HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/09/2001 - Regular Agenda - Parks BoardP P. O. Box 9960 - 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 Memorandum TO- Parks and Recreation Board Members FROM: Kris Startzman, Board Secretary DATE: January 59 2001 SUBJEC7.- Regu�zT Meeting — Jznu2iry 99 2001. The next Parks and Recreation Board meeting will be held at 7.00 p.m. at the CenmrRE lftmk Conferrence Room (ROOD Krrenek Tzp Rosid) on Tuesday, January 95,2001. If you have any questions or changes to the minutes from the previous meeting, please contact me at 164-3414 prior to the meeting so that changes can be made and passed out for approval during the meeting. Also, if you will not be able to attend the meeting, please fill out the attached Absentee Form and fax it back to one at 764=3737 or e-mail one at kstartzman4,ci.colle!ae-station.t-x.:-.-, several days in advance of the meeting in order to insure quorum requirements. Thank you and hope to see you there. Note-o ffnduded Ra the Bomird packets Ilsz ftm fr rem the Office of the Attomey Geneml FRemse note thzt there zire two pzgeg MASSing firom thzt f,%x %nd they wifl he distiributed duiring the Bomird reefing. Attachment: Home of Texas A&M University Call to order. 2. Hear visitors. 3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of November 14, 2000, Special Meeting of December 5, 2000, and Regular Meeting of December 12, 2000. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the Parks and Recreation Board Goals. 6. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding a roller hockey or skateboard park. 7. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Discussion, consideration, and possible reappointment of members to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: ® Carolyn Williams ® Cathy Watson ® Barbara Clemmons ® Joe Dan Franklin 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding joint ventures with other agencies. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a special venue tax. it. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding City Council Vision Statement #4 (Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities), Strategy #I (More Emphasis on Making Parks More Intergenerational), Strategy 92 (More Interaction Between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning and Shared Vision with Council), Strategy #3 (Continue to Update Comprehensive Plan Regarding Parks System), Strategy #4 (Connectivity Between Greenways and Parks), Strategy #5 (Continued Emphasis on Parks Maintenance to Quality Standards through the Budget Process), Strategy #6 (Develop Programs and Facilities for Senior Citizens). 12. Consent Items: — Capital Improvement Projects Report. — Discussion of next meeting date and agenda. 13. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To take arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. CITY OF COLLEGE STA7ffON PARKS AND RECREATION Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers MRIMe Georrp DTegoeT Request Submitted on (date) 1/2/00 X will not be in attendance at the meeting of January 9, 2001 for the reason(s) specified: Out of town on business Signature This 1equestr Shp -HE he submitted to the office of the committee/boded secKretsry pdoT to the meeting dote. o: board/absenteeform.doe ***Minutes*** CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2001 Parks Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road 7:00 p.. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation, Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent; Lance Jackson, Lincoln Center Supervisor; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary. Board Members Present: Chris Barzilla, Chair; John Nichols; Bill Davis; Glenn Schroeder; Glen Davis; Jon Turton; John Crompton, Alternate; Laura Wood, Alternate. Board Members Absent: George Dresser, Co -Chair. Visitor: Larry Farnsworth, 4012 Hunter Creek, College Station, Texas 77840 L Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:58 p.m. 2. Hear visitors: No visitors spoke during this time. 3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: Glen Davis made a motion to accept the absence of George Dresser as excused. Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of November 14, 2000; Special Meeting of December 5, 2000; and Regular Meeting of December 12, 2000: Glen Davis made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of November 14, 2000. Jon Turton seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Glen D. made a motion to approve the minutes from the special meeting of December 5, 2000. Jon T. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Glenn Schroeder made a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of December 12, 2000. Glen D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Page I of 6 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2001 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the Parks and Recreation Board Goals: Steve stated that this item is a follow-up to the December 5, 2000 special meeting concerning the Parks and Recreation Board goals. Glen D. asked the Board if they felt that their new goals coincided with the strategic issues that the City Council had set forth for them in Vision Statement #4. Steve stated that some of the goals did relate, but felt that some did not cover all of the strategic issues. After some discussion, the board made a few changes, and added the following bullets: ® Review of the Parks and Recreation Department Fee Policy. ® Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens, (See updated Parks and Recreation Board goals). Glen D. made a motion to approve the Parks and Recreation Board goals with the changes. Bill Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding a roller hockey or skateboard park: Steve pointed out that there would be a public hearing concerning this item on January 30, 2001, and stated that the different user groups would be invited to the meeting. He asked the Board for input on the direction the Department should take before the public hearing. He asked if the Board was in favor of a roller hockey rink or a skateboard park, and also asked where they thought that it should be located. John Nichols stated that over the last six months, the discussion had leaned toward skateboard parks. As for the location of such a park, he suggested putting it in an athletic field where there are other athletic recreational activities, Jon T. stated that the Board should determine how the facility would be operated before they go much further into the project. Steve stated that there would certainly be operational costs for either type of facility. Eric Ploeger pointed out that there is always the opportunity through bond issues to expand the project (for example add a skate park next to a roller hockey rink, or vice versa). Steve pointed out some possible locations for a facility: ® Southwood Valley Athletic Park; ® Veterans Park and Athletic Complex; ® Central Park; ® Bee Creek Park; and ® Wolf Pen Creek He stated that a positive aspect about building a facility at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex is that the Teen Center is close by with staff and restrooms already there. After some discussion, the Board appeared to be in consensus of directing the public hearing toward a skateboard park. This was a discussion item only, and no motion was made. Page 2 of Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2001 7. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding Veterans Park and Athletic Complex: Steve stated that the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (VPAC) Subcommittee had met that morning. Eric updated the Board on Phase I of the project. He said that the Department had met with the City's water, sewer, and electric Departments because there are certain requirements pertaining to the size of sewer and water lines at the park. They have also been working with drainage issues. The consultants are currently gathering data, and are working with half of the property to figure out how it will be drained. Eric went on to say that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the preliminary plat, but before any construction could be approved, they would need the final plat. He said that the conceptual phase of the plan had been completed that morning, and that the Department would be working with the engineer on more detailed drawings as they relate to specifics of the project. The Department is also looking at the budget and expects to have a good estimate by the end of the week. Eric has also met with members of the College Station Soccer Club and reminded the Board that the Youth Soccer Club is interested in building a facility on site. Glen D. stated that when he met with the VPAC Subcommittee, he learned that there would be four soccer fields constructed in Phase 1, instead of the six that were originally planned. Steve pointed out that the Department is looking to build quality fields, rather than quantity. Glen D. also stated that topsoil would have to be brought in for the fields. Steve also reminded the Board that the Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc. is currently accepting submissions from artists for the design of the Veterans Memorial to be located in the park. He went on to say that three finalists would be chosen from the submissions and their designs would be displayed at Post Oak Mall for public feedback. A winner would be chosen from the three finalists to design the memorial. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible reappointment of members to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: ® Carolyn Williams ® Cathy Watson ® Barbara Clemmons ® Joe Dan Franklin Glenn Schroeder made a motion to reappoint Carolyn Williams, Cathy Watson, Barbara Clemmons, and Joe Dan Franklin to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. Bill D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Page 3 of 6 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2001 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding joint ventures with other agencies: Steve stated that included in the Board packets was a list of cooperative ventures with the Parks and Recreation Department and other agencies. Steve stated that the Board had appointed two subcommittees to ® Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD (Chris and Glen D); ® Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU (George and John N.). Steve said that meetings had been set up that included himself, the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and the members of each subcommittee. He stated that the TAMU meeting would be postponed until George Dresser returned from a out-of-town business trip. He went on to say that Chris and Glen D. did meet regarding joint ventures with CSISD and asked Chris and Glen to discuss their meeting. John C. added that the partnership list is very impressive and asked if the Department could incorporate it into their annual calendar. Steve replied that the actual list isn't in the calendar, but that the Department actively seeks input regarding upcoming events from these agencies, and incorporates them into the calendar. John C. asked if the list could be forwarded to the City Council. Steve replied that it could. Glen D. said that the meeting that he attended was pretty informative. He went on to say that the City Manager gave the subcommittee guidance on how to approach the issue, and recommended that they meet with the College Station Independent School District Superintendent or Chairman of the School Board regarding any joint projects. He said that the City Manager seemed very supportive. Steve pointed out to the Board that there are currently two tennis court projects that are underway with the School District: one at the Willowbranch campus, and the other at the A&M Consolidated High School campus. He reminded the Board that future projects with the School District would need to be coordinated ahead of future bond elections. Steve briefly talked about a possible project between the Cities of Bryan and College Station, and possibly the Brazos County, to connect greenways. John N. suggested inviting the new City Greenways Coordinator to a meeting to make a short presentation to the Board regarding what she is working on. John N. added that more emphasis should be placed on public transportation to parks. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a special venue tax: Chris stated that he had talked to the Comptroller's Office. The Comptroller referred him to a local government code regarding the local hotel occupancy tax (that was included in the Board packets). He referred the Board to Section Page 4 of 6 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2001 334.1015 that states "This subchapter does not apply to the financing of a venue project that is an area or facility that is part of a municipal parks and recreation system. " He was directed to talk to the Legislator to see if that portion of the code could be amended. He also talked to the Attorney General's Office regarding the City of Bedford that was going to build a softball park. He asked if there was an Attorney General's opinion on that topic, and they could not find one. He stated that unless the portion of the code could be amended, the topic may be "dead in the water" for using the venue tax to help fund the softball fields at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Chris went on to say that the venue tax could possibly be used to fund other projects, for instance the upcoming Expo Center or the Performing Arts Center. This was an informational item only and no motion was made. 11. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding City Council Vision Statement #4 (Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities): • Strategy #1 (More Emphasis on Making Parks More Intergenerational): Steve said that the recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences Department at Texas A&M University is working on a schedule and will submit a report to the Parks and recreation Board regarding intergenerational parks and park connectivity issues. • Strategy #2 (More Interaction Between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning and Shared Vision with Council): There was no discussion under this item. • Strategy #3 (Continue to Update Comprehensive Plan Regarding Parks System): There was no discussion under this item. • Strategy #4 (Connectivity Between Greenways and Parks): There was no discussion under this item. • Strategy #5 (Continued Emphasis on Parks Maintenance to Quality Standards through the Budget Process): Steve said that park maintenance standards would be presented to the Board during the February meeting. • Strategy #6 (Develop Programs and Facilities for Senior Citizens): Steve said that the Department had submitted an application to the Eisenhower Leadership Foundation Program to study the feasibility of a facility for senior citizens, and had received some favorable comments back from the foundation. He went on to say that the Department would know if they have been picked for the program by the end of the week, and would report back to the Board. Page 5 of 6 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2001 12. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Projects Deport: ® John C. asked what the status of the community park acquisition was. Steve responded that negotiations are active and would be discussed during the City Council Executive Session, but that he is not at liberty to disclose what is talked about during the session. ® Jon T. asked what the status of the future cemetery site was. Steve stated that he did not know at this time, but that the topic was on the next School Board agenda. ® Glen D. asked what the status of Madeley Park was. Steve said that he plans a tour of the park. Discussion of next meeting date and agenda: Steve said that there would be a public hearing on January 30, 2001, at 700 p.m., at the City Fall Council Chambers and that the regular meeting would be held on February 13, 2001. ® John C. would like to include on the agenda a discussion over a proposal for the acquisition of land for neighborhood parks prior to development. o John N. asked if the Department could give an inventory of the park land dedication decisions that had been made by the Board over the last five years. 13. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m. Page 6 of 6 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 9, 2001 City of College Station Parks & Recreation Departmen) Fiscal Year 2001 Board Goals Li Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD Li Support the implementation of a Greenways Oversight Committee to support the Greenways Master Plan Li Establish policies and standards for re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department u Encourage arboretum/garden parks and color emphasis in existing parks Li Work on plans to make current and future parks intergenerational Li Set up quarterly standards to measure performance for maintenance and field use for neighborhood and community parks L3 Revision of the Surcharge Policy Li Intergenerational ideas spanning all age gaps, but more emphasis to the Senior age group u Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for the City of College Station u Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs Li Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating rink u More interaction between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with City Council u Monitor code review and revision projects currently underway with respect to codes impacting parks. u Identify areas of common concern between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission u Review annually the parkland dedication ordinance. Keep current a file of other city parkland dedication ordinances and review annually u Develop criteria for parkland dedication. What are the desired characteristics of a neighborhood park with respect to size, amenities, pedestrian access, vehicle access, lighting, vehicle parking, trees, open space, connectivity to greenways, connectivity to bikeways, drainage and retention ponds, ease of maintenance, location with respect to arterial streets and the neighborhoods served, etc. L3 Explore further the concept of advanced planning for neighborhood parks well ahead of the development in an area. u Identify, as a part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the future general location of community parks. Determine time frames for when they will be needed. Estimate land acquisition costs. Develop community park acquisition strategy. Parks & Recreation Board Special Meeting Tuesday, December 5, 2000 Page 2 of 3 ❑ Explore opportunities and identify locations where parks could serve as the focal point for a neighborhood, subdivision entrance, city gateway, or arterial corridor. ❑ Further explore opportunities for developer fees and/or parkland dedication for development of community parks. Find out what other Texas cities are doing. ❑ Identify obstacles to quality parkland dedication by developers. Work to remove obstacles that are within the control of the City. ❑ Schedule a joint meeting of the Parks Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission once a year. ❑ Schedule a joint workshop meeting of the Parks Advisory Board and the City Council once a year. On -Going Activities ❑ Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program ❑ Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan Parks & Recreation Board Special Meeting Tuesday, December 5, 2000 Page 3 of 3 Parke & ° acysedon Board Goad 6 n Rankn o of 011 �$ o� Current Parks & Recreation Board Goals 5° C~ �' �� � �° C.e`� J �° o 1 Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1.2 1 2- Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 11 6 2 6 10 N/A 13 2 2 = 6.5 Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with f 3= CSISD 3 3 3 8 8 9 3 5 9 5.7 4 Incorporate public art into the park system - 9 14 8: 12 10, 10 9.7 Enhance the public perception of the Wolf Pen Creek ► 5 _ Corridor 12 9 7 10 11 12 14 3 8 9.6 6 on State Highway 6 6 12 6 13 Encourage the early development of the former landfill site — -- - _ _- 13 10 9 9 12 10' _ -- ' -- - - _-- - _ - - 7 _ Support the implementation of the Creenways Master Plan 5 8 5. 3 6 3 8 7 7 5.8- Establish an on -going re -appraisal of existing parks, 8= — - - 4 3 4- facilities, and services offered by the department _ 2 2. 8 2. 5 6 4 _ _ Encourage arboretum/garden parks and color emphasis in - - 9 existing parks 10. 5 14 14 12 11 11 8 13 i 11 10 Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station 4 10 9 7 7 _ _ 4 10 6 11; 7 6 the Investigate feasibility of cooperative ventures with 1i g •� pe -- TAMU on facilities and programs 7 11 13 11 9 7 15 11 14! 11 12 Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating rink - 8 13: 12 N/A 15 516 121N/A 1 12 `®then Suggested Goals Work on plans to make current and future parks 13 = intergenerational 6 6 More interaction (schedule meetings) with Planning and 14 Zoning and the City Council 4. 2 5 3.7 15' Set up quarterly standards (performance measures) for maintenance & use of athletic fields and parks 2 _ 4 6 2 3.5 16 'Determine location and development of a skate board park or outdoor skate facility 9 10 12 2' 4 = 7.4 17 Revision of the Surcharge Policy Plan 4 4 Establish the perception that the Parks & Recreation-"- 18� Department will not take left over pieces of land and that parks are an integral part of the building process and of imt IWSe tosak-actors 1 11 Intergenerational ideas spanning all age gaps, but more 19 = emphasis to the Senior Age Group 4 ' 20 Maintain and update Parks Master Plan 5 5 5 - Setup meetings with Senior Advisory Board for input on 21 development ofprograms for Seniors 7 7 } 22 Complete Bike Trails 11 = 11 Develop priorities for the next capital campaign (Bond 23� election) 6 6 A Look at the Design of Skate Parks Amanda Much & Sarah Gette SkateboardinV Todav • Celebrity names 'Pony hawk • Parks and Recreation poll >, q�X • Manufacturing and Sales �- • Increased Safety' Site Selection • Choose size: suggested 10,000 square feet • Surface: asphalt or concrete �..- A�4" s ,? Evolution of Skateboarding • First skateboard device resembled scooter �;-•, • Breakthrough in wheel '?+ material si • Up and downs in safety ` • First skate park in Florida in 1976 • Ramp skating evolved Steps to Obtain a Skate Park Alreadv completed by Remaining stens in Process College Station Site Selection Participant petition Ramp Material • Budgeted money Choice of Company • Outdoor/Indoor Facility • Park Operation • Insurance Ramp Material Concrete: • Expensive • Permanent • Cracks' • Drainage Above -Ground Ram) System: Economical Easy to change I Choice of Comuany- .. • Many options • Very similar • Examples: Big Daddy, Inc., Site Design Group, Inc., Ramptech, & Spohn Ranch R • Concrete and Ramp System builder • Personalized service • Endorsed by professionals Chandler Arizona _ _7% • High -end builder S P 0 H A N H I RNP oRR ECo • Full -service builder • Free consultation with city and users k • Partnership with Parks and Recreation Departments • Full- service company • Form of kits • Easy assembly; minimal personnel • Quick construction • Ramp system builder • 5-year limited warranty • Free estimates and designs m • Easy to move and ��0 update • �41- -%: v- , Park Operation • Public or Private? • Fenced in or ®pen? 2 Insurance • Sign of Rules and Regulation Example: City of Chandler Skate Park Rules & Regulations THE SKATE PARK IS A SKATE AT YOUR • City policy OWN RISK SUPERVISED AFACILITY DESIGNED CILITY. THIS IS A OOR SKATEBOARDING AND IN -LINE SKATING ONLY. c. NO BICYCLES, MOTORIZED VEHICLES • SPAUSA carrier OR OTHER WHEELED DEVICES ALLOWED WITHIN THE SKATE PARK. SKATEBOARDING AND OR SKATING IS A "HIGH RISK ACTIVITY" WEARING A HELMET, KNEE PADS, ELBOW PADS AND WRIST GUARDS IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED AND SHOULD BE USED AT ALL TIMES. KNOW YOUR ABILITY AND SKATE ACCORDINGLY. Questions ®r Comments? Thank you for your time and attention! We really appreciate it. Amanda Kludt & Sarah Gette Recommendation Spohn Ranch!! Aw 3 NOTICE OF PUBM C HEARING To Whom It May Concern: The City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will hold a public hearing to seek public input regarding the possible installation of a roller hockey and/or skateboard rink at an existing College Station park. These types of rinks are growing in popularity, and there are currently no facilities serving this need in College Station. The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 30, 2001, during a special meeting of the College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The meeting will convene at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue. The meeting is open to the public, and comments from the public are invited. Or interested persons may respond to the Roller Hockey/Skateboard Rink project proposal by writing to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, P.O. Box 9960, College Station, Texas 77842. For additional information, please contact Eric Ploeger at 979-764-3414. ;NAME A C Clark !S. Clemmons :Faye Daily Joe D. Franklin jMerilyn Rucker 'Maybelline Robinson 1Debra Thomas Cathy Watson Carolyn Williams 'Eleanor Williams ,Linda Preston ILEGEND ,present absent term expired no term 'alternate -not present no meeting LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1999-2000 Oct-99 Nov-99 Dec-99 Jan-001 Feb-00 Mar-00 Apr-00 flay-00 Jun-00 P P P A T T X X X N P P P P P P P P P N P P O T T T T T T T P P P A P P P A A N P P X P P P P P X N O O O O O O P P A N O O O O O O P P P N P P P P P P P P P N P P P P P P P P P N O O O O 10 O P P P N P P P P I P T T T T I Jul-00I Aug-00 j Sep-00 Ix X P P T T P P P P P P P P P P P P �P P T IT t,QNCOLN RECREATON CENTER ADVISORY CO10fiMITTEE ATTENDANCE RECORD FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 2000-2001 jNAME Oct-0® Nov-00 Deua00 Jan-01 Feb-01I M81r=O1 AjPv-01I May-01 Jun-01 jua-C1 Aug-01 IA C Clark X X X X i B. Clemmons P P P P Joe D. Franklin I P A P P Merilyn Rucker +X P ( P T Maybelline Robinson P P P P jDebra Thomas IP P P P j (Cathy Watson P P A A ;Carolyn Williams P P P P Eleanor Williams P P P P 1 � ILEGEND 1present P iabsent A �term expired T Ino term O I I jalternate-not present X j no meeting IN l [%pp��cE loon for City Boards/CornmdaWana Cm�rnIttc for Year... ,4490 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME: ESEPHONE: ADDRE Mailing-, I have lived in College Station -yrs. Subdivision VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: &-�)( ;lk Wz' retired please indicate former occupation or profession) EDUCATION (optionsi): PROFESSIONAL AND1QPvQQMMUNITYACTlV1TDES: 704"A/- , CL 1.-a ADDITIO NAL PERTINENT IMF ORMAT- r"aEFERENCES: PLEASE dNDICATE THE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN 3ERIV,W3. QList in order of preference). b -1 jo-n- &',anolghq C ammittee-q-, stafl,0600co ('Coora nif &Lftes * 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. 0 Cemetery Committee Dist. 13 CommunRy Appearance Committee * BICS Economic Devdoprrnent Board 13 Construction Board of Adjustments and * BICS Tourism Council Appeals * City Center Site Selection & �&Jaster Plan 0 CS Business Development Corporation Committee 01 Electrical Examining Board * Conference, Center Advisory Committee 0 Facade Improvement Committee * Greenways Task Force 13 Historic Preservation Committee 9� Lincoln Center Advisory Committee D! Joint"Relief Funding Review 13 Senior Programs Advisory Committee Committee CJ Library Committee D ILM'orthgate Revitalization Board CJ Parks and Recreation Board 13 Planning and Zoning Commission 0 Woff Pen Creek Design Review Board 0 Zoning Board of Adjustments do (Signature of Applicant) (Da Mease ndicate if you are Curren my serving /03 a rpa Name of Board/Commission, i�r�dcomnlissionlcommittee MV, V CJ' PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: COTY OF COLLEG E STATOON C5TY/ SECRETA.RY'S OFMCE P.D. BON 9060 COLLEGE STAT601% TEXA.3 77862 Appfication for City Boards/Commissions g Committees is ea afljj� CITY p ) OF (COLLEGE /, g, �l ,l. , r d � TI€,I{� �N NAME:TELEPHONE: ADDRESS: 1, 4 j,-, Residence: Mailing:, I have lived in College Station yrs. Subdivision VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: (1f retired, please indicate former occupation or procession) EDUCATION (optional) �, �r� PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: ADDITIONAL PER` VENT II`IEORMATIONIREFERENCES: kr n 1 t-+-. q 07 PLEASE ON=A` E THE BOARDS, COMI+vU,9,9 IO S OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING. QED W Inc order of pr afar nc ace lVon- Standinc � ertit%�� Standing CommWees 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. ❑ Cemetery Committee Dist. ❑ Community Appearance Committee 8/CS Economic Development Board ❑ Construction Board of Adjustments and B/CS `tourism Council Appeals 13 City Center Site Selection & Faster Plan ❑ CS Business Development Corporation Committee 0 Electrical Examining Board 0 Conference Center Advisory Committee 0 Facade Improvement Committee 0 , Oreenways `bask Force 13 Historic Preservation Committee 13' Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 13 Joint Relief Funding Review 0 Senior Programs Advisory Committee Committee 13 Library Committee 13 Northgate Revitalization Board 13 Parks and Recreation Board 13 Planning and Zoning Commission C3 Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board 0 Zoning Board of Adjustments (Signature of Applicant) (®ate) Please indicate if you are currently serve on a boardlc® rn'ssion/cornrnittee n Name of Board/Commission c�� PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE P.O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842 pflcat6on for City • d'/CCU m 1 ! it PLEASE TYPE OR PRWT CLEARLY DAME: ��'l i'YIC��`� TELEPHONE. ADDRE S: tq� Residence: (11) Mailing: -- - - - - l have lived i College Station _ vrs. Subdivision VOTERS CER` lFlCATE NO. - i f- OCCUPATION OR AREA -OF EXPERTISE: P-1►'ll� o,i'A Qi�iJll .�Y1�.a t 15�t'� - -- (If retired, please indicate former occupation or profession) EDUCATION (optional): PROFESSIONAL AND/Or COMMUNlTY ACTIVlTlES: ofaN ADDffONAL PERTiNENT INFO3MATlON/REFERENCES: PLEASE �M®�C 7E 7H7 BOARDS, COMMISSIONB OR COMMdTTEE E YOU ARE INTERESTED l SERVV HOa QLW on ovder>' of prsffaTancaD. * 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. Dist. B/CC Economic Development Board B/CS Tourism Council City Center Site Selection & Master Plan Committee Conference Center Advisory Committee M Oreenways Task Force Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 0 Senior Programs Advisory Committee (Signature of Applicant) I ic:�(i�:(; Cif �Gb1i�iLiG�i'i��i IiJJ��• sgand§007 (COOMM&W85 • Cemetery Committee • Community Appearance Committee 13 Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals 13 CS Business Development Corporation co Electrical Examining Board El Facade Improvement Committee 11 Historic Preservation Committee 13 Joint Relief Funding Review Committee 11 Library Committee 13 Northgate Revitalisation Board 13 Parks and recreation Board • Planning and Zoning Commission • Wolff Pen Creep Design Review Board C3 Zoning Board of Adjustments - -- --- (Dafe) CITY OF COLLEGE STAT0 ' UTY SECRETARY'S OFMCE P.O. Box 9960 NLL`GE TATI€J . T .AS 7i Application for City Boards/Commissions Committees for Year d, LOCLCGCSTAT{ON CITY ,If?'• COLLEGE STATION NAME. 9'1/. Joe D1gvf P Pivd�kG Fv TELEPHONE: �'' ���' � .1 16 ADDRES /{ // //� jg p � j'] y� p � Jy[/J� p 6 �f � •v /J 1/ /Il F7 � dr.t� d��� A/�i A JG. .o-°• �IIT�(,� 11 d '" It n ��i2 � � S `� 4 .. Residence: I have lived in Coliege Station_ ors. Subdivision VOTERS CERTIRCATE NO.Z"rl v OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: �ae�-ievt.at�..,�/L� Qfretired,gees Wicateturner=upaaonc.profession) EDUCATION (optional): �cc� PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: ,4q ADDITIONAL GOER T III ENT INFORMATION/REFERENCES: - PLEASE �NDI s TE THE BOARDS, COIpvr�dmqSS O a OR COMWTTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED iH BER�IgNQ® (List in order of proffer enc e). Non- Standing Comm#ggees Sgand�n 1 Commi es 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. C71 Cemetery Committee Dist. 0 Community Appearance Committee 13 B/CC Economic Development Board 0 Construction Board of Adjustments and 0 B/CS Tourism Council City Center Site Selection & Master plan 13 Appeals CS Business Development Corporation Committee B [electrical Examining Board • Conference Center Advisory Committee 0 Facade Improvement Committee • Creenways Task Force 0 Historic Preservation Committee • Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 0 Joint Relief Funding Review • Senior Programs Advisory Committee Committee 0 Library Committee ® Northgate Revitalization Board C3 Parks and Recreation Board 13 Planning and Zoning Commission 0 Wolf Ben Creek Design Review Board 13 Zoning Board of Adjustments ,. (Signature of Applicant) (Date) Please indicate if you are currently ser)Ang on a board/commission/committee Name of Board/Commission; PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY of COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE P.O. Box 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77642 The College Station Parks and Recreation is a long-time role model for developing partnerships. The benefits may be endless but they pale in comparison to the endless list of people and organizations that partner with this department. AAU Baseball A&M Church of Christ American Red Cross American Heart Association Aggie Brothers for Christ Aggie Sisters for Christ Aggie Angler Aggieland Soccer League Aggieland Select Soccer Alpha Phi Omega Sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority African American Professional Organization Aerofit (Annual Masters Swim Tourn) Arts Council of Brazos Valley Amateur Softball Assoc. District 30 BICS Chamber of Commerce BICS Convention & Visitors Bureau BICS Mayor's Committee for the Employment of People with Disabilities Boys & Girls Clubs of the Brazos Valley Boy Scouts of America Bluebonnet Street Rodders Bryan Independent School District Bryan Parks & Recreation Dept. Brazos Magic Soccer Club Brazos Valley Sports Foundation Brazos County Brazos Valley Rape Crisis Center Brazos Valley Youth Soccer Brazos Valley Lodging Assoc. Brazos Valley Girls Softball Assoc. Brazos Valley Softball Umpires Assoc. Brazos City Health Dept. Brazos Heritage Society Brazos County Historical Commission Brazos Valley Council of Alcohol & Substance Abuse Brazos Valley Art League Brazos Food Bank Brazos Beautiful, Inc. Brazos County Clerk -Polling Place Brazos County Adult Probation Brazos County juvenile justice Brazos Valley Community Action Agency Brazos County Community Adult Supervision Brazos Workforce Center Brazos Christian School Bridal Assoc. of Brazos Valley Blinn College Student Center Ba'Hai Community Bluebonnet Girls Scouts Barbara Bush Center CSIB Aquatics Swim Team (CSBA) CSISD Community Education College Station Independent School District College Station Youth Soccer Assoc. College Station Little League College Station Police Dept. College Station Community Vacation Bible School Children's Miracle Network Concerned Black Men of the Brazos Valley College Hills Baptist Church Christ Holy Baptist Church Community of Single Adults Central Texas Youth GospelWorkshop Children Evangelistic Fellowship of the Brazos Valley Delta Sigma Theta sorority-TAMU Chapter Delta Sigma Phi Sorority Elder Aid Endtime Pentecostal Missionary Church -Bryan TX First Methodist Church Girl Scouts — Kids Klub Girls Club of the Brazos County International Assoc. of Assembly Managers Junior League Junction 505 Justices of the Peace Kid Fish Foundation Lincoln Former Students Assoc. National Fire Protection Assoc. National Parks & Recreation Assoc. Neal Recreation Center Planet Earth Celebration Pony Baseball Project Unity Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Restaurant Assoc. Roans Chapel Baptist Church St. Matthews Baptist Church Salem Baptist Church TAMU Athletic Department TAMU Dept. of Recreational Sports TAMU Corps of Cadets TAMU Education Dept. TAMU RPTS Dept. TAMU Student Employees -Division of Student Affairs TAMU Student Activities TAMU Girls Basketball Teen Court Twin City Mission -Star Program TRAPS -Minorities in Leisure Services TAAF Region 5 Texas Amateur Softball Assoc. Texas Parks & Wildlife Texas Agricultural Extension Service - "Walk Across Texas" "Wildlife & Fisheries" Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) Texas Municipal League (TML) Texas Recreation & Parks Dept Texas Historical Commission Texas Dept of Public Safety -Division of Emergency Management Texas Public Pool Council Texas Burgers United States Tennis Assoc (USTA) United Way Universal Computer Systems Vision Temple Church of Christ Wenonah's Pantry Washington Chapel Baptist Church OTARKS/81 /641 /PARTNERSHIP.DOC City of College Station/College Station Independent School Districil (CSISD) Joint Projects arks and Recreation Department Joint Use Agreement: In 1987, the City and CSISD, entered into a comprehensive joint use agreement that provides the basis for cooperative educational and leisure programs for the community. This agreement outlines the provisions for the joint use of school and city facilities including scheduling, maintenance and liability issues. It also encourages the joint acquisition and development of school/park sites in College Station. Lincoln Center: Allows the CSISD to use the facility free of charge. City vans are used on a daily basis to transport students from certain elementary schools to the Lincoln Center. This allows the tutorial students to get to the center in a timely manner and begin homework assignments. In 1998, the City and CSISD joined together to provide a computer lab at the Lincoln Center. The hardware and software was purchased through a grant. The CSISD pays for the labor to maintain the equipment, as well as some of the instructors in the lab. The City maintains the building, janitorial services, additional instructors, and donates a portion of the Center Supervisor's time to coordinate and supervise the program. Conference Center: The CSISD has a special rate on rooms at the Conference Center. The fees and deposit are waived Monday through Friday 8arn — 5pm. Times other than M-F 8-5 would require fee charges but the deposit would still be waived. Equipment usage costs are billed to the user no matter the time of day. The alternative school meets at the Conference Center and Teen Center periodically at no charge. Pavilions: Pavilions are rent and deposit free. The heaviest use is at the end of May for class parties and outings. In fiscal year 2000, we had 41 rentals for this purpose. It is a great time for the students and teachers. Staff time for check -in and clean up after the event is absorbed by the City. Citv Pools: The summer camp program utilizes the three outdoor swimming pools. Thomas and Hallaran pools are at no charge and Adamson Lagoon is at half price. Class parties are given a 60% discount ($100 vs. $250). A family swim pass ($200 each) is donated to each school (9) annually for their PTO or PSST fund raiser. Kids Klub (1987): The financial aspects are handled by the CSISD and the City handles the programming, training, and supervision. The program pays for itself, except for approximately 2/3 of the School Age Care Specialist, which the City pays for, and CDBG funding supplements low-income participants. A facility use agreement allows the Kids Klub to operate at six CSISD campus locations and the CSISD Natatorium. Colleae Station Junior Hiah School Natatorium (1995): CSISD reimburses the City for lifeguard costs only during the time CSISD programs are in the pool (4 th grade, 7 th grade, and swim team). The City covers supervisory costs. All chemicals and repair costs are covered by the CSISD. Youth Basketball: The aforementioned facilities joint use agreement allows the City's Parks and Recreation Department to use CSISD gym facilities to conduct youth basketball leagues for children of all ages. Xtra Education (1996): The CSISD provides classroom space for classes along with utilities and a building attendant. The city is allowed to mail the flyers out using the CSISD bulk mail stamp, but the City covers the cost of postage. Capital Proiects: Jack & Dorothv Miller Park: half of the property was purchased by CSISD next to Southwood Elementary. The City obtained an additional 5 acres in 1988 and the School District provided $75,000 toward the development of the park. Pebble Creek Park:, The developer gave 4.2 acres for parkland next to the school property. CSISD dedicated 6 acres and the 10.2-acre park was developed with $199,000 from 1995 municipal bond funds. Part of the Pebble Creek Park is located on CSISD land adjacent to the elementary school. At Pebble Creek Park and Jack and Dorothy Miller Park sites, mowing, trash removal, tree maintenance, playground maintenance, etc. are provided by the City. These are both joint use sites that are used for schoolyards during the day and are parks at night. Willow Branch Tennis Courts: (CSISD property): $125,000 in park land dedication funds (the total cost of the project is $222,531). The remainder will be paid by CSISD. Completion is expected by December 2000. Four courts and a small parking area are included in the project. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater: A&M Consolidated Orchestra Concerts have no fees for the facilities or staffing. Parks and Athletic Fields: Daily maintenance of two Senior League baseball fields for a 13 game season from mid January — mid April. The adult soccer fields at Southwood Athletic Park are used to support the Junior High football program and physical education classes. The football team practices and plays approximately two games each week. Lining the field and trash removal are provided at this site. Bee Creek softball fields are utilized by the JV and Varsity softball program for tournaments. Past usage has included practices and games. Central Ballfields are the site of two High school Girls Softball tournaments each year. This includes preparation of the fields, relocation of bases, trash and litter removal, installing temporary outfield fencing, and electricity for ballfield lights. College_Staton_Fire Department Risk Watch: The pilot program is being continued one more year at College Hills Elementary. All involved like the program, but want to get one more year under their belt before the decision is made to expand the program to other campuses within the district. D.E.A.D.: With the great success of the DWI awareness program, it looks like this will be done every three years. Everyone involved feels it will lose impact if conducted on and annual or bi-annual basis. Planning will start in the spring of 2001 for a possible fall of 2001 program. Fire Prevention Week (FPW): FPW is an activity in the schools. As in the past, all elementary students will receive a program during FPW and we will hit the fifth and sixth grade campuses later in the month. Career Investiaation Classes and Fairs: This is a presentation given to the 7t" and 8t" grade students where firefighters and paramedics talk to the students and give them information on their career choice. We also attend the joint BISD-CSISD career fair held in the fall at the Brazos Center and provide the same information. General Fire Prevention Classes: We provide classes on a request basis from all campuses dealing with items from fire extinguishers use by kitchen staff to lab safety for high school students, and anything in between. CSFD provides, at no cost ambulance standby at the high school football games. Colleae Station Police Department (CSPD) Educational Proarams: D.A.R.E. - The CSPD currently has four officers that are certified to teach the D.A.R.E. curriculum. All fifth grade students are taught the 14 week long "core" course, and all third grade students are taught a shorter version of the course. We have taught this program since the mid 1980's, at no expense to the school district. School Resource Officers (S.R.O.'S) - We currently have four SRO's assigned to schools throughout the School District on a full-time basis (two at the Highschool, one at each middle school). All SRO's are teaching Criminal Justice courses in the classroom and the highschool students earn college credit through Blinn for taking the course. These Officers use much of their free time mentoring and being role models to the students. CSISD reimburses the City for 75% of the SRO's base salary and benefits. S.A.V.E. - This is a two -session curriculum, which is taught to students at the 4th , 5th , and 6th grade levels Jr. Hiqh Police Academy - Patterned after the popular Citizen's Police Academy, the Jr. High Police Academy teaches Criminal Justice classes at the Middle School level and allow students to learn more about law enforcement. Support Proqrams and Proiects: Campus Crimestormers: - Patterned after the popular Crimestopper program this program awards students monetarily when their tips lead to the arrest and conviction of a criminal offender. Students hold fundraisers to raise money for the awards. Each year the SRO, a teacher, and a select number of students attend the State Campus Crimestoppers Conference John E. Kennedv Memorial Scholarship - Established in 1993, in memory of CSPD Major John E. Kennedy, the $500.00 scholarship is awarded each May to a graduating senior who has chosen to pursue a course of study in the Criminal Justice field. School Crossina Guards - CSPD hire, trains, equips and supervises the people who serve as the school crossing guards at 14 different locations throughout the city. Escorts to Football Games - For the past several years, one marked patrol unit has accompanied the highschool football team, band, and Pep Squad busses to all out of town varsity football games. Enforcement Efforts: Proactive Truancv Proqram - SRO's notify regular on -duty officers when students are suspected of being truant, and steps are taken to locate them and take them to school. Teacher In -Service Traininq - Police Officers inform the teachers abut the latest gang and drug trends in the community to enhance their knowledge and recognition skills. Off -duty Securitv at Athletic Events - The School District hires off -duty Police Officers to conduct security at home sporting events. 4 Other School Functions - CSPD Officers participate in other special events such as the "D.E.A.D" simulated fatality DWI car crash, provide security at school dances, the "After Prom Bash", and other events as requested. Public Communications & Marketinq Department Channel 19: The City and school district share the cable access channel on a 50/50 basis. The City programs information for every top half of every hour and the school district programs information for the bottom half of every hour. Therefore, each entity airs their information 30 minutes of every hour. If needed, the entities devise schedules to air videotapes that run longer than 30 minutes. Satellite Downlink Svstem: The City and school district entered into an interlocal agreement for the City to utilize CSISD's satellite downlink system to download educational and information programs to air on Channel 19. These programs are kept in a shared video library. Distribution of Information: The school district is a valuable tool for the distribution of written City information. Distribution through the students enables the City to get information to a large portion of the community. All school district publications are posted and distributed throughout all City facilities. Public Communication representatives meet as needed to discuss potential combined marketing opportunities. All press releases are distributed to each entities Public Communications Department. City Secretary's Office Conducts elections for the School District. Human Resources Job Shadowinq Proqram: Program in which junior high students "shadow" a City employee for one week to learn more about a particular career. Teen Apprentice Program: Funded through the CDBG the City provides 8 low to moderate -income highschool kids with summer work in various City departments to gain job skills. OTIS BVCNet is a joint effort involving CSISD, BISD, COCS, COB, Blinn College, Brazos County, which allows for a fiber optic loop between the entities and crates an internet portal for all. Print/Mail does printing jobs for CSISD — A. e %Pv ILU - Au -&N51Z zu 5 4491 ®AG—IRD 2001/012 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FACSIMILE COVER SHEET COMMENTUU"NOT" The k&"Mdw c0ftubsd in dft ficdMle Uma"m is confidagd. It may also be AAjM to the pnd wok pr**M or pmpnoW oformahm. 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SHORT-TERM MOTUR VERICLB RENTAL, TAX I M-07-H tM tt (1) ash®�t� � � ms as A seMpg®pelled vehicle designed) M"'PaY tD tygnWrt POMOnS or proper tY On B PEW Toadway and beludes a passenger caF, van, Statim wzpn, Spot utility vehicle, and tMA Tie torw does Aot bew& Z�o Wler, houm Wer, truer aMam%9tUzWS rating of move thin mew Rom&' tam or FQ2&bdftU e9 03) defiLe moved only by hu n power; (0) duce URC-d- �QVcluslvely on &Wionary rla (D) W=m t ddDep or () �uobfla ofm M °° °° MMM an eemex�ti by �he owner of a wow Veh9de to zuthoAm fop not longer aka 80 dAYB the mclugive uee of that vehicle to another fm, wngideration. of bu ss of ehe owDe° means an established ®uUota ofce� OF l=bon opezated by Uae WE& of % motor veldWe or the ownes agent or a p1bye ; for thg pose of renting M061, Vehigles and includes My to tion at 'which tie or mwe renter are made duling a Year. M Smept a hided by Subsectiota (a), uoed U, WS gubehmpW omd defined by Chapter 162, Tu Code, have the meanjng5 naigned by Cha&T Il52,-Tax Vie• Added by Aeu 1997, 7M Leg., ch Salo § 1e efff, fit. i, 1997° FOr aAP110Ad00 PFO%idom of Ants M. 75th Legg., eh. 5s1, aee no Mowing VT,C.&, ant Code 3 M.001. 9 M1015. AppllMUOR ThiB SUbCh8PtW 406B Mt apply to the finarleing of a venue Pmjftt that is ah @XQ9 or faLUty that is pan of a murticipal wks and recreation system. Added by Agta 19W 76ta Leg., ch. 784, g 3e off june 1R 1999. (a) A Municipaty by. or&n&nca or a county by order ,may lmpOse a = on the rental in the municipal- ity or eaunty of a motor vehicle, (b) A inunimpaUty by ordinance order [nay tepee1 or decrease the Mcd®n® 834-MO tc .100 Feser,?ed for expansion] posed ender Subsection (a). 665 or a county by rate of a tax im- 12/15/00 16:11 12 475 4421 r.,,rA _- � �:, ?5 n+::"i 'S3'ii ,. '< r 1 1 .:; rt, • 14, lft' :�rA .��tiu. 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SK, � 1, ed- SapL`1; Govwment Q&, as added by Ws Act, an eleOiv a to app i a spmu aiid wrmauwty veme pz&,deLl� +n mpprme a nwrbcd of ff nim- for ?AO Von pggw, ® tbe hm=zwoh d a Soo and use ffi a WMW or -= R1vj �M .Ugg aetmaRy a. 29 n COMP, or zT ae comas in 'Uhich ft'WdddPft UP dig@Yivk is t lam , agi ffhmnt and vsmtim of pe-6 OF ,Maas, ®g ®tfl� pao� a ka ekdbR 4Y Bdy On WO d %%5W appwada aw Aa I'M dam am m w a 2M c@gaax �W appmm ®q �ho p , ®E n gwm mud !me Usas W.1 amlffi�c ,ems t9 a vengg p j - 5 M.26L Tam CO& Appii e (a) S ;.O c7i SEMI, M.W41, 361.E �d 1° a fade,. -goy i�sE�o�aa p�� incomistmt with this snbsha. (b)eey���5ff$$ dom �a W� . 1, 36 , seed 362-00 B, 8 Code, gvjwnthe position, �lI- tabion, adrn n tion> tollecedon.' and remittmeebf a coOnty ta,authorivedunder this subehaptw exbelA as eonsiatent with thissubchapter. 670 &ffOlg Orb 4 X1 DAG-M 11, Allemagive Tay lnaaiafhoes For Local Ueve6opff?ene 00 4 / 012 City/county Project Tax Ong the 1997 smian, Me To= Legisls=e permed House Bill 92, the spoils amd c®xnmu njV rive, project lagisl ,tio n, "' It has been su ggcnsted that the ®figs l inzmt of this 1pgislatioa was to Provide gangs and couUties with gwaler luthorhY to fifflnce to constmc4oa of stadium m facil ifies f®g pTGf'0S5iG Sp®-M MGM& HoweveT, as finally enacted, the W1 provnd(?,g cntneg and c®untnes nth bead authority to fmanc@ a Mde UMY Of gc®ncmic drvelopment projects 4n addiden t0 the comffucdoa of VpUTts St Edium In R@x6cu y, Hie MA 92 pezMil'q Clone and COM683 t® propose The adVdOn Of a B Of mew x9vc1huug s© ez W fimneg &DY gconamnc dvelopment project auth®rimd by law. Cidq-,s and comfits may choose to pg®pow a v(�nae pyajectt tax if they are anterest@d an divers Wng the s®roaa of mve-aue 19Y h9ve to PMER e a specific economic deveflopm 4 prrajeao 719 vgnw-, pwiect revenue sonrc@s that mn be adoptad anelnde E� sales tax, a h® fl occupncy , & short -tern motor veMcle renW a Rn event parking tax, an event admissions t 9 and a venue facift um Mx. Addit oath ay9 ffi(g vmur- sedoe tax cam be imposed an cyan limited naed cases even if the city as dready at its ma%imum S&1@5 = gate; �ri des 6mumstence, the RCgislat➢®n a.lo'Mtht v©trs to approv@ an almmadc redu p,'don oiaz®thow t�-Asanng sales Lax t® nmke zoom for dig Ong =a Before ;& Il0,,e go vem&nt zW use any offt =ns sit hohlmd by House BW 92, both the and th@� vmu@ pT®jQgt an which n4 wUR be sjy= must be approved by &a voters. The pgocimds ftm Ux moty bc zp-,na only vD appzoved vf➢ue pzoje too ne Spam and co miry venue �CgWatp®n Wed Chap= 334 and Chapter 335 t® &c Local Govarnmgnt Code and Secdon 321-509 4a U !Tu Code. Wiffiin &ese pTavisi®nse cities and co des are, autholtzd to propose at IR r4ecdon both the appyovM of CeYtain public projQwts Md the geVC-flue qvS ftlWould Amd those pP®je�tS. A city or comty Maur Mda e � venue project under Cbavter 334 only V it recfiivr ,s appmv&R of the project and fts fnnaar,�ng at such an elacttiam At two c'Aect6n' the city OT cowry Mast apr'cif➢gay inftate which of six &ffemnt taxes ®r Bees it `viR age to pay Taw: ft rmm of&e pwjecl. u �:�te �z "�,���; aAcj c ".� unit<benue �ii�,� ct ' n��c-,r �� +ter ; ; ti fl'th� L � • Gc��' �;1c t Cc.�+��. ��s�ct t� v"©ter �pro� • uc� - di�l'rric? ,.� " cam' � t ��� saa1� •c �f •�jzct�5 �d p��.�� +� �°�`i L. 1�.i+t �;.7C ii's"� +•L�t�in+d..� �� �:.I3 ifh<ie '��t�31 C1�i �r C�ltiil �' C�t.il pit � C�'i �; l" ■l�'i ��. MmUy, Section 321 o509 of &e Tax Cade olflowt �n 6ty to propose at an gRectdon the dedication of Up to 25% of its 540ing Wes M% t® pa" off d@bz issued W fimancF, one or moye emomo e devalopxaantt pfaimts locaftd at dae city, 11111 MAP! +°"emu t` ChaptE�g 334 ®f the Tem Locai Govemment Code appears to apply t® aU cities and couuntaec iri Texas, with cermin spacn,0 conditions set fob for the City of Houston and Hayris County,` The 200D ECOM IG Development Handbook o ®fee of Ph@ Affai ey Genend If. Ahernappe T- InIguatryes ror 1,0ayd R�¢dz6d6�t�ac osa }��l� "!(�i' „^�L�:r'��.-Rd;�:' ?.L�I�E,b G�' C1P'.a � d m� C7�.-lrr�E.," Y`� _ f,�C1.;�'� i!�a �n�i�.�!''�r a} ��• �, s�� • L, '#.e�!i.. tares __ i Y a S� >t t „ t��t= �%�.i'.�,t itil4''lii� �°•�"� t:� s��"'v:aim 4w',?E�,� :� �v,.°i `a.ii�f��.,� a�.'u�t"'r t;s� �r;Cnrr-t �����,: .;:' n�*ti'e srCii ���roGLi "•'ILS t<3.� tU �1YS7d us- `'�i�Z;' p!'i"Lt1�''4`si Chas•t r 334 916w a CiV car caom ; to Mdeftke a "'venue ue proireL" The tnm :_wlzue Project, is dC:fted as it "venue and jcelaftd grs tlr.: � r-tul try P r i � t i '-e'. bl 1 ' t �5 � 'i :1 t,l;�c,,.rli;+.,t :it`i� �r`y f. E;.-�.�-x�.;JlP'��, uevz'.:rIpC'd. � ii � SLi �P tW, r r�',rY��V','-3,ts'd i� da dais l;I a teC. The erm `r't;nLit is dcfm d &s being one of the e r3. Tbat Y� liSr'_t� ��r S�."lll hC ll;i� fG'r �'1+YY1t� 5100 tL>1� G'Z e� + �Y • 1tt S�+,CtL"tS. C+�Z �r rl1Y?; Cl'�TiIII�' e1:7t�' 3 IViC�d C�1iIit31[C C�' lt_i: 11� b. Where a fC e fir • rnizsicn t t� Lse e� L «7ii 't.�M� eamftF or & IngBMW that is located in the vicinity "I t i c�Y�� entior� cntcr. e tcrrin `relate i;nprut'crr+:cni" is mod raffi r broadly amd ir.�l�Yde sulk i�i5 �5 civicntitr h�t.eis, auditc.�riiYm theaier4 oiler .r rr111.5ic 711 • e; !ibit�on ti-l.;, rah i b6!ii�>rs, zzl��o, rnuc�trs!s, oris OR 3. 7@9DIV &n,@46pRiro4 fpem OQm-& aEg "sRBd wear pw9 or 4. �� r+nadtisicigai nr.•. €and re�rea�on v=�t�n�, i,Tn�ro��ert�ert�; �rw�ci;tis���s tc� r. rams n•i ivC[t._i1C�)iI vSYc'�n, of � �ti,.3 ci di4Cli_ltv'�ti`ISt 1�• �eE.�t Cite 63 Ii1CIr�.G;�i,1� � :5 �3_ilt rCCiC?�'fi_li 5�i-ail- �' 'a.' Yi '•k�`•' i• t i7�iu1 .i L.i�. 1t1�7t�i ��Di1..tG �- Lt5 L-eL'l ll�r � iLi7e, ;llf t.. t=�. �Uil-l�r1Z4� �r� �t7�3�1C'r ���r 1Ti33c3i' ti+4 LS'Lea �di.S i=i r.":�'a1,,�k; ;;1�i1�C`•'tG� �sl�' t��. � L'ell7.l'�' �r'��;:l:i � i tl��i� r>aturG;`�', car S. Any Uh i monomic development 3pi Y"zii Y@6't Mho "d by iaw. (This Catw`?l?t appeI - to �a RO die use o h authority �i r vi d Q Chapter 334 w07 au project that would a 1cre7� =�d lary.�ie other Texts economic development tti.9ute. \i 2000 Economic Development Handbook • Wyee of the Attarney Genepal 57 J.b, LvP VV A®:IJ U512 475 4421 ®AG-IRD 11, Aliama ve TaK 1paeeagfives Fop Local De veloppi m 9'° f, �?ryi �,r ^�rw h' �s,l v�- "1 'r' I! i�1 ♦'7W � �� .,' r� Ii"?. n-, fi+� �,1=9 ', n � ...�..� tC■a a,�t_ C �f.. �i �t'iv 'C' ,CP.�� ,.Fl �� �' _,_ _�, . i:,1 ,. ; ..r':`�:, ''4'-L_, gVenw. l « Also, if ari Wready existing facility would I; d qua. U. as a venue project underChapter 334, i city or , county may use the authority gmuted under Chapter+.a' o aid that facility L Cn f o gh it was originally constnacted ru syt1 &t'ii'.1nde the authority of othvi 1 Sw Stop One-. The cif' or county must obtain approval for the project from the Com t o is Office. ��ILi� :ltY VI CLllili�' rrii�i' °��� �anf C�E'Ctf�i�It tl1 1ii��k.'f°_�5�<s I�'rt'i8tii: �■rr!)�Ci. 1: .�,LF ��■°.�:^ �-�.��!�iC�7'a Oi"ttl FL�I�Ct f�?41 t�lc �t9tI71 Pt�iL .. ��Cc.1-n T}ice C��Pz101ieP LC`i''ly i ' i� t P��c t tv •�iCi , itv «-het_hcr th'. �ro`fl._ed fn�lrci .F t�-c1ulc�i "h��-e� � si�nif c•<:T1t n4�:ati�'� fiscal impact Un tiitC re�'�nue.'" T� o�t�, t}lis �p�r����1, she city' car cafant�must _end t� tv�� Comrtroller a �uFv" cif t��e rc:�c�luiifln rr©posin� the L�t�lue �r��;�ct 'lhi� L�: �1'<ltiun rY'i'.l;t ir,•iic..x� e3c �r����e•� pr�j€�ct e>:ch it z+f,fst Ftrt�rm the r��uirr:•. ant1�,;5 end �F��''==dL th-' City' c:r cQ�,:.tit�' «ith u->"itLLn. , e3tzc� Li it, C�1�.■2"'� t�i' ice'=0 ia�,���ri �'l�i �:'1I T�i�SL l�•'��l�i Ft�,i �h;' �fiC17 :11'le'_" ti�'w i?+�i'u:C- I�t�.� �t�Ilif�`fiy,�tl<:ir �i1�5 IL ttie i�tui�'-d �;it`� Oi ��� .�,' 1•■f• � da..°ow tt� �,.,r�e�l the n���at�iV., n:�lia�f�.;k �,�ch �n a�.i.,�.�i i� a:n rnaue to the Curn�tt��ll�r, arlt+i the Cemrt�i�r uctfid h--�e arfc.3��Lr i�P �,��'� t� �Ir��•�•� � nL°� �Il t7�' U�ir ih■C� "�'c��'�:.+l�lit Ci�li.a� ri1��"l�',�' �': Y��L�t]�3i��Pf S� ;'1di Li1�LL ��'C�)�i �7C�?i � ;.�"iSvti't' udE� - �!j} 1 ■,r� € t ,� F w-., 1 4' +l°3 t G',1 ? i .S!7 '� tit Lid"' tit-�C2 Step Two Certain cities 4 eimust 1 s obtain t;napproval 1prfimsl fromthe local transit authority. 'ggyo e f a venue projtzt iesol ation contains a proposed sales m, the city or county must determine if that tax would result in the reduction of a saps tax rate that fiinds a tmsit authority created under either 2000 Economic Development Handbook t, OfIC9 qfghff A florneY GeMP91 s 111 AhapneVve 211wiff d uses Fop L®,g@d Deuglopwgow �."'.°` `.'r'�iS SLIT( ��t �7 (i J •+.1.°II :tV;�. � «-�� c21�c tsY ti' � Y�r� � � + , 5 ��y� +}:ems ," -�, ,7r ��t.�ri.,' ��'�'s,/3ii .�^+4v� �r�ri.C??a ,"��^ {C�? „1► :ri c F+ -__ i�'•.�1'u t`1�� �atraLilS� �� �t� �7n�! ;'_!3 �eP,i.�s � � Nam; �< Cji't' �I�ST ti,:',ity ?,�i'� IReL, `~ , ,fit � e.�l: `'�'Ya,a`4 �����,��t�;; �I� ��i,Ci,"�1 �r �,:' of ,?idl�'il:�•' �Fi; t�: �[�• 1c.�r1 r?rli�� *�� r � < �rt��-z�fi : �,� :r?i .,n€�u�i'�'� � fE��i,'lL �, ��`� � � CItE. ©r ',�a n, • i�7{��r�s;''�c *,� , ,t � "-''i WWO less dM 30 days KcCeipt aM@ zessludon, ate must dmmdnewhether do zedurdou I the XRR& aufaft'o = we world have E signifimt negative hnpact on its abwV ao Provide swvkm oa, world �pgT my @Agdng mut u." The twit authority must ago Ano de &C Wduea mw�s of nu gnaysis to &@ C�v oe Cataty within diis 29-day p(�;dada N42o tuft avlzb@ft &US W Pnvid@ tb�z sis VAadt ft pe4Wgad mood, the, ambazity k depm@d to hve oved t6t rcsoRndm MSG, if tb@ tuba a oditygs MR% as ncgetive, It mu-st tv,- how tt city or c@)=V could cage ft Vftm Proj9d p®soludon so t & woWd not be a negadve impact OR ft =ask zuthogity's mbift too ypovado tarok sgM� m WU e dsftg coitus. If ft 2gwdt aa%oft &d§ 19 a vcmua gmjw mgobodon Wowd haw@ a aoga v� paw oR2 the zu&ofty's abift to pmvi& ftmcs og ,�MoW hapaif ggisftp, COD U, 2he iWV0p-#gd Chy or counter may tipped �h@ moadva KWkS vA10 daysP Such 2m sppc�d is aggn adt to th� t=92 au&eft, and ft aohofity must Ppovadr, a new anadysis W n 10 dgys of its-, pcmlp� of die appeal. Ifft vast alath0RRY9s mini ns B'dbl mgadvt9 &@ qnsdysnq Mtn iMu& nfokmatdon on how the low SOWCg=aw (("awd oh@mse fs TPSaRutdon so that ttm would not b�a a naga e hzpac4 on,&P- a otdt's &bffiaj to yzoifide, uMce ors UfiU odsft cm=% o fff th(p t=wtsuthodty fkib to Pwedde, fc YzqUUvd ysio %,A40 days, %@ gewWdon ng xmomatic;dly considered Wyoved. Xff e, ft fa &u%oft condampm 'to fmd % &t vcnuo Xo�@a woWd bane a negmd-ve impact, pact, the city % comty woWd d bE� imabk w hold tie �equired clec6on W Fppkave &e PFOPO&A nue Prof eca. a V@Rame o Ire � •�'r t� u.ri�''v e � =-re a pr+�je�t, � city' or `+�+�' I;t ��i�'- �.'!.'i� ;�_ r sa1 nftl�z mc, -'cam �: r uL ' i : ( i r r� i' .� I � t }-1 r -1 5 • TI?Z� �. .Ts�il. fit; Or��C CK• �i l � _ ��t+ .a ' C� i.� .. I 11.1 - .,i it C' 1142 2000 Economic Dve1@We&t Hmdbonk ice of Me A8Ramey Cenvak 99 qe, oo b�aao� aAg 4410 44%1 oAG—IRD Desi te (mch method of king authorized by Chaptgr 334 that the city or county wants to use 40 �ii ��ag venue project and designate Sae Mmdmum rate for each method; Allow the voters to 'r'o (in e Sme a pasitso o i ,y; p ?�-;� propositions)a %sl a Y _ a Tpf � I. that f the —s . cR .a � ty t e".. ? ii?4v''¢lri�iGld o?^¢1rL,r(' 3i.1 �'bOO_,7'i�� b,' C�'��. •� ?de �: s�v ski a. t3 it l+'+ county u�,e:;i_�)�`� use to auaum die pyajeu andt f ._ m a�..i ll. . i utte of each - �H method. I adMon to the above regWye enu for Ic eberfioa vydry, there is RqWred wording f®g the balot pgoposhioYL The -Wol must be p�inaed W flow vwfls foy Or nit the follo"'Ang proposition - (ifigeof NOW aC#V x eogwkyj too -- - - Qpaefiv B,%"Q of ems gAd the OMZ1 oWR Fag ®'rad pd) ffop Ae pmmol� aTRagine z ag 'famgg pToj@Qg �_: !� fir` 1...�1 t`rIC f'L:}i7Clla [?� IiR= lIlr IS t0 i7:'. �'Ol�.� •fl ll] t!7TI� �rttp� �51�U11, t}l� �ii�ili,�,t FI,t1S� �'l': �' n _'� t. ��rPln;t �otin i�r Cr a�^��•L�t t}�c➢ �,icu��ci � "Ammo @YWMS - QBpwog ram of Qagy P,, Cotfov� t @ - � lfn�e @):T � 4C'F g OogA QVQ of god qw a& p n�rpc Q off �n�r g Rf 1&@ VMU@ "pmjeoa nq lop ftapnVAMelm M EMUDUS to �Q sftg ° r L W facifity9 then , dmrflpdon of e pwject bo ft WRot ppoPoSidou Mus� ire lam Mh Puk or fftreatiola facnlnzy by OMP, Og locasion° If the waun pg0jact is flog ft wqL63MOA of impgowm4eat, of's UP-w Park oz M@M29OR fwuIIya &Cn ft demdpdoa of t xqjga k tag bdbot Mug c ff� iffie, gate ROPE''don -impovemms M&W &Mduas to db Raft M&OF ZwEMton fWatips of %cF tbve &Mn the bdRot prop aildon d@nflpfion 0 d cot rou & *@ zm= ag Romtoo of t@ faciM "' T@= Emdon C@& Gov= ft pa� Tw W&S o decdm mdex Ch&pacj� 334° A one to k VA& th@ Ffl@Cdoas Dhdsion e &g stigmaT of Sty " S Offim if city hm any quesdans SWUt ft rqukZMM12 of 5a Mavidm Cod@. Elar"t ons Ob"Isbm may kn Mched by phone v (800) 252-2683 ° 2000 Bmamit opv@@E% Handbookc OBIce ofthe Adomey Oenffal 12/15/DO 18,15 0812 475 4421 OAG-IRD vjJuua/vIz IZ Algamg&& Fag Inafi,1 Fvb' L®COI OIGPMGN Imposing a Sales Tsx Under Chapter 334 _ s A%thorEtyto impose a Vaaaaeq le Tax T � ��,�,� ;� .� � as �r'�_f?•��`7 s �� �&1k�4:-:Zl i° +���i T" ,fj�•-� 4�Le NC., � r t` ,i ��e�ir��r.�..j � ,�, "i..., `'�� fir�'t�' 1 r'.-- i►e1. .�:,,:� Oif . ,b�.v � = i�v� Li„=, Lc.. iri,5t�a. � s 1"� a�.�L` �e+�� i ��i "i � .n a alkq JVTopMtROM to Adopt M V@Mog PTOjeeg SM109 7@ PMPOM &o wagg pfq�@Oto tea@ b9lot MUS? be P&Vad b elaw v0sag Ex cz agaksi *@ fallawkiag qmpasidugm Authorizing _ Qwe �aame of,00 v county) U� eg description of venue proj=* and to impose a _ tax at the 4e o ( e the type of ux and tie mwdinuin rate of the tor) for the purpose of fluame ng venue project:' ITMOTwdM ©g Taod of fiRMPAUS ao 20 be voted ofm ho OR@ PM90ghl flet MW ba P d to p2MAt vba fOT w agawt the pMPOSndom Qgw me of eV @, �o ) m � � (#meyg e9c h 09 of 9= ,Od Qb? Oagd m2g PVe Off r meA OW) fog' ?, plmMam of Bw&mQrmg a@ W@®g@ P t"JwV gw�Raaaj 8ke V@ARM pyvo *O� BMR@@ TEM 0 G- 3 #�,I'x dui ias I 1-11 E s11 s, .r'�'('_ i;+`.}. �.=jj�.l ...I L!w l�iti --� 2000 ECO wig DevelopHandbook ee of the Aegomey Oenmd le t Mail u_L Li a, '■ t �d�t. i I� C;a 71'tL ra��.�'.� '.0 �■ ll1a�[1�1� LF�F �1 ��1� � :�tt�„��`L'd4 r., li �:.'"1> 5-a 'v �, :, ���is �i.'iS15 �ri� :ate—.�1'iE v. lS, ii1� Ua::� �+1d L• a� $'� �.�'"Ct �t�i _` � �: ��.' l! ii,� I'tm'.:�"` C",a�s�n -a i+^� ���?��^ ��, s ; • •��_ l„ �t%�aF �c�,=,.e� r. fir: C��,�. � .�i..r 1 i`5� ■i"i� l�it� t�i CCii�"=hilt; �.i'�F' 4ctt;;; '"'� �'.i1k•� i1+1'i�il�, 1T in j��: Clt�' 00d �•'�i�r'.', �L'�11C°P�117"ii1St tAiit;:i ut"�J� 512 the ;�n�' irate tr:�L �•c;�uc �rej��-t fur�lci.``r' ��"hen a-lt bort�s an■ �hli�atic.�. Fa, -bic: from menev in the '�nur: pr�je�,t nn� �e �a��- tric v-enuw rr+�)c:ct salmi t►ax �■u_ t be � • • li_hrxi-'9J AItcYrrlat�l�•c:ly the fiall :.meant of m�ncv F•�ee�ed tc•� • a,' tt�e5�' c��li��r.tions, e�clu�inn t '. �_F1t�� interest ha.� barn s;.t ids in a *�~�.�� t count cLvi�,�+t�� e �3ti• tl�t�C ©•ii��tit�i , � hLe'Til■-■. P■�Iti�I1�lY"mlCiti••rCCtitiI�t"fCH�V"�2r�i tS� �"' �r•t%I���t �� �� �r1 1t_S • S�r'n IT1 �tIUIl. • ��� 4ti.^�S � � ire C3�i:;2 ��lF Lne Tk"TTfI_l�']3i1+�ifl � t%c, a��`� • � ' i t Ci[�' t•�F c:•; «�tv mti � netit'v' the C• pt�rc,;ltx •f ��; t■aix's a•.Ii*Jai nc�t I�er thin ��) �:1��'s fi�rc t�s�; �-.air; nn °I�_ich °fie tux i� -et tca �xpi°°c, Cr✓r�tF�v, sr.�-. t� 1 � �• req�s s�.t ��.? lc��cal �s tF�,-�.�, °��� co �� din{ nit c�cLe�l �. total r'at� of tu•'e . -rent anv 3r�u_ ilo:�°�r, � ci'�v c.�r �otant,; is nai �uto,�-tic�lly frstbic',�c� frca•� 3dc��tia� car a =� ,z� a �� '.'�'=-� � �l.�s�se � ��-� f�f � +' �'�.Tlllt; � •■��C i■i1ta1'�lY 1■�.`�` • li.S� �s� 3 • Qom. �+ R�1 lali i ' %<1� 'it�.il � = ' Li14: L-+:7 ■� �■ Fn■ � � i ■'c-al � :�?m;.' Qsa�:til:S iD ti� tlt.. t as GYI; %- d �lli trio— � " Z7t C''.�• .�� �' CLs"tc=:ice tl t,': •., of;' vim:14, :� t�• t11e �s:3� sai� t Otte of orrc c•�f t� OR EMMAt xt�+Maass irl� tc,t.,.t=Cl-�t :• ,. 2000 Ecmcmgc Dgv@l@pom Rmftoak a Office of fhe Au®pney Genova 6 Mmqugrad Withdrawal from a Transit Authadity To Adopt a Venue Project Sala@ Tal 2000 Economic Development HandWok , Offim ofthe Attorney Generaf 6s -Lt., .SOS/ vu 10 0 A f W51m 475 5 421 OAG-IRD 11, Ah8pmadve d m Iniva ves Foy Local Dowalopfiaeca8 1@ 012/012 2000 Economic De-M®pmeat Handbook a Office ®fahe Aff®mey Gane7ad 6 PARKS RECREATION DEPARTMENT • CIP PROJECT LIST 3 Brison Park Improvements 1 Brothers Park Improvements In Construction 1 Business Center Landscaping Project In Design 2 Castlegate Park Design In Design 1 Cemetery Land Acquisition 3 Central Park Improvements 2 Community Park Acquisition Underway 2 Gabbard Park Improvements 1 Hallaran Pool Filters & Coating (FY `01) Out to bid 2 High School Tennis Court Lights (FY `01) In Negotiation Indoor Grant Application for Joint CSISD Project Suspend until 01 1 Lemontree Park Playground Complete In Progress 1 Lick Creek Grant Application Due 1/01 Grant 2 Lick Creek Trails Grant Project Approved Awaiting 2 Lincoln Improvements Architect Proposal 2 Merry Oaks Improvements 1 Merry Oaks Playground Replacement In Construction 2 Millenium Winds Improvements (FY `01) In Design 2 Oaks Park Bridge 1 Parking Garage Landscape Plan Complete 1 Raintree Park Improvements In Construction 3 Shenandoah Park Development PK0100 $54,600 PK0084 $32,000 GG9705 $250,000 GG9905 $275,000 PK0101 $17,000 PK9948 $520,000 PK0102 $78,000 PK0106 $120,000 PK0109 $91,500 PK0066 $22,000 $126,265 CD1292 $90,000 PK0103 $37,000 11:: PK0067 11•: $25,000 $7,195 $28,000 $44,000 $48,000 '98 G.O. `98 G.O. G.O. '98 G.O. `98 G.O. `98 Bond `98 G.O. FY `01 FY `01 '98 G.O. '98 G.O. C.D.B.G. Funds FY '01 '98 G.O. Replacement Funds FY `01 '98 G.O. C.O. '98 G.O. Ded Southwood Soccer Field 1 Renovation (FY `01) 1 Thomas Park Improvements 2 Thomas Pool Improvements Thomas Pool Leak Investigation & 1 Repair (FY `01) 1 Veterans Park Phase 1 2 Veterans Park Water Feasibility (FY `01) 1 West District Maintenance Shop 1 Willow Branch Tennis Courts 2 Woodway Park Development OTHERS 1 City Center Concepts 1 City Hall Atrium George Bush at Wellborn Road to Texas 3 Avenue Medians 2 Northgate Park (FY `01) 2 Raintree Land Acquisition 2 Venue Tax Issue 1 Wolf Pen Creek trails 1 Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette Skateboard/Roller Hockey Park Bids Underway Complete Underway In Design Underway In Construction In Construction Complete Underway In Design Complete Public Hearing Jan 30, 2001 PK9931 PK0104 PK0107 PK9941 PK0110 PK9927 PK0074 GG0102 $84,000 $19,000 $25,000 $2,120,000 $25,000 $501,000 $125,000 $468,600 $8,500 FY `01 '98 G.O. '98 G.O. FY `01 '98 G.O. FY `01 '98 G.O. DED WPC TIF PK0073 $162,000 FY00 SLA #1 - In progress currently or will be in progress before January 1, 2001. #2 - In progress before August 1, 2001 #3 — In progress after October 1, 2001 O:/parks/Projects/CI P/cip2001.doc Current List ®f Sube®mmitteeso Fees ........................................ Glen Davis, Bill Davis, John Crompton Veterans Park & Athletic Complex..............Glen Davis, John Nichols, ......................................................................................John Crompton Joint Ventres with CSISD ......................... Chris Barzilla, Glen Davis Joint Ventures with TAI�iU.................... John Nichols, George Dresser Lick Crash Park...........o....o...o...o............. Laura Wood, John Crompton OtheFr committees membeirs airepunrgnflv mIln ono Sports and Recreation Association ...................................... Glen Davis ...............................(Jon Tuurt®n will serve once Glen's term expires) Community Attractions Committee ................................... Laura Wood Art in Public Places........................00................................ John Nichols Wolf Fen Crash Oversight ......................................... Glenn Schroeder .................................................................. (George Dresser, Alternate) Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, December 18, 2000 Members Present: Phyllis Dozier, Wendell Horne, Betty Horne, James Boone, Billy Lay, Mary Jo Lay, Bill Kling, Florace Kling, Annie Lee Finch, Vallie Broussard Members Absent: Bill Lancaster, Mary Lancaster, Joanna Yeager, Carol Parzen, and Helen Siegel Staff Present. Marci Rodgers 1. Dill Lay called the meeting to order at 10:05 am 11. Approval of the Minutes: The minutes from the November 27, 2000 meeting were approved as circulated. 111. Report "Senior Friendly" brochure: 1n Carol Parzen's absence Mendell Horne spoke for the committee and explained that the brochure had a new look. The focus had been changed from educating the business community on the senior clientele base to stimulate them into becoming Senior Friendly. The new focus will hopefully attract businesses to see the benefits of serving the senior population. Mendell Horne suggested that the committee might want to look at a second brochure to educate the community on the senior population. Suggested changes included: In the first column strike the word 66surprising" The phrase should read, "Retirees are moving to College Station at an increasing rate In the second column change first phrase to read, "Merchandise for seniors" Wording in second column needs to be in a larger font and in brief statements. The lower half of second column should list recognition for Senior Friendly Award recipients such as certificate and recognition at a City Council Meeting, public recognition in the newspaper and city publications and decal for store window. The third column should read "Tell us about you business" and omit top paragraph IVt1 arci will contact businesses and present final draft at the January meeting. IV. Senior Needs Assessment time line: Marci passed around copies of the Eisenhower Leadership Development Program proposal for Senior Programs and Facilities for the City of College Station. Steve Beachy submitted the proposal and the students for the George Bush School of Government and Public Service will Grote on the projects and if we are selected the students have been asked to research and identify what facilities will be needed for seniors in our community. Also, what type of programs should be provided and if a potential exists to provide these facilities and services through cooperative programs. December proposal submitted January Selection or rejection by students May 8, 2001 Make recommendation to Parks and Recreation Board June 28, 2001 Make recommendation to City Council V. Senior Services Coordinator Reports Copy on file The committee expressed an interest in attending the TRAPS conference, which will be held at the Del 1Lago Conference and Resort on Lake Conroe in February. The committee will attend one day of the conference and travel in the city gran. VT. Next meeting: Monday, January 29, 2001(teen center) III. Adjourn: The meeting ended at i 1 o®®am Senior Services Coordinator Report December, 2000 Benoit Chr Wm,%s Light Tauu-: Thirty —eight individuals signed -up for the tour which was scheduled for Tuesday, December 12, 2®®0o The forecast of severe winter weather dictated that we cancel the event, We have rescheduled for Monday, December 181h and the only change will be that the George Bush Library will not have an ©pen house. Oars Sched uDe fbir WJ ntierc9SpirIlngo We will be offering 18 classes next session along with free tax help for senior's. Registration begins on Monday, January 22, 2001 at the Parks and Recreation office. A copy of the XTRA (Education brochure will be inserted in the Sunday edition of the January 21 st EAGLE. Mme Urfli e Torr SermioT Tnc fll t r sand Trro rm m Recormrirmnermd 2flo m December 2000: Submit proposal for Eisenhower Leadership Development Program January 2001: Selection for project will be selected or rejected by students May 8, 2001: Make recommendation to Parks and Recreation Board June 28, 2®®1: Make recommendation to City Council Senor oir PrP(DErmm GoAg IFY 2000-200 These goals are new ideas and programs for the 2000-2001 fiscal year. 1 will continue to promote awareness of the position, senior service coordinator, to the community and work with other agencies to benefit the olden adult population. 1 will strive to offer quality programs and classes to meet the desires of older adult. Cire0e znd DIlstAbute SenIlorr Yff-hen&y Awzydl Birochurre to Retaifl BusIlneooes Work with senior advisory committee on information and guidelines for award Print and Distribute brochure to business community Promote awareness of Senior population as a significant economic clientele base Recognize businesses that are Senior Friendly Lei5uire and Aging Branch of Uema_5 I ecrrenflon and Iftrks Society Begin Networking with other cities Become more active and participate in workshops SenAoFr Needs Assessment Provide assistance in gathering and distributing information as needed Utilize Senior Advisory Committee as a resource for Council Vision Statements concerning seniors Collect snd Oirganke SeWair Topufls-fIlon Dz to Research population in College Station and Community utilizing 2000 Census Bureau Categorize ages and residency Create a mailing list of participants involved in city programs Steve Beachy - Rainbow Trout in Central Pond Pa e 1 ' From: David Gerling To: Parks Date: 1 /5/01 9:14AM Subject: Rainbow Trout in Central Pond Yesterday I was notified by TPWD that 2000 - 3/41b rainbow trout will be delivered to Central Pond sometime during the day of Feb. 6th. The official stocking date for that pond on the internet is Feb. 8th, but anglers can begin fishing as soon as they arrive. Rules for fishina Rainbow Trout in Texas Public Waters 1. A Texas fishing license w/ a freshwater rainbow trout stamp is required for all anglers 17 to 69 (born on or after Sept. 1,1930) 2. Anglers born before Sept. 1, 1930 are exempt from having a license (ie., they don't need one at all). 3. Anglers under 17 are exempt & do not need a license as well. 4. Daily bag limit is 5 per angler per day. Maximum of 10 in possession at one time. There is no length limit. If questions arise, I can be reached at 764-3730. Or you can call: Texas Parks & Wildlife fisheries division at 822-5067, or Game Warden office @ 260-1372. Steve Beachy - Youth Soccer Fields Renovation Update.doc Page 1 � Youth Soccer Fields Renovation Update, January 5"' 2001 * Irrigation bid completed and awarded (Z Water Works, Bryan), materials to be delivered in mid January. Old irrigation heads were removed in early December. * Soil Analysis and Turf Management Consultations were done by Thomas Turf Services, Inc. in November. This was to determine Type of soil amendments to use to create a better growing medium for the new turf, and discuss ways to better drain the fields. Also provided was some management practices for the future. * Specifications were written for the purchase of required soil amendment (sand mixture) and sent out to bid in Mid December. Low bid is to be presented to City Council on January I 11h. * Specifications were written for the Laser Grading and grass sprigging and put out to bid mid December. Bids are presently being reviewed and References checked. Expect to go to City Council in February. * Existing turf was treated with herbicide in Nov. and is presently being excavated with assistance from Public Works. Some grade and drainage work is also being done. Expect to finish by Jan. 81h * Over the next couple weeks we will add Gypsum and till existing soil. After Council's approval we will start having the sand delivered to the site to start mixing with existing soil. Down the road we have the rough grading, installation of the new irrigation system, final grade (Laser Grading) and installation of new turf (sprigging). JfJ b-. b *(J,5b t'04��/bg Craig Konkef, P.E. Robert C. Schmidt, P.E. Ed Addicks, P.E. CITY O;COLLEGE VETERANS - PARK . AND ATHLETIC FACILITIES OE JOB NO. 675.01-RB DECEMBERIIt PROJECT SCHEDULE Approval of Preliminary Plat 01/04/012 Submit Conceptual Drawings to Parks Department 01 /05101 Submit Final Drainage Deport to Development Services 01 /15/01 Receive arks Department Review Comments on Conceptual Design 01/22/0", Submit Preliminary Drawings to Parks Department 02/05/01 Approval of Final Drainage Deport 2y Development Services 02/15/01 Deceive Parks Department Review Comments 02/22/01 Submit Final Plate Final Plans, and Specifications to Parrs Dept. 03/01/01 Deceive Review Comments on Final Plats Final Plans, and Specifications by Parks Department 03/15/01 Advertise 1, r Open Bids 05/22/01 Award Contract 06/141014. K %75-01MIettertproject schedute.doc 203 S. Jackson P. O. Box 1976 Brenkam, Texas 77834-1976 (979) 836-7937 FAX (979) 836-7936 DEC-11-2000 15:32 0`MALLEY ENGINEERS yYy bsb Yy.Sb H.03iO3 Contractor's Nonce to Commence Work 07/16/01 KA675-01 Wletteriprojam schedule.doc TOTAL P.03