HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-2567 - Ordinance - 07/11/2002ORDINANCE NO. 2567 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF A SERVICE PLAN, SETTING DATES AND TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Part 1: That the City Council hereby directs its Development Services Department and other appropriate departments to prepare service plans providing for the extension of municipal services to the areas to be annexed. Part 2: That the City Council hereby calls and sets public hearings by and before the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas on September 26, 2002 and October 2, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The public hearings will give all interested persons the right to appear and be heard on the proposed annexation by the City of College Station, Texas. Part 3: That the proposed area for annexation is generally described below and is more specifically described in Exhibit A by metes and bounds: Area #1 - located generally at the intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Wellborn Road and containing 644 acres. Area #2 - located generally south of Green Prairie Road and north of Arrington Road and containing 1077 acres. Area #3 - located in the Nantucket Subdivision and containing 47 acres. Area/t4 - located generally east of Rock Prairie Road and north of the Carter Lake Subdivision and containing 655 acres. Area #5 - located generally east of Rock Prairie Road and south of the Carter Lake Subdivision and containing 1,328 acres. Area #6 - located generally along the extension of Greens Prairie Road east from Carter Creek to SH 30 and containing 455 acres. Part 4: That the City Council directs that notice for the public hearings be given as provided by the Municipal Annexation Act. Part 5: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 11th day of July, 2002. APPROVED: Ron Sl~, ma~of ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Secretary APPROVED: l'i~ioned by I'j~tW Camp .ii Harvey Cargill, Jr., City Attorney PtI£LIMiHAIt Joe Orr, Iue. 2167 Po~t Oak Cin:le College- SimEon, TX 77845 (979) 6~0--337S Area ltl, 2002 Am]~xalion City o fCotlege 12 Juno 2002 All that ~Fgain tract or parcel ct' land lying and being silualcd in lbo C~wford Barnett League., Abstract No. 7, in Brazes County, Texas. being a pazt of that tnmt convolaxI to Linda Size Oorzyr. kti et al by deed recorded in Voltlme. 672, Pttge 404 of the Official Rcoo~s of Brazes..Counly, T~x~, ~nd.a pan of tha~ ~ract conveyed to TLS Properti~, La:l. by deed re;ozdcd in Volta'ac 30i2, Pogo I87 of th~ O~clal Public Records of Blmz. o$ Cowtty, Texas, Md being more pariioularly des:Al:cd as follows: It6g[nning at the common re. ar coracr of Lb0 ~id Gor',cycki lra~t and tl't~ react conve,/zzl, to }em A. Pre, on arid LMda lean Proton by d~d recmded in Volumo 433, P~o 48 oi'the Deed Records of Brazes Cmmty, Tcxa$~ in I1~ line b~tw~n th~ ~isting city limila of ColI~8~ Station, Texas, aa defined byordinance No. 378 Md ordin~ccNo, 673, along the exiatiag ci~ limits line defined by o~liranoo No. 673 as follows: $ 87° 0';' 23" E - 273,2,4 S S0=. $0' 45~' B- 5~8.~.6 N gl° 55' 37' E - 328,48 N 83o 3g' 30' E - 46.5 g f~t; S 76° 53' 3~'~- [05,1~ H ~ ~' 38~ E - 281,26 N62' ~' 53~B- ~6R91 N8~" ~' 58'E- [09g.10 f~l; $ 8gn 54' 49" E- 8.93 S 47~ 13' ~' ~- 145.38 S 75° 47' 35" B- 540.40 f~ to tile ~j~ing city linti~ line No. 1196; Thence alon~ dm existing city limits linc dcfincd by o~in~ce'~o. 119g g follo,.vs: S 22a 12' 35" B - 51.46 foot; $ 420 38' 48" W - 6t4.18 feel; Am~gl~ A~m lA Ym,~m 1 or2 T'n, ettce $ 4-2~' 14' 36" W - I713,7:5 fe.~ to lhe most e~t~ly ~me[ of Ihal ~,1~6 acm fi~l~f-way d~ication d~cdb~ by plat ~d~ h~ Volume 1056, P~ 215 of tho Offic~l R~a of Bra~s Count, T~; Thence $ 62° 40' ~2" W - 834.76 f~c,t along thc north,,vest llne of Dowl[ng Road to the southwest lin~ of llm said TLS Ptx~perties, Lat. tract; TMnco 1~ 48° 53' 25" W - 154.95 feet along th~ southwest Iine of the said TI_~ Properties, Ltd. tract .to ~o most easterly comet of Thc Woodtmtds addition aoco:diag to plat o£:e,c~o~ Jn Volume 393, Page 521 of thc Deed R~o~s o_t Bt'azos Co~miy, ?exas; Ti~tce N 4S~' 08' 54" W - 1088.64 ~ot slon~ thc ]~ b¢~n fire said ~ Pmp~i~ Ltd, I:acl and ~e Woodlands ~dition to ~ c~n corem of~o W6~lal~s addition ~d th~ T~s ~M Univ~ty ~a~ ~cd~ i~ Volume gl, ~ge 180 of tho D~ g~ords of B~s ~m~y, T~ w~ch is a co~ of th~ ~i~in8 city limits ~ defined by ~iuan~ No. ~TS; Th~tcc N 48° 24' 23" W - 195&27 feet along the line between tho axisiing city limita as defined by ord£nanoc No. 378 and the said TLS Properties, Ltd. tract end tho said Gorzyck] tract ~ the Point of Bogirming and conlaiaing 129.98 ~ctes of '[and more or PRELINIIN P,V Joe Orr, Inc, 2167 Po~t Oak Gi~le College Station, TX ?784.5 (SY7~) 690-3378 Am lB 2002 A~mexation City of Collcgo 12 :lune All that oe, dain tract or parcel of laed lyi~ mid b~ng situat~ in thc ~wfo~l Bum~ ~a~, Abs~ct ~o. 7,' in B~ Co~:y, T~as, being bounded by:.the ~iati~ city iimi~ on the nonh~L tim no~h~t ~d t~ southc~t ~nd by the pm~s~ futv~ I&ON ~d ~ thc southw~t ~ad by tho ~ of Charl~ ~, He~ M~yo, ~o~ph Mik~kR, ]r. mxd O~ ~e~;'~P ~ thc ~a~st ~d ~uthw~t and bflng mo~ particularly d~db~ ~ follow~: Beginning in the northeast right-of-way lind of I~.M. 2154 (Wellborn Road) at tile common oomer of tho existing oily limit~ as defi~md by o:dinmzce 673, ordinanoo 663 an& ordinance 889 ofth~ Ci(y of College Station. Theme S 47" 03' 2g" E- 7410.34 feel along the nonl~ea.~t right-of-wa¥ line ofF,M, 2154 to Ihe north ~omer ortho existing chy limits as defined by ordina.ncc No. 2219; Thence along tim northwest line of thc existing city limils as dcfingd by ordinance No. 2219 as folio, wa: Road: S $0~ 30' I~8" W -243.9-0 feet; S 41° 0g' 39" W- 1703.00 fee~t to a point in the southeast line of Nor[h C-relearn Th~ce N 47" 42' 52"W- 11~.22 feet aoross North Graham Road m~d along the line betweea the ~o~1~ ^. Mik~ka, ~r. 32,81 ~ ~ d~ by ~ ~o~ Jn Volume 414, P~o 203 of tho D~ ~o~s oIB~s Count, T~ ~d th~ ~EC, L~. lr~ls ~rib~ by de~ ~ord~ in Vol~e 43~9, P~ 324 of the Official Public Re~s of Brazes County, Texas, ~ ~ $OUflte~ d~t-of-way line of ~ck ~o Road Thence S 42° [7' 08" W - 185,06 feet along the southeast right.of.way linc of Rock Prairie Road We~t; Th~c¢ H 47° 42' $2" W - 1140,66 feet acro~ Rori Prairie Road Wmt ~d ~ntimting ~long tim line b~wet th~ Chutes I. T~ 22,97 ao~ t~ot d~rib~ by d~d ~ in Volume 333t, Page 61 of tim Official PuMio ~s of Bra~s Co~Iy, T~ ~d fire Alta VistR C~stian Ac~emy 20.27 ~re ~ ~cfib~ by de~ r~o~ ~ Vol~ ?ape 2901, Pa,go 137, to Ike mrrost we,~terly comer of tha smd Alta V~sla Christimt Acadmny tract; Thc-nco lq 41° 29' 08" ]5- 206.75 feet co~]tiuuing along th,~ lino b~tw~rz the Ch~ci~ II- Turner tract and the Alfa V~st~ Ctn'~Slii~ A~adcmy tm~ ~ · the ~mmon com~ of ~ said Tum~ tm~t and tlt~ ~-M. Rau~ Jr. 136.~3 acre ~t dc~db~ by de~ ~ [u Volume 171, P~ 392 ofihu Dc~ R~rds oEB~s Count, T~ Thcn~o lq 49° $9' 52," W - 561.96 ~et along the line be~weu ihs said Turr~r lrao~ and the said Haupt tumor to tho most no~,th~rly corner of the said Turner tract; Th~n¢o $ 41° 23' 08" W - 2307-$3 f~} alou§ the fine b~'aveen the smd Haupt {tool ~d tJt~ {aid Turret tract and'thc Hcnz'y Y. Mayo 25.00 acr~ froot <l~orib~ by deed recorded in Volume 12,53, Pad¢ 878 of the Ofi~¢i.~l Records ofBrazos Cou_,mf.y, T~as, and thc Oak C~ek, L. LP. 3,3.$2 aur~u tr~ot dcsorib~l by d~cl {~o~1 {ri Volume. 4030, Ute O~cial Public ~:ords oi'Brazos County, Tc~s, to thc rioghcas~. Thcac¢ N 22~ 03' 48" W - ?094,15 f~ along tho no~t ]iuc I&O~ Roa~ 100' g~t~f-way to ~e ~istio~ city {imi~ li~ Thmtce sion§ tls existing city limifs Iinu dcrm~ by cu-dinauc,~ No. 6T~ as follows: S 75° 47' 35" ~B - Iq 23e 08' ! 9" 'i~ - 286.30 f~t; 8 859 50' OP" ~ - 85~.40 f~t; $ 34~ 27' ~" ~ - 1210.53 fc~; H 42= 56' 32' ~ - 700.~ fe~ to the Point ofBe~nn]ng ~d contaimng 514.36 =~ of l=d more or l~s. Bearings ar~ Tex~ Stume Pice, NAD-83 datum, ba.s~d on Ciiy of CS i9~4 CPS co~mirol points and GPS obsm'vations. Aa.~.ex02 .Area ]B l~gc2 of 2 Joe Orr, hie, 21 ~7 Post Oak Cimlc Cull~ge S~atiop, TX 77~45 (9?9) 690-3378 Arcs 2 2002 ATumexation Cily o fColle§e Station 12 JLm¢ 2002 Ail thai ccr{~in tract or parcel ot' land lying and being situztcd in thc Augusiu{ BMbil]e survey, Absu'act No. 95, thc Wit{iai Clark survey, Ab$irac~ No. 10], the 3e. ue Bi°dso° 5,rv~:y, Abstract No. 71, end the Hardin McOn:w survcy, Abmtraci Ho. 175, and lime T. I-I~nry Su~'cy, Ab$;ract Ho. 129, in Brazes ¢:OUdtty, 'l'exam, being bounded by ;~LC exi$1in~l city limil4~ on thc north mid; of OT~:CnS Prmiri,: Road, the exis([,mg city limits {inn between Ih° $1..L (]aut 24.45 acm tract and Otc Elizabeth M, W'ii{ip. mm F.,ducaliofl Trust 89.964 ncrc tr~c! on thc n0T~he~St, tile Fence along tl~e west side of ^n-Lngton RoBd, ~c rent= het,,vee,{ the J'crry Windham tract and thc William W. Smith Ir~l the line between Ll~e .TcrtT Windharn 320 mca t~ct ~d the Jerry. Windham 79.63 acre tract and thc rtonhca-~l line of Swecrwalcr Subdivision and being mom pmrtieulaTly described a.m l'ollow.m'. Bcginning in I1~c nonhw¢$~ linc ol' O~'cn= Pnfidc Roi~l a( lAC mo.mt wesierly comer of (he existing city timils a~ defined by ordinance No. 1457 v,'hicY, is in the ~oL,lhcaa~ line of existing cily limits mo ~lel]fled by ordi,mance No. 1456. Thc*nee S 48~' 45' 07" E - 1496.28 feet along the line betwccn th~L tic( conveyed Io J.L. Gaul by dccd recorded in Volum~ i850, Page 248 of the OLTLcial Public Recurds or Rr~.os County, 'l'ex.',% mid thai 89.964 ac:e uact conveyed '.he Elizabeth ]vi. ;;'illiarns Educational Trtrmi by deed n:¢ordo, l in Volume 2974, Page 95 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County. Texas, which i-~ aimo thc sop~hw~! linc of Ih° existing city limits as defined by ordinance No. 1457, Io the exJltJn§ re, me line on thc wc-~! side of An'ington Road; Thence along Ibc west ]hmo cji' Ar¢ingion Road as fenced by thc FolLowing cai]a; S 2° 42' 2_=,~" E - 177r).O0 feet; S 4R° 40' 05" £- 20,77 £=,:1; $ 3" 5~.~' 5r,~'' E · 222.57 feel; S 2° 52' 07" E - 445,50 S3° 12'38"E 379.59fcc~; S 3° 07' 38" E - 730.28 [eel; 50~ 38' S 15' 17' 22" ~ 57.3t f~c:; 5 20 17' 29" ~ - 1566.57 Aflue.~G2 A~ea 2 P~$¢ I of 2 S 2° 40' 25" E - 26113.64 .5 20" 42' 40" E 199.34 £ccl Lu Ibc feller line between ~tat 468.48 scm convcy~ tu Wil]iam W. SmLth by d~d rccord~ in Volume 2533, Page ,tls of O~cJa[ Public ~ords of B~oa Ce,sty, Texa, ~d ~ 1e~ W(ndh~ 320 ~m d~b~l by Ae~ r~ord~ in Volume 3T 5, Page 734 ur the Deed R~aMs of Braes Cotmty, Thence atm~g t]ze fence [ilm between Lbo said SmLIh tract ~nd thc said Windham tract as £ollows; 5 3° 06' 46" W -- 80.34 S 39* 40' 09" W' - $77,t8 £cci; 542~2~'4]"W 243.~ 5 44* ]0' 3~" W - 976.?1 thc a~id Windh~ Th,~'tcc N 50" I l' 34" W - 5015.73 feet continuing along the line b~-tween thc said Smith tract and the said Windham tract I.o thc mos! ¢,slcrly cumer of ~.hat 79.6?, a~ve tract conveyed lo Jerry Wi,idham by deed recorded i]~ ¥otume ~.~,9, Page 6~.9 of ~hc Official Record. of Brazes Counly, Tcxas~ T'nmcc N 49° 10' 20~' W- 3039.62 I'cet sloss the line belwee,i the said Windham 320 acre tract maj. the r,,aJd Windham 79,63 acre tract ~o thc mo~t northerly comer of'thc said 79,63 ~crc tract; ThCTtCe S 1~4" 25' 42" W - ]02.]5 feet to the most easterly comer of Swcclwalcr Subdivision accon:[ing to p]at o[':ccord ie Volume 2072, Page 65 of the Ot'tqcia[ Public Records et'Iir~t~s County, *I'ex~; Thence .N' 47" 55' 02" W 4482.06 fCCl along thc norLhc~l linc ortho sai~, Sweetwate-r Subdivision and condnui,~g across C;meJts Prairie Road to the existing city limits linc defined by ordinance No, 2132; Thence lq 4t° 5g' 5?" E - 7455.34 £cet al0.g the city limits line on the northwest sidc of O~e~.~ Prairie Ro~ ~ d~rtn~ by o~Lnancc No. 2132 tu ~he mosl e~¢terly corner of samc ~hich i~ the mos( ~utherly comer ortho city linitz dcfin~ by o~inanc~ Nu- 1456; Th~cc N 42" 23' 26" E - 1. U65.35 feet along t]~.c non~.wcsl, aide of Gr~cn~ Prairie Road to tlxe I'oint of Bcginning and containing 1078.41] acre~ of)a~d more or less. Bcaz'ings am Texas Stale Plane, NAD-g3 datum, ha.~d on City of CS 1994 GPS conlrol points and GPS observations. An.~cxOZ Area Z P~&c 2 oJ'2 Joe Orr, Inc. 21§? Pos~ Oak Circle Coll~,c Station, TX 77845 (97~) 6~o.337a 2002 Anngxafion C~tyof College $~atEca~ 12 Juno 2002 A]I thai certain tract or parcel of land lying sad bciag daiatcd in t~ S.D. ~t~t No. 210, in Broom ~unty. T~, being all of ~sai] Poii~:a~ording to plat T~ ~ll ofSnug Ha~or ~ II ~ing ~ plat ofre~ of thc O~cial PubKc R~o~s of Bra~s Cm~y, T~s, all of ~d 4, Bilk One $~mg H~r ~ I ~ing m Nat ofre~ 18~ of ~hc O~clal PuSli¢ R~ of B~s CounW, T~, all of ~is~ Isled, an unplatt~ auBdi~sion ~u~ Fairhavc~ Cove a~d poai~9 of 59s.a5 acre de~db~ in Vol~e 531, Page ~98 of~ D~d ~c~s of ~ta~s Co,,my, T~, and being mo~ ~n~]~17 ~hed ~ ~ll~vs: Begim3ing at ~c most easterly comer of Lot 3 in Bio~ Pive of ~m~ Ph~ O~ ac~i~ ~o p~t of ~e~ in Voh~c 575, Pa~ 291 of thc Dc~ ~ds of Bra~s County, T~, in ~he somhw~t ling of ~t 1 in the said Black Five ~d i~ flt~ southe~t linc of thc cxis/~g city ~mi~ ~ def~ by ~d~c~ no. 2219 of S~ion, T~. Thence S 38" 3.5' 19" B - 83,47 fcct along Ibc cxlst[ng city I~it~ lirt~ to ~he mo~t southerly comer oft.~ said Lot I; Thence $ 3~~ ~(~' 05" E - 841.12 feet continuing aLong the eniating city limits ]ins to th~ most nm-~hcrly comc~ of Lot 3 Block Thir~cn ofNanm~¢~ Ph~c ~ acco~ing to plat off. oral in Volume 75~ P~e 119 ofih~ O~oial R~ of B~ Cowry. T~s; Thcacc along tho northwe, at I~ne of the said Block Tttjtr~ whic~t is ~lie existing ciW ~imits line as fo]iowa: S 6~08' IS"W- 150,75 f~et; $ 83* 07' 43" W- ! ] 0.00 feet; S 76° 09' 38" W - 129.49 f~ to ~he common ~nmr or.ts 2 ~d 3 in thc Blo~ Thi~mt; S 75° 37' 41" W ~ 30.00 f~t to t~ ~heut ~mer of lbo ~id ~sa~l Point; Thence a~ong L1'ta northcaat linc of ~he said Kertsl~l Point aitd oontiimin§ along, the ~[stMg city I~mit~ I~ne as follows: A~s~x02 A~r.a 3, PaSo $11.42' 31" g.- $52,73 S 38o 35' 19" E- 256.99 feet to the most cast~ly north~vcst lin= of ~Nanl~ket Thcncc along ~hc noslhwes~ ]b~e elNa:truckee Dr/w as follows: $ 51· 24' 41"- 290.27 feet to the beginning cfa aurve to thofip~ (R=t 170,00'); S 3'/~ t6' !?" E - 340.94 fee/across Nantucket Ddve cortfiaumg city limits linc lo thc b~ginning cfa curv~ m thc left Thcr~ oonfimdng along the cxisl/ng city limi~ Ii,re alt, d. thc ~.m of s~[d c~rve throu~ a cmt~ral an~e of 55° 51' 44" to thc bc~nnins of~ curve to thc ri~t (R--25,00'); Thence oominuln~,'~long tho ~isl/ng city ]{rni~s line sad tho arc of s~{d curve Chrou~ a e~ttml anglc of82'~ 21' 21" to th~ and of said ourvr4 Thonoo S ~° 13' 18' W - 209.80 fcct continuing along thc ~is6ng oRy limil~ lino ~o tho moat easterly oomer of ~t 1 ]~ Bloa~ ~ ofN~ck~ ~h~ 6 ac~ing to g~ of ~ in Volume 3035, Pg~ 323 ofth~ Official Pu~lic R~s ofB~s ~umy, T~, in the no~h~ line of ~n~'s Cov~ Thenoe along thc northcu[' linv of Block Ona of Nan~uckot. Phas~ 6 as follows; N77° 06' 38" W- 195.40 fe.~t to tho commoncom~rofLots 1 a~2; N 617 57' 43" W - 386.21 f~t to the aonhe~t comer of N~a~a Ph~ 6B ~ing to plat of r~ in Volum~ 3704, P~ 79 of the O~cial ~blic Re~s ofB~s C~, T~; N 6i' 57' 43" W-29,81 ~ 8~ 55' 27"W- 15.7~ S 62~ 45' 2l" W-~.~ f~; H 27' 39' 21" W- i5.79 ~ 62~ 45' 20" W-95.80 f~i; S 72e 50' lq' W-30.76 H 8~ 36' 46" W- 60.46 N $~ 12' 40" W - 10.43 f~; N 4P 35' 25" W- 48.]3 N 3~ 50' 0g' W - 49.53 f~i; N 12e ~' 46" W- 8-98 ~ to tim common ~r of~ 1 ~ ~i 2 ofthe said N~uckci Ph~ N I2~ 43' 4C~ W - ~.61 f~t; N 1° 27' 35" ~ - ~5.7g ~; ' H 4~ 20' 14" E- 151,66 f~ to AmtcxD2 Ama 3 Page 2 of 4 Th~ce N 27~ ~tg' 4?" W- 60,0 ~t =mas Nsnt~rck~ ~v~ to the no~tw=t !;~ ~cc ~long the no~h~ 1i~ ofN~(uckct D~v~ ~ foliow~: Along thc ~ e~ s~d c~c t~ a ~tt~l ~e of 1¢ ~' 13" to begim~ing of~ cu~ to t~ ~ht (R~.00')' AIo~ thc ~ ofsaid ~e thmu~ a ~n~l ~g[~ of 37" ~' 42" to ~h~ ~id cu~c in lbo noah~ast line ofHa~er's F~ Road; ~cc slo~ ~c no~he~i line oliver's Fe~ Ro~d ~ follow~: -.: ~ 40~ 5~' l ~" W- t38.8~ f~t io t~ be~nning ora c~g to ihe 1~ ~79.04'); Alo~ lhe'a~ of~d 0~6 ~u~t ~ ~lUrd e~Sle of~~ 13' 55" to th~ end of ~id ~ ~ the ~n~ com~ of Lot.,, 3-R a~ 4-~ m Block O~ of Snug l.b~r Ph~6 l ao~i,~g ~o pla Of r~0~ in Vo]um~ 3t~, P~ 185 Offi~isl Publi~ R~s orB~ms Co~miy, N 74° 09* 13" W - t~34 trot to the ~on ~r ot~s 2 ~d ~mme a[o~ fl~ lin~ b~vmn Lo~ 2 ~d 3-R as N 17' 50' 4T'E- 1~6,73 N 7° $4' 57' g- ~.~ N 26" ~' ~" E- 2~0,74 fco: to t~ r~r ~o~on ~om~ or,aid lots; ~cn~o N 76°36' Il" ~- 124.53 f~t along l~ no~w~i line ofth~ said ~t 5-Ri ~ee S 13° 21' 18" ~- 20.00 t~[ ~oag lhe non,mt line oft]lc-',aid ~ 3-R to ~st ~s~rly comcr of~l 4 in Blook Om otSnug ~ P~ ~cnco N 75° 54' 27" g - 176.16 frei alo~ tho no~hwmt )i~e of tho ~aid Lot 4 commm~ com~ of~t 4 ~d ~t 51 ~ N 72° l~' 30" ~ - 90,36 f~ sl~g ihe noflhw~t lin~ of~i 51 Thc~ N ~5~ 41' 18" E- 109,36 [~l alo~ thc Ilo~lw~t line of Mt 5 ~ tim ~mm~ com~ Of $~mg H~ P~se II ~d Kemail Po~t; The~e alo~ thc n~w~t ~nc of ~t 3 in Ke~ail Point ~ iollows: N i4= ~' 3~' ~- 2~.9~ ~t; , ~ 4° 1~' 59" B - 104.47 f~; Ntt~ 1t' ~'~-41.78 f~; N 30° 2~' 46~ E-47.15 f~: T~cnce 1~ 2°42' 35' B - 780.4~ feet thmu~ a~o~s Nantucket ~kc ~ thc ~utb~ line One; Thence along ihe-~oulb, casl linc c£1hc said Lot 3 ~s follc~vs.' N53° 38' 52"B- 103,13 feel; N 19° 28' 21".B- 49,69 feet; N 80e 05' 14" w. - 1'70,65 feet to Ibc ?omt of Bogirmin8 an& conla~tin8 38,62 aorc~ of land moro o: lc6s, Bcadu~,s mc b~s~ on the recorded plats of Nantucket Pheee One, ~s'blte~l hereon. This ba,,,is of bearing ~v'as also used on tho ~con/cd plal$ of Sn~ Harbor ~md Kea~s~il Po/at, plat w~ p~ from m~d~ subdivision ple~. ~ d~ hewn, and l~t ~m ~ This doctm*~cnt w~s ~ropsrcd under 22 TAC ~6~,21, d~ not ~fl~ ~c r~ul~ of an on the ~und ~, ~d is not ~ be ~d to ~y or ~1~ in~e~ in r~l ~dy of the bo~d~ office ~]it[~l subd{~iOlt for whi~ i~ ~e p~. Ar~a4 2002 A.,mexat;o~ City of College Stalicn 21 Sune 2002 Ail that curtain tract or l~a~el of la~d lying ~ being situated h~ thc-.l.'homa~ Ceul0m~ Leall;u~, Absl~ac't ~o. ?, in Brazes Courtly, T~as, bounded on tim north by thc old south r, hmmul of Cari~,r'6..Cr~e,k, on the south and west by tho ~istin,{ oily limits of Colle§e Sixties md on the eizt by Cartur La{co Subdivisiopl tu~d bets§ more particularly ck. suribe, d ss tbllows: Beginning in the nor~hwcat linc of Bird PoAd Road at tl~e intersection of the existin~ city llmlis tine ms defined by oTdinance no. 1462 ~d tho city limits line defin~ by ordinance no. 1092. Trm~ alor~ thc northwest llne el' Bird Pond Road ~cl the existing city limits lluo ms iollows: 1,4 41~' 00' 19" E-'778.00 fcc't; N 137 53' 40" l~ - 547.06 lq 16° 24' 38" B-631.82 N 2~° ~T' 09" E- 166,20 ~; N 43° 3g' 36~, E - 338,66 f~t (o Ih~ sourest line of~ Dri~; N48~ 45' 01" ~ - fll.Tg f~t ~ tim ~u~st com~ ofTgnity G~s ~cco~ing to plat of ~ in Volume Br~os ~nty, T~; '{'i~ence a]aug the ciiy limits line dcFmoil by ordinanco no. 2043 and ardirmncc no, 2132 as Follows: Thence ~ot:~:~ lite southeasi line ofFoxffm Plmaso IV and the exisiJn§ city limim d~ined by orcliaanco no. 1~64 ~s folio,va: Au~J)2 A~m 4 Pm8m ] N 37~ 29' 22" E- 152,4g fe~t; lq 0° 34' lY' t5 - 106.13 feat; lq 2g~ 56' 39~ E - 61.67 f~; ~ 6~= 15' 42~ ~- [6~.~ fe~ to the no~h~st com~ otFoxfim Ph~ ~; thcn~c H 39' 37' 15" W - 3445,68 f~t along tho no~heaat tine of Foxfi= Phase 1V Io at of'tho oxisling'¢ily Iimit~ defineA by on:linan~o no. [964: ~hcaoo along tl~e cky limit~ aa dal~ra~l by ordinance :to, ] 964 through that 190.40 a~m tract conveyed ~o Randall K, Roger~ and wife, Brenda F. Regis by deed recorded in Vol~.m~.e 3861, Page. 237 as follows: :' ' N 42° 03' 31:' E - 969.93 N41° 57' 45" w-381.21 fe~t; ~ 42° 03' 31" W - 949,61 f~ ~ the no~t lino of Stoneh~go a~o:ding to pl~ off--rd in Volu~ I615, Page 231 of the O~cial Public R~o~s of Br~os Cowry, T~. and the ~ty limi~ as dc~ by md~an~ Ixo- 2~3; Tb.~¢c 'bl ;39° 2~.' 24" W- 394-.34 feet along tho northeast line otS~ol~ehedge to the most nortlmrly comer of same; Thalce along tho city Ihnila line delhx~l by ordinano~ no. ~ 092 ~s follows: N 43° 51' 23' E- 256.98 fe~t along tho -~oulhe~t tine of S~dy Ri~ ~ing to p~t ofr~o~ in volume ~01, ~age 473 otth~ Dmd ~ds otBr~os ~xty, T~, to the no~h~t com~ of same; H ~o 55' 19" W - 35,89 fret ato~ t~e n~[ line of Sandy Ridge to the ~outh~i com~ of~ t~ot conv~ to ~. GarJm~d W~n. ~r. Quire WaI~n by d~ ~ordM in Volume 3005, Page 335 otth~ O~cial ~blio ~mda of Bmms County. T~; H 42~ ~' 45" E - 3626,31 f~t alert8 :h~ ~ne b~t the a~d Watson tm~t · ~ ~id Rog~ ~ot ~ the c~r of C~r"s Thr. aco down ~he center of the old 9outh ohann¢! of Ca.,-~er'= Cz~k. along tha noxthcasl line. of th~ saJ. d Rogc~ tract and col~.~Jr~uing along fha northeast line of that $0.48 acre ~.ra~t conwy~l ~ Shek Clink Hui and Suk Hin~; Hui by d~d t'~cord~d in ¥olumo t632, Page 9.73 of tbs Oflioial Pahlic Raoord$ of Brazes County, Tax~, ~o ~e ~eol~r ofthe box 33' 53' 4~'* XV - $489,00 f~t; Thcnoe cominuing down th~ old south chnnn~ of ~aner'$ Creak, along thy northeast liite of that 30,~ acre Ir~ c~ to Katie Chc~ult by d~ ~ord~ in Volume 346, Page 760 of l~c D~ R~ds of Br~ Cowry, T~, and ~e 58.97 acm ~mct ~nvey~ m WiiIi~ B. G~t by d~ ~o~ in Volmne 357, Pa~ 118 of th~ De~ Am~.xl~ Area 4 Pega 2 ~'4 the c, oA~er ortho culvert at Bird Pond Road beam N (~3° 41' 13" W - 1760.24 Thence S 41° 40' 13" W - 4016.$0 f~t alon§ the ]iv.c bctwc~n ~ 2.~ ~cm ~c~ ~ve~ to C~ ~o Homo Own~ ~omtim in Volumo 24[4, P~So ~0 of the Offi~al ~bl~o R~ds of B~s County, co~Lnu(~ alo~ ~o line b~we~ ~ho C~r ~e Home Ow~ Co~tiofl ~ and th~ 18,2~7 ~re trot ~nv~ ~ Edw~ M. Kelley, ~t &, by ~ r~ord~ in Volumo 281, Pa~ 528 of I~o.D~ ~s of B~s Cowry, T~ ~d I~ ~ ~o Home Ownem ~(ion Imol an4 that 26,25 acre Z~ co~ to ~w~d M. Kc]Ivy end William N. K~tt~y. Jr. by ~d re~ed in Volume 489, P~ 523 of,lre D~ R~o~s of ~c~ S 20e 49' 13" W - ~.47 ~ continuing along ~ line bc~ Home O~ C~rs~ion ~ and ~ said Kd]ey 26.25 acre ~ct ~ the mos[ northly comer oftb~ 1.91 z~e ~ot c~ fo Czdcr Luke Dwelopmgnl ~q~orafion ~o~ in Volume !~, Page 229 of flt~ Official Public Re~s of Bm~s Count% Texas: Thmtc¢ S 54° 0g' 47" E - f95.97 f¢~ along thc northeagt llne of t~ ~ C~ D~clopm~nt Co~o~t[on 1.91 ac~ ~, wMch is a sou~h~ tin~ of Ca,er ~a of B~s County', T~, ~o lh~ mo~t ~]y comer afflm said 1.91 Theace S 21° 07' 13" W - $75.67 fe~ a~o:~g the ]~ b~n ~ sam ~ce ~ke D~olopmeni ~mtion 1.91 ~m ~vt ~ C~ ~ So;fion Five and ~nti~ming ~long ~ lino bctw~n C~ ~¢ 8~fion Five ~d ~tce Wolken by d~d ~ord~ iu Voh~c 401, P~ ~9 of tl~o De~ R~ords of B~e County, T~, ~ en ~ point ~n ~e no~hw~t lin~ ofCz~r ~k~ S~ti~ Four ~c~rd[ng ~ p]~ of rc~ in Volume 292, ~g~ County, Then~ S 32· 24' 13" W - 343.63 fget conlinuiag along thc lino bolwoen dm .',aid Wolkm ~raot and C'artcr I.,~l~ S~ot~oA Four to an ;ingle point; Thaa~ S 21° 45' t3" W - 251.4g feet coatinuing aloRg lbo lino botween ~k¢ sam Wolken trot ~ C~er L~ S~(ion Four to thc ~i~*i~ oily IJmi~ line defined by ~dinanc¢ ~o. 1462; Thence along the ~isting oity limit$ li~ de/in~ by ordi;umce ao. 1462 ~s follows: N $2° 02' 02" W - 1244.30 feet; N'84'~ 23' 02" W-621,75 'N 85° 02' ~" W - 1093.1~ ~ {o t~ Poinl of Beginning ~d ~maf~ng 654 ac~* of land more or l~s. Anne.~-O2 Area ~ Pal~ 3 or4 PRELi INAB¥ B¢~trin/Is sre Texas State Plan~, NAD-SS daI~m, bas~ on City of CS 1994 GPS oontrol poin[s and GPS observatlo]~s. This documcflt ~,v~ prepared under 22 TAC §553,21, docs not L~fl~T, the, r~,,llls of'an on ~he ground survc.-y, Md is not to b~ used Io convey or e~tablish interests in real propody cxccpt lhosv righls slid interests intplied or eslabli.,,hcd by Ibc crealion or reconfi§uration ofthe boundary ut'lbo po]£iic.81 ~bdivisiort for which it: was prepared. *Acreago is ~tpproxL~al¢ and w~s caloulated wi~h ihe oe~t~rline of~e old, south oharaol of Csrter's Creek delerminc, d from lopog~zphio maps, se.~sl photogr'~phs and deed inform[~lion. "'- ,Ioe Orr, 2167 Po.~t Oak CoLlege St~.'ion, Tit Areas 2002 Annexation . Cityof College gtation 20 Jone~ 2002 Alt xhai certain c,'act or l~arcel of lm~d lying mtd be~ni& ei~uafed iii tlxe'Tholna~ C~zuthers I.~g~ Abstrac{ No'. 7, the Nadmn Clampitt Survey, Abstract No. 90 and tile $.W. Robertsim Sunmy: .Abstract t,Io. 202. in Brazes County, Texas, being all of tho land heralded by ~e Ci/ter Lake Subdivision tall Carter Crook Cloi$1ent on tim ,,vest, the present city limits along Rock Prairie Road on the south, the old .south =',=,net of Carter'; Greek on the north and tho linc~ bct~vc= the Csml M. Anderson 6481.21 acre tract ctcsoribe, xi by deed recorded in ¥olum= 33'}'5, Page 9 of thc Official P~blic R~.,ords or Brazen Comdy. Tar. es, ancl Ih~ Booj~mln A, Allen nnd gvetyn L. A.i]en Revocable Living Tru~t 590,5 acr~ tract described in Vohm'= 3327, Pag~ 207 8ad 210 of ~lte Officia! Public Re. cords el' Brazes Co~niy, Text, on the out, mt~[ being more pa.~=ul8rly de, scribed ~ to]Lows: llegi]ming in th= southeast linc o£Br~[ey mad which is the ;mnhwest tin= of that 40.93 ac:e tract oolLve~yed to ~'ohn mtd Mary Bradley by deed recorded in ¥olumc 312, Page ?$4 of the D. eecl Records of Brazes County, Texas, at dm inte. raecilon with tho existing city l|r~il$1ine ofrtte City of'College Station, Tc,xas ss defined by ordina~ce no. t462. l'lte;~ce N 35~ 51' 13" E - 3393,04 £cot alo~ Ii~c ~outl~'t tine of Bnd[~ most nodh~ly eom~ of that 0.55 a=e tract convey~ ~ 3o~ F. G6ffi~ ~d wit~ M. Jo~ Gffffii~ by d~d ~ord~ ~ Volume 3~, Page 553 of the De~ Rc~s of Brazes Coun~, T~a~, wMch is in the south--[ ]i~ ofC~e~ Cfmk ~oi~em a~ordlng to plat of~ in Voi~e 395, Page 183 of the Dmt R~s of Braes ~unty, Text; Thence S 49* 05' ¢7" B- 230.90 feet along thc ~outhwcat llnc of the. said Carter Creek Cloisters to the most southerly comer of same; Thence g 3~° $1' ]3" B - ! 152.83 fee! stung the sou~ea;t lira of Ibc s~id Clrt~ C~eek Cloiste~ to tlm m~t easeerly comer ofsamc; Thence N $4" 0g' 47" W - 260.00 feet ato]tg tim northeast line of tho saki C~r~er Clr~k Cloiste~ in 'rite aoulheas( line of Cart~ Lake Sub4ivision according to plat of record in VoB~me 252, Pag~ !! ! ortho Deed. RAcords of Brains County, Texas; T~,crtce N 35° 51' 13" B - 1085,00 fcet Rlon~ thc line between tim Car 'Lake Homo Owners Co:potation 20,7 acre tract descffbed by deed recorded in Volume 241.~,, Page 20 Astra~02 A~ca 5 Page ] of 4 ct' tho O~cial Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, a~d the ~rustitms Bulhof 24.12 aca'~ trac! dcscribocl [ri Volume 2628, Page 278 ortho OIEoie. I P~lbli.¢ Records of' Brazos County, To, cas, to tho confer ct' Clio old ~outh channel of Carter's Crock; 'l'~=ncc down Ih~ ccn~r ortho old ~u~ cham~ of ~r's ~k ~o Ibc line b~v~t rite D~ Rc~s ~f Br=~ County, T~xas, ~d Ibc Jam~ T. ~rll 40.9~2 acre ~ d~fib~ by dc~ r~ in Volum~ 1682, Pag~ 265 of the Offic~l Public R~ords o~ B~ ~unty, T~s, ~m which ~ho inter,don oi ~o said ~k ~mel ~ t~ Iin~ b~tw~ i~e ~i~ ~ ~ Home O~me~ ~mi~ 20.7 a~ iran an~ ,he said Bulhof24A2 av~v l~l boom N 51° 59' 16" w - 5747.~ f~t; Thcncc continuing down !~.~ ccnl=r oftM old scuffs aid C~I1 40,942 ac~ ~t, ac~ G~ Prairie ~ld and along ~e ao~he~t [in~ of fi~i~f-w,y Iff= Ct ~ Prairie ~a~, from which the ~i~ in the ~m~ of tho o1~ ~uth ch~eL of C~er's ~k ~d Ch~ linc b~w~n smd Cad140.942 ~e ~, b~ N 36~ 50' 01~W- 13~.59 f~t; T~eftce co~tfinuing down the cen~er of fits old ~u~ ~ct of Ca~'s ~ ~d ~ m,~ ~cl of Ca~'s ~ wbicl~ is ~e bound~ b~e~ the ~id C~! M. Andiron 648.21 a~ ~ct ~d that 23~.04 acr~ I~[ ~o~ ~ G~6 J. ~al, Jr. ~d wif~ ~nda M. K=cal by ~ ~ord~ in Vol~ 1470, Pa~ 88 of ~e Official 'Public Rc~s of Bm~s County, T~, W ~ho ~mer of the said Antron t~ct in ~e southc=t of ~hv ~O;-of-wa~ ofG~s P~idv R~d b~ N 7~ 10' I6" W - 10, ~6~39 Thence along tho linc botwccn [ho said Aadea'son l~o~ and lho said Allen tract ~s follows: S 4= 05' 27" W- 523.00 $ 6*50' 22" W- 1320.21 fe~t; S 11° 41' 36" W - 215,97 fee; to the line beixveen the aaid And=son tract and lhat 4.0 acre tract conveyed to Tom Bradloyby doed rmor(I~l in Volume 1502. Page 1 o£tho Official Public Records of Brazos County, Tax~; Thence along the line betw~m~ lho said Andcrson Irac[ nail the said Bradley 4.0 acre tract and oontinoinl~ along tile northw~t line of Rock Prairie Road m follow~: S 73~' 12' 02" W- 706.08 test; S 7g° 22' 37" W - 413.19 feet; $ 74° 19' 30" W- 1172.30 fc~t ~o ~o ~m~ oflh~ 12.50 a~e ~ ~ve~ ~ J~ J~n~ by ~ m~ in Volum~ 3628, P~c 328 of the Offiotal ~blic R~mds ofBrazos Co~[y, T~. which is the ~i~]ng city limi~ line of Collc~ ~([on, Texas, ~ dofincd by offiinanc= no, 14621 Anncadl2 ~ 5 Parc 2 ~0f4 PB[LIIAI UV 'fhence N 2° .58' 12" W - 6Sg.79 feet nlor~ the, I:tordma.~t line ot'll~o said ,T~nac !:2.50 acre tr~t, whCch ~x the existing oily' ]hnhs ]ine, Io lh~ nozth~'t conmr of sam~ Thence S B7° 01' 4~" W - 1342.54 feet along {ho line between th~ said ,Ian~o 12,50 acre 1113, Pag~ 142 o£ the Official Records of Braz0s County, Texas, and oontirtail~ along lbo ]ism between thc s~f.d J'an~¢ t 0.00 ~cre tract and tl~t 10.~1) {~re lrac~ oonYv--ycd lo :sm~ .lan~ by de. od reeordocl in Volume 2.~2, Page llg oi'~.~ OIEoi~I ?ublic Aeoords of Brazes County, T~xi~s, which is tho cxisiing o~'ty ]im~ls fine, to ~b.c ccmtmon ~mer of the two t0.00 acre t~l~ in {l~e ,to~maxt ]ir= of' ~ 60' w~d¢ p~iv'~, road conv~cd to Robezt Bonnet by deed recordcd in Volume 3478, Page 33 of lbo Offi~,ial Pablic Re. oorc~ of Braz~s County, Texa~.' Thcnc~ S 2~ 55' 12" tE- $] 1.2/foil along tho soatllw~l lia~ o?the said 3anao 10,00 a~'~ IrilCt aid L11e e. xist[r~ city limil$ tine,; Thenc= c~tin~in~ alon~, dm ~isiir~ oily limils lin= as dofln~ by ord[,~ no. 1462 as foltows: S Bg° 04' 34" W - 137.92 N 850 50' 59"W- 586.71 N 73° 45' Z~' W - 281.~ f~t; N 66° 49' ~" W - 368.62 f~t; N 61~ 25' 56" W- 1021.07 N 61* 23' 07" W- 634.~ ~ 72° 18' I4"W- 3S9,~ f~t; ~ 7~ 43' S7" W- 880.2~ ~; N 7~22' 22" W- 1386.34 f~; H ~ 30' 2~" W- 726.22 H820 16' 21" W- t22.6~ N61° 11' 58"W- 332.23 N S0" 43' 41~ W - 7~g.26 H57" 48' 31'W- 1~5.62 N 690 53' 32" W - 3~ [ 1.~ fmc; N 76° 25' 02" W - 1211,8~ £e~t ia the southeast lin= of {ha{ 5.005 a~e tm~t convo~ ~ Rudolph Schul~ by d~ ~ imt Vol~e 3704, Page ! Official Publio ~ds of B~ County, Texas; N 42~ 02' 33" ~ - 235.70 fee~ to t~ e~t com~ of the s~d S~ullz N47~ 53' 27' W- 370.00 fe~ along th~ no~h~sl linC of~ said $chul~ trna to tho mos, ao~herly ~er of~m~i S 42° 02' 33~W- ~5.15 ~ al~g lbo ~rthw~ ]h~o offlm s~d Sohult~ l~ot to tim m~t e~taly ¢om~ o~ the 3.3? ac~ ~¢t ~n~d ~ Ni~ M, Holliday by d~ r~rd~ in Volt~ 4148~ Pa~ 1~ oft~ Official ~ 59° 53' 43" w - 362.23 f~t al~g lhe ~o~h~ line oft~ ~id Holliday trot ~ rite most ~hcrly ~nlec off.e; Anac,~2 Area .~ Page 3 of 4 S 18° 23' 14" W - 440.16 £e~t alon~ the norlhw~t lil~ oil the maid Hollidey traut; N 76° ~' ~ W - 378,~ f~ ~o ~he ~uth~st lino of Ihat 1,41 ~ ~onv~ to Roar ~pa by d~ ~ord~ {n Vol~= ~8, P~o 236 of D~ Rc~s ofBr~os ~muy, T~; thc mos{ ~rly m~r N 39~ 37' 21" W- L34,29 f~ along the uo~h~st lino of the {id P~ tract to Ih6 most northerly ~mcr of same; S 35° 51' i3" W - 275.~ ~t aLo~ (h~ n~hw~t ]inc oilllc said P~pa N 76" 28' ~" W - 454.90 f~t ~ Tile Po]~ of Ba~i~ a~ couta}~ 1340 a~* of land mor6 ~ B~rin~ ~e Texas ~ Yh~, H~-83 datum, b~ on City oF CS 1994 GPS and GP~ obme~ations. This docum~t was p~par~l under 22 TAC §d63.21, dom noi ~t ihe ~ul~ of~t o~t the ~d su~oy, ~d is not to b~ us~ ~ eonv~ or ~bl{sh int~ in ~al p~y ~pt th~ H~h~ and int~ impli~ or ~ab]is~ by ~h~ crealion or ~nfig~lon oFdte ~uud~ofih~ poliiicai ~bdiv~ou for ~v~[c~ it ~v~ p~, *Acre=Be is appmximaic and was oalculat~ ~vilh the ~m{~rline ot'tlt~ old, south chanucl o.t' Carl~'s Cr~¢k det. errnine, d ~om fopo{p'aphio maps, acrlal pb. otographs and deed. in~rmation. AmlexO2 ^~ $ Pai~ 4 e~'4 Joe Orr, Inc. 2167 ~st Oak Ci~I~ ~llege Static, TX 778~5 (~9) ~0-3378 Area6 2002 Annexation City of College 17 June 2002 Ail that certain tract or bm-cci of land lying arrd being $ituamd in the-.'t;homas C'amthcrs Lea~, Abstract No- 7, tim Augu.ttus Williams League, Abstract Ilo. $8, and the Nathan Gtampitt Survey, A. Sstme, t No, 90, Jn Braz0~ County, ?exa~ hoing a strip of larxi iyia~§ along each side of C_n'c~ns Prairic Ro~ appzoxima~ty 1175 feex wide extending ~'om the old south cha~mel et Carter's Creek to the ~outhw=st right*of-way line el'State l-Iigl~vay Ho. 30 and being mom par~iotrlarly desorib~ ~ follows: Begirmi~ m tho southwest right-of-way line Of State Highway No, 30 et the common comer of thc Waller McGruder 15.8 a=m tract d~ribexi by deed reccr~ in Voittmc 716, P~go 132 of ttt~ Official Re. cords of Brazes County, Tvr. zs, enid Ihe Robe~ ^lien Smith 15.8 acm trac~ dese. rib=d by dccd mco~ed i~ Volume 716, Page 136 ofthn Offioiel Rccon~ Of Bro2.o6 Go~nty. Tex~s. Thcnce S 41' 22' 0l' W - 862.08 fret along th~ line bctwee, n tl~ zaid lVlcOmder ~ ~e ~d. Smith f~t to t~ ~r ~ommon corn= of s~g in t~ n~h~t I~c C.M. ~d~on Pmpea[~ Ltd. ~ct d~db~ by grad r~ ~n Volum~ 3169, lB0 of the Official Publi~ R~o~ ofBr~os ~nty, T~; 'l'aencc S 47' ~" 5~" 15 - 593-96 f~t along Ibc lin~ bctwcem !~ said GM. ~d~n Pro~i~, LM, ~act ~d thc said Mc~r t~ct to = ~i~a Iocat~ 500' ~ghw~t of the no~hw~t right-of-way line of G~m ~a~c Road; Til~,'Ice through the said C.M, Anderson Propertier,~ Ltd. tract and thy $¢m S~ph~t 870,94 acre tract de. soribad by demi recorded in Volume 3731, Pag~ 202 of file Official PubLic Records of Brazes County, Texes, parallel to and 500' fi-mn lhe norti~we,~ right- of-way tine of Greens Prairie Road as follows: $ 44* 15' 28" W ~ 306.74 foot to an angle point; S42° 45' 29" W- 1132.51 feet to an anglo poim; S 41° 52' 27'" 'W - 315,45 feet m the beginning of a ourve to tim left (R~-4~50. t4'); Along thc arc of said curvg through a oenira! angle of 16e $$' 03" to tho cnd o1' said curve; S 24* 59' 24" W - $S?0.27 foci Io tlie begi*mi*tg ot' a curv~ to the lc:fl I~o botw~n ~h~ Go~I~ ~0 a~ ~ct d~b~ by de~ ~ord~ in VoI~c 138, P~ 505 of the D~d R~o~s of Bm~ Co~y, T~a, a~ the Liquid ~gy Co~o~Iiot~ l~ot d~rib~ by d~d r~ed in Voh~c 594, Pa~ 44 of~ ~ R~ords ofB~ Counly, T~; Thon~;¢ S 41° 14' 16" W- 373.$0 feet along the line be, tween tho seal Coon ~t ~d ~he · ~d ~quid ~ Co~o~lion t:~t ~ ~he oo~o~ ~mer of ~e in the no~h~st linc of the CP. 0o~ 1~ acre Sect d~db~ by d~d ~o~ in Volume 3~, Page ~85 of ~h~ Dc~ R~s o~Br~s Comity, T~ Three S 48* 31' 35" 5 - 234.9:3 foe/arena d~e line beaveen the smd Liquid Hno:$y Corporat/on tract and the' said Gocn! :50 abc tract Io a poinl located 500~ fioflhw~t ortho northwest right-of-way liue of Oreens Prairie Road; Three I~ou~ t~t~' add C-om 160-~ Ir~i p~/d. lel ~o ~d 500' f~m the nor~hwen right-of-way line of Gmelm Pm/de Road as follows: S 6°53' 0C1W -- 1401.19' to thc bci/nning ol a ~u~o to th~ ~ (R=2587,02"); Along the ~ of~ cu~ through a cenka[ ~1 of 18° 0~' 4J" to t~ ~d of ~id ct~o; Th=nco I] 41° 41' 0C' W - 2922,00 Esot, at 116,0 f¢~t pass lh~ mo~t n~h~rly ~ of tim J~ T. C~11 ~,942 acm ~ct d~fib~ by de~ m~dcd in Volume 1~, Pe~ 25S of thc O~ial Publio Re~rds cf ~s County, T~ ~d ~nti~ming aLo~ t~ line bel~ tho said C~I1 40.942 d~gb~ in.Volume ~2, P~e 434 of the D~d ~c~s ofBr=~ Co~y, T~, to tho old south oh~ol ofCaR~'s Cg~k; Thence in e southoa~.terly dircolion down tho old south channel of Car~er's Creek through · cite said Carll 40.942 acze tra~, across C.~-eens Prairie Road and alert& lh~ CRrol M. Anderson 648.21 ~m traci described by deed recorded in Volmne 3375, Pag~ 9 and th~ Gooq~ ~'. Kacal, .Tr. and w/fo, Linda M, Kaeal 2366.04 ~cre tract de,~gb~ in Volume 1470, Page 88 of the Official Pubtio Records of Brains Coll~lt.y. Texas, lo a poini located ~00' southeast of the souihesst right-of, way line of Pre/de Road, from whioh lbo point in lh¢ oroek on the line bev,yeah Ihs CaHI 75 acre tract and the Carl140,942 aero t~ct bears N 36° $0' 01" Il/' - 1302.59 Thel~¢e ~hrougl~ the ,~aid Kacal tract paralld to smd SOO' from thc southeast line of Gn:ons Prairie Road as follow~: N 41' 51' 17" E - 242g.00 fe~t to the beginning of a curve to the lolt (R=3762.029' ' Along the am of said curve lhrool~ a cealr& ar~¢ of 34,° 58' 11" to the mid of said curve; N ~° 53) 06" F_,- 180.3:5 foet to ~he lLne bet~ve~ the said K-,cai tract and. th~ smd C~oen ~0 acxe tract; 'l'heuce N 42° 01' 40" E- 333.63 feet aion$ ~he line be~w~n s~d G0~ 160 ~ ~act ~o the ~mmon com~ ofth~ s~d ~ ~t c~ ~o ~ Dudley and ~fc, ~ani~ Dudley by d~ 3738, P~ 1~ or,he Officia{ Pub{to R~o~ of Braes County, T~; Thm~cc N 48° 20' 42" W - 233.78 feet alculZi the line b¢[wee~m tile maid Ooen 160 ac. re tract and tim said ]f)udiey tract to a point located 500' .southuas~ of tho southeas~ way line o£C_~roens Prairie Road; Th,nee 10arallel to and ~00' from llm momhea.,t line ottomans Prairie ~ as.follows: N (~<' 53' .06" E - ~)04.25 fe~t to the beginning et' a curve Io tho Along th~ ~ of=md ou~o t~ a ~nt~! mgl, of 18= 06' 1~ ~o lh, =d H 24° 59' 24" E - 5870.27 fe~ ~ tile begi~ing of a m~e m t~e ~qqss,14'); Al~g the ~ ofsid ~c {~ugt a ~mml angle of 16' 53' 03" to t~ end of said N 4i~ ~2' 27" ~ - 305.~g f~t to ~{ ang{e point; H 42~ 4~' 29" ] - 1108.41 ~ to ~ N ~ 13' 28" ~ - 935.~8 f~t ~ th~ southwest d~t.of-way liuo of H~way30; Thence along Ih= southwe.~t, dgltt-of-way Hue of Slate Highway 30 a~ follows: 1~ 39° 58' 12" W - 3 82.19 feel to an mzgle point: N 28° 33' 30h W- 200.29 feet ~o an angle poinl; ~ 39e 58' 35" W - 10z1.5.$1 feet to the Yoint of Buginni:[8 and containing 455 act, s of]md moro or less. Bearings are Texas Staec Plan~, NAD-83 dntum, ba.w,d on City of C~ 1994 OPS control poh~ts and OP8 obsea'vatious. Aun~02 Ar~ 6 1)'age 3 .% ,/