HomeMy WebLinkAbout200212 - Campaign Finance Final Report - Marycruz DeLeon Morales3 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER REPORT: DESIGNATION OF FINAL REPORT FORM C/OH -FR The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. •• Complete only if "Report Type" on page 1 is marked "Final Report" •• 2 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) I do not expect any further political contributions or politic al expe nditures in connection with my cand id acy. I understand that designat- in g a report as a final report t erminates my campaign trea surer appointment. I also understand that I may not accept any campaign oootc;b,tiooo oc make aoy oampa;go e'peodU"rn' w;thoot a oampa ;go tceaoocecap ~ =-m • -------- Signature of Candidate I Officeholder 4 FILER WHO IS NOT AN OFFICEHOLDER Complete A & B below only if you are not an officeholder. A. CAMPAIGN FUNDS Check only one: ~ I do not have unexpended contributions or unexp e nd ed interest or in come earned from political contributions. D I have unexpended contributions or unexpend ed interes t or income earned from political contributions. I understand that I may not convert un ex pended political contributions or unexpended interest or income ea rned on political contributions to personal use . I a lso understand that I must fil e an annual re port of unexpended contributions and that I may not retain unexpended contributions or un ex pended interes t or incom e ea rned on political contributions longer than six years after filing this final report. Further, I understand that I mu st di spose of unexpended po litic al contributions and unexpended interest or income earned on political contributions in accordance with th e requirements of Election Code, § 254.204 . B. ASSETS Cl/k only one: ~ I do not retain assets purcha se d with political contributions or in terest or other income from political contributions. D I do retain assets purch ase d with po l itica l contributions or interest or other incom e from po liti ca l contributions. I understand that I may not convert assets purchased with po liti cal con tr i buti o ns or int erest or other income from political contributions to personal use. I also understand that I must di spose of asse ts purchased with political con t ri butions in accordance with th e req uirements of Election Code , § 25 4.204. --:::::;:t~._..,::~:::::::::.. Signature of Candidate 5 OFFICEHOLDER •• Complete this section only if you are an officehold er D I am aware that I re mai n subj ec t to filing requir eme nts applicable to an officeho lder who does not have a campaign tre as urer on file. I am also aware that I wi ll be requi red to fil e reports of unexpended contributions if, after filing the last required repo rt as an officeholder, I retain politica l con tributions . interest or other in co me from po li tical contributions. or assets purc~a sed with po liti- cal contribut ions or int eres t or other income from politica l co ntributions. Signature of Officeho ld er Forms provided by Texas Ethi cs Commission www.ethics.state.tx .us Revised 1/1/2020