HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/1990 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation CommitteeHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1990, 7:00 PMCENPARKCONFERENCEROOM MEMBERS PRESENT:Gary Halter, Chairman; Lois Beach; Joan Lampkin. STAFF PRESENT:Charles Szabuniewicz, Special Facilities Superintendent; Emily Baker, Secretary/Receptionist; Gracie Calbert, Community Center Supervisor, Rosemary Johnson, Economic Development Foundation Administrative Secretary; Lillian Robinson, Lincoln Center Supervisor; Robert Marraro, PIO Intern. VISITORS:Keith Beyer, A &M Student. I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gary Halter at 7:10 pm. I.APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Gary asked for approval of the minutes. There was no quorum therefore, no one couldsecondthemotion. III. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF SHILOH COMMUNITY HISTORIC MARKER NARRATIVE: Keith Beyer presented the narrative on the Shiloh community. The Board suggested he expand the narrative by at least three pages. Lois suggested he interview Mrs. Felix Kapchinski and Frank Boriski, who is at the courthouse and is a great storyteller. Gracieaskedifthemarkerwouldgointhecitycemetery? The Board agreed that it would. Gary suggested expanding on the religious aspect of it, the SPGAST, the Moravian and German Checzs, and the children speaking different languages and playing together. Charlie suggested mentioning more about the co -op. Gracie said the cemetery qualified for at least levn5,100 years old. Gary suggested Keith re -do the narrative by expanding it and we would senditandtheLincolnCenternarrativeoffattheendoftheweektotheCommission. IV. UPDATE ON LINCOLN CENTER HISTORIC MARKER: Robert Marraro updated the Board on the suggestions the Commission had on the LincolnCenternarrative. He said the Commission liked everything they read but Walter Wilcoxdecidedhewantedmorethanverbaltestimony. Robert said there were no records. Oral documentation is permissible if there are no records, according to the Texas HistoricCommission's Official Historical Markers Guidelines and Application Form #8 "Burden of Proof'. The state would accept this document "as is ", but it was not appropriate for the Commission. It was agreed that we delete the first paragraph and reword the secondparagraph. Gary said he would talk to Walter Wilcox at the next Commission meeting. WewouldreworkthenarrativeandmailittotheCountymembers. V. UPDATE ON COLLEGE STATION HOMES MARKER PROGRAM: The committee on markers will meet next week to set up a broad criteria for qualifications I es and buildings. The committee will consist of Lois Beach as chairman, Dan INTe Joan Rabins, and possibly Bill Lancaster. The committee will work up an app ication form to include as many historical homes and buildings that will qualify for the 50 year minimum. They will discuss the possibility if there should be any historical significance or not. VI. OTHER BUSINESS/BOARD CONCERNS: Emily stated that Scott Southwell with Southwell, Inc. in San Antonio, suggested for afundraiserthathiscompanymakepaperweightswiththeTrainStationembleminbronzeor aluminum on marble. Gracie said that would be a good Christmas project. Charlie mentioned collecting some criteria for an archive policy, possibly getting with Connie Hooks,the City Secretary. He also suggested we get some price quotes for new headstones for theCarterCemetery. He passed around the photographs of the original Carter cemetery with the headstones. Lois asked if the city had any kind of a tour for the different sites like Richard Carter Park, A &M campus homes, etc. The committee suggested we start a historicguideofthehomesandbuildings, parks, etc. for the College Station area. Joan was electedinchargetoputtogetherabrochureforatourofhistorichomesandbuildings. Emily willgettogetherbrochuresfromothercitiesinTexasforaguidetogobyandbringthemtothenextmeeting. Charlie said the state has some money we could use for the historical tour of homes. VII. ADJOURN: Gary adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm. TRANSMITTAL LETTER THE SOUTHWELL COMPANY manufacturers 928 No. Alamo - • Box 299 • San Antonio,Texas 78291 • 512/223 -1831 DATE April 18, 1990 City of College Station ATTN. Ginny Parks & Recreation Dept.REF. Cast Medallions P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 -0960 P.o.# OUR # 90 -8781 We are sending to you the material specified below XX) enclosed separate cover 3 COPIES of shop drawings COPIES These are: 1. XX ) For approval 2. For your files and distribution 3. NOTE T This order can not be entered for production until written approval is received by us. Remarks: 1. As per Jim Gaston's revised drawing, please review the enclosed shop drawings. We have instructed Mr. Gaston as to the best way for his drawing to be reproduced by a casting method. His result is more than satisfactory from our viewpoint as to the result of the end product. 2. Please provide us with the copy (numbers) to be engraved in the square at the bottom. 3. If purchace orders are required by your organization, please provide us with one. 4. Provide a physical street address and zip code for shipment. 5. If you have a dedication date, please advise us. 6. Please return one copy of the shop drawings, signed and dated, so that we may expedite manufacture. If any changes are to be made, make note of them on the shop drawing to be returned to us. THE SOUTHWELL CO. Scott Southwell