HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021V16900P951427495 Page 1 of 23 04/12/2021 4:1OPM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk Vot 169DO Pg: 95 DRAINAGE EASEMENT DECLARATION THIS DRAINAGE EASEMENT DECLARATION ("Declaration") is made as of the _1 day of 2021, by Southern Pointe, LLC, a Texas limited liability company ("Declara t'), with an address for notice of P.O. Box 11962, College Station, Texas 77642. ARTICLE I. Basis for Declaration The following facts are correct and form the basis of this Declaration. 1.1 Declarant is the owner of that certain 95.244 acres, more or less, in Brazos County, Texas as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"). 1.2 Declarant Intends to create a drainage easement across the Property for the benefit of the Property, on and across the land depicted in Exhibit B attached hereto, which easement shall be governed by the terms hereof (the "Easement" or "Easement Property"). NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises, easements and covenants contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Declarant hereby declares as follows: ARTICLE II. Grant and Declaration of Drainage Easement 2.1 Grant of Easement. Declarant hereby declares, grants and creates for the owners of the Property and Homeowners Association of Southern Pointe, Inc. ("the Association") and their successors and assigns in title, for the limited purposes and uses set forth herein, the following non-exclusive and perpetual easement for the free, continuous and uninterrupted drainage and flow of surface water over the drainage ways constructed within the Easement Property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Easement, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Declarant and its successors and assigns. 2.2 Usage and Duration of Easement. The Easement shall permit joint usage of the Easement by (a) the Declarant, (b) the Association and (c) Owners of the Property, and their respective successors, assigns, agents, employees, contractors and permittees; provided, however, the Easement must, at all times, comply in all respects with the requirements of governmental authorities (the "Authority"). The duration of the Easement is perpetual. 2.3 No Obstructions: Compliance with Laws. The Declarant, the Association, and others described in Section 2.2 above will be entitled to exercise its rights to the Easement, without unreasonable interference. In using the Easement, the Declarant, the Association, and others described in Section 2.2 above shall comply with all applicable laws, codes, ordinances and governmental regulations. 2.4 Nonexclusiveness of Easement. The Easement is nonexclusive, and the Declarant reserves for itself, the Association and its successors in title, and assigns the right to use all or part of the Easement in conjunction with any other tract, and the right to convey to others the right to use all or part of the Easement in conjunction with the other parties, as long as such further conveyance is subject to the terms of this Declaration. 36096: Drainage Easement Declaratlon_Southern Pointe Page 1 1427495 Page 2 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk Vot 169DO Pg: 96 ARTICLE III. Modification and Cancellation The provisions of this Declaration may be modified or amended, in whole or in part, or terminated, only upon the execution of a written agreement by the Declarant or its successors and assigns, and the recordation of such instrument in the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. ARTICLE IV. General Provisions 4.1 No Dedication. Nothing in this Declaration shall ever constitute or be construed as a dedication of any interest herein described to the public or give any member of the public any right whatsoever. 4.2 Headings. The headings herein are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference and in no way define, limit or describe the scope of Intent of this Declaration nor in any way affect the terms and provisions hereof. 4.3 Rights of Successors. The easements, restrictions, benefits and obligations hereunder shall create mutual benefits and servitudes running with the land and are appurtenant to that portion of the Property on which the Easement Property Iles. The singular number Includes the plural and the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter. 4.4 Term. The easements, covenants, conditions and restrictions contained in this Declaration shall be effective commencing on the date of recordation of this Declaration in the office of the Brazos County Clerk and shall remain in full force and effect thereafter in perpetuity. 4.5 Governina Law. The laws of the State of Texas shall govern the interpretation, validity, performance, and enforcement of this Declaration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Declaration to be signed hereto the day and year above written. Southern Pointe, LLC, a Texas limited liability company By: William R. Mather, President STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Q This instrument was acknowledged before me the I� day o 2021,ity by William R. Mather, President of Southern Pointe L , a Texas limited liab company, on behalf of said limited liability company, and in the c pa ity heath sjatgd. My Notary ID#2865126 Notary Public, . Expires May 26, 2024 36098: Drainage Easement Dedaration Southern Pointe Page 2 1427495 Page 3 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk Vot 169DO Pg: 97 Lienholder's Consent FIRST FINANCIAL BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE BANK & TRUST OF BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION, being a lienholder on all or a portion of the Property that is affected by the foregoing Instrument, joins in the execution hereof for the purpose of consenting to the provisions of such instrument and subordinating its lien to the said easement created hereby. EXECUTED this -� day of . 2021. FIRST FINANCIAL BANK, N.A. By: a u_ m y _ Names D/ZA � vr n Title STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS This instrumental acknowledged befo a me on this the+`day of n ' I 2021, by o>—a 1 ° p s the ��2 �- �— of FIRST FINANCIAL BANK, N.A., on behalf of said entity. MICHELLE M BUTTON NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS Ece � My COMM. EXP.12/1612024 NOTARY ID 60299.4 Notary Public, State of Texas 36098: Drainage Easement Declaration Southem Pointe Page 3 1427495 Page 4 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk Vot 16900 Pg: 98 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY 178.73 acres, more or less, described on Exhibit A-1, save and except (i) the 49.184 acres described on Exhibit A-2, (ii) the 23.863 acres described on Exhibit A-3, and (iii) the 10.439 acres described on Exhibit A-4, leaving 95.244 acres, more or less. 36098: Drainage Easement Dedaralion Southern Pointe Page 4 1427495 Page 5 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk Vat 16900 Pg: 99 EXHIBIT A-1 A METES & BOUNDS description of a certain 178.73 acre tract situated in the Sterrett D. Smith Survey, Abstract No. 210 in Brazos County, Texas, being a portion of the remainder of a called 552.905 acre tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed to McAlister Opportunity Fund 2012, LP, recorded in Volume 11756, Page 130 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County and all of a called 10.00 acre tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed with a one -fifth undivided interest to Hunter Goodwin, Lawrence B. Hodges, JR., Kyle A. Davis, Brian G. Fisher, and Charles Moreau, recorded in Volume 12113, Page 115 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; said 178.73 acre tract being more particularly described as follows with all bearings based on the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, Central Zone; BEGINNING at a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") in the occupied north right-of-way of Peach Creek Cutoff Road (unknown width), marking the southeast corner of the herein described subject tract being common with the southwest corner of a called 20.00 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Richard C. Conole and Sharyn S. Conole recorded In Volume 5229, Page 238 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE South 86"59'09" West, along said occupied north right-of-way of Peach Creek Cutoff Road, 71.87 feet to a found 3/4-inch iron rod for corner of the herein described subject tract in said occupied north right- of-way of Peach Creek Cutoff Road being common with the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of LGL Subdivision recorded in Volume 6996, Page 197 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said Lot 1, Block 1 of LGL Subdivision the following four (4) courses and distances: 1. North 1000579" East, 296.88 feet to a found 5/8-inch iron rod for angle; 2. North 07°20'44" East, 113.30 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter"), from which a found 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "CCI") bears North 0101121" West, 1.13 feet; 3. South 86°59'29" West, 586.03 feet to a found 5/8-inch iron rod; 4. South 02"57'21" East, 400.65 feet to a found bent 3/4-inch iron rod for corner of the herein described subject tract in aforementioned occupied north right-of-way of Peach Creek Cutoff Road being common with the southwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 1 of LGL Subdivision; THENCE along said occupied north right-of-way of Peach Creek Cutoff Road the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. South 86"59'09" West, 182.01 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod for angle; 2. South 89004'20" West, 850.85 feet to a found 1/2-inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") marking a southerly corner of the herein described subject tract being in said occupied north right-of-way of Peach Creek Cutoff Road and In the occupied northeast right of way of State Highway No. 6 (variable width); THENCE North 73"35'16" West, along said occupied northeast right-of-way of State Highway No. 6, 273.19 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod marking a southerly corner of the herein described subject tract being common with the southeast corner of a called 3.333 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to GSI Oil & Gas, Inc. recorded in Volume 2144, Page 173 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, from which a found concrete monument bears North 73°37'37" West, 105.59 feet; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said 3.333 acre tract the following four (4) courses and distances: 1. North 16"28'27" West, 121.52 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod; 2. North 37*34'13" East, 169.28 feet to a found 112-inch iron rod; 3. North 52"25'47" West, 501.14 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong"); 1427495 Page 6 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk Vot 169DO Pg: 100 4. South 37037'29" West, 278.22 feet to a found 5/8-Inch Iron rod marking a southerly corner of the herein described subject tract being in aforementioned occupied northeast right-of-way of State Highway No. 6; THENCE along said occupied northeast right-of-way of State Highway No. 6 the following two (2) courses and distances: 1. North 52"20'20" West, 199.00 feet to a found concrete monument for angle; 2. North 54051'16" West, 516.76 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter') marking the southwest corner of the herein described subject tract in said occupied northeast right- of-way of State Highway No. 6 being common with a southerly corner of aforementioned 552.905 acre remainder tract; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said 552.905 acre remainder tract the following four (4) courses and distances: 1. North 34054'18" East, 588.22 feet to a set 5/8-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter'); 2. North 36"48'29" West, 1064.61 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter") and the beginning of a curve to the left; 3. Along said curve to the left, have a radius of 3052.50 feet, an arc length of 118.43 feet, a delta angle of 2013'23", a chord bearing of South 48034'14" West, and a chord length of 118.43 feet, to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter); 4. North 49005'43" West, 219.47 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter') marking the most westerly corner of the herein described subject tract being common with a northerly corner of said 552.905 acre remainder tract, a southeasterly corner of a called 78.63 acre tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed to 2015 SOPO, LTD., recorded in Volume 12821, Page 151 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County and the beginning of a curve to the left; THENCE along said curve to the left, have a radius of 1545.00 feet, an arc length of 97.21 feet, a delta angle of 3036'19", a chord bearing of South 73040'51" East, and a chord length of 97.20 feet, to a found 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter') marking a westerly corner of the herein described subject tract being common with the southeast comer of said 78.63 acre tract; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said 78.63 acre tract the following three (3) courses and distances: 1. North 15022'50" East, 129.38 feet to a found 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter') and the beginning of a curve to the right; 2. Along said curve to the right, have a radius of 900.00 feet, an arc length of 405.93 feet, a delta angle of 25"50'33", a chord bearing of North 28018'06" East, and a chord length of 402.50 feet, to a found 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter"); 3. North 24"49'31" East, 29.55 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter') marking the most northerly west corner of the herein described subject tract being common with an easterly corner of said 78.63 acre tract and a westerly corner of aforementioned 552.905 acre remainder tract; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said 552.905 acre remainder tract the following eleven (11) courses and distances: 1. South 31049'15" East, 109.67 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter'); 2. South 56"06'51" West, 33.54 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter'); 3. South 55020'18" West, 13.46 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter ); 4. South 36044'50" East, 2029.31 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter"); 5. North 70044'50" East, 460.09 feet to a point -for -corner; 6. North 21 000'39" West, 165.67 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter"); 7. North 21 "26'58" West, 413.13 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter"); 1427495 Page 7 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk Vot 16900 Pg: 101 8. North 68033'02" East, 784.57 feet to a set 5/8-inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter) and the beginning of a curve to the left; 9. Along said curve to the left, have a radius of 940.00 feet, an arc length of 186.23 feet, a delta angle of 11021'04", a chord bearing of North 62"52'30" East, and a chord length of 185.92 feet, to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter'); 10. North 39032'17" West, 218.51 feet to a set 5/8-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter'); 11. North 50"27'43" East, 2270.00 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter") marking the north corner of the herein described subject tract being common with an easterly corner of said 552.905 acre remainder tract and in the west line of a called 2.92 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Ashraf Lakhani recorded in Volume 8902. Page 256 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE South 39*3217" East, along the common line of the herein described subject tract and said 2.92 acre tract, 1142.36 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod marking the most northerly east corner of the herein described subject tract being common with a westerly interior corner of a called 6.00 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Samantha E. Conole recorded in Volume 1681, Page 299 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE South 13053'13" West, passing at 1261.37 feet a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") marking the northeast corner of aforementioned 10.00 acre tract being in the west line of a called 5.604 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Samantha E. Conole recorded in Volume 1685, Page 221 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, continuing in all a total distance of 1613.08 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") marking an easterly corner of the herein described subject tract being common with the northeast corner of a called 10.01 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Laredo Energy V, L.P., recorded in Volume 11588, Page 220 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County and in a westerly line of a called 6.348 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Charles A. Anderson, II recorded in Volume 1647, Page 281 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said 10.01 acre tract the following four (4) courses and distances: 1. North 76'35'25" West, 574.92 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong"); 2. South 14000'53" West, 286.04 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong"); 3. South 86"05'16" West, 349,33 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong"), from which a found 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") marking the northwest corner of aforementioned 10.00 acre tract bears North 13052'06" East, 749.45 feet; 4. South 0903110" West, 165.80 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") in an easterly line of the herein described subject being common with the southwest corner of said 10.01 acre tract and the northwest corner of aforementioned 20.00 acre tract; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said 20.00 acre tract the following four (4) courses and distances: 1. South 04°14'54" East, 117.42 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod for angle; 2. South 26026'44" West, 114.20 feet to a found 3/8-inch iron rod for angle; 3. South 07020'44" West, 314.98 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") for angle; 4. South 10"05'29" West, 282,26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 178.73 acres of land in Brazos County, Texas as shown on Dwg No. 1446 filed in the offices of JonesjCarter in College Station, Texas. 1427495 Page 8 of 23 04/12/2021 4: tOPM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16900 Pg: 102 � F--IIi f-1'i BV Southern Pointe Development, Inc, Sterrett D, Smith Survey 49.184 Acres Abstract No. 210 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS A METES & BOUNDS description of a certain 49.184 acre tract situated In the Sterrett D. Smith Survey, Abstract No, 210 In Brazos County, Texas, being a portion of a called 168.73 acre tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien to Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd., recorded In Volume 13736, Page 274 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County and all of a called 10.00 acre tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed to Greens Pralrle Investors, Ltd., recorded In Volume 14166, Page 18, Volume 14166, Page 64, Volume 14166, Page 90, Volume 14166, Page 126 and Volume 14166, Page 188 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; said 49.184 acre tract being more particularly described as follows with all bearings based on the Taxes Coordinate System of 1983, Central Zone; BEGINNING at a found 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") In the occupied north right-of-way of Peach Creek Cutoff Road (unknown width), marking the southeast comer of the herein described subject tract being common with the southwest corner of a called 20.00 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Richard C. Conole and Sharyn S. Conole recorded In Volume 5229, Page 238 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE South 86069'09" West, along sold occupied north right-of-way of Peach Creek Cutoff Road, 71.87 feet to a found 3/4-Inch Iron rod for corner of the herein described subject tract in said occupied north right-of-way of Peach Creek Cutoff Road being common with the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of LGL Subdivision recorded In Volume 6996, Page 197 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said Lot 1, Block 1 of LGL Subdivision the following three (3) courses and distances: 1. North 10*06'29" East, 296.88 feet to a found 5/8-Inch Iron rod for angle; 2. North 07"20'44" East,113.30 feet to a found 5/8-Inch Iron (with cap stamped "Jones&Carter"), from which a found 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "CCI") bears North 01 "11'21" West, 1.13 feet; 3. South 86°5929" West, 43.59 feet to a set 5/6-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") In the north line of said Lot 1, Block 1 of LGL Subdivision; THENCE over and across aforementioned 168.73 acre tract the following forty (40) courses and distances: 1. North 03°00'31" West,145.24 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") and the beginning of a curve to the right; 2. Along said curve to the right, having a radius of 225,00 feet, an arc length of 10.48 feet, a delta angle of 2"40'08", a chord bearing of South 85039'25" West,10.48 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonealCarter"); 3. South 86059'29" West, 33.93 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 4. North 08°29'46" West, 50.23 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") and the beginning of a curve to the left; 5. Along said curve to the left, having a radius of 4660.00 feet, an arc length of 563.50 feet, a delta angle of 6156'36", a chord bearing of North 11°58'04" West, 663.16 feet to a set Page 1 of 4 1427495 Page 9 of 23 04/12/2021 4: tOPM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16900 Pg: 103 BV Southern Pointe Development, Inc. Sterrett D. Smith Survey 49.184 Acres Abstract No. 210 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") and the beginning of a compound curve to the left; 6. Along said compound curve to the left, having a radius of 860.00 feet, an arc length of 357.18 feet, a delta angle of 23047'47", a chord bearing of North 27*20'15" West, 354.62 feet to a set 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 7. North 39032'17" West, 60.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter"); 8. North 50"27'43" East, 90.01 feet to a set 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 9. North 05"27'43" East, 35.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 10. North 50"27'43" East, 60,00 feet to a set 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones)Carter"); 11. South 84932117" East, 35.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones 1Carter"); 12, North 50"27'43" East, 180.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones[Carter"); 13. North 05"27'43" East, 35.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); 14, North 50"27'43" East, 50.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Jonas lCarter" ); 15. South 84"32'17" East, 36.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesIcarter"); 16, North 60027'43" East, 180.00 feet to a set 6184nch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); . 17. North 05027'43" East, 35.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslOartee..'); 18. North 60027'43" East, 50.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 19, South 840U17" East, 36.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 20. North 50027'43" East, 180.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 21. North 06"27'43" East, 35.36 feet to a set 518-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 22. North 50"27'43" East, 50.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones1Cartet"); 23. South 84"3217" East, 35.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 24. North 50027'43" East, 180.0o feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cep stamped "JoneslCarter"); 25. North 06"27'43" East, 35.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 26, North 50"27'43" East, 50.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslOarter"); 27. South 84032'17" East, 35.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter" ); 28. North 50"27'43" East, 180.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") Page 2 of 4 1427495 Page 10 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 169DO Pg: 104 BV Southern Pointe Development, Inc. Sterrett D. Smith Survey 49,184 Acres Abstract No. 210 29. North 06027'43" East, 35.36 feet to a set 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones ICarter"); 30. North 50°2743" East, 60,00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter" ); 31. South 84"32'17" East, 35.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslOartel"); 32. North 60"27'43" East,180.00 feet to a set 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 33. North 06"27'43" East, 36.36 feet to a set 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 34. North 50"27'43" East, 50.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesjCarter"); 35. South 84632'17" East, 36.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 36. North 60"27'43" East,180.00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 37. North 05027'43" East, 36.36 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 38, North 50"27'43" East, 60,00 feet to a set 5/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 39. South 84032'17" East, 35.36 feet to a set 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesjCarter"); 40. North 60927'43" East, 120.00 feet to a set 6/8-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesjCarter") marking a northerly corner of the herein described subject tract and being In a southwesterly line of a called 2.92 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Ashref Lakhanl recorded In Volume 8902, Page 266 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE South 39"32'17" East, along the common line of the herein described subject tract and said 2.92 acre tract, 312.36 feet to a found 1/2-Inch iron rod marking the most northerly east corner of the herein described subject tract being common with a westerly Interior corner of a called 6.00 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Samantha E. Conole recorded in Volume 1681, Page 299 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE South 13"53'13" West, passing at 1261.37 feet a found 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") marking the northeast corner of aforementioned 10.00 acre tract being In the west line of a called 6,604 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Dead to Samantha E. Conole recorded In Volume 1686, Page 221 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, continuing In all a total distance of 1613.08 feet to a found 1/2-Inoh Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") marking an easterly corner of the herein described subject tract being common with the northeast corner of a called 10,01 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Laredo Energy V, L.P., recorded In Volume 11588, Page 220 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County and In a westerly line of a called 6.348 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Charles A. Anderson, II recorded In Volume 1647, Page 281 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said 10.01 acre tract the following four (4) courses and distances; Page 3 of 4 1427495 Page 11 of 23 04/12/2021 4:1OPM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16900 Pg: 105 BV Southern Pointe Development, Inc. 49,184 Acres Sterrett D. Smith Survey Abstract No. 210 1. North 76°35'25" West, 674.92 feet to a found 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong"); 2. South 14"00'63" West, 288.04 feet to a found 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong"); 3. South 86905'16" West, 349,33 feet to a found 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong"); 4, South 09031'101' West,165,80 feet to a found 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") in an easterly line of the herein described subject being common with the southwest corner of said 10.01 acre tract and the northwest corner of aforementioned 20.00 acre tract; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said 20.00 acre tract the following four (4) courses and distances: 1. South 04"14'54" East,117.42 feet to a found 1/2-Inch Iron rod for angle; 2. South 26026144" West, 114.20 feet to a found 3/8-Inch Iron rod for angle; 3. South 07"20'44" West, 314.98 feet to a found 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong") for angle; 4. South 10005'29" West, 282.26 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 49.184 acres of land In Brazos County, Texas as shown on Dwg No.1618 filed In the offices of JonesjCarter in College Station, Texas. /Z1X1 /7o Page 4 of 4 1427495 Page 12 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16" Pg: 106 Southern Pointe, LLC. EXHIBIT A-3 Sterrett D. Smith Survey 23.863 Acres Abstract No, 210 Portion STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS § A METES & BOUNDS description of a certain 23.863 acre tract situated in the Sterrett D. Smith Survey, Abstract No. 210 in Brazos County, Texas, being a portion of the remainder of a called 129.546 acre -tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed to Southern Pointe, LLC., recorded in Volume 15061, Page 220 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, said 23.663 acre tract being more particularly described as follows with all bearings based on the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, Central Zone; BEGINNING at a found 1/2-inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") marking the west corner of Southern Pointe, Subdivision Section 100, recorded in Volume 15287, Page 51 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, from which City of College Station Monument No. 155 bears North 14024'56" East, 2800.49 feet THENCE South 39032'17" East, 60.00 feet along southwest line of said Southern Pointe, Subdivision Section 100 to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") marking the west corner of Lot 1, Block 7, Southern Pointe, Subdivision Section 100; THENCE over and across aforementioned 129.456 acre tract the following twenty-one (21) courses and distances; 1. South 50"27'43" West, 90.55 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 2. South 06033'40" West, 34.67 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 3. South 48006'25" West, 50.17 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 4. North 83016'29" West, 36.13 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); 5. South 50027'43" West, 180.24 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 6. South 07*1174" West, 34.27 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 7. South 48023'01" West, 50.26 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); 8. North 80057'24" West, 35.69 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") at the beginning of a non -tangent curve to the right; 9. Along said non -tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 1030.00 feet, an arc length of 345.30 feet, a delta angle of 19"12'29", a chord bearing of South 63*06'13" West, 343.69 feet to a set 1/2-inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 10. South 72042'27" West, 251.76 feet to'a set 1/2-inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 11. South 28"05'33" West, 35.59 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") at the beginning of a non -tangent curve to the right; 12. Along said non -tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 3535.00 feet, an arc length of 85,04 feet, a delta angle of 1 "22'42", a chord bearing of South 15"37'51" East, 85.04 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); Page 1 of 4 1427495 Page 13 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16900 Pg: 107 Southern Pointe, LLC. 23.863 Acres Sterrett D. Smith Survey Abstract No. 210 13. South 72"42'27" West, 70.06 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") at the beginning of a non -tangent curve to the right; 14. Along said non -tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 3465.00 feet, an arc length of 30,03 feet, a delta angle of 0"29'48", a chord bearing of South 14°38'45" East, 30.03 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter"); 15. South 72"42'27" West, 470.18 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter") at the beginning of a tangent curve to the right; 16, Along said curve to the right, having a radius of 376.24 feet, an arc length of 200.50 feet, a delta angle of 30°31'59", a chord bearing of South 88"14'16" West, 198.13 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 17. South 13"46'06" West, 109.32 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 18. South 52°25'47" East, 376.54 feet to a set 1/2-inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter"); 19, South 37"34'13" West, 57.14 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 20. South 32053'10" East, 187.48 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 21, South 61°58'20" West, 161.32 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter") in the south line of the aforementioned 129.466 acre tract and lying in the occupied northeast right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6; THENCE North 73'3516" West, 66.12 feet along said occupied northeast right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6, feet to a found 1/2-Inch iron rod marking a southerly corner of the herein described subject tract being common with the southeast corner of a called 3.333 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to GSI Oil & Gas, Inc. recorded in Volume 2144, Page 173 of the OPRBC, from which a found TxDOT concrete monument bears North 73037'37" West, 105.59 feet, marking a southerly corner of said 3.333 acre tract; THENCE along the common lines of the herein described subject tract and said 3.333 acre tract the following four (4) courses and distances: 1. North 16°28'27" West, 121.52 feet to a found 1/2-Inch iron rod; 2. North 37"34'13" East, 169.28 feet to a found 1/2-Inch iron rod; 3. North 52°25'47" West, 501.14 feet to a found 1/2-inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "Strong"); 4. South 37°37'29" West, 278.22 feet to a found 5/8-Inch Iron rod marking a southerly corner of the herein described subject tract being in aforementioned occupied northeast right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6; THENCE North 52'20'20" West, 199.00 feet to a found TxDOT concrete monument for angle in said right-of-way line; THENCE over and across aforementioned 129,456 acre tract the following four (4) courses and distances: 1. North 06"54'20" West, 213.97 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 2. North 02"56'07" East, 271.69 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); Page 2 of 4 1427495 Page 14 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16900 Pg: 108 Southern Pointe, LLC. 23.863 Acres Sterrett D. Smith Survey Abstract No. 210 3. North 49°44'46" East, 118.26 feet to a set 1/2-inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); 4. North 36"48'29" West, passing at 274.40 feet a found 1/2" Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") marking the east corner of a called 33.914 acre tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed to Southern Pointe, LLC. recorded In Volume 15871, Page 20 of the OPRBC continuing in all a total distance of 1339.01 feet to a found 5/8-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter") marking a point on a non -tangent curve to the right; THENCE Along said curve to the right, having a radius of 3052,60 feet, an arc length of 330.28 feet, a delta angle of 06011'68", a chord bearing of North 52°46'54" East, 330.12 feet to a set 1/2-inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter") being in a southwest line of a called 94.27 acre tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed to Southern Pointe, LLC. Recorded in Volume 14397, Page 99 of the OPRBC, from which a found 5/8-Inch iron rod with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") bears North 36044'50" West, 280.50 feet marking an interior corner of said 129.546 acre tract; THENCE South 36044'50" East, passing at 52.56 feet an exterior corner of said 94.72 acre tract and marking the west corner of a called 17.56 acre tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed to Southern Pointe, LLC, Recorded In Volume 15871, Page 20 of the OPRBC, continuing a total of 893.49 feet along the common line between said 129.546 acre tract and said 17,56 acre tract to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter") marking the south corner of sald 17.56 acre tract and marking a point on a non -tangent curve to the left; THENCE over and across aforementioned 129.456 acre tract the following seventeen (17) courses and distances: 1. Along said non -tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 1170.00 feet, an arc length of 115.20 feet, a delta angle of 5"38'29", a chord bearing of South 56*11'65" West, 115.15 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); 2. South 36044'50" East, 90.35 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 3. South 81 000'58" East, 34.90 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 4. South 38°16'55" East, 50.07 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 5. South 09°03'30" West, 35.85 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter"); 6. South 36044'50" East, 180.09 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 7. South 80°45'37" East, 34.74 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 8. South 38051'24" East, 50.14 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter"); 9. South 09"22'51" West, 36.04 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones]Carter"); 10. South 36044'50" East, 180.19 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); Page 3 of 4 1427495 Page 15 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16900 Pg: 109 Southern Pointe, LLC. 23,863 Acres Sterrett D. Smith Survey Abstract No. 210 11. South 80013'42" East, 34.41 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "Jones[Carter"); 12. South 40907'25" East, 50.35 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); 13. South 10008'01" West, 36.50 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); 14. South 36044'50" East, 71.71 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter") to a tangent curve to the left; 15. Along said tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 175.00 feet, an arc length of 17.37 feet, a delta angle of 5041'16", a chord bearing of South 39"35'29" East, 17.37 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") and marking a point on a non -tangent curve to the right; 16. Along said tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 254.61 feet, an arc length of 84.87 feet, a delta angle of 19"05'51 ", a chord bearing of North 61011'54" East, 84.47 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 17. North 70"44'50" East, passing at 31.95 feet a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter") marking the south corner of the aforementioned 94.27 acre tract, passing at 492.04 feet a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter") marking the southeast comer of the said 94.27 acre tract, continuing in all a total distance of 617.05 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter") marking a point on a non -tangent curve to the right; THENCE over and across aforementioned 129.456 acre tract the following five (5) courses and distances: 2. 3. 4. 5. Along said tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 3535.00 feet, an arc length of 108.66 feet, a delta angle of 1 "45'40", a chord bearing of South 18"59'01" East, 108.66 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter; South 62"35'47" East, 35.54 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); North 72"42'27" East, 251.67 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter") marking a tangent curve to the left; Along said tangent curve to the left, having a radius of 970.00 feet, an arc length of 376.61 feet, a delta angle of 22014'44", a chord bearing of North 61 "35'05" East, 374.25 feet to a set 1/2-Inch Iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter')' North 50027'43" East, 415.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 23.863 acres of land in Brazos County, filed In the offices of JoneslCarter in College Station, Texas. �Wz_o Page 4 of 4 1427495 Page 16 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 169DO Pg: 110 Southern Pointe, LLC. EXHIBIT A4 Sterrett D. Smith Survey - 10.439 Acres Abstract No. 210 Portion STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OFBRAZOS § A METES & BOUNDS description of a certain 10.439 acre tract situated in the Sterrett D. Smith Survey, Abstract No. 210 in Brazos County, Texas, being a portion of a called 129.546 acre tract conveyed by Special Warranty Deed to Southern Pointe, L-C., recorded in Volume 15061, Page 220 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County (OPRBC), said 10.439 acre tract being more particularly described as follows with all bearings based on the Texas Coordinate System of 1983, Central Zone; BEGINNING at a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter") marking the north corner of Southern Pointe, Subdivision Section 100, recorded in Volume 15287, Page 51 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, lying in the southwest line of a called 2.92 acre tract conveyed by General Warranty Deed to Ashraf Lakhani, recorded in Volume 8902, Page 256 of the OPRBC; THENCE along the northwest line of said Southern Pointe, Section 100 and a southeast line of said 129.546 acre tract the following nine (9) courses and distances: 1. South 50'27'43" West, 120.00 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter); 2. North 84'32'17" West, 35.36 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter'); 3. South 5002743" West, 50.00 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter'); 4. South 05'27'43" West, 35.36 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter'); 5. South 50'27'43" West,180.00 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter'); 6. North 84'32'17" West, 35.36 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 7. South 5002743" West, 50.00 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter"); 8. South 05027'43" West, 35.36 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter'); 9. South 50027'43" West, 90.00 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "J onesl Carter") marking the south corner of the herein described tract; THENCE over and across aforementioned 129.456 acre tract the following ten (10) courses and distances: 1. North 39'32'17" West, 770.00 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter") at the west corner of the herein described tract; 2. North 50027'43" East, 90.00 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter'); 3. North 05'27'43" East, 35.36 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter'); Page 1 of 2 1427495 Page 17 of 23 04/12/2021 4:1OPM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16900 Pg: 111 Southern Pointe, LLC. 10.439 Acres Sterrett D. Smith Survey Abstract No. 210 4. North 50°2743" East, 50.00 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); 5. South 84"32'17" East, 35.36 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter"); 6. North 50°2743" East, 180.00 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter"); 7. North 05°27'43" East, 35.36 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter"); 8. North 50027'43" East, 50.00 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JoneslCarter"); 9. South 39032'17" East, 20.00 feet to a set 1/2-inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesiCarter"); 10, North 50°27'43" East, 145.00 feet to a set 1/2-Inch iron rod (with cap stamped "JonesICarter") at the north comer of the herein described tract, lying in the common line of said 129A56 and the aforementioned 2.92 acre tract, from which City of College Station monument No. 155 bears North 39"54'44" West, 872.94 feet; THENCE South 39032'17" East, 775.00 feet along said common line to the POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 10.439 acres of land in Brazos County, filed in the offices of JoneslCarter in College Station, Texas. r� � 10//LO Page 2 of 2 1427495 Page 18 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk Vot 169DO Pg: 112 EXHIBIT B EASEMENT [attached] 36098: Drainage Easement Declaration —Southern Pointe Page 5 1427495 Page 19 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 169DO Pg: 113 r G FIELD NOTES DESCRIPTION DF A 7200 SQUARE FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT STERRETT D. SMITH LEAGUE, ABSTRACT 210 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS A FIELD NOTES DESCRIPTION OF A 7200 SQUARE FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN THE STERRETT U. SMITH LEAGUE, ABSTRACT 210, IN BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING A PORTION OFTHE REMAINDER OF A CALLED 178.73 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO SOUTHERN POINTE, LLC IN VOLUME 15061, PAGE 220 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS (OPRBCT); SAID PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING from a 1/2" iron rod with plastic cap stamped ')ONES & CARTER' found in the northwest line of Darlington Avenue (60' R.O.W.15287/51 OPRBCT) and the northwest line of Southern Pointe Subdivision, Section 100 as shown on the plat recorded in Volume 15287, Page 51(OPRBC1), and being in the northeast line of said remainder of 178.73 acre tract; THENCE, along the northwest line of said Darlington Avenue, S 500 27' 43" W, a distance of 1150.00 feet to a point marking the POINT OF BEGINNING of this herein described easement, for reference College Station Control Monument "CS94-154" bears 5 68" 03' 39" E, a distance of 2756.17 feet; THENCE, with the northwest line of Darlington Avenue, 5 500 27430 W, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point marking the south corner of this herein described easement, for reference a 112" iron rod with cap stamped')ONES 6 CARTER' found in the northwest line of Darlington Avenue being the west corner of said Section 100 bears 5 500 27' 43" W, a distance of 1110.00 feet; THENCE, through said remainder of 178.73 acre tract the following three (3) courses and distances: 1) N 39132' 17" W, a distance of 720.00 feet to a point for the northwest corner of this herein described easement; 2) N 50° 27' 43" E, a distance of 10.00 feet to a pointforthe northeast corner of this herein described easement in the proposed southwest line of the future Southern Pointe Subdivision, Section 102 (not yet filed of record); 1lPage 21.252 (file name) 1427495 Page 20 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16900 Pg: 114 3) 5 390 32' 17' E, with said proposed southwest line of the future Southern Pointe Subdivision, Section 102, a distance of 720.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING hereof, and containing 7200 square feet. Surveyed on the ground November 2020 under my supervision. See plat prepared March 2021 for other information. The bearing basis for this survey is based an The Texas State Plane Central Zone Grid North (NA083) as established from GPS observation. Distances described herein are surface distances. To obtain grid distances (not areas) multiply by a combined scale factor of 0.9999059410912 (calculated using geoidl2b). Reference drawing: 21-252 3/23/21 Nathan Paq Kerr Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 6834 KERR SURVEYING Kerr Surveying, LLC 1 409 N. Texas Ave. Bryan,TX77803 Office: (979) 268.31951 Web: www.kertland5ulygyinQ.com Surveysla@kerrsurveuina.net ) TBPELS Firm No.10018500 21.252 (file name) 2)Page 1427495 Page 21 of 23 04/12/2021 4-10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 169DO Pg: 115 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: LNATHAN PAULKERR, R.P.LS. NO. SM.00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TO THE BEST OFMYKNOWIEDGETHIS PIATISATRUE REPRESE ITAI NIN OFACATEGOBYIB (5TAN0AR0 LAND SURVEY), CONDITION USURVEY (AECOROINGTOTHETSPSMANUAL OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN THESTATE OF TEMAS MADE ON THE GROUND UNDER MY SUPERVISION. THISTBACTUOE5 NOT UE WITHIN A DESIGNATED 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN ACCORDING TO THE F.I.R.M. MAPS, PANEL NO. 48041CO35DF, R EVISM OATE.05.16-2012. NATHAN PAULKERR ,•'� i �:F RE66MREDPROFESSONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO.4fl34 _..� SCALE:1" =100' GENERALNOTES BEARING SYSTEM SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON THE i7� / , '\. FUIURESOUTHERNPOM,'' TEXAS STATE PLANE CENTRAL ZONE GRID NORTH �. TESUBDIVISION \ i INA083)AS ESTABLISHED FROM GPS OBSERVATION. `• :, / /.A SECTION 102 ,'' \7'/ 015TANCES SHOWN HEREON ARE SURFACE DISTANCES. TO OBTAIN ERIC DISTANCES MULTIPLY BY �:,y% / / ' '\ ACOMBINED SCALE FACTOR OF 0.9999059410912 'X (CALCULATED U5ING 6EOID128). ` • •'' / / / (OM) INDICATES CONTROLLING MONUMENT FOUND ��`: /' i• \./' / AND USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY BOUNDARIES. THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IN CONJUNCTION WITH N/F �', /'' i\ '-�' / FIELD NOTES DESCRIPTION (METES AND BOUNDS), SOUTHERN POINTE, LLC '�, ,' / /' THE PLAT AND HELD NOTES ARE INTENDED TO BE REMAINDER OF CALLED 178.73ACRETRAET % , \ \ ,' ONE INSTRUMENTIOGETHER, 15061122 IT \. /' .�`. \� OPRBCT• OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZO5 QF T �).`[f /` ./ \ \ , CDUNIv.TExas .tQ.�OYg{•Ep ••`7 'j'�''-` �' \/ NOTE: SUBJECT PROPERTY ISNRRENTLY , UNDEVELOPED • NO IMPROVEMENTS. f ........lo, NATHAN PAUL KERB �h� `N' ;..................... z0 . 4 6834 ' �... �ja�i PROPOSED 10'PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT 7200 SQ. FT. � � /' \ STANDARD LAND SURVEY PLAT OF A PROPOSED PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT PORTION OF REMAINDER OF CALLED 178.73 ACRES IN VOLUME 15061, PAGE 220 OPRBCT STERRETT D. SMITH LEAGUE, A•210 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE'I INCH • 100 FEET SURVEY DATE. ll-n-20ZD I PLAT DATE: 0342-2029 JOB NUMBER:21-2521 EAU NAME:21.252 *1 POINT FILE SOUTHERN POINTE (cont); 20.537 Uob) 6 DRAWN BY-. HORN CNEfKEBBY:BRH PREPARED BY:KERR SURVEYING, LLC 'When One person Stands TBPELSFIRMN10016500 409 N. TEXAS AVENUE, BRYAN, TEXAS 77603 to pain over another, the PHONE: (979)250.3195 facts must be uncovered' SURVEYSOKERRSURVEYING.NETIKERRLANUSURVEYING.CGM OF �9¢'75 703�4gfS �2rss7r SOUTHERN POINTE SUBDIVISION b SECTION 102 \[\P/LAT 15287151 0PR8CT 1427495 Page 22 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Cleric Vot 16900 Pg: 116 - r —y I ICI ° II r ----------------. ____T__P_-- ,� A'� 1 i j / imp""' �.✓ 11�.— �� a T i l i i� i /"" J -`•i "— i till I i Z— I ,� • FAR ° 4411 III jl l "fill! :�M All 9i e CCC alga ° aa° I�lI SI°!A i• Jill (� jii it � R,tl 1427495 Page 23 of 23 04/12/2021 4:10PM Karen McQueen, Brazos County Clerk Vot 16900 Pg: 117 I�III��IN�IIYNBrazos County Karen McQueen County Clerk Instrument Number: 1427495 Volume : 16900 Real Property Recordings Recorded On: April 12, 2021 04:10 PM Number of Pages: 23 " Examined and Charged as Follows: " Total Recording: $110.00 *********** THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT *********** Any provision herein which restricts the Sale, Rental or use of the described REAL PROPERTY because of color or race is invalid and unenforceable under federal law. File Information: Document Number: Receipt Number: 1427495 20210412000167 Recorded Date/Time: April 12, 2021 04:10 PM User: Travis D Station: CCLERK07 Record and Return To: West ,Webb Albritton & Gentry 1515 Emerald Plaza COLLEGE STATION TX 77845 pt e o F• STATE OF TEXAS s� TF+ COUNTY OF BRAZOS I hereby certify that this Instrument was FILED In the File Number sequence on the datettime * printed hereon, and was duly RECORDED in the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas. h Karen McQueen 'G~TY dp 99'*o County Clerk Brazos County, TX