HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-2776 - Ordinance - 12/21/2004 ORDINANCE NO. 2776
PART h That Chapter 6, "Fire Protection", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and
made n part of this ordinance for all purposes.
PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or
unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining
provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain m full force and
PART 3' That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this
chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor
more than Two Thousand Dollar~ ($2,000 00) Each day such violation shall
continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said
Ordinance. being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days afl.er its date
of passage by the City Council. as provided by Section 34 of the Charter of the
City of College Station
PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 2/st day of December:
Connie Hooks, City Secretary
RON S~'LVr'A, Mayor-
I .;.; ........... ;.;.- ~.. -;,..---;-;.
City Attorney
Page 2
That Chapter 6, "Fire Protection", Section I, "Fire Pr~v~nt,~n Code", of the Code of Ordlnances
of the City of College Station, Texas. is herby r~placed in it~ entirety, as set out hereafter to
read as follows.
(1) The 2003 edlbon of the Intemabonal Fire Code. ~ncludlng Appendix Chapters B, C. D. E,
F and G. as pubhshed by the Intemabonal Code Council Said Code is hereby adopted
to the same extent as though such Code were cop~ed at length here~n, subject however
to the omissions, addR~ans, supplements ancl amendments contmned ~n th~s sechon
(2) The L~fe Safatv Code Handbook. apec~ically the 2003 Edition published by the National
F~re Protection Assoc[etion. a copy of which m on file ~n the office of the City Secreta~ of
the Cn'~/of College Station, Texas. m hereby adopted and designated as the life safety
code of the CRy of College Stabon Smd code m adopted to the same extent as though
such code was copied at length here~n
The International F~re Code. as referred to above m hereby amended as follows
(1) Section 101 (General) m amended by add~ng Section 101 6 to read as follows
Section 101 6 (Emergency Vehicle Egress)
No part of any. commercial structure w~ll be located outside the hmRs of a one hundred
fifty foot (150) arc from a po~nt where fire apparatus can operate F~ra apparatus w~ll
operate on surMces designed for such and may uhl~.e public nght-of-way., approved fire
lanes and/or drive access ways to meet thru one hundred and fifty foot bmr but ~n no casa
shall the truck travel route be measured across grass, wooded or landscaped areas, over
curbs, through fences, through dRches or across paved areas which are not designed
and mmnta~ned as fire lanes"
(2) Section 108 ~s amended by deleting the section ~n ~ts ent~raty
(3) Section 109 3 (V~olaflon Penalties) ~$ amended by deleting the sact~on ~n Rs enbrety and
replacing w~th the following
Section 109 3 (Wolat~on Penalties)
Persona who shall violate a provm~on of this code or shall fall to comply wRh any of the
requirements thereof or who shall erect, ~nstall, alter, repair or do work ~n v~olaflon of the
approved construct[on documents or d~rect~ve of the F~re Offic~m. or of a permR or
carhficate used under previsions of th~s code. shall be guilt7 of a m~sdemeanor.
pumshable by a fine as descnbed ~n Chapter 1 secbon 5 of the College Station Code of
(4) Section 202 (General Defimbons) ts amended by adding "Tutorial Services" under the
definition of 'Occupancy Classification Assembly Group A-3"
(5) Section 308 3 1 (Open Flame Coolung Devices) m amended by deleting exception 2
(6) Section 308 3 1 1 (Liquid--Petroleum-Gas-Fueled cooking dewces) m amended by
delat~ng the section in ~ts entirety and replacing wRh the follow~ng
Secbon 308 3 1 1 (Liquid-Petroleum-Gas-Fueled cooking devices)
LP-gas burners shall not be ocated on cembushble balconies or within 10 feet (3048
mm) of combusbble construction Exception One- and two- fem~ y dwsthngs
(7) Secbon 501 4 (Tim ng of Insta at on) s amended by edd;ng the following text. at the .end
of the secbon "Then shall be no combustible, flammab · or ~gmtab · matenms p aceo on
s;te, lot or subdlwgon when waterline, s, .tin hy..drents andlor.a!l w~at.har, a. cce.ss...ro~a?~
capable of supporbng emergency vehicles wm an impose~ ioao m at ieaat /=,uuu
pounds as requ~nd by th;s cede or other adopted cede or ordinances are comp eted,
accepted and inservlca"
(8) Section 503 2 1 (Dimensions) is amended by replacing '13 feet 6 roches' w~h "14 feet"
(9) Section 503 2 5 (Dead Ends) is amended by replacing "150 feet" with "100 feet"
(10) Se~on 503 3 (Marking) is amended by deleting the section ~n ~(s entirety and replacing
with the following
Section 503 3 (Marking)
The owner, manager, or person in charge of any buddmgor property to wh;ch fire lanes
have been approved or required by eng~neenng shall mark and mmntmn said fire lanes ~n
the following manner
All curbs and curb ends shall be painted red with four tach (4") white lettering stating
"FIRE LANE - NO PARKING - TOW AWAY ZONE" Wording may not be spaced more
than fifteen feet (15') apart
In areas where fire lanes are req.u~red but no con. t.m.u, ous c~,rb Is,avada.bl_e:_o~?_e_.o_f.t,.h_e,
following methods shall be used, in conjunction wire ~na cure markings, to .~u~;u~ u~,,L
the fire I-ane is continuous
Opbon #1 A s~gn twelve ~nches (12") wide and e~ghteen inches (18") Ln height shall, be
mounted ~n a conspicuous location at each entrance to the property (See u;agrem NO
I for spemflcatlons on colors and lattenng )
Opbon #2 From the point the fin lane begins to the point the fire lane ends, including
behind all perk;ng spaces wh;ch adjoin a fire lane, shall be marked with one conbnuous
mght ~nch (8") red stripe pmnted on the drive surface behind the parking spaces All
curbing adjoining a fire lane must be pmnted red Red sthpee and curbs will contmn the
word ng "FIRE LANE - NO PARKING. TOW AWAY ZONE", painted in four inc. h (4".) w. hlte,
letters ("F~gure A" ;n Ordinance No 1630 ;lustretee striping on dnve sur;ace Den~no
parking spaces )
In those cases where curb markings are not possible or where signs would ~n the F~re
Offic;al's op~mon work more effectively, the F~re Marshal may requ;re slgnsjn I~eu of curb
The use of the color red to mark or stripe any curb or parking area (other than fire lanes)
~s prohibited within the C;ty of College Stabon"
(11) Section 503 ~s amended by add;ng Secbons 503 3.1 (F~re_Lane S~gns, Tow-Aw.ay Zon~
Signs), 503 3 2 (Destrucbon of Fire Lane and Tow-Away ~lgns), 503 3 3 (Abanoonmem
or Closing) and 503 3 4 (Authonty Under Emergency Conditions) to read as fellows
503 3 1 (Fire Lane Signs, Tow-Away Zone S~.gns) . .
The owner, manager or person In charge ~rany budding to which fire lanes nave oeen
a roved b the Engineering D~v~slon shall post and mmntam appropnate signs in
conspicuouspp Y places allon such fire lanes stabng "No Parking, _ - F~re Lane" Such s;gns
shall be twelve nches (1~") wide and ergnteen inches (18) h~.gh, with a ,,companion s~gn
twelve ~nches (12") wide and six inches (6") h;gh stating Tow-Away ~one
ORDINANCE NO. 2776 Page 4
Any "No Parking - F~re Lane" or Wow-Away Zone" sign shall be pmnted on a wh~ta
background with symbols, lettem and border in red Dravangs and samples of such s~gns
may be obtmned from the F~re Department of the C~ty .of. College Sta.bon. S~ndards for
mounttng, tnclud~ng but not hm~ed to, the height above me graoe at wmcn sucn s~gns are
to be mounted, shall be as adopted by the Fire Official of College Stabon
Secben 503 3 2 (Destru~on of F~re Lane or Tow-Away Signs)
It ~s hereby unlawful for any person vathout lawful authonty to attempt or ~n fact alter,
destroy, deface, ;njure, knock down, or remove any s~gn designating a fire lane or tow-
away zone erected under the terms of th;s cede, or to deface a curb marking ~n any way
Section 503 3 3 (Abandonment or Clcemg)
No owner, manager, or person in char~le of any premises served by e requ~.re_d fi.re lane
shall abandon or close such fire lane w~thout written permission of the F~re omc~a~ of the
City of College Statmn
Section 503 3 4 (Authority Under Emergency Cond~ons)
The Fire Marshal ;s hereby authorized to establish fire lanes dunng any fire, and to
exclude ail persons other than those authonzad to assist in extinguishing the fire or the
owner or occupants of the burning property f~om w~'h;n such lanes
Section 503 4 (Obstrucben of F~re Apparatus Access Roads) ~s amended by delebng the
section m ~ts enfirety and replac;ng ruth the following
Section 503 4 (Obstruction of F~re Apparatus Access Roads)
No person shall park. place, allow, permit, or cause to be perked, placed, any mo.for
vehicle, trailer, boat. or a~m~lar obstruct;on wth~n or upon an area demgnated as a r~re
lane and marked by an appropnate s~gn or curb marking
Secbon 503 (F~re Apparatus Access Roads) ~s amended by add;n~l Secbons 50.3 4 1
(Obs.t~.ct~n9 F~re Lanes.) and 503 4 2 (Enforcement. Issuance of C;tafions. Impounoment
of Oos;rucfions) to reee as rollows
Se~on 503 4 1 (Obstructing F;re Lanes)
Any motor vehicle, trader, boat, or s~mdar obstru~on found parked wth~n an area
designated as a fire lane as required by th~s se~on is hereby declared a nu;sance per. se
and any such motor vehicle, trader, boat. or slmdar obstruction parked or unoccupmo tn
such a manner as to obstruct ~n whole or ;n part any such fire lane shall be prima fac~e
ewdence that the registered owner unlawfiJily parked, placed, or permitted to be parked
or placed such obstruction within a fire lane
The records of the State H~ghway Department or the County H~ghway L;cense
Department show;ng the name of the person to whom the Texas highway [;cense or boat
or trader license is ~ssued shall consbtute pnma facle ewdence of ownership by the
named persons
Section 503 4 2 (Enforcement, Issuance of Citations, Impoundment of Obstructions)
The Fire Officml or any member of the F~re Department designated by the F~ra Offi=al,
the Chief of Police. or any member of the Police Department designated by the Chief of
Poi;ce are hereby author[zed to ~ssue perking cltot~ons for any motor vehicle, trader, boat,
or s~mdar obstrucbon found parked or unattended in or upon a demgnated fire lane and
may have such obstrucbon removed by to~.~n9 ~t away Such ~.e. hlcle or o. bstru~on may
be redeemed by payment of the towage ann storage Charges at me owners expense
No parking citabons shall be vo;ded nor shall the violator be relieved of any penalty
assessed by a judge of the Municipal Cou~t for any provision by the redemption of the
obstruction from the storage fa=hty"
Page $
Section 505 1 (Address Numbers) ts amended by deleting the se~on ~n ~ts enbrety and
replacing w~th the following
Section 505 1 (Address Numbers)
An official building number placed pursuant to th;s ordinance must be at least four ~nches
(4") high. and have at least a one-half ;nch (1/2") stroke ~n the mmn body of the number.
and be composed of a durable matenal and of a color which prowdes a contrast to the
background The number ?.hall be mounted a m~mmum of thirty-slx roches (36") and a
ma}~mum of th;rty feet (30) in hmght measured from ground level Buddings located
more than fift~ feet (50'1 from the curb of a street shall have numbers at least five ~nches
(5") m height For the purpose of th;s ordinance, durable matenals for use m numbering
shall ~nclude, but not be I;m~ed to wood. piasbc, metal, weather-resistant paint, weather-
resistant wnyl. or weather-raststant numbers dss~gned for outside use on a glass surface
For s~ngle family residences, the requirement of thru section may be mat by prowd~ng two
~nch (2") h~gh numbers on both sides of a U S mmlbox located near the curb m front of
the house, or a fraestand~ng structure ruth numbers at least four inches (4") ~n height
Section 505 (Premise Identtficat~on) m amended by adding Sections 505 1 1 (Budding
Complex Identification). 505 1 2 (Rear Access Identification). 505 1 3 (Alley Premise
Identification) and 505 1 4 (Building Complex D~agrams) to read as follows
505 1 1 (Budding Complex Identification)
A budding complex composed of multiple structures shall have an .official sulte/umt
number sss~gned to each budding as well as a street address numcer If there ~s
sufficient street frontage, each umt or budding may be sss~gned a separate official at.et
address number The official street address number of each structure as designated by
the Budding Official must be prominently posted on the building so that ~t is ws~ble from
the nearest public street Each number designated by the Budding Official for each
tnd~wdual su~telumt must be conspicuously posted on the su~te/umt
505 1 2 (Rear Access Idenbflcat;on)
Comme~at buildings with rear access shall also display the business name and
dss~gnatad street address and surts/un~ number on the rear access door
505 1 3 (Alley Pramtse Identificabon)
Residential structures that prowde for rear vehicular access from a dedicated pubhc alley
shall conspicuously post the designated numbers that comply with the s~ze requirements
above so that tt ~s ws~ble to the alley
505 1 4 (BuddmgComplex Dmgrama)
The owner of a budding complex which contains an enclosed shopping mall shall submit
to the F~re Official four (4) copies of d~agrams acceptable to the F~ro Official of the entire
complex, ~nd~catmg the Iocabon and number of each bus~ness When a change ~n a
business name or location is made. the owner or manager of structure shall so advise
the F~ra Official m woting of the change
Section 508 5 1 (Where Required) ~s amended by deleting the section ;n its entirety and
replacing w~th the following
Section 508 5 1 (Where Requ~rad)
Public fire hydrants of the City of College Station standard design shall be installed as
part of the water d~stnbut~on system for subd~wmons and/or s~e developments The
Eng;neenng D~wslon shall approve the appropriate hydrant locations accessible to fire
fighting apparatus and wRhln the maximum al;stances described ~n the follo~nng sections
Section 508 5 2 (Inspection. Testin~ and Maintenance) is amended by deleting the
section ;n its entirety and replacing w~th the following
Page 6
Section 508 5 2 (Inspection. Testing and Maintenance)
Public fire hydrants ,=hall be installed ~n single-family and duplex districts zoned R-l, R-
lA and R-2 at s,u,.ch locations that no part of any structure shall be more .than five
hundred feet (500) from a fire hydrant as measured along the right-of-way oT a public
street aa the fire hose is la~d off the fire truck
(18) Section 508 5 3 (Private F~re Service Mama and Water Tanks) is amended by deleting
the section ~n ;ts entirety and replacing w~th the following
Sec'eon 508 5 3 (Private Fire Service Main'= and Water Tank'=)
Private fire hydrants shall be installed in dlstnots other than single-family and duplex
d~stncts zoned R-l, R-lA or R-2 at such locations that no part of any st~cture,
aboveground tanks or fueling atabens, ,=hall be more than three hundred feet (300) from
a tire hydrant as measured along the nght..of-way of a public street or along an approved
fire lane as the tiro hose ~s laid off=the fire truck '
19) Section 8063 (Wall and Celhng F~nlsh,Redulrements) ~s amended by a.dd~ng, th.e
following text to the end of the section 'The m~n~mum ~ntenor wall and ceiling rln~sn
requirements for all group A-Assemblms ,=hall be claa,= A for vertical exits, exit
passageways, exit access comdors and other ex~ts when the building ~s apnnklered"
(20) Se~on 903 2 (Where required) ~s amended by adding the follow~ng text at the end of the
In addition to the requirements of thla section, an automatic spnnkler system shall be
provided throughout all new buildings and structures as follows
1 Where the total building area exceeds 12.000 square feet in area
2 Where the height exceeds two '=tone'=, regardless of area
(21) Section 903 2 2 (Group E) is amended by dele/~ng the exception and replacing "20,000
square feet" w~th "12,000 square feet"
(22) Se~on 903 2 3 (Group F-1 ) ~s amended by deleting items ~2 and #3
(23) Section 903 2 6 (Group M) #2 ts amended by replacing "three stones above grade" w~th
"two stories in height" and by delebng #3 in ~ts entirety
(24) Se~on 903 2 7 {Group R) ~s amended by deletleg the section in its entirety
(25) Section 903 2 8 (Group S-1) is amended by deleting items t/2 and #3
(26) Section 903 2 (Where Required) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and
replacing w~th the follow~ng
Section 903 2 (Where Required)
An automatic spnnkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings where the total
bu/Idmg area exceed'= 12,000 square feet and/or all structures exceeding two '=tone'= ~n
(27) Section 907 9 1 2 (Eml~loyee work areas) is amended by deleting the section in ~ts
entlreb/and replacing with the follow~ng
Section 907 g 1 2 (Employee work areas) .
Where a fire alarm and detection system is required, employee wo? areas shall be
prowded with dewcea that provide audible and visible alarm notification
(28) Section 2204 1 (Supervision of D~sbenalng) is amended by deleting the section ~n ~ts
entirety and replacing with the following
Page 7
Section 2204 1 (Superwsmn of Dispensing)
The dispensing of flammable or combustible I~qu~ds into the fuel tank of a vehicle or ~nto
an approved container shall be under the superwslon of a qualified attendant except
serwce stations not open to the public Such stahons may be used by cornmerc~el,
industrial governmental or manufectunng estabhshments for fueling vehicles ~n
connectton w~th their bus~ness '
(29) Sectmn 2204 3 (Unattended Self-Sen/ice Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities) is amended
by deleting the section in its entirety
(30) Section 2204 3 1 (General) ~s amended by delebng the secbon in its entirety
(31) Sec'eon 2204 3 2 (Dtspensers) ia amended by deleting the sechon in its entirety
(32) Section 2204 3 3 (Emergency Controls) is amended by deleting the section in ~ts enbraty
(33) Section 2204 3 4 (Operating Instructions) is amended by delebng the section in ItS
(34) Section 2204 3 5 (Emergency Procedures) ~s amended by deleting the section in its
(35) Secbon 2204 3 6 (Commumcaflons) ~s amended by deleting the se~on ~n ~ts entiraty
(3~) Section 2204 3 7 (Quantity L~mits) ~s amended by deleting the section m ~ts entirety
(37) Sechon 3406 8 1 2 (LeawngVehcle Unattended) ~s amended by deleting the section ~n
~ts entirety and replacing wIth the following
Sechon 3406 6 1 2 (Leawng Vehicle Unattended)
At no brae while d~schargmg flammable, combustible or ~gmtable I~qu~ds shall the driver or
operator be out of s~ght and reach of the discharge valves If at any hme while
d~scharC, llng flammable combustible or ignItable Itqulds, the driver or operator must leave
the vehicle for any reason, he or she shell shut down al valves unbl his or her return and
shall be totally responsible for an)/and all spillage When the delivery hose is attached to
the vehlcie it is presumed to be dJschargmg flammable, combustible or ignitable hqulds
(38) Appendix D Section D103 4 (Dead Ends) and Table D103 4 are amended by reptsc~ng
"150 feet'' w~th "100 feet"