HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/18/1999 - Regular Agenda - Parks BoardCITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING 0\- February ° 999, 7:00p.m. Central Park Office 1000 Krenek Tap Road Agenda 1. Approval of Minutes from December 8, 1998 2. Discussion of Board Goals and Priorities 3. Discussion of Parks Master Plan Project 4. Discussion and Consideration of Revised By -Laws for the College Station Conference Center Advisory Committee 5. Hear Visitors 6. Consent Agenda Capital Improvement Program Report Committee Reports 7 Other Concerns/Other Business Appointment of Fees Subcommittee Set date for tour of Bryan's Neal Recreation Center 8. Adjourn College Station Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Parks Conference Room February 9, 1999 Staff Present: Stephen Beachy, Director, College Station Parks & Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary; Peter Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Pam Einkauf, Sr. Secretary. Board Members: Chris Barzilla, Chairman; George Dresser, Vice Chairman, Glen Davis, John Nichols, Susan Allen. Handouts: Preparation Suggestions for Local Park, Recreation & Open Space Master Plans Texas Recreation & Parks Account Local Park Grant Program and The Parks Master Plan. 1. Approval of Minutes — December 8, 1998. John Nichols motioned for approval. Glen Davis seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as written. 2. Discussion of Board Goals and Priorities: The Board looked over the Parks & Recreation Board Goals. John Nichols said that items #1-3 are either done or on -going. Glen Davis and Steve Beachy mentioned the importance of focusing on a limited number of items that can actually be completed. Steve Beachy stressed the high priority of the Parks Master Plan. He suggested eliminating some items from this years effort. Susan Allen and Chris Barzilla talked of the Feasibility of Cooperative Ventures with CSISD. Chris Barzilla said that the Board should start on this — the City of Bryan just got another grant because they worked with the School District. Glen Davis said that the Parks Master Plan should be do -able this year, but the Capital Improvement Plan is on -going and should take up to five years or more. Susan Allen said that the Wolf Pen Master Plan is on -going. Chris Barzilla said that the implementation of the Greenway Master Plan is on -going as well. As to the Public Art Program, John Nichols said that he is happy to be the Board's representative. Steve Beachy said that the art would be on loan for the year. He went on to say that last year, there was some money to buy at least one of the pieces. He thinks that the City will to try to do that again this year. He suggested that we include an item by which we aquire art through our own resources. George Dresser suggested eliminating items #12-16 for this year and reviewing them at a later date, concentrating on items #1-11. John would like to debate some of the items between #3 and #11, but agrees with Chris opinion that #11 ought to be on the agenda. Steve thinks that an opportunity will arise when they build the next elementary school. He suggested talking to School Board members to see where they stand without forcing them to take an official position, until there is a dialog. He noted that though we have several on -going programs with the schools right now, he feels that we can do more. John asked if anyone on the School Board is showing a unique interest in this. Steve said that he told Larry Johnson with the School Board, that he would like to have some of the School Board members and the school representatives get together with the Parks Board and some of our representatives to go over what Bryan has done, particularly at Neal Elementary School and the Neal Recreation Center. Chris cautioned that even though we make some items our top priority, that other things that are going on could upset our plans. The Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan was discussed next. Steve said that after the City Council revised and approved the Master Plan, they directed us to come back with an implementation plan. We were asked to form an oversight committee to keep herd on all of this. The committee would be made up of the Chairman or a designee from the Planning & Zoning, Parks & Recreation, The Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board, The Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board and a City Council Representative. Glen Davis asked who has primary responsibility? Steve replied that it would be the Oversight Committee. George asked if someone from Public Relations comes to the meetings. Steve said that the Public Relations and Marketing Manager, Kelley Chapman, does, along with Public Works, Engineering, Development Services/Planning, Parks and Finance Department Representatives. Glen asked what we could do to enhance public perception on a monthly basis. George said that we will have to work hard to get the public behind us. He went on to say that the Public Relations Department could help us with this. Chris said that the Arboretum and Garden Park are good issues to start with to enhance our present and future parks. He said that we need to investigate the commercial property fee or we will miss the big boom that could bring in money other than tax dollars to City and Parks. He warned that there is only a small window of time - seven or eight years - as growth in College Station will taper off. He suggested that this be a top priority. John suggested that items #1-3 be platinum level priorities, #4-8 be high priorities, #9-11 be medium priorities and the rest be low priorities. Glen made a motion to approve the priorities. George Dresser seconded the motion. The committee voted in favor. 3. Discussion of the Parks Master Plan Project: Steve passed out the revised early draft of the Preparation Suggestions for Local Park, Recreation and Open Space Master Plans Texas Recreation and Parks Account Grant Program. He explained that we are working with Joni Baker (from the TAMURecreation of Parks & Tourism Department). He said that Joni is working on the major part of this project and trying to incorporate information from Development Services. Discussion followed on how to apply for a grant - how to organize the items and what to include. Steve said that we can apply for one grant each six (6) months, up to two (2) a year. John asked if Parks and Recreation activities are cross-referenced. Steve replied that we do have an almanac that lists all facilities, but also lists the programs by groupings (for example: Athletics, Special Programs, etc.). Steve said that the National Recreation and Parks Association has published guidelines that include a list of strict standards for parks programs. We were lacking Senior Programs this year, and now we have started some. John inquired about the hearing process on this. Steve replied that once we feel it is complete, and we have a good draft, we will have to have hearings from this Board's standpoint. John suggested an executive summary, pointing out the major issues. Steve said that we will take it to the Planning & Zoning Commission for their input and then to the City Council. The process will include at least one public hearing before it goes to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Steve proposed meeting on February 19th with the Subcommittee for the Parks Master Plan. He would like to bring it back in March and have some completion by that point. John suggested that the specific goals and objectives for 1999 should match the priorities that we are looking for. Steve stressed the need to make sure that our Master Plan is in continuity with the City's Comprehensive Plan. George pointed out that the time line for these projects will be constrained by our financial resources. Steve said that our bond issue has already been allocated for specific years for specific projects. George asked if we were on a five (5) year cycle for bond issues. Steve replied that we are. He went on to say that we do not need to take action right now, but we need to start being aware of these issues. 4. Discussion and Consideration of [".evised y-Laws for the College Station Conference Center Advisory Committee: Steve suggested that the Board refer to the underlined section in Article 3, Section 5 ("Ex Officio Members") that was added to the by-laws. It was decided to change "Ex Officio" to "Alternate". There was discussion on whether an alternate could vote. Chris asked if this would help the Board to be able to vote more and to have a quorum more often. Steve replied that it would. It was decided that two alternate members would be chosen who would be authorized to vote on items presented during that meeting only if there is no quorum. George suggested to move to amend Article 2, Section 5 (Quorums) and Article 3, Section 5 (Ex Officio Members). 5. Hear Visitors: There were no visitors. 6. Consent Agenda: Capital Improvement Program Report: The Wayne Smith Baseball Complex was discussed. It now has a certificate of occupancy and is ready for use. The dedication date is Tuesday, April 6th at 4:00 PM. Dedication for Tarrow Park is Saturday, April 3rd at 2:00 PM. Steve said that invitations will be sent out. Committee Reports: George said that there has been quite a bit of discussion regarding the initial work on the sidewalk that goes over a portion of the creek that is under Highway 30 and feeds into Wolf Pen Creek. Steve mentioned that this is the property directly across from Oaks Park. That part will be developed and eventually tie in with the McClure Engineering work that is in progress to develop concepts. This will tie into the rest of the parks and walkways. George asked if we are going to build this project with City funds. Steve replied that it would be paid with some of the Parkland Dedication funds that we have in that zone. George mentioned that the McCLure contract is not quite in place yet, but should be underway soon. He went on to say that overall, things are moving along well, but it is going to take a while for everything to come together. 7. {:'oard Concerns/Other Business: Appointment of Fees Subcommittee: Chris Barzilla, Susan Allen and John Crompton will be on the Fees Subcommittee. Set Date for Tour of Bryan's Neal Recreation Center: This date was set for Wednesday, February 17th at 4:00 PM. Steve mentioned that Wednesday, February 24th is the groundbreaking for the College Station Teen Center. 8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. Sheetl 164 Parks & Recreation Board Goals Ranking 1 Complete the parks master plan 1 1 2 1 2 2 1.5 1 Implement the approved Capital Improvement Program 2 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 3 3 3 3 11 1 4 3 Enhance the public perception of the Wolf Pen Creek corridor, 4 13 4 6 3 8 6.3 4 Investigate the use of a commercial property fee for community park development 14 9 7 4 4 10 8 5 Emphasize Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement 9 8 8 9 5 9 8 6 Encourage the early development of the former landfill site on State Highway 6 13 5 6 11 8 5 8 16 Support the implementation of the greenways master plan 6 6 5 8 14 11 8.3 17 Establish an on -going re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities and services offered by the department 7 7 9 7 9 16 9.2 18 Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD 11 14 10 5 12 6 9.7 19 Encourage arboretum/garden parks and color emphasis in existing parks 8 12 11 10 6 12 9.8 20 Incorporate public art into the park system 10 10 13 14 10 14 12 21 Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station 5 11 12 15 15 15 12 22 Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities, and programs 12 15 14 12 13 7 12 23 Explore the feasibility of a municipal golf course 16 14 16 13 7 13 13 24 Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating facility 15 16 15 16 16 3 14 Page 1 Parks & Recreation Board Goals Ballot Please rank the following goals in order of priority from "1" to "16" with "1" being the most important 1. Implement the approved Capital Improvement Program 11. Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan III. Complete the parks master plan IV. Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating facility 9 V. Explore the feasibility of a municipal golf course IL_ VI. Incorporate public art into the park system VII. Investigate the use of a commercial property fee for community park , development VIII. Establish an on -going re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities and services offered by the department IX. Emphasize Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement X. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on faciliti§„ and programs 7(to. XI. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD /5 XII. Encourage arboretum/garden parks & color emphasis in existing parks /61 XIII. Encourage the early development of the former landfill site on State Highway 6 / XIV. Enhance the public perception of Wolf Pen Creek corridor 5 XV. Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station 7 XVI. Support the implementation of the greenways master plan Please fax your ballot to 764-3737 (Attn: Bridgette) or return the ballots in the enclosed return envelope. If you have any questions, please call me at 764-3414. Parks & Recreation Board Goals Ballot Please rank the following goals in order of priority from "1" to "16" with "1" being the most important Implement the approved Capital Improvement Program 11. Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan III. Complete the parks master plan IV. Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating facility V. Explore the feasibility of a municipal golf course VI. Incorporate public art into the park system 16 VII. Investigate the use of a commercial property fee for community park development VIII. Establish an on -going re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities and services offered by the department 11 • IX. Emphasize Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement X. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs I t' XI. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD XII. Encourage arboretum/garden parks & color emphasis in existing parks XIII. Encourage the early development of the former landfill site on State /c. Highway 6 XIV. Enhance the public perception of Wolf Pen Creek corridor i XV. Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station 7 XVI. Support the implementation of the greenways master plan 3 Please fax your ballot to 764-3737 (Attn: Bridgette) or return the ballots in the enclosed return envelope. If you have any questions, please call me at 764-3414. 12/18/98 10:11 '&409 862 3019 RUSS-AMER PROJ aoo1 / 7% 5r/ Parks & Recreation Board Goals Ballot Please rank the following goals in order of priority from "1" to "16" with "1" being the most important I, Implement the approved Capital Improvement Program II. Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan III. Complete the parks master plan IV. Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skatingfacility V. Explore the feasibility of a municipal golf course VI. Incorporate public art into the park system VII. Investigate the use of a commercial property fee for community park 9 02. 3 1( /b development VIII. Establish an on -going re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities and services offered by the department IX. Emphasize Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement X. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs `r XI. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD 7 XII. Encourage arboretum/garden parks & color emphasis in existing parks XIII. Encourage the early development of the former landfill site on State Highway 6 XIV. Enhance the public perception of Wolf Pen Creek corridor XV. Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station.. XVI. Support the implementation of the greenways master plan Please fax your ballot to 764-3737 (Attn: Bridgette) or return the ballots in the enclosed return envelope. If you have any questions, please call me at 764-3414. ejuliiLd ti,e___.' -I p.7 Ajego4.0 .e..44„.....- . , cJ Id"- c(iidLo'h 5- /3 1/ 12/15/98 10:15 ty409 361 6520 FAB TEXAS SSB 1002 Parks & Recreation Board Goals Ballot Please rank the following goals in order of priority from "1" to "16" with "1" being the most important I. Implement the approved Capital Improvement Program II. Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan III. Complete the parks master plan 1V. _Explore, the. feasibility_ of a commercial ice skating.facility V. Explore the feasibility of a municipal golf course VI. Incorporate public art into the park system / D VIL Investigate the use of a commercial property fee for community park / development VIII. Establish an on -going re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities and services 7 offered by the department 3 1 15 �c0 IX. Emphasize Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement X. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on f acilitie iz and programs XI. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD VI - XII. Encourage arboretum/garden parks & color emphasis in existing parks_. - XIII. Encourage the early development of the former landfill site on State • Highway 6 - XIV. Enhance the public perception of Wolf Pen Creek corridor X.V. Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station XVI. Support the implementation of the greenways master plan Please fax your ballot to 764-3737 (Attn: Bridgette) or return the ballots in the enclosed return envelope. If you have any questions, please call me at 764-3414. Parks & Recreation Board Goals Ballot Please rank the following goals in order of priority from "1" to "16" with "1" being the most important 1. Implement the approved Capital Improvement Program 11. Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 2 III. Complete the parks master plan IV. Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating facility V. Explore the feasibility of a municipal golf course / 6 VI. Incorporate public art into the park system /2 VII. Investigate the use of a commercial property fee for community park development 7 VIII. Establish an on -going re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities and services offered by the department IX. Emphasize Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement X. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs XI. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD 1I7 XII. Encourage arboretum/garden parks & color emphasis in existing parks XIII. Encourage the early development of the former landfill site on State • Highway 6 XIV. Enhance the public perception of Wolf Pen Creek corridor 171 XV. Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station XVI. Support the implementation of the greenways master plan Please fax your ballot to 764-3737 (Attn: Bridgette) or return the ballots in the enclosed return envelope. If you have any questions, please call me at 764-3414. Parks & Recreation Board Goals Ballot Please rank the following goals in order of priority from "1" to "16" with "1" being the most important I. Implement the approved Capital Improvement Program 2, II. Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 3 III. Complete the parks master plan 1V. Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating facility / 6. V. Explore the feasibility of a municipal golf course VI. Incorporate public art into the park system VII. Investigate the use of a commercial property fee for community park development VIII. Establish an on -going re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities and services offered by the department IX. Emphasize Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement X. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs XI. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD XII. Encourage arboretum/garden parks & color emphasis in existing parks XIII. Encourage the early development of the former landfill site on State Highway 6 XIV. Enhance the public perception of Wolf Pen Creek corridor 5 // XV. Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station / S XVI. Support the implementation of the greenways master plan Please fax your ballot to 764-3737 (Attn: Bridgette) or return the ballots in the enclosed return envelope. If you have any questions, please call me at 764-3414. Parks & Recreation Board Goals Ballot Please rank the following goals in order of priority from "1" to "16" with "1" being the most important 1. Implement the approved Capital Improvement Program 11. Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 11 III. Complete the parks master plan IV. Explore the feasibility of a commercial ice skating facility I Le V. Explore the feasibility of a municipal golf course VI. Incorporate public art into the park system /0 VII. Investigate the use of a commercial property fee for community park ki development VIII. Establish an on -going re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities and services q offered by the department • IX. Emphasize Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement X. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs XI. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD 19-' XII. Encourage arboretum/garden parks & color emphasis in existing parks XIII. Encourage the early development of the former landfill site on State • Highway 6 XIV. Enhance the public perception of Wolf Pen Creek corridor XV. Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station XVI. Support the implementation of the greenways master plan 1 Please fax your ballot to 764-3737 (Attn: Bridgette) or return the ballots in the enclosed return envelope. If you have any questions, please call me at 764-3414. PREPARATION SUGGESTIONS FOR LOCAL PARK, RECREATION, & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLANS TEXAS RECREATION & PARKS ACCOUNT LOCAL PARK GRANT PROGRAM (Revised June 1996) The following suggestions have been developed to assist local governments in the preparation of local master plans pursuant to requirements of the Texas Recreation & Parks Account Local Park Grant Program. Priority points can be received through the "TRPA Project Priority Scoring System" for projects which propose to meet priority needs identified in Department -approved, locally endorsed parks, recreation, and open space master plans. The suggestions are intended to assist you with this process, and they are not all-inclusive. Please note that a master plan is not required to participate in the grant program. Please contact Grants -In -Aid (GIA) at (512) 912-7124 if you have any questions. Plans may be submitted for GIA review in advance of your application for funding assistance, or at the time your grant application is submitted. If the plan is submitted with your application and it is not approved, it will not be eligible for project priority points during that particular review cycle, even if revisions are made. Plans must either be pre -approved, or in an acceptable form at the time of grant submission to receive priority points. PROOF OF ADOPTION Once plans are complete, the applicable governing body (city council, county commissioner's court, district or authority board) must pass a formal resolution or ordinance approving the plan and adopting a local listing of priority needs. Include the resolution or ordinance in the master plan when it is submitted for GIA review. JURISDICTION -WIDE PLAN Plans must be comprehensive and address the entire jurisdiction area of the sponsor. If you are a city, the plan should cover the entire city. County plans must include the entire county. Plans may be broken into planning areas, regions, districts or precincts, as needed for larger communities or for counties. All planning areas/regions/districts/precincts must be included in the plan, and piece -meal plans will not be accepted. One of the biggest problems we are seeing with the plans we have reviewed is that they mostly address short term needs and appear to be generated to justify one project. Plans must address present and future needs. TIME PERIOD FOR IMPLEMENTATION Plans must cover a minimum period of five years. Most plans cover longer periods. If your plan is more than two years old, a summary of accomplishments should be provided with your grant application so we can adjust your priority needs to accommodate what you have accomplished to -date. o:\board\parkgrnt.doc PLAN CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION This section should introduce the unit of government for which the plan is created. It should include background information about your socio-economic make-up, current and projected populations, growth or non -growth patterns, and the agency's role in providing parks and recreation opportunities. II. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Identify your parks and recreation service goals and follow up with more specific objectives for each goal. Address the time period which the plan is intended to cover. III. PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROCESS This section is very important so that we can understand how you identified and prioritized your needs. Include information regarding who wrote the plan, planning committees utilized, public input received through hearings and surveys which you conducted. Be brief, but don't assume we know the process you went through. Include information about when you began this process also. IV. AREA AND FACILITY CONCEPTS AND STANDARDS This section of the plan is also very important and contributes directly to the assessment and identification of needs. You cannot properly identify needswithout establishing local standards and concepts. You must know what you want before you can determine what you do or don't have. Area/Facility standards should be determined locally. Local standards are influenced by available economic and natural resources. A good source of information on this topic can be found in the National Recreation & Park Association's Park, Recreation, Open Space & Greenways Guidelines (formerly the Recreation, Park & Open Space Standards & Guidelines). All of the guidelines identified in this document may, or may not be applicable to your community or county, as stated. Adjustments to those standards may need to be made to reflect your needs . and available resources. Contact NRPA at (703) 820-4940 to obtain a copy of this publication. V. INVENTORY OF AREAS & FACILITIES Assess what parks, recreation, and open space areas and facilities are currently within your system. You may also want to address other areas and facilities which are available to the public which may be private or controlled by local school districts. This inventory information is important when you conduct the needs assessment. o:\board\parkgrnt.doc VI. NEEDS ASSESSMENT & IDENTIFICATION The following three approaches may be employed in determining parks and recreation needs; (1) demand -based; (2) standard -based; (3) resource -based. The demand -based approach relies on information gathered from participation rates, surveys, and other information that indicates how much of the population wants certain types of facilities. The standard -based approach uses established standards to determine the amounts of facilities and park areas needed to meet the needs of a given population size. The standards may be based on studies of demand, or the professional judgment of parks and recreation planners and designers. The resource -based approach examines the assets and resources of the area for open space, parks and recreation facilities, and defines how these resources can be utilized. For example, the availability of a lake or river within an area is a resource which can be utilized in developing a park system. Agencies with large jurisdiction areas may wish to divide their jurisdiction into planning areas, regions, districts or precincts. Specific needs can then be assessed and identified within each planning increment. Needs must be clearly identified and the method for determining them should be clearly communicated. Be sure to consider outdoor, indoor, and programming needs, if applicable. VII. PLAN IMPLEMENTATION & PRIORITIZATION OF NEEDS This section must include a prioritization of needs, and identify when they are intended to be met. If your plan is broken into specific planning areas, regions, districts or precincts, you may prioritize needs within each of the planning increments. Priority needs should be area and/or facility specific, and ranked according to priority order (i.e.: Priority #1 = Trails; Priority #2 = Acquisition of neighborhood park in southeast area of town; Priority #3 = Rest rooms in all nature parks; Priority #4 = Adult softball fields; Priority #5 = Tennis courts; etc.). You should also identify available and anticipated resources for meeting your needs, and a desired time line for carrying out the plan. CAUTION! Do not just focus on short-term needs and actions. Plan for the future also. VIII. ILLUSTRATIONS, MAPS, SURVEYS, ETC. Include relative maps, survey instruments, charts, plates, graphics, and photographs in the plan which will help communicate your planning process and efforts and support stated conclusions. Specific areas intended for open space acquisition and preservation should be located on a map, identified as a need, and prioritized in your plan. o:\board\parkgrnt.doc CONSTITUTIONAL BY-LAWS OF THE CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THE COMMITTEE SHALL BE GOVERNED BY CITY ORDINANCE NUMBER 2009 These by-laws incorporate specific rules and regulations of the "College Station Conference Center Advisory Committee", hereinafter referred to as the Committee. These rules and regulations are in addition to the guidelines set forth by the City of College Station in Ordinance number 2009. Any points not addressed in these by-laws are under the guides *f the previously mentioned ordinance. ARTICLE 1- RULES OF THE COM LTTEE Section 1. Termination Any committee member appointed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall forfeit that membership if absent for more than three (3) consecutive meetings, in one (1) appointment year, unless the absenteeism is for medical reasons. Absenteeism may also be excused by the Committee or by the Parks and Recreation Board. If a member goes beyond this absenteeism limit, the Parks and Recreation Board shall be advised to declare the position vacant and appoint a new member to fillthe vacancy. Section 2. Limitations The Committee shall not be authorized to incur on behalf of the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION any expense incident to the operation of said Conference Center, unless expressly authorized to do so by the CITY COUNCIL. The Committee shall not knowingly conduct business that has been assigned by ordinance to any other governing or advisory body of the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. ARTICLE I][ - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings The regular meeting shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the hour of 5:15 p.m. at the Conference Center. Section 2. Notice of Meetings Notice of all regular meetings shall be delivered to each member of the Committee at least five (5) days prior to each meeting. Notice of all meetings shall be posted at City Hall and delivered to the news media in compliance with all state and local laws. Section 3. Special Meetings Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Committee or by three (3). members. of the Committee. The Noticeof Special Meeting shall state specific items to be discussed. No items other than those designated in the notice may be discussed. Section 4. Place of Meeting The place of the meeting shall be the Conference Center unless otherwise stated in the call. The Committee consist of five (5) members, therefore, at least three (3) voting members shall constitute a quorum. Section 6. Rules of Order. Section 5. Quorum General parliamentary rules, as given in Robert's Rules of Order, as modified by the rules an regulations of the Committee shall be observed in conducting meetings of the Committee. Section 7. Order of Business The following shall be the Order of Business of the Committee, but the rules of order .may be suspended and any matters considered or postponed by action of the Committee. 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Consideration of minutes of last regular meeting and of any special meetings held subsequently and their approval or amendment. 4. Petitions or communication from visitors. 5. Reports. 6. Committee concerns. ARTICLE III - OFFICERS AND EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Section 1. Duties of the Committee Chairman The Chairman of the Committee shall preside at the meetings of the Committee. Section 2. Duties of the Vice -Chairman The Vice -Chairman of the Committee, in the absence of the Chairman, shall perform all the duties of the Chairman of the Committee. In the absence of both the Chairman and the Vice -Chairman, the Committee shall elect a Chairman pro tempore who shall perform the duties of the Chairman of the Committee. Section 3. Duties of the Conference Center Supervisor The Conference Center Supervisor, or his/her designees, are ex officio member and shall attend all regular meetings and participate in discussions, but shall not be entitled to vote. Section 4. Duties of the Conference Center Liason This individual is a member of the Parks Board who shall attend all regular meetings and participate in discussions, but shall not be entitled to vote. This individual will be appointed by the Parks Board. Vcv, Section 5. R=iaffrcilo Members These members are approved by the Committee and assigned special duties. They are asked to attend all regular meetings, but shall not be entitled to vote. If there is no quorum, the ex officio members will tmiabalzetri&e-n�ni- hers I th l ul.-tcn-be authorized to vote on items presented during that meeting. ARTICLE IV — SUB -COMMITTEES Section 1. Appointment of Special Sub -Committees Special sub -committees shall be appointed by the Chairman for consideration and study of any matter not covered by the Committee during regular or special meetings. The Chairman or Vice - Chairman are ex officio members and shall attend sub -committee meetings and participate in discussions. The special sub -committee shall report their findings to the Committee. ARTICLE V - AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Committee by a majority vote of the members present, provided previous notice of the nature of any proposed amendment shall have been given at least one (1) regular meeting before the action thereon shall be taken. The by-laws' amendments must be approved by the Parks and Recreation Board. APPROVED: Mollie Guin, Chair Date Attest: Kim Fox, Committee Secretary Date Approved by College Station Parks and Recreation Board on the 1999. day of Chris Barzilla, Chair Parks and Recreation Board Date Attest: Kris Startzman, Board Secretary Date