HomeMy WebLinkAbout210715 -- Campaign Finance Report Correction 201005 -- Bob Brick1 3 4 CORRECTION/AMENDMENT AF F IDAVIT FOR CANDIDATE/OFFICEHOLD E R Filer ID {Ethics Commission Filers) 2 Total pages filed : CANDIDATE/ MS/MR MR FIRSb rt- OFFICEHOLDER 72.t::. et NAME NICKN AME ~rick. C:>ob ORIGINAL REPORT 0 January 15 0 Runoff 0 TYPE JaJuly 15 0 Exceeded modifi ed reporting limit MW SUFFIX Fin al report 0 30th day before election Oth er (sp ecify) D 15th day after treasurer appointment (offi ce holder onl y) FORM COR-C/OH OFFICE USE ONLY Receipt# Am ount S 0 8th day before election i-----------1----------------------------I Date Pro cesse d 5 ORIGINAL PERIOD COVERED Month Day Year T HROUG H Month Day Year Da te Image d 7 SIGNATURE I swear, or affirm, under penaltY of perjury, that this corrected r eport is true and correct. Check ONLY if applicable: j ~miannual reports: I swear, or affirm, that the original report was made in goo d faith and without an intent to ~ mis lead or to mis repre-sent the information c o nta ined in the report. 0 Other reports : I swear, or affirm, that I am filing this corrected r ~port not later than the 14th business day after the date I learned that the report as originally filed is inaccurate o r i complete I s w e ar,•or a rm , that any error or omission in the report as originally filed was made in d fai LISA f. MCCRACKEN Signa ture of C a ndida te /Officeholder Notary Public • State of Texas ID# 13297020·3 Pl se complete either option below: My Comm. Expires 3·11·2025 NOTARY STAMP/SEAL Sworn to and subscribed before me by __ hl~..c=.-=--]-=_.,._' •:....<.._~--------thi s th e 15 day of 'J" c.,.. \/ (2) Unswom Declaration My name is -----------------------· and my date of birth is ------------- My address is ____________________ --------___ ----·------ (street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country) Executed in County, State of , on the ___ day of __ ....,..,. ___ , 20 ___ . --------------{month) {year) Sign ature of Candid ate/Officeholder {Declarant) Remember To Attach Any Part Of The Campaign Finance Repo rt Form Needed To Re port And Expla in Corrections Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www. ethi cs .state. tx. us Revised 4/16/2021