HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/2019 - Regular Minutes - Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS April 11 , 2019 The Board of Directors (the " Board" ) of Rock Prairie Management District No . 2 (the " District" ) met in regular session, open to the public on April 11 , 2019, at 4121 State Highway 6 South, College Station, Brazos County, Texas 77845 , in accordance with the duly posted notice of meeting, and the roll was called of the duly constituted members of said Board of Directors, as follows : Uri Geva — President Hays Glover — Vice President Kamal Ariss — Assistant Vice President Jonathan Stark — Secretary Randall G. Rother — Assistant Secretary and all of said persons were present, except Director Ariss, thus constituting a quorum. Also present were James Murr of College Station Town Center, Inc. (" CSTC ") ; Cynthia Colondres of Municipal Accounts & Consulting, L.P . (" MAC "); Blake McGregor of Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. ( " EHRA" ) ; Avilc Bonnerjee of B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC (" B&A") ; and Christina Cole of Schwartz, Page & Harding, L. L. P . (" SPH" ) . The President called the meeting to order and declared same open for such business as might properly come before it . APPROVAL OF MINUTES As the first order of business, the Board considered approval of the minutes of its meeting held on February 14 , 2019 . After review and discussion, Director Geva moved that the minutes for said Board meeting be approved, as written. Director Glover seconded said motion, which unanimously carried . BOOKKEEPING REPORT Ms. Colondres presented to and reviewed with the Board a Bookkeeping Report, a copy of which report is attached hereto as Exhibit A, including checks presented for payment. Following discussion, Director Geva moved that said Bookkeeping Report be approved and that the checks identified in the report be approved for payment. Director Glover seconded the motion, which unanimously carried . AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT FOR BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Ms. Colondres next presented to and reviewed with the Board a proposed Amended and Restated Agreement for Bookkeeping Services between the District and MAC , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B . Ms. Colondres advised the Board that the Amended and Restated Agreement provides for increases in the (i ) hourly rate from $75 to $ 100 per hour. And (ii) base rate, upon issuance of bonds, from $ 1 ,000 per month to $ 1 ,200 per month. Ms . Cole noted that MAC has submitted the required Texas Ethics Commission ( "TEC ") Form 1295 relative to such Amended and Restated Agreement. After discussion on the matter, it was moved by Director Stark, seconded by Director Glover, and unanimously carried , that (i ) the Amended and Restated Agreement for Bookkeeping Services be approved, (ii) the President be authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the District, and (iii) the TEC Form 1295 be accepted, and SPH be authorized to acknowledge the District' s receipt of same with the TEC . OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING MAY 31 , 2020 Ms . Colondres next presented draft budget for the District's fiscal year ending May 31 , 2020. In connection therewith, Ms . Cole advised the Board that , pursuant to Section 7(e) of the City of College Station, Texas (the " City" ) Resolution No . 07-09- 15 -02 (which provided the City's consent to the creation of the District), the City shall have the right to review the District's annual budget. After discussion on the proposed budget, Director Geva moved that SPH be authorized to forward the District's proposed budget for the fiscal year ending May 31 , 2020 to the City for its review and comment prior to adoption at the next Board meeting. Director Glover seconded said motion which unanimously carried . TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR' S REPORT Mr. Bonnerjee then presented and reviewed with the Board the Tax Assessor-Collector Reports for the months ended February 28, 2019, and March 31 , 2019, including checks presented for payment. Copies of such reports are attached hereto as Exhibit C . After discussion, Director Glover moved that the Tax Assessor-Collector Reports be approved and that the checks identified therein be approved for payment. Director Geva seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. ADDITIONAL PENALTY ON DELINQUENT REAL PROPERTY TAXES The Board considered the adoption of a Resolution Authorizing an Additional Penalty on Delinquent Real Property Taxes . Ms . Cole advised that the Board is authorized pursuant to Section 33 .07 of the Texas Tax Code, as amended , to impose, under certain conditions on July 1 , an additional penalty not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total taxes , penalty and interest due the District on taxes that remain delinquent as of July 1 of the year in which they became delinquent. Following discussion, Director Geva moved that the Resolution Authorizing an Additional Penalty on Delinquent Real Property Taxes, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit D , be adopted, and that the District's Delinquent Tax Attorneys be authorized to proceed with the collection of the District's 2018 delinquent real property tax accounts on July 1 , 2019, subject to proper notice having been given as provided in said Resolution, including the filing of lawsuits as necessary . Director Glover seconded the motion, which unanimously carried . - 2 - 519415 TAXATION BY THE DISTRICT OF " GOODS-IN-TRANSIT " PERSONAL PROPERTY Ms . Cole outlined for the Board the option available to the District to tax certain goods- in-transit personal property, as provided for and defined in Article VIII Section 1 -n of the Texas Constitution and Section 11 . 253 of the Texas Property Tax Code, as amended . She advised that under said provisions , the " Goods-in-Transit Exemption" applies to tangible personal property other than oil , natural gas, petroleum products, aircraft or certain designated special valuation inventory, provided that such property is acquired in or imported into Texas to be forwarded to another location inside or outside the state, is stored under a contract of bailment by a public warehouse operator at one or more public warehouse facilities in the state that are not owned or controlled by the property owner, for the account of the person who acquired or imported the property , and is subsequently forwarded to another location inside or outside of Texas not later than 175 days after its acquisition or importation (the " Goods-in-Transit Property") . She further advised that the District may, by official action and following a public hearing, exercise its option to tax all such Goods-in-Transit Property . She noted that the District' s option must be exercised before January 1 of the first tax year in which it proposes to tax the Goods-in-Transit Property. A public hearing was then held, at which members of the public were allowed an opportunity to speak for or against the taxation of Goods-in-Transit Property by the District. It was noted that no members of the public appeared at the hearing and such hearing was then closed . The Board considered the taxation of Goods-in-Transit Property for 2020 and future years. Following discussion Director Geva moved to exercise its option to tax Goods-in-Transit Property for 2020 and future years, and for the adoption of the Resolution Approving Taxation of Goods-in-Transit Pursuant to Texas Property Tax Code § 11 . 253 attached hereto as Exhibit E. Director Glover seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. ENGINEERING REPORT Mr. McGregor presented and reviewed with the Board an Engineering Report dated April 2019 , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit F. Following presentation of the Engineering Report and discussion of the action items contained therein, Director Geva moved to (i) concur in the payment of the pay estimate as set forth in the Engineering Report, and (ii) authorize EHRA to proceed with the design and advertisement for bids for the construction of water, sanitary sewer, drainage and paving facilities for Midtown Reserve Phase 104 . Director Stark seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. DEVELOPER'S REPORT The Board considered the Developer's Report . Mr. Murr updated the Board on the status of development within the District. - 3 - 519415 RATIFY EXECUTION OF PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION Ms. Cole advised the Board that since the last meeting of the Board , it was necessary for the District' s engineers to file with the City of College Station a change to the Preliminary Plan Application (" Application" ) relative to Midtown Reserve and Midtown on Lakeway Subdivision, which required the signature of the President of the Board. She noted that since such action was not authorized by the Board in a public meeting, it would be necessary for the Board to ratify such action taken on behalf of the District and as recommended by the District's engineers . Following discussion, Director Stark moved that the execution of the Application by Director Geva be ratified, approved and confirmed. Director Glover seconded the motion, which carried by majority vote, with Director Geva abstaining. AUTHORIZE REOUEST TO CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR RE-APPOINTENT AND/OR REPLACEMENT OF DIRECTORS It was the consensus of the Board to defer action on a request to the City of College Station for re-appointment and/or replacement of directors to the Board of the District until the May 2019 , Board meeting . ATTORNEY' S REPORT The Board considered the Attorney's Report. Ms . Cole then presented a document received from the District's financial advisors, Post Oak Municipal Advisors LLC , relative to certain disclosures required by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Rule G- 10 . A copy of such disclosure is attached hereto as Exhibit G . UNCLAIMED PROPERTY The Board considered authorizing District consultants to research the District's accounts for unclaimed property and authorized the District' s bookkeeper to prepare an Unclaimed Property Report as of March 1 , 2019 . Ms . Cole advised the Board that the District' s consultants will review their records and provide the bookkeeper with a current listing of any unclaimed property in the District's accounts for preparation of the Unclaimed Property Report. She further advised the Board that the District' s bookkeeper would file the report with the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas and discharge any unclaimed funds to the Comptroller by July 1 , 2019 . After discussion, Director Stark moved that the consultants be authorized to provide current listings of any and all unclaimed property to the bookkeeper and that, should any unclaimed property exist, the bookkeeper be authorized to file an Unclaimed Property Report with the Comptroller. Director Geva seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The Board considered items for placement on future agendas. No specific agenda items, other than routine and ongoing matters were requested to be placed on a future agenda. 4 - 519415 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion made by Director Geva, seconded by Director Rother, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. ` , Seer ary - 5 - 519415 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Minutes of Meeting of April 11 , 2019 Exhibit A Bookkeeping Report Exhibit B Amended and Restated Agreement for Bookkeeping Services Exhibit C Tax Assessor-Collector Report Exhibit D Resolution Authorizing an Additional Penalty on Delinquent Real Property Taxes Fxhibit E Resolution Approving Taxation of Goods-in-Transit Pursuant to Texas Property Tax Code § 11 . 253 Exhibit F Engineering Report Exhibit G Post Oak Municipal Advisors, LLC, MSRB Rule GA0 Disclosure - 6 - 519415 EXHIBIT " A " MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS 3I At, CONSULTING , LP Rock Prairie Management District No . 2 Bookkeeper' s Report April 11 , 2019 1281 Brittmoore Road • Houston, Texas 77043 • Phone: 713.623.4539 • Fax: 713 .629.6859 Rock Prairie MD No. 2 - GOF Cash Flow Report - Checking Account As of April 11, 2019 Num Name Memo Amount Balance BALANCE AS OF 02/15/2019 ($11,095.03) Receipts Interest earned on Checking - February 0.53 Maintenance Tax Collections 25,000.00 Interest earned on Checking - March 1 .18 Maintenance Tax Collections 10,000.00 Total Receipts 35,001 .71 Disbursements 1066 EHRA Engineering Engineering Fees (2 months) (2,981 .14) 1067 Municipal Accounts & Consulting, LP Bookkeeping Fees (2 months) (1 ,111.98) 1068 Schwartz, Page & Ilarding, L.L.P. Legal Fees (I0,867.02) Fees Compass Bank Service Charge - February (0.53) Fees Compass Bank Service Charge - March (1.18) Total Disbursements (14,961 .85) BALANCE AS OF 04/11/2019 $8,944.83 COMPASS BANK-PREMIER - #XXXX0276 2 Rock Prairie MD No. 2 - GOF Actual vs . Budget Comparison March 2019 March 2019 June 2018 - March 2019 Annual Actual Budget Over/(Under) Actual Budget Over/(Under) Budget Revenues 14100 Developer Advance 0 0 0 33,000 33,000 0 73,525 14350 Maintenance Tax Collections 0 0 0 25,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 14380 Other Income 1 0 1 6 4 _ 5 Total Revenues 1 0 1 58,006 43,004 15,002 83,530 Expenditures 16330 Legal Fees 9,960 5,000 4,960 37,422 50,000 (12,578) 60,000 16350 Engineering Fees 1 ,008 800 208 9,682 8,000 1,682 9,600 16430 Bookkeeping Fees 94 375 (281) 3,350 3,750 (400) 4,500 16450 Legal Notices & Other Publ. 581 0 581 581 0 581 0 16460 Printing & Office Supplies 112 125 (13) 557 1,250 (693) 1,500 16470 Filing Fees 52 25 27 518 250 268 300 16480 Delivery Expense 63 8 54 173 83 89 100 16520 Postage 1 4 (3) 17 42 (25) 50 16530 Insurance & Surety Bond 3,492 3,400 92 3,492 3,400 92 3,400 16540 Travel Expense 194 90 104 1 ,019 900 119 1,080 16560 Miscellaneous Expense 1 250 (249) 6 2,500 (2,494) 3,000 Total Expenditures 15,558 10,078 5,480 56,817 70,175 (13,358) 83,530 Excess Revenues (Expenditures) ($15,557) ($10,077) ($5,480) S1 ,189 ($27,171) $28,360 S0 3 Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2020 Proposed Budget Actnals 2019 Proposed Proposed 10 Months Annualized 2019 Budget 2020 Budget Income 14100 • Developer Advance 33,000 33,000 73,525 67,490 14350 - Maintenance Tax Collections 25,000 35,000 10,000 40,000 14380 • Other Income 6 8 5 IO Total Income 58,006 68,008 83,530 107,500 Expense 16330 • Legal Fees 37,422 52,422 60,000 60,000 16350 - Engineering Fees 9,682 12,182 9,600 33,000 16430 • Bookkeeping Fees 3,350 4,350 4,500 6,000 16451 - SB 622 - Public Notice Expenses 581 581 0 2,000 16460 - Printing Sc Office Supplies 557 669 1 ,500 700 16470 • Filing Fees 518 622 300 700 16480 - Delivery Expense 173 207 100 200 16520 • Postage 17 20 50 50 16530 • Insurance 3,492 3,492 3,400 3,500 16540 - Travel Expense 1 ,019 1 ,223 1,080 1 ,300 16560 - Miscellaneous Expense 6 8 3,000 50 Total Expense 56,817 75,775 83,530 107,500 Net Surplus/(Defecit) 1 ,189 -7767 0 0 4 Rock Prairie MD No. 2 Senate Bill 622 - Fiscal Year Ending May 31, 2020 Sec. 140.0045. ITEMIZATION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC NOTICE EXPENDITURES REQUIRED IN CERTAIN POLITICAL SUBDIVISION BUDGETS. The proposed budget of a political subdivision must include a line item indicating expenditures for notices required by law to be published in a newspaper by the political subdivision or a representative of the political subdivision that allows as clear a comparison as practicable between those expenditures in the proposed budget and actual expenditures for the same purpose in the preceding year. General Operating Fund Consultant Projected Expenses Actual Expenses Attorney $0.00 $0.00 Engineer 2,000 00 0.00 Operator 000 0.00 Other 0.00 0.00 Total $2,000.00 S0.00 Tax Fund Consultant Projected Expenses Actual Expenses Attorney $0.00 $0.00 Financial Advisor 0.00 0.00 Tax Assessor 200.00 0.00 Other 0.00 0.00 Total $200.00 $000 Total Consultant Projected Expensest Actual Expenses2 Attorney $000 $0.00 Engineer 2,000.00 0.00 Financial Advisor 0.00 0.00 Operator 0.00 0.00 Tax Assessor 200.00 0.00 Other 0.00 0.00 Total $2,200.00 $0.00 Rennrtino Rennirements: 'Projected Expenses for the upcoming year presented in last month of fiscal year with Annual Budget m bookkeeping report 'Actual Expenses for the preceding year presented in first month of fiscal year in bookeeping report 5 EXHIBIT " B " MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS M ° \ & CONSULTING, L,. P AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT FOR BOOKKEEPING SERVICES THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT FOR BOOKKEEPING SERVICES (this "Agreement") is made as of the 11th day of April, 2019, by and between ROCK ' PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2, a body politic and corporate and a governmental agency of the State of Texas, operating under the provisions of Chapter 3909, Special District Local Laws Code, as amended (the "Act"), and Article XVI, Section 59 of the Constitution of the State of Texas (the "District"), and MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS & CONSULTING, L.P., a Texas limited partnership (the "Bookkeeper"), in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained. ARTICLE I Bookkeeper shall render the following services to the District 1 . Establish and maintain, if applicable, checking accounts, journals and ledgers pertaining to the Distdct's Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund, General Operating Fund, and General Long Term Debt Fund all in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures, the laws of the State of Texas, policies and regulations adopted by the Board of Directors of the District (the "Board"), and the requirements of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and in such a manner that excessive auditing procedures or adjustments by the auditors ate not requited. 2. Reconcile all accounts at least every thirty (30) days, and promptly report any discrepancies to the appropriate depository institution and the Board at its next meeting. 3. Maintain a summary general ledger fot the Tax Fund from reports supplied by the District's Tax Assessor-Collector. 4. Prepare and present for Board approval all checks, with invoices attached, drawn on the District's Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and General Operating Fund. 5. Record all payments of fees of office for each member of the Board (if applicable) as well as all payroll tax payments. Bookkeeper shall cause the preparation of fees of office payments, IRS Forms W-2, W-3 and 941 by a third party payroll service company in compliance with the provisions of the .Internal Revenue Code, as amended from time to time. 6. At each meeting of the Board (but not mote often than monthly), prepare and present a cash flow report and account balance report indicating all activity within each of the above funds and the current distribution and investment of moneys within each fund and prepare and present an actual versus budget comparison statement and Balance Sheet in the General Operating Fund. 7. Complete postings and close all journals and ledgers within forty-five (45) days after the end of District's fiscal year. 8. Attend the Board meeting for one (1) hour. 1281 BRITTMOORE RD • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77043 • PHONE 713-623-4539 • FAX 713-629-6859 9. Be accessible to the District's auditor to efficiently perform the annual audit, including use of Bookkeepers office facilities during the field audit. All such services shall be rendered in a professional, competent and timely manner and in accordance with the provisions of the District's order establishing policies for investment of District funds, as same may be amended from time to time (the "Investment Policy"). ARTICLE II As consideration for the services tendered by the Bookkeeper to the District as set forth in Article I above, the District shall pay the Bookkeeper an hourly fee of $100.00 per hour until the District sells bonds. Once the District has sold bonds and the Bookkeeper is accounting for all the various funds, the monthly fee will be $1,200.00 per month. If the District so elects in accordance with Texas Local Government Code Section 375.096, Mark M. Burton and Ghia Lewis, or such other employee(s) of Bookkeeper as the District and Bookkeeper may agree to in writing, shall jointly serve as the District's Investment Officer and as such, shall comply with all terns and provisions of the Investment Policy and all applicable laws, including but not limited to, the Public Funds Investment Act, Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 2256, as may be amended from time to time. Should the District make such election, there will be an additional charge of $50.00 per month for the above employee(s) of the Bookkeeper to serve as the District's Investment Officer; provided, however, such charge shall not include the preparation of the quarterly report of investment transactions described below. All other services as may be requested by the Board from time to time or as required by the Investment Policy will be paid at the rate of $100.00 per hour for such services. Additional services shall include, but are not limited to, preparation of an annual budget for the General Operating Fund, attendance at a Board meeting for more than one (1) hour, travel time to attend Board meeting, preparation of the quarterly report of investment transactions as required by the Investment Policy, arranging for appropriate security of District funds as required by the Investment Policy, preparation of Internal Revenue Service Forms 1099 and 1096, correcting vendor invoices/reports, and preparation of audit schedules. At each District bond funding, the Bookkeeper shall supply the District's Financial Advisor with Debt Service Fund balances; verify bond funds to be deposited into the District's Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and General Operating Fund; establish schedules for anticipated payment of future construction pay estimates; invest all surplus bond proceeds; wire and/or disburse District funds in accordance with instructions from the Board; arrange for appropriate security of District funds as required by law and the Investment Policy; prepare anm,a1 Debt Service Requirement Schedules in connection with the levy of taxes; prepare outstanding debt service obligation schedules and amendments to same if the District sells bonds as required by the Attorney and/or Financial Advisor for the District in order to comply with the Act and the Texas Water Code, all of which services shall be paid at the rate set forth below: New Bond Issue $ 3,250.00 Bond Anticipation Note $ 2,250.00 Refunding Bond Issue $ 1 ,250.00 2 1281 BRITTMOORE RD • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77043 • PHONE 713-623-4539 • FAX 713-629-6859 In addition to the fees set forth above, the District shall pay the Bookkeeper for all out-of- pocket expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred by Bookkeeper in the performance of the services described herein, including but not limited to, printing, reproduction of documents, fax, long distance telephone calls, document storage and retention, travel expense, courier services, postage and third party payroll service costs. For meetings beginning at, or continuing beyond 4:30 PM or later, the District shall pay the Bookkeeper $ 100.00 in addition to any other compensation provided for in this Agreement. ARTICLE III The District shall instruct all contractors, vendors and service representatives of the District to submit all bills and invoices to Bookkeeper at least five (5) days prior to any scheduled meetings of the Board or deadline for the Bookkeeper's report as required by the Board. It is understood that any bill or invoice submitted subsequent to said five (5) day period shall be paid if possible, at said meeting, but will not necessarily be reflected on the cash flow report. Bills, invoices and/or reports requested to be prepared for any scheduled meeting after this cutoff date shall be billed at Bookkeeper's hourly rate. ARTICLE IV All records and documents related to the services of the Bookkeeper to the District hereunder shall be the District's property. The District and the Bookkeeper each acknowledge that the requirements of Chapter 552, Texas Government Code, as amended (the "Public Information Act"), and Chapters 201 -205, Texas Local Government Code, as amended (the "Local Government Records Act," and together with the Public Information Act, the "Acts"), each apply to all public information, as defined by the Public Information Act, and all local government records, as defined by the Local Government Records Act, related to the relationship between the District and the Bookkeeper, and to any work carried out thereunder. The Bookkeeper covenants that it will comply with all requirements of the Acts, the District's Record Management Program, and all applicable rules, regulations, policies and retention schedules adopted thereunder. Upon termination of this Agreement, said records and documents, other than in proprietary form, shall be promptly delivered by the Bookkeeper to the District or the District's designee. ARTICLE V Bookkeeper shall provide and maintain in full force and effect at Bookkeeper's expense insurance in the amount of $3,000,000 ensuring that bookkeeper will faithfully account for all monies, which shall come into Bookkeeper's custody under terms of its service agreements. If the District elects, the bookkeeper shall also provide the District with a public employees blanket bond, acceptable to the District, in a minimum amount of $ 10,000 or, if greater, the minimum amount required by law. The cost of such bond shall be borne by the District. ARTICLE VI This Agreement may be terminated at any time by either party hereto by providing thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other party. All work associated with transitioning to or from another party will be billed at Bookkeeper's hourly rate. 3 1281 BRITTMOORE RD • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77043 • PHONE 713-623-4539 • FAX 713-629-6859 This Agreement shall supersede all other prior agreements between the District and Bookkeeper, including that certain Agreement for Bookkeeping Services dated August 18, 2015 as the same may have been amended from time to time. ARTICLE WI As required by Chapter 2270, Texas Government Code, Bookkeeper hereby verifies that Bookkeeper, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of the same, does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel through the term of this Agreement The term "boycott Israel" in this paragraph has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code, as amended. ARTICLE VIII Pursuant to Chapter 2252, Texas Government Code, Bookkeeper represents and certifies that, at the time of execution of this Agreement neither Bookkeeper, nor any wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of the same, is a company listed by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts under Sections 2270.0201 or 2252. 153 of the Texas Government Code. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District and the Bookkeeper have executed this Agreement in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, as of the date first set forth above. ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 By President, Board of Directors MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS & CONSULTINGG,,, L.PP.. By Burton, Managing Member The Asher Group, LT C, General Partner 4 1281 BRITTMOORE RD • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77043 • PHONE 713-623-4539 • FAX 713-629-6859 EXHIBIT " C " B &A Honesty I Efficiency I Transparency I Accountability I Continuity MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE MONTH ENDING March 31 , 2019 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, TX 77040 TOLL FREE 1 -888-598-7409 1 B &A MUNICIPAL TAX SFRVICF , I I C ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3/31 /19 RECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2018 Balance Forward Levy at 05/31 / 18 FYE $0 . 00 CAD Changes / Uncollectible $49 , 461 . 25 49 , 461 . 25 Outstanding Balance forward Prior Years (2017-2010 ) at 05/31 /18 FYE $ 129 . 47 CAD Changes / Uncollectible $0 . 00 129 .47 Total Levy to be collected 49 ,590 .72 Collection prior months (all years) ($49 , 564 . 52 ) 2018 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month $0 . 00 Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refunds during current month $0. 00 (49,564.52 ) Total Outstanding Balance 26 .20 TAX ACCOUNT Beginning Balance — Tax Account 15 ,605 .72 Income Taxes Collected Current Year $ 0 . 00 Taxes Collected Prior Year $0 . 00 Penalties & Interest $0 . 00 Collection Fee Paid $0 . 00 Overpayments $0 . 00 NSF or Reversals , Bank Charges $0 . 00 Other Fees & Court Costs , Etc $0 . 00 Earned Interest $3 . 78 $3.78 15 , 609 .50 Expenses CK# 1035 B&A Municipal Tax Service , LLC - Invoice MD2-045 515 . 30 CK# 1036 B &A Municipal Tax Service , LLC - Invoice MD2-046 450 . 84 $966 . 14 Ending Balance —Tax Account 14,643 . 36 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, TX 77040 TOLL FREE 1 -888-598-7409 2 • . . BatA MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3/31 / 19 OUTSTANDING TAXES - YEAR TO DATE BALANCE FORWARD CAD TAX @ SUPPLEMENTS & OUTSTANDING COLLECTIONS YEAR 10/01 /18 CORRECTIONS UNCOLLECTIBLE COLLECTIONS TAXES PERCENTAGE 2018 $49 ,461 . 25 $49 , 435 . 05 $26 . 20 99 . 95% 2017 $ 19 , 962 . 78 $0 . 00 $ 19 , 962 . 78 ($0 . 00) 100 . 00% $26 . 20 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX HOMESTEAD OVER 65 / DEBT SERVICE CONTRACT TAX YEAR EXEMPTION DISABLED M & 0 RATE RATE RATE TOTAL RATE 2019 0 . 00% 0 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 2018 0 . 00% 0 0 . 50000 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 0 . 50000 2017 0 . 00% 0 0 . 50000 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 0 . 50000 DISTRICT VALUES TAX LAND & PERSONAL YEAR IMPROVEMENTS AG NET PROPERTY EXEMPTIONS TOTAL VALUE SR KR 2018 9 , 881 , 920 28 , 690 309 , 850 328 , 210 9 , 892 , 250 30 30 2017 4 , 069 , 643 27 , 010 0 104 , 096 3 , 992 , 557 47 47 B & A MUNICIPAL , TAX SERVICE, LI .0 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, "L'X 77040 TOLL FREE 1 -888-598-7409 3 I g &A ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3/31 / 19 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC PROFIT & LOSS CURRENT MONTH FISCAL YEAR 3/1 /19 - 3/31 /19 6/01 /18 - 3/31 /19 BEGINNING BALANCE 26 ,650 .63 10 ,271 .84 INCOME 10% Rendition Penalty 0. 00 0.00 Bad Check Charges 0.00 0.00 Court Costs/Abstract & Filing Fees 0. 00 0 . 00 Collection Fee 0. 00 27.38 Earned Interest 3 . 78 17. 37 Overpayments 0 . 00 7 . 56 Penalty & Interest 0 . 00 19. 89 Taxes Collected 0. 00 49, 564. 52 Total Income 3.78 49 ,636 .72 EXPENSES Audit/Records 0. 00 0. 00 Attorney - General Tax Matters 0. 00 0.00 Bank Charges 0.00 0.00 Bond Premium 0. 00 50.00 Boundary Map 0.00 43. 00 CAD Fees 103.75 277 . 58 Certificate of Value 0. 00 0. 00 Copies 47.40 482.40 Correction Roll Refunds 0. 00 0. 00 Correction Roll Rendition Refunds 0.00 0. 00 Continuing Disclosure 0.00 0. 00 Court Affidavits 0 . 00 0. 00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Assistance 0 . 00 0 . 00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Fee 0. 00 27. 38 Installment Tracking 0.00 0. 00 Unclaimed Property Report 0. 00 0.00 Legal Notices 0. 00 1 ,250.00 Mailing & Handling 3. 34 127. 33 Meeting Travel & Mileage 375. 12 1 ,692.64 NSF or Return Item Fees 0. 00 0.00 Overpayment Refund 0. 00 7.55 Public Hearing 0.00 0. 00 Records Retention _ 0.00 0. 03 Roll Update & Processing 0 . 00 206.25 Supplies 0 . 00 0. 80 Tax Assessor Collector Fee - AB 515 . 30 5 , 134 . 10 Tax Rate Preparation & Calculation 0 . 00 0. 00 Transfer to Contract Tax 0. 00 0.00 Transfer to Maintenance & Operating 10,000. 00 35,000.00 Transfer to Debt Service 0. 00 0. 00 11 ,044.91 44,299 .06 ENDING BALANCE 15,609 .50 15,609 .50 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, TX 77040 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 4 .. B &A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 3/31 /19 YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISON 2018 % j 2017 % VARIANCE October $0 . 00 0 . 00% $0 . 00 0 . 00% 0 . 00% November $0. 00 0 . 00% $0 . 00 0 . 00% 0 . 00% December $0 . 00 0. 00% $0 . 00 0 . 00% 0 . 00% January $38 , 113.40 77 . 06% $0. 00 0 . 00% 77 . 06% February $ 11 , 321 . 65 99 . 95% ; $ 1 , 665 . 60 8 . 34% 91 . 61 % March $0. 00 99 . 95% — $ 18 , 167 . 71 99 . 35% 0 . 60% April $0. 00 99. 35% 0 . 00% May $0 . 00 99 . 35% I 0 . 00% I , June $0 . 00 99 . 35% 1 0. 00% July ! $ 12 .45 99.41 % 0. 00% August $0 . 00 99 .41 % 0 . 00% I September $0 . 00 99.41 % 0. 00% MONTHLY COLLECTIONS I 20181 20171 $0 . 00 $0 . 00 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, TX 77040 TOLL FREE 1 -888-598-7409 5 B &A ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 03/26/19 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE , LLC PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105 % OVER FDIC INSURED $ 250, 000 COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE : YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO / BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECURITY REQUIRED : NO TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: YES B A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON TX 77040 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 PS STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF B RAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee, being duly sworn , says that he is the Tax Assessor-Collector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated . Avik Bonnerjee , RTA SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME , this 1st day of April 2019 . Csght. Cc* &not") (7)1A4-j—e`s' Y` REBECCA LYNN BREWER Rebecca Lynn Brewer - R. J �e Notary ID # 1258819 Notary Public, State of Texas ��I My Commission Expires sr♦ March 1 , 2020 Notary ID # 1258819 E or 10 t My Commission Expires March 1 , 2020 Invoice Date Invoice # BaA MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC I 4i1i2019 rotD2-045 Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Unit Count Rate Amount Avik Bonnerjee, RTA - Tax Assessor Collector Fee April 2019. 512.60 512.60 2018 Additional Unit Count Invoiced 2019 3 0.90 2.70 Thank you for your business. Total $515 .30 w�,t • i •. t9 C.4<. /035 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 505 m Houston, TX 77040 m PH: 713-900-2680 www amumtax.com Invoice B gA Date Invoice # 4/ 1 /2019 MD2-046 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Qty Rate Amount Copies 375 0.20 75.00 Postage, Mailing, and Handling ( 1 ) 0.72 0.72 Meeting Travel Time/Mileage/Time (February 2019) 375. 12 375. 12 Thank you for your business. Total $450.84 (Jet yf . ol . le( cY> 1060 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 505 ® Houston, TX 77040 st PH: 713-900.2680 ® wwwbamunitax.com Jurisdiction: MD2 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 Page 1 Delinquent Tax Roll 4/5/2019 As of 3/31 /2019 8:34 AM Account No/Name/Address Cad No/Property Descr. 00090100040029 000000413246 Acreage: 172400 Over 65 No COLLEGE STATION LAND INVESTMENT LP A000901 , THOMAS CARRUTHERS (ICL), TRACT 4 29, Veteran No 1514 GLENOAK DR 1 724 ACRES Instalment Code N CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78418-8914 ROCK PRAIRIE RD Due Mar. 2019 Due Aor. 2019 Due May. 2019 Year Stmt Date Delg Date Code Taxes Penalties Payments Del. P&I Due Del. P&I Due Del. P&I Due 2018 1 /18/2019 3/1 /2019 1 .05 0.00 0.00 0.07 112 0.09 1 . 14 012 1 . 17 00090100040062 000000402113 Acreage. 0 11730 Over 65 No GLOVER HAYS A000901 , THOMAS CARRUTHERS (ICL), TRACT 4 62, Veteran No 300 SUFFOLK AVE 01173 ACRES Installment Code N COLLEGE STATION, TX 77840-3020 Due Mar. 2019 Due Aor. 2019 Due May. 2019 Year Stmt Date Delg Date Code Taxes Penalties Payments Del. P&I Due Del. P&I Due Del. P&I Due 2018 1/18/2019 3/1 /2019 12.70 0.00 0.00 0.89 13.59 1 . 14 1384 140 1410 00090100040063 000000402114 Acreage. 0 11500 Over65 No GEVA URI A000901 , THOMAS CARRUTHERS (ICL), TRACT 4 63, Veteran No 2809 BROTHERS BLVD 0 115 ACRES Installment Code N COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845-5712 Due Mar. 2019 Due Aor, 2019 Due May. 2019 Year Stmt Date Delo Date Code Taxes Penalties Payments Del. SKI Due Del. P&I Due Del. P&I Due 2018 1/18/2019 3/1 /2019 12.45 0.00 0.00 0.87 13.32 1 . 12 13.57 137 13.82 Report Prepared by B&A Municipal Tax www bamunitax com Jurisdiction: MD2 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 Page 2 Delinquent Tax Roll 4/5/2019 As of 3/31 /2019 8:34 AM Account No/Name/Address Cad No/Property Descr. Jurisdiction Totals Year Tax Levy Base Taxes Due Penalties Due Del. P&I Due Atty Fee Due Escrow Amt Total Due Count % Collected 2017 19,962.78 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00% 2018 49.461 .25 26.20 0.00 183 0.00 0.00 28.03 3 99.95% 26 20 0.00 1 83 0.00 0.00 28 03 3 Report Prepared by B&A Municipal Tax www bamunitax corn Bair A Honesty I Efficiency I Transparency I Accountability I Continuity MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE MONTH ENDING February 28 , 2019 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, TX 77040 TOLL FREE 1 -888-598-7409 1 S B &A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICF , I I C: ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 2/28/19 RECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2018 Balance Forward Levy at 05/31 / 18 FYE $0 . 00 CAD Changes / Uncollectible $49 , 461 . 25 49 , 461 . 25 Outstanding Balance forward Prior Years (2017-2010 ) at 05/31 / 18 FYE $ 129 . 47 CAD Changes / Uncollectible $0. 00 129.47 Total Levy to be collected 49 ,590 .72 Collection prior months (all years) ($38 , 242 . 87 ) 2018 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month ($ 11 , 321 . 65 ) Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refunds during current month $0 . 00 (49 , 564. 52 ) Total Outstanding Balance 26 .20 TAX ACCOUNT Beginning Balance — Tax Account 15 ,325 . 18 Income Taxes Collected Current Year $ 11 , 321 . 65 Taxes Collected Prior Year $0 . 00 Penalties & Interest $0 . 00 Collection Fee Paid $0 . 00 Overpayments $ 0 . 01 NSF or Reversals , Bank Charges $0 . 00 Other Fees & Court Costs , Etc $0 . 00 Earned Interest $3 . 79 $11 ,325.45 26 , 650 . 63 Expenses CK# 1023 Brazos Central Appraisal District- 2nd Qtr Assessment ( Presigned Ck) $ 103 . 75 CK# 1032 Rock Prairie Management District 2 - Operating Fund $ 10 , 000 . 00 CK# 1033 B&A Municipal Tax Service , LLC - Invoice MD2-043 515 . 30 CK# 1034 B&A Municipal Tax Service , LLC - Invoice MD2-044 425 . 86 $ 11 ,044. 91 Ending Balance —Tax Account 15 , 605 . 72 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, TX 77040 TOLL FREE 1 -888-598-7409 2 I B &A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE/ LC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 2/28/19 OUTSTANDING TAXES - YEAR TO DATE BALANCE FORWARD CAD TAX C@ SUPPLEMENTS & OUTSTANDING COLLECTIONS YEAR 10/01 /18 CORRECTIONS UNCOLLECTIBLE COLLECTIONS TAXES PERCENTAGE 2018 $49 ,461 .25 $49 ,435 . 05 $26 .20 99 . 95% 2017 $ 19 , 962 . 78 $0 . 00 $ 19 , 962 . 78 ($0 . 00) 100 . 00% $26. 20 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX HOMESTEAD OVER 65 / DEBT SERVICE CONTRACT TAX YEAR EXEMPTION DISABLED M & O RATE RATE RATE TOTAL RATE 2019 0 . 00% 0 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 2018 0 . 00% 0 0 . 50000 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 0 . 50000 2017 0 . 00% 0 0 . 50000 0 . 00000 0 . 00000 0 . 50000 DISTRICT VALUES TAX LAND & PERSONAL YEAR IMPROVEMENTS AG NET PROPERTY EXEMPTIONS TOTAL VALUE SR KR 2018 9 , 881 , 920 28 , 690 309 , 850 328 , 210 9 , 892 ,250 16 16 2017 4 , 069 , 643 27 , 010 0 104 , 096 3 , 992 , 557 47 47 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, 1'X 77040 TOLL FREE 1 -888-598-7409 3 f B &A ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 MUNICIPAL TAX SFRVECE, LLC FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 2/28/19 PROFIT & LOSS CURRENT MONTH FISCAL YEAR 2/1 /19 - 2/28/19 6/01 /18 - 2/28/19 BEGINNING BALANCE 41 ,588 . 35 10 ,271 .84 INCOME _ 10% Rendition Penalty 0. 00 0. 00 Bad Check Charges 0. 00 0. 00 • Court Costs/Abstract & Filing Fees 0. 00 0.00 Collection Fee 0 . 00 27. 38 Earned Interest 3 . 79 _ 13 . 59 Overpayments 0.01 7. 56 Penalty & Interest 0.00 19.89 Taxes Collected 11 , 321 .65 49, 564. 52 Total Income 11 ,325 .45 49 ,632 .94 EXPENSES Audit/Records 0. 00 0. 00 Attorney - General Tax Matters 0. 00 0. 00 Bank Charges 0. 00 0. 00 Bond Premium 0. 00 50. 00 Boundary Map 0.00 43.00 CAD Fees 0.00 173.83 Certificate of Value 0.00 0.00 Copies 53.20 435.00 Correction Roll Refunds 0.00 0. 00 Correction Roll Rendition R efunds 0. 00 0. 00 Continuing Disclosure 0. 00 0. 00 Court Affidavits 0. 00 _ 0 . 00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Assistance 0. 00 0 . 00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Fee 27. 38 27. 38 Installment Tracking 0.00 0. 00 Unclaimed Property Report 0.00 0. 00 " Legal Notices 600.00 1 ,250. 00 Mailing & Handling 67.29 123. 99 Meeting Travel & Mileage 0. 00 1 , 317. 52 NSF or Return Item Fees 0. 00 0. 00 Overpayment Refund 0. 00 7. 55 Public Hearing 0. 00 0. 00 Records Retention 0. 00 0.03 Roll Update & Processing _ 0. 00 206.25 Supplies 0.00 0. 80 Tax Assessor Collector Fee - AB 515. 30 4,618. 80 Tax Rate Preparation & Calculation 0.00 0. 00 Transfer to Contract Tax 0. 00 0. 00 Transfer to Maintenance & Operating 25, 000. 00 25,000. 00 Transfer to Debt Service 0. 00 0. 00 26 ,263 . 17 33 ,254. 15 ENDING BALANCE 26 ,650 .63 26 ,650 . 63 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, TX 77040 "POLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 4 r . i B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 2/28/ 19 YEAR TO YEAR R COMPARISON 2018 % 2017 % VARIANCE 1 October - $0 . 00 0 . 00 % $0.00 0 . 00 % 0 . 00 % I� 1 November $0. 00 0 . 00% $0. 00 0 . 00 % 0 . 00 % December $0. 00 0 . 00 % $0 . 00 0 . 00 % 0.00% January $38, 113.40 77 . 06% $0. 00 1 0 . 00% , 77.06% February $ 11 , 321 .65 99 . 95% $ 1 , 665 . 60 , 8 . 34% 91 . 61 % March $ 18 , 167 . 71 99 . 35% 0. 00% April $0.00 99 . 35% 0.00% May $0. 00 99 . 35% 0. 00% June $0. 00 99 . 35% 0. 00% July _ $ 12.45 99.41 % 0.00% August - $0.00 99.41 % 0. 00% September I _ L $0 . 00 99 .41 % 0.00% MONTHLY COLLECTIONS 20181 20171 $ 11 , 321 . 65 $0 . 00 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, TX 77040 TOLL FREE 1 -888-598-7409 5 a , g &A ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 02/27/19 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105 % OVER FDIC INSURED $ 250, 000 COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE : YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO / BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECURITY REQUIRED : NO TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT : IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY : YES B A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE 505 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON TX 77040 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 PS STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF B RAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee , being duly sworn , says that he is the Tax Assessor-Collector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated . `-. Avik Bonnerjee, RTA SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME , this 1st day of March 2019 . Lech,. /4„, a,,da_ Rebecca Lynn Brewer a -ra REBECCA LYNN BREWERNotary Public, State of Texas cy.F .,04 Notary ID # 1258819Notary ID # 1258819 My CommissionExpires March 1 , 2020 tr„ ..�� . My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 v'� y L BROS MN_ r. €� PPRB1 6 OI TRIBh Mark W . Price Chief Appraiser 1673 BRIAR REST DR., sr . . - nn DRY 3% IY77802-2799 Telephone : (979 ) 774-4100 Facsimile : (979) 774 -4196 Mr. Avik Bonnerjee Registered Texas Assessor Collector B&A Municipal Tax Service LLC 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77040 November 19, 2018 Rock Prairie Management District #2 STATEMENT Below are the ESTIMATED quarterly payment amounts and due dates for the 2019 Brazos Central Appraisal District Operating Budget, as mandated by State Law. Please be advised these are estimated amounts at this time as we have not received actual rates and levies from one of the taxing entities. Once those rates have been set and levies calculated, we will submit corrected statements, if needed. In the event we do not receive the information prior to the 1S' quarter due date, we will make the appropriate adjustment to the 2 "d quarterly payment or issue a refund to those entities that pay in full. Section 6.06 State Property Tax Code states : "Unless the governing body of a unit and the chief appraiser agree to a different method of payment, each taxing unit shall pay its allocation in four equal payments to be made at the end of each calendar quarter, and the first payment shall be made before January 1 of the year in which the budget takes effect. A payment is delinquent if not paid on the date it is due. A delinquent payment incurs a penalty of 5 percent of the amount of the payment and accrues interest at an annual rate of 10 percent. If the budget is amended, any change in the amount of a unit 's allocation is apportioned among the payments remaining. " 07aa4 IS' Quarter due by December 31 , 2018 $ 103 . 75 t ' i r 2 " ' Quarter due by March 31 , 2019 $ 103. 75 ;f. , y ,,_ d 3rd Quarter due by June 30, 2019 $ 103. 75 r, 4 `11 Quarter due by September 30, 2019 $ 103 . 75 1 '4 Total Allocation $415 . 00 3 ) I (;) eC Oa3 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 Wells Fargo Hank N A 001032 TAX FUND ACCOUNT FARGO Te%3s 13333 NORTHWEST FWY, STE 505 37-65/1119 HOUSTON, TX 77040 3/1/2019 PAD To THE ORDER Of ROCK PRAIRIE MGMT. DISTRICT 2 - OPERATING $10,000.00 Ten Thousand and 00/10l) *********************************** DOLLARS Rock Prairie Management District 2 13333 Northwest Fiwy Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 VOID AFTER 180 DADS MEMO Maintenance Collected u• 0010320 Invoice B A1 Date Invoice # � 3/ 1/2019 MD2-043 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Unit Count Rate Amount Avik Bonnerjee, RTA - Tax Assessor Collector Fee March 2019. 512.60 512.60 2018 Additional Unit Count Invoiced 2019 3 0.90 2.70 Thank you for your business. Total $515.30 ea . 3I ) 1161s033 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 505 ® Houston, TX 77040 0 PH. 713-900-2680 ® wwwbamunitax.com Invoice B . a I Date Invoice # MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC ( 3/ 1 /2019 MD2-044 Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Qty Rate Amount Copies 237 0.20 47.40 Postage, Mailing and Handling (3) 2. 16 2. 16 Statement Mailing and Handling (DMR) 1 . 18 1 . 18 Meeting Travel Time/Mileage/Time (January 2019) 375. 12 375. 12 Thank you for your business. Total $425.86 l 1 1 tillo 34 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 ® Houston, TX 77040 OA PH 713-900-2680 o wwwbamunitax.com Jurisdiction: MD2 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 Page 2 Delinquent Tax Roll 3/11/2019 ' As of 2/28/2019 11 : 10 AM Account No/Name/Address Cad No/Property Descr. Jurisdiction Totals Year Tax Levy Base Taxes Due Penalties Due Del. P8d Due Atty Fee Due Escrow Amt Total Due Count % Collected 2017 19,962.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00% 2018 49,461 .25 26.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.20 3 99.95% 26.20 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 26.20 3 Report Prepared by B&A Municipal Tax www bamunitax con Jurisdiction: MD2 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 Page 1 Delinquent Tax Roll 3/11 /2019 As of 2/28/2019 11 : 10AM Account No/Name/Address Cad No/Property Descr. Report Prepared by B&A Municipal Tax www bamunitax.com EXHIBIT " D " RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ADDITIONAL PENALTY ON DELINOUENT REAL PROPERTY TAXES WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of Rock Prairie Management District No . 2 (the " District" ) is desirous of defraying the costs of collection of delinquent taxes; and WHEREAS , the District has contracted with an attorney for collection of delinquent taxes as set forth in Section 6. 30 of V .T.C .A. Tax Code, as amended ("Tax Code " ) ; and WHEREAS , Section 33 . 07 of the Tax Code, as amended, provides that, if the District has contracted with an attorney under Section 6 . 30 of the Tax Code, as amended , for collection of the District's delinquent taxes, the District may impose an additional penalty not to exceed the amount of the compensation specified in the contract with the attorney to be paid in connection with the collection of the delinquent taxes on taxes that become delinquent on or after February 1 of a year but not later than May 1 of that year and that remain delinquent on July 1 of the year in which they become delinquent ; and WHEREAS , Section 33 .08 of the Tax Code, as amended, provides that if the District imposes the additional penalty for collection costs under Section 33 . 07 of the Tax Code, as amended, and has contracted with an attorney under Section 6. 30 of the Tax Code, as amended, for collection of the District's delinquent taxes, the District may impose an additional penalty not to exceed the amount of the compensation specified in the contract with the attorney to be paid in connection with the collection of the delinquent taxes on taxes that become delinquent on or after June 1 of a year; and WHEREAS , said Section 6. 30 provides that said compensation shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the amount of delinquent tax, penalty and interest collected. Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO . 2 THAT: Section 1 . The District has entered into a contract with an attorney pursuant to Section 6 . 30 of the Texas Tax Code, as amended, for the collection of delinquent taxes, penalty and interest. Section 2 . District taxes that become delinquent on or after February 1 of a year but not later than May 1 of that year and that remain delinquent on July 1 of the year in which such taxes become delinquent shall incur an additional penalty of twenty percent (20%) on the amount of such taxes, penalty and interest to defray the costs of collection of said delinquent taxes, in accordance with Section 33 .07 of the Tax Code, as amended. Section 3 . District taxes that become delinquent on or after June 1 of a year shall incur an additional penalty of twenty percent (20%) of the amount of such taxes, penalty and interest on the first day of the first month that begins at least twenty-one (21 ) days after the date the notice of delinquency and penalty are sent, in accordance with Section 33 .08 of the Tax Code, as amended . Section 4 . The District's tax collector shall deliver a notice of delinquency and of the penalty imposed pursuant to Section 2 above to the property owner at least thirty (30) and not more than sixty (60) days before July 1 . Section 5 . The District's tax collector shall deliver a notice of delinquency and of the penalty imposed pursuant to Section 3 above to the property owner. Section 6. Notwithstanding any provision in this Resolution to the contrary, the additional penalty imposed hereunder shall not apply to delinquent personal property taxes which have incurred an additional penalty pursuant to that certain Resolution Authorizing An Additional Penalty on Delinquent Personal Property Taxes passed and approved by the District on the 17th day of January, 2019 . PASSED AND ADOPTED this the 11th day of April, 2019. ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 ATTEST: By: President, Board of Directors By : Sec tary, Board of Directors `(S$73L•ROB '''% � • O ' 411\ f/p c2 : X • a \ / • •�• y/SJq i al \s ' -2- 486623_4 EXHIBIT " E " RESOLUTION APPROVING TAXATION OF GOODS-IN-TRANSIT PURSUANT TO TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE & 11 .253 WHEREAS , § 11 . 253 of the Texas Property Tax Code, as amended, grants an exemption from taxation for certain goods-in-transit personal property ; and WHEREAS, § 11 .253 of the Texas Property Tax Code provides for a local option under which a taxing unit may tax such property otherwise exempt, if the governing body of the taxing unit after a public hearing takes official action to tax such personal property; and WHEREAS, on April 11 , 2019, the Board of Directors of Rock Prairie Management District No . 2 (the " District") held a public hearing at which members of the public were permitted to speak for or against the taxation of certain goods-in-transit personal property; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the District has determined that such personal property, as exempted by Texas Property Tax Code § 11 .253 , should be subject to taxation by the District for tax year 2020 and all subsequent years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO . 2 THAT: Section 1 . The above recitals are incorporated into and made a part of this Resolution for all purposes. Section 2. All such goods-in-transit personal property covered by Texas Property Tax Code § 11 .253 , as amended, shall be, and is hereby declared to be, taxable by the District for tax year 2020 and for every tax year thereafter, all as provided for and in accordance with Texas Property Tax Code § 11 .253 . Section 3 . The provisions of this Resolution shall be effective as of its date of approval by the Board of Directors and shall remain in effect until modified by official action of the Board of Directors. PASSED AND APPROVED this 11th day of April, 2019. ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO . 2 By : President, Board of Directors ATTEST : By : 4 + 43Aard of Directors _ g \ (m • SE 1 18• p of \\\` - 2 - 508359_2 EXHIBIT " F " ��- .. TBPE No. F-726 r"= H t TBPLS No. 10092300 \•,,,,,c_______ sc." ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO . 2 ENGINEERING REPORT APRIL 2019 Engineering Report, including: a. Authorize the design and/or advertisement of bids for construction of facilities within the District, and approval of related Storm Sewer Water plans, including District. 1 . Status of design of Lakeway Drive Reserve, Phase 201 . No Update. Board Action: None. 2. Authorize design and advertisement of bids for construction for Midtown Reserve 104 Board Action: Authorize design and advertisement of bids for construction. b . Authorize the award of/or concurrence in award of contracts for the construction of facilities within the District, authorizing acceptance of Texas Ethics Commissions ("TEC") Form 1295; and approval of any storm water permits . c. Status of construction facilities to serve land within the District, including the approval of any pay estimates and change orders; and authorize acceptance of TEC Form 1295, including: 1 . Construction of off-site sanitary sewer trunk line by Whitestone Civil Construction, LLC. P:\151-068-00\Dots\Reports\04 April 2019.doc En : ineerin : the Future Since 1936 Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 April 2019 Page 2 Contractor Whitestonc Civil Construction LLC Contract Days 180 days Approved Extensions 30 days Contract Completion Date 11/28/2018 Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount $2,078,962.00 5/2/2018 Notice to Proceed Issued Fence and Standpipe vent for Change Order No. 1 $52,267.76 8/9/2018 Landfill & additional CSS Change Order No. 2 $72,170.36 2/4/2019 Re-forestation required by the City Quantity Adjustments -$9,000.00 Total Contract Amount $2,194,400.12 Pay Request No. 1 $35,482.50 7/12/2018 Pay Request No. 2 $65,115.00 7/12/2018 Pay Request No. 3 $355,942.00 7/ 12/2018 Pay Request No. 4 $560,690.50 8/9/2018 Pay Request No. 5 $506,665.80 1 /17/2019 Pay Request No. 6 $177,596.51 1 /17/2019 Pay Request No. 7 $11,975.18 1/17/2019 Pay Request No. 8 $10,267.87 1 /17/2019 Pay Request No. 9 $90, 193.65 2/14/2019 Pay Request No. 10 $142,199.28 2/ 14/2019 Total Pay Requests $1 ,956,128.29 Remaining on Contract $238,271 .83 10.86% of Contract Remaining Board Action: None. 2. Construction of on-site sanitary sewer trunk line by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 120 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date 8/30/2018 Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount $322,584.00 5/2/2018 Notice to Proceed Issued Total Contract Amount $322,584.00 Total Pay Requests $0.00 Remaining on Contract $322,584.00 100.00% of Contract Remaining Construction is underway. Board Action: None. P:\151-068-00\Does\Reports\04 April 2019.doc 10555 Westoffice Drive I Houston , Texas 77042 EH t 713.7844500 I f 713.784.4577 I www.EHRAinc.com Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 April 2019 Page 3 3 . Construction of water, sanitary, drainage and paving facilities for Bird Pond Road by Brazos Paving, Inc. Contractor Bravos Paving Inc Contract Days 300 days Approved Extensions 22 days Contract Completion Date 8/19/2019 Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount $4,784,000.00 10/1/2018 Notice to Proceed Issued Quantity Adjustment No. 1 -$366,609.99 Total Contract Amount 54,417,390.01 Pay Request No. 1 $94,060.58 1/17/2019 Pay Request No. 2 $361,440.16 1 /17/2019 Pay Request No. 3 $157,923.91 2/14/2019 Pay Request No. 4 5198,528.22 2/14/2019 Pay Request No. 5 $231,434.60 For Approval Total Pay Requests $1,043,387.47 Remaining on Contract $3,374,002.54 76.38% of Contract Remaining Construction is underway. Board Action: Approve Pay Request No. 5. 4. Midtown Reserve Subdivision Phase 100 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 120 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount 5447,933.00 Notice to Proceed Issued Total Contract Amount $447,933.00 Total Pay Requests $0.00 Remaining on Contract $447,933.00 100.00% of Contract Remaining No Update. Board Action: None. P:\151-068-00\Docs\Reports\04 April 2019.doc E 10555 Westolfice Drive I Houston, Texas 77042 4 714 7RA Actin t f 712 7RA Ac77 1 runnine rnm Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 April 2019 Page 4 5. Midtown Reserve Phase 102. Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 120 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount 3791,038.75 Notice to Proceed Issued Total Contract Amount $791,038.75 Total Pay Requests $0.00 Remaining on Contract 5791,038.75 100.00% of Contract Remaining Board Action: None d. Acceptance of site and/or easement conveyances for facilities to be constructed for the District; and acceptance of facilities for operation and maintenance purposes. Board Action: None. e. Adoption of a plan relative to future proposed recreational facilities and adoption of a Resolution Adopting Plan for recreational facilities. Board Action: None. f. Status of acceptance by the City of College Station, Texas, for maintenance of streets . Board Action: None. 1P:\ 151 .068-OO\Docs,Reports\04 Aptil 2019.doc EerN 10555 Westoffice Drive I Houston , Texas 77042 t 713 . 7RA . 1anf I t 71R 7R4.A577 I wwwFHRAinr._rnm �i // r EHRA TBPE No. F-726 TBPLS No. 10092300 Construction Progress Report and Pay Request No. Eleven and Final Date: April 18, 2019 Project No.: 141-021-22 DST (J) Owner Project: • Mr. James G. Murr Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 College Station Towne Center, Inc. Construction of 48-Inch Sanitary Sewer Trunkline 3600 Highway 6 South, Suite 100 College Station, Texas 77845 Contractor: Whitestone Civil Construction, LLC P.O. Box 1537 Cedar Park, Texas 78630 Period Ending: January 21, 2019 Original Contract Amount: $2,078,962.00 Contract Date: February 15, 2018 Change Order No. I: $52,267.76 Notice to Proceed Date: April 30, 2018 Qty Adjustment No. I: ($9,000.00) Change Order No. 2: 572,170.3E Qty Adjustment No. 2: ($123,552.00) Contract Days: l80 Total Contract Amount To Date: S2,070,848.12 Current Time Extensions (8 Prev. P.R) 0 Previous Time Extensions (Days) 30 Materials on bland $0.00 Revised Contract Days: 210 Total Amount In Place To Date: $2,070,848.12 Less City of College Stations 5% Retainage $0.00 on 72% of the project: Less Developers 5% Retainage on 28% of S0.00 the project Days To Date: 210 13alance: $2,070,848.12 Original Completion Date: October ,29, 2018 Previous Revised Completion Date: November 28, 2018 Less Previous Applications for Payment : ($ 1,967,305.79) Current Revised Completion Date: November 28, 2018 Total Amount Due this Report: $103,542.33 Percent Time Used: 100% Pro-Rata Share: Percent Project Complete: 100% Developer $28,991.85 City of College Station $74,550.48 * Note: Contractor considered to be substantially complete on November 28, 2018. Enclosed is a copy of the Contractor's Affidavit of Bills Paid and a copy of the Contractor's Waiver and Lien Release Upon Partial Payment in the amount of this Construction Progress Report No. Eleven and Final. An EIIRA Representative has conducted an on-site inspection to verify that all quantities have been installed and approved. Recommended For Approval: EDMINSTER, HINSHAW, RUSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. d/b/a EHRA (-/ /fly : Date: Jason 9 /Jason Keeling , Blake \Ic r, I'.E. Practice Area Supervisor • Field Construction Phase Services Practice A a Leader - Land Services Please Remit Payment To: cc: Whitestone Civil Construction, LLC Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 P.O. Box 1537 c/o Schwartz,, Page & Harding, LL.P Cedar Park, Texas 78630 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - Reg 12 Mr. Stephen Maldonado, Jr., P E. City of College Station Ms. Carrie Lewis - Whitestone Civil Construction, LI,C Blake McGregor, !Mi. • firm Jti/mh \'ally Swann, C.P.A. = Firm \\Cllent\I'S\ 141.02122\CPS\Udlitiei (1)51)\P:'v Itequc,t\I';i)• ; pi' I I\\t1;itestonc : Par Itryacstl I Engineering the Future Since 1936 10555 Westoffice Drive I Houston, Texas 77042 I t 713.784.4500 I f 713.784.4577 I www. EHRAinc.com t Whitestone Civil Construction LLC P.O. Box 1537 Cedar Park 'IN 78630 Phone No.: 512-963-6746 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT TO: APPLICATION NO : FINAL APPLICATION DATE : . 1 prof IS , 2019 DISTRICT: Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 PROJECT NO: 141 -021 -22 DST (J) PROJECT: Construction of 48- Inch _ _ Sanitary Sewer 'T'runkline CONTRACT DATE : NOTICE TO PROCEED: APPLICATION PERIOD TIME USED THIS APP. : 1 .00 from : TIME USED TO DATE: 1 .00 to: CONTRACT TIME: PERCENT USED : 0% CONTRACTOR ' S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the uttaehed Continuation Sheet. I . ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $2,078,962,00 2. Net change by Change Orders -$8, 113 .88 2a. Net Change by Quantity Adjustments $0.00 3. CUNT'RACT SUM TO DATE ( Line I ± 2 ) S2,070 ,848 . 12 4. TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE ti2,070,848 , 12 (Column G on Continuation Sheet) 5. RETAINAGE: 5 % of Completed Work (_ % of Inn I on Continuation Sheet) 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $2,070,848. 12 ( Line 4 Less Line S Total) 7, PLUS MATERIALS ON HAND (AT 85% OF VALUE) $0.00 8. LESS PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 19VV 13 Th 19 - i;95&,,42 L 29 (Line 6 from prior APPLICATION ) J ' 9. CURRENT PAYMENT DUE 103re42. 3 % Si I4, 716 . 83 10. BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE S0 .00 ( Line 3 less Line 6 ) Lc SUBMITTE .; a APPROVED : cstone Civil. Construction LLC 0 DATE: DA. l E: CONTfNUATDON SHEET APPLICATION NO, I I/Final APPLICATION DATE 04/17/19 PERIOD TO 03/08/19 PROJECT NO. 141-021-12 DST 0) PROJECT NAME- nrvuch SCoanisimOc Seanwer Tteof48-InN:inte A B C H D E I F I F(a) I 0 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL QTY REVISED UNIT PRICE COST UNIT WORK COMPLETED TOTAL % BALANCE NO. QTY ADJUSTMENT QTY. (5) FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD COMPLETE COMPLETE (G 4 Cl TO FINISH APPLICATION TO DATE TO DATE (0 - I) (F) (S) (Qt1.) (Qt) ) (6) (Qq,) (S) (%) (S) GENERAL ITEMS 1 Mobilizati0n and Overhead I 000 1 $50,00000 $50,000 GO LS 10000% 000% $000 I0000% $50,000 00 10000% $000 2 Post Construction Television Testing and Inspection 7.062 000 7,062 SLOG S7,06200 LF 706200 0,00 $000 706200 $7,062 00 100,00% $000 3 Traffic Control at William D. Fitch Parkway and Rock 1 000 1 ,00 $6,000.00 S6,000.00 LS 100 000 $000 1.00 $6,00000 100.00% 30,00 Prairie Road - Including, but not Limited to Plan Implcmennnon, Set-Up, Taked0wn. Miscellaneous Construction Signs and Regular Maintenance as Required During Construction (complete in pL cc) 4 Traffic Control at Excting Concrete Hike/Bike Trail - 30 0,00 30 $5000 S1,500,00 DAY 3000 000 $000 30.00 $1,50000 100.00% $000 Including, but not Limited to Plan Implementation, Set-Up, Takedown, Miscellaneous Construction Signs and Regular \lamtermnce as Required During Construction (complete in phce) 5 Orange Construction Fence (Furnish and insta0, complete 3,000 000 3,000 $200 $6,000.00 LE 3000.00 000 $000 300000 $6,00000 10000% $000 m place) 6 College Station Development Permit Allowance (minimum 1 -052 0 $29,50000 SI 4,16000 LS 48 00% 0.00% $0 00 48 00% S14,16000 100 00% $0 00 $29,500,01) sub-total 584,722.00 sub-total $0,00 sub-total $84,722.00 sub-total 50,00 SITE PREPARATION 7 Clcmmg and Grubbing (all cleared and grubbed debris to 4.5 000 4,5 $8,00000 S36,00000 AC 4,50 000 $000 4,50 S36,000 00 10000% $0,00 be disposed by either of the Following nvo (2) methods- on- site mig an approved trench bunter; or disposed of off- sae Dt by and/or chipping and disposing of ground and/or debits Da conmmers, by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner) 8 Strip All Areas to Receive Fill of all Organics and 7 000 7 $2,00000 $14,00000 AC 7.00 000 $000 700 SI4,00000 100.00% $000 Deleterious Materials to a Nintmum Depth of 6-Inches Below Natural Ground Pnor to the Excavnnon, Placement anti Gndmg of Any Fill ;eaten! (nil st tplssngis arc to be evenly placed and graded on die fled and graded areas) 9 Proof-Roll Test AU .Areas to Receive FII Prior to the 7 000 7 $1,00000 $7,000 00 AC 7.00 000 SO 00 700 $7,000 00 10000% S0,00 Placement mid Grading of any Fill Material (proof roll test to be witnessed by a representative from the construction materials testing service provider or by a representative from the EnAgiticcr) sub-total $57,000.00 sub-total $0.00 sub-total $57,000.00 sub-total S0.00 CONTNUATEON SHEET • APPLICATION NO I 1 /Final APPLICATION DATE 04/17/19 PERIOD TO 03/08/19 PROJECT NO 141432122 DST (J) PROJECT NAME. Construction of48-Inch Saniun Srner Trunklmm A B C H D a I F I F(nl I G I J K ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL QTY REVISED UNIT PRICE COST UNIT WORK COMPLETED TOTAL ° BALANCE CO- NO QTY. ADJUSTMENT QTY (8) FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD THIS PERIOD COMPLETE COMPLETE C) TO FINISH APPLICATION TO DATE TO DATE ( ) , I) (F) IS) (Qn.) (OW) ($1 (QI,.) ($) (%) IS) WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 10 12-inch :\ST\I D3034SDR-26, PVC Pipe Sanitary Sewer 20 000 20 $75.00 $1,500.00 LF 2000 0,00 $000 2000 $1 ,50000 100 00% $000 with Standard Bedding and Back fill (all depths, furnish and FLEA complete in place) II 48-Inch Fiber Glass Reinforced Polymer Mortar Pipe (SN 2,008 0.00 7,008 $195.00 $1,366,56000 LF 7008.00 000 SO 00 700800 SI366,56000 100 00% $0.00 72) with Standard Bedding and Back 511 (all depths,. furnish and instill. complete m place) 12 Bore and Jack 48-Inch Fiber Glass Reinforced Polymer 34 000 34 $1,500.00 S51,00000 LF 000 5000 0.00 $000 000% S51 000,00 Mortar Pipe Satvnry Sewer with 60-Inch O.D. Steel Casing (with 0.87' wall thickness, per Spec ?1, to be installed with spacers and sealed with end caps and restrained joints; per City of College Station Requirement, only as authorized, in writing, by the Engncer, furnish and install, complete m place) 13 Remove and [Oppose Existing Sanitary Sewer Manhole I 0,00 I S3,500 00 32,500.00 EA 1.00 0.00 SO 00 I 00 $3,500.00 100.00% SO 00 (complete in place) 14 Fiber Glass Tee Base Water light Santry Sewer Manhole 7 1.00 8 S23,000.00 3184,00000 EA 8,00 000 SO 00 800 S184,00000 10000% SO 00 (as per dent, furnish and install, complete in place) 15 0-Pont Diameter Concrete Samar' Sewer Manhole Butt 1 -1.00 0 $17,00000 saoo EA 000 $000 000 S0.00 JIDIV/0' SO 00 over Existing 54-Inch Sanitary Sewer (as per detail; furnish and "hall, complete in place) 16 (.Foot Diameter Concrete Sanibel). Sewer Manhole Built I -I 00 0 $15,000.00 SO 00 EA 000 8000 BOO SO 00 t.'DW1OI SO 00 over Exisru n;g 18-Inch Sanitary Sewer (as per detail; furnish and install, complete in place) 17 Fiber Glass Tee Base Water Tight Sanitary Sewer :Manhole 3 000 3 $25,000.00 S75,000.00 EA 3,00 000 $000 3.00 $75,000 00 10000% $000 with \"Cot (as per detail. furnish and Stall, complete in place) 18 6-Foot Diameter Concrete V ater Tight Samtar) Sesser I 0.00 I SI8,00000 $18,000.00 EA 1.00 000 $0 00 100 $18,00000 100.00% SO 00 \Manhole with Vint and Drop Connection (furnish and install. complete in pL ce 19 Erosion Control Mats and/ur Dry Rip Rap to Protect 780 000 780 $1000 S7,80000 SY 78000 000 SO 00 78000 $7,80000 10000% $000 Creek Banks (furnish and install. complete in place) 20 Ern Depth for Manhole, Greater than 8-foot deep 170 0,00 170 $10000 SI 7,000.00 VF 170.00 0.00 $000 17000 S17,00000 100.00% $000 (furnish and Install. complete in place) 21 12-Inch Saninn Sewer Plug (furnish and install- complete 1 0.00 1 $300.00 S300.00 EA 100 0.00 $0 00 100 S300.00 100 00% So 00 on place) 22 Well Point De \\'ntcnng for Sanitary Sever Construcnon 1 ,000 000 1,000 $25.00 S25.000 00 LF 000 $000 0.00 SO 00 000% S25,000 00 forth as directed, in writing. by the Engineer, minimum bid SL'iO0/LF) 23 Sewer \\ arcing and .Mnnholc Signs (BCS DOS SS-02) 13 0D0 13 S250.00 S3,250 00 EA 1300 000 $000 1300 S3,25000 100 00% SO 00 (complete in place) 24 Anchor Proposed 4&Inch Sanitary Scher (per drawings ae 200 0 00 200 810.00 S14.000.00 LF 35.00 0.00 S0.00 35 00 82.450.00 1750% 811,550 0 Erected. m writing by the Engineer, complete in place) 0 25 Trench Safer System (furnish and install. complete in 7,028 000 7.028 SI 00 $7,02800 LP 702800 000 3000 702800 $7,028,00 10000% $000 place) CONT NUATOON SHEET APPLICATION NO 1 I/Final APPLICATION DATE 04/17/19 PERIOD TO. 03/08/19 PROJECT NO, 141-021-22 DST Dt PROJECT NAME Construction of48-Inch Sanitary Saari Twdline C H D E I F I F(a) G ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL QTY REVISED UNIT PRICE COST UNIT WORK COMPLETED TOTAL % BALANCE NO, QTY. ADJUSTMENT QTY CO FROM PREVIOUS TINS PERIOD THIS PERIOD COMPLETE COMPLE I IG- C) TO FINISH APPLICATION TO DATE TO DATE (➢ . I) (F) ($) (Qrc) (Q0 I lb) (Gal IS) (%) (SI 26 I;nLu Spoil - Haul, Place, Grade and Compacted On Spoil 10,000 000 10,000 $300 $30,00000 CY 10000.00 000 S0.00 1000000 $30,000 00 10000% $000 Sire, as Indicated in the Construction Drawings (complete in place) 27 Erma-anon of l-lard Rock Shale or Sandstone (complete in I000 000 1,000 40,01 $10.00 CY 0.00 $000 000 SO 00 000% SI000 place) 28 Extra Rock Backlit' for Onumble/Unstable Trench (only as 500 0.00 500 $40.00 520,000 00 TN 000 $0.00 000 $0,00 0.00% $20,000,00 authorized and directed, in writing, by the Enghtecr, complete in place) 29 Upcharge to Bid Item Number 10 for Additional Costs to 652 0.00 652 SI 00 $65200 LF 000 $000 000 $000 000% $65200 Sanimry Sewer, which requires cement stabdaed sand as per the bedding and trench derail for fiberglass pipe. sub-total $1,824,600.00 sub-total 50,00 sub-total $1,716,388.00 sub-total S108,212.00 ALTERNATE BID ITEMS (ONLY AS DIRECTED AND A JTHORIZED BY THE ENGINEER) ALT Eicher Cast In Place or Pre Cast 6-Foot Diameter Satutan 7 000 7 $13.50000 $94,500.00 EA 000 $000 000 $0 00 000% S94,500,00 1 Sewer Concrete Alasdhole (as per City of College Station detail; Furnish and Stall. complete m place) ALT Either Cast In Place or Ike Cast 6-Foor Diameter Sanitary I 000 1 $17,000 00 $17,000.00 EA 000 $000 000 $000 0.00% $17,00000 2 Sewer Concrete Manhole Built over Existing 48-Inch Sanitary Sewer (as per On of College Station detail; furnish and innall, complete in place) ALT Either Cast In Place or Pre Cast 6-Foot Diameter Sanitary I 0,00 I $15,000.00 $15,00000 EA 0.00 $000 000 $000 000% S15.000,00 3 Sewer Concrete Manhole Buiir over E lsting 18-Inch Sanitan Sewer (as per City of College Station derail, fumch and install complete in place) ALT Earlier Cast In Place or Pre Cast 6-Foot Diameter Samara' 3 000 3 $16,000 00 $48,000 00 EA 000 $000 000 $000 000% $48,000 00 4 Sewer Concrete Manhole with Vent (as per City of College Station detail, Enthral and uura% complete in pL ce) ALT 48-Inch Ductile Iron Pipe (furnish and install, complete m 7,008 000 7,008 $39000 52,733,I2000 LF 000 $000 000 $0 00 000% $2,733. 120,00 5 place) ALT 48-Inch Ductile Iron Php< Bore and Jack with Casing 34 0.00 34 $1,660.00 $56,440.00 LF 0.00 $000 0.00 $000 000% $56,440.00 6 (harsh and install complete in place) ALT 48-Inch .ASTM IF1803 Closed Profile PVC Pipe (P575) 7,008 000 7,008 $0 00 S0.00 LF 000 $0.00 000 $0 00 0.00% $0 00 7 (furnish and install, complete hi place) ALT 48-Inch AST\1 F1803 Closed Profile PVC Pipe (1'175) 34 0.00 34 $0 00 $0.00 LF 0.00 $0 00 000 $0,00 0,00% $000 8 Bore and Jack with Casing (fumuh and install, complete in Mare) ALT 48-Inch 1&ST\I F679 PVC Pipe (famish and install, 7,008 0,00 7,008 $275,00 $l$27,20O00 LE 0.00 $000 000 $000 000% $1,927.200 00 9 complete in place) ALT 48-Inch ASTM F679 PVC Pipe Bore and Jack w rah Casing 34 000 34 S1,545 00 $52,53000 LF 000 $000 000 $000 000% $52.53000 10 (funu h and install. complete in plat 7 ALT Upcinrse ro Bid Item Nob. I rhrn 4 to lnerrme Samwy 5 000 a $8.00000 $40.000.00 EA 000 SO Do 0,00 $O.00 000% $40,09000 II Sewer Manhole to Greater than 6-Foot Diameter, R$ ALT Upctmrge to Bid Item Numbers i, 7 and 9 For Additional 652 000 652 S82.00 $53,46400 LF 000 $0.00 000 SO 00 0 00% $5346400 12 Cobs to Sananry Sewer Which Requires Cement Stabilized Sand as per bedding and trench detail for PVC and DI PPc) I sub-total $5,037,254,00 sub-total $0A01 sub total $0.00 sub-total $5,037.254.00 CONTO ➢ UATOON SHEET APPLICATION NO, I I(Final APPLICATION DATE: 04/17/19 PERIOD TO 03/08/19 PROTECT NO. 14I-021-22 DSt IJ) PROJECT NAME. Conswnion afar-Inch Sam, Sewer Trw,kl'ne A B C H D E ( F I F(a) I G I 1 K ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL QTY. REVISED UNIT PRICE COST UNIT WORK COMPLE I ED TOTAL ° BALANCE Na QTY. ADJUSTMENT QTY (S) FROM PREVIOUS TRH PERIOD THIS PERIOD COMPLETE COMPLETE (G- CI TOFINISH APPLICATION TO DATE TO DATE (D - I) (D (Si (Qn) (QV1 (5) ((K2) (S) (%) (S) STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 30 Silt Fence (furnish and install, complete in place) 7,100 000 7,100 $300 $21 ,300.00 LF 710000 000 S0.00 7100.00 $21,30000 100 00% $000 31 Stabilized Construction .Access/Exit (untalMnon, removal 2 000 2 $2500.00 $5,000.00 EA 200 000 SO 00 200 S5,00000 10000% SO 00 and maintenance) 32 Hldro Seed. Hydromuich and Fertilizer per Spec RCS 40,000 000 40,000 SI 00 $40,000 GO SY 40000,00 000 $0.00 40000.00 $40,000 00 10000% SO 00 32.92 13, complete m place 33 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Compliance 1 0.00 1 S4,00000 $4,000.00 LS 100,00% 000% $0.00 100.00% $4,000 00 100 00% $000 (including SWPPI' implementation, performing protect sic inspections, completing inspection reports, filing notices, posting permits. certGcntes and notices, installation of new control measures, maintenance of existing control measures. .)etc sub-total $70,300.00 sub-total $0.00 sub-total S70,300.00 sub-total S0.00 MISC ITEMS 34 One-Time Only Construction Staking Service to be 1 000 1 $13,000.00 S13,000.00 LS 1.00 0.00 $0.00 1.00 $13,000 00 10000% $000 performed b) Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ & .Asrocmtes, dba, ERR{ .\ll additional staking is at the expense of the Contractor. (minimum btd S13,00(1.00) 35 Post Construction Topographic Verification, As-Built 1 0,00 I SS,000.00 $5,00000 LS 100 000 SO 00 100 $5,00000 10000% $0 00 Sunny and Record 0rnving Preparation to be performed bi Edmi»ccr, liuvltan, Russ & Associates, dba, EIiRA (minimum bid $5,000.006 sub-total SIS,000.00 subtotal $0.00 subtotal S18,000.00 sub-total 50,00 CHANGE ORDER ITEMS COIL Cement Stabilized Sand for 48-I nch Samna 0 65200 652 $73.23 $47,745.96 LF 652,00 000 $000 65200 $47,745 96 I0000% SO 00 COL2 12-Steel Casing 0 100 I $1,472 00 S147200 LS _ 100 000 $000 100 $1,472 00 10000% $000 COLS Installation of Chain Link Fence 0 100 1 S3,049,80 $3,049 BO LS 100 0,00 SO 00 1.00 $3,049 80 10000% SO 00 CO2 I Landscape Reforestation 0 100 1 $46,518,81 $46,51 S.S1 LS 1.00 000 $000 LOU $46,51881 10000% $000 CO2 2 Landscape Reforestation (Alt) 0 I 00 1 $25,651.55 S25,651.55 LS I00 000 SO 00 100 $25,651 55 100 00% $000 sub-total S124.438.12 sub-total 30.00 sub-total SI24,43&12 sub-total 50.00 Rain Days 0 0 DAY 0 0 $000 SO 00 GRAND TOTALS 1 S2.179,060.12 $0.00 S2,070,84E12 $109,212.00 TEXAS CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON FINAL PAYMENT Project : 141 -021 -22 DST (J) Job No. : Rock Prairie Mgmt On receipt by the signer of this document of a check from District No. 2 [maker of check] in the sum of 14,726.2s payable to Whitestone Civil Construction LLC [payee or payees of check] and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank on which it is drawn or electronic payment deposited into payee 's account, this document becomes effective to release any mechanic's lien right, any right arising from a payment bond that complies with a state or federal statute. any common law payment bond right, any claim for payment. and any rights under any similar ordinance , rule , or statute related to claim or payment rights for persons in the signer's position that the signer has on the property of Rock Prairie Mgmt District No 2iowner) located at College Station, TX [location) to the following extent Water Line [job description) . This release covers the final payment to the signer for all labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished to the property or to [person with whom signer contracted) . Before any recipient of this document relies on this document, the recipient should verify evidence of payment to the signer The signer warrants that the signer has already paid or will use the funds received from this final payment to promptly pay in full all of the signer's laborers, subcontractors. materialmen , and suppliers for all work , materials, equipment, or services provided for or to the above referenced project up to the date of this waiver and release. Date ki f G II L, Whitetione Civil Construction, LLC [Company name] By [Signature] member [Title) STATE OF TEXAS § wiolamson § COUNTY OF § Before me , the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Texas . on this day personally appeared Matthew Lewis . known to me ;b be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that s/he a ecuted such instrument for the purposes therein expressed , and in the capacity therein sta , d as the act and of such business entity. _ . . _ . ,CARRIE ._ ,_ _ p��Y Pry /// n � ; S m.41 ,,a F, f Texas I A ./ / �.. . sf , Piotary Public, State o ` �-„ , : �� __ ��'.,, a* Comm . Expires 09-24-2021 `Name: �''i ;�a�,;:�'� Not ary! ID 128058t)28 Notary Public, State of Texas ___ i., ___,,..,_,� ar .__.. _ -- ' My commission expires . AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO : [JNSERTADDRESS) . Texas-Conditional Waiver On Final Payment-8. 10- 11 • AFFIDAVIT OF BILLS PAID THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Williamson Matthew Lewis , being duly sworn that he/she is member of \AfhitPstnne Civil Construction LLC , of Williamsoffounty, Texas (hereinafter called "Company") ; and That said Company has performed work and/or furnished material for Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 . (hereinafter called "Owner"), pursuant to a contract, dated February 15 , 2018 (hereinafter called "Contract") for the construction of: Construction of 48-Inch Sanitary Sewer Trunkline . That all just and lawful invoices against the Company for labor, materials and expendable equipment employed in the performance of the Contract have been paid in frill prior to acceptance of payments for the Owner; and That no mechanic's or materialman's liens have been fled upon the property of the Owner or materials incorporated into the Facilities. Whi - gtone ,Civil Construction . LLC By: Pritite . / ai . e. atthew Lewis Tide: mAmhczr THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF Williamson Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Matthew Lewis _raernhAr of Whitestone Civil Construction , a I I (t . known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same as the act and deed of such ; for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in. the capacity therein stated. GIVF,N UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF FFIC ', on this the A day of 144 , 2013/ . l vi.w� / Notary Public in and E. r the State ofTEXAS. (NOTARY SEAL) l r Printed Name: n rota /_, A ' .s . Commission Expires: cf --,14 - ,Q i P . C:\Users\Carrie's laptop\Desktop\WCC Projects\084 -- Rock Prairie 48-IN CS\Accounting\Affidavit of Bills Paid (Sample Form).doc TEXAS CONDITIONAL WAIVER AND RELEASE ON FINAL PAYMENT Project: 141 -021 -22 DST (J) Job No. : Rock Prairie Mgmt On receipt by the signer of this document of a check from District No. 2 [maker of check] in the sum of $ 114,726.29 payable to Whitestone Civil Construction LLC [payee or payees of check] and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank on which it is drawn or electronic payment deposited into payee's account, this document becomes effective to release any mechanic's lien right, any right arising from a payment bond that complies with a state or federal statute, any common law payment bond right, any claim for payment, and any rights under any similar ordinance, rule, or statute related to claim or payment rights for persons in the signer's position that the signer has on the property of Rock Prairie Mgmt District No 2[owner] located at College Station, TX [location] to the following extent: Water Line [job description]. This release covers the final payment to the signer for all labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished to the property or to [person with whom signer contracted]. Before any recipient of this document relies on this document, the recipient should verify evidence of payment to the signer. The signer warrants that the signer has already paid or will use the funds received from this final payment to promptly pay in full all of the signer's laborers , subcontractors , materialmen , and suppliers for all work, materials, equipment, or services provided for or to the above referenced project up to the date of this waiver and release. Date 4tq ii Whit- one Civil Construction, LLC [Company name] By AN f is z [Signature] member [Title] STATE OF TEXAS § Williamson § COUNTY OF § Before me , the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Texas , on this day personally appeared Matthew Lewis . known to me Be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledge to ale that s/he e ecuted s . h instrument for the purposes therein expressed , and in the capacity ther in sta d as the ac and dee : of such business entity. ����`YP'��,, CARRIF. LEWISii ( .i.:1j)e.6� Notary Public, State of Texas /� ; A ,, '',;•,• C,r�E Comm . Expir'es 09-24-2021 e : I 'o;TF t� ti` .ingto\ Notary ID 128058928 Notary Public, State of Texas - - % —mass - -- My commission expires : AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO : [INSERTADDRESS] Texas-Conditional Waiver On Final Payment-8-10-11 Bond No . 1052004 CONSENT OF SURETY I f\\ Nil; TO FINAL PAYMENT AR( ' HIE( -I. 1 /. 1 / kltl /mt '1 // ( ; -'(1`. ( .t ) NItA( • �I ( 1R \I • I' I'.CY X I lnstnit ( II rats f ►n It '\'t_'l .' c sit iv ) ( )TWA '(OU\\ ,\ l: k: Alai 111l t ; I ' ", IT( !IF( '"I ' \t ), . i \,,nn a,,,I , Rl, lr . , College Station Town Center, Inc., a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, on behalf of Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 i , IR \ i . k 1 (. Ill 911 Southwest Parkway East College Station, TX 77840 , I'K( kila_ " l . ( ,( )N'i'lt.\t: ;'I ' 1 ):\' lit ): r \dill, ,Nh/ah /r/' . \. l Construction of 48-Inch Sanitary Sewer Trunkline In :ltt ( )f ( l.ul' t• \1lrtl 1114 ' Ili ( 1\ Isi( m' ( )I the ( -tNItT.I( I 11eI \\ CCU) ( l • O miler Anil tit t ( 1IIIr.!( I ( ir .is !IuIi( . Itt •( l . il )( nt •. iht- The Hanover Insurance Company 440 Lincoln Street Worcester, MA 01653 . 4I ' RFI\ . on lfnti of l/!lw•N N. Nre and . r•1ch4 .1 . :1 , sill,, Is I' s, i Whitestone Civil Construction, LLC P.O. Box 1537 Cedar Park, TX 78630 Ct. )NTIi.'\c .T! )11. hereby .till ►rii\ <`'ti tit tilt_• Illlal l ►.1\'illul11 It ) till' ( ailitI'.lt 't! ►r, And ,lgrt'C'. Ill,lt ('hilt Ii.l\ flu 1Il Ill the 0IIllt'.IL14it .il,ltl IItit rulit.1t ' ( Ill' Stilt•! \ ill al Or its tiblig.itltit ),. to IArw of MUM .11l.l .r.h/i. ., r ( Ylr In Es • College Station Town Center, Inc., a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, on behalf of Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 911 Southwest Parkway East College Station, TX 77840 . ( .)\\'\ F I: . .1S 'el Ii ►rtii in silly Itu't'I \ ' • ix Hut m ' I INESS \X I IEI<E< )I " IC Stfrt l \ tills 11"'ieiiiut ( WI il •. 11. 111t , 1 tins dint ' April 22, 2019 11)1Ml( Ill ii Willy l/` Ms .rllr l„//, gel / 1,;• 11'I 1d1►fltt it dab • inn/ i . : N r The Hanover Insurance Company ____ ( \u,et% i fit, . .._ . _.._. .... ..__.�_ 12 F F SION. MO , ,,,,, +ll I 'd r.'/n. •• •Mit1.1 ,• / v.'� a n . p -. *Si- At tt'\t : '•� l, �/ _. .o •. O ° '7^,' e V1... arm ( s:11 ): Jeremy F'arque, Attorney In Fact IL,% ...)_ ; ,O_ _ "�/i ° ., °A r1.1Mbi1 Math rrlllr/ Ixl/r, ." , :F ° I \'‘. ' c" CAUTION : You should sign an original AIA document that has this caution printeda . Ar4 � AlA original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are re, oed . '` c��� �;; See Instruction Sheet for Umited License for Reproduction of this document . ".:•'l,, .eco�-Itrl ) ��'° °`% 1E `.e_ .t t I c) y r/J „:�e • lit AIA DOCUMENT G707 • t ( t\' l \ 1- t )l til itl ll It ( 1 IN \I I. vs \li `. r ' I' " ' , t l Il I II t\ • \I \ A - v . n ` �+ �' a" � ' • I' , • 'till .\\11.12H \\1\•, 1111 11 1 /1 \lil M t • •\Milli IN 1- 1'\\ Ni WI "el I. Mk \\ ,\'Nil * , O � `1 �, - r. . C. ` WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copy- C ` K P i L right laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. a707— - 199A THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA POWER OF ATTORNEY THIS Power of Attorney limits the acts of those named herein , and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY and MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY, both being corporations organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire , and CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan , (hereinafter individually and collectively the "Company") does hereby constitute and appoint, Tom Mulanax , David Whorton , Michael Whorton , Jim Whorton , Noe Moreno, Rachel Martinez, Pollyanna Lengel and/or Jeremy Farque Of Whorton Insurance Services of Austin , Texas each individually, if there be more than one named, as its true and lawful attorney(s)-in- fact to sign , execute , seal , acknowledge and deliver for, and on its behalf, and as its act and deed any place within the United States, any and all surety bonds, recognizances , undertakings, or other surety obligations. The execution of such surety bonds, recognizances, undertakings or surety obligations , in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the Company as if they had been duly signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Company, in their own proper persons. Provided however, that this power of attorney limits the acts of those named herein ; and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner stated and to the extent of any limitation stated below: Any such obligations in the United States, not to exceed Twenty Million and No/100 ($20,000,000) in any single instance That this power is made and executed pursuant to the authority of the following Resolutions passed by the Board of Directors of said Company, and said Resolutions remain in full force and effect: RESOLVED: That the President or any Vice President, in conjunction with any Vice President, be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to appoint Attorneys-in-fact of the Company, in its name and as it acts , to execute and acknowledge for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds , recognizances, contracts of indemnity, waivers of citation and all other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, with power to attach thereto the seal of the Company. Any such writings so executed by such Attorneys-in-fact shall be binding upon the Company as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company in their own proper persons. RESOLVED: That any and all Powers of Attorney and Certified Copies of such Powers of Attorney and certification in respect thereto , granted and executed by the President or Vice President in conjunction with any Vice President of the Company, shall be binding on the Company to the same extent as if all signatures therein were manually affixed , even though one or more of any such signatures thereon may be facsimile . (Adopted October 7, 1981 — The Hanover Insurance Company; Adopted April 14 , 1982 — Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company; Adopted September 7 , 2001 — Citizens Insurance Company of America) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY, MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY and CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have caused these presents to be sealed with their respective corporate seals, duly attested by two Vice Presidents , this 31 s` day of May, 2017. The Hanover Insurance Company The Hanover Insurance Company Massachusetts Say ins4ence Company t-assachusetts Bay ittisutatIC. Company Citizens insurance Company of America a +►si►F: ++: Citizens Insurance Company of America 11 \_ is" Jame' H . KSn.ieCki, Vice President John C. Roche, eehc, ���' and President THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ) COUNTY OF WORCESTER ) ss. On this 31st day of May, 2017 before me came the above named Vice Presidents of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America , to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described herein , and acknowledged that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the corporate seals of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America , respectively , and that the said corporate seals and their signatures as officers were duly affixed and subscribed to said instrument by the authority and direction of said Corporations. DiANI. J, NA tatowasowyolutia W a 1cab ) 6ighv i tii ‘ t� Zle i) C ,muti ,' ttt iixtir1, ?.iamb 4, 20.1::. • u , I , the undersigned Vice President of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizesflinsurance!,. Company of America , hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full , true and correct copy of the Original Power+ofAftovieytis' ,uedsb,� ''2 ; said Companies , and do hereby further certify that the said Powers of Attorney are still in force and effect. ;J " ,�j -N a ,ti,,. P " r GIVEN under my hand and the seals of said Companies , at Worcester, Massachusetts, this 22nd day of April . ; n 4(219 ,--r r:: ° r“: � 7 `' CERTIFIED COPY ,, /- A% 7,vi • yv �`� + . -- tL it( et._ r ..•.\ 9 �``�'' ;} � y o �', r. 1114.. 1 c G: Mtwtirc,, t11cc Ps—ccs eftY�f /4� "•.• 4 ° 1 \.\ / r•r : • ;7 .i „ r . - - i - I sd Y tie • • f • • r y. Texas Complaint Notice • s r tat- Commercial� Commercial Lines IMPORTANT NOTICE AVISO IMPORTANTE To obtain information or make a complaint: Para obtener informacion o para someter una queja: You may call The Hanover Insurance Company/ listed puede Ilamar al numero de telefono gratis de Citizens Insurance Company of America's toll-free The Hanover insurance Company/Citizens insurance telephone number for information or to make a Company of America's para informacion a para complaint at: someter una queja al: 1 -800-343-6044 1 -8Q0-343_6044 You may also write to The Hanover Insurance Company/ listed tambien puede escribir a The Hanover Insurance Citizens Insurance Company of America at: Company/Citizens Insurance Company of America al : 440 Lincoln Street 440 Lincoln Street Worcester, MA 01653 Worcester, MA 01653 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance Puede comunicarse con el Departarnento de Seguros to obtain information on companies, coverages, de Texas para obtener informacion acerca de rights or complaints at: companias, coberturas, derechos a quejas al : 1 -800-252-3439 1 -800- 252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance: Puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros de Texas: P, O. Box 149104 P. O. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714 9104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 4751771 Fax: (512) 475=1771 Web: http://www,tcdi.texassgov Web: http_//www,tdittexas,gov E-mail : ConsumerProtecti+on@tdi,texas,gov Earnall ConsumerProtection@tdi:texas,gov PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: DISPUTAS SOBRE PRIMAS 0 RECLAMOS: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium Si tiene una disputa concerniente a su prima o a un or about a claim you should contact the agent or the rec:larno, debe comunicarse con el agente o la corn- company first, If the dispute is not resolved, you may panic primer°, Si no se resuelve la disputa, puede contact the Texas Department of Insurance, entonces c.omunicarse con el departamento (TDI ), ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: This UNA ESTE AVISO A SU POL IZA: Este aviso es solo notice is for information only and does not become para proposito de informacion y no se convierte en a part or condition of the attached document, parte o condiclon del documento adjunto, ite EHanovcP Insurance Company 440 tin to Swot, \ Mc stye, MA Olt 33 lni-)4%,W2n 1) Pmp 1 or? r !b ell. insturancc' Company of Micrica i 80ti Noctti t•iiktaiantiff-W. t, t-i xr.:4t, Mt 41.3 41,3nover.ct