HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/1985 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STUDENT GOVT. LIAISON: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Bond, Tongco, Boughton, Brown, McIlhaney, Runnels None Assistant City Manager VanDever, Direc- tor of Capital Improvements Ash, City Engineer Pullen, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Jones, Assistant Direc- tor of Planning Callaway, Director of Planning Mayo, Parks Director Beachy, Forester Ploeger, Assistant Director of Public Services Epps, Purchasing Agent McCartney, Personnel Director Dickson, Assistant Personnel Director Lucas, Technician Volk, Council Coordinator Jones Mike Hachtman See guest register. A~enda Item No. 1 - Si~nin~ of a proclamation desi~natin~ the week of November 17-23, 1985 as "American Education Week" in Col- le~e Station, Texas. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating the week of Novem- ber 17-23, 1985 as "American Education Week" in College Station, Texas. Ms. Ann Heuberger, President of the College Station Edu- cation Association, was present to accept the proclamation. A~enda Item No. 2 - Si~nin~ of a proclamation desi~natin~ the week of November 11-15, 1985 as "Local Productivity Week" in Col- lege Station, Texas. Mayor Halter signed a proclamation designating the week of Novem- ber 11-15, 1985 as "Local Productivity Week" in College Station, Texas. Mr. Ron Johnson, representing the Senior and Student Chapters of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, was present to accept the proclamation. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 2 Agenda Item No. 3 - Approval of the minutes of the Worksho~ City Council Meeting, October 23, 1985, the Regular City Council Meet- ing, October 24, 1985 and the Special City Council Meeting, No- vember 6, 1985. Councilman Tongco moved approval of the minutes of the Workshop City Council Meeting, October 23, 1985, the Regular City Council Meeting, October 24, 1985 and the Special City Council Meeting, November 6, 1985. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. The Council concurred to consider Item No. 15 prior to consider- ation of Item No. 4. A~enda Item No. 15 - Discussion and consideration of the Wilder- ness Park and establishment of the Park as an orchid reserve. Mayor Halter introduced Dr. Hugh Wilson of the TAMU Biology De- partment, present to discuss the proposal of establishing the Wilderness Park as an orchid reserve. Dr. Hugh Wilson stated that there are approximately 5000 species of vascular plants in the State of Texas and twelve of the 5000 are listed on the Federal Government's list of endangered spe- cies. He showed a slide presentation illustrating the endangered genus "spiranthes" species found locally. He stated that a study of the plant has been ongoing for several years and has deter- mined that the highest frequency of plant populations in Brazos County are located south of College Station adjacent to the Texas Speedway. He stated that the recovery plan initiated to bring the species out of its endangered status includes two options as follows: (1) extend distribution of the plant; or, (2) develop a safe habitat for the plant. He noted that achievement of option one is unlikely because of the amount of development occurring and the ecological requirements of the species. He stated that he has studied the area slated by the city as a Wilderness Park and has located fifty individual plants. Mayor Halter stated that if the area were designated as a pre- serve for these plants it would limit the types and amount of de- velopment that could occur. Dr. Wilson concurred. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 3 Councilman Bond asked if the city were to designate this area as a preserve, what agency, if any, would the city be responsible to if a decision were ever made to use the park in a different ca- pacity. Dr. Wilson stated that municipal property is not regu- lated by the Endangered Species Act. Mayor Halter stated that if the Wilderness Park is designated as a preserve for the endangered species it will help maintain the park in its natural state and prevent future uses that do not comply with the idea of a wilderness park. Councilman Tongco asked how many acres are in the Wilderness Park. Parks Director Beachy stated that the Wilderness Park has approximately 400 acres. Councilman Tongco expressed her reluctance to designate the en- tire 400 acres as a preserve and stated that she would be in fa- vor of designating a portion of the area as a preserve. Councilman Brown asked where the orchid populations are found in the park. Dr. Wilson explained where the plants are located and noted that they are not widely dispersed throughout the area. Councilman Bond stated that the actions taken thus far in regard to the park are not irreversible and stated his opinion that it would be premature to put in place an irreversible barrier until the overall plans for the entire area are more clearly defined. Mayor Halter noted that Dr. Wilson has not completed his study of the area and the reason for this discussion was to ascertain the Council's disposition toward the concept of establishing the Park as a preserve. He stated that the reason for designating the area as preserve is to allow it to be maintained in its natural state. Dr. Wilson noted that there is interest at the State level for preserving the genus "spiranthes." Mayor Halter pointed out that use of State funds to establish the area as a preserve might help secure and protect it. Councilman Runnels stated that establishment of the Wilderness Park is an excellent statement for the city to be making, but ex- pressed the need to consider more thoroughly all the ramifica- tions involved with designating the area as a preserve for the endangered species. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 4 Dr. Wilson stated his opinion that unless federal monies are used to implement, manage and protect the area, the city would not be required to comply with any regulations delineated in the Endan- gered Species Act. Council concurred that Dr. Wilson should proceed with his study to identify the number and location of the endangered species in the area. Mayor Halter requested that Parks Director Beachy in- vestigate the possibility of obtaining state or federal monies to support the concept. He suggested that Dr. Wilson and Parks Di- rector Beachy meet to discuss the matter. A~enda Item No. 4 - A public hearin~ on the question of rezonin~ an 8.10 acre tract of land north of and adjacent to the Walden Pond Townhomes Subdivision; and west of and adjacent to the Woodwa~ Village Subdivision; from R-7 Mobile Home Park to R-5 Medium Density Apartments. Applicant is Cayuse II, Ltd., Donald Jones, Mana~in~ Partner. (85-120) Assistant Director of Planning Callaway presented the item. He stated that the rezoning request concerns an 8.10 acre tract of land from R-7 Mobile Home Park to R-5 Medium Density Apartments.. He listed the existing land uses in the area and noted that on the city's Land Use Plan this area is reflected as medium density residential with industrial uses planned to the west. He recom- mended approval of the rezoning request for the following rea- sons: (1) The area is reflected as medium density residential on the Land Use Plan, and combined with existing area zoning it pro- vides for an overall medium density residential area; and, (2) The requested zoning is consistent with area zoning patterns and is compatible with existing and planned area uses. He noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission voted (5-0) on 10/17/85 to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. No one spoke. The public hearing was closed. A~enda Item No. 5 - Consideration of an ordinance rezonin~ the above tract. Councilman Bond moved approval of Ordinance No. 1620 rezoning an 8.10 acre tract of land from R-7 Mobile Home Park to R-5 Medium Density Apartments. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 5 Councilman McIlhaney asked a question concerning access for the property from the extension of Southwest Parkway. Assistant Di- rector of Planning Callaway explained that access will be ob- tained from a section of Southwest Parkway constructed off of FM 2818. Director of Capital Improvements Ash noted that because of the agreement reached between the city and the Railroad Company for the construction of a signal at Holleman and the closing of the Luther Street crossing, the extension of Southwest Parkway most likely will never be completed. Mr. Ash stated that the Council might want to entertain a proposed name change for the portion of the street referred to as the extension. Agenda Item No. 6 - A public hearing on the question of rezoning Lots 21 & 22 Block 1 W.C. Boyett Addition Subdivision from R-6 Apartments High Density to C-3 Planned Commercial. Applicant is the owner, Marie Boyett Vance. (85-121) Assistant Director of Planning Callaway presented the item. He stated that the rezoning request concerns Lots 21 and 22 Block 1 W.C. Boyett Addition Subdivision from R-6 Apartments High Density to C-3 Planned Commercial. He listed the existing land uses in the area and noted that on the city's Land Use Plan this area is reflected as commercial. He recommended approval of the request because the requested C-3 zoning is in compliance with area zon- ing and uses. He stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission voted (5-0) on 10/17/85 to recommend approval of this rezoning request. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. Ms. Karen Yancey, representing the owner of the property, spoke in favor of the rezoning. She stated that the property is not suitable for development of apartments. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideration of an ordinance rezonin~ the above tract. Councilman Runnels moved approval of Ordinance No. 1621 rezoning Lots 21 and 22 Block 1 W.C. Boyett Addition Subdivision from R-6 Apartments High Density to C-3 Planned Commercial. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 6 A~enda Item No. 8 - CONSENT AGENDA: BIDS: Miscellaneous Playground Equipment (Bid #86-16) Pad-Mounted Transformer (Bid ~86-19) Police Patrol Sedans - Fourteen (14) Each (Bid #86-20 ) Offset Press and Platemaker (Bid ~86-21) PLATS: Preliminary Plat - Windwood Phase 6 Subdivision - (85-311) Councilman Bond requested that Bid ~86-20 for the Police Patrol Sedans be removed from the consent agenda. All items not removed were approved by common consent. Councilman Bond stated that he did not receive any information on Bid #86-20. Mayor Halter stated that the information concerning the bid was distributed late and provided Councilman Bond with a copy. Councilman Bond moved approval of Bid #86-20 for the Police Pa- trol Sedans - fourteen (14) each. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 9 - Consideration of award of contract for the Na~le Street sidewalk construction pro~ect. Mayor Halter stated that this project was initiated because of an expressed concern about the lack of sidewalks and handicapped ramps in the area. Director of Capital Improvements Ash presented the item. He rec- ommended that the project be awarded to Wade Contractors, the low bidder, in the amount of $11,146.80. Councilman Boughton moved to award the contract for the Nagle Street sidewalk construction project to Wade Contractors, the low bidder, in the amount of $11,146.80. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 7 Agenda Item No. 10 - Consideration of a request for oversized participation reimbursement to People's Mortgage Company for in- stallation of water and sewer improvements in Family Tree Subdi- vision Phase I. Director of Capital Improvements Ash presented the item. He listed the total amount of over-sized participation requested for both water and sewer as follows: (1) over-sized participation water - $17,954.02; and, (2) over-sized participation sewer - $34,312.09. He stated that the water and sewer lines in the Fam- ily Tree Subdivision Phase I were accepted as complete on Septem- ber 26, 1985. Councilman McIlhaney asked what is the balance of the over-sized participation fund. Assistant City Manager VanDever replied that there are substantial dollars remaining in the fund balance. Councilman Bond questioned how amounts for over-sized participa- tion are calculated. Director of Capital Improvements Ash ex- plained that the over-sized participation funds are estimated us- ing historical data. Councilman Bond asked if developers are able to construct over- sized lines and request payment without the city's consent. Di- rector of Capital Improvements Ash explained the procedures that must be adhered to in construction of over-sized lines. Councilman Runnels moved to approve payment of over-sized partic- ipation requests to People's Mortgage Company in the amount of $17,954.02 for water and $34,312.09 for sewer. Councilman Bond seconded the motion which was approved unanimous- ly, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 11 - Consideration of an ordinance amending Chap- ter 8, Section 10D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Col- lege Station, Texas, relating to Updated Service Credits for the Texas Municipal Retirement System. Assistant Personnel Director Lucas presented the item. She ex- plained that the proposed ordinance amends the option in the Tex- as Municipal Retirement System referred to as Updated Service Credit. She stated that by adopting the Updated Service Credit employees that have at least thirty-six consecutive months of credited service in TMRS will have their retirement benefits up- graded, which will result in an increase in their monthly annu- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 8 ities upon retirement. She further stated that the Updated Ser- vice Credit averages an employee's contributions over the last three years based on a higher wage. She noted that the proposed ordinance will also benefit retired employees. She stated that the cost to implement the Updated Service Credit for the remain- der of this fiscal year is approximately $9307.00 and will be ap- propriated in the following manner: $7,445.00 from the General Fund; $466.00 from the Sanitation Fund; and, $1,396.00 from the Utility Fund. Councilman Brown asked what is the percent increase. stated that it is a .21 percent increase. Ms. Lucas Councilman Bond asked if the Updated Service Credit is a new con- cept. Ms. Lucas stated that the Updated Service Credit was adopted in 1984 and must be adopted every year. Councilman Boughton moved approval of Ordinance No. 1622 amending Chapter 8, Section 10D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, relating to Updated Service Credits for the Texas Municipal Retirement System. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 12 - Consideration of a resolution casting votes in the Brazos County Appraisal District Board of Directors elec- tion. Councilman Bond moved approval of Resolution No. 11-14-85-12 casting 420 votes for Celia Stallings in the Brazos County Ap- praisal District Board of Directors election. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 13 - Consideration of a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to sign a one year City/County Health Unit Contract and Budget. Mayor Halter stated that the city's contribution to the Brazos County Health Department is twenty percent of their total budget, which is $60,870.00. He pointed out that the percentage of costs charged each participating entity is determined by the degree of usage by their citizens of the facilities and services. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 9 Councilman Boughton moved approval of Resolution No. 11-14-85-13 authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to sign a one year City/ County Health Unit Contract and Budget. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 14 - Consideration of a proposal to rename the Brazos County Arboretum in honor of D.A. "Andy" Anderson. Mayor Halter explained the proposal to rename the Brazos County Arboretum to D.A. "Andy" Anderson Brazos County Arboretum in hon- or of D.A. Anderson a former Mayor of College Station. He stated his opinion that this would be a meaningful memorial for Mr. Anderson since his lifelong work was in Forestry and since he was the force behind the Arboretum's creation. He noted that he had contacted Brazos County officials and Mr. Anderson's family through Lorence Bravenec and all parties are agreeable to the proposal. In addition, he noted that a suggestion was made to investigate the feasibility of moving a tree from Andy's home, located behind City Hall, to the Arboretum. Councilman Boughton moved approval of the proposal to rename the Arboretum to D.A. "Andy" Anderson Brazos County Arboretum. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 16 - Consideration of a resolution to adopt a current population estimate to update city limits signs. Mayor Halter explained that the estimated population figure of 52,226 was derived using Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation estimation techniques. Councilman Boughton moved approval of Resolution No. 11-14-85-16 adopting a current population estimate of 52,226 in order to up- date city limits signs. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which was approved unan- imously, 7-0. Mayor Halter requested that Director of Capital Improvements Ash notify the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation of the adoption of the 52,226 population figure. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 10 A~enda Item No. 17 - Consideration of a resolution in opposition to the tax proposals relatin~ to Municipal Bonds. Mayor Halter presented the item. He explained that the tax pro- posals currently under consideration by the United States Con- gress contain provisions which would deny tax-exempt status to bonds where the private sector benefits directly or indirectly from the use of a portion of the proceeds of the bond issue; would eliminate all advance refundings of tax-exempt bonds; would restrict the investment of bond proceeds; would require that cer- tain earnings from the investment of bond proceeds be paid to the U.S. Treasury Department; would require that an Internal Revenue Service information report be filed for every bond issue; would impose additional taxes on banks that purchase tax-exempt bonds; and would subject the holders of tax-exempt bonds to minimum tax liability. He recommended that the Council approve the proposed resolution opposing these limitations and restrictions on munici- pal bonds. Councilman Brown moved approval of Resolution No. 11-14-85-17 in opposition to the tax proposals relating to municipal bonds. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unani- mously, 7-0. A~enda Item No. 18 - Hear Visitors. Mrs. Irene Barksdale, 3015 Normand, reported a severe traffic problem in the Southwood Valley area. She stated that the inter- sections at Ponderosa and Texas Avenue and Deacon and Texas Ave- nue pose a serious threat to the welfare of the citizens in the area. She presented a petition which requests the immediate at- tention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of traffic signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street and the East Bypass interchange. In addition, Mrs. Barksdale pre- sented petitions concerning the construction of the Emerald For- est Parkway overpass. On behalf of the Council, Councilman McIlhaney thanked Mrs. Barksdale for her help in obtaining signatures on the petitions. Councilman Brown submitted petitions from Westinghouse Corpora- tion requesting the construction of the Emerald Forest Overpass. Mayor Halter suggested that individuals concerned about the situ- ation should write letters and submit them to the Council Office to be forwarded along with the petitions to the State Highway De- partment. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1985 PAGE 11 A~enda Item No. 19 - Closed session to discuss pendin~ litigation [6252-17 (2) (e)] and land acquisition [6252-17 (2)(~)]. A. Personnel [6252-17 (2)(g)]. 1. Discussion of Citizen Committee Appointments. The Council moved to closed session and later reopened to the public · A~enda Item No. 20 - Action on closed session. No action was taken on closed session. A~enda Item No. 21 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 9:15 P.M. ATTEST: Dia~n- ~e~, 'city Secretary P~TITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the immediate attentinn of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6- Your immediate m~ention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, iR ~te1 dSijture (Name, printed) oJ PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the im~ediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate a~ention t6 this mattmr is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Date Signature _ (Name, printed) Address _ , PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the i~,ediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate a£Oentton tO this matter is greatlF appreciated. Respectfully, _/i- Address PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the immediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, ~y_Eass 6 and ~st ByPass in Collate Station, Texas. ? Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate m~ention tO this mmttmr is greatlF appreciated. Respectfully, Date (Name ~ printed) <. Address .,6c/' '9 PETITION T.T~..~, the undersigned, respectfully request the immediate attention of_ the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate a~ention to this mattmr is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Date Signature (Name, printed) Address PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the immediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at tha intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate a~entiom tb this mattmr is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Date Sisna37 (Name ~ printed) Address __ Il-let-k%- PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the immediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate a~ention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Date Signature (Name, printed) Address o%% Cz. PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the immediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate ~ention to this .matter is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Date Si. (Name, printed) Address PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the immediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate ~Dention to this matter is greatlF appreciated. Respectfully, Date Signature (Name } printed) Address iS /'// ' " ' ' - "~ '2 7;,._( > . ' '~'" l- ?,~ ,' ~.~--_.,','='~,-..'-q, ~",',~ .,~.'.~ .(~'~'~: ','~',. ~1,,,' i~ ~H';" '-' PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the immediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate a~oention to this mattmr is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Signature (Name, printed) Address l · PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the immediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate a~bention to this mattmr is greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Date Signature / _ /7 7' (Name, printed) Address lqo(., PETITION We, the undersigned, respectfully request the in~-_ediate attention of the Texas State Highway Department in the construction of Traffic Signals at the intersection of Ponderosa Street, By Pass 6 and East ByPass in College Station, Texas. Due to the increase of traffic in the area along Business Texas 6 and area along the East Bypass this unsafe intersection must be used by the residents of College Station. The Construction of Humana Hospital at the Rock Creek Road site to be completed by the spring of 1987 only adds to the need for this action. In order to assure the safety of our residents and improve the conditions at the Pondersoa intersection it seems wise to protect all our citizens. This can be accomplished by the construction of Traffic Signals at Ponderosa, ByPass 6 and Texas 6. Your immediate a~Dention t6 this matter is greatlF appreciat~d. Respectfully, Date Signature (Name ~ printed) Address RESOLUTION NO. 11-14-85-12 WHEREAS, the State Property Tax Code provides for the election of the Board of Directors for each county appraisal district; and WHEREAS, the County Clerk of Brazos County has determined that there are five positions on the Brazos County Appraisal District Board of Directors to be filled for terms that begin January 1, 1986; and WHEREAS, the County Clerk of Brazos County has determined that the City of College Station has 420 votes in this election; and WHEREAS, the following individuals have been nominated for these positions: Howard W. Cargill, Lonnie L. Jones, Travis E. Nelson, Celia Stallings, and Ples Turner; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of College Station that its 420 votes are cast in the following manner: Celia Stallings - 420 votes ATTEST: Dian Jor ry APPROVED: __ Gary"Haly~,eix, Mayor TO WHOM IT NAY CONCERN; THE FOLLOWING NAMES ARE THE NOMINEES FOR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COUNTY WIDE APPRAISAL DISTRICT ELECTION; BRYAN INDEPENDENT ~CHOOL DISTRICT HOWARD W. CARGILL TRAVIS E. NELSON COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT DR. LONNIE L. JONES THE CITY OF BRYAN - PLES TURNER THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION - CELLA STALLINGS Frank Boriskie, County Clerk Brazos County Courthouse 300 E. 26ch SC., Suite 120 Bryan, Texas 77803 · RECEIVED OCT 2 9 198~1 P. nt ity 1984 Levy t-Levy Votes Bryan lSD $11,895,986 28.8 1440 Col. Sra. lSD 9,676,001 23.5 1175 'Brazos County 9,134,694 22.1 1105 Bryan City 7,094,541 17.2 860 Col. Sra. City 3,446,634 08~4 420 Total $41,247!856 1.0000 5000 The calculation above is based on individual entity levy divided by total levy, multiplied by 1,000, then ~ounded to 'the nearest whole number, that number then being multiplied by 5 (the number of directorships). BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COUNTY WIDE APPRAISAL DISTRICT ELECTION TRAVIS E. NELSON DR. LONNIE L. JONES CELIA STYLINGS PLES TUNER HOWARD W. C~GILL Resolution No. 11-14-85-13 WHEREAS, the City of College Station, the City of Bryan and Brazos County, have created an administrative agency named the Brazos County Health Unit for the public purpose and objective of administering and enforcing all federal and state health laws and city health ordinances in the respective jurisdictions of each of the participating govern- mental entities; and WHEREAS, Article 4413(32c), V.A.T.C.S., authorizes inter- governmental contracting at the local level including contracts between counties and cities; and WHEREAS, the City of College Station, the City of Bryan, and Brazos County, subject to the limitations set forth in the contract, intend to share in the cost on a percentage basis with the County to collect and disburse the funds; NOW, THEREFORE LET IT HEREBY BE RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of College Station does hereby authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the contract and budget documents for the contract year 1985-86. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of November, 1985. ATTEST: APPROVED CITY-COUNTY PUBLIC HEA~TH AGREEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT~ WBEREAS~ the City of Bryanw the City of College Station and Brazos County, have created an..administrative agency named the Brazos County Health Unit for the public purpose and objective of administering and enforcing all federal and state health laws and city health ordinances in the respective Jurisdictions of each of the participating governmental entitiesl and WHEREAS, Article 4413($2c), V.A.T.C.S., autB~rizes intergovernmental contracting et the local level including contracts between counties and cities! and WHEREAS, the City of Bryan, the City of College Station and Brazos County, subject to the limitations set forth herein, intend to share in the oost on · percentage basis with the County to collect and disburse the funds~ NOW, THEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: That the matters set forth in the preamble are true and correct and are made a part of this agreement. ~ In consideration of the benefits to be received by the City of Bryan, the City of College Station, and Brazos County, by reason of the joint venture, the parties herein agree to pay, and Brazos County agrees to collect and disburse funds for the operation of the Brazos County Health Unit, Fiscal Year October 1, 1985 - September 30, 1986, on the following prorate basis: City of Bryan City of College Station Brazos County Public Health Training Amount Percent $]40,00].00 46% 60,870.00 20% 91,305.00 30% 12~174.00 4% $304,350,00 100% This contract is for a period of one year and all payments shall be made from current revenues of each of the parties. Payments shall be made by the City of College Station to Brazos County at the Brazos County Courthouse prior to the tenth day of each month with each monthly payment representing one-ninth {1/9) of the respective total share for the City of College Station. The City of College Station shall commence monthly payment during October of the contract year and continue through the next eight months. Payments shall be made by the City of Bryan to Brazos County at the Brazos County Courthouse prior to the tenth day of each month with each monthly share representing one-twelfth (]/]2) of the respective total share of the City of Bryan. If credit is due any of the parties, Brazos County shall make the necessary reimbursement no later than the end of the first (]st) quarter of the next fiscal contract year. Reimbursement due to overpayment shall be made in the amount overpaid by the entity. Reimbursement due to non-encumbered funds at the close of the contract year shall be made to each of the parties with the reimbursement allocated on the same pro-rate basis stated in Section 2 of this ~ontract. No appropriation of money shall be made unless unanimously approved by th6 City of Bryan, the City of College Station and Brazos County. The Brazos County Judge shall have the authority to make expenditures as budgeted. Authority for non-budgeted items shall come only from the approval of the Governing Board. The Brazos County Health Unit shall maintain records of all income and disbursements of the Public Health Training Program. Such records shall be brought before the Governing Board each quarter for approval. No appropriation of money in this account shall be made unless unanimously approved by the Governing Hoard. The Brazos County Health Unit shall maintain-records of usage of the facilities and services by the citizens of each city and citizens of the county who.live outside the two cities. Such records shall be used to determine the percentage of costs to he charged to the participating entities for the following contract year. The Public Health Services will be under the supervision of the Governing Board consisting of the County Judge, the City Manager of Bryan, the City Manager of College Station, or their respective representatives, and a representative appointed by Texas A&M University. 8o This contract can be renewed on an annual basis by resolution. Attached as Exhibits' u~# and 'B" are the budget and supplemental pages for the Public Health Services showing how the monies are to be expended. 10. The Director of the Public Health Services shall submit financial and activity reports for both Health Unit and Foodhandler~s Permit accounts upon request by members of the Governing Board! but in no event shall such financial and activity reports be submitted less frequently than quarterly. The Director shall submit the annual financial and activity report no later than the close of the first quarter of the next fiscal year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed as of the 1st day of October, 1985. ATTE ST: y Sec~t&~y [ APPROVED AS TO FORM= CZTY OF BRYAN Mayor APPROVED AS TO SUBSTANCE: lty ManageT .-! ':~ ATTEST City Attorney City Manager ATTEST: BRAZOS COUNTY t. ~,:.. .~. RESOLUTION NO. 11-14-85-16 WHEREAS, the City of College Station is one of the fastest growing cities in the State of Texas; and, WHEREAS, the existing City Limits signs do not reflect the current level of population and generally reflect the 1980 Census population of 37,272; and, WHEREAS, the College Station City Planning Division has determined that the population estimate derived using Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation estimation techniques is 52,226; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station has reviewed this current estimate and has found that the technique used to determine this estimate is generally used throughout Brazos County. NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of College Station does hereby adopt the current population estimate of 52,226 and requests that the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation update the City Limits signs to reflect this population. Passed and approved this the 14th day of November 1985 Gary ~Ha~, -'Mayor ATTEST: tary RESOLUTION NO. 11-14-85-17 A RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO TAX PROPOSALS RELATING TO MUNICIPAL BONDS WHEREAS, the United States Congress is currently con- sidering tax reform proposals including proposals re- lating to tax-exempt bonds; and WHEREAS, included in the proposals under consideration are provisions which would eliminate or limit the tax- exemption of state and local government bonds issued by the City of College Station, Texas; and WHEREAS, these proposals would deny tax-exempt status to bonds where the private sector benefits directly or indirectly from the use of a portion of the proceeds of the bond issue; would eliminate all advance refundings of tax-exempt bonds; would restrict the investment of bond proceeds; would require that certain earnings from the investment of bond proceeds be paid to the U.S. Treasury Department; would require that an Internal Revenue Service information report be filed for every bond issue; would impose additional taxes on banks that purchase tax-exempt bonds; and would subject the hold- ers of tax-exempt bonds to minimum tax liability; and WHEREAS, the proposed limitations on tax-exempt muni- cipal bonds would adversely affect the City of College Station by increasing borrowing costs, requiring con- tinuous administrative review of bond issues and the use made of facilities financed with such issues, re- quiring filings with the Internal Revenue Service and review by the Internal Revenue Service of each bond is- sue, and jeopardizing the tax exemption on bonds where the private sector benefits directly or indirectly from the use of a project financed by such bonds; and WHEREAS, the municipal bond proposals will result in an increase in costs which must be passed on to the con- sumer, will reduce the ability of municipalities and authorities to provide vital public services and will impose added federal bureaucratic controls over the provision of such services; Resolution No. 11-14-85-17 Page 2 BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas goes on record as opposing the limitations and restrictions on municipal bonds under consideration by the United States Con- gress, which, if enacted into law would adversely af- fect all tax-exempt municipal bonds, including bonds issued by the City of College Station; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution shall be sent to members of Congress urging them to op- pose the provisions of the tax proposals under consid- eration by the issuers and purchasers of municipal bonds. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 14th DAY OF November, 1985. Dian J e~/City Secretary Gary H~r ~ '~y~r GUEST REGISTER Regular City Council Meeting Thursday, November 14, 1985 7:00 p.m. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 13. 14. .15. 16. 17. 27. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 00,~x~40 2