HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/2020 - Agenda Packet - Planning & Zoning CommissionCollege Station, TX Meeting AgendaPlanning and Zoning Commission Phone *888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 942 9599 7845 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/94295997845 The City Council may or may not attend the Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting. December 3, 2020 6:00 PM 1101 Texas AvenueCollege Station, TX 77840 College Station, TX Page 1 *The City uses a third-party vendor to help host the meeting and if the call­in number is not functioning access will be through the internet link only. 1.Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. 2.Hear Visitors. Speaker Protocol: An individual who wishes to address the Commission regarding any item on the  Regular Agenda, shall register with the Commission Secretary prior to 4 p.m. on the day of the  meeting. To register, the individual must provide a name and phone number by calling 979.764.3751  or emailing khejny@cstx.gov prior to 4 p.m. To submit written comments to the Commission, email  khejny@cstx.gov and they will be distributed to the Commission. Upon being called to speak, an  individual must state their name and city of residence, including the state of residence if the city is  located out  of  state. Speakers  are  encouraged  to  identify  their College Station  neighborhood  or  geographic  location. Each  speaker's  remarks  are  limited  to  three  (3)  minutes.  Any  speaker  addressing the Council through the use of a translator may speak for six (6) minutes. At the (3)  minute  mark,  the  Commission  Secretary  will  announce that the speaker  must  conclude their  remarks.  3.Informational Agenda 3.1.Discussion of  new development applications  submitted to  the  City.  New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev 3.2.Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: Thursday, December 10, 2020 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting ~ See Agenda for Meeting Times (Liaison ­ Guerra) Thursday, December 17, 2020 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting ~ 6:00 p.m. Thursday, January 7, 2021 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting ~ 6:00 p.m. Thursday, January 14, 2021 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting ~ See Agenda for Meeting Times (Liaison ­ Mather)  Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 December 3, 2020 3.3.Presentation and discussion regarding an update on items heard: A Comprehensive Plan Amendment on approximately eight acres located at 6620  Victoria Avenue from Wellborn Estate to Wellborn Commercial. The Planning & Zoning  Commission heard this item on November 5, 2020, and voted (3-2) to recommend  approval. The City Council heard this item on November 23, 2020, and voted (6-1) to  deny the request. 3.4.Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor  Board.   4.Consent Agenda     All matters listed under the Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Commission and will be  enacted by one motion. These items include preliminary plans and final plats, where staff has found  compliance with all minimum subdivision regulations. All items approved by Consent are approved  with any and all staff recommendations. Since there will not be separate discussion of these items,  citizens wishing to address the Commission regarding one or more items on the Consent Agenda  may address the Commission at this time as well. If any Commissioner desires to discuss an item on  the Consent Agenda it may be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration.  4.1.Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes: Attachments:1.November 19 2020   5.Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent  Agenda by Commission action.       6.Regular Agenda     Page 2 of 23  Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 December 3, 2020 6.1.Public Hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action regarding an ordinance amending  Appendix A, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 4, "Zoning Districts," Section 4.2,  "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by  changing the zoning district boundary from T Townhouse to PDD Planned Development District  on approximately 5 acres of land generally located at the intersection of Towers Parkway and  Momma Bear Drive. Case #REZ2020-000007 (Note: Final action on this item will be considered  at the January 14, 2021 City Council Meeting - Subject to change.)  Sponsors:Rachel Lazo   Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Vicinity Aerial and Small Area Maps 3.Rezoning Exhibit 4.Background Information 5.Applicants Supporting Information 6.Rezoning Map 7.Concept Plan   7.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items.    A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A  statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any  deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent  meeting.    8.Adjourn     The Planning and Zoning Commission may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed  on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion.  I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue,  College Station, Texas, on November 25, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.      City Secretary   This  building  is  wheelchair  accessible.  Persons  with  disabilities  who  plan  to  attend  this meeting    and   who   may   need   accommodations,   auxiliary   aids,   or   services   such   as interpreters,   readers,  or  large  print  are  asked  to  contact  the  City  Secretary’s  Office  at  (979) 764-3541,  TDD  at  1-800-735-2989,  or  email  adaassistance@cstx.gov  at  least  two  business days  prior  to  the  meeting  so  that  appropriate  arrangements  can  be  made.  If  the  City  does not  receive  notification  at  least  two  business  days  prior  to  the  meeting,  the  City  will  make  a reasonable  attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun."Pursuant  to  Section  30.07,  Penal  Code  (Trespass  by  License  Holder  with  an  Openly Carried     Handgun)     A     Person     Licensed     under     Subchapter     H,     Chapter     411,  Government   Code   (Handgun   Licensing   Law),   may   not   enter   this   Property   with   a Handgun that is Carried Openly."  Page 3 of 23  Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 December 3, 2020 Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia.“Conforme  a  la  Seccion  30.07 del  codigo  penal  (traspasar  portando  armas  de  mano al   aire   libre   con   licencia),   personas   con   licencia   bajo   del   Sub-Capitulo   H,   Capitulo 411,  Codigo  de  Gobierno  (Ley  de  licencias  de  arma  de  mano),  no  deben  entrar  a  esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 4 of 23 November 19, 2020 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION November 19, 2020 6:00 p.m. Webinar ID: 936 0453 6872 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/93604536872 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Dennis Christiansen, Bill Mather, Joe Guerra, Jeremy Osborne, Bobby Mirza COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Nichols CITY STAFF PRESENT: Jennifer Prochazka, Molly Hitchcock, Carol Cotter, Erika Bridges, Anthony Armstrong, Elizabeth Pedersen, Alma Guerra, Debbie Stickles, Alyssa Halle-Schramm, Rachel Lazo, Jesse DiMeolo, Jade Broadnax, Jason Schubert, Leslie Whitten and Kristen Hejny 1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. Chairman Christiansen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors No visitors spoke. 3. Informational Agenda 3.1 Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev There was no discussion. 3.2 Discussion of Minor / Amending Plats approved by staff: • Midtown City Center Subdivision, Phase 301 ~ Case #FPMU2020-000002 (Armstrong) • Castlegate II Subdivision, Section 208 ~ Case #FP2020-000041 (Pedersen) There was no discussion. 3.3 Presentation and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Monday, November 23, 2020 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting ~ See Agenda for Meeting Times (Liaison – Christiansen) • Thursday, December 3, 2020 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting ~ 6:00 p.m. • Thursday, December 10, 2020 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting ~ See Agenda for Meeting Times (Liaison – Guerra) • Thursday, December 17, 2020 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Virtual Meeting ~ 6:00 p.m. There was no discussion. Page 5 of 23 November 19, 2020 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 3.4 Discussion and review regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board. There was no discussion. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • November 5, 2020 Commissioner Osborne motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Mather seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0) with Commissioner Mirza not voting. 5. Consideration, discussion and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. No items were removed. 6. Regular Agenda 6.1 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a discretionary item in the Unified Development Ordinance Section 8.8, ‘Requirements for Park Land Dedication’ regarding land dedication of floodplains and a presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Preliminary Plan for M.D. Wheeler Phase 2, 3, & 4 on approximately 37 acres, generally located at 4111 State Highway 6 South. Case #PP2020-000013 Staff Planner DiMeolo presented the Preliminary Plan and discretionary item to the Commission, recommending approval. There was general discussion. Commissioner Mather motioned to approve the discretionary. Commissioner Guerra seconded the motion, the motion passed (5-0). Commissioner Mather motioned approve the Preliminary Plan as presented. Commissioner Guerra seconded the motion, the motion passed (5-0). 6.2 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from PDD Planned Development District to SC Suburban Commercial on approximately 4.5 acres of land located at 412 William D. Fitch Parkway. Case #REZ2020-000010 (Note: Final action on this item will be considered at the December 10, 2020 City Council Meeting – Subject to change.) Staff Planner DiMeolo presented the Rezoning to the Commission, recommending approval. Page 6 of 23 November 19, 2020 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 Chairman Christiansen opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Chairman Christiansen closed the public hearing. Commissioner Mather motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning. Commissioner Osborne seconded the motion. Commissioner Guerra asked about the build out of W.S. Phillips Parkway, and the timeline for the additional two lanes. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that while there is a future Capital Improvement Project (CIP) scheduled for the additional two lanes, the build out is expected at a later date. The motion passed (5-0). 6.3 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to WC Wellborn Commercial on approximately 1.8 acres of land located at 14999 FM 2154. Case #REZ2020-000008 (Note: Final action on this item will be considered at the December 10, 2020 City Council Meeting – Subject to change.) Senior Planner Lazo presented the Rezoning to the Commission, recommending approval. Commissioner Guerra asked if there are there any sanitary sewer complications on this tract. Graduate Engineer II Guerra clarified that there is an existing sanitary sewer line along Royder Road, but the applicant is proposing to remain on septic. Chairman Christiansen opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Chairman Christiansen closed the public hearing. Commissioner Mather motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning. Commissioner Guerra seconded the motion, the motion passed (5-0). 6.4 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Section 11.2, “Defined Terms,” of the Code of Ordinance of the City of College Station, Texas, regarding the definitions of “related” and “family”. Case #ORDA2020-000004. (Final Action on this item is scheduled for the December 10, 2020 City Council Meeting – subject to change.) Page 7 of 23 November 19, 2020 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 Staff Planner Broadnax presented the Ordinance Amendment to the Commission, recommending approval. Commissioner Osborne asked for clarification on definitions of a family. Commissioner Mather asked for clarification on blood relation. Commissioner Osborne explained that blood relation would be limited to the to the degree that can be documented. Staff Planner Broadnax presented examples of the most common blood relations, to clarify. Commissioner Mather asked for clarification on authorized caretakers, and their place in the definition of a family, as well as who gives authorization. Staff Planner Broadnax explained that authorized caretakers are state certified long-term live-in care. Commissioner Mather asked for clarification on accessory dwelling units. Assistant City Manager Prochazka stated that permitted accessory dwelling units have a separate limitation of no more than two unrelated. Commissioner Guerra suggested rewording the first sentence of the ordinance to read, “A family is any number of persons occupying a single dwelling unit, provided that no such family shall contain more than four persons, unless all members are related by (1) related by blood, adoption, guardianship, or marriage, or (2) are part of a group home for disabled persons, or an authorized caretaker…”. Assistant City Manager Prochazka stated that the recommendation as a Commission can be wording preferred by the Commission as a group. Commissioner Guerra asked if guardianship be a separate definition. Assistant City Manager Prochazka stated the attempt was to reduce the number of cross references, a definition that refers to another definition were consolidated. Commissioner Mirza asked how the City is planning to enforce this. Staff Planner Broadnax stated that the same enforcement issues remain, this is just an expansion on the types allowed. Chairman Christiansen clarified that this Ordinance Amendment will not make the enforcement any different. Staff Planner Broadnax confirmed that this is correct. Chairman Christiansen asked for clarification on an unmarried couple family, and how they fit in to this definition. Page 8 of 23 November 19, 2020 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 Staff Planner Broadnax stated that they would be considered unrelated to each other, would not fit in to any categories outlined in the definition, would be included in the total of unrelated with the maximum of four persons. Assistant City Manager Prochazka stated that this proposed definition is more inclusive than the current definition and would not surpass four unrelated including children. Chairman Christiansen opened the public hearing. Richard Woodward, College Station Association of Neighborhoods (CSAN), spoke in support of the ordinance amendment, suggesting rewording the ordinance. Chairman Christiansen closed the public hearing. Chairman Christiansen suggested a rewording of the ordinance presented. Commissioner Osborne asked about method of counting family relations, are any additional persons counted as person, or counted as units. Staff Planner Broadnax stated that the ordinance as presented, each family unit is considered one unrelated unit, allowing for a family unit plus three others. Commissioner Osborne suggested rewording the first sentence. Chairman Christiansen asked if it is the intent of City staff to have four families living in a single dwelling unit. Staff Planner Broadnax the intent is to consider the family one unit, plus three additional. Ms. Broadnax further clarified it is not the intent to have four families occupying the same dwelling unit. Assistant City Manager Prochazka stated that if it is the will of the Commission to limit, we can look at verbiage to change. Chairman Christiansen motioned to recommend approval of the Ordinance Amendment with the recommendation that Staff reword the ordinance reevaluate the concept of four families within one dwelling unit. Commissioner Mather seconded the motion, the motion passed (5-0). 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8. Adjourn Page 9 of 23 November 19, 2020 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 The meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Dennis Christiansen, Chairman Kristen Hejny, Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services Page 10 of 23 Page 1 of 3 December 3, 2020 Regular Agenda Rezoning – Pershing Pointe Villas PDD To: Planning & Zoning Commission From: Rachel Lazo, Senior Planner Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance, “Article 4, Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from T Townhouse to PDD Planned Development District on approximately 5 acres of land generally located at the intersection of Towers Parkway and Momma Bear Drive. Case # REZ2020-000007 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the January 14, 2021 City Council Meeting – Subject to change). Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request and associated concept plan. Summary: This request is to rezone approximately 5 acres of the Pershing Pointe Villas townhouse development located near the intersection of Deacon Drive West and Holleman Drive South from T Townhouse to PDD Planned Development District with a base zoning district of T Townhouse. The tract was rezoned to T Townhouse in October 2016 and Preliminary Planned as part of a larger townhouse development in March 2017. In March 2020, the Preliminary Plan was revised to modify one phase of the development to accommodate a detached single-family product. This request is in effort to provide additional single-family housing types for the remaining unplatted portion of the overall development. REZONING REVIEW CRITERIA 1. Whether the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan: The subject tract is designated on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map as General Suburban and on the Concept Map as Growth Area V. The Comprehensive Plan states that the General Suburban portion within Growth Area V is suitable for high-density single-family lots, townhomes, and duplexes. The proposed zoning permits townhomes and duplexes, allowing the property to be developed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Whether the uses permitted by the proposed zoning district will be appropriate in the context of the surrounding area: The existing T Townhouse zoning allows for dense residential uses, which is compatible of the development in the surrounding area. Given the property’s close proximity to multiple townhouse developments, and its designation of Growth Area V in the Comprehensive Plan, a PDD which allows for townhouse and duplex developments supports the planned growth in the area. The continuation of high-density single-family is compatible with the adjacent Barracks and manufactured home developments. 3. Whether the property to be rezoned is physically suitable for the proposed zoning district: The size and location of the subject property is suitable for residential uses. The site meets the minimal dimensional standards for the T Townhouse district. The proposed lots will have frontage Page 11 of 23 Page 2 of 3 to and take access directly from Momma Bear Drive. It is adjacent to multiple townhouse developments. There is no floodplain on the property, and it is relatively flat. There is an existing 50-foot pipeline easement that bisects the property which should not negatively affect the property, and the developer is proposing to exclude the area encumbered by this easement from the developable area. 4. Whether there is available water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation facilities generally suitable and adequate for uses permitted by the proposed zoning district: Wellborn Special Utility District has indicated that they have sufficient infrastructure in the area and intend to provide domestic water and fire flow to the tract. College Station Utilities also has existing sanitary sewer mains through the property and adequate capacity to provide wastewater service. The subject property generally drains to the northeast within the Bee Creek Drainage Basin. The tract is not encumbered by FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Downstream detention has already been provided to accommodate full build-out. Additional drainage improvements and other public infrastructure required with site development shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines. The subject property has access to Holleman Drive and Deacon Drive, which are designated as a 4- lane Minor Arterial and a 2-lane Major Collector, respectively, on the City’s Thoroughfare Plan. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was not required as part of the rezoning request. At this time, infrastructure is adequate for the uses permitted by the proposed PDD zoning district. 5. The marketability of the property: The property can be marketed under the current zoning of T Townhouse which allows for residential uses. However, the marketability of the property would increase if rezoned to allow for additional housing types, as proposed. REVIEW OF CONCEPT PLAN The Concept Plan provides an illustration of the general layout of the proposed building and parking areas as well as other site related features. In proposing a PDD, an applicant may also request variations to the general platting and site development standards provided that those variations are outweighed by demonstrated community benefits of the proposed development. The Unified Development Ordinance provides the following review criteria as the basis for reviewing PDD Concept Plans: 1.The proposal will constitute an environment of sustained stability and will be in harmony with the character of the surrounding area; 2.The proposal is in conformity with the policies, goals, and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, and any subsequently adopted Plans, and will be consistent with the intent and purpose of this Section; 3.The proposal is compatible with existing or permitted uses on abutting sites and will not adversely affect adjacent development; 4. Every dwelling unit need not front on a public street but shall have access to a public street directly or via a court, walkway, public area, or area owned by a homeowners association; 5.The development includes provision of adequate public improvements, including, but not Page 12 of 23 Page 3 of 3 limited to, parks, schools, and other public facilities; 6.The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 7.The development will not adversely affect the safety and convenience of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian circulation in the vicinity, including traffic reasonably expected to be generated by the proposed use and other uses reasonably anticipated in the area considering existing zoning and land uses in the area. General: The stated purpose and intent of the requested PDD is to “provide more diversity to the Pershing pointe development by allowing a unique housing style with buildings that only have end units.” The Concept Plan proposes a townhouse development with some two-unit dwellings that appear to be physically similar to the adjacent residential homes. Buildings are proposed to require attached garages. Access from Momma Bear Drive is proposed. Modifications Requested: T Townhouse is proposed as the base zoning district with a modification to allow Duplex as a permitted use. A second modification has been proposed to allow the duplex units to meet the dimensional and buffer standards of the base zoning district. Community Benefits: The applicant offers the following as community benefits: Duplex units to provide diversity to the Pershing Pointe townhouse development by allowing a unique housing style with buildings that only have end units. All units will be required to have an attached garage in order to increase interest for owner occupied units and match the aesthetic of the existing and proposed structures within the development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the rezoning request and associated concept plan. SUPPORTING MATERIALS 1. Vicinity, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2.Rezoning Exhibit 3. Background Information 4. Applicant’s Supporting Information 5. Rezoning Map 6. Concept Plan Page 13 of 23 Page 14 of 23 Page 15 of 23 Page 16 of 23 3 1 HAYES LANE 12 1 2TOWERS PARKWAYMOMMA BEAR DRIVEMOMMA BEAR DRIVE HAYES LANE COMMONAREA 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 COMMONAREA 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 1 3 1 HAYES LANE 12 1 2EXPEDITION WAYBLOCK 2PAPA BEARDRIVEHAYES LANE17 18 COMMONAREA 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 COMMONAREA 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 4 PERSHING POINTE VILLAS PHASE 1 VOL 14370, PG 149 1.972 AC. EXISTING ZONING: TOWNHOME - T PROPOSED ZONING: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PDD) 19 20 21 19 20 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10345678910 PERSHING POINTE VILLAS PHASE 2A VOL 16057, PG 81 2.905 AC. EXISTING ZONING: TOWNHOME - T PROPOSED ZONING: PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PDD) LEGEND LEGEND TBPE NO. 12327911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840  (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: ZONING MAP 2.905 ACRE TRACT TOWERS PARKWAY 1.972 ACRE TRACT TOWERS PARKWAY CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A-7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SURVEYOR: Brad Kerr, RPLS No. 4502 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave.Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 SCALE 1'' = 40'SEPTEMBER, 2020 OWNER/DEVELOPER: DWS Development Inc. P.O. Box 4508 Bryan, TX 77805 (979) 779-7209HOLLEMAN DR S VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE DEACON W DRW E L L B O R N R D ROCK PRAIRIE RD WDEACON W DRTO W E R S P K W YNON-BUILDABLEAREANON-BUILDABLEAREAP:\20-858 Pershing Pointe Rezoning - Documents\REZONING\Pershing Pointe Villas.dwg, REZONINGPage 17 of 23 BACKGROUND INFORMATION NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Commission Hearing Date: December 3, 2020 Advertised Council Hearing Date: January 14, 2021 The following neighborhood organizations that are registered with the City of College Station’s Neighborhood Services have received a courtesy letter of notification of this public hearing: The Barracks Property owner notices mailed: 44 Contacts in support: None at the time of this report Contacts in opposition:None at the time of this report Inquiry contacts:None at the time of this report ADJACENT LAND USES Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North General Suburban T Townhouse Pershing Pointe Villas Phase 1 South Urban R Rural & ETJ Agricultural & Manufactured Home Park East Future 2 Lane Minor Collector Local Street Towers Parkway West General Suburban T Townhouse Pershing Pointe Villas Phase 1 DEVELOPMENT HISTORY Annexation: November 2002 Zoning: Property zoned A-O Agricultural Open upon Annexation 2013 – A-O Agricultural Open renamed R Rural 2016 – T Townhouse Final Plat:Unplatted Site development:Vacant Page 18 of 23 Name of Project: PERSHING POINTE VILLAS Address: 557 MOMMA BEAR DR Legal Description: A000701, CRAWFORD BURNETT (ICL), TRACT 46.3, 23.707 ACRES Total Acreage: 4.877 Applicant: SCHULTZ ENGINEERING LLC Property Owner: DWS DEVELOPMENT INC List the changed or changing conditions in the area or in the City which make this zone change necessary. Townhouse buyers prefer the end units on townhouse buildings so this request to allow 2-unit townhouses is in response to this demand. Indicate whether or not this zone change is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, explain why the Plan is incorrect. The zone change is in accordance with the comprehensive plan How will this zone change be compatible with the present zoning and conforming uses of nearby property and with the character of the neighborhood? This land is part of Pershing Pointe Villas which is already developed as townhomes, so the property is suitable for the proposed use Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the rezoning district requested. It is suitable for the proposed use Explain the suitability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. It is suitable for the proposed use REZONING PDD APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION Page 1 of 3 Page 19 of 23 Explain the marketability of the property for uses permitted by the current zoning district. The property is marketable for the current zoning district List any other reasons to support this zone change. 2-unit townhouses will allow for more housing options for this area Building Heights. ¶¶ Proposed Drainage. Stormwater detention is already in place for this property. Variations Sought. Variation in Section 11.2 ±Default terms of the UDO to allow 2-unit townhomes instead of a minimum of 3 units in a group. Community Benefits. 2-unit townhouses with garages are similar to detached housing and should encourage purchase of the units for not only student occupancy but also families. These units may attract residents who were previously renting in neighborhoods with only detached housing. Sustained Stability. The proposed use is townhouse which is the currently planned use so it will be in harmony with the character of the existing development. Page 2 of 3 Page 20 of 23 Conformity. The proposed plan is in conformity with plan which shows this as a Growth Area. Compatibility with use. The plan is compatible with adjacent and nearby townhouse developments. Access to Streets. All dwellings with units will have access to the existing public street. Public Improvements. All public improvements are in place for this property. Public Health. The public infrastructure is in place and the development will not be materially injurious to other properties since under the current zoning it can be developed as townhouse. Safety. The development infrastructure is in place and meets all city ordinances so no adverse effect on these items will occur. Page 3 of 3 Page 21 of 23 Page 22 of 23 3 1 12 1 2 COMMONAREA 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 COMMONAREA 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 1 3 1 12 1 2 BLOCK 2 17 18 COMMONAREA 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 COMMONAREA 6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 4COMMON AREA 11& PUE PERSHING POINTE VILLAS PHASE 1 VOL 14370, PG 14919 20 19 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10345678910 PERSHING POINTE VILLAS PHASE 2A VOL 16057, PG 81 HAYES LANE TOWERS PARKWAYMOMMA BEAR DRIVEMOMMA BEAR DRIVE HAYES LANE HAYES LANE EXPEDITION WAYPAPA BEARDRIVEHAYES LANE TBPE NO. 12327911 SOUTHWEST PKWY E. College Station, Texas 77840  (979) 764-3900 ENGINEER: CONCEPT PLAN 2.905 ACRE TRACT TOWERS PARKWAY 1.972 ACRE TRACT TOWERS PARKWAY CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A-7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SURVEYOR: Brad Kerr, RPLS No. 4502 Kerr Surveying, LLC 409 N. Texas Ave.Bryan, TX 77803 (979) 268-3195 SCALE 1'' = 40'AUGUST, 2020 OWNER/DEVELOPER: DWS Development Inc. P.O. Box 4508 Bryan, TX 77805 (979) 779-7209HOLLEMAN DR S VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE DEACON W DRW E L L B O R N R D ROCK PRAIRIE RD WDEACON W DRTO W E R S P K W Y BUILDING AREA BUILDING AREA BUILDING AREA BUILDING AREA NON-BUILDABLEAREANON-BUILDABLEAREAP:\20-858 Pershing Pointe Rezoning - Documents\COMP PLAN\Pershing Pointe Villas.dwg, Concept PlanPage 23 of 23