HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/2021 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee MINUTES Historic Preservation Committee Monday, May 3, 2021 – 4:00 pm Historic Preservation Committee Phone: 888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 910 5573 5103 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/91055735103 The City Council may or may not attend the Historic Preservation Committee Regular Meeting. Present: Louis Hodges -  Marilyn Randall -  Sherry Frisk -  Gerald Burgner -  William Wright -  Shirley Dupriest -  Thomas Smith - E Julie Schultz -  David Fujimoto -  Linda Harvell; City Council -  Ana Romero - Park Liaison -  Cory Raney; Staff Assistant II -  1. Called to order and announced a Quorum at 4 p.m. by Gerald Burgner • Thomas Smith made a request for absence. Lou Hodges made a motion to accept the absence request. Shirley Dupriest, second the motion. The vote was called, all were in favor, and the motion was passed unanimously. • A few grammatical errors were fixed on last month’s minutes. Sherry Frisk made a motion to approve the April minutes William Wright, second the motion. The vote was called, all were in favor, and the motion was passed unanimously. 2. Place 4 Councilwoman Elizabeth Cunha and Deputy City Secretary Ian Whittenton joined the HPC zoom meeting as visitors. 3. Agenda Items 3.1 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the proposal for a Texas Historic Marker for Parkland Dedication in the City of College Station. • Project Hold Report: Reena Gonzalez went over the Project Hold website with the committee and showed the location of the Marker Master listing. In previous meetings Sherry Frisk expressed concerns about the Master list needing to be updated to reflect all the markers that have been awarded. It was brought to Reena’s attention that marker 105 and 106 still need to be added to the list. To which Reena stated she will work with Ian Whittenton to make sure the list is fully up to date. Reena informed the committee that only Ian Whittenton has the authorization to edit this list and it is a read only document for the public, no physical changes can be made. The City markers are in two separate folders listed as 1-99 and 100-199. Markers 105 and 106 application are in the folders, however they needed to be added to the master list. Reena Gonzalez went over the Marker application and discussed the change of address on the application. The application first needs to go through the City Secretary’s Office to make sure all the information needed on the application is present before it is sent over to HPC for review and possible approval. Shirley Dupriest asked if the only way to submit the application was by mail, email, or physically turned in. Reena Gonzalez stated that was correct at this time however, she discussed with Ian the possibility of having an online form for the application where applicants could submit the form and supporting documents all online. This would be in the same place the printable application is on the City’s website. Reena stated Ian could get the online application up and running in just a few months. This would add another resource on how applicants could submit for a Historic Marker. Reena assured the committee that paper applications would still be accepted this was just an additional option for submitting applications. Julie Schultz asked where citizens could go on the website to submit articles and photos that could be viewed on the Project Hold website. Reena stated there is not an area at this time where citizens can do this however, she is discussing with Ian on creating another tab, so citizens have this option on the website. The content will be screened to make sure it is appropriate for the website before posting. Right now, the proper way to get items into project hold are by submitting them by mail or physically turning them into the City Secretary’s Office. The committee was in agreeance to move forward with a mockup of the online application process to which Reena Gonzalez will discuss with Ian Whittenton. • Cemetery Project: Sherry Frisk stated the scheduled meeting for the GPR system on April 30th and May 1st at the Cemetery was unfortunately canceled due to the rain. They will try to reschedule this meeting for some time in the upcoming fall season. Sherry Frisk has also been speaking with Jane Cohen on other possibilities to get a GPR system out at the cemetery. Sherry Frisk submitted the application for a State Marker for the College Station Cemetery. There was confirmation received that all the information needed had been submitted for the application. Sherry Frisk paid the $100 application fee and now is waiting on a decision to be made concerning the application. If the application is approved for the marker and anonymous donor will pay the marker fee of $2000. • Historic Marker Program: The committee reviewed a new marker application that is for a subject marker instead of a business or home. The committee came to the conclusion that the applicant needed to re-do the application for a home marker instead of a subject marker. Once the applicant submitted the revised application the committee would review and make a motion at that time. • Removal Process/Protocol for Historic Markers: Ana Romero is still waiting on an answer from Leslie. Legal wants to make sure all bases are covered within this document before sending it out to the committee. Ana continues to work with Leslie to complete this protocol and answer any questions needed. The committee asked what happens if a homeowner takes the marker with them? Can the new homeowner apply for a replacement marker? Ian Whittenton answered that the previous owner has the right to take the marker with them. However, the new owner can apply for a new marker and would be awarded a new marker with a new marker number. • Artifacts: Where Are They?: Nothing to report. • Special Research Committee: Nothing to report. • HPC Social Media Posting: Nothing to report. • America's 250th Birthday: Jane Cohen stated the committees should be appointed within September of this year. The committee needs to think about ways they can show that the community was part of America within the western development. Discussions on hold • Historic Marker Program • College Station Oral History Interviews & Educational Initiatives • Exploring History Lunch Series • HPC Website • Historical Home Awareness • Historic Business Designation • Historic Award • Documentary for the City 3.2 Report by Parks Liaison: Ana Romero discussed needing a list of speakers for the upcoming Lunch Lecture events at the Library. Linda Harvell stated there needs to be a lunch lecture in December. Ana will check with the Library on available dates within December and get back with the committee. Sherry Frisk and Linda Harvell will be the first two speakers for the lunch. 3.3 No identification of upcoming local or area historical programs or activities to be placed in a calendar of events. 4. Lou Hodges presented a colt 45 that was gifted to him upon his retirement. 5. Presentation & discussion on future agenda items. • Add Historical Heritage Society • Put Project Hold Report back on hold. • The next HPC meeting is on June 7, 2021. 6. Motion made to adjourn by Julie Schultz, second by Shirley Dupriest, and carried by unanimous vote at 5:40PM.