HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/2022 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning Commission College Station, TX Meeting Agenda Planning and Zoning Commission 1101 Texas Ave, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/86406948559 Phone: 888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 864 0694 8559 The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. July 21, 2022 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers College Station, TX Page 1 Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the meeting body will be present in the physical location stated above where citizens may also attend in order to view a member(s) participating by videoconference call as allowed by 551.127, Texas Government Code. The City uses a third- party vendor to host the virtual portion of the meeting; if virtual access is unavailable, meeting access and participation will be in-person only. 1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. 2. Hear Visitors At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to visitors wishing to address the Commission on issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. An individual who wishes to address the Commission regarding any item on the agenda shall register with the Commission Secretary prior to 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting. To register, the individual must provide a name and phone number by calling 979.764.3751 or emailing khejny@cstx.gov prior to 4 p.m. To submit written comments to the Commission, email khejny@cstx.gov and they will be distributed to the Commission. The visitor presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) 3. Consent Agenda All matters listed under the Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. Since there will not be separate discussion of these items, citizens wishing to address the Commission regarding one or more items on the Consent Agenda may address the Commission at this time as well. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it may be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 3.1. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. Attachments: 1. July 7 2022 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 5. Regular Agenda Page 1 of 34 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 July 21, 2022 5.1. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance," Article 4, "Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2, “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from PDD Planned Development District to PDD Planned Development District to amend the existing PDD Concept Plan on approximately 2 acres of land located at Harper’s Crossing Block 1 Lot 2, more generally located northeast of the intersection of Barron Road and William D. Fitch Parkway. Case #REZ2022-000009 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the August 11, 2022 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Sponsors: Robin Macias Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3. Background Information 4. Applicant's Supporting Information 5. Rezoning Map 6. Existing Future Land Use Map 7. Existing Concept Plan 8. Proposed Concept Plan 5.2. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use & Character Map from Medical to Urban Residential for approximately 17 acres, generally located at 400 Double Mountain Road. Case #CPA2022- 000005 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the August 11, 2022 City Council Meeting- Subject to change). Sponsors: Jesse Dimeolo Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3. Comprehensive Plan Exhibit 4. Background Information 5. Applicant's Supporting Information 6. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Map 6. Informational Agenda 6.1. Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev 6.2. Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings:  Thursday, July 28, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. (Liaison - Jackson)  Thursday, August 4, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m.  Thursday, August 11, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. (Liaison - Smith)  Thursday, August 18, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. 6.3. Presentation and discussion regarding an update on items heard:  A Rezoning of approximately seven acres from Research & Development to Planned Development District located at 400 Technology Parkway. The Planning & Zoning Page 2 of 34 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 July 21, 2022 Commission heard this item on June 16, 2022 and voted (7-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on July 14, 2022 and voted (6-0) to approve the request. 6.4. Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board.  Monday, July 25, 2022 ~ DRB Meeting ~ City Hall 1938 Executive Conference Room ~ 11:00 a.m. 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 8. Adjourn. The Planning and Zoning Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on July 15, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 3 of 34 July 7, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION July 7, 2022 6:00 p.m. 1101 Texas Ave, College Station, TX 77840 Phone: *888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 872 0635 7232 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/87206357232 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Dennis Christiansen, Bobby Mirza, William Wright, Thomas Jackson, Jason Cornelius, and Mark Smith COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Melissa McIlhaney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Ostrowski, Molly Hitchcock, Erika Bridges, Alyssa Halle-Schramm, Anthony Armstrong, Lucas Harper, Jesse DiMeolo, Robin Macias, Derrick Williams, Bekha Wells, Naomi Sing, Katherine Beaman-Jamael, Lindsey Pressler, Leslie Whitten, and Kristen Hejny 1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. Chairperson Christiansen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors No visitors spoke. 3. Consent Agenda 3.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • June 16, 2022 3.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Southern Pointe Subdivision Sections 103 & 119 on approximately 14.85 acres, generally located north of Peach Creek Cut-Off Road and west of Pipeline Road in the City’s Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Case #FP2021- 000025 Commissioner Smith motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Cornelius seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. No items were removed. 5. Regular Agenda 5.1 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Section 5.2, “Residential Dimensional Standards,” and Section 8.3.H.4, “Cluster Development” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, regarding cluster developments. Case #ORDA2022-000002 (Note: Final Page 4 of 34 July 7, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 action of this item will be considered at the July 28, 2022 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Staff Planner Macias presented the Ordinance Amendment to the Commission, recommending approval. Commissioner Cornelius asked in regard to other cities that did not increase density, was it because there was no incentive. Staff Planner Macias stated that other city’s incentives did not include density bonuses. Commissioner Wright asked if the City of College Station is looking to give a density bonus. Staff Planner Macias stated that staff is not increasing the density from what is currently there, staff has found that in recent and current developments, developers cannot yield the lots to reach the density that we currently have, so an incentive was not necessary. Ms. Macias further stated that by decreasing the lot size and making it to where developers can set a minimum, it would increase the lot yield and allow the developers to be closer to the maximum density allowed. Commissioner Smith asked for examples of developments such as the Cove of Nantucket and their percentage of open space. Staff Planner Macias stated that the Cove of Nantucket has 12% open space, with 19% dedicated as parkland. Commissioner Smith asked for the number of cluster subdivisions in the City of College Station. Staff Planner Macias clarified that there are currently eight cluster subdivisions in the City of College Station. Commissioner Mirza asked if clustering would make housing more affordable. Staff Planner Macias explained that cluster subdivisions could have that effect, possibly containing smaller lots to sell at a more affordable rate. Commissioner Wright asked if staff has seen the development community interested in cluster subdivisions. Staff Planner Macias clarified that staff is not receiving many questions; however, some developers have used it, and some have said it did not fit their business model. Chairperson Christiansen opened the public hearing. No visitors spoke. Chairperson Christiansen closed the public hearing. Commissioner Jackson motioned to recommend approval of the Ordinance Amendment. Commissioner Commissioner Wright seconded the motion, the motion passed (6-0). Page 5 of 34 July 7, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 5.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the Plan of Work. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski presented this item to the Commission. Chairperson Christiansen requested staff look into a safer system of bike facilities, lighting, and widening bike lanes. Chairperson Christiansen asked for the process when a new project comes to staff. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski explained what staff would do internally versus hiring a consultant, and review with staffing levels. Commissioner Cornelius requested the middle housing zoning district itemized as critical. Commissioner Wright requested lot-by-lot grading requirements be itemized as important. Chairperson Christiansen acknowledged the Wellborn Community planning effort. Commissioner Mirza asked if certain issues are prioritized over others. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski stated that prioritization depends on community needs, state law, and sequencing of projects. Commissioner Wright motioned to recommend approval of the Plan of Work noting lot-by- lot grading requirements as an important priority and middle housing as a critical priority. Commissioner Cornelius seconded the motion, the motion passed (6-0). 6. Informational Agenda 6.1 Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 6.2 Discussion of Minor/Amending Plats approved by staff: • Parkway Plaza Phase 7; Lots 3R-1, 3R-2, 4R, and 5R ~ Case #FPCO2022-000002 • College Station Medical + Senior Living; Block 1, Lot 1-R ~ Case #FP2022-000006 There was no discussion. 6.3 Presentation and discussion regarding an update on items heard: • A Comprehensive Plan Amendment of approximately five acres from Residential Suburban to Neighborhood Commercial located at 2354 Barron Road. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on June 2, 2022 and voted (4-1) to recommend Page 6 of 34 July 7, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 approval. The City Council heard this item on June 23, 2022 and voted (7-0) to approve the request. • A Rezoning of approximately five acres from Rural to PDD located at 2354 Barron Road. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on June 2, 2022 and voted (5-0) to recommend approval of the request with the conditions that the front of the building not exceed 28 feet in height and the rear of the building not exceed 16 feet in height. The City Council heard this item on June 23, 2022 and voted (7-0) to approve the request with the Commission’s conditions and an additional condition that the buffer must include a minimum 6-foot concrete or brick wall. • A Ordinance Amendment amending the official Park Zones Map, land dedication, and fee amounts. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on May 19, 2022 and voted (7-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on June 23, 2022 and voted (7-0) to approve the request with an implementation schedule of the proportionate dedication and fee rates of 60% on 10/1/2022, 80% on 10/1/2023, and 100% on 10/1/2024. There was no discussion. 6.4 Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Thursday, July 14, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. (Liaison – McIlhaney) • Thursday, July 21, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, July 28, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 6:00 p.m. (Liaison – Jackson) • Thursday, August 4, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. There was no discussion. 6.5 Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board. • None There was no discussion 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m. Approved: Attest: Page 7 of 34 July 7, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 ______________________________ ________________________________ Dennis Chairperson Christiansen, Chairperson Kristen Hejny, Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services Page 8 of 34 July 21, 2022 Regular Agenda Rezoning – Barron Road PDD Concept Plan Amendment To: Planning & Zoning Commission From: Robin Macias, Staff Planner Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A , “Unified Development Ordinance, “Article 4, Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from PDD Planned Development District to PDD Planned Development District to amend the existing PDD Concept Plan on approximately 2 acres of land located at Harper’s Crossing Block 1 Lot 2, more generally located northeast of the intersection of Barron Road and William D Fitch Parkway. Case # REZ2022-000009 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the August 11, 2022 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the modified Concept Plan. Summary: This request is to modify the existing PDD Planned Development District Concept Plan on approximately 2 acres of a 3.2-acre PDD. The property was previously zoned PDD Planned Development District in 2012 and the associated Concept Plan showed the development of the property in two phases. Phase One was completed with the development of a medical office. Phase Two is undeveloped and is the subject of this Concept Plan amendment. The applicant is proposing to change the site layout from one building to two buildings and change the parking layout. It is the applicant’s intent to build a daycare facility at this location. REZONING REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Whether the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map designates the subject property as Neighborhood Commercial. The Comprehensive Plan generally describes the Neighborhood Commercial land use designation as follows: Areas of commercial activities that cater primarily to nearby residents. These areas tend to be smaller format than general commercial and locate adjacent to major roads along the fringe of residential areas. The intent of the district is to: Accommodate limited commercial services compared to General Commercial. Encourage transitions in building height and mass when adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Support some residential uses that are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood character. The zoning districts that are generally appropriate within this land use include: SC Suburban Commercial and O Office zoning. Page 9 of 34 The proposed concept plan amendment is in line with the Comprehensive Plan as it is providing a small-scale commercial development. 2. Whether the uses permitted by the proposed zoning district will be appropriate in the context of the surrounding area: The property has frontage to both Barron Road and William D Fitch Parkway. Adjacent properties are zoned GS General Suburban to the north and east, PDD Planned Development District to the south, and GS General Suburban and R Rural to the west. The properties to the south of the subject property across William D Fitch Pkwy are zoned C-3 Light Commercial and SC Suburban Commercial. Adjacent and nearby properties are developed as residential homes, a medical office, commercial offices, and restaurants. The PDD’s land uses are not proposed to change and are appropriate in the context of the area. 3. Whether the property to be rezoned is physically suitable for the proposed zoning district: The size and location of the subject property is suitable for small scale commercial development. The site has adequate space to meet the minimal dimensional standards for the base zoning district of C-3 Light Commercial as set forth in the PDD. 4. Whether there is available water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation facilities generally suitable and adequate for uses permitted by the proposed zoning district: The existing water and wastewater infrastructure is adequate to support the needs of this development. Drainage and any other infrastructure required with the site development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the BCS Unified Design Guidelines. The subject property has frontage to Barron Road, a minor arterial on the Throughfare Plan, and will have driveway access to it. A traffic impact analysis was not required for the proposed request as the anticipated traffic volume falls below the threshold of 150 trips in the peak hour that would require a TIA to be performed. 5. The marketability of the property: The proposed modifications to the existing PDD Concept Plan will increase the marketability of the property as it would be better suited for a daycare facility. REVIEW OF CONCEPT PLAN The Concept Plan provides an illustration of the general layout of the proposed building areas as well as other site related features. The proposed Concept Plan is generally changing the building and parking layout for Phase Two of the PDD Concept Plan. In proposing a PDD, an applicant may also request variations to the general platting and site development standards provided that those variations are outweighed by demonstrated community benefits of the proposed development. The Unified Development Ordinance provides the following review criteria as the basis for reviewing PDD Concept Plans: Page 10 of 34 1.The proposal will constitute an environment of sustained stability and will be in harmony with the character of the surrounding area; 2.The proposal is in conformity with the policies, goals, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and any subsequently adopted Plans, and will be consistent with the intent and purpose of this Section; 3.The proposal is compatible with existing or permitted uses on abutting sites and will not adversely affect adjacent development; 4.Every dwelling unit need not front on a public street but shall have access to a public street directly or via a court, walkway, public area, or area owned by a homeowners association; 5.The development includes provision of adequate public improvements, including, but not limited to, parks, schools, and other public facilities; 6.The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 7.The development will not adversely affect the safety and convenience of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation in the vicinity, including traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use and other uses reasonably anticipated in the area considering existing zoning and land uses in the area. The proposed Concept Plan amendment for Phase Two will include two one-story buildings that will not total more than 13,000 sq ft combined. The proposed Concept Plan also includes a proposed covered outdoor learning and recreation area. A 15-ft landscape buffer with masonry wall will be adjacent to the residential homes. The Concept Plan is proposing to have one-way traffic through the site, which will have an entrance off Barron Rd and exit onto William D Fitch Pkwy. A right turn lane may be added along Barron Rd during the site plan submittal. Purpose, Intent and Community Benefits: The Planned Development District for this property outlines the purpose, intent, and community benefit of the proposed development, which is to provide small scale commercial businesses to support the surrounding residential uses. The applicant has proposed a daycare facility to benefit the surrounding area. Base Zoning and Meritorious Modifications: The Planned Development District has a base zoning of C-3 Light Commercial. At the time of site plan, the project will need to meet all applicable site development standards and platting requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance for the base zoning district, except where meritorious modifications are granted with the PDD zoning. The applicant is not requesting any modifications to the existing PDD other than the amended Concept Plan for Phase Two. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the amended Concept Plan for Phase Two. Page 11 of 34 SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Vicinity, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Background Information 3. Applicant’s Supporting Information 4. Rezoning Map 5. Existing Future Land Use Map 6. Original Concept Plan 7. Proposed Concept Plan Page 12 of 34 Page 13 of 34 Page 14 of 34 Page 15 of 34 BACKGROUND INFORMATION NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: July 21, 2022 Advertised Council Hearing Date: August 11, 2022 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station’s Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: Sonoma Homeowner Association Property owner notices mailed: 28 Contacts in support: None at the time of this report Contacts in opposition:None at the time of this report Inquiry contacts:One at the time of this report ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North Suburban Residential GS General Suburban Residential South Neighborhood Commercial PDD Planned Development District with a base zoning of C-3 Light Commercial Medical Office East Suburban Residential GS General Suburban Residential West Neighborhood Commercial R Rural Residential DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexed: June 1995 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open (upon annexation 1995) C-3 Light Commercial (2006) PDD Planned Development District (2009) PDD Planned Development District (2012) Final Plat:Harper’s Crossing Block 1 Lot 2 Site Development:Undeveloped Page 16 of 34 Name of Project: CONCEPT PLAN AMENDMENT Address: Legal Description: HARPER'S CROSSING, BLOCK 1, LOT 1 Total Acreage: 3.19 Applicant: CREATE CONSTRUCTION LLC Property Owner: ROOTED ENTERPRISE LLC List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. Unchanged from existing PDD. Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. Unchanged from existing PDD. How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? Unchanged from existing PDD. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested. Unchanged from existing PDD. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. Unchanged from existing PDD. REZONING PDD APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION Page 1 of 3 Page 17 of 34 Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. Unchanged from existing PDD. List any other reasons to support this zone change. The current concept plan only shows a single rectangular building near the northeast property line. We are seeking an amendment to the concept plan to better reflect the existing conditions as well and match our proposed future development. Maximum Building Height. N/A Proposed Drainage. N/A Variations Sought. N/A Community Benefits. N/A Sustained Stability. N/A Page 2 of 3 Page 18 of 34 Conformity. N/A Compatibility with use. N/A Access to Streets. N/A Public Improvements. N/A Public Health. N/A Safety. N/A Page 3 of 3 Page 19 of 34 Page 20 of 34 Page 21 of 34 Ordinance # 20/2 - 340. 1l Page 4 of 6 EXHIBIT "B" Z T.W N Wpry O7' YYe ,\t 'Y N W ilfQ i 1 W0.' w8 s W.aHm k 1 / I I herg.i4 0 wrammiim m , 71 Z S is 0 Y W U V Z D °Rong .' mg. r I i y 1 to lNN N r t w tau a a te ^o N r 7 I I 1 "i IZO r 1 LL a u- 1 i Ng i 1 a = . m am a j ga. W" r i i____\5, r trkNi N 40 l m W W z V YCCNLl % O 4zo am o O in Oac_ i ° >w2 zZw z O pW Na o z 4 z M. 3_C u ,,_a zaC eggs .a b ww6 a J_ a m rD.W b 4 CD WW t Jti_ C? am 0 G z Y Y a 1 a M08.06 0 OVOU NO23 IY8 Page 22 of 34 EXISTING MASONRY WALL PROPOSED MASONRY WALL PROPOSED MASONRY WALLEXISTING MASONRY WALLBARRON ROAD90' ROWSTATE HIGHWAY 40 ROW VARIES 15' LANDSCAPE BUFFER 15' LANDSCAPE BUFFEREXISTING RETAINING WALL EXISTING STORM DETENTION BUILDING 1 BUILDING 2 OUTDOOR LEARNING AND RECREATION AREA NEW PARKINGNEW PARKINGNEW PARKINGNEW PARKINGNEW PARKING NEW DRIVEWAY NEW DRIVEWAYEXISTING PARKING AND DRIVEWAYS EXISTING PARKING AND DRIVEWAYS TRUE NORTH EXISTING PHASE 1 BUILDING 3206 LONGMIRE DR. STE. A1 COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 (979)492.4908 jason@praxisdb.netEmail: Phone: Project Number: Sheet issue date: FOR REVIEW ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PEAS IN A PODAMENDED CONCEPT PLANACP1COLLEGE STATION, TX05/06/22 Revision Schedule Revision Number Revision Date 1" = 20'-0"1 A400 1 AMENDED CONCEPT PLAN FINAL SIZE AND LAYOUT MAY CHANGE SUBJECT TO SITE PLAN REVIEW EDGE OF STRUCTURE TO REMAIN OUTSIDE OF LANDSCAPE BUFFER OPTIONAL ONE-WAY TRAFFIC TO BE FINALIZED DURING SITE PLAN REVIEW TOTAL BUILDING AREA NOT TO EXCEED 15,000 SF PER PDD ONE-STORY ONE-STORY (ESTIMATED ONE STORY BUILDINGS TO BE 12,500 SF COMBINED) RIGHT TURN LANE TO BE ADDED ON BARRON ROAD DURING SITE PLANNING Page 23 of 34 1 July 21, 2022 Regular Agenda Comprehensive Plan Amendment To:Planning & Zoning Commission From:Jesse DiMeolo, Staff Planner Agenda Caption: Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use & Character Map from Medical to Urban Residential for approximately 17 acres, generally located at 400 Double Mountain Road. Case #CPA2022-000005 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the August 11, 2022 City Council Meeting- Subject to change). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map amendment. Summary: The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map from Medical to Urban Residential for approximately 17 acres, located east of Medical Avenue. Urban Residential is defined as areas appropriate for high-density multi-family and attached residential development in various forms and limited non-residential uses. This Comprehensive Plan Amendment is in preparation for a multifamily rezoning of the property to allow for additional residential housing in the area. It is the applicant’s intent to develop multifamily housing that supports medical staff and professionals working at the nearby Baylor Scott & White Hospital. REVIEW CRITERIA 1.Changed or changing conditions in the subject area of the City: The subject property is located within the boundaries of the College Station Medical District Master Plan, which was adopted by City Council in October, 2012. The City’s Comprehensive Plan was amended by the Master Plan, and a new Future Land Use and Character designation of Medical was adopted. The Medical land use designation is generally for areas that have medically related uses and supporting office, commercial, and residential uses. The subject property and properties to the west and north have a future land use designation of Medical. The properties to the east and south are designated as Neighborhood Center. In the past decade, this area has seen growth with the initial and on-going development of the Scott & White campus, an assisted living facility, and commercial development. Extension of essential wastewater infrastructure in the area allowed for the rezoning and initial and continued development of the mixed-use Midtown development. The property to the east is part of the Midtown Town Center Commercial Mixed-Use District and the property to the south, across Midtown Drive, is the Huntington Apartments, which are age-restricted for senior living. The Medical District Master Plan states that the number of Americans aged 65 and over is expected to double between 2010 and 2040. These demographic conditions are continuing to Page 24 of 34 2 drive healthcare growth in College Station and surrounding regions. The Master Plan aims to create a high quality, mixed-use, pedestrian-friendly district that will complement and enhance the emerging concentration of medical and health care uses in the vicinity of State Highway 6 and Rock Prairie Road. Specific design elements should be incorporated into such developments so as to provide a health-centered “lifestyle” environment with activity during the days, evenings and weekends that help energize the medical district. 2.Compatibility with the existing uses, development patterns, and character of the immediate area concerned, the general area, and the City as a whole: The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use and Character Map to Urban Residential. The proposal is not compatible with the existing uses as outlined in the Medical District Master Plan. On the other hand, a mixed-use product with not only residential units but also some medically related office or commercial uses would be ideal for this location and in line with the Master Plan. When the Master Plan was first drafted, community leaders and decision-makers wanted the area to focus on medical care, and health and wellness by creating a distinct “place” rather than a random collection of businesses and neighborhoods. The applicant has stated a greater need for multifamily housing in this area of the city within biking and walking distance of the medical facilities. Located between the Scott & White campus and the Midtown Subdivision, seventeen acres of high-density multifamily would not be compatible with the development pattern.The Midtown Subdivision and other nearby subdivisions will provide the supporting housing needs for the district. 3.Impact on environmentally sensitive and natural areas: There is no FEMA designated floodplain on the property. The applicant has stated that the subject property “will follow city codes and ordinances and will not have adverse impacts on the surrounding areas.” 4.Impacts on infrastructure including water, wastewater, drainage, and the transportation network: Water, waste water, and fire flow service will be provided by College Station Utilities. The subject property generally drains to the south/southeast within the Lick Creek Basin and is not encumbered by FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Detention is required with future development and would be addressed with the site plan. Drainage and all other infrastructure required with site development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines. The subject property is surrounded on three sides by Midtown Drive, Medical Avenue, and Double Mountain Road. Double Mountain Road and Medical Avenue are both designated as future 2-Lane Minor Collectors on the Thoroughfare Plan. Midtown Drive is designated as a future 4-Lane Minor Arterial. The proposed Urban Residential designation likely increases the potential traffic generated in comparison to the existing Medical designation and a Traffic Impact Analysis with the rezoning will be required. There are two street stubs to the subject property that will have to be continued through. On the west side, there is Cathedral Pines Drive and on the east side, Tocode Road is being stubbed to the property line with the Midtown Preliminary Plan. 5.Consistency with the goals and strategies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan: The intent of College Station’s Future Land Use and Character Map is to create a community with strong, Page 25 of 34 3 unique neighborhoods, protected rural areas, special districts, distinct corridors, and a protected and enhanced natural environment. The subject property and property to the north and west are identified as Medical and properties to the east and south are Neighborhood Center, which is defined as areas that are appropriate for a mix of uses arranged in a compact and walkable pattern at a smaller scale than Urban Centers. The proposed amendment to Urban Residential, defined as areas appropriate for high-density multi-family and limited non-residential uses, would create a land use that would set the stage for a multifamily rezoning, which utilizes large parent tracts, making it less likely that the road projections expected for Cathedral Pines Drive and Tocode Road would come to fruition when the property is platted. This would create a need for waivers to the Subdivision Regulations of the Unified Development Ordinance. The Urban Residential land use designation is inappropriate for this property as it is between existing medical uses and the Midtown development that is planned as a mixed-use, compact development. A large tract that sets the expectation for high-density residential would disrupt the patterns laid out for the Medical District. The subject property is not located in an area that the Master Plan describes as appropriate for primarily residential uses. Residential uses are planned for in the adjacent Neighborhood Center areas, which support multi-family residential as a complementary secondary component of a center that includes commercial and/or office uses. Supporting residential uses are currently being developed or are planned for development in the Neighborhood Center area (Midtown), in close proximity to the existing Medical District Core. The goal of the pattern is to create neighborhood centers with a mixture of offices, hotels, and dense, urban-style residences that support the medical core. Seventeen acres of Urban Residential in the middle of this planning area would be inconsistent with the goals set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map amendment because of the impacts the future land use would have on the planned roadway, land use, and development patterns, which are inconsistent with the Medical District Master Plan. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Comprehensive Plan Exhibit 3. Background Information 4. Applicant’s Supporting Information 5. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Map Page 26 of 34 Page 27 of 34 Page 28 of 34 Page 29 of 34 DOUBLE MOUNTAIN RD 3 7 2 5 1 4 10 11 9 6 8 13 14 12ROCK PRAIRIE RDMEDICAL AVENUEMIDTOWN DRIVEDURHAM LOOPA000901, THOMASCARRUTHERS (ICL), TRACT 21Acres: 16.88Existing Land Use: MedicalDOUBLE MOUNTA IN RD 3 7 2 5 1 4 10 11 9 6 8 13 14 12ROCK PRAIRIE RDA000901, THOMASCARRUTHERS (ICL), TRACT 21Acres: 16.88Proposed Land Use: UrbanResidentialM E D I C A L A V E N U EMIDTOWN DRIVEDURHAM LOOPROCK PRAIRIE RDSTATE HWY 6SITEEXISTINGPROPOSED LEGEND VICINITY MAPCPAPage 30 of 34 BACKGROUND INFORMATION NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: July 21, 2022 Advertised Council Hearing Date: August 11, 2022 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station’s Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: N/A Contacts in support: None at the time of this report Contacts in opposition: None at the time of this report Inquiry contacts: None at the time of this report ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North Medical PDD Planned Development District Accel at College Station Nursing Home South Neighborhood Center R Rural and PDD Planned Development District Huntington Apartments Senior Living East Neighborhood Center R Rural and PDD Planned Development District Future Phase of Midtown Town Center Commercial Area West Medical PDD Planned Development District Baylor Scott & White Hospital DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 1995 Zoning:A-O Agricultural Open upon annexation A-P Administrative Professional (Unknown – between 1995 and 2002) Renamed O Office in 2012 in conjunction with Medical District Master Plan Current Zoning is O Office Final Plat: Unplatted Site development:Undeveloped Page 31 of 34 3600 Rock Prairie Road Multi-Family Application Land Use Plan Amendment 1. What specific element of the Comprehensive Plan (for example, Land Use & Character designation, Thoroughfare Plan Context Class, or thoroughfare alignment) and at what specific location (if applicable) is requested to be amended? Land Use Plan Amendment at 3600 Rock Prairie Road 2. Please list the amendment(s) requested. We request to amend the Land Use Plan for this property from Medical to Urban Residential 3. Please explain the reason for the amendment(s). There continues to be a need for medium-density class A multi-family housing. There is a lack of vacant Urban Residential designated properties on the Land Use Plan throughout the city, and we believe this location is best suited for medium-density class A multi-family housing. The current land use of Medical is well suited for this property with the understanding that a multi-family housing development that supports medical staff is an appropriate use. However, if this type of use is not seen as appropriate, we believe Medical is not the best land use for this property. 4. Please explain the changed or changing conditions in the subject area of the City. It is our understanding that Medical was placed at this location is to preserve land for medical offices in the Medical District area of College Station. According to current performance analytics, there is approximately 64,000 S.F. of vacant office space in the Medical District and South College Station combined. Along with this, over the last two years office vacancies have jumped from 10% to 75%, doubling the average of the last 10 years in College Station. We believe reserving this space for more medical office is unnecessary when the market is currently saturated with unused office spaces. The market is clearly in need of middle-housing, and providing middle-housing in the Medical District that is within walking/biking distance of the medical facilities is a much better long-term use for this property. 5. Please show the compatibility with the existing uses, development patterns, and character of the immediate area concerned, the general area, and the city as a whole. Amending the Land Use Plan to reflect Urban Residential will be consistent with the pattern of residential development in the Midtown Reserve area and supportive of the medical uses in the district. Adding Class A multi-family units to the district contributes to the healthy mix of housing types available to serve those employed in the Medical District. Along with this, it will be located in proximity to the developing Midtown Reserve and other existing commercial uses in the area. This type of middle housing is desperately needed in College Station and is well-suited for College Station at this location. 6. Please list any impacts on environmentally sensitive and natural areas. This property does not have any environmentally sensitive areas. All development will follow City codes and ordinances and will not have adverse impacts on surrounding areas. Page 32 of 34 7. List any impacts on infrastructure, including water, wastewater, drainage and transportation network. The class A apartment development does not exceed the threshold of 150 trips in the peak hour that would require a traffic impact analysis. We do not anticipate overwhelming impacts to the water and wastewater infrastructure systems. We will work with the Water Services Department on any concerns that may arise. 8. Explain consistency with the goals and strategies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan projects that College Station will be severely deficient in housing over the next several years. The plan states “If population and housing demands continue to increase and state legislation restricting annexation remains in effect, the City will naturally face a greater need for increased density in appropriately targeted areas.” This class A apartment development will contribute to the much needed housing stock, particularly for those employed in the Medical District, as mentioned in the Medical District Plan. Because there is a lack of undeveloped and available Urban Residential designated land in College Station and the abundance of vacant office space in the immediate vicinity, this tract is best suited to meet the urgent need for middle housing within the Medical District. Page 33 of 34 Page 34 of 34