HomeMy WebLinkAbout191028 - Campaign Finance Report - Jerome Rektorik-- CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER FORM C /OH CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 1 1 Filer ID (Eth ics Commission Fliers) 2 Total pag es filed : The CIOH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 11 -3 CAND ID ATE/ MS/MRS~ FIRST Ml OFFICEHOLDER -OFFICE USE ONLY NAME ;/ tJA..A t... t:. t;]E'., fC>M. c. . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Date Rccclvod r NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX -R.1: 1tt.a1li K RECEIVEJ~ 4 CANDIDATE/ AOORESS I PO BOX : APT I SUITE #; Hi'rl STATE; ZIP CODE OFFICEHOLDER '+'31 LhiAtWE/' ])i\v( MAILING OCT 2 8 2019 ADDRESS 0 Change of Address BY:~··········· 5 CANDIDATE/ AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENS ION OFFICEHOLDER ( t/11 ) 8%-21z.1 Dale Hand -delivered or Dale Postmarked PHONE ~ 6 CAMPAIGN MS/MRs eJ FIRST M l Receipt tt I Amount S TREASURER .~A .M .L~. -NAME . . . . . . . . ........... . . . . Dato Processed NICl<NAME LAST SUFFIX Jj;M. Ross Date Imaged 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO SOX PLEASE); APT ! SUITE #; CITY; 'STATE; ZIP COOE TREASURER 102. fu.tt ER.. LOL\.'Rt.. ADDRESS (R es idence or Business) LAJJsr;.,;: -5 LAt j ~N; /~A.S 1lil.J-f 8 CAMPAIGN AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER ( '119 ) 2. 2-J.} .... 4-i.;. '!.S-PHONE 9 REPORT TYPE D D D t Sth day alter campaign O January ·15 30th day betoro election Runoff treasurer appointment (Olliccholder Only) o Ju1v1s C8J" 8th day before election D Exceed ed SSOO limit D Final Report (Allach CiOH • FR) 10 PERIOD Mor1th Oay Year Month Day Year COVERED {)ct;;~ 8 / 2.r;1tf'/· CJct-(;I~ /;,t I ,/ ~J<; THROUGH 11 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Monlh Day Year D Primary D Runoll 0 Ot11er Description Nov. s. /2.01<1 ~General D Special 12 OFFICE Off'ICE HELD Ill any) Loth:.c..,tt St At i t})J 13 OFFICr SOUGHT L.cJ f:J!E 1 i 1s 'l.1rl j oAI lii)I Lo &u.1L'. I. 'iJJ .AC.&. l. lib LDuAit..;}. P 1.AL.e 2- GO TO PAGE 2 Fo rms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eU11cs.state .tx.us Revised 9/B/2015 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 2 14 C/OH NAME H 0 A ACE.. 15 Filer ID (Elhlcs Commission Filers) 16 NOTICE FROM POLITICAL COMMITTEE(S) 0 Addilion al Page s 17 CONTRIBUTION TOTALS EXPENDITURE TOTALS CONTRIBUTION BALANCE OUTSTAND ING LOAN TOTALS 18 AFFIDAVIT THIS BOX IS FOR NOTICE OF POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE BY POLITICAL COMMITTEES TO SUPPORT TtlE CANDIDATE/ OFFICEllOLDER. THESE EXPENDITURES MAY HAVE BEEM MADE WITHOUT THE CANDIDATE'S OR OFFICEHDlOER's KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT". CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT TMIS INFORMATION ONLY IF THEY RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXPENDITURES. C OMM ITTEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME 0 GENERAL Al A . ·-'---''--~~·~~~~~~~~~~ COMMITTEE ADDRESS Osrecw1c 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME C OM MITTEE C AM PAIGN TREASURER ADDRE SS T OTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER THAN PLEDGES, LOANS, OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS), UNLESS ITEMIZED TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN PLEDGE S. LOANS. OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) TOTAL POLIT ICAL EXPENDITURES Of $100 OR LESS. UNLESS ITEMIZED TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF REPOHT IN G PERIOD TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD . $ $ Zl t81. Y.!_ I swear, or aft· 1, under penally of per jury, that the accompanying reporJ is IAN WHITTENTON 12946552·2 Notary Public. State of Texas My Commission Expires June 20. 2021 e repm1ed by me AFFIX NOTARY STAMP I SEAL ABOVE Printed name of officer administering oath Title of off icer administering o~ Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 b cf. '2. 8> .:i61 ' SUBTOTALS -C /OH FORM C/OH COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAME 20 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Fi lers) flA 'P. A C..t. ::J'e..RoM! l<E:Kl'.0 ti.i k. 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT ·1. [2f SCHEDULE A 1 : MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ fj'ftJ ~ ---2. D SCHEDULE A2: NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ -3 . D SCHEDULE B : PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS $ __,. ~ ...-4 . SCHEDULE E : LOANS $ 'Z..£ /)()0 5. ~ SCHEDULE F1: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTR IBUTIONS $ ;!...~(pf/. 'I:. ~ - 6. D SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS $ -7 . D SC H EDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ ----- 8. D SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD $ ----9. D SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUND S $ ......___ 10. D SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTR IBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF C/OH $ -i 1. [] SCHEDULE I : NON-POLI T ICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ -12. D S CHEDULE K: INTEREST. CREDITS, GAINS. REFUNDS, AND CONTR IBUTIONS RETURNED TO FILER I $ .-- ' Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs .state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The Instruction Gu i de explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Sc hedule A 1: H '8 2 FILER NAME fl It.RO.ME R_( K 'f"t)1(1 K.. 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) OR.Ale 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor D out-of-stale PAC (ID~: \ 7 Amount of contribution ($) :!i<(J /, e.-All cK E l/iS b;J I! J titJ .7£-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 6 Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code ult/ jl.f()Z, CAr.t 1' lie , c.,f (~y Jft{~/~~ '1;6'1J_, 8 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 9 Employer (See Instructions) A ti Pfl,,J~, ~//,~ Lf:J I(/ 1-i tZ/} Date b Full name of contributor D out-ol-slate PAC (1011: \ Amount of contribution ($) 4~0 IO .1 ;a. n~. ~ ~ . R_e_K~·K_ ./I /~t"k ...... . . . ... Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code 2..-t> 1'3 'f.3r <2 ~,·"" ,i~ Ji,' II j)tz._ .J..; f_, IYI i PW 5't 1 rM TY 77t~th? Principal occupation I Job titl e (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) <ct;~ -- Date F ull name of contributor D out ·of-s lale PAC (IDff: \ Amou nt of contribution ($) ~!:fti JANS _] (.Y} hA•rn fl S oo ~ . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . .... . . . . . =- LD1 ~ S'c;zb;uto(,/A;i tJ ;~-t~;K~ c::, t p Code rn ll '"' ::)f-et ( 1,>.Y ..... c -:-1 ...... ~ ~-Principal occupation I Job title ~ee Instructions) Yl(~~AJl~W\,f))/ T>Vl\f (<... • t=mployer csee ';_trr n~t!R//tj~ . -D a te Full name of contributor D oul -of-s lale PAC (ID#: \ Amount of contribution {$) ~~/) P l\'.1 /t\CV!'f.A j . . . .. . . . . . . Ji I" !J £!!--Contributor addr ss; City; State; Zip Code ~1'! lf~J' .S-RUtr;.."'111 ~/ J;!J"'1-y ~ t::/!02- Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) I Employer (See Instructions) t°Z.f-:fti5 ~ .r l - ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor Is out-of -state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Comm1ss 1on www.eth1cs .state .tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 /z..B tJ MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A 1: .I~'!> 2 FILER NAME ti 0 fl A l 6 I£R.OME R_,KT'a1l1 k.. -'3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor 0 out·of-stato PAC (IOY: l 7 Amount of contribution ($) ~~)p; . AAl./J?~.ur.. p _l/1.111!./IJ . . . . . . . . . . .. "//Jt!~ lt;ll)f :;_ 79;uto11-;;; ~ City; State; Zip Code tf Olc/$1tMj V/L. .Jytf-r B Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 9 Employer (See Instructions) fl.t,fi f..11 Date Full name of contributor 0 out-ol·s tate PAC (1011: \ Amount of contribution ($) S1f~bt' . . . t7 '1S ,f . A-t't.i . ,SUU';,,;./. -~L.--. .. ;ftJ.~ JI, UJ/tf C/Jjtor'?A~'~ It<; ~di Z~J Code Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) D ate Full name of contributor 0 out·ol-stale PAC (10 11: l Amount of contribution ($) j >,t.£1r.l:v .J.''. tf\_'1' !ff .~. _Lt p .ftr. A}"JP&-i~ t .u> ~.)0 ,~ . . . . . . . . . ' ... 30,.; Contributor address~ City; Sta te; Zip Code Wt CJ "-I/, t, :f¥ttfl_t!Y'~ L"J./ :s vtA 10 7 7&l)i/ "CPI I .ttrt m-!i u. lD""..t1"' Principal occupation I Job title (See lnstrue'tions) Employer (See Instructions) ::U '(\J c..l v pe(\. ) n 1t11\vf - s;i .. ~ Full name of contributor 0 out-of-s tate PAC (ID#: ___J Amount of contribution ($) ~~n !~. C-.h -~;s _f.~. fl I /J !J '.!!-3',), J;o1'1 . . . . . . ..... Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code l t!Jlf f.f'/dc. ~I/ ~ {-,:, /-j£1-J. ~~ 778't/S C ,J lf t 1( Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) I Employer (See Ins tructions) c:f 4'.t:"~J - ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor Is out·of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide tor additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs .state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The Instruction Guide explains how to complete th is form. J ;al S ages Schedu le A1: 2 FILER NAME 7 hO!lAlc J£R.OM.t R_, K ~ti'A:.l \<... 3 Flier ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor 0 OUt·of ·slal& PAC (IOU: ) 7 Amount of co ntribution ($) (}tfo/JN?... _ . i Qb~_t-__ e11.4.i_A) .. ____________ .. ;I/ tJP !f!-.s, ~II 6 Contributor address; , city; srate~lip cos fi""i/t.a_ Lf-.§ 1 l-h i Mt.)~ /f..; I( 1 r:IL1' U.-~ "17tfUJt? 8 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) I 9 Employer (See Instructions) Re~ ..........____ __ ...._ I Date Full name of contributor 0 ou t·of·slale PAC (1011 : ) Amount of contribution ($) af 1' /tiJJo Kvt~S "; tJ t) . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~{~ 3z.~t~ut'W~d{';;~ f £:,y .at. c11tfflf-z;p code l Yl' A-n /; XA;' 1 i t tJ r Principal occupation I J ob"title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ~fi 'n.M ---- Date Full name of contributor O out-of·slato PAC (ID #: l Amount of contribution ($) CJI£ ?~~-~l JJ _~_ ~ft1_~.v~~. _ .. ____ . __ ... -.6 <-(} SotJ. ::::: ;:UJ'J Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code Z.01> llyAsh ;ae_, Q, (['J' ~t~ h"-. 7.x T'l-apt Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) !'/ rtJ-1\t_ ~ ~rtul\(.$ e-~-: 0 fA.rn!J 4 • Date Full name of contributor 0 out ·of-stalo PAC (ID!!: l Amount of contribution ($) (Jq ;//, J £p. !J~f4 ;i 170 . ~f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2~1~ Contributor address; ef'." t.?i; ~r;:~I?t! ). 'flf t /,i /);Alj J 4-rr Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) o ~ t,WIU'c/'-CA./) flt! cf- ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor ls out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.slate.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 MON ETARY PO L ITI CAL CONTRIBUTI ONS S C H EDULE A1 The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 T(I pages Schedule A1: 2 FILER NAME fl (Jf{.A t_ t;, 3 Filer ID {Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor O oul·of·slato PAC (ID#:~------' . S_h _t_IG .. B ('~ , ~ m_~ ...... . 7 Amount of contribution ($) 6lffT/J'e~~~~s;lf-AIJ) k.-zf;:';~tate; _:..p Code , -i.r-· C--o ft.t h fi~ ~ 779</iJ 8 Principal occupation I Job title {See Instruction 9 Employer {See Instructions) ~Ii ro(ji tir tA1/ n. ~At s ~'41'\ IJJ II .S Date Full name of contributor 0 out·of·slate PAC (IDll:~------' Vefl.li.Ji t v. !JoJ)Mi ~ livf I~ U1~ Zip Code Amount of contribution ($) Employer (See I structions) Da te Date t, !hc.i'V 0 oul·of-slale PAC (ID#:·------~ Full name ot contributor _R~_1!tap~- State; Zip Code 1.f1H Full name of contributor O out·ot-state PAC (ID~:------~ V i_y rn_i c A .. Jl1 ""r j~ Contributor address; I I i $1.--4 r~Att l11 ({ l Zip Code Amount of contribution ($) , " ~ /; p tJO ,.--- Amount of contribution ($) Principal occupation I Job title (Sae Employer (Sae Instructions) ~U)0\lf_ Jri / t' /J f fV) tflr: 4r- ATIACH ADDITIONAL COPI ES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.t>e .us Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. "'i tal pages Schedule A1 : 2 F ILER NAME ti OR.Al. b. 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 7 Amount of contribution ($) 9 Emp\sf(er (See Instructions) JJ ~1 s~ ~ n ~i.., 6 Principal occupation I Job title (See 'fnstructlons) A H-o az.~<MJ Full name of contributor 0 out-al-state PAC (IOI!: l '1 Cl I) (J) Cf. Jh ·, ).{;J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... -. ;;;tf ;;·nk f p/t'j; JJi l~ 0 7i 7 8 '15 Principal occupation I Job titl e (See Instructions) E Y\ q i AJ .. ui , ~(,()Lt.I/" D ate Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) ])tvefr pu'-w(fLts Date "of rt "UJ /t, Full name of contributor O ou1-01 -s ta10 PAC (ID #: _______ ~l .Jfvt • tJ s bpr~ z;;5"p0~;·;'j( B(A>J IJ~ Amount of contribution ($) Amount of contribution ($) Amount of contri"tion ($) ~~ct.J "'- Principal occupation I Job title (See In structions) I Employer (See l~structlons) G~6li ,112,. iPe ~ ltbll~ to ATTAC H ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Comm1ss1on www.eth1cs.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 If Sb MON ETARY POLITICAL CONT RIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The Instruction Guide exp lains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A1: •v 2 FILER NAME fl() R.. A L 6: I£R.OM.£ R_, K T"o'it1 l<... 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date 5 ~I ,~~h ~f :;,tis;rAa. t: f ~~I-slate PAC (ID#: l 7 Amount of contribution ($) 1-}~,t ti";) !P Ir£-NII/ . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 ~ cr~btor t1iA~~ t~.;;,: D ate; Zip Code Y· t..o It t~ I o 'f-14 h1 loYM + ;r &'VJ' 8 Principal occupation I Job title (Se"'e Instructions) 9 Sdt~e~;~nstr~ ~ ~:.:'1uvt ~~ Date Full name of contributor 0 out·Of·slatc PAC (1011: l Amount of contribution ($) tht 11> .Ltf ."'J . l'f14 v;~ft . ¢.. Z51J !-U/~ . . ... . . . . . . . ;_o;tr;utR:dd~ss:j) y Jt t"n,i e :11y: i;/{j ,;, ·cs e/ifjh ~9!JcJn-Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ~,.~ Jn, yj !J 11 '~1)l'J Date Full name of contributor 0 oul·of-slate PAC (ID#: l Amount of contribution {$) Vc/-11-; .. lh.t e .h.t:y{. .Nt, ltn5r~ ...... ... . . . . i:; 51J <>o Vtq 5 ;;";b"Js ~· V-(_ ~'f; ll Zip Code ~ 77~ ..-- Ct!J ll 1..-~ · 11.-n • ). A-1 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) \Jiu. e hai L 7-r; ? I Date Full name of contributor 0 out·ot-slate PAC (ID#: l Amount of contribution ($) ~.ti , ~~.~ e_~?~rP.e.~ ........... ~z t>P "!---,1.-t?l f ...... t :?'Pobu~ci;;;s; $1t~~ j;)c~yi vL-tate; Zip Code C..C L1 ~q-r ~~ i-:ero . 'W-ktld .:/-rt 11/J Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Ee':;/ ipp;;;ct1o r_at> I -hJ ~a}t.11JY ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs.state .tx.us Revised 918/2015 -~ fJ{!__- MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A1: v 2 FILER NAME 1 ..-.? R_ '4 K -r' trR.1 l<.. 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) h OR.A f.. 5. ]£R.OME 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor D out-of-s late PAC (ID #: l 7 Amount of contribution ($) ~eriz.) eeri 'l a:,~,Jt HAJ.Jp~ I £ oo "fl-Ulf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . 6 I Co nt'Dutor ff~t ~-t frrJ Dl~; ;:_te; Zip Code Ui (! ~ fAl &N.-.:,f),.,,, 7J.!fr.~ ./ -7 tf c/ s 8 Principal occupation I Job title (See ln'!nruclions) 9 Employer (See Instructions) 'K-t:l1~J ~ h •tz.1 Date Full name of contributor D out-of·stato PAC (IOI!: \ Amount of contribution ($) t>(tt l-3., .::fqme ~ ht ll (( Ji wv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ~~tl --U1~ Contributor address: .:>to.;ric"'Z:;;"'e; z;p CoOe '+!t i +h"'~J ~) Q,,(( v .s.t~ l«i~ ~Qll' -lr 8'V .:t Principal o ccupation I Job tllle (See'*1structions) / Employer (See Instructions) c It) '1\R fl-, ~ ~~t~<(jl.!> £.ocJ E.~fit: D ate Full name of contributor D out·of-s tato PAC (ID #: _J Amount of contribution ($) Oat. Z~~ ~rite~ Ck5~1 oh :// J'i7 /tlO ~ ?-&11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... L tc;~r10C-~~h~ ttt 1 IZtnc~ty; ik;J Zip Code s f?l!Yl,11 !?....-f l; t1 p :.r.;;I/ LI-.$ 778-71 Principal occupa tion I Job titl e (See Instructions) _, ll~~;;Ji::ons~Stlf ~ Cf fJ t<J AJe~ C . Date rf ~I fhe;i ~onJi;o~ fM~P0 ~;1i'; (!;: f &0t f frv:, > Amount of contribution ($) rYct tJ/ ,,, $ //J!JIJ --JAJI 1J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -... . . . .. ...... P. O.'j;~ ·~;;'~~ City; State; Zip Code -1-t 1to A.£tS 'v~ Le~~s-p7:ip/jl. f~uJon r ? Ae~ee Instructions) I d:oye~;:;o~ '()f ~~r~~ ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provide~y Texas Ethics Commission Fl rtvv :>' www .eth1cs .state.tx .us Revised 9/8/2015 MON E TARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A1 : 8 2 FILER NAME f/OR.AL~ -r1 R~ Ki' a1t:1 K.. 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) ]£R.OM£ 4 Date 5 Full name of contributor D out-of-stale PAC (ID#: 1 7 Amount of contribution ($) CYdZ~/ .:]bhlJ Jf-{,v k:k..-;6 .,., -µ;;f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . ;! £) /J ;:;.---6 Contributor adflres~ ff City; State; Zip Code 4-l'f-P uJ,M ~ e r rvcU, .,. l ~~~/ t"Jt?lil-&tt~./z?t'fi t#>, 72 Y# 8 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 9 Employer (See Instructions) tJ~~ LJ:J S(/t--t:l nslll$~ ~v/c.c._ Date Full name of contributor 0 out-of-state PAC (IOI/: \ Amount of contribution ($) (Jif .f_.5, fJ1fr-r-/C i]ie~? YJ (GP_J ;P z_~t) ~ ~R!f .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. rlJ~bu5 ~/;~;:J /Zp,d City; State; Zip Code --c. o I/ -t'q r' st-~ /7lh7;; !RY~ ?-~ a tergjpal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Y1 1?-t,j ~ c h 4 ~fl, ~ ?;;p;f;n:E;:~ Date Full name of contributor 0 out-of-stale PAC (ID#: \ Amount of contribution ($) CJcf Z~/ R.i ch11 yt) tJ ,(A f- f> /P/J ~ Yp J# . . . . . . . . . . ... . ................ '7-hntr?t~ /~~~I Hill City:J-'1 ~: ZipCode 4/i I ~+-a ~1th-i . VAA r y.:Jfj-{/O Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) ~rr:l~/~f-e f lls tiJ ~Ca t-111 fthJ" -ep.+ Date t{,~Jn~~:.:; coNA°+~J t7:5 D out-of-stato PAC 110#: \ Amount of contribution ($) !ttt-5.J ~I ~o '!J--u 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Contributor address: City; e;;/'~Tl:t 112~,. _ lfllz'I-hi.Jsl/IA},t/ Dy; ve..-, J./j kS 7-:J-kl..!> Prin?:'.;cr,;:;b title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) kJ.t'<~ it-llrJ lfn )vfAl":>;k ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide tor additional reporting requirements. www.ethtcs .state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 LOANS SCHEDULE E The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule E: I 2 FILER NAME R£k i'O R..'t \<_ 3 Flier ID (Ethics Commission Filers) f/ ORAc..£ ~ -... J E:~~M t.. 4 TOTAL OF UNITEMIZED LOANS $ ~ 5 Date of loan 7 Name of lender 0 out-of-state PAC (ID#: ) 9 Loan Amount($) .::l"l\t 111 Z~Jq J-!111{ Ii Gt ~ Mfij t ft JC to Iii K 11.z J, If/')" ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Is lender 8 Lender address; City; State; Zip Code 10 lnte~ate a financial "IJ l C h j M,J' If,' [( b vt1oc,. Institution? 0J 11 Maturity date C l1 (\ .RN ~ f (. .J.i pr.) -y VJ.JH :ft-8"0 ,£5 12 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) 13 Employer (See Instructions) l./;,t::i J 14 Description of Collateral 7 15 Check if personal funds were deposited Into political ~none ~count (See Instructions) 16 GUARANTOR 17 Name of guarantor 19 Amount Guaranteed ($) INFORMATION ~ .. . . . . . . . . . .... 18 Guarantor address; City; State; Zip Code rK!" not applicable ---' 20 Principal Occupation (See Instructions) 21 Employer (See Instructions) ------ Date of loan Name of lender D out·of-state PAC (ID#: ) Loan Amount($) ----. --.. . . . . . . .. . . Is lender Lender address; City; State; Zip Code Interest rate a financial ~ Institution? Maturity date y N ' ......- Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) __.-'"? Description of Collateral Check if personal funds were deposited Into political --account (See In structions) D none D GUARANTOR Name of guarantor Amount Guaranteed ($) INFORMATION ---. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . ----Guarantor address; City; State; Zip Code -0 not applicable .- Principal Occupation (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If lender Is out·of·state PAC, please see Instruction guide for additional report i ng requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 POLBTICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 Advertis ing Expense Accounting/Banking Consulting Expense Conlnbutians/Donations Made By EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Event Expense Fees Loan RepaymenVRelmbursement Office Overhe ad/Rental Expense Polling Expens e Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Transportation Equipment& R aio.led Expense Travel In District Travel Out Of Dis trict Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Credi! Card Paym ent Food/Beverage Expense Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Legal Services Printing Expense Salaries/Wages/Contract Labar The In struction Gulde explains how to complete this form. Other (enter a category not listed above) 1 Tolal p-'1-es Schedule F1 : ~»~ 2 FllJlo~~E/: h JER.QME' R_ Ek: t:l)K...t k 13 Filer ID {Ethics Commiss ion Fliers) 5 Paye.2.0am e l-ftS7 :5i~N5 8 (a) Category (See Calego lr"es listed at the top of this sche dule) Jl-d iu -/i ~;~ E;rvrcn~ (b) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct ex penditure lo benefit C/OH Amount ($) ~IL-/, 1J_ PURPOSE O F EXPENDITURE Co mplete ONLY If direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Amount ($) tp;sz;o ~ ./ PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Co mplele ONLY if direct expenditure to ben efit C/OH {;;'Ji\ .D t'~) Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name Fl\s.T 0[rs 0 Check.Ir !ravel ouzsfde ofToxas. Complete Schedule T. 0 Check If llustin, TX , officeholder living expense Office sought Office held Payee address; City; State; Zip Code <:: ,. .J--. L 4-DLf Un ivwsih. T;y-i~ EI uui~ Cu Ug'>' ~Sf~ H~> TtikA-5 7? 8'/-0 Category (S aa Categories listed at th o lop ol this sche dul e) JtJv..(;{riJ;~ &fU'~ {_ ~16'-t-i _})()~..,, ) Candidate I Officeholder name ---- Payee name Category (S ee cai<(gories listed at the top ol this schedule) Cp11.St1. ;fj~J - ( k\ ~ f<.t(-~_, ?· 7v PI ffv) Candidate I Officeholder name - Description D ChecK if travel outside of Texas. Complele Schedule T. D Check If Austin, TX, officehold er living expanse Office s ought Office h e ld Description 0 Check II travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. 0 Chock II Austin, TX, olliceholder llvlng expense Office sought Office held ATfACH ADDITIO NAL COPIES OF THIS SCHED ULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs.state .tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 Advertising Expense Accounting/Banking Consulting Expense Contributions/Donations Made By EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX S(a) Event Expense Fees Loan Repayment/Reimbursement Oftice Overhead/Rental Expense Polling Expense Solicitatlon/Fundraising Expense Transportation Equlpmant & Related Expense Travel In Dlslrlct Candidate/Officeholder/Political Committee Credi! Card Payment Food/Beverage Expense Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Legal Services Printing Expense Salaries/Wages/Conlract Labor The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. Travel Out Of D istrict Other (enter a category not listed above) 1 Total pages Schedule F1 : ~,.~ 2 FIL.,Efl NAME _.,., JiD.R.AC h. .JERtJM£ 13 Flier ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 4 Date A-a y I.> 'Ztf! ! 8 (a) Catego,Y (See Categories liste.Ye.tthe lop ol th is schedule) (b) Description ' PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY II direct expenditure lo benefit C/OH Amount ($) f 5'J (p5. 5 1- .I PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct expe nditure to benefit C/OH Amount ($) f3 t~'~ PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY If direct expenditure to benefit C/OH a ,v« I.\ I. i {,, Uf 5!~ -LJ/'JtLJ _ D Chuck If travel OUISlde or Texas. Complete Schedule T. P" U -V7 -D Check II Austin, TX, officeholder Jiving expanse '51jr>is... e /tYI s,. :P7tr; Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name (!. ~~ (.. f e_lq j:; f1l41 ; Category (See Calogories ntfed at lhe top of this schedu le) 14, y ~Ll-'{:>~v.b -~~ 11J Candidate I Officeholder name Paxeename /w/'N'* Payee address; .! City; State; Zip Code I/)~ t?. q/!/114-ri J-g 'J~ :B rlJ~ -Wv~ 1-:t-l?itJ ~ Category (S te Cate9orios'iis1ed at the lop al ;his :chedul~) V:5tbA r'i"'~/ ?R ?!~) Candidate I Officeholder name -.;;:..····- Office sought Office held Description D Check ii ttavol outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. 0 Check if Au stin, TX, ofliccholder living expense Office sought Office held Description D Check ii !ravel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. D Chock II Austin, TX, olflceholder living expense Office sought Office held AlTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs .state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 ~ ~f'4f. ti 3 POLITDCAl EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTION S SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX S(a} Advertising Expense Event Expense Loan RepaymenVRelmbursement SolicltalionfFundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overheacl/Rental Expense Transportation Equlpmont & Rolated Expense Consulling Expense Foocl/8everage Expe nse Polling Expense Travel In District Contributions/Donations Made By Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Candidate/Olficeholder/Political Committee Legal Services Salaries/Wages/Con1ract Labor Other (enter a category nollisted above) Credit Card Paymenl The Instruction Gulde exp lains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule F1 : 2 FI N~ NAME _..., Rt:K t 6 R...i k.13 Filer-ID (Ethics Commission Filers) ~I" '()RA/:h J .EKIJM.€ 4$;~ ,. ) /Plf 5 Payeename ~"f417 h-fal c-;::;!;.;, 6 Amount ($) 7 Pay~e address; City; State; "Code:__ II j, '/-So '! ?~.J;tt;( !,]. 'f~, 0 ~%./ 'f.,Jtld l/~sP..r 8 (a) Category (See Categories listed at the lop of tltis schedule) (b) Desc ription PURPOSE R*1to 4dvt-if~ ~4'V" 0 Check 1r travel outside otTo>eas. Completo Schedul oT. OF 0 Check II Austin , TX, ofllceholder living expanse EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY ii direct Candidate I OHiceholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH __. Date Payee name C~A J~~) ~ J I/ '"}(J/f IV 1i,ih A' /ie Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code ; Jf-i 1Y /t/'rf/111 /re ~11//11· lJ~~ eJfMJ~ ;J, t~ :t!! 2.-:/-1-/f j ''f .!J~I! 4 ylip/t L} y1)11,.J Category (Seo Cato s'trie• lls1ud at tho top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE fl,~ '" LJ-t8fj~ D Check if travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. OF D Check if Austin, TX. officeholder living expanse EXPENDITURE 1>~/1t5 , /JM ~'r Complete ONLY If direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benellt CIOH -< ¥ 2-11 -3,, If 0pjam~/j/UJq<. Amount ($) ~a;e~arresny ~ c11~tej:~/ ~ B f 2. If{,~ ~t{ eq t. ~ ~t0'12. tp.~h 7 7 ~</& Category (Seo Ca tegories listed al the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE ? !'iJJ-j;v;J t::;t. .... ~ D Check II travel oulside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. OF 0 Chock If AusUn, TX, officeholder living expense EXPENDITURE ~/,,/ J ~ Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benelit C/OH - ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provi ded by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs.state.tx.us Revised 918/2015 POL~T~CAIL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F11 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX S(a) Advertising Expense Evant Expense Loan RopaymenVRelmbursement Sollcllalion/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense TransportaUon Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polllng Expense Travel In Dlslrict Contribulions/Donations Made By Gilt/Awards/Memorials Expense PrinUng Expense Travel Out 01 District Candldate/Olficehol<ler/Political Committee Legat Services Salaries/Wages/Contract Labor Other (enter a category not listed above) Credi\ Card Paymenr The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule F1: 2 F''Jl NAME __,,, Re}( toR..i k.13 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) #I~ 'b_RA/! h ~.fKIJMc 4 Date ~ lJ <..' ~ '-tt I >1q 5 Payeen~ # /w/;l~ Co, JYJ M Y-vf~fit .6 Amount ($) 7 p'J'0"!'7i . u i?,d;;;'.! ':J~-J J;..315"~ _ 1r1 an -r;~-A& ./ P3 8 (8) C~ryJl:;.;o;i~s listed at the top at this schedulo) (b} Description PURPOSE D Cheel< Jrtravol outsldeo!Tcxas. Complelo Schedulo T. OF -fi'\11( p;r ~ ( f. J<» r;r ~ 0 Check II Austin , TX, officeholder living expense EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I OHiceholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit C/OH ---Date Payee name ~4 ~sdPr I c1 ct t/, ?A?! q FA rrt Jl Amount ($) , :ros ad:Bs~~t,, st1~·.z:::de te1Ue~ ~~i,'~. ""fox ~ ':/-1-8"t/ ll 11 /,I {)IJ ~ Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE Cans~ l·bh13 ~ 5!fkf 0 Check if travel ou1slde ct Texas. Complete Schedule T. OF 0 Check if Auslin, TX, officeholder living expense EXPENDITURE :r~ Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit CIOH Date Payee name etJl71#~ {)ti/-/~ UJ1f Cr;01 Amount ($) Payee address; City; state; Zip Code SC14t:f1./ 5 ,#t;:_' f3 f 3 'feJ Z:!__ :z. 5b 1--11-ve~ £e..r111 ~ftih1t11 -lcJ I I /.C1-f L&X~ 1-78''11/ Category (See Categori;;; listod at the lop of this schedule} Description PURPOSE ?y /f\/ll M_; £.~p(A\~ D Check ii travel outside of Texas. Comptoto Schedule T. OF 0 Chock If AusUn, TX, officeholder living expense EXPENDITURE Hy~ Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Otfice held expenditure to benelit C/OH ATIACHADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 -h'J f(Jf,.0 ; POLIT BCAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 Advertisi ng Expense Accounting/Banking Consulting Expense Contributions/Donations Made By EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX S(a) Event Expense Fees Loan RepaymenURelmbursement Office Overhead/Rental Expense Polllng Expense Solicitalion/Fundraising Expense Transportation Equipment & R elated Expense Travel In District Candidate/Officeholder/Political Commi\tee Credit Card Payment Food/Beverage Expense Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Legal Services Printing Expense Salarles/Wages/Conlract Labor The Instruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. Travel Out Of District Other (enter a category not listed above) _, ..JER.tJM.£ R. £1( t: 6 K..l Lt 13 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 6 Amount ($) 4/1.Ji8 5 ~ / . 8 (a) Category (S ee Categ ories listed at the top of this schedule) (b) Description PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Od-{5; 7-tJ/ 9 PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY If direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Den 15 .. q;,9 Amount ($) PURPOSE O F EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY If direct expenditure to benefit C/OH Ad tJ ~ .ffsi Ny Candidate I Office holder n a me Pl(ep.name • } "i&-filf,f I Cate gory (Sao Categories listed a t lhe top of this sc hedule) ft-) tJtA-/;Si"') Candidate I Officeholder name Payee name riJl>JdCo Payee address; City; State; Zip Gode D Check II travel ou1slde o!Toxas . Complelo Schedule T. D Check ii Austin, TX, ofllcehold ar living expense Office sought Office held Description D Check ii travel outside ot Texas. Complete Schedule T. D Check II Austin, TX , olliceholder living expense Office sought Ottice held I () ~ e-: LV: / l/ ~ 0 -.B~ .t.1 J) Y---Vf tVn ' -& ft" ~ -::, '=!-(( 6 :J Candida te I Office holder name Description D Checl< If travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. D Chock ii Auslin, TX , officeholder living expense Office sought Office held ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.eth1cs.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015 $''!;? ~ /. u j__ POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX S(a ) Advortising Expense Event Expense Loan RepaymenVRelmbursement Solicitalion!Fundraising Expense Accounting/Banking Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment & Related Expense Consulting Expense Food'8everage Expense Polling Expe nse Travel In Oislrict Contributions/Donations Made By Gift/Awards/Memorials Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of Dislrict CandidatelOtllceholder/Po\itical Commiltee Legal Services SalariesM/ages/Contrac1 Labor Other (emer a category not lisll!d above) Credi! Card Paymenl The Inst ruction Gulde explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule Fl: 2 Fl~it_ NAME _,., R.£kt6R..i Lt 13 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Fliers) ~ rf)fl A £: h ;J.ER.tJMc 4 Date ci d2;/:in7 5 PR9$/)( r.J/ 6 Amount ($) 7 Payee address; 2J;;;te3 r,.:;-t~~ ~ 41</ I e. - ..Bv1~.1 __..... -r~crtPZ-LR~ 8 (a) Category (See Calegari~ listed at the top ol l his schedule) (b} Descriptio n PURPOSE ;f/v~f!.s;~ c,;( /*~ D Check if travel ouJslde ofTexos. Completo Schedule T. OF 0 Check II Auslin. TX, olllceholder living oxponse E>CPENDITURE 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I OHiceholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit G/OH ~if~.?, UI/ Payee name lk:l/J/1tt! Amount ($) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code #17$'. ~ #7.-7 _Dd/ w"~4 _ i!.:7-rft> I -~ Vui ~ /ex '4-C" Category (Seo Catogari..Jlsted at the top of this schedule) Description PURPOSE lt4vfu/;J~ 0 Che<:k ii travel outside ol Texas. Complele Schedule T. OF D Check if Austin, TX, ollicoholder living expense EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office h eld expenditure to benefit C/OH Date Payee name Amount ($} Payee address; City; State; Zip Code .,. \ Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule} ~criptlon PURPOSE ""C.....J Checl< ii 1llll/el outside ol Texas. Complete Schedule T. OF -0 Chock II AusUn, TX, officeholder living expense EXPENDITURE Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benelit C/OH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED www.ethlcs.state.tx.us Revised 9/8/2015