Filers) 5. LXI SCHEDULE FI: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 6. ❑ SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS 7. 8_ I L J SUBTOTAL AMOUNT $ 195.00 SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS S SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD 9(1 SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS 10. p SCHEDULE 11: PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH 11. j7 SCHEDULE 1: NON -POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL, CONTRIBUTIONS 12. 1 SCHEDULE K: INTEREST. CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED TO FILER Forms provided by Texas Mihics Gommissiorl www.etbics.state.tx.us Revised &1712020 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report. The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this fort-. 2 FILER NAME -)J coIe Q a }1 ucc 4 Dates 5 Full name of contributor Q put -at -state a;c (11)g. 1IL 22 ViefQr;a...Salin I I 6 Contributor address: City; State; Zip Code o Skai-i®n l Tx g 4 5 8 Principal occupation 1 Ja title (See Instructions) 9 Employer (See Instructions) SCHEDULE Al 1 Total pages Schedule Al: Date Full name of contributor ❑ out -or -state PAC (1Dif_ �� /17 22 p +ricx Galt LAce% ' Contributor address; City; ( 2 I © Rua* C Rictesp c KtWer Tx 1( 2-4 Principal occupation l job tittle (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 7 Amount cf contribution (V) 15 State; Zip Code Employer (See Instructions) L j out-of-state PAC (Mt Contributor address; Principal occupation 1 Job title (See Instructions) Date City; State; Zip' Code Full name of contributor 0 out-of-state PAC tsox: Amount of contribution ($) Employer (See Instructions) Contributor address; Principal occupation f Job title (See Instructions) City; State; Zip Code $50 Amount of contribution ($) Employer (See Instructions) Amount of contribution (5) ATTACH ADDLT(ONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED if contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided ny Texas Ethics Commission v wwethics.state_tX.us Revised 11/151202 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report. Advertising Expense Accounting/Banking Gonsu;ann Expense Contributions/Donations Made By Candidate(Officeholder/Political Committee Ccediteard Payment 1 Total p4 4 Date 11/9/22 6 Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE lea Schedule F1: i 2 5 Payee name 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date "12/22 Amount ($) 95 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOXS(a) Event Expense Fees Food/Eieverags Expense ,:aifJAwardsfMemorals Expense Legal Services Loan Repayment)Reimbur rnent Office Overhead/Rental Expense Pofiing Expense Printing Expense Sa!arles/WagesiCentractLawor The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. SCHEDULE FI Solicitation/Eundr,ising Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expanse Travai to District Travel Out Of District Other (enters category not listed above) FILER NAME 3 Filer ID Carrteron Nf co e G .!1LCc.+ titkre * Grocer., 7 Payee address; t City; 2001 S. Colk.e3e ANie, Br- an_ DC r11 go t (a) Category (See Categories listed ai the top of this schedule) (b) Descriptten (c) aN cue} (Ethics Commission Filers Stale; Zip Code Check if travel uuts''Ida of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Check if Austin, TX, officeholder tiring expense Candidate / Officeholder name Payee name CDortaItal5 Payee address; Office sought Office held City; 301 t._xCorecs4y D . *., OC? TIC Category ( Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description Fool /S'ra E pertse• Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date 1'/4 /22 Amount ($) n50 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Check if)ravet outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Candidate / Officeholder name Payee name Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C,©H Oreci PC - Payee address; 412<tg 13o01-,vi Ile, R8 )rjifl_TX rf1g c2 Category (Soo O legories listed art the lop of this sahodsto} Check if -travel ootslde of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Candidate / Officeholder name State; Zip Code Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought Office held City; Description State; Zip Code Q0J a+ p mob%; c deal; or s e_ van ` E u 6e,- Check if Austin, TX, officeholder tiring expense Office sought Office held ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission wwr><v_ethics.state_tx.us Revised 8/17/2020 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Acccunting!Banking Consulting Expense ContributionsiDonatiors Made By CandieatelOthceholder/Pcliticat Committee Cfedit Car Payment Event Expense Felts FoodJB overage Ex.-n--nse DiitWAwards/Memonats Expense Legal Services Loin Repayrr ent. Reitz € urseri ent OfEca Overhead;Rental Expense Polling Fxpense Printkrig Expense Salaries.+;ilaees/Coriracfi Labor The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. SCHEDULE FI clicitatinnlFuridraisinrj Expanse Transportation Equipment &Related E p.e_se Travel In District Travel Out O' Disiri Other (enter a category not lis€ed above) 1 Total ns4 s Schedule F 1: j 2 FILER ER NAME 3 aiierd,-0 c..G G0,111:,cl 4 Date [ 5 Payee name 1/5/92 ors Con'jenae.n_ce Bank 6 Amount (5) 7 Payee address; 3 8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE (a) Category (See Categories listen St the to° of this schedule) Fees City; (b) Description Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) n t? Tt' X as State; Zip Code 'lion, --\-11\i Service Gorse. Check if:ra;el outside of Texas_ Complete Set Jule. T. Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder name expenditure to benefit CIOH-! Date Office sought Office held I Payee Warne "/3/29 u bNi's i�za Amount ($) i Payee address- City: I it w !i °2 H r' Rot_ Cb ke5t Si- a+on T T1'1?D Category (See Categories fisted at the tau of this schedule) Description E've n "� �x ec� c' F0 o r� a+ - c)r° 4.l'a rcl 1� r rnte r l PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CiOli Date 1‘/5/22 I Amount ($) $3goo PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE j II I 2 So>,a-l-1--tw es • - Pr. k Co1le �ri , S - I io. ix -71 g �1D State; Zip Code for st c tffr, ircifrocitAckl C1•.edi ttravel os deofTexas.OureptereScheduleT. Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Candidate r Officeholder name Payee name u z �1 ' 5 'r-a co Sko) Payee address; Office sought Office held Complete ONLY it direct expenditure, to benefit Cf0I-1 Category i Categories listed ei the tap of this dss �hets= Description tat; Zip Gone esti- se oocL t�1"" IRd �lsib�e Ne. }-,€J or " r.`t>cic ;travel coiside°flexes. Corviete Schedule T. Check if Austria, Tx. officeholder living expense Candidate I Officeholder- narne Office sought ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THtS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Office he€d Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission ti `<.etthics.state.tx us Revised 8I17/202C POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Ad ertEsing Expense Event Expense €oanRepaymen.'keimbursement Solicita?iort+FkndraisingExpanse. AcccuaLingiaartkieu Fes Othc Overbead[Re1tal xpense Transportation Equipment& Related Expense Conaufliim Expense FcodiBeverage Er.psnse Poliing Expense Travel In District Canirittutions Dor>ations Made By Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Prinrirrg E perw Travel Out Of r sbict- C. auditleatefOfficeholderiPoli5cal Committee Leval Services SaietieusiGenirectLa€:or Other (ertera category not fisted above) Grec itCard Payment PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CJO H Date i\ 1�3/22 Amount ($) Alz 9.1 .4 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form, 1 Total*paages Schedule F1:1 2 FILER NAME 13 Filer lD (Ethics Commission Filers) 1 — caarrleca NV.cGle Gaikeui 4 Date i g Payee name aa b 0 G 7)ll 0 1-- e MSc., TAMU u c ou,s 7 Payee address; City; State; Zirl Code SCHEDULE FI 6 Amount (S) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE S a1ior? ,) TX 7703 (a) Category ;See Gategaries listed at- he top of this scheme; i (b) Description i Vaud y-.e&R le c pai;5 rood_ /re E)pns n C us co) Check i£travel outside of iex s. Complete Sefie-icele T. Cffi-,-cic if Austin, TX, officeholder litiiny aspens® 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C!OH Candidate / Officeholder ramie Date Payee name Office sought Office held "IN /22 'Din'rj\wlv ca 1S Amount ($) € Payee address: City: State; Zip Code 1'3 2 75 ToeRo&+MNIA cn\1e�(�)�e_ S�`a on 'T ii-4 3 Category (Se'Categories listed at the top of this schedule_) I Description I rood, -enSe ! Caw? 5nA. ct5 arr. - Cfled;ittraYBlCelgictsTaxas.D ole:a Schedule T. Check .f Austin. TX, officeholder living expense Candidate F Officeholder name Payee narrate Office sought CA S j t Payee address; city; 1 C 11 e e. ,S a 4# o n Ty, 1 rI ? 4i o Category ta . a:egories llMOd al the lop of this -.c fnduie-1 Description Paper si-atgps c‘otiotth1N et E)Lpts-isesl Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit ClOt-t Office held ZatVi Zip Go -de Check ;ftravefcutsideofTexas. C3ripteteSteduteT Check if Austin. TX. oificetaalder Inetwe a=.eertse Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Ottice held ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED n3 Founts provided by Texas Ethics Commission woveethics.state.bx.us Revised 8/17/2020 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Wan Repaymerateinburserrent Soficitation1FundraisingE se AccountinntSenting Fees Office Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage 1=xpensr Pattie'$ Expense Travel 1n District Corffie3urionstideatimsMadeBy ftltrkianisiMemenatsExperise Prnm.niExpense Travel Out Of(District CarichriataiOffitoehoddetiConvnitee Legal -Services Labor Aer( ra gcxy nuasted above? Caraitt.atrePayrrie 1 Total ;es Schedule F1; 4 Date '/ 1t / 9o23 6 Amount ($) $494.941 8 PURPOSE OF 'EXPENDITURE - 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C104i Date Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct exptsttfore to berletll CON Date Amount ($) PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CIElH The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 FILER NAME 5 Payee "tarn 7 Payee address; 105 C1errj Colkeve_ on (a) Ca (See Categories listed at the top of this echedute) (b) Description rgogty preq;, c>uS y re?o ted as an �C, t m e lRe;roburseX endi}ore ersona ly-+o¢Carrie ro n eG 1 C 4 Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense SCHEDULE Fi - 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) City; .� State; Zip Code fo 1 f Check ifuave#autside otTexas, Complete Schedule T. Candidate J Officeholder name Payee name Payee address; it o Office sought Office held City; Category (See Categories listed at the top or this schedule) Description 1.l Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Ca.ndtdate / Officeholder name Payee name Payee address; 11 State; Zip Code Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought Office held City; Category (See caiegcrissfi eaataintoputters sorectwo Description State; Zip Code Fl Check ittravei ode& Texas_Comple€eScherk6e7 0 Check if Avsif5. Tx. officeholder living expense Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office held ATTACH ADOI IIONAL CORES OE THIS SCHEDULE AS HEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 11/15/2022 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS if the requested information is not applicable. DO NOT include this page itt the report. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Acnountir /Banking Consult eg Expense Conkitrstions(Donauons Made By Candidate/Officeholder3Polidcal Committee Credit Gerd Payment Evert Expense Fees Food,Severage Expanse Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Legal Services Loan RpaymenWeimauisue:ren Office OverheadfRental Expense i'olt}n9 Expenso Printing Expense Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor the instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. I°I Toth[ pages Schedule G; 2 FILER NAME 2 4 Date , 5 11/.112 6 Amount ($) 7 $ i010 n/7) Faussernentfrom 1 contributions ed a PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CIOH Date 1/4/22 Alt+aunt 4g Tsementfrorn con1ributions PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Payee name be-r SCHEDULE G SelicitatioeIFundr using Expense Transportation Equipment& Related Expense Travel In district Travel Out Of District O they (enter a category not listed above) l 3 Fifer ID (Ethics Commission Fliers) Cameron le Gallgcc� Payee address; (a) Category 1,See Catajories listed at the top of this schedule) 1ralel in dis - ct (c) Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T, Candidate t Officeholder name Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CIOH Date Payee name ►I h e r Payee address: Category (See Categories fisted at the top of this schedule) 1 9'Ie1 in ic}rir`- Checc [ttravel outide of Texas. Complete Scledule T. Candidate / Officeholder name Payee name City; (b) Description Tian State; Zip Code ©r " - even[ Check tf Au5tr,, TX. officeholder living expsnee Office sought City; Description Office held State; Zip Code Transport l-a evenf Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought Office held u/1 /92 Te s Via r1 e Fjr•(an Amount ($) Pagge address; City: State; Zip ode Iat : m VM1 M4:03 Rdo1 Eo �)illc NC"-�� Kc S. 15. oc rsementfpxn on#ribuibans n ,.ter 1 g 01 iKtcatdigory ISO' PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CIOH Description r��lP, ;�► -riot r]'Z1 4 C. or19atcq P r¢ +-4s_ check it -travel outside ofTecas.0 etsScheduleT. Check it Austin, TX, officeholder lividexpense Candidate / Officeholder name Office sought Office held ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.stato.t (us Revised 8)17/202D POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS if the requested information is not applicable. DO NOT include this page in the report. EXPENDITURE GATEaORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repayment/Reimburse_ ,t A•- entirryiBanking Fe en Office Overhead/Rental Expense Ccnsuithsp Expense Food/8averege Expense Potiino Expense Cant; ibuticrosfDanettons Made. By Gi t/Awerds`Jti-le:nortals Expense Orinling Ex„cvnsc Candidate7QfceholdelPoliticai Committae Legal Services Salariesitfilagrs.'Centracl Labor C:editC rdPaymeei 1 The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. SCHEDULE Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Transportation Equipment rs. Re3rcted Expense Travel la Cistrict Travel Out Of District Other (enter a tegary net listed above) € Total pages Schedule 2 FILER NAME Ccii 3 isiler ID (Ethics Commission Firers) Cameron 141cale&&h; 4 Date I 5 Payee name 1kj9i9.2 I I ccDo d'5 6 Amount ($) i 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code ) I` 175 0 Rom ,^awr e Rd Hr.,./► F �j Ti j Q iwlions 1[ 0{ e+ e o n a p +' 1 1 fJ 1 5 4 1 i � �` `d,�� I (a) Category £, eeCategories(iste,tithetapoftitssc educe) 1 (Yi) Description s t�ense p� tee. neat 1 i (c) ell iciftr''vdovis, eofTraaCompleteSehedtdeT. Check ifAust4n. TX, officeholder riving a pence Rehr pali5 ;n- PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CIOH Date Candidate / Officeholder name Payee name Amount ($) i Payee address; 1i7o©1 1ri 1 TeX -as kie 5e poilrt bu am r5t intend COnt ibu ns 1 Co l 1e [� ie Si -a) -ion,. Tx lig40 Category J(Sae categories listed a.the iapofthis schedule) i Description PURPOSE I EOF XPENDITURE 1 if a N!e1 1n D s- -1. J 1Food k Fu€- t dutr1 n5 ever Office sought Office held City; State; Zip Code C7idkiitravel catedscfTe as.CcmpleteSchedtileT. Chock it Austin. TX, officeholder li.°in5 expeese Candidate t Officeholder name Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CIOH Date I Payee name It/ 14 /9r2 I office sought Office held Amount ($1 Payee address; City; State: Zip Cede 15 - OO i 1 `19 @xeLS mantle-ireintei 1 teal C• rirrbuticns ] st a+ o I l T poll t Q Category(see categcrrieslisledatthc#oofl}Isscheduie) Description PURPOSE EXPENDITURE i -ate \ n. s i a d cote j' i.te k C t' t`t. eve_YL OF Check iFtsavei ; dside of Texas.. Cote0eie Sche-dole T Check if .Austin., TX_ officehcldo- Jiving exgcnse Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit CtOI-1 Candidate ! Officeholder name Office sought Office held ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission W NLethics.state.tx.u, Revised 8/17/202D POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the resort. Advertising 1=xpense Ac coardingfi3anking Consulting Expense ContsibufmelOonations lade By Candidate/Officehoider/Poli€icei Committee Cked tcarc pacnrt xti EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8{a) EventExpense Fees Food/Beverege Expense Giti/AwardOdiemorals EVenea Legal Services Loan RepaymentiReimb€mer: Office Ove;hca F . ntai Expense Pot(ilg Expense Printing Expense Salaries, ages/Corttract Labor The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule G: 2 FILER NAME 3 4 Date 6 Amount ($) 4.35.12 i 1bUbans 8 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/ON Date Amount ($) tech .bursen entf pol(Ilcat contribulons intvx deti PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Ca r e.r on 5 Payee name cecEA Ce.. 7 Pay2 address; SCHEDULE G Sonuitstio,!Fumtraising Expense Tmrispartetion Eeluiptieeit$ Deleted E peme Travel in District Travel Out Offimtrict Other (enter a category not listed above) 3 Filer ID (Ethics Cornmissiun Filers) ;Cole Ga Ilucc' (a) Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (c) Comptete 4:l4lLY if direct expenditure to benefit C'OH Date Amount ($) Rearabursementrrnrn itical oa!ttribulions intended PURPOSE C7;= EXPENDtTU tE Cornple'e ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C1O11 dveC 5ict3 CheciiithavoiciesideofTexas.CompleteSchedLiteT Candidate 1 Officeholder name Payee name Payee address: Category tSee Categories bated at the top cf this sahedute) C.Per„kilitaveloutslrie of Texas. Complete ScheuleT. Candidate / Officeholder nafne Payee name Payee address; Gategary (See Cafegwles listed at the top of this ached We Cheri; iravei outside x,TTexas. Complete Scheduler. Candidate ! Officeholder name City; (b) Description State; Zip Gode W e.1:5 t4- fee Nov, Cheri; if Austin, TX,_ officeholder !Wing expense Office sought City; Description State; Office held Zip Code Check it Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Office sought Office held City: Deescription State; Zip Code Check if Austin, TX. afiicei:aldor living expanse Office sought ATTACH A©Di11ONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Office held Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission wrww.ettlies_State_tx.us Revised a/77/2020