HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/2021 - Workshop Minutes - City CouncilWKSHP042221 Minutes Page 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP VIA TELECONFERENCE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APRIL 22, 2021 STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Karl Mooney, Mayor Council: Bob Brick John Crompton Linda Harvell Elizabeth Cunha John Nichols Dennis Maloney City Staff: Bryan Woods, City Manager Jeff Capps, Deputy City Manager Carla Robinson, City Attorney Tanya Smith, City Secretary Ian Whittenton, Deputy City Secretary 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Mooney via Teleconference at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2021, in the Council Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 2. Executive Session In accordance with the Texas Government Code §551.071-Consultation with Attorney, §551.074- Personnel, and §551.086-Competitive Matters, the College Station City Council convened into Executive Session at 3:31 p.m. on April 22, 2021, in order to continue discussing matters pertaining to: A. Consultation with Attorney to seek advice regarding pending or contemplated litigation, to wit:  Kathryn A. Stever-Harper as Executrix for the Estate of John Wesley Harper v. City of College Station and Judy Meeks; No. 15,977-PC in the County Court No. 1, Brazos County, Texas; and  McCrory Investments II, LLC d/b/a Southwest Stor Mor v. City of College Station; Cause No. 17-000914-CV-361; In the 361st District Court, Brazos County, Texas  City of College Station v. Gerry Saum, Individually, and as Independent Executrix of the Estate of Susan M. Wood, Deceased; Cause No. 17-002742-CV-361; In the 361st District Court, Brazos County, Texas WKSHP042221 Minutes Page 2  City of College Station v. Brazos Re Investors Group, LLC. Cause No.612CC; In the County Court at Law No. 1 of Brazos County, Texas. B. Consultation with attorney to receive legal advice; to wit:  Legal advice concerning the expiration of non-annexation agreements  Legal advice regarding electric utility and Winter Storm Uri. C. Deliberation on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer; to wit:  City Manager  Council Self-Evaluation  City Attorney D. Deliberation on a competitive matter as that term is defined in Gov’t Code Section 552.133; to wit:  Power Supply Executive Session recessed at 6:21 p.m. 3. Reconvene from Executive Session and take action, if any. No vote or action was taken in Executive Session. 4. Workshop Agenda 4.1 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a 2021 update to the City Council Strategic Plan. Bryan Woods, City Manager, stated that the 2021 update to the Council Strategic Plan has been prepared in accordance with Council discussion and direction at the Council Retreat held on February 5, 2021. The proposed plan includes some modifications to reflect Council priorities and includes FY22 strategies under each of the goal areas. 2021 Strategic Planning Process  Council Retreat held February 5, 2021  The City Council Strategic Plan: o Identifies shared priorities and goals o Provides a cohesive framework for the annual budget process o Highlights our community vision, mission statement, and core values  Proposed plan includes: o Modifications to reflect Council priorities; and o Draft FY 22 strategies under each of the goal areas  Staff are seeking further direction on Council’s strategic areas of focus Proposed FY 22 Strategic Initiatives Good Governance  Evaluate the existing boards and commissions to supplement city efforts for outreach and guidance.  Strengthen partnerships with TAMU and the TAMU System and identify ways for further collaboration.  Enhance volunteer engagement to promote safe and successful activities and events. WKSHP042221 Minutes Page 3 Financial Sustainability  Ensure the proper application of all applicable sales tax revenues as online retail growth continues.  Respond effectively to the operational and fiscal challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Core Services & Infrastructure  Identify potential partnerships to provide “quality of life” amenities.  Support local transit authority operations. Neighborhood Integrity  Support proactive solutions to neighborhood concerns or issues.  Examine prospective scenario from the adopted 10-Year Comprehensive Plan Evaluation & Appraisal Report and its effect on neighborhood redevelopment Diverse & Growing Economy  Expand and enhance broadband internet services.  Pursue investments in tourism and hospitality, encouraging business growth and visitor stays.  Promote the College Station brand.  Develop and promote signature events, features, and venues for residents and visitors. Improving Mobility  Expand multi-modal alternatives to mitigate increasing traffic congestion.  Promote a well-connected system of residential streets. Sustainable City  Encourage investments in publicly owned land to benefit future generations of residents and visitors.  Efficiently utilize existing resources for significant short- and medium-term impact, leading to long-term value.  Examine ways to utilize co-production for service delivery. Council directed staff to bring back after Council reviews the information given at this meeting for discussion. 4.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the restoration of trails in Lick Creek Park following the Lick Creek Trunk Line Project. Emily Fisher, Assistant Director Capital Projects, stated that the Lick Creek Trunkline project installed over 11,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer from the Lick Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant to WD Fitch. The project is complete, and the trails within Lick Creek Park that were disturbed have been restored. This presentation provided information regarding the restoration, including what has been done to date and what will be complete in the future months. Lick Creek Trunkline Project  48–54 inch wastewater pipe from plant to WD Fitch to increase capacity and condition of pipe; parallel to existing pipe  Project began on May 9, 2019; completion December 10, 2020 WKSHP042221 Minutes Page 4 Additional Amenities  Staff is scheduled to install additional amenities throughout the trail system: o 8 new maps and trail markers o 8 benches and trashcans  One year warranty from contractor to address project related items. Steve Wright, Director of Parks and Recreation also provided information on rest area placement, status of replanting trees, and overall plan for trees and other vegetation. 5. Council Calendar Council reviewed the calendar. 6. Discussion, review, and possible action regarding the following meetings: Animal Shelter Board, Arts Council of Brazos Valley, Architectural Advisory Committee, Audit Committee, Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board, Bio-Corridor Board of Adjustments, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Brazos Valley Economic Development Corporation, Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce, Budget and Finance Committee, BVSWMA, BVWACS, Census Committee Group, Compensation and Benefits Committee, Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Committee, Experience Bryan - College Station, Design Review Board, Economic Development Committee, Gulf Coast Strategic Highway Coalition, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Association, Intergovernmental Committee, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Landmark Commission, Library Board, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Operation Restart, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Research Valley Technology Council, Regional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Sister Cities Association, Spring Creek Local Government Corporation, Transportation and Mobility Committee, TAMU Student Senate, Texas Municipal League, Walk with the Mayor, YMCA, Zoning Board of Adjustments, (Notice of Agendas posted on City Hall bulletin board.) Councilmember Harvell reported on the joint meeting between the BPG and the Transportation Committee. Councilmember Nichols reported on the Chamber Transportation Committee and BVSWMA. Mayor Mooney reported on BVEDC, TML, and Walk with the Mayor. 7. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Mooney adjourned the Workshop of the College Station City Council at 7:14 p.m. on Thursday, April 22, 2021. ________________________ Karl Mooney, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Tanya Smith, City Secretary