HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/11/1995 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMayor LARRY RINGER Mayor ProTem LYNN MCILHA.NEY Interim City Manager TOM BRYMER COLLEGE STATION Couneiimembers BILL FOX HUB KF,NNADY LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON NANCY CROUCH MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1995 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Hickson, Fox, Mariott, Crouch COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: VISITORS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Interim Directs of Dev Develo Engineer Informati Councilmembers Mcllhaney and Kennady efer to guest regis (P-1) Proclamation for National Nurses Wee This item was removed at the request of the applicant. CONSENT AGENDA (C-1) Approved Lease Agreement with Texas Commercial Waste, Inc. to supply Front- end Loading Containers for the Sanitation Division collection system. (C-2) Approved minimum fee for users of the Rock Prairie Road Landfill as recommended by the BVSWMA Board. City of College Station Providing Customer Service Excellence :pager Woody, Executive Attorney Locke, Director assistant Director of City Planner Kee, City 0 Beachy, Public City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 Thursday, May 11, 1995 (C-3) Approved contract with the Economic Development Corporation providing funding for an Economic Incentive Program and establishing guidelines. (C-4) Approved Spencer's Cove ETJ Subdivision Plat, (95-212). (C-5) Approved Final Plat of Windsor Point, a 19.33 acre R-5 Subdivision located along the south side of Southwest Parkway and on both sides of the future Central Park Lane extension. Owner - Southpointe Ltd. c/o Brisben Development, MDG - Greg Taggart, Agent (95-208). ', (C-6) Directed staff to commence negotiations with Turner Collie & Braden Inc. for professional services related to the construction of the new water well #5. (C-7) Approved award of contract to CDR Environmental for the lease of a redge and operator to clean Wolfpen Creek Lake. Funds available in the Parks and Recreation budget and the Hotel/Motel Tax Funds in the amount of $65,312.00. (C-8) Approved expenditure of funds for payment of legal fees in the amount of $16,008.98 to Bickerstaff, Health & Smiley. Funds available in the Electric Utility Fund. (C-9) Approved Ordinance No. 2123 authorizing and allowing, under the Act governing the Texas Municipal Retirement System, restricted prior service credit to employees who are members of the System for service previously performed for any incorporated city in the United States or any Council of Governments in Texas for which such employees have not received credited service in the System; and establishing an effective date. (C-10) Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the participation in actions to be filed in the State District Court to collect delinquent franchise fees from General Telephone company of the Southwest ("GTE") and in an action pending with the Public Utility Commission to set aside an illegal automatic "Pass Through" Tariff of GTE. This item was removed from the agenda by Mayor Ringer to allow Mr. Lynn Morrison to speak before the council. Mr. Morrison stated that if there are any concerns on behalf of the City, GTE is willing to discuss areas of concern. Cathy Locke explained the Resolution to the Council. Councilman Crouch moved approval of Resolution No. 5-11-95-C-10. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously. (C-11) Approved Resolution No. 5-11-95-C-11 authorizing the Bryan/College Station Convention & Visitors Bureau to bid for the 1997 AMCC Annual Conference. City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Thursday, May 11, 1995 The consent items were approved by common consent with the exception of C-10. REGULAR AGENDA (R-1) Consideration of a Final Plat and Related Development Agreement for Lot 1 of the Lacour Subdivision, a 4.339 acre lot located along SH 30 east and adjacent to the existing Taco Bell and approximately 1050 feet east of the intersection of SH 30 and Texas Avenue. City Planner Jane Kee described the Final Plat and Related Development Agreement. An overhead of the location map was displayed. Mayor Ringer opened the meeting for comments. Mr. James C. Noonan of Houston addressed the council. Mr. Noonan stated that he is the owner of the Noonan eight acre tract and is currently in the process of selling the property to First Worthing Company. If the City extends Kyle through the property this would reduce the tract of land by 0.55 acres and not suitable for this project. Mr. Noonan requested the City Council delay their consideration on the Lacour plat with the Kyle Street extension until property owners can meet and discuss this matter with the City of College Station. Mr. George Ball, 3355 Golden Trail, addressed the Council. He stated that the First Worthing Company is ready to come forward with a plat and continue with this project. Mr. Ball suggested the city divide the right-of-way among the four property owners in equal proportions. Mr. Ball questioned the width of the 70 ft. right-of-way. Mr. Ball requested the City Council delay their consideration on the dedicated right-of-way. Mr. Phil Callahan, of 8706 Appomattox and realtor representing First Worthing Company, addressed the Council. The company's intent is the development of a high quality apartment complex. Mr. Callahan requested the City Council table this item to allow the city staff to work on the development agreement and to continue working with the adjacent property owners. Mr. Greg Taggart, 1218 Berkeley, addressed the Council. Mr. Taggart of Municipal Development Group, represented Lacour Investments. Mr. Taggart suggested deleting the Kyle Street extension. Lacour Investments directed Mr. Taggart to agree with the City recommendations; therefore, this would allow the Lacour Investments to close. Due to time constraints, Mr. Taggart urged the City Council to approve the plat as submitted along with the recommendation of the city staff. City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 Thursday, May 11, 1995 Following brief discussion, Councilman Hickson moved approval of the final plat and development agreement with staff recommendation. Councilman Fox seconded the motion. Councilman Crouch amended the motion to allow a replat to show a different alignment that would move the right-of-way and waive the fees for submitting a replat. The amended motion passed unanimously. Mr. Row, 6481 Waterway, suggested modifying the plat to illustrate the curve westward. Therefore, the Noonan track would retain more of its acreage. Mayor Ringer stated that the city cannot plat part of the street on a single plat. Interim City Manager Brymer suggested entering into a development agreement with the Lacour Investments and Noonan Estate to address the realignment of Kyle Street to the west. Ms. Kee stated that a development agreement is a contract and the city is in a position to negotiate. As long as the development agreement is tied to the final plat, Lacour Inv. cannot file the final plat and sell Lot 1. If this is negotiated, then the property owners to the west will have an interest in the Lacour development. This could delay the process by Lacour. The original motion as amended passed unanimously. (R-2) Approval of the Carter Lake Acres subdivision Preliminary Plat in the City's ETJ, Case No. 95-307. Project Engineer Brett McCully presented this item to the Council. After discussion by Council, property owner Burt Munro asked why a private road (Harris) is being upgraded at the owners expense. Mr. McCully replied this is due to the accessibility from Harris and Bradley Road. Also, in question were county maintenance and future dedication. Included in the plat is the dedication. Councilman Hickson moved approval of the preliminary plat without staff recommendations regarding road improvements. Motion seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously. City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 Thursday, May 11, 1995 (R-3) Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning of 2.315 acres located near the northwest corner of Rock Prairie Road and Bradley Road from A-O Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family. City Planner Jane Kee described the rezoning request. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Crouch moved approval of Ordinance No. 2124 as presented. Councilman Fox seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (R-4) Public hearing and consideration on a proposed budget amendment to the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency (BVSWMA) 1994-95 annual budget to provide additional authorization for fill site construction, equipment maintenance, ground water monitoring, participation in reconstruction of Rock Prairie Road Landfill. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Fox moved approval of Ordinance No. 2125 amending the budget in the amount of $911,500. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (R-5) Public hearing and action on a proposed budget amendment to allow the city to begin projects during FY 95 that were approved in the 1995 General Obligation Bond authorization election providing appropriation of $4,700,000. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Hickson moved approval Ordinance No. 2126 amending the budget for the appropriation of $4,700,000. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried unanimously. City Council Regular Meeting Page 6 Thursday, May 11, 1995 (R-6) Approval of the funding recommendation by the Joint Relief Funding committee for funding public service activities through the City's 1995-96 Community Development Block Grant. Grant Coordinator Paula Ralls presented this item to Council. Ms. Ralls stated that the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee conducted a public hearing on April 25th and 27th, to review and select the eleven (11) public service agencies to be recommended for CDBG funding. The amount of CDBG funds available to public service agencies through the City of College Station is $158,666, with the City of Bryan funding $169,650, for a combined total of $328,316. The committee recommended CDBG funding for the following agencies: Brazos Food Bank $22,000 Girls Club of Brazos County $24,666 Brazos County Rape Crisis Center $42,000 TCM-Phoebe's Home $45,000 MHMR-Early Childhood Intervention $25,000 City of College Station Departments $31,834 Councilman Mariott made a motion to approve the public agencies recommended by the Joint Relief Funding Review Committee in the amount of $158,666. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (R-7) Request for approval of contract to purchase Electric Power. This item was removed at the request of staff. (R-8) Consideration of first reading of an ordinance granting a Franchise to American Medical Waste Management, Inc. for the collection and disposal of Treated and Untreated Medical Waste from Health Care Related Facilities within the City. Public Services Director Mark Smith described this item. After discussion by Council, Mr. Rusty Abbott with Browning Ferris Industries addressed the Council. Mr. Abbott requested the Council delay consideration of this item and allow Browing Ferris Industries to present additional information regarding their proposal. Mr. Abbott indicated that his company may not have supplied the material as needed due to misguided information. City Council Regular Meeting Page 7 Thursday, May 11, 1995 Interim City Manager Brymer stated that the proposals are public record. Two readings of the ordinance shall be held and Browning Ferris Industries will have time to obtain and evaluate the proposal of American Medical Waste Management, Inc. Councilman Hickson made a motion to approve the first reading of the ordinance. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion. Mr. Rick Floyd addressed the Council. Mr. Floyd pointed out that the franchise ordinance contains an automatic renewal provision if satisfactory service is provided at the conclusion of two years. Also, Texas A&M University is currently examining a hazardous waste disposal system . At this time, A&M does not know what the recommendation will be, however, if a facility is built, A&M University would likely include the City of College Station. With the automatic renewal included in the franchise this could void any joint activity between Texas A&M and the City. The original motion carried unanimously. (R-9) Hear Visitors Mr. Scott Briers, 1404 A Sebesta Rd., addressed the Council. He stated his concern about the current construction on Sebesta Road and the assess ability to his home. Interim City Manager Brymer stated this matter would be corrected immediately. (R-10) Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m. APPROVED: City Secretary Connie Hooks ikii* :Wows, GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1995 7:00 P.M. fi 113l, r ti Art��?� .-w/.t lff♦ �4l • 2. ,,te Arrii 517-0/5 20. 71,Tt9 ii/ Pei O^' ..)" c. 3 r 09)61e„, o 'rt���•j'�'r•lV..'?—y .`..Cft. ati' 7.Y(( :•,t;,�;��j I) ,tY ,j 7�!!�!:�si f. }!,s1.�V . i.'-u/,, ; i!ixi';�r�fi,-1,� �w`?i �,..•7t�;! ''4