HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-2520 - Ordinance - 09/13/2001ORDINANCE NO. 2520 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE 2001-02 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AS THEREIN PROVIDED. WHEREAS, a proposed budget for the fiscal year October 1, 2001, to September 30, 2002, was prepared and presented to the CiD' Council and a pubhc hearing held thereon as prescribed by law and the Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, notice of satd hearing having first been duly gn'en; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and amended the proposed budget and changes as approved by the CiB' Council have been identified and their effect included in the budget; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the proposed budget as amended by the City Council of the Ctw of College Statton, whmh is made a part hereof to the same extent as zf set forth at length hereto, is hereby adopted and approved, a copy of which ~s on file in the Office of the Cay Secretary tn College Station, Texas. PART 2: That authorizauon is hereby granted for the expenditure of the same under the respective items contained in satd budget with the approved fiscal procedures of the Cit~'. PART 3: That the Cra- Manager and his authorized and designated employees, at 1-us discretion, be, and are hereby authorized to sign or release utiht3' easements; to negonate and sign documents related to the settlement of disputed assessments for paving, xveed mowing, demoliuon, and other disputes based on legal questions of whether the assessments are enforceable or other extenuating c~rcumstances; to sign contracts and documents authorizing the payment of funds and to expend public funds for expenditures that are $50,000 or less; to stgn change orders authorizing the expenditure of funds pursuant to SECTION 252.048 of the TE,'tS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE or as provided m the original contract document. The intent of tins section is to provide the abilits' to conduct daily affairs of the City winch involve numerous decisions of a routine nature. PART 4: That the C~tr Manager and his authorized and designated employees, at his discretion, be, and are liereby, authorized to provide for transfers of any unexpended or unencumbered appropriauon balance within each of the various departments in the General Fund and wtthm any' other fund of the Cin' ~n accordance wtth Secnon 60.4 of the Charter of the Crt3' of College Station and to authorize transfers of Contingent Appropriations xmthin a fund up to an amount equal to expenditures that are $15,000 or less. The intent of this section is to provide the ab~htr to conduct daily affairs of the C~t3,' which involve numerous decisions of a routine nature. PART 5: That the Cin' Council hereby approves the funding for the outside agencies and orgamzanons m flus budget and authorizes the Cra' Manager and his authorized and desolated employees, at his ~screfion, to sign con=acts and documents authorizing the payment of funds, and A-1 Ordinance No. 2520 Page 2 to expend public expenditures that have been expressly approved and appropriated in this budget, as set out m Appendix G of the 2001-02 F~scal Year Budget. PART 6: That the C~ty Council hereby approves the funding and the purchases that are made pursuant to interlocal agreements as provided by CH.-kPTEP, 271, SUBCH.-kPTERS 02)) AND (F) of the TEX-kS L~)CAL Gt)VERNMENT CODE, in this budget and authorizes the C~tT Manager and his authorized and designated employees, at his discreuon, to sign contracts and documents authorizing the payment of funds, and to expend public funds that have been expressly designated, approved, and appropriated in this budget, as set out m the 2001-02 Fiscal Year Eqmpment Replacement Fund, and Attachment "A" to this Ordinance. PART 7: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately after passage and approval. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS 13th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001. APPROVED: CON N I E HOOKS, Ciw Secretary APPROVED: C~t3- Attorney A~2 Ordinance No. 2520 Page 2 ATTACHMENT "A" Ordinance No Item 2520 Attachment "A" Potential FY 02 QISV or Texas Department of Information Resources Purchases Estimated Quantity Unit Cost Projected Total 60 $ 1,050$ 63,000 90 270 24,300 25 1,400 35,000 50 80 4.000 100 100 10,000 2 14,600 2 6,000 675 19 6 244 2 486 50 240 29,200 12,000 10,000 12,825 1,464 972 12,000 Scheduled Replacement Replacement PCs w/extended Warranty Replacement Monitors Replacement Printers 32MB memory sticks to extend use of PCs Network Support Services (hours) Replace 2 servers Replace 2 servers (may use PCs} Server replacement parts(memory, harddnves, array controllers0 AntiVirus software for PCs(2 year hcense expiring) Upgrade WmdowsNT server to W,ndows2000 server software Additional Windows2000 server software Up~lrade from Word/Excel to MS Office 2000 Subtotal - Scheduled Replacement $ 214,761 Service Level Adjustments SLA laptop systems includes network card, extended warranty. added memory SLA - specific roi ]aptops ArcVmw MS Ofhce, McAfee AmtiVirus and other software required for EOC use SLA - SCADA Server and node up~rades Subtotal - Service Level Adjustments 12 $ 3,500 $ 42.000 11 900 9.9OO 1 500 500 29.250 $ 81,650 Unscheduled Replacements/Additions Estimated Additional PC setups not identified spec~hcally in budget includes monitor, network card, extended warranty, added memory Estimated Standard desktop software not specifically included ,n budget mcludes M~crosoft Ofhce or Pro McAfee AmtV~rus Estimated Addmona] Pnnters not tdentified spec,fica[]y in budget 10 $ 2,100 $ 21,000 10 310 3,100 5 1,400 7,000 Subtotal- Unscheduled Replacements/Addtions $ 31,100 890 $21 $ 18,539 750 17 12,893 500 10 5,210 350 5 1,824 100 21 2,083 100 5 521 50 68 3,386 50 17 860 Network Software on MIA Netware GroupW~se ZenWorks BorderManager Additonal hcense to "true up" under SLA BorderManager 1st years maintenance GroupW~se mMboxes 1 st years maintenance Subtotal - Network Software on MIA $ 45,314 IBM Hardware and Software (IBM is QISV) Hardware maintenance $ 32,912 AS400 software support 2,964 OS400 subscnption 6,198 Subtotal - IBM Hardware and Software $ 42,074 Ordinance No 2520 Attachment "A" Potential FY 02 QISV or Texas Department of Information Resources Purchases GIS Soft~are Maintenance Arclnfo-pnmary 1 2,050 ArcInfo-secondary 3 1,038 ArclHS 1 1,224 ArcVmw-single primary 7 510 ArcView-single secondar~ 54 306 ArcVmw-concurrent primary. 1 714 ArcVmw-concurrcnt secondary, 3 510 Net~'ork Analyst 4 593 Spatial Analyst-primary 1 510 Spabal Analyst-secondary 3 204 3D Analyst-primary 1 510 3D Analyst-secondary 2 204 Trackmg Analyst 1 593 [mage Analyst 2 600 Subtotal - GlS Software Maintenance Grand Total $2,050 3,114 1,224 3,570 16,524 714 1,530 2,372 510 612 510 4O8 593 1,200 $34,93! $ 449,830