HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/2001 - Report: - Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee0,Avaso% Guy aAth , aimmiwo' WPC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING ATTENDANCE FOR 2001 Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug 1 Sept Oct None Held None Held None Held None Held None Held None Held None Held None Held RECEIVES HARD COPY OF ALL PAPERWORK: James Massey City Council ✓ / Dennis Maloney City Council ✓ 1 Kay Henryson Design Review Board Chair ✓ I Phillip Kelby Design Review Board - Alternate X ✓ Glenn Schroeder (Parks Board) ✓ / George Dresser (Parks Board - Alternate) X X Karl Mooney (Planning & Zoning - Chair) X ✓ Judith Warren (Planning & Zoning - Alternate) ✓ i Sharon Colson (Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board) ✓ 1 Marsha Sanford (WPC TIF Board - Alternate) ✓ i Steve Beachy Director of Parks & Recreation ✓ / Mark Smith Director of Public Works ✓ ✓+ Mosley & Downs Jim Callaway Director, Development Services ✓ 1 Glenn Brown Assistant City Manager x X -MAIL AGENDA & MINUTES: Jan Feb Mar A • ril Ma June Jul Celia Hernandez City Manager's Office Priscilla Henchel Cit Secretar 's Office E-MAIL AGENDA ONLY: Kelley Cole Public Communications/Marketing Connie Hooks Vonn Casares Cit Secretar 's Office FAX AGENDA : Media Group TO DO: ROOM RESERVATION: LUNCH ORDERED: 1/8/01 Council Chambers Council Chambers OCASSIONAL ATTENDEES: Mike McClure KentLaza McClure Engineering 1722 Broadmoore, Suite 210 Bryan, TX 77802 (W) 693-3838 (F) 693-2554 send to Kent Laza's e-mail address X 1 Tom Brymer City Manager ✓ X Paul Clarke Clarke & Wyndham, Inc. ✓ ✓ 3608 E. 29t Street + 2 Bryan, TX 77802 (W) 846-4384 (F) 846-1461 clarke@tca.net o: \projects\wpc\oversite\members\attend. doc\3/30/2007 WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 2001 NOON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 TEXAS AVENUE Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Member Requests for Absences 4. Capital Improvement Project Reports — Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action a. George Bush East Extension, Project No. ST-9916 b. Channel Improvements, Project No. SD-9901 c. Trails and Bridges, Project No. WP-9905 d. Tree Planting 5. Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette Follow -Up— Discussion and Possible Action 6. Wolf Pen Creek Trail Dedication Update— Discussion and Possible Action 7. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Future Meeting Dates 8. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.colleqe-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING NOON, JANUARY 8, 2001 COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Members Present: James Massey, Dennis Maloney — City Council; Kay Henryson, Design Review Board; Judith Warren, Alternate — Planning & Zoning; Glenn Schroeder, Parks & Recreation Board; Sharon Colson, Marsha Sanford, Alternate — WPC TIF Board Members Absent: Phillip Kelby, Alternate - Design Review Board; Karl Mooney, Planning & Zoning; George Dresser, Alternate — Parks & Recreation Board Staff Present: Tom Brymer, City Manager's Office; Mark Smith, Public Works; Jim Callaway, Development Services; Steve Beachy, Parks & Recreation; Pamela Springfield, Committee Secreta ry Visitors: Paul Clarke — Clarke & Wyndham, Inc. Regular Meeting 1. Call To Order: James Massey called the meeting to order at 12:09 p.m. with a quorum present. 2. Approval of Minutes: Glenn Schroeder made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 2000 meeting. Judy Warren seconded the motion. All were in favor and the minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Approval of Member Requests for Absences: George Dresser had turned in a request for absence. 4. Capital Improvement Project Reports — Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action: Updates were given: a. George Bush East Extension, Project No. ST-9916: The WPC TIF Board met to discuss the bridge options for the George Bush East extension which had been presented and discussed at the November, 2000 WPC Oversight Committee meeting. The TIF Board agreed to release funds to do the bridge as originally designed and bid out, therefore the bridge project can proceed. This item has been placed on the January 11, 2001 City Council agenda for review. b. Channel Improvements, Project No. SD-9901: This is for the upper end of the creek and is in the design phase. A contractor will go in and do some clearing to allow survey work to be done. c. Trails and Bridges, Project No. WP-9905: This is also underway. McClure Engineering is working on the trail designs for the upper and lower end. Preliminary trail designs for the lower end will probably be ready before the design for the upper end, because there is not as much brush to be cleared out. McClure Engineering should have a preliminary plan ready to present within thirty days. At that point the process of defining tracts of land for the dedication areas can begin. d. Tree Planting: This project will affect the area referred to as the Riparian Restoration Project where the old lake site is. 24-30 fairly large trees, such as cypress and water oaks, will be planted in that area. This will be a separate project that will be bid out to local landscape firms and should be completed within the next several months. The sites for those trees were approved when the drawings for the overall project were sent to the US Army Corp of Engineers last year. WPC Oversight Committee — January 2001 Minutes Page 2 5. Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette Follow-up— Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action: At the December City Council meeting the scholarship money was given to the family of Linda De Salvo, in her name. Copies of the full charette report will be gotten out to the committee, as well as other boards who had interaction with the charette, within the month. The report will serve as a guideline from which to move forward. James stated he would like to see the report made available through the Internet. 6. Wolf Pen Creek Trail Dedication Update — Discussion and Possible Action: This item had been placed on the agenda based on Paul Clarke's request that dialogue regarding property dedications be kept open, as well as past committee discussions regarding changing the dedication ordinance so that it be based on the plan and not the floodway. Paul expressed his concerns and frustrations regarding how the current floodplain model and ordinance were affecting future development. James stated that he believes the foundation of the development of WPC is still a partnership between the private sector and the City of College Station. Tom Brymer stated that the decision whether or not to change the ordinance will be made after the trail design is done and the location of those trails is fixed. It is being done this way so that the type of situation that is occurring with Rooster's can be avoided in the future. Part of the problem with Rooster's stems from the dedication deferral that was done when Wolf's Nursery was built in the early 1990's. Tom stated that since this was a development review process and not under the purview of the committee, a determination would have to be made at the staff level and would ultimately require City Council approval. Tom said he would be happy to meet with Paul, his attorneys, and Development Services staff to discuss how to resolve the issues. James suggested Paul set up a meeting with Tom. Mark stated he could probably get the trail design for the first section of WPC off of Rudder Freeway from McClure Engineering prior to the thirty days previously discussed, to have available at that meeting. After further discussion, Jim Callaway agreed to get with Tom Brymer and Harvey Cargill prior to the meeting to see what would be the best way to expedite a resolution to the topics discussed. James stated that the City was trying to solve the problem, adding that everyone wanted the development to work. Paul said he appreciated everyone's efforts. 7. Future Meeting Dates: James said the committee needed to meet in a timely manner in order to address the types of needs that had been presented, however once the contract is complete, he wanted the committee to think about possibly meeting either every other month or quarterly. It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on January 29th or February 12th depending on when the meeting with Paul Clarke and the City takes place. 8. Adjourn: Kay made a motion to adjourn. Marsha seconded and all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION Absence Request Form For Appointed Officers OF THE WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Name: Request Submitted on (date): 0\ N 00 I will not be in attendance at the meeting of for the reason(s) specified: cAk, L'\)CjvAitck4)--1,,k__. (L, 0/-m Please submit your request to the office of the committee secretary prior to the meeting date. You may fax your request to (409) 764-3737, or you may call it in to Pamela Springfield at (409) 764-3773. Thank you! mittee Chair's Initials o:projects/wpc/oversighlcommittee/members/absenteeform.doc WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 5, 2001 -NOON- CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 TEXAS AVENUE Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Member Requests for Absences 4. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action Regarding Trails Conceptual Plan. 5. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Future Meeting Dates 6. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING NooN, MARCH 5, 2001 COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Members Present: James Massey, Dennis Maloney — City Council; Kay Henryson, Design Review Board; Judith Warren, Alternate — Planning & Zoning; Glenn Schroeder, Parks & Recreation Board; Sharon Colson, Marsha Sanford, Alternate — WPC TIF Board; Phillip Kelby, Alternate - Design Review Board; Karl Mooney, Planning & Zoning Members Absent: George Dresser, Alternate — Parks & Recreation Board Staff Present: Mark Smith, Judy Downs, Public Works; Bob Mosley, Engineering; Jim Callaway, Development Services; Steve Beachy, Parks & Recreation; Ann Marie Hazlett, Parks & Recreation Visitors: Paul Clarke — Clarke & Wyndham, Inc.; Mike McClure, Bob Ruth — McClure Engineering Regular Meeting 1. Call To Order: James Massey called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. with a quorum present. 2. Approval of Minutes: Glenn Schroeder made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 2001 meeting. Judy Warren seconded the motion. All were in favor and the minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Approval of Member Requests for Absences: George Dresser had turned in a request for absence. 4. Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action Regarding Trails Conceptual Plan: Bob Ruth conducted a presentation and introduced ideas for the WPC Trails Conceptual Plan. He suggested having several trail -access plazas from which people could enter the trail system. He stated that there would be points of interest scattered throughout the trail which could be flowers, a piece of sculpture, a rest stop, or even a park bench. Mr. Ruth recommended that the Phase I trail be twelve feet wide with soft shoulders on the sides - wide enough so that maintenance vehicles can service the trail system. He stated that the trail should also be high enough above the watermark so that it is not in a constant state of disrepair. In addition, he would like to put mile markers along the trail. This would make it possible for the City to host some runs. Mr. Ruth thought it important to bring the character of the amphitheater out into whatever structures might be incorporated throughout the trail. He had some observation overlook areas marked, which could possibly double as a bus stop covering if needed. He suggested putting an information kiosk at every access plaza, which would hold information about the trails, maps, and possibly an emergency telephone. He went on to talk about the lighting of the trail system, and felt that because the trees were so sparse in areas, that pole lighting would be best. He stated that parking was definitely an issue. He proposed that the City acquire a piece of land that could be used as an RV Park as well as for parking. He believes that an RV Park could be a regional draw and possibly an income generator. Sharon Colson felt that there needed to be something along Holleman Drive to get people to notice the WPC area. Mr. Ruth stated that they have designated an area in which there will be signage and identification of the WPC Corridor. Paul Clarke felt that if this was going to be an economic development, then there also needed to be something that could be seen from the highway that people would be drawn to. He asked about the orientation for businesses. Kay Henryson responded that buildings are usually oriented towards the street. She felt that most people would probably park off Holleman and go into a business. She felt that WPC Oversight Committee — March 2001 Minutes Page 2 once in the business, there should be some way (such as windows) for people to know that there was a park behind the business, and that it was possible to go out the back to get on the trail. Karl Mooney made a motion to accept Phase I of the trail system and to move on to the next step. Sharon seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Kay made a motion for the City to acquire a piece of property for parking. Judith seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 7. Future Meeting Dates: The next meeting will be held on April 2nd at 12 noon. 8. Adjourn: Judith made a motion to adjourn. Marsha seconded and all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. Name: COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION Absence Request Form For Appointed Officers OF THE WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Request Submitted on (date): —Mai (I) /j aC / I will not be in attendance at the meeting of ?(Ci7 i 00 D' for the reason(s) specified: (-;eotar re Se r - Cn\ in aA 0 fir i S C)fl f ($Sufi S_S ignature Please submit your request to the office of the committee secretary prior to the meeting date. You may fax your request to (979) 764-3737, or you may call it in to Pamela Springfield at (979) 764-6271. Thank you! ittee Chair's Initials o:projects/wpc/overs ightcommittee/members/absenteeform.doc WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT Subcommittee Meeting Tuesday, August 29, 2000 Noon — 2:00 p.m. College Station Conference Center, Room 106 1300 George Bush Drive Subcommittee Members Present: Subcommittee Members Absent: City Staff Present: James Massey — City Council; Marsha Sanford — WPC TIF Board Paul Clarke — Clarke & Wyndham, Inc. Karl Mooney — Planning & Zoning Jane Kee, Ted Mayo, Jim Callaway — Development Services; Steve Beachy, Peter Vanecek — Parks & Recreation; Mark Smith — Public Works; Glenn Brown — City Manager's Office; Kim Foutz — Economic Development; Pamela Springfield — Committee Secretary Visitors: George Dresser — Parks & Recreation Board 1. Call to Order: James Massey called the meeting to order at 12:23 p.m. 2. Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action Regarding Future Directions for the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor: James stated that this meeting had been set in order to talk about what projects could be started in the process of developing WPC. Kim Foutz briefed those present on the status of the WPC TIF Districts #3 and #7 (see Kim's attached Follow-up Information/Clarifications Memo and Maps). • In a twenty-year TIF, state statute dictates a timeline in which certain things have to occur in order to preserve the TIF for the life of the project. One of three things have to happen within a three-year timeframe from the initiation of the TIF: a. Have an adopted finance and project plan b. Issuance of bonds for the project c. Construction has to start on the site whether or not bonds are issued. • TIF #7 is only twelve acres - eight acres at the corner of Holleman and Dartmouth where the hotel/conference center project was to have gone and four acres adjoining City property on Holleman. This TIF is in jeopardy because there is no up-to-date project plan. o TIF #3 is for the remainder of the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. Will have to verify, but this TIF should be fine because the scope of that project has not changed and construction is occurring. James stated that City staff had considered options of what could be done regarding development options. A memo outlining these options to the committee was distributed. James asked the subcommittee to review the proposal to see if there was anything that could be acted upon. Glenn Brown stated that there had been a meeting on 8/28/00 with Tom Brymer to discuss what it would take to get some of the public -type improvements such as trails, in place. The WPC project was divided into several manageable portions (see attached mem6 for breakdown). The following points were discussed: • Proposed to work concurrently on the trails and the charette process. It may not be possible to do all the trails at once, but some part of the project needs to be started wherever possible. The charette would occur as it can be scheduled. ♦ The channel in the lower half of the corridor (from amphitheater to Rudder Freeway) doesn't have to reflect the same channel improvements as the upper half. It is a backwater situation and channel improvements won't lower the floodplain elevation much at all. Rather than go through the Corps of Engineers permitting process and the delays that go with that, the plan is to go with more of a spot treatment strategy. The bank would be strengthened to protect certain spots/trees, which basically wouldn't require permitting. This would mean being able to get the design of the trails complete and would speed up the process. This would do away with laying back the banks on the lower half of the project, which would have negatively impacted the majority of the vegetation along the creek. • Would have to gain ownership of the property to locate the trails and for maintenance access purposes. Proposing to do some preliminary designs of the trails and then use that improvement to define the land needs rather than securing the land and then going in and designing the trails. The land acquisition will be based on a physical design rather than a regulatory boundary, which would resolve the dedication issues for the undeveloped property there. Part of the problem with using the floodway to define dedication is that the line can move. The proposed changes would fit into McClure's scope of services. Changes to the language of the dedication ordinance could be handled with a zoning ordinance amendment. This is a revised scope of what had been discussed in the past; however, City staff is trying to come up with some way to move the project forward quickly. Mark Smith stated that McClure Engineering is prepared to begin with this concept as soon as they receive direction to do so. Paul suggested picking out an area, doing a pilot project (a capital investment by the private sector) and working out the bugs in order to provide a format that would work for the rest of the reach. James said if Paul could get the word out that the City was willing to do what was necessary to make this work, then perhaps there could be multiple pilot projects. Marsha said she felt it was very important to establish a design theme for the corridor up front, before moving forward with the design of the trail system. Paul said it was a commonality of materials and themes that tie a project together, which can be done with different styles. The design charette would take care of some of that. Everything goes through the Design Review Board and they look for harmony and color, etc. James added that the City needed to be careful not to cross the line and become the developer and to keep in mind that there were time constraints. Paul said that there are a lot of standards already in place in the WPC ordinance and Master Plan, which should be reviewed in lieu of developing a new set of themes or other design guidelines. It was agreed that members would receive copies of those ordinances and schedules to review and redefine, if necessary. James stated that the subcommittee shouldn't get too tied up in this aspect. He stated that once those ordinances were reviewed a recommendation needed to be made to the Oversight Committee so that the project could move forward. Subcommittee members were generally in agreement that the plans presented by staff should be advocated to the main Oversight Committee. They also felt that any needed ordinance changes should be implemented to allow the development of the corridor to proceed. 3. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 1:52 p.m. Wolf Pen Creek Project Update As related to the Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette & WPC Master Plan George Bush Drive Extension The George Bush Drive extension is under construction now, with substantial completion due in January 2002. The extension was included in the master plan of Wolf Pen Creek. The bridge includes pedestrian walkways and matching concrete block to adhere to the type of materials specified for the Wolf Pen Creek District. This design is consistent with concepts presented during the charette. Lower Trails Final plans are complete, bid documents are being prepared, and Legal is working on issues concerning easements. Trails for the lower and upper corridor of Wolf Pen Creek were the number one priority of the Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette Committee. The project is to include concrete trails, benches, lighting, landscaping, irrigation, signage, and a pedestrian bridge. Also, overlook decks, which were suggested at the design charette in October 2000, will be constructed as part of this project. Wolf Pen Creek logos will be included on the overlooks and in some specific paved areas. Identifying features like the logs were suggested in the design charette. Benches and lighting fixtures are consistent with those identified during the "intergenerational" park study. Upper Trails The preliminary design is due on November 8, 2001. The project will include sidewalks, lighting, landscaping, signage, pedestrian bridges, and benches. This trail project addresses the number one priority as suggested by the Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette Committee. The design features will include the same elements as those included in the lower trail project. Parking Lot A small parking lot was included on the master plan. McClure Engineering will be designing this lot after final plans are completed for the channel alignment. The lot will be located west of Dartmouth and north of Holleman Drive. This will provide a key access point for the upper and lower trail systems. WPC Channel Design McClure Engineering is working on the final design and is running calculations for FEMA submittal. Design concepts have been discussed with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Final design is intended to minimize the impact of flooding and siltation. WPC Sculpture/Fountain This project is to be located on Holleman Drive, north of the creek/lake area. The Arts Council is hiring a consultant and artist to design it. It is part of a Gateway/Identifying feature as suggested by the design charette Committee. It is a number two priority for the Wolf Pen Creek area. Funding and timeline information is noted on the following two sheets. ; (._ 7 . ) 00 I The City of College Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. P.O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 • (979) 764-3500 www.ci.college-station.tx.us November 14, 2001 Mr. Phil Trapani 5012 Augusta Circle College Station, Texas 77845 RE: Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Dear Mr. Trapani: Enclosed, you will find a notebook of general information that I usually prepare for incoming Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee members. I wanted to get this to you before the Monday, November 19 h meeting, so that you would have a little background information. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them for you if you will give me a call at (979) 764-6271. Sincerely, 4:11,4-6x)(— Pamela Springfield Senior Secretary Parks & Recreation Department City of College Station Home of Texas A&M University The City of College Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. P.O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 • (979) 764-3500 www.ci.college-station.tx.us November 14, 2001 Mr. John Nichols 1317 Angelina Court College Station, Texas 77845 RE: Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Dear Mr. Nichols: Enclosed, you will find a notebook of general information that I usually prepare for incoming Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee members. I wanted to get this to you before the Monday, November 19 h meeting, so that you would have a little background information. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them for you if you will give me a call at (979) 764-6271. Sincerely, / dArdo..} Pamela Springfield Senior Secretary Parks & Recreation Department City of College Station Home of Texas A&M University The City of College Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. P.O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station, TX 77842 • (979) 764-3500 www.ci.college-station.tx.us November 14, 2001 Mr. John Happ 5007 Crystal Downs Court College Station, Texas 77845 RE: Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Dear Mr. Happ: Enclosed, you will find a notebook of general information that I usually prepare for incoming Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee members. I wanted to get this to you before the Monday, November 19" meeting, so that you would have a little background information. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them for you if you will give me a call at (979) 764-6271. Sincerely, Pamela Springfield Senior Secretary Parks & Recreation Department City of College Station Horne of Texas A&M University WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2001 NOON CITY HALL TRAINING ROOM 1101 TEXAS AVENUE Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes from March Meeting 3. Approval of Member Requests for Absences 4. Wolf Pen Creek Ordinance Revision Report by Jane Kee — Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action 5. Public Art Project Report by Dr. P. David Romei — Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action 6. Event Programming Report — Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action 7. Phase I Trail Report - Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action 8. Phase II Trails, Parking Lot, and Drainage Project Report - Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action 9. George Bush Drive East Report — Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action 10. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http:/lwww.ci.college-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING NOON, NOVEMBER 19, 2001 COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Members Present: James Massey, Dennis Maloney — City Council; Kay Henryson, Phillip Kelby - Design Review Board; John Happ, Phil Trapani — Planning & Zoning; John Nichols, Glenn Schroeder - Parks & Recreation Board; Sharon Colson, Marsha Sanford — WPC TIF Board Members Absent: None Staff Present: Tom Brymer, City Manager; Mark Smith, Laura Harris - Public Works; Jane Kee - Development Services; Steve Beachy, Sheila Walker, Pamela Springfield, Committee Secretary — Parks and Recreation Visitors: Dr. P. David Romei - Arts Council of the Brazos Valley Regular Meeting 1. Call To Order: James Massey called the meeting to order at 12:07 p.m. with a quorum present. He welcomed new members John Happ and Phil Trapani, both with Planning and Zoning, and John Nichols with the Parks and Recreation Board. 2. Approval of Minutes: Sharon Colson made a motion to approve the minutes from the March, 2001 meeting. Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. All were in favor and the minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Approval of Member Requests for Absences: No requests had been submitted. 4. Wolf Pen Creek (WPC) Ordinance Revision Report by Jane Kee: Jane explained that the regulations for WPC were part of the zoning ordinance and that at a past meeting, the committee had asked that the minimum reservation area be better defined. She stated that as McClure Engineering had better designed and refined that area, Development Services had prepared an ordinance amendment to that section, addressing dedication and minimum reservation. Handouts distributed showed the actual parcels that the engineers had defined in the downstream portion of the creek. The ordinance amendment, approved by Council in September, left the minimum reservation area as it has always been defined on the upstream portion - 20' on either side of the floodway. It revised the definition of "minimum reservation" as per those metes -and -bounds described areas for the downstream portion. The amendment will allow the owner to dedicate an easement rather than dedicating a property and fee simple. There is another amendment that will go to Council on December 6, 2001, which will list out all the improvements that could possibly go into the minimum reservation area. Metes and bounds descriptions have been finalized by the engineer who designed the paths, and those descriptions will be included in the amendment that Council will see in December. Jane explained that this was for the portion of the project located from the intersection at Dartmouth and Holleman, to the bypass. James said that this was one step that had been taken to help promote development in the area, and he thanked Jane and her staff for their help. WPC Oversight Committee ", November 2001 Minutes Page 2 5. Public Art Project Report by Dr. P. David Romei: Dr. Romei displayed a small bronze sculpture of wolves and explained that the first 50' of sidewalk on the Holleman side of the amphitheater had been torn out and a large limestone fountain was being built there. "Wilderness Awakened", a one and one -quarter life-size, bronze sculpture of wolves and pups, by Navasota artist Payne Lara, will sit on top of the limestone and water will trickle down. It will be lit with indirect lighting and there will be a plaza with benches around it. The bronze was being cast and should be completed by December 1, 2001, with installation and dedication to be held on Monday, December 17, 2001 at noon. Invitations to attend will be mailed to about 1,000 people. The Holleman location was chosen because it was the entrance to the amphitheater and the sculpture could be seen from Dartmouth as well as Holleman. The entire cost of the project was $100,000, with all the money spent within the state. Dr. Romei explained that "Wilderness Awakened" would be College Station's first piece of representative art, however, there would be another sculpture coming in May 2002 that is to be installed at the Police Station. That sculpture will commemorate public service and the events of September 11, 2001. It was agreed that the WPC design charette participants should be included in the invitation mailing list. Dr. Romei ended by saying that there would be a school competition held in February 2002, to name each one of the wolves. 6. Event Programming Report by Sheila Walker: Sheila stated that a sponsorship had been received from College Station Utilities to supplement the Hotel/Motel budget for WPC events, and that the "College Station Utilities Starlight Music Series" had been put together. This will be a twelve -event music series during Spring and Summer 2002, which will be free to the public and family approved, allowing blankets, coolers, and picnic baskets to be brought in. There will be a few national touring acts and some local entertainment, with a huge marketing campaign to promote the series. She said this was the first step toward having events at the amphitheater become a commonplace thing. A large press conference will be held in February to announce the series. Sharon Colson commented that this idea was much closer to the original intent of the amphitheater project, and she was excited to see it moving in that direction. John Nichols asked about the demand for paid programming and people wanting to book the amphitheater. Sheila stated that she currently had four or five solid dates on the calendar for 2002, but that part of her mission was to find promoters and encourage them to book events. She explained that this area is a small market for big acts in the concert business, however, the students will spend money on entertainment. The summer concert series will still be held, but not scheduled in such a way as to conflict with any dates which promoters might see as prime dates for ticketed events. 7. Phase I Trail Report, Mark Smith: Mark stated that the conceptual plans for the Phase I portion of the trails project (between the East Bypass and Dartmouth), included some of the items discussed in the design charette, such as an observation deck and information kiosks. The plans were complete and ready to go to bid, with the contract expected to go to Council for approval in January. A couple of temporary, construction access easements will have to be gotten in order to do the trails, with some trails complete by summer 2002. Security lighting, emergency call phones, benches, landscaping and irrigation are some of the items that will be included as part of Phase I. John Happ suggested the possibility of using sitting walls or "bench walls" in the project. Steve Beachy said that could be looked at and possibly incorporated into the Phase II design. WPC Oversight Committee ti November 2001 Minutes Page 3 8. Phase II Trails, Parking Lot, and Drainage Project Report, Mark Smith: Mark stated that the Phase II portion of the project included the development of the drainage area and trails from Dartmouth to Texas Avenue. The preliminary drainage design had been taken to the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) in order to develop a plan that met the nationwide permit. Mark explained that the objective of the channel improvements is to reduce erosion and improve drainage in that area. In order to accomplish that, the many oxbows in the existing creek would have to be straightened out and the creek bottom widened from about 20' to 70' wide, in order to slow water velocity and reduce the silt Toad. This meant that all of the trees located inside that channel (some of which are specimen trees) would have to be removed. The USACE only wanted the areas mowed twice a year to control objectionable tree growth, resulting in an unmanicured, wild landscape, which is what is already there. Staff felt that if this design was used, what had been envisioned in the master plan is not what would be seen - it would look similar to the drainage overflow area in the Emerald Forest subdivision. One of the benefits, however, of the channel improvement was that it pulled the floodplain down to within the channel width, thus freeing up a lot of property currently in the floodplain. Another benefit was that it fell under the nationwide USACE permit, which makes permitting run smoother. Mark stated that staff was going to ask the designers to go back and look at a less intrusive design. There is already some straightening out going on in conjunction with the bridge development, but the finished project will be more like what the master plan envisioned. This will mean getting an individual permit with the USACE, which takes a little bit longer (the average permit is three years). Erosion problems and siltation issues will still have to be dealt with along the creek, but there is a permit that allows repairs to be made. The dedication area would not have as much of the floodplain recovered for development, but this would mean a larger area to put trails on, making for a nicer property. Tom Brymer stated that visual continuity was also a concern, and although the design that the USACE wants used is a good thing in terms of establishing wildlife habitat, the downstream trails would look a lot different than the design for the upper portion of the project. Mark stated that there might be portions of the project that can be done at present if the funds are available. For example, you could look at accessing the bridge without doing any channel improvements. The parking lot at Dartmouth is still in the plans, and the land and funds are available. The concept is that if there is a way to build a trail, and if the money is available and drainage will not be a problem, move forward with whatever projects could be done. Kay asked about the status of purchasing the land between the apartments and the amphitheater off of Colgate, which had been proposed for recreational vehicle parking to supplement the amphitheater. She was concerned that the amphitheater was having a hard time booking groups due to the lack of dressing room facilities and trailer parking for the performers. Tom stated that he did not believe there was any funding left over for the acquisition of that particular tract, but suggested possibly looking at park land dedication funds for that area. Kay also mentioned the area of excess parking at Fazoli's that could possibly be leased, and asked if that and the Colgate property wouldn't be more of a benefit than the land for the proposed parking lot at Dartmouth and Holleman. James stated that they could continue to look at it, but it was a matter of having funds available. Steve reminded everyone that, as well as a midpoint for accessing the trails in either direction, the parking lot on Dartmouth would be a primary access point for maintenance into the creek channel and would be designed to help facilitate that. Steve said that at the last estimate there was about $120,000 in that park zone, which hasn't been earmarked for any particular project, but it's known that it will be used for Wolf Pen. The exact amount of the Colgate acreage and the price were not known. Sharon said that if there was a WPC Oversight Committee — November 2001 Minutes Page 4 possibility that this could be pursued and developed, then it should be addressed. This item would be checked into and discussed at the next meeting. 9. George Bush Drive East Report, Mark Smith: Mark stated that this project had been discussed in the charette process as well. He displayed pictures showing the progress, and stated that according to the design schedule it should be finished by January 1, 2002. He said the contractor is diligently pursuing the project, but it might go over schedule. The box culverts are in place and you can walk through and get a feel for how it will be once the trails go through. The project will look very much like the conceptual drawings. One problem area that had been taken care of was the oxbow at the back of the Wolf Pen Car Wash parking lot. The channel was straightened out as it approaches the bridge and now the channel is a long way from their parking lot and it looks very nice. The plans for the western portion of the project were complete, with only three parcels left to acquire before construction can begin. James stated that the committee had worked very hard to get to this point. Progress was being made and all the items on the agenda showed success. He thanked the members and the staff for all their hard work. John H. asked about the status of the proposal submitted by Richard Smith for the intersection of Texas Avenue and Harvey Road. John felt as though that intersection was the gateway and critical as far as setting the tone for the remainder of the project. Jane said she would check into it. The members were asked to give their feedback on the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and its new provisions as they affect WPC, to Jane Kee (in the form of written comments). James asked that this be put on the next agenda for discussion. 10. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 1:17 p.m. ?OST 0A SUBSTAT-ON NOTIFICATION AREA • P� City of College Station, Texas tk PLANNING DIVISION WOLF PEN CREEK CASE: 01-135 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 4//' CHECK BY: DATE: The College Station Utilities Starlight Music Series Bright L1s.s1 M1i Nhs Music that moves you! Power that cools you! Presented by College Station Utilities WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER 2002 CONCERT SERIES Note: This is a sample schedule. It has been created to give you an idea of what we are aiming for in 2002. All events will be free. Attendees will be encouraged to bring their picnic baskets, coolers, blankets and lawn chairs. This will be promoted as free family fun under the stars. Special promotions will be developed for each event to specifically target the population group that the event will appeal to the most. The student population will be targeted separately. Sat. April 13 - THE BELLAMY BROTHERS KICK-OFF EVENT (C/W) Opening Act: TBA. We should kick this series off with a bang and the Bellamy's always draw a big crowd. We will have family field games, include "parent's weekend" promotions, and close the event with small fireworks... Sat. April 20 - TEXAS MUSIC featuring CHARLIE ROBISON, GARY P. NUNN AND DIAMONDBACK TEXAS. Charlie will be a monster by this time next year, Gary P. has been a favorite for years and Diamondback is coming on strong. Planet Earth Celebration begins the day at loam with games, demos, and entertainment. Sat. April 27 - BATTLE OF THE BANDS We will pick 4 or 5 of the best local bands that also have a good draw and pick celebrity judges from the area; for instance, entertainment writers from Bryan Eagle and The Battalion; we should partner with 103TheX radio to publicize the show and obtain a local recording company to do some recording for the winner. We could also have some music -related businesses donate prizes so every band wins something. Sat. May 11 - BEST OF THE BACK PORCH AT THE CREEK Corbin McLaine with KORA-FM hosts The Back Porch every Sunday night on the Northgate Promenade. This Sunday event has turned into a big show every week. We would book some of the biggest draws she's had at The Promenade. This would appeal to students as well as families. Sat. June 1 - LITTLE JOE Y LA FAMILIA Established Tejano band with the Hispanic community. Promotion would include the new Hispanic radio station. Sat. June 8 - Hot Rod and Antique Cars at Central Park followed by a concert at The Creek featuring VINCE VANCE & THE VALIANTS It would be fun to have a poodle skirt and jitterbug contests. Sat. June 15 -JOHN CONLEE (C/W) John Conlee is a favorite with both young and old (students, parents and grandparents). He always draws a big crowd. Opening Act: TBA Sat. June 22- MARSHALL TUCKER BAND Old rock/southern rock. Most working people know this band and they would draw people from all the surrounding communities. Sat. June 29 - BLUES/MOTOWN Festival A Blues/ Motown festival with as many vendors as possible. W.C. Clark for our headliner, Karan Chavis and 3 or 4 more blues bands. V103-FM, an urban contemporary radio station here in town would be a good choice to work with on this show. Sat. July 13- CHRISTIAN ROCK AND GOSPEL. We book a statewide hot Christian rock band and promote the event through the church youth groups. We could invite some motivational speakers, have expo skateboard and bike teams. We could include team relay and sports competitions with big prizes for the youth groups. Sat. July 27 - REGGAE FESTIVAL A tropical island party theme with 2 reggae bands and a steel drum band that could play before the first reggae band and during the break. An island party theme would be fun; there's a large Jamaican population in Houston and food vendors featuring Jamaican food would be easy to find. We could have wading pools and water activities. This would be the season finale with lots of extras! Bright L1is uragh# Nhts Music that moves you! Power that cools you! College Station Utilities tarli t usic s You and your family are cordially invited to come to CLIStITICIS In IL pan at Central Park 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas A Family Tradition Christmas LicAitinci Celebration College Station Central Park Friday, November 30, '6:30 PM (979) 764-3486 Enjoy the lights nightly 6 pm - midnight throughout December Open House Weekends offer: *free hayrides *entertainment • *free hot chocolate & cookies *visit with Santa pen douse 6:30 p.m.— 9:00 p.m. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 + Central Baptist Church "His Voice" + Austin Carolers + Aggie Dance Team + Schrodingers Cat + Lil' Wranglers + A&M Unite8 Methodist Church Bell Choir' + Shelly Kruger',s School of Dance + Sharon's Dance Center SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 + B/CS Drill Team + Holiday Puppet Show + Suzanne's School of Dance + Aggie Wranglers + Kappa Delta FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 + Suzanne's School of Dance + Shelly Kruger's School of Dance + Expressions Dance Studio + Sharon's Dance Center + College Station Middle School Choir + St. Joseph Cheerleaders SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 + Howliday Pet Parade FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14 + ,Premier Dance Academy + Powersports Thunder Elite + Covenant Praise SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 + Tea Party for kids; call 764-6385 to register You and your family are cordially invited to come to Gristrnas The ark at Central ark 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas s9$4Q A Family Tradition Christmas �i9htin9 Celebration College Station Central Park Friday, November 30, 6:30 PM (979) 764-3486 Enjoy the lights nightly 6 pm - midnight throughout December Open House Weekends offer: *free hayrides *entertainment *free hot chocolate & cookies *visit with Santa a Open I ouse 6:30 p.m. — 9:00 p.m. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 + Central Baptist Church "His Voice" + Austin Carolers + Aggie Dance Team + Schrodingers Cat + Lil' Wranglers + A&M United Methodist Church Bell Choir' + Shelly Kruger's School of Dance + Sharon's Dance Center SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 + B/CS Drill Team + Holiday Puppet Show + Suzanne's School of Dance + Aggie Wranglers + Kappa Delta + + FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 Suzanne's School of Dance Shelly Kruger's School of Dance Expressions Dance Studio Sharon's Dance Center College Station Middle School Choir St. Joseph Cheerleaders SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 + Howliday,Pet Parade FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14 + Premier Dance Academy + Powersports Thunder Elite + Covenant Praise SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 + Tea Party for kids; call 764-6385 to register WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE 2001-2002 James Massey 3305 Mildonhall Ct College Station, TX 77845 (H) 693-1072 (W) 845-8661 (F) 458-2069 e-mail: james-massey@tamu.edu (W) jmassey@ci.college-station.tx.us John Nichols (Parks & Recreation Board) 1317 Angelina Court College Station, TX 77840 (H) 693-2517 (W) 845-8491 e-mail: jpn@tamu.edu Kay Henryson (Design Review Board Chair) 9204 Riverstone Ct. College Station, TX 77845 (H) 696-8137 (W) 693-8283 (F) 696-2143 e-mail: kayaia@aol.com John Happ (Planning & Zoning N Co -Chair) 5007 Crystal Downs Court College Station, TX 77845 (H) 690-6565 (W) 845-8511 (F) e-mail: jhapp@tamu.edu Sharon Colson (Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board N Chair) 1116 Neal Pickett College Station, TX 1/840 (H) 696-6050 (W) 845-5611 (F) 696-6050-calf 1st e-mail: sharon@kamugate.tamu.edu Dennis Maloney 803 Welsh College Station, TX 77840 (H) 696-6594 (W) Same (F) Council office 6377 e-mail: dmaloney@ci.college-station.tx.us Glenn Schroeder (Parks & Recreation Board) 1304 Autumnwood Drive College Station, TX 77845 (H) 693-9937 (W) 846-5717 e-mail: gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org Phillip Kelby (Design Review Board N Alternate) 4702 Camargo College Station, TX 77845 (H) 696-3542 (W) 255-4027 (F) e-mail: pmk0514@hotmail.com Phil Trapani (Planning & Zoning N Alternate) 5012 Augusta Circle College Station, TX 77845 (H) 690-8771 (W) 774-7974 e-mail: trapani717@aol.com Marsha Sanford (Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board N Alternate) 4603 Shoal Creek College Station, TX 77845 (H) 690-6894 (W) 846-2894 (Cell) 777-2556 (F) 690-3189 e-mail: marshas@tca.net 0: \parks\projects\wpc\oversite\members\addresses.doc\11/19/2001 STAFF PROJECT COMMITTEE Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation 764-3414 (F) 764-3737 e-mail: sbeachv@ci.college-station.tx.us Mark Smith, Director of Public Works 764-3692 (F) 764-3489 e-mail: msmith@ci.college-station.tx.us Director of Development Services 764-3570 (F) 764-3496 Glenn Brown, Assistant City Manager 764-3510 (F) 764-3481 e-mail: gbrown@ci.college-station.tx.us O:\parks\projects\wpc\oversite\members\addresses.doc\11/ 19/2001 C 6,4 ) ti Please join us for the Installation and Dedication of Wilderness Awakened Payne Lora, Sculptor Larry Schueckler, Landscape Artist 12 Noon Monday, 17 December 2001 Wolf Pen Creek (Holleman Entrance) College Station,Texas Made possible by: Lynn Mcllhaney, Mayor Members of the City Council Tom Brymer, City Manager City of College Station C ARTS COUNCIL of BRAZOS VALLEY DR. P. DAVID ROMEI • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JIMMY LOUP • PRESIDENT ARTS COUNCIL of BRAZOS VALLEY 2501 Texas Ave. South - Suite 105-C College Station, TX 77840 979.696.2787 www.acbv.org Non -Profit Organization '.JS Postaga) Pad Permit t I7 Bryan, 1X