HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/2020 - Special Minutes - City CouncilRTRT020720 Minutes Page 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL RETREAT CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FEBRUARY 7, 2020 STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Karl Mooney, Mayor Council: Bob Brick John Crompton Linda Harvell John Nichols Dennis Maloney City Staff: Bryan Woods, City Manager Jeff Capps, Deputy City Manager Jeff Kersten, Assistant City Manager Carla Robinson, City Attorney Tanya Smith, City Secretary 1. Breakfast 2. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Retreat of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Mooney at 8:32 a.m. on Friday, February 7, 2020 in the CSU Meeting/Training Facility, 1603 Graham Road, College Station, Texas 77845. 3. Introduction and Retreat Process. Brian Woods, City Manager, gave a brief overview of the agenda and what will be discussed. 4. Executive Session In accordance with the Texas Government Code §551.071-Consultation with Attorney, and §551.074-Personnel, the College Station City Council convened into Executive Session at 8:35 a.m. on Friday, February 7, 2020, in order to continue discussing matters pertaining to: A. Consultation with attorney to receive legal advice; to wit:  Legal advice concerning municipal regulation of short-term rentals. B. Deliberation on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer; to wit:  Council Self-Evaluation RTRT020720 Minutes Page 2  City Manager Executive Session recessed at 9:19 a.m. 5. Reconvene from Executive Session and take action, if any. No vote or action was taken in Executive Session. 6. Special Agenda 6.1. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a review of FY 2019 in accordance with the Strategic Plan. Updates on Implementation Plan – FY19 Strategies Good Governance  Establish an AMI implementation plan  Conduct a joint meeting with CSISD at least once annually  Pursue quarterly meetings with Texas A&M  Develop and adopt a legislative policy agenda Core Services & Infrastructure  Begin construction of new police facility  Complete design of new city hall  Complete senior and community center building improvements  Expand opportunities to optimize programs of mutual benefit with BVSWMA  Continue development of Spring Creek Corporate Campus  Review and make recommendations on pay and education incentives and requirements  Prepare a Fire Department Growth, Facilities, and Staffing Plan  Begin update to Capital Improvement Plan  Determine feasibility of a natatorium/recreation center  Establish a Utilities Advisory Board (electric, water) Neighborhood Integrity  Review and revise the neighborhood overlay ordinance and develop a specific definition of “neighborhood” for council consideration  Establish proactive code enforcement for neighborhoods with a specific reporting process for council information Diverse & Growing Economy  Begin construction of first phase of Southeast Park  Complete construction of two synthetic fields at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex  Continue efforts to refine the Unified Development Ordinance Mobility  Discuss railroad quiet zone program Sustainable City  Conduct housing stock condition inventory FY19 SLA Updates Police (completed) – Sworn STEP Plan Modification; Budget Adjustment Membership/Subs/Travel/Training; Body Cameras for SWAT & CID RTRT020720 Minutes Page 3 Fire (completed) – STEP Pay Plan Structure; TIFMAS Equipment; Two (2) Quick Response Vehicles; Helmets, Boots, and Glove Replacement; Increase EMS supply Budget; Co-Medical Director; Operative IQ Software; Knox Key secure Replacement; TCFF Certifications & Professional Memberships. (In Process) SCBA Tech Incentive Pay; Online Paramedic School Public Works (completed) – GIS Analyst/Asset Management Program; Public Works Process Mapping; Corrective Maintenance Building Funds; Delineation of Raised Median Notes; Curb Replacement funds for Castlegate II& Summit; ADA Family Corrective Maint. Muni Court/UCS; Route Manager Position & Automated Side Loader; Residential Solid Waste & Recycling Guide & Calendar; Retain Fleet Services PTNB Warehouse Asst.; Fleet Service Mechanic; Drai nage Fund Rate Study Analysis. Parks (completed) – Park Ops – 1 Groundworker; Synthetic Field Paint Removal Machines; College Station Book; Cemetery Restroom; Digital Mobile Screen (In Progress) City works Hardware; Severe Weather Detection System Community Services (In Progress) – Northgate district Study & Implementation Plan Planning & Development (completed) – Neighborhood Plan Implementation (In Progress) 10- Year Update of the Comprehensive Plan IT (completed) – IT Project Manager; Redundant Internet Connection; Quarterly PCI Scans Fiscal Services (completed) – Purchasing – Online Bidding System (In Progress) Digital strategy and policy development for cyber security, citizen engagement, data classification, and open data; Office 365 City Council (completed) – Supplies – Computer Hardware, Goodwill, Sponsorships & Travel Public Communication (completed) – Citizens Satisfaction Survey Legal (completed) – Legal Assistant I Position; Summer Law Clerk Position HR (completed) – Property Claims Assistant (PTNB to FTE); Leaning & Development Funding (In Progress) Project Support/Work Study/Internship Electric (completed) – Electric T&D Supervisor; Project Planning Coordinator; GIS Analyst; Backyard Bucket; Substation Service Truck; Increase Money for Energy Programs; Substation Service Truck Upgrade Water Services (completed) – Field Operation Maintenance Supervisor; Plan Operations Maintenance Supervisor; Lead Power & Control Supervisor (Crew Leader) 6.2. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding strategic priorities, ongoing activities, SLA updates, and Key Performance Indicators for FY 2020 in accordance with the Strategic Plan. Implementation Plan – FY20 Strategies Good Governance  Complete comprehensive review of city’s vision, mission, and core values  Prepare for the 2020 U.S. Census  Review homestead exemption levels Core Services & Infrastructure  Complete construction of new police facility  Begin construction of new city hall  Complete update to Capital Improvement Plan  Prepare for improved mobility for public transit and high-speed rail  Evaluate and begin implementing Fire Department growth, facilities, and staffing plan Neighborhood Integrity  Conduct annual meetings with neighborhood stakeholders such as residents, property owners and property manager that outlines codes and enforcement tools RTRT020720 Minutes Page 4  Re-engage and review neighborhood plans established in the earlier Comprehensive Plan process  Establish a program for active outreach to non-organized neighborhoods  Engage Texas A&M in neighborhood integrity processes for student housing  Implement the neighborhood overlay ordinance Diverse & Growing Economy  Establish plan for final phase of Veterans Park improvements  Complete construction of first phase of Southeast Park  Continue efforts to refine Unified Development Ordinance  Review and update Economic Development Master Plan  Implement Midtown Business Park Master Plan  Explore establishment of Small Business Advisory Board  Promote the College Station brand  Evaluate the possible expansion of the Spring Creek Development Corporation and the feasibility of a city economic development corporation  Review the vision for Wolf Pen Creek Park  Explore opportunities for a signature event Improving Mobility  Determine new transportation requirements due to growth  Monitor high-speed rail development  Monitor development and process of Interstate 14 Sustainable City  Continue Comprehensive Plan update  Evaluate Smart City initiatives such as smarter technologies, renewable resources, Bike City designation, recycling, and LEED designation FY20 SLA Updates Police (completed) – Brazos County ILA (In Progress) Five (5) Officers and Two (2) Vehicles; Five (5) Police Assistants Fire (completed) – Station 4 Building Maintenance (In Progress) Six (6) Firefighters – Safer Grant Public Workers (completed) – Attenuator Truck; Street Sign Plotter; PW/Water Reaccreditation (In Progress) Facility Maintenance – Corrective Issues; Safe Driver Training; Street Sweeper Vehicle and Operator; Contamination Campaign; Storm Drain Camera Planning & Development (In Progress) – LiDAR Data Acquisition Parks (In Progress) – Southeast Field Equipment; Southeast crew – Crew Leader & Ground worker IT (In Progress) – Security Operation Center Service; Staff Augmentation Fiscal Services (completed) – Customer Service Representative (In Progress) Virtual Servers (court); Temp Labor for Muni Court Software Integration; JEMS software replacement; Temp CSR for system Implementation; Temp SR for Rush Period; New Utility Billing Software Internal Auditor (In Progress) – Consultant to Aid in Automating Select Audit Processes Economic Development (completed) – Economic Development Coordinator Community Services (completed) – Transfer 50% of Code Officer to CD from GF; PTNB CD Staff Assistant (In Progress) Code Violation Enforcement Abatement; Surveillance Camera System Maintenance; Temporary Boyett Closure on Peak Nights HR (completed) – Temp Labor for ICE Project Implementation (In Progress) AED Installation/Replacement and Tourniquet Kits RTRT020720 Minutes Page 5 Electric (completed) – AMI Metering Operating Review; Electric Project Coordinator/Designer (In Progress) Comprehensive Transmission Cost of Service Study; Asset Management System; Relay Foreman & Vehicle Water Services (In Progress) – Water Rate Restructuring Review; Wastewater Rate Restructuring Review; Collection Flow Monitoring Equipment Mayor Mooney recessed the retreat meeting at 12.30 p.m. The retreat meeting reconvened at 1:05 p.m. 6.3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Comprehensive Plan. Jennifer Prochazka, Planning and Development Director, presented a 10-year update of the comprehensive Plan and the next 10 process overview. 10-Year Update 2018 Existing Conditions Report  Presentation of Existing Report Early 2019 Public Participation & Stakeholder Process  Anticipated 12 month public participation process May 2019 Adoption 10-Year Update Report  Anticipated adoption early 2020 Implementation  Comprehensive Plan Amendments & Other Related Plans beginning Summer 2020 The Next 10: Process Overview  Phase 1 – Preparation  Phase 2 – Data Gathering  Community Participation  Stakeholder Interviews  Focus on the Future Workshops  Phase 3 Analysis  Community Participation  Stakeholder Interviews  Focus on the Future Workshops  Scenarios Workshop  Phase 4 Finalization  CPEC Meetings 7 Topics, 12 case studies (Topics selected based on public, CPEC, and staff input) 1. City-University cost sharing 2. City-University coordination 3. City-Student community building 4. City identity 5. Neighborhood character and student housing 6. Housing affordability 7. Redevelopment and infill development Scenario Planning RTRT020720 Minutes Page 6 1. University Drive East of Texas Avenue 2. Texas Avenue across from A&M 3. Post Oak Mall Area 4. Harvey Road (Opposite Post Oak Mall) 5. George Bush Drive and Wellborn Road Area 6. George Bush Drive across from A&M Mrs. Prochazka stated that the potential map updates are Concept Map, Thoroughfare Plan Map and Future Land Use Map. 6.4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Economic Development Master Plan. Natalie Ruiz, Economic Development Director, presented an update on the Economic Development Master Plan Strategic Initiatives that were adopted in 2013. Mrs. Ruiz explained the greatest impact to areas of College Station, the Strong Tax Base Opportunities, Jobs/Corporate Investments, and Traditional Tourism & Local Events. Areas of Greatest Impact • Strong Tax Base • Ad Valorem • Sales Tax • Jobs – Corporate Investment • Business Retention & Expansion • Development-ready Locations • Tourism/Quality of Life • Entertainment • Hospitality Strong Tax Base – Opportunities • Infill • Krenek Tap/Texas Avenue (Explore leasing Police Station) • Dartmouth Area – Synthetic TIRZ • Redevelopment • Identify Areas of Opportunity – Comp Plan • Implement through specific plan & Incentives • Infrastructure & Asset Investments • Locations for Commercial & Retail • Next steps to leverage initial investment Jobs – Corporate Investment • Business Recruitment, Retention & Expansion • Implementation Efforts with BVEDC • Regional Targeting Efforts • Compete • Sites Available – significant progress • Local Targeting Efforts • Marketing/Branding • Leverage Existing Investments Brazos Valley Economic Development Strategy Goal Area I: Economic Growth & Prosperity RTRT020720 Minutes Page 7 1. Business Attraction 2. Business Retention & Expansion 3. Innovation & Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Goal Area II: Workforce & Community Improvement 1. Workforce & Talent 2. Infrastructure & Mobility 3. Quality of Place Traditional Tourism & Local Events • Signature Event or Shift Focus • Build upon successes • Christmas in College Station • CS/B Marathon • Local Attractions • Existing Assets • Northgate • Wolf Pen Creek 6.5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding CIP planning and projects. Emily Fisher, Capital Projects, updated Council on the Capital Projects that are completed or that are current projects. Completed Projects  Holleman Drive  Midtown Drive  University Drive Current Projects  Police Station  Greens Prairie Road  City Hall Completed, Current and Upcoming Capital Projects;  Streets/Transportation  $38.5 million warranty projects (completed in the last year)  $14.6 million current construction  $83.5 million currently in design  Water  $1.8 million warranty projects  $15.5 million current construction  Wastewater  $8.5 million warranty projects  $60 million current construction  Water/Wastewater Design  $19.1 million in water  $43.6 million in wastewater  Facilities  $13.8 million completed facilities in the last year  $68.8 million in current construction RTRT020720 Minutes Page 8  Facilities & Parks  $15.1 million in design Mrs. Fisher explained the details of on the outlook for FY20, which are $22 million for transportation projects, $58 million for water/wastewater projects and $8.7 million for parks projects. Jeff Kersten, Assistant City Manager, gave an overview of the General Government Debt Funds, Hotel Tax Fund, Impact Fee Fund, and Roadway Maintenance Fund. Debt Service Fund • Average growth since FY15 = 10.6% • Future growth thru FY24 = 8.25% • Other Considerations:  All existing capacity has been earmarked leaving little flexibility  Lack capacity to meet other needs  Possible tax increase in FY22 for Fire Station #7  Maximum tax rate of $2.50 / $100 assessed valuation limits growth Debt Financing Options General Obligation Bonds (GOs) • Requires bond election for authorization • Issued for any public purpose • Secured by ad valorem taxing power • Maximum tax rate $2.50 / $100 valuation • Attracts low interest rates Certificates of Obligation (COs) • Requires Notice of Intent to Voters to Issue • Issued for any public purpose • Secured by ad valorem tax and / or revenue pledge • Maximum tax rate $2.50 / $100 valuation • Attracts low interest rates The latest new money GO Bonds were issued in 2017. The City h as no General Obligation authority remaining that it plans on issuing. Council directed staff to look at possible Bond Election for November 2021 or May 2022. 6.6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding major strategic initiatives and events in FY 2021. Council members proposed and discussed major strategic initiatives and events to occur or be reviewed in FY21. Staff will review FY21 strategic initiatives and events and bring back to Council at a future date:  Short-term Strategies and Initiatives  Mid-term Strategies and Initiatives  Long-term Strategies and Initiatives RTRT020720 Minutes Page 9 6.7. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding revisions to the Strategic Plan. No discussion at this time. 7. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Mooney adjourned the Retreat of the College Station City Council at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 7, 2020. ________________________ Karl Mooney, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Tanya Smith, City Secretary