HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Barracks II Ph 101. I PARKLAND TRACT 1- CALLED 0.38 ACRE CALLED 108.86 ACRES 1.4 RS VOLUME 10570 PAGE 293 I - HEATH PHILLIPS INVESTMENTS, LLC Tie VOLUME 9627, PAGE 73 ' - - C ZONED BUD - L9 Uri M a � : 3 PARKLAND TRACT -CALLED 0.35 ACRE 2 VOLUME 10570, PAGE 293 5470451C3 t JIM Jkf>. J 1R6 K y , O a c' a .PARKLAND TRACT 6. LNj g CALLED 0.38 ACRE - VOLUME 10570, PAGE 293 1 IRS v u L� 3331 CC3 40 14474543 W 42SN TT' Vt U w - CULLEN TRAIL J SIRIGHT-OF-WAY m 2.oe ACRES IN RIGHT-OF-WAY HEATNPH/LL/PS]N✓E$TMENTS, GLC ° r "w 4T•4543' 324.W VOLOME,4621 910573 Gl5 yC.i'i Y dp.wW •.-_• • '> 34 '45'43'E 6034'. _� Cl ,,p QO G �].00" 27.00' 2]. va 32.Ga -32.Otl 2].W 3].Oa 3LW . 32W: 2].W' ZI OP. 1].00' e, _ t).00' 2]W zLOtl. 320a 32.W 2).W 27.00' 3209 32.W' "Oa 2]W 32.OT _S700' 2].W'. Y7.Utl 32.W" 32.W 2r.oa since 32 it 32W 2) f L14. C1t Gt3 `2 '"�I[', 0019 701£ 'h014 401E ZI1£ 1a PUE 07119 Al re CZIE -1° �avZ£ ? E �o Ie ap saZE OIZE 212E opt haEQ Of£E ZI iE MBE m zmw .' 101E OII tilt - _ m l o6wo N m zl£I a u� sE £E £S £f �c `��$ T 36 z / m n _m aogE ,a P .� j+I YIE£ One =hL e1Z L SCE CSE z3 .III �. ,5_ = .C_ I� 25w n ry n n n 'ry n n co w w �:w w ".w w w :W w w w 26 R < P o 9 w w R p w F R 1. F f� R r- F w F F F I% F :. _> Wn 1-s 2�3-d 4r $.' tie 7e 8 9 10e 41 126-Illvuuui �1 '2.y 3 4F 5 v,.6,.. a' 7_e Ba 9.a 10a 11a 12 'e 13g 19d-15e ifi i7..r 18� i9r 30-� 21p 22 a23 'v 24 '� ^I a a e z U_ F .p..f` Iy z e i v_ IY 1Y a v a : 'a v 7 I�^I i 27 as x I z BLOCK 12 _ J in a z I z $ _ _ _ _ 2 L to AUE _ L BLOCK I4 - za PUE 4200' 27.00' 27.Oa .W 32.00' ,2].W' "2].OP. 32.00^ 320P 2]W' 2i00 "02 WOO'.; 4200 AOa 2].W' 31b 92 W' 2i.0a 2].W 13T.OaPLE 32:Oa 270a 3T.Otl 320a L1] L18 2)02 2L02' 32. Y. 32.OY 27.OY Zl.@' 32.02 92.OY. 2)0' 2T.02' 3453 34.63 2].OT 27.02 32.0 562.2 N4 4543 'W - 501..4 ' - N 9'55'1 "YY CALLED - CALLED 108 88 ACRES ARLES 1. TURNER ACRES _ HEATH PHILLIPS INVESTMENTS, LLC M CARE. TURNER VOLU MDEVELMENT DISTRICT ZONED A-0 _ PAGE 73 I ME 3331PAGE61 ZONED PLANNEDPVOLU, R 857Acres U1 Crawfoa Barnett Survey, Abstract No. ] - s. '-CRY of. College Stator Brazos County, Texas w -o I FeknomatoallNataermnlpl,lreil,pparceloflandsimamdintheCrawfordBurnettSurvey,SharedNo:7,CityINCollegeStation,BrainsCounty,Texas,being057acres,moreorlose,endbeingapartof CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION - - Doc ek Vol' -' O 3 e m $ called ICRSS time tract described in a deed dated May 13, 2010, from Amen a H. Bills, Plateaus H. King, Lewis M. Haupt, III and Luella H. Trouper to HeeM Phi ps Investari , LLC, and recerded in O1 t47732 OR 11191P9 123 - - : IG w w ; o 6 Volume 9627; Page 73 of IM1e Dead Records of Brame County, Texas, W which reference is hereby made to far any end all purposes. Said tract described is follows, to wit STATE OF TEXAS g N > U. COUNTY OF BRAZES w - d O 4 w - 3 Commencing at a 1rz inch Inn and capped'KERR' found for reference in IM1e nodhwest right-efway line IN Deacon Drive West.(85 feat right-of-way) as dedicated In Me plat of The Barracks II Subdivision, :�--o O t�ay IF. Phase' 10p an xddical mthe City of Collage Station, sexua g la the plat thereof recorded In Volume 1051 Page 293 of Me Deed Records ofBrezbe County,mcre Texas and being In Me southeast lore of Lot 1. Heats Phillips, Manager of Heath Phillips lnvestmes,LLC, owner and developer of the 8.57atract shown on this Pet. and designated as The Barracks 115drdiditlbn n i 20 o: - 18, Block 6 of said The Barracks ll Subtlbsion, Phase 100. Road which a 112 inch Iron rod Capped'KERR' found in said northwest rlghM4-wry line and In the southeast line of Lot 10. Bieck 6 of seitl The Phase 101, in the City of College Station,Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use of Me ublic forever ell streets, allaarks ' P Ys, P .9treenweye, w U in Barracks II Sub llaslon, Phase 100 bears South 42°14'17° West 464 94 feein ri Vucup easements antl Mir places thereon shown nor [lie purpose end consideration therein ex < ^ t public pressed All such dedications shall be In fee simple unless expressly E n o$ - cu m m - - provided otherwise. :g 0 a 0 m -Th se North 42.141T East. 10.00 met M a point far corner in Me southeast line of Lot 14A, Block 7 of The Barracks II Subdivision Phase too an addition to Rle Oily of College Slogan, Brazos, County, (a ui Texas aceprdmg to Me plat thereof reoomed In Volume 10785, Page 163 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas and marking the north comer of said tlgMt+f-way;step a - o L U. Thence 'M the northeast Ina of The Barracks It Subdivision, Phase 100, SONM1 47°46'43' East, 85 W feat to 1I21ncM1 Iran rotl capped 'Goodwin Le3iter sat It. comp In No southeast right-of-way line of .STATE OF TEXAS f p h-O ¢' _ L w nager of Heath Phillips Investments, LLC 2 EZ D eon Drive West �. COUNTY OF BRAZES G¢w,0¢0 - TM1enee crtlasing saltl tO0.B8 acre real, NotlM142114'1T East 210.84 feet toe irz ncM1 Iron rod capPetl"Geodwio Lealter eat mrthe Point of Beginning; Before me, Me undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared FARM Phillips, known to me to lie the person whose name la subscribed to Melorego rig ina,iumenl,. 4 - and eaw,ewlad e m me that he executed Me same ter the G : Thence uosairrg sets we.60 acre lreW s1WISWa' : 9e Pw Prix and consideration therein staled. - Legend h'4]°4543"W 95W sic • Se11tl'Iron null N0M 42 UIr East 99.38 feet m a irz h on and rapped -Goodwin Laster set for Me beglnnlrg of a curve to Me right, Given under my hand and seal 0n Nis 1 day of f�'Lf1 �fl. .2012. STe• le) K IsaYE Dontl •IRS sntn'imnaba WRh -antl carvemlM1e'gM1t haWngeratl us or 2500 feeLecenVal anglenr 9o°Oa00', en can tlismce of 39.27 met entla chord bearing and tllamnce of North B]°14'iTEarl 3538 reatmal2 inM iron rod Notary Public 25 :, D 5D IUD - OIRY Fnww ken arkcappld'Goodben Lasiler set for corner ntl STATE OF TE%A$ PIIE PUMk UrWIY Eaaemenl olaN Pubr , Braces County, Texas MY Comn Exp 1E= S 18 3 7s - SCALE 1" 50' Nodh 42°14'17"Fast 50.00 met m a 112inch iron rod capPtl Gxcd'win Lasitsr selmr comer In the southwest fine ofPrkland Tract l as shown on said plat of The Bamarka ll Subdivision, Phase 100: - .LINE TAB - C1IRVF TARIF IF CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER ; I MONUMENT NO 117 Thence wIM to southwest line of said Parkland Tract 1, South 47.45'43" East, 100.50 feel to a 112 inch iron rod capped Goodwin Lasiler set far comer and marking the south comer of said Parkland Tract i; .CI I, 7 Wry -]S�f City Engineer of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify that Mis Subdivision Plat conforms to Me requlremenls of Me u Thence with the southeast line of said Parkland Tract 1,North 42°14'1]'East, it8.35 feet M a 12 Inch Iran and cappetlDowlein Lasiler set for Me beginning of a curve to Me dght; - Subdivision Regulations of die City of College Station, Texas. Thence "IN Me east line of said Parkland Treat 1 and said same to Me right having a radius of 26.00 feel, a cenoal angle of 20'IZ30', an am length of 8.82 feel and a chord beadig and distance of North Ni;'.I 07°39'49- West, 8.T7 feet to a l2 Inch Iran and expand Goodwin Les te!' set for[omer, LWBv^ ,+` OWN y - os City Engineer dID- M141 OWN O Q' ThanCa w8h the northeast line of said Patltlentl Treat 1, North 47'45'43" Weal, 5.71 feel me 1rz crib Iran rotl capped "Goodwin Lacier" set rOr comer, APPROVAL OF P INLj�ND ZONING COMMISSION _. IS m w3 p c �. - > d Therese Crtissiog said 100.88 sera reel as foaxa: 1 `` \,.A1 m ^ O @ 9 I. iV`Y - ,1Cb8Jrmen of Ma Planning and m Ission of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify friar the e3ecM1etl plat r^ w P.O.0 Z ( "Nodh 42•14'1]" East 4000 feel to o ir2 inch iann rotl rapped "GoddMi Lasiler setter comer; and sees duly approved by the Isslon on d 0 201-3 -WZ 0 W UW South 4T4503" East, feet to a i2ich iron rod capped Lasiter'sel for eoanen in IM1e northeast line -f LZS < m .00 f n Pp ne o Parkland Tanci 2 as shown on Bald plat IN The 6amacks II 5urdivlslon, Phase 10gBntl . g _ 0 -.:marking the beginning of curve w Ilie.ler: - C imnan m O `Thence worth Me weal line of said Parkland Tract 2 and OUR curve to the left having a radius of 25.00 feet, a central angle of W-00'010i an am distance of 39.27 feet and a shard bearing and distance of Bouts ATTEST: 02 411 East, 35.36 feet to a V2 inch Iron rod capped 'Goodwin L sfler" set ter comer; F% City Secretary ' thence of Na soNet tt t line in said n too Tract 2 and r -sing sale 108.88acaracre IreIN, South 47°4543 Easl, passing Me south rbrnp ant said Pentland Tract 2 at 101.50 Net and cant nuing for a mint dlslance pt 415.92 Net to a ill inch Iron rotl capped Goodwin Laaller set ter comer, - CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK Thence scanning somas said 10L88 acre tract as follows: - STATE OF TEXAS W - COUNTY OF BRAZES y ... •.. S T , ' E .. MATCH LINE 4f 5.8 r, ` ''. 191 27,00' 3109 22.W 27 W dz Ba 32,00 27,00' - 27,901 3z 00' 32.09 2TMy 27.W 42.0100 A 1318 10 FUE r BLOCK IB -..a W l 2. F 3 '4 5 6 tit fr 1, 1- 1,7. 1, B F 9 1 10 F it 12 F 13 R 14 M ^ I 7 hpitT Z 2 Z Z se 2Z Z Z Z Z 31a5 3101 31og 311i 3113 3115 3�E'311q 3121.3o1 3203 326 9201- 3� 2L40' 2]JM ,Was 32.W'. z]00 32.03'' VAU ry 3240. 320a 32.ar z].py' 92.Oa_ 2710 ti0 4T'95'43"W 4035P 9 8 F ae `r ca ,1', 4E o e - a45' E MATCH LINE 4511 Qml 21 27,00' 27.W 32.OV 3LW' 27.09. 2706' 27.00' 3200 Sam 27.00' 27.0a 27 AS 37.00 I- 10 rip BLOCK 18 Iw s g g g g g g o 0 8 g g B S n r N r A co n r try i 2' 3.' 4 5 6 7' 8 9ol 10 w '11..'w.. 12' 13 14 15 w w w w a F F F R i c i a p Ur Y _ "< ry ry a i a a Irz3363 L z 2 2 z Z zEUJ z 3_x5 330�. 33Dq 3311 3313 3315 3 (1 33 3321 323 5 33z1 3324 2Y.W' 2Y.00'. ,i.W 2].0a 32 W'. 32.Oa. 2i.oP_ 2LWr' 27A 32.00' 32.00' 2i:Oa 2].OP 27.00' 40.50' NUM BEARING DISTANCE Li N4261417"E 50.OW L2 N47645.43"W 5.71' L3 N42-1417"E 40.00' L4 S47.45'43"E L5 S34.165IEN 51AN L6 84201417"W 1iLita. L7 S47NIT43'E 21.78' LB 1442°14'17"E 3111 L9 S47-45.43"E 50.00' L10 S42°14.17- W 301 _ 847°45.43"E -3.50, S 9003.00"E 4.79' 0 "E 14.98, L1 15 1 N .. '10.34' 7.24'. 18.57- N4V 15 L T 5'43"W 13.44- q . SCUM 34 1551 East, 51,42 feet to a 121nch limn red capped Goodwin Leader elf r corned and South 47 4543 Feat, 460.08 feel to a In inch Iran and capped'Goodwin Lasiler rather corner in Me u0- - :. northwest line of Parkland Trad 6 as shown on sold plat of The Barracks l l Subd vsion, Phase 100: _ - _ - 'I, gTvav+9f µ'------110i Cainly Clerk' In and for sold county, do hereby certify lM1Sl this pint together with iJs o}Nticetea of �y�MenOcaBon was 0letl for record in my m office Me _tlay o-1yb.hbt7i 201.E in the Dead RecroNs of Brazos County, Texas, In Valuma 1119 Page i d3.. NThence with the northvrag, sot and southeast Imes of said. Parkland Treat 6 as follows: WRNESS my hand and official Seal, at my once In Bryan, Texas. m South 42.14'17" West 12 W feet to a N2 inch Iran rotl caused Ousedwin Lapater set for comer, in /. . .: -.Routh 4T45'43• East 3.50 feel to a 12 inch non red UaPpetl 'Goodwin Laut r set for border, iSouth 42°14'17" West, 113.00 feel to a irz inchiron rod expand"Goodwin Laotenseetf mer, c(SQq,1J✓�� p South 47°4543" East 21.76 feet m a V2 inch iron red capped "Gcotlw n Lasiler 1 for Me beginning of a Curve to the left _ County Clerk Braxoa County. Texas TREES REQUIRED With said curve W M left having a d' f 175 00 feet, antral angle of 30°361 V, On am distance of 93.47 Not and a chord bearing and distance of South 63°0348" East. 92:36 feat to a la Inch inn rotl (1 w�- QUIRE 8 $ Capped "Ocodwin Lai .set for IM1e beginning f a curve to the left, -CERTIFICATE OF THE SURVEYOR (9-1 D f I �E 7F g ad LWIN cold curve to the left M1 ngaratlius of 2500 feet,a central angle dBO°4010"an am dmmnce IN3520feet aMachord beedn- P,.'Gl9Tf -I' g end distance br North 61°18'oi" East, 32.36 feet m a 1I2 inch Imn rod STATE OF TEXAS y vp6Rfb 9N pI3 " 1CaRpetl'Geodwin Laster set for the bepinnmg of a curve m NengM, COUNTY OF BRAZES F � .. - ;. I. NILHAEL LUZZD c e ... - WiM said solve to the fight havin a radius of 175,00 feel, a central angle at 21°16'2T, an arc dicta ce of 64.07 feel end a chord bearing n " feet t Inch Michael Cu Registered ' g g and distance 0r North 31 3808 East. 64 80 e o a 12 c ran rotl rep,th ridthtLend Surveys N r and In Me monuments f T undo certify that this plat true and coned and e a prepared from a _ "Capped Goodwin Les ter sal for comer, and an actual survey of the properly and that Me property markers end monuments wale placed antler my supervismn on the ground, and that the males and M fs3T�'1� ,,, < bounds dean ring said subdivision WIII describe a dosed geometric form J% . North 42'14'17"Ea61, 3065feet met2Inch icon rod Cappetl "Goetivnn Lasiler set for comer; R.P.L.S. No. 5693 Thi oe continuing across said 108.88 acre tract as follows:. "7r'17 N R4 NOTER- INIT VICYIMAP South 4]4543"Last, 50.00 feat to a l2nch Iron ad capped GeW,n odLasltor set forromer, 1. THE BEARING SYSTEM SHOWN HEREON I9 BASED ON THE NORTHWEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF DEACON DRIVE, AS C]n-iPVICN DEDICATED ON THE FINAL PLAT OF THE BARRACKS II SUBDIVISION PHASE 100, WITH A RECORD BEARING OF t "South 42°14'iT West 30.95 feet to a 121nch Iron and capped "Gootlwin Leader' set tier Me begimm�g of a curve m Me left, - - NORTH 42°14'17" EAST. - i 1_ With said curve to the left having a radius of 125.00 feel, a contral angle of 13`11'E6, an arc distend's of28,77 feel and a chord moment and distance o(South 35°38'3T West, 28.71 feet to a 112 Inch iron and 2 ZONING (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) AND BUILDING SETBACKS PER CITY ORDINANCE NO. 2012.3407 SHALL BE _ - capped "Goodwin Lester' set for Me beginning of a curve to the led AS FOLLOWS - _ - TOWNHOME(IN) DEVELOPMENT - YAMsaidcurvetoMelflhavingaradiusIN25O0feet.acentrer angle of98'13'15', an am tlismnce of 42.BB feet endechoa hearing and distance of 9ouM ZO°03'41"East, ].80 feel loa tl2 inch imp rotl FRONT SETBACK DISTANCE- 20 FEET WITHOUT REAR ACCESS, 15 FEET WITH REAR ACCESS; - -'capPetl'Goodwin Lasiler set for the beginning 0 a chip to the right, and' REAR SETBACK DISTANCE -20 FEET; STREET SIDE SETBACK DISTANCE-15 FEET; Cio "it 1 With said curve to Me right having a radius of 225.00 Net, a central angle IN 21°2822,en era tlislahce IN04.321aet and chord beatlng anddiemnceof BouM50°20'07"Eas, 63.83feettoall2lncM1lronad SIDE SETBACK DISTANCE-5FEET;. - o can ed'Goodwin Lasiler a tfor coup Me northwest line of Buena Vida Suudvsimp an addilio'Io the City of Collee Stators acwrtlin to IM1e lal Mere ire Ned lnV were 10140 Page 169 of IM1e COMMON AREA -SIDE SETBACKDISTANCE Etr- - ��-•1-�. PP _ 9 y g 9 P C eC g 5FEET, _-J. . -. Osetl Records of Brazos County, Taxes eM In the sou1M1 east line of said 106.86 acre most; _ - - 3. ALL LOTS, COMMON AREAS AND RIGHTS -OF -WAY IN THIS PEAT ARE ZONED PDD PER CITY ORDINANCE 2012-3407, i2x oIIIr . 4. COMMON ARERODS WILL D "GOODOWNED AND MAINTAINED BY ET AT ALL LOT CORNERS AND A N (HER). m CL and 9ie southeast line o 1 e Y er and Maa of In Vchsere lac Thence wRM1 Ma nortM1wesl line of said Buena tide S I, South 41°31'12' West 240.fi2 feet tea point for cenrerantl markingNe most northerly east comer of 5. 112' IRON RODS CAPPED "GO l aCaImE 22.97 edre trail conwyatl to ChatleaLTurnar arid Mary E. Tumor by tleaE rewmed In VOWme 3331, Papa 61 or the Deed Records of Br4zoaCounty. Texas. From wM1itlral/2 into iron rotl l0untl for OTHERWISE.' OOWIN LASITER"WILL BESET AT ALL LOT CORNERS AND ANGLE POINTS UNLESS NOT � � L- remrencebears North 49°Sall West, 0.34 feet: 6. NO PORTION OF PHASE 101 OF THE BARRACKS If SUBDIVISION LIES WITHIN THE IN YEAR FLOODPLAIN ACCORDING TO FEMA FIRM PANEL NO. 48MIC0305E. E BARBACK3I 3 u 'T and Me southwest line of said 108.88 acre tract. Nanh 4 hence v4lh Menodgeasl flope of said 22.9]ecro lred d. 85815"West 562.21 feetloe12Inch iron rod found marking Me north corner ofsek 22.97 ]. EACH LOT WILL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF TWO (2)TREES OF AT LEAST TWO INCHES (2')IN CALIPER SUBOMSION ` q acre tract and an ell comer bf sold 108.88 ecre tracg, OR ONE (i) TREE OF FOUR INCH (4') CALIPER PER ORDINANCE NO. 3222. PHASE 101 i 4 8. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE STEEPLECHASE IMPACT FEE AREA. 4 r Thence amusing said 108.0 acre Vecl, North 47"4543' West, 801.45 feet W Me Point of Beginning and containing 8.57 acres, more or less. I�s P 9. THE BLANKET EASEMENTS RECORDED IN VOLUME 132, PAGE 688 VOLUME 141. PAGE 392 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOs -•l � i I R0 I Prone Ron IWe COUNTY, TEXAS DO AFFECT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. . fi�- NUM DELTA_ ;'ARC -RADIUS - BEARING DISTANCE '.Ci - 20°i2'30" 'B.B2' 25.00' NOT°39'49"VV 8.77' C2 '90°00.00" :38.27- 25.00'.- 502°45'43"E 35.36' : C 3036'71" 9SAT.. 1TSA0' S63°03'48"E 92.36' C4 BOW-10" 35.20' 25.01H N61°18'01"E 32.36- .C5 21°1621" 64.97' '175.00• N31°36'06"E 64.60- Be 13°1120" 28.7T 125.00' S35°3817"W. 28.71- C7 98.1315" 42.06' 25.00' S20 03.41"E 37.80' C8 21 28'22". 84.32- 225.00- S5826.07"E 83.83' C9 90.00,00" 39.27- 25.00` . N87°11d'17"E 35.36- C10 1°3517" -4.35' 175.00- 1,148°1612"V/ 4.85'. C11 '. 1°41'43" 6.6V 225.00- -.N48°36'35"W 6.66'' 9606*32" 35.77' 225.00'' N62°51'32'W 35.73` 'C13 88°50'40" 34.73' 225.00' N51°52'46'W 34.70- C14 4108'33" 16.27' 22M00- - N76°58'43"W 16.26- cis 729'49" 29.44' 225.00- N71°09'32"W 29.42- C16 101 31.14'- 175.00- N73"57'OT'W 11.16- C17 9°113'43" 28,19, -175.00- 1,46414'23"W 28.16- CiB 46°33.41". 32.26' - 175.00` N54°20'41"YO 32.21'. ' C19 31017'17" _ 122.57' 225.00, S63624iZTE 121.35' C20 - 31°34'27" 96.44' 1751 '- S63-15'47"E C21 90°00'O0" 39.27' 25.00- - N87-14.17"E 35,36'- C22 90°00.00" -39.27- 25.00' - 502°45'4T'E - 35.36- C23 90°0W06' - 39.27' 25.00' 1 35.3W C24 90°0`00" '39.27- 25.00- 587°14'17"V'I 35.36' Revised: 11-16 2012 - FINAL PLAT THE BARRACKS II SUBDIVISION PHASE 101 8.57 ACRES CRAWFORD BURNETT.LEAGUE, A-7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZES COUNTY, TEXAS 72 LOTS ' BLOCK 12, LOTS 1 THROUGH 12 BLOCK 16, LOTS 1 THROUGH 15 BLOCK 14, .LOTS 1 THROUGH 31 BLOCK 18, LOTS 1 THROUGH 14 ^ SCALE 1.50 JULY, 2012 QwNrpjpEVELoPPR'- SURVEYOR ENGINEER Heath Phillips Investmer-up LLC Goodwin Lasiler, Ina ` John Rusk, P.E. 3302 General Parkway 4077 Cross Park Drive, 31 OD Goodwin Leslfef Inc. Coftem Makeo, TX T7&5 Bryan TX 77802 4077 Cross Park Drive. lei W (979)690-5000 (979)77"7M Bryan, TX 7100E Job No. 651643 - : SHINT 10F2 1 (979)776wW o � o g PARKLAND TRACT 4 m 'yCALL$ F ACRE C - 70 , VOLUMEUME 10 10570, PAGE 293 u g @_ z N.N47-45'43-W. z Z -.. OAT 24M, G1a Nbi'45'49'W tO5.mT mla paramtn be emarWpmm (0-002 SHIPS) �:. MIS parson ur W abaMmred 3•E09.50' 6.50' . RACT3 LC�ALLEDO.38 8 ACRE, PAGE 293 St uryiLocelbn 10U. 0' $ NEW PARK DEDICATION S47•45.4TE n (610acre) 13.0a m N 47'W43- W 120.0 do S z `z ----� Iw PARKLAND TRACT 2 `y CALLED 0.38 ACRE ' z VOLUME 1053`0, PAGE 293 4 l � DO W L4. m1ouan w J 0m> Z z g M W m C� IRS ti=0> B h 3 w Iw 9 - PARKVIND TRACT Iry CALLED 0.35 ACRE W 2 - VOLUME 10570, PAGE 293 q Iz w w � N S47'45V3'E 70250, 3474549E MATCH LINE 415.92' -16.9z 27.0a 32.00' xx.58'9. 27.W 32.00' 32.00' VD0. 8 N.W now 1V PUE 320J' V.00 27.W 42.00' - M-19.10' -. BLOCK 18 �, W do do -WI 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F .5 F e F 7 F 8 IL 9. R 10 11 12 13 14 _ F F F �I __ Z Z Z 2$ z 2 Q z 2 Z 2 Z - _ mPUE WOV 3z.aa 9.OV 32.ar 27.W 32.5P-. '27.Oa. 32.7 zaW 82.oa 27.W 32W zi.OR 1i.o CURVE TARI F 011477732 OR 1 Vol P9 1141 123�4 Filed for Record in: BRAZOS COUNTY On: Nor O1r2013 at 05:05P As a Plats Document Number: 01147732 Amount 63.00 Receipt Number - 463293 Bowman Ashl is Bouman STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY pF BRAZOS filed DR berets daterandgtime rstomthis ped a hereon nbv me and was duly recorded in the volume and Page of the Official Public records oft BRAZOS COUNTY as stamped hereon bs me. Mar 0112013 Karen Ncilumen. BPOZOs Counts Clerk BRAZOS COUNTY CALLED 108.88 ACRES HEATH PHILLIPS INVESTMENTS, LLC VOLUME 9627, PAGE 73 ZONED PDD r _ _ - _ _ L9 fS w 9 � ; F z K N 4]'4543' 409.5tr. - CULLEN TRAIL - W RIGHT-OF-WAY 2.08 ACRES IN RIGHTOFWAY NUN DELTA ARC RADIUS BEARING DISTANCE C25 90.00100" 391T 25.OW N02945.43- V 35.36' C28 90600,00" 391T 25.00' 1187.14IT-E 35.36'. C27 90.00100.. 391T 25.00' 118701417"E 35.36' C28 50"12'29" 21JIV 25.OW 1172"5117"W 21.21' C29 55043115". 24.31' - 25.00' 87V59-W-W 23:3T 3 45' E MATCH LINE 467.08, 1 42.00' 21.U3' VAV 27.011 32M. 310a 27.91Y 27.00' 27,OV 32.03' 32.01Y 2I.W 27.00' TI.Oa 37DIT 1a PUE BLOCK 18 Iw s $ 8 a a o 608 0 s $ $ S $ Ki q re N 4 ll IR m 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 w w w w w w w w w F F F F F e v p a Ia a a �_ a z z z z z z z z C� to PUE 7.00• n.W zi.W. 27ar si.W 32.00' 2D.W. z7.oa z7W 32.aa 3z.W 27.Oa x7.W n.W 4o.s6• ' N r45'43- 423.0' HE47HPH/CUPSINVESTMEN7S, LLC VOL UME 9827,, PAGE 73 ro I N o II I IRS I m w ^�w OS �¢ 'f7 IRS I IRS pd a PARKLAND TRACT 8 U in C6 - CALLED 0.38 ACRE VOLUME 10570, PAGE 293 ` CULLEN TRAIL ]R$ 6a RIGHT-OF-WAY C Legend 25 0 50 100 • maroon Ree. e445 SNarIml Rod 01W Fomtl Iron Rod SCALE I"=50' PUE P.Enc Wiry easa,nam FINAL PLAT THE BARRACKS II SUBDIVISION PHASE 101 8.57 ACRES CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A-7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 72 LOTS BLOCK 12, LOTS 1 THROUGH 12 BLOCK 16, LOTS 1 THROUGH 15 BLOCK 14, LOTS 1 THROUGH 31 BLOCK 18, LOTS 1 THROUGH 14 SCALE 1.50 JULY, 2012 OWN R/F F IFD V OP_ER; SURVEYOR ENGINEER Heath Phillips Investments, LLC Goodwin Lasher, Inc. John Rusk, P.E. 33M General Parkway 4077 Cross Park Drive, #1 OR Goodwin Lester, Inc. "We Stalbn, TX 7I845 Bryan, TX 77802 40n Cross Park Drive,#1W acn)fi9a-good (979)n6-9700 Bryan,T 77802 Job No. 651643 - SHEET 2 OF (979)77"700