HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Park Superintendent 020305Wednesday, March 5, 1969 THE BRYAN DAILY EAGLEBryon -College Station, Texoa page ~ Cit Parr. Su ' y per~ntendent Heads Rec Devel opment By PAT LESTER working relations with in- Eaele ,6taff writer The policy states that the Edttor's Note: Policy statements for dlviduals and organizations who park superintendent must be at the commercial Development Committee, Cap aSS1St Or SUppol't the least 21, hold a bachelor Of the Plannin8 and Zoning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Committee and the development of College Station science degree in park ad- Park 5uperlntendent and Lincoln school p a r k s and recreational ministration, recreation plan- facilities were adopted by the College station City Council Feb. 24. This ;, the facilities. Wing or physical education and fourth of five stories reviewing the The city's policy statement be a resident of College Station statements. specifies that the park within a year following his The park superintendent ~ superintendent will also serve employment. oversees the use and develop ~ a s the director of the Litlcoln The minimum salary for the ment of College Station parks Recreation Center facilities. park superintendent is $4,800. and recreational facilities. College Station has seven city parks and the Lincoln l Recreation Center facility. Ipenencing a steady and healthy growth, which necessitates the 'advice, counsel, skill, energy and efforts of an experienced ~ Park Superintendent to direct and manage the recreational, facilities..." He is responsible for the ~ scheduling and use of all' buildings, grounds and equip-, ment connected with the park and recreational facilities in accordance with general policy established by the Parks and Recreation Committee. He is also responsible for the! maintenance of park and' recreation buildings, grounds ,and equipment. The park superintendent supervises the construction ands repairs of park and recreational' facilities. He is required to maintain records, including an annual inventory of equipment and supplies, for College Station park and recreational facilities. He is required to attend the Parks and Recreation Com- mittee meetings and establish