HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/08/1996 - Regular Agenda - Parks BoardCITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 8, 1996 ® 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes: September 12, 1996 2. Appointment of Conference Center Advisory Committee Members 3. Update and Discussion of City's Comprehensive Plan 4. Discussion of Parkland Dedication 5. Capital Improvement Program Report 6. Other Business/Board Concerns 7. Adjourn MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: -- MINUTES -- CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD Elizabeth Cunha, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Debra Anderson, Carol Reynolds and Mike Manson Ron Gay, Chair and Gary Halter Steve Beachy, Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Planner; Bridgette George CPS, Staff Assistant Texas A&M University students: J. C. Day, Brittany McDonald, Melanie McCulley, Duncan Wood, Kathryn Whaley, and Jennifer Jones The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. I. Approval of Minutes -- September 12, 1996: Minutes were approved as submitted. II. Appointment of Conference Center Advisory Committee Members: Three positions were vacant on the committee. No new applications were received, but three current members applied for reappointment. Bob voiced his concern about having two members, Mr. & Mrs. Molina, from the same family serve on the committee. Debra stated that just because they are married doesn't necessarily mean they will support the same issues. Steve stated that members of the committee are not in a position to affect any hiring at the Conference Center nor commit funds from there. Further discussion took place regarding this issue. Bob motioned to appoint Eileen Sather and Mollie Guin, Mike seconded the motion. The motion carried. Carol motioned to appoint Alma Molina, Debra seconded. Bob abstained. The motion carried. The board voiced their interest in meeting with both the Lincoln Center and Conference Center Advisory Committee members. Steve stated that he would make arrangements for meetings with the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee in November and the Conference Center Advisory Committee in December. Both meetings would be at the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting times, 7:00 p.m., but will meet at their respective facilities. III. Update and Discussion of City's Comprehensive Plan: Steve did not have any new information to report, but stated that the changes the Board recommended several months ago had been incorporated into the plan. At the conclusion of the pubic hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend that the plan be submitted to City Council for their consideration. The Council will then consider the plan at the November workshop meeting and will possibly vote to adopt the plan that night. The Board voiced their concern regarding the survey that only 171 citizens responded to. They believe that the responses were not Parks Board Minutes October 8, 1996 Page 1 of 3 representative of the citizens of College Station, not to mention the low number that responded. Bob motioned to draft a letter to the Mayor and City Council stating their serious concerns regarding the inclusion of the survey data and to consider removing it from the final document, and to apply such disclaimers that would render it unlikely to be used for future decision making. Mike seconded the motion, the motion carried. IV. Discussion of Parkland Dedication: Elizabeth informed the Board that Shenandoah has been a subdivision since 1983. To this date that subdivision does not have a park that is accessible by bike route. The closest park is over 2 miles away and one must travel on the access road to get to it. There are currently no funds in that zone. Jane Kee, City Planner, informed Elizabeth that the Mr. Frehling, the Shenandoah developer, was told not to pay the parkland dedication funds until the Board was finished discussing the possibility of the Shenandoah Homeowner's Association donating land to the city. Elizabeth spoke with the homeowner's association and they stated that they have no intention of donating land to the city. Jane told Elizabeth that Mr. Frehling would pay the money when he plots Phase IV which should be soon. Elizabeth would like to ask Mr. Frehling to pay his dedication funds now, $34,000, and purchase the land while prices are cheap. Hopefully within a couple of years more development will occur, producing additional funds for that zone. Elizabeth heard that the school district was planning to build a school on Baron Road. Steve stated that he's not sure if they've acquired that site for a middle school yet or not. He stated that there is a possibility of a joint venture for a park. Steve stated that he would check with the school district on whether they've selected a site for a school. He will also check the price of land in that area. V. Capital Improvement Program Report: Peter reported that Pebble Creek Park is complete except for a few punch list items. The architect is working on the final plans for the Wayne Smith Baseball Complex. Steve mentioned that a few properties still need to be acquired. Hopefully the project will go out to bid in January 1997 and games will be played in the Spring of 1998. Steve informed the board that the Wolf Pen Creek Masterplan will be revised to depict what is actually occurring in that district, which is different from the original masterplan. He mentioned that money was allocated from the Tax Increment Financing District that will go to the firm that is working on the drainage utility district to address the silt problem at Wolf Pen Creek. The masterplan revision will be done in-house with Parks, Development Services and Engineering staff. it will involve a public hearing process to try to overcome some of the negative aspects that occurred initially. Both critics and proponents of Wolf Pen Creek will be asked for input during the revision process. VI. Other Business/Board Concerns: Elizabeth mentioned that she would like to talk about vandalism at Lincoln Center when the Board meets with that committee. She is concerned about the amount of glass in the sand on the playground. Kids are inclined to play in the sand and she's concerned about the dangers. She spoke with Curtis Bingham, Operations Superintendent, about the problem and he stated that the playground is checked regularly for glass but it continues to be a problem. Mike mentioned that the Rio Brazos Audubon Society has scheduled a trip at Lick Creek Park on Saturday, October 26, at 8:00 a.m. The event will probably last half a day. Steve mentioned that at the last Historic Preservation Committee meeting, an archaeologist, who has conducted several studies at Lick Creek, made a presentation showing evidence that Lick Creek Park had prehistoric habitation, as well as 19th century habitation. The archaeologist would like to pursue a full site investigation. Parks Board Minutes October 8, 1996 Page 2 of 3 Bob mentioned that the Sports Advisory subcommittee would be meeting the following Monday at 4:00 p.m. Steve mentioned that the Natatorium programs are going well. Additional lighting has helped with the lighting problem. VI1. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. APPROVED: Ron Gay, Board Char 1../16 Date Att Bridgette // ALcia p�L • PS, Board Secr Date Parks Board Minutes October 8, 1996 Page 3 of 3 1 1 /7/96 1996 STRATEGIC ISSUES Issue No.: 9 Ends Statement: #2: Parks & Recreation, #3: Health & Public Safety Issue: Wolf Pen Creek Project Leader: Steve Beachv Team Members: Ric Ploeger, Kent Laza, Veronica Morgan, Mark Smith, Charles Cryan, Elrev Ash Goal: Develop a plan for the maintenance and operation of the drainage system within the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. Objectives: 1) Determine a method to effectively remove silt from the existing lake; 2) Develop a plan to provide maintenance of all municipal property within the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. 3) Develop a plan to minimize future erosion and silt problems; 4) Update the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan to reflect existing and future land use; Milestones: Dates: 1 Determine what options are available to remove silt from existing lake ✓ Jan, 96 2 Determine potential funding sources to complete silt removal project ✓ Jan, 96 3 Determine short term land use for existing municipal property and assign maintenance responsibility - ✓ Feb., 96 4 Obtain cost estimates for silt removal and grounds maintenance work and develop action plan to address these areas ✓ Feb., 96 5 Present action plan to City Manager and receive direction for implementation of plan ✓ Mar, 96 6 $6,000 contingency funds approved to include additional municipal property on maintenance contract (This same amount will be included in future operations budgets). ✓ May, 96 7 Submit FY 96/97 budget request for lake clean out and engineering services based upon committee recommendations ($102,000 for dredging and $35,000 for engineering services) * ✓ Jun, 96 8 Appoint members to the Tax Increment Financing District ✓ Jul96 Y. Develop the implementation process for the revision of the Wolf Pen Creek Masterplan. Conduct the initial meeting of the Tax Increment Financing District Board. ✓ Aug, 96 1 1 /7/96 1 0 City Council approval of the Board's recommendation concerning the utilization $138,500 of TIP funds for engineering and project costs associated with the siltation problem in the existing lake. Sep, 96 1 Review existing plan and determine inconsistencies. Identify potential financial resources for future development. Nov, 96 1 1 Determine current and future municipal needs for the corridor. Dec, 96 2 Approval of contract with engineering consultant for design work 96 1 related to the correction of the siltation problem. Prepare preliminary Jan, 3 findings report concerning existing plan, potential financial resources and municipal needs in the corridor 1 Solicit public input concerning the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan and future development within the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Feb' 97 4 1 Collect information from the engineering consultant concerning the siltation problem. Prepare recommendations for revisions to the Wolf Apr, 97 5 Pen Creek Master Plan and present to appropriate advisory boards for further input. 16 City Council consideration of revised Wolf Pen Creek Masterplan Jun, 97 17 Prepare recommendations for implementation of the revised masterplan. Jul, 97 Estimated Project Cost: $138,500 + additional costs for projects that are recommended in the revised masterplan 1 1 /7/96 1996 STRATEGIC ISSUES Issue No.: 20 Ends Statement: #2: Parks & Recreation, #7: Employment Prosperity Issue: Tourism Marketing Plan Project Leader: Steve Beachy Team Members:Gracie Calbert, Peggy Calliham, Convention & Visitors Bureau Staff, Ad - Hoc Tourism Advisory Committee, Arts Council of Brazos Valley Goal: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to enhance tourism in College Station Objectives: 1) Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing tourism industry in College Station 2) Develop a comprehensive tourism marketing and development plan for College Station to guide future decisions; 3) Enhance existing programs and marketing efforts to maximize the impact of the local tourism industry Milestones: Dates: 1 Conduct training in tourism awareness and related issues for management and key staff ✓ March, 96 2 Establish a forum to promote the on -going dialogue between the City and local tourism related businesses - Ad -Hoc Tourism Advisory Committee ✓ May, 96 3 Develop a concept for a community -wide, multi -day winter festival that will promote our community and enhance tourism - $15,000 approved for marketing from Hotel/Motel Contingency Fund ✓ June, 96 4 Establish tourist information sites with locator maps at City Hall, Conference Center, Central Park , Police Dept, Fire Dept and Easterwood Airport General Aviation Terminal- $4,000 approved from Hotel/Motel Contingency Fund ✓ July, 96 5 Contract with the Texas A&M Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism to develop a comprehensive study and recommendations for the enhancement of the tourism industry in College Station - $20,000 approved in FY96/97 Budget. ✓ Oct, 96 6 Conduct the first meeting of the Tourism Panel focus group - Nov 7th. Establish a tourist information center at Post Oak Mall in cooperation with the Convention and Visitors Bureau and CBL & Associates Nov, 96 7 Conduct the second session of the Tourism Panel focus group - Dec 5th. Implement the "Holiday on the Brazos" winter festival plan as developed by the Ad -Hoc Tourism Advisory Committee - $30,000 approved in FY96/97 Budget Dec, 96 8 Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that will guide the future promotion of the city and encourages development of tourist related businesses, activities and events April, 97 1 1 /7/96 Present findings and recommendations from the Creative Strategies June, 97 9 for Tourism report to the City Council 1 Prepare budget request for tourism related activities as recommended by the results of the Creative Strategies for Tourism June. 96 0 project and the tourism marketing plan 1 Assist with the promotion of the "Presidential Corridor" as a historically significant tourist attraction On -going 1 1 Provide assistance and support for the dedication and opening of the Bush Library complex Fall, 97 2 Estimated Project Cost: $69,000 + Additional costs to be determined based upon results of the Creative Strategies for Tourism and the related marketing plan. 1 1 /7/96 1996 STRATEGIC ISSUES Issue No.:31 Ends Statement: 3-Health & Public Safety, 2-Parks & Recreation Issue: Youth at Risk, Recreational Centered Programs for Youth Ages 13-19 Project Leaders: Ed Feldman and Steve Beachy Team Members: Skip Noe, Steve Beachy, Jo Carroll, Linda Waltman, David Ger/ing, Tom Bremer, Bill Kennedy, Karen Pavlinski, Craig Anderson, Ed Feldman, and Larry Johnson Goal: The City of College Station along with outside agencies shall provide a variety of quality education, culture and leisure activities that will assist in the development of life enhancing skills for the future adult population of the community. Through collaboration and partnership the City shall provide a well rounded selection of activities, opportunities, and services in a safe, non -threatening environment for our diverse youth population. Objectives: 1) Develop collaborative efforts between the community's public agencies which provide support and leadership to the youth community 2) Provide College Station's youth population positive recreational and leisure programs that will serve as an alternative to activities that encourage anti -social behavior and will indirectly reduce crime in the community by the youth 3) Develop a system or method to inventory, collect, and update information concerning existing facilities and programming in the community which serve the youth. Milestones: Dates: 1 Attend Recreation for At -Risk Youth: Programs that Work Invitational Colloquium in Ft. Worth ,/ February '95 2 Request funds to support the following activities: City sponsored scouting programs - $2,000. Additional public hours at the Lincoln Recreation Center - $8,800 CDBG funds; Additional School Resource Officer at Consolidated High School - $47,933; Teen swim nights for junior high and high school students - $1,500; Financial assistance for low income children to participate in Kids Klub - $16,524 CDBG funds*. / June '95 3 Meet with CSISD Superintendent Dr. Scales to discuss a survey of all students at the junior high and high schools ✓ February, 96 4 Survey junior high and high school students concerning their interests. $2,000 approved in the FY 95-96 budget*. / May, '96 5 Inventory existing public and private programs and facilities as they relate to the survey results ✓ June, 96 6 Prepare survey results, findings and recommendations ✓ July, '96 11 /7/96 7 Present report to City Council and distribute copies to School Board, ✓ August, 96 8 Send letter to Schlitterbahn expressing interest in a joint venture for a ✓ Sept, 96 r " C College Station waterpark. 9 Conduct youth concert at the amphitheater on Oct 31st. Distribute Teen V Oct, '96 Advisory Board applications and action forms to the High and Junior High S School. 1 Form Teen Councils and hold an initial joint meeting of the two groups. Nov '96 0 1 Begin monthly meetings of the Teen Advisory Boards and begin the Dec, '96 1 planning process for future programs and events. 1 Implement new programs for the junior high and high school age groups. Spring, '97 2 $15,000 approved in FY 97 Budget. 1 Develop proposals and budget requests for FY 98 to support May, '97 3 recommendations of the Teen Advisory Boards. Estimated Project Cost: $93,757 *Service Level Adjustments approved in FY95/96 budget request have been implemented. All of those costs are on -going with the exception of the $2,000 allocated for the survey. -- MINUTES -- CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD MEMBERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Cunha, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Debra Anderson, Carol Reynolds and Mike Manson MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Gay, Chair and Gary Halter STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Planner; Bridgette George CPS, Staff Assistant VISITORS: Texas A&M University students: J. C. Day, Brittany McDonald, Melanie McCulley, Duncan Wood, Kathryn Whaley, and Jennifer Jones The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. I. Approval of Minutes September 12, 1996: Minutes were approved as submitted. II. Appointment of Conference Center Advisory Committee Members: Three positions were vacant on the committee. No new applications were received, but three current members applied for reappointment. Bob voiced his concern about having two members, Mr. & Mrs. Molina, from the same family serve on the committee. Debra stated that just because they are married doesn't necessarily mean they will support the same issues. Steve stated that members of the committee are not in a position to affect any hiring at the Conference Center nor commit funds from there. Further discussion took place regarding this issue. Bob motioned to appoint Eileen Sather and Mollie Guin, Mike seconded the motion. The motion carried. Carol motioned to appoint Alma Molina, Debra seconded. Bob abstained. The motion carried. The board voiced their interest in meeting with both the Lincoln Center and Conference Center Advisory Committee members. Steve stated that he would make arrangements for meetings with the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee in November and the Conference Center Advisory Committee in December. Both meetings would be at the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting times, 7:00 p.m., but will meet at their respective facilities. I11. Update and Discussion of City's Comprehensive Plan: Steve did not have any new information to report, but stated that the changes the Board recommended several months ago had been incorporated into the plan. At the conclusion of the pubic hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend that the plan be submitted to City Council for their consideration. The Council will then consider the plan at the November workshop meeting and will possibly vote to adopt the plan that night. The Board voiced their concern regarding the survey that only 171 citizens responded to. They believe that the responses were not Parks Board Minutes October 8, 1996 Page 1 of 3 representative of the citizens of College Station, not to mention the low number that responded. Bob motioned to draft a letter to the Mayor and City Council stating their serious concerns regarding the inclusion of the survey data and to consider removing it from the final document, and to apply such disclaimers that would render it unlikely to be used for future decision making. Mike seconded the motion, the motion carried. IV. Discussion of Parkland Dedication: Elizabeth informed the Board that Shenandoah has been a subdivision since 1983. To this date that subdivision does not have a park that is accessible by bike route. The closest park is over 2 miles away and one must travel on the access road to get to it. There are currently no funds in that zone. Jane Kee, City Planner, informed Elizabeth that the Mr. Frehling, the Shenandoah developer, was told not to pay the parkland dedication funds until the Board was finished discussing the possibility of the Shenandoah Homeowner's Association donating land to the city. Elizabeth spoke with the homeowner's association and they stated that they have no intention of donating land to the city. Jane told Elizabeth that Mr. Frehling would pay the money when he plots Phase IV which should be soon. Elizabeth would like to ask Mr. Frehling to pay his dedication funds now, $34,000, and purchase the land while prices are cheap. Hopefully within a couple of years more development will occur, producing additional funds for that zone. Elizabeth heard that the school district was planning to build a school on Baron Road. Steve stated that he's not sure if they've acquired that site for a middle school yet or not. He stated that there is a possibility of a joint venture for a park. Steve stated that he would check with the school district on whether they've selected a site for a school. He will also check the price of land in that area. V. Capital Improvement Program Report: Peter reported that Pebble Creek Park is complete except for a few punch list items. The architect is working on the final plans for the Wayne Smith Baseball Complex. Steve mentioned that a few properties still need to be acquired. Hopefully the project will go out to bid in January 1997 and games will be played in the Spring of 1998. • Steve informed the board that the Wolf Pen Creek Masterplan will be revised to depict what is actually occurring in that district, which is different from the original masterplan. He mentioned that money was allocated from the Tax Increment Financing District that will go to the firm that is working on the drainage utility district to address the silt problem at Wolf Pen Creek. ' The masterplan revision will be done in-house with Parks, Development Services and Engineering staff. It will involve a public hearing process to try to overcome some of the negative aspects that occurred initially. Both critics and proponents of Wolf Pen Creek will be asked for input during the revision process. VI. Other Business/Board Concerns: Elizabeth mentioned that she would like to talk about vandalism at Lincoln Center when the Board meets with that committee. She is concerned about the amount of glass in the sand on the playground. Kids are inclined to play in the sand and she's concerned about the dangers. She spoke with Curtis Bingham, Operations Superintendent, about the problem and he stated that the playground is checked regularly for glass but it continues to be a problem. Mike mentioned that the Rio Brazos Audubon Society has scheduled a trip at Lick Creek Park on Saturday, October 26, at 8:00 a.m. The event will probably last half a day. Steve mentioned that at the last Historic Preservation Committee meeting, an archaeologist, who has conducted several studies at Lick Creek, made a presentation showing evidence that Lick Creek Park had prehistoric habitation, as well as 19th century habitation. The archaeologist would like to pursue a full site investigation. Parks Board Minutes October 8, 1996 Page 2 of 3 Bob mentioned that the Sports Advisory subcommittee would be meeting the following Monday at 4:00 p.m. Steve mentioned that the Natatorium programs are going well. Additional lighting has helped with the lighting problem. Vil. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Parks Board Minutes October 8, 1996 Page 3 of 3 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: -- MINUTES -- CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROAD Elizabeth Cunha, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Debra Anderson, Carol Reynolds and Mike Manson Ron Gay, Chair and Gary Halter Steve Beachy, Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Planner; Bridgette George CPS, Staff Assistant Texas A&M University students: J. C. Day, Brittany McDonald, Melanie McCulley, Duncan Wood, Kathryn Whaley, and Jennifer Jones The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. I. Approval of Minutes -- September 12, 1996: Minutes were approved as submitted. II. Appointment of Conference Center Advisory Committee Members: Three positions were vacant on the committee. No new applications were received, but three current members applied for reappointment. Bob voiced his concern about having two members, Mr. & Mrs. Molina, from the same family serve on the committee. Debra stated that just because they are married doesn't necessarily mean they will support the same issues. Steve stated that members of the committee are not in a position to affect any hiring at the Conference Center nor commit funds from there. Further discussion took place regarding this issue. Bob motioned to appoint Eileen Sather and Mollie Guin, Mike seconded the motion. The motion carried. Carol motioned to appoint Alma Molina, Debra seconded. Bob abstained. The motion carried. The board voiced their interest in meeting with both the Lincoln Center and Conference Center Advisory Committee members. Steve stated that he would make arrangements for meetings with the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee in November and the Conference Center Advisory Committee in December. Both meetings would be at the regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting times, 7:00 p.m., but will meet at their respective facilities. 111. Update and Discussion of City's Comprehensive Plan: Steve did not have any new information to report, but stated that the changes the Board recommended several months ago had been incorporated into the plan. At the conclusion of the pubic hearing, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend that the plan be submitted to City Council for their consideration. The Council will then consider the plan at the November workshop meeting and will possibly vote to adopt the plan that night. The Board voiced their concern regarding the survey that only 171 citizens responded to. They believe that the responses were not Parks Board Minutes October 8, 1996 Page 1 of 3 representative of the citizens of College Station, not to mention the low number that responded. Bob motioned to draft a letter to the Mayor and City Council stating their serious concerns regarding the inclusion of the survey data and to consider removing it from the final document, and to apply such disclaimers that would render it unlikely to be used for future decision making. Mike seconded the motion, the motion carried. IV. Discussion of Parkland Dedication: Elizabeth informed the Board that Shenandoah has been a subdivision since 1983. To this date that subdivision does not have a park that is accessible by bike route. The closest park is over 2 miles away and one must travel on the access road to get to it. There are currently no funds in that zone. Jane Kee, City Planner, informed Elizabeth that the Mr. Frehling, the Shenandoah developer, was told not to pay the parkland dedication funds until the Board was finished discussing the possibility of the Shenandoah Homeowner's Association donating land to the city. Elizabeth spoke with the homeowner's association and they stated that they have no intention of donating land to the city. Jane told Elizabeth that Mr. Frehling would pay the money when he plots Phase IV which should be soon. Elizabeth would like to ask Mr. Frehling to pay his dedication funds now, $34,000, and purchase the land while prices are cheap. Hopefully within a couple of years more development will occur, producing additional funds for that zone. Elizabeth heard that the school district was planning to build a school on Baron Road. Steve stated that he's not sure if they've acquired that site for a middle school yet or not. He stated that there is a possibility of a joint venture for a park. Steve stated that he would check with the school district on whether they've selected a site for a school. He will also check the price of land in that area. V. Capital Improvement Program Report: Peter reported that Pebble Creek Park is complete except for a few punch list items. The architect is working on the final plans for the Wayne Smith Baseball Complex. Steve mentioned that a few properties still need to be acquired. Hopefully the project will go out to bid in January 1997 and games will be played in the Spring of 1998. Steve informed the board that the Wolf Pen Creek Masterplan will be revised to depict what is actually occurring in that district, which is different from the original masterplan. He mentioned that money was allocated from the Tax Increment Financing District that will go to the firm that is working on the drainage utility district to address the silt problem at Wolf Pen Creek. The masterplan revision will be done in-house with Parks, Development Services and Engineering staff. It will involve a public hearing process to try to overcome some of the negative aspects that occurred initially. Both critics and proponents of Wolf Pen Creek will be asked for input during the revision process. VI. Other Business/Board Concerns: Elizabeth mentioned that she would like to talk about vandalism at Lincoln Center when the Board meets with that committee. She is concerned about the amount of glass in the sand on the playground. Kids are inclined to play in the sand and she's concerned about the dangers. She spoke with Curtis Bingham, Operations Superintendent, about the problem and he stated that the playground is checked regularly for glass but it continues to be a problem. Mike mentioned that the Rio Brazos Audubon Society has scheduled a trip at Lick Creek Park on Saturday, October 26, at 8:00 a.m. The event will probably last half a day. Steve mentioned that at the last Historic Preservation Committee meeting, an archaeologist, who has conducted several studies at Lick Creek, made a presentation showing evidence that Lick Creek Park had prehistoric habitation, as well as 19th century habitation. The archaeologist would like to pursue a full site investigation. Parks Board Minutes October 8, 1996 Page 2 of 3 Bob mentioned that the Sports Advisory subcommittee would be meeting the following Monday at 4:00 p.m. Steve mentioned that the Natatorium programs are going well. Additional lighting has helped with the lighting problem. VII. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Parks Board Minutes October 8, 1996 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF COI 1 EGE STATION Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77842-9960 (409) 764-3500 October 2, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreation Board FROM: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Items of Interest 1. Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing - A public hearing to consider the adoption of the new Comprehensive Plan for the City of College Station will be held on: Monday. October 7, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. at the College Station Conference Center. The meeting will begin with a public hearing and consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission followed by a public hearing and consideration of adoption by the City Council. 2. Amateur Softball Association National Softball Tournament - Finally, on Friday, the torrential rains stopped. All the visitors to our community expressed their gratification for the hard work by the field maintenance crews in getting the fields ready to play. As is the case, when we host these large athletic events, everyone leaves with the feeling that we did our best to make them welcome, and truly enjoyed having them all here. A total of 113 games were played on six softball fields over three days. We counted over 1,500 people in town for this ASA tournament. We estimate that 475-525 rooms x 4-5 nights were used by the players, fans, families, and tournament staff, who came to B/CS from all over the United States. Players, coaches, fans, staff and officials came from the following states: Ohio, Tennessee, New York, Arizona, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, Utah, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Minnesota, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, South Dakota, Washington, Oregon, Texas, New Jersey, and Indiana. 3. THE 2000 GAMES AWARDED TO BRAZOS VALLEY - The Texas Amateur Athletic Federation, an organization founded in 1925 representing over 200 municipal parks and recreation departments and affiliate members throughout ome of Texas A&M 1 niversity the State, has selected the Bryan/College Station community to host the 2000 Games of Texas. The Games were first held in San Antonio in 1986 and include thousands of amateur athletes competing in events such as swimming, track & field, tennis, softball, fencing, archery, boxing, soccer, bowling and golf. The local community served as host to the Games in 1988 and 1994. As in past years, the local organizing committee includes representatives from the City of College Station, City of Bryan, Texas A&M University and the B/CS Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau. This event is expected to bring thousands of participants, families and spectators to the community and result in a significant impact to the local economy. The 2000 Games will be held August 4, 5, and 6th at sites throughout the community including on the Texas A&M University campus. A spectacular opening ceremonies will be held on Friday night August 4th to start the largest annual amateur sports event in Texas. Volunteers will be needed to assist with the sports competitions, fund raising, opening ceremonies and other areas. 4. Xtra Education - College Station Parks and Recreation and CSISD have joined together to offer a new recreational learning experience for the entire community. Xtra Education, a leisure learning adventure, is offering over 90 exciting classes for individuals of all ages. Our classes include arts, music, dance, exercise, languages, outdoors, sports, needleworks, quilting, drawing, painting, home improvement, landscaping, self-help classes and many, many more. All community members and youth over the age of 13 are encouraged to register for these personally rewarding classes. Classes are offered at various times during the evening hours, Monday through Thursday. Most of the Xtra Education classes are held at CSISD facilities, some specialty classes are held in locations specific for their topic area. Xtra Education classes are underway with a rate of 650/0 of offered classes being held. We served over 200 patrons during our first two weeks of classes. All classes are operating at break-even cost or better. Each week we will start new classes throughout the Fall '96 season. Our programming season will end for the season at the end of November. The new Spring '97 program will begin during the month of January. 5. MOSQUITO TREArvIENT PROGRAM - The 1996 mosquito abatement program has been underway this summer. Included in the program were two larvicide applications and a public education mailout through the utility billing process. The first application of the larvicide was done in mid -June. All stagnate water on municipal property was treated with an insect growth regulator product. This was accomplished during a walking inspection of all creeks and drainage ways across the city and all municipal building sites. The second application was to have been done in mid -August because the product is active for 30 days. However, this start date coincided with the August rains, and so the application was delayed until the week of September 9th. The second application used all the remaining product at known problem areas. Complete coverage was not accomplished due to a shortage of funding. In addition to these treatments, a mosquito abatement newsletter was included in the utility bills delivered in August. This detailed the City's efforts on targeting potential disease carrying species (Culex) that breed only in stagnate water. The newsletter also detailed steps that citizens could take to lessen the impact of "nuisance" mosquitoes on their property. Mosquito trapping, conducted up to the heavy rains in August, revealed no St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE) in the mosquito population. SLE is the primary human health threat in our area. The Hart Parks Virus was still being detected at that time. This disease is not a human health threat, but is an indication that all conditions are present for the transmission of SLE. The heavy rains flushed out the stagnate water and mosquito larvae responsible for both diseases. The September treatment and return of more frequent rains should help keep the Culex population low. Late August and early September trapping has not revealed any new problems. The heavy rains did bring about a population explosion of the flood water and artificial container breeding mosquitoes. Consequently, phone calls were received about the city's efforts. All calls were returned and the information from the newsletter was reviewed. These nuisance populations will slowly subside over the coming week. 1. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT OCTOBER, 1996 PEBBLE CREEK PARK DEVELOPMENT Project Number: Budget: Contract Amount: Project Manager: Project Design: PK9504 $200,000 $194,169 Eric Ploeger PARD Planning Comments/Status: Initial meetings with CSISD staff have occurred to prioritize needed facilities. Public hearings were held October 10 and November 12, 1995. The preliminary site plan was approved by the school board on November 20, 1995. The plan was presented to the City Council on December 13, 1995. Competitive bids for the park's construction were opened April 15, 1996. The project was awarded to Marek Brothers of College Station, Construction started the week of May 13, 1996. The project is complete with the exception of the site lighting. Parts needed for completion are on order and are expected soon. Task: Project Design: January - February 1996 Advertisement & Award: March - April 1996 Complete: September 1996 2. LINCOLN CENTER/WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $84,490 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. The project has moved to the final design phase with cost estimates completed in late September. Task: Project Design: November 1996 Advertisement & Award: December 1996 - January 1997 Complete: August 1997 GIP Report 10/4/96 Page 1 of 2 PARKS PLANNING CIP SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget $140,000 Comments/Status: Parks Planning is providing the design for the exterior landscaping and irrigation design. The expected bid date for the project is January 1997. 2. COLLEGE STATION FIRE STATION #1 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $8,000 Comments/Status: Construction began in June 1996. The Forestry Division will install the plant material. The project completion is expected in January 1997. 3. SIGNS FOR THE INDUSTRIAL PARK AND THE NORTH TEXAS AVENUE ENTRANCE SIGN REPLACEMENTS Budget: $10,200 total Comments/Status: The Business Park sign will be replaced to establish a name change to the Business Center. The North entryway sign is being replaced because it was damaged during an automobile mishap. 4. THOMAS PARK SIDEWALKS SIDEWALK DESIGN Budget: Comments/Status: This is a Development Services project to put sidewalks on both the east and west side of the south end of Thomas Park. Parks Planning will provide design drawings for the project. 5. WOLF PEN CREEK MASTER PLAN BASE MAP REVISION Budget: N/A Comments/Status: This is an effort to develop a base map containing updated information on the WPC corridor. This will assist in the master plan updating process. CIP Report 10/4/96 Page 2 of 2 -- MINUTES -- CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL TRAINING ROOM 1101 TEXAS AVENUE SOUTH MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Gay, Chair; Elizabeth Cunha, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Gary Halter; and Debra Anderson MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS: Carol Reynolds and Mike Manson Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Bridgette George CPS, Staff Assistant None present The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. I. Appointment of Advisory Committee Members: Larry Johnson was reappointed to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. No other applications were received. VII. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APPLICATION FOR CITY BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES FOR YEAR October 1994 to October 1996 NOTE: As an applicant for a City Board, Commission, or Committee your name, address, phone number will, be available to the press and the public. other information will remain confidential. Incumbents whose terms expire and who are eligible for reappointments will he sent a new application prior to the expiration date. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY /t NAME: H } �, 1 Y .O ; ti TELEPHONE: 6'?c — Q3 3 L0 (H) ADDRESS: (Residence) P5 ,-� e, ,c1 EL $ i, . _ t q si c� (W) ao I 1 a4 o r% , }G —n 8 ctO (Mailing) t me, I have lived in College Station o°Zj years. DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF COLLEGE STATION? YES ✓^ VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. NO OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: (If retired, please indicate former occupation or profcseion). EDUCATION (Optional) : PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: 3 V y S I ADDITIONAL PERTINENT !INFORMATION/REFERENCES: PLEASE INDICATE THE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING. (List in order of preference) ❑ ❑ Cemetery Committee Community Appearance Committee Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals Design Review Board Easterwooe Airport Zoning Board Economic Dev. Foundation (Signature of Applicant) (Date) APPLICATION FOR COUNCIL APPOINTED BOARDS,. COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES ABS KEPT ON FILE IN THE COUNCIL OFFICE (PHONE 764-3516). Please indicate if you are cur entlyserving a board/ omtnissio,fc mmit:tee Name of Board/Commission 76OcA_E2A. ❑ Lr Electrical Examining Board Historic Preservation committee Parks and Recreation Commission Conference Center Advisory Comm. Lincoln Center Advisory Board Planning and Zoni:ag Commission Joint Relief Funding Review Comm. Zoning Board of Adjustments PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: APPOINTED TO CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE P.O. BOX. 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77042 06/4);c5P7 O ON d Than � tok62« Na.mt(AekC/Liir k tiArt ( d4a`{ L U • 0, 'l FAQ z 77 Q 1(1 ThM Gi. f J � TAI\U 5t ,QuA4- Zo() 1503 Tr YtcYlser Tr. C,S. 1621-t- P 7 ' 9t t e i e Community Services Division Parks Recreation 378 West Long Stephenville, Texas 76401 September 19, 1996 Streets Cemeteries H. RONNIE ISHAM DIRECTOR Steve Beachy Director of Parks and Recreation Department P O Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Library Airport Office: 817/965-3864 Fax No.: 817/965-6495 Dear Steve, I had the opportunity over the Labor Day weekend to be involved with the ASA Mens Class "C" Fast Pitch National Tournament as the ASA National Office Representative. This was my first experience to attend such an event in College Station that was hosted and operated by your, department. I must say that I was impressed. Especially with the work Tony Scazzero and his staff did. Having known and worked with Tony for several years, I knew he was very capable and a hard worker. I realized during the tournament just what an asset he is to College Station Parks and Recreation Department. You can take a great dealof pride in knowing that you have employees, especially Tony, that are respected and admired by sports officials throughout the state and the nation. I have always felt that College Station had the most progressive and aggressive Parks and Recreation Department in the state and the ASA National Tournament, under Tony's direction, confirmed that even more. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Ronnie Isham Director of Parks and Recreation Department Leopold Il 8103 Bunker H III Ct�-,. College Station, TX 77845 September 4, 1996 Dear Mr. Hensarling, On August 16, I called asking for soccer goals for Raintree Park. You quickly returned my call and were extremely helpful and agreeable to my request. The goals were installed within a week's time. I want you to know how much I regard your follow-through and rapid action. As a mother of three soccer players, 1 most certainly appreciate the convenience of having my daughters practicing just down the street from home. I am not alone in my appreciation of your work. Several other Raintree residents also are reaping the benefits of a neighborhood soccer practice field. P.S. These are other thankful parents. Sincerely, Beth R. P. Leopold f L AuAL J • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT OCTOBER, 1996 1. PEBBLE CREEK PARK DEVELOPMENT Project Number: PK9504 Budget: $200,000 Contract Amount: $194,169 Project Manager: Eric PloegeProject Design: PARD Planning a)/ A.. r Comments/Status: Initial meetings with CSISD staff have occurred to prioritize needed facilities. Public hearings were held October 10 and November 12, 1995. The preliminary site plan was approved by the school board on NoVember 20, 1995. The plan was presented to the City Council on December 13, 1995. Competitive bids for the park's construction were opened April 15, 1996. The project was awarded to Marek Brothers of College Station. Construction started the week of May 13, 1996. The project is complete with the exception of the site lighting. Parts needed for completion are on order and are expected soon. Task: Project Design: January - February 1996 ) Advertisement & Award: March - April 1996 Complete: September 1996 2. LINCOLN CENTER/WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $84,490 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. The project has moved to the final design phase with cost estimates completed in late September. Task: Project Design: November 1996 Advertisement & Award: December 1996 - January 1997 • Complete: August 1997 /1:01 1C1P Report ( 10/4/96 t_ 7 Page 1 of 2 L PARKS PLANNING CIP SUPPORT PROJECTS 1. COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget $ 00--- DOO Comments/Status: Parks Planning/ is providing the design for the exterior landscaping and irrigation design. The expected bid date for the project is January 1997. 2. COLLEGE STATION FIRE STATION #1 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $8,000 Comments/Status: Construction began in June 1996. The Forestry Division will install the plant material The project completion is expected in January 1997. 3. SIGNS FOR THE INDUSTRIAL PARK AND THE NORTH TEXAS AVENUE ENTRANCE SIGN REPLACEMENTS Budget $10,200 total Comments/Status: The Business Park sign will be replaced to establish a name change to the Business Center. The North entryway sign is being replaced because it was damaged during an automobile mishap. 4. THOMAS PARK SIDEWALKS SIDEWALK DESIGN Budget: Comments/Status: T is is a D/eveloprrment Services project to .put sidewalks on both the. east and west side of the south end of Thomas Park. Parks Planning` will provide design drawings for the project. 5. WOLF PEN CREEK MASTER PLAN BASE MAP REVISION Budget: N/A Comments/Status: This is an effort to develop a base map containing updated information on the WPC corridor. This will assist in the master plan updating process. CIP Report 10/4/96 Page 2 of 2 Park Zones Zones Beginning Revenues Expenditures 95/96 Balance Balance 95/96 1 Northgate (Foch to University) 6,251 0 0 6,251 2 Eastgate - Autumn Cir to Harvey Rd 8,261 225 0 3,486 3 Wolf Pen creek - Harvey Rd to Bypass Exxon 119,171 38,700 -47,741 110,130 4 Windwood/Raintree -5,172 0 0 -5,172 5 SW Valley (FM2818 - 5. Graham Rd 7,416 27,700 0 35,116 6 Southgate (George Bush - FM2818) 96,204 7,200 0 103,404' 7 Wellborn Rd/FM2818/George Bush 313,718 2,250 -3,060 312,905 8 Emerald Forest/ Foxfire/Wood creek 0 338 0 338 9 Rock Prairie Rd./Hwy 6/ Greens Prairie Rd. 0 0 0 0 10 Shenandh (5. Graham/ Hwy 6/FM2154 0 0 0 0 11 Lick Creek Park 0 0 0 0 571,161 e n u e: 112-0000-489-55-10 Expenditures: 112-9111-961-10-00 CAwlndows\wlnword\zonee2xio CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APPLICATION FOR CITY BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES FOR YEAR . October 1994 to.October 1996 NOTE: As an applicant for a City Board, Commission, or Committee your name, address, phone number will be available to the press and the public. other information will remain confidential. Incumbents whose terms expire and who are eligible for reappointments will be sent a new application prior to the expiration date. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME: e:VeG2.9 f;97� a1-- TELEPHONE: — (H)• ADDRESS: (Residence) /VW. c am.,--_¢, ,- _ -{W) (Mailing) I have lived in College Station years.. DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF COLLEGE VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: ,Ofcp A1.1 .dig=-..erfc STATION? NO YES (If retired, please indicate former occupation or profession). EDUCATION (Optional): PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMATION/REFERENCES: PLEASE INDICATE THE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, SERVING. (List in order of preference) 0 Cemetery Committee O Community Appearance Committee O Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals O Design Review Board 0 Easterwooe Airport Zoning Board O Economic Dev. Foundation OR COMMITTEES YOU /►RE INTERESTED IN 0 Electrical Examir..ing Board O Historic Preservation committee 0 Parks and Recreation Commission Zr-Conference Center Advisory Comm. 0 Lincoln Center Advisory Board O Planning and Zoning Commission O Joint Relief Funding Review Comm. O Zoning Board of Adjustments 7 (Signature of Applicant) (Date, APPLICATION FOR COUNCIL APPOINTED BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND CCMMITTEES ARE KEPT ON FILE IN THE COUNCIL OFFICE (PHONE 764-3516). Please indicate if you are currently serving on a board/commission/committee Name of Board/Commission Lt> acre. P�� _�, �• PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE P.O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77642 APPOINTED TO (1CL e4710 a727, ON CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APPLICATION FOR CITY BOARDS/COMMISSIONS/ FOR YEAR EiCC_VIE ]:TTEES NOTE: As an applicant for a City Board, Commission, or Comnitt``,, ee your n..me, address,' phone number will be available to the p dz.._and the pubs c. other information will remain confidential. Incumehts whose terms expire and who are eligible for reappointments will be sent a new application prior to the expirationdate. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME: o Ll- i e (pt-6 i N TELEPHONE: ADDRESS: (Residence) /4 At- , ,tae4odNel,Circ/e, StaA,6.#4, (Mailing) I have lived in College Station et 3 years. 6 .3-&35f 7104 - 5-y7Lf DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF COLLEGE STATION? YES VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. S0 g NO OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: 7ea1 4 e r J'if, )/o u) igr!ilvG Ii (If retired, please indicate former occupation or profession). EDUCATION (optional): COLLeje .-fr .AaaJla/ PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: GS 5d., l % `J' G-Q, /A/66 (H) (W) ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMATION/REFERENCES: PLEASE INDICATE THE BOARDS, COMMISSIO SERVING. (List in order of preferenc ❑ Cemetery Committee ❑ Community Appearance Committee ® Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals ❑ Design Review Board ❑ Easterwooe Airport Zoning Board O Economic Dev. Foundation ORITTEES YOU 21RE INTERESTED IN 0000 kl 000 Electrical Examining Board Historic Preservation committee Parks ''and Recreation Commission Conference Center Advisory Comm. Lincoln Center Advisory Board Planning 'and Zoning Commission Joint Relief Func:ing Review Comm. Zoning Board of Adjustments • (Sig ature of App,icant) (Dat )� APPL CATION FOR COUNCIL APPOINTED BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES ARE KEPT ON FILE IN THE COUNCIL OFFICE (PHONE 764-3516). Please indicate if you are cu rent y serving on a board/commission/committee Name of Board/Commission PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM"TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION' CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE .P.O. BOX 9960 ' COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842 APPOINTED TO Ce4101. LCI ( ON k NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station Notice is hereby given that a (Regular) (Special) ( REGULAR meeting of the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station, State of Texas, will be held on the 8th day of OCTOBER , 1996, at 7 : 00 KW. at CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP RD. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 The following subjects will be discussed, to -wit: SEE AGENDA Dated this the 3 rd .day of OCTOBER , 1996. OF COLLEGE STATIO1N,ftEXA§(1 CONNIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board in the City Hall of said College Station, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said Notice was posted on OCTOBER 3 , 1996, at 5 : O O o'clockiCl L.)(P.M.). Dated this the 1" day of O� v SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO O',B�EFORE ME ON THIS THE t O\ DAY OF \ X.. -4 R > , 1996. NOT RY PUBLIC - BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS My commission expires: V j , 1996. pF COLLEGES TATION, T B O NIE HOOKS, CITY SECRETARY • MONNE S. CFS iES Notary Public, State of TeXtS • My Commission ExplreS AUGUST 5,1998 City of College Station Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting October 8, 1996 -® 7:00 p.m. Central Park Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes: September 12, 1996 2. Appointment of Conference Center Advisory Committee Members 3. Update and Discussion of City's Comprehensive Plan 4. Discussion of Parkland Dedication 5. Capital Improvement Program Report 6. Other Business/Board Concerns 7. Adjourn