HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeidtkeNOTES: North Orientation is based on rotating the southwest line of the 4.557 acre tract to Grid North NAD83120111 epoch 2010.00 Texas State Plane, Central Zone by utilizing BPS methods. Denotes a 1/2" Iran Rod with Cap Set All existing easements and/or utilities may not be shown on this plat, Strong Surveying, LLC did not engage in any \ easement research. Fnd. 5/8' Iron Rod w/Cap Fnd. 1/2" Iron N 40054'48" E 12.99' Actual R=5730.00' L=45397' A=4°3'2" CS 23°28'45" E D=453.85' 2/ Iljn w �I dl ' of � 7 TITLE COMMITMENT EXCEPTIONS: OF No. 213636 Dated: August I, 2021 The easements and building lines set out In Volume 341, Page 186 do apply but are likely not legally enforceable. The easement to the City of Bryan in Volume 479. Page 277 is a blanket easement and does appear to affect this tract, although no above ground Improvements were located. The easement to Wellborn Water Supply Corp. In Volume 894. Page 434 has been released in Document No. 1465591, The easement to the City of Bryan in Volume 460, Page 407, is a blanket easement and does appear to affect this tract, although no above ground improvements were located. The easement to the City of Bryan IBTU) in Volume 7774, Page 209, does affect Mis tract and Is shown. The easement to Wellborn Special Utility District In Volume 15892, Page 36, does affect this tract and Is shown. Icalll R=5730.00' L=453.97' A-4°32'22" Ch: S 20932'59" E D=453.85' paaOb/e ofh A' O, w (Po s Cie 25 ?3' W (2q/3a bY Gry 4apho f0 4/ D )a POUn a �\ ae to Coo ofY) R=3440.37' L=334.36' A=534.06" \ Ch. N 22"17'05" W D=334.23' gi 0 I s11 f I CI 01 LOT 1, BLOCK 1 31 2.41 Ac ; I ml no \ \ y \ `9 \ (Variable Width W.S.U.D. Eamt. 1582/ \ \ 15892/36 \ 20 Setback & P.U.E. by City Ordinance \ Dymple Lane 30' w. Private Road Easement 143/185 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I Xenon P. Heldtke, owner and developer of the land shown on this plat, and designated herein as the Heldtke Subdivision to the City of College Station, Texas, and whose namelsl Is/ore subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever oil streets, alleys, parks, greenways, Infrastructure, easements, and public places thereon shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. All such dedications shall be in feesimple unless ex gressly provided otherwise. rs/�i--i•/�/�{ Owne STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Xenon P. Heldtke known to me to be the personlsl whose namelsl Is/are subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/they executed the some for the purpose s and consideration therein stated. Given under my hand and seal an thlsday of ' 2022. Notary Public, Brazos County, Texas ISeall CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR N ml l Fnd. Chiseled X" in Conc. I� II °roaa4 \ by R=3440.37' Gyy o, °y°ona° m L=114.73' A=1"54'39" \ I u 1 Cl N 26001'2W W \ � gl� D=11473' 6• N V fly \ IF ulc LOT 2, BLOCK 1 I� to 1.93 Ac. IF Fnd. 1/2" Iron Rod N 49405'11" W 955.00' Total W/Cop ( Call N 4609'24" W 955.00' Total) NOTES: This property is not located within a 100 - year flood hazard area as depicted on the FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NO. 48041CO325 E. Map Revised 16, 2012. All lots served by an On -Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) must comply with county and state regulations. No OSSF may be installed on any lot without the issuance of an "Authorization To Construct" issued by the Brazos County Health Department under the provisions of the Private Sewage Facility regulations adopted by the Commissioners Court of Brazos County, pursuant to the provisions of Section 21.084 of the Texas Water Code. All lots will be required to have a site/soil evaluation on file with the Brazos County Health Department before the OSSF may be constructed. No OSSF drain field shall encroach on the 100 foot sanitary zone of private water wells or a 150 foot sanitary zone of public water wells. It is the responsibility of the owner, not the county, to assure compliance with the provisions of all applicable state, federal and local laws and regulations relating to the platting and Development of this property. BRAZOS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT NOTES: a. Wellborn Water Special Utility District will provide water service for the subdivision. b. Sewerage will be provided by individual, on -site sewage facilities. c. All lots served by an On -site Sewage Facility (OSSF) must comply with all county and state OSSF regulations. No OSSF may be installed on any lot or tract within Brazos County without first submitting the required application and fee along with all required planning materials including a Site Evaluation to the BCHD and then only after an Authorization toConstruct has been issued by the BCHD. d. No OSSF treatment tank or collection or distribution component including piping shall be placed within the sanitary easement of any public or private water well as identified in 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter §285.91. Table 10. No OSSF disposal field shall be located within 150 feet of a public water supply well or within 100 feet of any private water well. e. Locations for which areas of shallow groundwater or with soils with greater than 30% gravel content by volume are present, or topography with steep slopes where seepage from subsurface disposal or run-off from surface application may occur are not suitable for disposal areas and require separation distances as in §285.91. Table 10. OSSF to be located on tracts where any of these conditions are present have additional requirements to ensure proper design, installation and operation of OSSF. Separation distance required by §285.91. Table 10 shall be enforced for all surface waters including streams and Impounded waters in ponds end retention/detention basins for drainage and stormwater management. � S ??4. sg \� S 2S, 4 4 S>" f ------------Y—ry-----------�� �20' Setback & P.U.E. b Ci Ordinance DYMPLE LANE 30' w. Private Road Easement 18' Gravel (143/233) & (12925/209) FINAL PLAT CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER I, l.tlVAt(x L. COO City Engineer of Me City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify that this Subdivision Plat conforms to the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of College Station. City Engineer City of College StationA CERTIFICATE OF CITY PLANNER Nor Amending or Minor Plots) I, Qxtx \\�V } \.. e�r,-City Planner of the City of College Station, Texas, hereby certify that this Subdivision Plat conforms t the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of College Station. STATE OF TEXAS —� COUNTY OF BRAZOS VP ter Plannl I, t Curtis Strong, Rend correct Professional Land edfrom No. actual survey the State of Texas, hereby certify City of College Station Mar this plat is true and correct and was my sup from an actual survey of the property and Mat property ][ markers and monuments were placed under my supervision on the ground. aF Pt`o\!yT[y u 9 !r W NORACE GIAPS STRONG H. Curtis Strong Y'9oR 9610+e0 4� SUR 6 8UP Now of Formerly Elsie Wade CALLED 0.517 Ac. 3895/237 CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK 6415'03" W 20.31' — 0.01 Ac. ROW Dedication S 25'44'57" E 47.07' Fnd. 1/2" Iron Rod N N 49'05'11" W 51.27133.18'p)„ W lS»Og to College St STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Filed for Record it county, do hereby certify that this plat together with Its certificates of Official Public Records Of: / office the _ day of, 20. in the Official Records of Brazos County, Brazos County Clerk '~.". On: 5120/2022 9:37:16 AM ESS my hand and official Seal, at m office in Bryan, Texas. Y Y° ' In the PLAT Recortls Doc Number: 2022-14720d3 Volume -Page: 17955-1 Number of Pages: 1 Amount: 73.00 OMerk: 2,0�22 00520000026 CJ ILI(tiri CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL (for ETJ Plats) This subdivision plat was duly approved by the Commissioners Court off Bra as County, Texxt'aay//sas the Final Plat of such subdivision on the 26th day of April, 2022. Signed this the ` 1day of MAq 2022. County Judge, Brazos County, Texas OWNER 8 DEVELOPER: Kenan P. Heldtke 16138 1 e ON Rd. College Station, Tx. 77845 Phone: 979-690-6161 emoll:kp h201f r on tier.com FINAL PLAT abort, lloo Mao 4 OF LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 1 HEIDTKE SUBDIVISION 4.58 ACRES BEING ALL OF THE KENAN P. HEIDTKE 4.57 ACRE TRACT VOLUME 1981, PAGE 33 SAMUEL DAVIDSON LEAGUE, A-13 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE: 1" = 40' AUGUST 27, 2021 STRONG , B"aBayM1 ie'n aa'Sons 718lategas 02 URVEYING Pharr`="" =1b Far f979) 731-00% rbp Mo 1w93sm ems@ cxwt4estratgsleveyirrgxan