HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrozd Master PPEXISTING DRAINAGE DITCH EVENTUAL RECEIVING STREAM IS SOUTH FORK LICK CREEK NE VITH ESMT IYIPIH Nli ERINGIESM YITN 10'THE VSIDE 1 IT SIDI ELR f , W E11NEN SIDE W PL VOLYSW Fa 59 IN SB'10 K - 94 1 f A YYf 9htai 1� p I\ / 0p 4p W,V�l #IN °ry b f41 \\ i \w 50'x50' ACCESSEASFIENi r't+{I\\� PFP PLAT VOL 19e5 PG 199 V,/ I�S, IT u° � ow pat IQt 1 PF' g\ ,.y u N t M • a0 3. .6 / is yt' v IN r"k'v. 'e`.e 4 yip • i J. Lf 04id IS \ $ d U LOT 1 2.48 At :y' s °oo a° zA o� son FORA O-�' ', i',o Ha YIP N`. FOP tiOKG. g„w zjv_ r F`K PV wsIN r je lh GENERAL NOTES \\ \ 1. RECORDED OWNERS: 2 D HOMES ? --2Cm ". 2702 WILDFLOWER DRIVE s,-- BRYAN. TEXAS 77805 2. SUBDIVIDER: 2 D HOLES aw 2702 WILDFLOWER DRIVE eQ e, NI BRYAN. TEXAS 77805 apt°r 3. NUMBER OF LOTS: 4 �p \ A. ACREAGE OF LOT: 2.48 ad 1.00 as 1.70 ac 4.08 m 5. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM( CITY OF COLLEGE STATION'S 0" 00' (AERIAL) TOPOGRAPHY MAPS. 6. ACCORDING TO THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP PANEL W. 4804ICO2M C. EFFECTIVE OATS JULY 2+ 1992. NO PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LIES WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOOD ZONE. 7. THIS PROPERTY IS PRESENTLY ZONED C-1. 8. THE METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION SHOWN HEREON 15 BASED ON PROPERTY RECORD RESEARCH. 9. A 20' WIDE REA EASEMENT NOT SPECIFIC AS TO LOCATION UPON UP OVER THE PROPERTY RECORDED VOL 187 PG 265. OROZD SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT 11.772 ACRES ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 54 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BEING a 11.772 acre tract or Parcel Of land lying and being situated in the Robert Stevenson League. Abstract No. 54 of Brazos Canty. Texas. and being the (called 11.794 acre) tract of land conveyed to G.T. Swal I by Mary E. CQItm chat Perry Carlton by deed recorded in Volume 280, Pace 288 of the Dead Records of Brazos County. Texas, and as now located an The ground "IN nxre Particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at GO iron rod marN'ng the intersection of the southeast right Of way IIna Of an 80 fact Wide county road (Barren Road) with the Southwest right of way line of Texas State Highway No. 61 THENCE South 46'08 30" East along the southwest right of Way line of Texas State Highway No. 6 for a distance of 983.37 feet to an Iran rod. far carrier: THENCE South 44'40 36" West along C northwesterly line of the Boswell Pater, Trustee 247.458 acre tract 10.R. Vol Lane 290, Page 10) fa- a distance of 539.72 feet to an Iran rod fauld beside a fence corner. far corner: THENCE North 43.52 40" West for a distance of 988.32 feet to an Iron rod in the befvdrentioned southeast right Of way line of Barren Rood. for carder; THENCE North 45.13 06" East al mg said right of way line for a distance Of 500.76 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 11.772 acres of land, more or less. VICINITY MAP NITS LEGEND )) dF£B CkC FPoW ttEg + BWITWY SE•R • WIER PhAXFAO ELECTPIC ® SS WNIOLE SCALE: 1 it = 60' u LOTS ROW FL OODPLAIN 1 0.00 AC 0.00 AC PRELIMINARY PLAT NOT FOR RECORD MASTER PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 11.772 ACRE TRACT RECORDED VOLUME 513, PAGE 521 ROBERT STEVENSON LEAGUE ABSTRACT 0.54 +i '�—Z9D H S 2702 WILDFLOWER DRIVE BRYPN,TX 77805 AUGUST 1997 909 Sawa;PLAs Pont Eat, Wo wll. C on AN" wn1,14w tm Paz 14M16%9152 Urban Design Group