HomeMy WebLinkAboutPriarieViewHeights_OriginalPlatDEEb lZs Ij 41 a 2 } -:lf y2 Ja e.So w mmaeo r f '� .: PIEel. STREET " r.tPe t � 2 m \ N } { P b pd' SECOND .,. STREET A m s c y THIRD NlREW1' a:" } N M . eN � t -o _ � m• t � C � 2 0 Y N '� POORTN 8TP88T b' It N tw d ul _el t N 1 1 PElIA18 VIEW IRWETS 1 i 10.0a U.R. page y c Salt le- 1G0 u Y� Y ` \ TH3 STATE OF gnol r' COONT! M EEA209 I..,, ga1g ALL Mb m TNNSE PRE90ff8t! Ed Puts. le Thereby declare rbhsv N {, hormato attatted.map lee rn t PLt eP PRAIRM VIEW I@ICRl9 Net same St my eutgivfelem o that treat of 12$ acme ie Richard Carter League cal we, e eyed g 4 nis by 8 J. ACIt1va at 1J' ( 9I _� '-.. �W?�f�Lh'iKY.Nx'4YF+wau+w!ervrw.ui.✓.:.prM��'+""^_�..+xs:x�y�.t�0.1d.YaW�W' 1nw.YUY'ur'sY::a F rDEED 128 - �#.ka"; APR, .. -.'by by dead rmorded in Nelson 44, Page 382, Breve County need NewrG; end i hereby de-�.': dlsate the streete and alleys scene on rah map to she we Am banarit of the public. �'. Dons this 3rd day a February A.D. 1949.` - a:. ...., . .:-, .. .. ;.., .'. .... . Ed Paw THE STATE OF TEXAS( + COUNT OF MAZOS i BEFORE DER we underside" authority, ed this day Pereawlly ap- peared Ed Puts, known to ve to be we person rM1eee Been 1a eubacrlbed to the teregoigg Instrument `aM'eckmvl dged w wee that, he wewted the acme for the purposes and con. aide aien thervin expressed. -. GIVEN under my Mad end veal of Africa, thLf,3rd day of February A.D. 1947. - r. huh. N. Barron Notary Public in YY > - + R: (SEAL) '" , `and for Br;CountyJaws. - The foregoing Is a tree soy of An. +original s $truwnt Mich we filed for record tM 120 day of Toby A.O. 1947 at A o'clook p.m: and duly recorded an the 13tb day of t Toby A.O. 1947at 10 o'clock a.m. to Mich I certify , 1 + A. Be 8 Deputy THE STATE OF TE%AS1 .. ' COUNTY OF BNAZOS ) IBM ALL ME BY'THES6 MSENTS: 'That w, W, S. Bereav and rife, - . :. .. . -. "Mrs. Same DUBeL Barron, of'Lhe County f Brazos$ State of Tame for end in covldervtian -- of the aed of ELEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND SCAN (4f1,100.00) WIAAHS. to w in hand � Paid by THE CLEAR LANE FROPBRTIES, a corporation, as follows: CASH, the receipt of Mich is hereby acknowledged;. . ��have Ormvted.eold and wnvayed, mod by Name preeanto do Grant, Sell and Convm unto we said THE CLEAR LANE PROPERTIES, a cerpration duly incorporated under and by vine of, the Ln of the State of Texas of the County of Brame. State of Teue, all that wrwin treat Or pprcel of lam lylvg end being situated in theP. DiasSurrey, Patent No. 133, Volume 200ebruct No. 106, Brazes CAuwy,Taus, am described as follows: . BEGINNING at the southeast corner of the said survey on the Navasota River; THENCE North 45 West 3391 veres to stake for corner,an the northeast boundary line of the J.W. �'-Stewart League, the same being the Rootstown wham of a tract of lam in said Dias Survey ' the property of Ben. Netaar; THENCE_P 1Y.h 45 Beet with the I.B.L. of mid Ben Fenner tract rem the Be Be L. Of the J.T.Nercemb Estate am E. He Peters tracts of land 22M vares tot be! . ;Wavwota River; THE ON down the as" Navasota elver, with Its meanders to the placelof beginning, ere I' iaining 1110 acres of lad, are or lase, end being the third treat of land described In 'a dead feed Dr. We P.'Dallas ad his wthen, We. Cleeintine Callen to N.B. Lloyd, dated �Janaty 41920, recorded In voles SO, Page 528, Draws County Deed Records, which was 4 .. supposed m cohteiv "0 scree but by actual survey made by He 0. Jonas on March 9, 1920 ' - the saw wnwins 1110 scree; am being the sae lam conveyed to W. Be Barron and W. a. Sealy by H.S. Lloyd end wife, by dam dated Wrch 150 1920, recorded in Volume 50, Page 329, of the Used Become of Brazos County, and conveyed to W, Be Barren by W: Be Neelay. dead dated May '24,-19Z3# hnd recorded in Volume ae page 333, of the Deed Iowans at .by 'Brazos OowtY,Same, w trhieb deeds and their record reference ie ben Made 1n aidtof deawippi Orenteat mks titlb'to the above'domeHbed trace of land eubjew sense eMHMip by A.S. -' Magnate of an undivided ova -twentieth (1/20th Inherent In theelnerals'Sn am 'meer'cha' ` yt: