HomeMy WebLinkAbout221010 -- Campaign Finance Report -- Rick Robison\,ANUIUAI C I urrl\,CMULUCK FORM C/OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 1 I 1 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 2 Total pages filed: The C/OH Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. i 3 CANDIDATE / MS /MRS~ R:~~ : OFFICE USE ONLY OFFICEHOLDER NAME .................................... ~J ........................................ Date Re ceived NRNAME LR oh L\or-. SUFF IX lP~ - 4 CANDIDATE I ADDRESS I PO BOX; APT I SUITE #; CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE RECEIVED OFFICEHOLDER D Change o f Add ress \O".OSaM.... 5 CANDIDATE/ AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENS ION Date Hand-delivered or Date Postmarked OFFICEHOLDER ( PHONE ,___/ Receipt# I Amount$ 6 CAMPAIGN .. ~~~~~~.1 .~~ ••.. S.Q ~~~~----~-·--~~o.~.-~.s-~.1 .•......•• TREASURER NAME Da te Processed NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX Dato Imaged 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE ); APT I SUITE #; CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE TREASURER etbC)\J'"'(_ ADDRESS SA\"x\~ % -tllJ (Residence or Business) 8 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER ~~~'t Cl,\ ('~\H PHONE ( ) -ti ,S 9 REPORT TYPE D January 15 JZ(' 30th day before eleclion D Runoff D 15th day after campaign lraasurer appointment (Officeholder On ly) D July 15 D Bill day before election D Exceeded Modified D Final Report (Attach C/OH ·FR) Reporting limit 10 PERIOD Month Day Yea r Month Day Year COVERED /~c, /i.2 /I.ff / 2.'2... .c~ THROUGH IXJ 11 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Month Day Year 0 Primary D Runoff 0 Other Description rij /02 /l'2_ j2f.General D Specia l 12 OFFICE OFFICE HELD (if any ) 13 OFFICE SO UGHT (if known) -IY\fll. \l r>rr 14 NOTICE FROM THIS BOX IS FOR NOTICE OF POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDhURES MADE BY POLmCAL COMMITTEES TO SUPPORT POLITICAL THE CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER. THESE EXPENDITURES MAY HAVE BEEN MADE WTTHOl/T THE CANDIDATE'S OR OFRCEHOLDER'S KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT THIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCff EXPENDrTURES, COMMITTEE(S) COMM ITTEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME 0GENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS D Additional Pages OsPECtF1c COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASU RER ADDRESS GOTO PAGE2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 8/17/2020 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT l'"Ut<M v/UM COVER SHEET PG 2 16 C/OH NAME 16 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 17 CONTRIBUTION TOTALS .......................... EXPENDITURE TOTALS .......................... CONTRIBUTION BALANCE ........................... OUTSTANDING LOAN TOTALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS, OR CONTRIBUTIONS MADE ELECTRONICALLY) TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) TOTAL UNITEMIZED POLITICAL EXPENDITURE. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF REPORTING PERIOD TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD $ $ $ $ 32 $ 0 $ 18 SIGNATURE I swear, or affinn, under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information ™'";red to be""'°""" by me """"'T•e 15, Election Code~ Signature of Candidate or Officeholder Please complete either option below: JACKIE RANGEL Notary Public· State of Texas~~: ID# 13268326·5 ~ My Comm. Explnl8 09-18-2024 ~ NOTARY STAMP/SEAL Sworn to and subscribed before me by _ .... t....__t ..... ~ ......... ----d _ _.!l...__b_/_Jo_fl.. ____ this the ..._/_b __ day of 20 A'- (2) Unsworn Declaration My name is---------------------'• and my date of birth is------------ My address is ___________________ ,--------____ ----------- (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) Executed in ________ County, State of ______ , on the ___ day of ______ ,, 20 __ . (month) (year) Signature of Candidate/Officeholder (Declarant) Fonns provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 8/17/2020 SUBTOTALS -C/OH FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAME 20 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) Q 1r~L Qobi,\Qit'\ 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT 1. D SCHEDULEA1: MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 1?r 2. D SCHEDULE A2: NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ ;(f' 3. D SCHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ Pl' - 4. D SCHEDULE E: LOANS $ Pl 5. D SCHEDULE F1: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ Vt 6. D SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ ft 7. D SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $fit 8. ~ SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD $ )i~)q_(~L 9. rgJ SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS $ n~. :l(X 10. D SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH $ 0 11. D SCHEDULE I: NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ P5 12. D SCHEDULE K: INTEREST, CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED $0 TO FILER Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.elhics.state.tx.us Revised 8/1712020 EX PEN D ITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD SCH ED ULE F4 If th e requ ested information is not applic abl e, DO NOT In clud e thi s page In th e report. Advert ising Ex pense Accounting/Banking Consulting Expen se Contributions/Donation s Made By E XPE N D ITURE CAT EGORI ES FOR BOX 10(a ) Event Expense Fees Loan Repayment/Reimbu rse ment Office Overh ead/Renta l Expense Polling Expense So llcltatlon/Fund ra lslng Exp ense Transportation Equipment & Related Ex pe nse Trave l In Di strict Travel Out Of Distri ct Candidate/Offi cehold er/Politi cal Committee Food/Beverage Expense Gift/Award s/Memorials Expen se Legal Servi ces Printing Expense Saleri es/Wages/Contre ct Labor Oth er (enter e categ ory not li sted above) Th e In stru ction Guld e expl ain s how to compl ete thi s form. 1 Total p a ges Schedule F4 : 3 Flie r ID (Ethics Commiss ion Fliers) 4 T OTAL O F UNITE MI ZE D E XPE NDITURES C HARGED TO A CRE DIT CARD $ 6 D a t e 11 P U R P OSE OF EXPE NDIT U RE Complete ~ If dire ct e xpenditure to b e nefit C/OH Date Amount ($) T Y PE OF EXPE N D I T U RE P U RP O SE OF EXPE N D I T U RE Comple te ~ If dire ct expe nditure to b e n efit C/OH 8 P a y ee n a m e D Non -Politi ca l ~: i e •' (a) Cate gory (See Categori es listed at th e top of thi s sc hedul e) (b) D escription \),,"\_''°"~ \"2\'f ~G ~ ?nf\t'"'~ E~~(\~'<_ ffi\ (c) D Check If travel outsid e of Texas. Compl ete Sched ul e T. D Ch ec k If Au stin, TX , offi ce hold er living ex pense C a ndida t e I Office holde r n a m e Office s ought Office h e ld ? I cl ~Ob l~~r-, - Payee n a m e Payee a ddress; City; State ; Z ip Code D Political D Non -Politi ca l Cate gory (S ee Categ ories li sted at th e top of thi s sc hedul e) D escription D Check If travel outsid e of Texas . Com plete Sch ed ul e T. D Check If Au stin , TX, offi ce hold er living ex pense C a ndida t e I Officeholde r n a m e Office s ought Office h e ld ATTAC H ADD IT IONAL COPIES OF TH IS SCHED ULE AS NEEDED Form s provi de d by Te xas Ethi cs Commi ss ion www.ethl cs .state.tx .us Re vi sed 8/1 7/2020 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM SCHEDULE G PERSONAL FUNDS If the requested information is not applicable, DO NOT include this page in the report. EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX B(a) Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan Repayment/Reimbursement Solicltatlon/Fundralslng Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In District Contributions/Donations Made By Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Other (enter a category not listed above) Credit Card Payment The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule G: 2 FILER NAME '71dc f\=1ob1 ~Dr-. I 3 Flier ID (Ethics Commission Fliers) 4 Date 6 Payee name \3.~Q~~ l l kc~([) Gi,\ l LC, G Am§un1 ($) 7 Payee addres\; I City; State; Zip Code : r1~ -'le qe:3 lcrz. 't lo..0.J(. ~('~(\f'\ I ·1x ""1"186-1 Reimbursement fiom D political contributions intended 8 (a) Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description PURPOSE f-\.c\\f~\~\.\\ (\t, -'lb .. si i ~ 'f\'.\ f<l.Cld~ \?c,, C.D.rY'\~\:\\~Y\ OF L \lf.)Q f\~D EXPENDITURE (c) D Check If travel obtside of Te~as. Complete Schedule T D Check If Austin, TX, officeholder living expense 9 Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held Complete .QMJ..)'. If direct Riel ~\))"')t \r··~ mPI \tr.·r' expenditure to benefit C/OH 4j Date Payee name I Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code D Relmbursementfrom political contributions Intended Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE D Check If travel outside ofTexas. Complete Schedule T D Check if Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Complete .QMJ..)'. If direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Reimbursement from D political contributions Intended Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T D Check If Austin, TX, officeholder living expense Complete .QMJ..)'. If direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethlcs.state.tx.us Revised 8/17/2020