HomeMy WebLinkAbout210623 -- Final Campaign Finance Report -- Joe Guerra Jr.CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER FORM C /OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE R E PORT COVER SHEET PG 1 1 F iler ID (Ethics Commi ss ion Fil ers) 2 Total pagesJ!/-d: The C/OH Instruction Guide exp lai ns how to complete th i s form. 3 CANDIDATE/ M S/MR S ~ FIR ST M l J OFFICE USE ONLY OFF ICEHOLDER os,C .~. NAME Dale Rece iv ed . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . NICKNAME LAST SUFF IX :RECEIVED Jo~ ~v~~t<..~ ~12_ BY~1·1 ··~·1··1' ~ 4 CANDI DATE/ ADDRE SS I PO BO X; APT I SUITE II ; C ITY; STATE ; ZIP CODE OFFICEHOLDER 2o7<J l2A v ~~~')11 Nt I_... oC f' MAILI NG ADDRESS -rx: ..... D Cha nge of Address CoL-w A ~ 5) ,.c::r:f' 0 "-.) 17?J~ 5 CANDIDATE/ AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTEN SION OFFICEHOLDER (°f79 ) nef1S- Date Hand -d elivered or Dale Po stm ark ed PHONE 700 6 CAMPAIGN M S/MR S ~ FIRST M l Rece ipt II I Am o unt $ TREASURER . /Z t~/'<( r.. NAME . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . Date Pro cessed NI CKNAME LAST SUF FIX J2_..t:t,u 1 /ZE'?~ Date Im age d 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRE SS (NO PO BOX PLEASE); APT I SUIT E 11; C ITY ; STATE; ZIP CODE TREASURER 13 0 ~ L AnlG Po;c_.o 6,-( ADDRESS (R e sidence or Business) (p l L-l?l t: ~ 74-110 /\ ) Ix 778t/0 , 8 CAMPA IGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTEN SION TREASURER ( 97°1 ) tf}zv 211 £> PHONE 9 REPORT TYPE D D D Janua ry 15 30th d ay befor e election Runoff D 15th day after campaign treasu appointment ce hold er On ly) D July 15 D 8th d ay befo re election D Exceed ed $500 limit Fin al Re port (Allach C/OH -FR ) 10 PERIOD Month Day Yea r Mo nth Day Yea r COV ERED ()I /1;-/zoz I ~ /23 / 2tJZ/ THROUGH 11 ELECTION ELEC TION DAT E ELECT ION TYP E Month Day Year 0 Prim ary D Runoff 0 Oth er ~ Description / / D Spec ia l 12 OFFICE OFFI CE HELD (ii any) 13 OFFICE SOUGHT (ii known ) G O T O PA GE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commiss ion www.ethic s.s tate .tx.u s Revi sed 9/8/2015 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER REPORT OF UNEXPENDED CONTRIBUTIONS T he C /O H -UC Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 2 CAND IDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER NAME 3 CANDIDATE/ OFFICEHOLDER ADDRESS 0 change of address 4 REPORT TYPE 5 PER I OD COVERED 6 TOTALS 7 AFF IDAVIT MS/MR FIRST Ml . . . . Jn .s~. .. . . .~. NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX 06 ADDRESS I PO BOX; APT I S UITE II; CITY; STATE; ZIP CODE 2_07 °r. J2.-A-vf; ,_j ~D~ b l-tQt)? cro~(ce JC~ 0 Annual ~sition Month Day Year Month Day Year {)(/t -</z Q2 THROUGH ~J /zo 2/ 1. TOTAL AMOUNT OF UNEXPENDED POLITICAL CONTR IBUTIONS AS OF DECEMBER 31 OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR. 2. TOTAL AMOUNT OF INTEREST AND OTHER INCOME EARNED ON UNEXPENDED POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS DURING THE PREVIOUS YEAR. FOR M C /OH-UC COV ER SHEET PG 1 1 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Date Ha nd ·delivered or Date Po stmarked ce ipt # Amount $ Da te Processed Date lniaged $ $ {) I swear, or affirm, under penalty of p e rjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be LISA F. McCRACKEN Notary Public • State of Texas ID# 13297020·3 My Comm. Expires 3-11-2025 AFFIX NOTARY STAMP I SE AL ABOVE Forms provided by Texas Eth ics Commission reported by me under Title 15 E lection Code. www.ethics.state.tx .us Revised 11 /3/201 5 C /OH REPORT OF UNEXPENDED CONTRIBUTIONS FORM C /OH-UC EXPENDITUR ES PG2 8 C/OHNAME r) or:: 9 Filer ID (Ethics Commiss ion Filers) ('; u eE.1< 4-_Jp 10 Date 11 P a yee name 13 Amount 11P.-c flo P/l~lc .r&Or'lJ/':"-: ol"-ffi/Z.f.4,J CPIL:& ($) &P/zo~) 12 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code ...(-/1 'J"; 0 , D Jo po . /}tJX 4~<70 ~P/Cc)(1 / JJ~1W Ji~__) 77£vS--f ;;;;;;;;;:::-~:;;;~;:~;:m7 q"imd) 15 ~v Is expend iture a co ntribution to a cand idate, officeholder, or political comm ittee? 0 n Check ii travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee address; City ; State; Zip Code Purpose of expe nditure (Se e instructions regarding type of information required.) Is expenditure a contribution D Yes to a candidate, officeholder, or D No po litica l comm ittee? D Check if trave l outsid e of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Date Payee name Amount ($) .. Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Purpose of expenditu re (See ins tructions regarding type of information require d.) Is expend iture a con tribution D Yes to a ca ndida t e, office holder, or political comm ittee? D No D Check if tra vel outside of Texas. Comple te Schedu le T. Date Payee name Amount ($) Payee a ddress; City; State; Zip Code Purpo se of expenditure (See in s tructions regard in g type of information required.) Is expend iture a contribution D Yes to a candidate, officeholder, or po li tical committee? D No D Check ii trave l outs ide of Texas. Complete Sch edu le T. ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS FORM AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx .us Revi sed 11/3/201 5 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER REPORT: DESIGNATION OF FINAL REPORT FORM C/OH -FR The Instruction Guide expl ains how to complete this form. •• Complete only if "Report Type" on page 1 is marked "Final Report" •• 1 C/OH NAME 2 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) -0 _; 3 SIGNATURE I do not expect any further political contributions or political expenditures in connection with my candidacy. I understand that designat- ing a report as a final report terminates my campaign treasurer appointment. I also understand that I y not accept any campaign ooot,lb"Uo"' °' make aoy oampatgo °'peodlM., wltho"t a oampatgo "•"'"'" •z ~-==-,.n,,..,,,.~F--~-A:..,,C-=-=--=-=c-=--"'-7'<:.,.L'-- 4 FILER WHO IS NOT AN OFFICEHOLDER •• Complete A & B below only if you are not an officeholder. •• A CAMPAIGN FUNDS I do not have unexpended contributions or unexpended int erest or income earned from political contributions. D I have unexpended contributions or unexpended interest or income earned from political contributions. I understand that I may not convert unexpended political contributions or unexpended interest or income earned on political contributions to personal use . I also understand that I must file an annual report of unexpended contributions and that I may not retain unexpended contributions or unexpended interest or income earned on political contributions longer than six years after filing this final report. Further, I understand that I must dispose of unexpended political contributions and une xpended interest or income earned on political contributions in accordance with the requirements of Election Code, § 254.204. B. ASSETS I do not retain assets purchased with political contributions or interest or other incom e from political contributions. D I do retain assets purchased with political contributions or interest or other income from political contributions. I understand that I may not convert assets purchased with political contributions or interest or other income from political contributions to personal use. I also understand that I must dispose of assets purchased with pol' · requirements of Elect ion Code, § 254.204. 5 OFFICEHOLDER •• Complete this section only if you are an officeholder •• D I am aware that I remain subject to filing requirements applicable to an officeholder who does not have a campaign treasurer on file. I am also aware that I will be required to file reports of unexpended contributions if, after filing the last required report as an officeholder, I retain political contributions, interest or other in come from political contrib utions, or assets purchased with politi- cal contributions or interest or other incom e from political contributions. Signature of Officeholder Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8 /2015