HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/17/2022 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionCollege Station, TX Meeting AgendaPlanning and Zoning Commission 1101 Texas Ave, College Station, TX 77840https://zoom.us/j/81180530582*Phone: 888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 811 8053 0582 The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. March 17, 2022 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers College Station, TX Page 1 This meeting will offer both in-person and remote participation following both the City’s Guidelines for in-person, virtual attendance, and the speaker protocol in the agenda. The city uses a third-party vendor to help host the meeting and if the call-in number is not functioning access will be through the internet link only. 1.Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. 2.Hear Visitors. At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to visitors wishing to address the Commission on issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The visitor presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Commission and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Commission will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) 3.Informational 3.1.Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev 3.2.Discussion of Minor / Amending Plats approved by staff: Pebble Creek Phase 7-B1; Block 39, Lot 36R ~ Case #FP2022-000004 Hemaville Subdivision Phase One; Block 1, Lot 1 ~ Case #FPCO2021-000018 Sponsors:Anthony Armstrong, Derrick Williams 3.3.Presentation and discussion regarding an update on items heard: A recommendation on Planning and Zoning Commission appointments to the BioCorridor Board. The Planning and Zoning Commission heard this item on February 3, 2022 and voted (7-0) to recommend Commissioners McIlhaney and Mirza as appointments to the BioCorridor Board. The City Council approved the appointments on March 10, 2022. 3.4.Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: Thursday, March 24, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 5:00 p.m. (Liaison - Jackson) Thursday, April 7, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. Page 1 of 43 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 March 17, 2022 Thursday, April 14, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 5:00 p.m. (Liaison - Smith) Thursday, April 21, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. 3.5.Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board. Friday, March 25, 2022 ~ Design Review Board Meeting ~ City Hall Bush 4141 Community Room ~ 11:00 a.m. 4.Consent Agenda All matters listed under the Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. Since there will not be separate discussion of these items, citizens wishing to address the Commission regarding one or more items on the Consent Agenda may address the Commission at this time as well. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it may be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 4.1.Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes: Attachments:1.March 3 2022 4.2.Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Mission Ranch Phase 502 on approximately 5.4 acres and Phase 503 on approximately 5.4 acres, generally located north of the intersection of Briscoe Manor Court and Colorado Canyon Court. Case #FP2020-000053 Sponsors:Elizabeth Pedersen Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map3.Final Plat 5.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 6.Regular Agenda 6.1.Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, "Unified Development Ordinance," "Article 4, Zoning Districts," Section 4.2 "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from R Rural and GC General Commercial to MF Multi-Family and NAP Natural Areas Protected for approximately 42.8 acres generally located at Holleman Drive South and General Parkway. Case # REZ2022-000002 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the April 14, 2022 City Council Meeting - Subject to change). Sponsors:Robin Macias Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3.Rezoning Exhibit (Original) Page 2 of 43 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 March 17, 2022 4.Rezoning Exhibit (Modified) 5.Background Information 6.Applicant's Supporting Information7.Existing Future Land Use and Thoroughfare Map 8.Rezoning Map (Original) 9.Rezoning Map (Modified) 6.2.Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action to consider a Conditional Use Permit request for a Night Club, Bar or Tavern use encompassing 5,218 square feet on approximately 2.05 acres located at 3164 Holleman Drive South Suite 100, generally located near the intersection of Kenyon Drive and Holleman Drive South. Case # CUP2022-000001 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the April 14th City Council Meeting - subject to change.) Sponsors:Robin Macias Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Background Information 3.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 4.Applicant's supporting information 5.Site Plan 6.Elevations 7.Supporting Images 7.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 8.Adjourn. The Planning and Zoning Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on March 11, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun."Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Page 3 of 43 Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 March 17, 2022 Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia.“Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 4 of 43 March 3, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION March 3, 2022 6:00 p.m. Phone: *888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 880 5933 1092 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/88059331092 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Dennis Christiansen, Bobby Mirza, William Wright, Jason Cornelius, Melissa McIlhaney, Thomas Jackson, and Mark Smith COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Linda Harvell, Dennis Maloney, and Bob Brick CITY STAFF PRESENT: Michael Ostrowski, Molly Hitchcock, Carol Cotter, Jason Schubert, Anthony Armstrong, Derrick Williams, Leslie Whitten, and Kristen Hejny 1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. Chairperson Christiansen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors No visitors spoke. 3. Informational Agenda 3.1 Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 3.2 Discussion of Minor / Amending Plats approved staff: • M.D. Wheeler Phase 2; Block 3, Lots 1R1 & 1R2 ~ Case #FPCO2022-000001 • Pershing Pointe Villas Subdivision Phase 2B; Block 4, Lots 52A-62A ~ Case #FP2022-000003 There was no discussion. 3.3 Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Thursday, March 10, 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ City Hall Council Chambers ~ 5:00 p.m. (Liaison – McIlhaney) • Thursday, March 17, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, March 24 2022 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Open Meeting 5:00 p.m. (Liaison – Jackson) • Thursday, April 7, 2022 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 p.m. There was no discussion. Page 5 of 43 March 3, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 3.4 Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board. There was no discussion. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • February 17, 2022 Commissioner Cornelius motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. No items were removed. 6. Regular Agenda 6.1 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2, “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from SC Suburban Commercial to PDD Planned Development District with a base zoning of SC Suburban Commercial for approximately five acres of land located at 3105 Corsair Drive. Case #REZ2022-000001 Staff Planner Williams presented the Rezoning to the Commission, recommending approval. Commissioner McIlhaney asked for clarification of the request asking if the only change is the overall size to the building. Ms. McIlhaney also asked why the applicant did not seek a variance on the size of the building. Staff Planner Williams confirmed that the building size is the only major change from the SC Suburban Commercial maximum of 15,000 square feet to about 55,000 square feet. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski further clarified that community benefits are gained with a PDD, and by allowing a larger building, the developer can preserve the trees along the property line that they would not gain with a variance. Applicant, Crissy Hartl, Mitchell & Morgan, was available to present to the Commission and was available for questions. Chairperson Christiansen asked for clarification on the required buffering. Ms. Hartl clarified that a planted buffer with masonry wall will be included. Page 6 of 43 March 3, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Jackson asked if the City regulates density on commercial properties with floor area ratios. Director of Planning & Development Services Ostrowski stated that there is not a floor area ratio. Chairperson Christiansen asked for the drainage concerns expressed at the neighborhood meeting. Applicant, Joel Mitchell, Mitchell & Morgan, explained that drainage on eight acres will be captured and detained, a detention pond will be utilized. Chairperson Christiansen opened the public hearing. Craig Hall, 1702 Amber Ridge, College Station, spoke with concerns for screening, vegetation, the size of the development, and a possible discrepancy in the information provided at the neighborhood meeting versus the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Rick McNealy, Smithers Merchant Builders, was available to answer questions from citizens and the Commission. Mr. McNealy stated that this land was always intended for skilled nursing, and the PDD is only asking for combined square footing of the building. Commissioner Smith asked to where the detention pond will drain. Mr. McNealy stated that the detention pond will drain to the southeast of the property, restricting flow to use the existing pipe. Land Development Review Administrator Armstrong stated that he was present at the neighborhood meeting and confirmed that information presented to the neighborhood and to the Commission are the same. Chairperson Christiansen closed the public hearing. Commissioner Wright motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning and concept plan. Commissioner Jackson seconded the motion, the motion passed (7-0). 6.2 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2, “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from GC General Commercial to MF Multi-Family for approximately seven acres located at 107 N. Dowling Road. Case #REZ2021-000013 Item 6.2 was pulled from the agenda by the applicant. 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. Page 7 of 43 March 3, 2022 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 8. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Dennis Christiansen, Chairperson Kristen Hejny, Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services Page 8 of 43 Planning & Zoning Commission March 17, 2022 Scale 24 lots on 5.44 acres & 18 lots on 5.42 acres Location North of the intersection of Briscoe Manor Court and Colorado Canyon Court Property Owner BCS Mission Ranch, LP Applicant Schultz Engineering, LLC Project Manager Elizabeth Pedersen, Graduate Engineer epedersen@cstx.gov Project Overview This plat will establish an additional two phases of single family lots within the Mission Ranch Subdivision. These phases of the development will consist of a combined 42 residential lots and 2 common areas. Preliminary Plan The northern portion of the subdivision was originally part of the Great Oaks Subdivision and is vested to 2007 regulations; the southern half of this development is subject to current subdivision regulations. A Preliminary Plan was approved in 2014 and 2015 granting waivers to block length, sidewalk, single-family parking standards for platting and cluster development requirements. A revised Preliminary Plan was approved in 2017, which granted a waiver request for additional block lengths, included the addition of a tract zoned for multi-family and excluded property sold to the school district. In 2020, a revised Preliminary Plan was approved with minor changes but no additional waivers. Public Infrastructure Approximate total linear feet proposed: 1,170 Streets 725 Sanitary Sewer Lines 1,226 Water Lines (Wellborn SUD) 785 Storm Sewer Lines 485 Sidewalks Parkland Dedication These phases are located in the vested section of the development and are not subject to parkland dedication fees. Traffic Impact Analysis N/A Compliant with Comprehensive Plan (including Master Plans) and Unified Development Ordinance Yes Compliant with Subdivision Regulations Yes Staff Recommendation Approval Supporting Materials 1.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2.Final Plat Final Plat for Mission Ranch Subdivision Phase 502 & 503 FP2020-000053 Page 9 of 43 Page 10 of 43 Page 11 of 43 Page 12 of 43 10 COLORADO CANYONCOURT50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 MIN. FF = 296.5 MIN. FF = 295.5 COMMONAREA 64 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 ARCHER FALLS COURTBRISCOE MANOR COURTBRISCOE MANOR COURTBRISCOE MANOR COURT GREAT OAKS PHASE 1A PLAT, 11423/252 Quail Run EstatesPhase 1Block TwoVol. 351, Pg. 565 10 11 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 COMMONAREA 58AND PrDE MIN. FF = 296.5MIN. FF = 296.5 MIN. FF = 295.5 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 7 BRISCOE MANOR COURTCOMMON AREA 59 PUE & PAEGREAT OAKS PHASE 1 PLAT, 4150 /295 38 39 40 32 4134 42 35 43 36 44 37 33 31 30 51 16 24 52 17 25 53 18 46 19 47 1220 48 1321 49 1422 50 15 23 29 28 27 26 45 PH. 502PH. 503MIN. FF = 299.0 MIN. FF = 300.0 MIN. FF = 301.0 MIN. FF = 302.0 MIN. FF = 303.0 MIN. FF = 303.0 MIN. FF = 304.0 MIN. FF = 299.0 MIN. FF = 308.0 PHASE 502 PARCEL # 5020712 5020713 5020714 5020715 5020716 5020717 5020718 5020719 5020738 5020739 5020740 5020741 5020742 5020743 5020744 5020745 5020746 5020747 5020748 5020749 5020750 5020751 5020752 5020753 BLOCK 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 LOT 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 AREA (SF) 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 8,295 8,192 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,977 7,168 11,071 9,474 10,492 12,661 7,775 7,325 7,178 7,000 7,000 8,165 MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS COVER (%) 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 59 59 69 69 69 70 67 50 51 50 50 63 66 67 69 69 60 PHASE 503 PARCEL # 5030720 5030721 5030722 5030723 5030724 5030725 5030726 5030727 5030728 5030729 5030730 5030731 5030732 5030733 5030734 5030735 5030736 5030737 BLOCK 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 LOT 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 AREA (SF) 8,138 7,700 7,620 8,459 13,914 10,083 7,285 7,838 8,172 9,647 8,165 9,573 12,408 7,078 6,765 7,000 7,000 8,165 MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS COVER (%) 60 63 64 57 50 50 67 62 59 59 54 51 50 69 72 69 69 60 OWNER/DEVELOPER: BCS MISSION RANCH, LP 9955 Barker Cypress Rd., Suite 250 Cypress, TX 77433 (979) 260-7000 TBPE NO. 12327911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840  (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: FINAL PLAT MISSION RANCH SUBDIVISION PHASE 502 & 503 502 - 5.444 ACRES & 503 - 5.423 ACERS JAMES ERWIN SURVEY, A-119 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS PHASE 502, 24 LOTS BLOCK 7, LOTS 12-19 & 38-53 COMMON AREA 59 PHASE 503, 18 LOTS BLOCK 7, LOTS 20-37 COMMON AREA 64 SURVEYOR: Brad Kerr, RPLS No. 4502 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave.Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 TBPELS FIRM # 10018500 SCALE 1'' = 50'NOVEMBER, 2020 LEGEND VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE F EA TH ER RUNDEACON DRIVE W.MISSION RANCH DR. GR E A T O A K S D R .HOLLEMAN DR IVE S . “” “” TABLE 1 MIN. FF = 296.5 P:\20-855 Mission Ranch Phase 502 & 503 - Documents\FINAL PLAT\Mission Ranch Ph 502 & 503.dwg, Final PlatPage 13 of 43 March 17, 2022 Regular Agenda Rezoning – Holleman Dr S and General Pkwy To: Planning & Zoning Commission From: Robin Macias, Staff Planner Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” “Article 4, Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from R Rural and GC General Commercial to MF Multi-family and NAP Natural Areas Protected for approximately 42.8 acres generally located at Holleman Drive South and General Parkway. Case # REZ2022-000002 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the April 14, 2022 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the modified rezoning request. Summary: The owner’s original request was to rezone approximately 42.8 acres of undeveloped land generally located at the intersection of Holleman Drive South and General Parkway from R Rural and GC General Commercial to MF Multi-family and NAP Natural Areas Protected. The application has since been modified to reduce the amount of MF Multi-family being requested. The intent of the modified rezoning is to provide a multi-family development on a majority of the property, with an area along Holleman Drive South reserved for future commercial. REZONING REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Whether the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan: The subject tract is designated on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map as Neighborhood Center. For the Neighborhood Center land use, the Comprehensive Plan provides the following: Areas that are appropriate for a mix of uses arranged in a compact and walkable pattern at a smaller scale than Urban Centers. These areas consist of residential, commercial, and office uses arranged horizontally in an integrated manner and may be mixed vertically within structures. Neighborhood Centers should also incorporate consolidated parking facilities, access to transportation alternatives, open space and recreational facilities, and public uses. The intent of the district is to: • Create and reinforce walkable activity centers that are connected to surrounding development and include a mix of complementary uses • Accommodate a mix of building types that frame attractive pedestrian spaces • Encourage commercial uses along primary streets • Support vertical mixed-use structures with ground-floor retail in appropriate locations such as along corridors or major intersections • Support multi-family residential as a secondary component of a center Page 14 of 43 • Encourage shared surface parking located behind or to the side of buildings (with some limited parking in front of buildings), structured parking, and on-street parking where possible The zoning districts that are generally appropriate within this land use include: Mixed-use, Wolf Pen Creek zoning (in Wolf Pen Creek only), General commercial and multi-family zoning may be considered in some circumstances if designed in an integrated manner with a preferred emphasis on urban form. The applicant’s original request was to rezone the property to MF Multi-Family, except the portion that was identified for NAP Natural Areas Protected. The original proposal to MF Multi- Family could be consistent with the Neighborhood Center land use if integrated in a manner with a preferred emphasis on urban form. MF Multi-Family does permit non-residential uses up to a maximum of 50 percent of the total floor area, if incorporated into the residential structure; however, since the commercial component cannot be required under the MF Multi-Family zoning, as it is optional, staff was not in support of this request. After further conversations with the applicant, the applicant has submitted a revised proposal that would rezone only a portion of the property to MF Multi-Family, while leaving a portion along Holleman Drive South as a potential future commercial area. Since this item was not publicly noticed to include a commercial component, a rezoning of this area to a commercial designation cannot occur at this time, but will have to be done under a future request. Therefore, the intent would be rezone a portion of the property to MF Multi-Family and NAP Natural Areas Protected, and leave the other area along Holleman Drive South as its current zoning, R Rural. This area of the city is already home to a significant amount of residential. While commercial uses are within the area, such as on Wellborn Road (Jones Crossing), getting to them can be difficult as it requires crossing the railroad. This also causes concern with traffic and congestion within this area. The reason for the establishment of the Neighborhood Center land use on the west side of the railroad was to encourage additional commercial that could help support the residential that is already constructed, as well as future residential. Currently, the property does have a portion that is zoned GC General Commercial, however, that portion of the property is located along the railroad, with no direct access to Wellborn Road. Furthermore, it is located on the opposite side of Holleman Drive South and would have limited visibility from that corridor. The Comprehensive Plan or Unified Development Ordinance does not provide a specific amount of area for non-residential uses that must be included. However, the area that the applicant is now proposing as future commercial should provide a more balanced mixture of land uses that meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Finally, a portion of the subject tract contains a tributary of Bee Creek, which is proposed to be covered by the portion zoned as NAP Natural Areas Protected. Per the Comprehensive Plan, this zoning is generally intended for areas that represents a natural function or open space that should be conserved and promote integration of greenways within new neighborhoods. Staff does not have any concerns with this part of the request. Page 15 of 43 2. Whether the uses permitted by the proposed zoning district will be appropriate in the context of the surrounding area: The surrounding area consists of a multi-family development to the north, predominately undeveloped property with an existing oil well pad and a single-family home to the south, commercial property across the railroad tracks to the east and single-family homes located in the City’s ETJ to the west. The proposed zoning of NAP Natural Areas Protected would be compatible with the area surrounding the Bee Creek Tributary as it provides the conservation of the natural feature and open space in that area. The proposed zoning use would be compatible with the area to the north as it would allow for the same development as the adjacent multi-family property. 3. Whether the property to be rezoned is physically suitable for the proposed zoning district: There is a small portion of the property that has been identified as floodplain which is covered in the proposed NAP Natural Areas Protected zoning of the property. The size and location of the subject property is suitable for multi-family development. The site has adequate space to meet the minimal dimensional standards and development requirements of the MF Multi-Family zoning district. 4. Whether there is available water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation facilities generally suitable and adequate for uses permitted by the proposed zoning district: Domestic water and fire flow service for this tract will be provided by Wellborn SUD. Wastewater service for the tract will be provided by the City of College Station via an existing 10- and 12-inch sewer lines in the north corner of the tract. Water service from Wellborn SUD will require a large waterline to be installed along Holleman Drive South from offsite of the subject property in order to provided adequate domestic water and fire flow service. Detention is required in accordance with the B/CS guidelines. Drainage and any other infrastructure required with the site development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines. The subject tract has frontage to Holleman Drive South which is designated as a Minor Arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan. The tract also contains the extension of General Parkway which is designated as a Minor Collector. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) was performed for the rezoning request and evaluated five intersections. The City has a capital project under design to extend Jones Butler Road from Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818) to Holleman Drive South, which also includes a roundabout at the intersection of Jones Butler Road and Holleman Drive South. With the City completing the street extension and roundabout, all intersections are anticipated to perform at an acceptable level of service and no other traffic mitigation would be required. 5. The marketability of the property: The applicant states that due to the lack of direct access to FM 2154 and the competition from the nearby Jones Crossing commercial development, the property is better suited and more marketable as a multi-family development rather than a strictly commercial, rural, or mixed use. Page 16 of 43 STAFF RECOMMENDATION While the proposed zoning to MF Multi-Family and NAP Natural Areas Protected would be compatible with surrounding uses, not reserving portions of the property for a commercial use would be in conflict with the intent of the Neighborhood Center land use designation. Very few tracts remain in this area that would be suitable for the commercial element of the mixed-use intent for this area. Failure to provide adequate commercial space along Holleman Drive South would likely redefine this area to be one of majority multi-family, and therefore, limit any significant future commercial component. Therefore, staff recommends denial of the original request, but would be supportive of the modified request to reserve a portion along Holleman Drive South as future commercial. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Vicinity, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2. Rezoning Exhibit (Original) 3. Rezoning Exhibit (Modified) 4. Background Information 5. Applicant’s Supporting Information 6. Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Thoroughfare Map 7. Rezoning Map (Original) 8. Rezoning Map (Modified) Page 17 of 43 Page 18 of 43 Page 19 of 43 Page 20 of 43 © 2021 Microsoft Corporation © 2021 Maxar ©CNES (2021) Distribution Airbus DS DPROPOSEDMF ZONING22.49 ACRESPROPOSEDNAP ZONING(DRAINAGE CHANNEL)1.00 ACRESGENERALPARKWAY1.1 ACRESPROPOSEDEXISTING ACCESSACROSS CHANNEL TOBE RELOCATEDMF ZONING17.21 ACRESINCLUDING GENERALPARKWAY ROWDRAWN BY:APPROVED BY:DATE:SHEET NO.:JOB NUMBER:SCALE:DPBDPB1 OF 1TBD1"=200'REZONING EXHIBITBUTLER RESIDENTIALCOLLEGE STATION, TXTHIS EXHIBIT HAS BEENPREPARED BY DANIEL BEAMON,P.E. #105876. THIS EXHIBITSHALL BE USED FOR REFERENCEONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USEDFOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION.FEB. 21, 2022BEAMONENGINEERINGB LEGENDPROPERTY BOUNDARYCITY LIMITSCOLLEGE STATIONCITY LIMITS7 0 . 0 'Page 21 of 43 © 2021 Microsoft Corporation © 2021 Maxar ©CNES (2021) Distribution Airbus DS MULTIFAMILYPHASE 18.0 ACRESMULTIFAMILYPHASE 24.91 ACRESMULTIFAMILYPHASE 313.8 ACRESCOMMERCIAL RESERVE3.30 ACRESPROPOSED ACCESS DRIVEDRAWN BY:APPROVED BY:DATE:SHEET NO.:JOB NUMBER:SCALE:DPBDPB1 OF 1TBD1"=200'BUTLER RESIDENCESCOLLEGE STATION, TXTHIS EXHIBIT HAS BEENPREPARED BY DANIEL BEAMON,P.E. #105876. THIS EXHIBITSHALL BE USED FOR REFERENCEONLY AND SHALL NOT BE USEDFOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION.FEB. 21, 2022BEAMONENGINEERINGB LEGENDPUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYDRAINAGE EASEMENTAND BUTLER PARKCOMMON AREA ANDDETENTION AREAPROPOSED BOUNDARYPROPOSED MULTIFAMILYCOMMERCIAL RESERVEPage 22 of 43 BACKGROUND INFORMATION NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: March 17, 2022 Advertised Council Hearing Date: April 14, 2022 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station’s Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: None Property owner notices mailed: 14 Contacts in support: None at the time of this report Contacts in opposition:None at the time of this report Inquiry contacts:One at the time of this report ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North Neighborhood Center PDD Planned Development District with a base zoning of MF Multi-Family Multi-Family South Neighborhood Center R Rural Predominately undeveloped property with an existing oil well site and single family home East General Commercial GC General Commercial Commercial West Rural ETJ Residential DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexed: November 2002 Zoning: R Rural (2002) GC General Commercial (2018) Final Plat:Unplatted Site Development:Undeveloped Page 23 of 43 Name of Project:BUTLER MULTIFAMILY Address: Legal Description:A000701, CRAWFORD BURNETT (ICL), TRACT 135, 40.824 ACRES Total Acreage:42.8 Applicant:: Property Owner:J & J BUTLER FAMILY PARTNERSHI BEAMON ENGINEERING, LLC List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. The recent construction of the large commercial development to the north across Wellborn Road, the lack of access to main roadways and the construction of the residential developments nearby cause this property to be more suited for Multifamily. The General Commercial zoning and use that was previously pursued for a portion of this property was for a destination commercial use and is no longer feasible for this property. Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. The current use for this property according to the newly adopted Comprehensive Plan is Neighborhood Center which allows multifamily as and acceptable use, "if designed in an integrated manner with a preferred emphasis on urban form." How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? The current zoning designation for a portion of the property is Rural and is currently being used for agriculture. The remaining portion is designated General Commercial and was once pursued as a destination commercial use. However, that use is no longer feasible for this property. The location near Wellborn Road is suitable for General Commercial, however with the lack of direct access to Wellborn Road and the competing commercial development to the north, this property is more marketable and best used for multifamily. REZONING APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION Page 1 of 2 Page 24 of 43 Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested. The nearby commercial development to the north coupled with the railroad track, and lack of direct access to FM 2154 makes this property more suited for a multifamily residential use. Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. The nearby commercial development to the north coupled with the railroad track, and lack of direct access to FM 2154 makes this property more suited for a multifamily residential use. Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. The reasons the property is suited for Multifamily are also marketing points to future tenants. The proximity to shopping and dining and the seclusion from high traffic areas make this property very marketable to residential tenants. List any other reasons to support this zone change. None Page 2 of 2 Page 25 of 43 Page 26 of 43 Page 27 of 43 Page 28 of 43 March 17, 2022 Regular Agenda Conditional Use Permit – Holleman Tavern To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Robin Macias, Staff Planner, Planning & Development Services Agenda Caption: Public Hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action to consider a Conditional Use Permit request for a Night Club, Bar or Tavern use encompassing 5,218 square feet on approximately 2.05 acres located at 3164 Holleman Drive South Suite 100, generally located near the intersection of Kenyon Drive and Holleman Drive South. Case #CUP2022-000001 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the April 14th City Council Meeting - Subject to change.) Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit request with the condition that only acoustic music shall be allowed on the rooftop area; no amplified music. Summary: This request is for a Conditional Use Permit for the use of a Night Club, Bar or Tavern for 5,218 square feet of an existing shopping center consisting of indoor and rooftop bar amenities, located at 3164 Holleman Dr South Suite 100. The property is currently zoned GC General Commercial. REVIEW CRITERIA 1. The proposed use shall meet the purpose and intent of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and meet all minimum standards for this type of use per the UDO. Nightclubs, bars and taverns are permitted in several zoning districts, but outside of Northgate, all nightclub, bar and tavern uses require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit to operate. The zoning of the subject property is GC General Commercial, so the proposed use of a tavern at this location requires a Conditional Use Permit. The applicant is proposing to turn approximately 5,218 square feet of commercial space in the newly constructed University Heights retail center into a use classified as a tavern with a rooftop bar. The University Heights retail center has previously been constructed and has met all the minimum requirements per the UDO. The proposed use will meet all the minimum standards per the UDO. 2. The proposed use shall be consistent with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for development in the City. The subject tract is shown on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map as Mixed Residential. The Comprehensive Plan states that these areas are appropriate for residential infill and redevelopment that allows original character to evolve. This land use designation is intended to support neighborhoods with a mix of residential types, encourage community facilities and accommodate a walkable pattern. The property is already zoned GC General Commercial which allows for commercial uses. There is currently a small retail center developed on site and a convenience store under construction. This use would support the surrounding residential developments by providing a service at a close distance to their homes. Page 29 of 43 3. The proposed use shall not be detrimental to the health, welfare, or safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, not be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property. The proposed use is required by the City of College Station Code of Ordinances to be at least 300 feet away from any church, public school or public hospital; this use will meet this ordinance. The lighting on the rooftop bar will be dim and not project to other property. The use is approximately 275 feet away from the adjacent townhome development. The use is approximately 120 feet away from the adjacent single-family lots that share a common property line with a 10-ft landscape buffer and fence between the adjacent lots. There is a complete wall on over half of the side of the building that faces the adjacent single-family homes and a five-ft wall on the open air portion which will act as a buffer to the noise (see attached elevations – left elevation). Placing the condition to limit music on the rooftop area to acoustic only will ensure that the noise level of the rooftop area will not be harmful to the neighboring residential properties. Thus, Staff believes that the use will not be detrimental or substantially injurious to the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants. 4. The proposed site plan and circulation plan shall be harmonious with the character of the surrounding area. The applicant is not proposing any changes to the site. The building is an existing 12,000 square-foot Retail Shopping Center, thus keeping the site plan and circulation plan harmonious with the surrounding area’s character. The use would be limited to the square footage approved through the Conditional Use Permit, which in this case would be a total of 5,218 square feet of commercial tenant space. 4. The proposed use shall not negatively impact existing uses in the area or in the City through impacts on public infrastructure such as roads, parking facilities, electrical, or water and sewer systems, or on public services such as police and fire protection, solid waste collection, or the ability of existing infrastructure and services to adequately provide services. This use will not negatively impact public infrastructure or services. This use will be in an existing site zoned GC General Commercial that was originally planned and developed to accommodate commercial uses. This site has existing parking spaces that meet the requirements for the proposed use. 5. The proposed use shall not negatively impact existing uses in the area or in the City. Existing uses in the area include commercial and single-family. This use will not negatively impact existing uses. Page 30 of 43 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the condition that only acoustic music shall be allowed on the rooftop area; no amplified music. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Background Information 2. Vicinity, Aerial, & Small Area Map 3. Applicant's Supporting Information 4. Site Plan 5. Elevations 6. Supporting Images Page 31 of 43 NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: March 17, 2022 Advertised Council Hearing Dates: April 14, 2022 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station’s Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: None Property owner notices mailed: 21 Contacts in support: None Contacts in opposition: None Inquiry contacts: None at the time of staff report ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North Mixed Residential T Townhomes Single Family Townhomes South Mixed Residential R Rural Single Family Residential Homes East Mixed Residential GC General Commercial Future Convenience Store West Mixed Residential and Natural and Open Areas R-4 Multi-family Single Family Townhomes and detention pond DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: 2008 Zoning: A-O Agricultural Open (upon annexation) R- 4 Multi-Family (2012) GC General Commercial (2018) Final Plat: University Heights Ph 4 (2017) University Heights Ph 4 Replat (2019) University Heights Ph 4 Amending Plat (2019) Site development: Commercial Retail Shopping Center (2020) Page 32 of 43 Page 33 of 43 Page 34 of 43 Page 35 of 43 Page 1 of 2 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION HOLLEMAN TAVERN Name of Project: Address: 3164 HOLLEMAN DR S 100 Legal Description: UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS PH 4, BLOCK 12, LOT 1R-3A, ACRES 2.05 Applicant:: KM CUSTOM HOMES Property Owner: KGM RENTAL LLC Detailed explanation of the proposed use: The proposed use is for a restaurant bar to be located in an existing building. Explain how the proposed use will meet the purpose and intent of the UDO and how it will meet all of the minimum standards: The proposed use meets the zoning requirements and the site was designed and constructed for General Commercial and meets the minimum standards of the UDO. Explain how the proposed use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan has this area as Mixed Residential, the surrounding residential uses are single family detached housing, townhomes, duplexes and some multi-family. This area needs more commercial uses and this proposed facility will allow residents to use a facility that is close to their residence and possibly walk to it. Explain how the proposed use is compatible with the surrounding areas: The surrounding areas are primarily residential and there are few existing locations for dining and entertainment. Explain how the proposed site plan and circulation plan will be harmonious with the character of the surround area: The existing site was designed for General Commercial uses including a restaurant bar. The site has access not only to South Holleman Drive but to the adjoining neighborhoods on the south and west. Page 36 of 43 Page 2 of 2 Explain how the infrastructure impacts will be minimized, including traffic impacts: The traffic analysis was performed with the rezoning of the property to GC – General Commercial. Explain the effects the use will have on the environment: The facility will be located in an existing building so there should be not effects on the environment. For Night Clubs, Bars, or Taverns: approximate the distance to the nearest residential area and indicate the housing type: 250’, townhome residential For Night Clubs, Bars, or Taverns: estimate the noise levels produces from the proposed use as heard from all property lines: North – 25 East – 25 South – 45 West - 35 For Night Clubs, Bars, or Taverns: approximate the distance to the nearest church, school, or hospital from the front door, along property lines, to the front door: 0.75 miles For Mobile Food Courts, approximate the distance to the nearest single-family, duplex, or townhouse zoning districts: N/A For Long-Term Mobile Food Courts only, are alcohol sales proposed? If yes, approximate the distance to the nearest church, school or hospital from the front door, along property lines, to the front door: N/A Page 37 of 43 Page 38 of 43 REAR ROOF HT.16' - 6"ROOF RIDGE HT18' - 0" APPROXIMATE SIGNAGE LOCATIONFRNT PARAPET HT21' - 0"AWNING HT.10' - 0"PARAPET PEAK HT24' - 0"W2A1W1W3W3W3W3W1W1W1W1W1W1W2W2W2W2W2W4A1A1A1A1A1W121' - 0"1' - 6"6' - 8 1/2"21' - 0"20' - 0"2' - 6"16' - 0"2' - 6"9' - 3"44' - 0"9' - 3"2' - 6"16' - 0"2' - 6"21' - 0 1/4"3' - 3"20' - 0 1/4"3' - 5"1' - 6"1' - 6"2nd FLOOR P.H.26' - 6"MAX PARAPET HT28' - 6"26' - 8 1/4" APPROXIMATE SIGNAGE LOCATION APPROXIMATE SIGNAGE LOCATION APPROXIMATE SIGNAGE LOCATION APPROXIMATE SIGNAGE LOCATION APPROXIMATE SIGNAGE LOCATION APPROXIMATE SIGNAGE LOCATIONA1A1A1A1A1W1W1W2W2W2W3W3A12ND FLOOR FFH14' - 0"7' - 6"1' - 6"1' - 6"GOOSENECK LED LIGHTINGBRONZE FINISH116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116116199' - 11"W1A1W3A1A14' - 0"3' - 0"1' - 6"19' - 6"7126121' - 6"1' - 6"21' - 0"W35' - 0"2' - 0"60' - 5 1/2"TPO ROOF SYSTEM W. METAL TRIMGOOSENECK LED LIGHTINGBRONZE FINISH1161161161161161161160.2512ROOF SLOPE1/4" = 1'W1A1W3712A1A1W128' - 6"4' - 0"3' - 0"60' - 5 1/2"3' - 5 1/2"19' - 0"3' - 0 1/2"34' - 11 1/2"1' - 0"W2W227' - 6"25' - 6"GOOSENECK LED LIGHTINGBRONZE FINISH109109109109109109116116116116116116REAR ROOF HT.16' - 6"ROOF RIDGE HT18' - 0"FRNT PARAPET HT21' - 0"R-PANEL GALVANIZED METAL @BACK FACE OF PARAPET WALLSMETAL STAIRSYSTEM - PAINTEDBRONZEA1A1ELECTRICAL PANELS LOCATION.MAIN PANEL, HOUSE PANEL &METERED PANELSR-PANEL GALVANIZED METAL @BACK FACE OF PARAPET WALLSW3W3W3W3A1TPO ROOFSYSTEMSTUCCO FINISHEDGUTTER SURROUND12"w X 8"dMETAL GUTTER &DOWN SPOUT2nd FLOOR P.H.26' - 6"MAX PARAPET HT28' - 6"A1A1A1A1TPO ROOFSYSTEM28' - 5"MAX. RIDGE HEIGHT2ND FLOOR FFH14' - 0"DOWN SHININGLED WALL PACKLIGHT10' - 11"9' - 0"A123' - 0 1/4"24' - 2 3/4"21' - 0"9' - 3"3' - 6"37' - 0"3' - 6"9' - 3"21' - 0"21' - 0 1/4"26' - 8 1/4"RISER ROOMDOORW3W3W3STUCCO FINISHEDGUTTER SURROUND12"w X 8"dSTUCCO FINISHEDGUTTER SURROUND12"w X 8"dSTUCCO FINISHEDGUTTER SURROUND12"w X 8"dDOWN SHININGLED WALL PACKLIGHTDOWN SHININGLED WALL PACKLIGHTDOWN SHININGLED WALL PACKLIGHTSTUCCO FINISHEDGUTTER SURROUND12"w X 8"dA2A2A2A2A2A2A2A2Scale:Date:RevisionsNo.DateDescription1234Sheet NameSheet No.By:File:SREAPPROVAL, PERMITTINGNOT FOR REGULATORYOR CONSTRUCTION"REVIEW ONLY"Bob Thomas, NCARBRegistered Architect30418 Briarcrest Dr.Georgetown, TX 78628512-635-0621btncarb@yahoo.comAs indicatedA1ELEVATIONSKM 013160 HOLLEMAN DR. SOUTHCOLLEGE STATION, TXUNIVERSITY HEIGHTSRETAIL CENTER10-01-19APPROVAL STAMP/COMMENTS HERE 1/8" = 1'-0"1FRONT ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0"2LEFT ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0"3RIGHT ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"4REAR ELEVATIONEXTERIOR FINISHES DESCRIPTIONBRICK - ALLSTATE - MONROESTONE - MERIDIAN - CHOP BLOCKSTUCCO & BANDING - TONY TAUPE SW7038STOREFRONT WINDOW SYSTEM - ACME - BRONZEMETAL AWNINGS - GALVANIZEDSTUCCO FINISHED GUTTER SURROUND 12"w x 8"dNAMEW1W2W3W4A1A2Page 39 of 43 Page 40 of 43 Page 41 of 43 Page 42 of 43 Page 43 of 43