HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 2021CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas AerM University' College Station, TX Meeting Agenda Parks and Recreation Board 1818 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S. The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. September 14, 2021 6:00 PM Larry J. Ringer Library 1. Call meeting to order and consider absence requests. 2. Hear Visitors. At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to citizens wishing to address issues not already scheduled on today's agenda. Each citizen's presentation will be limited to three minutes in order to allow adequate time for the completion of the agenda items. Comments will be received and city staff may be asked to look into the matter, or the matter may be placed on a future agenda for discussion. A recording may be made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record. 3. Agenda Items 3.1. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the approval of minutes from the previous meeting. 3.2. Presentation and discussion on a report from the Parks and Recreation Director. 3.3. Presentation and discussion on parks programs or events highlighted by the board chairperson. 3.4. Presentation, discussion and possible action on Chapter 5 of the city-wide comprehensive plan. 3.5. Update on the Westside property council resolution. 3.6. Update on the Council direction and next steps for Parkland Dedication. 3.7. Report and discussion concerning the current Parks Project Summary and Dedications of Less Than Five Acres from Rusty Warncke. 4. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 5. Adjourn. The Board or Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on DATE POSTED, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. College Station, TX Page 1 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Tuesday August 20, 2021 Special Meeting Minutes Staff Present: Steve Wright, Director; Kelly Kelbly, Assistant Director; Andrea Lauer, Administrative Support Specialist; Rusty Warncke, Project Manager Board Present: Debe Shafer; Madeline Giroir; Lisa Aldrich; David Higdon; David White; Joel Cantrell; Janet Wood Council Present: Elizabeth Cunha; Bob Brick; John Crompton; Linda Harvell 1. Call meeting to order and consider absence requests. With a quorum present, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Special Meeting was called to order @ 11:04 a.m. on Tuesday August 20, 2021. Ann Hays and John Polasek requested an absence. 2. Hear visitors. None present. 3. Agenda Items 3.1 Presentation, discussion, and the possible approval of minutes from the previous meeting. Upon a motion made by Madeline Giroir and a second by David Higdon, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried unanimously. 3.2 Presentation and discussion on report from the Parks and Recreation Director. No report given. 3.3 Presentation and discussion on parks programs or events highlighted by the board chairperson. Debe Shafer let the committee know that the Exploring History Lunch Lectures would be starting back soon, also the Parks Department will be hosting the TRAPS Conference in Feb. 2022. 3.4 Update and discussion on the Alex Carusso basketball court naming recognition ceremony. The event will take place September 04th at 11 a.m. Speakers will include Gabe Bock, Mayor Mooney, and coaches from Caruso's past. There will also be a ribbon cutting and autograph session. 3.5 Update and discussion regarding public input on Chapter 5 of the city-wide Comprehensive Plan. Alyssa Halle -Schramm with Planning and Development has done an amazing job capturing how Parks and Recreation fits in the plan. If the Parks Board has edits, please turn them into Kelly or Steve by Tuesday August 24th and they will pass them to Alyssa. This will come back to the board for approval once all edits have been made. 3.6 Update and discussion on a workshop item relating to Parkland Dedication. Steve Wright went over the current funds and Parks per Neighborhood Park Zones, the group discussed several options on how to make the Parkland dedication process more functional. This item will go to Council Workshop on August 26tn 3.7 Report and discussion, concerning the current Parks Project Summary and Dedications of Less Than Five Acres from Rusty Warncke. Informational item only and no action was taken. 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: None. 5. Adjourn. Meeting ended after item 3.6 @ 1:04 p.m. This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary's Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email a daassistanceatcstx,gav at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL of Parkland Dedication of Less than Five Acres PARKLAND DEDICATION FEES PAID: $ 1,261 Dwelling Unit Credits: Community Park Zone: Land Fees: Development Fees: 1 CD $ 250 $ 375 Credit Amount: Neighborhood Park Zone: Land Fees: Development Fees: $1,261 2 $ 274 $ 362 Residential Type: RESIDENTIAL: DUPLEX Permit Number: RES2021-000378 Permit Name: N/A Permit Address: 408 LIVE OAK ST Legal Description: COLLEGE VISTA, BLOCK E, LOT 2 (10' OF) & 3 & 5' OF 4 No. of Dwelling Units: 2 If vested, ordinance date: 21-Dec-15 Vesting Comments: One DU credit for demolished single-family home 714,4A,S abfm.04)4.L September 2, 2021 Michael Ostrowski, Director Date PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department 1 City of College Station PROJECT UPDATE FY21 As of September 7, 2021 PARKS PROJECTS 1 Total Number of Park Projects 14 t Number of Projects in Progress 12 Number of Projects Completed in FY 21 13 Park Projects managed by Capital Projects —1 Texas Independent Ballpark TEXAS INDEPENDENCE BALLPARK • Design contract for the first four fields was approved by Council on February 8, 2018. Design firm working on construction drawings. • All comments on the 60% drawings were sent to design firm in June. • 99% construction drawings were submitted to Planning and Development Services on August 16, 2019, and are currently still under review. o Meetings with design firm and P&D Services • Funded by Hotel Tax and Certificates of Obligations • Project on hold due to COVID19. Awaiting further direction from CMO and Council. SUMMIT CROSSING • Design of Park funded with Parkland Dedication funds, zone 4 • Design of new park started January 2, 2019. • Final design set was sent to Planning and Development Services (P&D) for final review on July 17, 2019. Request form P&D sent back to design firm on 8/7/19. Design firm working on corrections and requests. • Development permit issued 10/14/2019. • Park will be developed once there is enough money in that zone to construct. VETERANS PARK PHASE 1B • Funded by certificates of obligation, field redevelopment, and parkland dedication funds. o Pending budget, park staff is looking at adding another restroom closer to Harvey Road, more sidewalks, and possibly another playground. In addition, staff is looking at improving drainage in various areas along with improving the roads within the park. o At this time, staff is working with engineers, planning and Development Services for all improvements listed above. Once planning issues development permit, we can move forward with this project. o Updated plans sent to Planning and Development Services on 12/9/2019. Page 1 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station • Currently awaiting approval from P&D Services. Ci-,ff' • Design firm currently addressing comments from planning. Questions sent to design firm on 1/29/20. All questions have been answered and addressed by design. Currently awaiting final review by Planning and Development Services. • Still looking at bidding this project at the end of February, early March so construction can start at the end of June 2020. • Pre bid meeting held on 5/28/20, and the bid opening was on 6/18/20. Five contractors bid the project. During the evaluation of bids, it was apparent JaCody Construction was the best choice for this project. We are currently set to go before Council on August 13 for formal approval. • Approved by council on 8/27/20. Preconstruction meeting to be scheduled. • AS of October 5, 2020, construction started on 9/21/20. Crews currently working on sidewalks be fields 5 and 6, as well as restroom subgrade and underground utilities. • AS of November 3, one third of the proposed sidewalks between fields 1-6 have been installed. Contractor is positive they will finish the remaining sidewalks over the next three to four weeks in that area. In addition, the water and sewer lines to the new restroom have been connected. All underground plumbing for that restroom is also in. • January 5, 2021. Middle roundabout was poured on 12/22/20. In addition, work has continued the remaining drainage flumes and sidewalks, along with the new restrooms. • As of February 3, 2021— Two of the three roundabouts are complete. Roughly 90% of the sidewalks are complete, and the restroom is 50% complete. In addition, two of the shade structures have been installed. Remaining items are the first roundabout and entry of Harvey, and installation of two playgrounds. Current work is on schedule and the contractor is expected to be completed on time. • 3/2/21- Remaining part of February has been rough. Since the last update, very little has occurred due to weather. However, progress was made on installing the two playgrounds, demolition of the Harvey side entry, and the restroom was dried in. Metal roof panels will be installed once weather clears. Currently, contractor working on restroom and Harvey entrance. • 4/6/21— Pending weather, Harvey Road entrance could be back open on 3/9/21. Remaining items include playground surfacing at both playgrounds, installation of restroom fixtures. Small portion of road work, and landscaping. While it sounds like a lot, this project could be completed at the end of April. As of May 4, 2021, 99% of this project is now complete. A small amount of paving and landscaping is all that remains to date. Punch list walk through is scheduled for 5/6/21. Pending weather, the contractor should be 100% complete with the entire project. • As ofJune 1, 2021—All punch list items are complete. However, the asphalt surfacing was not accepted by the parks department on the general contractor. The general contractor's sub will be removing and replacing the asphalt at their cost. Once it dries up for more that three days, crews will return. • Currently awaiting drier weather to redo a section of paving. Other than that, the project is complete. Page 2 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station RY MAINTENANCE & SALES SHOP )esign of new shop and sales office to house current employees and equipment. Request for design proposal to be opened on 1/22/2020. • Architect/ Engineering to be selected from proposals by 2/15/2020. Arkitex Studios chosen as design firm for this project. Design firm currently working on design fees. Hope to be under contract with design firm by the end of the monthly. Cost of design $160,000. This is $28, 000 underestimated cost of design. Contract to go before Council on 4/9/20 for approval. Project was on Hold due to COVID19. 4/22/20 — Project back on Council agenda for official approval. Currently on the May 14 Council meeting. D Council has approved contract. Design now in progress. 6/5/20 — First design layout received. Since that date, three modifications have been done. We now have a floor plan that will work while staying within budget. As of 10/23/20, the final drawings have been completed. Since that time, they have been under staff review. 10/6/20, staff will meet with the design firm to make any last changes before plans are sent over the Planning and Development for review. As of November, design is 99% complete. Currently awaiting IT response on fiber routing to the new shop. Once I have that, plans will be sent to Planning and Development Services for one final review. Plans were sent to Planning and Development services for review. Site plan has been approved. We are currently awaiting approval on the building. We are still looking to be this project out sometime in the spring of 21. As of January 21, 2021, to have the water flows correct, the Water Department has requested we install two fire hydrants or a sprinkler system with the shop. We are currently over budget but still think we could move forward with this project. However, we may have to delay the bidding process a little. • As of 3/2/21— Exploring ways to fund this project. Cemetery funds will not support this project in its entirety. • 4/6/21— Still working on fully funding this project. • 5/4/21— Currently working on ways to reduce the overall cost of construction with losing the true propose of the building. • 6/1/2021— Multiple meetings held over the last month. Revisions are being made to the final drawings to get us under the original budget number. We look for this project to go out for bids late July, early August. • 7/1/2021— Due to budget constraints, drawings had to be updated. The updated drawings are complete and under review by both Parks and Planning and Development Services. Any comments or changes will be sent back to the architect by 7/9/21. • Awaiting final review by Planning and Development Services. Once complete, this project will be posted for bids. Still looking at end of this month before its ready to bid. • Construction plans approved by Planning. Awaiting bid schedule from Purchasing. Page 3 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department 1 City of College Station CENTRAL PARK AND STEEPLECHASE PARK • CP I Replacement and installation of new sidewalks within the park, Addressing drainage issues. • SP I Improvements to park, Improved drainage within dog park area, Additional lighting within park, LED light fixtures to basketball court, Dog washing station and new playground and fall surfacing • The above items are part of Proposal received on 2/13/20. Staff reviewing to ensure all work is within the scope of work. o Checking with Planning and Development Services to see if any additional studies or reports will be needed since we will be working within the detention pond at Steeplechase. o Since my last report on 2/21/20, the design proposal was submitted and approved by parks. We are currently waiting on contracts to be signed by design firm. Design firm should have all contracts turned back in by next week. o 3/16/20 — All contracts have been signed and approved. Engineer currently working on design. o Crew out taking elevation the week of 3/23/20. o Week of 3/30/20 — Soil samples. o 3/30 — 4/17 — Soil samples, topo, and other design information was gathered. Engineering firm is now working on design. o First set of plans came out towards the end of May. Adjustments had to be made to both Central and Steeplechase. Currently awaiting new set of drawings. o Final review completed by Park staff and sent to Planning and Development Services on 9/24/20 for final review. o As of January 5, 2021, pans have been approved and development permit has been issued. Once the Park Structures project is completed, we will take the remaining funds for that project and start at Steeplechase. To date, we do not have the funds to cover this project in its entirety. o As of 3/2/21 —Still exploring options for funding. The original funding source was moved to over Veterans. o This project will be fully funded in FY22. Bidding will start in October, with construction starting a few months later. 3IRD BLINDS • Installation of one or two bird watching structures, "Bird Blinds", within Lick Creek Park. o 9/22/20 — Budget number received from local contractor to construct two "bird blinds" in location chosen by local bird watching groups. o 2/12/21 Working with local groups to see if they can be installed cheaper. To date, groups are looking at cutting concrete paths and various other aspects of this structure. After talking with Legal on 2/11/21, cutting concrete will not work. If the structure is built, we must have ADA access. o Currently awaiting a fund source. DAMSON LAGOON BABY POOL DECKING • Complete removal of decking, pool coping, and plumbing. o Due to leaks, ground shifting, and wear and tear, the existing decking around the baby pool is heaving. Selected contractor will come in and remove all decking 6'-10- around the pool, repair and Page 4 - PROJECT UPDATE �. Parks & Recreation Department 1 City of College Station replace any water/drain lines that are needed, replace the coping around the pool, and then re - pour the decking deck so there are to "toe stumpers". o Work will not start till pools are closed in the fall. Till that time, we will work with local contractors on what is to be expected, pricing, and contract. o 4/26/21— Pricing is in and is still estimated to cost just over 50K. Contractor also knows we will not start this project till October, when the pool closes for summer. LICK CREEK PARK DRAINAGE • Improve drainage on the Pebble Creek side of the park, Deer Run Trail o Working with CIP to have the contractor come back out and make improvements to the drainage and trail system that they were not able to take care of because of weather. o As of 4/28/21— CIP and Parks met with contractor to discuss issues with drainage. CIP working with contractor to come back out, once it dries out, to regrade and re -roll the trail. COVE OF NANTUCKET PARK • Installation of an irrigation system for new trees. o Currently working with JOC's for pricing. o Electrical and water meters will need to be installed as well. Working with Utilities currently. o 7/5/21- Awaiting PO o 8/2/21— PO in. Awaiting waterline tap by COCS Utilities. o 9/7/21— Installation of irrigation lines schedule to start this week. LINCOLN CENTER PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT • Total replacement of existing playground and surfacing. o 5/21/21— CDBG Funded o 5/27/21 —Scope of work meeting held with engineer. Awaiting proposal. o 6/18/21— Proposal for work due next week. o 8/2/21— Proposal in and within budget. Currently working on design contract. o 9/7/21— Engineer working new design and looking at drainage issues around the playground. VETERANS PARK SOFTBALL GATES • Installation of gates to allow teams to warm up in the outfield with disrupting the game in progress. o 6/10/21— Proposal from Vaughn Construction has been sent to purchasing. o 6/18/21— Awaiting PO. o 8/2/21— Work to start on 8/5/21. o 8/18/21— All work is Complete WOLF PEN CREEK MARQUEE SIGN REMOVAL • Removal of existing sign located off Holleman Street. o JOC proposal in and within estimated cost o Second JOC requested. o 5/28/21 Second JOC has yet to send proposal. Moving forward with original. Page 5 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station o 6/4/21— Purchasing to draw up contract for this project. o 7/20/21— Sign removed. Project Complete Page 6