HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/2019 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionAugust 15, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting August 15, 2019 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jane Kee, Casey Oldham, Jeremy Osborne, Dennis Christiansen, Elizabeth Cunha and Joe Guerra COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Bill Mather CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney, Jerome Rektorik CITY STAFF PRESENT: Jennifer Prochazka, Molly Hitchcock, Justin Golbabai, Erika Bridges, Anthony Armstrong, Alma Guerra, Alaina Chafin, Justin Constantino, Lauren Hovde, Laura Gray, Jade Broadnax, Jason Schubert, Elizabeth Pedersen, Tiffany Raetzel, Carla Robinson, Eric Chafin and Kristen Hejny 1. Call Meeting to Order Chairperson Kee called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve Absences from meetings. *Bill Mather ~ August 15, 2019 4.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. *August 1, 2019 4.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Indian Lakes, Phase XXXII on approximately 33.7 acres generally located along the south side of Winema Trail, approximately 360 feet west of Chaco Canyon Drive, in the College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case #FP2018-000023 4.4 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Midtown Reserve Phase 100 on approximately 7.3 acres, generally located on the south side of Rock Prairie Road East, approximately 2,235 fees east of Medical Avenue. Case #FP2018-000026 Commissioner Christiansen motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Osborne seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). August 15, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, discussion and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. No items were removed. 6. Informational 6.1 Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev 6.2 Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. *Final Plat ~ Minor Plat ~ The Brethren Church of Bryan-College Station; Block 1, Lot 1 ~ Case #FP2019-000015 *Final Plat ~ Minor Plat ~ Hai Le Subdivision ~ Case #FPCO2019-000008 *Final Plat ~ Minor Plat ~ River Place Subdivision Phase 2; Block 1, Lot 6-R ~ Case #FP2019-000012 6.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the 2019 P&Z Plan of Work. Planning Administrator Golbabai presented updates on the CPEC process including stakeholder meetings, the upcoming CPEC meeting on August 27th and September stakeholder meetings. Mr. Golbabai also stated that Economic Development will be presenting a quarterly update at the next P&Z meeting. 6.4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: *Thursday, August 22, 2019 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 5:00 P.M. & Regular 6:00 P.M. (Liaison – Cunha) *Thursday, September 5, 2019 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 P.M. *Thursday, September 12, 2019 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 5:00 P.M. & Regular 6:00 P.M. (Liaison – Christiansen) *Thursday, September 19, 2019 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 P.M. 6.5 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an update on the following items: *A Rezoning from GS General Suburban to MF Multi-Family for approximately 0.9 acres located at 2346 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on August 1, 2019, and voted (7-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on August 8, 2019, and voted (7-0) to approve the request. *An Ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 9, “Nonconformities,” Section 9.4, “Nonconforming Lots of Record,” adding Subsection F, “Lots August 15, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Made Nonconforming by Annexation.” The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on July 18, 2019, and voted (4-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on August 8, 2019, and voted (7-0) to approve the request. There was no discussion. 6.6 Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, BioCorridor Board, Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Committee. There was no discussion. 7. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan – Future Land Use and Character Map from Suburban Commercial and Natural Areas Reserved to General Commercial, Urban and Natural Areas Reserved for approximately 8.73 acres of land located at 2709 Texas Avenue South. Case #CPA2019-000003 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the September 12, 2019 City Council Meeting – Subject to change.) Senior Planner Constantino presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Commission, recommending approval. Commissioner Oldham arrived at 6:08 PM. Commissioner Guerra asked if the General Commercial and Natural Areas Reserved are remaining as designations on the property. Mr. Guerra also asked for the intent of the property’s development. Senior Planner Constantino stated that current desire is to keep the Natural Areas Reserved, but deferred to the applicant in regards to the intent of the property. Crissy Hartl, Mitchell & Morgan Engineers, stated that the intent for the property is a multi-family development. There was general discussion. Chairperson Kee asked if the areas shown as Urban on the map are now zoned General Commercial. Senior Planner Constantino confirmed that the Urban areas are currently zoned as General Commercial. Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. Commissioner Osborne motioned to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion. There was general discussion. August 15, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 The motion passed (6-0). 8. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2 “Official Zoning Map,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundary from R Rural to GC General Commercial, O Office, RS Restricted Suburban and NAP Natural Areas Protected for approximately 210 acres generally located at the intersection of Rock Prairie Road and William D. Fitch Parkway. Case #REZ2018- 000023 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the September 12, 2019 City Council Meeting – Subject to change.) Senior Planner Hovde presented the Rezoning to the Commission, recommending approval. Commissioner Christiansen asked for the designation of Rock Prairie Road on the Thoroughfare Plan. Mr. Christiansen also asked if the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) analyzed it as the current or future cross section. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that the road was analyzed as a two-lane rural section in the TIA. Commissioner Guerra stated that the trip generation calculation in the UDO and mitigation requirements for the applicant were not made clear. Mr. Guerra also stated that in his calculations, there is need for traffic mitigation at the intersection William D. Fitch Parkway and Pebble Creek Parkway. Mr. Guerra asked why mitigation conditions are not the responsibility of the applicant, and recommended conditioning the rezoning. Commissioner Guerra inquired if the Commission has the authority to change the requirements of the rezoning. City Attorney Robinson stated that the Commission is restricted to downzoning without the proper notice. Commissioner Guerra asked if restrictions and responsibilities of mitigation should be written into the rezoning ordinance, or should this rezoning application be broken into two parts. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated the UDO was revised in 2016 to require TIAs and associated mitigation for single-family developments. Mr. Schubert also stated that a revised TIA will be required with the Preliminary Plan. Once the impact of the development is known, mitigation can be assessed. City Attorney Robinson advised against the Commission adding conditions or restrictions into the rezoning ordinance. Ms. Robinson also stated that the Commission has the discretion to recommend denial of the zoning request. Commissioner Oldham asked if the developer will be subject to impact fees, and the function of impact fees. August 15, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that the development will be subject to water, wastewater and roadway impact fees. Mr. Schubert also stated that impact fees provide for future infrastructure not captured in the current development. Commissioner Guerra stated that there needs to be a mechanism in place to have developers pay for traffic mitigation. Chairperson Kee stated that such mechanisms are in place as part of the preliminary plan provided to Staff, as required. Director of Planning & Development Services Prochazka stated that staff has the authority through the UDO to require mitigation during the preliminary plan process. Jeff Robertson, McClure & Brown Engineering, was available to answer questions from the Commission. Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. Commissioner Guerra motioned to recommend denial of the Rezoning. Motion died due to lack of a second. Commissioner Oldham motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion. There was general discussion. The motion passed (5-1) with Commissioner Guerra voting in opposition. 9.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquireabout a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information orthe recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 10. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Jane Kee, Chairman Kristen Hejny, Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services