HomeMy WebLinkAboutBVCOC PPt ) 3 Access e s Easement Ca 10' Partition Ndescribedin to Wide Judgement as ,628 9ement Cau; of Brazos Couny ,Jdicial District Cot ty, Texas 0.01 Acre State of Texas Tract (6727/239) Cp177mO/7� Noiz`O Scale: m ------ CNI V-- ;� I I 13 I 3 •� T ^N w l l' 3 00I j 13I� 3 o I; I�INrw N oQl, �tnl� I jt f 3=5 I,I n Io I i •r to I �i a I O I ,, �rnIZN I �, a f" I I Proposed 3" Water Line j O , i �. I` i 3 I (Wellborn S.U.D.) O Proposed 12" Water Line M — (City of College Station) r` 14 I II i II (j o I' If N •" l (Z, I M 3•qg Right —of —Way Dedication to the State of Texas 0.0531 acres. 1 n u ` tract 0 Acre sirriif O 1.00 Ca 248 - P9• zoning OfteSg, zon o point Of Vol.358. ol. tin �nPl 64) I p (� ( I Begin III. I GENERAL 1. NOTES: ORIGIN OF BEARING SYSTEM: Bearings shown on this plot are based on Texas State Plane, Central Zone, NAD-83 datum in accordance with City of College Station 1994 CPS Control Monument No. 132. _Northing: 10190998.225 : Easting: 3565354.173 : Elevation: 318.29 (N.G.V.D.) 2. According to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Brazos County, Texas and Incorporated Areas, Map Number 48041CO200 C, effective July 2, 1992, this property is not located in a 100—year flood hazard area. -3. The building setback requirements ore established by the City of College Station . Unified Development Ordinance #2617. 4. Unless otherwise indicated, all lot comers are marked with 1/2" iron rods. O — 1/2" Iron Rod Found O — 5/8" Iron Rod Found w/ TxDOT Alum. Cop. ® — 3/4" Iron Rod Found o — TxDot Concrete Monument Found 5. - Abbreviations: P.U.E. — Public Utility Easement 6.. Existing ground contours shown on this drawing are City of College Station aerial contours from 2005 mapping program. 7. Existing Zoning: A-0 Proposed Zoning: A-0 8. Proposed Use: Place of Worship 9. Owner/Developer shall request a variance from Section 8—M in accordance with Section 8—M.6 of the Subdivision Regulations. 4.879 Acre rroct ristophe o ✓onette C. Dale VO/ 94, Pg. 73 fExisti g A-0 Zoning) ' (Unplotted) !'O Vicinity Map o-� o w �N FIELD NOTES I O Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the ROBERT STEVENSON c SURVEY, Abstract No. 54 in College Station, Brazos County, Texas and being a portion of Tract One ,o c (called 2.445 acres), Tract Two (called 2.535 acres), Tract Three (called 0.25 acres) and Tract Four o o x (called 0.38 acres) described in a deed from Gregory A. Ricks and Agnes A. Ricks to Brazos Valley tu Church of Christ recorded in Volume 7872, Page 59 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING: at a found 5/8—inch iron rod with a TxDOT aluminum cap marking the southwest corner of said Tract Two, the south corner of the 0.19 acre State of Texas tract as recorded in Volume 6598, Page 7 (O.R.B.C.), the northwest corner of a 1.00 acre Irene Casimiro tract as recorded in Volume 358, Page 248 of the Brazos County Deed Records (B.C.D.R.), and being in the east line of the 100' wide right—of—way of Farm —to —Market Road No. 2154 as described in Volume 171,. Page 181 (B.C.D.R.); THENCE: along the east line of the said 0.19 acre State of Texas tract, the east line of the 0.01 acre State of Texas tract as recorded in Volume 6727, Page 239 (O.R.B.C.), and through said Tract One, Tract Two, Tract Three and Tract Four for the following two (2) calls: 1) N 04' 20' 58' E for a distance of 237.40 feet to a found TxDOT concrete monument for corner and 2) N 00' 31' 52' W for a distance of 329.75 feet to a 1/2—inch iron rod set for corner marking the northeast comer of the said 0.01 acre tract, said iron rod also being in the north line of said Traci 4, and the south line of a 10' wide Partition Tract as described in a Final Judgement Cause Na. 19628 85th Judicial District Court of Brazos County, Texas (also known as Norton Lane); THENCE: S 83' 19' 56" E along.. the north line of said Tract Four, said line being common with said 10' wide Partition Tract for a distance of 535.13 feet to a found 1/2—inch iron rod marking the northeast corner of said Tract 4, said iron rod also being in the west line of a 4.879 acre Christopher & Janette Dole tract as described in Volume 3494, Page 73 (O.R.B.C.); THENCE: S 08' 19' 08" E along the west line of the said 4.879 acre Dale tract and the west line of the 4.84 acre Preston & Cheryl Chamblee tract as described in Volume 1327, Page 331 (O.R.B.C.) for a distance of 161.80 feet to a found 3/4—inch iron rod for corner; THENCE: S OS' 28' 46" E continuing along the said west line for a distance of 124.45 feet to a found 1/2—inch iron rod for corner, said comer also marking the southeast corner of said Tract Two; THENCE: S 69' 23' 49" W along the south line of said Tract Two, said line being common with the north line of the following two tracts, the Jehoon Park et of tract recorded in Volume 65-48, Page 178 (O.R.B.C.), and the beforementioned 1.00 acre Casimiro tract for a distance of 628.41 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 5.407 acres of land, more or less. 10000103-PPA y Z z ~ m 71 0 n m m rn N z 1 z IC0 0 D F i is cn D 0 T1 o rYr O O m Cn