HomeMy WebLinkAbout210816 -- Marie-Anne Mousseau-Holland -- Campaign TreasurerAPPO I NTMENT OF A CAMPAIGN TREASURER F ORM CTA BY A CAND I DATE P G 1 S ee CTA Ins t r uction Guide for deta iled instructions . 1 Total pages fil ed: 2 CANDIDATE MS/MRS /MR F IRST Ml OFFICE US E ONLY NAME -~$ __________ ..l/J...Q._'t_~~=-(3,__~---------------Fi ler ID # NICKNAME LA ST SUFF IX Date Rece ived H-n \\ l'AAI\ rl RECEIVED 3 CANDIDATE ADDRESS I PO BOX: APT I SU ITE #: CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE AUG 1 C 2021 MA I L ING .. ~ ~ Date Hand -del ivered or Pos tm arked 1 4 CANDIDATE AREA CODE PHON E NUM BER EXTENSION Receipt # I Amou nt $ PHONE (' Date Processed 5 OFFICE Date Im age d HELD (i f any) 6 OFFIC E SO U GHT C \~ CavV\c:~ \ \)\c: ... ce_ (a (if known) 7 CAMPAIGN MS/MRS/MR F IRST Ml NICKN AME LAS T SUFF IX TREASURER NAM E Mr-Cocl) ~~J ~ \l OV'l o\. 8 CAMPAIGN STR EE T ADDRESS; A PT I SUI TE #; C ITY: STATE: ZIP CO DE TREASU RE R STREET ADDR E SS )oo C\ ':Se-v"'''; fu ~~\l e Co ti e-5e Sf o.+' Oll\ I ·1 )l 1-ieY-J )~ (res id en ce or busine ss ) J I 9 CAMPAIGN ARE A CODE PHON E NUM BER EXT ENSION TREASURER PHON E ( q\4 ) s-1 1 -<Q~1°l 10 CAND IDATE S IGNATURE I am aware of the Nepotism Law, Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code . I am aware of my responsibility to file time ly reports as requi r ed by title 15 of the E lection Code. I am aware of the restrictions in title 15 of the E lecti on Code on contributions from corporations and labor organ izations. ·.AA 0 / ?t Hdr~ &fl, / [t._, I z o Z-L Signature of C a ndidate ---D~t e Sig ~ed GOTOPAGE2 Form s provid ed by Texas Ethi cs Com miss ion www .e thi cs.s tat e .tx .u s Re vi sed 4/2/2021 CODE OF FAIR CAMPAIGN FORM CFCP PRACTICES C OVE R S HEET OFFICE USE ONLY Pursuant to chapter 258 of the Election Code , every candidate and Date Re ce ived political committee is encouraged to subscribe to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices. The Code may be filed with the proper filing RECEIVED authority upon submission of a campaign treasurer appointment AUG 1 G 2021 form. Candidates or political committees that alre ady have a BY ~ ... Y:~ .. Y:~(.\ current campaign treasurer appointment on file as of September 1, ~ 1997 , may subscribe to the code at any time. Date Hand -delive red or Postm arked Dat e Pro cessed Sub s cription to the Code of Fair Campaign Practic es is voluntary. Date Imag ed 1 ACCOUNT NUMBER 2 TYPE OF FILER (Ethics Commission Filers) 0 D CANDIDATE POLITICAL COMM ITTEE If filing as a candidate, complete boxes 3 -6, If filing for a political committee, complete then read and sign page 2. boxes 7 and 8, then read and sign page 2. 3 NAME OF CAND I DATE TITLE (Dr., M r., M s., etc.) FIRST Ml (PLEAS E TYP E OR PRINT) -----~? _______________ Ms-:02_\__~----~n~--------------------------------- NI C KN AME LAST SUFFIX (SR., JR., Ill, etc.) A o0S<;e.,_,0-tb \\,._,.,,...-1 4 TELEPHONE NUMBER ARE A COD E PHON E NUMBER EXT E NS ION OF CANDIDATE (· 5 ADDRESS OF CAND I DATE STREET I PO BO X; APT I S UITE #; CITY; STAT E; ZIP CODE (PLEASE TYPE O R PRINT) ~ 6 OF F ICE SOUGHT BY CANDIDAT E (\~ Cov r) (I~ I \)\IL-~_, (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) lL 7 NAME O F COMMITTEE (P LEASE TYP E OR PRINT) 8 NAME O F CAMPAIGN TITLE (Dr., Mr., Ms., etc.) FIRST M l TREASURER _ -;,;£,rL ------_ -&o~------------------~;f -;:,;~.;,,---------(PLEASE TYPE OR PR INT) µo ~ \ D.f/\ r), GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Co m mission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revi se d 1111202 1 I . CODE OF FAIR CAMPAIGN PRACTICES There are basic principles of decency, honesty, and fair play that every candidate and political committee in this state has a moral obligation to observe and uphold, in order that, after vigorously contested but fairly conducted campaigns, our citizens may exercise their constitutional rights to a free and untrammeled choice and the will of the people may be fully and clearly expressed on the issues. THEREFORE: (1) I will conduct the campaign openly and publicly and limit attacks on my opponent to legitimate challenges to my opponent's record and stated positions on issues. (2) I will not use or permit the use of character defamation, whispering campaigns, libel, slander, or scmTilous attacks on any candidate or the candidate's personal or family life. (3) I will not use or permit any appeal to negative prejudice based on race, sex, religion, or national origin. ( 4) I will not use campaign material of any sort that misrepresents, distorts, or otherwise falsifies the facts, nor will 1 use malicious or unfounded accusations that aim at creating or exploiting doubts, without justification, as to the personal integrity or patriotism of my opponent. ( 5) I will not undertake or condone any dishonest or unethical practice that tends to corrupt or undermine our system of free elections or that hampers or prevents the full and free expression of the will of the voters, including any activity aimed at intimidating voters or discouraging them from voting. (6) I will defend and uphold the right of every qualified voter to full and equal participation in the electoral process, and will not engage in any activity aimed at intimidating voters or discouraging them from voting. (7) l will immediateiy and publicly repudiate methods and tactics that may come from others that I have pledged not to use or condone. I shall take firm action against any subordinate who violates any provision of this code or the laws governing elections. I, the undersigned, candidate for election to public office in the State of Texas or campaign treasurer of a political committee, hereby voluntarily endorse, subscribe to, and solemnly pledge myself to conduct the campaign in accordance with the above principles and practices. Signature p ( Date Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 1/1/2021