HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/14/1996 - Regular Agenda - Parks BoardPARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING MAY 14, 1996 -- 7:00 P.M. SOUTHWOOD VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2700 BROTHERS BOULEVARD -- CAFETERIA -- AGENDA \i 1. Approval of Minutes J2. Resolution in Honor of Larry Ringer Li 3. Hear Visitors 4. Public Hearing Concerning Brothers Pond Park 5. Discussion and Consideration of Results from the Girl's Softball Program Surveys 6. Discussion and Consideration of the Results from the Teen Survey 7. Discussion of Request to Rename Southwood Pool 8. Capital Improvement Program Report _1) 9. Other Business/Board Concerns 10. Adjourn -- MINUTES -- PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL MEETING -- PUBLIC HEARING TUESDAY,MAY 14,1996-7:00P.M. SOUTHWOOD VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2700 BROTHERS BOULEVARD -- CAFETERIA -- MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Chair; Bob DeOtte, Vice Chair; Carol Reynolds; Greg Taggart MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Manson and Debra Anderson STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Emily Baker, Senior Secretary; Cathy Capps, Programs Assistant, Curits Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; Gary Marske, Parks Operations Supervisor; and Tony Scazzero, Athletic Supervisor Glenn Carls, Deanne Swierc, Rodney Rydell, John Jackman, Bill Barba, Wendy Wolfe, Kathy Culver, Sherman Frost, Guy Foster, Carl Odom VISITORS: 1, Approval of Minutes: Minutes for the meeting on, April 9, 1996, were approved as submitted. II. Resolution in Honor of Larry Ringer: Ron read the proclamation for Mayor Ringer recognizing him for his continued support to the Parks and Recreation Department throughout his tenure. Bob motioned to approve the proclamation, seconded by Carol. The motioned carried. III. Near Visitors: No unscheduled visitors were present. IV. Public HearingConcerning Brothers Pond Park: Mr. Carl Odom, 13909 Renee Lane, stated that the exercise equipment that used to be there : was for citizens over 40, but was replaced with new equipment for youth 12 and under. 'Mr. Odom does not think that the old equipment should have been removed, he does not like the new equipment. Steve mentioned that the old equipment did need to be replaced. The department had received complaints about its condition. He stated that they would have replaced it with the same equipment but that company was no longer in business. Mrs. Deanne Swierc, 2707 Pierre Place, would have rather seen the playground equipment replaced instead of the exercise equipment. -Mrs. Swierc would also like to see bike trails created for kids to ride their bikes on instead of them creating their own. She also stated that the City could encourage the schools to become involved with bike safety. Mr. Sherman Frost stated that the department's priorities should be realigned more towards natural resources rather than programs, which are already good. He stated that ballfields and facilities are kept in great shape but natural areas in parks are deteriorating. Mary Ann McCarthy stated her concern about how parks are becoming more baseball oriented. Ms. McCarthy also mentioned that the department should make bike trails around Southwood Park. Mr. Glenn Carls stated that he believes the department is using "management by neglect" regarding the control of natural areas in parks. Parks Board Minutes May14, 1996 Page lof3 IV. Public Hearing Concerting Brothers Pond Park: (continued) Guy Foster, 1104 San Rita, is concerned about the people in the park during the late hours. He stated that they are so noisy that you cannot open your windows at night. Bill Barba addressed his concern regarding the excessive number of ducks in the park. He also dislikes the kids riding their bikes on the jogging trails. He suggested encouraging the kids to ride on the bike trails instead of the jogging trails. Ron informed Mr. Barba that 30 ducks have already been removed from the park. Kathy Culver, 1103 Santa Rita, stated her concerns about the mosquito problem. Ms. Swierc stated that she erected purple martin houses and bat houses to combat the mosquito problem. Steve mentioned that when there is not a lot of rain, water becomes stagnate and creates a certain breed of mosquito, whereas when it rains a lot, another breed emerges. He also mentioned that bat boxes were put up in several parks to help with the mosquito problem. Spraying is not an affective method of mosquito control ' unless it comes in direct contact with the mosquito. Since the city can only spray public areas, private homes and yards that are unaffected by the spraying, lead to ineffective mosquito control. Mr. John Jackman, 1103 Rio Bravo, would like to see a management plan developed for the park. Bob motioned to hold another public hearing and would like to work on Mr. Jackman's idea about putting together a park management plan, but would like to involve more citizens in the community, not limit it to just the 8-10 people present at the meeting. Carol seconded and the motion carried. V. Discussion and Consideration of Results from the Girl's Softball Program Surveys: Ron reviewed the survey conducted the week of April 15, 1996. The survey was directed at both parents and the players. Eighty-one of the eight -two people surveyed were satisfied with the program. Most people surveyed wanted the program to continue to be fun, informal, and recreational rather than competitive, as was previously addressed at a previous board meeting by a few parents. Seventy-one surveyed would rather the parks department run the program, compared to twelve who would prefer for little league to run it. VI. Discussion and Consideration of the Results from the Teen Survey: Steve mentioned that the teen survey is part of an action plan to address one of the Council's Strategic Issues regarding junior high and high school aged youth.' Several of the youth indicated. a desire to, be involved in, a committee to work with the department on future programming. Others indicated that they were willing to fill out the survey, but believed nothing would be done with the results or suggestions given. Ron would like the results of the survey distributed to the community' once they are completed. He believes theyouth surveyed, as well as the community, would like to review the results. VII. Discussion of Request to. Rename Southwood Pool: Steve stated that the first requirement for renaming a parks facility, had been met with the petition signed by 25 citizens. Carol, Ron, and Greg volunteered to be on the subcommittee. They will meet later in the month to discuss the request. VIII. Capital Improvement Program Report: Steve stated that the Southwood Pool renovation is going well. The stainless` steel gutters are in, the pool shell is complete, but some work is still needed in the mechanical room. The development of Pebble Creek, Park was awarded to Marek Brothers Construction and work should begin the week of May 20th. The: Wayne Smith Baseball Complex, is under conceptual design. It will include three baseball fields, instead of four. The Central Park Pond Improvements project is out to bid. This will include sidewalks for handicap accessibility to the fishing piers, as well as a small shelter on the northeast side of the lake. Parks Board Minutes April 9,. 1996 Page 2 of 2 IX. Other Business/Board Concerns: Bob suggested including Brothers Pond Park and the WPC Amphitheater in the board tour when it's conducted for the new board members. Bob reviewed the mission statement for the Sports Advisory Committee. He would like the chairman of that committee to be a Parks Advisory Board member. The committee will meet either bi-monthly or quarterly. Bob stated that he has noticed a lot of traffic passing between the stands and the ballfields at Southwood and suggested looking into trying to alleviate that at Wayne Smith, if possible. It distracted him from watching the game. X. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. APPROVED: Ron Gay, Board Chairman // �yr e / 9f Parks Board Minutes April 9, 1996 Page 3 of 2 NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station Notice is hereby given that a (Regular) (Special) ( REGULAR ) meeting of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station, State of Texas, will be held on the 14th day of MAY , 1996, at 7:00 (AXM.)(P.M.), at 2700 BROTHERS BOULEVARD COLLEGE STATTON, TFXAS 77840 The following subjects will be discussed, to -wit: SEE AGENDA Dated this the 10th day of MAY , 1996. CI By COLLEGE NATION, T CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the reqular meeting of the Parks and RPrrPation Board of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board in the City Hall of said College Station, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on MAY 10, , 1996, at 5:00 o'clock ((M.)(P.M.). Dated this the 1. day of `rN N CI By SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS THE 1, k' DAY OF 1996. NO r RY PUBLIC - BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS My co =mission expires: / ` 5 , 1996. F COLLEGE STATION; TEXAS CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY YVONNE S. CASARES Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires AUGUST S,1999 I . I 1 ; • , • . ,settP\-- 612r9T P.6)e-i t::) P t P &dK-.1. 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Jo; 2JZM_- 11,67,t1.)( 4)/114, 4ut),_,) J(__... 62,At2/4-)., ,),b24-ifit. 0-41 tt21 1/"f')•1/0 i -X,-,•;),,.):- , jJL ),... : , t---1 ii 0 t 1 1 0 ci lis.0 OA e ...ri• ,.,7, ) AIP Prit :•-.) ) Stk.A) /24 t 1CK) e).; ,.• • iq g A • *) IC' disjij) fp\. £2 ACA.,1/71,41, 5 rS cut-K5-- ekre-v trh-r --46,A04 4;7 "ft f gitattei‘21.) az44(12.6:6 .0', I' (`P 42(15' -70 -7 -17 gc) • 7 4 - Z-654 ,01'W/FX a 1'3 gR.77 /VJ 41'9444' Kalif) CJAA vex- Co 9 1 g5? ci,v‘,i-tv kLtot. Cif— CITY OF COI 1 EGE STATION Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842-9960 (409) 764-3500 May 10, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Parks & Recreation Board FROM: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation ITEMS OF INTEREST SUBJECT: 1. May Meeting - The May meeting will be held in the Southwood Valley Elementary School. This is to facilitate the public hearing concerning Brothers Pond Park. We have posted signs at the park, placed a notice on the City access channel and have placed an ad in the newspaper to encourage public participation. This process is part of the response to the concerns of a local resident about the condition and management of the park. 2. Teen Survey - We have surveyed the 2,700 students at the Junior High School and the High School as part of the action plan that addresses the City Council strategic issue related to youth at risk. The purpose of the survey is to determine the interests of youth and to begin to formulate plans and programs that can address these interests. The response to the survey has been very good with over 1,841 surveys completed. The preliminary results will be presented and discussed at the Board meeting. 3. Tree plantings - Approximately 100 bald cypress saplings were recently planted in three parks. These saplings were donated by the Texas Forest Service and were planted along the creek bottoms in Bee Creek, Lemon Tree and Merry Oaks parks. These native trees make excellent wetland habitat and provide outstanding fall color. Once established, they are very hardy and low maintenance. 4. Girls Fastpitch Softball Surveys - Surveys were conducted during the week of April 15. Girls were approached during their games and asked a few questions. The parents were given a written survey the following week while they were attending the games. The results of this survey are included as part of the Parks Board packet. Home of Texas A&M niversity 5. A Duck Relocation Project is under way between the College Station Parks and Recreation Department and the Texas Animal Damage Control Service. The ducks are being collected from Brother's Pond Park and Central Park. Over the years these two parks have become overpopulated with ducks due to normal population growth and the influx of Easter Ducks which have lost their appeal and are left at the ponds each year. On May 8, Monty Chandler, Randy Smith, and several other Animal Damage Control personnel administered a drug to 20 ducks through bread and feed. This drug makes the ducks groggy and easy to handle. The ducks are monitored overnight in case of any problems and are able to be picked up the next day. People have called in asking for ducks and have been placed on a "Duck Takers" list. Fewer ducks were initially collected than anticipated, but collections will continue until an acceptable number of ducks is reached. A few "Duck Takers" were notified to pick up the ducks on May 9. Everyone wanting ducks will remain on the "Duck Takers" list forever. 6. Registration for summer programs has begun while other programs are coming to a close. Programs that have ended include Adult Basketball - 6 teams, Adult Volleyball Session I - 10 teams, and Adult Softball - 180 teams. Registration has begun for Summer Adult Softball, Adult Volleyball Session II, Girl's Slow Pitch Softball, Summer Tennis, Summer Swim Lessons and Swim Team. 7. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater had numerous concerts this spring and will ) have the Olympic Torch Relay on May 21, at noon. The department is signing up girls and boys for Annie Get Your Gun auditions June 26-29. This will be the first time that a theatrical performance has been held at the facility. The annual end -of -semester Jack 0 Pierce rock concert was held on Wednesday evening. This is the same concert that generated numerous noise complaints last year. No complaints were received this year due to the earlier hours permitted on week nights, more stringent, control over the sound crew, and a steady southeast wind. Approximately 3,241 attended this traditional event. 8. Request to Rename Facility - We have received a letter from Judy Wagner requesting that the Southwood Pool be renamed in honor of Cindy liallaran. A petition is being circulated in accordance with the approved policy regarding the naming of park facilities after a person. A copy of that policy is included in the Board packet and Mrs. Wagner will address the Board at the next meeting. Copies: Skip Noe, City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager PARD Superintendents