HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/11/2005 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board(*- 41 " " CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 7:00 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road • College Station, Texas 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of December 14, 2004. 5. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the potential for pedestrian access from Manuel to Dartmouth. 6. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding Park Maintenance Standards ■ FY 2004 status report ■ FY 2005 first quarter status report ■ Recommendations regarding potential maintenance improvements 7. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding Program and Facility Needs Assessment Process 8. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program: • Park Land Dedication Project List ■ Current Capital Improvement Project List ■ Veterans Park & Athletic Complex 9. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. 10. Discussion of calendar, future meeting dates, and possible agenda items: • Regular meeting N February 8, 2005 11. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Parks at Tuesday, 1' t d Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting January 11, 2005, 7:00 p.m. he EXIT Teen Center; ;20 Rock Prairie Road Dilege Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Curtis Bingham and Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendents; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant. Board Members Present: Jodi Warner, Chair; Don Allison; Gary Erwin; Glenn Schroeder; Larry Farnsworth; Jeannie McCandless; Gary Thomas. Board Members Absent: Kathleen Ireland; Carol Blaschke. Guests & Visitors: Jamie Rae Walker and Jen White — Recreation, Park, & Tourism Sciences Department, TAMU 1. Call to order. Jodi Warner called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. Pardon and Dossible action concernina reauests for absences of members. Two requests for absence had been submitted by Kathy Ireland and Carol Blaschke. Larry Farnsworth moved to accept the two requests for absence. Gary Thomas seconded and the vote was called. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Hear Visitors. Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Discussion, consideration, and Dossible annroval of minutes from the Reaular meetina of December 14. 2004. Visitor Doug McHan's first name had been misspelled as Dough. Don Allison moved to accept the minutes of the December 2004 meeting with the aforementioned change. The motion was seconded by Glenn Schroeder, and hearing no opposition or discussion, the vote was called. The minutes were accepted as presented with the one change. S. ReDort, discussion, and Dossible action reaardina the Dotential for Dedestrian access from Manuel to Dartmouth. At the last meeting during a discussion regarding a potential park land dedication that had been brought before the Board, Glenn S. had asked about access from Manuel Street to the Wolf Pen Creek area. Ric stated that he had posed the question of access to the City's Traffic Planner, who had told him that there were no plans at present to provide street access from Manuel to the Wolf Pen area. Pedestrian access would be available, however, through the ice rink across to Holleman, once it has been completed. The Planner was now aware that access was a concern. Discussion followed regarding ownership of the piece of property directly east of Manuel that goes to Dartmouth. Staff would check on that ownership issue and get an answer back to Glenn. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 6. Reoort. discussion, and Dossible action reaardina Park Maintenance Standards. Curtis Bingham was present to give a quarterly update, as well as a report on trends that were based on the past three years of standards. He told the Board that while there were Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting of January 11, 2005 Page 1 of 3 M standards where steady improvement was being made, there were also standards that continued to score low. See attached "Trends in Maintenance Standards Surveys" for the complete report and the possible solutions. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 7. Renort, discussion, and Dossible action reaardina Program and Facilitv Needs Assessment Drocess. Steve explained that the board would see this item on the agenda for at least the next six months. He explained that this would be the first time that the Parks Department would have a comprehensive needs assessment done and it would look at all the variables from different user groups and different interests. This will provide an opportunity to see the bigger picture and all the specific needs on a pro -active rather than a reactive basis. He introduced Jamie Rae Walker, an understudy of Dr. John Crompton, who would be carrying out the process of the needs assessment with staff providing logistical assistance. Steve stated that he would like for one or two of the board members to attend each of the focus group sessions that would be held. Jamie Rae explained that the Board members' input would also be included in the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) process (see attachment). The focus groups would be asked what services were needed in order to meet the needs of their family or the group they were representing. All suggestions, concerns, and needs would be documented and then ranked in each group. By ranking them it allows a consensus to be made across the board as to what the most important thing is. After all of the focus group meetings have been held, the final rankings will also be ranked by consensus. Based on those suggestions, a survey of questions would be created. The focus group meetings would run through March. A report would come back to the Board in June and the project would be finished up in July. This was an informational item only and no action was required. S. Renort, discussion, and Dossible action concernina the Capital Improvement Proaram (CIP). Current lists had been included in the members' packets and brief updates were given on the status of some of the projects in progress: ■ The Lincoln Center expansion project would be substantially complete that week. ■ John Crompton Park should be bid out within the next week to ten days. ■ The lighting project for Central and Veterans Athletic Parks would be going to City Council for approval on January 20tn ■ The Intergenerational Parks project would go out to bid within the next week or so. ■ Work would be done in Parkway Park - a water fountain, footbridge, and trees for seasonal color would be installed. A fence with concrete rails that look like boards will be installed on the side of the park without a curb. It would make a nice addition but also keep people from four -wheeling there. Steve complimented Ric and the Park Planners on the hard work they had been doing on all of the projects. It was suggested that perhaps once a punch -out list had been done for the Lincoln Center expansion project, a joint meeting with the Lincoln Center Advisory Board could be held in order to begin considering what to do with the old buildings at Lincoln Center. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 9. Review, discussion, and possible action concernina Board and Department Goals and Objectives, and Citv Council Strateaic Plan. The Board and Departmental Goals had been included in the packets. Steve stated that not a lot of milestones showed as being complete, however, that would increase. At present there was emphasis being placed on Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 2 of 3 Regular Meeting of January 11, 2005 finding ways to improve the beautification of parks. Staff would be bringing ideas on how to accomplish that back to the Board at future meetings. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 10. Discussion of calendar, future meetina dates, and possible aaenda items. ■ The next regular meeting would be held on February 8, 2005. 11. Adiourn. A motion was made to adjourn by Glenn S. and seconded by Gary E. The vote was called and hearing no opposition, the meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 3 of 3 Regular Meeting of January 11, 2005 TRENDS IN MAINTENANCE STANDARDS SURVEYS As you can see by the history in the maintenance standards surveys, we are making steady progress in the over-all maintenance standards. We are also making steady progress in the categories of athletic facilities, playgrounds, pavilion/shelter facilities, tennis and basketball courts, and general parks. However, we have trends of low scores for categories of volleyball courts and ponds. There only nine standards for the volleyball courts, so even if you meet eight of the nine standards the best score you can get will be 89%. The problem areas with the volleyball courts are: - keeping a loose smooth sand surface - keeping weeds and grass out of the court. The solution to these problems is just more frequent maintenance of the volleyball courts. There are 16 standards for the ponds. The problem areas with the ponds are: - overgrowth of aquatic vegetation such as algae and duckweed Solution: get employees certified to use the necessary chemicals to control pond vegetation. - the lack of a pond/waterways management plan Solution: remove this standard since such plan is not required by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. - keeping nails and screws flush with the decking. One of the pond decks at Gabbard Park is in need of complete renovation. Solution: more frequent maintenance of the pond decking and rebuilding the pond deck at Gabbard Park which has been planned for this year. Although certain categories are steadily improving there are some individual standards that routinely score low. Several of the playground surfaces don't meet standards. This year we will be renovating some of the playground fall surfaces. The renovations will consist of removing old material and adding fresh pea gravel. We will also add rubber crumbs as the budget allows. The ballfield fencing at Lemontree and Luther Jones Parks needs to be replaced. This will need to be funded through our replacement fund or a source outside of the Parks Operations budget. The irrigation on the Southwood Little League fields needs to be replaced. This also will require replacement funds or funds from outside the Parks Operations budget. The standards pertaining to ADA accessibility regularly score low, but are steadily improving by the addition of ADA accessible water fountains. There has always been a problem with the drainage of practice areas. This might can be addressed over a period by top dressing low areas. However, due to the high cost of top soil this will need to be done as funds are available. Many baseball practice backstops need to have the fabric replaced. This year we will make funds available for repairing the backstops. Something we plan to do this year is review all maintenance standards material and see if there are any changes that need to be made pertaining to maintenance frequencies, making sure we have the correct standards for each park survey, and seeing if there are any maintenance standards that should be dropped because of their incapability of being met, such as the pond/waterways management plan and cleanliness of trash receptacles. PARK MAINTENANCE STANDARDS SURVEY SUMMARY FOR FY 2005 Quarterly Periods: First Ouarter, FY 2005 Overall % of Standards Met: 89% Second Ouarter, FY 2005 Overall % of Standards Met: % Third Ouarter, FY 2005 Overall % of Standards Met: % Fourth Ouarter, FY 2005 Overall % of Standards Met: % Categories I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South West Avs. % of Stds Met 1st Quarter 96% 93% 86% 92% 2nd Quarter 3`d Quarter 4th Quarter II. Playgrounds East South West Ave. % of Stds Met 1st Quarter 92% 95% 87% 91% 2°d Quarter 3`d Quarter 4th Quarter III. Pavilion/Shelter Facilities East South I" Quarter 91% 94% 2°d Quarter 3`d Quarter 0 Quarter IV. Tennis Courts East West Ave. % of Stds Met 89% 91% South West Ave. % of Stds Met 1" Quarter 97% 98% 100% 98% 2°d Quarter 3`d Quarter 4th Quarter V. Basketball Courts East South 1st Quarter 98% 96% 2°d Quarter 3`d Quarter 4`h Quarter West Avs. % of Stds Met 96% 97% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 86% 92% 88% 92% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 83% 86% 92% 90% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 90% 93% 90% 92% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 91% 96% 93% 91% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 94% 98% 96% 96% VI. Sand Volleyball Courts East South West Ave. % of Stds Met Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met I" Quarter 67% 93% 89% 83% 81% 2❑d Quarter 84% 3`d Quarter 79% 4`' Quarter 90% VII. Ponds East South West Ave_ . % of Stds Met Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met I" Quarter 92% 87% 33% 71% 70% 2"d Quarter 76% 3'd Quarter 71 % 4`h Quarter 73% VIII. Parks: General Parks East South West Ave. % of Stds Met Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 1s` Quarter 93% 92% 95% 93% 88% 2"d Quarter 92% 3'd Quarter 89% 4"' Quarter 93% Overall District Averages East South West Overall % of Stds Met Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met I" Quarter 91% 93% 84% 89% 85% 2"d Quarter 90% 3'd Quarter 70 ° 4`h Quarter 890 " PARK MAINTENANCE STANDARDS SURVEY SUMMARY FOR FY 2002 Quarterly Periods: First Ouarter. FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 77% Second Ouarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 83% Third Ouarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 85% Fourth Ouarter, FY 2002 Overall % of Standards Met: 81% CateEories L Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South I" Quarter 74% 76% 2nd Quarter 88% 95% 3'd Quarter 92% 81% 4'h Quarter 91% 75% II. Playgrounds East South I" Quarter 83% 88% 2nd Quarter 89% 89% 3'd Quarter 85% 84% 4'h Quarter 72% 83% III. Picnic Facilities East South I" Quarter 88% 87% 2nd Quarter 90% 90% 3`d Quarter 94% 83% 4'h Quarter 89% 86% IV. Tennis Courts East South I" Quarter 83% 62% 2nd Quarter 91% 75% 3rd Quarter 95% 78% 4'h Quarter 90% 87% V. Basketball Courts East South 15f Quarter 86% 96% 2nd Quarter 89% 100% 3`d Quarter 94% 96% 4`h Quarter 81% 98% West Average % of standards met 74% 75% 92% 85% 88% 87% 91% 86% West Average % of standards met 55% 75% 75% 84% 79% 83% 71% 75% West Average % of Standards met 81% 85% 83% 88% 90% 89% 82% 97% West Average % of Standards met 65% 70% 61% 76% 68% 90% 68% 82% West Average % of Standards met 75% 96% 82% 90% 85% 92% 71% 83% VI. Sand Volleyball Courts East South I" Quarter 63% 77% 2"d Quarter 97% 86% 3`d Quarter 78% 89% 4'h Quarter 82% 96% VII. Ponds East South I" Quarter 43% 85% 2"d Quarter 57% 75% 3`d Quarter 69% 71% 4'h Quarter 45% 72% VIII. Parks: General Parks East South I" Quarter 85% 79% 2"d Quarter 86% 82% 3rd Quarter 94% 80% 4'h Quarter 81% 84% Overall District Averages West Average % of Standards met 90% 77% 100% 94% 100% 89% 100% 93% West Average % of Standards met 57% 62% 53% 62% 79% 73% 62% 60% West Average % of Standards met 84% 83% 82% 83% 94% 89% 89% 85% East South West Overall % of Standards Met 15L Quarter 76% 81% 73% 77% 2"d Quarter 86% 85% 77% 83% 3`d Quarter 88% 83% 85% 85% 4'h Quarter 79% 95% 79% 91% NOTE: The Maintenance Standards for Parks Facilities and the Maintenance Standards Survey was revised during the fourth quarter. PARK MAINTENANCE STANDARDS SURVEY SUMMARY FOR FY 2003 Quarterly Periods: First Ouarter. FY 2003 Overall % of Standards Met: 84% Second Ouarter. FY 2003 Overall % of Standards Met: 85% Third Ouarter. FY 2003 Overall % of Standards Met: 88% Fourth Ouarter. FY 2003, Overall % of Standards Met: 85% CateLyories I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South West 1st Quarter 86% 75% 84% 2"d Quarter 90% 89% 90% 3`d Quarter 86% 88% 87% 4`h Quarter 96% 80% 89% II. Playgrounds East South West 1st Quarter 82% 87% 83% 2"d Quarter 82% 87% 79% 3`d Quarter 84% 83% 84% 41h Quarter 83% 81% 80% III. Picnic Facilities East South West 1st Quarter 87% 88% 90% 2"d Quarter 83% 93% 90% 3`d Quarter 92% 89% 88% 41h Quarter 88% 88% 89% IV. Tennis Courts East South West 1st Quarter 91 % 91 % 73% 2"d Quarter 86% 91% 73% 3`d Quarter 95% 98% 100% 4th Quarter 93% 89% 95% V. Basketball Courts East South West 1st Quarter 88% 95% 87% 2"d Quarter 82% 94% 85% 3`d Quarter 96% 98% 87% 4th Quarter 96% 94% 87% Ave_ . % of Stds Met 82% 90% 87% 88% Ave_ . % of Stds Met 84% 83% 84% 81% Ave_ . % of Stds Met 88% 89% 90% 88% Ave. % of Stds Met 85% 83% 98% 92% Ave. % of Stds Met 90% 87% 94% 92% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 75% 85% 87% 86% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 75% 84% 83% 75% Prev. Yr. % of Stds Met 85% 88% 89% 87% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 70% 76% 80% 82% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 86% 90% 92% 83% VI. Sand Volleyball Courts East South I" Quarter 78% 93% 2"d Quarter 74% 94% 3`d Quarter 82% 92% 4'h Quarter 63% 89% VII. Ponds East South I" Quarter 53% 75% 2nd Quarter 53% 87% 3`d Quarter 63% 84% 0 Quarter 63% 84% VIII. Parks: General Parks East South ls` Quarter 83% 82% 2"d Quarter 86% 90% 3`d Quarter 90% 88% 4"' Quarter 89% 81% Overall District Averages East South IS` Quarter 81% 86% 2"d Quarter 79% 91% 3`d Quarter 86% 88% 4`h Quarter 84% 86% West 89% 100% 100% 100% West 75% 75% 69% 56% West 94% 94% 95% 93% Avs. % of Stds Met 87% 89% 91% 84% Avu. % of Stds Met 68% 72% 72% 68% Avp-. % of Stds Met 86% 90% 91% 88% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 77% 94% 89% 93% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 62% 62% 73% 60% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 83% 83% 89% 85% West Overall % of Stds Met Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 84% 84% 77% 86% 85% 83% 89% 88% 85% 86% 85% 81% PARK MAINTENANCE STANDARDS SURVEY SUMMARY FOR FY 2004 Quarterly Periods: First Quarter, FY 2004 Overall % of Standards Met: 85% Second Ouarter. FY 2004 Overall % of Standards Met: 90% Third Ouarter. FY 2004 Overall % of Standards Met: 87% Fourth Ouarter. FY 2004 Overall % of Standards Met: 89% Categories I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South West I" Quarter 99% 72% 86% 2"d Quarter 95% 90% 90% 3`d Quarter 96% 79% 89% 4`h Quarter 97% 89% 89% II. Playgrounds East South West I" Quarter 81% 84% 85% 2"d Quarter 82% 88% 87% 3`d Quarter 92% 88% 95% 41h Quarter 88% 93% 89% III. Pavilion/Shelter Facilities East South West 1" Quarter 91% 85% 94% 2"d Quarter 96% 91% 93% 3`d Quarter 91% 90% 90% 4`h Quarter 92% 91% 92% IV. Tennis Courts East South West I" Quarter 95% 83% 95% 2"d Quarter 100% 87% 100% 3`d Quarter 91% 89% 100% 4th Quarter 88% 91% 95% V. Basketball Courts East South West I" Quarter 98% 96% 87% 2"d Quarter 100% . 100% 94% 3`d Quarter 100% 97% 91% 4`h Quarter 96% 97% 96% Ave_ . % of Stds Met 86% 92% 88% 92% Ave. % of Stds Met 83% 86% 92% 90% Ave. % of Stds Met 90% 93% 90% 92% Ave. % of Stds Met 91% 96% 93% 91% Ave_ . % of Stds Met 94% 98% 96% 96% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 82% 90% 87% 88% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 84% 83% 84% 81% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 88% 89% 90% 88% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 85% 83% 98% 92% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 90% 87% 94% 92% VI. Sand Volleyball Courts East South I51 Quarter 85% 81% 2"d Quarter 74% 89% 3`d Quarter 59% 78% 4`h Ouarter 74% 96% VII. Ponds East South I" Quarter 75% 75% 2"d Quarter 82% 78% 3`d Quarter 87% 82% 4`h Quarter 87% 82% VIII. Parks: General Parks East South ls` Quarter 90% 82% 2"d Quarter 90% 90% 3`d Quarter 86% 89% 4`h Quarter 92% 90% Overall District Averages East South I" Quarter 89% 82% 2"d Quarter 90% 89% 3`d Quarter 88% 86% 4`h Quarter 89% 91% West 78% 89% 100% 100% West 60% 69% 44% 50% West 93% 96% 93% 96% Ave. % of Stds Met 81% 84% 79% 90% Ave. % of Stds Met 70% 76% 71% 73% Ave_ . % of Stds Met 88% 92% 89% 93% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 87% 89% 91% 84% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 68% 72% 72% 68% Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 86% 90% 91% 88% West Overall % of Stds Met Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 85% 85% 84% 90% 90% 85% 88% 87% 88% 88% 89% 85% The Nominal Group Technique, The nominal group technique is a consensus planning tool that helps prioritize issues. For the purpose of this Needs Assessment, it will be used as a discovery process to aid in the survey development sent to a more representative sample. In the nominal group technique, participants are brought together for a discussion session led by a moderator. After the question has been presented to session participants and they have had an opportunity to ask questions or briefly discuss the scope of the topic, they are asked to take a few minutes to think about and write down their responses. The session moderator will then ask each participant to present his/her response. These are then posted at the front of the meeting room. Once everyone has given a response, participants will be asked for a second or third response, until all of their answers have been noted and posted around the room. Once duplications are eliminated, each response is assigned a letter or number. Session participants are then asked to choose responses that they feel are the most important and rank them according to their relative importance. These rankings are collected from all participants, and aggregated. For example: Overall measure �,esponse P j�ip Y 1 1 A ranked 1st B ranked 3rd C ranked 2nd 1 D ranked 4"' PAjjjr,jpauj 2 Pp4iFlpWj 3 ranked 2nd ranked 2nd ranked Is' ranked 3rd ranked 3rd ranked 1 st ranked 4"' ,ranked 4'" Of imppowpe 1 5 = ranked 1st 7 = ranked 3rd 6 = ranked 2nd 12 = ranked 4"' In this case, the groups will be brought back together in one final meeting to rank all the responses. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT & PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY `05 January 5, 2005 [Cemetery Land Acquisition Greens Prairie Rd Landscaping & Irrigation Design (Business Park Sign VPAC Soccer Lights (Veterans Park Phase II IW.A. Tarrow Spray Park (Thomas Pool Collector Tank Repair Jack & Dorothy Miller Park Basketball Court Cover Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements Parkway Park I Krenek Crossing Landscaping (Central Park Soccer Lights Steeplechase Park Development Ilntergenerational Park Additions 1 Lick Creek Park Bike, Rocks, Benches, & Slabs 11-incoln Playground Rock Prairie Rd Medians Landscape Pending Contract Ross GG9905 $Z75,ouo 'aa U.U. unKnown Pending Contract David ST0214 $80,000 Street Proiect Fund Re -Bid Pete GG0302 $50,000 Economic Development 12/04 Pending Contract Pete PK0511 $400,000 General Fund 6/05 I� In design Ric P0501 $6,925,000 '03 Bond 10/07 I Pending Contract Ric PK0503 $170,000 Community Dev. 6/05 i Pending Contract Ric N/A $20,000 '05 General Fund 5/05 In Design Pete PK0512 $175,000 '05 General Fund 9/05 Under Construction Ric PK0319 $984,000 CDBG Funds 3/05 Under Construction Pete PK0409 $50,000 '03 G.O.+ Zone 2 3/05 $44,795 Under Construction Pete GG002 $20,000 City Centre 11/04 1/05 15,606 Pending Contract Pete PK0406 $285,000 General Fund 6105 1I In Design Pete & David $315,000 Community Dev. 6106 11 In Design David $310,000 '03 Bond 9/05 I Under Construction Pete PK0069 $7,000 '98Bond 12/31/04 1/05 $6,650 1 (design) n Pete $50,000 '05 Gen. fund 6/05 Under contract Pete St9923 $40,000 '98 Bond 3/05 CIP Summary ;k Under Construction 4 Under Contract 1 Pending Contracts 6 Bids Received 0 Out to Bid / Re -Bid 1 In Design 5 Pending Land Acquisition 0 On Hold 0 I - Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Projects Park Acculsition On Hold I Zonal Funds • Thomas Park Track On Hold David Zone 2 Funds 9/05 jI t 4*w . ,�SLi£t�11 h • 1 1 Raintree Improvements Concrete Walks I In Design Zone 4 Funds + Pete I NA I $01 $15,000'98 Bond Windwood Improvements Concrete Walks I In Design Pete I NA I $01 Zone 4 Funds Jack & Dorothy Miller Park Trail Li htin Under ConstructionI Pete IPk0408Ii $55,0001 Zone 5 Funds I 10/04 I 1/05 I$45,862 . ,. i Southwest Park Development I On Hold I Pete/David I $90,0001 Zone 6 Funds Gabbard Park Sidewalk 7 I On Hold I David I NA $0 Zone 6 Funds • John Crompton Park Development r I In Design I Pete/David I PK9803 I $710,000! Zone 7 Funds I Unknown • I I • ZONE 10 $132,898 Desi n Edelweiss Gartens I On Hold I Pete/David • Pebblt�ett rlf�a 7 etIyl'I ��orMir�. lete ,: "` i404o1 0 t"I ts. 3j€14,. s�. I - Intergenerational Project i1arK Land J�edlcatton Summary Completed 3 Under Construction 1 Under Contract 1 Bids Received 0 Pending Contracts 0 Out to Bid 0 In Design I 3 Pending Land Acquisition 0 On Hold Total 5 12 O:/Projects/CIP/CIP & Park Land Ded Project List. doc Page 2 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR JANUARY 2005 — MARCH 2005 Cemetery Committee to begin process Core Services Provide Effective StO9`0), of developing proposed operational issue changes for new site. S1 Cemetery Services Ross,' RIG, Staff prepare Scope of Services to use in selection of design firm and construction requirements for Phase I. Core Services Technology Services PetorL, David G. S1 Core Services City Marketing Plan S3 Core Services Employee S3 Communication Plan Core Services Advisory Board S3 Communication Core Services Cooperation with $5 TxDOT for Landscaping Capital, Protects' Core Services Employee I S6 Recoghit Ion Systems, Core Services Performance",, S6 Evaluation Systems' Parks & -Parks Maintenance stove, Ric, Curtis, Leisure Standards Ross Services S1 Parks Leisure Urban Forest,, Steve, Services Management Plan Ross S1 Parks & Leisure Greenway I Bikeway Services Plans S11 Parks Leisure Public Appearance Services Issues S1 Parks & Leisure Intergenerational 'Steve, Ric, Pete V, Bid intergenerational features Services Parks David W S2 Parks & Needs Assessment Focus Groups Leisure Leisure Service Steve,; Services Programs Peter L, $2 David G. Parks Leisure Cooperative Efforts Stove, Services with the City of Bryan Petoj L. $2 David G, Needs Assessment Focus Groups Staff select design firm to create Master Plan and Phase I construction documents. Complete review of Leisure Service Program NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. Parks & Leisure- Services Veterans Park S I love Rio - I I $2 'Phif ase Curtis, Development Rbs;, Peter L. Parks & Leisure Services Five-year Parks Capital Improvement StOVA Bid intergenerational features S2 Projects Pato David W Parks & Leisure I Services Soccer Field Light S2 Direction Parks & Leisure Services Activities that $2 Enhance & Servo the, Community Partre A laie— I I I --ji- I Performing Arts Parks & Leisure Services Strategic Placement S3 of f Public Art Parks & Leisure Regional Planning Steve, ve, RIC,' S4 Development Parks Initiatives board Planning & Update Park Land Steve, Development Dedication Rio S1 Ordinance' Economic Promote Commercial Development Development In the $1 WPC District Complete Installation Of Street Banners Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Goals & Objectives FY2005 (Not Prioritized) 1. Support Regional Park Initiative (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 4) Develop action plan Complete appraisal of property Appraiser chosen; work should be complete by April 1, 2005. Tour for new Parks & Recreation Advisory Board members in spring 2. Andy Anderson Arboretum at Bee Creek (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) Develop long-term plan for redevelopment once drainage issues are addressed Make additional trail improvements Install new trail markers 3. Oversee planning process for Steeplechase Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Conduct public hearings Develop Master Plan Complete design process Bid project 4. Crompton Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Complete design process Design in progress. Bid project Complete construction Begin operation and maintenance Conduct dedication ceremony Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 1 of 4 Updated: January 5, 2005 5. Veterans Park, Phase II (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Complete Phase II design plans Design contract approval at October 21, 2004 City Council meeting. Design in progress. ❑X Assist with Veterans Memorial expansion project Memorial wall expansion complete November, 2004. ❑X Veterans Day Ceremony November 11, 2004 Ceremony complete. Complete lighting of four existing soccer fields Design complete; project out to bid 6. Continued interaction with other City Boards (Lincoln Center, Bryan Parks Board, Conference Center, P&Z, Seniors) (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Report from Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Report from Conference Center Advisory Committee Report from Senior Advisory Committee Joint meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission Joint meeting with City Council 7. Park Land Dedication Ordinance Update (Planning & Development, Strategy 1) Review and approval of recommendations Approval by City Council S. Urban Forest Management Plan (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) Revisit or new direction? 0 9. Capital Improvement Projects oversight. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Intergenerational Park Improvements (see CIP & Park Land Dedication Projects list for status.) Update given at the regular October meeting. Spray Park at Lincoln Center Design contract in process Determine use for old buildings at Lincoln Center Basketball pavilion at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park (Zone 5) Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 2 of 4 Updated: January 5, 2005 Park Land Dedication Projects (Zone 10) 10. Needs Assessment for facilities and programs. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Develop survey instrument Conduct focus group meetings Conduct public hearings Review and accept final report Parks Board: Council review: Meeting held with RPTS students to go over scope of the project on Nov 11m 2004 11. Park Maintenance Standards Review and Direction. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) FX First quarter standards report Report given at January 11rh regular meeting second quarter standards report Third quarter standards report Fourth quarter standards report Develop recommendations for improvement 12. Southern Oaks Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Neighborhood celebration/dedication of park Review park plan for additional improvements 13. Support Greenways Program (Parks & Leisure, Strategy #2) Review and assist with update of Hike and Bike Master Plan Kristan Clann review of Hike and Bike Trail Plan at regular meeting of November 9, 2004. Review and assist with update of Greenways Master Plan Continued support of Hike and Bike Task Force 14. City Center Project support. Parks and Recreation office recommendations Parks and open space area recommendations Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 3 of 4 Updated: January 5, 2005 Community Center facility recommendations 15. Develop plan of action for Northgate Park. Review existing Northgate Redevelopment Plan Develop recommendations for neighborhood parks 16. Explore new leisure programs and activities (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) FX Passport program for Seniors Fall session complete Passport program for Teens Senior Olympics Investigating senior Olympics for 2006. FX International faculty and scholars picnic Held successfully at Central Park pavilion on October 26, 2004 FX Dog splash day at Hallaran Pool Held on October 24, 2004. 17. Revision of By -Laws for the Board aPrepare draft By -Laws Draft turned over for review by Legal. Draft received back from Legal, October12, 2004 FX Board approval with revised By -Laws Review and approval at November 9`h Regular meeting. By -Laws approval by City Council Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 4 of 4 Updated: January 10, 2005 • Implementation of the CIP Program ■ Continuation of Staff Development Parks & Recreation Department Goals & Objectives FY2005 (Not Prioritized) ■ Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues ■ Implementation of Special Projects & Programs Implementation of the CIP Program ❑X FY 2005 CIP Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board ❑X FY 2005 Park Land Dedication Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board Continuation of Staff Development FX Complete Management Academy Status: The Assistant Director and all superintendents have completed the course. ❑X Complete Supervisory Academy (Mollie Binion, Darrel Harvey, Cameron Parker) Status: Graduation November 16, 2004 Complete Emergency Management Academy (Cheletia Thomas, Darrell Harvey) Status: Complete NRPA Revenue Management School (David Gerling) Status: Peter Lamont completed the two-year course; David Gerling completed the first year. Complete TRAPS Conference (Steve Beachy and others will attend) Status: March 2005 Conduct Arbor Master Training (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: Working on schedule for fall session Attend the 1 ith Annual Southeast Texas Grounds Maintenance Conference Status: Coordinate and prepare for TRAPS Regional Workshop in Fall 2005 Status: 2005 conference scheduled for November in College Station FX Attend Texas Turfgrass Conference (Scott Hooks, Gary Marske, Paul Rucker, Keith Fails) Status: Conference attended, December 5th- 7tn Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Acquire new cemetery site and develop Master Plan (Core Services, #1) Status: Appraisals complete; negotiations in progress Continued implementation of Park Maintenance Standards (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: FY 2004 overall 89% rating; FY 2005 goal - 90% overall; quarterly reports given to Parks Board. Updated: January 5, 2005 Page 1 of 3 Continued implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan?? (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: On hold pending further directions Continue efforts to make parks more intergenerational (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Report given at October, 2004 regular meeting; Project design in progress Review leisure service programs ( Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Softball program report October 12, 2004, "Senior Passport" program underway; cricket league proposal received. Pursue cooperative efforts with the City of Bryan on joint programming (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Investigating senior Olympics for 2006; National softball tournaments in 2005 and 2006 Develop Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Design contract approval at October 21, 2004 City Council meeting; design in progress Promote performing arts (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: Booking concerts for 2005 starlight concert series Continued implementation of regional planning and development initiative (Parks & Leisure, #4) Status: Funding approval in BVSWMA FY 2005 budget; appraiser retained Develop action plan for Northgate Park (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: On hold pending staff discussions Develop Master Plan for Steeplechase (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Implement Arboretum improvement plan (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Implementation of Special Projects and Programs ❑X Implementation of the remote sports lighting system (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Complete; New soccer lights will include Sky Logic Continue implementation of automated registration software (RecWare) Status: In progress; software installed; testing completed; training completed Conduct benchmark survey of similar cities Status: Continue investigation of the feasibility for NRPA departmental accreditation Status: Inventory with current level of compliance complete Continue investigation of the feasibility of implementing a Donations Program for the Department Status: Draft program complete Conduct Program and Facilities Needs Assessment (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Agreement with TAMU's RPTS department approved Acquire and implement AED's at select PARD facilities Status: Funding approved in FY 2005 budget; bids received Acquire and install Wolf Pen Creek street banners (Economic Development, #1) Status: Banner design complete; bid awarded for 36 steel banners Facilitate Cricket program (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Facilitate start of user group; site identified for facility; organization of group in progress Updated: January 5, 2005 Page 2 of 3 Northgate Music Series (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: Initial funding approved Investigate Lincoln Center staffing possibilities Status: Reorganization in progress with existing positions Decide what should be done with old buildings at Lincoln Center Status: Updated: January 5, 2005 Page 3 of 3 College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, December 20, 2004 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: Joanna Yeager, Dipankar Sen, Neal Nutall, Bob Meyer, Ed. Burns, Colleen Risinger, Frank Camplone and Yvonne Stevens Members Absent: Patricia Boughton, Laura Holmes, Catherine Lamb, Joe LeCour, Haskell Monroe, Ray Reed and Betty Wilbom Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Robert Meyer at 10:09am. II. Hear visitors. No visitors. III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on October 25, 2004 and November 29, 2004. Neal Nutall make the motion that the minutes be approved. Mr. Burns seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Committee Reports: • Senior Friendly Award The committee was asked to review the copy of the brochure for the senior friendly award. Suggestions included listing the recognition a winner would receive for the award. Yvonne Stevens made the motion that the brochure be approved with the additions mentioned above. Colleen Risinger seconded the motion. The motion passed. The subcommittee will review all nomination forms received quarterly and will make a recommendation to the Senior Advisory Committee for award winners. • Goals Mr. Meyer reviewed the goals approved by the committee for the new year and asked for suggestions on how to achieve the goals. The goal subcommittee will meet again to discuss the action steps and report to the committee at a later date. V. Senior Services Coordinator Report (see attached report) VI. Next meeting and agenda items: Monday, January 31, 2004 VII. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 11:03am Senior Service Coordinator Report December 2004 Senior Passport Reception The reception was held on Tuesday, December 7th at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center Approximately 30 attended the event. Dr. Douglas Menarchik, Director of the Bush Presidential Library and Museum, spoke and foods from around the world were sampled and enjoyed by all. The program has been submitted for the Lone Star Program Award with the Texas Recreation And Parks Society for outstanding programming recognition. We will learn at the annual meeting in March if we are winners! The Senior World Passport Program will be offered again next Fall. Christmas Light Tour On Thursday, December 16th we filled a bus with residents from the Villas of Rock Prairie and toured Christmas lights. The tour included a visit to Santa's Wonderland and Central park where we served refreshments inside the Park and Recreation Headquarters. Singing With Seniors Headstart Children sang to the seniors at Lincoln Center, Villas of Rock Prairie and Lulac Oakhill residents on December 1 ,6 and 91h. Refreshments and ornaments were exchanged. Senior Christmas Dance On December 9th we held our dance with St. Joseph Gold Medallion Club. We had 50 in attendance. Door prizes and refreshments were served. Next dance is scheduled on February 10, 2005 Xtra Education Registration Registration for the Spring Classes will begin on Tuesday, January 18th. Classes for seniors include computer, rug hooking, bridge, 42 and more. Trips Senior Day at the Capital is February 8th. We will provide transportation to Austin and visit the capital. Lunch will be on your own. The Nominal Group Technique The nominal group technique is a consensus planning tool that helps prioritize issues. For the purpose of this Needs Assessment, it will be used as a discovery process to aid in the survey development sent to a more representative sample. In the nominal group technique, participants are brought together for a discussion session led by a moderator. After the question has been presented to session participants and they have had an opportunity to ask questions or briefly discuss the scope of the topic, they are asked to take a few minutes to think about and write down their responses. The session moderator will then ask each participant to present his/her response. These are then posted at the front of the meeting room. Once everyone has given a response, participants will be asked for a second or third response, until all of their answers have been noted and posted around the room. Once duplications are eliminated, each response is assigned a letter or number. Session participants are then asked to choose responses that they feel are the most important and rank them according to their relative importance. These rankings are collected from all participants, and aggregated. For example: Overall measure Response iParticivant 1 A ranked 1 st { B ranked 3rd C ranked 2nd D ranked 4m P#AciDVt 2 ParticiPant 3 of j,pggVp ranked 2nd ranked 2Id 5 = ranked 1st ranked lst ranked 3rd 7 = ranked 3rd ranked 3rd ranked 1" 6 = ranked 2nd ranked 4tn ranked 4Ih 12 = ranked 4tn In this case, the groups will be brought back together in one final meeting to rank all the responses. ulSc�d1 c�V� - � IPcFF(L 1 ftTt oelel I KCTI�D /TAM(k -T,A- Mv RPjS Qnru4e� W'ru� = Jer, jen aCta�,v . edu � name4 pcm -ono c� all membf�z.s -(�IarnkS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD ABSENCE REQUEST FORM FOR ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICERS t I will not be in attendance at the ��/uQ.t-t l�- 4� y�LJUL - V meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the reason(s) specified: Name Signature t -7 La " L ¢3-t,� �)fj 4b90c_o As SQc. V Requests for Absence must be submitted to the Parks Staff Assistant at 764-3414 prior to the meeting date. Pam ingfield RE: January Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Page 1 From: "Byron C. Blaschke" <blaschke@tca.net> To: "'Pam Springfield"' <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> Date: 1 /7/2005 10:39:39 AM Subject: RE: January Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Happy New Year to you! I will not be able to attend the meeting on Tuesday night. I will be out of town. Thanks, Carol -----Original Message ----- From: Pam Springfield [mailto:Pspringfield@cstx.gov] Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 9:59 AM To: gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org; Erwin74@aol.com; J_warner@cox-internet.com; kathyireland@earthlink.net; allison@fabtexas.com; Lfarnsworth@tamu.edu; blaschke@tca.net; jeanniewmc@yahoo.com; olarmy58@yahoo.com Cc: Curtis Bingham; David Gerling; David Wood; Glenn Brown; Peter Lamont; Pete Vanecek; Ross Albrecht; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy; Tom Brymer Subject: January Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Agenda Good Morning and Happy New Year! Attached is the agenda for next Tuesday's regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board along with the draft minutes of the December meeting. Please let me know if you plan to attend the meeting for quorum purposes. Thank you! Pamela Springfield Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation Department (979)764-3414 pspringfield@cstx.gov College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. Pam SI igfield - RE: Fwd: City Manager's Report Page 1 From: "Kathleen Ireland" <kathyireland@earthlink.net> To: "Pam Springfield" <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> Date: 1/9/2005 3:56:26 PM Subject: RE: Fwd: City Manager's Report Hi Pam, Happy New Year to you as well! I got the calendar and of course hated my pix, but the rest of the people looked really great! How much trouble would I be in if I requested to miss this meeting. The Neighborhood Association is having a dinner at Pebble Creek and I would like to attend. Let me know. Kathy > (Original Message] > From: Pam Springfield <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> > To: <gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org>; <Erwin74@aol.com>; <J_warner@cox-internet.com>; <kathyireland@earthlink.net>; <allison@fabtexas.com>; < Lfarnsworth @tam u.edu>; <blaschke@tca.net>; <jean n iewmc@yahoo. com>; <olarmy58@yahoo.com> > Cc: Ric Ploeger <Rploeger@cstx.gov>; Steve Beachy <Sbeachy@cstx.gov> > Date: 1/4/2005 8:22:54 AM > Subject: Fwd: City Manager's Report > Good Morning and Happy New Year! > Here is the December City Manager's Report for your information. > The packets and agenda for next week's Parks Board meeting will go out > on Friday as scheduled. > Thank you! > Pamela Springfield > Staff Assistant > College Station Parks & Recreation Department > (979) 764-3414 > pspringfield@cstx.gov > College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. Pam Springfield - Fwd: Re: Pedestrian access Page 1 From: Ric Ploeger To: Pam Springfield; Steve Beachy Date: 1/5/2005 4:55:33 PM Subject: Fwd: Re: Pedestrian access FYI >>> Ken Fogle 1/5/2005 4:29:19 PM >>> Good question. The only accesses that I know of are at Lassie Lane to Holleman and at Manuel to Dartmouth. Of course a pedestrian could walk across the ice skating rink property to get to the WPC trails, but I don't think that there is a designated walkway across their property. If I find out something else, I'll let you know. Eric Ploeger City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 (979) 764-3415 Phone (979) 764-3773 Fax rploeger@cstx.gov >>> Ric Ploeger 1/5/2005 3:50:31 PM >>> At or Dec. parks board meeting we were reviewing a plat for possible dedication. A question was asked about possible pedestrian access to Holleman from the Richards, Sterling and Crest street area. These are behind the Ice rink. Do you know if there will be access to the east to get to the Wolf pen trails and also provide an alterative for walkers and bikers to get out of that neighborhood? Eric Ploeger City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 (979) 764-3415 Phone (979) 764-3773 Fax roloeaer(d)cstx.aov