HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/12/2019 - Regular Agenda - Archived Posting - BCS Metropolitan Planning Organization1 BCS * MPO BRYAN / COLLEGE STATION METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION Policy Board Meeting Agenda CA NC �f PD 1. Friday, July 12, 2019 at 9:00 A.M. Brazos County Commissioner's Courtroom 200 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas 77803 AGENDA 1) Welcome and Open Meeting -Pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags and Invocation. 2) Public Comments Regarding Items Not on the Agenda -Individuals who wish to address the Policy Board must fill out a Public Comment Card describing the topic(s) they wish to address. Public Comment Cards may be obtained from Lisa Lyon of the MPO staff prior to the start of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three minutes per topic. 3) Minutes from the May 1, 2019 Policy Board Meeting. -Consider adoption - Action Required. (See attachment.) 4) Staff Report • Administrative Versus Substantive Change to the Major Thoroughfare Concept Brazos County RMA Transportation Vision Plan Congestion Management Process 5) FY 2018 — FY 2019 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment Three -Under the terms of the MPOs agreement with TxDOT, when a task in the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is projected to be overspent by more than 25%, an amendment is required to cover the additional expenses. Amendment Three to the UPWP is requested to move funds from Task 5.0 — Special Studies to Task 4.0 — Long Range Planning. The following changes to move funds from Task 5.0 to Task 4.0 are recommended: Transfer $5, 000 from Subtask 5.2 Texas Innovation Alliance; Transfer $7, 700 from Subtask 5.3 State Highway 6 Freight Concept; Transfer $8, 000 from Subtask 5.4 CMP Development; and transfer $2, 500 from Subtask 5.5 TMA Transition. The total amount of funding moved from Task 5 to Task 4 is $23, 200. The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) reviewed these changes on June 27th and recommended approval. Staff is requesting the Policy Board review these changes and approve FY 2018-FY 2019 UPWP Amendment Three. It is further requested that the Policy Board direct staff to submit the UPWP Amendment to TxDOT Planning and Programming, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Federal Transit Administration for Review. Action Required. (See attachment.) 309 NORTH WASHINGTON STREET, SUITE 14 BRYAN, TEXAS 77803 PHONE (979) 260-5298 FAX (979) 260-5225 WEBSITE: W W W.BCSMPO.ORG 6) FY 2019 — FY 2022 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment V -Brazos Transit District has requested the addition of a Bus Replacement Project in FY 2019. BTD is programming $1,348,310 in FTA 5307 funds and requesting $269,665 in Transit Development Credits for Bus Replacement. The TAC reviewed these changes on June 27h and recommended approval. Staff is requesting the Policy Board review these changes and approve FY 2019-FY 2022 TIP Amendment Five. Action Required. (See attachment.) 7) FY 2020 — FY 2021 Final Unified Planning Work Program -The MPO is required to develop a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) every two years to cover planning activities for the upcoming two-year period. Most of the UPWP is static and remains unchanged, especially in Task One — Administration/Management and Task Two —Data Development and Maintenance. Additional funding has been added to Task Three — Short Range Planning so staff can assist Brazos Transit District in bus stop planning. Task Four — Metropolitan Transportation Plan will not be wrapping up until December of FY 2020 and staff will be working to finalize a document by the December deadline. Finally, in Task Five, staff will focus on a series of important studies, the Texas Innovation Alliance, and taking the lead in the Freeport to Fort Worth Freight Concept. The TAC reviewed these changes on June 271h and recommended approval. Staff is requesting the Policy Board review the FY 2020-FY 2021 UPWP and direct staff to submit the UPWP to TxDOT Planning and Programming, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Federal Transit Administration for Review. Action Required. (See attachment.) 8) TMA Transition -One of the subtasks of our UPWP is to prepare a citizen friendly document that explains how the Bryan/College Station MPO could become a Transportation Management Area ('TMA), what would need to happen for that to occur and what impacts it would have on the MPO and Brazos County. The TAC reviewed the draft document on June 27`h and recommended approval. Staff is requesting the Policy Board review and accept the document as work complete. Presentation on the TMA transition process will be made by Mr. Rudge. Action Required. (See attachment.) 9) 2020 Census and The Impacts on Brazos County -In developing the TMA transition document staff recognized the need to provide a more detailed discussion on the 2020 Census and its impacts on Brazos County. Staff drafted a regional guide book on the Census and made recommendations on how to best ensure the most accurate count for the 2020 Census. The TAC reviewed the draft document on June 271h and recommended approval. Staff is requesting the Policy Board review and accept the document as work complete. Presentation on the 2020 Census will be made by Mr. Rudge. Action Required. (See attachment.) 10)Adjourn I certify that the attached notice and agenda of the items was removed by me from the City Hall bulletin board on the day of ,201� at 2 _am� Name/Title