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FY1968 - 1987 -- Operating Budget
CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 OPERATING BUDGET APPROVED BY THE COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL LARRY J. RINGER JUNE 26, 1986 Mayor TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE List of City Officials ........................... i Budget Message ................................... ii Ordinance Levying Taxes ..........................viii Ordinance Adopting Budget ........................ x Organizational Chart ............................. xi Net Operating Budget Summary (Pie Chart)......... 1 Operating Budget Summary ......................... 2 General Fund General Fund Summary ............................. 3 Analysis of Tax Rate ............................. 4 Analysis of Property Valuations .................. 5 Prior Years Ad Valorem Tax Levies & Collections.. 6 General Fund Sources of Funds (Pie Chart)........ 7 General Fund Revenues ............................ 8 General Fund Uses of Funds (Pie Chart)........... 11 General Fund Departmental Summary ................ 12 General Fund Divisions Division Number 01-11 City Manager/Administration............... 14 01-12 Personnel ................................. 22 01-13 Legal ..................................... 29 01-14 Energy .................................... 36 01-15 Community Center .......................... 43 01-16 Printing/Mail ............................. 51 01-17 Library ................................... 57 01-44 Municipal Court ........................... 61 01-85 Teen Center ............................... 69 Table of Contents Continued PAGE 01-20 Fiscal Administration ..................... 74 01-21 Accounting ................................ 80 01-22 Tax/Treasury .............................. 86 01-23 Utilities ............... ...... — ........ 92 01-24 Purchasing................................100 01-25 Warehouse.................................106 01-26 Data Processing ...........................113 01-27 Meter Services ............................120 01-30 Public Services ...........................127 01-31 Street....................................135 01-33 Garage....................................143 01-34 Cemetery/Grounds Maintenance..............150 01-40 Police Administration .....................157 01-41 Uniformed Bureau ..........................165 01-42 Investigation.............................173 01-43 Special Service Bureau....................180 01-45 Records Bureau ............................188 01-46 Communications/jail.......................196 01-50 Fire Administration .......................203 01-51 Fire Operations ...........................211 01-52 Fire Prevention........ o..................219 01-53 Ambulance.................................227 01-60 Engineering Administration ................235 01-61 Engineering...............................243 01-62 Planning..................................252 01-63 Building Inspection .......................260 01-64 Community Development .....................269 01-80 Parks Administration ......................278 01-81 Recreation................................286 Table of Contents Continued PAGE 01-82 Aquatics..................................296 01-83 Parks Maintenance .........................303 01-84 Forestry..................................311 UTILITY FUND UtilityFund Summary.............................319 Utility Fund Sources of Funds (Pie Chart) ........ 320 UtilityFund Revenues ............................321 Utility Debt Service Schedules...................322 Utility Fund Uses of Funds (Pie Chart) ........... 324 Utility Fund Departmental Summary................325 UTILITY FUND DIVISIONS DIVISION NUMBER 02-91 Electrical Transmission ...................326 02-92 Electrical Distribution ...................331 02-93 Water Production ..........................342 02-94 Water Distribution ........................351 02-95 Sewer Treatment ...........................360 02-96 Sewer Collection ..........................368 02-97 Water/Sewer Administration ................376 02-99 Utilities Administration ..................382 SANITATION FUND Sanitation Fund Sumary ...........................388 Sanitation Fund Sources of Funds (Pie Chart) ..... 389 Sanitation Fund Revenues .........................390 Sanitation Fund Uses of Funds (Pie Chart) ........ 391 Sanitation Fund Departmental Summary.............392 Table of Contents Continued PAGE SANITATION FUND DIVISIONS DIVISION NUMBER 03-71 Residential Collection ....................393 03-72 Commercial Collection .....................401 03-73 Landfill..................................406 03-74 Drainage..................................414 DEBT SERVICE FUND Debt Service Fund Summary ........................420 Debt Service Fund Sources of Funds (Pie Chart) ... 421 Debt Service Fund Uses of Funds (Pie Chart) ...... 422 General Obligation Debt Service Summary .......... 423 General Obligation Debt Service Schedules ........ 424 Notes & Certificates of Obligation Debt Service Summary........................................433 Notes & Certificates of Obligation Schedules ..... 434 REVENUE SHARING FUND Revenue Sharing Fund Summary.....................441 Revenue Sharing Fund Sources of Funds (Pie Chart)....................................442 Revenue Sharing Fund Uses of Funds (Pie Chart) ... 443 HOTEL/MOTEL FUND Hotel/Motel Fund Summary .........................444 Hotel/Motel Fund Sources of Funds (Pie Chart)....445 Hotel/Motel Fund Uses of Funds (Pie Chart) ....... 446 CEMETERY FUND Cemetery Fund Summary ............................447 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY OFFICIALS MAYOR Dr. Larry J. Ringer CITY COUNCIL Terri Tongco James Bond Patricia Boughton Dick Haddox CITY STAFF William K. Cole City Manager Philip Banks Municipal Court Judge Cathy Locke City Attorney Steve Beachy Director of Parks & Recreation George Ford Director of Public utilities Karen Dickson Personnel Director Fred Brown Sara Goode Jones A. E. Van Dever, Jr. Assistant City Manager Elrey Ash Director of Capital Improvements Marvin Byrd Police Chief Alfred Miller Director of Public Services Doug Landua Fire Chief i C� June 30, 1986 City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2499 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council The fiscal 1987 operating budget has been developed with a conservative emphasis as directed by the College Station City Council. Although this financial plan is conservative it provides a policy statement and plan of operation expressed in financial terms which will continue the high quality of life and delivery of services that the citizens of College Station have come to expect and enjoy. OVERVIEW The fiscal 1987 operating budget as adopted by the College Station City Council totals $62,322,463. The net operating budget (exclusive of interfund transfers) is $53,794,000. This is a 2.9% increase over the fiscal 1986 net operating budget. However, it is significantly skewed by the cost of electrical power which represents 90.59% of the total increase. If this single item were extracted from the calculation the increase would be only 0.28%. Included in this total increase were supplemental items approved by the City Council totaling $922,580. These items consist of additions to current programs, additional programs and capital items. The totalof these ais down by dditions approved $1,076,696 or 53.9% when comp ared to supplemental in fiscal 1986. ii These approved supplemental items consist of the following: FUND/DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT GENERAL FUND ALL DEPARTMENTS: Long Term Disability $ 31,200 ADMINISTRATION: Administration File Cabinets 580 Personnel Fire Proof Files 3,600 Public Service: Streets Wacker Compaction Rammer Rotary Hammer Portable Power Plant 2 Radios Pickup Truck Garage Oxyacetylene Welding Outfit Oxygen Cylinder Cemetery/Grounds Maintenance Tractor with mower Police:.: Administration Uniformed Patrol Criminal Investigation Municipal Court FIRE: Administration Fire Operations Fire Prevention Ambulance Office Equipment Trauma Kits Radios/Lights/Sirens 6 CID cars Answering Machines Recall Recorder Radio Backup System Replace Mattresses Vehicle Maint. Equipment Generator Pneumatic CPR System UHF Medical Radio System iii 3,050 650 950 1,800 10,500 570 365 4,250 1,055 2,450 5,397 57,000 315 1,400 3,155 5,000 2,060 750 12,600 16,000 FUND/DEPARTMENT PURPOSE AMOUNT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS.: Engineering Die Cutter Machine 1,800 PARKS & RECREATION: Recreation Christmas in the Park 5,500 5,000 Electrical Wiring Maintenance Mowers, Blowers, Trimmers 5,700 Forestry Truck w/Equipment 18,435 UTILITY FUND ALL DEPARTMENTS,: Long Term Disability 5,850 ELECTRIC: Electrical Distribution Distribution Lines 150,000 Miscellaneous Equipment ,000 Cab-Chassis/Dumpbed 25 29,350 Mid -Size Station Wagon 0 1 Ton Cab -.Chassis 14,002 Radio Pagers Meter Field Test Unit 800 7,000 Electrical Distribution Current Test Set 9,000 3,500 Meter Test Equipment Pad Mount Transformer Dolly 5,000 Air Compressor 500 7,800 CR-840 Backhoe 5,500 Recording Equipment 20,000 Street Lights Radio Test Set With Monitor 12,000 Mid -Size 'Pickup 14,400 Transformer Turns Ratio Machine 2,700 Printer 00 WATER: Water Production Pump Station Re -roofing 6,000 Misc. Tools and Equipment 5,000 Table and Chairs 1,500 0 6,7575 Water Distribution 1/2 Ton Pickup 9, Misc. Tools and Equipment 2,0000 Portable Radio Equipment iv AMOUNT FUND/DEPARTMENT PURPOSE, SEWERS w/Mower Attachment 9,150 7,000 Sewer Treatment Tractor Misc. Tools and Equipment 6,000 Truck Dump Body 1,975 Office Equipment 5,400 Sewer Collection Misc. Tools and Equipment portable Radio Equipment 2,500 29,400 Truck with Dump Body ADMINISTRATION,: 425 Water/Sewer C alculator and File Cabinet Administration SANITATION FUND 1,950 Long Term Disability ALL DEPARTMENTS: PUBLIC SERVICES,: 78,000 Residential Refuse Truck 78,000 Collection Refuse Truck Body Loader and Dump 26,000 1,800 Trash 190 'radios File Cabinet 190 File Cabinet Landfill 110TEL/I40TEL 11718 Community office Equipment 37,700 Center Promotional Events Community parks TAXES taxes were utilized topay 1Q0% of property allocated to General In fiscal 1985► none being the property tax rate was debt service with rovide for a operations. However in fiscal 1986, 100 valuation to p increased from $0.36 per $100 valuation to $02'3per $ facility. This additional $er $100 valuation being new library used for has once again been levied with $0d the P $0.36 will be Library operations an dThee remaining being utilized for operations. other Genera Ffo d debt service. utilized to pay v UTILITY AND SANITATION RATES The fiscal 1987 operating budget reflects the following increases to utility and sanitation rates: Electric 0.0% Commercial Collection 0% Water 5.3% Residential Collection 0% Sewer 25.0% Landfill Usage 0% Drainage Assessment (New) 50�/living unit GENERAL FUND The General Fund appropriation is $13,356,108 for fiscal 1987. This is $359,772 above 1986 or a 2.7% increase. The principal causes for this increase are additions to capital equipment, salary increases and funding for the Economic Development Foundation. UTILITY FUND The fiscal 1987 Utility Fund budget is $41,441,940 as compared to $38,'725,00O..in fiscal 1986. The chief cause for this 7% increase is additional cost of power. Cost of power represents 52%.of the total increase while the rest is attributed to capital acquisitions, an allocation to the insurance pool and salary increases, SANITATION FUND The Sanitation Fund appropriation amounts to.$1,858,000 for fiscal 1987.. This is a $211,168 increase or 12.8% and is attributable to the addition of a drainage program and an increase in the contribution to the General Fund for administrative services and salary increases. DEBT SERVICE The Debt Service Fund requirement decreased from $4,568,179 in fiscal 1986 to $4,394,584 in fiscal 1987 due to the retirement of one certificate of obligation, one note, and a reduction of bond principal. REVENUE SHARING In fiscal 1987 the Revenue Sharing appropriation is $550,000 as compared to $700,000 in fiscal 1986. Traditionally, Revenue Sharing has been used to fund only capital additions. With the probable elimination of the program in the near future by the Federal Government, it is recognized that traditional items funded through the Revenue Sharing program will be appropriated out of other revenue sources in future years. vi HOTEL -HOTEL TAX FUND The Hotel -Motel Tax budget increased from $513,500 in fiscal 1986 to $720,113 in fiscal 1987. This 40.2% increase is the result of increased community promotional activities and events. FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS With the slump in the State and Local economies and the efforts of the Federal Government to balance its budget, the City of College Station will face diminished revenue potential in fiscal 1988 and future years. It was a challenge to balance the General Fund budget in fiscal 1987 given this soft economic situation. Two sources of revenue available to the General Fund in fiscal 1987 will probably be lost in fiscal 1988. These consist of Revenue Sharing and the contribution from the Sanitation Fund. These two sources of funds were utilized to balance the General Fund in fiscal 1987 with the understanding that this was a temporary measure taken to.postpone a tax increase and/or decreases in services. These two sources alone provided approximately 8% of the General Fund revenue for 1987. In addition to these two areas, there are other significant revenue areas that are weak and could possibly show a reduction, or smaller than usual increase in fiscal 1988. These consist of builders..and other trade permits, sales tax', mixed beverage tax, franchise .taxes, CIQ reimbursements and interest income. If the income from these.souzces remains flat, it will further aggravate the ability of tbe. General Fund todeliver services at the current level without an increase in ad valorem taxes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Input to the 1987 operating budget came from individual citizens, special groups, City Council, the City Manager and the City Staff. The review process was detailed and thorough from its beginning at the staff level, through its culmination with the City Council. 'I am confident that the.fiscal 1987 operating budget is an accurate statement of City policies and goals and provides a viable plan for meeting the needs of the community. (Aj '�w &.1 k' ('&� William K. Cole City Manager vii ".. _ � ♦`.. V ,1 ', �,. , 1 "• ;, i�{�� 1 11�,1 ,�■f",1 •i. 11 CAI. 'I//',) 1 j"� •� '.. 'I `j�10Xi 95:ZI")I VLV^II _� V,'i ,I ` 1 ' .. • ((V''.[[,',7¢U.{ . {\:,!{ _ )))��\::fff///fff��� __... _ ItM� �... \�\\% 1 1 • , 1 RESOLUTION NO. 06 26-86-14 am A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF TAX ANTICIPATION NOTES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF r-h _-' THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AND TO PROVIDE FOR AN INTEREST AND SINKING FUND FOR THE 1986-87 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, Section 55 of the charter of the City of College Station requires that the budget shall be adopted not later than the twenty-seventh day of June; and WHEREAS, Section 26.01 of the Texas Property Tax Code re- quires that the chief appraiser shall prepare and certify the appraisal roll to each taxing unit by July 25; and WHEREAS, the City of College Station has not received a certified appraisal roll from the chief appraiser of the Brazos County Appraisal District; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the City Council of the City of College Station cannot set a tax rate for 1986 until it has received a certified appraisal roll; and WHEREAS, it is considered to be in the best interest of City of College Station that Tax Anticipation Notes be issued in the amount of $3,907,825; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council City of College Station, Texas: This Resolution is passed authorizing issuance of notes in anticipation of taxes so levied for the year 1986 and is payable, both principal and interest, from the taxes when collected. The City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes for the use and support of municipal government of the City of College Station in the amount of $205,552 and for the Interest and Sinking Fund in the amount of $3,702,273. The Tax Anticipation Notes authorized will not be issued if a certified appraisal roll is received and a tax rate is adopted before September 1, 1986. APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 26th day of June ty Secretary ORDINANCE NO.1661 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1, SECTION 10(A) OF THE CODS; OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, LEVYING OCCUPATION TAXES FOR THE USE AND SUPPORT OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; I. That Chapter 1, Section 10, Subsection A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "section 10: OCCUPATION TAX A. AMOUNT; PAYMENT OF There is hereby levied and there shall be collected from every person, firm, association or corporation pursuing any occupation taxed by the General Laws of the State of Texas, an annual occupation tax equal in each instance to the amount allowed by State Law, which said taxes shall be paid annually in advance except where otherwise provided by State laws, in which event the same may be paid as is provided by State Law." II. That all monies collected under this ordinance for the specific items therein named, shall be and the same are hereby appropriated and set apart for the specific purpose indicated in each item and the Assessor and Collector of Taxes and the Director of Finance shall keep these accounts so as to readily and distinctly show the amount collected, the amounts expended and the amount on hand at any time, belonging to such funds. It is hereby made the duty of the Tax Assessor and Collector to deliver to the Director of Finance at the time of depositing any monies, a statement showing to what fund such deposit should be made and from what source received. All receipts for the City not specifically apportioned by this ordinance are hereby made payable to the General Fund of the City. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26th DAY OF Jimp , 1986. APPROVED: La r`r R n Ma ATTEST: bean Jonesity Secretary ORDINANCE NO. -1664 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE 1986-1987 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AS THEREIN PROVIDED. WHEREAS, a proposed budget for the fiscal year July 1, 1986 to June 30, 1987, was prepared and a public hearing held thereon as prescribed by law, notice of said hearing having first been duly given; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That the aforesaid proposed budget, which is made a part hereof to the same extent as if set forth at length herein, is hereby adopted, and a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Secretary in College Station, Texas; and That authorization is hereby granted for the expenditure of the same under the respective items contained in said budget in accordance with the approved fiscal procedures of the City. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26th DAY OF June , 1986. ATTEST: Dian Jones, i y Secretary APPROVED: Lard '�or x x N l l'1'1L,ri 0 OF S'I MCN I Kk)"VCM Y Call IL MLNICC COURT — ICYLY ATIOE�IEY — MNlX= — — — CITY NCI— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — City Secretary I !Citizens Service Rep Council Coordinator I Legal I Personnel ASSISIP,NP CITY l.Court� MANAGER Administrative Assistant I Capital I Public I Parks I Fiscal I Police I Fire Utilities ** Improvements Services Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration —� I —J Recreation Accenting Unif� I —Cperatioos Com =ty Electric** Engineering Streets I Bureau [[ Center Transmission Aquatics I �Tax/tiYeasury I+rwestigaticnj Prevention I Planning I Garage I I Teen Center I Electric** Distribution Maintenance I Utility Ambulance I Building Cemetery Billing Special Printing/ Inspection Grounds Maint _. Services Mail Water ** Forestry ( Bureau Production Purchasing Community Residential Library Development Collection * Tledmical Water ** Warehouse I Services Distribution Commercial Collection * Data 4comiunicatia4 Sewer ** Processing Jail I Treatment Landfill *I Meter Sewer ** Services * Sanitation Divisions Collection Drainage *I ** Utility Divisions All Divisions without Energy I an asterisk are General Water/Sewer Fund Division. Admin. ** NET OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY UTILITY FUND (63.4%) FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND (1.0%) NERAL FUND (24.8%) REVENUE SHARING FUND (0.1%) DEBT SERVICE FUND (8.2%) 41TATION FUND (2.4%) 2 FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 General Fund Utility Fund Sanitation Fund Debt Service fund Revenue Sharing Fund Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Cemetery Fund FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 General Fund Utility Fund Sanitation Fund Debt Service Fund Revenue Sharing Fund Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Cemetery Fund FISCAL YEAR 1984-85 General Fund Utility Fund Sanitation Fund Debt Service Revenue Sharing Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Cemetery Fund CITY OF COLLEGE STATION OPERATING BUDGET SUNNARY Total Revenues & Carry Forward $ 13,357,826 41,441,940 1,858,000 6,429,083 550,000 $ 723,500 57,700 64,418,049 12,996,338 39,725,000 1,646,832 6,091,049 700,000 513,500 53,000 61 ,725,719 11,933,880 33,627,523 1,303,312 5,476,399 640,000 466,000 46,000 53,493,114 Expenditures $13,357,826 41,441,940 1,858,000 4,394,584 550,000 720,113 0 $62,322,463 $12,996,338 39,725,000 1,646,832 4,568,179 700,000 513,500 1,560 $60,151,409 11,933,880 33,627,523 1,303,312 4,134,277 640,000 466,000 0 $52,104,992 Less Transfers $ 0 (7,311,724) (561,000) 0 (497,951) (157,788) 0 $(8,528,463) $ 0 (6,897,667) (94,084) 0 (640,875) (284,661) (1,560) $(7,918,847) $ 0 (5,935,556) (206,567) 0 (481,313) (282,921) 0 $(6,906,357) Net Operating Budget $ 13,357,826 34,130,216 1,297,000 4,394,584 52,049 562,325 0 $ 53,794,000 $ 12,996,338 32,827,333 1,552,748 4,568,179 59,125 228,839 0 $ 52,232,562 $ 11,933,880 27,691,967 1,096,745 4,134,277 158,687 183,079 0 $ 45,198,635 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Fund Balance Revenues: TOTAL AVAILABLE Disbursements: Departmental Basic Requests Contingency Easterwood Airport Contribution Economic Development Foundation TOTAL REQUEST ENDING BALANCE FY 86-87 $ 1,600,000 12,807,989 $12,977,826 200,000 100,000 80,000 14,407,989 $13,357,826 $ 1,050,163 3 4 ANALYSIS OF TAX RATE FY 86-87 Assessed Valuation of Real and Personal Property (Based on 100% of Market Value) Less: Exempt Property Less: Agricultural Loss Less: Over 65 and Veterans Exemptions Taxable Assessed Value Apply Tax Rate $.38/$100 Valuation Total Tax Levy Estimate 95% Collection $1,150,000,000 (30,500,000) (22,200,000) (14,800,000) $1,082,500,000 X .0038 $ 4,113,500 $ 3,907,825 DISTRIBUTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES Tax Rate Per Percent 95% Of Levy $100 Valuation of Levy Collections Debt Service .36 94.74% $3,702,273 General Fund .02 5.26% $ 205,552 ANALYSIS OF VALUATIONS FISCAL YEAR MARKET VALUATION RATIO ASSESSED VALUATION 1975-76 137,238,662 80% 109,790,930 1976-77 160,677,325 80% 128,541,860 1977-78 180,126,202 80% 144,100,962 1978-79 199,033,705 80% 159,226,964 1979-80 (Revaluation) 359,138,782 80% 287,311,026 1980-81 377,506,090 80% 302,004,871 1981-82 413,412,581 100% 413,412,581 1982-83 737,464,516 100% 737,464,516 1983-84 841,005,484 100% 841,005,484 1984-85 957,398,333 100% 957,398,333 1985-86 1,095,755,455 100% 1,095,755,455 [: FISCAL 75-76 76-77 77-78 78-79 79-80 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 BASIS OF ASSESSMENT 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% TOTAL ADJUSTED TAX LEVY 472,101 552,730 749,325 891,671 1,120,321 1,178,041 1,281,688 2,286,841 2,607,767 3,446,393 4,163,871 PRIOR YEARS AD VALOREM TAX LEVIES & COLLECTIONS CURRENT TAXES COLLECTED DURING YEAR 445,472 530,731 728,672 867,137 1,065,347 1,127,500 1,236,615 2,178,842 2,497,144 3,243,918 3,875,187 PERCENT OF LEVY COLLECTED DURING YEAR 94.36 96.02 97.24 97.25 95.09 95.71 96.48 95.28 95.76 94.13 93.07 TAXES COLLECTED AS OF NE 30, 1986 471,650 552,208 748,318 890,281 1,118,542 1,173,959 1,277,122 2,273,952 2,574,286 3,326,539 3,875,187 PERCENT COLLECTED AS OF JUNE 30, 1986 99.90 99.91 99.87 99.84 99.84 99.65 99.64 99.44 98.72 96.52 93.07 GENERAL FUND - SOURCES OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS (61.1%) TAX (21.9%) FRANCHISE TAX (2.2%) MISCELLANEOUS (4.4%) 'INES (4.1 %) OPERTY TAX (1.6%) :�HANGE IN FUND BALANCE (4.1%) I 01-10-3001 Ad Valorem 01-10-3002 Delinquent Ad Valorem 01-10-3003 Tax Penalty & Interest FRANCHISE & OTHER TAXES 01-10-3101 Franchise Tax -Telephone 01-10-3102 Franchise Tax -Gas 01-10-3103 Franchise Tax-Telecable 01-10-3104 Mixed Drink Tax Revenue 01-10-3105 Sales Tax 01-10-3106 Bank Franchise Tax LICENSES 01-10-3201 Electrical License 01-10-3202 Animal License 01-10-3203 Taxi License 01-10-3204 Gagne Machine License 01-10-3301 Builders Permit 01-10-3302 Electrical Permits 01-10-3303 Plumbing Permits 01-10-3305 Mixed Drink Permits 01-10-3306 Health Permits GENERAL FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES FY 86-87 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FY 84-85 FY 85-86 FY 86-87 $ 0 $ 203,598 $ 205,551 6,204 2,195 3,000 2,203 2,687 1,000 $ 186,342 $ 181,719 $ 190,000 61,776 58,345 60,000 19,873 34,587 20,000 107,185 79,574 88,000 2,996,933 2,986,594 2,926,427 0 40,621 21,000 $ 2,075 $ 1,850 $ 1,500 85 35 100 150 60 150 2,483 2,374 3,000 $ 60,614 $ 59,253 $ 55,000 17,311 9,402 10,000 18,924 12,016 10,000 11,128 11,173 9,000 11,386 11,606 11,000 GENERAL FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES FY 86-87 APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FEES FY 84-85 FY 85-86 FY 86-87 01-10-3401 Filing Fees $ 9,494 $ 6,765 $ 7,000 01-10-3405 Paving Assessments 45,746 16,799 20,000 01-10-3407 Birth & Death Certificates 1,159 735 500 01-10-3408 Tax Certificates 4,948 5,708 3,000 FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES 01-10-3501 Court Fines $ 430,478 $ 410,916 $ 500,000 01-10-3504 Warrant Service Fees 7,886 33,129 33,000 01-10-3506 Collection Sevice Fees 0 10,318 10,000 CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 01-10-3605 Tennis Pro Shop $ 0 $ 632 $ 500 01-10-3606 Art/Cultural Program 0 3,374 5,700 01-10-3607 Adamson Pool Admissions 27,542 23,121 21,000 01-10-3608 Adamson Concessions 6,454 9,569 7,500 01-10-3609 Adamson Swimming Instructions 23,240 21,066 20,000 01-10-3610 Adult Sports Revenue 75,233 74,725 56,000 01-10-3611 Youth Sports Revenue 6,450 6,545 6,500 01-10-3612 Tennis Revenue 3,646 2,863 4,000 01-10-3613 Court Light Fees 0 1,228 1,300 01-10-3614 Thomas Pool Admissions 33,572 28,174 25,000 01-10-3615 Thomas Concessions 4,846 4,479 5,000 01-10-3616 Thomas Swimming Instructions 7,375 7,272 7,000 01-10-3617 Central Park Concessions 27,685 22,536 20,000 01-10-3618 Bee Creek Concessions 4,097 1,416 4,000 01-10-3619 S.W. Little League Concessions 17,339. 12,221 11,000 01-10-3620 S.W. Sr. League Concessions 5,627 7,368 5,000 01-10-3621 S.W. Pool Admissions 0 10,899 10,500 01-10-3623 Misc. Concessions 0 9,662 6,000 01-10-3624 Annual Passes 0 4,605 4,000 01-10-3625 Lincoln Center Concessions 0 837 500 9 10 01-10-3701 Miscellaneous Grants REIMBURSEMENTS/CONTRIBUTIONS 01-10-3803 Utility/Taxes Contributions 01-10-3804 Transfer: Utility-Admin. 01-10-3806 Revenue Sharing Contribution 01-10-3815 Transfer: Sanitation-Admin. 01-10-3817 Transfer: Cemetery Fund 01-10-3818 C.I.P. Reimbursement 01-10-3820 Transfer: Hotel/Motel 01-10-3821 Transfer: Com. Dev. USE OF PROPERTY & MONEY 01-10-3901 Interest Income 01-10-3903 Use of City Bldgs/Equip 01-10-3905 Sale of Ordinances 01-10-3906 County Revenue -Fire Alarms 01-10-3907 Ambulance Revenue 01-10-3908 Park Facilities Rentals 01-10-3910 Teen Center Rental 01-10-3912 Interest-Cert. of Deposit MISCELLANEOUS 01-10-4001 Miscellaneous Revenue 01-10-4002 Misc. Park Revenue 01-10-4104 Sale of Lots GENERAL FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES FY 86-87 APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FY 84-85 FY 85-86 FY 86-87 $ 25,515 $ 27,116 $ 20,000 $ 3,268,950 $ 4,066,951 $ 4,302,654 1,997,896 2,109,288 2,193,660 448,131 374,929 497,951 160,000 50,000 561,000 0 1,309 0 402,446 385,000 300,000 145,021 149,861 157,788 73,798 136,695 143,708 $ 157,863 $ 23,074 $ 20,000 4,918 6,857 7,000 3,176 3,290 2,500 1,932 1,459 2,000 37,010 65,938 70,000 16,135 16,933 15,000 965 1,067 1,000 0 58,378 40,000 $ 18,656 $ 48,934 $ 40,000 12,082 14,185 5,000 27,005 20,650 20,000 $11,048,988 $11,996,565 $12,807,989 GENERAL FUND - USES OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 111 ADMINISTRATION (10.8%) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (0.6%) ENGINEERING (10.' PUBLIC SERVICES (10.7%) (22.1%) CONTINGENCY (1.5%) PARKS (12A%) =RWOOD AIRPORT CONTRIBUTION 1.7%) !.0%) 11 12 101 DI !9,11 •4 121 Administration City Manager Personnel Legal Energy Community Center Printing/Mail Library Municipal Court Teen Center Subtotal Finance Fiscal Administration Accounting Tax/Treasury Utilities Purchasing Warehouse Data Processing Meter Services Subtotal Public Service Public Services Administration Streets Garage Cemetery/Grounds Maintenance Subtotal GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY FY 86-87 ACTUAL FY 84-85 450,291 117,789 187,654 60,822 158,588 71,755 0 128,834 9,491 $1,185,224 126,129 292,079 102,357 527,780 79,502 25,007 145,267 146,924 $1,445,045 137,468 974,703 250,081 78,590 $1,440,842 ACTUAL FY 85-86 407,660 133,803 232,224 68,199 145,587 108,448 30,100 137,823 16,185 $1,280,029 109,009 228,205 176,218 545,505 93,535 28,390 169,771 158,304 $1,508,937 138,859 814,424 286,755 79,688 $1,319,726 407,670 144,835 246,162 65,176 158,088 79,513 148,797 163,979 23,775 $1,437,995 122,395 241,988 179,977 578,253 99,557 31,618 172,487 173,003 $1,599,278 151,588 878,009 292,147 102,416 $1,424,160 M 51... Q 4101 Police Police Administration Uniformed Bureau Investigation Special Services Records Communications/Jail Subtotal Fire Fire Administration Fire Operations Fire Prevention Ambulance Subtotal Engineering Engineering Administration Engineering Planning Building Inspection Community Development Subtotal Parks Parks Administration Recreation Aquatics Parks Maintenance Forestry Subtotal GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY FY 86-87 APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FY 84-85 FY 85-86 FY 86-87 222,533 275,412 313,190 1,260,783 1,454,033 1,367,515 286,327 297,997 371,255 476,222 187,738 251,490 134,121 188,393 183,094 0 404,291 466,850 $ 2,379,986 $ 2,807,864 $ 2,953,394 146,803 167,783 174,416 1,515,966 1,643,201 1,753,556 157,198 151,112 165,121 316,471 316,969 467,916 $ 2,136,438 $ 2,279,065 $ 2,561,009 100,452 121,772 122,762 424,894 446,428 477,711 304,010 230,282 249,280 375,964 367,413 357,409 0 129,014 144,128 $ 1,205,320 $ 1,294,909 $ 1,351,290 196,421 204,483 213,939 318,789 363,275 388,612 346,772 395,775 345,586 484,406 519,905 557,394 74,552 88,174 145,169 $ 1,420,940 $ 1,571,612 $ 1,650,700 $11,213,795 $12,062,142 $12,977,826 13 14 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-11 CITY MANAGER ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1. The City Manager is responsible for providing the City Council with the necessary information needed to conduct the affairs of the City. 2. The City Manager is responsible for the review of supervision of all departmental operations and reviewing and updating management policies and regulations of the City. 3. The City Manager is responsible for Civil Defense Planning for the City as well as conducting contract negotiations. 4. The City Manager is responsible for planning for the future and recommending to the City Council steps necessary to assure future supplies of water and electricity. To coordinate Council activities, negotiate contracts, and supervise the staff in such a way as to provide efficient and effective municipal services to the citizens of College Station. 1. Provide Council with timely and sufficient information. 2. Maintain up-to-date policies and regulations. 3. Encourage an innovative approach to problems. 4. Efficiently and effectively negotiate contracts for the City. 5. Supervise and coordinate the staff and review all departmental operations. 6. Maintain a long-range outlook and provide Council with recommendations for the future. City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-11 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 168,014 209,094 214,416 15,151 229,567 215,088 5200 SUPPLIES 9,692 7,479 7,774 7,774 7,774 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 1,796 1,663 2,626 2,626 2,626 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 232,820 145,777 151,904 151,904 151,904 5600 SUNDRY 15,910 34,160 29,698 29,698 29,698 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 428,232 398,173 406,418 15,151 421,569 407,090 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21,361 9,487 580 580 580 CAPITAL OUTLAY 21,361 9,487 580 580 580 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 449,593 407,660 406,418 15,731 422,149 407,670 15 16 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Administration City Manager 01-11 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 City Manager 35 1 1 1 1 65,676 80,004 80,004 80,004 City Secretary 22 1 1 1 1 26,868 29,256 29,256 29,256 Cit. Serv. Rep. 21 1 1 1 1 17,436 18,972 18,972 18,972 Admin. Asst. 20 1 1 1 1 17,904 18,840 18,840 18,840 Admin. Sec. 19 1 1 1 1 16,524 15,252 15,252 15,252 Secretary 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12,744 12,744 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 5 5 5 1 5 144,408 162,324 12,744 175,068 162,324 Part-time Pol. Science intern .5 0 .5 0.5 4,680 4,680 4,680 4,680 Intern TOTAL PART TIME .5 0 .5 0 0.5 4,680 4,680 0 4,680 4,680 OTHER 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 3. Merit 1 4,429 6,437 6,437 6,437 4. Promotion Increases TOTAL OTHER 8,429 10,437 0 10,437 10,437 TOTAL REGULAR S E 5.5 5.0 5.5 1 5.5 157,517 177,441 12,744 190,185 177,441 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION DEPARTMENT Administration SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION City Manager 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Other Compensat_on 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON GRAND TOTAL 5.5 5.0 5.5 1 5.5 DIVISION NUMBER 01-11 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 3,300 1,500 1,500 1,500 11,239 12,352 911 13,263 12,352 7,305 16,672 637 17,309 16,672 200 251 19 270 251 2,000 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 4,200 4,200 840 5,040 4,872 28,244 36,975 2,407 39,382 37,647 185,761 214,416 15,151 229,567 215,088 17 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 Z OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5202 Postage 5204 Gas / Oil 5208 Educational 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 5200 SUPPLIES 5301 Building 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 18 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CITY MANAGER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-11 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 1,999 4,194 3,500 3,500 3,500 716 1,191 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,749 1,045 939 939 939 291 158 300 300 300 47 66 70 70 70 4,718 101 200 200 200 172 724 1,265 1,265 1,265 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9,692 7,479 7,774 7,774 7,774 357 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 357 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CITY MANAGER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-11 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,543 1,168 2,026 2,026 2,026 253 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 495 600 600 600 1,796 1,663 2,626 2,626 2,626 19 20 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT CITY MANAGER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-11 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1984 -1985 ACTUAL 1985 -1986 BASIC BUDGET 1986 - 1987 SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST BUDGET 1986 -1987 APPROVED 1986 - 1987 GROUP 5501 Rental of Equipment 4,435 80 300 30) 300 5503 Telephone 7,851 4,992 7,000 7,000 7,000 5504 Electric 16,167 9,416 9,688 9,683 9,688 5505 Gas 558 204 1,930 1,930 1,930 5506 Water / Sewer 1,918 469 245 245 245 5509 Audits / Contracts 172,948 94,266 80,244 80,244 80,244 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 18,725 12,387 24,480 24,480 24,480 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 5,118 6,400 12,262 12,262 12,262 scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 5,100 6,150 6,000 6,000 6,000 5513 Copier Costs 1,612 1,755 1,755 1,755 5514 External Printing 5,076 5,000 5,00) 5,000 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,639 3,000 3,000 3,000 5500 SERVICES 232,820 145,691 151,904 151,904 151,904 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5601 Liability / Comp. Insurance 5602 Elections 5603 Legal Advertising 5604 Other 5600 SUNDRY 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6900 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CITY MANAGER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-11 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6,614 7,775 15,698 15,698 15,698 4,125 3,983 8,900 8,900 8,900 3,317 2,703 3,100 3,100 3,100 1,854 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19,699 2,000 2,000 2,000 15,910 34,160 29,698 29,698 29,698 21,361 9,487 133 580 580 580 325 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21,686 9,620 580 580 580 21 22 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-12 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1. Administers group insurance, reviews claims, monitors payments and oversees retirement program. 2. Assesses training needs and develops in-house programs. 3. Supervises and seeks improvements for recruiting, screening and pre -employment checks. 4. Administers pay plan; performs market studies; evaluates position changes; maintains job descriptions; does salaries and benefits for budget; monitors performance evaluations. GDALS To provide the City with the motivated and qualified staff that will meet the needs and expectations of the City and its citizens. To best satisfy the needs of all employees in order to retain a highly qualified and productive staff. OBJECTIVES 1. Conduct, review, monitor and reassess the needs of employees through surveys, claim reviews, policy reassessment and studies. 2. Develop training programs and resources that will enhance productivity and safety. 3. Develop reliable recruitment sources, improve pre -employment screening, and provide help to supervisors in making selections. 4. Conduct market surveys, job analyses, and job evaluations. Monitor performance evaluation for consistency and manuals for relevance. City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-12 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 -1987 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 94,705 106,062 116,337 38,780 155,117 116,709 5200 SUPPLIES 4,417 2,526 3,051 100 3,151 3,051 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 285 747 591 591 591 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 13,998 16,578 16,895 650 17,545 16,895 5600 SUNDRY 1,494 1,673 3,989 3,989 3,989 OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114,899 127,586 140,863 39,530 180,393 141,235 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT 2,879 6,217 7,300 7,300 3,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,879 6,217 7,300 7,300 3,600 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 117,778 133,803 140,863 46,830 187,693 144,835 23 24 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Administration Personnel 01-12 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Personnel Director30 0 1 1 1 0 34,584 34,584 34,584 Risk/Safety Mgr. 23 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 20,292 20,292 0 Personnel Manager 26 1 0 0 0 30,072 0 0 0 Asst. Pers. Dir. 24 0 1 1 1 0 22,776 22,776 22,776 Asst. Pers. Mgr. 24 1 0 0 0 20,556 0 0 0 Admin. Secretary 19 1 1 1 1 16,416 17,724 17,724 17,724 Switch Board Op 16 1 1 1 1 12,228 13,152 13,152 13,152 Personnel Clerk 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12,744 12,744 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 4 4 4 2 4 79,272 88,236 33,036 121,272 88,236 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 3. Merit 1 1 2,419 4,730 4,730 4,730 4. Promotion Ihcreas6s TOTAL OTHER 10,419 12,730 0 12,730 12,730 TOTAL REGULAR S E 4 4 4 2 4 89,691 100,966 33,036 134,002 100,966 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 2. FICA 6,397 7,218 2,362 9,580 7,218 3. Retirement 3,889 4,648 1,652 6,300 4,648 4. Workmen's Compensation 100 145 50 195 145 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Administration Personnel 01-12 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 6. Group Insurance 3,360 3,360 1,680 5,040 3,732 7. Longevity I 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER COMPENSATION 13,746 15,371 5,744 21,115 15,743 GRAND TOTAL 4 4 4 2 4 103,437 116,337 38,780 155,117 116,709 25 26 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-12 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 2,042 1,835 2,200 100 2,300 2,200 5202 Postage 558 487 400 400 400 5208 Educational 221 221 221 5211 Freight 44 80 60 60 60 5212 Reproduction / 1,666 124 20 20 20 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 107 150 150 150 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,417 2,526 3,051 100 3,151 3,051 5401 Office 285 747 591 591 591 5400 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 285 747 591 591 591 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-12 1 2 3 4 7 TOTAL g OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET IC DG T SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 2,605 22 5503 Telephone 1,841 2,793 2,500 2,500 2,500 5504 Electric 459 3,454 3,965 3,965 3,965 5505 Gas 11 270 280 280 280 5506 Water / Sewer 10 34 36 36 36 5509 Audits / Contracts 3,080 2,176 3,100 3,100 3,100 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 5,565 5,230 4,500 500 5,000 4,500 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 427 790 608 150 758 608 scriptions 55T3 Copier Costs 497 650 650 650 5514 External Printing 56 214 214 214 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,256 1,042 1,042 1,042 5500 SERVICES 13,998 16,578 16,895 650 17,545 16,895 27 28 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-12 1 2 3 4 6 7 TOTAL g OBJECT JECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BU GET SUPPLED EMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 -1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 370 995 1,989 1,989 1,989 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 1,124 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 678 2,000 2,000 2,000 5600 SUNDRY 1,494 1,673 3,989 3,989 3,989 6901 Office 1,059 6,217 7,300 7,300 3,600 6902 Machinery / Tools 1,820 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 2,879 6,217 7,300 7,300 3,600 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-13 Legal ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Legal Department is involved in litigation, both in pursuing and defending the same. The priority has been on the defense of litigation because of the amounts involved. The role of the Legal Department is also to provide legal advice to the Staff, Council, and various Boards. The Staff actively participates in easement acquisitions, which also includes condemnation proceedings. e�• Provide cost effective, accurate and up-to-date legal service and advice to the Staff, Council and various Boards. OBJECTIVES 1. Address litigation in-house as much as possible. 2. Provide timely preparation of documents. 3. Advise Council and staff as to best legal posture for the City. 29 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 30 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY 3 ACTUAL 1984-1985 110,737 9,605 2,607 LEGAL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-13 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 -1987 145,085 154,125 154,125 154,629 5,330 8,215 8,215 8,215 2,977 1,700 1,700 1,700 51,458 75,081 76,608 76,608 76,608 2,123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,218 5,010 5,010 5,010 176,530 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 231,691 245,658 245,658 246,162 11,113 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 533 6,500 6,500 11,113 533 6,500 6,500 GRAND TOTAL 187,643 232,224 245,658 6,500 252,158 246,162 DEPARTMENT Administration CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Legal 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED City Attorney 30 1 1 1 1 Ass't City Atty 25 1 1 1 1 Legal Asst. II/ Office Manager 23 0 1 1 1 Right -of -Way Ag-:. 22 1 1 1 1 Legal Asst. II 19 1 0 0 0 Legal Asst. I 17 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 5 5 5 5 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S r 5 5 5 5 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation DIVISION NUMBER 01-13 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 30,600 33,300 33,300 33,300 22,140 24,000 24,000 24,000 0 21,864 21,864 21,864 24,876 25,944 25,944 25,944 17,136 0 0 0 12,252 12,492 12,492 12,492 107,004 117,600 117,600 117,600 0 0 0 0 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 3,437 5,774 5,774 5,774 0 0 0 0 11,437 131774 13,774 13,774 118,441 131,374 131,374 131,374 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 8,454 9,393 9,393 9,393 5,260 6,169 6,169 6,169 103 189 189 189 31 32 DEPARTMENT Administration CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Legal 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER ENSAT=ON GRAND TOOTAL 5 5 5 5 DIVISION NUMBER 01-13 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,704 0 0 0 0 20,817 22,751 22,751 23,255 139,258 154,125 154,125 154,629 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT LEGAL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-13 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 1,826 1,547 2,200 2,200 2,200 5202 Postage 1,220 922 1,200 1,200 1,200 5204 Gas / Oil 1,637 522 215 215 215 5208 Educational 4,024 1,808 4,000 4,000 4,000 5211 Freight 150 268 300 300 300 5212 Reproduction / 665 121 200 200 200 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 83 142 100 100 100 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9,605 5,330 8,215 8,215 8,215 5401 Office 2,515 2,845 1,500 1,500 1,500 5404 Motor Vehicles 92 132 200 200 200 5400 MAINTENANCE : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,607 2,977 1,700 1,700 1,700 EQUIPMENT 33 34 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT LEGAL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-13 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 -1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 1,436 103 150 150 150 5503 Telephone 2,370 2,834 2,750 2,750 2,750 5504 Electric 925 2,847 3,232 3,232 3,232 5505 Gas 23 68 645 645 645 5506 Water / Sewer 21 41 81 81 81 5508 Attorneys Fees / 40,176 43,929 54,000 54,000 54,000 Court Costs 5509 Audits / Contracts 1,746 11,413 4,000 4,000 4,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 3,150 4,798 5,400 5,400 5,400 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 853 4,968 1,500 1,500 1,500 scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 758 654 650 650 650 5513 Copier Costs 2,403 2,800 2,800 17 5514 External Printing 708 1,000 1,000 `,000 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 315 400 400 400 5500 SERVICES 51,458 75,081 76,608 76,608 76,608 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5601 5603 5600 6901 6900 CLASSIFICATION Liability / Comp. Insurance Legal Advertising SUNDRY Office EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS LEGAL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-13 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,377 2,537 4,610 4,610 4,610 746 681 400 400 400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,123 3,218 5,010 5,010 5,010 11,113 533 6,500 6,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,113 533 6,500 6,500 35 36 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-14 Erxmgy ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1. Load management program. 2. College Station Independent School District's Energy Education Program. 3. Building Energy Surveys. 4. Public Awareness of Energy Conservation. 5. Infrared Survey. GDALS Keep the City's peak demand as well as year round consumption as low as possible through public awareness and educational programs. 1. Use advertising, seminars and mailings to motivate citizens to reduce electricity consumption, especially during the peak demand period. 2. Develop and help implement an energy education course in local schools. 3. Provide energy analysis and surveys for homeowners, small and medium commercial accounts, and homes on the selling market. 4. Make citizens aware of all programs. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY 3 ACTUAL 1984-1985 32,749 6,504 352 ENERGY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-14 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 -1987 53,873 43,996 17,716 61,712 44,200 6,688 9,618 9,618 9,618 196 709 709 709 10,367 6,084 8,669 8,669 8,669 4,636 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 626 1,980 1,980 1,980 54,608 67,467 64,972 17,716 82,688 65,176 6,199 732 10,649 10,649 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,199 732 10,649 10,649 60,807 68,199 64,972 28,365 93,337 65,176 37 38 DEPARTMENT Administration CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Energy 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED Energy Specialist 21 1 1 1 1 Energy Auditors/ Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 2 2 2 1 2 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion ILeas s TOTAL OTHER 1 2 TOTAL REGULAR S E 2 2 2 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insrance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER ENSAT-ON GRAND TOTAL I 2 2 2 1 2 DIVISION NUMBER 01-14 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 17,436 19,956 19,956 19,956 12,252 13,728 14,196 27,924 13,728 29,688 33,684 14,196 47,880 33,684 0 0 0 0 8,400 0 0 0 1,273 1,775 1,775 1,775 9,673 1,775 0 1,775 1,775 39,361 35,459 14,196 49,655 35,459 2,500 2,500 0 2,500 2,500 2,814 2,534 1,015 3,549 2,534 1,481 1,772 710 2,482 1,772 50 51 955 1,006 51 0 0 0 0 0 1,680 1,680 840 2,520 1,884 0 0 0 0 0 8,525 8,537 3,520 12,057 8,741 47,886 43,996 17,716 61,712 44,200 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT ENERGY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-14 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 828 1,029 1,250 1,250 1,250 5202 Postage 336 427 500 500 500 5203 Clothing 100 100 100 5204 Gas / Oil 870 522 268 268 268 5205 Minor Tools 113 321 300 300 300 5208 Educational 3,006 4,080 6,500 6,500 6,500 5211 Freight 175 196 250 250 250 5212 Reproduction / 934 52 200 200 200 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 242 61 250 250 250 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,504 6,688 9,618 9,618 9,618 39 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 40 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ENERGY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-14 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTA L 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 164 173 209 209 209 173 300 300 300 15 23 200 200 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 352 196 709 709 709 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT ENERGY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-14 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 3,131 35 150 150 150 5503 Telephone 1,160 1,013 1,155 1,155 1,155 5504 Electric 1,300 1,511 1,735 1,735 1,735 5505 Gas 118 125 125 125 5506 Water / Sewer 353 16 18 18 18 5509 Audits / Contracts 252 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 2,561 1,181 2,000 2,000 2,000 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 1,610 1,095 1,461 1,461 1,461 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 569 675 675 675 5514 External Printing 48 350 350 350 5515 Internal Printing 498 1,000 1,000 1,000 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10,367 6,084 8,669 8,669 8,669 41 42 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT ENERGY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-14 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1984 -1985 ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET REQUEST 1986 - 1987 APPROVED 1986 - 1987 GROUP 5601 Liability / Comp. 845 626 880 880 880 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 3,791 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,100 1,100 1,100 5600 SUNDRY 4,636 626 1,980 1,980 1,980 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6904 Motor Vehicles 6900 EQUIPMENT 6,140 732 59 149 149 10,500 10,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,199 732 10,649 10,649 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-15 tbmunity Center ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for management of the Community Center's budget and staff including office operations, building use and maintenance, as well as promotion of special events that are of community -wide value. To provide citizens and tourists with a well managed and maintained facility for meetings, socials and exhibits as well as special events initiated by the City. OBJECTIVES 1. Maintain a good public image for the City through provision of appLIJI.Liate facilities. 2. Promote general goodwill through representation in various community -wide efforts. 3. Promote special events that are of community -wide value. 4. Keep building well maintained. 43 44 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-15 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 79,990 87,354 92,357 92,357 92,657 5200 SUPPLIES 11,844 6,830 9,334 9,334 9,334 5300 MAINTENANCE : 5,271 1,592 3,000 3,000 3,000 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 1,643 1,900 1,966 1,966 1,966 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 39,111 45,017 46,543 46,543 46,543 5600 SUNDRY 371 1,660 2,870 2,870 2,870 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138,230 144,353 156,070 156,070 156,370 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / 9,601 STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT 10,742 1,234 1,718 1,718 1,718 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 20,343 1,234 1,718 1,718 1,718 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 158,573 145,587 156,070 .1,718 157,788 158,088 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Administration Community Center 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 CURRENT JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 Community Center Director 24 1 1 1 1 Admin. Secretary 19 1 1 1 1 Bldg. Mtn. Sup. 19 1 1 1 1 Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 4 4 4 4 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creas TOTAL OTHER L TOTAL REGULAR S 4 4 4 4 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity 'DOTAL OTHER ENSAT ON GRAND TOTAL 1 1 4 4 4 4 5 6 PROPOSED BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL 1986-87 1986-87 DIVISION NUMBER 01-15 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 24,936 26,280 26,280 26,280 16,380 18,024 18,024 18,024 16,272 17,244 17,244 17,244 13,344 14,304 14,304 14,304 70,932 75,852 75,852 75,852 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,457 3,400 3,400 3,400 0 0 0 0 2,457 3,400 3,400 3,400 73,389 79,252 79,252 79,252 0 0 0 0 5,249 5,667 5,667 5,667 3,499 3,963 3,963 3,963 271 115 115 115 0 0 0 0 3,360 3,360 3,360 3,660 0 0 0 0 12,379 13,105 13,105 13,405 85,768 92,357 92,357 92,657 45 46 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-15 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 -1987 5201 Office 1,046 545 1,000 1,000 1,000 5202 Postage 586 306 450 450 450 5204 Gas / Oil 150 522 134 134 134 5205 Minor Tools 195 148 250 250 250 5206 Cleaning 2,836 3,044 3,000 3,000 3,000 5207 Chemical / Medical 13 100 100 100 5208 Educational 132 100 100 100 5209 Botanical / 1,582 95 1,500 1,500 1,500 Agricultural 5211 Freight 189 120 200 200 200 5212 Reproduction / 2,394 15 100 100 100 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 2,866 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,890 2,500 2,500 2,500 5200 SUPPLIES 11,844 6,830 9,334 9,334 9,334 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT - GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5301 Building 5308 Grounds 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5404 Motor Vehicles 5406 Heating / Air Conditioning 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS COMMUNITY CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-15 3 4 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL $APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL C B UPPLEMENTAL BASIC BUDGET REQUEST 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 4,927 1,179 2,500 2,500 2,500 344 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 413 500 500 500 5,271 1,592 3,000 3,000 3,000 1,148 1,108 1,316 1,316 1,316 148 340 300 300 300 27 84 250 250 250 320 368 100 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,643 1,900 1,966 1,966 1,966 47 48 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-15 1 2 3 4 PROPOSED 7 $APPROVED OBJECT ACTUALBASIC ACTUAL B BUDGET UPPLEMENTAL REQUEST GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 197 1 260 260 260 5503 Telephone 1,163 1,811 1,920 1,920 1,920 5504 Electric 21,643 24,724 24,727 24,727 24,727 5506 Water / Sewer 2,156 2,223 3,201 3,201 3,201 5509 Audits / Contracts 13,117 14,005 13,815 13,815 13,815 /Special Studies 5510 Training/ Seminars 435 1,419 1,400 1,400 1,400 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 133 121 120 120 120 scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 267 262 300 300 300 5513 Copier Costs 214 250 250 250 5514 External Printing 105 300 300 300 5515 Internal Printing 132 250 250 250 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39,111 45,017 46,543 46,543 46,543 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-15 1 Z 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 231 889 1,270 1,270 1,270 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 140 771 1,500 1,500 1,500 5604 Other 100 100 100 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 371 1,660 2,870 2,870 2,870 6801 Buildings 9,601 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6800 BUILDINGS / 9,601 STRUCTURES 49 50 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-15 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6901 Office 9,854 1,234 1,018 1,018 1,018 6902 Machinery / Tools 888 700 700 700 / Equ ipr-nt 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10,742 1,234 1,718 1,718 1,718 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-16 Printing/Mail ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1. Responsible for doing all in-house printing as well as layouts for special print jobs. 2. Responsible for collection and distribution of mail within the city offices. 3. Responsible for microfilm capture, processing and storage. GDALS To print and layout projects, collect and distribute mail, capture, process and store microfilm in an efficient, effective and professional manner. 1. To reproduce, bind, collate, staple and layout material for City departments in a manner that provides a quality product. 2. To ensure rapid and accurate distribution of mail and interdepartmental correspondence. 3. To maintain easy access to records and documentation. 51 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 52 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY PRINTING / MAIL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-16 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 53,597 59,965 63,623 63,623 63,839 2,282 2,260 2,205 2,205 2,205 2,033 5,157 4,434 4,434 4,434 3,517 6,050 8,038 8,038 8,038 525 637 997 997 997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61,954 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74,069 79,297 79,297 79,513 9,788 34,379 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9,788 34,379 GRAND TOTAL 71,742 108,448 79,297 79,297 79,513 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Administration Printing/Mail 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Printing Coord. 23 1 1 1 1 21,324 22,884 Printing Ass't 18 1 1 1 1 14,928 16,008 Mail/Microfilm Clerk 17 1 1 1 1 12,252 13,272 TOTAL FULL, TIME 3 3 3 3 48,504 52,164 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 3. Merit 1,512 2,070 4. Promotion I creas 0 0 TOTAL OTHER LI 1,512 2,070 TOTAL REGULAR S 3 3 3 3 50,016 54,234 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 200 200 2. FICA 3,571 3,878 3. Retirement 2,382 2,712 4. Workmen's Ccxnpensation 47 79 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 6. Group Insurance 2,520 2,520 7. Longevit 0 0 TOTAL OTHER "LSAT -ON 8,720 9,389 GRAND TOTAL 1 3 3 3 3 58,736 63,623 DIVISION NUMBER 01-16 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 22,884 22,884 16,008 16,008 13,272 13,272 52,164 52,164 0 0 0 0 2,070 2,070 0 0 2,070 2,070 54,234 54,234 200 200 3,878 3,878 2,712 2,712 79 79 0 0 2,520 2,736 0 0 9,389 9,605 63,623 63,839 53 54 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PRINTING / MAIL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-16 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 849 1,254 1,500 1,500 1,500 5202 Postage 6 4 20 20 20 5203 Clothing 80 50 50 50 5204 Gas / Oil 769 552 215 215 215 5205 Minor Tools 65 51 50 50 50 5207 Chemical / Medical 165 91 100 100 100 5211 Freight 67 102 50 50 50 5212 Reproduction / 16 20 20 20 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 265 206 200 200 200 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,282 2,260 2,205 2,205 2,205 5401 Office 2,000 5,143 4,384 4,384 4,384 5404 Motor Vehicles 33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 50 50 50 5400 MAINTENANCE : 2,033 5,157 4,434 4,434 4,434 EQUIPMENT ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5501 5503 5504 5505 5506 5510 5511 5513 5514 5515 5500 CLASSIFICATION Rental of Equipment Telephone Electric Gas Water / Sewer Training / Seminars / Travel Memberships / Sub- scriptions Copier Costs External Printing Internal Printing SERVICES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PRINTING / MAIL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-16 3 4 SED % TOTAL g ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SGUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 85 50 10 10 10 743 773 750 750 750 3,266 .3,750 3,750 3,750 17 255 265 265 265 36 33 33 33 2,582 1,160 2,600 2,600 2,600 90 474 520 520 520 10 50 50 50 9 10 10 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 50 50 50 3,517 6,050 8,038 8,038 8,038 55 56 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT PRINTING / MAIL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-16 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 -1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 466 631 897 897 897 Insurance 5604 Other 59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 100 100 100 5600 SUNDRY 525 637 997 997 997 6901 Office 383 21,142 6902 Machinery / Tools 920 13,237 / Equipment 6904 Motor Vehicles 8,485 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 9,788 34,379 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY LIBRARY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-17 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 30,000 147,685 147,685 147,685 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,112 1,112 1,112 30,100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148,797 148,797 148,797 30,100 148,797 148,797 148,797 57 58 DEPARTMENT Administration CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Library 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED Librarian 23 1 0 0 0 Clerk 16 2 0 0 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 3 0 0 0 Part -Time Janitor 14 0.5 0 0 0 TOTAL PART --TIME 0.5 0 0 0 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion ILeas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S 3.5 0 0 0 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity I GRAND TOTAL 1 1 3.5 0 0 0 DIVISION NUMBER 01-17 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 19,500 0 0 0 22,608 0 0 0 42,108 0 0 0 4,555 0 0 0 4,555 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46,663 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,290 0 0 0 1,937 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 0 0 0 2,520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,875 0 0 0 54,538 0 0 0 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT LIBRARY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-17 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5503 Telephone 2,500 2,500 2,500 5504 Electric 2,551 2,551 2,551 5506 Water / Sewer 316 316 316 5509 Audits / Contracts 30,000 142,318 142,318 142,318 /Special Studies 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30,000 147,685 147,685 147,685 59 60 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT LIBRARY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-17 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 -1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 100 1,112 1,112 1,112 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 100 1,112 1,112 1,112 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-44 Itmicipal Court ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Receive and docket traffic and parking citation, class "C" Misdemeanor and City ordinance complaints; document and maintain disposition records; issue warrants, subpoenas, summons, courtesy cards, conviction notices and City Sales Licenses; attend court sessions; perform all duties prescribed by State Law. Answer the telephone and transmit calls to various departments; greet public and direct them to departments. Support magistrate functions of the Municipal Judge --setting bonds, determining indigency and defendants release questions. To maintain a functional office and pleasant atmosphere while providing "due process" to all citizens. OBJECTIVES 1. To complete all complaints issued daily. 2. To compile court dockets for court sessions without error and in a timely manner. 3. To maintain complete and accurate records of pending cases and of final disposition. 4. Th answer questions and schedule court cases in a timely manner. 5. To obtain 100% accuracy on warrants, complaints, and court dockets. 6. To issue City Sales licenses as needed. 7. Zb process papers relating to the Magistrate functions --bonds, indigency determination. 61 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 62 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY MUNICIPAL COURT DIVISION _DIVISION NIIARFR 01-44 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 -1987 97,122 92,217 98,841 15,151 113,992 99,177 7,441 4,086 8,850 8,850 8,850 1,067 100 100 100 189 1,353 2,147 2,147 2,147 22,846 33,296 51,831 51,831 51,831 716 758 1,559 1,559 1,559 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 128,314 132,777 163,328 15,151 178,479 163,664 510 5,046 6,264 6,264 315 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 510 5,046 6,264 6,264 315 128,824 137,823 163,328 21,415 184,743 163,979 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Police Municipal Court 01-44 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Municipal Court Clerk 23 1 1 1 1 19,500 22,344 22,344 22,344 Asst. Court Clerk 19 1 1 1 1 14,952 16,776 16,776 16,776 Court Clerk Typist 17 3 3 3 1 3 36,756 37,476 12,744 50,220 37,476 TOTAL FULL TIME 5 5 5 1 5 71,208 76,596 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3,000 3,000 3. Merit 1,581 2,553 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 4,581 5,553 TOTAL REGULAR Si E 5 5 5 1 5 75,789 82,149 12,744 89,340 76,596 0 0 3,000 3,000 2,553 2,553 0 0 0 5,553 5,553 12,744 94,893 82,149 63 64 DEPARTMENT Police CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Municipal Court 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER ENSAT_ON GRAND TOTAL 5 5 5 1 5 DIVISION NUMBER 01-44 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 1,700 1,700 0 1,700 1,700 5,391 5,710 911 6,621 5,710 3,453 3,958 637 4,595 3,958 68 124 19 143 124 600 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 4,200 4,200 840 5,040 4,536 0 0 0 0 0 15,412 16,692 2,407 19,099 17,028 91,201 98,841 15,151 113,992 99,177 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL COURT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-44 1 2 3 4 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 2,965 3,001 5,500 5,500 5,500 5202 Postage 885 2,500 2,500 2,500 5208 Educational 28 144 50 50 50 5211 Freight 4 7 100 100 100 5212 Reproduction / 4,083 400 400 400 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 361 49 300 300 300 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,441 4,086 8,850 8,850 8,850 5301 Building 1,067 100 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5300 MAINTENANCE 1,067 100 100 100 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 65 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5406 Heating / Air Conditioning 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 66 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL COURT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-44 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 189 1,353 2,147 2,147 2,147 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 189 1,353 2,147 2,147 2,147 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL COURT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-44 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 -1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 5 5 240 240 240 5503 Telephone 1,412 2,600 2,600 2,600 5504 Electric 2,655 2,655 2,655 5506 Water / Sewer 41 41 41 5508 Attorneys Fees / 1,500 1,500 1,500 Court Costs 5509 Audits / Contracts 21,878 29,490 37,260 37,260 37,260 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 928 1,334 2,200 2,200 2,200 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 35 70 75 75 75 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 960 960 960 5514 External Printing 533 3,500 3,500 3,500 5515 Internal Printing 452 800 800 800 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22,846 33,296 51,831 51,831 51,831 67 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 OBJECT GROUP 5601 5600 6901 6900 2 CLASSIFICATION City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL COURT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-44 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 Liability / Comp. 716 758 1,559 1,559 1,559 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 716 758 1,559 1,559 1,559 Office 510 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,046 6,264 6,264 315 EQUIPMENT 510 5,046 6,264 6,264 315 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Teen Center is a recreation facility for youths in the 6th-8th grades. Activities include television, video games, dancing, ping pong, and snack machines. Future activities will include pool tables and possible youth oriented classes. To provide an activity center for youth that is adult supervised but also run by an advisory board of youth who reconv end policy, procedure and activities. OBJECTIVES 1. The youth board is also responsible for fund raising for furnishings and equipment for the Center. 2. Teach responsibility and citizenship to students by participation in their own youth center. 3. Provide a wholesome recreation facility for youth who choose an alternative to the alcohol and drug route of socializing and recreation. SJ 70 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT TEEN CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-85 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 -1987 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 1,434 823 1,620 1,620 1,620 5300 MAINTENANCE : 35 247 380 380 380 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 58 450 450 450 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 7,093 15,010 21,258 21,258 21,258 5600 SUNDRY 47 67 67 67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8,562 16,185 23,775 23,775 23,775 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 8,562 16,185 23,775 23,775 23,775 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5201 5202 5203 5205 5206 5207 5208 5211 5212 5200 CLASSIFICATION Office Postage Clothing Minor Tools Cleaning Chemical / Medical Educational Freight Reproduction / Printing SUPPLIES 5301 Building 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS TEEN CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-85 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 198 80 100 100 100 24 78 100 100 100 200 200 200 102 4 100 100 100 1,085 365 780 780 780 26 50 50 50 20 263 150 150 150 7 40 40 40 5 100 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,434 823 1,620 1,620 1,620 35 247 380 380 380 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 247 380 380 380 71 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5406 Heating / Air Conditioning 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 72 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS TEEN CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-85 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 50 50 50 300 300 300 58 100 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 450 450 450 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT TEEN CENTER DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-85 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 102 200 200 200' 5503 Telephone 87 616 643 643 643 5504 Electric 3,651 4,860 5,225 5,225 5,225 5509 Audits / Contracts 3,253 9,442 14,640 14,640 14,640 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 250 250 250 / Travel 5511 Memberships /-Sub- 64 100 100 100 scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 100 100 100 5515 Internal Printing 28 100 100 100 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,093 15,010 21,258 21,258 21,258 5601 Liability / Comp. 47 67 67 67 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 47 67 67 67 73 74 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-20 Fiscal Administration ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsibilities include general supervision of City departments in support of the City Manager: Developing and managing all financial operations including accounting, reporting, utility billing, purchasing, warehousing, data processing, meter services, risk management, debt management, cash management, operational and capital improvements budgeting; research and development of special systems. c�• To provide supervision and support for all departments in a manner that will assist them in delivering services to our community as required by the City Council. OBJECTIVES 1. To aid the City Manager and City Council in the formulation and implementation of the goals and objectives of the City of College Station. 2. Tb provide supervision as necessary. 3. To assist in long and short range planning. 4. To provide a viable financial vehicle through which each department can achieve its goals. 5. To research and develop special systems as necessary. City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY FINANCE DEPARTMENT FISCAL ADMIN. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-20 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 101,770 88,042 93,235 93,235 93,547 5200 SUPPLIES 2,481 1,049 2,050 2,050 2,050 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 1,397 463 1,058 1,058 1,058 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 19,129 17,456 22,766 22,766 22,766 5600 SUNDRY 969 1,541 2,974 2,974 2,974 OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125,746 108,551 122,083 122,083 122,395 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT 375 458 CAPITAL OUTLAY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 375 458 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 126,121 109,009 122,083 122,083 122,395 75 76 DEPARTMENT Finance 1 2 3 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES DIVISION Fiscal Administration JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED Asst. City Mgr. 33 1 1 1 1 Admin. Assistant 20 0 1 1 1 Admin. Secretary 19 1 0 0 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 2 2 2 2 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR SE 2 2 2 2 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON GRAND TOTAL 2 2 2 2 DIVISION NUMBER 01-20 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 57,492 60,072 60,072 60,072 0 18,768 18,768 18,768 16,452 0 0 0 73,944 78,840 78,840 78,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,843 2,690 2,690 2,690 0 0 0 0 1,843 2,690 2,690 2,690 75,787 81,530 81,530 81,530 0 0 0 0 5,409 5,829 5,829 5,829 3,606 4,077 4,077 4,077 71 119 119 119 0 0 0 0 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,992 0 0 0 0 10,766 11,705 11,705 12,017 86,553 93,235 93,235 93,547 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT FISCAL ADMIN. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-20 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 610 725 600 600 600 5202 Postage 312 175 400 400 400 5208 Educational 361 114 250 250 250 5211 Freight 16 5212 Reproduction / 1,143 700 700 700 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 39 35 100 100 100 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,481 1,049 2,050 2,050 2,050 5401 Office 1,397 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 463 1,058 1,058 1,058 5400 MAINTENANCE 1,397 463 1,058 1,058 1,058 EQUIPMENT 77 78 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT FISCAL ADMIN. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-20 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 2,484 23 100 100 100 5503 Telephone 1,410 1,289 1,480 1,480 1,480 5504 Electric 2,197 1,072 1,232 1,232 1,232 5505 Gas 210 83 90 90 90 5506 Water / Sewer 72 11 14 14 14 5510 Training / Seminars 7,224 5,017 6,500 6,500 6,500 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 732 1,060 1,000 1,000 1,000 scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 4,800 4,400 4,800 4,800 4,800 5513 Copier Costs 497 550 550 550 5514 External Printing 345 2,000 2,000 2,000 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,659 5,000 5,000 5,000 5500 SERVICES 19,129 17,456 22,766 22,766 22,766 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT FISCAL ADMIN. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-20 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 791 1,353 2,524 2,524 2,524 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 178 42 250 250 250 5604 Other 146 200 200 200 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 969 1,541 2,974 2,974 2,974 6901 Office 375 458 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 375 458 79 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-21 A00ounting ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The accounting activity is responsible for the processing, recording and reporting of all financial transactions involving the general ledger, accounts payable, debt service management, budget management, investments, and various projects including capital improvements, Community Development and Revenue Sharing. In addition, this division assists with the preparation of the annual audit and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, prepares reports for City Council, and processes the weekly and semi-monthly payrolls. To provide timely and accurate monthly and quarterly reports to all departments and City Council. To ensure appropriate uses of all funds and idle cash through budget control, investments, and financial assistance to department heads. To ensure timely and accurate processing of payroll checks and all payroll related reports. OBJECTIVES 1. Provide departments with monthly financial reports by the 10th of the month. 2. Complete quarterly financial reports by the 15th of the following month. 3. Keep idle funds 100% invested. 4. Complete all expenditures input by the 2nd working day after month end. 5. Complete and enter all Journal entries by the 6th working day after month end. 6. Process all payments within 5 working days of receipt of invoice/statement. 7. Complete each payroll so that checks are ready for distribution by 10:00 a.m. on the pay date. 8. Provide assistance to all department heads in financial matters when needed. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ACCOUNTING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-21 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 192,805 151,588 159,299 159,299 159,827 6,411 4,240 6,600 6,600 6,600 3,023 2,493 796 796 796 86,291 65,420 73,533 73,533 73,533 305 796 1,232 1,232 1,232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 288,835 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224,537 241,460 241,460 241,988 3,233 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,668 3,100 3,100 3,233 3,668 3,100 3,100 292,068 228,205 241,460 3,1,00 244,560 241,988 81 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Finance Accounting 01-21 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Accounting Supv. 26 0 1 1 1 0 25,500 25,500 25,500 Accountant II 23 1 0 0 0 19,500 0 0 0 Accountant I 22 0 1 1 1 0 22,344 22,344 22,344 Accountant I 21 1 0 0 0 20,748 0 0 0 Accounting Asst. 19 0 1 1 1 0 15,252 15,252 15,252 Payroll Manager 19 0 1 1 1 0 18,636 18,636 18,636 Payroll Tech 19 1 0 0 0 16,992 0 0 0 Snr. Acct. Cler 18 3 3 3 3 44,112 46,788 46,788 46,788 TOTAL FULL TIME 6 7 7 7 101,352 128,520 128,520 128,520 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 2,815 4,986 4,986 4,986 4. Promotion I creas 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 2,815 4,986 4,986 4,986 TOTAL REGULAR S E. 6 7 7 7 104,167 133,506 133,506 133,506 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 6,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 2. FICA 7,429 9,545 9,545 9,545 3. Retirement 4,953 6,675 6,675 6,675 4. Worknen's Compensation 97 193 193 193 5. Unemployment Compensation 1,632 2,000 2,000 2,003 6. Group Insurance 5,040 5,880 5,880 6,403 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT ON 25,151 25,793 25,793 26,321 GRAND TOTAL 6 7 7 7 129,318 159,299 159,299 159,827 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-21 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 3,045 1,993 2,640 2,640 2,640 5202 Postage 2,232 1,989 2,310 2,310 2,310 5204 Gas / Oil 225 5208 Educational 48 47 50 50 50 5211 Freight 23 3 25 25 25 5212 Reproduction / 650 160 1,500 1,500 1,500 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 188 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 75 75 75 5200 SUPPLIES 6,411 4,240 6,600 6,600 6,600 5401 Office 3,023 2,493 796 796 796 5400 MAINTENANCE : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,023 2,493 796 796 796 EQUIPMENT 83 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5501 Rental of Equipment 5503 Telephone 5504 Electric 5505 Gas 5506 Water / Sewer 5509 Audits / Contracts /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 5514 External Printing 5515 Internal Printing 5500 SERVICES 84 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ACCOUNTING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-21 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,572 43 50 50 50 4,762 3,761 4,940 4,940 4,940 4,679 4,613 5,296 5,296 5,296 520 360 375 375 375 160 54 45 45 45 70,986 49,563 55,240 55,240 55,240 3,151 4,808 5,000 5,000 5,000 461 512 512 512 512 807 950 950 950 506 900 900 900 393 225 225 225 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86,291 65,420 73,533 73,533 73,533 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-21 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 305 796 1,232 1,232 1,232 Insurance 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 305 796 1,232 1,232 1,232 6901 Office 1,253 923 3,100 3,100 6902 Machinery / Tools 1,980 2,745 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 30-233 3,668 3,100 3,100 85 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-22 Tax/Tkeasuzy ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Treasury division is responsible for the preparation and collection of all taxes, both current and delinquent. The Treasury office also collects funds for all other taxes and issues all licenses. The Treasury division also processes the billing and collection of all accounts receivable for the City with the exception of utility accounts. The Treasury division is responsible for ensuring that all monies collected by the City are properly deposited and recorded. To maintain an efficient accounts receivable function. OBJECTIVES 1. Ensure that appraisal roll received fram Appraisal District by august 15. Ensure that tax statements are received fran Ad Valorem Records, Inc. by September 15. Have statements ready to mail by October 1. 2. Collect 97% of current taxes in current year and 2% in year two and the balance by year five. 3. Receive payment and issue license to each applicable business 10 days prior to the license expiration date. 4. Issue all tax certificates within 5 days of the request. 5. Provide monthly report to Council by the 15th day of the month. 6. Deposit all monies collected each day. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY 3 ACTUAL 1984-1985 30,598 5,922 163 TAX DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-22 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL g ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 96,850 98,955 98,955 99,279 5,755 4,600 4,600 4,600 482 682 682 682 63,560 69,835 73,723 73,723 73,723 1,955 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 805 1,693 1,693 1,693 102,198 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 173,727 179,653 179,653 179,977 148 2,491 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148 2,491 102,346 176,218 179,653 179,653 179,977 87 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Finance Tax/Treasury 01-22 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Deputy Fin. Dir. 28 1 1 1 1 39,300 39,960 39,960 39,960 Snr. Acct. Clerk 18 2 2 2 2 29,724 26,976 26,976 26,976 Int. Acct. Clerk 17 1 1 1 1 12,252 12,744 12,744 12,744 TOTAL FULL TIME 4 4 4 4 81,276 79,680 79,680 79,680 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 6,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3. Merit 1,198 1,509 1,509 1,509 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 7,698 5,009 5,009 5,009 TOTAL REGULAR S E 4 4 4 4 88,974 84,689 84,689 84,689 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 1,000 600 600 600 2. FICA 6,309 6,055 6,055 6,055 3. Retirement 3,901 4,124 4,124 4,124 4. Workmen's Compensation 78 127 127 127 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0 0 6. Group Insurance 3,360 3,360 3;360 3,684 7. Longevity LSAT 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER ON 14,648 14,266 14,266 14,590 GRAND TOTAL 1 1 4 4 4 4 103,622 98,955 98,955 99,279 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT TAX DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-22 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 854 947 1,300 1,300 1,300 5202 Postage 2,594 3,405 2,500 2,500 2,500 5204 Gas / Oil 1,638 492 5208 Educational 162 462 400 400 400 5211 Freight 215 240 250 250 250 5212 Reproduction / 459 92 150 150 150 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 117 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,922 5,755 4,600 4,600 4,600 5401 Office 163 482 682 682 682 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE : 163 482 682 682 682 EQUIPMENT 89 90 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT TAX DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-22 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 617 61 5503 Telephone 878 1,538 1,578 1,578 1,578 5504 Electric 3,348 1,922 2,206 2,206 2,206 5505 Gas 205 150 160 160 160 5506 Water / Sewer 75 21 19 19 19 5508 Attorne:y's Fees / 70 25 150 150 150 Court Costs 5509 Audits / Contracts 56,425 61,259 65,000 65,000 65,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 1,295 2,481 2,950 2,950 2,950 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 647 848 460 460 460 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 1,060 1,050 1,050 `,050 5514 External Printing 303 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167 150 150 150 5500 SERVICES 63,560 69,835 73,723 73,723 73,723 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT TAX DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-22 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 688 805 1,293 1,293 1,293 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 1,267 400 400 400 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,955 805 1,693 1,693 1,693 6901 Office 148 909 6902 Machinery / Tools 1,582 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 148 2,491 91 92 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-23 Utilities ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Utilities division is responsible for billing, collecting and accounting for all utilities accounts. Strong emphasis is put on positive public relations. To bill all utility customers electrical, water, sewer and sanitation service in the most timely and accurate manner. To enforce all rules and regulations of the City billing ordinances in a tactful and professional manner. 1. Maintain billing accuracy level of 98%. 2. Provide training to all employees on billing procedures, rates, public relations and meter reading. 3. Hold accounts receivable bad debt to 1% per year. 4. Cashier balance daily with no errors 95% of the time. 5. Fairly enforce all billing and delinquent cut-off deadlines. 6. Encourage all employees to act as goodwill ambassadors when dealing with the public and other entities. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY UTILITIES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-23 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 423,921 447,172 474,512 474,512 475,944 50,115 45,016 53,698 53,698 53,698 793 186 3,219 7,864 6,711 6,711 6,711 38,242 37,617 36,217 36,217 36,217 1,857 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,371 5,683 5,683 5,683 518,147 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 541,226 576,821 576,821 578,253 9,618 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,279 7,200 7,200 9,618 4,279 7,200 7,200 527,765 545,505 576,821 7,200 584,021 578,253 93 94 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Finance Utilities 01-23 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Utilities Office Manager 27 1 1 1 1 33,408 35,976 35,976 35,976 Asst. Utilities Manager 24 1 1 1 1 22,692 25,128 25,128 25,128 Utilities Billing Supervisor 21 1 1 1 1 17,784 17,784 17,784 17,784 Util. Coll. sup . 21 1 1 1 1 17,784 17,784 17,784 17,784 Senior Account Clerk 18 3 3 3 3 46,884 51,108 51,108 51,108 Head Computer 18 1 1 1 1 17,796 19,680 19,680 19,680 Internal Records Coordinator , 18 1 1 1 1 14,160 15,540 15,540 15,540 Cust. Serv. Rep 18 3 3 3 3 40,932 45,324 45,324 45,324 Computer Op. II 17 1 0 0 0 12,492 0 0 0 Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 12,252 13,224 13,224 13,224 Intermediate Account Clerk 17 3 3 3 3 39,060 41,508 41,508 41,508 Account Clerk 16 6 6 6 6 68,400 71,400 71,400 71,400 Cpm uter Op. I 15 2 2 2 2 19,464 17,340 17,340 17,340 TOTAL FULL TIME 25 24 24 24 363,108 371,796 371,796 371,796 Part-time Account Clerk 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6,570 6,885 6,885 6,885 TOTAL PART-TIME 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 6,570 6,885 6,885 6,885 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Finance Utilities 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 10,000 4,000 3. Merit 9,551 14,003 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 19,551 18,003 TOTAL REGULAR S E 25.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 389,229 396,684 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 18,000 7,500 2. FICA 27,889 28,428 3. Retirement 17,814 19,658 4. Workmen's Compensation 347 582 5. Unemployment Compensation 600 1,500 6. Group Insurance 21,000 20,160 7. Longevity 0 0 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON 85,650 77,828 GRAND TOTAL 25.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 474,879 474,512 DIVISION NUMBER 01-23 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 0 0 4,000 4,000 14,003 14,003 0 0 18,003 18,003 396,684 396,684 7,500 7,500 28,428 28,428 19,658 19,658 582 582 1,500 1,500 20,160 21,592 0 0 77,828 79,260 474,512 475,944 95 96 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT UTILITIES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-23 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 12,989 7,916 14,000 14,000 14,000 5202 Postage 32,966 35,393 38,000 38,000 38,000 5204 Gas / Oil 525 348 348 348 5211 Freight 22 80 50 50 50 5212 Reproduction / 3,818 775 1,000 1,000 1,000 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 320 327 300 300 300 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50,115 45,016 53,698 53,698 53,698 5301 Building 793 186 5300 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 793 186 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-23 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL 1984 -1985 ACTUAL 1985 -1986 BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL 1986 - 1987 BUDGET REQUEST 1986 - 1987 APPROVED 1986 - 1987 2,436 7,621 6,211 6,211 6,211 442 200 200 200 100 100 100 341 243 200 200 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,219 7,864 6,711 6,711 6,711 97 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5501 Rental of Equipment 5503 Telephone 5504 Electric 5505 Gas 5506 Water / Sewer 5509 Audits / Contracts /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 5514 External Printing 5515 Internal Printing 5500 SERVICES 98 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-23 3 4 5 PROPOSED G PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 3,567 268 500 500 500 5,373 7,943 8,000 8,000 8,000 18,230 12,535 14,390 14,390 14,390 2,038 980 1,110 1,110 1,110 638 138 127 127 127 5,367 1,845 1,590 1,590 1,590 2,923 106 4,939 25 2,500 25 2,500 25 2,500 25 2,780 2,975 2,975 2,975 3,613 4,000 4,000 4,000 2,551 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,000 1,000 1,000 38,242 37,617 36,217 36,217 36,217 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5601 Liability / Comp. Insurance 5604 Other 5600 SUNDRY City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-23 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 322 2,069 3,123 3,123 3,123 1,535 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,302 2,560 2,560 2,560 1,857 3,371 5,683 5,683 5,683 6901 Office 8,304 6902 Machinery / Tools 1,314 4,279 7,200 7,200 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 9,618 4,279 7,200 7,200 99 100 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-24 Purchasing ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION To obtain competitive bids, prepare and award contracts and purchase orders to vendors, as required by charter. To review requisitions for consistency with specification standards and budget appropriations. To research new products and sources of supply. Coordinate and prepare reku+.«<.tiations on all formal bids to City Council. Supervise annual inventory. Preside over management and disposal of surplus and salvageable property. To maintain a good image of the City and follow the City Charter in the procurement of supplies, materials and equipment with high quality and at prices favorable to the City. To accurately keep track of inventory levels and all capital equipment owned by the City. OBJECTIVES 1. Assist departments in anticipating and accurately analyzing their procurement needs. 2. To process bids and awards in a timely and accurate manner. 3. Provide an "open-door" policy to requisitioners. 4. Maintain organized and legible records on all transactions. 5. Provide vendors with accurate information, and to communicate honestly and ethically. 6. To be objective on transactions and keep the interest of the City in the forefront at all times. 7. To remain abreast of new developments and improvements in the purchasing field. 8. To keep inventory with a minimum stock level. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY PURCHASING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-24 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 57,244 78,073 78,924 9,996 88,920 79,200 3,371 2,191 3,326 3,326 3,326 536 784 1,049 1,049 1,049 9,980 8,935 12,818 12,818 12,818 1,990 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,152 3,164 3,164 3,164 73,121 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93,135 99,281 9,996 109,277 99,557 6,370 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 400 1,784 1,784 6,370 400 1,784 1,784 79,491 93,535 99,281 11,780 111,061 99,557 101 102 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Finance Purchasing 01-24 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL PEQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Purchasing Agent 26 1 1 1 1 30,888 33,072 33,072 33,072 Buyer 20 1 1 1 1 1 19,572 20,508 8,526 29,034 20,508 Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 12,252 13,308 13,308 13,303 TOTAL FULL TIME 3 3 3 1 3 62,712 66,888 8,526 75,414 66,888 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 3 3. Merit 827 1,148 1,148 1,148 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 827 1,148 0 1,148 1,148 TOTAL REGULAR S E 3 3 3 1 3 63,539 68,036 8,526 76,562 68,036 Other Compensat_on 1. Overtime 0 0 0 0 3 2. FICA 4,505 4,865 610 5,475 4,865 3. Retirement 3,002 3,402 427 3,829 3,402 4. Workmen's CampensGtion 60 101 13 114 101 5. Unemployment Ccanpensation 0 0 0 0 0 6. Group Insurance 2,520 2,520 420 2,940 2,795 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT ON 10,087 10,888 1,470 12,358 11,164 GRAND TOTAL 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 73,626 78,924 9,996 88,920 79,200 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5202 Postage 5204 Gas / Oil 5208 Educational 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5200 SUPPLIES 5401 Office 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PURCHASING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-24 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,580 1,028 2,080 2,080 2,080 334 328 425 425 425 612 618 321 321 321 342 200 250 250 250 37 17 50 50 50 466 200 200 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,371 2,191 3,326 3,326 3,326 380 408 739 739 739 156 376 310 310 310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 536 784 1,049 1,049 1,049 103 104 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT PURCHASING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-24 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 883 24 5503 Telephone 3,623 1,716 4,000 4,000 4,000 5504 Electric 1,957 1,617 1,855 1,855 1,855 5505 Gas 205 126 135 135 135 5506 Water / Sewer 65 16 16 16 16 5510 Training / Seminars 2,829 3,190 3,150 3,150 3,150 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 418 1,252 2,412 2,412 2,412 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 498 550 550 550 5514 External Printing 228 400 400 400 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 268 300 300 300 5500 SERVICES 9,980 8,935 12,818 12,818 12,818 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5601 5603 5600 6901 6900 CLASSIFICATION Liability / Comp. Insurance Legal Advertising SUNDRY Office EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PURCHASING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-24 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 58 660 964 964 964 1,932 2,492 2,200 2,200 2,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,990 3,152 3,164 3,164 3,164 6,370 400 1,784 1,784 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,370 400 1,784 1,784 105 106 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-25 Warehouse ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION To receive, inspect, and store all incoming supplies. 7b issue departmental supplies. Th maintain perpetual inventory and prepare reports as required. Th conduct inventory of stock on hand. GOALS To maintain warehouse, stock and equipment in a manner which is conducive to providing efficient, prompt and courteous service to all departments. OBJECTIVES 1. Tb keep accurate and organized records of all transactions. 2. To process chargeouts in a timely manner. 3. Zb inspect all incoming freight for accurateness of order and condition. 4. Th initiate claims for merchandise overages, shortages and damage as necessary. 5. Th have warehouse equipment maintained as necessary for operation. 6. To watch for trends and order stock with appropriate authority as needed. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY WAREHOUSE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-25 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 21,129 20,595 24,539 24,539 24,599 1,485 1,658 895 895 895 214 360 250 250 250 87 151 439 439 439 2,040 2,625 5,300 5,300 5,300 43 94 135 135 135 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24,998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25,483 31,558 31,558 31,618 2,907 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,907 24,998 28,390 31,558 31,558 31,618 107 108 DEPARTMENT Finance CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Warehouse 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Warehouse Supervisor 18 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 1 1 1 1 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion Ilcreas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S E 1 1 1 1 Other CompensatL 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT-ON GRAND TOTAL 1 1 1 1 DIVISIO14 NUMBER 01-25 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 18,060 14,388 14,388 14,388 18,060 14,388 14,388 14,388 0 0 0 0 0 6,201 6,201 6,201 160 792 792 792 0 0 0 0 160 6,993 6,993 6,993 18,220 21,381 21,381 21,381 0 0 0 0 1,290 1,528 1,528 1,528 860 759 759 759 18 31 31 31 0 0 0 0 840 840 840 900 0 0 0 0 3,008 3,158 3,158 3,218 21,228 24,539 24,539 24,599 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5201 5204 5205 5206 5207 5211 5212 5213 5200 CLASSIFICATION Office Gas / 0 i I Minor Tools Cleaning Chemical / Medical Freight Reproduction / Printing Other Supplies SUPPLIES 5301 Building 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS WAREHOUSE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-25 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 333 477 320 320 320 979 641 100 100 100 100 100 100 112 175 200 200 200 5 150 150 150 4 68 25 25 25 29 23 297 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,485 1,658 895 895 895 214 360 250 250 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 214 360 250 250 250 109 110 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT WAREHOUSE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-25 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5401 Office 40 116 139 139 139 5402 Machinery / Tools / 47 35 300 300 300 Instruments ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE 87 151 439 439 439 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT WAREHOUSE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-25 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 907 5503 Telephone 398 317 318 318 318 5504 Electric 968 3,022 3,022 3,022 5505 Gas 40 40 40 5506 Water / Sewer 37 145 145 145 5510 Training / Seminars 735 110 500 500 500 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 50 50 50 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 877 925 925 925 5514 External Printing 14 100 100 100 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 302 200 200 200 5500 SERVICES 2,040 2,625 5,300 5,300 5,300 5601 Liability / Comp. 43 94 135 135 135 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 43 94 135 135 135 112 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6901 Office 6900 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS WAREHOUSE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-25 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 2,907 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,907 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-26 Data Processing ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Data Processing Division supports the operations of other divisions using Electronic Data Processing equipment by acquiring, managing and maintaining the necessary computer equipment, supplies and software. (Not including police, fire and traffic applications.) Responsible for centralized coordination of data processing decisions that are made City wide. GOALS Through the use of electronic data processing equipment, provide support to divisions in helping them meet all projected needs by acquiring, managing and maintaining the necessary computer equipment, supplies and software. OBJECTIVES 1. Maintain a one week response to the most urgent 20% of user requests. 2. Maintain and manage service contracts or arrange for spot repairs of EDP equipment as needed with service to be accomplished within 24 hours of call. 3. Ensure that major equipment downtime does not exceed five percent of working time annually. 4. Maintain stocks of supplies with zero backorders of regularly used materials. 5. Maintain division personnel proficiency with ccmmonly used copyrighted micro -computer software. 6. Maintain an adequate staff of programmers to accomplish software creation and modification. 113 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 114 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY DATA PROCESSING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-26 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 92,997 105,265 113,184 19,990 133,174 113,556 10,238 7,971 11,165 11,165 11,165 32,357 46,837 38,150 38,150 38,150 9,586 8,905 8,689 5,000 13,689 8,689 81 594 927 927 927 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 145,259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 169,572 172,115 24,990 197,105 172,487 199 83,850 83,850 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 199 83,850 83,850 145,259 169,771 172,115 108,840 280,955 172,487 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Finance Data Processing 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REOUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Data Processing Manager 27 1 1 1 1 Software Develot7ment Manager 25 0 1 1 1 Programmer/ Analyst 22 2 1 1 1 Operations Mgr. 0 0 0 1 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 3 3 3 1 3 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion Leal TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S E 3 3 3 1 3 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group InsurTnce DIVISION NUMBER 01-26 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 34,872 37,068 37,068 37,068 0 35,040 35,040 35,040 37,176 20,304 20,304 20,304 0 0 17,052 17,052 0 72,048 92,412 17,052 109,464 92,412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,016 4,356 4,356 4,356 0 0 0 0 3,016 4,356 0 4,356 4,356 75,064 96,768 17,052 113,820 96,768 0 0 0 0 0 5,384 6,918 1,219 8,137 6,918 3,589 4,838 853 5,691 4,838 69 140 26 166 140 600 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 2,520 2,520 840 3,360 2,892 115 116 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Finance Data Processing 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 7. Longevity 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER COMPENSAT=ON 12,162 16,416 2,938 GRAND TOTAL 3 3 3 1 3 87,226 113,184 19,990 DIVISION NUMBER 01-26 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 0 0 19,354 16,788 133,174 113,556 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT DATA PROCESSING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-26 1 2 3 4 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIICPBUDGET MENTAL REQUEST U PPL APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 10,077 7,661 9,000 9,000 9,000 5202 Postage 37 45 90 90 90 5211 Freight 81 90 75 75 75 5212 Reproduction / 9 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 34 175 2,000 2,000 2,000 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10,238 7,971 11,165 11,165 11,165 5401 Office 32,357 46,837 38,150 38,150 38,150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE 32,357 46,837 38,150 38,150 38,150 EQUIPMENT 117 118 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT DATA PROCESSING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-26 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 5503 Telephone 2,408 1,230 2,000 2,000 2,000 5504 Electric 6,059 4,633 3,810 3,810 3,810 5505 Gas 355 259 270 270 270 5506 Water / Sewer 102 36 33 33 33 5509 Audits / Contracts 300 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 194 351 2,000 5,000 7,000 2,000 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 468 420 576 576 576 scriptions 5514 External Printing 1,676 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9,586 8,905 8,689 5,000 13,689 8,689 5601 Liability / Comp. 81 594 927 927 927 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 81 594 927 927 927 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT DATA PROCESSING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-26 1 2 3 4 7 TOTAL g OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL MENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6901 Office 1,950 1,950 6902 Machinery / Tools 199 81,900 81,900 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 199 83,850 83,850 119 120 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-27 Meter Services ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Connection and disconnection of electric and water meters. Monthly meter readings of electric and water meters. Public relations in the field. Provide timely, accurate and professional services to the citizens of College Station in relation to connects, disconnects and the reading of electrical and water meters. 1. Connect 600 service addresses a day during rush times of May and August. 2. Answer all field customer inquiries in a tactful and professional manner. 3. Maintain a meter reading accuracy level of 98%. 4. Train meter readers with close supervision by senior readers and attendance at technical training schools. 5. Make sure all staff members are aware of policies and procedures of utility billing and rate structures. FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY METER SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-27 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 116,662 137,908 151,103 151,103 151,633 11,468 11,437 10,799 10,799 10,799 1,981 1,137 3,869 3,869 3,869 40 2,062 2,896 2,896 2,896 1,704 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,530 3,806 3,806 3,806 131,855 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 155,074 172,473 172,473 173,003 15,060 3,230 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,060 3,230 146,915 158,304 172,473 172,473 173,003 121 122 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Finance Meter Services 01-27 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Meter Services Supervisor 21 1 1 1 1 22,356 23,748 23,748 23,748 Meter Services Representative 20 1 1 1 1 17,196 18,636 18,636 18,636 Meter Services Technician 20 0 1 1 1 0 16,728 16,728 16,728 Senior Meter Reader 18 1 0 0 0 13,920 0 0 0 Lead Meter Reader 18 0 1 1 1 0 13,920 13,920 13,920 Meter Reader 16 4 3 3 3 50,532 39,996 39,996 39,996 TOTAL FULL TIME 7 7 7 7 104,004 113,028 113,028 113,028 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Ttmporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 2,369 5,681 5,681 5,681 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 2,369 5,681 5,681 5,681 TOTAL REGULAR S E 7 7 7 7 106,373 118,709 118,709 118,709 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 5,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 2. FICA 7,571 8,487 8,487 8,487 3. Retirement 5,048 5,936 5,936 5,936 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Finance Meter Services 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 4. Workmen's Compens4tion 2,258 1,991 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 1,000 6. Group Insurance 5,880 5,880 7. Longevity 1,100 1,100 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON 26,857 32,394 GRAND TOTAL 7 7 7 7 133,230 151,103 DIVISION NUMBER 01-27 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 1,991 1,991 1,000 1,000 5,880 6,410 1,100 1,100 32,394 32,924 151,103 151,633 123 124 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FINANCE DEPARTMENT METER SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 0`-27 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 204 150 150 150 150 5203 Clothing 951 399 400 400 400 5204 Gas / Oil 7,721 7,202 4,374 4,374 4,374 5205 Minor Tools 376 465 400 400 400 5207 Chemical / Medical 82 148 350 350 350 5211 Freight 15 90 125 125 125 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 2,119 1,937 5219 Meter / Cans 1,046 5,000 5,000 5,000 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,468 11,437 10,799 10,799 10,799 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 Z OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5501 Rental of Equipment 5503 Telephone 5504 Electric 5505 Gas 5506 Water / Sewer 5510 Training / Seminars / Travel 5500 SERVICES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS METER SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-27 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 23 56 69 69 69 18 41 300 300 300 1,940 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,040 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,981 1,137 3,869 3,869 3,869 40 299 318 318 318 1,511 1,735 1,735 1,735 118 125 125 125 16 18 18 18 118 700 700 700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 2,062 2,896 2,896 2,896 125 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5601 Liability / Comp. Insurance 5604 Other 5600 SUNDRY 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 6900 EQUIPMENT 126 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS METER SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-27 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTA L 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 1,687 2,498 3,456 3,456 3,456 17 32 350 350 350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,704 2,530 3,806 3,806 3,806 5,765 569 189 2,472 9,295 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,060 3,230 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-30 Public Services Administration ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for providing administration and management in the areas of streets maintenance; garage; cemetery/grounds maintenance; residential and commercial solid waste collections; and the landfill. GOALS Provide the municipality with clean, safe and well maintained streets, cemetery grounds, grounds along road right of ways, city vehicles and equipment. Provide healthful and sanitary collection services, and transportation and disposal of solid waste materials. OBJECTIVES 1. To provide perpetual management and care of cemetery grounds. 2. Keep city vehicles and equipment in top condition. 3. Improve cross training, flexibility and support through intra-divisional cooperations. 4. Maintain a high quality of supervisory practices. 5. Strive to improve overall accident prevention. 127 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 128 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-30 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TO1A L S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 117,740 124,737 130,920 130,920 131,364 6,019 2,572 4,719 4,719 4,719 746 771 2,200 2,200 2,200 11,524 8,527 10,095 10,095 10,095 1,429 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,896 3,210 3,210 3,210 137,458 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138,503 151,144 151,144 151,588 1,356 1,160 1,160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,356 1,160 1,160 137,458 139,859 151,144 1,160 152,304 151,588 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Services Administration 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Public Service Director 30 1 1 1 1 45,516 47,292 Asst. Public Service Director 26 1 1 1 1 30,000 31,992 Admin. Assistant 20 0 1 1 1 0 17,160 Admin. Secretar-,� 19 1 0 0 0 14,952 0 Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 13,284 12,492 TOTAL FULL TIME 4 4 4 4 103,752 108,936 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 3. Merit 2,701 4,125 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 2,701 4,125 TOTAL REGULAR S E 4 4 4 4 106,453 113,061 Other Compensat: _on 1. Overtime 0 0 2. FICA 7,587 8,082 3. Retirement 5,058 5,653 4. Workmen's Compensation 100 164 5. Unemployment Compensation 600 600 DIVISION NUMBER 01-30 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 47,292 47,292 31,992 31,992 17,160 17,160 0 0 12,492 12,492 108,936 108,936 0 0 0 0 4,125 4,125 0 0 4,125 4,125 113,061 113,061 0 0 8,082 8,062 5,653 5,653 164 164 600 600 129 130 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Services Administration 01-30 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 6. Group Insurance 3,360 3,360 ( 3,360 3,804 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER ENSAT=ON 16,705 17,859 17,859 18,303 GRAND TOTAL 4 4 4 4 123,158 130,920 130,920 131,364 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-30 1 2 3 4 CPB PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC UPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 983 739 1,500 1,500 1,500 5202 Postage 45 102 261 261 261 5203 Clothing 471 464 500 500 500 5204 Gas / Oil 4,237 1,260 1,208 1,208 1,208 5211 Freight 50 50 50 5212 Reproduction / 92 1,000 1,000 1,000 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 191 7 200 200 200 5200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLIES 6,019 2,572 4,719 4,719 4,719 131 132 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-30 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5401 Office 334 428 600 600 600 5403 Radios / Base 56 250 250 250 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 356 343 1,200 1,200 1,200 5406 Heating / Air 150 150 150 Conditioning ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE 746 771 2,200 2,200 2,200 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-30 1 2 3 4 7 TOTAL 6 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASICPBUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 1,121 5503 Telephone 2,766 1,900 2,278 2,278 2,278 5504 Electric 3,571 2,336 3,444 3,444 3,444 5505 Gas 720 544 70 70 70 5506 Water / Sewer 579 118 163 163 163 5510 Training / Seminars 2,597 2,075 2,500 2,500 2,500 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 170 295 500 500 500 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 863 890 890 890 5514 External Printing 221 150 150 150 5515 Internal Printing 175 100 100 100 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,524 8,527 10,095 10,095 10,095 133 134 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-30 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 5600 Liability / Comp. 1,429 1,896 3,210 3,210 3,210 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 1,429 1,896 3,210 3,210 3,210 6901 Office 1,356 1,160 1,160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 1,356 1,160 1,160 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-31 Streets ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for providing cleaning services; maintenance repair, and construction of streets; minor drainage maintenance; and accomplishing construction projects as assigned. GOALS To provide clean and well maintained streets, minor maintenance to drainage areas and immediate response to citizen's complaints relative to streets and minor drainage problems. OBJECTIVES 1. Develop flexible chain of command with the street division through training of working team leaders. 2. Provide timely seal coating of streets to help eliminate deterioration. 3. Provide prompt and effective repair and maintenance to all streets. 4. Provide continuous minor maintenance to drainage areas. 135 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 136 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY STREETS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-31 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 388,305 437,524 491,561 491,561 493,061 20,787 24,457 44,175 44,175 44,175 194,205 241,710 248,500 248,500 248,500 45,690 32,660 50,469 50,469 50,469 3,858 9,408 5,118 5,118 5,118 21,299 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12,665 19,736 19,736 19,736 674,144 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 758,424 859,559 859,559 861,059 300,547 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56,000 18,625 18,625 16,950 300,547 56,000 18,625 18,625 16,950 974,691 814,424 859,559 18,625 878,184 878,009 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Services Streets 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Street Superintendent 22 1 1 1 1 25,980 27,408 Senior Street Foreman 20 2 2 2 2 40,056 42,468 Heavy Equipment Operator III 19 2 2 2 2 39,612 40,524 Street Foreman 18 1 1 1 1 19,392 19,776 Equipment Operator II 17 5 6 6 6 70,008 77,568 Senior Public Service Worker 16 3 3 3 3 42,660 44,544 Truck Driver I 16 7 4 4 4 89,376 53,448 Truck Driver II 16 0 2 2 2 0 31,116 Public Service Worker I 15 4 3 4 4 46,752 43,944 TOTAL FULL TIME 25 24 25 25 373,836 380,796 DIVISION NUMBER 01-31 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 27,408 27,408 42,468 42,468 40,524 40,524 19,776 19,776 77,568 77,568 44,544 44,544 53,448 53,448 31,116 31,116 43,944 43,944 380,796 380,796 137 138 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Services Streets 01-31 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Part -Time TOTAL PART-TIME Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 8,544 14,312 14,312 14,312 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 8,544 14,312 14,312 14,312 TOTAL REGULAR S 25 24 25 25 382,380 395,108 395,108 395,108 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 2. FICA 27,375 28,251 28,251 28,251 3. Retirement 17,873 19,755 19,755 19,755 4. Workmen's Compensation 11,207 17,447 17,447 17,447 5. Unemployment Compensation 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6. Group Insurance 21,840 21,000 21,000 22,500 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER ENSAT=ON 83,295 96,453 96,453 97,953 GRAND TOTAL 25 24 25 25 465,675 491,561 491,561 493,061 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT STREETS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-31 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 278 35 500 500 500 5202 Postage 4 1 90 90 90 5203 Clothing 6,621 7,248 8,550 8,550 8,550 5204 Gas / Oil 11,429 12,906 29,785 29,785 29,785 5205 Minor Tools 776 1,031 1,500 1,500 1,500 5206 Cleaning 19 973 1,000 1,000 1,000 5207 Chemical / Medical 6 700 700 700 5210 Traffic 1,031 1,476 1,500 1,500 1,500 5211 Freight 393 247 200 200 200 5213 Other Supplies 236 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 534 350 350 350 5200 SUPPLIES 20,787 24,457 44,175 44,175 44,175 139 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5304 Storm Sewer / Culverts 5305 Streets / Curbs / Gutters 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5406 Heating / Air Conditioning 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 140 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS STREETS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-31 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 3,847 527 16,000 16,000 16,000 190,358 241,183 232,500 232,500 232,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194,205 241,710 248,500 248,500 248,500 164 17,401 19 56 69 14,598 15,000 300 69 15,000 300 69 15,000 K,1IZc, 28,106 17,990 35,000 35,000 35,000 16 100 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45,690 32,660 50,469 50,469 50,469 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT STREETS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-31 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 1,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 5503 Telephone 1,436 424 318 318 318 5509 Audits / Contracts 1,293 3,620 1,000 1,000 1,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 129 364 800 800 800 / Travel 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,858 9,408 5,118 5,118 5,118 5601 Liability / Comp. 21,299 12,665 19,736 19,736 19,736 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 21,299 12,665 19,736 19,736 19,736 141 142 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT STREETS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-31 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6901 Office 687 6902 Machinery / Tools 201,780 56,000 6,325 6,325 4,650 / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base 1,180 1,800 1,800 1,800 Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 96,900 10,500 10,500 10,500 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300,547 56,000 18,625 18,625 16,950 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-33 Garage ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Zh provide safe and properly maintained vehicles and equipment to all City departments. Zh provide safe and properly maintained vehicles and equipment for all City departments and separate activities. OBJECTIVES 1. Work towards a preventative maintenance program that ensures all vehicles receive necessary maintenance. 2. Maintain sufficient shop supply inventory. 3. Provide effective and efficient inspections and repairs. 143 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 144 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY 3 ACTUAL 1984-1985 204,994 35,797 393 3,346 GARAGE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-33 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 220,146 238,134 238,134 238,974 36,680 36,127 36,127 36,127 506 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,192 4,189 4,189 4,189 4,141 2,933 6,520 6,520 6,520 1,398 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,117 3,402 3,402 3,402 250,069 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 266,574 290,372 290,372 291,212 20,181 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 935 935 935 20,181 935 935 935 250,069 286,755 290,372 935 291,307 292,147 DEPARTMENT Public Services CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Garage 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Mechanic II 18 4 4 4 4 102,756 105,996 Welder, Mechanic: 17 1 1 1 1 20,964 21,564 Mechanic I 17 1 0 1 1 12,492 12,744 Snr. Public Service Worker 16 4 4 4 4 54,600 54,084 DIVISION NUMBER 01-33 TOTAL REQUEST 1986-87 105,996 21,564 12,744 54,084 M. APPROVED 1986-87 105,996 21,564 12,744 54,084 TOTAL FULL TIME 10 9 10 10 190,812 194,388 194,388 194,388 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 4,202 5,491 5,491 5,491 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 4,202 5,491 5,491 5,491 TOTAL REGULAR S E 10 9 10 10 195,014 199,879 199,879 199,879 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 1,000 500 500 500 2. FICA 13,876 14,290 14,290 14,290 3. Retirement 9,251 9,993 9,993 9,993 4. Workmen's Compensation 3,500 4,572 4,572 4,572 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 500 500 500 6. Group Insurance 8,400 8,400 8,400 9,240 7. Longevit 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER "LSAT --ON 36,027 38,255 38,255 39,095 GRAND TOTAL 1 10 9 10 10 231,041 238,134 238,134 238,974 145 146 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT GARAGE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-33 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 269 63 400 400 400 5203 Clothing 2,375 2,245 3,550 3,550 3,550 5204 Gas / Oil 23,246 27,736 19,777 19,777 19,777 5205 Minor Tools 2,789 2,435 3,000 3,000 3,000 5206 Cleaning 4,808 3,633 3,500 3,500 3,500 5207 Chemical / Medical 2 130 500 500 500 5208 Educational 200 200 200 5211 Freight 12 17 200 200 200 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 2,296 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 421 5,000 5,000 5,000 5200 SUPPLIES 35,797 36,680 36,127 36,127 36,127 5301 Building 393 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 506 2,000 2,000 2,000 5300 MAINTENANCE : 393 506 2,000 2,000 2,000 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS GARAGE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-33 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 46 113 139 139 139 881 1,103 1,000 1,000 1,000 50 50 50 2,419 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,976 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,346 4,192 4,189 4,189 4,189 147 148 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT GARAGE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-33 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 33 70 200 200 200 5503 Telephone 609 593 643 643 643 5504 Electric 1,908 1,057 3,444 3,L44 3,444 5505 Gas 720 544 70 70 70 5506 Water / Sewer 486 89 163 163 163 5510 Training / Seminars 385 347 2,000 2,000 2,000 / Travel 5513 Copier Costs 14 5514 External Printing 219 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,141 2,933 6,520 6,520 6,520 5601 Liability / Comp. 1,398 2,117 3,402 3,402 3,402 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 1,398 2,117 3,402 3,402 3,402 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT GARAGE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-33 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6902 Machinery / Tools 20,181 935 935 935 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 20,181 935 935 935 149 150 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-34 Cemetery/Gramd Maintenanoe ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for providing management of cemetery activities, such as lot sales and cemetery grounds maintenance and also grounds maintenance of selected road rights -of -way. To provide maintenance and perpetual care for the City's cemetery grounds and rights -of -way. To provide courteous assistance to citizens in the selection and purchase of cemetery lots. OBJECTIVES 1. Strive for outstanding grounds maintenance. 2. Maintain litter free roads on selected road rights -of -way. 3. Develop pride among cemetery personnel in order to ensure courteous assistance to citizens. PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY CEMETERY/GROUNDS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-34 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 72,407 73,062 89,840 89,840 90,116 3,244 3,583 4,509 4,509 4,509 706 1,231 626 2,000 2,000 2,000 50 850 1,108 1,541 1,541 1,541 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78,488 78,379 97,890 97,890 98,166 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 1,309 5,530 5,530 4,250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 1,309 5,530 5,530 4,250 78,583 79,688 97,890 5,530 103,420 102,416 151 152 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Services Cemetery/Ground Maintenance 01-34 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Cemetery Sexton 19 1 1 1 1 18,636 19,824 19,824 19,824 Caretaker 16 1 1 1 1 15,648 15,708 15,708 15,708 Senior Public Service Worker 16 1 1 1 1 12,588 13,212 13,212 13,212 Light Equipment Operator 15 1 0 0 0 9,924 0 0 0 Heavy Equipment Operator II 17 0 0 1 1 0 12,744 12,744 12,744 Public Service Worker 15 1 1 1 1 13,416 9,924 9,924 9,924 TOTAL FULL TIME 5 4 5 5 70,212 71,412 71,412 71,412 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 2,188 2,447 2,447 2,447 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 2,188 2,447 2,447 2,447 TOTAL REGULAR S E 5 4 5 5 72,400 73,859 73,859 73,859 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 500 150 150 150 2. FICA 5,171 5,255 5,255 5,255 3. Retirement 3,447 3,693 3,693 3,693 4. Workmen's Compensation 1,877 2,683 2,683 2,683 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0 0 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Services Cemetery/Ground Maintenance 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 6. Group Insurance 4,200 4,200 7. Longevity 0 0 TOTAL OTHER LSAT -ON 15,195 15,981 GRAND TOTAL 5 4 5 5 87,595 89,840 DIVISION NUMBER 01-34 TOTAL REQUEST 1986-87 4,200 0 15,981 89,840 APPROVED 1986-87 4,476 0 16,257 90,116 153 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5203 Clothing 5204 Gas / Oil 5205 Minor Tools 5207 Chemical / Medical 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 5218 Service Lines 5200 SUPPLIES 154 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CEMETERY/GROUNDS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-34 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 48 13 100 100 100 1,214 1,190 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,766 1,592 1,529 1,529 1,529 110 359 300 300 300 425 500 500 500 22 100 100 100 200 200 200 60 200 200 200 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 3,244 3,583 4,509 4,509 4,509 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5305 5300 5402 5404 5400 CLASSIFICATION Streets / Curbs / Gutters MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS Machinery / Tools / Instruments Motor Vehicles MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CEMETERY/GROUNDS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-34 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 706 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 706 995 296 1,000 1,000 1,000 236 330 1,000 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,231 626 2,000 2,000 2,000 5509 Audits / Contracts 50 /Special Studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5500 SERVICES 50 155 156 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT CEMETERY/GROUNDS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-34 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 850 1,108 1,541 1,541 1,541 Insurance 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 850 1,108 1,541 1,541 1,541 6902 Machinery / Tools 95 1,309 5,530 5,530 4,250 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 95 1,309 5,530 5,530 4,250 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-40 Police Administration ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Formulates, manages, and distributes budget allocations for providing effective and efficient law enforcement within the city. Supplies assistance to all sections of the department for distribution of manpower and equipment. Aids in the development of crime prevention activities and encourages community involvement in helping to prevent criminal activities within the various neighborhoods throughout the city. Provides for hiring and training of sworn and non -sworn personnel of the department. Establishes policy, procedures, planning, and development for all phases of the law enforcement activities and functions needed within the community. ORALS Tb provide quality leadership by guiding, directing, planning, and coordinating all resources of the Police Department toward accomplishing departmental goals and objectives. OBJECTIVES 1. Tb establish and maintain policy and procedures. 2. To provide for career development. 3. To provide quality training. 4. To provide adequate resources. 5. Monitor to insure department goals & objectives are met. 6. Tb provide an atmosphere in order to maintain high morale. 7. To promote participation in community activities. B. To maintain good communications between all divisions and other entities. 157 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 158 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-40 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 187,392 251,869 273,972 43,396 317,368 274,896 20,763 10,703 13,082 960 14,042 13,082 527 2,046 2,316 3,996 3,996 3,996 4,631 5,438 12,500 1,400 13,900 12,500 5,496 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,930 7,661 7,661 7,661 220,328 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 274,783 311,211 45,756 356,967 312,135 2,196 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 629 3,405 3,405 1,055 2,196 629 3,405 3,405 1,055 222,524 275,412 311,211 49,161 360,372 313,190 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Police Administration 01-40 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Police Chief 30 1 1 1 1 45,072 46,860 46,860 46,860 Major/Assistant Chief 29 1 1 1 1 37,812 40,692 40,692 40,692 Captain 28 0 1 1 1 0 35,220 35,220 35,220 Captain 25 1 0 0 0 31,236 0 0 0 Sergeant 22 1 1 1 1 26,868 27,408 27,408 27,408 Recruitment Ofc 21 0 1 1 1 0 25,620 25,620 25,620 Training Officer 21 1 0 0 0 24,672 0 0 0 Training Officer 21 0 1 1 1 0 24,336 24,336 24,336 Admin. Assistant 20 0 1 1 1 0 21,516 21,516 21,516 Admin. Secreta 19 1 0 0 0 19,560 0 0 0 Research & Planning Office 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 18,144 18,144 0 Personnel Training Officer 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 18,144 18,144 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 6 7 7 2 7 185,220 221,652 36,288 257,940 221,652 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 5,488 8,339 8,339 8,339 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 1 ( 5,488 8,339 0 8,339 8,339 159 160 DEPARTMENT Police CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Administration 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 TOTAL REGULAR SALARIES 6 7 7 2 7 190,708 229,991 36,288 Other Compensat-on 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity I TOTAL OTHER CONILhENSAT-ON GRAND TOTAL 6 7 7 2 7 DIVISION NUMBER 01-40 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 266,279 229,991 1,500 600 0 600 600 13,611 16,443 2,594 19,037 16,443 9,074 11,500 1,814 13,314 11,500 4,086 5,654 1,020 6,674 5,654 0 0 0 .0 0 5,040 5,880 1,680 7,560 6,804 3,072 3,904 0 3,904 3,904 36,383 43,981 7,108 51,089 44,905 227,091 273,972 43,396 317,368 274,896 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5202 Postage 5203 Clothing 5204 Gas / Oil 5208 Educational 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 5200 SUPPLIES 5301 Building 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-40 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 40 35 2,233 11,360 6,299 26 596 539 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,544 2,880 960 3,840 2,880 2,670 2,952 2,952 2,952 3,735 5,500 5,500 5,500 64 250 250 250 174 151 500 500 500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20,763 10,703 13,082 960 14,042 13,082 527 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 527 161 162 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-40 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5401 Office 139 1,033 896 896 896 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 4 18 400 400 400 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 1,903 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,265 2,700 2,700 2,700 5400 MAINTENANCE 2,046 2,316 3,996 3,996 3,996 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-40 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 2,064 5503 Telephone 107 5509 Audits / Contracts 450 925 3,000 3,000 3,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 1,629 4,179 7,600 1,400 9,000 7,600 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 488 67 800 800 800 scriptions 5514 External Printing 31 600 600 600 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129 500 500 500 5500 SERVICES 4,631 5,438 12,500 1,400 13,900 12,500 5601 Liability / Comp. 5,086 3,930 6,661 6,661 6,661 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 410 1,000 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 5,496 3,930 7,661 7,661 7,661 163 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6910 Educational 6900 EQUIPMENT 164 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-40 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 435 169 3,405 3,405 1,055 1,295 466 460 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,196 629 3,405 3,405 1,055 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-41 Uniformed Patrol ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Provides immediate response to all emergency situations and in -progress criminal activities reported. Initiates reports relating to all offenses and incidents that are reported to the department and assists in the needs of the community's residents. Provides for child safety through the use of school crossing guards, maintains animal control activities, enforces traffic laws and regulations, and provides a reserve officer j?j-QjLcu«. To provide courteous and professional police and public services to the community. OBJECTIVES 1. To provide quality training and adequate resources. 2. To provide traffic management. 3. To provide prevention and suppression of crime through pro -active patrol. 4. To improve apprehension through effective and reactive patrol. 5. To encourage participation in community activities. 6. Th present a positive image through appearance and conduct. 7. 7b maintain good canmunication within the department and other entities. 165 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 166 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY UNIFORMED BUREAU DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-41 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,042,664 1,136,083 1,197,434 88,046 1,285,480 1,201,334 88,571 55,688 75,237 1,351 76,588 75,237 28,298 22,051 27,340 30 27,370 27,340 23,112 23,049 23,110 23,110 23,110 39,903 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19,701 38,044 38,044 38,044 1,222,548 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,256,572 1,361,165 89,427 1,450,592 1,365,065 1,155 38,220 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196,306 43,887 43,887 2,450 38,220 197,461 43,887 43,887 2,450 GRAND TOTAL 1,260,768 1,454,033 1,361,165 133,314 1,494,479 1,367,515 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Police Uniformed Bureau 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Lieutenant 26 0 3 3 3 0 95,688 Lieutenant 23 4 0 0 0 113,712 0 Sergeant 22 7 7 7 7 179,088 179,472 Senior Officers 21 3 6 6 6 63,432 129,432 Patrol Officer 20 28 24 24 24 531,348 453,744 Humane Officer 18 2 2 2 1 2 31,896 33,996 14,196 Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 13,284 14,064 Traffic Officers 20 2 2 2 2 2 38,458 39,408 34,104 TOTAL FULL TIME 47 45 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion Leal TOTAL OTHER DIVISION NUMBER 01-41 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 95,688 95,688 0 0 179,472 179,472 129,432 129,432 453,744 453,744 48,192 33,996 14,064 14,064 73,512 39,408 45 3 45 971,218 945,804 48,300 994,104 945,804 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,312 38,391 38,391 38,391 0 0 0 0 19,312 38,391 0 38,391 38,391 167 168 DEPARTMENT Police CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Uniformed Bureau 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 TOTAL REGULAR SIJ ARIES 47 45 45 3 45 990,530 984,195 48,300 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 17,000 17,000 0 2. FICA 70,815 70,370 3,453 3. Retirement 47,210 49,210 2,416 4. Workmen's Compensation 22,158 26,195 1,357 5. Unemployment Compensation 600 3,000 0 6. Group Insurance 39,480 37,800 2,520 7. Longevity 7,344 9,664 30,000 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=:ON 204,607 213,239 39,749 DIVISION NUMBER 01-41 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 1,032,495 984,195 17,000 17,000 73,823 70,370 51,626 49,210 27,552 26,195 3,000 3,000 40,320 41,700 39,664 9,664 252,988 217,139 GRAND 'TOTAL 47 45 45 3 45 1,195,137 1,197,434 88,046 1,285,480 1,201,334 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5203 Clothing 5204 Gas / Oil 5205 Minor Tools 5207 Chemical / Medical 5208 Educational 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 5200 SUPPLIES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UNIFORMED BUREAU DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-41 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 112 101 200 200 200 14,348 13,575 18,800 1,351 20,151 18,800 70,329 37,934 52,137 52,137 52,137 104 734 500 500 500 74 112 200 200 200 321 414 600 600 600 835 724 600 600 600 108 200 200 200 2,340 2,094 2,000 2,000 2,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88,571 55,688 75,237 1,351 76,588 75,237 169 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 170 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UNIFORMED BUREAU DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-41 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 340 232 140 140 140 1,815 1,709 1,600 1,600 1,600 3,976 1,279 2,600 2,600 2,600 22,167 18,831 23,000 30 23,030 23,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28,298 22,051 27,340 30 27,370 27,340 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIFORMED BUREAU DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-41 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST BUDGET 1986 - 1987 APPROVED 1986 - 1987 GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 5504 Electric 15 5509 Audits / Contracts 13,326 13,368 13,000 13,000 13,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 9,689 9,312 9,500 9,500 9,500 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 82 132 210 210 210 scriptions 5514 External Printing 105 200 200 200 5515 Internal Printing 132 200 200 200 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23,112 23,049 23,110 23,110 23,110 5601 Liability / Comp. 39,903 19,701 37,844 37,844 37,844 Insurance 5604 Other 200 200 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 39,903 19,701 38,044 38,044 38,044 171 172 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIFORMED BUREAU DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-41 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6801 Buildings 1,155 6800 BUILDINGS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,155 STRUCTURES 6901 Office 158 278 6902 Machinery / Tools 7,483 4,770 8,762 8,762 2,450 / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base 11,309 25,946 2,345 2,345 Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 19,270 165,312 32,780 32,780 6900 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT 38,220 196,306 43,887 43,887 2,450 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-42 Criminal Investigation ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for investigation of all adult and juvenile criminal offenses. Provide for continuous investigation of all reported offenses relating to misdemeanor and felony cases until each has been cleared by prosecution, dismissed through the court system, or inactivated due to exhaustion of all available information relating to each particular case. Supply specialized investigative assistance to the uniformed patrol section pertaining to crime scene investigations, interrogations, intelligence reports, stake -outs, narcotics/drug enforcement, undercover assignments, and tactical support situations. recover and return property that is involved in criminal cases and found abandoned throughout the city. To effectively investigate criminal activity; apprehend and assist in the prosecution of criminals. OBJECTIVES 1. To present a positive image through appearance and conduct. 2. To provide quality training and adequate resources. 3. To encourage participation in community activities. 4. To develop and maintain an effective intelligence network. 5. To maintain high proficiency in reporting and testifying. 6. To provide thorough and efficient investigations resulting in quality dispositions of cases. 7. To maintain good communications within the department and other entities. 173 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 174 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY INVESTIGATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-42 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 246,584 246,362 262,197 262,197 263,037 18,806 14,401 14,765 14,765 14,765 4,729 4,337 7,440 7,440 7,440 3,449 8,123 11,779 1,000 12,779 11,779 11,680 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,756 11,837 11,837 11,837 285,248 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 279,979 308,018 1,000 309,018 308,858 1,068 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18,018 63,595 63,595 62,397 1,068 18,018 63,595 63,595 62,397 286,316 297,997 308,018 64,595 372,613 371,255 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Police Investigation 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Lieutenant 26 0 1 1 1 0 31,896 Lieutenant 23 1 0 0 0 28,212 0 Sergeant 22 1 1 1 1 26,040 27,240 Snr. Officers - Detectives 21 7 5 7 7 140,508 143,328 Secretary 17 0 0 0 0 13,284 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 9 7 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creasis TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S E 9 7 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Worknen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 7 07 0 Lej 208,044 202,464 0 0 0 0 6,411 6,469 0 0 6,411 6,469 214,455 208,933 DIVISION NrTNBER 01-42 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 31,896 31,896 0 0 27,240 27,240 143,328 143,328 0 0 202,464 202,464 0 0 0 0 6,469 6,469 0 0 6,469 6,469 208,933 208,933 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 15,313 14,938 14,938 14,938 10,209 10,447 10,447 10,447 4,791 5,687 5,687 5,687 0 0 0 0 175 176 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Police Investigation 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 6. Group Insurance 7,560 7,560 7. Longevity/Standby 5,320 5,632 TOTAL OTHER COMPENSAT--ON 52,193 53,264 GRAND TOTAL 9 7 9 9 266,648 262,197 DIVISION NUMBER 01-42 TOTAL REQUEST 1986-87 7,560 5,632 53,264 262,197 3 APPROVED 1986-87 8,400 5,632 54,104 263,037 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-42 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 329 476 500 500 500 5203 Clothing 3,473 4,239 5,000 5,000 5,000 5204 Gas / Oil 13,653 7,995 7,030 7,030 7,030 5205 Minor Tools 107 210 210 210 5208 Educational 41 54 250 250 250 5211 Freight 19 59 100 100 100 5212 Reproduction / 267 555 925 925 925 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 1,024 916 750 750 750 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18,806 14,401 14,765 14,765 14,765 177 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 178 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS INVESTIGATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-42 3 4 PROPOSED PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL B REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 264 375 140 140 140 32 733 200 200 200 396 144 800 800 800 4,037 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,085 6,300 6,300 6,300 4,729 4,337 7,440 7,440 7,440 5509 Audits / Contracts 400 1,369 4,452 4,452 4,452 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 3,049 6,592 7,167 1,000 8,167 7,167 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 50 50 50 scriptions 5514 External Printing 155 110 110 110 5515 Internal Printing 7 5500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES 3,449 8,123 11,779 1,000 12,779 11,779 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5601 Liability / Comp. Insurance 5604 Other 5600 SUNDRY 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 6900 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS INVESTIGATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-42 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 11,659 6,731 11,337 11,337 11,337 21 25 500 500 500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,680 6,756 11,837 11,837 11,837 1,068 2,666 7,002 1,725 4,870 1,725 4,870 527 4,870 8,350 57,000 57,000 57,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,068 18,018 63,595 63,595 62,397 179 in DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-43 Special Services Bureau ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Special Services provides computer aided dispatch by priority of call, police radio communications, police TLETS service, jail facility, telephone answering service, building and office supply support, evidence custodial control, internal investigation, comummunicatior/jail/dispatch report processing and retrieval for the police department. GOALS To provide specialized, professional community and police support services. OBJECTIVES 1. To furnish quality training and adequate resources. 2. To present positive image through appearance and conduct. 3. To maintain good communications within the department and other entities. 4. To maintain an aggressive and innovative crime prevention program. 5. To identify youth in need of supervision and direct then towards a more productive life. 6. To promote quality educational youth programs in the areas of drugs, safety, crime prevention, and police functions. 7. To provide avenues for positive interaction between all citizens and the Police Department. 8. Zh locate and apprehend individuals with outstanding warrants. 9. To ensure documentable accuracy and security of all evidence and property. POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 6700 6800 CLASSIFICATION SALARIES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT SERVICES SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL LANDS BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-43 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 358,328 138,647 176,564 176,564 177,032 24,291 6,893 12,596 12,596 12,596 2,585 7,770 2,020 4,310 4,310 4,310 71,974 30,201 51,108 51,108 51,108 3,735 4,287 6,444 6,444 6,444 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 468,683 182,048 251,022 251,022 251,490 7,524 5,690 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,524 5,690 476,207 187,738 251,022 251,022 251,490 181 182 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Police Special Services Bureau 01-43 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Lieutenant 24 0 1 1 1 0 30,228 30,228 30,228 Lieutenant 23 1 0 0 0 28,428 0 0 0 Snr. Officers 21 5 3 5 5 98,004 102,660 102,660 102,660 Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 12,492 12,492 12,492 12,492 TOTAL FULL TIME 7 5 7 7 138,924 145,380 145,380 145,380 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 3,091 2,522 2,522 2,522 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 3,091 2,522 2,522 2,522 TOTAL REGULAR SI E 7 5 7 7 142,015 147,902 147,902 147,902 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Police Special Services Bureau 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Other Compensat:..on 1. Overtime 5,000 0 2. FICA 10,106 10,575 3. Retirement 6,737 7,395 4. Workmen®s Cmpensation 3,065 3,752 5. Unemployment Compensation 600 0 6. Group Insurance 5,880 5,880 7. Longevity 630 1,060 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=:ON 32,018 281,662 GRAND TOTAL 7 5 7 7 174,033 176,564 DIVISION NUMBER 01-43 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 0 0 10,575 10,575 7,395 7,395 3,752 3,752 0 0 5,880 6,348 1,060 1,060 28,662 29,130 176,564 177,032 183 184 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-43 j Z 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 3,343 533 1,500 1,500 1,500 5202 Postage 1,291 1,094 2,200 2,200 2,200 5203 Clothing 4,533 972 2,400 2,400 2,400 5204 Gas / Oil 2,420 1,315 2,254 2,254 2,254 5205 Minor Tools 2 5206 Cleaning 2,595 5208 Educational 6,508 2,183 2,092 2,092 2,092 5211 Freight 363 135 150 150 150 5212 Reproduction / 647 21 1,000 1,000 1,000 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 2,589 640 1,000 1,000 1,000 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24,291 6,893 12,596 12,596 12,596 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5301 Building 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5406 Heating / Air Conditioning 5408 Pumps / Motors 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-43 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 2,585 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,585 2,621 420 210 210 210 1,277 117 2,100 2,100 2,100 690 91 500 500 500 1,501 1,392 1,500 1,500 1,500 577 1,104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,770 2,020 4,310 4,310 4,310 185 186 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-43 1 2 3 4 PROPOSED PROPOSED TOTAL $ OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BSIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTALEMENAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 278 41 5503 Telephone 23,463 5504 Electric 22,966 5506 Water / Sewer 952 5509 Audits / Contracts 20,425 21,944 43,200 43,200 43,200 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 3,375 4,179 4,200 4,200 4,200 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 515 222 708 708 708 scriptions 5514 External Printing 3,059 2,000 2,000 2,000 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 756 1,000 1,000 1,000 5500 SERVICES 71,974 30,201 51,108 51,108 51,108 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-43 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 3,702 3,924 5,944 5,944 5,944 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 363 500 500 500 5600 SUNDRY 3,735 4,287 6,444 6,444 6,444 6901 Office 4,992 1,153 6902 Machinery / Tools 1,264 / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base 2,532 1,400 Stations 6910 Educational 1,873 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 7,524 5,690 187 188 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-45 Peaords,/Data Processing ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Records/bata Processing Division is responsible for providing and maintaining record services, report processing and retrieval for the Department. The Division is also responsible for maintaining the City's Public Safety and Municipal Court Information Management System, via a Nixdorf 6045 computer. Additionally the Division is responsible for producing statistical and analytical reports on a timely basis and providing other information as needed by the various user departments of the City. To provide effective and professional records, communications, and detention systems. 1. To furnish quality training and adequate resources. 2. 7h present positive image through appearance and conduct. 3. To encourage participation in community activities. 4. Zb maintain good communications within the department and other entities. 5. Develop and maintain a reliable dispatch system. 6. To ensure and maintain the integrity of all records. 7. To improve and maintain a secure and safe detention facility. 8. 7b maintain a safe, clean, and functional physical plant. City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-45 1 2 3 4 6 7 TOTAL g OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUED PPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 94,133 131,630 119,906 22,563 142,469 120,302 5200 SUPPLIES 6,000 7,582 13,085 13,085 13,085 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 4,764 28,328 30,817 2,100 32,917 30,817 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 10,305 17,298 16,538 2,550 19,088 16,538 5600 SUNDRY 926 2,352 2,352 2,352 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115,202 185,764 182,698 27,213 209,911 183,094 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT 18,911 2,629 31,842 31,842 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 18,911 2,629 31,842 31,842 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 134,113 188,393 182,698 59,055 241,753 183,094 189 190 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUM -APR Police Records 01-45 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Records Manager 24 1 1 1 1 24,408 26,916 26,916 26,916 Records Sergeant 22 1 0 0 0 24,408 0 0 0 Records Sup. 19 1 1 1 1 14,952 16,332 16,332 16,332 Dispatch/Jail 19 15 0 0 0 251,268 0 0 0 Technician 17 4 4 4 4 50,544 54,252 54,252 54,252 Janitor 14 1 0 0 0 11,640 0 0 0 Progranner/ Analyst 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 19,344 19,344 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 23 6 6 1 6 377,220 97,500 19,344 116,844 97,500 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 9,793 3,454 3,454 3,454 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 9,793 3,454 0 3,454 3,454 TOTAL REGULAR S E 23 6 6 1 6 387,013 100,954 19,344 120,298 100,954 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 3,000 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 2. FICA ( 27,581 7,217 1,383 8,600 7,217 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Police Records 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 3. Retirement 18,388 5,048 967 4. Workmen's Compensation 6,695 147 29 5. Unemployment Compensation 2,000 500 0 6. Group Insurance 19,320 5,040 840 7. Longevity 528 0 0 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON 77,512 18,952 3,219 GRAND TOTAL 23 6 6 1 6 464,525 119,906 22,563 DIVISION NUMBER 01-45 8 'DOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 6,015 5,048 176 147 500 500 5,880 5,436 0 0 22,171 19,349 142,469 120,302 191 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5201 5203 5204 5205 5207 5208 5211 5212 5213 5200 CLASSIFICATION Office Clothing Gas / Oil Minor Tools Chemical / Medical Educational Freight Reproduction / Printing Other Supplies SUPPLIES 5301 Building 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 192 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS RECORDS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-45 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 4,632 4,985 7,300 7,300 7,300 150 480 480 480 480 522 805 805 805 40 50 50 50 2 112 303 450 450 450 141 57 200 200 200 124 1,000 1,000 1,000 841 1,193 2,800 2,800 2,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,000 7,582 13,085 13,085 13,085 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS RECORDS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-45 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,358 1,214 445 445 445 3,406 26,399 29,422 2,100 31,522 29,422 24 150 150 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 691 800 800 800 4,764 28,328 30,817 2,100 32,917 30,817 193 194 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-45 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 5,182 5509 Audits / Contracts 500 2,000 2,000 2,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 4,339 5,895 5,495 2,550 8,045 5,495 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 284 352 428 428 428 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 9,534 7,050 7,050 7,050 5514 External Printing 1,169 635 635 635 5515 Internal Printing 348 930 930 930 5500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES 10,305 17,298 16,538 2,550 19,088 16,538 5601 Liability / Comp. 926 1,352 1,352 1,352 Insurance 5604 Other 1,000 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 926 2,352 2,352 2,352 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-45 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6901 Office 14,386 324 6902 Machinery / Tools 4,296 2,305 31,842 31,842 / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base 229 Stations 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18,911 2,629 31,842 31,842 195 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 196 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY COMMUNICATIONS/JAIL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-46 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 325,952 377,539 18,305 395,844 378,787 11,565 9,300 360 9,660 9,300 1,168 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,728 8,162 8,162 8,162 55,983 60,285 100 60,385 60,285 3,129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,316 7,316 7,316 400,525 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 465,602 18,765 484,367 466,850 3,766 1,975 1,975 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,766 1,975 1,975 404,291 465,602 20,740 486,342 466,850 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Police Communications/Jail 01-46 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Lieutenant 24 0 1 1 1 0 30,444 30,444 30,444 Dispatcher/Jailor Supervisor 20 0 3 3 3 0 62,700 62,700 62,700 Dispatcher/Jail r 19 0 12 12 12 0 200,800 200,800 200,800 Janitor 14 0 1 1 1 0 11,832 11,832 11,832 Communications Operator 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 15,552 15,552 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 0 17 17 1 17 0 305,776 15,552 321,328 305,776 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 0 15,120 15,120 15,120 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 0 15,120 0 15,120 15,120 TOTAL REGULAR S E 0 17 17 1 17 0 320,896 15,552 336,448 320,896 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 0 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 2. FICA 0 22,893 1,112 24,005 22,893 3. Retirement 0 16,009 778 16,787 16,009 4. Workmen's Compensation 0 461 23 484 461 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 6. Group Insurance 1 0 14,280 840 15,120 15,528 197 198 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Police Communications/Jail 01-46 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER COMPENSAT_ON 0 56,643 2,753 59,396 57,891 GRAND TOTAL 0 17 17 1 17 0 377,539 18,305 395,844 378,787 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS/JAIL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-46 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 2,737 500 500 500 5202 Postage 9 5203 Clothing 3,476 4,200 36D 4,560 4,200 5206 Cleaning 3,013 2,300 2,300 2,300 5207 Chemical / Medical 5 25 25 25 5211 Freight 74 75 75 75 5212 Reproduction / 1,276 1,200 1,200 1,200 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 975 1,000 1,000 1,000 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,565 9,300 360 9,660 9,300 5301 Building 1,168 3,000 3,000 3,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5300 MAINTENANCE 1,168 3,000 3,000 3,000 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 199 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5406 Heating / Air Conditioning 5408 Pumps / Motors 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 200 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS COMMUNICATIONS/JAIL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-46 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,747 5,012 5,012 5,012 191 250 250 250 45 900 900 900 502 1,000 1,000 1,000 243 1,000 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,728 8,162 8,162 8,162 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATIONS/JAIL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-46 1 2 3 4 6 7 TOTAL g OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BU GET UD PPLDEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5503 Telephone 27,766 33,000 33,000 33,000 5504 Electric 23,693 21,482 21,482 21,482 5506 Water / Sewer 373 303 303 303 5509 Audits / Contracts 245 100 100 100 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 3,667 5,000 100 5,100 5,000 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 162 200 200 200 scriptions 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77 200 200 200 5500 SERVICES 55,983 60,285 100 60,385 60,285 5601 Liability / Comp. 3,129 7,316 7,316 7,316 Insurance 5600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 3,129 7,316 7,316 7,316 201 POLICE DEPARTMENT 1 N2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6900 EQUIPMENT 202 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS COMMUNICATIONS/JAIL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-46 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 3,766 1,350 1,350 625 625 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,766 1,975 1,975 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-50 Fire Administration ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Supervise the planning, operation and administration of firefighting, rescue service, emergency medical services, fire inspections, fire investigations, loss prevention and life safety activities of the City. C10AIS To maintain a high level of performance by the personnel in all divisions of the Fire Department so as to provide the best possible protection of lives and property for the citizens and visitors of College Station. OBJECTIVES 1. Continuously provide necessary training to employees in all areas. 2. Maintain a staff that is dedicated to providing the citizens with a high level of performance. 3. Work on plans for new fire stations as is necessary due to growth of the City. 4. Provide a Paramedic level of EMS service by the end of the 1985-86 fiscal year. 203 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 204 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-50 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 -1987 120,157 136,014 135,721 15,151 150,872 136,189 5,383 4,743 3,003 3,003 3,003 2,883 3,611 5,271 5,271 5,271 15,608 15,938 22,514 22,514 22,514 2,762 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,784 2,884 2,884 2,884 146,793 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162,090 169,393 15,151 184,544 169,861 5,693 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33,694 33,694 40555 5,693 33,694 33,694 4,555 146,793 167,783 169,393 48,845 218,238 174,416 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Fire Administration 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Fire Chief 30 1 1 1 1 44,148 45,936 Assistant Fire Chief/Training 25 1 1 1 1 31,980 32,220 Admin. Assistant 20 0 1 1 1 0 16,716 Administrative Secretary 19 1 0 0 0 18,060 0 Maintenance Technician 18 1 1 1 1 18,720 18,720 Secretary 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12,744 DIVISION NUMBER 01-50 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 45,936 45,936 32,220 32,220 16,716 16,716 0 0 18,720 18,720 12,744 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 4 4 4 1 4 112,908 113,592 12,744 126,336 113,592 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 2,580 2,584 2,584 2,584 4. Promotion ILeasis 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 2,580 2,584 0 2,584 2,584 TOTAL REGULAR S E 4 4 4 1 4 115,488 116,176 12,744 128,920 116,176 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 1 650 600 0 600 600 205 206 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Fire Administration 01-50 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 2. FICA 8,220 8,307 911 9,218 8,307 3. Retirement 5,480 5,809 637 6,446 5,809 4. Worlanen's Compensation 108 177 19 196 177 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 6. Group Insurance 3,360 3,360 840 4,200 3,828 7. Longevity 1,200 1,292 0 1,292 1,292 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON 19,018 19,545 2,407 21,952 20,013 GRAND TOTAL 4 4 4 1 4 134,506 135,721 15,151 150,872 136,189 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5202 Postage 5203 Clothing 5204 Gas / Oil 5205 Minor Tools 5208 Educational 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 5200 SUPPLIES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-50 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 548 729 700 700 700 56 15 60 60 60 247 300 300 300 4,079 3,150 993 993 993 98 33 100 100 100 91 336 500 500 500 6 44 50 50 50 457 110 200 200 200 48 79 100 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,383 14,743 3,003 3,003 3,003 207 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 208 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-50 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 957 1,977 2,421 2,421 2,421 660 568 850 850 850 1,266 1,066 2,000 2,000 2,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,883 3,611 5,271 5,271 5,271 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-50 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 2,015 5503 Telephone 11,932 11,507 15,000 15,000 15,000 5510 Training / Seminars 1,324 1,626 4,190 4,190 4,190 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 337 509 474 474 474 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 2,194 2,150 2,150 2,150 5514 External Printing 11 500 500 500 5515 Internal Printing 91 200 200 200 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,608 15,938 22,514 22,514 22,514 5601 Liability / Comp. 2,655 1,742 2,734 2,734 2,734 Insurance 5604 Other 107 42 150 150 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 2,762 1,784 2,884 2,884 2,884 209 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6901 Office 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6900 EQUIPMENT 210 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-50 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL B ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 720 720 5,693 32,974 32,974 4,555 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,693 33,694 33,694 4,555 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-51 Fire Operations ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The preservation and protection of lives and property from fires and other emergencies or disasters which may occur within the City and/or other areas of responsibility, by combating fires, performing rescue operations, or other support activities necessary to affect our operations. GOALS Provide fire suppression programs which will minimize the risk of human and property losses to the Citizens of College Station. 1. Maintain a high knowledge and efficiency level of all personnel. 2. To work toward the prevention of all fires. 3. To keep all apparatus and facilities in quality condition. 4. To prevent any losses of life due to fire. 5. To keep property loss to a minimum. 6. Train personnel in all phases of fire science and operations. 211 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 212 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY FIRE OPERATIONS DIVISION 3 4 ACTUAL ACTUAL 1984-1985 1985-1986 1,397,930 1,489,760 28,956 38,477 1,829 4,258 21,334 54,507 DIVISION NUMBER 01-51 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1,599,094 161,125 1,760,219 34,566 10,380 44,946 5,200 5,200 31,000 800 31,800 8 APPROVED 1986 - 1987 1,604,326 34,566 5,200 31,000 32,595 43,963 58,761 16,375 75,136 58,761 15,301 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,078 12,643 12,643 12,643 1,497,945 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,638,043 1,741,264 188,680 1,929,944 1,746,496 18,003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,158 252,530 252,530 7,060 18,003 5,158 252,530 252,530 7,060 GRAND TOTAL 1,515,948 1,643,201 1,741,264 441,210 2,182,474 1,753,556 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Fire Fire Operations 01-51 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Captain 24 3 3 3 3 85,368 89,916 89,916 89,916 Lieutenant 23 6 6 6 6 6 150,408 160,440 40,014 200,454 160,440 Apparatus Operator21 12 12 12 3 12 272,580 285,960 32,136 318,096 285,960 Firefighter I 21 15 14 15 9 15 302,760 319,224 67,481 386,705 319,224 Firefighter II 20 22 22 22 22 429,252 431,616 431,616 431,616 TOTAL FULL TIME 58 57 58 18 58 1,240,368 1,287,156 139,631 1,426,787 1,287,156 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 29,543 44,518 44,518 44,518 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 29,543 44,518 0 44,518 44,518 TOTAL REGULAR SLRIE1 58 57 58 18 58 1,269,911 1,331,674 139,631 1,471,305 1,331,674 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 2. FICA I 90,899 95,215 8,827 104,042 95,215 213 214 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Fire Fire Operations 01-51 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 3. Retirement 60,600 66,584 6,174 72,758 66,584 4. Workmen's Compensation 11,968 16,429 1,453 17,882 16,429 5. Unemployment Compensation 2,400 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 6. Group Insurance 50,400 48,720 5,040 53,760 53,952 7. Longevity 13,008 15,472 0 15,472 15,472 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT::ON 249,275 267,420 21,494 288,914 272,652 GRAND TOTAL 58 57 58 18 58 1,519,186 1,599,094 161,125 1,760,219 1,604,326 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5211 5212 5213 5200 CLASSIFICATION City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE OPERATIONS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-51 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 Office Postage Clothing Gas / Oil Minor Tools Cleaning Chemical / Medical Educational Botanical / Agricultural Freight Reproduction / Printing Other Supplies SUPPLIES 1,084 969 1,200 1,200 1,200 25 90 100 100 100 5,725 12,386 12,100 9,180 21,280 12,100 10,869 10,039 6,091 6,091 6,091 1,126 3,344 1,500 1,500 1,500 5,685 6,975 8,000 8,000 8,000 1,344 1,001 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,792 1,079 1,875 600 2,475 1,875 238 400 400 400 204 713 300 300 300 51 35 200 200 200 813 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,846 1,300 600 1,900 1,300 28,956 38,477 34,566 10,380 44,946 34,566 215 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5301 Building 5308 Grounds 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES I GROUNDS 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5406 Heating / Air Conditioning 5407 Fire Hydrants 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 216 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE OPERATIONS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-51 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,829 4,258 5,000 5,000 5,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200 200 200 1,829 4,258 5,200 5,200 5,200 40 185 200 200 200 7,107 6,772 8,000 800 8,800 8,000 1,238 4,481 6,000 6,000 6,000 10,760 42,977 14,000 14,000 14,000 2,160 92 2,500 2,500 2,500 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300 300 300 21,334 54,507 31,000 800 31,800 31,000 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE OPERATIONS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-51 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 145 9 500 500 500 5504 Electric 17,259 23,799 32,403 32,403 32,403 5505 Gas 3,405 2,711 2,550 2,550 2,550 5506 Water / Sewer 1,660 1,596 1,808 1,808 1,808 5509 Audits / Contracts 4,200 4,200 4,500 10,375 14,875 4,500 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 5,926 9,405 14,500 6,000 20,500 14,500 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 1,340 1,700 1,700 1,700 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 62 5514 External Printing 13 400 400 400 5515 Internal Printing 828 400 400 400 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32,595 43,963 58,761 16,375 75,136 58,761 5601 Liability / Comp. 15,301 7,078 12,643 12,643 12,643 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 15,301 7,078 12,643 12,643 12,643 217 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 6900 EQUIP`-'I.NT 218 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE OPERATIONS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-51 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 132 14,631 3,240 5,158 800 64,630 7,100 800 64,630 7,100 7,060 180,000 180,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18,003 5,158 252,530 252,530 7,060 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-52 Fire Prevention ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Inspect business and public buildings to correct unsafe conditions regarding fire and explosions. Investigate all fires and explosions in our city. Investigate all fire deaths and injuries. Maintain up to date statistics on fire causes and insurance losses. Enforce fire codes and other related codes and ordinances. Investigate bombings and bomb threats. Provide fire education classes for schools and other groups. Provide security at fire scenes and liaison with media. fire scenes and liaison with media. To protect the visitors and citizens of College Station from fire losses, fire deaths, injuries and arson. Zb reduce fire hazards to a minimum and investigate each fire and explosion to its fullest. To educate the staff and public on fire safety. OBJECTIVES 1. Obtain a 95% conviction rate on all arson. 2. Train investigators in the detection of arson and explosions. 3. Strictly enforce all building and fire codes. 4. Up -date all codes as necessary. 5. Provide business building inspections twice annually. 6. Provide all employees with fire prevention training. 7. Educate the children of our community on fire safety and maintain our fire death rate at zero. 219 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 220 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-52 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 128,239 135,519 142,334 21,423 163,757 142,802 6,970 5,712 11,524 4,300 15,824 11,524 2,684 2,540 2,500 200 2,700 2,500 4,924 4,359 4,615 1,500 6,115 4,615 1,165 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,795 2,930 2,930 2,930 143,982 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 149,925 163,903 27,423 191,326 164,371 13,205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,187 17,550 17,550 750 13,205 1,187 17,550 17,550 750 157,187 151,112 163,903 44,973 208,876 165,121 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Fire Fire Prevention 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Assistant Fire Chief/Fire Marshal 26 1 1 1 1 33,984 35,064 Deputy Fire Marshal 22 1 1 1 1 25,188 26,856 Fire Inspector 21 2 2 2 1 2 48,996 47,148 18,144 Other DIVISION NUMBER 01-52 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 35,064 35,064 26,856 26,856 65,292 47,148 FULL TIME 4 4 4 1 4 108,168 109,068 18,144 127,212 109,068 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 3,332 4,852 4,852 4,852 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 3,332 4,852 0 4,852 4,852 TOTAL REGULAR S E 4 4 4 1 4 111,500 113,920 18,144 132,064 113,920 Other Compensat_on 1. Overtime 4,644 4,800 0 4,800 4,800 221 222 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Fire Fire Prevention 01-52 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 2. FICA 7,962 8,144 1,297 9,441 8,144 3. Retirement 5,308 5,696 907 6,603 5,696 4. Workmen's Compensation 1,044 1,012 235 1,247 1,012 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 6. Group Insurance 3,360 3,360 840 4,200 3,828 7. Longevity 5,378 5,402 0 5,402 5,402 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON 27,696 28,414 3,279 31,693 28,882 GRAND TOTAL 4 4 4 1 4 139,196 142,334 21,423 163,757 142,802 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5202 Postage 5203 Clothing 5204 Gas / Oil 5205 Minor Tools 5207 Chemical / Medical 5208 Educational 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 5200 SUPPLIES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-52 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 176 575 500 400 900 500 52 22 90 90 90 209 805 1,500 600 2,100 1,500 2,414 1,949 2,334 3,000 5,334 2,334 95 333 300 300 600 300 100 100 100 3,272 1,197 4,000 4,000 4,000 122 93 200 200 200 277 546 1,500 1,500 1,500 353 192 1,000 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,970 5,712 11,524 4,300 15,824 11,524 223 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 224 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-52 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 134 500 500 500 2,550 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,540 2,000 200 2,200 2,000 2,684 2,540 2,500 200 2,700 2,500 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-52 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 53 5509 Audits / Contracts 75 250 125 125 125 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 4,539 3,665 4,125 1,500 5,625 4,125 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 257 215 265 265 265 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 5514 External Printing 229 100 100 100 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5500 SERVICES 4,924 4,359 4,615 1,500 6,115 4,615 5601 Liability / Comp. 1,165 1,795 2,930 2,930 2,930 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 1,165 1,795 2,930 2,930 2,930 225 226 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-52 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6901 Office 900 900 6902 Machinery / Tools 4,706 1,187 1,150 1,150 750 / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base 3,500 3,500 Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 8,499 12,000 12,000 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13,205 1,187 17,550 17,550 750 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-53 Ambulance ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Deliver basic and advanced emergency medical treatment to the citizens of College Station and south Brazos County. Provide training to the EMT, Special Skills, and Paramedic level certification for personnel. Conduct tours and lectures explaining the function and capabilities of EMS service for the citizens. Provide training in CPR and general first aid to civic groups. GOALS Provide prompt and professional care to patients at the scene of injury and illness, and prompt, safe travel to hospitals as necessary. Continuously work towards improving the public understanding of Emergency Medical Services and access into the system. OBJECTIVES 1. Ensure that all EMS division personnel have a paramedic certification. 2. Establish and maintain a training program for CPR and First Aid for the Citizens. 3. Increase patient viability upon delivery to the hospital. 4. Increase on scene treatment of cardiac patients. 5. Develop continuing education classes in conjunction with the area hospitals. 227 228 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-53 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 181,358 271,513 391,646 391,646 392,702 5200 SUPPLIES 11,883 19,656 21,634 21,634 21,634 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE 7,416 5,703 7,260 7,260 7,260 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 4,828 3,225 8,123 8,123 8,123 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9,797 4,977 9,597 9,597 9,597 OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 215,282 305,074 438,260 438,260 439,316 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101,178 11,895 28,600 28,600 28,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 101,178 11,895 28,600 28,600 28,600 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 316,460 316,969 438,260 28,600 466,860 467,916 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Fire Ambulance 01-53 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Ambulance Supervisor 25 1 1 1 1 28,416 30,408 30,408 30,408 Senior Paramedic 22 3 0 3 3 56,880 58,032 58,032 58,032 Paramedic I 21 12 10 12 12 230,652 230,256 230,256 230,256 TOTAL FULL TIME 16 11 16 16 315,948 318,696 318,696 318,696 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit Leal 4,608 10,806 10,806 10,806 4. Promotion 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 4,608 10,806 10,806 10,806 TOTAL REGULAR S E 16 11 16 16 320,556 329,502 329,502 329,502 Other Compensat_on 1. Overtime 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2. FICA 22,740 23,559 23,559 23,559 229 230 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Fire Ambulance 01-53 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 3. Retirement 15,160 16,475 16,475 16,475 4. Workmen's Compensation 3,049 4,126 4,126 4,126 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 ' 0 0 6. Group Insurance 13,440 13,440 13,440 14,496 7. Longevity 1,776 1,544 1,544 1,544 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON 59,165 62,144 62,144 63,200 GRAND 'TOTAL 16 11 16 16 379,721 391,646 391,646 392,702 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-53 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 237 225 200 200 200 5202 Postage 39 69 135 135 135 5203 Clothing 622 1,393 5,600 5,600 5,600 5204 Gas / Oil 1,656 4,039 4,159 4,159 4,159 5205 Minor Tools 69 102 90 90 90 5207 Chemical / Medical 5,819 11,236 6,000 6,000 6,000 5208 Educational 2,600 2,165 4,300 4,300 4,300 5211 Freight 296 140 100 100 100 5212 Reproduction / 382 200 200 200 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 163 287 850 850 850 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,883 19,656 21,634 21,634 21,634 231 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5410 Recreation / Educational Equipment 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 232 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS AMBULANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-53 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 660 660 660 672 378 600 600 600 1,587 5,157 1,343 3,982 1,000 5,000 1,000 5,000 1,000 5,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,416 5,703 7,260 7,260 7,260 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5501 Rental of Equipment 5510 Training / Seminars / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- scriptions 5514 External Printing 5515 Internal Printing 5500 SERVICES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS AMBULANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-53 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 347 648 500 500 500 4,439 2,154 7,100 7,100 7,100 42 81 93 93 93 400 400 400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 342 30 30 30 4,828 3,225 8,123 8,123 8,123 5601 Liability / Comp. 9,797 4,977 9,597 9,597 9,597 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 9,797 4,977 9,597 9,597 9,597 233 234 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FIRE DEPARTMENT AMBULANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-53 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 6901 Office 274 6902 Machinery / Tools 17,353 600 12,600 12,600 12,600 / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base 4,320 144 16,000 16,000 16,000 Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 79,505 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10,877 6900 EQUIPMENT 101,178 11,895 28,600 28,600 28,600 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-60 Engineering Administration ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Engineering Administration activity performs the general management functions of the Capital Improvements Department for four divisions: Engineering, Planning, Building,and Community Development. The Administration provides direction and oversight for capital improvements programs, federal, state and local grants, engineering and construction and performs staff administrative functions. The Administration also serves as a liaison between engineering, construction and the citizens. Provide high quality and professional services to the citizens of College Station in engineering, planning and building inspections. Provide technical support to City departments and other agencies as necessary. OBJECTIVES 1. Provide direction and oversight for Capital Improvements Program. 2. upgrade the professional level of each of the four divisions: Engineering, Planning, Building Inspection and Ccmmunity Development. 3. To work cooperatively with other departments to create more effective output for the citizens of the community. 235 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 236 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-60 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 -1987 76,843 90,533 99,573 99,573 99,897 7,876 7,462 7,698 7,698 7,698 2,645 1,320 1,568 1,568 1,568 6,160 7,481 11,057 11,057 11,057 795 1,420 2,542 2,542 2,542 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94,319 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 108,216 122,438 122,438 122,762 6,120 13,556 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,120 13,556 GRAND TOTAL 100,439 121,772 122,438 122,438 122,762 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Capital Improvements Administration 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Capital Improve- ments Director , 31 0 1 1 1 0 49,608 Capital Improve- ments Director 30 1 0 0 0 47,172 0 Admin. Secreta 19 1 1 1 1 17,664 18,516 Int. Clerk Typist 17 0 0 1 1 0 13,884 Clerk Typist 15 1 1 0 0 9,732 0 DIVISION NUMBER 01-60 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 49,608 49,608 0 0 18,516 18,516 13,884 13,884 0 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 3 3 3 3 74,568 82,008 82,008 82,008 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 2,729 4,441 4,441 4,441 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER L 2,729 4,441 4,441 4,441 TOTAL REGULAR S 3 3 3 3 77,297 86,449 86,449 86,449 Other Compensation 1. overtime 0 0 0 0 2. FICA 5,532 6,181 6,181 6,181 3. Retirement 3,688 4,299 4,299 4,299 237 238 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Capital Improvements Administration 01-60 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 4. Workmen's Compensation 72 124 124 124 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0 0 6. Group Insurance 2,520 2,520 2,520 2,844 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT--ON 11,812 13,124 13,124 13,448 GRAND TOTAL 3 3 3 3 89,109 99,573 99,573 99,897 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-60 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 2,888 674 600 600 600 5202 Postage 36 64 350 350 350 5204 Gas / Oil 3,244 641 268 268 268 5205 Minor Tools 6 5207 Chemical / Medical 13 15 15 15 5208 Educational 188 1,101 915 915 915 5211 Freight 33 34 50 50 50 5212 Reproduction / 1,292 4,235 5,400 5,400 5,400 Printing 5213 Other Supplies ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 189 700 100 100 100 5200 SUPPLIES 7,876 7,462 7,698 7,698 7,698 239 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5402 Machinery / Tools / Instruments 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 240 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-60 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,667 1,223 748 748 748 635 220 220 220 65 100 100 100 278 97 500 500 500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,645 1,320 1,568 1,568 1,568 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-60 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 145 21 5503 Telephone 1,090 1,026 1,200 1,200 1,200 5504 Electric 3,237 2,004 2,274 2,274 2,274 5505 Gas 74 48 460 460 460 5506 Water / Sewer 73 28 58 58 58 5510 Training / Seminars 1,110 2,288 2,950 2,950 2,950 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 431 715 515 515 515 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 489 200 200 200 5514 External Printing 34 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 828 3,400 3,400 3,400 5500 SERVICES 6,160 7,481 11,057 11,057 11,057 241 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5601 Liability / Comp. Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 5600 SUNDRY 6901 Office 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6900 EQUIPMENT 242 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-60 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 658 1,420 2,542 2,542 2,542 137 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 795 1,420 2,542 2,542 2,542 5,821 13,556 299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,120 13,556 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-61 Engineering ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Provide those engineering services required to ensure that both private and publicly funded construction projects within the City are ordered and meet recognized standards of engineering practices; provide engineering design, construction management, and quality control of both the existing and the rapidly expanding infrastructure system of the City; maintain the records, construction documents, status and capacities data for all public infrastructure and disseminate this information upon request; produce, review and maintain engineering studies and reports that form the basis for much of the City's technical support for project planning; provide the services required of the City Engineer in Chapter III, Building Regulations; Chapter IX, Subdivisions; Chapter IXX, Zoning; Chapter XIII, Flood Hazard Protection --all of the current City Code of Ordinances; provide professional engineering and technical support for all other City departments and divisions. GOALS Provide the citizens with efficient, effective and professional services in engineering design, construction management, and quality control of both the existing and the rapidly expanding infrastructure system of the City. OBJECTIVES 1. Translate the policy consensus of the City Government into a published document of engineering standards and design criteria which clearly define the technical parameters required. 2. Prcmote an efficient and harmonious relationship with the development community. 3. Ensure that the design intent is closely followed so as to prevent premature deterioration of our system. 4. Continuously educate staff in order to remain up-to-date on new developments in engineering. 5. Consolidate and file all records and information to ensure easy retrieval when answering questions from the public and other City organizations, or when otherwise needed by our staff. 243 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 244 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ENGINEERING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-61 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 303,714 356,280 373,219 32,761 405,980 374,407 50,991 9,485 13,298 400 13,698 13,298 266 29,586 30,000 30,000 30,000 7,905 3,905 9,135 9,135 9,135 26,826 35,138 42,161 900 43,061 42,161 2,378 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,148 6,910 6,910 6,910 392,080 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 439,542 474,723 34,061 508,784 475,911 500 5,250 6,600 6,600 32,296 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,636 11,750 11,750 1,800 32,796 6,886 18,350 18,350 1,800 424,876 446,428 474,723 52,411 527,134 477,711 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Capital Improvements Engineering 01-61 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUP?LEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Traffic Engineer 25 1 1 1 1 35,748 35,748 35,748 35,748 City Engineer 28 1 1 1 1 38,364 40,104 40,104 40,104 Assistant City Engineer 25 1 1 1 1 26,628 28,572 28,572 28,572 Graduate Civil Engineer 24 2 2 2 2 41,112 46,116 46,116 46,116 Sr. Street Insp_ 21 1 1 1 1 21,396 22,524 22,524 22,524 Quality Assurance Inspector 20 1 1 1 1 16,716 16,716 16,716 16,716 Survey Party Chief 19 1 1 1 1 18,516 19,368 19,368 19,368 Signs Supervisor 19 1 1 1 1 18,696 20,448 20,448 20,448 Instrument Op. 18 1 1 1 1 13,920 16,788 16,788 16,788 Draftsperson 16 1 1 1 1 14,136 11,316 11,316 11,316 Signs Worker 15 1 1 1 1 13,140 13,692 13,692 13,692 Engineer Aide 14 1 1 1 1 8,484 8,652 8,652 8,652 Traffic Safety Specialist 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 20,964 20,964 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 13 13 13 1 13 266,856 280,044 20,964 301,008 280,044 245 246 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Capital Improvements Engineering 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CL,A$STFTCATT0N rRAi)R RTYrWT AMYTAL REOi1EST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creas s TOTAL OTHER I TOTAL REGULAR SALARIE 13 13 13 13 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen' s Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT_ON GRAND TOTAL 13 13 13 13 DIVISION NUMBER 01-61 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 0 0 0 0 9,120 9,120 7,000 16,120 9,120 7,788 10,711 10,711 10,711 0 0 0 0 16,908 19,831 7,000 26,831 19,831 283,764 299,875 7,000 306,875 299,875 2,000 6,000 0 6,000 6,000 20,241 21,439 1,499 22,938 21,439 13,066 14,538 1,048 15,586 14,538 11,746 19,447 1,140 20,587 19,447 0 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 10,920 10,920 840 11,760 12,108 0 0 0 0 0 57,973 73,344 4,797 78,141 74,532 341,737 373,219 32,761 405,980 374,407 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-61 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST 1986 - 1987 APPROVED 1986 - 1987 GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 2,180 2,485 2,200 250 2,450 2,200 5202 Postage 403 433 250 250 250 5203 Clothing 705 585 572 572 572 5204 Gas / Oil 5,892 4,563 5,126 5,126 5,126 5205 Minor Tools 447 296 1,500 1,500 1,500 5207 Chemical / Medical 24 5208 Educational 90 250 150 400 250 5210 Traffic 40,016 63 2,200 2,200 2,200 5211 Freight 457 53 200 200 200 5212 Reproduction / 42 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 759 983 1,000 1,000 1,000 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50,991 9,485 13,298 400 13,698 13,298 247 248 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-61 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5305 Streets / Curbs / 29,586 30,000 30,000 30,000 Gutters 5308 Grounds 266 5300 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 266 29,586 30,000 30,000 30,000 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5401 Office 526 455 685 685 685 5402 Machinery / Tools / 359 124 300 300 300 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 90 77 150 150 150 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 2,618 1,834 3,000 3,000 3,000 5409 Traffic Signals 4,312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,415 5,000 5,000 5,000 5400 MAINTENANCE : 7,905 3,905 9,135 9,135 9,135 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-61 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 1,463 81 200 200 200 5503 Telephone 1,206 2,915 4,653 4,653 4,653 5504 Electric 965 4,045 4,469 4,469 4,469 5505 Gas 103 94 895 895 895 5506 Water / Sewer 21 56 113 113 113 5509 Audits / Contracts 16,233 22,938 25,000 25,000 25,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 5,846 3,256 4,160 800 4,960 4,160 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 989 981 1,171 100 1,271 1,171 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 587 1,150 1,150 1,150 5514 External Printing 185 5515 Internal Printing 350 350 350 5500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES 26,826 35,138 42,161 900 43,061 42,161 249 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5601 Liability / Comp. Insurance 5604 Other 5600 SUNDRY 250 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ENGINEERING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-61 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 2,297 5,071 6,910 6,910 6,910 81 77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,378 5,148 6,910 6,910 6,910 500 6,600 6,600 6802 Walks, Curbs 5,250 / Fences ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6800 BUILDINGS / 500 5,250 6,600 6,600 STRUCTURES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-61 1 2 3 4 PROPOSED 6 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL. ACTUAL U B BASIC BUDGET PPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6901 Office 9,271 1,060 5,000 5,000 6902 Machinery / Tools 5,136 576 6,350 6,350 1,800 / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base 1,180 Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 16,709 6906 Heating / Air 400 400 Conditioning Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 32,296 1,636 11,750 11,750 1,800 251 252 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-62 Planning ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Provide long/short range planning advisory function for Capital Improvements Program, all other departments, City Manager, Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. Review/update Comprehensive Plan. Provide lead role in review of all subdivision plats, rezoning requests, and plans for all commercial, industrial, and multi -family residential projects. Enforce Zoning ordinance including investigation of citizen complaints and project inspection of all building projects for compliance with approved site plans, landscaping and sign regulations. Provide administration for Zoning Board of Adjustment and Planning and Zoning Commission. Advise and assist citizens, builders, developers and investors, including public speaking and classroom consultation. Represent the City in regional planning activities. GOALS To fairly enforce zoning ordinances, and develop and maintain an efficient, responsible planning program for the City and its decision makers. Zh encourage orderly growth with adequate services to maintain quality of life. OBJECTIVES 14 Regularly monitor and update long range plans. 2. To develop and maintain a demographic data bank. 3. To provide responsible advice to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. 4. To provide efficient and effective enforcement of all ordinances. 5. To improve and streamline the development review process. 6. To inform and assist developers with development control regulations. 7.- Encourage citizen participation through responsive assistance and information. City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-62 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 257,883 197,778 207,575 207,575 208,259 5200 SUPPLIES 13,252 7,012 5,687 5,687 5,687 5300 MAINTENANCE : 902 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 2,518 615 1,666 1,666 1,666 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 13,552 14,312 21,224 21,224 21,224 5600 SUNDRY 3,693 7,271 12,444 12,444 12,444 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING TOTAL 291,800 226,988 248,596 248,596 249,280 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT 12,195 3,294 1,850 1,850 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 12,195 3,294 1,850 1,850 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 303,995 230,282 248,596 1,850 250,446 249,280 253 254 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Capital Improvements Planning 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Director of Planning 28 1 1 1 1 37,668 39,612 Assistant Director of Planning 25 1 1 1 1 31,404 32,868 Zoning Official 24 1 1 1 1 24,936 26,748 Planning Assistant 22 0 1 1 1 0 26,412 Planning Analyst. 20 1 0 0 0 23,460 0 Assistant to Zoning Official 20 1 1 1 1 18,636 18,636 Planning Tech. 19 1 1 1 1 16,308 17,496 TOTAL FULL TIME 6 6 6 6 152,412 161,772 Part -Time Graphics Assistant 0.5 0 0 0 5,544 0 Draftsman 0 .5 .5 0.5 0 5,658 DIVISION NUMBER 01-62 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 39,612 39,612 32,868 32,868 26,748 26,748 26,412 26,412 0 0 18,636 18,636 17,496 17,496 161,772 161,772 0 0 5,658 5,658 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Capital Improvements Planning 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUP?LEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 TOTAL PART-TIME .5 .5 .5 0.5 5,544 5,658 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S E. 6.5 6.5 6.5 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON GRAND TOTAL 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 0 0 0 0 6,338 8,217 0 0 6,338 8,217 164,294 175,647 2,000 1,300 11,774 12,558 7,589 8,782 6,710 3,248 1,520 1,000 5,880 5,040 0 0 35,473 31,928 199,767 207,575 DIVISION NUMBER 01-62 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 5,658 5,658 0 0 0 0 8,217 8,217 0 0 8,217 8,217 175,647 175,647 1,300 1,300 12,558 12,558 8,782 8,782 3,248 3,248 1,000 1,000 5,040 5,724 0 0 31,928 32,612 207,575 208,259 255 256 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-62 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 2,627 2,205 2,400 2,400 2,400 5202 Postage 1,638 1,349 2,000 2,000 2,000 5204 Gas / Oil 4,851 2,804 537 537 537 5208 Educational 130 493 500 500 500 5211 Freight 95 5212 Reproduction / 3,758 161 250 250 250 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 153 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131V252 7,012 5,687 5,687 5,687 5308 Grounds 902 5300 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 902 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-62 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 -1987 5401 Office 250 459 416 416 416 5402 Machinery / Tools / 14 150 150 150 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 3 100 100 100 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 2,251 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 156 1,000 1,000 1,000 5400 MAINTENANCE : 2,518 615 1,666 1,666 1,666 EQUIPMENT 257 258 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-62 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 2,844 43 5503 Telephone 3,421 2,515 2,520 2,520 2,520 5504 Electric 2,384 5,339 5,835 5,835 5,835 5505 Gas 166 123 1,165 1,165 1,165 5506 Water / Sewer 241 88 147 147 147 5508 Attorneys Fees / 2,392 1,016 2,500 2,500 2,500 Court Costs 5509 Audits / Contracts 344 684 2,000 2,000 2,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 1,468 52 2,000 2,000 2,000 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 292 887 832 832 832 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 937 1,225 1,225 1,225 5514 External Printing 139 1,000 1,000 1,000 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,489 2,000 2,000 2,000 5500 SERVICES 13,552 14,312 21,224 21,224 21,224 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-62 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 1,536 5,645 10,444 10,444 10,444 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 1,800 1,603 2,000 2,000 2,000 5604 Other 357 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 3,693 7,271 12,444 12,444 12,444 6901 Office 12,195 6902 Machinery / Tools 3,294 1,850 1,850 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 12,195 3,294 1,850 1,850 259 260 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-63 Building Inspection ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Building Department is responsible for Public Safety, Health and General Welfare through the enforcement of the Standard Building Code, the Standard Mechanical Code and the National Electric Code. The enforcement of these codes provides for structural stability, sanitation, adequate light, ventilation and safety to life/property from fires and other hazards incidental to the construction, alteration, repair, removal, demolitions and occupancy of buildings, structures or premises. c�• To ensure that all buildings being constructed, reconstructed, altered, or repaired meet the minimum standards set forth by the Building Code, Plumbing Code, Mechanical Code, and the Electric Code. Through the enforcement of these codes, provide for structural stability, sanitation, safety and adequate light in all buildings. OBJECTIVES 1. To ensure that all personnel have successfully completed the 160 hour Inspection School. 2. Adopt the Standard Mechanical Code as per State recommendations. 3. To provide all requested inspections within 8 working hours. 4. To maintain high quality and reasonable number of inspections per day. CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY BLDG. INSPECTION DIVISION 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 319,219 316,462 301,477 15,448 15,398 11,986 4,282 4,826 6,000 DIVISION NUMBER 01-63 7 TOTAL S REQUEST APPROVED 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 301,477 302,449 11,986 11,986 6,000 6,000 6,597 6,633 8,270 8,270 8,270 11,313 15,708 21,851 21,851 21,851 3,301 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,876 6,853 6,853 6,853 360,160 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 363,903 356,437 356,437 357,409 15,789 3,510 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,789 3,510 375,949 367,413 356,437 356,437 357,409 261 262 DEPARTMENT Capital Improvements CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Building Inspection 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED Building Official 27 1 1 1 1 Plans Checker I 22 1 1 1 1 Bldg./Operational Manager 22 1 1 1 1 Senior Electric 1 Inspector 21 1 1 1 1 Building Insp. 21 2 1 1 1 Snr. Plumbing Inspector 21 1 1 1 1 HVAC Inspector 21 1 0 0 0 Electrical Insp. 20 1 1 1 1 Plumbing Insp. 20 1 1 1 1 Senior Account Clerk 18 1 1 1 1 Intermediate Account Clerk 17 1 1 0 0 Janitor II 16 1 1 1 1 Janitor 14 2 2 2 2 TOTAL FULL TIME 15 13 12 12 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion Ilcreas s TOTAL OTHER I I DIVISION NUMBER 01-63 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 31,620 33,252 33,252 33,252 20,184 21,108 21,108 21,108 26,868 27,408 27,408 27,408 26,676 26,676 26,676 26,676 37,884 21,312 21,312 21,312 20,496 21,624 21,624 21,624 18,036 0 0 0 19,452 20,388 20,388 20,388 19,452 20,388 20,388 20,388 17,436 12,492 12,492 12,492 13,284 0 0 0 12,012 12,552 12,552 12,552 18,240 19,068 19,068 19,068 281,640 236,268 236,268 236,268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,790 10,161 10,161 10,161 0 0 0 0 8,790 10,161 10,161 10,161 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Capital Improvements Building Inspection 01-63 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1983-84 1984-85 1984-85 1984-85 1984-85 TOTAL REGULAR SALARIES 15 13 12 12 290,430 246,429 0 246,429 246,429 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 2. FICA 18,847 17,621 0 17,621 17,621 3. Retirement 12,565 12,358 0 12,358 12,358 4. Workmen's Compensation 14,870 12,989 0 12,989 12,989 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 6. Group Insurance 12,600 10,080 0 10,080 11,052 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT-ON 58,882 55,048 0 55,048 56,020 GRAND 'TOTAL 15 13 12 12 349,312 301,477 0 301,477 302,449 263 264 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT BLDG. INSPECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-63 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 1,378 718 1,400 1,400 1,400 5202 Postage 163 172 175 175 175 5203 Clothing 70 5204 Gas / Oil 6,862 6,322 3,247 3,247 3,247 5205 Minor Tools 432 336 300 300 300 5206 Cleaning 5,264 5,840 4,500 4,500 4,500 5207 Chemical / Medical 16 5208 Educational 12 1,701 2,000 2,000 2,000 5211 Freight 14 98 30 30 30 5212 Reproduction / 495 5 100 100 100 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 758 ------------------------------------------------------- 190 234 234 I------------------ 234 5200 SUPPLIES 15,448 15,398 11,986 11,986 11,986 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5301 Building 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES I GROUNDS City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS BLDG. INSPECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-63 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 4,282 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,826 6,000 6,000 6,000 4,282 4,826 6,000 6,000 6,000 5401 Office 800 851 970 970 970 5402 Machinery / Tools / 1,514 1,638 1,600 1,600 1,600 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 50 4 200 200 200 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 2,006 1,654 2,500 2,500 2,500 5406 Heating / Air 2,227 2,486 3,000 3,000 3,000 Conditioning ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE : 6,597 6,633 8,270 8,270 8,270 EQUIPMENT 265 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5501 Rental of Equipment 5503 Telephone 5504 Electric 5505 Gas 5506 Water / Sewer 5509 Audits / Contracts /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 5513 Copier Costs 5514 External Printing 5515 Internal Printing 5500 SERVICES 266 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS BLDG. INSPECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-63 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL. ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 544 89 314 314 314 2,644 4,620 4,483 4,483 4,483 3,241 5,923 6,721 6,721 6,721 119 141 1,340 1,340 1,340 73 85 188 188 188 350 861 600 600 600 4,087 2,505 5,915 5,915 5,915 255 297 465 465 465 100 100 100 583 725 725 725 518 500 500 500 86 500 500 500 --------------------------------------------------------•----------------- 11,313 15,708 21,851 21,851 21,851 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT BLDG. INSPECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-63 1 2 3 4 PROSICB 7 TOTAL $APPROVED OBJECT ACTUALBASIC ACTUAL B BUDGET UDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 3,301 4,876 6,753 6,753 6,753 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 100 100 100 5600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 3,301 4,876 6,853 6,853 6,853 267 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 6906 Heating / Air Conditioning Equipment 6900 EQUIPMENT 268 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS BLDG. INSPECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-63 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6,063 2,810 789 700 8,120 817 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,789 3,510 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-64 Community Development ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1. Continue to expand the operation of assisted housing and neighborhood revitalization programs. 2. Continue the development of a diverse funding matrix for the support of housing and development activities and increase participation in supplementary state and federal housing/revitalization programs. 3. Review and submit recommendations pertaining to expanded areas of Community Development involvement and responsibility. 4. Maintain successful working relationship with grantor agencies and all levels of the real estate and lending community. GOALS To successfully reflect policies of Council and management in the design, administration, and execution of Housing and Community Development Programs. To support comprehensive neighborhood revitalization activities and promote the provisions of decent and sanitary housing for persons of lower and moderate income. OBJECTIVES 1. Effectively manage housing and neighborhood revitalization resources, staff and activities. 2. Increase the impact of housing and neighborhood revitalization programs. 3. Increase levels of private market participation in housing and neighborhood revitalization financing packages. 4. Maintain role of Community Development Office as a liaison to related agencies. 5. Provide responsible and professional advisory services to Council and management. 269 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 270 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY COMMUNITY DEV. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-64 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTA L 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 105,959 106,690 19,320 126,010 107,110 3,744 5,401 5,401 5,401 1,448 500 500 500 290 1,556 1,556 1,556 15,704 26,250 26,250 26,250 1,869 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,311 3,311 3,311 129,014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 143,708 19,320 163,028 144,128 GRAND TOTAL 129,014 143,708 19,320 163,028 144,128 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Capital Improvements Community Development 01-64 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Com. Dev. Planner 26 0 1 1 1 0 27,792 27,792 27,792 Coin. Dev. Planner 24 1 0 0 0 23,880 0 0 0 Housing Program Coordinator 22 1 1 1 1 22,896 24,420 24,420 24,420 Com. Dev. Progr Technician 19 0 1 1 1 0 15,252 15,252 15,252 Secretary 17 1 0 0 0 12,252 0 0 0 Rehab. Inspecto 1 0 0 0 7,626 0 0 0 TOTAL FULL TIMEJ 4 3 3 3 66,654 67,464 67,464 67,464 Part -Time Housing Inspect r 19 1 1 1 0.5 1 14,955 14,955 6,372 21,327 14,955 Secretary 17 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 6,252 7,776 14,028 6,252 TOTAL PART-TIME 1 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 14,955 21,207 14,148 35,355 21,207 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 1,656 2,479 2,479 2,479 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER L 1 1,656 2,479 0 2,479 2,479 TOTAL REGULAR S 5 4.5 4.5 1 4.5 83,265 91,150 14,148 105,298 91,150 Other Compensation 1. Overtime I 0 0 0 0 271 272 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Capital Improvements Community Development 01-64 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 2. FICA 5,921 6,517 1,012 7,529 6,517 3. Retirement 2,886 3,373 1,415 4,788 3,373 4. Workmen's Compensatior 2,599 3,130 1,065 4,195 3,130 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 0 0 0 6. Group Insurance 2,520 2,520 1,680 4,200 2,940 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER ENSAT=ON 13,926 15,540 5,172 20,712 15,960 GRAND TOTAL 5 4.5 4.5 1 4.5 97,191 106,690 19,320 126,010 107,110 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT UNDEFINED CODE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-64 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 6 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUALBASIC BUDGET ppLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 1 300 300 300 5503 Telephone 4,529 4,000 4,000 4,000 5504 Electric 1,541 1,471 1,471 1,471 5505 Gas 237 600 600 600 5506 Water / Sewer 176 154 154 154 5509 Audits / Contracts 577 6,500 6,500 6,500 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 3,434 6,425 6,425 6,425 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 975 1,800 1,800 1,800 scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 84 1,000 1,000 1,000 5513 Copier Costs 3,921 3,600 3,600 3,600 5514 External Printing 126 150 150 150 5515 Internal Printing 53 250 250 250 5500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES 15,654 26,250 26,250 26,250 273 274 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEV. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-64 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 1,421 1,600 1,600 1,600 5202 Postage 263 1,300 1,300 1,300 5204 Gas / Oil 1,525 751 751 751 5205 Minor Tools 85 200 200 200 5206 Cleaning 100 100 100 5208 Educational 82 500 500 500 5211 Freight 100 100 100 5212 Reproduction / 99 350 350 350 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 269 500 500 500 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,744 5,401 5,401 5,401 5301 Building 1,448 500 500 500 5300 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,448 500 500 500 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEV. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-64 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5401 Office 282 856 856 856 5402 Machinery / Tools / 50 50 50 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 150 150 150 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 8 500 500 500 5400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAINTENANCE 290 1,556 1,556 1,556 EQUIPMENT 275 CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5501 Rental of Equipment 5503 Telephone 5504 Electric 5505 Gas 5506 Water / Sewer 5509 Audits / Contracts /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 5513 Copier Costs 5514 External Printing 5515 Internal Printing 5500 SERVICES 276 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS COMMUNITY DEV. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-64 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1 300 300 300 4,539 4,000 4,000 4,000 1,541 1,471 1,471 1,471 237 600 600 600 176 154 154 154 577 6,500 6,500 6,500 3,434 6,425 6,425 6,425 975 1,800 1,800 1,800 84 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,921 3,600 3,600 3,600 166 150 150 150 53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250 250 250 15,704 26,250 26,250 26,250 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS CAPITAL IMPROV. DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEV. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-64 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 1,281 1,811 1,811 1,811 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 588 1,000 1,000 1,000 5604 Other 500 500 500 5600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 1,869 3,311 3,311 3,311 277 278 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-80 Parks Administration The Parks Administration Division is responsible for the overall supervision of the Parks and Recreation Department, the reservation of all rental facilities, the dissemination of information concerning all programs and special events and the planning, design, and construction of park facilities. GOALS Th provide effective supervision to the divisions within the Parks and Recreation Department to help ensure top quality design and development of parks and park facilities. To encourage the use and knowledge of facilities, programs and special events. OBJECTIVES 1. To disseminate adequate information concerning all programs and special events. 2. Achieve a 23% expenditure/revenue ratio on a departmental basis during FY 1986. 3. Provide timely and accurate fiscal planning. 4. Increase emphasis on concession operations for the benefit of citizens. 5. Improve public relations by implementing a departmental public relations program, increased usage of the news media, and improved quality and distribution of annual Parks and Recreation Calendar. 6. Provide support and help to the divisions as needed. PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-80 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 158,294 161,281 178,499 178,499 179,111 11,637 7,163 6,873 6,873 6,873 777 475 600 600 600 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 1,165 1,945 2,158 320 2,478 2,158 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 21,330 27,871 21,465 21,465 21,465 5600 SUNDRY 1,131 2,245 3,732 3,732 3,732 OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194,334 200,980 213,327 320 213,647 213,939 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT 2,075 3,503 4,377 4,377 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,075 3,503 4,377 4,377 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 196,409 204,483 213,327 4,697 218,024 213,939 279 ■ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Parks Administration 01-80 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Director of Parks & Recreation 29 1 1 1 1 42,816 43,668 43,668 43,668 Assistant Direc or Parks & Recreation25 1 1 1 1 27,456 30,000 30,000 30,000 Parks Planner 21 2 2 2 2 34,872 40,632 40,632 40,632 Admin. Assistan20 0 1 1 1 0 17,160 17,160 17,160 Admin. Secretary,- 19 1 0 0 0 16,344 0 0 0 Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 12,252 12,492 12,492 12,492 TOTAL FULL TIME 6 6 6 6 133,740 143,952 143,952 143,952 Part -Time Drafter 16 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 5,543 5,658 5,658 5,658 TOTAL PART-TIME 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 5,543 5,658 5,658 5,658 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 3,942 4,855 4,855 4,855 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 3,942 4,855 4,855 4,855 TOTAL REGULAR S E 6.5 6.5 6.5 1 6.5 143,225 154,465 154,465 154,465 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Parks Administration 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Other Compensat_on 1. Overtime 0 0 2. FICA 10,217 11,044 3. Retirement 6,551 7,723 4. Workmen's Compensation 128 227 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 0 6. Group Insurance 5,040 5,040 7. Longevity 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 21,936 24,034 GRAND TOTAL 6.5 6.5 6.5 1 6.5 165,161 178,499 DIVISION NUMBER 01-80 8 'DOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 0 0 11,044 11,044 7,723 7,723 227 227 0 0 5,040 5,652 0 0 24,034 24,646 178,499 179,111 281 282 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-80 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 5,161 3,997 4,000 4,000 4,000 5202 Postage 694 679 800 800 800 5204 Gas / Oil 3,242 903 1,073 1,073 1,073 5205 Minor Tools 6 17 50 50 50 5207 Chemical / Medical 20 50 50 50 5208 Educational 175 155 200 200 200 5211 Freight 5 74 50 50 50 5212 Reproduction / 1,860 499 400 400 400 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 474 839 250 250 250 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,637 7,163 6,873 6,873 6,873 5301 Building 777 475 600 600 600 5300 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 777 475 600 600 600 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5406 Heating / Air Conditioning 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-80 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 658 403 1,208 320 1,528 1,208 27 3 50 50 50 480 1,497 800 800 800 42 100 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,165 1,945 2,158 320 2,478 2,158 283 PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5501 Rental of Equipment 5503 Telephone 5504 Electric 5509 Audits / Contracts /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 5513 Copier Costs 5514 External Printing 5515 Internal Printing 5500 SERVICES 284 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-80 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 3,994 46 100 100 100 3,728 2,622 2,400 2,400 2,400 9,315 12,369 11,168 11,168 11,168 24 3,532 3,148 2,200 2,200 2,200 737 847 767 767 767 100 100 100 3,549 3,980 3,980 3,980 474 400 400 400 4,816 350 350 350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21,330 27,871 21,465 21,465 21,465 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-80 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 1,055 2,118 3,532 3,532 3,532 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 76 59 100 100 100 5604 Other 68 100 100 100 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,131 2,245 3,732 3,732 3,732 6901 Office 1,880 3,503 4,377 4,377 6902 Machinery / Tools 195 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 2,075 3,503 4,377 4,377 285 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-81 recreation ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for the provision of indoor and outdoor athletic and leisure activities for all ages and interest levels of the community. These activities include, but are not limited to: Athletic league, individual sports recrP,1.-=7n classes, senior citizens activities, Corporate Challenge, youth activities, fitness series, summer camps special activities; provide concessions for the public interest at all athletic and special events; maintain and supervise centers for the use of passive and active leisure activities, and athletic league activities. e�• To meet the needs and desires of our community in relation to indoor and outdoor athletic and leisure activities of all ages and interest levels. OBJECTIVES 1. To provide recreation programs for youth and adults as desired by the community. 2. To encourage individual and family participation in leisure and fitness activities throughout the year. 3. Th co-sponsor and assist with major tournaments and athletic events. 4. Stimulate interest and involve corporations with the Parks and Recreation Department. 5. Th serve all scheduled events with concessions, and adjust this service to meet public need. PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY RECREATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-81 3 4 pBUDGET 6 7 TOTAL g ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC USED PPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 146,409 173,534 205,905 20,264 226,169 206,613 46,641 23,145 24,462 4,000 28,462 28,462 191 922 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,542 3,009 2,085 2,085 2,085 99,049 103,391 99,596 500 100,096 100,096 598 19,106 10,556 1,000 11,556 11,556 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 317,095 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 359,430 377,404 25,764 403,168 383,612 2,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 1,672 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,345 9,131 9,131 1,672 3,845 14,131 14,131 5,000 318,767 363,275 377,404 39,895 417,299 388,612 287 288 DEPARTMENT Parks CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Recreation 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Recreation Superintendent 23 1 1 1 1 Athletic Supervisor 20 1 1 1 1 Program Supervisor 20 1 1 1 1 Concession Supervisor 19 1 1 1 1 Center Supervisor 18 1 1 1 1 Assistant Athletic Supervisor 18 1 1 1 1 Lincoln Center fjTervisor 0 0 0 1 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 6 6 6 6 Part -Time Recreation Assistant 1 1 1 1 TOTAL PART-TIME 1 1 1 1 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creas s TOTAL OTHER i i DIVISION NUMBER 01-81 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 19,500 19,896 19,896 19,896 18,636 17,412 17,412 17,412 16,584 18,756 18,756 18,756 16,272 20,172 20,172 20,172 13,644 15,000 15,000 15,000 13,644 14,892 14,892 14,892 0 0 17,052 17,052 0 98,280 106,128 17,052 123,180 106,128 11,097 11,430 11,430 11,430 11,097 11,430 0 11,430 11,430 0 0 0 0 57,690 57,690 57,690 57,690 3,411 3,765 3,765 3,765 0 0 0 0 61,101 61,455 0 61,455 61,455 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Parks Recreation 01-81 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 TOTAL REGULAR SALARIES 7 7 7 1 7 170,478 179,013 17,052 196,065 179,013 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 2. FICA 12,943 12,799 1,219 14,018 12,799 3. Retirement 4,849 5,308 853 6,161 5,308 4. Workmen's Compensation 1,388 3,245 300 3,545 3,245 5. Unemployment Compensation 0 500 0 500 500 6. Group Insurance 5,040 5,040 840 5,880 5,748 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT::ON 24,220 26,892 3,212 30,205 27,600 GRAND TOTAL 7 7 7 1 7 194,698 205,905 20,264 226,169 206,613 289 290 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT RECREATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-81 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 1,008 1,543 1,400 1,400 1,400 5202 Postage 831 2,955 800 800 800 5203 Clothing 753 1,034 1,355 1,355 1,355 5204 Gas / Oil 621 1,259 1,717 1,717 1,717 5205 Minor Tools 1,562 2,110 500 500 500 5206 Cleaning 100 100 100 5207 Chemical / Medical 42 39 100 100 100 5208 Educational 3,782 11,147 15,670 15,670 15,670 5211 Freight 592 392 700 700 700 5212 Reproduction / 5,840 197 170 170 170 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 13,444 2,469 1,650 4,000 5,650 5,650 5220 Concessions 18,166 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 300 300 300 5200 SUPPLIES 46,641 23,145 24,462 4,000 28,,462 28,462 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT RECREATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-81 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5301 Building 191 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 922 1,000 1,000 1,000 5300 MAINTENANCE 191 922 1,000 1,000 1,000 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5401 Office 212 500 485 485 485 5402 Machinery / Tools / 251 7 300 300 300 Instruments 5404 Motor Vehicles 972 2,365 800 800 800 5406 Heating / Air 200 200 200 Conditioning 5410 Recreation / 107 137 300 300 300 Educational Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE 1,542 3,009 2,085 2,085 2,085 EQUIPMENT 291 292 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT RECREATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-81 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1984 -1985 ACTUAL 1985 -1986 BASIC BUDGET 1986 - 1987 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST 1986 - 1987 APPROVED 1986 - 1987 GROUP 5501 Rental of Equipment 1,946 2,320 2,340 2,340 2,340 5502 Lease of Land 604 461 461 461 5503 Telephone 872 2,476 2,253 2,253 2,253 5504 Electric 30,270 32,474 29,322 29,322 29,322 5505 Gas 242 3,153 5,000 5,000 5,000 5506 Water / Sewer 4,724 3,658 5,179 5,179 5,179 5509 Audits / Contracts 56,298 51,572 50,841 500 51,341 51,341 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 3,333 2,832 1,670 1,670 1,670 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 214 210 250 250 250 scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 546 255 480 480 480 5514 External Printing 3,381 600 600 600 5515 Internal Printing 1,060 1,200 1,200 1,200 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99,049 103,391 99,596 500 100,096 100,096 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT RECREATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-81 1 2 3 4 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 -1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 448 2,616 3,756 3,756 3,756 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 85 2,316 6,800 1,000 7,800 7,800 5604 Other 65 5607 Special Projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14,174 5600 SUNDRY 598 19,106 10,556 1,000 11,556 11,556 293 294 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT RECREATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-81 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1984 -1985 ACTUAL 1985 -1986 BASIC BUDGET 1986 - 1987 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET REQUEST 1986 - 1987 APPROVED 1986 - 1987 GROUP 5801 P/C Paper Goods 1,369 2,221 2,000 2,000 2,000 5802 P/C Perishable 3,213 4,031 4,000 4,000 4,000 Foods 5803 P/C Snack Foods 4,373 6,524 5,000 5,000 5,000 5804 P/C Beverages 8,017 12,005 10,000 10,000 10,000 5805 P/C Maintenance of 462 1,017 2,000 2,000 2,000 Equipment 5806 P/C Contract Labor 656 1,460 1,000 1,000 1,000 5807 P/C Promotional 1,374 6,407 6,000 6,000 6,000 Material 5808 P/C Cleaning 434 274 1,000 11,000 1,000 5809 P/C Clothing 364 600 600 600 5810 P/C Staple Foods 2,403 2,384 2,200 2,200 2,200 5800 PARKS/CONCESSIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22,665 36,323 33,800 33,800 33,800 6801 Buildings 2,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 6800 BUILDINGS / ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 STRUCTURES PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6905 Park Recreation Equipment 6910 Educational 6900 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS RECREATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-81 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,423 249 9,131 9,131 1,345 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,672 1,345 9,131 9,131 295 296 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-82 Aquatics ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Aquatics Division provides and operates three aquatic facilities for the general public and several special programs. It also offers a variety of programs for the benefit of all citizens by providing passive and active leisure opportunities, fitness programs, and educational activities. The Division also has the responsibility for the operation of the new Southwood Tennis Center which opened in 1985. c�• Zb encourage the use of aquatics facilities by providing safe, sanitary and attractive facilities, and by offering a wide variety of educational programs and activities for the entire community. OBJECTIVES 1. To meet or surpass all industry, health and statutory standards. 2. Continue rigorous training and development of the aquatics staff in the prevention of accidents. 3. Conduct special events which meet the needs and desires of the community. 4. Promote and market the facilities and programs to ensure the community is aware of what is available. PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY AQUATICS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-82 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 200,456 232,354 240,435 240,435 240,591 54,159 41,884 23,800 23,800 23,800 12,369 7,974 6,200 6,200 6,200 3,839 2,286 4,448 4,448 4,448 64,007 68,966 61,920 61,920 61,920 1,730 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40,367 8,627 8,627 8,627 336,560 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 393,831 345,430 345,430 345,586 10,195 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,944 8,000 8,000 10,195 1,944 8,000 8,000 346,755 395,775 345,430 8,000 353,430 345,586 297 298 la( CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Aquatics 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED Aquatics Superintendent 23 1 1 1 1 Pool Manager 20 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 2 2 2 2 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion Ilcreas s TOTAL OTHER 2 2 TOTAL REGULAR S E. 2 2 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER COINSAT ON GRAND TOTAL 1 1 2 2 2 2 DIVISION NUMBER 01-82 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 21,384 23,244 23,244 23,244 17,904 19,212 19,212 19,212 39,288 42,456 42,456 42,456 0 0 0 0 179,150 171,650 171,650 171,650 1,571 2,178 2,178 2,178 0 0 0 0 180,721 173,828 173,828 173,828 220,009 216,284 P 216,284 216,284 0 0 0 0 15,559 16,000 16,000 16,000 1,953 2,231 2,231 2,231 563 3,940 3,940 3,940 300 300 300 300 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,836 0 0 0 0 20,055 24,151 24,151 24,307 240,064 240,435 240,435 240,591 PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209 5211 5212 5213 5220 5200 CLASSIFICATION Office Postage Clothing Gas / Oil Minor Tools Cleaning Chemical / Medical Educational Botanical / Agricultural Freight Reproduction / Printing Other Supplies Concessions SUPPLIES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS AQUATICS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-82 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,934 1,890 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,242 1,869 700 700 700 2,962 1,199 1,400 1,400 1,400 617 608 913 913 913 1,543 868 900 900 900 4,596 5,297 4,500 4,500 4,500 6,023 9,439 7,000 7,000 7,000 2,655 2,854 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,038 790 850 850 850 1,804 442 600 600 600 2,577 903 775 775 775 2,591 1,802 1,447 1,447 1,447 24,577 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13,923 2,715 2,715 2,715 54,159 41,884 23,800 23,800 23,800 299 PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5301 Building 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 300 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS AQUATICS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-82 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 12,325 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7,609 6,200 6,200 6,200 12,325 7,609 6,200 6,200 6,200 5401 Office 110 709 698 698 698 5402 Machinery / Tools / 1,259 961 1,000 1,000 1,000 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 209 6 100 100 100 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 32 114 350 350 350 5406 Heating / Air 178 42 300 300 300 Conditioning 5408 Pumps / Motors 1,451 436 1,250 1,250 1,250 5410 Recreation / 600 18 750 750 750 Educational Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE 3,839 2,286 4,448 4,448 4,448 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT AQUATICS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-82 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 7,193 1,342 1,767 1,767 1,767 5503 Telephone 2,570 4,619 3,700 3,700 3,700 5504 Electric 26,209 34,801 31,422 31,422 31,422 5505 Gas 16,518 18,282 14,856 14,856 14,856 5506 Water / Sewer 1,955 2,438 3,453 3,453 3,453 5509 Audits / Contracts 5,135 1,953 2,000 2,000 2,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 3,984 1,849 2,435 2,435 2,435 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 376 347 290 290 290 scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 67 75 75 75 5514 External Printing 301 155 155 155 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,034 1,767 1,767 1,767 5500 SERVICES 64,007 68,966 61,920 61,920 61,920 301 PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5601 Liability / Comp. Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 5607 Special Projects 5600 SUNDRY 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6904 Motor Vehicles 6905 Park Recreation Equipment 6900 EQUIPMENT 302 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS AQUATICS DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-82 3 4 5 i %ur u,)ED 6 PROPOSED % TOTAL g ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 763 1,422 2,127 2,127 2,127 967 150 3,000 3,000 3,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38,795 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,730 40,367 8,627 8,627 8,627 1,922 655 1,289 8,000 8,000 8,133 140 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10,195 1,944 8,000 8,000 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 01-83 Parks Maintenance ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Due to rapid growth, the 27 member park maintenance division has been divided into three districts. Responsibility for the maintenance of 332 acres of City Parkland has been divided equally among the districts. Each district follows a set of standards for routine maintenance of their parks, facilities and equipment. Maintenance responsibilities range from trash removal and trimming parks to upkeep of athletic fields and resources and finally to develop new parks and maintenance facilities. s�• Provide attractive, well maintained parks and assist in the production of special events which will meet the needs of the citizens of College Station. OBJECTIVES 1. Follow all City Standards for the maintenance of parks and facilities. 2. Provide thorough training to employees in various work related areas, such as proper use of equipment. 3. Inspect playgrounds monthly. 4. Attend monthly safety meetings, as well as periodic short courses, meetings, and training programs for supervisors. 5. Schedule and assist in the production of special events for the community. 303 PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 304 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY PARKS MAINTENANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-83 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 368,119 387,952 412,998 412,998 414,396 25,383 31,519 30,666 30,666 30,666 16,783 21,136 22,278 22,278 22,278 14,037 20,141 15,816 15,816 15,816 41,274 47,266 58,543 58,543 58,543 5,809 7,283 9,995 9,995 9,995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 471,405 515,297 550,296 550,296 551,694 3,606 9,377 4,608 5,700 5,700 5,700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12,983 4,608 5,700 5,700 5,700 GRAND TOTAL 484,388 519,905 550,296 5,700 555,996 557,394 DEPARTMENT Parks 1 2 3 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES DIVISION Parks Maintenance JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED Parks Superintendent 23 1 1 1 1 Parks District Supervisor 20 3 3 3 3 Grounds Worker -T 18 5 6 6 6 Janitor II 16 1 2 2 2 Grounds Worker I 15 9 4 6 6 Light Equipment 15 5 4 5 5 Janitor I 14 1 0 0 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 25 20 23 23 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit Ireasis 4. Promotion TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S E 25 20 23 23 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 DIVISION NUMBER 01-83 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 19,500 21,900 21,900 21,900 52,176 54,156 54,156 54,156 71,460 81,924 81,924 81,924 11,088 22,632 22,632 22,632 90,072 63,756 63,756 63,756 57,624 53,988 53,988 53,988 8,652 0 0 0 310,572 298,356 298,356 298,356 0 0 0 0 26,763 26,763 26,763 26,763 9,570 12,548 12,548 12,548 0 0 0 0 36,333 39,311 39,311 39,311 346,905 337,667 337,667 337,667 7,254 3,900 3,900 3,900 24,746 24,143 24,143 24,143 15,240 15,545 15,545 15,545 4,448 5,679 5,679 5,679 2,400 3,000 3,000 3,000 305 306 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Parks Parks Maintenance 01-83 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 6. Group Insurance 21,000 19,320 19,320 20,718 7. Longevity/Standby 0 3,744 3,744 3,744 TOTAL OTHER COMPENSAT--ON 75,088 75,331 75,331 76,729 GRAND TOTAL 25 20 23 23 421,993 412,998 412,998 414,396 PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5202 Postage 5203 Clothing 5204 Gas / Oil 5205 Minor Tools 5206 Cleaning 5207 Chemical / Medical 5209 Botanical / Agricultural 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 5200 SUPPLIES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS MAINTENANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-83 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 394 530 650 650 650 8 30 1,773 1,006 2,112 2,112 2,112 7,305 7,631 5,904 5,904 5,904 772 731 800 800 800 4,898 6,534 7,500 7,500 7,500 2,563 4,806 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,893 9,467 8,000 8,000 8,000 232 217 200 200 200 47 498 567 500 500 500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25,383 31,519 30,666 30,666 30,666 307 308 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT PARKS MAINTENANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-83 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL B OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 5301 Building 1,643 5,620 5,778 5,778 5,778 5302 Water Lines 1,394 1,735 1,500 1,500 1,500 5308 Grounds 13,746 13,781 15,000 15,000 15,000 5300 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16,783 21,136 22,278 22,278 22,278 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5401 Office 139 339 416 416 416 5402 Machinery / Tools / 6,714 9,024 7,000 7,000 7,000 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 58 95 100 `00 100 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 4,597 7,112 5,000 5,000 5,000 5406 Heating / Air 300 300 300 Conditioning 5410 Recreation / 2,529 3,571 3,000 3,000 3,000 Educational Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE 14,037 20,141 15,816 15,816 15,816 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT PARKS MAINTENANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-83 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 1,373 1,205 2,000 2,000 2,000 5503 Telephone 771 1,936 1,920 1,920 1,920 5504 Electric 9,388 11,911 10,755 10,755 10,755 5505 Gas 141 207 150 150 150 5506 Water / Sewer 26,665 28,446 40,268 40,268 40,268 5510 Training / Seminars 2,620 3,291 3,100 3,100 3,100 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 316 252 350 350 350 scriptions 5514 External Printing 18 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41,274 47,266 58,543 58,543 58,543 309 310 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT PARKS MAINTENANCE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-83 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 5,809 7,230 9,995 9,995 9,995 Insurance 5604 Other 53 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,809 7,283 9,995 9,995 9,995 6808 Recreational 3,606 Facilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6800 BUILDINGS / 3,606 STRUCTURES 6902 Machinery / Tools 1,850 4,608 5,700 5,700 5,700 / Equipment 6904 Motor Vehicles 7,527 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 9,377 4,608 5,700 5,700 5,700 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 01-84 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The division is responsible for tree and shrub care on all municipal property. This includes pruning, removal, planting, fertilizing, landscape care and watering. Arboretum maintenance, mosquito control, and departmental safety activities are also handled by the Forestry Division. c�• To provide the community with mosquito control and safe, attractive landscaping throughout the City as well as at the Arboretum. OBJECTIVES 1. Mow and trim the Arboretum every two weeks from Spring to Fall. 2. Provide clean and usable trails in the pond area. 3. Remove all dead and diseased trees in a timely manner to avoid safety hazards. 4. Plant and care for trees and shrubs on all municipal property. 5. Respond to citizens questions and complaints in relation to the care and condition of trees, and breeding sites for mosquitos. 6. Increase daytime larvacide applications to increase control of mosquito outbreaks after rains. 7. Aid with enforcement of the landscape ordinance. 8. Ensure that employees are aware of and follow all safety policies. 311 PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 312 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY FORESTRY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-84 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 63,796 75,826 100,138 100,138 100,378 5,604 5,661 16,416 16,416 16,416 419 191 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,469 1,827 2,710 2,710 2,710 1,867 1,990 2,601 2,601 2,601 964 2,679 3,629 3,629 3,629 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74,119 88,174 126,494 126,494 126,734 393 18,435 18,435 18,435 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 393 18,435 18,435 18,435 74,512 88,174 126,494 18,435 144,929 145,169 DEPARTMENT Parks CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Forestry 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED Forestry Superintendent 23 1 1 1 1 Forestry Suprv. 20 0 1 1 1 Forestry Worker -I 18 1 0 0 0 Grounds Worker I 15 0 1 2 2 Forestry Worker_I 15 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 3 4 5 5 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion Ilcreas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S E 3 4 5 5 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER LSAT ON DIVISION NUMBER 01-84 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 27,324 28,992 28,992 28,992 0 16,716 16,716 16,716 13,644 0 0 0 0 20,052 20,052 20,052 12,492 9,924 9,924 9,924 53,460 75,.684 75,684 75,684 0 0 0 0 3,000 3,053 3,053 3,053 916 3,938 3,938 3,938 0 0 0 0 3,916 6,991 6,991 6,991 57,376 82,675 82,675 82,675 900 900 900 900 4,073 5,845 5,845 5,845 2,575 4,134 4,134 4,134 766 1,384 1,384 1,384 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,520 4,200 4,200 4,440 0 0 0 0 10,834 17,463 17,463 17,703 313 314 DEPARTMENT Parks CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Forestry DIVISION NUMBER 01-84 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 GRAND TOTAL 3 4 5 5 68,210 100,138 100,138 100,378 PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5202 Postage 5203 Clothing 5204 Gas / Oil 5205 Minor Tools 5206 Cleaning 5207 Chemical / Medical 5209 Botanical / Agricultural 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 5200 SUPPLIES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FORESTRY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-84 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 95 112 150 150 150 6 33 150 150 150 701 630 800 800 800 820 1,365 1,691 1,691 1,691 658 455 750 750 750 118 100 100 100 426 404 1,225 1,225 1,225 2,585 2,146 10,200 10,200 10,200 98 414 1,200 1,200 1,200 32 43 50 50 50 65 59 100 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,604 5,661 16,416 16,416 16,416 315 316 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT FORESTRY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-84 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5301 Building 102 101 200 200 200 5308 Grounds 317 90 800 800 800 5300 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 419 191 1,000 1,000 1,000 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5401 Office 11 29 35 35 35 5402 Machinery / Tools / 669 852 1,000 1,000 1,000 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 9 75 75 75 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 789 937 1,600 1,600 1,600 5400 MAINTENANCE : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,469 1,827 2,710 2,710 2,710 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PARKS DEPARTMENT FORESTRY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-84 j Z 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1984 -1985 ACTUAL 1985 -1986 BASIC BUDGET 1986 - 1987 SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST BUDGET 1986 - 1987 APPROVED 1986 - 1987 GROUP 5501 Rental of Equipment 99 45 130 130 130 5503 Telephone 135 216 371 371 371 5510 Training / Seminars 1,453 1,461 1,800 1,800 1,800 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 180 235 250 250 250 scriptions 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 50 50 50 5500 SERVICES 1,867 1,990 2,601 2,601 2,601 5601 Liability / Comp. 964 2,679 3,629 3,629 3,629 Insurance 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 964 2,679 3,629 3,629 3,629 317 PARKS DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 6900 EQUIPMENT 318 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS FORESTRY DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 01-84 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 393 35 35 35 900 900 900 17,500 17,500 17,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 393 18,435 18,435 18,435 UTILITY FUND SUMMARY Fund Balance $2,300,000 Revenues: 40,931,000 Total Available $43,231,000 Disbursements: Departmental Requests $28,487,206 Debt Service 5,143,010 Contingency 500,000 Total Disbursements $34,130,216 Transfers: Administrative to General Fund $2,193,660 To General Fund In Lieu of Taxes 4,302,654 To Debt Service Fund 695,410 To Self Insurance Pool 120,000 Total Transfers 7,311,724 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS $41,441,940 ENDING BALANCE $ 1,789,060 319 320 UTILITY FUND - SOURCES OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1986-1987 gr-WFR SFRVif F (%-iw-) INTEREST WATER SERVIC MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES (1. NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (1.2%) RIC SERVICE (83.1%) UTILITY FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES FY 86-87 APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET MISCELLANEOUS FY 84-85 FY 85-86 FY 86-87 02-10-3901 Interest Income $ 446,834 $ 59,308 $ 75,000 02-10-3902 Use of City Forces 8,166 4,077 3,000 02-10-3912 Interest-Cert. of Deposit 0 274,337 275,000 02-10-4001 Miscellaneous Revenue 79,473 53,998 40,000 02-10-4215 Penalties 321,253 337,091 320,000 02-10-4220 Reconnect Fees 28,550 21,700 22,000 02-10-4221 Service Fees 69,957 62,382 60,000 ELECTRIC 02-10-4201 Electric Revenue $27,142,670 $27,395,022 $34,420,000 02-10-4202 Underground Const. Revenue 135,653 56,090 50,000 02-10-4203 Pole Rental 22,764 23,073 23,000 02-10-4204 Temporary Service 10,343 11,812 10,000 02-10-4205 Fee/Sales Tax Collected 5,244 5,838 5,000 1�� 02-10-4206 Water Revenue $ 2,977,904 $ 3,112,540 $ 3,465,000 02-10-4208 Water Taps 58,200 35,375 25,000 SEWER 02-10-4209 Sewer Revenue $ 1,843,390 $ 1,860,626 $ 2,113,000 02-10-4211 Sewer Taps 25,525 19,138 25,000 $33,175,926 $33,332,407 $40,931,000 321 322 UTILITY DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE FY 86-87 1985 Revenue Refunding Bonds -Principal 1985 Revenue Refunding Bonds -Interest TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST REQUIREMENT AMOUNT DUE $2,490,000 2,653,010 $5,143,010 2-1-87 $1,326,505 $3,816,505 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Utility System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1985 January 15, 1984 - $34,185,000 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL DATE AMOUNT RATE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT TOTAL REQUIREMENT 2-1-85 8-1-85 $1,518,241.86 $1,518,24.86 $1,518,241.86 2-1-86 $2,260,000.00 6.0 2-1-86 $1,394,303.75 8-1-86 1,326,503.75 2,720,807.50 4,980,807.50 2-1-87 2,490,000.00 6.5 2-1-87 1,326,503.75 8-1-87 1,245,578.75 2,572,082.50 5,062,082.50 2-1-88 2,605,000.00 7.0 2-1-88 1,245,578.75 8-1-88 1,154,403.75 2,399,982.50 5,004,982.50 2-1-89 2,545,000.00 7.5 2-1-89 1,154,403.75 8-1-89 1,058,966.25 2,213,370.00 4,758,370.00 2-1-90 2,465,000.00 7.75 2-1-90 1,058,966.25 8-1-90 963,447.50 2,022,413.75 4,487,413.75 2-1-91 2,415,000.00 8.00 2-1-91 963,447.50 8-1-91 866,847.50 1,830,295.00 4,245,295.00 2-1-92 2,375,000.00 8.25 2-1-92 866,847.50 8-1-92 768,878.75 1,635,726.25 4,010,726.25 2-1-93 2,275,000.00 8.50 2-1-93 768,878.75 8-1-93 672,191.25 1,441,070.00 3,716,070.00 2-1-94 2,225,000.00 8.70 2-1-94 672,191.25 8-1-94 575,403.75 1,247,595.00 3,472,595.00 2-1-95 2,205,000.00 8.90 2-1-95 575,403.75 8-1-95 477,281.25 1,052,685.00 3,257,685.00 2-1-96 2,205,000.00 9.0 2-1-96 477,281.25 8-1-96 378,056.25 855,337.50 3,060,337.50 2-1-97 2,175,000.00 9.1 2-1-97 378,056.25 8-1-97 279,093.75 657,150.00 2,832,150.00 2-1-98 2,025,000.00 9.25 2-1-98 279,093.75 8-1-98 185,437.50 464,531.25 2,489,531.25 2-1-99 1,525,000.00 9.4 2-1-99 185,437.50 8-1-99 113,762.50 299,200.00 1,824,200.00 2-1-00 1,490,000.00 9.5 2-1-00 113,762.50 8-1-00 42,987.50 156,750.00 1,646,750.00 2-1-01 905,000.00 9.5 2-1-01 42,987.50 42,987.50 947,987.50 34,185,000.00 $11,503,143.75 $11,627,081.86 $23,130,225.61 $57,315,225.61 FY 85-86 Current Requirement - $ 5,143,010 323 324 UTILITY FUND - USES OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 SEWER SERVICE (3.3%) ELECTRIC SERVICE (59.' 5 TO OTHER FUNDS (17.4%) LF INSURANCE POOL (0.3%) HATER SERVICE (5.5%) CONTINGENCY (1.2%) DEBT SERVICE (12.4%) 4ISTRATION (0.7%) UTILITY FUND DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY FY 86-87 APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT FY 84-85 FY 85-86 FY 86-87 Electric Electric Transmission 15,578,583 16,031,698 22,756,087 Electric Distribution 1,756,023 1,641,475 1,821,416 Subtotal $17,334,606 $17,673,173 $24,577,503 Water Water Production 1,293,240 1,258,255 1,453,603 Water Distribution 453,737 780,740 807,498 Subtotal $ 1,746,977 $ 2,038,995 $ 2,261,101 Sewer Sewage Treatment 788,963 973,145 902,182 Sewer Collection 362,333 368,217 466,977 Water/Sewer Administration 0 174,757 191,672 Subtotal $ 1,151,296 $ 1,516,119 $ 1,560,831 Administration Administration 155,391 104,971 87,771 Subtotal $ 155,391 $ 104,971 $ 87,771 GRANDTOTAL $20,388,270 $21,333,258 $28,487,206 325 326 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 02-91 Electrical Transmission ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Provide for installation, maintenance, repair and calibration of substations and related equipment to provide for a completely automatic operation through relaying and supervisory control. Provide necessary maintenance and monitoring of substations to minimize power and equipment failures and provide a totally automatic operation. OBJECTIVES 1. Ensure that all personnel have the necessary technical skills in the field of electronics. 2. Conduct an extensive training program to provide a quality product to the citizens of College Station. 3. Provide for installation, maintenance, repair and calibration of substations and related equipment. City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ELECT TRANSMISSION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-91 1 OBJECT 2 3 ACTUAL 4 ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUED 6 PPLEMENTAL 7 TOTAL REQUEST 8 APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 974 519 900 900 900 5300 MAINTENANCE : 1,844 15,740 20,000 20,000 20,000 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 44 367 1,008 1,008 1,008 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 15,574,649 15,975,005 22,654,960 22,654,960 22,654,960 5600 SUNDRY 1,155 38,624 79,219 79,219 79,219 OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,578,577 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16,030,255 22,756,087 22,756,087 22,756,087 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,443 5,000 5,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,443 5,000 5,000 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 15,578,577 16,031,698 22,756,087 5,000 22,761,087 22,756,087 327 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5204 Gas / Oil 5205 Minor Tools 5211 Freight 5213 Other Supplies 5200 SUPPLIES 5312 Switching Stations 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 328 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ELECT TRANSMISSION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-91 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 404 500 500 500 4 970 11 100 100 100 104 300 300 300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 974 519 900 900 900 1,844 15,740 20,000 20,000 20,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,844 15,740 20,000 20,000 20,000 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5404 Motor Vehicles 5405 Meters 5406 Heating / Air Conditioning 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5503 Telephone 5509 Audits / Contracts /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- scriptions 5500 SERVICES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ELECT TRANSMISSION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-91 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 69 169 208 208 208 43 400 400 400 113 200 200 200 155 200 200 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 367 1,008 1,008 1,008 1,623 1,245 960 15,572,170 15,964,427 22,643,000 960 960 22,643,000 22,643,000 830 120 1,000 1,000 1,000 26 9,213 10,000 10,000 10,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,574,649 .15,975,005 22,654,960 22,654,960 22,654,960 329 330 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ELECT TRANSMISSION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-91 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 1,155 38,624 79,219 79,219 79,219 Insurance 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,155 38,624 79,219 79,219 79,219 6901 Office 1,443 6902 Machinery / Tools 5,000 5,000 / Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6900 EQUIPMENT 1,443 5,000 5,000 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 02-92 Electrical Distribution ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Provide construction and maintenance of transmission and distribution system; signal light systems; street lighting; service connections; radio installation and repair; meter calibration and repair. Maintain adequate inventory of electrical supplies to support construction and maintenance activities. Identify and correct hazardous conditions to prevent injury or fatalities to personnel and the public. Maintain 24 hour on -call personnel to handle all electrical emergencies. COALS To provide the most cost effective service possible and minimize electrical power failures. To respond immediately to electrical power failures and customer complaints. OBJECTIVES 1. To maintain a well trained work force with quality leadership through on-the-job traininq and various safety and technical courses. 2. Th perform all work assigments in a safe and professional manner. 3. Maintain 24 hour on -call personnel to handle all electrical emergencies. 4. Identify and correct hazardous conditions. 5. Provide construction and maintenance of transmission and distribution system, signal light systems, and street lighting. 6. Inspect and repair all meters as needed. 7. Maintain an adequate inventory of electrical supplies to support construction and maintenance activities in a timely manner. 331 332 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ELECT DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-92 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 727,283 785,224 903,295 903,295 905,025 5200 SUPPLIES 168,164 134,879 126,795 200 126,995 126,995 5300 MAINTENANCE : 101,107 166,636 108,400 108,400 108,400 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 34,659 26,737 30,200 600 30,800 30,800 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 247,378 285,343 327,063 327,063 327,063 5600 SUNDRY 11,322 18,383 26,083 26,083 26,083 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,289,913 1,417,202 1,521,836 800 1,522,636 1,524,366 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / 319,922 134,713 170,000 170,000 170,000 STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 146,166 89,560 146,250 146,250 127,050 CAPITAL OUTLAY 466,088 224,273 316,250 316,250 297,050 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 1,756,001 1,641,475 1,521,836 317,050 1,838,886 1,821,416 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Utilities Electrical Distribution 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REOUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Electrical Superintendent 28 1 1 1 1 Asst. Electrica- Superintendent 24 0 1 1 1 Technical Superintendent 23 1 1 1 1 Asst. Electricaa. Superintendent 23 1 0 0 0 Maint./Const. Supervisor 21 1 0 1 1 Service Supervisor 21 1 1 1 1 Lineman II 20 5 4 4 4 Technical Meter Senior Repairman 19 1 1 1 1 Technical Traffic Senior Repairman 19 1 2 2 2 Lineman 19 5 7 7 7 Technical Relay Repairman 19 0 1 1 1 Technical Relay Repairman 17 1 0 0 0 Electric Technical Repairman 17 5 2 5 5 DIVISION NUMBER 02-92 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 39,684 40,476 40,476 40,476 0 29,412 29,412 29,412 29,412 30,060 30,060 30,060 28,560 0 0 0 26,004 18,144 18,144 18,144 28,272 28,272 28,272 28,272 107,292 96,228 96,228 96,228 19,908 19,788 19,788 19,788 21,948 39,528 39,528 39,528 80,712 124,284 124,284 124,284 0 23,028 23,028 23,028 16,392 0 0 0 85,986 68,952 68,952 68,952 333 334 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Utilities Electrical Distribution 02-92 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 i 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 12,252 13,428 13,428 13,428 Equipment Operator II 17 2 2 2 2 28,956 25,668 25,668 25,668 Draftsperson 17 1 1 1 1 12,252 13,188 13,188 13,188 Senior Utility Worker 16 3 3 3 3 41,652 38,004 38,004 38,004 Utilities Worker 15 10 7 9 9 96,192 97,140 97,140 97,140 Warehouse Worker 15 1 1 1 1 9,732 10,572 10,572 10,572 Snr. Radio/ Traffic Tech. 1 0 0 0 15,252 0 0 0 Equip. Op. II 1 0 0 0 12,492 0 0 Q TOTAL FULL TIME 43 36 42 42 712,950 716,172 716,172 716,172 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 13,017 24,774 24,774 24,774 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 13,017 24,774 24,774 24,774 TOTAL REGULAR S E 43 36 42 42 725,967 740,946 740,946 740,946 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Utilities Electrical Distribution 02-92 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Other Co7vensat:.on 1. Overtone 24,000 17,448 17,448 17,448 2. FICA 51,814 52,976 52,976 52,976 3. Retirement 34,543 37,047 37,047 37,047 4. Workmen's Compensation 5,987 5,678 5,678 5,678 5. Unemployment Compensation 5,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 6. Group Insurance 36,120 35,280 35,280 37,010 7. Longevity I 0 10,920 10,920 10,920 TOTAL OTHER COMPENSAT=ON 157,464 162,349 162,349 164,079 GRAND TOTAL 43 36 42 42 883,431 903,295 903,295 905,025 335 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5201 Office 5202 Postage 5203 Clothing 5204 Gas / Oil 5205 Minor Tools 5206 Cleaning 5207 Chemical / Medical 5208 Educational 5210 Traffic 5211 Freight 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 5218 Service Lines 5219 Meter / Cans 5200 SUPPLIES 336 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ELECT DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-92 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,852 1,672 1,900 1,900 1,900 81 80 90 90 90 8,619 11,499 14,275 14,275 14,275 13,519 23,843 26,780 200 26,980 26,980 3,861 5,597 3,750 3,750 3,750 1,903 2,099 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,626 1,813 2,000 2,000 2,000 228 275 300 300 300 450 534 700 700 700 1,796 940 2,000 2,000 2,000 539 182 4,089 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 62,922 50,867 30,000 30,000 30,000 65,679 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32,978 40,000 40,000 40,000 168,164 134,879 126,795 200 126,995 126,995 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5301 Building 5305 Streets / Curbs / Gutters 5307 Sewer Plants / Lift Stations 5308 Grounds 5311 Substations 5314 Service Connections 5315 Distribution Lines 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ELECT DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-92 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,102 5,579 m 667 1,400 3,043 2,000 1,400 1,400 2,000 2,000 6 1,000 1,000 1,000 17,624 65,828 40,000 40,000 40,000 5,202 3,785 4,000 4,000 4,000 71,509 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93,313 60,000 60,000 60,000 101,107 166,636 108,400 108,400 108,400 337 338 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ELECT DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-92 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5401 Office 266 1,169 1,000 1,000 1,000 5402 Machinery / Tools / 10,237 8,138 8,000 8,000 8,000 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 425 204 600 600 600 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 14,745 10,004 10,600 600 11,200 11,200 5405 Meters 2,207 1,223 1,500 1,500 1,500 5406 Heating / Air 13 500 500 500 Conditioning 5409 Traffic Signals 6,766 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,999 8,000 8,000 8,000 5400 MAINTENANCE 34,659 26,737 30,200 600 30,800 30,800 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ELECT DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-92 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 303 8 1,000 1,000 1,000 5503 Telephone 3,054 3,459 4,000 4,000 4,000 5504 Electric 25,379 44,605 35,531 35,531 35,531 5505 Gas 1,012 498 703 703 703 5506 Water / Sewer 624 918 1,668 1,668 1,668 5508 Attorneys Fees / 876 27 500 500 500 Court Costs 5509 Audits / Contracts 210,184 224,885 270,000 270,000 270,000 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 5,918 5,882 12,000 12,000 12,000 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 28 3,968 136 136 136 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 873 925 925 925 5514 External Printing 128 100 100 100 5515 Internal Printing 92 500 500 500 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 247,378 285,343 327,063 327,063 327,063 339 340 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ELECT DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-92 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 -1987 1986 -1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 11,182 16,498 25,983 25,983 25,983 Insurance 5604 Other 140 775 100 100 100 5608 Misc . Damages ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 1 1 0 5600 SUNDRY 11,322 18,383 26,083 26,083 26,083 6809 Streets / 2,509 1,595 20,000 20,000 20,000 Street Lights 6813 Distribution Lines 317,413 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133,118 150,000 150,000 150,000 6800 BUILDINGS / 319,922 134,713 170,000 170,000 170,000 STRUCTURES UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 6906 Heating / Air Conditioning Equipment 6900 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ELECT DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-92 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 298 460 74,432 14,502 69,900 69,900 54,300 3,148 68,288 11,989 62,000 609 6,200 70,150 6,200 70,150 2,600 70,150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 146,166 89,560 146,250 146,250 127,050 341 342 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 02-93 Water Production ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Provides operation and maintenance of wells, booster stations, transmission lines, and high service pumping stations in order to deliver water to the City Distribution System. Provides emergency, after -hour radio dispatching for Public Services, Utilities and Parks Departments. To provide citizens, businesses and the Fire Department with an ample supply of safe potable water with adequate pressure, in the most cost effective manner. To maintain the Water Production System in order to protect public investment. OBJECTIVES 1. Provide the City with trained operators to operate all service pumps in City Pumping Stations 24 :tours a day. 2. Provide adequate maintenance to all City wells and surrounding grounds. 3. Provide continual surveillance of transmission lines and appurtenances. 4. Maintain an ample supply of water in storage for emergency purposes. 5. To operate cooling towers and chlorination systems in a manner that will insure a quality of water to meet all Health Department regulations. 6. Prepare all records and reports required by Governmental Agencies. UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY WATER PRODUCTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-93 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 313,670 239,534 275,263 275,263 276,123 26,214 32,944 35,940 35,940 35,940 4,415 20,651 9,800 6,000 15,800 15,800 11,955 14,305 29,916 29,916 29,916 919,875 943,437 1,077,441 1,077,441 1,077,441 3,369 6,860 11,883 11,883 11,883 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,279,498 1,257,731 1,440,243 6,000 1,446,243 1,447,103 13,727 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 524 6,500 6,500 6,500 13,727 524 6,500 6,500 6,500 1,293,225 1,258,255 1,440,243 12,500 1,452,743 1,453,603 343 344 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Utilities Water Production 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Senior Pump Station Operator 19 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Foreman 19 1 1 1 1 Pump Station Operator #1 18 2 2 2 2 Utility Dispatcher18 4 4 4 4 Pump Station #2 17 4 2 5 5 Pump Station #3 15 2 3 1 1 DIVISION NUMBER 02-93 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 21,252 22,008 22,008 22,008 19,368 20,220 20,220 20,220 29,078 31,560 31,560 31,560 56,988 59,136 59,136 59,136 54,391 65,736 65,736 65,736 21,432 10,920 10,920 10,920 TOTAL FULL TIME 14 13 14 14 202,509 209,580 209,580 209,580 DEPARTMENT Public Utilities CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Water Production 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 CURRENT JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR SAI ARI 14 13 14 14 Other Compensation 1. Overtune 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER ENSAT-ON GRAND TOTAL 14 13 14 14 5 6 PROPOSED BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL 1986-87 1986-87 DIVISION NUMBER 02-93 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,131 7,421 7,421 7,421 0 0 0 0 4,131 7,421 7,421 7,421 206,640 217,001 217,001 217,001 10,000 7,800 7,800 7,800 14,693 15,517 15,517 15,517 9,795 10,850 10,850 10,850 7,695 7,695 7,695 7,695 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 11,760 11,760 11,760 12,620 0 3,640 3,640 3,640 54,943 58,262 58,262 59,122 261,583 275,263 275,263 276,123 345 346 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WATER PRODUCTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-93 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 977 404 500 500 500 5202 Postage 24 8 50 50 50 5203 Clothing 2,644 2,654 3,590 3,590 3,590 5204 Gas / Oil 7,275 8,585 7,500 7,500 7,500 5205 Minor Tools 837 1,014 750 750 750 5206 Cleaning 329 531 550 550 550 5207 Chemical / Medical 13,032 19,438 21,000 21,000 21,000 5208 Educational 400 400 400 5211 Freight 124 54 100 100 100 5212 Reproduction / 116 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 856 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 256 1,500 1,500 1,500 5200 SUPPLIES 26,214 32,944 35,940 35,940 35,940 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5301 Building 5306 Wells / Tanks / Booster Stations 5308 Grounds 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS WATER PRODUCTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-93 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 197 784 2,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 4,063 19,782 6,500 6,500 6,500 155 85 1,300 1,300 1,300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,415 20,651 9,800 6,0D0 15,800 15,800 347 348 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WATER PRODUCTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-93 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5401 Office 245 339 566 566 566 5402 Machinery / Tools / 5,068 10,313 17,050 17,050 17,050 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 77 22 500 500 500 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 4,439 1,768 4,000 4,000 4,000 5406 Heating / Air 350 51 300 300 300 Conditioning 5408 Pumps / Motors 1,776 1,812 7,500 7,500 7,500 5400 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11,955 14,305 29,916 29,916 29,916 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WATER PRODUCTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-93 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 553 5503 Telephone 5,051 2,115 6,000 6,000 6,000 5504 Electric 461,891 497,601 601,600 601,600 601,600 5506 Water / Sewer 300 300 300 5509 Audits / Contracts 450,542 442,732 466,458 466,458 466,458 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 1,469 802 2,290 2,290 2,290 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 369 184 393 393 393 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 3 5514 External Printing 200 200 200 5515 Internal Printing 200 200 200 5500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES 919,875 943,437 1,077,441 1,077,441 1,077,441 5601 Liability / Comp. 3,369 6,860 11,883 11,883 11,883 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 3,369 6,860 11,883 11,883 11,883 349 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 6900 EQUIPMENT 350 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS WATER PRODUCTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-93 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,575 524 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,502 5,000 5,000 5,000 865 9,785 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13,727 524 6,500 6,500 6,500 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 02-94 plater Distribution ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Provides construction and maintenance of the Water Distribution System, Elevated Storage Facilities and Service Connections. GOALS To provide the public with safe potable water and top quality services with minimal water line failures. OBJECTIVES 1. Zb ensure all personnel are qualified and receive proper on-the-job training and technical courses. 2. Perform all work assignments in a professional manner. 3. To maintain an adequate inventory of supplies to support construction and maintenance activities in a timely manner. 4. Provide assistance to consulting engineers with the design and preparation of water line construction documents. 5. Maintain up-to-date mapping of the water system. 6. Provide top quality inspection of all construction. 351 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 352 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-94 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 262,596 292,514 336,770 21,508 358,278 337,726 39,698 32,456 53,000 700 53,700 53,000 58,721 88,704 72,500 72,500 72,500 20,651 13,640 24,917 24,917 24,917 20,112 346,493 291,292 200 291,492 291,292 4,727 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,341 9,813 9,813 9,813 406,505 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 780,148 788,292 22,408 810,700 789,248 47,214 592 19,925 19,925 18,250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47,214 592 19,925 19,925 18,250 453,719 780,740 788,292 42,333 830,625 807,498 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Utilities Water Distribution 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Utilities Inspector 21 1 1 1 1 18,996 18,996 Senior Foreman 20 1 1 1 1 16,716 17,676 Engineering Assistant 19 1 1 1 1 14,952 15,252 Maintenance Foreman 19 1 1 1 1 18,522 19,308 Utilities Crew Leader 19 2 2 2 2 32,616 33,660 Equipment Operator #2 17 2 2 2 2 29,388 30,240 Drafter 17 1 1 1 1 12,252 12,504 Senior Utilities Worker 16 5 5 6 6 68,256 80,112 Utilities Worke 15 4 4 3 3 49,164 32,328 Snr. Maintenance Foreman 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 18,144 TOTAL FULL TIME 18 18 18 1 18 260,862 260,076 18,144 DIVISION NUMBER 02-94 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 18,996 18,996 17,676 17,676 15,252 15,252 19,308 19,308 33,660 33,660 30,240 30,240 12,504 12,504 80,112 80,112 32,328 32,328 18,144 0 278,220 260,076 353 354 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Utilities Water Distribution 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S 18 18 18 18 Other Compensation 1. Overtone 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER ENSAT::ON GRAND TOTAL 18 18 18 18 DIVISION NUMBER. 02-94 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl 8,045 11,567 11,567 11,567 0 0 0 0 8,045 11,567 0 11,567 11,567 268,907 271,643 18,144 289,787 271,643 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 19,201 19,423 1,297 20,720 19,423 12,801 13,003 907 13,910 13,003 2,856 4,581 320 4,901 4,581 200 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 15,120 15,120 840 15,960 16,076 0 0 0 0 0 62,178 65,127 3,364 68,491 66,083 331,085 336,770 21,508 358,278 337,726 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-94 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 1,130 1,115 1,200 50 1,250 1,200 5202 Postage 25 50 50 50 5203 Clothing 3,449 3,742 5,000 400 5,400 5,000 5204 Gas / Oil 4,724 5,613 8,600 8,600 8,600 5205 Minor Tools 3,294 3,008 3,050 250 3,300 3,050 5206 Cleaning 1,221 508 1,200 1,200 1,200 5207 Chemical / Medical 165 159 350 350 350 5208 Educational 200 200 200 5210 Traffic 95 436 500 500 500 5211 Freight 220 211 350 350 350 5212 Reproduction / 330 138 1,000 1,000 1,000 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 1,500 1,500 1,500 5215 Water Taps 25,070 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17,501 30,000 30,000 30,000 5200 SUPPLIES 39,698 32,456 53,000 700 53,700 53,000 355 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5301 Building 5302 Water Lines 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 356 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-94 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,166 1,406 2,500 2,500 2,500 57,555 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87,298 70,000 70,000 70,000 58,721 88,704 72,500 72,500 72,500 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-94 1 2 3 4 6 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BI BUDGET SSED UPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5401 Office 206 602 517 517 517 5402 Machinery / Tools / 6,757 3,858 5,500 5,500 5,500 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 202 204 300 300 300 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5,410 4,541 6,000 6,000 6,000 5405 Meters 1,675 2,744 5,000 5,000 5,000 5406 Heating / Air 21 118 100 100 100 Conditioning 5407 Fire Hydrants ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,380 1,573 7,500 7,500 7,500 5400 MAINTENANCE 20,651 13,640 24,917 24,917 24,917 EQUIPMENT 357 358 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-94 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 1,434 216 500 500 500 5503 Telephone 1,749 3,082 2,000 2,000 2,000 5504 Electric 2,277 1,803 3,581 3,581 3,581 5505 Gas 1,012 498 75 75 75 5506 Water / Sewer 486 92 172 172 172 5509 Audits / Contracts 12,435 338,151 280,813 280,813 280,813 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 618 318 1,425 150 1,575 1,425 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 101 263 426 50 476 426 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 911 1,050 1,050 1,050 5514 External Printing 801 750 750 750 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 358 500 500 500 5500 SERVICES 20,112 346,493 291,292 200 291,492 291,292 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WATER DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-94 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 4,483 6,246 9,313 9,313 9,313 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 300 300 300 5604 Other 244 95 200 200 200 5600 SUNDRY ---------------------------------=--------------------------------------- 4,727 6,341 9,813 9,813 9,813 6901 Office 208 190 425 425 6902 Machinery / Tools 25,863 402 6,000 6,000 6,000 / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base 2,043 3,750 3,750 2,500 Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 19,100 9,750 9,750 9,750 6900 EQUIPMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47,214 592 19,925 19,925 18,250 359 360 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 02-95 Suer Treatment ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Provides operation and maintenance of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, grounds, and related facilities in order to rL%4j,Lly treat sewage from the City Sewer Collection System and dispose of sludge generated by Wastewater Treatment Plant. To provide quality sewage treatment and sludge disposal, and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant facilities, in order to meet all Government Agency requirements and to protect public investment. OBJECTIVES 1. To ensure all personnel are well trained. 2. Operate the Wastewater Treatment Plant 24 hours a day. 3. Provide maintenance to facilities and surrounding grounds as needed. 4. To dispose of sludge in an approved manner as required by the Texas Department of Health. 5. To prepare all records and reports from laboratory testing required for permit compliance by the Texas Department of Water Resources and the EPA. UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY SEWAGE TREATMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-95 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 267,870 336,895 384,390 20,285 404,675 385,250 44,584 54,536 50,009 1,500 51,509 50,259 34,292 114,639 43,000 43,000 43,000 5,849 9,447 10,397 300 10,697 10,547 328,251 443,985 381,893 200 382,093 381,893 6,325 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,072 7,508 7,508 7,508 687,171 964,574 877,197 22,285 899,482 878,457 101,778 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8,571 43,525 43,525 23,725 101,778 8,571 43,525 43,525 23,725 788,949 973,145 877,197 65,810 943,007 902,182 361 362 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Utilities Wastewater Treatment 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor 22 1 1 1 1 28,008 28,008 Asst. Wastewater Plant Superavisor 20 1 1 1 1 23,412 24,000 Senior Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator 19 1 1 1 1 16,428 17,748 Wastewater Plan Operator #1 18 5 3 5 5 75,588 76,632 Lab Technician 17 2 1 2 2 29,148 25,248 Wastewater Plan Operator #2 17 5 4 5 5 69,073 68,460 Maintenance Worker I 17 Wastewater Plan -- operator #3 15 Maintenance Foreman 19 Electrical Technician DIVISION NUMBER 02-95 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 28,008 28,008 24,000 24,000 17,748 17,748 76,632 76,632 25,248 25,248 68,460 68,460 2 2 1 1 31,632 17,580 17,580 17,580 2 4 2 2 24,132 27,444 27,444 27,444 0 1 1 1 0 16,452 16,452 16,452 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 17,052 17,052 0 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Utilities Wastewater Treatment 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 DIAL FULL TIME 19 18 19 19 297,421 301,572 17,052 Other DIVISION NUMBER 02-95 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 318,624 301,572 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 7,893 11,525 11,525 11,525 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 7,893 11,525 0 11,525 11,525 TOTAL REGULARSI 19 18 19 19 305,314 313,097 17,052 330,149 313,097 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 9,150 7,800 0 7,800 7,800 2. FICA 21,764 22,386 1,219 23,605 22,386 3. Retirement 14,510 15,655 853 16,508 15,655 4. Workmen's Compensation 4,477 5,672 321 5,993 5,672 5. Unemployment Compensation 300 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 6. Group Insurance 15,960 15,960 840 16,800 16,820 7. Longevity 0 1,820 0 1,820 1,820 TOTAL OTHER ENSAT ON 66,161 71,293 3,233 74,526 72,153 GRAND TOTAL 19 18 19 19 371,475 384,390 20,285 404,675 385,250 363 364 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SEWAGE TREATMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-95 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 881 694 450 100 550 450 5202 Postage 9 52 50 50 50 5203 Clothing 3,635 5,173 5,452 400 5,852 5,452 5204 Gas / Oil 9,788 9,204 6,387 750 7,137 6,637 5205 Minor Tools 890 1,391 1,150 250 1,400 1,150 5206 Cleaning 1,136 1,352 1,200 1,200 1,200 5207 Chemical / Medical 26,679 34,521 32,820 32,820 32,820 5208 Educational 72 200 200 200 5211 Freight 586 1,036 1,000 1,000 1,000 5212 Reproduction / 53 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 855 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,113 1,300 1,300 1,300 5200 SUPPLIES 44,584 54,536 50,009 1,500 51,509 50,259 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SEWAGE TREATMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-95 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5301 Building 125 54 1,000 1,000 1,000 5302 Water Lines 5305 Streets / Curbs / 92 2,000 2,000 2,000 Gutters 5307 Sewer Plants / Lift 34,167 114,493 40,000 40,000 40,000 Stations 5300 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34,292 114,639 43,000 43,000 43,000 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5401 Office 245 349 547 547 547 5402 Machinery / Tools / 2,341 4,059 5,400 150 5,550 5,550 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 21 150 50 200 150 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 3,263 4,794 4,300 100 4,400 4,300 5406 Heating / Air 224 Conditioning ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE : 5,849 9,447 10,397 300 10,697 10,547 EQUIPMENT 365 366 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SEWAGE TREATMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-95 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 5501 Rental of Equipment 2,540 633 1,000 1,000 1,000 5503 Telephone 1,213 2,364 2,500 2,500 2,500 5504 Electric 296,410 410,163 350,186 350,186 350,186 5506 Water / Sewer 10,828 2,011 2,700 2,700 2,700 5509 Audits / Contracts 16,410 27,941 22,736 22,736 22,736 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 530 605 2,100 150 2,250 2,100 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 227 208 471 50 521 471 scriptions 5512 Auto Mileage 93 5513 Copier Costs 60 5514 External Printing 100 100 100 5515 Internal Printing 100 100 100 5500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES 328,251 443,985 381,893 200 382,093 381,893 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SEWAGE TREATMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-95 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5601 Liability / Comp. 6,255 4,650 7,508 7,508 7,508 Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 51 5604 Other 19 422 5600 SUNDRY ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,325 5,072 7,508 7,508 7,508 6901 Office 263 1,787 7,775 7,775 1,975 6902 Machinery / Tools 21,966 3,815 24,750 24,750 21,750 / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base 2,969 1,250 1,250 Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 79,549 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9,750 9,750 6900 EQUIPMENT 101,778 8,571 43,525 43,525 23,725 367 368 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 02-96 Sever Collection ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Provides construction and maintenance of the Sewer Collection System, Sewage Lift Station and Service Connections. To effectively maintain and update the Sewer Collection System in order to reduce stoppages and infiltration and to prolong the life of public investments. To provide immediate response to emergency situations and minimize customer complaints. OBJECTIVES 1. Ensure that all personnel receive proper training. 2. Maintain an adequate inventory of supplies to support construction and maintenance activities in a timely manner. 3. Provide assistance to consulting Engineers with design and preparation of sewer line construction documents. 4. Maintain up-to-date mapping of the sewer system. 5. Provide quality inspection of all construction. UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY SEWER COLLECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-96 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 238,914 243,780 281,526 17,028 298,554 282,306 20,119 19,498 22,330 1,350 23,680 23,230 22,618 25,812 54,500 54,500 54,500 10,372 6,886 13,330 250 13,580 13,330 39,590 15,606 47,843 200 48,043 47,843 5,181 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,807 9,768 9,768 9,768 336,794 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 317,389 429,297 18,828 448,125 430,977 25,525 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50,828 42,550 42,550 36,000 25,525 50,828 42,550 42,550 36,000 362,319 368,217 429,297 61,378 490,675 466,977 369 370 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Utilities Sewer Collection 02-96 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Senior Foreman 20 1 1 1 1 16,716 18,720 18,720 18,720 Maintenance Foreman 19 1 1 1 1 17,100 18,900 18,900 18,900 Utilities Crew Leader . 19 2 2 2 2 32,135 30,804 30,804 30,804 Heavy Equipment Operator II 17 2 2 2 2 32,604 30,372 30,372 30,372 Senior Utilities Worker 16 5 4 5 5 64,140 62,952 62,952 62,952 Utilities Clerk 16 1 1 1 1 12,564 13,272 13,272 13,272 Utilities Worke 15 3 3 3 3 32,712 35,244 35,244 35,244 Sewage Lift Station Operato 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 14,196 14,196 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 15 14 15 15 207,971 210,264 14,196 224,460 210,264 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 1 1 I 5,456 8,732 8,732 8,732 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Utilities Sewer Collection 02-96 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 4. Promotion Increases 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 5,456 8,732 0 8,732 8,732 TOTAL REGULAR S 15 14 15 15 213,427 218,996 14,196 233,192 218,996 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 11,000 11,400 0 11,400 11,400 2. FICA 15,211 15,658 1,015 16,673 15,658 3. Retirement 10,141 10,949 710 11,659 10,949 4. Workmen's Compensation 4,624 3,723 267 3,990 3,723 5. Unemployment Compensation 1,200 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 6. Group Insurance 12,600 12,600 840 13,440 13,380 7. Longevity 0 7,200 0 7,200 7,200 TOTAL OTHER ENSAT=ON 54,776 62,530 2,832 65,362 63,310 GRAND TOTAL 15 14 15 15 268,203 281,526 17,028 298,554 282,306 371 372 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SEWER COLLECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-96 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 672 582 450 50 500 450 5203 Clothing 3,263 3,242 5,000 400 5,400 5,000 5204 Gas / Oil 8,787 9,555 3,930 650 4,580 4,580 5205 Minor Tools 2,534 2,119 2,100 250 2,350 2,350 5206 Cleaning 128 868 350 350 350 5207 Chemical / Medical 400 352 500 500 500 5208 Educational 304 200 200 200 5210 Traffic 142 500 500 500 5211 Freight 203 95 300 300 300 5212 Reproduction / Printing 5213 Other Supplies 802 804 1,500 1,500 1,500 5217 Sewer Taps 3,188 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,577 7,500 7,500 7,500 5200 SUPPLIES 20,119 19,498 22,330 1,350 23,680 23,230 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SEWER COLLECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-96 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL. BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5301 Building 260 922 1,000 1,000 1,000 5303 Sewer Llines 21,829 21,979 50,000 50,000 50,000 5307 Sewer Plants / Lift 529 2,911 3,500 3,500 3,500 Stations 5300 MAINTENANCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22,618 25,812 54,500 54,500 54,500 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5401 Office 122 304 330 330 330 5402 Machinery / Tools / 7,258 5,230 7,500 7,500 7,500 Instruments 5403 Radios / Base 48 68 400 400 400 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 2,944 1,284 5,000 250 5,250 5,000 5406 Heating / Air 100 100 100 Conditioning ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE 10,372 6,886 13,330 250 13,580 13,330 EQUIPMENT 373 374 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SEWER COLLECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-96 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 819 162 500 500 500 5503 Telephone 883 1,360 1,360 1,360 5504 Electric 11,064 13,244 16,153 16,153 16,153 5505 Gas 325 325 325 5506 Water / Sewer 474 813 813 813 5509 Audits / Contracts 27,429 473 26,144 26,144 26,144 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 167 180 1,425 150 1,575 1,425 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 111 176 423 50 473 423 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 14 5514 External Printing 200 200 200 5515 Internal Printing 500 500 500 5500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES 39,590 15,606 47,843 200 48,043 47,843 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5601 Liability / Comp. Insurance 5603 Legal Advertising 5604 Other 5600 SUNDRY 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 6900 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS SEWER COLLECTION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-96 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 4,810 5,583 8,968 8,968 8,968 371 300 300 300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224 500 500 500 5,181 5,807 9,768 9,768 9,768 309 5,300 5,300 3,795 40,355 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,321 3,750 3,750 2,500 19,100 10,473 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28,500 28,500 28,500 25,525 50,828 42,550 42,550 36,000 375 376 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 02-97 Water/Seer Administration ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Water/Sewer Administration division performs the general management functions for the water and wastewater divisions. To provide the citizens of College Station with an efficient and cost effective utility system. 1. To devote considerable attention to maintaining the existing system. 2. To implement necessary capital improvements. 3. Zb further enhance each division through continuing education and training. 4. Zb supervise and perform general management functions for the division of water and wastewater. UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY WATER/SEWER ADMIN. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-97 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 170,915 177,595 13,803 191,398 177,995 1,244 5,000 100 5,100 5,000 3,121 3,121 3,121 2,184 4,272 4,272 4,272 414 859 859 859 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 174,757 190,847 13,903 204,750 191,247 1,275 1,275 425 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,275 1,275 425 174,757 190,847 15,178 206,025 191,672 377 378 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Utilities Water & Sewer Administration 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 Water & Sewer Superintendent 28 1 1 1 1 Asst. Water & Sewer Supt. 22 1 1 1 1 Water Distribut_on Supervisor 21 1 1 1 1 Sewer Collection Supervisor 21 1 1 1 1 Secretary 17 1 1 1 1 Warehouse Coord 16 1 1 1 1 Intermediate Clerk Typist 0 0 0 1 0 TOTAL FULL TIME 6 6 6 1 6 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creasis TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S 6 6 6 1 6 Other Compensation 1. Overtime I DIVISION NUMBER 02-97 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 40,200 40,476 40,476 40,476 29,412 29,412 29,412 29,412 19,764 20,820 20,820 20,820 25,116 25,620 25,620 25,620 15,300 16,260 16,260 16,260 11,316 11,316 11,316 11,316 0 0 11,544 11,544 0 141,108 143,904 11,544 155,448 143,904 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,024 5,769 5,769 5,769 0 0 0 0 4,024 5,769 0 5,769 5,769 145,132 149,673 11,544 161,217 149,673 0 2,600 0 2,600 2,600 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Utilities Water & Sewer Administration 02-97 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 2. FICA 10,353 10,702 825 11,527 10,702 3. Retirement 6,902 7,483 577 8,060 7,483 4. Workmen's Compensation 1,963 217 17 234 217 5. Unemployment Compensation 200 200 0 200 200 6. Group Insurance 5,040 5,040 840 5,880 5,440 7. Longevity 0 1,680 0 1,680 1,680 TOTAL OTHER CO ENSAT=ON 24,458 27,922 2,259 30,181 28,322 GRAND TOTAL 6 6 6 1 6 169,590 177,595 13,803 191,398 177,995 379 380 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WATER/SEWER ADMIN. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-97 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 570 750 100 850 750 5202 Postage 5 100 100 100 5203 Clothing 505 1,000 1,000 1,000 5204 Gas / Oil 3,000 3,000 3,000 5208 Educational 120 150 150 150 5213 Other Supplies 44 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,244 5,000 100 5,100 5,000 5401 Office 821 821 821 5403 Radios / Base 300 300 300 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,000 2,000 2,000 5400 MAINTENANCE 3,121 3,121 3,121 EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WATER/SEWER ADMIN. DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-97 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5503 Telephone 1,420 1,420 1,420 5510 Training / Seminars 1,722 1,900 1,900 1,900 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 462 452 452 452 scriptions 5514 External Printing 200 200 200 5515 Internal Printing 300 300 300 5500 SERVICES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,184 4,272 4,272 4,272 5601 5600 6901 6900 Liability / Comp. 414 859 859 859 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 414 859 859 859 Office 1,275 1,275 425 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT 1,275 1,275 425 381 382 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 02-99 Utilities Administration ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION The Utility Administration performs the general management functions for the three divisions: Electric, Water, and Wastewater To provide the citizens of College Station with an efficient and cost effective utility system. 1. To devote considerable attention to maintaining the existing system. 2. To implement the capital improvements for construction. 3. To further enhance each division through continuing education and training. 4. To supervise and perform general management functions for the three divisions - electric, water and wastewater. City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-99 1 2 3 4 6 % TOTAL g OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASRCPBUDGET UD PPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES $ BENEFITS 71,073 74,160 78,270 78,270 78,534 5200 SUPPLIES 462 1,093 1,300 1,300 1,300 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE 1,096 608 1,759 1,759 1,759 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 82,116 17,378 3,545 3,545 3,545 5600 SUNDRY 636 1,373 2,633 2,633 2,633 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 155,383 94,612 87,507 87,507 87,771 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT 10,359 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,359 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 155,383 104,971 87,507 87,507 87,771 383 384 DEPARTMENT Public Utilities CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Administration 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED Public Utilities Director 30 1 1 1 1 Administrative Secretary 19 1 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 2 2 2 2 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit Leal 4. Promotion TOTAL OTHER L TOTAL REGULAR S 2 2 2 2 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Work men' s Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER "LSAT -.ON GRAND TOTAL 2 2 2 2 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 DIVISION NUMBER 02-99 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 46,368 47,292 47,292 47,292 16,920 18,000 18,000 18,000 63,288 65,292 65,292 65,292 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,107 2,914 2,914 2,914 0 0 0 0 2,107 2,914 2,914 2,914 65,395 68,206 68,206 68,206 0 0 0 0 4,675 4,876 4,876 4,876 3,116 3,410 3,410 3,410 61 98 98 98 0 0 0 0 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,944 0 0 0 0 9,532 10,064 10,064 10,328 74,927 78,270 78,270 78,534 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-99 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 383 228 300 300 300 5202 Postage 23 9 100 100 100 5204 Gas / Oil 808 800 800 800 5212 Reproduction / 29 Printing 5213 Other Supplies 27 48 100 100 100 5200 SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 462 1,093 1,300 1,300 1,300 5401 Office 84 410 559 559 559 5403 Radios / Base 100 100 100 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 1,012 198 1,000 1,000 1,000 5406 Heating / Air 100 100 100 Conditioning ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5400 MAINTENANCE : 1,096 608 1,759 1,759 1,759 EQUIPMENT 385 386 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-99 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986 - 987 1986 - 1987 GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1 5501 Rental of Equipment 5503 Telephone 407 623 643 643 643 5504 Electric 460 1,500 1,500 1,500 5505 Gas 30 30 30 5506 Water / Sewer 38 72 72 72 5508 Attorneys Fees / 100 100 100 Court Costs 5509 Audits / Contracts 81,332 15,973 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 367 500 500 500 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 10 10 300 300 300 scriptions 5513 Copier Costs 58 100 100 100 5514 External Printing 11 100 100 100 5515 Internal Printing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 205 200 200 200 5500 SERVICES 82,116 17,378 5,545 3,545 3,545 UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5601 5600 6901 6900 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATION DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 02-99 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 Liability / Comp. 636 1,373 2,633 2,633 2,633 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 636 1,373 2,633 2,633 2,633 Office 10,359 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT 10,359 387 Fund Balance Revenues: Total Available Disbursements: Departmental Requests Brazos Beautiful Request Contingency Total Disbursements Transfers: Administrative to General Fund Total Transfers TOTAL REQUESTS ENDING BALANCE SANITATION FUND SUMMARY FY 86-87 $900,000 1,415,000 $ 1,265,161 8,000 23,839 561,000 $1,297,000 561,000 $ 2,315,000 $ 1,858,000 $ 457,000 388 :• SANITATION FUND -- SOURCES OF FUND► FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 LANDFILL REVENUE (5.4%) MMERCIAL REVENUE (19.9%) IENUE (46.3%) SANITATION FUND REVENUE ESTIMATES FY 86-87 APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET FY 84-85 FY 86-87 FY 86-87 03-10-3818 Contribution from Bond Fund $ 0 $ 316,125 $ 0 03-10-4301 Comercial Revenue 372,621 356,885 370,000 03-10-4302 Residential Revenue 857,820 875,342 860,000 03-10-4303 Drainage Revenue 0 0 100,000 03-10-4304 Landfill Revenue 83,297 85,983 85,000 $ 1,313,738 $ 1,634,335 $1,415,000 390 391 SANITATION FUND - USES OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 rriw�Trr.ic�w�ry nnIn KArcr-ELLANEOUS (1.3%) RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION (43.4%) IN (9.2%) SANITATION FUND DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY FY 86-87 APPROVED ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET DEPARTMENT FY 84-85 FY 85-86 FY 86-87 Residential Collection 552,158 587,336 803,617 Commercial Collection 186,540 143,852 169,521 Landfill 181,740 322,540 192,429 Drainage 0 316,121 $ 99,594 Subtotal $ 920,438 $1,369,849 $1,265,161 GPANDTOTAL $ 920,438 $1,369,849 $1,265,161 392 393 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 03-71 Residential Collection ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for providing collection of residential non -hazardous solid wastes generated within the City for transport to and disposal at the City landfill. Provide safe, sanitary and timely removal and disposal of solid waste in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Texas Department of Health. Provide timely and sanitary special collections of trash, rubbish and brush as requested. OBJECTIVES 1. To provide a twice weekly collection of household solid wastes. 2. Minimize the number of personal injury accidents. 3. Provide adequate training to all personnel. 4. Take care of any special collections as requested. PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY RESIDENTIAL COLLECT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-71 40 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 391,283 439,946 517,307 517,307 518,511 23,024 25,233 38,726 38,726 38,726 STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE 44,024 28,597 50,219 50,219 50,219 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 6,104 8,302 2,689 2,689 2,689 5600 SUNDRY 13,205 7,065 9,482 9,482 9,482 OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 477,640 509,143 618,423 618,423 619,627 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 74,509 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78,193 183,990 183,990 183,990 74,509 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78,193 183,990 183,990 183,990 552,149 587,336 618,423 183,990 802,413 803,617 394 395 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Services Residential Collection 03-71 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TDTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATIDN GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Solid Waste Superintendent 22 1 1 1 1 23,004 24,216 24,216 24,216 Solid Waste Foreman 18 1 1 1 1 13,920 15,876 15,876 15,876 Truckdriver II 16 1 1 1 1 11,208 15,228 15,228 15,228 Truckdriver I 16 9 7 9 9 109,404 110,604 110,604 110,604 Public Service lnbrker I 16 18 18 18 18 199,584 217,728 217,728 217,728 TOTAL FULL TIME 30 28 30 30 357,120 383,652 383,652 383,652 Other 1. General wage Increase 0 0 0 C 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 C 3. Merit 8,995 15,635 15,635 15,635 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 C 'TOTAL OTHER 8,995 15,635 15,635 15,635 TOTAL REGULAR S RIE 30 28 30 30 366,115 399,287 399,287 399,287 Other Comeensation 1. Overtime j 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 2. FI I 26,243 28,549 28,549 28,549+ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Services Residential Collection 03-71 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 3. Retirement 17,495 19,964 19,964 19,964 4. Workmen's Compensation 17,973 22,307 22,307 22,307 5. Unemployment Compensation 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 6. Group Insurance 25,200 25,200 25,200 26,404 7. Longevity 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER ENSAT-ON 109,911 118,020 118,020 119,224 GRAND TOTAL 30 28 30 30 476,026 517,307 517,307 518,511 396 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 0 5201 Office 5202 Postage 5203 Clothing 5204 Gas / Oil 5205 Minor Tools 5206 Cleaning 5207 Chemical / Medical 5211 Freight 5213 Other Supplies 5200 SUPPLIES 397 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS RESIDENTIAL COLLECT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-71 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 226 3 300 300 300 45 45 45 6,421 8,522 11,830 11,830 11,830 15,766 15,640 24,901 24,901 24,901 183 305 500 500 500 80 262 400 400 400 23 300 300 300 120 256 200 200 200 205 245 250 250 250 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23,024 25,233 38,726 38,726 38,726 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5401 Office 5403 Radios / Base Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS RESIDENTIAL COLLECT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-71 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7. TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1996 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 23 56 69 69 69 150 150 150 44,001 28,541 50,000 50,000 50,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44,024 28,597 50,219 50,219 50,219 398 399 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL COLLECT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-71 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5501 Rental of Equipment 5503 Telephone 292 318 318 318 5504 Electric 1,534 1,534 1,534 5505 vas 30 30 30 5506 Water / Sewer 19 72 72 72 5509 Audits / Contracts 5,683 7,314 /Special Studies 5510 Training / Seminars 421 502 700 700 700 / Travel 5511 Memberships / Sub- 35 35 35 scriptions 5514 External Printing 175 5500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES 6,104 8,302 2,689 2,689 2,689 5601 Liability / Comp. 13,205 7,065 9,482 9,482 9,482 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5600 SUNDRY 13,205 7,065 9,482 9,482 9,482 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESIDENTIAL COLLECT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-71 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL R OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 6901 Office 6903 Radios / Base Stations 6904 Motor Vehicles 6900 EQUIPMENT 314 190 190 190 1,800 1,800 1,800 74,509 77,879 182,000 182,000 182,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74,509 78,193 183,990 183,990 183,990 400 401 DIVISION TITLE AND NUMBER 03-72 Cmmrercial Collection ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for providing collection of commercial non -hazardous solid wastes generated within the City for transport to and disposal at the City landfill. c�• To provide safe, sanitary and timely removal and disposal of solid wastes from area businesses in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Texas Department of Health. Zb provide our services for any special collections as requested. e". 1. Provide adequate training to all personnel. 2. Minimize the number of personal injuries. 3. Provide daily (except Sunday) collection to businesses., 4. Respond to requests for any special collections. City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMERCIAL COLLECT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-72 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 92,415 129,424 134,105 134,105 134,457 5200 SUPPLIES 5,427 7,496 16,678 16,678 16,678 5300 MAINTENANCE : STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE : 9,720 4,325 15,169 15,169 15,169 EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 291 318 318 318 5600 SUNDRY 3,589 2,161 2,899 2,899 2,899 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111,151 143,697 169,169 169,169 169,521 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT 75,383 155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAY 75,383 155 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 186,534 143,852 169,169 169,169 169,521 402 403 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Service Commercial Collection 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT rrajrvz:)w JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 Truck Driver II 16 2 2 2 2 27,924 26,460 Truck Driver I 16 2 2 2 2 26,604 28,308 Public Service Worker I 16 4 4 4 4 45,324 48,384 TOTAL FULL TIME 8 8 8 8 99,852 103,152 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotio- Ilcreas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR. S I E 8 8 Other Compensation 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unen " 6. Grou 7. Lonc TOTAL 0`1 GRAND TO 0 DI�TISION NUMBER C3-72 7 8 TOTAL SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 26,460 26,460 28,308 28,308 48,384 48,384 103,152 103,152 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 C 1,987 3,303 3,303 3,303 0 0 0 C 1,987 3,303 3,303 3,303 101,839 106,455 106,455 106,455 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 7,240 7,611 7,611 7,611 4,827 5,322 5,322 5,322 4,764 5,997 5,997 5,997 0 0 0 Cl 6,720 6,720 6,720 7,072 0 0 0 0 25,551 27,650 27,650 28,022 127,390 134,105 134,105 134,457 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMERCIAL COLLECT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-72 1 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5202 Postage 5203 Clothing 1,320 2,285 2,765 2,765 2,765 5204 Gas / Oil 3,946 5,205 13,738 13,738 13,738 5205 Minor Tools 128 50 50 50 5207 Chemical / Medical 100 100 100 5211 Freight 32 6 25 25 25 5200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLIES 5,427 7,496 16,678 16,678 16,678 5401 Office 23 56 69 69 69 5403 Radios / Base 6 100 100 100 Stations 5404 Motor Vehicles 9,697 4,263 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15,000 15,000 15,000 5400 MAINTENANCE : 9,720 4,325 15,169 15,169 15,169 EQUIPMENT 404 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5503 Telephone 5500 SERVICES 5601 5600 6901 6904 6900 405 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS COMMERCIAL COLLECT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-72 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 291 318 318 318 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 291 318 318 318 Liability / Comp. 3,589 2,161 2,899 2,899 2,899 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 3,589 2,161 2,899 2,899 2,899 Office Motor Vehicles EQUIPMENT 155 75,383 -------------------------- 75,383 155 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 03-73 Landfill ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for providing a controlled area of land upon which non -hazardous solid waste, generated and collected within the City, is disposed of by trench burial in accordance with standards, rules and regulations established 'by the Texas Department of Health; operation of vehicle scales to determine weight of solid waste received; collection of chargeable fees, and recording landfill transactions (tonnage received) for determining the estimated useful life of the landfill. c�• To provide a controlled area of land upon which non -hazardous solid waste, generated and collected within the City, can be disposed of in accordance with Texas Department of Health regulations. 1. Provide personnel with adequate training. 2. Provide well maintained landfill grounds and litter free roads having access to disposal site. 3. Collect all required fees. 4. Record tonnage received to estimate the remaining useful life of the landfill. 5. Receive favorable inspection reports on landfill operations from the Texas Department of Health. 6. Minimize the number of personal accidents. 406 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 407 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY 3 ACTUAL 1984-1985 84,851 15,515 34 27,688 LANDFILL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-73 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 98,615 103,573 103,573 103,797 27,330 18,013 18,013 18,013 576 6,500 6,500 6,500 26,621 37,099 37,099 37,099 42,623 30,800 22,818 22,818 22,818 4,659 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,801 4,012 4,012 4,012 175;370 186,743 192,015 192,015 192,239 1,745 4,613 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135,797 190 190 190 6,358 135,797 190 190 190 181,728 322,540 192,015 190 192,205 192,429 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER Public Service Landfill 03-73 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED CLASSIFICATION GRADE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 Landfill Operator 19 1 1 1 1 18,600 19,572 19,572 19,572 Heavy Equipment Operator III 19 1 1 1 1 19,380 20,634 20,634 20,634 Heavy Equipment Operator II 17 2 2 2 2 26,957 27,390 27,390 27,390 Weigh -In Operater 15 1 1 1 1 12,828 13,584 13,584 13,584 TOTAL FULL TIME 5 5 5 5 77,765 81,180 81,180 81,180 Other 1. General Wage Increase 0 0 0 0 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 0 0 0 0 3. Merit 2,068 2,880 2,880 2,880 4. Promotion I creas s 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OTHER 2,068 2,880 2,880 2,880 TOTAL REGULAR SI E 5 5 5 5 79,833 84,060 84,060 84,060 Other Compensation 1. Overtone 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2. FICA 5,691 5,991 5,991 5,991 3. Retirement 3,737 4,203 4,203 4,203 4. Workmen's Compensation 2,700 2,919 2,919 2,919 408 409 DEPARTMENT Public Services CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Landfill 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity TOTAL OTHER ENSAT=ON GRAND TOTAL 5 5 5 5 DIVISION NUMBER 03-73 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT PROPOSED TOTAL BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 1986-87 200 200 200 200 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,424 0 0 0 0 18,528 19,513 19,513 19,737 98,361 103,573 103,573 103,797 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT LANDFILL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-73 j 2 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5201 Office 373 256 1,000 1,000 1,000 5202 Postage 5203 Clothing 1,079 1,309 2,500 2,500 2,500 5204 Gas / Oil 13,075 24,766 13,363 13,363 13,363 5205 Minor Tools 67 471 500 500 500 5207 Chemical / Medical 24 3 50 50 50 5209 Botanical / 200 200 200 Agricultural 5211 Freight 861 449 300 300 300 5213 Other Supplies 36 76 100 100 100 5200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLIES 15,515 27,330 18,013 18,013 18,013 410 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION Building Streets / Curbs / Gutters Grounds MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS Office Machinery / Tools / Instruments Motor Vehicles MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 411 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS LANDFILL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-73 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 34 62 1,500 1,500 1,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 514 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 576 6,500 6,500 6,500 40 56 99 25,627 24,716 35,000 99 99 35,000 35,000 2,021 1,849 2,000 2,000 2,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27,688 26,621 37,099 37,099 37,099 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 OBJECT GROUP 5501 5503 5504 5509 5510 5500 5601 5600 2 CLASSIFICATION Rental of Equipment Telephone Electric Audits / Contracts /Special Studies Training / Seminars / Travel SERVICES City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS LANDFILL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-73 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL 8 ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 624 624 1,000 1,000 1,000 820 242 318 318 318 1,075 1,421 38,770 27,696 20,000 20,000 20,000 1,334 817 1,500 1,500 1,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42,623 30,800 22,818 22,818 22,818 Liability / Comp. 4,659 2,801 4,012 4,012 4,012 Insurance ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 4,659 2,801 4,012 4,012 4,012 412 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6805 Reservoirs / Tanks 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6901 Office 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6904 Motor Vehicles 6906 Heating / Air Conditioning Equipment 6900 EQUIPMENT 413 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS LANDFILL DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-73 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 1,745 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,745 76 135,797 3,778 759 190 190 190 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,613 135,797 190 190 190 DIVISION TITLE AMID NUMBER 03-74 DRAIINAGE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Responsible for providing minor drainage maintenance to City drainage easements and other maintenance projects as assigned. To provide clean and properly maintained City drainage easements within the municipality's minor tributary collection system and respond to citizen's complaints relative to minor drainage problems. 1. Provide courteous and continuous minor maintenance to City drainage areas. 2. Work toward a minor preventative maintenance drainage program that allows City ditches, creeks and tributaries to flow freely and unobstructed through the year. 414 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 5100 SALARIES 8 BENEFITS 5200 SUPPLIES 5300 MAINTENANCE STRUCTURES / GROUNDS 5400 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 5500 SERVICES 5600 SUNDRY OPERATING TOTAL 6700 LANDS 6800 BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES 6900 EQUIPMENT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 415 City of College Station BUDGET SUMMARY DRAINAGE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-74 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL S ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 42,288 72,485 72,485 72,655 11,140 17,000 17,000 17,000 482 7,000 7,000 7,000 1,672 2,939 2,939 2,939 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55,852 99,424 99,424 99,594 260,269 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 260,269 GRAND TOTAL 316,121 99,424 99,424 99,594 DEPARTMENT Public Services CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DIVISION Drainage 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT CLASSIFICATION RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED Heavy Equipment Operator III 19 0 1 1 1 Heavy Equipment Operator II 17 2 2 2 2 Truck Driver I 16 2 1 1 1 TOTAL FULL TIME 4 4 4 4 Other 1. General Wage Increase 2. Seasonal Help & Temporary Help 3. Merit 4. Promotion I creas s TOTAL OTHER TOTAL REGULAR S E 4 4 4 4 Other CcmPensat on 1. Overtime 2. FICA 3. Retirement 4. Workmen's Compensation 5. Unemployment Compensation 6. Group Insurance 7. Longevity 4 5 6 7 CURRENT PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 DIVISION NUMBER 03-74 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 0 15,252 15,252 15,252 24,984 29,328 29,328 29,328 22,632 11,316 11,316 11,316 47,616 55,896 55,896 55,896 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,487 2,487 2,487 0 0 0 0 0 2,487 2,487 2,487 47,616 58,383 58,383 58,383 0 0 0 0 3,357 4,174 4,174 4,174 2,238 2,919 2,919 2,919 1,261 2,649 2,649 2,649 3,360 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 3,360 3,360 3,530 0 0 0 0 416 417 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SALARIES & BENEFITS DEPARTMENT DIVISION Public Services Drainage 1 2 3 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4 5 6 CURRENT PROPOSED JOB PAY CURRENT CURRENT BUDGET BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL CLASSIFICAT-ON RANGE BUDGET ACTUAL REQUEST SUPPLEMENT APPROVED 1985-86 1986-87 1986-87 TOTAL OTHER COMPENSAT::ON 10,216 14,102 GRAND 'TOTAL 4 4 4 4 57,832 72,485 DIVISION NUMBER 01-74 7 8 TOTAL REQUEST APPROVED 1986-87 1986-87 14,102 14,272 72,485 72,655 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT DRAINAGE DIVISION DIVISION NUMBER 03-74 1 2 3 4 PROPOSED 7 TOTAL g OBJECT ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC UPPPPLEMENTAL REQUEST APPROVED GROUP CLASSIFICATION 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 5203 Clothing 476 1,400 1,400 1,400 5204 Gas / Oil 10,934 15,000 15,000 15,000 5205 Minor Tools 300 300 300 5207 Chemical / Medical 200 200 200 5211 Freight 100 100 100 5200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLIES 11,410 17,000 17,000 17,000 5402 Machinery / Tools / 154 5,000 5,000 5,000 Instruments 5404 Motor Vehicles ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 328 2,000 2,000 2,000 5400 MAINTENANCE 482 7,000 7,000 7,000 EQUIPMENT 5601 Liability / Comp. 1,672 2,939 2,939 2,939 Insurance 5600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNDRY 1,672 2,939 2,939 2,939 418 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 2 OBJECT GROUP CLASSIFICATION 6902 Machinery / Tools / Equipment 6904 Motor Vehicles 6900 EQUIPMENT 419 City of College Station BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTS DRAINAGE DIVISION 3 4 5 PROPOSED 6 PROPOSED ACTUAL ACTUAL BASIC BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL 1984 -1985 1985 -1986 1986 - 1987 BUDGET 151,959 DIVISION NUMBER 03-74 7 TOTAL 8 REQUEST APPROVED 1986 - 1987 1986 - 1987 108,310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 260,269 Beginning Balance: Revenues: Tax Revenue Utility Contributions Hotel/Motel Contributions Interest Income Total Available Disbursements: Bonds Principal Bonds Interest Total Bonds C.O.Principal C.O. Interest Total C.O. Total Requirement ENDING BALANCE DEBT SERVICE FUND SUMMARY FY 86-87 3,702,273 695,410 131,400 100,000 $1,865,000 2,025,297 $ 220,891 283,396 $3,890,297 $ 504,287 $1,800,000 4,629,083 $6,429,083 $4,394,584 $2,034,499 420 421 DEBT SERVICE FUND - SOURCES OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 INTEREST INCOME (2.2%) :ONTRIBUTION (15.0%) )TEL/MOTEL CONTRIBUTION (2.8%) AD VALOREM TAX (80.0%) DEBT SERVICE FUND - USES OF FUNDS CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION IP (6.1 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION PRIM (4.8%) GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND INTEREST (43.8%) FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 ADDITION TO FUND BALANCE (5.1%) GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PRINCIPAL (40.3%) 422 423 GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE SUMMARY FY 86-87 GENERAL UTILITY FUND FUND ASSOCIATED ASSOCIATED TOTAL 1968 G.O. Bonds Principal $ 40,000 $ $ 40,000 1971 G.O. Bonds Principal 25,000 25,000 1976 G.O. Bonds Principal 75,000 225,000 300,000 1978-I G.O. Bonds Principal 31,500 143,500 175,000 1978-II G.O. Bonds Principal 150,000 150,000 1981 G.O. Bonds Principal 150,000 150,000 1982 G.O. Bonds Principal 275,000 275,000 1982 II G.O. Bonds Principal 300,000 300,000 1984 G.O. Bonds Principal 450,000 450,000 TOTAL BONDS PRINCIPAL $1,496,500 $ 368,500 1,865,000 1968 G.O. Bonds Interest $ 17,925 $ $ 17,925 1971 G.O. Bonds Interest 6,712 6,712 1976 G.O. Bonds Interest 43,612 130,838 174,4_50 1978-I G.O. Bonds Interest 18,621 84,829 103,450 1978-II Bonds Interest 105,935 105,935 1981 G.O. Bonds Interest 66,900 66,900 1982 G.O. Bonds Interest 169,950 169,950 1982 II G.O. Bonds Interest 556,475 556,475 1984 G.O. Bonds Interest 823,500 823,500 TOTAL BONDS INTEREST $1,809,630 $ 215,667 $2,025,297 TOTAL BONDS $3,306,130 $ 584,167 $3,890,297 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION General Obligation Bond, Series 1968 August 1, 1968 - $840,000 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL DATE BOND # AMOUNT RATE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT TOTAL REQUIREMENT 6.0 8-1-69 $39,205.00 $39,205.00 $39,205.00 8-1-70 1-3 $15,000 6.0 2-1-70 $19,602.50 8-1-70 19,602.50 39,205.00 54,205.00 8-1-71 4-7 20,000 6.0 2-1-71 19,152.50 8-1-71 19,152.50 38,305.00 58,305.00 8-1-72 8-11 20,000 6.0 2-1-72 18,552.50 8-1-72 18,552.50 37,105.00 57,105.00 8-1-73 12-15 20,000 6.0 2-1-73 17,952.50 8-1-73 17,952.50 35,905.00 55,905.00 8-1-74 16-20 25,000 4.4 2-1-74 17,352.50 8-1-74 17,352.50 34,705.00 59,705.00 8-1-75 21-25 25,000 4.4 2-1-75 16,802.50 8-1-75 16,802.50 33,605.00 58,605.00 8-1-76 26-30 25,000 4.4 2-1-76 16,252.50 8-1-76 16,252.50 -32,505.00 57,505.00 8-1-77 31-35 25,000 4.4 2-1-77 15,702.50 8-1-77 15,702.50 31,405.00 56,405.00 8-1-78 36-40 25,000 4.4 2-1-78 15,152.50 8-1-78 15,152.50 30,305.00 55,305.00 8-1-79 41-46 30,000 4.4 2-1-79 14,602.50 8-1-79 14,602.50 29,205.00 59,205.00 8-1-80 47-52 30,000 4.4 2-1-80 13,942.50 8-1-80 13,942.50 27,885.00 57,885.00 8-1-81 53-58 30,000 4.4 2-1-81 13,282.50 8-1-81 13,282.50 26,565.00 56,565.00 8-1-82 59-65 35,000 4.4 2-1-82 12,622.50 8-1-82 12,622.50 25,245.00 60,245.00 8-1-83 66-72 35,000 4.4 2-1-83 11,852.50 8-1-83 11,852.50 23,705.00 58,705.00 8-1-84 73-79 35,000 4.4 2-1-84 11,082.50 8-1-84 11,082.50 22,165.00 57,165.00 8-1-85 80-87 40,000 4.5 2-1-85 10,312.50 8-1-85 10,312.50 20,625.00 60,625.00 8-1-86 88-95 40,000 4.5 2-1-86 9,412.50 8-1-86 9,412.50 18,825.00 58,825.00 8-1-87 96-103 40,000 4.6 2-1-87 8,512.50 8-1-87 8,512.50 17,025.00 57,025.00 8-1-88 104-112 45,000 4.6 2-1-88 7,592.50 8-1-88 7,592.50 15,185.00 60,185.00 8-1-89 113-121 45,000 4.6 2-1-89 6,557.50 8-1-89 6,557.50 13,115.00 58,115.00 8-1-90 122-130 45,000 4.7 2-1-90 5,522.50 8-1-90 5,522.50 11,045.00 56,045.00 8-1-91 131-139 45,000 4.7 2-1-91 4,465.00 8-1-91 4,465.00 8,930.00 53,930.00 8-1-92 140-148 45,000 4.7 2-1-92 3,407.50 8-1-92 3,407.50 6,815.00 51,815.00 8-1-93 149-158 50,000 4.7 2-1-93 2,350.00 8-1-93 2,350.00 4,700.00 54,700.00 8-1-94 159-168 50,000 4.7 2-1-94 1,175.00 8-1-94 1,175.00 2,350.00 52,350.00 $840,000 $293,215.00 $332,420.00 $625,635.00 $1,465,635.00 Current Requirement - $57,925 424 425 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION General Obligation Bond, Series 1971 August 1, 1971 - $500,000 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL DATE BOND # AMOUNT RATE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT TOTAL REQUIREMENT 2-1-72 1-5 $25,000 7.00 2-1-72 $14,137.50 8-1-72 $13,262.50 $27,400.00 $52,40.00 2-1-73 6-10 25,000 7.00 2-1-73 13,262.50 8-1-73 12,387.50 25,650.00 50,650.00 2-1-74 11-15 25,000 7.00 2-1-74 12,387.50 8-1-74 11,512.50 23,900.00 48,900.00 2-1-75 16-20 25,000 7.00 2-1-75 11,512.50 8-1-75 10,637.50 22,150.00 47,150.00 2-1-76 21-25 25,000 7.00 2-1-76 10,637.50 8-1-76 9,762.50 20,400.00 45,400.00 2-1-77 26-30 25,000 7.00 2-1-77 9,762.50 8-1-77 8,887.50 18,650.00 43,650.00 2-1-78 31-35 25,000 4.70 2-1-78 8,887.50 8-1-78 8,300.00 17,187.50 42,167.50 2-1-79 36-40 25,000 4.70 2-1-79 8,300.00 8-1-79 7,712.50 16,012.50 41,012.50 2-1-80 41-45 25,000 4.70 2-1-80 7,712.50 8-1-80 7,125.00 14,837.50 39,837.50 2-1-81 46-50 25,000 4.70 2-1-81 7,125.00 8-1-81 6,537.50 13,662.50 38,662.50 2-1-82 51-55 25,000 5.00 2-1-82 6,537.50 8-1-82 5,912.50 12,450.00 37,450.00 2-1-83 56-60 25,000 5.00 2-1-83 5,912.50 8-1-83 5,287.50 11,200.00 36,200.00 2-1-84 61-65 25,000 5.00 2-1-84 5,287.50 8-1-84 4,662.50 9,950.00 34,950.00 2-1-85 66-70 25,000 5.00 2-1-85 4,662.50 8-1-85 4,037.50 8,700.00 33,700.00 2-1-86 71-75 25,000 5.45 2-1-86 4,037.50 8-1-86 3,356.25 7,393.75 32,393.75 2-1-87 76-80 25,000 5.45 2-1-87 3,356.25 8-1-87 2,675.00 6,031.25 31,031.25 2-1-88 81-85 25,000 5.70 2-1-88 2,675.00 8-1-88 1,962.50 4,637.50 29,637.50 2-1-89 86-90 25,000 5.70 2-1-89 1,962.50 8-1-89 1,250.00 3,212.50 28,212.50 2-1-90 91-95 25,000 5.00 2-1-90 1,250.00 8-1-90 625.00 1,875.00 26,875.00 2-1-91 96-100 25,000 5.00 2-1-91 625.00 8-1-91 625.00 25,625.00 $500,000 $140,031.25 $125,893.75 $265,925.00 $765,925.00 Current Requirement - $31,712 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION General Obligation Bond, Series 1976 645,000 New Police Station and Warehouse, Maintenance Building and Storage Yard 260,000 Street Improvements - 360,000 City Hall Addition - 225,000 Park Improvements 2,400,000 Water System Improvements - 1,950,000 Sewer System Improvements August 15, 1976 - $5,840,000 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL DATE BOND # AMOUNT RATE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT TOTAL REQUIREMENT 6.00 2-15-77 $163,425.00 8-15-77 $163,425.00 $326,850.00 $326,850.00 2-15-78 1-55 $275,000 6.00 2-15-78 163,425.00 8-15-78 155,175.00 318,600.00 593,600.00 2-15-79 56-110 275,000 6.00 2-15-79 155,175.00 8-15-79 146,925.00 302,100.00 577,100.00 2-15-80 111-165 275,000 6.00 2-15-80 146,925.00 8-15-80 138,675.00 285,600.00 560,600.00 2-15-81 166-220 275,000 6.00 2-15-81 138,675.00 8-15-81 130,425.00 269,100.00 544,100.00 2-15-82 221-275 275,000 6.00 2-15-82 130,425.00 8-15-82 122,175.00 252,600.00 527,600.00 2-15-83 276-330 275,000 6.00 2-15-83 122,175.00 8-15-83 113,925.00 236,100.00 511,100.00 2-15-84 331-388 290,000 6.00 2-15-84 113,925.00 8-15-84 105,225.00 219,150.00 509,150.00 2-15-85 389-448 300,000 6.00 2-15-85 105,225.00 8-15-85 96,225.00 201,450.00 501,450.00 2-15-86 449-508 300,000 6.00 2-15-86 96,225.00 8-15-86 87,225.00 183,450.00 483,450.00 2-15-87 509-568 300,000 6.00 2-15-87 87,225.00 8-15-87 78,225.00 165,450.00 465,450.00 2-15-88 569-628 300,000 6.00 2-15-88 78,225.00 8-15-88 69,225.00 147,450.00 447,450.00 2-15-89 629-688 300,000 5.50 2-15-89 69,225.00 8-15-89 60,975.00 130,200.00 430,200.00 2-15-90 689-748 300,000 5.25 2-15-90 60,975.00 8-15-90 53,100.00 114,075.00 414,075.00 2-15-91 749-808 300,000 5.40 2-15-91 53,100.00 8-15-91 45,000.00 98,100.00 398,100.00 2-15-92 809-868 300,000 5.50 2-15-92 45,000.00 8-15-92 36,750.00 81,750.00 381,750.00 2-15-93 869-928 300,000 5.50 2-15-93 36,750.00 8-15-93 28,500.00 65,250.00 365,250.00 2-15-94 929-988 300,000 5.50 2-15-94 28,500.00 8-15-94 20,250.00 48,750.00 348,750.00 2-15-95 989-1048 300,000 5.50 2-15-95 20,250.00 8-15-95 12,000.00 32,250.00 332,250.00 2-15-96 1049-1108 300,000 4.00 2-15-96 12,000.00 8-15-96 6,000.00 18,000.00 318,000.00 2-15-97 1109-1168 300,000 4.00 2-15-97 6,000.00 8-15-97 6,000.00 306,010.00 $5,840,000 $1,832,850.00 $1,669,425.00 93,502,275.00 $9,342,275.00 Current Requirement - $474,450 426 427 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION General Obligation Bond, Series 1978 110,000 Street Improvements - 325,000 Central Fire Station and Substation - 200,000 Park Improvements 75,000 Oversized Water Lines, City's Share - 90,000 Oversized Sewer Lines, City's Share 2,725,000 Electrical System Improvements February 1, 1978 - $3,525,000 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL DATE BOND # AMOUNT RATE DATE AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT TOTAL REQUIREMENT 6.00 8-1-78 $90,137.50 90,137.50 90,137.50 2-1-79 1-35 $175,000 6.00 2-1-79 $90,137.50 8-1-79 84,887.50 175,025.00 3500,025.00 2-1-80 36-70 175,000 6.00 2-1-80 84,887.50 8-1-80 79,637.50 164,525.00 339,525.00 2-1-81 71-105 175,000 6.00 2-1-81 79,637.50 8-1-81 74,387.50 154,025.00 329,025.00 2-1-82 106-140 175,000 6.00 2-1-82 74,387.50 8-1-82 69,137.50 143,525.00 318,525.00 2-1-83 141-175 175,000 5.80 2-1-83 69,137.50 8-1-83 64,062.50 133,200.00 308,200.00 2-1-84 176-210 175,000 4.70 2-1-84 64,062.50 8-1-84 59,950.00 124,012.50 299,012.50 2-1-85 211-245 175,000 4.70 2-1-85 59,950.00 8-1-85 55,837.50 115,787.50 290,787.50 2-1-86 246-280 175,000 4.70 2-1-86 55,837.50 8-1-86 51,725.00 107,562.50 2820,562.50 2-1-87 281-315 175,000 4.70 2-1-87 51,725.00 8-1-87 47,612.50 99,337.50 274,337.50 2-1-88 316-350 175,000 4.70 2-1-88 47,612.50 8-1-88 43,500.00 91,112.50 266,112.50 2-1-89 351-385 175,000 4.70 2-1-89 43,500.00 8-1-89 39,387.50 82,887.50 257,887.50 2-1-90 386-420 175,000 4.70 2-1-90 39,387.50 8-1-90 35,275.00 74,662.50 249,662.50 2-1-91 421-455 175,000 4.80 2-1-91 35,275.00 8-1-91 31,075.00 66,350.00 241,350.00 2-1-92 456-490 175,000 4.80 2-1-92 31,075.00 8-1-92 26,875.00 57,950.00 232,950.00 2-1-93 491-525 175,000 5.00 2-1-93 26,875.00 8-1-93 22,500.00 49,375.00 224,375.00 2-1-94 526-560 175,000 5.00 2-1-94 22,500.00 8-1-94 18,125.00 40,625.00 215,625.00 2-1-95 561-595 175,000 5.00 2-1-95 18,125.00 8-1-95 13,750.00 31,875.00 206,875.00 2-1-96 596-630 175,000 5.00 2-1-96 13,750.00 8-1-96 9,375.00 23,125.00 198,125.00 2-1-97 631-665 175,000 5.00 2-1-97 9,375.00 8-1-97 5,000.00 14,375.00 189,375.00 2-1-98 666-705 200,000 5.00 2-1-98 5,000.00 8-1-98 5,000.00 205,000.00 $3,525,000 $922,237.50 $922,237.50 $1,844,475.00 $5,369,475.00 Current Requirement - $278,450 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION General Obligation Bond, Series II 1978 530,000 Street Improvements - 1,810,000 Park System 680,000 Police Station, Fire Station and Warehouse Maintenance Building May 15, 1978 - $3,020,000 PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL DATE BOND # AMOUNT RATE DATE AMOUR DATE AMOUNT TOTAL REQUIREMENT 5.625 2-15-79 $121,612.20 8-15-79 $81,073.30 $202,685.50 $202,685.50 2-15-80 1-30 $150,000 5.625 2-15-80 81,074.20 8-15-80 76,854.70 157,928.90 307,928.90 2-15-81 31-60 150,000 5.625 2-15-81 76,855.30 8-15-81 72,636.10 149,491.40 299,491.40 2-15-82 61-90 150,000 5.625 2-15-82 72,636.40 8-15-82 68,417.50 141,053.90 291,053.90 2-15-83 91-120 150,000 5.150 2-15-83 68,417.50 8-15-83 64,555.00 132,972.50 282,972.50 2-15-84 121-150 150,000 5.150 2-15-84 64,555.00 8-15-84 60,692.50 125,247.50 275,247.50 2-15-85 151-180 150,000 5.150 2-15-85 60,692.50 8-15-85 56,830.00 117,522.50 267,522.50 2-15-86 181-210 150,000 5.150 2-15-86 56,830.00 8-15-86 52,967.50 109,797.50 259,797.50 2-15-87 211-240 150,000 5.150 2-15-87 52,967.50 8-15-87 49,105.00 102,072.50 252,072.50 2-15-88 241-270 150,000 5.150 2-15-88 49,105.00 8-15-88 45,242.50 94,347.50 244,347.50 2-15-89 271-300 150,000 5.150 2-15-89 45,242.50 8-15-89 41,380.00 86,622.50 236,622.50 2-15-90 301-330 150,000 5.150 2-15-90 41,380.00 8-15-90 37,517.50 78,897.50 228,897.50 2-15-91 331-360 150,000 5.150 2-15-91 37,517.50 8-15-91 33,655.00 71,172.50 221,172.50 2-15-92 361-390 150,000 5.300 2-15-92 33,655.00 8-15-92 29,680.00 63,335.00 213,335.00 2-15-93 391-420 150,000 5.300 2-15-93 29,680.00 8-15-93 25,705.00 55,385.00 205,385.00 2-15-94 421-450 150,000 5.300 2-15-94 25,705.00 8-15-94 21,730.00 47,435.00 197,435.00 2-15-95 451-480 150,000 5.500 2-15-95 21,730.00 8-15-95 17,605.00 39,335.00 189,335.00 2-15-96 481-510 150,000 5.500 2-15-96 17,605.00 8-15-96 13,480.00 31,085.00 181,085.00 2-15-97 511-540 150,000 5.700 2-15-97 13,480.00 8-15-97 9,205.00 22,685.00 172,685.00 2-15-98 541-570 150,000 5.700 2-15-98 9,205.00 8-15-98 4,930.00 14,135.00 164,135.00 2-15-99 571-604 170,000 5.800 2-15-99 4,930.00 8-15-99 4,930.00 174,930.00 $3,020,000 $984,875.60 $863,261.60 $1,848,137.20 $4,868,137.20 Current Requirement - $255,935 428 429 PRINCIPAL DATE BOND # 2-15-82 1-30 2-15-83 31-60 2-15-84 61-90 2-15-85 91-120 2-15-86 121-150 2-15-87 151-180 2-15-88 181-210 2-15-89 211-240 2-15-90 241-270 2-15-91 271-300 AMOUNT $150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 $1,500,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION General Obligation Bond, Series 1981 May 15, 1981 - $1,500,000 INTEREST RATE DATE AMOUNT DATE 10.75 2-15-82 $106,285.20 8-15-82 $62,793.90 10.75 2-15-83 62,793.60 8-15-83 54,731.40 10.75 2-15-84 54,731.10 8-15-84 46,668.90 8.875 2-15-85 46,668.60 8-15-85 40,012.50 8.75 2-15-86 40,012.50 8-15-86 33,450.00 8.75 2-15-87 33,450.00 8-15-87 26,887.50 8.85 2-15-88 26,887.50 8-15-88 20,250.00 9.00 2-15-89 20,250.00 8-15-89 13,500.00 9.00 2-15-90 13,500.00 8-15-90 6,750.00 9.00 2-15-91 6,750.00 $411,328.50 $305,044.20 Current Requirement - $216,900 TOTAL TOTAL REQUIREMENT $169,079.10 $319,079.10 117,525.00 267,525.00 101,400.00 251,400.00 86,681.10 236,681.10 73,462.50 223,462.50 60,337.50 210,337.50 47,137.50 197,137.50 33,750.00 183,750.00 20,250.00 170,250.00 6,750.00 156,750.00 $716,372.70 $2,216,372.70 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION General Obligation Bond, Series 1982 February 15, 1982 - $2,705,000 TOTAL P & I TOTAL P & I DUE EACH DUE EACH DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT DATE YEAR YEAR RATE 8-15-82 $ $146,406.25 $146,406.25 $146,406.25 1982 2-15-83 230,000 146,406.25 376,406.25 8-15-83 132,893.75 132,893.75 509,300.00 1983 11.75 2-15-84 275,000 132,893.75 407,893.75 8-15-84 116,737.50 116,737.50 524,631.25 1984 11.75 2-15-85 275,000 116,737.50 391,737.50 8-15-85 100,581.25 100,581.25 592,318.715 1985 11.75 2-15-86 275,000 100,581.25 375,581.25 8-15-86 84,975.00 84,975.00 460,556.25 1986 11.35 2-15-87 275,000 84,975.00 359,975.00 8-15-87 71,568.75 71,568.75 431,543.75 1987 9.75 2-15-88 275,000 71,568.75 346,568.75 8-15-88 57,818.75 57,818.75 404,387.50 1988 10.OU 2-15-89 275,000 57,818.75 332,818.75 8-15-89 43,587.50 43,587.50 376,406.25 1989 10.35 2-15-90 275,000 43,587.50 318,587.50 8-15-90 28,875.00 28,875.00 347,462.50 1990 10.70 2-15-91 275,000 28,875.00 303,875.00 8-15-91 13,750.00 13,750.00 317,625.00 1991 11.00 2-15-92 275,000 13,750.00 288,750.00 288,750.00 1992 10.00 Current Requirement - $444,950 430 431 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION General Obligation Bond, Series II 1982 November 15, 1982 - $6,590,000 TOTAL P & I TOTAL P & I DUE EACH DUE EACH DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST PAYMENT DATE YEAR YEAR RATF 8-15-83 $490,781.25 $490,781.25 $490,781.25 1983 2-15-84 $290,000 327,187.50 617,187.50 8-15-84 311,237.50 311,237.50 928,425.00 1984 11.00 2-15-85 300,000 311,237.50 611,237.50 8-15-85 294,737.50 294,737.50 905,975.00 1985 11.00 2-15-86 300,000 294,737.50 594,737.50 8-15-86 278,237.50 278,237.50 872,975.00 1986 11.00 2-15-87 300,000 278,537.50 578,237.50 8-15-87 261,737.50 261,737.50 839,975.00 1987 11.00 2-15-88 300,000 261,737.50 561,737.50 8-15-88 245,237.50 245,237.50 806,975.00 1988 11.00 2-15-89 300,000 245,237.50 545,237.50 8-15-89 228,737.50 228,737.50 773,975.00 1989 11.00 2-15-90 300,000 228,737.50 528,737.50 8-15-90 215,087.50 215,087.50 743,825.00 1990 9.10 2-15-91 300,000 215,087.50 515,087.50 8-15-91 201,587.50 201,587.50 716,675.00 1991 9.00 2-15-92 400,000 201,587.50 601,587.50 8-15-92 183,587.50 183,587.50 785,175.00 1992 9.00 2-15-93 475,000 183,587.50 658,587.50 8-15-93 161,737.50 161,737.50 820,325.00 1993 9.20 2-15-94 475,000 161,737.50 636,737.50 8-15-94 139,412.50 139,412.50 776,150.00 1994 9.40 2-15-95 475,000 139,412.50 614,412.50 8-15-95 116,612.50 116,612.50 731,025.00 1995 9.60 2-15-96 475,000 116,612.50 591,612.50 8-15-96 93,337.50 93,337.50 684,950.00 1996 9.80 2-15-97 475,000 93,337.50 568,337.50 8-15-97 69,587.50 69,587.50 637,925.00 1997 10.00 2-15-98 475,000 69,587.50 544,587.50 8-15-98 45,600.00 45,600.00 590,187.50 1998 10.10 2-15-99 475,000 45,600.00 520,600.00 8-15-99 21,375.00 21,375.00 541,975.00 1999 10.20 2-15-2000 475,000 21,375.00 496,375.00 496,375.00 2000 9.00 Current Requirement - $856,475 DATE PRINCIPAL 8-1-84 2-1-85 $130,000 8-1-85 2-1-86 400,000 8-1-86 2-1-87 450,000 8-1-87 2-1-88 450,000 8-1-88 2-1-89 450,000 8-1-89 2-1-90 450,000 8-1-90 2-1-91 450,000 8-1-91 2-1-92 450,000 8-1-92 2-1-93 450,000 8-1-93 2-1-94 450,000 8-1-94 2-1-95 450,000 8-1-95 2-1-96 450,000 8-1-96 2-1-97 450,000 8-1-97 2-1-98 450,000 8-1-97 2-1-99 450,000 8-1-99 2-1-2000 450,000 8-1-2000 2-1-2001 450,000 8-1-2001 2-1-2002 450,000 8-1-2002 2-1-2003 450,000 8-1-2003 2-1-2004 450,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION General Obligation Bond, Series 1984 May 1, 1984 - $8,630,000 TOTAL P & I TOTAL P & I DUE EACH DUE EACH INTEREST PAYMENT DATE YEAR $220,450.00 $220,450.00 $220,450.00 440,900.00 570,900.00 433,750.00 433,750.00 1,004,650.00 433,750.00 833,750.00 411,750.00 411,750.00 1,245,500.00 411,750.00 861,750.00 387,000.00 387,000.00 1,248,750.00 387,000.00 837,000.00 362,250.00 362,250.00 1,199,250.00 362,250.00 812,250.00 337,500.00 337,500.00 1,149,750.00 337,500.00 787,500.00 312,750.00 312,750.00 1,100,250.00 312,750.00 762,750.00 288,000.00 288,000.00 1,050,750.00 288,000.00 738,000.00 263,250.00 263,250.00 1,001,250.00 263,250.00 713,250.00 239,400.00 239,400.00 952,650.00 239,400.00 689,400.00 218,025.00 218,025.00 907,425.00 218,025.00 688,025.00 196,312.50 196,312.50 864,337.50 196,312.50 646,312.50 174,375.00 174,375.00 820,687.50 174,375.00 624,375.00 152,100.00 152,100.00 776,475.00 152,100.00 602,100.00 129,600.00 129,600.00 731,700.00 129,600.00 579,600.00 106,875.00 106,875.00 686,475.00 106,875.00 556,875.00 83,925.00 83,925.00 640,800.00 83,925.00 533,925.00 60,750.00 60,750.00 594,675.00 60,750.00 510,750.00 40,500.00 40,500.00 551,250.00 40,500.00 490,500.00 20,250.00 20,250.00 510,750.00 20,250.00 470,250.00 470,250.00 Current Requirement - $1,273,500 432 YEAR RATR 1984 11.00 1985 11.00 1986 11.00 1987 11.00 1988 11.00 1989 11.00 1990 11.00 1991 11.00 1992 11.00 1993 10.60 1994 9.50 1995 9.65 1996 9.75 1997 9.90 1998 10.00 1999 10.10 2000 10.?0 2001 10.30 2002 9.00 2003 9.00 2004 9.00 433 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE SUMMARY FY 86-87 GENERAL UTILITY HOTEL/MOTEL FUND FUND FUND ASSOCIATED ASSOCIATED ASSOCIATED TOTAL CO #2 Principal 28,406 28,406 CO #3 Principal 28,327 28,327 CO #4 Principal 40,000 40,000 CO #5 Principal 18,276 18,276 CO #6 Principal 39,138 39,138 CO #7 Principal 40,544 40,544 CO #8 Principal 26,200 26,200 TOTAL PRINCIPAL $ 85,741 $ 54,606 $ 80,544 $ 220,891 CO #2 Interest 15,765 15,765 CO #3 Interest 145,315 145,315 CO #4 Interest 26,400 26,400 CO #5 Interest 1,727 1,727 CO #6 Interest 28,861 28,861 CO #7 Interest 24,456 24,456 CO #8 Interest 40,872 40,872 TOTAL INTEREST $ 175,903 $ 56,637 $ 50,856 $ 283,396 CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION $ 261,644 $ 111,243 $ 131,400 $ 504,287 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION #2 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT Principal - $284,062.50 - 10 yrs. @ 9.25% - Interest YEAR DUE DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL FY 82-83 7-24-82 $28,406.25 $26,275.78 $54,682.03 FY 83-84 7-24-83 28,406.25 23,648.20 52,054.45 FY 84-85 7-24-84 28,406.25 21,020.63 49,426.88 FY 85-86 7-24-85 28,406.25 18,393.05 46,799.30 FY 86-87 7-24-86 28,406.25 15,765.47 44,171.72 FY 87-88 7-24-87 28,406.25 13,137.89 41,544.14 FY 88-89 7-24-88 28,406.25 10,510.31 38,916.56 FY 89-90 7-24-89 28,406.25 7,882.73 36,288.98 FY 90-91 7-24-90 28,406.25 5,255.16 33,661.41 FY 91-92 7-24-91 28,406.25 2,627.56 31,033.81 TOTALS $284,062.50 $144,516.78 $428,579.25 Current Requirment - $44,171.72 434 435 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION #3 HIGH-TECH PARK PROPERTY Principal - $1,297,000.00 - 20 yrs. with Balloon Payment on 7th Yr. - 12% - Interest YEAR DUE DATE PRINCIPAL FY 82-83 7-15-82 $18,002.36 FY 83-84 7-15-83 20,162.64 FY 84-85 7-15-84 22,582.16 FY 85-86 7-15-85 25,292.02 FY 86-87 7-15-86 28,327.06 FY 87-88 7-15-87 31,726.31 FY 88-89 7-15-88 1,150,907.45 TOTALS $1,297,000.00 INTEREST $155,640.00 153,479.72 151,060.20 148,350.34 145,315.30 141,916.05 138,108.89 $1,033,870.50 Current Requirement - $173,642.36 TOTAL $173,642.36 173,642.36 173,642.36 173,642.36 173,642.36 173,642.36 1,289,016.34 $2,330,870.50 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION #4 COMMUNITY CENTER Principal - $400 000.00 - 10 yrs. @ 11% - Interest YEAR DUE DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST 'DOTAL FY 82-83 10-23-82 $40,000.00 $44,000.00 $84,000.00 FY 83-84 10-23-83 40,000.00 39,600.00 79,600.00 FY 84-85 10-23-84 40,000.00 35,200.00 75,200.00 FY 85-86 10-23-85 40,000.00 30,800.00 70,800.00 FY 86-87 10-23-86 40,000.00 26,400.00 66,400.00 FY 87-88 10-23-87 40,000.00 22,000.00 62,000.00 FY 88-89 10-23-88 40,000.00 17,600.00 57,600.00 FY 89-90 10-23-89 40,000.00 13,200.00 53,200.00 FY 90-91 10-23-90 40,000.00 8,800.00 48,800.00 FY 91-92 10-23-91 40,000.00 4,400.00 44,400.00 TOTALS $400,000.00 $242,000.00 $642,000.00 Current Requirement - $66,400 436 437 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION #5 u.�1►��;Z C G � C Principal - $91,380.00 - 5 yrs. @ 9.45% - Interest YEAR DUE DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL FY 82-83 11-13-82 $18,276.00 $8,635.41 $26,911.41 FY 83-84 11-13-83 18,276.00 6,908.33 25,184.33 FY 84-85 11-13-84 18,276.00 5,181.25 23,457.25 FY 85-86 11-13-85 18,276.00 3,454.16 21,730.16 FY 86-87 11-13-86 18,276.00 1,727.08 20,003.08 TOTALS $91,380.00 $25,906.23 $117,286.23 Current Requirement - $20,003.08 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION #6 FIRE DEPARTMENT LADDER TRUCK Principal - $440,000.00 - 10 years with interest rate at 60% of the published prime lending rate. ESTIMATED YEAR DUE DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL FY 84-85 4-17-85 $ 36,413.95 $ 31,586.05 $ 68,000.00 FY 85-86 4-17-86 45,850.97 22,149.03 68,000.00 FY 86-87 4-17-87 40,096.66 27,903.34 68,000.00 FY 87-88 4-17-88 43,224.20 24,775.80 68,000.00 FY 88-89 4-17-89 46,595.69 21,404.31 68,000.00 FY 89-90 4-17-90 50,230.15 17,769.85 68,000.00 FY 90-91 4-17-91 54,148.11 13,851.89 68,000.00 FY 91-92 4-17-92 58,371.66 9,628.34 68,000.00 FY 92-93 4-17-93 62,924.65 5,075.35 68,000.00 FY 93-94 4-17-94 $ 2,143.96 $ 1*167.23 $ 2,311.19 TOTALS $440,000.00 $174,311.19 $614,311.19 * Principal and interest estimated on prime rate of 13% . Current Requirement - $68,000 438 439 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION #7 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING Principal - $400,000.00 - 10 years with interest rate at 57.5% of the published prime lending rate. ESTIMATED YEAR DUE DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST 'TOTAL FY 84-85 6-11-85 $35,100.00 $29,900.00 $ 65,000.00 FY 85-86 6-11-86 46,500.82 18,499.18 65,000.00 FY 86-87 6-11-87 41,183.74 23,816.26 65,000.00 FY 87-88 6-11-88 44,264.29 20,735.71 65,000.00 FY 88-89 6-11-89 47,575.25 17,424.75 65,000.00 FY 89-90 6-11-90 51,133.88 13,866.12 65,000.00 FY 90-91 6-11-91 .54,958.70 10,041.30 65,000.00 FY 91-92 6-11-92 59,069.61 5,930.39 65,000.00 FY 92-93 6-11-93 20,213.71 1,511.99 21,725.70 FY 93-94 6-11-94 -0- -0- 0.00 TOTALS $400,000.00 $141,725.70 $541,725.70 * Principal and interest estimated on prime rate of 13%. Current Requirement - $65,000 YEAR FY 84-85 FY 85-86 FY 86-87 FY 87-88 FY 88-89 FY 89-90 FY 90-91 FY 91-92 FY 92-93 FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 FY 98-99 CERTIFICATE OF OBLIGATION #8 UTILITY SERVICE CENTER LAND Principal - $393,000.00 - 15 years with interest rate at 12% per annum. DUE DATE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 6-15-85 $ 26,200.00 $ 47,160.00 $ 73,360.00 6-15-86 26,200.00 44,016.00 70,216.00 6-15-87 26,200.00 40,872.00 67,072.00 6-15-88 26,200.00 37,728.00 63,928.00 6-15-89 26,200.00 34,584.00 60,784.00 6-15-90 26,200.00 31,440.00 57,640.00 6-15-91 26,200.00 28,296.00 54,496.00 6-15-92 26,200.00 25,152.00 51,352.00 6-15-93 26,200.00 22,008.00 48,208.00 6-15-94 26,200.00 18,864.00 45,064.00 6-15-95 26,200.00 15,720.00 41,920.00 6-15-96 26,200.00 12,576.00 38,776.00 6-15-97 26,200.00 9,432.00 35,632.00 6-15-98 26,200.00 6,288.00 32,488.00 6-15-99 26,200.00 3,144.00 29,344.00 TOTALS $393,000.00 $377,280.00 $770,280.00 Current Requirement - $67,072.00 440 Fund Balance Revenues: Total Available Disbursements: Transfer to General Fund Summer Library Bryan Library Books MHMR RSVP Stepping Stone TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS REVENUE SHARING FUND SUMMARY FY 86-87 $ 450,000 100,000 497,951 3,000 30,000 14,549 2,500 2,000 497,951 52,049 550,000 550,000 441 442 REVENUE SHARING FUND - SOURCES OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE (81.8%) ,L REVENUE SHARING RIBUTION (18.2%) REVENUE SHARING FUND - USES OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 (-nNTRIRI ITInNS T(-) nRGAN17ATi(lNS (9_5%) JN TO GENERAL FUND (90.5%) 443 HOTEL/MOTEL FUND SUMMARY FY 86-87 Fund Balance $ 140,000 Revenues: Hotel/Motel Tax 340,000 Rentals 33,000 Industrial Foundation $ 10,500 Total Available $ 723,500 Disbursements: Community Center: Community Center Requests $ 156,070 Telephone Console 450 Insulated Drapes 568 Camarate Slide Projector 700 Total Community Center Requests 157,788 Parks: Community Promotion Events $ 37,700 Total Parks Requests 37,700 Organizations: B/CS Athletic Federation 7,500 Fireworks Display 3,500 B/CS Chamber of Commerce 247,000 Arts Council 90,000 Sesquicentennial 15,225 Contingency 30,000 Contribution Debt Service 131,400 524,625 Total Requirement $ 720,113 ENDING BALANCE $ 3,387 444 445 HOTEL/MOTEL FUND - SOURCES OF FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 PARKS REQUESTS (5.2%) CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE (18 OMMUNITY CE14TER (21.9%) ARTS COUNCIL (12.5%) CONTINGENCY h MISCELLANEOUS (7.8%) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (34.3%) HOTEL/MOTEL FUND - USES OF FUNDS NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS AND MISCELLANEOUS (6.0%) FISCAL YEAR 1986 - 1987 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX (74.6%) 446 Fund Balance Revenues: Total Available Disbursements: Total Disbursements ENDING BALANCE CEMETERY FUND SUMMARY FY 86-87 $ 55,000 2,700 0 $ 57,700 0 $ 57,700 447