HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/2021 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks BoardCollege Station, TX Meeting Agenda Parks and Recreation Board 1818 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S, College Station, TX 77845 The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. January 12, 2021 6:00 PM Larry J. Ringer Library College Station, TX Page 1    1.Call meeting to order and consider absence requests.        2.Hear Visitors.     At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to citizens wishing to address issues not already  scheduled on today's agenda. Each citizen’s presentation will be limited to three minutes in order to  allow adequate time for the completion of the agenda items. Comments will be received and city staff  may be asked to look into the matter, or the matter may be placed on a future agenda for discussion.  A recording may be made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.     3.Agenda Items     3.1.Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the approval of minutes from the previous  meeting. 3.2.Presentation, discussion, and possible action of Art. II Sec. 10­25 (g) of the city ordinance  regarding number of cremates allowed per niche and its corresponding fee.    3.3.Presentation and discussion of factors and determinants utilized to establish parks’ user fees. 3.4.Report, Discussion, And Possible Action Concerning The Current Parks Projects Summary And  Dedications Of Less Than Five Acres From Rusty Warncke.  November ­Mission Ranch Ph402 ­Midtown Reserve Ph105 December  ­Armstrong, Lot 5    4.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items.     A member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific  factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited  to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting.     5.Adjourn.      Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 January 12, 2021 The Board or Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on the  agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion.                                         I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall,  1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on DATE POSTED, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.     City Secretary   This  building  is  wheelchair  accessible.  Persons  with  disabilities  who  plan  to  attend  this meeting    and   who   may   need   accommodations,   auxiliary   aids,   or   services   such   as interpreters,   readers,  or  large  print  are  asked  to  contact  the  City  Secretary’s  Office  at  (979) 764­3541,  TDD   at  1­800­735­2989,  or  email  adaassistance@cstx.gov  at  least  two  business days  prior  to  the   meeting  so  that  appropriate  arrangements  can  be  made.  If  the  City  does not  receive   notification  at  least  two  business  days  prior  to  the  meeting,  the  City  will  make  a reasonable  attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant  to  Section  30.07,  Penal  Code  (Trespass  by  License  Holder  with  an  Openly  Carried     Handgun)     A     Person     Licensed     under     Subchapter     H,     Chapter     411,  Government   Code   (Handgun   Licensing   Law),   may   not   enter   this   Property   with   a  Handgun that is Carried Openly."  Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme  a  la  Seccion  30.07 del  codigo  penal  (traspasar  portando  armas  de  mano al    aire   libre   con   licencia),   personas   con   licencia   bajo   del   Sub­Capitulo   H,   Capitulo  411,  Codigo  de  Gobierno  (Ley  de  licencias  de  arma  de  mano),  no  deben  entrar  a  esta  propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Tuesday November 10, 2020 Minutes Staff Present: Kelly Kelbly, Interim Director; Andrea Lauer, Administrative Support Specialist; Rusty Warncke, Project Manager Board Present: Joel Cantrell; Lisa Aldrich; Debe Shafer; Ann Hays; Madeline Giroir; John Polasek; Janet Wood; David Higdon Councilman John Crompton present 1. Call meeting to order and consider absence requests. With a quorum present, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was called to order @ 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday November 10, 2020. Don Hellriegel requested an absence, the Parks and Recreation Advisory board voted eight (8) for and none (0) opposed to approve the requests. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Hear visitors. John Vilas requested that the Parks and Recreation Dept. change the Rules and Regulations of the Memorial Cemetery of College Station to allow two urns in a single niche in the Aggie Field of Honor. 3. Agenda Items 3.1 Presentation, discussion and the possible approval of minutes from the previous meeting. Upon a motion made by Ann Hays and a second by Madeline Giroir, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted eight (8) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried unanimously. 3.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Parks and Recreation User Fees. Kelly Kelbly went over the User Fees with the board. Upon a motion by Lisa Aldrich and a second by Madeline Giroir, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted eight (8) for and none (0) opposed to recommend approval of the User Fees as presented and also to track all team sport participation numbers and report back to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The motion carried unanimously. 3.3 Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding Greenways. Kelly Kelby presented four new Greenway conversions, University, Southland, Head Lake and Westfield. Upon a motion by John Polasek and a second by Ann Hays, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted eight (8) for and none (0) opposed to recommend approval of the proposed Greenway conversion to park land. The motion carried unanimously. 3.4 Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Caruso Recommendation. Debe Shafer, Co-Chair of Parks and Recreation Advisory Board stated that the recommendation of the Caruso Sub-committee was to approve the naming of the Castlegate basketball court after Alex Caruso. Upon a motion by Lisa Aldrich and a second by David Higdon, the Parks and Recreation voted seven (7) for and one (1) abstained. The motion passed. 3.5 Director’s Update. Kelly Kelbly, Interim Director gave an update on the tournaments that are being held College Station in November and the Veteran’s Day Ceremony @ Veteran’s Park. She also went over the changes to Christmas in the Park on December 4th & 5th. 3.6 Project Update and Parkland Dedication Fees under 5 acres. Rusty Warncke went over his project list updates and Parkland Dedication fees. This was an information item only and no action was taken. 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Aggie Field of Honor niche policy and Alex Caruso events. 5. Adjourn. Upon a motion made by Joel Cantrell and second by Ann Hays, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board voted eight (8) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 p.m. The motion carried unanimously. This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department | City of College Station Page 1 PROJECT UPDATE FY21 As of January 5, 2020, PARKS PROJECTS Total Number of Park Projects 12 Number of Projects in Progress 10 Number of Projects Completed in FY 21 2 Park Projects managed by Capital Projects – 3, (Texas Independent Park, Veterans Phase IA, and Fun for All) BEE CREEK PARK • Design of Concession/ restroom upgrades o Project funded by certificates of obligation o Demo and rebuild to address restroom and storage needs at this ballpark. o Hawkins Architecture was chosen as the design firm. Council approved the contract on May 14, 2018. o Review by planning and development services was completed in mid-June 2019. o This project, along with the Athletic Restroom, and Pavilion at Central Park, will all be bid as one competitive sealed proposal project. Dates are listed below  Pre-bid – September 12,2019  Bid opening – September 26, 2019  Evaluation to follow soon after. o Bids are in. Our Purchasing Department is evaluating all bids to ensure all bids are correct as stated on the bid form. Once completed, a small group will be selected to evaluate each contractor to insure we are getting the correct contract for the price. o Approved by City Council on December 10, 2019. o Pre-construction meeting scheduled for January 7, 2020. o Demolition of structure was completed on 3/3/2020. Crews will start with underground utilities within the next week weeks. o Week of 3/23/20 – remaining select brought in and sewer line was inspected. Break in line. Could not view entire line. Proposal requested to bypass break and run new. o 3/27/20 – 4/3/20 – Forms set; plumbers started roughing. Electricians set for next week. o 4/6 -4/17 – underground plumbing installed, grade beams dug, repair set, and slab ready for concrete. Slab to ne poured on 4/17. o 4/20 – 4/24 – Waterline, fire hydrant, and sewer line installed. Slab poured on Friday, 4/24/20. o 4/27 – 5/1/20 – Slab forms removed, water and sewer connected, and walls laid out. Concrete crews working on connector sidewalks. o 5/11 - 5/15 – Block laid on most walls. Block crew should have all walls completed next week. Wood framers to start later next week. o 5/28/20 - Wood framing nearly complete. Over the next few weeks water, electrical will be roughed in. Sinks and fixtures will also start going in. PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department | City of College Station Page 2 o As of 7/2/20 Structured framed out. Plumbing and electrical are also in. Controlled air duct to be installed on 7/6/20. Remaining block work and woodwork will also be installed during the month of July. o AS of August 5, 2020, Ongoing installation of metal roofing, AC ducting, outlets, and waterlines. Not a lot of work completed at this site. Contractor has been focusing on Central Park pavilion, athletic restroom, and Fun for All. o As of August 31, 2020, the following items have been completed. Installation of metal roof, AC duct work, all rough in of electrical and water, and exterior of building has been painted. Crews currently on site to install second course of brick. Once completed, crews will be back inside the structure to finish out. o As of October 5, 2020, the following items have been completed. Remaining block work, window frames, gutter down spouts, interior paint, and a few light fixtures. Focus is on Central Park structures. o As of November 3, the structure is 95% complete. The only remaining items left are glass for all windows (expected to arrive November 6), sealing the concrete floors and sink, and installing the toilet partitions. o As of January 5, 2021 – Contractor is finishing up punch list items. All items are to be completed on or by January 22, 2021. CENTRAL PARK • Athletic Field Restroom Rehabilitation o Scope of Work - To rehab or rebuild the existing restroom and storage building located at the flat athletic fields.  Fund by certificates of obligation  Hawkins Architecture was chosen for this project. Council approved the contract on the 14th of May. Design work to be completed by mid-September.  Planning and Development Services completed their review in mid-June.  Project was bid on 9/26/19. Evaluation of contractors was completed on 10/25/19. Council approved on December 10, 2019.  Pre-construction meeting on 1/7/2020.  Demo started 1/27/20.  Week of 2/3/20 – demo finished up, slit fence installed, and construction fencing installed. Building pad and utilities to be installed over the next few weeks.  2/10 – 3/2/2020 – Site work and utility installation. Foundation and concrete expected to be poured by the end of the month.  Questions on the existing ball field lighting are holding things up. Conduit depths where given to the engineer on 3/18/20. Contractor awaiting response.  4/17/20 – Still waiting on response for engineer on what to do on the conduits.  4/21/20 – Response for engineer finally given. Contractor will have to dig under conduits and sleeve around all conduits, then bring in select fil for slab.  4/27 – 5/1/20 – Ball field lighting conduits repaired.  5/4 – 5/15 – subgrade work. Irrigation lines and phones line had/ must be moved. Thanks to Steve, irrigation is out of the way. Frontier has been contacted to disconnect the phone line. Currently, all phones and internet are on fiber, and we think the fire panel and burglar alarm is on cellular, but Frontier is going to confirm that when they disconnect the line. PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department | City of College Station Page 3  5/28/20 – Underground plumbing installed. Cover up next week along with rebar install. If time remains in the week, concrete slab will be poured.  7/2/20 –Building slab is complete, and the interior walls are also up. Framing crews to start mid-July or once the pavilion is framed. Once walls are up, plumbers, electricians, and mechanical crews will start.  8/5/2020 – Entire structure framed out. Electricians, mechanical crew, and plumbers are waiting on framers to finish so they can run their conduit, duct, and waterlines.  As of August 31 – Crews still working on installing electrical wires, AC duct, and waterlines. Structures was painted the week of August 17. Within the next few days, the meal roof will be installed.  AS of October 5, 2020, the following items have been completed. Remaining plumbing and electrical, minus the fixtures, remaining block work, interior paint, and the reinstallation of electrical panels and wires for the athletic field lights.  As November 3, this structure is 80% complete. Power still needs to be connected, plumbing fixtures installed, window glass installed, trench drains installed, sealing the concrete floors and sink, and installing the partitions in the restrooms.  As of January 5, 2021 – Contractor is finishing up punch list items. All items are to be completed on or by January 22, 2021. • Pavilion Rehabilitation o Scope of work – Expand and update restrooms, update kitchen area, and expand the current pavilion area.  Funded by certificates of obligation  Hawkins was chosen for this project. This project will be grouped together with the athletic field restrooms and the Bee Creek concession stand building. Contract approved by Council on May 14. Design work to be completed by mid- September.  Site plan review was completed in mid-June by Planning and Development Services. Construction will not start till January of 2020 because of Christmas in the Park. • Evaluation of bids and contractors completed on 10/25/19. • Approved by Council on 12/10/2019. • Pre-construction meeting on 1/7/2020. • Demo started 1/27/20. • Week of 2/3/20 – demo finished up, slit fence installed, and construction fence installed. Pad site and underground utilities to be installed over the next few weeks. • 2/10 – 3/2/2020 –Utilities transfer and relocation. Underground utilities, and building foundation coming later this month. • First part of March, transformer moved, and sewer line ran. However, the sewer line was installed incorrectly. Contractor came back on 3/19/20 and reinstalled correctly. • 3/27/20 – Bee Creek crew to move to pavilion once all select is in a t Bee Creek. • Week of 3/27/20 – Issues with subgrade not compacting. Design engineer to visit site today 4/3/20. PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department | City of College Station Page 4 • 4/6 – 4/17 – Issues with subgrade where an issue. Change Order has come into cement stabilize the entire subgrade. On the change order is signed off on, crews with start mixing cement into soil. • 4/20/ - 4/24/20 – Cement mixed into existing soil to help stabilize the build site. Proof scheduled for 4/24/20. Pending proof roll, select fill will be brought in and compacted for the slab. Once in, piers will be drilled, underground utilities installed. Rebar for slab to follow closely behind. • 4/27/ - 5/1/20 – Select fill in and compacted to spec. Rebar tied for piers, and some beam steel tied. Drill truck to be onsite today to start drilling all piers. • 5/4 – 5/45/20 – All underground plumbing is in. Concrete crew is in the process of setting rebar. Pending weather, the pavilion slab will be poured on Tuesday, 5/19/20. • 5/28/20 – Red iron installed, and block started. • 7/2/20 Walls are up, and crews are framing in the roof. Once complete, mechanical crews, along with plumbers and electricians will start. • 8/5/2020 – Plumbers, electricians, and mechanical crews running electrical lines, ac duct, and waterlines. • As of 8/31/2020 – All water and electrical lines have been run, metal roof installed, and structure painted. Over the next few weeks, trades will be finishing out the inside of the structure. • AS of October 5, 2020, the following items have been completed or started. All electrical and water lines minus the fixtures, interior and exterior paint, and remaining block work. • As of November 3, this structure is 90% complete. Window glass, toilet partitions, and other odds and ends are all that remain. Contractor still confident they will achieve substantial completion by Thanksgiving for all three structures above. • As of January 5, 2021 – Contractor is finishing up punch list items. All items are to be completed on or by January 22, 2021. TEXAS INDEPENDENCE BALLPARK • Design contract for the first four fields was approved by Council on February 8, 2018. Design firm working on construction drawings. • All comments, on the 60% drawings were sent to design firm in June. • 99% construction drawings where submitted to Planning and Development Services on August 16, 2019 and are currently still under review. o Meetings with design firm and P&D Services have occurred in hopes in resolving some outstanding issues. • As of 3/2/2020 - We currently in the process of applying for TCEQ permit. • Funded by Hotel Tax and Certificates of Obligations • Project on hold due to COVID19. Awaiting further direction, but ready to bid. PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department | City of College Station Page 5 VETERANS PARK • Phase IA expansion – Two additional artificial fields. o Funding – Hotel tax funds o Construction of the two new fields began the week of May 17th. The contractor will have 150 days to reach substantial completion. o Under groundwork currently in progress. First section of cast in place box culverts is expected to be poured the week of August 13th. o Nearly all underground is now complete. Contractor working on fields, parking lot, and restroom currently. o Work is expected to be complete on or by March 12, 2019. o Substantial Walk held May 3, 2019. Contractor currently finishing up punch list items. All punch list items are nearly complete.  Capital Projects and contractor have been going back and forth about what needs to be done with the two remaining punch list items, parking lot and lights. As of today, this project is not considered complete and liquid damages are accruing. However, some work was done the last week of January 2020.  Legal has been brought in to help close out this project. o As of 4/3/20 – No updates. On the letter sent to Dudley Construction. o Dudley to start on 4/22 with milling the existing asphalt. Proof roll of existing subbase will be done on 4/24/20, and concrete poured on 4/30/20. o 5/14/20 – Dudley back onsite to repair asphalt areas within the parking lot. o 5/28/20 – Re-stripe parking spot messed up during the repaving and removal of gabion baskets from creek are all that remain. o 7/2/20 – Few remaining items remaining on contractors list. o This project is now complete. FUN FOR ALL PHASE II • Expansion of park using both parkland dedication funds and donations o Phase II will consist of more play units, donor plaza, mini Kyle Field, restrooms, shade, and more. o This project was bid out on August 28, 2019. o Proposal evaluation held on August 30. o Council approved contract on September 26, 2019. o Contractor stared moving dirt on 11/4/19 o As of 11/15/19, CRT still working on subbase. The subbase for Phase II will have to be raised nearly 3’. Trucks will continue to move in and out till this achieved. o AS OF 011/21/19 – Contractor still working on sub-base for the entire park. o Week of 11/25/19 Site work. Electrical and water worked on. o CRT to start drilling piers the week of 12/9/19. Structural steel was not correct which caused the delay. o AS of 12/6/2019 – Water tap, sewer connection, and storm water sewer lines are complete. o 12/9 -12/13/19 – Sewer, water, and electrical extended into work site. o 12/16 – 12/20 – Structural steel tie, drill and pour of foundation piers. PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department | City of College Station Page 6 o 12/23/19 – 2/3/2020 – underground drainage for mini Kyle Field completed, grade beams and building slab poured 2/3/2020. o 2/3 -2/7/20 – Building slab poured, shade cover piers drilled and poured, and material delivered. Brick and structural steel to be installed. o 2/7 – 2/14 – Block work. Rain slowed progress on restroom block work. o 2/17 – 2/21/20- Rain and a little block work. o 2/24 – 3/5/20 – Lot of brick work and structure steel installed. These two trades still have work to do and will remain onsite over the next few weeks. Once they complete their scope of work, Caprock will start with the concrete sidewalks. Per my conversation with Caprock on Thursday morning, they still feel like they are on track to complete this phase on time or maybe a little early. Time will tell. o 3/9/20 – 3/27/20 – Structural steel and block work on Crow Field. o 3/30 – 4/17 – Structural steel completed the week of 4/6. Crews have been working on roofing, restrooms, paint, and masonry. o 4/20 – 5/15/20 – Brick and concrete the two many trades onsite for this week. Electricians, plumbers, and mechanical crews also onsite working on restrooms. o 5/25 – 5/28 – Electricians onsite as well and masons. o 6/1 – 7/2- flatwork, play equipment, restrooms, and lighting have been installed or almost complete. Contractor still saying the will be finished on time. o 7/6 – 8/5/20 – Plumbing fixtures, AC units, wrought iron fence, and most of the landscaping have been installed. Artificial turf and remaining landscape to be completed within the next two weeks. o Artificial turf and landscape finished up shortly after this report was given. Contractor currently working on cleaning up site. Overall review still needs to be conducted by Park staff. o As of October 5, 2020, the contractor is working on punch list items. All work is to be completed by the end of the month. o As of November 3, the contractor has stated they have completed their punch list. However, after reviewing their work, many items remain. Staff working on list of incomplete work. o The park was reopened on January 1, 2021. However, of the next few months, work to the lights, restrooms, and signage will occur. The work to be done should not close the park. SUMMIT CROSSING • Development of Park o Funded with parkland dedication funds, zone 4 o Design of new park started January 2, 2019. • Final design set was sent to Planning and Development Services (P&D) for final review on July 17, 2019. Request form P&D sent back to design firm on 8/7/19. Design firm working on corrections and requests. • Development permit issued 10/14/2019. o Park will be developed once there is enough money in that zone to construct. PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department | City of College Station Page 7 VETERANS PARK • Phase IB o Funded by certificates of obligation, field redevelopment, and parkland dedication funds. o Pending budget, park staff is looking at adding another restroom closer to Harvey road, more sidewalks, and possibly another playground. In addition, staff is looking at improving drainage in various areas along with improving the roads within the park. o At this time, staff is working with engineers, planning and Development Services for all improvements listed above. Once planning issues development permit, we can move forward with this project. o Updated plans sent to Planning and Development Services on 12/9/2019.  Currently awaiting approval from P&D Services.  Design firm currently addressing comments from planning. Questions sent to design firm on 1/29/20. All questions have been answered and addressed by design. Currently awaiting final review by Planning and Development Services.  Still looking at bidding this project at the end of February, early March so construction can start at the end of June 2020.  Pre bid meeting held on 5/28/20, and the bid opening was on 6/18/20. Five contractors bid the project. During the evaluation of bids, it was apparent JaCody Construction was the best choice for this project. We are currently set to go before Council on August 13 for formal approval.  Approved by council on 8/27/20. Preconstruction meeting to be scheduled.  AS of October 5, 2020, construction started on 9/21/20. Crews currently working on sidewalks be fields 5 and 6, as well as restroom subgrade and underground utilities.  AS of November 3, one third of the proposed sidewalks between fields 1-6 have been installed. Contractor is positive they will finish the remaining sidewalks over the next three to four weeks in that area. In addition, the water and sewer lines to the new restroom have been connected. All underground plumbing for that restroom is also in.  January 5, 2021. Middle roundabout was poured on 12/22/20. In addition, work has continued on the remaining drainage flumes and sidewalks, along with the new restrooms. AGGIE FIELD OF HONOR CEMETERY Both projects funded through Memorial Cemetery Funds • Wrought Iron Fence- o The completion of wrought iron fence along the north and west sides of the cemetery. o Currently working with contractors on pricing. All quotes came in higher that budget. After reevaluating this project, adjustments were made. Awaiting formal proposal but it appears we now have a project within budget. o Contracts have been signed. This project is to go before Council on 8/27/20 o Due to shipping dates and delay in material, completion dates have been moved around. As of 9/28/20, the contractor is expected to start clearing 10/5/20. This will put substantial completion as 11/13/2020. o As of October 5, 2020, crews started clearing. New fence and fence post will be onsite later this month. Installation will start as soon as the arrive. PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department | City of College Station Page 8 o As of November 3, the entire fence line has been cleared, debris removed, and 50% of the fence posts installed. Crews currently working on far west side installing the panels. Per the contractor on November 3, if the next shipment of material arrives on time, they expect to be finished with the entire fence by Thanksgiving. o All work was, along with a change order to improve drainage within the cemetery was completed on time. The project is now 100% COMPLETE. • Cemetery Maintenance Shop o Design of new shop to house current employees and equipment.  Request for design proposal to be opened on 1/22/2020.  Architect/ Engineering to be selected from proposals by 2/15/2020. o Arkitex Studios chosen as design firm for this project. Design firm currently working on design fees. Hope to be under contract with design firm by the end of the monthly. o Cost of design $160,000. This is $28, 000 underestimated cost of design. o Contract to go before Council on 4/9/20 for approval. o Project was on Hold due to COVID19. o 4/22/20 – Project back on Council agenda for official approval. Currently on the May 14 Council meeting. o Council has approved contract. Design now in progress. o 6/5/20 – First design layout received. Since that date, three modifications have been done. We now have a floor plan that will work while staying within budget. o As of 10/23/20, the final drawings have been completed. Since that time, they have been under staff review. 10/6/20, staff will meet with the design firm to make any last changes before plans are sent over the Planning and Development for review. o As of November, design is 99% complete. Currently awaiting IT response on fiber routing to the new shop. Once I have that, plans will be sent to Planning and Development Services for one final review. o Plans were sent to Planning and Development services for review. Site plan has been approved. We are currently awaiting approval on the building. We are still looking to be this project out sometime in the spring of 21. CENTRAL PARK AND STEEPLECHASE PARK Project funded by System Wide Improvements CENTRAL • Sidewalks • Replacement and installation of new sidewalks within the park • Addressing drainage issues within the parks as well. STEEPLECHASE PARK • Improvements to park • Improved drainage within dog park area • Additional lighting within park • LED light fixtures to basketball court PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department | City of College Station Page 9 • Dog washing station • New playground and fall surfacing • The above items are part of • Proposal received on 2/13/20. Staff reviewing to ensure all work is within the scope of work. • Checking with Planning and Development Services to see if any additional studies or reports will be needed since we will be working within the detention pond at Steeplechase. • Since my last report on 2/21/20, the design proposal was submitted and approved by parks. We are currently waiting on contracts to be signed by design firm. Design firm should have all contracts turned back in by next week. • 3/16/20 – All contracts have been signed and approved. Engineer currently working on design. • Crew out taking elevation the week of 3/23/20. • Week of 3/30/20 – Soil samples. • 3/30 – 4/17 – Soil samples, topo, and other design information was gathered. Engineering firm is now working on design. • First set of plans came out towards the end of May. Adjustments had to be made to both Central and Steeplechase. Currently awaiting new set of drawings. • Final review completed by Park staff and sent to Planning and Development Services on 9/24/20 for final review. • As of January 5, 2021, pans have been approved and development permit has been issued. Once the Park Structures project is completed, we will take the remaining funds for that project and start at Steeplechase. To date, we do not have the funds to cover this project in its entirety. ADAMSON LAGOON SLIDE STRUCTURE • Repair and repaint of entire slide structure. Funded by Certificates of Obligation.  Total cost to repair, (items Gessner Engineering identified) and repaint. $72,165. Contracts currently routing for signatures. Once Parks has a PO, I will set a pre- construction meeting.  Work currently scheduled for September 14, 2020. Contractor will have 35 days to complete all work.  As of 10/5/20, All metal stripped and primed. Welders working on repairs to underside of slide, and stairway. Over the next few weeks, structure will be repainted and the plumbing under the slides will be addressed. All work to be completed by 10/23/20. Few days had to be added to the contract due to rain.  This project is now complete. Substantial completion and punch list items where completed on October 26, 2020 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Parkland Dedication of Less than Five Acres Administrative Approval PARKLAND DEDICATION FEES PAID: $ 27,742.00 DWELLING UNIT CREDITS:0 COMMUNITY PARK ZONE:AB NEIGHBORHOOD PARK ZONE:15 Development Fees:$ 8,250.00 Development Fees:$ 7,964.00 Land Fees: $ 5,500.00 Land Fees:$ 6,028.00 Community Total:$ 13,750.00 Neighborhood Total:$ 13,992.00 Residential Type:Single-Family Project Number:FP2019-000031 Project Name:MISSION RANCH PH402 Project Address:3754 HARDIN HILLS DR LIFT Legal Description:A011901, J ERWIN (ICL), TRACT 2.4, 170.677 ACRES, & A000701 C BURNETT No. of Dwelling Units:22 Ordinance Vested Date:N/A Vesting Comments:N/A Jennifer Prochazka, Director December 7, 2020 Date PARKLAND ACRES DEDICATED: 0.000 TOTAL PARKLAND FEES CREDITED: $ 0 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL of Parkland Dedication of Less than Five Acres Dwelling Unit Credits:1 Credit Amount:$1,261 Community Park Zone:AB Neighborhood Park Zone:6 Land Fees:$ 250 Land Fees:$ 274 Development Fees:$ 375 Development Fees:$ 362 Residential Type:RESIDENTIAL: DUPLEX Permit Number:RES2020-000120 Permit Name:N/A Permit Address:904 FAIRVIEW AVE Legal Description:BREEZY HEIGHTS PH 2, BLOCK 5, LOT 7 No. of Dwelling Units:2 If vested, ordinance date:21-Dec-15 Vesting Comments:N/A Jennifer Prochazka, Director Date December 8, 2020 PARKLAND DEDICATION FEES PAID: $ 1,261 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL of Parkland Dedication of Less than Five Acres Dwelling Unit Credits:N/A Credit Amount:N/A Community Park Zone:CD Neighborhood Park Zone:2 Land Fees:$ 250 Land Fees:$ 274 Development Fees:$ 375 Development Fees:$ 362 Residential Type:RESIDENTIAL: DUPLEX Permit Number:RES2020-000442 Permit Name:N/A Permit Address:114 POPLAR ST Legal Description:ARMSTRONG, LOT 5 No. of Dwelling Units:1 If vested, ordinance date:21-Dec-15 Vesting Comments:N/A Jennifer Prochazka, Director Date December 15, 2020 PARKLAND DEDICATION FEES PAID: $ 1,261