HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/2020 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilRM021020 Minutes Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FEBRUARY 10, 2020 STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Karl Mooney, Mayor Council: Bob Brick John Crompton Linda Harvell John Nichols Dennis Maloney City Staff Bryan Woods, City Manager Jeff Capps, Deputy City Manager Jeff Kersten, Assistant City Manager Carla Robinson, City Attorney Tanya Smith, City Secretary Ian Whittenton, Deputy City Secretary 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present and Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, consider absence request. With a quorum present, the Regular Meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Mooney at 6:19 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 2020 in the Council Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 2. Presentation Presentation proclaiming February 11, 2020, as United Way of the Brazos Valley 2-1-1 Day. Mayor Mooney presented the joint proclamation to Alison Prince, President/CEO, Mike Lewis, Debbie Gross with United Way Brazos Valley, Debbie Eller and members of Community Services to proclaim February 11, 2020 as 2-1-1 Day. Presentation of a check to the City by the Fun for All Playground Committee in the amount of $875,000. David Gerling and Werner Rose with the Fun for All Playground Committee presented the Mayor and Council a check in the amount of $875,000 for the Fun for all Playground at Central Park. 3. Hear Visitors Comments RM021020 Minutes Page 2 Denise Snyder, College Station, came before Council to state her concerns that EMFs and are harmful to the people and disrupt sleep. 4. CONSENT AGENDA 4.1. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for:  January 23, 2020 Workshop Meeting  January 23, 2020 Regular Meeting 4.2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Professional Services Contract with Halff Associates in the amount of $1,340,729.56, for the preliminary design phase services for the SH 40/ FM 2154 Interchange and FM 2154 Widening Project and Resolution No. 02-10-20-4.2 Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds from Debt. 4.3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a law enforcement mutual aid interlocal agreement between Texas A&M University, Blinn College, the Brazos County Sheriff, Brazos County Precinct 1-4 Constables, the City of College Station, and the City of Bryan. 4.4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding awarding a contract to Jamail & Smith Construction, LP in the amount of $180,575.45 for the replacement of the Warehouse lift/freight elevator. 4.5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding approval of the second and last renewal of the City’s annual Electric and Water Meter Reading Services contract with Alexander’s Contract Services, Inc. for a not-to-exceed contract amount of $560,000. 4.6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding approval of a contract with Ramtech Building Systems for the purchase, delivery, and installation of a modular building for a not-to-exceed amount of $123,190. 4.7. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a contract for annual pavement striping and markings in an amount not to exceed $250,000. 4.8. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the first reading of a franchise agreement with Bryan Iron and Metal, Ltd. d/b/a Texas Commercial Waste, for the collection of demolition and construction debris, recyclables, and organic waste from commercial, industrial and multifamily locations within the city limits of College Station. 4.9. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the first reading of a franchise agreement with Maroon Dumpsters, LLC, for the collection of demolition and construction debris, recyclables, and organic waste from commercial, industrial and multifamily locations within the city limits of College Station. 4.10. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement and Resolution No. 02-10-20-4.10 for City of College Station Support and Consent to City of Bryan Municipal Setting Designation Application. RM021020 Minutes Page 3 MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Brick and a second by Councilmember Nichols, the City Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried unanimously. 5. REGULAR AGENDA 5.1. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on Ordinance No. 2020- 4153 Budget Amendment #1 amending Ordinance No. 4128 which will amend the budget for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year in the amount of $6,244,467. Mary Ellen Leonard, Finance Director, stated that the proposed budget amendment is to increase the FY20 budget appropriations by $6,244,467. The charter of the City of College Station provides for the City Council to amend the annual budget in the event there are revenues available to cover increased expenditures and after holding a public hearing on such budget amendment. If approved, the net revised budget appropriations will be $347,408,119. Items included on the proposed budget amendment:  Encumbrance Roll - $3,721,638 (Budget Amendment)  PARD CIP – Aggie Field of Honor Fence & Shop Building- $2,125,000 (Budget Amendment)  Fire Department Assistance to Firefighters Grant – ($315,597) (Budget Amendment - Revenue)  Fun for All Phase II - $649,058 (Budget Amendment)  Sidewalk Zone 13 CIP – ST1703 Greens Prairie Road (West of Woodlake to Royder) - $31,000 (Budget Amendment)  Brazos Central Appraisal District $33,368; General Fund (Budget Amendment) At approximately 6:38 p.m., Mayor Mooney opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:38 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Nichols and a second by Councilmember Maloney, the City Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance No. 2020- 4153 Budget Amendment #1 amending Ordinance No. 4128 which will amend the budget for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year in the amount of $6,244,467. The motion carried unanimously. 5.2 Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Ordinance No. 2020-4154 vacating and abandoning a 0.059 acre portion of Right-of-Way of Yellow Tanager Court, lying west of the intersection of Yellow tanager Court and Cinnamon Teal Drive of the Bird Pond Phase 2 Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in Volume 8698, Page 17, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Anthony Armstrong, Planning & Development, stated that the right-of-way abandonment will accommodate future development of the adjacent JP&M Investments property, also known as Waterford Estates. Mr. Armstrong explained that there is existing pavement in the right-of-way as described above that must be removed first in order to codify the abandonment. A final plat of the adjacent property to incorporate the abandoned ROW is currently being processed. The 0.059 acre right-of-way is located west of the intersection of Yellow tanager Court and Cinnamon Teal Drive of the Bird Pond Phase 2 Subdivision. RM021020 Minutes Page 4 At approximately 6:40 p.m., Mayor Mooney opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:40 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Maloney and a second by Councilmember Brick, the City Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance No. 2020-4154 vacating and abandoning a 0.059 acre portion of Right-of-Way of Yellow Tanager Court, lying west of the intersection of Yellow tanager Court and Cinnamon Teal Drive of the Bird Pond Phase 2 Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in Volume 8698, Page 17, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. The motion carried unanimously. 5.3. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Ordinance No. 2020-4155 vacating and abandoning a 15-foot wide portion of a Public Utility Easement lying within James Erwin Survey, Abstract No. 119, being a portion of the remainder of a called 270.800 acre tract as described by a deed to BCS Mission Ranch, L.P. recorded in volume 13842, page 179 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas. Alma Guerra, Planning & Development, stated that the 15-foot wide public utility easement abandonment will accommodate future development of the aforementioned lot. Also, there are currently no existing utilities in the easement At approximately 6:43 p.m., Mayor Mooney opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:43 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Maloney and a second by Mayor Mooney, the City Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance No. 2020-4155 vacating and abandoning a 15-foot wide portion of a Public Utility Easement lying within James Erwin Survey, Abstract No. 119, being a portion of the remainder of a called 270.800 acre tract as described by a deed to BCS Mission Ranch, L.P. recorded in volume 13842, page 179 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas. The motion carried unanimously. 5.4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action approving agreements with Landis+Gyr Technology, Inc., in the amount, not to exceed $6,808,946.42, and IPKeys Power Partners, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $517,000, to support the Electric Department ’s Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Meter & Operational Data Management (MODM) System Implementation. Timothy Crabb, Electric Director, stated that the RFP 19-002 was released in August 2018 and nine proposals were received. After extensive evaluation of each of the vendors by Mr. Asp and a large cross-section of City stakeholders, Landis+Gyr was ultimately selected for the AMI communication network and backhaul, advanced meters, and meter installation. City Council's approval of the Landis+Gyr agreement is made contingent upon the City receiving, within thirty (30) calendar days from this City Council meeting, fully executed bonds that are compliant with the requirements set forth in the agreement. Power Partners (a.k.a. ElectSolve) was selected for the MODM System. Both the AMI and MODM software systems are proposed to be hosted by the vendors. Staff recommended that City Council approve both Agreements and authorize the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee to execute any additional and necessary project-related documents. RM021020 Minutes Page 5 At approximately 7:00 p.m., Mayor Mooney opened the Citizens Comments. Denise Snyder, College Station, came before Council regarding her concerns about Smart Meters and how they are harmful to people. There being no comments, the Citizens Comments was closed at 7:04 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Nichols and a second by Councilmember Brick, the City Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, to approve agreements with Landis+Gyr Technology, Inc., in the amount, not to exceed $6,808,946.42, and IPKeys Power Partners, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $517,000, to support the Electric Department’s Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Meter & Operational Data Management (MODM) System Implementation. The motion carried unanimously. 5.5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a five year technical services agreement with Freeit Data Solutions not to exceed $517,118.90 to provide data backup and recovery. Sindhu Menon, Director of Information Technologies, stated that currently the City of College Station IT Department uses Dell EMC and Commvault equipment for electronic data protection and backup. In some cases, the city still uses tape cartridges for backing up the older equipment; data backups are located locally and in close proximity. Mrs. Menon, explained that the IT department is preparing for any future cyber events by replacing internet firewalls, desktop anti-virus software and email protection systems. In order to combat the increasing sophistication of attackers that seek to steal or encrypt data, the city needs to improve the data protection solution currently in place. The city also needs to improve the current data recovery solution and prepare for natural or man-made disasters. Freeit Data Protection recommends the Rubrik device that will provide a single platform for both data protection and disaster recovery. The Rubrik device will back up all our servers (including the older technology systems) and protect the data from attackers by using a combination of encryption and cloud storage services. Rubrik adds another layer of protection with the ability to detect and prevent ransomware attacks on data backups. Gartner has identified Rubrik as a leader in Data Resiliency Solutions market. With the Rubrik device, we would be able to retire the current Dell EMC and Commvault backup and recovery systems. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Mooney and a second by Councilmember Harvell, the City Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, to approve a five year technical services agreement with Freeit Data Solutions not to exceed $517,118.90 to provide data backup and recovery. The motion carried unanimously. 5.6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the appointment of Councilmembers to boards and commissions. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Brick and a second by Councilmember Crompton, the City Council voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed, to appoint Councilmember Linda Harvell to the Spring Creek Local Government Corporation, Mayor Karl Mooney to the Architectural Advisory Committee, and Councilmember John Nichols to the Compensation and Benefits Committee. The motion carried unanimously. RM021020 Minutes Page 6 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on future agenda items and review of standing list of Council generated agenda items: A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Councilmember Harvell requested staff to look into combing the BPG and the Council Transportation Committee. Councilmember Crompton requested City Attorney and City Secretary to look into the benefits and drawbacks to moving elections from even numbered years to odd numbered of years. 7. Adjournment. There being no further business, Mayor Mooney adjourned the Regular Meeting of the City Council at 7:20 p.m. on Monday, February 10, 2020. ________________________ Karl Mooney, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Tanya Smith, City Secretary