HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/2019 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionJuly 18, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting July 18, 2019 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Jane Kee, Bill Mather, Dennis Christiansen and Joe Guerra COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Elizabeth Cunha, Casey Oldham and Jeremy Osborne CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Jennifer Prochazka, Molly Hitchcock, Carol Cotter, Erika Bridges, Anthony Armstrong, Alma Guerra, Justin Golbabai, Alaina Chafin, Lauren Hovde, Alyssa Halle-Schramm, Justin Constantino, Jason Schubert, Carla Robinson, Eric Chafin and Kristen Hejny 1. Call Meeting to Order Chairperson Kee called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens 4. Informational 4.1 Discussion of new development applications submitted to the City. New Development Link: www.cstx.gov/newdev 4.2 Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. *Final Plat ~ Minor Replat ~ University Heights Phase 4 ~ Case #FPCO2019-000011 4.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the 2019 P&Z Plan of Work. Planning Administrator Golbabai provided updates on Plan of Work items such as upcoming presentations on roundabout policies and Greens Prairie Road developments, upcoming ordinance amendments, Comprehensive Plan stakeholder meetings, and the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Committee. 4.4 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an update of upcoming capital improvements and developments along the Greens Prairie Road West and Arrington Road corridors and their anticipated traffic impacts. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert presented this item to the Commission which provided an overview of completed and upcoming capital projects and upcoming developments in the area. July 18, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Chairperson Kee asked about the anticipated use of The Ranch at Arrington apartment development. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that the property is marketed as luxury apartment housing. Commissioner Guerra asked about the Greens Prairie Road at Arrington Road intersection and the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) level of service results. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that the level of service for this intersection is currently rated at level C, and would reach a level F in the year 2040, when using a 5% growth factor. Commissioner Christiansen asked for a status on Brazos County construction plans for Arrington Road. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that Brazos County improvements to Arrington Road are currently under construction, and are scheduled to be complete by next month. Commissioner Mather asked for any quantitative feedback to show that the traffic relief of Mesa Verde has helped the area. Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert stated that the City does not have any analytical information outside the City limits. 4.5 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: *Thursday, July 25, 2019 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 5:00 PM and Regular 6:00 PM (Liaison – Cunha) *Thursday, August 1, 2019 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 PM *Thursday, August 8, 2019 ~ City Council Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ Workshop 5:00 PM and Regular 6:00 PM (Liaison – Mather) *Thursday, August 15, 2019 ~ P&Z Meeting ~ Council Chambers ~ 6:00 PM 4.6 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an update on the following items: *A Comprehensive Plan Amendment amending the Future Land Use & Character Map from Estate to Suburban Commercial on approximately 1.3 acres of land located southwest of the corner of Greens Prairie Road West and White’s Creek Lane. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on June 6, 2019, and voted (5-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on June 27, 2019, and voted (6-1) to approve the request. *A Rezoning from E Estate to SC Suburban Commercial on approximately 1.3 acres generally located south west of the intersection of Greens Prairie Road West and White’s Creek Lane. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard this item on June 6, 2019, and voted (5-0) to recommend approval. The City Council heard this item on June 27, 2019, and voted (7-0) to approve the request. July 18, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes. *June 20, 2019 5.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. *Jane Kee ~ June 6, 2019 *Elizabeth Cunha ~ July 18, 2019 *Casey Oldham ~ July 18, 2019 5.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Final Plat for Lakeview Acres Phase II on approximately 4.8 acres, generally located on the north side of Harvey Mitchell Parkway, at the intersection of Dartmouth Street and Harvey Mitchell Parkway. Case #FPCO2019-000007 Commissioner Christiansen motioned to approve Consent Agenda items 5.1 & 5.2. Commissioner Guerra seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). Regular Agenda 6. Consideration, discussion and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. Agenda item #5.3 was removed from the Consent Agenda by Commissioner Guerra, for further discussion. Commissioner Guerra asked if the 30-foot right-of-way easement is included as part of the plat. Senior Planner Constantino stated that the right-of-way is part of the plat and will be dedicated with the plat. Commissioner Mather motioned to approve Consent Agenda item 5.3. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a waiver request to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 8.3.G.2 ‘Blocks,’ and a presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Preliminary Plan for Midtown Reserve Subdivision and Midtown City Center Subdivision on approximately 224.64 acres, generally located on the south side of Rock Prairie Road East, approximately 1,180 feed east of Medical Avenue. Case #PP2019-000002 Senior Planner Chafin presented the waiver request and Preliminary Plan to the Commission, recommending approval. Commissioner Guerra asked about the private road along the private access easement. Mr. Guerra asked if parking along the private road will be provided. July 18, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 Senior Planner Chafin stated that the applicant is proposing private access roads to take place of the public access, and parking will be provided along the private roads. Commissioner Guerra motioned to approve the waiver request and Preliminary Plan as presented, citing that all criteria have been met. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). 8. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 9, “Nonconformities,” Section 9.4, “Nonconforming Lots of Record” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by adding Subsection F, “Lots Made Nonconforming by Annexation”. Case #ORDA2019-000007 (Note: Final action on this item scheduled for the August 8, 2019 City Council Meeting – subject to change) Staff Planner Halle-Schramm presented the Ordinance Amendment to the Commission and recommended approval. Christiansen asked for the number of non-conforming lots currently in the City. Director of Planning & Development Services Prochazka stated that the number is unknown, but staff knows of at least one existing subdivision annexed into the City with lots that do not meet the Rural zoning assigned during annexation. There was general discussion. Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing No one spoke. Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to recommend approval of the Ordinance Amendment. Commissioner Guerra seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). 9. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 8, “Subdivision Design and Improvements,” Section 8.8, “Requirements for Park Land Dedication,” Appendix I “Park Land Dedication and Development Fees,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, regarding multi-family parkland dedication. Case #ORDA2019-000011 (Note: Final action on this item scheduled for the July 25, 2019 City Council Meeting – subject to change) Senior Planner Constantino presented the Ordinance Amendment to the Commission and recommended approval. There was general discussion. Chairperson Kee opened the public hearing. Joe Schultz, Schultz Engineering, spoke in support of the ordinance amendment. July 18, 2019 P&Z Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Chairperson Kee closed the public hearing. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to recommend approval of the Ordinance Amendment. Commissioner Guerra seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). 10. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Christiansen requested results from the recently conducted City survey. 11. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Jane Kee, Chairman Kristen Hejny, Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services