HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-2356 - Ordinance - 10/22/1998 ORDINANCE NO. 2356 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1638, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE~ AND DECLARING A PENALTY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART I That Ordinance No 1638, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A', attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes PART 2' That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25 00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) Each day' such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its publication in the nex~spaper, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station PASSED, ADOPTED and APPRO\rED this 22 day of ct~cm~ , 1998. ATTEST. CONNi~ HOOKS, City Secretary' APPROVED: ILHANEY, M~or APPROVED: H~Y~A~orney ~,c~c';wmdow$Xtempi08-814 doc 10,29,98 ORDINANCE NO. 2 3 5 6 PAGE 2 EXHIBIT "A" Amend Section 2, Definitions, by amending the definition of Project Review Committee, to read as follows: "PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE (PRC): A committee composed of three alternating members of the Plb. nning and .Zo~ng .C_o '.mmission, pur.su .ant t9 this ordinance. This body acts on appeals.or-sp, ecitie dee. isigns made t>y the site plan review Staff unless relief'is otherVdse provided in development related ordinances." Amend Section 2, Definitions, by adding the following definitions: "ANIMAL CARE FACILITI~..S: .A place where animals are boarded and/or bred, including, but not limited to, stables and kennels. VETE .RJI~.ARY HOSPITAL: A place where, animals are given.medical care and the boarding of animals is limited to short-term care incidental to the hospital use." Add a Section 7.3A to read as follows: "A. PURPOSE: This district is designed to provide land for detached .single. family r. esidential suburban iteveloi~ment..This district qontal.ns lots that are l_arger than the minimum R-1 lot, I~ut smaller titan the minimum A-OR. B. PERMITTED USES: Single family dwellings. Home occupations. C.CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: Refer to Section 8.12. D. AREA REQUIREMENTS: Refer to Table A at the end of this section. E. PARKING REGULATIONS: Refer to Section 9. F. SIGN REGULATIONS: Refer to Section 12." wtc:[wmdowsltcmp198-814, doc 10/29/98 OPd)INANCE NO 2356 PAGE 3 Amend Section 7, District Use Schedule - Table A, to read as follows DISTRICT USE SCHEDULE - TABLE A Dist. Mln Lol M,n Lot Min. Lot Min. Front Min. Side Mtn. S~de Min Rear Max. Max Net Area/DU Width Depth Setback Setback St Setback Setback Height DU/AC RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS A-O 5 acres 50' 20' 15' 35' R-I 5,000 SF 50' 100' 25'(D) 7.5'(C) 15'(F) 25'{F) 2 5 stou/35' 8.0 R-IA 4.000 SF ,tone none 25'(D) 7 5'(C) 15'(F) 2(}'(F; 2 5 story/35' I0.0 R-lB 8,000 SF none none 25' (D) 7.5'(C) 15'(F) 25'(F) 2.5 story/35' 6.0 R-2 3,500 SF ~5'(E) 100' 25'(D) 7.5'(C) 15'(F 20'(F)(H) 2.5 slo~/35 12.1} R-3 2.000 SF 20' 100' 25'(D) (A)(B) 15'(F) 20'(F) 35' 14 0 R-4 25'(D) (A)(B) 15' 25'{F) 2.5 story/35' 16.0 R-5 25'(D) (A)(B) 15' 20'iF) 45' 24 0 R-6 Lot area, selbacks, hctght determined by site plan review; densi~ abox. e 24 DU/acre determined by City Council R-7 See Mobile Home Park Ordinance. NG-3 No Mimmum 15' 60' no max. ti) PUD Sec 7.19 for restrict,ohs. A-OX 2.0 Acres 50' 15' 15' 25' 35' A-OR ! Acre 50' 25' 25' 5(1' 35' 1.0 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS C-N Sec 7 10 24' Sec. 7.10 25' (A){B) 15' A-P,C-I,C-2*,C-3,CB 24' 100' 25' (ARB) 15' NG-I 0'(J) (B) 0' NG-2 O'(J) (B) C-PUD Sec 7 20 for restrictions 15' 35' 15' 15' 5(F 15' None(J) *When C-2 abuts stnglc famfl.~ residential, duplex, or to~nhouse development or zoning chstncts. 24' ! 00' 25' 40' 15' 40' 35'(G) INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS M- 1 10¢)' 200' 25' (A)(B) 15' 15' M-2 25' (A)(B) 25' 15' Amend Section 7.12 D, Conditional Uses Permitted, by adding the following "Veterinary hospital" Amend Section 7 13 B, Permitted Uses, by adding the following' "Veterinary hospitals" Amend Section 7.22 B, Permitted Uses, by adding the following: "Veterinary hospitals" v~ Ic:lwmdowslt.mp198-814 do~ 1t~'29 98 ORDINANCE NO. 2356 PAGE 4 Amend Section 7.13 D, Conditional Uses Permitted, by adding a paragraph to read as follows: "Animal care facilities to be located in areas where they will not disrupt the use and enjoyment of existing or future residential areas. Adequate measures may be imposed by the Planning and Zoning Commission to mitigate noise transmission beyond property lines, including, but not limited to, noise-deadening construction and/or deep open-space buffering." Amend Section 7.14 B, Permitted Uses, by adding the following: "Animal Care Facilities"