HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/22/2019 - Workshop Minutes - City CouncilWKSHP082219 Minutes Page 1 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AUGUST 22, 2019 STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Karl Mooney, Mayor Council: Bob Brick Jerome Rektorik Linda Harvell Elianor Vessali John Nichols Dennis Maloney City Staff: Bryan Woods, City Manager Jeff Capps, Deputy City Manager Jeff Kersten, Assistant City Manager Carla Robinson, City Attorney Ian Whittenton, Deputy City Secretary Yvette Dela Torre, Deputy Local Registrar 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Workshop of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Mooney at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 22, 2019 in the Council Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 2. Executive Session In accordance with the Texas Government Code §551.071-Consultation with Attorney, §551.072- Real Estate, §551.074-Personnel, and §551.087-Economic Incentive Negotiations, the College Station City Council convened into Executive Session at 4:01 p.m. on Thursday, August 22, 2019 in order to continue discussing matters pertaining to: A. Consultation with Attorney to seek advice regarding pending or contemplated litigation; to wit:  Kathryn A. Stever-Harper as Executrix for the Estate of John Wesley Harper v. City of College Station and Judy Meeks; No. 15,977-PC in the County Court No. 1, Brazos County, Texas; and  McCrory Investments II, LLC d/b/a Southwest Stor Mor v. City of College Station; Cause No. 17-000914-CV-361; In the 361st District Court, Brazos County, Texas  City of College Station v. Gerry Saum, Individually, and as Independent Executrix of the Estate of Susan M. Wood, Deceased; Cause No. 17-002742-CV-361; In the 361st District Court, Brazos County, Texas WKSHP082219 Minutes Page 2  Carrie McIver v. City of College Station; Cause No. 18-003271-CV-85; In the 85th District Court, Brazos County, Texas B. Consultation with attorney to receive legal advice; to wit:  Legal advice concerning House Bill 2840 requiring certain governmental bodies to allow the public to speak on any open meeting agenda item. C. Deliberation on the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; to wit:  Property located generally northwest of the vicinity of Sandy Point Road and Old San Antonio Road (OSR) in Brazos County, Texas.  Property located generally northeast of the intersection of Harvey Road and the entrance to Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. D. Deliberation on the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer; to wit:  Council Self-Evaluation  City Manager E. C. Deliberation on an offer of financial or other incentives for a business prospect that the Council seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the City; to wit:  Economic incentives for a project located generally in the area northeast of the intersection of Raymond Stotzer Parkway and Highway 47 in College Station. Executive Session recessed at 5:32 p.m. 3. Reconvene from Executive Session and take action, if any. No vote or action was taken in Executive Session. 4. Presentation, possible action and discussion on items listed on the consent agenda. No items were pulled. 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a recap of the 2019 Texas Weekend of Remembrance event. David Schmitz, Parks and Recreation Director, introduced Gene Ballew, Parks and Recreation Athletics and Tourism Manager to give this presentation. Gene Ballew, Parks and Recreation Athletics and Tourism Manager, presented an overview of the 2019 Texas Weekend of Remembrance event held on Memorial Day weekend. The event included an adult softball and youth 7 on 7 tournament from Friday through Sunday, and military static displays were on site throughout the weekend. He stated that a memorial ceremony and concert were hosted on Saturday, which included a gold star family representative, rifle salute, and taps. On Sunday the City hosted a run and breakfast with the chaplain at the American Pavilion. He went on to state that the overall budget for this event was $72,000 and the actual cost was $68,485. Of this total cost approximately $35,000 was financed by the city and $33,000 came from Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funds. WKSHP082219 Minutes Page 3 A consensus of Council directed staff to analyze this year’s Texas Weekend of Remembrance and continue to work towards developing a “Signature Event” for the city. 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the 2020 Census and the Complete Count Committee. Alaina Chafin, Planning and Development, introduced Dan Rudge, Executive Director of the BCS Metropolitan Planning Organization, to provide the council with an updated related to the 2020 Census and the formation of the Complete Count Committee. Dan Rudge, Executive Director of the BCS Metropolitan Planning Organization, stated that the upcoming census date is April 1, 2020 and all questions have been finalized. He explained that all citizens should be counted where they live on the census date, this includes students who are counted at the on-campus or off-campus residence where they live and sleep most of the time. The location a student is counted at is important because census data determines the distribution of federal funds; which would total $43,334,650,874 for Texas alone. Using data from the 2010 census projections for 2020 indicate a lower response rate in areas with a high student population in College Station and Bryan. To improve this response rate the Census Bureau is taking action but follow up will not occur until June and is likely to miss most of the student population. At the local level the Census Bureau allows the formation of an informal Census Task Force and a formal Complete Count Committee to increase the response rate. He stated that the Brazos Valley Chamber of Commerce could take the lead on the formation of a Brazos County Complete Count Committee (BCCCC). The committee would develop a message to encourage participation, distribute marketing and promotional materials, speak to community groups, and perform outreach to local media, and allow citizen questions to be answered locally. Council indicated support for the formation of a Brazos County Complete Count Committee. 7. Council Calendar Council reviewed the calendar. 8. Discussion, review, and possible action regarding the following meetings: Animal Shelter Board, Annexation Task Force, Arts Council of Brazos Valley, Architectural Advisory Committee, Arts Council Sub-committee, Audit Committee, Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board, Bio-Corridor Board of Adjustments, Blinn College Brazos Valley Advisory Committee, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Brazos Valley Economic Development Corporation, Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce, Budget and Finance Committee, BVSWMA, BVWACS, Compensation and Benefits Committee, Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Committee, Experience Bryan-College Station, Design Review Board, Economic Development Committee, FBT/Texas Aggies Go to War, Gulf Coast Strategic Highway Coalition, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Association, Intergovernmental Committee, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Landmark Commission, Library Board, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Research Valley Technology Council, Regional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Sister Cities Association, Spring Creek Local Government Corporation, Transportation and Mobility Committee, TAMU Economic Development, WKSHP082219 Minutes Page 4 TAMU Student Senate, Texas Municipal League, Twin City Endowment, Walk with the Mayor, YMCA, Youth Advisory Council, Zoning Board of Adjustments, (Notice of Agendas posted on City Hall bulletin board). No reports were given. 9. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Mooney adjourned the workshop of the College Station City Council at 6:21 p.m. on Thursday, August 22, 2019. ________________________ Karl Mooney, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Tanya Smith, City Secretary