HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/2017 - Regular Agenda - Parks BoardPARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA CaY0FC0UZGES1rA1nM TUESDAY APRIL 11, 2017 REGULAR MEETING K 7:OOPM Wolf Pert Green Room 101S Colgate College Station.. TX 77840 1. Call to order and Roll Call. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the March 14, 2017 meeting. 5. Presentation, discussion and possible action on Nantucket Park (Nantucket HOA). 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Parkland Dedication Ordinance. 7. Lick Creek Park update presented by David Schmitz. 8. Fun For All Playground update presented by David Schmitz. 9. Update from members on assigned parks. IO.Strategic Planning: Short and tong berm. D Paridand Dedication Subcommittee formation. 11. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Parks Projecrc Summary and Dedications of Less than Five Acres from Rusty Wamcke. ), 400 Poplar > Falcon Point 4 >� Falcon Point Building 5 Indian Lake Phase 20 D Pettera k SOCO Apartments v University Heights Apartments Wall Place 12.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda Items: A Board Member may Inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. > Next Meeting: May 09, 2017 13. , Adjourn This bulldlnp li wheel"r acbesolble, Persons wih dk6&bilKleswho plan ry AtWM tPl! nxWn9 and who meY need aemmmodaW09, awillary alit yr senesces sudb as W'4� BARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Crry OF CouvjF. STKrtw TUESDAY MARCH 14, 2017 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES ,.► 7:OOPM Wolf Pen Creek Green Room Lois Colgate College Station, TX 77840 Staff Present: David Schmitz, Director; Rusty Warnckee Project & Asset Manager; Andrea Lauer, Board Secretary Board Present: Gary Erwin, Ow Helldegelt Paul Dyson, Ann Hayes; Marc. Chalupka; Megan Fuentes; Kevin HeWersva; Rebecca Jackson Visitors: None 1. CaN to order and Roil Call. The meeting was called to order ivi#h a quorum present at 7:00 PM, 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. An absence request was received from Keith Roberts. Marc Chalupka made a motion to approve the absence request and Gary Erwin seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors. No visitors were heard. 4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the February 14, 2017 meeting. Gary Erwin made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, and Paul Dyson seconded the motion, The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously, 5. Update on new police facility and its relationship to Central Park. David Schmitz showed a power point presentation. Informational item only. No action was taken. 6. Report, possible action, discussion concerning Summit Crossing Park land. Marc Chalupka made a motion recommending the approval of the change of use to go to council. Ann Hays seconded the nvdon, The vote was called. AM were In favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 7. Update from the committee members on their assigned parks. The committee will email the Checklists to David Schmitz. TWs bolldtng Is roftekholr pece55tble. Per sont wKh dltabllttles who plan to attend thlt meCIng and who may need aecommodellons, amallaiV alds, or ser.lnpttuch as bite/prtters, readers, or I& �e Gftnt are asked to oontatt the City Secretary's O(pce at (979) 764-3541, TDD at i-NO-7354989, or tmall admsskstam[e6heffty .nej at leett two bu5lness days prior to the meeUnq to thM appropriate arran9tnitnts can bt mede- It the City doss not recthrt notification at laces: two budnest daYt 9W1or t0 ttta meet)ng, the CRY will meRe a ieatonable attempt to provide tue ruecessalV accommodstlons. 8, Strategic Planning: Short and Long term. a. Presentation, discussion, possible action on projects in process; LRC expansion, Lick Creek Nature Center,_ LRC Splash Pad and new p!aygrounds. Informational item only. No action taken, b. Presentation, discussion, possible action on Community Zone A and 8 Park land Options. Informational item only, No action taken. 9. Report, possible action, and discussion concuming the cutw ent Packs Projects Summary and Dedications of Less than Five Acres from Rusty wamcke. Informational item only, no action was taken. > 601 Nimitz > 903 Montclair > 911 Montclair > Castlegate II Sections 106, 107, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 > South Forty YO.Presentalron, passr'ie acMon, and on future agenda gems* A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual lnfbrmation or the recltatlon of existing policy may be given, Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. > Next Meeting: April 11, 2017 11,Adjourn, Gary Erwin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Paul Dyson seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting adjoumed at 7:47 PM. Cove of Nantucket Park Request for Information Information seeking meeting for members of the Cove of Nantucket Homeowners Association Friday, February 10, 2017 Cove of Nantucket Members Attending • Bernita M Clark: Board of Directors for Cove of Nantucket HOA 1733 Twin Pond Circle (979) 450-7851 • Laurel Hargis: Board of Directors for Cove of Nantucket HOA 1703 Parkland Drive (281) 639-2497 • Gay Dunn: Member of Cove of Nantucket HOA 1738 Parkland Drive (903) 746-1484 • Jerrod Lane: Member of the Cove of Nantucket HOA 1 732 Parkland Drive Who we Are • We represent the homeowners in the Cove of Nantucket Homeowners Association. • Our subdivision borders the 3.9 acre Cove of Nantucket Park. • Construction of the 66 homes that make up the Cove of Nantucket is now complete. • The majority of the homeowners in the subdivision are over age 55. • About one out of five of the homeowners in the subdivision is a single or widowed woman living alone. Young families with young children share the subdivision with the predominately retired homeowners. Ile 4ow I -A F4 J, jo- a NIX- 4- -,44 OIL -b- 0 Existing Challenges • Parkland Drive is a narrow, curvy residenfial street with high density single family detached housing. • It is a major entrypoint from Highway 6 to the Cove of Nantucket and Nantucket subdivisions. • The private pr9perties are crowded, leaving few legal means for residents of Parkland Drive and their visitors and service providers to park. • People frequently park on Cove of Nantucket Park, leaving a bare, scarred surface on the ground, and preventing the park vegetation from recovering. • Sometimes, it is not possible for an emergency vehicle to move th rou h Parkland Drive to serve elder) occupants of our small subdivision in e event of a medical emergency. p • Mailboxes set into a concrete sidewalk would prevent emergency vehicles from using it as an emergency route around parked vehicles. Proposed Remedy • We request the use of two areas of land, approximately 1000 square feet each, in the Cove of Nantucket Park. • Each area would be 8 to 10 feet wide, and about 100 feet long, to accommodate parking for approximately five cars. • We propose to use permanent paving standards that are acceptable to the City of College Station. • We will abide by all requirements of the City of College Station in construction and use standards. • We will avoid any area near a fire hydrant, a storm sewer opening, or anything else the city of College Station wants us to avoid. k Proposed location of one of the parking areas is at 1 737 Parkland Drive. This Google Earth picture was taken over a year ago. There is more damage now. The picture on the right depicts our proposal for the location of paved parking. •��"� � - �"* '. mot•+. a�.. � `� ��i14 Proposed location of one of the parking areas is at 1719 Parkland Drive. This Google Earth picture was taken over a year ago, There is more damage now. The picture to the right depicts our proposed paved parking spaces. Can the City Assist Us? • Can the city bear the cost of construction of the parking spaces? • Will maintenance of the parking areas be the responsibility of the Cove of Nantucket HOA or the city of College Station? • Will the land used for parking still be a part of the Cove of Nantucket Park or will it become part of the Cove of Nantucket? • Are there requirements regarding the kind of vehicles that can be parked there or the length of time they can be parked? Damage to the Cove of Nantucket Park • The enclosed pictures demonstrate some of the damage the park has sustained from building and development around it. • The park is an important noise barrier between the Cove of Nantucket subdivision and Highway 6. • As the only public park in zone 12, the Cove of Nantucket Park provides important enhanced quality of life for residents of the area to exercise and relax in a natural environment. • The vegetation still remaining in the park is native to the Brazos Valley. 4 •G . 4• J This is a current picture of the Cove of Nantucket Park, Substantial loss of vegetation has occurred in the park. Proposal for Damage Repair • We request that the City of College Station re --plant bare areas in the park with plants native to the Brazos Valley to enhance the existing natural environment. • Since there is no water supply in the park, we need plants that will thrive in the existing environment without substantial help with irrigation. • We would like to focus on plants that attract and/or sustain wildlife, such as butterflies and birds. • Can the city guide us to resources that can advise us about the best way to repair and enhance the park? • Can the city provide funds for planting costs or provide park benches or other amenities to upgrade the existing walking path? Summary 1. Additional parking along Parkland Drive • Are we allowed? • would the city fund? What would be requirements, maintenance, etc.? 2. Park and Walking Path Enhancements Replant and/or add native trees and plants • Plant markers • Benches CITYOF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEM0WkNN FBI TO, Kelly Templin, City Manager; Chuck Gilman, Deputy City Manager FROM, David Schmitz, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Parkland Dedication Ordinance Update— March 30, 2017 Raoectiiy thefe have beer: s&eral ii5ww Vial have come up telaled to the Parklairiid Dedica*an Ordinance. In reviewing the ordinance, itis apparent that it is time to revisit some of the current time restrictions on the expenditure of funds as well as the Neighborhood and Community Park Zone boundaries. There Is a need to reflect the City growth and development changes that have taken place since 2008 J20 yr.), which was the last time the hark Zones were addressed. The rapid growth of the City has shown a need w adjust the Pwt Zone boundariesio better reflect where €zousing Is being mon5 nimd. We aho need to be cognizant of what the City's future growth maybe. The upcoming expansion of the ETJ will also need to be included within the Park Zones. Currently we are experiencing issues with funds being collected in Zones with few or no parks. This Is problematic especially for Community Parks which are larger and more costly to develop. This Issue is directly related to the time frame of five years in which the ordinance states that funds collected must b e expended or the developer who paid the fees has The right to regaesc a rehmd_ While we vs&M like to buy park land or develop new parks, oftentimes the five year time frame is too short to accumulate enough funds to do so_ We have had our First developer inquiring into the possibility of refunding Parkland Dedication fees that were collected but not spent within the five year period, lit this case, the funds at risk from several Park Zones, totals more than $240,000. We will be addressing this topic with the Parks and Recreation Advisojy Board. We will be looking at: A Re -mapping the Neighborhood and Community Park Zone boundaries Is Adjusting the time frame for expenditure of fees collected to be either a longer time period or removing the requirement from the ordinance Related to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance discussion, the Parks and Recreation Department, with the help of the City's Land Agent (Mark McAuliffe) is actively searching for possible additional park property in Community Park Zones A $ D. We are close to an agreement o n 111 acres of land in Zone B (west of the railroad traclia, along N. Darviing Rd.), and are beginning the search in Community Zone A (basically the Wellborn area to HWY 6), Attachments: Map of Park Zones Map of future needs for park land Parkland Dedication Fund balances (as of 12-2016) David CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ME M HANDUM TO: Kelly Temp lin, City Manager; Chuck Gilman. Deputy City Manager FROM: David Schmitz, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECr: Parkland Dec#cation Ordinance Update— March 30, 2D47 Recently there have been several issues that have come up related to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. In reviewing the ordinance, it is apparent that It is time to revisit some of the current time rest► lions on the expenditue of iunds as well as the Ne rh€ nd and Community Park Zone boundaries, There Is a need to reflect the City growth and development changes that have taken place since 2008 (10 yr.), which was the last time the Park Zones were addressed. The rapid growth of the City has shown a netli to adjust the Park Zone boundaries to better reflect where housing I s being constructed_ We also need to be cognizant of what the City's future gfmAti may be. The upsaming expansion of the ET! till also need to be included within the Park Zones. Currently we are experiencing issues with funds being collected in Zones with few or no parks, This is problematic especially for Community Parks which are larger and more costly to develop. This Issue is directly related to ahe time frame of five years in wigsh the ordinance states that fiends mo0ected moist be expended or the developer who paid the fees has the right to request a refund. While we would like to buy park land or develop new parks, oftentimes the five year time frame Is too short to accumulate enough funds to do so. We have had ourfirst developer inquiring into the possibility of refunding Parkland Dedication fees that were collected but not spent within the five year period. In this case, the funds at risk from seveial Park Zone!,, totals more than $240,DD0- We will he addressing this topic with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. We will be looking at: • Re -mapping the Neighborhood and Community Park Zone boundaries • Adjusting the time frame for expenditure of fees collected to be either a longer time period or removing the requirement from the ordinance Related to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance discussion, the Parks and Recreation Department, with the help of the City's Land Agent (Mark McAuliffe) is actively searching for possible additional park property in Community Park Zones A & B. We are close to an agreement on 111 acres of land In Zone B (west of the railroad tracks,, along N. Dowling Rd.), and are beginning the search in Community Zone A (basically the Wallhwn area to HWY b). Attachments: Map of Park Zones Map of future needs for park land Parkland Dedication Fund balances (as of 12-2016) —David iRavk Ukr d 1ldantes Park Land Cammltte6 _ - - - �udga# � Zone Bal4n�e � OoRMnitted Fundlmrf Ufrwnriltted _ lone 1(41711 I 497, a I 1,210 495.R3d Zap 2 tum * "L'o Park Swft so ftmw ms ell I 2r a� � z -.DM iurnt z ¢c7n:.. ,+k 51�n�ge (PKL7Q7� r 50o I ` I a - Zone 3 {4173) - Fyn For All Park IPKI4091 1 135pm i'J5,f511D tZme 3 [4173j - Cy Miller Pk Drinking FoUntalnA PK1701j _ 3,500 x4IM'B3B � 1 _ 3 5U0 5,107 znwr 4 - 4dromwom AM DIMUM41 ADd.37 i 41 1s�Ot1 �.3u93 one4-RLI MtRWVWRlrnpr siM7yil_ e l,,,J, ins (PK� � � �vn I 6� Lane 5 - am n ijnit5 IV ► 2,U�110 7,B7fi I,D00 278 Zone Dark 9 pop (Ptt17D9j 5L3k i s,ow I awes �r6-Paok�lt�l�PK37�1 I I J - Zaim 7 - Zone 7 Fork (PROZ7.1 1 •ae,1a�1 z,a�7 333,3r Zvne 7 - Crnrnptbn Pstfk lmorvvemenk! LPK170*- IOSIOW 105,0DO I Izrne9-5aridsens 6mr1st5te#lonrrn}muj1 I 9.aool gone 6- Palk Shro r pnmR ,- — 5.00o a iR a24 2z I _ 5 000 J rJ.602 Zane 5 fI SSA96 9S : f �fiS87 Zanp 9. woodland HI15 Park Improvernerrto{PX37D6) z3,0a7 I 1 23,DOD. Zane 10 -Qj"rack Pk 5wID,H Se# $ Repurfotl PRiS02) � 2IIOXD*D PI1C)o-$anoma Pork.{PIC3503} 3 1� 14 - ($ 1 75 381,426 238 - 1644,738 1D = �ltMr� ItrC1 r.i0(i arrrit C -I ��.eru�l - -E __I!f,717o� ',Zone iz 25,414 10: 1,315 Zone 12 -Cove of Nantucket Troll LkL*lS {PK17051 ADO I zA.DOU �#= PI€i ir�se >Q` 'Rnlsd. t7343r 27-OW _ 27.000 omm 13 - Cil�"�f! 8lfotar4laftar [0#601�} l Ow 17S.8i 1 SAM sT�J z Liii tone 13 C t 51nro��i flM Is C�]ur# LIdHI, (PIt1706} 40,000 - 40,000 .Zone 14 I I 92, 13 I 399 Px, 2+4 lone 15 • eatticU Pork (PKlSZ2) I TSB 1 1.203JU r 3,3621 592,787 510196 Zone it3 F - I l5a I - I - I Sol zone 19 4,352 1 I I 4,32 I zone 21 ioo�e zra I - I 3efb17 i � i 3S.Ssz i Zoom 26 [Canmunityzone A141501 ( • f IlEll,li3 f Z4201 I 565, J comrmnl y zone 514101) ; ; 2,995rou I Awal _ I- t.97a• z/wcf4sGu - pWFW AfiP" IP iw" s55.,9fk3 221,j§, i-171AWt21 ^W] I onununity Zone D (4163I wz'g17 1o02) Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone D Neighbors CS City Li - Parks TAMU Streets ,& Community and Neighborhood Park Zone Map NORiF! finprovements' o gonig�vi C Creek Park eceaf Mete has beat concern •. J about chlanws to the trail sur- lecog In 1! kk trek ftk- Due to the wag main- 1ewmwe and iman)'�ent projects within the park —rat hddg'e Constr� Lion, trail repairs, dead tr-e Nmonk -Raoul clewung up of the Park --tbete was a need to improve a short section of iraB that runs fx= the equestrian paMc irelot to the mein traiL The equesirian par)gng lot is the on ly perking lot ereilable to Access the n>WU ttal2. IU other pajdag10 cUurtmtlY is closed to allow Ibr theco8strUOiQu,Of the Lick Creek Park Natui e Center. The city staff'tnstaued spmeold rMdWAY tnllltngs so that the constr1x%M work wouldnot asmT4ewy dftbY the eAisE9ng trial, Tbis Bftl-all•waa%erroad will allow construction MOWS to continue to get vehklm gad egudpment into the park to perfurrn Mabrt4tanmand reFais. This is eunendY the only �ifC?e atZ�P� palritibr the p ask. The staff aria still irl theFnce Bofg iawlIg BLANCHE SACK band, and they used this i10 llr v t xWV ::,►r ahort tOrmsolutionsfor won e to %4& AlfhmUh the park im- PMVPutents are unrk.rway, the parts Maud= ppmn Yrru still can etjoy the Park's °Bhv-& ded= bualease be csutious and obey signs noting oonstruction and ck)6ed arms. Lick C wk park is this area's premier- uatwv Pmsrve- %apatagize farthe 3nconverdenee the present �imHc seated for perk viSitoi s, but please VW the 0* -xf Col- leBe Statiart is committed to OWiQng i t eRan bouix When these C=Pimp v ants are Odw Improvements thenaturalbplayaro the Lick Creek Parkdi9plays txQ WA mph that wf11 a Var18t1► Af >]ati* pla nt coverthoroadway mlAings andanhualspecies,includ- to ate a n1tural-1 onldgg ing the emdM=e i Navaa o- surface for pack -goers to taLedlns Tress es, The park use. Thejr still Will Deed to offY2s S MDft of marked drive vehicles into the park, trals and Prides oppop however, as more construe- tzitiesforhildng,cyOkM Unit continues throughout bilti watching, e9uestntan tbepark.TheasphWtmi6 activitlesand nsturestudy. inks wets used betau8 c the ICs also the city's (argent st3ffhad this mnb2aW on nifleash dog park, Mayor's Monarch ple fte Asapartaf themaynr's Monarch PIedge to help s eve the threatened butter flySvulcon. tbepatiswflt include a mDnMtb,&kndly demonstration ga den and a butteft trail wit Uck Creek Nature Center The 615-acre park ors Bast Rock die Road Is imdergoing exte&W lumrovemettts, vic]uctlpg the co o s ti uction of s Iong. ftmite d aat1re cmter. In the SOB band , ruld eats of calle®estation ReWUUn9 bid a►� Iiela� aABra►�i LpgWhig ottra s the Al uiamon Isck Qh ParkliAWwv Caoiez The The rerouting of trails dew l wW wwnyed in. will tmmom the flow and 2014, bW coostr7udJpu was Create a MAW Pathway delapa d untU an atlegusfe that o `n'Az s thenntum water line could be centar io the park's west instari fbr h e PWection- e"tMtx& 8tFMbJe C(W!k Tbr enb,-d rains last apring 1?ai4((vsy, which is the trail- andsummerunisedaddl- bead For theL-I&COmk foal delays. Hike: mid Bike Trail t1W Thu*,thenatute windsMQMtha imues center's construction is saVQ town to Cloak View well unftx-�and Is pork. eloected to be, finished tlils Tratil sin faces also WM sty The uawm contac be upgraded, and new skg- soon will be tba paik'a fo. na®e and maps will guide Cal point and MHIvuv�► VWtnrs thmugb the troll twaidents end visAws an %stem.Me=whA%infw stlt�cat3�alopp�lmj�r matiobal 6i®fage thmugb- toiemm abouttbe animals out ft PffkwA1 Wku tidy andp its that call the trees, plants, birds,'Assets, plc home; butkfam, trod wMWP- Natwe.siDdudea Benches along trailsegdfit 2.4w 4sw re ie o t build- Qxh unit iu�� WO ing with a we,%ngroom, allow visitors to pause and ITOMOrng,Indoor and 3'tl�ePar2�st autafiil outdoor clawrooms, an am- soeneY. Ric" rocks also PhUNm%irandttativejdMt a Vlllbeacmalbleattbe displays, feu majorentry ways, The rite at Collage Sku- tt o n looks forward to Shar- i o g this won derfisl mmurc e withthecitimm ofthe Plraaw Valley in the ye an abumtmtpq d—ibe butterfly's host p1 ant — >� ear ffi�,>�2aiag plants. Tba site twill be apri= Spot to waicb the mon- srdW annual migration and Zo ftMorQbaci& ahead. - Qar *&kklerreaontheCol- legeStvrlo„CITYCouncil Whem Ownrb&ManO(ME i%rhr MUr; Gfm VMYr CaMMVMT- OWN � A G 1- J 1, chr- fRI4 1, 9-417 Ulric Creek `improvements' are a e{a W of our tax dollars Ike Crom icaA mmth 29) is auTd!!L Wboauer ism ctane of t1o7Ac4rCteek imBcavement plan hoe done avm per AofPbmnh9andexWWon. Obr mole ohm IQ ors I have been 641ag my Ju notam Me throlWb Lick Czeek Park msul- tb* times Pam' wsek. The larh u9od to be a gread nature panic, with bahimI tx� that vexadered tbfUMh t%e waaIS, suvtng both PW* im d wIIdIllp-The lu dalerastadgrmitlehallsfbat m thramb cmnt3ar of the va& Wexe a ac"h- 1 W allured fPr the nattiral trails to Wemect with the lmpiuvad train, allow- ing aces fpr lugs md Wmr s as well as w alls era attd atroBers, Us m agUacmt ImMumomf of the matn tragftm *a lot is a dkma The sal vaged asphalt is uneven, difficaii to waAc or life all and %1W 11ke f AuTe of CU traal is evidebmd by wbat nahnmlumans are dcrktg--titres sae tseuFal trail pemB e210 me `Swoum& tombs aavkirs & The iaxdnlla� $Dent an thisno-called imp mWmextma a OOD2- pbtb failum The poor ds a izicm on the mzwfacim aE Mis stre6th of trail is just one of vmy%r the whole U& UU& prg1ML Tbelmpruvwmb are far ftm beluecanwickd butbme been Qlr oQa- s3tmdMnkr aver a Year, wh1ch has restated in about 1/3 of the trail system add the e3g6ttng Pau lot being unusable to the pubUe- �y lu fport4nafie ; �ti113 is Wt maple of Wbat abd WaSWi IAtCM& Park am (Tiginmly envisioned as a rural nabiz al par wbetu the PWIc Could hBe on natural trails and see na- t�w pants and wtlGM Instead it is betttg'tar gust' by hym of aspwt and tacretrtt-a r, the mealbrdrm4jW ail of its *lginel dWU WW inkm&Apurpase GRM CORRIER College Statist DT'DRIAL WARD G1DtSiy1L�1PR$ R,Ll�cr CP?IY�O�E�1Rn kuc►� UFi4c1*THE R Lick Creek `improvements' realty don't impmw ar itft Cail� 'b n tbo Tft, IIowing oa imp 6 ,90 nta Lebog teade to r3& nrmk ftEr "rinds) saw writ be uBgra&d.... % .... u.. aW mwMities tW a ala 1t am2s--lhle thr yotmg and old Nine." I sugyast the city manager, dlrectotr of panne and >a*vr vidt IAA Cle& Park and tnak.-- 8 determination wheffierthis stated goal for1he mmanis achiaily i6 hdio6 achtcuei This 1t.k i,9JJ WJ,3 trEW aqnmrk-- toile section of Post t & Traft -- orWmty vmU smd trail rooghW 12 feet wide — has bees veer - Add w1b eUt of salvaged Alt rilKET*m+Rtrie )tom VW bea io mactmQ sEP- Notablybeyoedjnstbdwug anaunnatural to the e" h lfloke, is tl2A mast pv* don't use It instead they vaallc. M and Push stroB- em an a wwyw*m beshk the -im- prover CaiL The tam -based mqi 1 rtPrsp i is a& Umstablasuctkre kr Walking Pa tmlady. QF�Rit3Dg t3l� cdY. "t�Y�BaAd dde1S>se" Motes witixioguing etroDers will notbe able to =e The h,& iaogs date to fts smaun f e' those with � bw.e.IImm and �whhe�P,ld atra this sea tm �"y..�Aomo ft iRk crea � iu% wMbeftTesAb1aA2r,�Um misakxpagibalt 4prV $pots PUs in the neld nee to the traiL Wbw made the .r::.:.s;;�.--I de6sim that asphalt tip -Yap was a sari aayra m mt needs to tevisl isOmd res* B that %C600 of past OakTrail to what titpw�a�(sbft5D4 jjed smeth�_s quxrter a rpc thm of Pbst Oak 7 rad wM atasd as a pie mmmt t"timony to a very poorly eaxiled project hw c»aA College Statism CAUM to. Balance as of Mach 21, 2017 Deposits: 3/27/2017 3/27/2017 3/29/2017 3/31/2017 4/3/2017 Bolonce as of April 4, 2017 Club Cash and Pledges College Statlon Noon bons Club College Station Roiaiy Club Bryn Rom Ckrb &Von Noon dons Club Klwanis Club of College Station Total Club Ple-dws Pledges by Calendar Yew Fun for All Playground Financial Information as of April 4, 2017 Checking Money Mkt Total 5 6. K. 1.71 $850,957,37++07.759A$ 1.000.00 3,000.00 trsncW (100.000.iiq 10.000DO Interest 110.89 transfer 140,000.00) 40,000.00 510,801,71 M9 1,00.26 $911,869.97 Club Member Total Cash Pledge Received $►100,000.00 $56,803.35 50,000.00 44,775.00 10.000.00 11IX)OM 4,533.58 15,000.00 2,060.00 r175.000,00 1 19,171.93 2O1S 2016 City of College Stotlon Participatil $►500,000.00 Others Total Other Pledges Donations by Level Including Pledges 250,000 0 100,000 4 75.000 0 50.000 1 25,000 2 10.000 14 11000 66 1 38 John David IL Carolyn Crow Field 512S.348.00 Tout Cash and Pledges: Cash in Bank $911,869.97 Club Pledges less Cosh Receive, 68.486.65 Total Other Pledges 565,465.00 Total Cash and Pledges: $1.545 I.b2 2017 $65,465.00 $65.46SND (5.000) 8 Bracelets Member Totals Fulure Each Pledge Club $45,196.65 $102,000.00 10,350.00 55,125.00 11,000.00 4,533.58 12,940,00 15,000.00 77 $68,486,65 ' 187,658,58 Told $S00,000.00 65,465,00 Ir �• PROIKT UPPAYE Parks $ Recreation Department I CAV of College Station V/4" PROJECT UPDATE AS OF April 4, 2017 Total Number of Park Projects this fiscal Yr. 57 Numberof Projects in Progress _ 39 Number of Projects Completed this Fiscal Year 18 i Park Prolectsmanaged by Capital Profecfs— 5 ADAMSON LAGOON • Ah"kWM Deer Replaccmwt—This>omject in now COMPLETE • Baby Pool Deck Repairs —Contracts in route for signatures. Construction time 7 days • Electrical— Work in progress. Scheduled to be completed by April 7, 2017. • Frog Slide and Spray Feature Replacement --COMPLETE • Saurm Slide Replacerneo —COMPLETE BARRACKS PARKS • Addition of three new parks, along with lights to the existing parks. • oonsvucwon awving forward. Project scheduled to be co pleted Mid Deaember20V. BEE CREEK PARK • Pickle Ball —Quotes coming in. So far just out of budget but doable, BRIDGEWDOO PARK • Installation of park amenities • Contract signed and scheduled to start the week of April 101. Contractor has 60 days to ro plete. BROTHERS POND PARK • Replacement of play unit and surfacing. • Contract for sealed drawings in route far signatures_ 60days. CASTLEGATE PARK • Swing set surW09-- COMPLETE. • Tennis Court Light Fixtures— Will request quotes to have all g light fixtures and poles replaced with LED fixtures. CASTLEROCK PARK • Removal of pea gravel surfacing and replace with bonded rubber. COMPLETE. Page 1 PRQIECT UPDATE Parks & awnauwr of o ' I , e, I &V of Coskp station CENTRAL PARK • Playground — Play unit is now COMPLETE • Sidewalk Repairs to office — Scheduling pre -construction meeting for next week. Contractor h as 60 days W somplete. • Softball Bleacher Cover — Replacement of all four shade covers. Waiting on one additional quote. • ADA Improvements alone, front pond. — Engineering firmed hired. 60 days to complete CRESCENT POINT PARK • Design fwm woriking on con stRauion draw(ni c fvr addba" amec*i es to paA* tak* ParWand Dedication funds. • Department review complete. Firm will make changes over the next few weeks. Cy MILLER PARK • New metal roof for gazebo. Current pricing is too high to move forward with at this time. Waiting W see if any projects agTe in under budget beivre r"oesting near Ruvi►es EDELWEISS PARK • New swing and surfacing. Scheduled to start second week of April, Project should take 14 days to complete, EDELWEISS GARTENS PARK • Remeval of pea gravel surhacing, replace with bonded rubber. • Contract for sealed drawings in progress_ 60 days to complete. FUN FOR ALL PARK • Firm making changes to the 95% drawings GEORGIE K FITCH PARK • New playground and surfacing. COMPLETE • Basketball court resurfacing. Still receiving quotes. G.K. FITCH/ RINGER LIBRARY TRAIL • Concrete pater cannRching Fikh Park to the Ringer ubTary. • Design firm has started. 90 days to somplete. .LACK AND DOROTHY MILLER PARK • Walking Path - New sutfacirig on track. COMPLETE • Gaaebo—New metal roof. Curr"t prIsing is to high will wait to see if any other projects come In low before requesting new quotes. f8P 2 ry PROTECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation bepaitment I Clay of College Statlon JOHN CRO%IIFTON PARK • Replacing current park light fixtures with LED fixtures. Requesting quotes, LEMONTREE PARK • Parking Lot— Removal and replacement. COMPLETE • Play Unit — Replacement of unit and surfacing. Working on sealed drawings. LICK CREED{ PARK • Nature Center—Constructianmoving along. Contractor expectctobefinished June/July 201T. LINCOLN CENTER • Expansion — Work continues as scheduled. Interior work has started. • Swing —New oval swing and surfacing to go in by splash pad. Scheduled to be complete by April 21". LIONS PARK • Play Unit —New play unit and surfacing is in, COMPLETE MEMORIAL CEMETERY • Jewish Section —Requesting quotes. Should have by Friday, April P. OAKS PARK • Play Unit —New unit is in and rubber surfacing is in, COMPLETE • Skleamlk Rehab — Project in onwess. Contractor has toll Vice end of Juoe to complete Ibis project. PEBBLE CREEK PARK • Lights — Requesting quotes to remove existing park light fixtures and replace with LEDs, as well as re -plumbing the existing light poles. RAINfREE/ BRIGHT PARK • Play Unit — Replacement of existing unit and surfacing. ■ Flan worknlg en sealed rhawings- • Sidewalk —Working with Capital projects on funding part of this project. RINGER LIBRARY EXPANSION • Design firm working on requested changes to 1DD% construction drawings. REAITA MEADOWS PARK • Development of Park • Deprtrnenc mWew of Y!M drawings is complete; Chagpes will be made over the rmxt dune weeks. Pat@3 PMECT OPUATE Paem & RaTEAk3A (1eOafoWtOC I OtIr of CoffeP 5fdW0 SANDSTONE PARK • Fitness Unit— New fitness pod. COMPLETE SONOMA PARK • Development of Park — Department review is complete. Firm has three weeks to make changes. SOUTHEAST PARK • Bali Field Oe*n—AdtfoiorW InfocrrraWn requesled Jbrptasing ofproli... SOUTHERN OAKS PARK • Swing —Replacement of swing and surfacing. COMPLETE SOUTHWOOD/ BACHMANN PARK • Ballfelds- ■ Fencing - Pricing in to remove and replace backstop fencing on all backstops. Requesting clarification on quote. • Shade Canopies —Pricing in to replace torn fabric on certain canopies. • Pool — • Final set of drawings are in for the replacement of piping at the pool. Requesting construction cost. All info will be sent to purchasing by May for construction to start in September. STEEPLECHASE PARK • Swing — New swing and surfacing are to be replaced within the next few weeks. Project scheduled to start mid -March. THOMAS PARK • Fitnse PGd —Neese pod is in. GOMPLEM • Pool — Pricing is in to repair/ replace a section of fence around the pool as well the gate from mechanical room to pool. Request for contract has been sent to purchasing. • Tennis Court - • Lights —Requesting quotes to remove the existing lights and replace with LED fixtures. • Fence- Replacement of aWsting chain link waft a heavier gauge and replace existing post. Info has been sent to Purchasing for contract. UNIVERSITY PARK ■ New surfacing and swing —COMPLETE VETERANS PARK • Waiting on additional cost information. WAYNESMITH • Shade structures (Fabdcl — Requesting additional quotes. Page 4 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreailon bepartinent 1 CAY of Coftge Stadun WOLF PEN PARK Parking Lot Striping— Quotes are being requested WOODCKEEK PARK 41 Play Unit— New unit and surfacing. COMPLETE WOODIAND HILLS PARK • Spacing— Pricing Is In io have the existing pea grwm1 swbV pit replaced with Lor+dad n.:bber Sealed drawings have been requested before moving forward. Fags 5 City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name, Address: Phone:_ _ 971i 3•G�79 Z. Development Memo: 0-j!2&r DavaIopmnnt Lo fton: jQ1 Podar A & 8 3. Dwelling Units: 1 Single Family —!—Single Family ---JWae Pam - 211B West 24rd Streel — E•Mall:_ phamar bluestorrx,ws Project#-- ,Ftq;?017-0M028 Multi -family l.0%, Iota din Neighborhood Park Zone 2 Mul i-family Units, located in Community Park Zone C 4. Development Fees and Dedlcation Fftquirements: a. Land Dedication or Fee In Lieu of Land (Choose ana): Neichborhood Cbmrnu ' Total ZBVIe Farm Or a (1) acne per 117 DWs_ ac One (1) scre p r 128 DU's _ ac = _ETC Multi•famNy: one (1) acre per 117 DU's ac One (1) ecre per 128 DU's , ae= — ac TOTAL = Acme Fee Paid in Lieu of Land Dedication Nekftorhaod 0wwNwV Single Family: @ $274.00 per DU $ 274 @ $25000 per DU $ $ 524 MLIfi-family @ $274 00 per Du $ @ $250 O0 per DU; _ $ TOTAL FEES 1N UEU OF LAND (Nalghb-orhoodand commusuU1II t b. Devetopment Fee: NE!Iohborhwd1 Qrrnn munit+ Total Skqle Few @ 53a2-cO w DU S $ Q? $07$ 00 per CW $ 3 i s Mulli.tamily, @ $362,00 Per DU $_ @ $750,00 per DU $—. ` $ TOTAL DEVELOPMENT FEES (Nelghborhood and Community) _ $ 731 b, Comments. The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) I Units x 1,281 Name D3to 1.28 t land Dedication None City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant Names Philip %KLas Address:- 111 Lin iversfiv,p ive East Collie Station, Tcxss 77840 Phonu-__t97M485.2044 _ E,I1 ML_ oh.'1[Pb1D 2. DeveWpment Name,.„ - Falcon Point Phase 4 Protect #: VVPC2 8- Development LOCO= NO&Ltha northeMt 1ptersection V Dartmouth X&eet and H91leman Drive 3 Dwe1lW9 L.Wis: „ Single Famlly 28 Muhl tdmUy Unk% located In Neighborhood Park 2ma, 3 Single Family 25 Mull4amily Units, located In Community Park Zone C 4. Development Fee6 and dedication Requirements: a. Land Dedication or Fee In Lieu of Land (Choose One): Nftborhood __ m uni Told lh Single FamUy- One 0) acre per 117 DU's ac one (1) acre per 128 DL1s ac » ac MuW.fs"of : One (t) acmper 117 0Vv -ac One (1) acre per 128 Ws' ac = ac TOTAL o Acres Fee Paid In Lieu of Land dedication Single Family: $274,09 per DU $ MuNWwrily: $2-74.00 per DU $, 7-C72 b. Development Fee: - oR — Carnmunity ® Mo.t9 per DU $ 5 5250.00 per oU 5 7pgo § 14 e72 TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) $ :1 N6i0.0r,..-fiuo l� ^'TIC �4�1 Single Family @ $301w per DU $_ _ $375 00 per CU $ 8 MultE family @ $362.00 per DU $750.00 per DU $ 21,OQQ = $_ 31.130 70TAL (Netghburtmod and C xncrur0W _ $_ 31 135_ 5, Corrirnents: This Form Is for Bui dicta 4 vnthiik the Falcon Poin"hase 4 Ml amily DMIopm. ent, Fees 11ec. with Dullolnq Permit, The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) La Units x t$ °� $. S ~.508 _ Land Dedication None Name City Df College Station Administrative Appflval for Required Parkland Dedications of Leas than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name: Phiiao Saroas Address,_ 111 University QLNS a`ast Coileqe. Station- Texas 77640 P71011e: (9791485-2844 E-Mail,y ofi�Illnb�rahrrsanpac�e.s2�rrM 2. Development Name: FPhase 4 Project t; PS2Q16-OQDpO , Development Location: Near tha northeast 1UMrsection of Dartmouth Street a Wnll4man Drive 3. Dwelling Units:_ Single Family R Multi -family Unit . located In Neighborhood Perk Zone 3 — Single Family a Multi -family Units, locate in Community Park Zone C 4. Development Fees and Dedication Requirements: a. Land Dedication or Fee In Lieu of Land (Choose Onej: Neigh orhood Community Single Femlly: One (1) acre per 117 OU's eC One (1) acre per 12B DU's ac — ac Muld-famlly: one (1) acre per 117 DU's_ ac One (1) acre per 120 DU's ac = _ ac TOTAL Acres Fee paid In Lieu of L rid Dedication Nelchborhgo Single Family: @ $274.00per DU $ WIW AWW° @=4®FwDU$ 2102. b. Development Fee: Neighborhood w O R .-. Community ® $290.00 per DU $ _ $ a lsm.02 Per Du $ , Q - s 4.M TOTAL. Neighborhood and Community) S 4.1trz_ Community Tolal Single Faml ly @ $362.00 per DU $ @ $376,06 per OU $ r $__ _ MultWomily @ $36 °0 per DU $ 2, 96- @ $7SO,00 per DU $ S-OOU TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) _ $ e.ass S. Comments: This Form is for Buildina 5 within the Falcon Point Pha e 4 uly-Family Development- Fees {;aflected with Buikilnc Permit. The Ctty of Coiioge SbVen agrees in accept: GRANGTOTAL (Neighbostood and Community) 8 Units x $1.636 = 9a 43.ti88 Name Date Land Dedication None City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acces 1. llppllcant Nanle: —Travis k Address: _ 31MEnd 21P fhwL 77S 2 Phone: 7JP- -1461 E-Mail: Ga s0dark m.co 2. Development Name: Indian Laker. Subdiylsion Phase 2& _ Project #:— FP2017-000003 13evelopment Location. SoUthaf1nterS*C1JDnofChgIWCanVon ❑ riveive and ChovsYo C 3. Dwelling Unils: _L Single Family Multi4amlly Bedrooms, located In Neighborhood Pad(Zone Singh Family Mahl-family Bedrooms, localed in Community Park Zone 4. Development Faes and Dedication Requirements: a. Land Dedication or Pee in Lieu of Land lChoose One): eiahborhao ommunity Total Single Famlly: One (1) acra per117 DU'& ac One (1) P" per 128 Wa Hc= __ aC K4vW_ am1IV: 0m ('1J acre pow Jt7 Offs_ ac Oise (1) acre per12S Ws ac = ac TOTAL = , Acm �OR— Fee Paid in Lieu of Land Dedication "eilghborftncid 2go) iLnity Single Family: ® $274 00 Per OU $ @ $250 00 per pU $_ Vuftf-family: @ $115 d0 per OR $ @ W&m per SP TOTAL. FEES IN LIEU OF LAND (Neighborhood and Community) $ NIA f?- DewmtoPrmit Fee: nlrAiahborl l ❑airnuni TO-W Single Family; @ $362 06per DU S_ _ ® $375 °° per 0U $ = $� Mult4amfly: ® $152 O0 per RA $ @ $315.04 pe,' BR $ W $_W_ TOTAL DEVELOPMENT FEES (Netbhboncccd and Community) - $_ E, Comsnmv . Dj4 deg Wen*n# is v28;d do 2QOO__ ®art ietiafiam At fho Um elf yeati�i _�rk��nd # dE Inatin Was. not am8ssed for oraiegta located In the CItV's UJ - The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community)14 Single -Family Lots x = M Land Dedication -(_�, 4- `. Niirriii Do -In City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1, Appliu;int Name; Pf11jp ,rues T Address: 111 UnlvaU& Drive EeS! Q,o1Inue Statbn. 1"f.-�r; - 784� Phone: f9791485-2844 — E-Mail, _Lsl�iNpb0ohnscnP005-corn 2. Development Name: — Petlic Multi-fsrnNl� _ Protect #:P2U1B-OODDri1 DevetoPnient Location: Wersectio n_9LW1thorn Ro&dnd Lugh er_ raet 3- Dwelling Units: Singl6 Family Units �42 Mull-farnlly BR's, located In Neighborhood Pa* Zone 6 Sirigle Family Unik 342 Multi -family BR's, located in Community Paris Zone B _ 4. oeveiopatent Fos and D#dtcatirsn itequfrariaesds: a. Land Dedication or Fee in Lieu of Land (Choose One): Neigb1W_bQ Pr1 Community TOW $iVe Family: One (1) acre Per 117 DU's ac One (1) ecm per 120 OU'a ac = ea Mulll-femlly: One (1) acre per 117 OU's so One (1) 6cfe per 126 DUs ac = ac TOTAL = Acmz OR Fee paid in Lieu of Land Dedication q!�_ nbarhw4 t90 L. Single Family: @ $274,m per DU $ @ $250 °0 per l7U $ = $ MuIH-family: @ $1150D per BR $ 39. N @ $105 °Dper BR $_ 35. V_ - $N240 TOTAL (Neighborhood and CummunitA b. Development Fee: = s_ 75,244 Nelahborhooq r :nrnmunitV Total Slagle Farnily ® $362.,00por. .'r. 5_ @ $375.'0 per DU Mutti`famlly @ $152 0° per 13R $ 51$64 @ $315.0* per BR F iQ _ $ -, 1.N.714 TOTAL {Neighborhood and Commurdty� ? j 59,714 s- CoFe menis' This Form is for I Mulls-F _9artbn of thr tt,erak DevelOgMent- Fees o2bated with BuIld+nn The City or College Statist agrees fo accept GRAND "TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) 342 BR's x $007.00 W $ 2.34.954,AfF Land Dedication Nona Name Date City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name: _ t Plus oanies Address;— _ fi Berhmaimsung2 7M7 Phone:— _ 713-7R2-5800 E-Mail:_ rn1[Wlev0as!5etpluscom. x,m 2. Developmenf Name:_ NCO (Tower Point) Acartments _ Project Difi=6000 Development Location: 4341O Decatur 1)rivn 3, DWelling Units; _ Single Fam[ly 4M Mulll-family Unit , located In Neighborhood Pal c Zone _ A_ _ Si+91e Farratlr � 5 Wtl4smify U 4% located in Community Park Zone 10, 4. Development Fees and Dedication RequlrementS: a, Land Dedication or Fas 3n Lieu of Land lChoose Ona): lygiohhofhood Cammur)f Single Famlly One (1) acre per 117 DU's aC One (1) acre per 128 DU's at- luulu-fanJy: fire (1} arse Pec 11T ElU's ac Chm (1) we per 128 tars at = TOTAL - OR -- Fee Paid In Lieu of Land Dedicatlon NrichborhQQd Single Famlly; @ $274O0 per OU $ Malu-famlly: @ $115.w per SR $ _ 52440 b, OevekWmerrt Fm q*hhorhood ac ac Non_ Acrux ComMun' Q $250.00 per DU $ _ $ F 05O°9erBRS� TOTAL. (Neighborhood and Community) _ $_ 400.32Q Ca ttrunily TaAW UEE a Fm* @ $362.QDper DU S— SGigle FamVy 4 $375.00 Per DU $ $111D,53 Mulli-family Q $162 00 per BR $ Mu&bmily ® $315.°0 per GR $ $` TOTAL (Nelghborhood and Cornmunity) = $ 1,710. 0 5. Canmwt&;_PWM Roc AdviswvQq&(f0lff aoa -ed g:usaofsit Do* deg-Nomen,feesfat, t-ecu.eave of Iha mrrltl-iisa Wp on ft slW, Based gn lhthe trail Cost estimate a dlffere�eof31.710,55 it owed in Community EQ± Devsltyument FeMIL The City of College Station agree to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) a 5 Land Dedication tfnna Norms Date City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres I. Applicant Name:_ K.Annv Melrg�y - - Address: FD Box 505 Wiloe9, -Texas 7786#i ,— oay. fp7gl 587-227,5 E-Mail; _ kepr.vO mcuslo"rhomes 7 2. Development Name: - _ - Univen ithts AvadWts Project #: SP2016-r100054 Development Location: intersertlon 0f jq Mp_Drive and_L.os Portales Drive, w s� Holleman Dr.Lye outl� "A. Dwelling Units: „SIR& Fan* Units 15_ _. MuW4eWyBR's. loeafed In Nelghbarhood Paik Zone 13_ Single Family Units 16 MuM-family BR's, located in Commur'3Y Park Zone B 4. Development Fees and Dedication Requirements: a. Land DedlcaHan or Fee In Lieu of Land (Choose One): ,Neini,l"iorhog� Fran rftup Single Family: One (1) ar;re per 117 DU's _ ®c One (1) acre per 128 DU's ac Wuhi.famil f: one (f) am per 117 DtJ's cc Une M ecfe per 129 Dug ac a TOTAL = - OR -. Pee Paid in Lieu of f_and Dedication NeWhborhoc, z- CQMmun' Total ac ac Acraa Single Famlly: 0 $274," per DU $ Q $250 °D Per DU $ _ - 8 1,wwar.4v. @$1MWpar BRg1.890 Q$1D5.D0per BrR$_ IUUQ _ $. 3.52d TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) b. Development Pee: b or�ro: 2m_gl Single Family Q U52,00 Per DU $ $375 00 per M $ Muill.larnlly Q $152 00 per BR $ 2,432 Q $3151 per 9R $ TWAL (W Bhbud)vvJ and Cqmuwft) = $ 3.520 -Nal $_ 7.472 $ 7,472 5. Comments' TO Form Is for the MulIl-Family Pudlon of the Un-hrp_rsitw Hr.ights Develouiiient j PPFrlegLF-9 c r,Lt'�d with Duildirlgyermil. The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Communityj ik BR`s x $1687.H is 10.992 zle Name Date Land Dedication ,Nlnne City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres I. ABpiteant lHams'. WA papbries— Addre--es:_ _. - _ 3602 Belle Fontaine SlroHouston. Teq�, 77i:w Phone- (7131VA-1511 � E-Mails -hw Allarooetkl2Ln0 Z. Development Name, Wall Place SubdivIslion _ project i41._ FP201B-ODDQ38 Development Location: Near the Intaraectlon of Eleanor St and EdWarcl_it east of W_t am Road, 3. Dwelling Units: 1 Single Family Muftl-family Units, located In Neighborhood Park Zone 6 i Single Family Multi -family Units, located In Community Park zone B 4- Development Fees and Dedication IZaquiremnts: a- Land Dedication or Fee In Lieu of Land (Choose One): Neiohboncoocj [:nmmuriltV ow Mule FaWly: Ono (1) we P9r 117 0Vs- ac One M ecru Per 12B 0U's -ac, ac Mulli family: prier (1) acre p6r I IT DU'a ae One (t) wM per 125 DU's ac m ac TOTAL a Acres we7:C Fee Paid In Lieu of Land Dedication Ne-9hhCrhQQ§ C4rnmuni� single Farvilly: @ $27400 per DU $ 274 @ $2500° per DU $. �50 __ 524 MultHemi y, @ $274.10 p9r OU $ @ $250 0o per DU $ - _ TOTAL +lMlehborhand and CommuniW $ SM b. Development Fee: Nleiahborhoo4 CUMIJIUnft Total Single Family Q $362-m perOU S 362 @ $375.0 pm DU $ 375 - S 737 Mulct.farnlly @ $382,09 per pU O — _ @ $750.00 per [lU $ = S TOTAL {Neighborhood and Community) a $ _M7 5. Comments:-- This Foirn is for the Wall P111119a_Subdivision. The parkland is dua to the crestion-of a 3'd lot from two ems' tine buIIdIMq-pJgJL The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) 1 Unit x $261 = $ Land Dedication Notre y-- Ark Name Date