HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2022 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionCollege Station, TX Meeting Agenda Planning and Zoning Commission 1101 Texas Ave, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/84661403795 Phone: 888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 846 6140 3795 The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. April 7, 2022 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers College Station, TX Page 1 This meeting will offer both in-person and remote participation following both the City’s Guidelines for in-person, virtual attendance, and the speaker protocol in the agenda. The city uses a third-party vendor to help host the meeting and if the call-in number is not functioning access will be through the internet link only. 1.Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. 2.Hear Visitors. At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to visitors wishing to address the Commission on issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. An individual who wishes to address the Commission regarding any item on the agenda shall register with the Commission Secretary prior to 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting. To register, the individual must provide a name and phone number by calling 979.764.3751 or emailing khejny@cstx.gov prior to 4 p.m. To submit written comments to the Commission, email khejny@cstx.gov and they will be distributed to the Commission. The visitor presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) 3.Informational 3.1.Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev 3.2.Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: Thursday, April 14, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 5:00 p.m. (Liaison - Smith) Thursday, April 21, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 28, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 5:00 p.m. (Liaison - Mirza) Thursday, May 5, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. 3.3.Presentation and discussion regarding an update on items heard: A Rezoning from SC Suburban Commercial to PDD Planned Development District on approximately five acres located at 3105 Corsair Drive. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on March 3, 2022 and voted (7-0) to recommend approval. Page 1 of 62 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 April 7, 2022 The City Council heard this item on March 24, 2022 and voted (7-0) to approve the request. 3.4.Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board or Bond Citizen Advisory Committee. Monday, March 28, 2022 ~ Bond Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting 4.Consent Agenda All matters listed under the Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. Since there will not be separate discussion of these items, citizens wishing to address the Commission regarding one or more items on the Consent Agenda may address the Commission at this time as well. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it may be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 4.1.Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. Attachments:1.March 17 2022 4.2.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Greens Prairie Reserve Section 1, Phase 103 on approximately 3 acres, generally located southwest of the intersection of Diamondback Drive and Arrington Road. Case #FP2020-000029 Sponsors:Erika Bridges Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map3.Final Plat 4.3.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Greens Prairie Reserve Section 1, Phase 106 on approximately 12 acres, generally located southwest of the intersection of Diamondback Drive and Arrington Road. Case #FP2020-000031 Sponsors:Erika Bridges Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3.Final Plat 4.4.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Midtown City Center Subdivision Phase 301, being a replat of Midtown City Center Subdivision Phase 301 on approximately 5 acres, generally located on the east side of Town Lake Drive and approximately 100 feet south of McQueeny Drive. Case #FPMU2021-000002 Sponsors:Jesse Dimeolo Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map3.Final Plat 5.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6.Regular Agenda Page 2 of 62 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 April 7, 2022 6.1.Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action to consider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Neighborhood Center future land use description, intent, and generally appropriate zoning districts within Chapter 2. Distinctive Places of the Comprehensive Plan. Case #CPA2022-000003 (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the April 28, 2022 City Council Meeting – subject to change.) Sponsors:Tamanna Tasnum Attachments:1.Staff Memo2.Neighborhood Center Future Land Use Redlines 3.Comprehensive Plan - Chapter 2. Distinctive Places 7.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 8.Adjourn. The Planning and Zoning Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on April 1, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 3 of 62 March 17, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION March 17, 2022 6:00 p.m. Phone: *888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 811 8053 0582 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/81180530582 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Dennis Christiansen, Bobby Mirza, William Wright, Jason Cornelius, Melissa McIlhaney, Thomas Jackson, and Mark Smith COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Harvell and Dennis Maloney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Ostrowski, Molly Hitchcock, Carol Cotter, Jason Schubert, Alyssa Halle-Schramm, Anthony Armstrong, Robin Macias, Elizabeth Pedersen, Carla Robinson, and Kristen Hejny 1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. Chairperson Christiansen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors No visitors spoke. 3. Informational Agenda 3.1 Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 3.2 Discussion of Minor / Amending Plats approved staff: • Pebble Creek Phase 7-B1; Block 39, Lot 36R ~ Case #FP2022-000004 • Hemaville Subdivision Phase One; Block 1, Lot 1 ~ Case #FPCO2021-000018 Commissioner Jackson asked for the location of Pebble Creek Phase 7. Land Development Review Administrator Armstrong clarified that Pebble Creek Phase 7 is located near the Crossing at Lick Creek. Commissioner Cornelius arrived at 6:02 p.m. 3.3 Presentation and discussion regarding an update on items heard: • A recommendation on Planning and Zoning Commission appointments to the BioCorridor Board. The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this item on February 3, 2022 and voted (7-0) to recommend Commissioners McIlhaney and Mirza as appointments to the BioCorridor Board. The City Council approved the appointments on March 10, 2022. Page 4 of 62 March 17, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 There was no discussion. 3.4 Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Thursday, March 24 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 5:00 p.m. (Liaison – Jackson) • Thursday, April 7, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, April 14, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 5:00 p.m. (Liaison – Smith) • Thursday, April 21, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. There was no discussion. 3.5 Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board. • Friday, March 25, 2022 ~ Design Review Board Meeting ~ City Hall Bush 4141 Community Room ~ 11:00 a.m. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • March 3, 2022 4.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Mission Ranch Phase 502 on approximately 5.4 acres and Phase 503 on approximately 5.4 acres, generally located north of the intersection of Briscoe Manor Court and Colorado Canyon Court. Case #FP2020-000053 Commissioner Cornelius motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. No items were removed. 6. Regular Agenda 6.1 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2, “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from R Rural and GC General Commercial to MF Multi- Family and NAP Natural Areas Protected for approximately 42.8 acres generally located at Holleman Drive South and General Parkway. Case #REZ2022-000002 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the April 14, 2022 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Staff Planner Macias presented the Rezoning to the Commission, recommending approval. Page 5 of 62 March 17, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 Chairperson Christiansen asked for clarification on the three exhibit submittals for this project. Staff Planner Macias provided clarification on the three exhibits. Commissioner Jackson asked for clarification on the difference in appearance for the NAP area between exhibits #2 and #3. Commissioner Mirza asked for clarification on staff’s recommendation. Staff Planner Macias stated that staff recommends approval of exhibits #2 and #3. Commissioner Mirza inquired about detention on the property. Staff Planner Macias stated that the developer is providing detention. Land Development Review Administrator Armstrong stated that staff has not reviewed a detention and drainage analysis, but detention is required. Commissioner McIlhaney inquired about buffering requirements for commercial areas, asking if the property cannot be used as commercial because of buffering requirements, what will happen. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski clarified that a buffer would not be required if the adjacent area is left rural but will be if it is zoned Multi-Family. The required buffer will impact the size of the future commercial area. Leaving the property zoned R Rural until rezoning would not require the 10-foot buffer but buffering against the multi-family portion in the rear would be required. Applicant, Greg Jasper, Amstad Development, stated that the developer is planning to construct a park, leaving the rural area for future commercial development. Chairperson Christiansen asked for the location of the park and jogging path within the development. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski clarified if the park area is zoned Multi- Family, the developer can do any permitted use in Multi-Family and does not guarantee it will be a park. Daniel Beamon, Beamon Engineering, clarified the discrepancy with the Rural and NAP area stating that the Rural area in exhibit #3 abuts the NAP zoning area. Mr. Beamon and Mr. Jasper clarified that there is not enough space for an apartment building. Commissioner Cornelius asked if all the NAP area will be zoned as multi-family. Mr. Jasper clarified the property will have one consistent zoning. Commissioner Jackson stated his concerned for the rural area. Chairperson Christiansen asked if exhibit #2 is still acceptable. Page 6 of 62 March 17, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 Mr. Jasper explained that the developer cannot construct any amenities with exhibit #2. Chairperson Christiansen opened the public hearing. Jim Butler, 16172 Bench Lane, Bryan, addressed the Commission and was in support of the proposal. Chairperson Christiansen closed the public hearing. Commissioner Jackson expressed concern about commercial development and asked for the level of service on Holleman Drive. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was performed, but the TIA did not identify any additional mitigation. Commissioner Cornelius motioned to recommend approval of Rezoning exhibit #3. Commissioner Wright seconded the motion. Commissioner Smith commented on the green area amenities attached to the development. The motion passed (7-0). 6.2 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action to consider a Conditional Use Permit request for a Night Club, Bar or Tavern use encompassing 5,218 square feet on approximately 2.05 acres located at 3164 Holleman Drive South Suite 100, generally located near the intersection of Kenyon Drive and Holleman Drive South. Case #CUP2022-000001. (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the April 14, 2022 City Council Meeting – subject to change). Staff Planner Macias presented the Conditional Use Permit to the Commission, recommending approval. Chairperson Christiansen asked if staff is comfortable with the restrictions to help mitigate noise and light. Staff Planner Macias stated that staff and the Police Department are comfortable with the City’s restrictions to mitigate noise and light. Commissioner McIlhaney asked for clarification on the TV and radio conditions. Staff Planner Macias clarified that the business would not be allowed a band, but they can have TV and radio. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski clarified that the Commission is hearing this conditional use permit only because of the tavern use and if it was any permitted use they would be allowed to have a radio and TV. Commissioner Cornelius asked for the distance between the buffering and the building. Staff Planner Macias clarified that the distance is 120 feet. Page 7 of 62 March 17, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 Commissioner Mirza asked how the City will enforce live music restrictions on the rooftop. Staff Planner Macias stated that the Police Department will enforce these restrictions. Chairperson Christiansen opened the public hearing. Greg Jasper, 18106 Martingale Court, College Station, spoke in favor of the use, stating that this is a great amenity for the area. Savannah Hennig, 3524 Kenyon Drive, College Station, spoke in favor of the use, but also spoke on concerns regarding the noise. Chairperson Christiansen closed the public hearing. Commissioner McIlhaney expressed concerns about the rooftop noise and only a 120-feet distance between the building and buffer area. Ms. McIlhaney asked if there are any other mitigating steps to limit the noise from the rooftop bar such as not allowing TV and radio use or limiting the hours. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski stated that the Commission can vote to remove TV and radio use from the rooftop, and limit hours for the tavern. Commissioner Jackson asked if the rooftop is recessed. Staff Planner Macias clarified that the rooftop is recessed with the five-foot wall and that it has a canopy portion and open-air portion both with the five-foot wall. Owner, Jason Seymore, 3170 Finke Road, stated that he is aware of noise ordinance. Mr. Seymore stated that on south side of building, they can work with operation time and noise and volume and can also install a three-foot barrier. Commissioner Cornelius asked if live music includes a D.J. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski clarified that a D.J. would be considered amplified music and would not be allowed. Commissioner Mirza asked about the proposed glass barrier. Mr. Seymore stated that the barrier is glass sound deflector. Commissioner McIlhaney stated that she would be comfortable eliminating TV and radio use at 11:00 p.m. Mr. Seymore stated that TV and radios should not exceed the decibel ordinance. Commissioner Cornelius asked if the Commission could require a glass barrier. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski stated that the Commission can make a motion with the condition of a sound barrier. Page 8 of 62 March 17, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 Commissioner Wright expressed that it would be wise to have glass barrier as a condition but expressed that he would rather not restrict what the business can do. Commissioner McIlhaney spoke in favor of the glass barrier, for safety reasons. Commissioner McIlhaney motioned to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit with staff’s condition and an additional condition that there is a three-foot perimeter glass barrier. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Mr. Seymore asked for clarification on the glass barrier condition. Commissioner McIlhaney clarified that the barrier would be around the entirety of the open area. Commissioner McIlhaney motioned to amend her previous motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit with staff’s condition and an additional condition that there is a three-foot perimeter barrier along the south and north side of the open-air bar. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Commissioner Jackson asked about the homes which are 275 feet from the business. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the distance of the homes surrounding the building. Commissioner McIlhaney motioned to amend her previous motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit with staff’s condition and an additional condition that there is a three-foot perimeter barrier on the south side of the open-air bar. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion, the motion passed (7-0). 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 7:13p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Dennis Christiansen, Chairperson Kristen Hejny, Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services Page 9 of 62 Planning & Zoning Commission April 7, 2022 Scale Right-of-way dedication of approximately 3 acres. Location Generally located southwest of the intersection of Diamondback Drive and Arrington Road. Property Owner OGC CNO JV, LLC Applicant RME Consulting Engineers Project Manager Erika Bridges, P.E., Assistant City Engineer ebridges@cstx.gov Project Overview This is the fourth phase of a 31-phase single-family clustered subdivision. This Final Plat does not create any new lots but dedicates 2.847 acres of public right-of-way. Preliminary Plan Approved October 2021 Public Infrastructure Approximate Totals (linear feet): 1,835 Streets 0 Sanitary Sewer Lines 415 Water Lines 3,937 Sidewalks 1,040 Storm Sewer Lines Parkland Dedication The Final Plat does not include land dedication for Community or Neighborhood Parkland. The developer has opted to dedicate land and construct the park improvements in lieu of paying parkland development and dedication fees for the overall development. Traffic Impact Analysis A traffic impact analysis (TIA) was updated with the preliminary plan approved in May of 2018. Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Supporting Materials 1. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Final Plat Final Plat of Greens Prairie Reserve Section 1, Phase 103 FP2020-000029 Page 10 of 62 Planning & Zoning Commission April 7, 2022 Scale Right-of-way dedication of approximately 3 acres. Location Generally located southwest of the intersection of Diamondback Drive and Arrington Road. Property Owner OGC CNO JV, LLC Applicant RME Consulting Engineers Project Manager Erika Bridges, P.E., Assistant City Engineer ebridges@cstx.gov Project Overview This is the fourth phase of a 31-phase single-family clustered subdivision. This Final Plat does not create any new lots but dedicates 2.847 acres of public right-of-way. Preliminary Plan Approved October 2021 Public Infrastructure Approximate Totals (linear feet): 1,835 Streets 0 Sanitary Sewer Lines 415 Water Lines 3,937 Sidewalks 1,040 Storm Sewer Lines Parkland Dedication The Final Plat does not include land dedication for Community or Neighborhood Parkland. The developer has opted to dedicate land and construct the park improvements in lieu of paying parkland development and dedication fees for the overall development. Traffic Impact Analysis A traffic impact analysis (TIA) was updated with the preliminary plan approved in May of 2018. Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Supporting Materials 1. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Final Plat Final Plat of Greens Prairie Reserve Section 1, Phase 103 FP2020-000029 Page 11 of 62 Page 12 of 62 Page 13 of 62 Page 14 of 62 Page 15 of 62 Planning & Zoning Commission April 7, 2022 Scale 18 lots and 5 common areas on approximately 12 acres. Location Generally located southwest of the intersection of Diamondback Drive and Arrington Road. Property Owner OGC CNO JV, LLC Applicant RME Consulting Engineers Project Manager Erika Bridges, P.E., Assistant City Engineer ebridges@cstx.gov Project Overview This is the fifth phase of a 31-phase single-family clustered subdivision. This Final Plat creates 18 lots and approximately 1.6 acres of common area, including 1.7 acres of public right-of-way. Preliminary Plan Approved October 2021 Public Infrastructure Approximate Totals (linear feet): 1,400 Streets 1,520 Sanitary Sewer Lines 1,686 Water Lines 1,275 Sidewalks 545 Storm Sewer Lines Parkland Dedication The Final Plat does not include land dedication for Community or Neighborhood Parkland. The developer has opted to dedicate land and construct the park improvements in lieu of paying parkland development and dedication fees for the overall development. Traffic Impact Analysis A traffic impact analysis (TIA) was updated with the preliminary plan approved in May of 2018. Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Supporting Materials 1. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Final Plat Final Plat of Greens Prairie Reserve Section 1, Phase 106 FP2020-000031 Page 16 of 62 Planning & Zoning Commission April 7, 2022 Scale 18 lots and 5 common areas on approximately 12 acres. Location Generally located southwest of the intersection of Diamondback Drive and Arrington Road. Property Owner OGC CNO JV, LLC Applicant RME Consulting Engineers Project Manager Erika Bridges, P.E., Assistant City Engineer ebridges@cstx.gov Project Overview This is the fifth phase of a 31-phase single-family clustered subdivision. This Final Plat creates 18 lots and approximately 1.6 acres of common area, including 1.7 acres of public right-of-way. Preliminary Plan Approved October 2021 Public Infrastructure Approximate Totals (linear feet): 1,400 Streets 1,520 Sanitary Sewer Lines 1,686 Water Lines 1,275 Sidewalks 545 Storm Sewer Lines Parkland Dedication The Final Plat does not include land dedication for Community or Neighborhood Parkland. The developer has opted to dedicate land and construct the park improvements in lieu of paying parkland development and dedication fees for the overall development. Traffic Impact Analysis A traffic impact analysis (TIA) was updated with the preliminary plan approved in May of 2018. Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Supporting Materials 1. Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Final Plat Final Plat of Greens Prairie Reserve Section 1, Phase 106 FP2020-000031 Page 17 of 62 Page 18 of 62 Page 19 of 62 Page 20 of 62 Page 21 of 62 Planning & Zoning Commission April 7, 2022 Supporting Materials 1.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2.Final Plat Scale 3 lots on approximately 4.799 acres. Location Generally located on the east side of Town Lake Drive, approximately 100 feet south of McQueeny Drive. Property Owner College Station Town Center, Inc. Applicant Schultz Engineering, LLC Project Manager Jesse DiMeolo, Staff Planner, jdimeolo@cstx.gov Project Overview In April 2017, the subject property was rezoned to PDD Planned Development District. This is the second phase of the mixed-use portion of the subdivision and replats the original 2 mixed-use lots into 3 and dedicates additional public utility and private access easements in anticipation of development. Preliminary Plan Originally approved November 2018 with revisions July 2019 and December 16, 2021 Public Infrastructure Approximate Totals: Water Lines ~ 804 LF Sanitary Sewer Lines ~ 275 LF Traffic Impact Analysis TIA for the overall development was provided with the preliminary plan approved in November 2018 and updated in May 2020. This plat is in conformance with the TIA. Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes, with the exception of waivers related to Block Length and Parkland Dedication requirements previously approved in November 2018, July 2019, and December 2021 with the preliminary plan. Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Final Plat for Midtown City Center Phase 301 Being a Replat of Midtown City Center Phase 301 FPMU2021-000002 Page 22 of 62 Page 23 of 62 Page 24 of 62 Page 25 of 62 PAR K L A N D 0 2 0.25 0 A C . 1573 1 / 2 0 6 Town L a k e D r i v e 2.669 AC. BLOCK 1 LOT 4 2.130 AC. BLOCK 1 LOT 5 PARKLA N D 0 1 0.317 AC. 15731/206 PAR K L A N D 0 2 0.25 0 A C . 1573 1 / 2 0 6 LEGEND LEGEND 20' PUE15731/206 15' PUE16508/56 FINAL PLAT MIDTOWN CITY CENTER SUBDIVISION PHASE 301 BLOCK 1, LOTS 4R, 5R-1 & 5R-2 4.799 ACRESBEING A REPLAT OFMIDTOWN CITY CENTER SUBDIVISION PH 301 BLOCK 1, LOTS 4 & 5 VOL 16508 PG 59 THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE, A-9 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE 1'' = 40'OCTOBER 2021 TBPE NO. 12327911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E.College Station, Texas 77840 (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER:OWNER/DEVELOPER: College Station Town Center, Inc. 4121 S.H. 6 South, Suite 200 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 985-5610 SURVEYOR: Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195TBPELS FIRM # 10018500 SURVEYS@KERRSURVEYING.NET 43.5' PUE16508/5943.5' PUE16508/59 10' PUE15731/206 15' PUE16508/59 29.5' PrAE15731/206 29.5' PrAE16508/59 10' PUE15731/206 20' PUE15731/206 10' PUE15731/206 15' PUE15501/176 50' PUBLICACCESSEASEMENT15672/230 50' PUBLICACCESSEASEMENT15672/230 10' PUE15731/206 PrAE & PUEVARIABLEWIDTH15731/206 &16508/59 26' PrAE15731/206 PrAEWIDTHVARIES16508/59 15' PUE16508/59 10' PUE16508/59 10' PUE15501/176 10' PUE16508/59 50' PAE15672/230 10' PUE15501/176 20' PUE16508/59 SHEET 1 OF 2 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE TOWN LAKE DR MCQUEENY DR MI D T O W N D R OLDWELLHEADLOCATION "X" SET INCONCRETE "X" FOUND INCONCRETE 1/2" IRON RODWITH CAPSTAMPED "KERR4502" FOUND Page 26 of 62 PAR K L A N D 0 2 0.25 0 A C . 1573 1 / 2 0 6 Town L a k e D r i v e BLOCK 1 LOT 4R 2.669 AC. BLOCK 1 LOT 5R-2 1.367 AC. BLOCK 1 LOT 5R-1 0.763 AC. PARKLA N D 0 1 0.317 AC. 15731/206 20' PUE15731/206 15' PUE16508/56 FINAL PLAT MIDTOWN CITY CENTER SUBDIVISION PHASE 301 BLOCK 1, LOTS 4R, 5R-1 & 5R-2 4.799 ACRESBEING A REPLAT OFMIDTOWN CITY CENTER SUBDIVISION PH 301 BLOCK 1, LOTS 4 & 5 VOL 16508 PG 59 THOMAS CARUTHERS LEAGUE, A-9 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE 1'' = 40'OCTOBER 2021 TBPE NO. 12327911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E.College Station, Texas 77840 (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER:OWNER/DEVELOPER: College Station Town Center, Inc. 4121 S.H. 6 South, Suite 200 College Station, TX 77845 (979) 985-5610 SURVEYOR: Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195TBPELS FIRM # 10018500 SURVEYS@KERRSURVEYING.NET 43.5' PUE16508/59 43.5' PUE16508/59 10' PUE15731/206 15' PUE16508/59 29.5' PrAE15731/206 29.5' PrAE16508/59 10' PUE15731/206 20' PUE15731/206 10' PUE15731/206 15' PUE15501/176 50' PUBLICACCESSEASEMENT15672/230 10' PUE15731/206 PrAE & PUEVARIABLEWIDTH15731/206 26' PrAE15731/206 PrAEWIDTHVARIES16508/59 15' PUE16508/59 10' PUE16508/59 10' PUE16508/59 50' PAE15672/230 10' PUE15501/176 20' PUE16508/59 SHEET 2 OF 2 20' PUE(SEE INSETTHIS SHEET) 15' PUE(SEE INSETTHIS SHEET) 15' PUE(SEE INSETTHIS SHEET) 15' PUE(SEE INSETTHIS SHEET) 15' PUE(SEE INSETTHIS SHEET) 15' PUE(SEE INSETTHIS SHEET) 15' PUE(SEE INSETTHIS SHEET) 20' PUE 15' PUE 15' PUE 15' PUE 15' PUE 15' PUE 15' PUE 15' PUE 15' PUE 24' Pr.A.E. OLDWELLHEADLOCATION 24' Pr.A.E. 10' PUE(SEE INSETTHIS SHEET) 15' PUE EASEMENT INSET 1" = 30' 15' PUE(SEE INSETTHIS SHEET) 24' P.r.A.E. PrAE & PUEVARIABLEWIDTH15731/206 &16508/59 10' PUE15501/176 1/2" IRON RODWITH CAPSTAMPED "KERR4502" FOUND 26' Pr.A.E. LEGEND LEGEND VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE TOWN LAKE DR MCQUEENY DR MI D T O W N D R "X" SET INCONCRETE "X" FOUND INCONCRETE 26' Pr.A.E. Page 27 of 62 Planning & Development Services • 1101 Texas Avenue, PO Box 9960 • College Station, TX 77840 Office 979.764.3570 / Fax 979.764.3496 MEMORANDUM April 7, 2022 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Tamanna Tasnum, Staff Planner SUBJECT: Neighborhood Center Future Land Use Revisions Item: Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action to consider a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Neighborhood Center future land use description, intent, and generally appropriate zoning districts within Chapter 2. Distinctive Places of the Comprehensive Plan. (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the April 28, 2022, City Council Meeting – subject to change.) Summary: This item is to consider revisions to the Neighborhood Center future land use category. The proposed update includes revisions to the description, intent, and generally appropriate zoning districts to provide clarity regarding the commercial requirements. Background: The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan stems from numerous discussions amongst City staff and private developers regarding the intent of the Neighborhood Center future land use category. The proposed changes specify the extent of commercial uses expected along primary streets, while also allowing flexibility in the exact size and location if creating commercial nodes or if other site characteristics necessitate an alternative design to provide a horizontal mixing of commercial, office, and residential uses. Supporting Materials: 1. Neighborhood Center Future Land Use Redlines 2. Comprehensive Plan – Chapter 2. Distinctive Places Page 28 of 62 CHAPTER 2. DISTINCTIVE PLACES ***NOTE: Redlines showing changes to Page 35 of the College Station Comprehensive Plan*** Neighborhood Center Areas that are appropriate for a mix of uses arranged in a compact and walkable pattern at a smaller scale than Urban Centers. These areas consist of residential, commercial, and office uses arranged horizontally in an integrated manner and may be mixed vertically within structures. Neighborhood Centers should also incorporate consolidated parking facilities, access to transportation alternatives, open space and recreational facilities, and public uses. Height: 3 stories average Mobility: Walking, bicycling, transit, automobile Intent • Create and reinforce walkable activity centers that are connected to surrounding development and include a mix of complementary uses • Accommodate a mix of building types that frame attractive pedestrian spaces • Encourage commercial uses along primary streets • Support vertical mixed-use structures with ground-floor retail in appropriate locations such as along corridors or major intersections • Encourage all land generally within 300 to 500 feet of streets classified as major collectors or higher to be commercial uses, unless providing vertical mixed-use structures with residential uses on upper floors. The exact location and extent can be modified if creating commercial nodes and/or if other characteristics of the site require an alternative design that provides a mixture of uses in an integrated manner. • Stand-alone commercial uses with a preferred emphasis on urban form may be allowed if the size and scale of the property and/or development does not adequately support mixing uses in a horizontal manner • Support multi-family residential as a complementary secondary component of a center that includes commercial and/or office uses • Encourage shared surface parking located behind or to the side of buildings (with some limited parking in front of buildings), structured parking, and on- street parking where possible Generally appropriate zoning districts: Mixed-use, Wolf Pen Creek zoning (in Wolf Pen Creek only), General commercial and multi-family zoning may be considered in some circumstances if designed in an integrated manner through a Planned Development District with a preferred emphasis on urban form Page 29 of 62 The Comprehensive Plan sets the framework to create distinctive places, strong neighborhoods, a prosperous economy, and engaging natural spaces and arts for everyone in College Station. The plan provides policy direction for an integrated mobility network, exceptional City services, and carefully managed, fiscally responsible growth. Effective collaboration across City departments and with regional partners is key to achieve and implement the plan’s vision, goals, and actions. The plan strives to identify, create, conserve, and connect places of distinction – those areas that make College Station unique and contribute to the City’s character and sense of place. DISTINCTIVE PLACES2 AMENDED APRIL 28, 2022 Page 30 of 62 19CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Goal Vibrant and distinct districts, attractive neighborhoods, revitalized gateways and corridors, and conserved natural areas, grounded in environmental stewardship and resiliency. Purpose How land is used – including its appearance, physical arrangement, and development intensity – contributes significantly to the community’s character and its sense of place with far-reaching and long- term impacts. The City must balance and encourage infill, redevelopment, and new development in appropriate areas to accommodate an increasing population while maintaining the integrity and character of established neighborhoods. Revitalization, where needed, is also essential to maintaining College Station’s character. Sound planning ensures that the City can accommodate needed development, that development can be adequately served with public services, and that its impacts can be managed to maintain compatibility and to promote the character desired by College Station’s residents. Planning establishes effective strategies for future growth, infill, and appropriate redevelopment while balancing market opportunities, protecting and enhancing neighborhood character, creating and preserving unique districts and corridors, conserving natural areas, and creating a more resilient community. The 10-year update to the Comprehensive Plan places a renewed focus on infill and redevelopment in strategic locations to accommodate population growth while ensuring the long-term fiscal sustainability of the City. Infill and redevelopment opportunities more efficiently utilize existing infrastructure, facilities, and City staff resources by encouraging growth in areas with existing capacity to maximize efficiency. The Comprehensive Plan contains future land use categories that serve as policy guides and set expectations for how land within the City should be developed and used in the future. The terms future land use and zoning often get confused, but they are separate tools and processes. Future land use serves as a guide for how areas of the City may develop in the future. In contrast, zoning regulates how a specific property can be developed and used today. Map 2.2, Future Land Use & Character is used to guide decisions about infrastructure investment and zoning changes. This chapter serves as the plan’s foundation and encompasses many interrelated components as land use and development patterns are fundamental to the other topic chapters including creating strong neighborhoods (Chapter 3), a prosperous economy (Chapter 4), engaging natural spaces and arts (Chapter 5), an integrated mobility network (Chapter 6), exceptional City services (Chapter 7), and carefully managed, fiscally responsible growth (Chapter 8). Effective collaboration across City departments and with regional partners (Chapter 9) is vital to achieve and implement the plan’s vision, goals, and actions (Chapter 10). Page 31 of 62 20CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN This chapter includes a series of maps that depict the City’s land use strategies and goals visually, including Map 2.1, Planning Areas, Map 2.2, Future Land Use & Character, and Map 2.3, Community Assets & Image Corridors. Planning Considerations Planning input from the community identified various issues and opportunities regarding land use planning, conservation of natural features, and enhanced community identity and aesthetics. The considerations highlighted in this section were used in the development of the goal and action recommendations that follow. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT College Station is poised for continued population growth, which will bring demands for additional housing, shopping, recreational needs, public facilities, infrastructure, and services. University students continue to make up a significant portion of the population, but College Station is also diversifying in age–those aged 55 and over are the fastest-growing cohort, increasing by 83.5 percent over the last decade. The City of College Station is projected to increase by approximately 35,000 people over the next decade for a total population estimated to be 162,500 by 2030. The housing demand associated with this population growth is approximately 14,000 additional dwelling units. When factoring in assumed build-out of all existing and known development projects, there is a gap of approximately 10,000 dwelling units. This additional housing stock could come from a combination of infill development, redevelopment projects in existing areas, and new developments. This housing stock must include a variety of housing types to meet the needs and demands of all residents including students, young professionals, families and non-family households, renters and homeowners, and the retiree and 55 and older population, with an emphasis on aging-in-place. For reference, the City had a net gain of approximately 12,800 housing units over the last decade, with 6,500 single-family residences and 6,300 multi-family units added.1 If population and housing demands continue to increase and state legislation restricting annexation remains in effect, the City will naturally face a greater need for increased density in appropriately targeted areas. This presents an exciting opportunity to thoughtfully plan for a variety of neighborhoods that accommodate a wide range of lifestyles for College Station residents. Though the current population density at slightly more than 2,400 persons per square mile remains low in comparison to other metropolitan areas, the need for increased density offers opportunities for reinvigorating strategic areas and reimagining the way that new neighborhoods are designed. The City’s enviable growth prospects necessitate more effective land use planning and capital investments, as well as diversified housing types including vertical mixed-use apartments, townhomes, and dense single-family neighborhoods. 1Data provided by City of College Station Planning & Development Services Page 32 of 62 21CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY CHARACTER, SUSTAINABILITY & URBAN DESIGN College Station residents are interested in the character of their neighborhoods, special districts, corridors, and natural areas that collectively make College Station unique. Effective design also helps to create places of distinction – places worth remembering and protecting – and contributes significantly to quality of life. The design of streetscapes and building fronts as well as the treatment of parking and other physical features all impact how people experience the public realm. This plan speaks to the urban form of the City (where, when, and how land uses are developed) as well as public realm design (sometimes called urban design) and its impact on community character and identity. Residents expressed the desire to preserve natural features for their environmental functions as well as their contribution to the community’s character, with an emphasis on ensuring that the use or enjoyment of existing resources does not compromise resource availability for future residents. This is generally recognized as the definition of sustainability – meeting the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Combining these desires for unique places, quality urban design, and development patterns that are sensitive to resident needs and natural resources, along with the efficient use of infrastructure and City resources, provides a defined vision to make College Station a more livable and sustainable community. As College Station grows, it is the residents’ and City’s intent that: • Infill and redevelopment in strategic locations is prioritized over expansion of the urban area, is sensitive to existing neighborhoods, and engages residents in infill and redevelopment planning. • Growth occurs in a sustainable manner to steward limited resources in an efficient and responsible manner that accommodates an increasing population and mitigates negative impacts on the natural and built environment. Compact development patterns help minimize sprawl and its associated impacts and makes sound economic sense for infrastructure provision and City services (see Chapter 8: Managed Growth). • New or enhanced residential areas are created with qualities of traditional neighborhoods that feature a mix of housing types, a balance of owner and renter occupants, where parks and open space are provided, neighborhood-serving businesses are accessible, and adjacent neighborhoods and areas are connected in a seamless fashion (see Chapter 3: Strong Neighborhoods). • Existing neighborhoods are conserved, enhanced, or revitalized with harmonious improvements, infill development, and compatible adjacent land uses that enhance the established neighborhood’s character (see Chapter 3: Strong Neighborhoods). • Unique corridors and districts are developed, enhanced, and conserved that foster vibrant places, streets, and natural corridors that contribute to the community’s character and sense of place. • Rural areas are preserved to protect streams, trees, pastures, and open areas that contribute significantly to the character of rural areas. • Natural resources are managed and conserved through sound stewardship practices to protect streams, wooded areas, and open spaces that provide habitat for a variety of plants and wildlife, convey and clean stormwater, improve air quality, and add to the City’s character and identity (see Chapter 5: Engaging Spaces). Page 33 of 62 22CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN • Sustainable site design and low impact development practices are utilized to mitigate stormwater and prevent flooding, avoid soil erosion and mitigate urban heat island effect, encourage tree preservation and planting programs, reduce energy consumption and pursue renewable technologies, conserve and reuse water, encourage native and adapted vegetation, and minimize waste and resource consumption, among others. • Multiple mobility mode options are available to access neighborhoods, major employers and attractions, and the wider community, and streets are designed in a context-sensitive manner. The design of a street should be a function of both its role as a mobility corridor and its place context (see Chapter 6: Integrated Mobility). • Streetscapes are designed at a human- scale and contribute positively to the way people navigate and experience the City. Effective streetscapes prioritize elements like wide sidewalks, pedestrian-scaled streetlights, wayfinding signs, and canopy trees. New district and corridor plans, as well as context-sensitive street design, will help elevate streets from utilitarian elements of the community to special places in their own right. • Public facilities are located and designed to contribute to community character and make a statement about the community’s values and expectations. A well-designed library or community center fits into a neighborhood, enabling residents to walk safely from their homes and providing a place for neighbors to gather, and contributes positively to that neighborhood’s character and reinforces the public facility as an integral part of the community. • Public spaces are highly visible and accessible to all residents and visitors. Public spaces like plazas, amphitheaters, and pedestrian malls that are well designed and safe foster social interactions and community identity. Page 34 of 62 23CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Existing Land Use Future land use and character is grounded in the current use of land and the prevailing character. An overview of the current conditions is necessary prior to forming policies for the future use of land and community character. College Station can be readily divided into three basic types of existing land use patterns: urban, suburban, and rural. These are common terms that should bring immediate images to mind. Attributes that define these areas contribute to the identity of College Station. Urban character is currently concentrated in the Northgate area. It includes early 20th century lot-line commercial structures such as those along either side of College Main, and immediately north of University Drive (FM 60). More recently constructed structured parking and multi-story residential projects built close to the street continue this urban feel. This area includes vertical, mixed-use development, minimal setbacks, minimal surface parking lots, and a high level of pedestrian activity. Suburban character dominates College Station largely due to the time period most of the City was developed (post-World War II), local preferences and building customs, and the dominance of apartment- style development to support the student population. Much of this suburban character is auto-dominated and consists of land uses that have extensive areas of parking in relationship to their floor area. Big-box retail areas and shopping malls are quintessential examples of this character. Most apartment complexes, duplexes, and single-family residential developments exhibit similar auto-oriented character and design. Some suburban areas of the City exhibit a less auto- dependent and more walkable character. These areas retain a balance between green areas (parks and open space) and the built environment. Often these areas include parks, schools, and small-scale, neighborhood- serving businesses. The College Hills area is a good example of this type of suburban character. There are also suburban areas that are dominated by open space. These estate areas exhibit a more rural character with homes generally placed on large lots. The Foxfire subdivision is a good example of this type of suburban land use and character. Rural areas that currently exist in and around College Page 35 of 62 24CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Station are areas that exhibit countryside, agricultural, and natural character. Countryside is typically dominated by a few lots of estate size or greater fronting a road surrounded by agricultural or natural lands. The latter two tend to be determined by uses – crop or ranching in agricultural areas and wooded or savannah lands in natural areas. Rural areas tend to be more sensitive than other character areas to intrusions from incompatible development. Portions of the City and most of the ETJ are planned to remain rural and are identified accordingly on Map 2.2, Future Land Use & Character. Additional information about these areas is contained in Chapter 8: Managed Growth. Future Land Use The plan for future uses of land is presented through policy guidance and associated maps. Three significant land use components work in tandem to identify, create, conserve, and connect places of distinction – those areas that make College Station unique and contribute to the City’s character and sense of place. These components are: Planning Areas, Future Land Use & Character, and Community Assets & Images Corridors. Each component is visually represented by an associated map. Combined, the narrative and maps capture the City’s policies regarding how and where College Station will grow and change over the course of the next decade. • Map 2.1, Planning Areas depicts areas within the city with distinctive character that have existing small area plans or are priority areas for future focused planning efforts. • Map 2.2, Future Land Use & Character provides specific detail regarding the desired future use and character of all land within the City and ETJ. • Map 2.3, Community Assets & Image Corridors visually portrays community assets, both natural and man-made, that contribute to the character and identity of the City. Page 36 of 62 25CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PLANNING AREAS The policy guidance within this section and Map 2.1, Planning Areas are intended to provide a broad overview of the City’s land use strategy. Significant neighborhoods, districts, corridors, redevelopment areas, and places that would benefit from future small area planning efforts are identified. Small area plans are focused planning efforts that provide a more granular level of study and specific actions for a smaller, defined geographic area to help implement the Comprehensive Plan’s overarching goals. The City has several existing small areas plans and identified priority areas for additional planning efforts through recent citizen input and the 10-year plan update. The basic land use strategy is to strategically accommodate the projected demand for new housing, businesses, public facilities, and infrastructure needs resulting in multiple places of distinction. This enables the City to continually strengthen its principal competitive advantage for attracting and retaining residents, visitors, and new businesses along with the employment and tax revenues that accompany them – that is, a high quality of life. The land use strategy and planning areas focus on identifying, creating, conserving, and connecting: • Strong and sustainable neighborhoods • Unique districts and corridors, both natural and man-made • Redevelopment areas that renew, revitalize, and infill underperforming areas of the community through partnerships with public and private interests • Rural areas that preserve open spaces and respect the limits of public infrastructure and services, and • A context sensitive mobility system that links the community together (as discussed in Chapter 6: Integrated Mobility and visually represented through the Thoroughfare Plan and Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan) Neighborhoods & Districts Neighborhood planning areas are places in which the current land use, character, and identity will generally remain and be enhanced. Among other activities, these plans identify appropriate and compatible land uses and design for vacant lands within the neighborhood and its area of influence. They also designate areas appropriate for redevelopment. Neighborhood plans typically contain strategies that address existing challenges (for example, code issues) and identify enhancement actions (such as pedestrian or park improvements). Page 37 of 62 26CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN District planning areas present opportunities for a mix of appropriate uses that enhance the unique characteristics of a defined area of the City. Existing examples include the Wellborn Community Plan which centers on the unique, rural character of the Wellborn area and the Medical District Master Plan which focuses on creating a cohesive healthcare and wellness district. Over the last 10 years, citizens, staff, and City leadership worked together to create seven neighborhood and district plans. These plans provide strategic recommendations for an area within a defined timeframe (typically seven years). Once adopted, those recommendations are either implemented over the planning period, incorporated into relevant parts of the Comprehensive Plan, or additional planning efforts may emerge due to changed conditions. Occasionally, some action items are not pursued due to changed conditions or waning neighborhood interest. Many of the existing neighborhood plans are now outside of their original planning timeframes. The City should establish a formal process for reviewing neighborhood plans at defined intervals to assess what was achieved relative to the plan’s recommendations, what was not achieved (and why), and whether additional planning efforts are needed for an area. • Planning Area 1: Eastgate Neighborhood Plan – Adopted in June 2011, this neighborhood plan covers approximately 567 acres in one of the City’s older neighborhoods along the eastern edge of Texas A&M University. • Planning Area 2: Southside Area Neighborhood Plan – Adopted in September 2012, this neighborhood plan covers approximately 720 acres in one of the City’s oldest neighborhoods along the southern edge of Texas A&M University. • Planning Area 3: South Knoll Neighborhood Plan – Adopted in September 2013, this neighborhood plan covers over 3,500 acres within the City’s core. • Planning Area 4: Central College Station Neighborhood Plan – Adopted in June 2010, this neighborhood plan covers approximately 1,450 acres in the geographic center of the City. • Planning Area 5: Wellborn Community Plan – Adopted in April 2013, this plan encompasses 929 acres in the southwestern portion of the City, including much of the historic Wellborn community and focuses on retaining the rural character of the area. However, conditions have changed in recent years and the community is facing continued development pressures for growth that may now be appropriate, in contrast with the existing plan direction. A renewed planning effort in the Wellborn area is needed. • Planning Area 6: Medical District Master Plan - Adopted in October 2012, the Medical District Master Plan creates a focused healthcare and wellness district that includes the City’s major hospitals and medical facilities. This area is generally located along State Highway 6 near the Rock Prairie Road interchange, which is one of the primary gateways into the City as one approaches from the south. The plan links medical facilities into a cohesive district with supporting commercial and residential areas that are being realized through the Midtown Reserve & City Center master planned development. The City-owned Midtown Business Park, consisting of over 250 acres, is located in this general area as well, providing economic development opportunities for office, light Page 38 of 62 27CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN and heavy-industrial, and limited commercial uses. There are also significant natural features in the area – branches of Lick Creek and Spring Creek – and these should continue to be incorporated into the district as parks, greenway trails, and open space. Future development should also continue cohesive identity elements such as signage, landscaping, and design that visually tie the district together. • Planning Area 7: Wolf Pen Creek District - This district along the Wolf Pen Creek corridor combines parks, arts, and commerce by linking a variety of private and public facilities together with an urban greenway. This area has been the subject of considerable planning efforts, including specific Wolf Pen Creek Design Standards (within the Unified Development Ordinance), and substantial public and private investment. Future planning should build upon these existing efforts to expand the district’s reach into the adjacent areas of influence, resulting in a more urban character. Redevelopment Portions of the City are identified for focused redevelopment activities. Within these areas it is anticipated that a change in use – and, if appropriate, character – requires some form of direct intervention by the City. This intervention may involve regulation (e.g., City-initiated rezoning), investment (e.g., capital expenditure on infrastructure), or incentives (e.g., fast-tracking of a project or density bonuses). This stands in contrast to areas that experience changes in use based on market opportunities alone. Some of these redevelopment areas may overlap established neighborhood areas, districts, or corridors and careful attention and cohesive planning will be needed to provide appropriate transitions between redeveloping and existing areas. • Planning Area 8: Northgate District & Redevelopment Area - This area serves as the City’s primary entertainment district and represents the City’s only current urban character area. This area has been and will continue to be the subject of considerable planning along with substantial public and private investment. These efforts should be guided by the Northgate District Design Standards (within the Unified Development Ordinance), the Mobility Study and Operations Plan, and any emerging plans for the area. Continued development and redevelopment efforts in the Northgate District should enhance the vibrant entertainment district and include vertical mixed-use projects, retail and entertainment uses, and tourist attractions. Page 39 of 62 28CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN • Planning Area 9: Texas Avenue & University Drive (FM 60) Redevelopment Area - This area includes a number of underperforming land uses that, due to their proximity to two of the busiest corridors in the City, are poised for redevelopment. Much of the area is currently subdivided into small lots, making it difficult to assemble land for redevelopment. A portion of this area includes the new City Hall site and a prime redevelopment opportunity to transition the former City Hall site into a cohesive mixed-use area that incorporates retail, office, and residential uses. The proximity of existing neighborhoods and the Texas A&M University campus requires careful site planning and building design. These efforts should be complimentary to the nearby hospitality corridor planning efforts, the Eastgate area, and the Texas A&M University Campus Master Plan while focusing on bringing vertical mixed-use and other aspects of urban character to this portion of the City. This area is consistently ranked as a high priority area for future planning efforts by residents and City leadership. • Planning Area 10: Harvey Road Redevelopment Area – This section of Harvey Road includes newer commercial areas and a number of underperforming commercial and older multi-family properties and apartment complexes. This area also includes the Post Oak Mall, which will likely need to reposition itself in the near future to remain competitive. This presents an exciting opportunity to evolve into a denser area of the City, including vertical and horizontal mixed-use developments, which could compliment the adjacent Wolf Pen Creek District. During the 10-year Comprehensive Plan evaluation, residents and City leadership expressed interest in alternative options for future redevelopment and revitalization of this area, indicating a need for additional study and engagement. • Planning Area 11: George Bush Drive & Wellborn Road (FM 2154) Redevelopment Area - This area includes a number of underperforming commercial properties and poor-quality residences that, due to planned road changes to the George Bush Drive and Wellborn Road (FM 2154) intersection along with the area’s proximity to Texas A&M University, are poised for redevelopment. Much of the area is currently subdivided into small lots, making it difficult to consolidate land for redevelopment. The presence of existing residences and businesses, and proximity to established neighborhoods and the university campus, requires careful site planning and building design. Redevelopment planning efforts should focus on bringing vertical and horizontal mixed-use and other aspects of urban character to this portion of the City, while providing contextually appropriate transitions to established areas of the Southside neighborhood. During the 10-year plan evaluation residents were divided on alternative options for this area, indicating the need for further study and public engagement. Residents strongly opposed changes to interior portions of the Southside neighborhood across from Texas A&M University, thus future planning efforts within the Southside neighborhood should center on the area surrounding the George Bush Drive and Wellborn Road (FM 2154) intersection. These planning efforts will be prioritized and synced with the proposed road changes, once the timing is known. Gateway Corridors Gateway corridors serve as functional and focal entry points into the City and its unique districts, neighborhoods, redevelopment, and natural areas. These gateway corridors are prominent routes for College Station residents and visitors alike. An effective gateway corridor establishes a positive impression and identity that reinforces the community’s character. Several of these corridors serve as a link between districts, further reinforcing their importance. Identity and beautification elements, such as decorative markers and themed wayfinding signs, should be placed along these corridors. Additionally, landscaping and streetscape elements should be unified and significant along these corridors. These corridors also offer the opportunity for the placement of public art and other design elements. Page 40 of 62 29CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN • Planning Area 12: Presidential Gateway & BioCorridor - This area located near the intersection of State Highway 47 and Raymond Stotzer Parkway (FM 60) is a main entryway into the City from the west. It is adjacent to the Texas A&M University Health Science Center, Easterwood Airport, and nearby the RELLIS Campus in Bryan. The BioCorridor contains interconnected, master planned properties specializing in corporate office, biomanufacturing, research and development, and industrial uses. The area’s character is managed and regulated jointly by the cities of College Station and Bryan largely through the BioCorridor Planned Development District. Future development should build upon existing assets in the area and continue to enhance this primary gateway into the City through cohesive design, landscaping, and signage. • Planning Area 13: Hospitality Corridor - This area along University Drive (FM 60), spanning from Tarrow Street and Fire Station #6 to the interchange at State Highway 6, is one of the main entryways into the City from the highway. A number of hotels and restaurants are currently located along this corridor. The focus of this corridor should be linking current and future hospitality facilities into a cohesive corridor along with adjacent redevelopment areas that, over time, could emerge as another urban character area. The plan should include identity elements such as signage, landscaping, and enhanced design to visually tie the corridor together. • Planning Area 14: Municipal Center Corridor - This area located along Krenek Tap Road between State Highway 6 and Texas Avenue includes Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, the original City cemetery, and several municipal facilities. The area also includes significant natural features such as Bee Creek and several wooded areas. Plans for this corridor should enhance the municipal facilities and support a mix of residential and commercial activities with an emphasis on cohesive design that integrates the natural features of the area. • Planning Area 15: Harvey Mitchell Corridor - This is an area of Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818) generally around its intersection with Texas Avenue extending eastward to State Highway 6. This area includes a significant amount of floodplain area adjacent to Bee Creek and significant road frontage along Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Texas Avenue. The focus of this plan should be the development of an urban area that incorporates the natural features of the area and design elements that positively contribute to two prominent entries into the core of the City. • Planning Area 16: Longmire & Highway 6 Frontage Road Corridor – This gateway corridor is a major entryway into the City from State Highway 6. The area is generally defined as the State Highway 6 Frontage Road at its intersection with Texas Avenue between Deacon Drive to Rock Prairie Road and west to Longmire Drive. The corridor contains a series of older, underperforming, and in many cases nonconforming, commercial and multi-family uses. As a key corridor, future planning efforts should focus on redevelopment opportunities and identity enhancements such as signage, landscaping, and design to create a more visually cohesive entryway and corridor. • Planning Area 17: Wellborn Road (FM 2154) and William D. Fitch Corridor (State Highway 40) – This area is generally the southwestern gateway into the City near the intersection of Wellborn Road (FM 2154) and William D. Fitch Parkway (State Highway 40). There is a future grade-separated crossing at the intersection of these roads that will significantly change the area’s character. The land west of the railroad and generally south of Rock Prairie Road is largely undeveloped but limited in development potential due to sewer capacity constraints. A plan for this area should focus on opportunities for visual enhancements such as signage, landscaping, and enhanced design to create a more attractive entryway, along with compatible land uses such as light industrial that can operate within existing constraints. Page 41 of 62 30CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Natural Corridors Natural corridors exhibit opportunities for resource conservation and recreational activities. Examples include the Carter Creek and Lick Creek Corridors. Each of these will be the subject of a future district or corridor plan. • Planning Area 18: Bee Creek Corridor - This corridor contains Bee Creek, which is a significant stream that traverses many neighborhoods in the core of the City. This watershed has been the location of intense development resulting in significant alteration to the stream. The focus of this corridor should be on the continued restoration of the creek, development of recreational opportunities, and expansion of its role in linking adjacent areas. • Planning Area 19: Carter Creek Corridor - This corridor consists of the entirety of Carter Creek and its associated floodplain. Carter Creek is a significant natural feature stretching along much of the eastern edge of the City and linking College Station, Bryan, and the remainder of Brazos County. The focus of this corridor should be the protection of this natural feature and development of recreational opportunities that could cohesively connect the region. • Planning Area 20: Lick Creek Corridor - This area includes Lick Creek Park and the surrounding area. Lick Creek Park is one of the most significant natural features in College Station. It offers a unique natural setting and protects much of the Lick Creek watershed along with a large, wooded area and the habitats of rare and endangered species. The focus of this corridor should be the continued protection of the natural features, additional recreational and educational opportunities, and the expansion of its role in linking adjacent areas. Page 42 of 62 31CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE & CHARACTER Future land use serves as a guide for how all property within the City may develop in the future. Each future land use category contains a character-based description and overall intent of the category, along with generally appropriate zoning districts that help achieve the desired character. There are also example photographs from existing developments in College Station or other communities to visually illustrate the desired development characteristics. The appropriateness of zoning change requests will be considered using multiple criteria including, but not limited to, whether the request is aligned with Map 2.2, Future Land Use & Character, whether changed or changing conditions exist in the area, compatibility with existing uses and development patterns, impact on environmentally sensitive and natural areas, impact on and timing of infrastructure, and consistency with all goals and strategies of the Comprehensive Plan. The zoning districts listed as generally appropriate under each future land use category are meant to provide guidance and do not represent affirmative support of each listed zoning district. The land use strategies discussed in this chapter are further clarified by the future land use category descriptions and are visually portrayed in Map 2.2, Future Land Use & Character. The associated acreages in each land use category are compiled in Table 2.1, Summary of Future Land Use Acreages. With the 10-year Comprehensive Plan update several changes were made to the future land use categories and map based on community and stakeholder input, changing conditions, and best practices identified during the evaluation process. These changes include renaming, simplifying and reducing the number of categories, refining the land use definitions, creating new categories to encourage and support emerging development forms, and reconsidering how land uses apply to various areas of the City. The future land uses described below and applied to Map 2.2, Future Land Use & Character are meant to realize the citizens’ vision for the future of College Station. Table 2.1 - Summary of Future Land Use Acreages Future Land Use City Limits ETJ Urban Center 335.6 Neighborhood Center 1,256.2 General Commercial 1,854.5 159.4 Neighborhood Commercial 517.9 Business Center 968.0 874.0 Urban Residential 946.7 Mixed Residential 1,092.7 209.1 Suburban Residential 6,348.2 577.7 Estate Residential 2,822.7 885.0 Rural 7.8 57,785.4 Neighborhood Conservation 1,795.7 Medical 187.8 Wellborn 434.6 38.0 Institutional/Public 952.3 4.2 Texas A&M University 4,839.8 44.4 Parks & Greenways 870.4 *17.3 Natural & Open Areas 5,132.0 41,804.3 TOTALS 30,362.9 102,381.5 *Note: The 17.3 acres of Parks & Greenways in the ETJ is the park within the Southern Pointe subdivision, which will be annexed into the City in the future per their development agreement Page 43 of 62 111 2 3 444 555 666 888 999 101010 111111 121212 131313 151515 161616 171717 181818 191919 202020WILLIAM D. FITCH PKWYF M 2 1 5 4FM 2818GEORGE BUSH DRTE X A S A V E SUNIVERSITY DRSH 6 S SH 6 S TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY FLOODPLAIN 5 MILE ETJ CITY LIMITS BRYAN MAIN CORRIDORS * EXISTING PLANNING EFFORT OR DESIGN STANDARDS REDEVELOPMENT AREAS 8.NORTHGATE DISTRICT* 9.TEXAS AVENUE & UNIVERSITY DRIVE AREA 10 HARVEY ROAD AREA 11.GEORGE BUSH DRIVE & WELLBORN ROAD AREA GATEWAY CORRIDORS 12.PRESIDENTIAL GATEWAY & BIOCORRIDOR* 13.HOSPITALITY CORRIDOR* HARVEY MITCHELL CORRIDOR15. 14.MUNICIPAL CENTER CORRIDOR WELLBORN ROAD & WILLIAM D. FITCH CORRIDOR17. 16.LONGMIRE & HIGHWAY 6 FRONTAGE ROAD CORRIDOR NATURAL CORRIDORS 18.BEE CREEK CORRIDOR 19.CARTER CREEK CORRIDOR 20.LICK CREEK CORRIDOR NEIGHBORHOODS & DISTRICTS 1.EASTGATE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN* 3.SOUTH KNOLL NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN* CENTRAL COLLEGE STATION NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN*4. 2.SOUTHSIDE AREA NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN* 5.WELLBORN COMMUNITY PLAN* 6.MEDICAL DISTRICT MASTER PLAN* 7.WOLF PEN CREEK DISTRICT* Planning Areas M AP 2.1 Page 44 of 62 ETJETJETJ CITY LIMITSCITY LIMITSCITY LIMITS BRYANBRYANBRYAN GEORGE BUSH DRUNIVERSITY DRSOUTH WEST PKWYTE X A S A V E S DEACON DRROCK PRAIRIERDHARVEY RDGRAHAM RDEAGLE AVEBARRON RDHOLLEGREENS PRAIRIE RDMANDRS H 6 S S H 6 SWILLIAM D. FITCH PKWYFM 60F M 2 1 5 4FM 2818 URBAN CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER GENERAL COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CENTER URBAN RESIDENTIAL MIXED RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL RURAL NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION MEDICAL WELLBORN INSTITUTIONAL/PUBLIC TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY PARKS & GREENWAYS NATURAL & OPEN AREAS REDEVELOPMENT AREAS!!!!!!Future Land Use & Character *NOTE: A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE ZONING REGULATIONS OR ESTABLISHZONING BOUNDARIES M AP 2.2 Page 45 of 62 34CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Future Land Use Categories URBAN CENTER Areas that are appropriate for the most intense development and mix of uses arranged in a compact and walkable pattern. These areas will tend to consist of multi-story residential, commercial, and office uses that may be mixed vertically within mixed-use structures or horizontally in an integrated manner. Urban Centers should also incorporate consolidated parking facilities, access to transportation alternatives, open space and recreational facilities, and public uses. Building Height: 5 stories average Mobility: Walking, bicycling, transit, automobile Intent • Create and reinforce walkable activity centers with small blocks that are connected to surrounding development and include a mix of complementary uses • Accommodate a mix of building types including freestanding and attached structures that frame attractive pedestrian zones between buildings and streets • Encourage commercial uses along primary streets • Encourage vertical mixed-use structures with ground- floor retail in appropriate locations such as along major corridors • Support multi-family residential as a secondary component of a center • Encourage shared surface parking located behind buildings or to the side of buildings, structured parking, and on-street parking where possible Generally appropriate zoning districts: Mixed-use, Northgate zoning (in Northgate only), Wolf Pen Creek zoning (in Wolf Pen Creek only) Page 46 of 62 35CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Areas that are appropriate for a mix of uses arranged in a compact and walkable pattern at a smaller scale than Urban Centers. These areas consist of residential, commercial, and office uses arranged horizontally in an integrated manner and may be mixed vertically within structures. Neighborhood Centers should also incorporate consolidated parking facilities, access to transportation alternatives, open space and recreational facilities, and public uses. Height: 3 stories average Mobility: Walking, bicycling, transit, automobile Intent • Create and reinforce walkable activity centers that are connected to surrounding development and include a mix of complementary uses • Accommodate a mix of building types that frame attractive pedestrian spaces • Support vertical mixed-use structures with ground-floor retail in appropriate locations such as along corridors or major intersections • Encourage all land generally within 300 to 500 feet of streets classified as major collectors or higher to be commercial uses, unless providing vertical mixed-use structures with residential uses on upper floors. The exact location and extent can be modified if creating commercial nodes and/or if other characteristics of the site require an alternative design that provides a mixture of uses in an integrated manner. • Stand-alone commercial uses with a preferred emphasis on urban form may be allowed if the size and scale of the property and/or development does not adequately support mixing uses in a horizontal manner • Support multi-family residential as a complementary secondary component of a center that includes commercial and/or office uses • Encourage shared surface parking located behind or to the side of buildings (with some limited parking in front of buildings), structured parking, and on-street parking where possible Generally appropriate zoning districts: Mixed-use, Wolf Pen Creek zoning (in Wolf Pen Creek only), commercial and multi-family zoning may be considered in some circumstances if designed in an integrated manner through a Planned Development District with a preferred emphasis on urban form Page 47 of 62 36CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GENERAL COMMERCIAL Concentrated areas of commercial activities that cater to both nearby residents and to the larger community or region. Generally, these areas tend to be large and located along regionally significant roads. Due to their context, these areas tend to prioritize automobile mobility. Height: 1-2 stories average Mobility: Primarily automobile, but accessible by walking, bicycling, and transit Intent • Accommodate a wide range of commercial uses • Concentrate future commercial development at major intersections • Provide connectivity to surrounding bicycle and pedestrian networks and provide safe pedestrian facilities within sites • Encourage transitions in building height and mass when adjacent to residential neighborhoods • Support multi-family residential as secondary uses on a site • Encourage shared surface parking Generally appropriate zoning districts: General commercial, office, and mixed-use zoning Page 48 of 62 37CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL Areas of commercial activities that cater primarily to nearby residents. These areas tend to be smaller format than general commercial and located adjacent to major roads along the fringe of residential areas. Design of these structures is compatible in size, architecture, and lot coverage with surrounding residential uses. Height: 1-2 stories average Mobility: Primarily automobile, but accessible by walking, bicycling, and transit Intent • Accommodate limited commercial services compared to General Commercial • Provide pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to surrounding neighborhoods and nearby public uses (schools, parks, etc.) • Support some residential uses that are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood character • Encourage transitions in building height and mass when adjacent to residential neighborhoods • In a walkable neighborhood context, locate new buildings near the street and accommodate parking to the side or rear of buildings with some limited parking in front of buildings and accommodate on- street parking where possible Generally appropriate zoning districts: Suburban commercial and office zoning Page 49 of 62 38CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BUSINESS CENTER Areas that include office, research, or industrial uses that may be planned and developed as a unified project. Generally, these areas need convenient access to arterial roadways. Height: Varies Mobility: Primarily automobile Intent • Accommodate a variety of large footprint buildings • Accommodate commercial and service uses within Business Centers • Accommodate pedestrian, bicycle, and transit connectivity to and within Business Centers • Provide buffering through landscaping and building placement where large-scale employment sites are adjacent to residential areas Generally appropriate zoning districts: Business park, industrial, and commercial industrial zoning Page 50 of 62 39CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN URBAN RESIDENTIAL Areas that are appropriate for a range of high-density multi- family and attached residential development in various forms including townhomes, apartment buildings, mixed- use buildings, and limited non-residential uses that are compatible with the surrounding area. Height: 3 stories average Mobility: Walking, bicycling, transit, automobile Intent • Accommodate a wide range of attractive multi- family housing for a diverse population. Buildings may be clustered and grouped. Building setback from street varies but is generally consistent within a development • Provide vehicular and pedestrian connectivity between developments • Accommodate streetscape features such as sidewalks, street trees, and lighting • Support commercial, service, office uses, and vertical mixed-use within redevelopment areas Generally appropriate zoning districts: Multi-family, townhouse, mixed-use, and limited suburban commercial zoning Page 51 of 62 40CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MIXED RESIDENTIAL Areas appropriate for a mix of moderate density residential development including, townhomes, duplexes, small multi- family buildings (3-12 unit), and limited small-lot single family. These areas are appropriate for residential infill and redevelopment that allows original character to evolve. These areas may serve as buffers between more intense multi-family residential or mixed-use development and suburban residential or neighborhood conservation areas. Height: Varies (generally 2-3 stories) Mobility: Walking, bicycling, transit, automobile Intent • Accommodate a walkable pattern of small lots, small blocks, and well-connected street pattern • Accommodate streetscape features such as sidewalks, street trees, and lighting • Encourage community facilities, parks, and greenways within neighborhoods • Support neighborhoods with a mix of housing types and where larger or more dense housing is located near community facilities or adjacent to commercial or neighborhood centers Generally appropriate zoning districts: Duplex, townhouse, middle housing, and limited-scale single-family Page 52 of 62 41CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL Primarily single-family residential areas that consist of low to moderate density single-family lots. These areas may also include limited townhomes, duplexes, other housing types, and some non-residential uses that are compatible with surrounding single-family areas. Development types tend to be highly consistent within a subdivision or neighborhood. Height: 1-2 stories Mobility: Primarily automobile, but accessible by walking, bicycling, and transit to surrounding neighborhood services and centers Intent • Accommodate streetscape features such as sidewalks, street trees, and lighting • Support neighborhoods with a mix of housing types • Encourage community facilities, parks, and greenways within neighborhoods • When establishing new residential areas or expanding existing developments, provide pedestrian and vehicular connectivity between adjacent developments Generally appropriate zoning districts: General and restricted suburban zoning Page 53 of 62 42CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ESTATE RESIDENTIAL Primarily single-family residential areas that have a low level of development activities. These areas are appropriate for very low-density residential lots of one-acre or greater lot sizes or average 20,000 square feet lots when clustered around open space. Height: 1-2 stories Mobility: Primarily automobile Intent • Support a wide range of lot sizes, long blocks, and curvilinear streets. Buildings tend to be located greater than 30 feet from a fronting street. • When establishing new residential areas or expanding existing developments, provide pedestrian and vehicular connectivity between adjacent developments Generally appropriate zoning districts: Estate, rural, and manufactured home park zoning Page 54 of 62 43CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION Residential areas that are essentially “built-out” and are not likely to be the focus of extensive infill development or redevelopment. These areas often were platted before current development regulations were in place often resulting in nonconforming situations. These areas are appropriate for overlays or zoning classifications that provide additional character protection and address nonconforming issues. Height: 1-2 stories Mobility: Walking, bicycling, transit, automobile; on-street parking and private off-street parking Intent • Maintain the existing housing stock, lot patterns, and character of neighborhoods • Support infill housing that fits-in with neighboring homes (scale, placement, use, etc.) • Address nonconforming lot issues through flexible development regulations • Maintain established trees Generally appropriate zoning districts: General and restricted suburban, single-family overlays Page 55 of 62 44CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Areas owned by Texas A&M University and are appropriate for campus development as described in the Texas A&M Campus Master Plan and related documents. INSTITUTIONAL/PUBLIC Areas that are, and are likely to remain, in some form of institutional or public activity. Examples include schools, libraries, municipal facilities, and major utilities. MEDICAL Areas appropriate for medically related uses and supporting office, commercial, and residential uses. The medical land use designation surrounding Rock Prairie and State Highway 6 is further detailed in the Medical District Master Plan, which envisions a wide array of medical and supporting services and activities concentrated in the district. This includes the two major hospitals in close proximity to residential neighborhoods, neighborhood centers, offices, and commercial uses. Height: Varies Mobility: Walking, bicycling, transit, automobile Generally appropriate zoning districts: Varies WELLBORN The Wellborn Community Plan envisions the future of Wellborn to maintain its rural character with open space that is both privately and publicly held. The area will continue as a place where neighborhood commercial uses support surrounding low-density residential properties. Height: Varies Mobility: Primarily automobile Zoning districts: Wellborn zoning districts, as appropriate and specified in the Wellborn Community Plan Page 56 of 62 45CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PARKS & GREENWAYS Areas that are permanently protected from development. Such areas are preserved for their natural function or for parks, recreation, or greenways opportunities. These areas include, publicly owned open space, conservation easements, greenway trails, and public parks. NATURAL & OPEN AREAS This land use designation is generally for areas that represent a constraint to development and that should be conserved for their natural function or open space qualities. These areas include floodplains, riparian buffers, common areas, and open space. The boundaries of the Natural & Open Areas land use are illustrative, and the exact location of floodplains and other physical constraints are determined during the development process. Generally appropriate zoning districts Natural areas protected RURAL Areas that, due to public service limitations, inadequate public infrastructure, or a prevailing rural or agricultural character, should have very limited development activities. These areas will tend to include a mix of large acreages (ranches and farmsteads) and limited large-lot (two acre or larger) residential developments. Open space is the dominant feature of these areas. Height: Varies Mobility: Primarily automobile Generally appropriate zoning districts Rural and manufactured home park zoning Page 57 of 62 46CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Community Assets & Images Corridors The physical design and appearance of the built environment – what buildings, streets, and parks look like – contributes significantly to the character and identity of the City. This section identifies many of the community’s unique assets and provides general policy guidance regarding suburban and urban design, streets and streetscape design, public buildings and facilities, image corridors, and gateways. More specific and detailed guidance will be provided through subsequent neighborhood, district, and corridor plans, as well as master plans and other studies and plans adopted by the City Council. COMMUNITY ASSETS College Station has a number of existing assets (both natural and man-made) that contribute significantly to the character and identity of the City and, thus, are deserving of identification and worthy of policy guidance. Map 2.3, Community Assets & Image Corridors, visually portrays these assets which include natural features such as Carter Creek and Lick Creek, connections to the greater region such as Easterwood Airport, public facilities such as the Texas A&M University campus and Veterans Park, and various vistas and views. Care should be taken to protect each of these assets from encroachment by incompatible land uses and from insensitive development activities that would compromise their contribution to the area’s character and identity. IMAGE CORRIDORS Image corridors are delineated on Map 2.3, Community Assets & Image Corridors, reflecting their importance as routes that many residents and visitors travel and, along the way, form impressions of College Station. Several of these corridors serve as a link between districts, further reinforcing their importance. Identity and beautification elements, such as decorative markers and themed wayfinding signs, should be placed along these corridors. Additionally, landscaping and streetscape elements should be unified and significant along these corridors. These corridors also offer the opportunity for the placement of public art and other design elements. Primary image corridors include corridors that carry high volumes of traffic and move travelers through or along some of the City’s most significant assets. Examples include State Highway 6, Texas Avenue, and Wellborn Road (FM 2154). Secondary image corridors include corridors that tend to carry slightly less traffic volume and move travelers mainly through the community’s significant business or residential areas. Examples include Rock Prairie Road, Harvey Road (FM 30), and portions of University Drive (FM 60). Image corridors also offer an opportunity to support the City’s resource conservation objectives through the preservation of open space and other natural features along these key corridors. Where these corridors cross streams, go through forested areas, or offer attractive vistas, care should be taken in how bridges are constructed, banks are stabilized, stormwater is managed, trees are protected, and views are kept unobstructed to maximize the positive impressions gained by these assets. GATEWAYS A gateway serves as the symbolic entry point to an area, whether the City, a neighborhood, or a district. An effective gateway establishes an immediate positive impression that reinforces the character of an area and is visually harmonious with its surroundings. The key gateways into these areas need specific design elements and enhancements to create such an experience. For neighborhoods this may be in the form of landscaping or an entrance monument. For districts and corridors this may be in the form of landscaping, Page 58 of 62 47CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN streetscape, special lighting, signage, public art, or building design. Along the image corridors at key entry points to the City this may be in the form of landscaping, special signage, public art, or enhancements to bridges and overpasses. Each of the neighborhood area plans, district plans, and corridor plans should address the most effective means to enhance associated gateways. This section outlines the framework for the most appropriate manner to address the key gateways into and out of the City as a whole. This plan identifies three levels of gateways, each with its own specific purpose and related design focus. Early Image-Setting Gateways are locations where those approaching the community can first be engaged and experience College Station’s unique identity. These areas offer opportunities for tasteful signage and landscaping that are harmonious with the surrounding rural areas while announcing one’s pending arrival into College Station. Examples of appropriate locations for such enhancements are the intersection of University Drive/Raymond Stotzer Parkway (FM 60) and Wellborn Road (FM 2154), the FM 60 crossing of the Brazos River, and the intersection of State Highway 47 and Raymond Stotzer Parkway (FM 60). Secondary Welcoming Gateways are locations where community identity and themes can be reinforced through more substantial enhancements. These may include significant monument signage, substantial areas of landscaping and tree planting, and flags. Generally, these are located within the city limits but prior to arrival in the core of the City itself. Examples of appropriate locations for such enhancements are the Rock Prairie Road interchange with State Highway 6, the intersection of George Bush Drive and Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818), and the city limits at South College Avenue. Primary Arrival Gateways are locations where the most substantial enhancements should be installed. These may include significant monument signage, substantial areas of landscaping and tree planting, fountains, lighted icons, and large-scale art. Examples of appropriate locations for such enhancements are the intersection of Texas Avenue and State Highway 6, the University Drive/Raymond Stotzer Parkway (FM 60) interchange with Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818), and the intersection of Texas Avenue and University Drive (FM 60). For these gateways to succeed, it is essential that common elements be used throughout each of the three levels. Further, enhancements should be focused and sized properly to have the intended impact. Enhancements dispersed over a wide area, lacking common elements, and sized inappropriately will have less of an impact and will miss a critical opportunity to reinforce the character and identity of College Station. Page 59 of 62 M AP 2.3 GEORGE BUSH DRGEORGE BUSH DRGEORGE BUSH DRG3 G3 G3 G3 G3 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2 G2G2 G1 G1 G1 G1 G1 G1 A&M Campus Vista A&M Vista Open Vista (A&M Land) at FM 60 and BrazosRiver View FromHigh Point Open Space Views at SH 6 and FM 2154 WOLFWOLFWOLF PENPENPEN CRECRECREEEEKKK BEEBEEBEECREEKCREEKCREEK SPRINGSPRINGSPRINGCREEKCREEKCREEK LIC K LIC K LIC K CREE K CREE K CREE K CART E R CART E R CART E R CREE K CREE K CREE K CAR T E R CAR T E R CAR T E R CR E E K CR E E K CR E E K G2 New Memorial Cemetery and Aggie Field of Honor Easterwood Airport Texas A&MUniversityCampus BRAZOS R IVERBRAZOS R IVER NAVASOTANAVASOTANAVASOTARIVERRIVERRIVERTE X A S A V E S TE X A S A V E S TE X A S A V E S WE L L BO RN RDWE L L BO RN RDWE L L BO RN RD FM 2818FM 2818FM 2818FM 2154FM 2154FM 2154WILLIAM D. FITCH PKWYWILLIAM D. FITCH PKWYWILLIAM D. FITCH PKWY SH 47SH 47SH 47 RAYMOND ST OTZER PK RAYMOND ST OTZER PK RAYMOND ST OTZER PK WY ROCKROCKROCK PRAIRIEPRAIRIEPRAIRIE RDRDRD S H 6 S S H 6 S S H 6 S SH 6 S SH 6 S SH 6 SHARVEY RDHARVEY RDHARVEY RDKEY IMAGE / DESIGN INTERSECTION G1 PRIMARY ARRIVAL GATEWAY G2 SECONDARY WELCOMINGGATEWAY G3 EARLY IMAGE-SETTINGGATEWAY PUBLIC ART LOCATION PRIMARY IMAGE CORRIDOR SECONDARY IMAGECORRIDOR Community Assets & Image Corridors CITY LIMITS 5 MILE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION (ETJ) EXISTING UNIQUE COMMUNITY ASSET AREA EMERGING / POTENTIAL UNIQUE COMMUNITY ASSET AREA FLOODPLAIN Page 60 of 62 49CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Strategic & Ongoing Actions The actions listed below designed to achieve the City’s goal of vibrant and distinct districts, attractive neighborhoods, revitalized gateways and corridors, and conserved natural areas, grounded in environmental stewardship and resiliency. STRATEGIC ACTIONS 2.1 Review and undertake amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance’s zoning districts. Consider amendments necessary to implement the Future Land Use & Character categories and definitions. 2.2 Prioritize and undertake detailed plans for priority neighborhoods, districts, corridors, or redevelopment areas. The City should commit to proactively planning for a limited set of target areas, as specified in Map 2.1, Planning Areas. 2.3 Creative incentives and programs to revitalize existing areas and established neighborhoods. This could include façade or landscaping improvement programs or rehabilitation initiatives. New programs should align with and complement existing City efforts through the Neighborhood Partnership Program, Neighborhood Grant Program, and proposed property maintenance programming. 2.4 Evaluate existing policies and create incentives for low impact and sustainable development. Encourage policies and regulations that incentivize sustainable practices such as energy reduction, renewable energy, water conservation, protection of natural resources, use of native and adapted vegetation, adaptive reuse, waste minimization, and stormwater management. 2.5 Pursue feasibility of a tree preservation and/or tree planting incentive program. This could involve regulatory changes, incentives to preserve existing trees (especially large canopy trees) in new development and redevelopment projects, requiring replacement of trees that are destroyed or removed, proactive efforts by the City such as planting trees and installing landscaping along major road corridors and gateways, or a program where the City or a partner agency provides trees at reduced cost. 2.6 Create additional incentives for conservation design and evaluate the effectiveness of cluster development standards in the Unified Development Ordinance. Common incentives include density bonuses where a project may be permitted a greater total density in exchange for preservation of common open space areas. 2.7 Integrate parks, greenways, and community facilities within new neighborhoods. Ensure that parks, greenways, and other types of open spaces are integrated into the design of new neighborhoods and that appropriate connections are made to existing facilities. Also consider opportunities and partnerships to locate civic uses (such as recreation centers, schools, libraries) within new neighborhoods or redevelopment areas. Page 61 of 62 50CSTX.GOV | COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ONGOING ACTIONS AND POLICY DIRECTION 2.8 Evaluate and update development standards in the Unified Development Ordinance. Evaluate the effectiveness of development standards such as mobility and connectivity, off-street parking, building form and design, landscaping and buffers, exterior lighting, or other applicable standards to achieve desired design form and quality. 2.9 Develop or refine incentives to promote high quality design. Such incentives may include regulatory (flexible standards, density bonuses), procedural, cost-sharing agreements, and tax incentives, among others. Incentives could be targeted to specific geographies or types of development (such as mixed-use or commercial). 2.10 Encourage parking alternatives to support redevelopment opportunities. Use regulatory or other incentives to encourage residential, commercial, and mixed development models in the City’s targeted Redevelopment Areas that integrate structured parking, reduced parking requirements, or shared parking agreements to enable more productive use of the overall site in place of extensive surface parking. 2.11 Continue to initiate proactive zoning map updates. Amend the zoning map in strategic areas to encourage transitions to the desired community character and help implement the Future Land Use & Character Map. Proactive zoning map changes may also encourage redevelopment in targeted areas. 2.12 Continue beautification programs. Maintain and consider opportunities to expand beautification partnerships with Keep Brazos Beautiful and other organizations. Page 62 of 62