HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/12/1998 - Regular Agenda - Parks BoardCITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MAY 12, 1998 -- 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes: April 14, 1998 2. Hear Visitors 3. Discussion and Consideration of Southwest Park Street Extension from Christine Lane to Southwest Parkway 4. Review of Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 5. Discussion of Erecting Monuments in Parks 6. Discussion of Parks in Park Zone 1 - Northgate Area 7. Discussion and Consideration of a Resolution in Support of the Land and Water Conservation Fund 8. Discussion of Board Goals 9. Capital Improvement Program Report 10. Committee Reports: a. CIP Subcommittee - John Crompton 11. Board Concerns/Other Business 12. Adjourn This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 409-764-3547 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. — MINUTES — CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Cunha, Chair; Bob DeOtte; John Crompton; Gary Halter; and Mike Manson MEMBERS ABSENT: Chris Barzilla STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Ric Ploeger, Asst, Director; Paul Leventis, GIP Project Manager, and Paul Kasper, Graduate Engineer VISITORS: None The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. I. Approval of Minutes — April 14, 1998: Minutes were approved as submitted. IL Hear Visitors - No visitors present. DI. Discussion and Consideration of Southwest Park Street Extension from Christine Lane to Southwest Parkway: Paul Leventis showed the Parks Board where proposed sewer lines are going to go and stated that he needs to know where the potential streets are going to go in order to finalize his project. Paul Kasper showed a proposed alignment for a street connection that would facilitate traffic in the area. The first proposal would align with the apartment complex's curb cut on the opposite side of Southwest Parkway. Choosing that option would split one acre off from the park where the street would go through it. The second proposal would be located on the park's east boundary and would not divide the park. The members voiced concern about dividing the park with the proposed street. Gary motioned to accept the second proposal that would allow for development of the street on the park's east boundary, not dividing the park. Bob seconded, and the motion passed. Parks Board Minutes May 12, 1998 Page 1 of 2 IV. Review of Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan: Steve stated that the TIF Board were in agreement with the plan, but recommended the addition of two lakes into the plan. The Planning and Zoning Committee declined to endorse the plan because of no lakes in the plan and because it does not reflect the vision of the original plan. Steve stated that future meetings will have to be set up with both boards and Council for further direction. V. Discussion of Erecting Monuments in Parks: Steve stated that several years ago, the Board created a policy for erecting monuments on city property. The members were provided with a copy of the policy. John stated that there is no criteria in the policy recognizing excellence for awards. Also, the word "monument" is not defined in the policy. Elizabeth suggested benches for moms to sit on at the parks. After some discussion, John motioned to accept applications from any youth team that wins at least a state championship and agrees to pay and maintain the monument. Gary seconded. Elizabeth, Bob, and Mike voted no. The motion failed. VI. Discussion of Parks in Park Zone 1 — Northgate Area: Mike stated that he felt that there should be a park in that zone. Gary reminded him that Hensel Park already serves that zone. Steve stated that the Northgate Merchants Association have an interest to develop a park in the area, but have not indicated a specific site. Gary motioned to request the Mayor to approach the President of A&M for a joint park venture on A&M's land in that zone. Bob seconded the motion, John voted no, the motion passed. VII. Discussion and Consideration of a Resolution in Support of the Land and Water Conservation Fund: John stated that this is a federal program that has not been funded for about seven years, but they are lobbying to get it funded this year. It's a matching grant for funds in support of land and water conservation. The Mayor will be asked to sign a resolution in support of this fund if approved by the Board. Gary motioned to support the resolution, Mike seconded, the motion passed. It will go to Council on May 28. VIII. Discussion of Board Goals: Steve reported the status of the Board goals. IX. Capital Improvement Program Report: Ric reviewed the CIP projects. John and Bob made suggestions to staff about what to submit to the CIP Committee for the upcoming bond election. X. Other Business/Board Concerns: No other business or concerns were discussed. XI. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Parks Board Minutes May 12, 1998 Page 2 of 2 APPROVED: Date Attest: Bridgette George CPS, Board Secretary Date Parks Board Minutes May 12, 1998 Page 3 of 2 P. O. Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 MEMORANDUM May 7, 1998 TO: Parks & Recreation Board I -ROM: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation SUBJECT: Items of Interest 1. The WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER has begun its 6th season in our community and this year promises to be the best ever. Events began the end of March and included the following: AGGIELAND STRAIGHT SHOT (5K/ 10K run) — (March 28) Over 1,000 persons ran, observed runners, enjoyed the entertainment and door prizes or just enjoyed the beauty of the WPC during this traditional event. The Athletics Division did an outstanding job and everyone involved had a great morningl GEOFF MOORE AND THE DISTANCE CONCERT (April 5) — This concert was sponsored and promoted by the Aggie Men's Club. Geoff Moore is a Grammy nominee and had music at the top of Christian charts. The group displayed an incredibly elaborate set and delighted the audience of 750. EASTER AT THE CREEK (April 12) A&M United Methodist Church produced this event for the third year. Despite high winds over 3,700 patrons attended this moving service. The stage decorations done by 'Marianne James as well as the singing talents of Zion Jubilee added to the reverence and awe of this special event. WORSHIP CONCERT (April 24) — This special service was produced by TAMU students and featured two praise teams, one from the University Christian Fellowship and the other from The Woodlands United Methodist Church. Over 600 audience members enjoyed the sweetness of the event and talent of the groups. PINK FLOYD LASER LIGHT SPECTACULAR (May 1) — This program featured the music of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" synchronized to the movie "Wizard of Oz." The fantastic use of laser lights and smoke made this event absolutely a visual feast and the time -tested music of Pink Floyd made it even more spectacular. The threat of bad weather passed by only minutes before the event began and 2,500 people enjoyed this unique show. CINCO DE MAYO CONCERT/FESTIVAL (May 2) This event was a family celebration of Cinco de Mayo and featured the rising Tejano starlet Stephanie Lynn. Afternoon activities included the low riders car club, contests and special entertainment for children. Over 2,000 in attendance. 2. 1998 INFORMATION ON INTRAMURAL/RECREATION ACTIVITIES (by David Hudspeth): Open gym - We had our first Saturday open gym on April 25, and had very low attendance. Actually we had the big ZERO. I will continue open gym for the next few Saturdays in hope that they (the teens) will decide what a great deal this is. If they continue not to come then I will close open gym and move on to other ideas. ROWDY'S tactical adventure (Paintball) on Saturday April 25, was a success. A total of 27 teens came out to RAGE WAR against each other. The group played many of the same games as last time with the exception of changing the boundary lines and the last game was 5 on one team and the rest (15 to 20) on the other. I think the teens had another great time. The cost for the teens was $14.00 per person, which include three to four hours on the fields, all the equipment Home of Texas A&M University needed and 300 hundred rounds of paint. We have three more dates set during the summer. June 13, July 18, and August 8, are the dates and the WAR begins at 10:00 a.m. on each of those dates. The cost will remain the same. IN -LINE SKATING is still being worked on by the PARD department. I would like to try and at least set up a temporary site for this summer. Does anyone have any suggestions? I can not think of anywhere except Southwood Athletic Complex, a school parking lot (if approved), or a private business. I will also need to purchase equipment for hockey, so I need to get with Shannon about the budget. I have started planning the summer activities which include Basketball, Volleyball, Softball, Open Gym, Paintball, In -line Hockey and Weight Lifting. I sent a request for the weight room to Community Education because I could not get a hold of Ross personally. Bunny with Community Education has since talked with Ross and they already have the weight room open during the summer. It is available to all CSISD teens. I do not know what the hours are yet but anticipate an answer to that question soon. In -line Hockey will be the other major hurdle to jump. Copies: Skip Noe, City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager PARD Superintendents LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER Items of Interest April 3-5: 5th Annual Hoop N Hollar Men's Tournament. Renamed for Former Lincoln High School Great, Charles Banks (Class 1960-State Basketball Champions (Class A). Averaged some 200 plus participants per day. Championship resulted in the "Dream Team" ( Sponsored by the Killeen Daily Herald) with a win over Corsicana. Mr. Bank's family members were in attendance. 4: Arts for Everyone -Mobile arts program engaged club members with different arts and craft activities. 9:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m. Over 25 participants, ranging in ages 6-14. Sponsored by Brazos Valley Art Council. 4: Concerned Black Men of the South Side Area/College Station, TX hosted barbecue fund- raiser and raffle (19 in color TV). Some 200 customers enjoyed an outstanding meal. Proceeds will benefit the youth activities of the Lincoln Recreation Center. Thanks Guys. 5: The 4th Annual Unity Fest was held at the L.R.0 event sponsored Phi Gamma Chi. Vendors and entertainment for the sole purpose emphasizing culture diversity, peace and unity. Attendance: 150 people 6: Lincoln Advisory Board meeting, 5:30 p.m. 7-8: Center Supervisor and Unit Director of Boys and Girls Club -Lincoln Unit training in Richardson, TX at regional Boys and Girls Club Headquarters. Emphasis on leadership development. 9: Lincoln Recreation Center (2) 15 passenger vans arrives. First customer, Mr. Steve Beachy and Explores Post 1033. Trip planned for 4-25-98 Gardner State Park.. 12: Easter Egg Hunt, 50 Kids present and over 300 plastic eggs with candy and dyed eggs. 20 minutes and its over. 14: Project Unity Mobile Health Screens @ LRC. 18: Blinn College Day for Teens: 8a.m.-1 p.m. 10 Lincoln Center Teen members participated. Objective: to give teens a day in the life of a College Student. 18: Brazos Valley Professional Women's Association Career Fair for Teens. 10 Lincoln Center members participated. 18: LC Steppers Basketball Tournament. The Lincoln Center would like to thank all the volunteers for lending a helping hand. The Lincoln Center 5-6th grade team won the championship. 18: The Softball Panther Team won 2nd place in the City of College Station fast pitch girls softball tournament. (9-12 year old girls) 25: Field Trips 10 a.m.-12 p.m.: Bryan Children Festival -Downtown Bryan = 15 participants 12 p.m.-1:30 p.m.: Planet Earth Day-TAMU = 15 participants 3 p.m.-6p.m.: Whoopstock Festival-TAMU = 20 participants 25: 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m. -Oracle Drum and Dance Workshop-LRC gym = 25 participants 25: A New Beginning in Scouting: District Executive of the Arrowmoon District Ken Jacobs pledges his support in rejuvenatinh the current cub scout pack program and introducing boy scouting to the Lincoln Center area boys. TAMU student and Eagle Scout Uriel (Rudy) Gonzales will lead the programs. Three Lincoln club members experience scouting for first time and overnight camping at Camp Arrowmoon April 25-26, 1998. All scouts will meet every Monday 6 p.m.-7 p.m. 25: Delta Sigma Theta Inc. Annual Social Dance @LRC. Project was two -fold in purpose. Proceeds are to assist both the Delta's and Lincoln Keystone Club for summer conference they will be attending in June 1998. 26: Delta Sigma Theta -Annual Play Day: 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Sunday -service project recreational outlet for TAMU students and community kids. 29: Lincoln Nia-Panther Keystone Club planned and conducted youth workshop for club members ages 10-14. Keynote speaker, Angela Ware Teen Services Director BVBG. 45 children attended 4 p.m.-6 p.m. 29: CPR Training: 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Upcoming Events May 4: Lincoln Advisory Board Meeting 7: First Aid Training 6 p.m. 10: Center Closed 10: CBM meeting-T.B.A. 16: Wendy's Kids Special: New Restaurant @ E. Bypass Bryan, TX Invites 40 children to eat free 12 p.m.-2 p.m. 22-23: BVBG Retreat: Training, planning, and relaxation in Lake Livingston -Woodville 25: City Offices Closed 26: Risk Management Training, 3 p.m.-6 p.m. 27: Customer Service Training, 3 p.m.-6 p.m. Lincoln Center Monthly Staff Meeting, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. 28: BVBG Club Training, Basic Programs 9 a.m.-3 p.m. 30: LC. Steppers Drill Team Car Wash, 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. End of School Dance, 8 p.m.-12 a.m. Summer Time Local American Red Cross Center will sponsor 40 children free swimming lessons for two weeks this summer. Pick up registration at LRC. Girl Scout summer program begins June 6th, 1998 @ 10:00 a.m. - meeting will be held every Saturday through September 5th 1998 @ 10:00 a.m. Pick up applications at .:.....................M...._..�:...................... Bridgette George - Apr98 doc Page 1 Conference Center Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of Tuesday, April 14,1998, at 5:15 p.m. at the Conference Center MEMBERS PRESENT Mollie Guin, Fran Lamb, Jennifer Pratt, & Ed Holdredge MEMBERS ABSENT Eileen Sather STAFF PRESENT Grace Calbert, Conference Center Supervisor Kim Fox, Secretary/Scheduler CALL TO ORDER Mollie Guin, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:25 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The February 10, 1998, minutes were reviewed (No quorum for March 10, 1998 meeting). A motion was made by Jennifer to approve the minutes, and seconded by Fran. The motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Book Plans - Grace presented the Historic Preservation Committee's minutes from the meeting she, Fran, and Mollie attended. This meeting covered the interview of James Carroll as author of the book of the history of College Station. The minutes were reviewed and discussed. Since that time the Committee has decided to hire Mr. Carroll and currently a contract is in the city legal department being drawn up. One item that the legal department is specifically asking for is a clause requiring progress reports every 3 months. The plans are proceeding, but Fran and Mollie both expressed concerns that the current funds available will not produce a quality book. They felt that this would be a waste since the Committee and Conference Center staff has put in so much time and effort to compile the information. Advisory Committee By-laws- Kim presented updated status of by-laws. The last time the Committee had met the Parks and Recreation Board decided they wanted to leave the clause in that requires the Committee to make a presentation to them on a semi-annual basis, but change it to annually. Since that time the Board has reconsidered and decided to approve the Committee's original proposed by-laws excluding any presentation of on goings. The Board established that if they wanted to know what the Committee was planning they could review the meeting minutes. NEW BUSINESS 6 month client registration- Grace stated that the next client registration is scheduled for June 12, 1998, from 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. She reminded everyone who is a member of a group that meets at the Conference Center the reservations are on a first -come, first -served basis. The letters announcing the registration will be mailed tomorrow, Wednesday, April 15. Oral History - The last topic for the Memory Lanes is scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, 1998. It will cover Faculty and Support Staff until 1949. The last Oral History was very successful and many compliments were received. Even a letter from a guest that was from out of town. Bridgette George - Apr98.doc Page Status of Back to School Fashion Show and Holiday Home Tour- Grace informed everyone that the Fashion Show will not be done by the Conference Center staff anymore. If it will be done it will be done by the Teen Center staff, but they will probably have it in the Conference Center as usual. Also, we will not be having another Holiday Home Tour. Fran questioned who decided to do away with the Tour. Grace stated that David and the Board decided it was not profitable enough based on the number of hours the staff invested. The Committee members were very upset to hear this and would like to know what type of recourse they could take to express their dislike of the decision. Grace will mention this to David at their next meeting. Summer Meeting Schedule- Discussed when to schedule the meetings for the summer months when Mollie is off from school. It was decided that the June, July, and August meetings will be a luncheon held at noon. Mollie requested the August meeting be held on the 4th instead of the llth, because that is the first day of the new school year. There were no objections. REVENUE REPORT February and March 1998, were both very profitable months. There was only a small difference between February 1997 ($8156.17) and February 1998 ($8178.97). March 1997 earned $6682.71, while March of 1998 earned $8160.61. Kim stated this was a significant increase especially considering the Conference Center was closed for 8 days due to the carpet replacement. OTHER CONCERNS Grace reminded Fran of her concerns regarding the Christmas decorations that were used at the Chancellor's house. Laurie still has not returned the gold beads and we have her decorations also. Fran said she will get in touch with her. ADJOURN Ed moved for the meeting to be adjoined and Jennifer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, May 12, 1998 at 5:15 p.m. Kimberly Fox, Recording Secretary CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT MAY, 1998 1. W. A. TARROW PARK / WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: Budget: Contract Amount: Project Manager: Project Design: PK9505 $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Design $87,990 Eric Ploeger HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February 1996 and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. Designs were completed and were bid twice with the last being July 24, 1997. On both occasions bids came in higher than the budgeted amount. Staff, the architect, and the low -bid contractor worked to bring the project within budget. Changes in the parking lot paving, concession/rest room building specifications, and the parking lot area lighting resulted in sufficient reductions to allow the project to be within budget. The item was approved by Council on August 28, 1997. Progress on the project is picking up due to good weather. A change order to correct problems with the subgrade soil in the parking area is to be referred to the City Council during the May 14, 1998, meeting. Task: Project Design: November 1996 - July 1997 Advertisement & Award: July - August 1997 Complete: August 1998 2. BEE CREEK / CENTRAL PARK SOFTBALL FIELD UPGRADES Project Number: Budget: Contract Amount: Project Manager: Project Design: Comments/Status: Bee Creek improvements will include all new fencing for the softball fields, new irrigation system, additional bleachers with covers. Central improvements include new taller backstops, bleacher covers, drainage improvements, a small shelter and dirt bins. Fencing and drainage improvements are complete. Shade covers installation was completed in early April. Approximately $20,000 remains for completion of minor improvements. Task: Project Design: October 1997 - July 1998 Advertisement & Award: Complete: September 1998 PK9801 $ 200,000 N/A Peter Vanecek CIP Report 5/5/98 Page 1 of 3 3. LINCOLN CENTER GYM AIR CONDITIONING Project Number: Budget: Contract Amount: Project Manager: Project Design: Comments/Status: to air condition the condition system. CD1228 $ 75,000 N/A Mike Martine Rick Ravey City Council approved $75,000 of Community Development funds Lincoln Center gym. An engineer has been retained to design the air Task: Project Design: Advertisement & Award: Complete: February/March 1998 April 1998 July 1998 4. TEEN CENTER Project Number: PK9807 Budget: $300,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: N/A Comments/Status: Qualification statements were opened February 4, 1998. A staff recommendation was sent to Council, for selection of an architect, on the February 26, 1998, Council meeting. Council accepted the recommendation of Patterson Architects of Bryan. Design is to begin the first week of May 1998. Task: Project Design: Advertisement & Award: Complete: March - May 1998 June/July 1998 August 1999 5. MADELEY PARK/LAND ACQUISITION Project Number: CD 1230 Budget: $ 150,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Comments/Status: An appraisal has been conducted on the L. A. Ford property and negotiations will proceed shortly. Efforts will be concentrated on the Ford property then on the Jaffar property. Task: Project Design: Advertisement & Award: Complete: CIP Report 5/5/98 Page 2 of 3 5. SANDSTONE PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT Project Number: Budget: Contract Amount: Project Manager: Project Design: Comments/Status: $ 30,000 N/A Peter Vanecek Parks Planning Bids for the replacement playground will be opened May 12, 1998. Task: Project Design: Advertisement & Award: Complete: CIP SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 2. Emergency Exercise Materials CIP Report 5/5/98 Page 3 of 3 April 20,1998 Elizabeth Cunha Chairman Parks and Recreation Board 4019 Tiffany Trail College Station, TX 77845 Dear Elizabeth: It is with regret that, I resign as Vice Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board. I've given this decision time and thought, but ultimately I have to do what's in the best interest of the board. The necessary commitment and dedication cannot be fulfilled because of my hectic business schedule. I've appreciated the concern shown about my possible resignation. I'll miss the lively interactions with the board members. Their dedication to the best park system serves the city well. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Debra Anderson cc: Stephen Beachy CITY OF COLLEGE STATION GUIDELINES FOR PLACING MONUMENTS, MEMORIALS AND EXHIBITS ON PUBLIC LAND OR IN PUBLIC FACILITIES Preface These guidelines are intended to insure orderly consideration, development and maintenance of monuments, memorials, and exhibits on city -owned property. They have been developed to be certain that any new additions enhance the beauty and interest of the areas in which they are placed. These guidelines should also be used as a checklist to aid anyone requesting that a monument, memorial, or exhibit be placed on city -owned property. City cemeteries are exempt from these guidelines. Guidelines Test The following test has been developed to help insure equitable and consistent decisions dealing with these matters: 1. Please provide the following information: name, date, contact person, address and telephone number of the organization, group or individual making the request, and a statement describing the details of the proposed monument, memorial, or exhibit. 2. When involving park and recreation land or facilities, has it been presented to the Parks and Recreation Department? Procedurally, a request is first presented to the Parks and Recreation Department, and then a recommendation from staff or the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is forwarded to the City Council for their final approval. It is suggested that requests be submitted at the earliest stages of the proposed project to insure coordination with other activities or development. 3. How is the proposed project being funded and are those funds committed and available? Please state source of funds. 4. Has the entity making the proposal made provisions for long-term maintenance and upkeep? To insure appropriate maintenance and upkeep, an acceptable plan must be approved and accepted by the City of College Station. 5. Would the proposed project increase liability to the City? Design should be in a manner that does not pose any hazard or danger to the general public. 6. Does the project provide a functional purpose compatible with the proposed site or facility? Projects that have received previous approval have had a function consistent with the location. As an example, trees, benches, gardens and fountains have been successfully incorporated into projects in a manner that memorializes or recognizes a person, date, place or thing. 7. Does the project fit conceptually, aesthetically, and architecturally with the proposed site? Most public areas have a character that is distinctive or unique. It is most appropriate to place a feature in an area where it will conform to or enhance the theme and character of the site or facility. 8. Please state the proposed timetable for accomplishing the proposal. 9. Any plaque or item of recognition that is intended to be located at the site of the proposed monument, memorial, or exhibit will be provided by the sponsor and located on site upon approval by the City of College Station. Free-standing markers that are proposed to be located in turf areas are to be avoided. If you have questions or need additional information, please call the College Station Parks and Recreation Department at 764-3773. If making a proposal or seeking permission to install a memorial, monument, or exhibit, please include written answers to the above questions to expedite consideration by the Parks and Recreation Department. 5/7/98 PARKS & RECREATION BOARD 1998/99 GOALS Action Plan Complete parks master plan ............... . 5. Inventory potential areas for future parks and greenbelts. C. Analysis of survey data, comprehensive plan recommendations and inventory results. 7. 7evelop recommendations for implementation including financial impact. 8. Prioritize recommendations and develop timeline strategies. 2. Complete acquisition of the athletic park site and develop a long term development master plan A. Complete property acquisition (Jul., `98) 5. Conduct site visits to selected athletic parks in Texas (Summer, `98) C. Conduct needs assessment with the Sports and Recreation Association and Parks and Recreation 5oard (Summer, `98) 7. Concept preparation by Parks Planning (sail, `98) 8. Develop budget estimate by Parks Planning Staff or consulting firm if funds allow (gall, `98) Revision of the master plan for Wolf Pen Creek (City Council Issue #8) M. N. !t:ozz'4o?sltrtty com ,endatiaz.s to C tyC i r d ecornrnondanons Jt 1 vision Conduct Public Hearing concerning revised plan. (May 6, `98) Submit revised Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan and recommendations to City Council for consideration (May 28, `98) or teens (City Council Issue # 10) f/ ...,:.:„„,,,;,,,,.• 1.:. in 4100 am-- ; .' • ' filiii6ilde.• . ver ......0...,..,:.:,.... 4i•a• • :::, .............. ogMwS: ..... ..... .. ..5,:)..i" 9. 017.1. A4,!.i .iiiiiii.Ohoo ..i...ti.,4y*0 concepts .,..........(Fa ..„,.. 0t..,;:.04.00.• Q, . ,..i1): $i:...0i.:..:design.:!...$4,1.::,.0 .0,:.„.„.. :::.,..... . :. . ...:.,. • . approval... 4'04002......... -.0.0 • ..:. ..gq. ......,...,.:...........„..:i.::, . ,.....*.., . :.: ii 6:1iiil :;ii.6er..• ..: • t old Shenarngans'locatioil. K. City Council approval of completed design/Authorization to -bid project (Jun., '98) L. 5id approved by City Council (July 24, '98) M. Construction complete (Jan. 1, '99) G. H. lementation of the Lincoln Center/Wayne Smith Park Master Plan • 70qu2Z7.0 hcitb,dsforthep2o)eCt(JiW • s.,00400•• ocess . . ••,.. • kidenilib 11.0,forpaikiwa base •••• . . .. . ••• . • .. . ty . . . • of ri.044.4t1.0.h .. Develop recommendation for future improvements (Summer, '98) 5egin first season (Spring, '98) 6. Conduct public hearings and oversee desi8n process ayPark ' . . ••::•: • ••••••••••:•,••• .•••••••• .• • -•••:i. • • to: - all .11V11 ra " d:dechcat C. Conduct public hearings, develop conceptual designs (9all, '98) 7. City Council approval of plans and authorization to begin construction (gall, '98) 7. Develop a Master Plan for Lick Creek Park .o/ ::.....„:„„Vq0 • ..:074 ea. u , . . •• 2bndzwtdesig.n" 0:1**/ ""•". senf . n team develops in -. • • • • • ..i.;?,10.40'• 0 " .Gowicil4pprova • .• . Appoint Standing committee (June, '98) J. Request funding for archaeological survey of site (May, '98) Madeley Park Development """ . " .. "" t (Dec ..,::::•••••„,••••••••••••••••,:i:•::ii„..:.:.:. •::•:•::,,i,i,::..,.:.:.::•... .:,..• :-:: • 111.0ire• e01911:::11.01 iii • .0.i.iimuipty:Peyeloppvp.:i......,........a:......::..........w.:. •,•::•::::......„.:,,•:•:•:•.•:•• ••••:•:•.•••,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:::::••;,..:•:.•,,,:vaeatoito-. • .:.:. 6 0 . la ti.ig.f(*aeouipatvar: i 1 ... . . ... • . ::: ..,... .. ,,,. .. tJ C. Complete property acquisition for adjacent tracts (gall, '98) 7. Conduct public hearings concerning potential improvements (sail, '98) 8. 5oard consideration of Park Master Plan (9al1, '98) 9. City Council approval of Park Master Plan (gall, '98) 9. Design small park that serves the Spring Loop residents Page 2 of 3 erm. AR...)'tity 5. Obtain population density estimates and demographic information (Spring `98) C. Develop potential alternatives and recommendations and present findings to the 5oard (Summer `98) 7. Include in future Capital Improvement Program funding request. (`99) I. Approval of draft ordinance by Planning & Zoning Commission (Summer, `98) J. Workshop and presentation to City Council (Summer, `98) K. Approval of revised ordinance by City Council (Summer, `98) 11. Develop a Greenways Plan A. Appoint of an advisory board for greenways oversight. (May, `98) 5. Inventory of potential greenway locations. (Summer, `98) C. Develop methodology for greenway acquisition. 7. Prioritize greenways on the basis of expediency and importance. 8. Identify ownership of land in the priority greenways. 9. 7evelop time lines for implementing stages of each of the priority greenways. G. 7evelop mechanism/strategies for building public support for greenways. 12. Develop a structure with the school board for joint development of indoor athletic facilities. it$41 t ves i chin both Agene yelo�a a staff ct�nrn ':'' :!::iii:: V.S ;FAl.{R;V.....1:!V :`/w:.v �.K !'.v.; "C.r :}^^.>: L'.i.f'.. ._:�;;..r.�...�i•: is ^i::'.iri:�:i.i}:..::.. �.:.. - :::::::..... C. Synchronize a long-term plan that ensures bond money from both entities is available when needed to bring the projects to fruition. 7. 7evelop model/briefs/specifications/set of elements for each type of school projects that show desired extent of city involvement. 8. 7iscuss with Teen 5oard the potential for integrating teen center development into these proposals. 9. Tour Plano parks and school facilities. 13. Develop an Urban Forestry Plan A. Inventory of trees on streets and develop recommendations on which new tree planting efforts should focus. 9RSC 420 Arboriculture Class (gall, `98) 5. Develop a proactive planting initiative based on city -resident partnerships similar to the NeighborWoods program in Austin. C. establish a committee to develop a City Tree Ordinance after reviewing those adopted in other Texas cities. Page 3 of 3 P. O. Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 MEMORANDUM TO: Parks & Recreation Board THROUGH: Ric Ploeger, Assitant Director of'arks FROM: Paul Leventis, Asst. to City Engineer Paul Kasper, Graduate Civil Engineer DALE: May 6, 1998 RE: Christine Lane Extension to Southwest Parkway The City of College Station is currently working on an upgrade to a sewerline in the Christine Lane area. Engineering staff, as well as Development Services staff, have been working with Mr. Bill Lawrence on the upcoming development of the O.D. Butler property at the corner of FM2818 and Wellborn Road, in the vicinity of Christine Lane. In these discussions, there has been reference to access points and ingress and egress from the site, which is intended to develop as multi -family residential and commercial. A preliminary layout of the site provided to the City by Mr. Lawrence shows an internal street system within the development. This street alignment will tie the existing Christine Lane near Wellborn Road to the street north of the CSISD Athletic Complex exiting at Welsh. Development Services staff has discussed the possibility of extending this street system to Southwest Parkway along the most easterly edge of the Park property. This extension will allow traffic to more easily exit the proposed development. Staff has discussed the street connection adjacent to the Athletic Complex and the Southwest Parkway connection with CSISD. They are amenable to both and feel this through connection will aid in dispersing traffic from athletic events at the school. The Board may recall from an earlier meeting, an item which was presented to discuss the possibility of expanding the existing park site on Southwest Parkway near the Willowick Apartments. Mr. Lawrence asked if the 5+ acre site adjacent and northwest of the existing park would be a site the Board would be interested in. His plan would be to dedicate this site to the City to meet the required parkland dedication for his multi -family development. The Parks Board indicated they were favorable to Mr. Lawrence's proposal. Staffwould like to know if the Parks Board would be amenable to the dedication of a 60' wide right-of-way along the most easterly property line of the park for this street connection. This dedication would be contingent upon the expansion of the park with Mr. Lawrence's 5+ acre proposal. Attached is a sketch of the preliminary alignment of Christine Lane, through the Parks site and the upcoming development proposal. Home of Texas A&M University CIRCL ..PARKWAY CI RCL • tTO 9. 76 493100-0o Jo on A S'493100 ' • A5.4% "65 e9; : 0 es O's ee'901.3` °OF < • ee 0 tg' • .. r. • II • PCOQC6eA' .5\cee..N „.• 43 WOLF PEN CREEK - REVISED MASTER PLAN PUBLIC HEARING WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. COLLEGE STATION COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 TEXAS AVENUE SOUTH / 6 7t_-cel__12 67- ediio 3s 12 - P6t,:n8©2 7 is 7204_ 117 q t, Cs' 2 172 P Far' o CS k��B S_ 676 - Vie/ es-3 r ll rs A'v- �, c_ Charl�,5� 230 2__ CozoNgvo cry. 4- z0064- ,,� n WOLF PEN CREEK - REVISED MASTER PLAN PUBLIC HEARING WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. COLLEGE STATION COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 TEXAS AVENUE SOUTH oe an/ D7. 6r6- 93 - / � dd l�llz Pod 9 y -.2/ q 6,14) gys- s-dod 66ti� gv6-- 606g L b�OLeSKE1 to et AsivC3v,2 r1 (zci3 1c8(� /1/ 7V/Ve 06- 77-g